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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 10

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i nsunSUNDAYNOVEMBEIt 1Ri88 TOO GAMES OF FOOFBAll I fniNCETOX ItKtTS llATtrAllD AND TALE 0 1I IrIZKLUR COIVMHIA I mphIItIftII MntTnll llnr In Ike Princeton 1 llnrvnrd Mnlch Only Tkrrn of the Columbia Mn Good Enough In llty vitlnal Title There wns a utroni turnout of college men on tim tootbnll groundu at Princeton rcntordar to ce the KAmo loin con the Irtm ton and ho Hnrvnnl tcunm Tlio broc7o that Rwcpt 4 over tho crctt of llio lilll wa HH kocn AB tlio dfty was bright In the ntnniln ut the beginning ol Ibo RADIO were many lAillrs Ami nlmoil every ono of thorn wore Iho colors of ono of the col locon roproRontotl In tho flold A lino of car rlAirca tooL Alonu tho woflloru border ol thor grounds anti Altordcd to their nei upnnt hotter I shelter thnn Urn stands olTorni but nn tho sun ank lower and tho wind blow colderstAndu and carrlasoa wero tlosertcJ nnd tho thronen outaldo tho ropcn woro movlnit nlinont au briskly In the nITort to kpon worm AH wore tho i Iliirvurd team In tho iilTori to limit tho iium of Bouls kicked by MolTntt It WAS cinphntloAlly MoHalts ilAy Moffntt IsCAptAln ot the rrlnrcton tcnni nnd plays a ono of tho half hnck Ito rnl nil a hcnrw rounder diners In Iho llr Unlf by neatly klok luit a ponl from KliiibnUH I tninli down Tho prollmliiiirlrs hail Klviii llnrviirdK Info their cholc anti they hnd liikon the Hold And ijdvAn togo ol tim wind After MolTiiUs Initial goal Cowling of Iho HiirviirdH got In gnat from the flout nnd a touch down wits mado by Krndnll Flay throughout the first hAlf waif fairly oven Tho men Roomnd to bo pretty vroll nmtiliml In build and cklll When time WAS culled the tooro stood 7 to In HAryArils favor Tho story of the second bait In not rich In vix rlcty of Incident Attorn llttlo nklrmlslilnff riot1 rincetone cot the ball down wlioro Moffatt wanted It and ho sent It Dying over the bar This exploit Moffnt repented huron times and bad ton minutes to sparo before time was called The Uarrnrd men were Astonished at this way of carrying the war Into their camp and before the cloioof the contest they were almost ready to believe that MnfTntt could kick tho ball through the eye of a needle stuck In the bar from as far away ns hn could see the polo Moffuttte periodical holstlneol the ball over the bAr between the uprlirhts became r1 monotonous yet It was tho luciioBt kind of monotony The Princeton choer WAS almost continuous Hazards men failed to bettor theirtally In tho second half And the game 1 closed with the scorostanding20 to7 In Prince tons favor Hero Is the summary Princeton Riiiher Klnney Travrp Kuril llarlan llarrU Wanamaker Do ilninni quarlrr ek Klmtiall halE acka Monatt Captain Iainar hack Hakcr inn nlre Look of Princeton Harvard Hiiihen Adami Kenilall Hnnial Apple tot tCaptuulnl abet Hartley lllltuan ijuartrr back I Klmball halt backa abo ly Auilln back 1OMllnul umpire Mr Llttauer Referee Ray Tompklni of Yale Dealt Korea Princeton At Harvard I I Touch dowm Prlncetnn I Harvant I Total polntfl Prlnctton A Hannnl 7 Touch down icoreit li kltnbnll ot Prlnctton I by Kendall of Harvard I I Four or five hundred pcrsonx SAW the nuiloh between hue YiUo and Coluinubia football clovcnH In the Iolo grounds ypstrrdny The Hold wax In fine condition and Jack Goidingluiul marked it out well The rrfeton wan greatly nffolrd by tim clear laying tIw ot All tho Ihuynrd lines lain had out very stroiic team though nhij did not show her full strcnuth The eleven haul weight nnifclo nod skill Columbia Hlioued I only two or three uuien who wro worthy ol being pitted against them The KAino bciran nt oVIock Yalu won tluu ll toiR and Morgan kicked culT for Ililiiinbln Almost from tlio llrnt Coliinilila wits inn on tln dofenslvo I In luaU nn hnnr Valo had secured half a dozen points chiefly from touuh downfl achieved by plucky rii hlniiind guioul doilulni and through poor tonm work nn tlio part of Columbia At the Mid nt the Hist halt YLn hail soon coals nnd it touch down anti Iolumhln hunt a BAfety charged imnlnst her The second half wont further ncnlntt foliiin bln MorLnn AHikiidld hnlf back Imd plenty I of work in bolplni Unpt Htoons to direct tho flold Tho rule I uug lit tlmen I wau turri lie Yiiln oxcolllnc Onco In I hlle I I Moi nn iiiuniiiil to get In I good run but moro Iliin I tuollilriN I I I of the bnttlo WAS fought on ColunibliH Kronnd 1 Tho runhlni by luulurs and rumnll tlio ruIn I ttlncbvTwonibly Con IPS McOrnry nnd Wil liams nnd TorryH flmi kicking vero especinlly I noteworthy In scoring touch downs IVtcrtt took the luuil Fnrwull bnlnu second and Turry tlllrd Try ns they would the Columbian could not scorn slnclo point Thoy wuro bcnteii by total of 93 toO I Hero Is Iho Hiimnmry Yale Kunliera Rerlron MoCrory Vllllini IVlir Cutler Farwtll and Cnlee iiartrr bat Twomtih halt hacks Terry and Kotilnmin liark Dcnnier i olumlila Ru lieri Mnlfnrd Melkleliam WarneM Wheeler Kandoliili McJliinl and fl liburii quarter back Smith halt tacki Morgan ami Harm haul Me veni Judrea Mr Jenki for Yale Mr Denier for Uolumbla II Referee Mr hletch of the hteven liiHtltnte Lt tioala pcortd ale 12 ColuinblnO I lode from Held Yale 4 Columbia 0 ft Touch dowui Yale 1 Columbia0 I Saftlea YaleO Columbia 1 Total polntiYale UJ Columbia 0 Tho Washington Park bull grounds Brook i lyn wore tho BCOIIO of a lively but onoHldcd contest nt foot ball yontordny bntvienn the elevens of the Polytechnic InslUiilo nnd the Adolphl Academy In which tho Polytechnics I came off victors by nix coals and Jlvo touch tr1 downs to nothing or 22 to 0 In points The BtcnnnB Institute olnMin ncro to hao played tho Ittutra team yesterdnyAtllohoken but the Now Drunswlck leant suut wont thnt they could not come and the match vent off KVAVUAT1UH DAY AltllAXUKMKVlS The Ilne of March or the 2reut lroceloii nod the llodle thnt lire lo 1jiritde tw11 Tbo lino of march of tho great Evacuation Day procession will be down Fifth avenue to i I Fourteenth street to Iliondnny to Howling il Green where it will bo reviewed by the dIstitu I Bulshedcuosts The various bodies in tho lion will form In tho side streets cast and west of fifth atonno and thn lioad of tho column ttlll I move at 9 oclock A In assigning these or eanlzutlons to their places for formation all the streets from FlflyBovenlhstrooltoThlrty fourth street hnvo bmm ret apart i Mounted pollco will lead the nay then will coma the Irund Mnrshal and his star followed it by the 1hlladoliihla City Cavalry These will be followed by United Htatos troops acting ax an especial escort to tlio distinguished uiiests who will ride in eurrlntrus four abreast Tho second division will consist of bodies of the National Guard of this and other Htntes Intlo rjendout military orKanlzatlonB and eternn National Quant organizations Thn third di vision wlllconslstofsubdlvlHionsof the Urand Army of tlio Hepubllc and neternl campn of none of Veterans Veteran Now York Volun teers will make up the fourth illtmion In tho mm uiviuiiin win uo inn ponce uaitiiiion lire brigade volunteer fire companies otvarlotiH cities and exempt volunteer firemen Civic ocletles will compose thnelMh tlltUion HubRcriptlonn amountIng to 1075 wrro re ceived ycsterdny Tho total amount of tho subscriptions up to ditto Is MA05 41 Mayor Low Innuoil a proclamation yoRtonlny Invltinir tn cltlciiB ot Hrooklyn to join with New York In tho celebration Let tin ralso our fines he nays and close on rBohooln And add to tho hfartlnoBs of Now Yorks cvlnbia lion of the memorable occasion Winner ill llrlchlou lleuih 14 For the first nice nt Ilrluhton Donch yoslcr day ont mile Igati sib at 13 tranltf flu Mini Brewiter 40 Held 3 Iljun irnii llranlto licond Treuurtr third Tloi 14U I utuaN paid tu 40 for th aecoud race one mllu anl a quarter Pilol 4 SS AtiJ7i 1JrtuK1 Mlllbv Iliriuce Wl lIe i utah 51ul tteld CI 1ID Dlilili tton Harry llann me end Pilot third TIIIM i UU Muiiml paid 51140 for Brit Mid CHI 7 for lecond for For the llilr1 race olid iulu and a half Lainainay Bro ntnea Little lInt