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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 11

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEGATI01ISEGRETARY A. B. LA1IE TO HARRY Yorker to Wed Miss Cor-nelia T. Baldwin in Florence, Italy, on Jun. 19.

I'-ZZ TALCOTT BETROTHED k'jniar League Mtmber to Marry Lieut. T. M. McMillan. Jr.

Troth Mlse Powere and ft. Bucknall. Pvrt nfnmnU have ben an- t.nunred. One of International Interest Is tht Mini Cornelia Thayer Bald-daugMsr ef the Uta Dr. an! Mra WUberforcs Baldwin of Flor-Italy, to Arthur BUM aon Mr.

and Mra. Jam TVarren Lane of 4 r.aat Finy-eccond Street and St. I. Lane la a graduate of Tala. claaa rf l.Ud, and for the last two years ha ln f-Ttsry of tha Legation 1 In Jvme The wedrllng la to take place on June l'a.

In Florenco, Italy. Announcement haa txSsn mad of the t-'mthal of Miaa Lake Talcott, aahr of J. Frederick Taicott of 1 1 Ami Pitty-sixth 8tret. and tha late to Lieutenant Thomaa M. Jr.

aon of Mr. and lira. 3 homu M. of Mobile. Ala.

Talcott la a dtu.ante of tha laat ''t and la a member of tha Junior She la a slater of Jameo Tul-t -ii, Jr arid Hooker Talcott. l.iatitanant McMillan, waa graduated frm, rrinceton In MX. also from the t'n'vers-'ty of Pennsylvania Medical h'HT. and now completing hla work ta New York service abroad. Mr.

enl Mra. William V. V. Fowere ef 37 I'ark Awnu and Cornwall-oo-Jt ha announced the engagement thir daughter.

Miss Margaret Van Voeet rnwon, to teorye Stafford BueU- el last aon of Mr. and Mra. Henry Kurknall of Glen Core. I J. Mr.

7 -rtnatl ravantlr rstiirnod from France. for nit months with a n.n li I'l'i unil. Marian daughter of w-nt oversea with the flrat i contlnfrnt. and waa wounded i nf.nient been told ef A Attorney Lala Ooldtteln 1 and Ml Bfirtha lllen who la wU known In that charitable work. Mr.

l' la a rnir Amblyman. He arilntt a IJutrnant of the 47th "irjF hr Whitman laat No-v." Thlr ntarrtace will take place Mr Oi home of the bride. Mr Mra Hrry ady Bturifee of I Tinrt.iiti Mtret aiinoonce oMimiit f( thatr dauahter. M. rv i ifiirae, to Captain Jamr nr, Jr.

8. A Miaaffturaea I. I ie farvl.U-jshtee of the late Jona- ot thla city. Captain 1 a rradit or tha '-e Academy. West point, i (a I3e aoa of Colonel ir.

rr.vr. v. a a. lie is sta "I at an.ji The wedding I r' on Jan at the home ef r' ra.r"e Mr an.

I Vr. Jama M. peers of N.J. bare reeelved word Of itmt ef tair eon. Feter ar-t'f rs, hi Is In InHa.

to Misa new, Fm ih. Mr. Pper Is en-f-l ir toriry work tn lAhore. i fh i'resbytertan Board I r'( Ulaalon. LIEUT.

ADLER MARRIED. Sin of Cthlcal Culture Head Wed M. A. Weottort a Month Ago. rirst Lieutenant.

Wldo Adler of the arrny. a son ef Ir. Felix Adler an Mra. Adler of New York, and Miss it try A. Woof ton, daughter of Mr, a- 1 S.rr J-se tVnotton of Philadelphia, "ra i srr'r'l a month ago In Austin, "'i, tha wf.Mlrur being httrrled by war limia.

formal announcement of nj(imrl or wed'llng was made, thnr eniragement had for me by their families a rlowi I.iiinart Alr. alnre hla graduation tr.e I rtlerttr of the fcoith. has mnnn-tM with the Pennsylvania 1 i ro t. and a member of the liryn J- I'oio anl Vnwersiry liarite Cluhe I ph! Mra.

