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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 4

New York, New York
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cn to oissinED 7 I 1(WHH IUMlll HF teSa City hum to It ktiirwii kniUuuMiMliwU 7 HmJ mm tec Cur r.iurK alatiaaa.l4 ckun. In A 7 Mi 1 (TaMtr kuH WuM. 7illg wuaLr HMIMMUl.U HltUltM Coaatry JkMAM. Mewial muni i 6 If IlTiala 1 Hpti faorfa 1 iMlkIM 1 nariaa -lajaaal tlfillLm, laaril. 7 I or 7 Hnmmar ttMoru Vara Ma! 6 Tb Tart 1lmn(1iTlMTi it raiaaaa SSJ.T!!! Waau r.rehao....

t4fcU 7 WetoBSS, Ja-airy, o. IHI3 TO UIL SUBSCRIBERS POSTPUDt DAILY, 1 rr. IKHi ltt Rll4iTltMf DAILY, Smooths, t.0 wlU DAILY, Imtk ri.M with DAILY, 1 Mitt. wttaoat .74 DAILY, 1 bmwU. wit Baadav CXDAY CDITIOV ONLY.

1 7r S3.0 Tacts. Mi Booths, 49 Terms, aah la advaae. ATOM THK XIW TOHK TIMES, TIMES BUILDING, esmplss Mat fro. Haw-York City. HOT ICES.

Tbx Times dosi re(r rtjteUd -Saipis. Znropt, pottage included, for 00 per won (A. 2s 4a printed on the wrapper of tack paper donotet tho timt mho tho tub icrip tion tzpiret. Th Daily Time ran ec had re-do at Vf xcAa, 57 Charing Croti, Trafalgar ffuara, jit IJtto-gorh CinwsT 'X'WJhtMXX PAGES. MW-YORK.

SUJTDAY, JUKE 6. 1892. Xl rfMfAsr rs rqmfl indie or I-- lay, Uiii cifjf, pertly cloud oath or and thowort, with it armor south winds. That Mr. Blaiki'i rtnignation ataoald 1tT produced aome excitement among the 'folagatea at Minneapolia ia a matter of jtranaitorr intereat.

That it should have coma too lata to aerro tbe purpose of iU author, too lato to free him from tha charge of disloyal intriguing gainst his chief, too late to cancel tbe February letter, and much too late to that Mr. Blawk ia a well man, but prhap in time to bring him the nomination, is a very serious thing for the Republican Tarty. The Philadelphia Ledger has information calculated to produce an uneasy feeling in the mind of Bemjamut ILakhisox. Its Washington correspondent learns that the Blaine men hare resolved to hare a long convention that there will be many eon-tested seats, and that the proceedings will be drawn out until the delegates are wearied, when the gentlemen with money will have an opportunity to trade to ad- rentage." If true, this ia alarming. The Republican Convention of 1880 began its York on Wednesday, June 2, and adjourned on Tuesday, June 8.

after nomination Garfield on the thirty-aixth ballot Nowt the Southern delegate of African descent does not commonly provide himself with funds for so protracted sojourn in the convention city. If tbe Blaine plan is carried out, the heart within many a dusky bosom will waver irresolute between Harrison instructions on an empty purse and a Blaine vote with replenishment. Friends of Republican Statesmen who have failed to get the nomination have usually put the blame on the unstable African. Mr. ShekmajTs friends did so in lseO.

It is a little early for watermelons, but Mr. Harrison should request hla Minneapolia managers to see to it that the minds of his instructed and able delegates are at no time oppressed by financial anxieties. There is prospect that the bill for cloa-pag oat the so-called "endowment orders" will be paased by the Massachusetts Legislature at the present session. It ha been ubstituted in the lower house for the Continuing tbe swindling organizations by vote of 123 to 77, in spite of the advene report of the Committee on Insurance. In fact, a discussion of the methods of these endowment orders and of the consequences their operation has produced a rapid change of sentiment in the Legislature at Boston, and, though the bill for winding them up has yet to pass the House and Senate and receive the approval of the Governor in order to become a law, it is believed that it will be carried through.

It la unfortunate that, just as Massachusetts is about to undo the mistake of authorising rganised fraud in the name of insurance. new insurance code goes into effect in this State which for the first time givee recognition and encouragement to the endowment orders. The reprehensible conduct of the Mississippi River and its tributaries ia something which vitally concerns the agricultural interest of the West and should be commended to the attention of the Fanners' Alliance as an issue at least aa important aa that of the volume of the currency of the country. The rivers are rising again and doing no end of mischief by overflowing lands and destroying crop. The Gov ernment haa spent millions of dollars im effort to regulate and control the conduct of the Father of Water.

and yet every Spring he get upon a rampage, breaks over the levees, and spreads devastation along the line. It etiil a oneotlon whether costly work for confining the river to a fixed channel do more good than harm. The channel will not contain the volume of water that cornea down in Hood timea, and breaks and overflows ere the result The deposit of sediment continually raisee the river bed and cent pel the building of high levee, and then if they give way or are ever owed the damage i greater than eves. Farm era' Alliance ahoald tackle the great river and solve It problenv MMSBSswsenawBana The weather ot the last vreek make very tlratly cr 1' and eeMonalile the appeal 1 fw kel it Lt a mmu-mi. a In its work of fnreisMag ontlngi fcj the aeaslde to those who are unable to secure each outiaga by their own reeourcee.