turcillu and Mill Uilr old at I IISOJ Ultchell I30 Kedam ai hell i els I Llttli Uutlertiiii won Jim Hltihrii wioid Henry il i laird Tnvo Hi btuulul petit II uc I roe the foutln alit tail ra i me mil Araenlc old at lieu lath Add Il alive ES raih Held Mil Arienle wool Oath iKond Kranlvt third Time I list Uu bale paid 71U llauk liege And Ida were left at ho post Th XalUnnl isme The Directors of the Columbus IIAHO IIill Club har eniafed II II KchmeU ai manager of therlub John Morrlll Unptaln of the lloiton iMuti hai btII united aicoikch for tin Amherst folltgr liain I The Athletic huh paid Jonei IOIJ I for llin retell fame be played with them and llubbard trot tlJu for playinc In three gaInes lu I UlluIr1004 that fcurutew clubs will tie adinllleil I Into thmerkan Amoclatlon lieu year rtiet are from Brooklm liidUnapolliToledo and Washington The RAlne of Bob Kerguion new Union Aifiululloit is i to DC chanired to the Kastertl Aiioclatlon 1 Kool Hull The Ilutcors College foot ball team received visit from the team of Hi Unltcrilty of Pciiuivlvanla yesterday In New Hruninlik his visIllng team IIlowsd little tins IrtlnliiK from the kkkoff They at one look the lead and won by the folloivliig score I rmniylt alliS two goal ntie much dnwiijjKitiiccri flY aftllelvr eighteen lonothlnr Iutnlu ICueea vim Holler Nkitlei A new irama for New Jersey roller skaters i Hie potato race Oils of whim took place Friday evcnlug on Paualo Ulaiid ler on llnn of polatoea are plactil flu a ku apart I on HID I Itovr aid the ciiilcitunti Ire reiiulred lo other them all ui i ilmilr and tRee i them I In apjilal the hniluf tin Hue th Oral to nunli beliu his A hue lu ia7r FeM ISO Jon Htlit If thero wore no mlnlakoln the cloikliu this rafleal tlm in which it mllt hai been tiTluird wa teat ou Wcdneidar at Brighton by Brag who Ii rv 1 turned I in acontiml orary as bavin gallopiMi ihf hula in 1 mnu ecou4 i lii Iii 4J seruuide quisokur luau he best proueriy utlieiillcatoI tliiie 1 II Uric Iutuu tii usa win uaiIi red uce4 So a iitilutI tituvi tItliiliiuiiles 4 I care ClunC I I Iouids slid un year atu 7 It fairly pUopsd 4dic ascIi tip lad ei The Pint Rckean Caeirt rth Byi pheer aToclclr The Symphony Boclcly orjcncJ 1U BiRth tteaaon with A rehearsal on Friday afternoon anil a concert last evenlnir and with this moat hopeful prosjiOctR The nudlonco on both oc caslona cry comfortably tilled tho Academy of Music llehearpftl anti concert to completely duplicated each other that both may well bo noticed together The projrramme oponedwlth the Aiacreon overture of Cheruhlnl ono ol this most charmIng specimens of that masters stylo Thn rich nnd full effects he draws from his strings and the purity of his form make hit compositions always Interesting and cause them to fall with pleasant effect of relief on oars partially stunned by the brassy writers of the modern school whoso Indistinct form mid sudden transitions of key keep tho nerves and the In tclllifriiro continually and painfully on the alert The overture was only played fairly well At this rnhrarsnl the horns began with a bad ronk the airings in the running passages wore not always together and the fagotti proved to bo not in tune oven with themselves Hut the conception of Dr Dnmrowh was Just and good and the delicato platticsluu i with which hn made them commence the delightful Imitative theme of the atitvro and the nklll with which he guided tho first violins through the dangerous run which Introduces tho coda made amends for many shortcomings The next number on the programme was the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto played by Ovid Musln a young Belgian violinist who comes to soeuro for himself II possible the appreciative good will nnd kindly judgment of the American public His appearance was calculated to procohsois the audience In hit favoi anti the quiet certainty with which ho began the oncfilo tended to Increase the peasant impression He proves to bo a violinist whoso standing It Isdlfllcult if not Impossible to decide on a single hoarinc and with the tim Itrd range ot mttsio in which no was heard Blithe evidently has many good points His bow arm Is excellent hts wrist flexible and firm his tone though small very pleasant and with a certain Itring iiunlity which warms It and hn phrases with much taste lie played tlio roiiwto in the spirit In which It warn concoltcdwlthunire rellncmorrt and sensibility Too often this delicately beautiful composition receives a rough slroim treatment not at nil In kotpliiK with lit almost feminine character but in tbo hands cif Mr Jltisln Us true nontIinent was oxprnsHod though his delliaey of fueling found no reciprocity or sympathy In the accompanying orchestra whose coarseness often marred his best effects Ho was warmly applauded by the audience and Ktinulit bo content with lute reception Ills second solo was gavotte by Corelll with variations by Turtlnl and a anwara by Ixioimrd thu received an encore und responded with a brief composition for violin alone halnir the Introduction to on oof Paeanints composition Altei thn mtcrmlBhlon camo the Hotenth Symphony of HOthovenwhich hnsbccn plajed both batter nnd worse In this city Homo pas Hiica HUuhfor otuniplc OB tho Introduction to tho Fwonti inovuninrit recnived a very 0 eat and Mulshed I execution others a rather confUHud ono Tho most objoc linnnhln I points ttcro tho I in fl ncr In I which the I first llutn blow his solitary Ks Introducing the Ii hut aiiuigi iriidticinu harmonics BO Mtionjf ns almost to enter the Intnded I note nnd I Ilii I conornl lnk ot ncrnomcnt aniong tIm woodwind as tn pitch This a matter to which attention was ditiwn hist winter and It certainly ouulit to bo rcctlflcd Thn last number on the procrammo was the Sfvoppa of INrt This was hy tar thin best porfnniiniira of tho lIvening Jr Dntnroicli condiictiMl wit Ii llro anti gave a ii 1gb I poctio reading nf thi ttnrk lln mnnnurd BO to nrouso hli nrilii tra tlinl ft was iii iii cult to comprehend hunt It could bo tho snmo body of men who Irul iminlully nnd with varying sticco wnrkud thih way through a Chcrublni overt tntiuiiln lioptliovnii symphony I hey attacked tlio brlstllnc iliniculllesof the score llrmly and fiuctPNhfiilii mid RIVO most enjoyable performance This is not tho llrst time that Dr Damrosoli hue stuown that his greatest successes HS an orchestral conductor nro to bo expected In tho romantic and somewhat wild music ut tIm most modern school finch works as the liiinirarlnn clnncos of Brahms and tho symphonic poems of LIszt are always sure of worthy rendering under his loaderfthlp Tho RuccPcdlntrioncertB of the society will Introduce various novelties The Second Sym phony of Conens a now ono by Tscbnlkowsky und throe tiloces for string orchestra by Ilnch tire the most notable If tIm society improves this year ns much upon Its first concert ns it did last much enioyablo work may bo expected from It before the season onus X1IIT STAffDlXO Out The Krenlng Pest mid the Mall nnil Express Ilealit the Printers Demands Tho printers In the oflloo of the Gorman AVirs joined the strike yesterday demanding 45 cents in place of the 42 they had previously received Tho demand was actecilod to iAd they returned to work Thoso men were member of Typographical Union No 7 which is mado up of Gerninns A demand by the twenty live mon cmploktd at this oUlen of tho Sitmlnu Mm nru for tho advance from 40 to 4U collie per thniiHiind ems was granti Thu situation at tho i fniiiff lmt offlco remained iinclmiiged and but one edition WAS published In I the rifle of tho 1aii and Kt tnm Mnnnglng IMitnrContH was found setting tppn nt the case with copy before him Wo have twintyflvo mon as usual ho said And shall conic nut its usual anti with its complete paper HH over In no case shall wo grant the dninnnd for this ailvnnco Hut Homo of your twentylive mon do not ordinarily work at thorium No Mr Coats said but twenty of our compositors stand by us nnd wo shall tret along nllrigbt Hlrlkloc AEKlnll a Kediiellim PiiiLADELniiA Nov 17 Nearly three hundred emplo eei of the shoe niftnufacturlng firm of Tlininoi llarrl A no ll Cherry striCt