AdTer la cloarly I wiili Hd Croaa artivltiea. i rrinaln In Austin until Lieutenant A r'a 1iitle lake hint elsewhere. 1 iumtnt A-iior waa at Flatteourg and l-'-r at amo )-jlethorpe, where he re-- 4 hta rummumon In the cavalry. la now In the aviation school In Aua-t Uentinatt A'ller'a father la the head the lvlty for- Ethical Culture, vhi.Ui he founded In 1874. Court for Asalatint to Tn Vumlng the Mceeetty for war -pa training for volunteer ta health -rk in the Fttenston Teaching Course ef Col-imWa University, Misa Mary E.

Kie-itfve Secretary of the: So- Iepartmnt. said yesterday -it it Im.i nee mala to ap-I i at te object of the abort course i t' fH Isv workers to take the of raluste nurses, releasing the l-'-er ar rk. The object waa, I. to obtain additional at-s 'a-ti for both doctors and nurses In less ternl'-al work ot children's ii. a sn.l In t.v work for ttndemour- 'l i rn la Summer school centres.

i wi. also to correct the Impree- tbt sirh ahnrt training would fit a woman to do the part ot a trained nurse. Economy Board Tranaferrad. areeiat Is Sw farm Times. WAMIINQTQ-V.

May The work of tse Commerrlal Economy Board of the ef National referee haa been to the War Induatrtea 1 A. w. Fhaw. Chairman of the i mierrial onony Board. (erve as of the Conserratlon Dlvi- of the War Industriee Board under ilanirh.

AuveitriaaMExr. .1 tMieji iiJu.n(rQ, Tima no lifTnts lid motor rf I r.H..iy -naaaea to Major w- vehldeo were smoking, a speeded around I i a i) I rtf ratal I mM i lrrMtrai 7 st t-nd working Uioui h. hack If For Fifty Cents You Gould Help Buy Eyes for tolJier wS he lost his eight while eavrrig hie loved ones and yours from a fate far worse than death wouldn't-you be glad to do iti Then don't miss going to the Rcnhable Exhibition of Nearly 800 Works of Art Donated by American Artists in all parts of the United States and in England and France to be sold for the benefit of the AMERICAN BRITISH FRENCH BELGIAN PERMANENT BLIND RELIEF WAR FUND AT THE Anderson Park Avenue and Fifty-ninth Street OPEN EVERY DAY, 10 M. TO 10 P. M.f BEGINNING TO-MORROW AdnriiSQion SO Cents Held under the direction an Eiecutive Council composed of the following: HaT W.


COFFIN. WJL CilAaLLS CLTULAN, NJL TO-MORROW at 3 P. DINNER TO LORD READING. Counselor Polk Hoat to Brltiah Am-baeaador and Wife. fractal le The rw York Timet.

WABIUXQTON. May 8. The large number fcf dinner part lea thla evening Included Sena by Counselor of tha State Dprtrant and Mra. Tolk in compliment to Ambassador and Lady leading. which a acoro or mora of additional (twiU were entertained.

Edward M. Hurley entertained a large atag party at dinner in compliment to Charles M. Bchwali. Assistant Secretary of War and Mra. StetUnlua.

who recently took poaaesaion of their; new residence in Eighteenth Street, entertained a. dinner company of ycung people thla evening in compliment to the Count and Counters Jean do la Grese of New York and Misa Eleanor Lawrence, alao of New York, who la the guest of Miss Isabel StetUniua. On Saturday evening theae hosts will entertain a dinner company Invited to meet Admiral and Lady Grant. WUL Cary RanKer. aoa of the former Assistant Secretary of an now with the reserve army at miT.p Trvi- Texas, haa been appointed Military Attach to the American EnT-tL.