Lt ear the society entertained 4,739 poor children at it Summer home oa Bath Beach, at a cost of 7. 608, end 5.86 mothers and sick children at the Health Home ea Coney Island at a cost of $7,831, or aa average cen ox about l.ou. uow many live were actually saved by this beneficent work ia not cal culable, but every mother knows Low often, in the heats of Summer, a change to a pnrer air for a single day may make the difference between life and death for a suflsring child. There can be no worthier employment than this of the money of those who are able to spare it for the necessities of otbera Checks in aid of the Bummer work of the society may be sent to Mr. Loaixo Bback.

Secretary, at No. 24 St. Mark's Place. BLAISE'S LATEST STROKE. The cold curtnes of tbe letters in which Jaaiks 0.

Blajxk's resignation of the office of Secretary of State was offered and accepted yesterday is more significant than any language of explanation could possibly have been. In fact the circumstances admitted of nothing but the baldest formal ity. There have been times in tbe last two years when Mr. Blaixk could have retired from publio service gracefully, and more or less honorably? with the certainty of assurances of esteem from the President and of plaudit from his country. But circumstances have changed, and the meaning of his retirement is not what it would have been at any other time.

Of course the meaning will be caught at onoe from one end of the country to the other, and it will strike the seething throng at Minneapolis with electrical emphasis, as it was intended to do. This coup of Mr. Blaixe means that he has convinced himself, or has been convinced by other, that his health ha beon sufficiently restored to Justify him in reaching once more for the golden crown that he haa twice affected to put away. It is his way of annonncing that if his supporters at the National Convention are disposed to put him in nomination for tho Presidency, and are able to accomplish it, he will not say them nay, and he will accept the candidacy. What will be the effect of such an announcement made in this way Will the resignation from the Cabinet relieve Mr.

Blaise from the imputation of bad faith toward the President, or will the time and manner of his act aggravate the sense of treachery with which it will be received by the President's friends Last February Mr. Ulaijte, in a formal letter to the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, solemnly declared that he was not a candidate for the nomination and that his name wonld not go before the convention. President Harrison relied upon that assurance in making his canvass, or permitting it to be made, for a renomi-natlon. It was after the preliminary canvass was completed and all the delegate had been chosen to the National Convention, on the assurance that Mr. Blaine's name would not be presented to that body as a candidate for the Presidential nomination, that the scheme of Platt, Clark sox.

Qoat, and others was started for defeat ing the President by pushing forward the Secretary of State. Mr. Blaime might then, with some rem nant of honor, have avowod a change of purpose on account of improved health and retired from the Cabinet to enter upon an open contest before th people of tbe coun try, though a lofty sense of honor would have impelled him to put a stop to the intrigue at once by declaring a firm adher ence to the assurance wmcn nau lea me President to go so far in seeking a renomi-nation. But Mr. Blaine remained in the Cabinet, continuing- his confidential and apparently cordial relations with the Presi dent, and let the plot go on for using his name to defeat the President's honorable desire for the approval implied in a re- nomination by his party.

In his own subtle way he encouraged the plot by coming to New-York while it was incubating to exhibit his unproved health, to be called upon by politicians, to be talked about by the public and by preserving a sphinx-like reticence as to his purposes. Not until th delegate are gathering in full force at Minneapolis, away from their constituent, away from th restraining voice of the peo ple, away from the opportunity of cool and calm consideration, does he launch his resignation and reveal himself as a champion ready to enter the list against the President, Ingenuity could not have devised a more effective method of emphasizing an act of political bad faith. If It doe not seem Ilk baseness to Blaxnx and his supporters. it i because they lack moral perception and perfer bold villainy to plain integrity. Of course, this stroke is intended for effect upon the convention at Minneapolia, and.

considering the factitious excitement that is begotten of a political crowd on tho eve of a great convention, there ia no telling what the effect may be. It is intended to strike consternation and aiaeomfitur into the supporters of Harrison and stampede the delegates to Blaine, but will it have that effect Not if the delegates retain their sober eensea and atop to reason upon the results of such tactic in a campaign of popular discussion. It is not safe to out rage the moral aenae of the American people and impose candidates upon a party by trick and fraud. The consequence of doing so wae illustrated in a State campaign in New-York in the year 1832. when the nomination of a member of the Cabinet for the office of Governor wae believed to have been secured by dishonest device.

It 1 our belief that the nomination of Blaixe at Minneapolia under present circumstance weald be fatal to the Bepablieaa Party in the coming canvas, more sorely than any other nomination that could be It would read the party aa no other act of the convention oonld do lato absolutely irreconcilable fac-tiona. It would so offend the moral aenae of the country aa to give aaaarance of a defeat of th ticket more overwhelminji than any party haa experienced in tho Nation for twenty years or la any State for ten It would find a narallel oalr la the Greeley eafapalgn of 1872 tod the Folgcr campaign cjf New-York in 1862. Will tho god so "iaake mad" the eoaveutlou a Minneapolis a to Impel it to tbe fatal act of nominating Blame. JJE SBOVLD BATE SOME FACTS. The weekly organ of tho American Pro tective Tai iff League haa employed Prof.