have struck ie CanOe of a reduction of from A to 7X per cent In wage In I ipeaklng of the strike a member of the firm said that If the men continued hi hold out the Arm would cither net non union men or remove their eitabllihment to MaiiachUMtti where they were engaged In builnei oioe yeariaifn There la I no chnnKe In the condition of affair at Hie factory of ilmler Brotherr Fifth and Cherry streets The six hundred etulpIo tea refuse to return to work and the fiulory IIUM cloieo Annunion Men AttaCked Membera of Ilrlcklayors1 Union 1 of Staten Inland visIted on Krlday a liulldlng belonging to John Helmer at the Inleriecllon ot Beach ttreet and Rich mood road and attacked th non union men who were at work there I driving the latter from their icnfluM and away frnni the place The police arreited three of the afteulllng parly and guarded tie place during the day The prlionen were held In I I2WJ ball Accused orHetllnc fled Hank Dig FIrEs HEI DANE Nov 17CImrles Holmes colored ot Hill place Was arrested awl taken lo freehold reiterday by State Detective Frank Patterion Its li I charged with hai ing let the large Are that have occurred here within a few year For month ha ha been tntdoned hy Patterion who believed him to bell guilty nerion Tom Drum the negro who wa arrented on Wed neada a on of ta gang of robber who have en for ii long the terror of rcildcnt of tide and adjoining townatilp matte a nnfeiiloii linpltratlng HoLnea In the I nicendliiry tire Drum desire to turn state a etideui In regard to the robberies The Nle of the ii chuietl Central Koad BOSTON Nov 17 Judge Holmes today rendered a dtclilon In tie suit of Thoiiian Tallot set the Muacliiietintrl llallroad Oompanyconnrinlnglhe recent auction isle of the road to lie ma Aldrich Per kin and Wootl Ihedefeiidaiil corporation lo ia forever drlarrrd from bringing any mill In equity lo redeem The imrrliaer aro to pay MIKU and give the linileeii of Hie bonilhoiler a bond of Indrmnll lo hild limn I linriiilii of any claion or cult Incurred by Hie bond holder while running and operating Hie road InlllncTrnmp IB Im TzuNroN Nov 17Thu Hbrcer county au thorlllei Into lta ed a vacant lot In Ihlcityand on Monday they will it all thetrimniln the county Jill at work hfirlng coat hole and building fence around It WlKiithlMiilone the vagrant will chained to gelher lu Hie lot turiilihed with a quantity of hIS sum and hatiimerit and rouipellrd to crack up enough itoue al a ton to pay the county expeni In keeping them Tramp who refuse to work will be put on light diet Letting her lluiboud Out of Jail IOOAN Ohio Nov 17 Yesterday three prls oneri eicipid from Hi county tall and liai not been captured Due of the prisoner named Park wa In for booting with intent to kill Iark wlf who hues viilled hiii neatly very day iliac hli Incest and knew where the key hunt during the dar let Hum out Th Mrvant left use In the kitchen whIt its went np elaine and whin hei in butk th Iiibouotl lone gelIs sad aim naa lh lilteof lark A Money Horn ftJOOO Mkurl liohiuN Nov 17A box at thu Salun National thank MliIch ihould bale contlliitj IUUJU tht peruoinl I ItrtKiif the caISto Vt IL late II ferkllllof tvhltli Ira IILtrloti use trUtee ua opened 3eeteritay bj Hit I louiiMil fiT the I estate and foond to loolain two rubber t4iili Bltftlotv aliiioiiUd iiuii month ago The lo4 III he nutjetfood I lIt ondlllicn Patriotic hisney Uoilld WASIIINUTON Niv 17Thio Treasury Do partnicnt rrcellvd loday an utUenllc tcd copy of Hi will of Ntiiey tlould of Jorlluud Me bdiueattilng to the lulled Main lieu criiumelit certain proj erll tthich II lo be dlopae4 of lo a14 I In 11ig the ualloinl debt Th 5I155U1 ili ciytrl uul tuititt tttiVT XOTIK ClIAMTIKS ttr PIWyu thai they Are Not AdMlBle tercd In Ih luckS Vay At the meeting ot the Academy of 1olltJcal Hclenc In Columbia College last evening Dr A PlnrotT read nn essay on Charity and Charity Organization In Now York City Ho showed where the system In this city In Inferior to the system In Derlln London Boston and other largo cities Now York he said had a real pauper chute ccuttomed for generations to depend on charity and lost to all selfrespect This elites WM created and ottered by indiscriminate charity Outdoor relief had boon found lo bo demoralizing anti opposed to the Interests of both the poor and the rate tiller and It butt been almost entirely discontinued In New York and other cities The administration of charily In Now lork was dnbAsod by politics rite Commissioners of Charities and Correction considered Ihulr offices chlony as a means of distributing patronage There was an extraordinary number of resignations and dismissals In Proportion tu tho mnntKTOf men cmplojed The potty tic tails of administration ooeuplod thn Commissioner I to such an extent that they had no tune tn devote to this study of pauperism In the workhouse no attempt WAS made to Improve thus Inmnton until they went out ns bad ns when they entered A pneullnrly bad Instance was the shutting niiof tho sixty workhouse omen of llellerue lioniiltil In one room after they hail finished their work There WAS no systematic or correct waynf distributing to charitable organizations hue Immense stiinx given by the Htnto or taken from the excise fund TIIOKO subsidies were so largo as to give a profit nnd the result WAS tlmt tho Institutions expended large suinn on buildingsor had largo cash balances Again dispensaries were so roeklissly managed that onefourth of the population got medical treatment free and many of those woro people who could easily afford to pay Among tho Institutions there was an unwholesome competition to make a big show AS to tho number of persona relieved This resulted In giving very small Amounts to very many persons so that few received adequate relief Station house lodgings wore disgraceful feature of the New York system In Boston Induing houses were provided whore the inmates worked for their keeping Thoen who go to the workhouse should bo mado to work The old anti Intalld people who woro destitute through misfortune should bo placed In homes and treated better than those who were poor through Improvidence The indiscriminate committing of children to Institution I I by Iollo Justices should Ixi stopped lund been found that In fully 41 per cent of those eases tho parents wore able to support the children IIIMT IS CAlIHI SOCIETY Mar Cupel ComMenU on tie Illelntte nod Jteprectile Home efhlu Tendencies Monslfrnor Capcl delivered a lecture on Society to small audience In Checkering Hall last tnontng Ho limited his subject to the definition of society in the popular sense as applied to tliAt particular Ufa which Is treated by certain number of human beings who by reason of wealth huvo tlio tune nt their command which they can dispose of ns they teo lit Ho recapitulated the various mailers In which society lays down the law which people follow referring to the freaks of fishlon not only in clothing manner of llxlng and amusement but also In the habits of speoch nnd thought I in all of which nmttois ho said wo do certain things I bxcuuso tho rest ol the world has dictated them He noted AH A remarkable Illustration of the dictates of society that whu tin oji Iho oro hand lying by ntj wiii punhlud by social ostracism although tnf by women Is not fio pevorcly punished on the other hand Infidelity by men Is excused while In women It Is not pardonable Among tho InllucnciS of society that ho dcprecntnd were tho Adoration of wealth ex trnuurnnoo of living servitude ot thought to thn Micrillcn of Independence I the I lack of heart ii titul I ties anil the tonduucv to quench sympathy nnd generosity Ho declared that tils observation had lou him I to the intl Lie lout thnt tIm inllucnco of society Is to dry mi the heart and to make mon seek selllsh ploaiuiu Indifferent to llio uiutfulrhlugs of the needy re gnrdlchH of religious life and duty ami rather looking upon all talk of spiritual things ns nn Intrusion In nil this ho SAW conseuuences of terrible kind lIe asked whether the crimes In society wero not as bad ns the crimes of the poor In conclusion ho spoke of the power of re ligion