-Lieutenant Sanger la tim wnton early next week and will; be with hill pa rente at their home luj Street until Bailing for his MOTOR SPEEDING INCREASES i 1,152 Arreata In One Month for Traffic. Vlolatlona. -The March report of the Traffic Court, made public yesterday by Magistrate Honac. showed there wer 1U52 arreata for violations In March, against C06 caaea In March. 1817.

Flnee collected toUled fl 1,700, and 1S3 persona were aent to Jail. Speeding la atlll increaaing. and the ever and greatly increaaing number of unlicensed chauffeurs and automobiles present a eerloua problem, which I feel can only be euppressed with a firm administration of the law." said Magistrate Houee. i flrt 22 ond. and 1 lAfrndfr '5 Urch.

1918. against 111 first, Jt sond. and 2 third offendera 1917 Twenty-throe driver violated the eight-foot law, 24 drove rckleaaly. failed to keep to the right, 4 were unlicensed chauffeurs. 1 wre unlicensed operators, did not display thlr badfeS.

frit hail Imnrnna, plate on their v-olclr. driver waa ping. TEASFORSAILORS'MOTHERS Twenty, Art Entertained by the) Mlirtla of Mercy. The fjrst of a series of Sotine- teas Inaugurated by tha Mllltla of Mercy for mm motnera or Uie boys In naval aerv Ice waa held yesterday afternoon at the headquarters. 4 Esst Thirty-fourth Street.

Twenty mothers were present and after several hours of work on garment the rest of the afternoon waa spent In. discussing the lade. The rom-mlttee atrlvea to have Che. mothers, meet who have axjna on th same battleahlpa. and yesterday alx mothers whose sons are now at aea on the same warship found throseles at the same table.

Mrs. -William H. Truesdale. President; Mrs. James R.

McKee. Mrs. Will-lam X.i llarcourt, Mra. Lewia MorrU. and Mrs.

James Speyer were among those who helped to entertain the moth-era yesterday. These teas will continued every Thursday throughout the aummet. LORDABERDEENSEESSWANN i i Drive ere for Woman' Health Aa- oclatlon of Ireland. Will Be Dropped The t-harltable work carried on In the United States for eome eighteen montba: by Lord and Lady Aberdeen and their frienda under the auspice of the Woman'a Is'aUonal Health Association of Ireland, for the special benefit of the children of England, Scotland, and Ireland, will be discontinued. Thla annnunrement waa made by Lord Aberdeen at a conference yesterda with District Attorney Bwann.

to whom he related his version of the failure of certain persona to appear at the entertainment In Carnegie Hall on Wrdn-'lay. Carl liiener, an emploie. had in- eerted the advt-rtlseaient in the news papers; announcing that French and American soldiers were to takn part. Lord aald. and he added he had reason to doubt the truth of this until the time of the entertainment arrived and only one of the American soldier appeared.

Lord Aberdeen said that Charley Chaplin, who waa also absent.1 had personally promised him he would attend. The acUvlUes of the charity, which Included operations here, in Boston. Washington. San Francisco, and other cities, had brought In a total of 140.000, approilmately. Lord Aberdeen believed.

sna tne expenses or the work would average about li per oent. of the collections. No charge of any cature waa made against the charity. ju'hi ewinn suggeatea tnai it nugni be better for the allied cause if tha charity was discontinued, and to this ix-ra ADeroeen agreed. The grounds for this suggestion, the I'istrkt Attorney said, might b- found In, the fact that enemies would use the occasion to raise confusion In the public mind br aaserting that the charity waa for war purposes and that it waa getting little support.

Ask Compensation Under Prohibition CompensaUoa for property used In the liquor business, the value of which Is destroyed by prohibition legislation, la advocated by the Merchants' Association In preambles and resolutions adopted at a meeting of the Board of rurectort yesterday. The Directors at their April meeting appointed a special commit lee, consisting ot William Fel-lowes Morgan. President of the association. Janwa O. White, and William A.