Robert Ems Tiiomfsox to prepare for its column i a discourse concerning Trust combinatiens and tariff duties. A short extract wi 1 show the quality of this essay That sndh combinations are not to mo sup pressed hyhievlag recourse te free tra show by tie fee that many of tb went of them are feteraatieael combination, waleh control price sad production taroairhout th whole went. Some years ago Mr. Ce amber- laiji tried ti make a point against oar tariff by disclosing tl efaet that he derived a handsome revenue fro tn aa International combination to control price sad production ia eoa braaea ot kardwar maanfaetare. He only tailed to ihow hew our tarlaT we respon sible tor en erraacemeat waiea moiuaoa tor land ao lees than Amerlaa, Similarly the man- faetnre el) tbe iron beams used in certain forms of aichltoeter 1 controlled by a combination efl European and American firms.

whleb fixe both prises and amount preaao- tloa." I It ia no! true that the manufacture of iron beams" is controlled by a combi nation of European and American nrma, which fixe both prices and amount of production." It is true, however, that the price in tl lis country was for many years fixed and i aaintained by a combination of the Amerii an manufacturers with the as-, sistance of the very high tariff duty of $28 per ton. 1 'or years this ring price was $73.92. In the last two years of the combi nation's existence it was $69.44. Some months agi the combination, or Trust, waa dissolved. I and now the price of steel or iron acauis has fallen to $42.56.

"for desirable or- This is thk qnotation ders" at 1'ittsburg. The fall of 38 per eent afforps some indication of the profits extorted from consumers for many years Prof. Thompson's friends, who were notii i combination with foreign manufacturers and who simply used the tariff as an ins trument of extortion." If Prof. Thompsox had become familiar with the history of the transaction to which Mrl Chamberlain directed atten-years ago, he might not have tion some said anything about it. The manufact urers of wood screws in this country were exacting from consumers prices as high as a very high I tariff duty would permit them to take without causing the importation ot screw They desired to go further, firm was the which they induced that and Mr, Chamberlain's only on in England feared, firm by Therefore they the payment of 5,000 per annnm to refrain from sending screws to this conn With this defense against possible inipetition from abroad they continued to from consumers in the home market ill that the tariff would bear." The prof isor will not contend that this was an international combination controlling prices and production throughout the whole world." It bappd ns that both of these examples exhibit clearly tbe manner in which com- binationsnf manufacturers in this country use tariff fluties as instrument of extor- tion," if Tribune complain we may repeat the New-York phrase.

Tariff reformers will not If the professor shall continue to discourse about them, but they would like to have him spice his remarks with one or two factsJ TEE FSESCH PRESIDENCY. It is nol very easily intelligible to Americans why the jonrney of the President of the Fxenc i Republio to tbe eastern frontier of France ihould excite any public criticism or even mark, or why any patriot should work himself into a condition of excitement about it. It is intimated, however, that this ourney is supposed to be an eleo-tionecrim tour with reference to the reelection M. Cabkot. That is the view taken by M.

Jutes Simon and supposed to be shared by M. dx Freycinet, the Minister of War, ho is supposed to cherish his own ambitions for the succession, and who is said to have declared that a review by the President! of the troops at Nancy might lead to lomplicationa," either foreign or domesticJ Considering that the septennate of M. a Carxot does not expire for two years yet, this agitation seems to Americans prema ture if not excessive. All the same it indi eate what is a questionable point, if not a structural weakness, in the framework of the French Government. Walter Back analysed the possible mode of modern afad constitutional government into two.

whiih he calls the Presidential" and the Parliamentary," the latter being the English tern. Hi and the former the American sys- own preference is strongly for the En gush method on various grounds. which hi enumerates in a very interesting way in his book on the English Constitu tion. W4 may agree that the English sys tem is the best for England without ad mining that it ia the best abstractly or the best for any other country. Practical ly the difference is that the American Chief Magistrate Is the representative of a party.

and ia supposed to use hie office to promote the policy of the party, which hla election ihows to be the party of the ma jority. If he doee this so as to commend himself to th party, and the party to the country, lao as again to secure a popular majority ho is again, in the usual course of things, lomlnated and elected. His reelection a therefore an object for which he not onftr may but must be ambitious. Under a Parliamentary Government the conditions are entirely changed. TL vniex executive 1 what in aome parliamentary aesembliea is called i "Moderator." Be ia not tbe represent alive ot a party; he ia -not reeponaibl for the oliey of tbe majority.

The responsible pe sons are the Minister, whom he appoint not to please himself, but-to please 4h Parliamentary body, when it will haelbeea declared in coneeonenee of criaia. He ia supposed to be without po- litieal Uterecta or aabltiona of his own which vfoald prevent him from fulfilling xnie xnneuon and to, have nothing? to hope or to fear from political YieiaalUdea. Though of necessity la peaee- xuJ Umeeae must been a politician and a party man, b4ia gnpposed to leave all that behind hint when be accepts the Chief Magistracy, a tnaea aa a lawyer when be takes hi aeat on the beach. It seems from this that, while under Procidentia!" Government the Chief Ex ecutive is properly re-eligible, it ie not ao in Parliamentary Government In ordef to eliminate as much aa possible hla personal equation," and to remove from him tho temptation of aiding with one or the other of the parties from either of which he may be required to accept the responsible Ministry, be must, we repeat, have nothing to fear or to hope. This seem to involve either hie election for life or else his elec tion for a aingle term and hia ineligibility for a second.