to purify society and make men Iho moro truly for tlio legitimate objects of life IIotv Philadelphia MMI CarrIed PutImAluuPIIIA Nov 17 James Baboon WAS today held In 11500 I bail for Utnlng fraudulent tax re ceipti nn eleititmda and ore HollardCjoredttiiH lield In a like amount for toting upon lax renehjt ou wmt ii me nnine ni anoinir perron mm ueeii cratn nun Itolliind ml ctltllled Thce prt ecutlonttert brought by HIP Committee of One Hundred A number nf hint bod frHld tile I aftvrnotm hit I InvtlllifHtlon ha Cti vinctd the committee that 11 dtnntd plot Imd beuu made At the I recent election to frit llio latidlilate no ilornid the committee Ami tlat I nitnil tru of fraud lent Ian receipts hail been distributed os or tile city TIle cominittei hail Information that the rtctlpl ii ore made In New York nnd they xpectetl to titcure thin platen upon tthlih the frnu Inletit document us ore printiil I He hinted that other tirrtflHtillt follon The MeUeoch Iurd Pulliire MlLWAUKnc Nov 17A summons has boon Clout Iti the HberllJ omte lyDtulil Well Jr In a Milt to compel Itter Mclliiich to account for moiu int olved In the I letllementof the ci In brao1 nil runt lard failure a few iiiontlm ago No nir Imteben I filed by VelIs but Mcdeoehi friend iinderiland the nature of the uhi anon to I made hlhi It Ji raid ttlll tie to the r0f that Welln tune lhiut a greater mini than I bin uliuru toward the lellMitcnt and thet make ri tilv Hint ttcleoi ttlll liitiuuih ll hitehy lmnliig cult ngnlnt tt cite In I rrturn allming that the grciitur tum wan inld ht Mel tuic ii and apkintf I that the ettlrinent already maile tie annulled and the whole cast rcoputtd The iiiiiount Intoltid 11 I CIOUI tioo follerlor heard Nned for Illiel BosToN Nov 17The Aatfllir says Col lluguley of lov huller llaff Im begun a cull In I the court against tli lion Alantun Heard for alliged libel uttered In tile clench flrit nude at Laivrcnte and repeated at other place 1r Iluguleyi attorney Id warn Avery lia It is I reported this morning atlat bed Mr Heard propertt to aniter ai lalm for dammit tIthe amount ot fjiuo It Is further rninoriil Unit I Wll IlkinA Kl ln tomuums is i alec nlout I to 0110 Ilr Heard fir al leged hid agnhait him uttered in the fame peech and It is 1 Mid lo be I probable that thrreof tie daily neit paper of this city whiLh gave currency tlicreto are to tiC jollied an defendant Ioinmerclnl Frnud In I lloXon BosToN Nov 17The directors the Boston Board ot Trade at a meeting today Invert reilutloiii letting forth that certain llciHun pnrllc who aiptar lo be toiler or simhicub lug coulininenti aumd en deavorlngtornert pllrcha on credit with a slew lo obtaining poi jlon of merchandle without tc lush for the ame and reiietlng iiumbi to take Iiitieliru to caution vhlpper aguluit making cumticlii nellie us II II out careful Int etlgaton and agal lint ehnr I decel Itwjliy pcriou having ora umlng due liusoly rturiiiMliig ihoie of well knovtn and reputatdu flr Objecting to Unlleenied Iltiior Nelllog Charles Illlllngx who represented himself as an agent for the toclety for the Irettnllon of Crime wan held by Juitlce While al the Touiln eitirda for examlnallon on a charge that he attempted to black mall Mr Fanny MHIu Hilling I alleged ttent lo Mr tulle and offered lo get her for f1 i a iliouoo to Mil lliimr Mr Mrltii told rapt Tynan 1apt I Tynan marked a Ate ihilnr bill and lold her to Bite It to Hill Inn Policeman Meter cniae lu ut a ignal arrested Billing and found the marked bill lu lila lug bet Hue far VIOOOOO Ilumigr Minuionouan Hate Nov 17 Waldo IJ Hrlghiin nf tambridgeport formerly shoe manufac tuner of hudson ha sued the Marlborough Tlmn fur fviun fur alleged libel In Inlimallnif that llrlgham let nr to tile nttn propertt which us as burned rerenilt loul burgess of iainbrldueporl who is I Inlereited with Hrlgliain In romiecllon with route article pilnled In the I Timil has brought soil for sicilian amount Ilarzllltn Ur ver Vlelorlou ABIIUIIY IAIIK Nov 17Tile Ocean Orovo Miclatlon bias fur earttaged war on Hurzllllailrover who told liquor just cii I due of tin I lain iputlou ground He ttai ronvicted In the tounty court of having broken the llrente but he carried the race lo the bupreme Court whlth lisp decided that the sut nudrr which gumS ii hiull was load was unconitltutloual Th judgment wa reverted Mormon Convert From the Mouth KANSAS Cur NOT 17EIdor Morgan of the Mormon Church panud i Ihrouih thl city to dayen rout for Halt lab CUT with iitenty eight recruit from the Southern Elate This proselyte are of the moil Ignorant Class and appear to hate no Ides of Mormouliiu Pliry lay thy hav been promlied home with no ie itriutloii iii to choice of rellglou MtLIT4fll NOrJw Company 11 Klghth Keglnifnt will teltbrat Kvtcua Hen Day by a reciplion ai Uttihovtn Hall Scond Ueut Win Maeeey of the Third Company of th Seventh Keglment liii tendered liii reilgnallon Ordnaiic Kergtant Janiti MiNes In the crack rifle hot of the Thirteenth ttcnit a llemdlcl latt week Beranl Thomal II Bagot of Company Tw ul thIrd lies bet aipoluttd BergeantMajor Ice Chapiu dlegkarg4 Meut Col Joseph I Lee of the Sl lh Ni Jrrir ha reilgnedand Ocorge iiullli hiss lmeeu HiUtd to All lb YlCaliry The old Vttihlngirn Conllnenlali us III trade ttltli thu ntvr curs i on htacuatlou Ua and rtcen the wlurgll Contintntal Comrant Kcvrnlr tlrrt will he the gutrln of Rom pinr 1 Thirty lecond at Turn Hall Brooklyn ou IfJnnJir Nov 31 tumrtnyt 1 Shill Reglmrnt will parade In full dm unlfl rni rn Wednesday rtenlng Nov 3 ill conpauy ttlll eiye a party on luankigltiiig live The Thirteenth Regimen will be ret Uwed ty the Second Olrlilon coiiim nder Tuesday hue 2iit and have an kluUUo tulejliluuitul on TUaukwIvlug ie I IiIsu2r Rouna MA4AGEUZNZ An Iasstgiai Commute Mea In Ohs Mlsewl Ideas Ar1tm An Investigating committee from tile Queens County Hoard of SupervIsors vrlll moot In ito lnnno asylum at Mlneola on Jlomlay Mr Tnunsh Dykes halrmnn of the Jionrd of Supervisors snld last evening Mr A WltoitorsTliohadbeenBunerlntond entof the asylum sltioo It was established was displaced on Oct 30 by thu Hoard of Supervisors and Ui Cbnrles Clement was upuointcd Ills successor Dr Rowers wits always considered oiio ol flue tibet efll1ent men In thu State In that capacity Ho tins boon consldnrod strictly honoBt tint for yours hit hnd trouble ttltli uid Gout tut llotul of ii ipu ri lute luututi ts ut the 1oor over lie imnhnxn of Riiit lliV Vhvn ho tuft he took with him all tile furni I tire cartels and disho pxoopt I liocit sOil by the huitti Ill tie Sovirnl pay pith lout wont tukiii along wllh i I him i Thoro nuond tlonl I of dmibt as to I Wiiuit her ho hud niiy right tn take UIIHO lisllontB Sn tiultuk hi linmi no right Vowanl to find out whet lor or tint thn fur lilt ro tnkiti wait coluuuty furniture llrfoiu lie wan ousted ho appllid to thn hard of StipurNnrs to lintn nn extension to tin I ii ylnm built I Ho I xald hn had lai 1 patients llmrc and thnt that mini bur tiis moro than the Stain llonrd of Chnrlllcx allowed for thu room bo lund huh woro cnlUtd for and the lowent offer was 55011 Wo thotiuht wo wonld nnit a lilt When Dr I rhiiiont took the place ho found 110 Instead of 111 luitlontu and twenty Ilnpty boils instead nf aero ilod asp luni Wuttnnt to Lnotv the facts In thin easer DontilH I Itt hivituu i the Irealdimt nf the vii loue of Flunbliik and one of the County Super Intrndents of tho Poor ethmh litet nlKhl Vlio 11 Mr Itoirnrs wiintod anythlnit In tIle way of furnltiirn enrnolH or dUhes Im made a roiiuisltlon and not them No account warn kept of thocootlH io cannot toll whether he took bis own or the countys furniture Wo know lie left the nsyluni bnro IIo took every thing III llio way bookoyuiivtt it register of the patients lunderstniultliit hoisBoinc to establish a private asylum nt Wllltston lie sent off all tim help File walchmau he sent to ChIlea go IIo never would hire an assistant that bo innetl In the county and when one WAS die charged ho was sent wlioro ho would not talk Homnnnucd the asylum ns a eloqo corporation I never could learn any thinu about It Ho a sorted that ho ran