Marble, to consider the proposal that compensaUon should be made In case prohibition laws are passed. ADVUCT18EMEXT. FRANCIS JONES, NJL CARMAN MESSM0RE HOBART NICHOLS, AJiX sew M. RECEPTION by the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PARADES TO START RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Women in Families of Soldiers to March in Appeal for $25,000,000. COMMITTEE OF 100 MEETS New York City Expected to Give One-Quarter of $100,000,000 New Fund Within a Week.

Confidence that New Tork City would contribute jits alloted quota of of the 100.000.000 for the Second War Fund of the American Red Croaa was the keynote of all the speeches made last night at the first get-together dinner of the thirty-one team Captalae and division" Chairmen at the Motel Blltmor. The detaila of the campaign, which will cover the week from May 20 to 27, were discussed, and arrange-menta for the highest possible efficiency were made. William C. Breed, head of the Committee of Ono Hundred, that haa full charge of raising the money, was Chairman. Among the other speakers were Mrs.

August J. W. Dahl. Felix Warburg. William Fox.

W. Fellowee Morgan. Walter Stabler. Olin J. Stephens, Louis Stewart.

Joseph P. Day, Frank Prosbrey. and Leo L. lteddlng. After voicing hla belief that the heart of the American people was upon the Red Cross.

Mr. Breed said: We wish to see to It that every Individual within the city has an opportunity to expreas his patriotism by contributing to the Red Cross. Our aim is to bring home to the people the fact that every dollar which is contributed to the Second Red Cross War Fund will be used for war relief purposes, and In that the expenses ot running this campaign will be borne by the various chapters out of the dues paid by the members of those chaptera. or some other way by voluntary contribu tions of money or space, which are receiving from a great number of sources, a we have progressed In our pians ounng tne past two or tnree weeks. We want people to also understand that the payment for their subscriptions may extend over a period of four months, beginning July 1.

Aug. I. Sept. 1. and Oct.

1. In order to carry the idea to the people of the democratic and broad campaign which we have planned, we have organised along six dif Cerent lines of solicitation. Those six different lines are the teams campaign, with which you are familiar; the corporation campaign, the house-to-houae campaign, the Industrial campaign, the profit-sharing days, and en tertainments and oenerits." Among the many special features that ware reported on last night were the ronowing: tnree large parad on Saturday, May 18. to inaugurate the drive. In the parade will be the women of the Red Cron.

together with the wlvea. sweethearts, mothers, and sister of mn in the servlc. This is to be fol lowed hy a military parade On Sunday, May 19. pastors, priests, and rabbis of the 2.6" 10 rellcioua Insti tutions have been asked to conduct special services, including the reading of the President's proclamation, the messare of General Pershing and the ainglng of the national anthem. Kvery day at 3 P.

M. every chorch bell in me city wm toll and every factory whiatle will blow for half a minute. Then there will be a five second stop and the whistle will blow and the ceiis ton one time roc each million dollars raised. A Red Cross twelve feet hlah will he Started from Houston Street on thai first riss- anl aa tha uonai campaign for prog-ressea it will be moved uptown until ivnn oireet la reacneo The four-minute men will apeak to l.OiiO.OOO men. women, and children In the theatres and moving picture houses or tne city curing tne week.

THANKED BY CLEMENCEAU. French Grateful for Red Croaa Aid Given to Refugees. WASHINGTON. May The prompt- neaa with which the American Red Cross Commission In France complied with a request for food fof 50,000 refugees gathered at St. Oreer and elsewhere dur ing the recent German drive haa elicited a message of thanks from rremler Clemeneeau.

The message, aa received at Red Cross Headquartera here today by cable, aald: "I thank you heartily for the generous help given recently by your society to evacuee of Taa da Calais, when you sent them provisions at St. Omer. Anvln. and Bruges. After so many tokens of your bounty toward the population, aorely tried by common misfortune, you are now helping the Pas de Calais people, who, by their energeUo atUtude toward the enemy, fully merit the Inter-eat you are taking la them.