Tbe President of the French Republio ie certainly raiaed above fear or hope for the duration of hla term, lie lathe first citizen of the republic; he receive th largest salary, perhaps, that is paid in the world ostensibly aa a salary for publio services, and he ha nothing to desire. All these condition would dispose him to let well enough alone if either a continuance of these conditions were assured or were rendered impossible without usurpation. But the very enviableness of his place put upon every man who occupiea it a great tempta tion to secure a continuance of it, to become the active and ambitious politician the theory of his position requires that he should not be, to use the influence of his great place to secure his re-election, and. if he can, to make the course of national poli tics depend upon hi personal ambition. This tendency is harmless, at least com paratively in the case of a President who is the representative of a party and who is chosen a such, because he can promote his own ambitions only by promoting the in terest and the strength of his party.

President Harrison does no harm by being au active politician and by trying to make himself necessary to hia party. That is what everybody expects of him. Queen Victoria, or'any English sovereign, ia un der no temptation to become an active politician. A truly constitutional monarch cannot better himself except by breaking down constitutional barriers. All that people expect of him is to look dignified and not to meddle in what does not concern him, but to accept the will of the Nation expressed through the constitu tional methods.

A Chief Magistrate who is theoretically only the figurehead of the State, like a constitutional monarch, but who is practically and perforce an ambitious politician, like a party President, seems to unite the defects and weaknesses rather than the excellences of the two systems. Wherefore it ia inevitable that the question whether President Cabnot shall go to Nancy and hold a review two years before his term expires becomes a question of practical politics and excites the antagonism of every Frenchman who would like to succeed him in the Presidency. A HEW RELIGION. That there is in Persia so little happiness and so little protection for life and property is no donbt a reason of the interest which the people take in matters of the unseen world. It is there anticipated that the Imam Mahdl, the expected descendant of Au, will appear and will act all things right.

An account which, brings home to Western eyes the strange life of far-off Persia is that which Mr. Coctts Trotter gives in the Scottish Stview of the rise of the greatest sect in the country. The Shiah division of Mohammedans, to which the Persians belong, who reject the first three Caliphs and consider Au the only rightful successor of the Prophet, are especially fruitful in the production of new sect and new prophets. Among these new prophets was a certain Au Mohammed, a reputed Said, i a descendant of the Imam All. a young man who was the son of a merchant of Shirax.

This young; man attained to great celebrity on account of the purity and austerity of his life. It waa he who, about the middle of this century, waa the founder of a aect that haa become very influential He was barely thirty year old at the time of his death, in 1850. Six years before be had gone upon a pilgrimage to Mecca, and, on his return, produced some sacred writings, which, in tbe estimation of his followers, bear about the same relation to the Koran that the New Testament does to the Old Hia views appear to be rather a rationalistic variation from accepted Mohammedan doctrine. He haa dispensed with a material helL While holding that nothing in nature is impure, he inculcated and himself practiced abstention from coffee, opium, and tobacco, although the prohibition aa to the last article was rescinded by a later and pleaeanter revelation. A very new doctrine ia that women are equal to men.

Women are relieved from pilgrimages on account of the fatigue incident to them. The prophet alao decrees that when the faith shall have been established temples are to be erected on the sites of the martyrdoms of the chief teach era of the new religion and upon that of hia own martyrdom, which In Persia it perhaps required no great prophetic gift on his part to foresee. After the prophet's return from Mecca he waa proclaimed by hia followers aa the Bab, f. tbe Gate or the Way of Eternal Life." Aa a reformer he attacked the cor ruption of the clergy and appealed to the Shah to be allowed to come to Teheran aud argue the points of hia faith with the mollaha, or orthodox doctors. The Shah did not like the clergy, and perbape might have found aome diversion in hearing the argument, and the prophet showed charac teristic courage in making the proposition, for death wonld have been the result if he had been worsted.

Bat the Shah ultimately declined to receive him. About thia time the BaVs gospel receivea a very enecuve recruit in a young, beautiful, and highly accomplished woman, the daughter of a amon inollah ot Kaswin. She waa known a the Delight of the Eye, or Her Excellency the Pure, which last designation, according to testimony of friend and. foe alike, ah -ue-ervad. Eh went about preaching, and waa heard with delight by tho multitude and by many learned doctor, her lad none no donbt much assisted by her beaatr.

for In tho ardor of speaking her Yell would aometlmea fall aside. Such unconventional behavior wonld not have been appreciated by tho relatives of a clever yonng woman In moot conn tries and waa not approved In Persia. Her ancle, a distinguished moUah. preached against her from hie pulpit, for which he waa assassinated by aome of her admirera, Conversions to the new religion Increased rapidly in all part of the kingdom, There was at last a collision between tho Shan't Government and the aect, and aome two thousand of them were surrounded in a mountain fastness by an army led by tho princes of the blood and maaaacred. The day soon came for the BaVe own anticipated martyrdom.

He and two of his followers were led through the streets of Tabriz, beaten, and tortured One of hia two followers, Said Hcsseix, waa offered hla life if he would curse the Bab, which he did. Two years later, deeply repentant for hia apostasy, he underwent martyrdom with great courage. The other disciple, Mikza Mohammed Au. young, rich, and of good position, notwithstanding that his wife and little children were brought to implore him to recant, remained firm and died with his master. At the conclusion of a day of torture the two were taken out and fired upon by a platoon of soldiers, when an extraordinary incident occurred Mirxa waa killed, but, to the astonishment of the crowd, the Bab remained untouched.