the axylum moro cheaply than any other asylum In the State Wo will find out what Is Intro if vn cannot learn what has been taken 1 do not believe the story that ho has gone to Europe Titl Tlllt LAWYKR KlUKtt Til COUNT The Filial Coding ofit Iliincnrlnn Romance From the omlrni rrleFrmA VIENNA Ool 22 pistol tltiul attontlod tvllh a fatal resultis foti gut this morn I hg tunr TetnuBriir in IluniMry I i between Count Htoplien Ilntthvnny nod Dr llosenbiri lawyer at llihlalVHlti Count Iluthyany was stint through the temple nnd dlotl Instantaneously He was 2J years of age and just married Tlio cutiHoof tutu duel botwpon Count Stephen Datthyany and Dr Julius Ito anberi may bn Lnthered from the fallowing imrtlculnrH Count hal Ci vail ono ot tho Icndim light of fashion uf the Iliitmnrlati capital wits mnrried last week in Wiesbaden to Miss Il ma Hiliosborcor do Fornyn tilt boaillltul I I iliinitlilor of a ttoaltliy banker In lludnIvsth FriVtiloln Kflmsborcer bflcniiin the bride of tint poling Count most tin wlllinely Last your sho hnd mnt Dr Julltm llOoen burg rlslnu uiillcltiir at 1ubth IIo fell In I love wit hi her and bN fume Iltigs wuro fullv ro clprncnlnd Tho I ill ro ttM iloOtti out I itch I tueil to fiiur lie urottlui intiitituy I tin Count liuith any male hit iipinmnnce prnDosod to llin yotinc Indy and wan a ptiil hiy her luuiiit tiu Hho hoivoMr declind tliit I blij ttoull tnnrry no ono but Dr wnoiLtipon I Inr pnnmlx look lIne In Mnrlitinail thont Count hut I ii yuluu ii low hours nftortliulrnrrhil I I also mado hi Is appearance Ono morninc Kuliilein Holuwbarcnr wont out try early for it walk and rctnniott home 1rin Tlo tnbnris HIT lover tutu irrancid with her to moot In I thrsnelKlibor in I town of Icur nnd there I Ihrv I wmo mnrricil according totlto Jewish rite Tin1 ratine laity not lining of 1111 itinl tvrlnlil legal rormilitli linvitii hoeti mKloctcd Ilirr KclmslwrKor dc clnrcil thn innrriatru nil I and oil al mco with his fitully I I from Mnriunbid tmd kept lute tvhorinbi Secret Dr ltouatilmrrg however nhutmu I neil inforniitIon I I I MH to nhiTfl his I wife was hiddiii iiml nppiind on tho scone Iins hotel to ilcinnnil I I hir I Ho I was greeted by revolver poinliMl at his chest and roliioil 1 liohclioHbirjcer left Taris iiiiiiiidintnly I I tflir thhcplfioili I I nnd Dr ltn pnliniininln tried to Und out ttlion they I tvcribtit In I vnln Tin next Inrormitlon ho receIved nns tho ndxirtlsiincnt of a ftshionnhlc marriage in one of the society papers itod rom Wlis bad eut Oct 10 cnntalnlni I tin munis of mint Stephiin Ilatthjnny and Bonn datiKlitor of Herr Meluneborger do Tninyn Dr Hoionliore brought an action against the father of the Indy Im calls IH wife and at the saute tlmo Bent his BecondM to Count llattlijiiny wlioao honeymoon has come to an abrupt ond by tile bullet or the nun whoso hnpplnuib ho had doatroycil A Mill Stolpeil hy Trout fiom the inrtf hi jell At the Mexlonn mill day before yesterday John titirHii ono of i MIL tvotkintti noli td oummimel lung it rotn tn the liitlcri nnd HIV iihlni mi htoj ptd 11 I vi i llPnuuergl that iisel iii us It hi I tie lltmhmer iru 5s a a cliiigmiienmile lilac iS 111111 oi iflleCtlitl Iris Iii to ho ttmiik trout Al lis uungiilhilm huoiveul I list I lie pcreeul luutilig lute the iii iii race hind teen lirekell nul suit lii rim ui It Cirsl user tl lriiit unit mimer I iii onl ill uumtmuimt of hIm Iirm of Ills limiter fulmumh it uiltlimiii tu get liim ii in lhiiir lutmro tul It I lIme ritmml tiI tetmnmoily uuleu Cii hiiie iill lruieli time silo lIme lIiu uulOi fiirilsii uilltur fur thig hut I cries zilch ilitiS ii if Uttinielt ClO tuu tIiv I lie tin ig if tbu huh tliuv ii Cr limit iit lie hinitterimu atmih remiilmeuh In Mr tVlii nih uliuui ruiiih Sr 10 lrmit Ii tIme liii rare mmml lapin Ii hI hums i tle tile 1 lie triit lire how i cr5 thulehm It him timer limIt thure Is thug hilling in the id nit ot 11111 Ire lie felt Jhteols Frnmni lime Vuuh oil lmntilily JourmihI Uncle Jbo wits foiuil of pmssiiln having rsliillt ilie tie got lii OIl lIimal lm uohi It Ii liii huh TtihiiultCii lhmput ii elimiil lie tIietd I II i ilimlmarih until liumrumluz I hi P1 mr mu no Crisluleml uuml Vmi Is ln mb ii ii hmefmre a ic Or a iii is eat Ii luuti II I Cmiii Iupu fltililiiC Ii late git liu Iiiuiliillnl iiil rite It lpuil ihii lull ilnwn nt Im Ii tleo In IK PI mrtil tin 011 IIIAII i fi nnd liniid nlth the ur iiui iuul luent IK lei Tin Pimlhiuus log nior iiift LTurlf AUc itMuku ml ailuuh I bluish Wliara dat poKtinn III I Oe I 11 ll oaril ithKli the ixplored atd foutid If ttipehig lleltiruig limnah iimquilrel Ahe ivticiu utii il cat chit tiiumii I mrs ml Ii iii I lii lilIr iiunth en face nIlihlie iriimm Pmilmfl rit cr lint are iruIlly Uu3 lie I utut rust hist lilit if I hut it dlii nm help gioi lam Shy l0tiItiI I a er at The Ilal or Kefrree The following referees wero appointed In gales In tin Stale court In till city luit timk tirrilKllt toner JIll JuJjc JiuitIiUf lull mi Sit hulk asp llamdlon I Uortnn hi idles aft Coik tt A tbhotl Iliirckert nut Koiter lo tpb Koch UIIKII agl Jinr Mriilimr I Ninh Cary aCt Clmii Uitlnird Nitttiiiilii IllChavl Ljnih ritonnn Nolan Curt sot Chatr Itiihartl Ncitiombe lace sit rurrell I I Mullal Uilermn iiitt 1 lartl lltnri A iluinhlitini llnmllton limit Murill Porilliam tlnrri Matter of lalrd llarteyl I Clcttland Hcaru lift Mailtun I Arllnir henry cdoiitll mill Mirwood Iliiniiltoo I Mnrton Hroivn act JlcCitiog Ilvrmnn I llolte Itlchirt agt Iliihrrt tiuim Cohm Iierct sOt Ilertt ThoniHH Nolan 14 uierty sot II milton John tard II ole act II nlinrl Ilnmlllon Morton Moore et al agt I Moore Jltlliinlrl nmooH IOLKT Hy Judyr Invt almm femaineugl LeliiHine tllliumSmcliiir Martin lift Mnrllii Tlum luau llritdy It icier suit Knelrr Ihllip I Jpimim Trllkainpf agl Kllchlng Chat A Jackwm Noelloagt Novltr Mdiie Cotvtli rttcinlmrdt agt NetvLombu Traj liutftn lltctlrtn Abbott act Mlnihull tuumnrm eel II Hart Chliholm agt IalinT Nitllle llciinill agl tlreen llufu Urltvi COURT or IOMMON rttci Ha Judije Uiath Martin HafeCo agt Martin I htephen II Olln Heemtragt lnch Maurice Ieync Murray sit llucknm Alex Cameron hulllian agl Null Adolph Hanger McKteriagl Caruler Kinanuel Hart Matttrof Thorn Vim Kelley lift JuAqt Italy hlurke set Hone Heorge II CrAttford FINANCIAL Atlt 1tttKIf14 Nw Tork luck Kxcbuniieiiialei MOT 17 epics state i Shill itni ll it fluxiti 140U811C l2JJj Ml Ii 123 luaoip no mIce 11D1 111 IIO1I 2S AH re me 4ilI26 Silll A Nor III HIV I HtilH IE lit JJ I ii I Mil i iii icji iu UurC It itr25i5l4 i Slit Un Tel nli ci nips III 57 Nor Eat lit tu A deli coup IU31OIII3 Si ittjQtir II NO liibniiMKN 6DBAQ7I IJH la i Midlandl tsif i fi Can hoist ui1055i 5 NYkbuIet Hloui to Itui rMit tuI 3 Ceilt silt ii4t Cent Iaclr I HlS 110 NYtuu enls 11133 cI I P00111 UNaih I th IJtl 1 iu II let ceut4lI III i i lion40 open II a SI VCh 1BI I it I078KIH lit Itu331102 I Urn It 1 lit U5 3 NW ui IUJ 1 Kill tt III lliIt 3 con ISJ Erie tonlit I27J 3llllil Mill ill 1311 Brie con 14 7m 5 tin A KM 7 XTentu 55 i 4 Ohio Cent lit hHU ioKInu Inc 3a3Ji 4 or Imp lit I Itt rAUJ 10 rt Worth lit tuu4iJ 1 Im 4 IMC ts iii Vtelt 111 I Ihj SJ IIo Hill 8t Jo Bl cvhUS ei Oi 7Uarii Mill A Ill lit till I ID fit I AUIiip Ill ltlil It 2h llPitL1 ut noaidi IS I Iron Ml Ut tIJt ShllitillUt 115 12 I iron Ui 3d lull Ubt I Ill con 3 Int 1 III III hlP 10 iU1mtir1 1 InliUINr lM a lit I 7 HI Kill hue gee wi 1 uithitI I lid IIH lUKaili 4 less lost I con IS COD IU7 411171 ID I hi I III II AI I B5Kli a T2I64t4uiI 113 7 Kan TKUl 1S IHfit 1 I hutW 1 Mba Irj 7 A 0 ret 34 TsIictLih d7oa7U a utou4lU3 it Tel Ial i lVtSSii 5ipuhla A ftTtir a Sill ut lr10 Jd to2ItiO ITol Stab III huT SUtl Kllit ft VaMId Inc Itl aiJijhxvu7 tlu 170 iS UltmolD AND OtNit IftiBtl nallrcaii ten inn Nrwn pM4 at4 RotAK pf MM JouoKYChlc I4DURANR1 8i Lj 4011 Ranker A 3OIXiLY Chinh Mr ll3Si i ini HI prof 3O5hll i 7ROCO IA 1 S4mdotls i i flta7 15 vA 74 1437ltia3J ytep Can Mouth vtiiVI 7iC Ounpuhq sell rnt NJ tirllt lilMlm pf 5 ye Illl IT It A 114 I I 3lPSu ChLIOQI27tjlfl Mil Onl A tt IMler I I 111 vi Otto Cnt34e3t 115111 tail Itc iltiSiI I 31LVUrA 4ll M4 