Allow me to be the interpreter of their graUtude." Premier Clemenceau'a secretary, one day shortly after noon, called on the Red Croaa Commission and asked whether It could aupnlv milk, cheeae. beef, and flour to feed 60.000 refugee at Stomer. When the French relief train left at 7 o'clock that evening It carried five teas of condensed milk, two and a half tons of cheese, and the same amount of beef and flour. Additional food waa ahlpped by the Red Cross on a train the next day. On the sam.

day. in answer to an ap peal oy tne Minister ot war, the Red Croaa from Its warehouse sureties aent seventy-five beds for refugee children nousea in a convent in southern France. Gift for Poppenhueen Inatltut. The Poppenhueen InaUtute of College Point haa received a check for 930.000 from Frltx Achella, President of the American Hard Rubber Company, In memory of two former foremen of the company, for the creation in tha Institute of two classes of practical mechanlce. Thla la In recognition of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder, Conrad Poppenhueen.

Herman A. MacXell. the sculptor, haa presented a commemorative medaL I- ADVIKTUEME(T. GEORGE H. ST0RT, A.NJL ROBERT W.

VAN B0SKERCK. NJL J. ALDEN WEIR, NJL THE XEYV YORK TIMES. STETTINIUS SPIKES RUMOR. Wllllama, Not He, In Charge of Ord nance, Official Announce.

serial ie re Xrsr yr TWs. WA8HINOTO.V. May a-Edward R. StetUnlua. Assistant Secretary of War.

Issued a statement late this afternoon In denial of the pablleaed report that be had been placed In aupreme charge of the ordance production program ot the army. The statement In a morning nee a- paper that I hare been made 'gun dic tator is very wide of the mark." aald Mr. StetUniua. General Williams, the new Acting Chief of Ordanance. is ef iu ft oi btuiib ana tu ordi nance material.

General Williams, who haa lust returned from Franc, la man of high ability. aid entera boon the dlschame of hla duties with a keen appreciation of the requirements of our forces abroad and a recognition of the importance of apeodlng tp prodtx-tlun in every possible way. lln U1 hate the whole-hearted Co-operation ot Colonel McRoberts of the Procurement lnl.on and Colonel Tripp and Mr. Marshall of me iroauction Mvision. coarse I i him In tha dlacharse of his tlutles I I believe the fulleel iiirnwt couragement should be iivrn Wllllama and his staff, and oartleulatir in their efforts to develop the Production Division, to the end that II mi reach the highest possible point ef ef n- dency." i BENEFIT FOR HOSPITAL UNIT rminini nuwgripnia rngjnjniiinn in liStle ilnj ilil I A k.

k. Sella for $300. addition to tj. t. u.

aee A benefit performanw for the man'. Hom.op.thlo Hospital Unit, for service in trance, was given yesteroay i axternoon at tne Btrani Theatre unter the auspices of the Nrr Tork College' and Hospital for Women. Dr. Royal 8. Copelan-I.

Health Com- 1 mlaaloner. annealed far funds for Ih. unit. He aald that In cjila oouatry we were feeling the scarcity of practicing phyaiciana, due to their serving at the front, in one oistrtct or over lo.iuu, ne wea am nSvaiclan teA. Lxn Rothler of the Metropolitan Opara Company sang the Marseillaise." aa4 1 May Peterson, soprano, of the Metro-1 politan.

aang The Star-Spangled Haa- ner" and three other eonga Jara Ou- rowltsch. the 'ceUist. and Wlnirrod Christie played. After a speecn oy Jessica uealer Pavne. who told of the need for women In the medical units, Guy Cmpey ra.lled off an autographed photograph of Preoi- deht Wilson for pi).

Mra. Walur O. Urump, lresldent of the New Tork Med. leal College and llospltnl. presented aa ambulance to the unit front the young women or the feemple Colonel Nata 3.