In Persia miracles are matters of universal belief and of great importance. What might not have been the result if the Bab had sow escaped But, overcome with the day's suffering, he ran, aa if from a natural Impulse, to the nearest shelter, a guardhouse, where the soldiers, seeing that he was mortal, cut him down. This movement, which had been intended by its founder to be religious and social only, at last became political. The enmity of the sect to the Shah'a administration led to an attempt npon hia life. As a result of this many executions took place at Teheran.

Among the sufferers was the Delight of the Eyes, who, although offered her life in oaae ahe would renounce her re ligion, refused and foretold that she should die on the following day, which, indeed, came to pass. Among the victims were many women and children, and all showed great conrage, even the children singing as they went to execution, "We come from God, and are returning to Him." The Shah hia present Highness and the Prime Minister, not wishing to concentrate upon themselves the vengeance which might follow, cleverly distributed the executions among the various high functionaries. A share was offered to the Shah's physician. Dr. Cloquet, but the Frenchman excused himself upon the plea that he had already killed so many people in the exercise of his professional duties that he had no wish to add to the list.

Several successors have appeared to the Bab, and the sect still remains the most numerous and influential in Persia. WHAT WE LA VOH AT. A constant need of these times, in thia country if not in others, is -food for laughter. This great people must have some thing at hand to langh at in all its leisure momenta. The accepted and often pro claimed theory ia that it is so bard at labor in working hour, uaing np brain tissue in th problems of commerce and finance, tiring mlrid and muscle alike, that there is no chance for serious things when work ia done.

The publio mind must then be speedily taken away from care. Hence the makers of food for laughter accumulate fortunes. The clown is the hero in the theatre, the caricaturist the best-liked of all artist; the jester's broad conceits are eagerly listened to, the writer of comic jingle is the peoplo'a poet. In consequence the quantity of manufactured fun current is always large. The supply is kept equal to the demand.

It quality doe not often bear close and fastidious examination; bnt It ia harmleu and decent Vulgarity, in the more restricted aenae of that word, indecency, and profanity do not please this big. complex, heterogeneous public of ours. Yet the things that are langhed at the loudest are so often merely inane 'that the idea ia irresistible that merriment ia sometimes its own food, andtthat when people must langh only for the aake of langhing It matters little what the thing they laugh at ia Perhaps, as Byrox says, this kind of laughter may leave us "doubly serious ahortly after," but while it lasts it seems to serve a good purpose, In the New-York theatres, in thia month of June in the four hundredth year after the discovery of America, there ia nothing but fan, excepting light mueio that ia rarely better ihan mere jingle, and the showy pictorial setting. The range of current stage humor ia from the pleaaantly dry and antique vein of Mr. Baknabxx of Banker Hill to the aggressive juvenility of acrobatic farce.

Euphrosyne'a relga ia not to be disputed when a gentleman in one of tbe current plays gravely sharpens a carving knife on nothing at all. or when the great Jupiter in another carves a tongh tnrkey at the ample board of Juno. Thia burlesque of tho god of the classic, by th way, doea not differ much in the quality and barrenness of it humor from BuRNAJTD'a "Ixion" of 1868, or Kaxk Midas" of a hundred years be-fore, except in the frequent allusions to xne iwo prevailing "national game" baseball and draw poker. These allusions are rarely humoroua aave in their irrel evancy. Nothing essentially fanny ia said about either game.

A mere reference to abort atop or a atraigbt flush will act a thousand' usually, rational persona to laughing boisterouely. Who shall say that the laughter ia not wholesome though the caoae of it bo email It ia no' politely as sumed amile beneath which the cold heart to raia ran wail' --v darkly th but a laugh that eaaea the mind and re fresh ea it The jeat ia labored, bnt it aervea to stimulate, and. therefore must wel comed. Front tho theatre to that other solace of tho cocking food for laughter, tho eomie press, it ie agreeable to tarn, because tho dmie pre haa greatly improved' la thia conn try within a comparatively few years, and now an. institution to be proud.of.

Not, perhaps, becans it la unfailingly comic In this field, aa on tho stage, there ia no one shining light just now. There la no MU3TDKX or Buarron for comedy and farce. There ia no Hooaxth among tho humoroua draughtsmen; there ia no Nabt like tho NASTof twenty years ago, when a political campaign waa made eomie by hia rough, ready, vigorous pencil; there is, in thia country, no xv MaurIee to satirize the foibles of polite society. But the manner of contemporary comic journalism is neat, expert, and finished oven when the substance ia not mueh to apeak of. The pictures are always pretty and effective, though the legend may seem to have ao particular appli cation to the life we are living.

The polit ical cartoon are generally apt, even when they are not particularly funny. It is hard to be funny for a living in all seaaona, bat the practiced, painstaking way in which onr American eomio artiste and journalist set about their work is most creditable. Taking the eomie papers from week to week, they are probably as comic aa possible under the circumstances. That peculiar kind of "American humor" which ia compounded of exaggeration and irrelevancy ia pushed a trifle too far, perhaps, bnt even the critical inveetigator muat atop to langh in spite of himself now and then. And wo assume that there is at least one amile or guffaw for every jeat and every point In every caricature.