linltel All ttul5 iwolo llib 17 I7 SSCJIDLIw ItOhl7 MVIItf tnll 114O 3a51 lien A O244i44 1511 1 Mil Erie cunt 1lu5i1tu i ldljlllokllver If 11 ili nle prof 7 1ltlKo A Illta h74li7j 01 lnrfe1irnVa 22ti Kealinl tuil1l4t 14 Allapl t4i4h4 time kick III IJI4al anlnd Bl A WJJIW2J Sim Koinet A in ilu lit eli 13 I HIM 5 MPf I HDIlT ten leaned 3bl Cl line HSi 4u 5 hnH lit I ts I l7 hOn Kaui 244 MIll Ian VIM IM UK I AW ai4JIi lusi nWi i54mi lske Otittilhf4llCmli IKllTef Alaa 3J iJI ll lou A 1 1 i e4I hil7i I lit rue si uAs 4 silt lotlg 1 III 7il47ll IIIPI iv i i inO vlViiiU fee Ito I ac mm 5lcil4 JIOlWili I i APtif 3T IH4 wet Mich ivn lrj241111 31 IWet UTel 711t3il5 14 Stunt AKl lJi4 Aitnkl IVHUn llll 2 Kourtll No I pulls A hi ID I Ilk of Con 1V1 I lref 40 tfpl ttttt usi hurt hO If I 44i4q544 llJ America 01 IUWIJI Ient llntfllllli ttiUell ro 111 77nsirla 3mSa Mlmnt 1u415 mphs If IotuSnSuii 3lntarlo h2i lc4aleaku 334t510J cinMia rniraa taut 4Stei 11 Jlil JfUI CB 4se 11114 hi IMtqtppfh17 UK 4 ii I tl II ttO KA Tee 2l in iaii I i 37 41 lJt li1 Sa ll tt llliat ST till tlK 1 IKl Cent M4 li ranahaii 1ac SiJ ftMtNY I A llnl IIH5 I I 11i5 Canam outu VI V1 i 4or Pariflr 2t 2111 rcUAInd l7j l7Siir Paopt ov fhlcn 5 ij 1 127h 157iJ Sorthweit 124 125 Tent 1actHc inij np Sortliwent pf I411 1411 i Inc 0 Alt 1ST i3O Ohio Central 3t 4M Del I A till I lii Omaha com uclA HudliiD IM utulii Omaha pf bill 101 Pen A Kit 24 2la Oregon A 4C 411 io Erie 24Till 2lul Pacific Malt 40 4ul4 Frlepref Till 77 hock liland 211 laiMl Ill Central uiii 13 Klch A Uitn ti7 Ml Lou A Naili 49 4ii 52 Lake snore lii husi35 Ht IanlUVu its 1i Man lly com I 44 4 Tex A Iac 2tf 22 Uetrop El 44B7 III Union 1acltle Hit H7i 1 Mlirourl IM 1014 tij1 Wah A Pie 2l ih Slick Cent wl 01 SYln A Is pf 33J 31 II AKtlcom 973g D7 VfMI unTst 7li4 711 SATURDAY Nov 17 luring the morning bourn the stock ninrkot was dotircxsed by free polllnir olSt 1niil Mnnl tuba anti Cnnndlnn Iacillc fly noon the Adlvo stocks had declined from ito 2 i cent tile hitter for MnnltDbn Titugloonuy Inlluouco wo the rnnort which no vet lacks ofllclnl conllrnm tlon HiAt the St Paul Comtmny had withdrawn from tile Iowa hiod According to tho best lii formntloii ohtninnblo tho company mentioned has I given tho required thirty I days no tiro hIlt It would withdrnw from tho pool Thin largo olTiirlnKH of tile stock nppnrontly be suit upon till is lid loll IndlcMtcd tbul tIle possibility i of nn adjustment of tlio points In I il ill puto bcforo BuIlt 17 had Iwon pretty ueiuirally overlooked Phi Amount of traffic In sight should bi considered In cstlinntiniMhu proba bllitlcs of A railroad wnr either between tho gruDger or tile trunk lino roadi Tho man aucrsot the hatter have undoubtedly canto to the conclusion thnt tlio Interests of each can boat conceived by the maintenance of hnr mijtilous reuith Ions at least vtlillo iinvlualliin Is poniled nnd It rs fair to presume that their more remote ttllmlarlcn will ientially eonm to the stone concluslcm The theory ndtuncud today thnt thu action of the St Iutll I tins bnuti iiilluunucd I nlttiA ticw to tin market itioti tioits of thn Mnck ttppnnled lo tho credulity of tho silent Thn duel I tue In Manitoba limy bo rcKardnd ns tin naturnl retilt after nstock tins bcnn pcrslslunlly Hiipiortfd until mad Ivity bicatnn Its tuiiinul ennuI I I ion A lower rantlu of tnt lees is Induced creator activity A favor ablo Ininkstntaniont piodmodii better foolIng nlxiiit 1 oVliiek nnd a tapld mmird movement In 5i iph hint ii litel fib prof ri itt it ltd Oregon a nut TriXhxiuiittnoiitnl I nuNduceil tho I untiio I list I Tho jump i ot 2t emit I in I Nortlioui Iliellti I ro oalled tho expurleneoof a tOW weeks neo unil i for tho moment Intimidated the IHMIH hur log time last IIOHI the tendency was di tn iird nnd bIte inntket closed Irtcfulni nnd fat nell nnd at the lowest prlceH of the day except for New York and Now llniMiind which showed it irnln of 5 eat Tho moro important clinneu9 for the day were Vor III of 17 or 10 nr 17 fnifiili South oeeon 4o 4 4 P1 i ucutlmiti lumg 61 5 1arlllc Mall II 4i nai Vw i lii Ilill oil Pt 171 Mich Cent lUi h111 r1 1 Ililll tl 111 hmPi tOt1 Nrtliu ml cmm IM l24 TiClu lee 22 Nor Ill 1 lit uimi il3 tali CI 1 coin M4 Jl4 1 11 37 I Government bond were firm nt ne lower for thonitltu I I los itit than I ostcidnv I Thosnles era Unlit I 1 HaiUuij I I I bond I ttorn liss iunt Is ian ii tn I llin I Ill iti fl finctiimnlly I cheaper OXO lit lloiic Wntrtnwn und Oudonslitin 5s ttblch I advnnced 14 cint As wholo llio market was steady Money on call W2t cent Storllnic oxcHinnUQ was tory dull it bolnif stoimnr iliy and I iinntiitlnim I were unchanged slitht driIN fLUiiteHHSlfiUdny billn I3JJ o14113 Dlils for Iltik stocks tire America IB1 Ainirliiin Ixclianuo 120 Ilrondway 250 liiitilicrinndlirnvorV Ill tVntnilliiO Churn 1H1 Cbathnni II Chemical 20111 City 2il Itloiih 121 Cornmorn 155 Continuum IIS I Coin rxihiiicu Ifil lntt llltct 120 1oitrlli 111 Ftilton 13H I Ilftli AMMIIIO Phi linllitin Id liiirlldd 111 I I I iicinmn Amni i Mii inn I icrminin i Hi Cinpmrirli I Hill I I llnnotcr 110 Importcm nnil Trulnrs 2iS lCMthor MiiniifiKtiiriw Wi Miinhnllin 151 Muinii Hi2 Jinrkit 14ll Jliilinnlis IIS 1 MivhnnlrHiind Tt iders llitl Jlcnantl IHi I MiTiluints 1JH Xifintui 121 Sew York 151 Nutv York Nnllnnnl I llxchtini 110 1 I Nuv 1 oilc Colt tity 125 Ninth I 12D I North tile rIca inl I I Xurth lItter llti I Oriental 110 1 Iullli Ifil Itrk irii 1nolmlcs 145 1honU JH2 HI ptibllc 121 Setinth I Waul Ill 1 Shcio atm ii Ifnther 131 1 ht Nichula 12H StaIn ofNutv Ynrk 121 Tridtsiiions US4 Union Kill Oia looks nro ciuotod New York 113 to 1M3 Manltattnii 2HI to 212 Mctrmiulltan I I lll to lJi Mulinl 111 lo 117t Mtinluiiial Ill tu I IU I 1 1 Hirlniii Ill I toll5iiuitiitilo llito Illl llrookljn 125 to llii I I ihec I itS If intnrnal I rovhn Ito tndnr 4111 I I f21 1 cnstoniH laOTSJl nulloiml bank notii for rciUiiiptlnn 11710W I iiiiklnK tJJDJOUO fur tIle tviek Nntiniial ink circulation uiitstaml trig 311ill 1427 Silver lortlllcntes outetnnd Ini trtli173lill Tim hccrotnry of Iho Treasury bus ihsued Iho 12111 I 1 I cull I of bonds fur ledciupllon cin lirnoln I tlllUODHUUor 1 1 onls and mntuiiiit I I rub 1 Ibsl Thu bonds aiu tjiuclllod by thulr original numbers The nmount nf bullion cntio into tho Bank of Kncliuul on bilnifco todnr Is 15 000 Iurls aihlviiB ijiioti 3 petite nt 7775 lund ex change on London 2510 Tho weekly bank btntomeut shows iil III Am 17 JHfrftiifl liiimo P0t lllliMiO Jlu2llbul Inc Jl I t74iui hilclle 54Iuiuul aiuumte lInt 173 1 huh Igal ti tmlge iT tIll Sliru13 lie It 1 IH puii flu hmotit JlluJill 711 Jltritiul lime 44lilihl Llreiuimutiiill 154 tI001 114 17 ItS I lmC 1715 NI iimltil ri Isejf7tl isl2l ysJ4sulu Inc tJmJI44OI hlusi 77bilM l2 C421 hticsu 17VI77 iH7ll7i Inc 11112051 At I nn Infoi i tnul mentlni I of niimbRr of lilt stockholders of tIll Now lork and Now Knilaiiil Hnilronil Coinpnnf liuld In this city HstitiUv Jny Ciould Dutld I imweH I la I jiand 11 Cannon nnd Mebsrx llluulnhon I I and haltonstall I nf lloHton weru appointed eommitteo to pin pnro tlckut upon whloh nil stockholders in favor of chuliio In thin iiianaiinoiit could unite ut tutu unit tIbet Ion Inn WIlHon IB quoted ax sa Ini lInt ho has not ilccllned to be a candidate for reflection thnt hnttlll I I ro mnln nt the bend of the company If the desire Hint I ho should do no Is unanimous but that If the desire Is fan II cltltnguh In thIn policy of lie company ho will not bo a candidate home of thin farce klockholders In this city etuimi today that tho New York Now llnon nnd Hartford llallrnad Company would not obtain contiol of thoir company nnd that the names of thin cogi milieu Appointed yesterday Indicated who held the control Altentlon Is called to tho announcement of llcesrsWatkon Gibson following this column liAXIClXII ANIt flXASCJll lAdvertlHiinnl I 1 WAThON A IIIIIM1N rclrolciiiu lImIter 4i Urondwuy New York Have inucd upauihUt on The retioltum Mark ci luiii the 111 HiId which ttill lc nialltd ou uppllcall Dally market letter lo cuilonur Muctuatioui pail ten da In oil hate Win Illillieit bmw