Board man of tt. National Woman'a Army presented am official officers' car given by CaMala Lcada Messlter. TO MOTHERS OF AMERICA. Mme. Polncar 8ands Meesaga te be Read en Moth era' Day.

PARIS. May will Join In celebrating Mothers' Day (May 1M Cardinal Amette haa directed that ape clal aervtcea be held on that day In all churches, and Mme. Pol near haa writ- ten a letter to the tnothera ef America to be read from all the pulpits of that country. The first Sunday after May a Is al ways aacred In France to the memory of Joan of Arc. Thua year'a rH.

bration coincides with Mothers' Day. Mme Polncarse letter, written In the name of the French Red Cross ftvletiee. of which she le the head, recalls that American women eent toys to French bablea at the very becirnlne or tha war and are now nendinr tholr husbands. brothers, and sons to far the hard trial a that the French have known for many months. The American mothers, she say can be sure thoae dear to them will here find cordial welcome and gentlest care." OLYPHANT LEFT 5500,000.

Estate of Ex-Railroad President Goea to Hla Children. The will of Robert Morrison Otyphant. one time President ef the TV la ware A Hudson Railroad, who died on May 9 at the are of 94. gave Ha entire estate, estimated at more than to hla children.

Mra trace V. O. Keikoca. Rob ert Clyphant, and J. Kenaett lf hant.

who died recently berore Ms rainr. aiva whoae share foes to his three chlldrea. The will stated that thn testator dsetred to keep his property In the fsmlly. Mr. Olyhant waa the oldest alumaua of Columbia at the time of his dath.

was a fellow of the National Ara4my of Design, and member of the American (JoCTsihk-sl voclety. tn ars.m or Political Kdnce. and the AmeWaa Museum of Natural History, to whlrn he contributed durtne; hla llfettrae. AVIATOR JEREMY DIES. Second Death aa Reeult of Aero Collision Near Mlntola.

MINE OLA. May Ralph K. Jeremy, cadet aviator Injured In an aero collision at Central Pa-k. L. L.

yeeter-day. died today la the hospital at Hasel-hurst Aviation Field rare Hla Is the second death as a result ef the acrtdent. Cadet John B. Erwtn havtnc died soon after the crash. Jeremv'e body will be sent to his home In llmporta, where his mother lire Kc win's body will to to Weet Point, Miaa.

Julian R. Id ner of ashlfisrtoet. was slightly lnjurel In the accident. Bury Ex-Deputy Fire Chief Caehman Funeral serrics for ev-Deputy Chief John J. Caahman of the New Tork Fire Department were held yesterday at the Church of Ft.

Jerome. A1endr Avenue and lMts Street, a solvmn high mess celebrated by tho Rev. Joseph A. O'Connor. Catholic chaplain of the Fire Department.

The funeral procession waa led front the Caahman homo by the Fire Department Band and that chsp-laina of the department. Chief Caahman. who was "1 years old. had been an active fire fighter for thirty-seven years before his retirement. Burial was In Calvary Cemetery.

To Erect Menumen to Capt. Castle. In memory of Captan Vernon Castle of the Royal Flying Corps, who was killed recently while teaching an American filer at a Tezaa aviation field, a large monument will ere-ted on hla grave In Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends of Mra Irene Castle, the widow, have begun plane for an elaborate program of exerclsea for the nnvetllnr of the monument when It Is completed. Prince Lichnowsky's Memorandum Complete text of the suppressed docurr.ent written by Prince Licbnowsky, German ambassador to England, 1912-1914, revealing Germany's guiit in starting the war.

Incorporated with this sensational document is Foreign Secretary von Jagows replies and other important historical matter. In pamphlet form. Paper cover. Prir 10 rrnt. Pot salt at all and idtmlt THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY Park Place Nor York FRIDAY.