The persons employed to provide food for laughter for thia insatiable public, therefore, perform their(task reasonably welL That there ie a real need for quite so much fun may be doubted. That tho great public's brain is really ao overworked as the great public has got in the way of thinking ia by no means an assured fad DON'T KNOW UVRPHl'S OBJECT. BUT THK 8TRAC08B COMVKHTIOX COM PELLED A COXrCRBVCC Kha County Democrat professed yesterday to be Ignorant of Edward Murphy's object la celling th national delegates together at the Hemnaa House, bat mot of them admitted that tiers was evidently a very strong reason for doing such an unusual thing. William De Witt refused to talk about the call at au, saying, wlthJi smile, that it was too delicate a matter to be oiacassed. President Coffey of the Board of Aldermen ad mitted that tbe leaders had been surprised by tb strength of tbe anti-snsp convention move ment, ana mat ine can naa reierenee to tnei fact.

-The he added. "Is to sret th dale- gates together and zeaange views. i suppose Murpny aetaa at tee request or somebody. Still. I doa't see bow a eonrerene will affeet th relations of th delegates to Hill.

We are pledged to vote for him and wo will do it." Senator MeCarren said that wonld attend tbe ooaferenee, bat he didn't know its object. lie. too, saia tae eyraease convention asa placed th regular in a position wbr tby would have to vote for Hill or admit their de feat. MeCarren has expressed bis persoaal belief tbst Cleveland would be tb stranger esadldat. well-known politloisa who will attend the conference told a times reporter yesterday that MeLaughlla and his elose assoelats regarded the sail as a deelded error of Judgment.

Tb Syracuse Convention bad aronssd th people, and, in to speaker's opinion, whioh ha said was 1 merely a reneetion or jceLangnim it wouia have ben better polities to have remained qnlsl until the Chleago vonvention, and then carry out their instructions. EARLE WOOD WARD. Miss Ethel Deodata Woodward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Evertsou Woodward, waa married yatrdy noon la 8k George's Charon.

Btuyvesaat Square, to Mortimer Lam son Earl. sob of te late Mortlmsr Earl. Th (Hoisting clergymen war th Rv. Dr. Arthur Brook and tb Kev.

Dr. Theodore Ssdgwiek. Tb orld a aivsn away by her father. Her eostame was of heavy white satin, mad with a plain rich skirt and a loag court train. The waist was fioaaeed with point lace and enelr-eled with a girdle of pearls.

A toll veil that completely enveloped tbe baek of th gown and tb train was hold in place with a buaeh ef orange blossoms. The bridal bonqnsl was of Ulie ef tho vallov. Th bride waa attended only br a maid et honor, ber sister. Mis Ad61 M. woodward.

Tb best man was William Ogdsn Wllsy and tbe ushers wr Thornton Earls. Benjamin IA Woodward, Edward LtdUea Patterson, and Lincoln CromwslL There were about thr han-dred goest tn the church, but only a few intimate friends, la addition the relatives of the two families, attended the reoepfloa and n-toyod the wsddtAg breakfast at th brid' homo, at 462 West Twenty ooeond Street, Among th guests -wore Mr. and Mrs. MOaa H. Hulbsrt.

Mr. aad Mrs. William A. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs.

James Ludlum, the Misses Ladlnm. Judge end Mrs. Edward Patterson. Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Ireland. Mrs. H.

Zabriski. Dr. aad Mrs. J. M.

Mage. Mr. and Mrs, Chart Wllsy, Prof, and Mrs. A. ti Msrriani.

Mr. aad Mrs. Thaedor B. Starr, Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Earl, frank Woodward, Mr. and Mr, rrederle B. Ceudsrt. Mrs. J.W.

Drwxel, Mis Drsxsl, Mrs. John W. Barrow, tb Mlsaea Barrow, Mr. aad Q. Patnnm.

Mr. and Mrs. Willi am HaJ-bert. Mis Holbort. Mr.

aad Mrs. Chart Parsons. Mortimer Remington. Mr. aad Mrs.

J. D. Earl, th Mis Earls, aad Dr. Prank H. Zabriski.

XVGGETS. Th Methodist Protestant General Conference at Westminster reformed the marriage service of tb Church last week by striking th word obey from th bride's promise. Ia reply lo aa inquiry th Prssldant th eoafer-dc said th new order of matrimony applies only to the future and doea not affect existing contracts HalHmoro Sutk. Father." said Jimpson, I eaa't gt along on my allowance. Can't you rals It "Wall, my son, let see.

I glv you 9100 a month now, of whleh yon pay ma 63 for beard." "Yes." "Well, boresftsr VU glv you a month and you can pay me SlOO a month for board. Wll both utak money on that basia." harper's Bazar. Th priaelpal difference between a pug dog and a eur I that you have te pay a big amount for th first aad you can't get rid ef the sssond at any price. Jtarpeft Toung fooplo. yen never Igkt dual i a America asksd.

-Ob. yes, frequently." replied th American. With what weapons, generally Ls wrsrs." "Man's a fool" does not refer te any par- tioum Mfwww itvios. Compliments usually go eut searching for Faaeral of Caps. Bnxton.