est Nv 1 Cl h2 51 tI Nov III I 14 1 IJ Not 12 i 111 I 1414 Noi 13 i 14 Nv Ill I l7 I 1St Nov I uui i i7u Nv hut tumu it Nos IT I7 lIt ew Yurhi Harkel HATUIIDAY Nov KiounUull nnd weak tlRtix I tviicat futnrei user limtr iftlen 1 UHIIIK I Hill Nil ret Ht Ci lot fur Niiiilivp PhI 14112 fortleletlimen It 14 for Jntiliir7 I fn Sebruary I eluih Cii 74 I 11 huiIll lit harley sale 151111 huil Piston iiid it tOm4umbo Outs luwrr nab tiolt 101 built hilelulitig Pu ui 2 at 3ao fr ttliiumi eunit WtSJiIII iuir uviiue liii I lie 01 ttuu 2 at ui5nlg fuir II COllier 3i fir suiuny atimt 4Irq4ulc fur Slay ni rmuturcs lowun elcs 11511 I 10111 at 5llibu fur bli3 4iti5u fur 2 almil ir llt sal 172lc ii liUchi After Chmaumgethhu a us NI 2 reh 4ums uulm I of 11111 Uirellllmer Ci I Jatmipury PlIJ ruC ii rfi SI a I lii I2uuruu lull 2 i HT uiut liter Slug lIed umber Hti1 2 eli uury Mlu May tin OatS lend tin Imlltd NoAnl 0r UecimUr a4c January 3 May a r4 4v luoikKI UlocolI iolloi ilowcri cilia lutiiu lot Utreinlirr hI I it4ll 7c January HiU aiiiTiiC I tli I roars IUHMIO jMarch HLV94lonri Aunt ill Ui4 lii 1150 fair llln nominally I Ji Haw nugop dull fair ii iirHiiulitied now wii Hj lIt Ursula irulurr is one ifnll I nltlicrlen I lu iviiirlltt cai ire ai in 4 for vtemltr iujuc fur Urcriiibrr Imp plc for January Iii 12 for Klirurjr lu i5c fur March II nip for Airll II for Vu Tll Jjc Iw June ISIs for Jjlr anl I 1 Vc Sir Auxiiiu i altt iii eul mAillalllV11lSilillB ullailds 1U711 hu8 geteiptitUes lilo luiiiiu iUiO futurn opened about itcMv hut soon declined 5 pohelet lit it rices lit tone wal teadyl Th1241550tfltelm pales 71ev its cloelnO November Ssitniri 7tee792e I P757e fR51t7g I her 7 70Cr Echnilsoy laeh hfltSMIuich April 5 151452 Stay 2114510 on lii etti city irlmh i17JC Cli Weilern at 7tutJ 1004 rflntl 10 the ContInent 5271401 SollIb Anietiri Nhe MtlI ICk sleanil at Vi22314 ltJl I ill oilier pros telini are t1uilgt att itteliatuget hireeeil hoe fl41511JC hhttti smi ctteree inn lvuutsrehtfluset for vft wes agsill very flrml II lst trhiiit cenultluiluu luuil htmiuliihu tniluI it 00 hIt 1151 until relIc I loll hess iii irl 1111 I II ieelbFtint uf itiitlhe amd li2It lhIp ore pil St tIle PCi I ye ttmii yti hmhittuCf hI7il tniwePl us The IluuIniig lrie ii smut thneb IS I 17 vettuiiO tslii tIltS to tile Itttuhl tiht55 tutu iIilh luIts etleh itibl Imbii BittCL1ClUfl1Cu A tih 4ii A JR Slay lease ttmhlr tasre for lime Pus it the only Lu 0 I I oilrVd mYi IMI ndttrlimmnt otllce ltllH Hroidnar corner 81 il it till 9 tituS Viet 2mt It cottier Mli nt Illl rV tfUCdav iirliuii nil 47111 CI liii I Vas rtl 14th It curlier llnoll Ch1lI5C till It I MIS 111 ISMIi near Jd at till I tilO I1 extrn eharire itTltIIAI IlllW I lMtSsnhclt it competent 1 niftier ill miSt undenuiiil inatuUI I inukniK thiiriniililt AddrM FLu I It lb lInt tojiivi I iiiionice 5 lt11 Klll A I KIO KUMKoie and lloMoin hamli named 29 Miiilh it llrookltn It 0 I nVJk fit 1 to en rrrnnd mid do light home Ia ttorl Applv putterS elouk nt uputittt flu NOZi ixpcrlincfd hand i miniOn poitcr I3 itealy work Ultilllllll 1 south Sh ay oil lnwlruuo2utrh lpuu female coinpoiltor can necure ltealy Ulnatliina al JJ flit tier lUUU emu IriuUil hj Hlllnit al 7M tt Ilium it 31 Hour Atoll Jilt l4 wutlIci II SIS 1 CO Mthtt anilflth av tillIVIC nnd cult itinhtri ttiaJ work If amiiti lie 2J tiltiiii St Ilrookljn ItA4CV rIAriiia hanl wanteTl peeler 1 1 frame inakiri ftnd learner UUTIISflllll t8 Wept 141htt g11zMIel1ts on white phlrlpwlioctufl work Inltliln fl MllLKN A OUIIJiireeneH 091 flrlittcni guittCtt SOil cet esentute thinh tlure lileiptpullOWvrs wttniiei hI I tliNtlSllil2t4 flway luLls named to liii ptstpbiiut st hi I ljninMlgi 1211 uery it 1 tNH liuttonholr maken on fine shoes nANll 1IIIIllOKllUIIKKJ4J haul 2Httl St I A CII fS Ktl IO It old ortotin at home LA something newt I lare half Inch trlite 23 cent to Cl per esrul reference from lid worker lotne niakelt weekly working for us and leaching our nets lese call or wind for pnttcrn rartlrularit at Art Koom 103 teit 14th al corner Bill itv 1 A III K4 AfiU OKTIrMKST Unlit pWai IA ant Bnleanreniploiineiilat home no canvaMlmr to 1 a day work enl to the country by luait 8TANDAR1I MANUKAUTUHIMUO box IM Tlrooklll I AIIIM WAMTIUI to niaknlacet Cl to per LAIIIKH or engIne Mi fur pattern and full par tu I ulari Art llooin 255 niton iii llrookl I A IIirs WANTIIHo learn fmthir curling wv lA alemoni fenthim curled 1 I and inc Bent icarfe tau hl I mil tt cut Huh I it I ring 8d liell AIII KM tiniitfd to lenrn to oiake itentlemen cirr i price for teaching snUlnuulttHt roomJO iu 4lo learn Krnt carfn achcr rniii lead Ing city hoilc Ill I lo4 211 Kimtajllliil 1 belL 1 I lit itFOhN emil gmnomi teller on A ma tliliioin lIne ehenuucop 1 I1EVAN to llreat Jonei p1 IMikATUIM on rtaiTiiiT inlrt Heady work and Kid pay lOlim ATE 29 Ill ItO OIiUVTOIIH and tucker on ctilldren ln II in Mil Hilt 47 rci AIM It lH MKTerlcnitd iliper mIller Ap I plj nt II KHMIUKM i7 ITIncent call hund SI VII P4 und How utrllicc to learn the art of making lie ierlits brunthr of itentlimtn uiegk wee hillier Ilio I dlrtctiu iertlioiiof lad who ha had IX team ex trlt nee tt Ith Itiirner nnd eniplota onlv thnr ought tonipeieut itritniu to ttnth lube tie ii 5111 I prnnt Bhl home tiork rj Iti nitl It it iiiar llnd on ft fleet rt ft rnuv8 jlunt from ltrdltu nti ktlc hon SIIIKT FlMSIICKS ChIlly employuunt to I Ko I ImnU KUIIKKI nVirStro rW5UWtttJJdt 1r IZ NT lOi OlritATOIIM at ourklrnm iiitttr mInus un lull undtralilrt tartori I Hendt work tmt put ti nriirm titlii Imiillre for Mr IIIIIS I I at I lie fncttri ui rncT Pilliiite iii nnd UfTirRon 1 p1 Union Mill iii Jerei or of MHiKS 1IIUM A WEILL No 74 Leonird ci NIM Virk WAVrKIl riltsT4l strlinmlnitmakerfor hlrl Itoroini cot irM an uiifle iin MiiAV ir il7 Ilritli ny WA lFI illrl I to llmih nholtir frliiKm none hut cxt erliiicul Itmurmi in I I ml 1111 I IIAtBMjt 1J ytt 4rth A NTfllloonrit I citiHi ilnViniid ilimk makerT ni IIP olhirilieid spilt JAHMtN Mcyl 1 1ILAN I 1 CO l7 Atlantic nt Hronkl li tT NI Elplnulro to I nrn gout carrn and him nn I I lojd hit Tiiiiiikln aiid Miircy ntcirkln IT Yvrrll Ilrst eli fur tfttiri on wal lily In tin i hit JIIN IsoN 1 1 tl II I 1iM llroadita AVrnP A onnir tiowvi for light homework and gum frrnnli for mllllntT 27 rn 2IH Pt VNl I IeEiutnrlilnrp with Ilk ntid XTJ One hi I Silo till hI lIt Kltcnout 171 I Ve tJltli Pt ANIlTiiHrin lnm InII Ii tu linrn uenl neckwear 4 Inlet P3 1 I lnt 17th Pt hanciOKnt rAVrrII Cotlir Ironent Head work to good hand xirj niton ut llrookl WANTIll IIxl rlfiitid hands to I tnihrotder llenrt Liwu I bee till tinil i trEIiuel ipirntiir on lallor jacket 41 1riiKotl plice Jrtt fly YOiN girl tvnnti I for litiFlllntr and omcv work II HS It Fit ii i Mil nhlnitioii 11 11 xx liTlTiidu ttMi 1 iik tn but until JV mm liliifs 5505 ptiniMiits 1 etiin Kuaranttn No 4211 Ins lilt hi IVuutrrt Pains A A llnndri iiHtitid I who hate unit i XI erlenc tit tiliru tflldlng In binderv Alpl at 77 Ann it UrVIMnnd faiolhi i 11 ilinda pilrf na tl wort 1 5i i oniitlii port toll hx I pnuiiU prpptr hr miinturd oc UKNMsM1 I I JiU Pi art und 40 Hilton St 4TIIOIH St tto tike nrderi slit otiie work ft I titikli refirincii tir Ii inritti I 811111 nrtm I hlPIKI1 I I A HAM I I UHinla I lit ri ICKrriAss nmn nn inrnll reTHit mai him 71 RMI iroid shop but olin unid to mnclilnc hoi tMiiv ilirrmr tin i 7 ami Ii nomijt ATIIOKOIIZII pruillnl tote repiilnr cun IC 1 II It hoid it a iiriuit tnolA I lo SUlli SIll ftfitl lllid on It New York AlIICSh Viitl 2 IA of good umlmlrun want 1 i td fur pirnmiitnt oi itioii lav tthilt learning Call nt Jl I lrlilou Mjunre i oriu lull I bt and SIt nv WA TKliIllilitrlil Holtl 111 Chatham 2 1 liii gene rlnule ipriug liedj night 1 Jo tn ck mew and rlrfl clni hinted by hot air AIJKVTMIi sell the latett andhtpl nelllog Irllcl I I ti uttered from 2 to in niid In I ci cry household Nn 3 Krouditaj room Ill New York A si ifitICAv iuNTiiivT iiii icAiii 13 Cuii ian tt ant ti recommended bmuJ between 14 Slid lilenr old Applj at 8 try it I ItHiiTjl tuFon on Udlr lacketi and hahlti In mil the beet turn need apply II AITMAN A