MAY 10. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY FOR POLICE RESERVE City's Moral Ton to Lifted i by Having Members on Duty in Every Block. TO RULE BY SUASION, Deputy Waa-eter Seta Great Work for Ha Ne Force In Putting De e'1ea. Ne To-k Hit's are i toned up in le asr tu i artlrltlea of a sn I at oiMn. It waa tnftnitnKl st I'ew.

I llead'Stiartees last r'M thst J-w R'een'ea hlri 7 T. I'wnmlwriiw tr V4 4 to hae the of ll.x aatiZr-r ns iaaa erigisaleKl a ep-ut ommlaitaner w. maker, the mm Ked tae i-w serves, who ps. a it 1. for provl teavteraar la rarxjum.

stherk was Uim snouid hate an s-i it la 1 IK I- ro.iah srvj vtoietn rT nd. I f4r uw is IO seep a I II ruia an eftori is oee unjawfui 4eeiO(nenta l-efot 1 (r, to serious rroiOTirtkons to r. i aaaa of aa-iitlon. to urft 1,1 I noval aUnoatvnivre ef the city 1, n'liUunnHIM Of IBer fwSls l( mro 'or the ue ef r.i4f.ts. "-r inatrunvetit for r1.rv.t4 "ror woUn be referrv4 la ike a ot left, rerommerdat loft ta t'amm'.

eloeer Knt-lchl. aftsr dMcnbirg hs 1 in in anrrai unoi, Mr n.iurutrf aa.j of rl.arart.r afwt tl'r be astir found ta nljn0mr to If work. A fler the tstrwt Hon shall Ka bo ocr. and In effretlte antiltg ord.e. .1 be ei 10 th pfwioct aivt ttx to a blova.

so aa to tte la a.aev at of Inhabit! t.rtuory in this a woman In chary shi. pof It wmt'4 and om dutr ihuu ba la that 14 o. flran and coming aoitiaJntl a nrty i-rn and condition esisling ihrati axe tm- pnrtll.g. as Ilia) Im d.i fcf ih Ike e.srtMrg Irt.caj or unlawful to bar satwr.

aa that yn-mr Jelk. scUoa saay A a oman tn rhf of a biota cj 1 be assisted by one or more mtnxts cf I the woman -oloa Hm-rm. aa 1 condition of tha Sim ar-4 th.a t. urr S- of omn tt.lM tr'ght airtar! such assist an 10 in rocnmai4 I the woman In rhargs A caxttai hrajiuarte's. Iwtard of xonn unln command tha tijy Commlsatorr In V.arg.

Could ra a pointful to orar.ts and 'oniiu rorre tl mwt i o-ir s-1 rs 1 latlora ie -t4m miasiorr. With a tolunterr forr of im. "-trained a n.1 eff -anll rantro fres from aitaf la.rvAl n. mvlhoda and haid aloof Iran nating vice rorxluwns a t- assaws wvs-ti -w aj sa w-saa svsw ia( him frVOCsaVJIjr n4 to If. tar aasws till.

S. oinrn pa sarv fWf 't would b. utllltaH ,0 uW-I 11 amen, anliatlon of the all, a' af prraunon ana ra altioa aad aidixg tlx ii. oua war artlvttl.s. tr a 1 arMi in j.

'nmiunini ana rnmin r. usimi ate alia.rf and 1 sns and Jttrt4l foolish, im e. ar4 vihtf ax of high rxal nmi f.m ttmn ,.1 painollsm Inspector John 1" lisin. a'd VI Wsnamakr. aald last gii mat on tha plan of a asnsm pmmm mm woald i -a atartsd at aira ba rond JCts-d.

IS eta'ril OX thrmm roc of the Mall-W-h HuH mm tm I gymnaatusa of VmtUm llasSssnsr. In some armory. Tha I r. ...4 that an attatlen e'tuiaa af Ka ar a ollex Rasart IXn arwx. a to rxcatt tnatrtx-tlox ta tttm II a Hjlld ng.

nasi ll.AtMJtr-t Immaduia'r A fanls a'rr'axa been xbtaJne-J far Minxilas xa GOLDWIN STARRETT DE10. Architect af Many Mrs Vera BHH Inge Waa Brother ef Mj. tte'eett Geldwla Plar-att. s.r mr mr ,4 tarratt A Vaa VWk. st Fottlrth atrxat.