Bosto. Jane 4. The funeral of CantJaha ritsherbert Vsraor Koxtoa was largely attended at Trinity Church at aooa to-day. Th piano trade was largely represented. Th Dadhasn Polo Club soot a committee ef metabrr.

and many xaabr et the Country Club were pree- Among tae musical people war noticed William Lawreaee, Prank Whits, and CUr Tsa poll bearere- and aahre wer Edward trr aijsin, r. a. ray, w. i W. osier.

J. T. Uazesw Porelval LwlL P. KeweosBb, O. L.

Kieaola, Jr aad SVU War- Service were eoadoeted by th Bsv. W. iX Bobort. assistant roe tor of Trinity Chare, and brut Bv. Dr.

Msynard of fto w-York. TU bodjr was ooaarauW to a tomtt tn Milton vesMutry, waao it wm a taken to Ards. utiiH, iar uriai s- -IxevelaUonlato Cnptnresl. YBW-OaXSAXS. Jm 4v-Via atoaaaaMm OterLwaiefc arrived t-dsr.

reported that Ooa. Borrco. in charge ef the revelauoaJaU la 8 Dan ish Honduras, had retaraad late Gsateaala. waoro ao ais Btn mmm wer captarM ana Baul prisoaar. Tber will be tar aad ersr to ah Header aathorlU.

CQXQXES3 OF ORIENTALISTS. ratOOBAMMB FOB MllTTOO. MrTtlllH, III rOaTCOAL LOYDOK. Jane tenth TnteraarJmall Congress ef OrlsataUats win take place in Lis- boa from Sept. 21 te Oct, 1 next, wrilh sabos.

viw, raw, sat severs, PertngaUaad exenraloaa to Bevm. Ceraeva. WlU tak tilae la th Alkinhn. The Preadeat ef the eongreee win hatha E3ng ef PrtogL himself an OrUatall aad a distinguished Unguis! The Freeideat ef th Exseetlve Committee is Count rteala. aad the CeeneU ef tbe Geographical eeetety of Lis- pea.

Bertry. Mr. Loeiaae conairo. acting 1 ilir, nflh. id urn or holding tb oagras i so ranged that members will a aaabiad itnd tbe Columbus festivities la Spain.

BIRKENBEBO MINE YICTLMS. TWnirr-iiVM or thi kkicoxbj B. U. LID KETCH SUrTtarXO PKOBA BLK. 4 Pbaocb, Jon C-It will be two wexa before an tt bodies are reeevered from the Blrk bare silvsr aalaa.

and It win hn. ik. months bforth shaft en be reeeatrat4 aad th aalaa saTa m. horn that hava ba amnl tv A amwmmwumw mtam wiMt, WW WIMtti WWTV and mueh suffering 1 rala to reeelt, OsiT thirteen ef the tend aaa anrvtvad. vsiw swoaiy-soTssi wi tmm wja wso vla to rod tor rsa work wr hilled by tallins timber or ether aeeldeate, or suffosattd to dvatfc.

an-. I A Ann a urn uinin saw mimm sbhih wo sarins LITTLE MONET FOE OIOLTTTL Jam I TALI A a CHAMBEB WILL 6 1 VI of th Chamber et Deputies, whleh 1 eons Id sr. ing the vote ea eccouat asked by the Gevtra- uoaa sigBvr uiwuui riaio jaiaistor, iara tnst tae Minutrv aonerea to iu asmssd for six months' erodlt. Baron Boaalm mad a aoaou that tea erodlt limited te ona month, aad, after a vary uaiita aooaas, ueuoa was earnea. Twaatr mambers ef the eommltte votad la urw w.

hwmwi aainwi 4a CONDENSED CABLEGRAMS, Th Pre eh Cabiaat has annrovad a hill aheJUkv tag tbs oxistlng droit d'aoerolaasmeat oa rsllgioo oarraganons. which Is paysblo oa th death of a meBttMT. aad sabstltmttag thwator aa aaanal tax et aoo. pr loot, aroaany. Tbs Oormaa staamor Oatbefl, Cant.

Waashaassal at Bambmrg, from Now-York, which raoeaUy grouded la th Xlbo, has Soatod OS without alfc ansa, ah snatalnod no assBSg. Tho liabilities of Blonde! Garalee, th Paris' bankers, amooat to e.O0O.O00L Thotr aaasU aro abooiatolr nothing. Th leuar wpaelaUr aabst Lyons aae usasva, i JfcdJT LNDIA2T PETROLEUM. BBPOBT OP A DUTCH COMPABY'g SCdkj cess nr Sumatra. Nsws haa reaehd thia city ot the successful Introduction Into the Indian market ef refined petroleum from th on fields of Sumatra, aa Island belonging to th Netherlands East India Coloales.

For some years it has been known that kero sene haa existed la quantities under th surface, ef this great island aad Java, which adjoin It, but as in th ef the Held at Batoam, Southern Russia, the knowleoge, being more et less local, ha attracted ao special attention. Beport bow ha it that a eompaay of Dutch apltaliata, kowovsr, took th Sumatra discovery la hand aom yr ago. and. after working along quietly but steadily, i new roaptag th reward, the beslnes being so pro 0 tool a to Justify th oompaay in dxilariag a dlvldead of 16praa tb Btaaaara uu cmpany. wniea has aaa tn monopoly of sap plying ell te India, tb report rua on.

has snjrrd vary mueh by this disco very and by th bringing of tb Indian artW ol lato competition with It product, bat B. T. Dodd of th Standard Oil Company said that there ia no truth In th iwoort, Thar are. un doubtedly, says. larg ell flslds la India, at thsr ar la Aastro-U angary aad In China and la Japaa, but owing to th dllneulty ef mining the product, it haa never had asnnoessful sale In It domtotle markete.