CO Mncleuithit andOlhav A I Oil 1 ill fln tuner wanted 5L HlillK llllllH ID nth av and Jiuli it A4iiviH rtauiallon Day tprclall inn coin mone mil at nin 3J4 Itroadwiiy New York A hilV Ii ut ill II snuignmi APIJyt tnlde 247 Veit hlli I it biforeH londni morning AlJOOIt llnnmllh wanted Immediately at Colltge BIIVH hetwren and IS fortho 1 nun ii KH niM to fji VI her month liKlndlng board Applj I on board frigate Mlime ola toot 5 Ml BOOK HI mTiTir 7ntTd tttu furus ardrrr tIre I SOiimiiitit i llnlrhtrB und one ilamin ut 4 tin at June Hrett I TAILKV IOY ttho can nt ri pair In itotoi wanted 1ILIiluASlmI tiuiJ iIilloiitl it I teAMS lOliTfllllt ttanted rjU ElIzabeth it 1 1 Uonif realy In I tiork on Uoudny 11111 II I I i litaImteml gmitmml jul tthlelmer I Itmuillire Cl 21 Iiirrsy it 14 ii luuirul Ill to III ear Call after I A IS 37 ri tVatlItigtm pt ft 0 X11551Rs or lime olcelnic malting tin nut Hit liible burglar alarm llnPtnlnes iiiuiiiltli good ri frrtnnen unu a guimd rolllmiiseiou SI ills IllilImlitig Itnlulnl 13 lgluttm lllimr hhNilhItM iiuate hr fcitiilc watuted Imme dlattlt bj the New irk Kienlng Iont at JV per Hmunandl mimuu iiJiu a fuss tttckl Iwuda Ailly to SI 10W Foreman COTTON MI 11 litlp ttanted ipeidrr tender ti doulilBhoxloooi tiiutirn ADAMS Ml I 11 Illrinlng ham Ioim I or inilreeiif I mNew York VIA it OTTO tillI help us ttantrd ipceder triiiler timiul Illhmuinrml tarpin doullo tiox Inom tieattri AIMHI tinl I IaUriHiii or lucretiitnl rMMiroxiTOKNA inoihlrder on tteekl nentpapvr lie tim mint he a fair tptiiliir mid aldtto I mItSui iienlii 1 Aly it 240 llroafltiat room 15 rVI UOVn nnltii Il7 ulln iuys Ill vets 1 uf Third 111 to LK Itli tIll 111 lhl Rout of Twin II I mIni st tit1IIIp ussltrl at lMtt P1 vv riM jhJrl WuhiiiyToM1 ACA ti JSKU1 Ilpathl IOKTItAITM ttV MalllfCPntlTu IJ lake order fur nip Ing and enlarging portrnllr ex Irnorllimrv ttilbIs Suit I It iriclh legitimate huilliviii Ad Jf it fAlIMAV a CII an and Slate at Anhuru lion 0k PXriUII Ciil iimMuan nn compoililon but JJIonij mi nt liens need opili VllilMAS H7 IlliaMhjii 1 I tCKIIMCN tianted Uood til cotter will hInd 1 nealy us Ink hy still Ing al 44J Hrondin GIIOII Jettilr Jrdibrr with rtioinnieoilillou to gu thirt dKlaiicr from til Cull from 13 I lo a Nulidai at lcitri llouit Urouilwai onl llouiton Aik fur MM IKit GIOI ilFrlli itO uaniid flMi a rarabTui 13 3 ears old rroti iritii his 1110 0 hill pariiii lend uhiOl I fertligep and full paitlcularK to II bin to I Hint fI Oil ihU aiIl it i amleii IIUIIIII1 OAIII till Chamber it Ito II lniinlili ci ten lieu ml mid oher lIly 10 A SI Moid Illl llVOMI rlJilllt I I Tii lilNIIIiil 01 nnd fonndTTTt ihdTmaT I pled tiuuliiiii fiSJtletuluin ittuior runner 73 It itay pICINTKII iiiniii man that jiu leak readrTm Zulu omit 4 110111 lit Illumui hilliISrimjllil 1 IUlii JLlmVTitd1 3 FIIA I hinuiso loll irr alit hillIer lE5Iii Li itrrimtiIl A 111111 110 smill lOT trmiklln it Jeriet i1y IleigiOs lBa CeiiiraUic llnIumkeu terry iloulsttl Fit wantnlJTrlrilrloal I mihsli Ainlncas 1235 Lisuauwej lltIESlAKhllt Siill Imp tOwn tnltigp TIIEIIN reoulr vrrat waron I STER OIlY 1q who can Clusine well recommended and stIll 515f5 iflt wth time cIty ueeh apply at 1ul Motiluiy it Ptaltp 217 EMI 23d HI i1tlziiINll SllhIlhIll I it ruie sul ltlmaln sIp AKIt it I tonur giMid nielli Mate wage I stchi li 14lhiuti nnd nference nlhmc lining hnuu knk i themiclvfft generally Ulc fill Ill a tiilirstmmty Ilciuu I I I 1115 3 151 rJMIIlEK rf nter VJ at 24iieSt SOth TNTEItln or lifV1 I it liral cla rr man on fake netenVliVi muit nmlrritand hit tiiMniM thorouglil iirnam tt iii at present ci eon 1lureh lit Intending to rhntige would 14 5 cicl ri ferred i rniniiiiinlf line Ml I Cluuuhlnieuutial i wgp I cl fn tntt russ illS 11mg full pnrrt flu tim cx ptrleiie III where emplo ed Ac thiUI tltV boxint dun office 1 WAllifNOTOVVlll undV usel3Wk amsll capital lo ell the inoit aV11 i Hl fnlthfnl Ilkenei of CJ rge Vaihlnrfton Peer lK I tlll Peli at light eterttherti Ia PleI IXJ4 MktJd llicimvel ready Titen ay morn nr SIll ChIll iiiiO landl Cl ni W4l til pence not paid foA atot ot tlT good til OI I Ht TIIOHM 1 rllmvollll It road tlO ny near Duano it roma Hi Itlce fri lilt out iflYolihn man with fnlr duc3 lion lucrMlvo and i riiiaiienl if ulMil of erence reiiilred JAM IIKKulN tii cfU a7 ANTEIi Iliiilrirrnnlirr experienced In I try plate tnMlallrvclaMjifiir on minin AddreM HUDSON box ISM Mill iitt A vm Hand man and woman about cilll tailoring and CleISllhIg machine teadt work 1 limn 1 porlllllf good lilt ttst 3111 I 5 A EllVollImlO nmn to drite calmness ttngon 5 one willing to work Mff a iox Sun chile Nm rirn clno contmaker to cosphart tib iliii SliCe In tin I country A tlihP Mond ay morning tiB at looclock rloth liouie 414 Brmut way I5TFtAhunuitnu prepare HoltJacket for SOT innPhlniatiiitit lie I a tailor Tall Sutida aol Mon da Hsl Union at VilillaniMiiirth A goui each sOot door maker yotinir man lined to tool under Initrnctloni 143 I Manhattan av Rrooklyn 1 1 TwoTarnllieratoro it rliort dlitanr In country rtrad work to right men Imiure iacmcnt 2J aSt 14th I ct ANTKIIUnt claus iipliiiliicrer lltieral rat to thoroughly competent men IllllX 0 ri a JiHh vrFnMnnngrant tamperi on flnc stationery TIKFANY A 1t I Union iiiiire IMIl entranc JtriIlA miod macMnlit Cull nt VAN WAIIOMK A 1 WILLIAMS CO Heekman at AriDS flrnt clan fitrnlHilr filter I tIFll FLINT A Ill lull nnl lIst Wfl I4lli 1 A ElIA unset fnrnlttiri CArmitn 4 liKI FLINT A Oil lust nnd list Mill lif WA TEH 1 flrptrlne plitmlir Iall to dav AMMONV litlltl trt ItU hmond 141 IV A4T 11tSA tlrhbniu onI rnttpr 1 Il I llNIiiL 1JM4 I llroidita nearsntli 17 ANTiWf iuritoodl riii Ultf Applir to TV Ii MIlllllV Vonler JANTKH Pla terer on new tiiillJlnx Hancock Pt eat ot NoMrAitdat Hrooklyn A XrKII Thru life lii urnnce caiiTa eri Apply Cv to uot 1ISI I i ANlll llnv al the Trot City Laundry Com fa ff ii Clinton pluce YlTVXJ nmn exprrli nerd at petting i coinhinallon nnd other diva tiotk Uid Jl andetTaterit4tli floor YOUNO MAN to mark uoodi In laiindrv mult be I quick i good penman uri Kniton at llrooklyn tltUtiOht tiittt AKTIHTlii dri msker us clues us few more cflgulge 1 menu 1 tullorniidt miUii it Kpctlnii II glot lit gear Rtiteed terms tcrj reason itilo Inll or nddr ne HIDDlSTi I 7 Hank city AMKIIMVV lidr of refinement of pliisitiit tt dlpoptlon uniterAtnn ling I hmuekecplng thoroogh I ilepirea potltliin not menial itidoittrV finnll pro ferred AdlreitK MlK lr lrx 14H Mm olllic AMTUATION as lirntyuuss ivaltrexa In I a hntef ti or retiinrfttil or rhiimt cr itork ftlo jotnifc tree maii lIP Jinitrc iiriilili rcfcrrnie Cull for 2 days at No Ii tblinI Pt nrooklii ltIslFX TA Itli colored tioman wanm wn 13 lung In urn ionic KUH or fiinillt tinshltu will feeftmlttfndtd llcn call or anlltep i15l VetJdatT tup Hour XICTIHF luit tilth I conn Inovilcd4e of drawtn 2 xtlihrK citoiitton wlure imp fan Improte Aildrr I III fi III I I Ill I VltKT ru Wilbur avJemej Oily Iliighlli VJ ArilHITItlN tvnlil li nrHiil pni ertir In I nil tl braiKhes refer TH ftom prfent ti tint forini eml iter Ilenre adiln 1 itti ox mi Hiinnfflrr 0 1O17 lVn 1 landed ttl lui a uluutiim tt In tlUtiherhop HHKIH no ohlcrt App nt MU lumt 21 iti Ii ill I CCI I tiM tlK A Intelligent rceieeuslle min ttonld like to ccli COllie goods lit cciii lie cnuliookil good referentee given Addrti letter box 150 Mill otllcc A CA IH i with good horn will take good care of a ti child I tl3dav nenr laid it I3Tt FIC tvlKhe Bltunlliiu UK foroiunn on hred fag odc ike linker AnItrnoV HAKIM Klibklll on llud pn Ionl tItle llizIlri ft KKII Third tmnunt 1 on bread or cake wlrhcviltit Ii iitlon 138 Klin it hue mt nt ITiIRtEcEli perion to take care of a ludy 1a miring rontlnement and unIt tithe A baby on a Cnttta fur riftfonntile price 18 in ad ut ad floor NITCT lllV lTiii i girt wet mine IL Mrs KKMIi 4llntert 4uiihitnear loth av SITUATION WANTrll lit it foreman a liret nt cla ileUner nf chlldrenX IH soil ylio the cloth Inir of lonit experienci th licit of div reference Shell Addren I hK box I3J Sun office I CUM AN and 5 ito ii 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