Ma. Dodd saya that th report that a Dutoh oompaay Baa doolarod a dlvldead of 16 wr nt maaot be tro. Th Btaaaara Oil oompaay, fi ssys, has agsats in th Nothorlands East ladle Colonies and at Sumatra, aad wuld certain. ly have heard of this corpora tloa and it mpe titioa if there was any thing worth DRUGGED AND BOBBED. I A BDILDBB'g ITBABOB BXPKBUVCB ww www a.n a Edward Eorensen.

a builder, ef SOT West Twnty-vBta Street, waa found early yeator aay mornina; tying across tae ear traexsu West ItreeL near King. waa takea te the U. BUM, BaWMVH UVW, WMWIW VIUW1 praferred a charge of Intoxication against hiav W1im fl.M.U. Via mmmmm II. uqaor ror a Mag time, many evening wnt dowB town to attend to aom business and than started for bom, aad boarded an aisvstod train at Cortlandt Street, He wae feeling vary tlrod aad fall aaleen.

aad rmmbrd aothlng aau aiappoaea to sum uaui a gams wm ist tna iuimb feniiuv i k.n a ron-. handrod-dollar diamond rlag, a twenty-flva. dollar shirt atad auad B50 tn. auur. Mr.

MnBMS tblika ka waa dmnaA wraua IB the train and carried by com nersona to west street with the Intention ot throwing him into thai -Iva, Kat lka MKk.M k.l. KaI v. wm. www V.W. ana I -oaa mm, mu aaraaa am irwa.

1 aaaiaas wiwu dlaeharatad Hnrawaaa Im thai lafaHaa lfarta Polio Oourt, and Cap! MoCallagh dsteUod dawetlvee to hod th robbers. iff jinvt rr tt ATTXMPr TO KILL police's THB OK. CHIKP OP Bavaxa. June 4 Just aa the aea of eoBef lteragur, th Chiaf of Penee ef this city, had enteiwd aa omalbn last vaiBg, an waa mad to ess nasi Bate him. Tb young maa waa wounded la the left si4 viu.

rvvviTvr barged from a group man standing a the street aar by. Immediately after the shooting th men fled, and thus far hav maaaged te elude arresa Berensmar ia anlv alxtoaa vaara af aar. Is aoaaiatraoiy iron hhi as, svawwa blood aad hi eondlUoa la proaoaaoed eriUeal. lata supposed that men Implies tad In th shootla are strlksrt who had beea employed IS the Caruneho cigar factory. Tate Stroatsresrt Ffasu From tXo Moohfor (XU) mar.

Replying aa inquiry made by th editor ef the Morning Star, Mr. Herrica Albany. V. aays: Yours la relatloa to PresideBtlal caa didst andth aeUetloa 1b tai State received aoate days age. It wae almost impose! hi for aa to answer it tssa, as I waa agagd la homing owrt, and I saaaot answer it bow la dstaii.

Brtefly, I bollar the etreagest maa for the State of Nw-York i Ctevlad. I tkiak ie thhoieeef a larg majority of Dmerat la thia Stat. Ia addition to that. I may aay thai ta my Jodgmoat, whoa a fall vote 1 cask sw-York is neither DomoeraUs aor Kepubliaaa. bat the iBdepeBdoBt vote bold th baleae ef power.

CUvoiaad aa got tb radpaat. as well as a larg bpabllcaa Vote, bat aolthar ho aor his Doaioeratte friends caa eeur tt for, enjDdyls. Tha niiai-al amm riamamtl In this 8ttS looks a great doatlanror Uaa really M. ed th imoibmIsb bv Jueaiaerat of otaar Stats that Mr. Cleveland nominated a can no carry tii State bocaus of th opposition at avaaw, nui awiaii jmmsymj.

viuiaw. Btote Uommittoe, aooa beta or ta geauamoat gtwat htjastlo. know I hav a ba te aooord with either of ua lo soma ysara, am not bow. and caa not bo zpcted oins- garate their virtues, bat ao a saa Justly coum ttwlr loyalty to tb DwicrtM Party, aad ya ana asm bn jmm BBawoBsai srs bb- mrm wwwpa ntor loyal aorvveo iTeveiaae ie MBissm Uill A earn promise eaadidate wfil aot trBgtha. th party la this fetal aomlaat ithr Ctev- ksad or HUi lot the party hav th orag it roavtetieas, or is be beaten.

Vonra. ta D. CADY HEBJUCE. HKetcai arizes awarseo. Th Sketch asseiatla ef dreeghta.

aten and designers, met ia regnlar ateathly siea at th elabceeuie, 47 Wsst Frty-se4 CaUock. artor which tho daeialoa ta th of award" desiga cempeUtioa waa dered. r- a I ai4a avu a xx. ianii imiiN taa -for tb mast merit rtoaa deals, aad J. A tl.t.kl..

a .1 tA alatlir was ta last meeting tiu Septmh.

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