4t-1 ftaa monla jestetdsr at Ma mt R)4ge V. Mr aiarratt a as as Hd. He had Vwa a Kfartlcir for to tears One of tha xanajit b-at'. alsned by hira x-as tre I a Hull The lia rat rfc a paay imuair.a and 1.e xax i romplalxd at ourt and ft -a. a.

a Meoxaiva. werx dasirxal Mr ixtarrs't waa a xaKaa mi afc: rxtt. freewlaxt of 1 1 a imxi. a 1 t'omnany. buiMlrg Mrtn brother.

VI a Vr Unti sitmn. a mamber of tha t'saftnl ox Xa; I f-na at WaMr'n was tl-a miti'mi who 6mmitv4 IS islVvt! m'-m-t Or. David Gilbert Yates it. i'stki i.uxrri iat. aa noa and throat whs practed In thke vttj far tha eighteen teara d'ed fxe'eess st 1 bom.

I4 mmt ft ha forty.elahth xr tx Tata sltina a jr.xi 01 tbx Naw Ta ta i aad Kar laflrmxry aa4 aa ii4d n. at. Vf i.iv -ar HoapUai lie aaa a xi.W I Aimt-traa MMa-11 A iUIX it. Courty MeVlical fixrsaff. laeal acaomy of Mroirina.

axd tha a Tork e1aj trtaty Ix Tat. a born In New Jaraajr and waa -re S-ia'a-l I rrom titr 1 oil and Ns-w mr trersity Medical rvhoot tn IKt Colonel Lulgl Lomla. U. ft Colonel l.algl Ix-mla. I 0 A rcr ho sarvad uixWe i Coeval Vlia n.l Snai.lah- Aia.rk-.n mmr ala.1 at Ma 174 sM'v At.

j. New Kocbslle oloal lxus i tmm In Kit illy in 141, an! was gra4asiat from the Otlege of the t1r mt N.a ana 4--s nm a at aam rxatr.t hare he waa era dual ad la i mi a miS. a te r. 11. st as it.

a. r.M aji.Aa, t1 a s- a) i 1 M. 1 1 MIS 1.,..., fcas a. I. a 4 mm. Uu IW ltm I KaffVI rmt-t, mm (1l, rm tm mt i.ll 4 1 1 a4 sKi agav. 4 Um mi 1 fk 1 1 as a KLli r. T' 1 I an i is Iklllir 1.,. I ,1 rr, mt a i a -1 i i w- a SW I i iilii atti-i aMs t-. a a t.mmtmt, nmt a.

ka t-m X. rx.a id 41 I a. 1 t. a -t a aa a-a. a a a mm.

I mm- tm I i w. a. rv. Xm ia I'immmw mi. 1..

s. Kilts r. ia Xa a ania mm mmm, mm aa. a-. aa.

m. a mvtm mm, mm i. i Ha ft I a mm aa t. a 4 T-t x.aa.., a. ila.

i a a. i axx x. a lax t. mtmmm mr mm a iKa.aaaa r. x.

sax SM a4 4 as 4a mm mmm I'U i Xaax a xa ata I a aaa. a mm mmt ij. t. tm I tm-a a T-- taia ia ava laraaa S44.1. aata.

mmt aax Saava aat-laa-iaia a i a' s- 1.w ttm .4. ts- ltM aa. 4.aat Sal (I, a -a aa W.S a I -as 4aaaa a l.i. aaa im a. 4 ti.

at aa maaa aa. tm. ar a a li a 4 a a 44 a IMtl tall Vl.i aSm a Xaai mm) sucr I -a 4 a mt aa- aaaawa, X. 1 4 I 4 Mav T.aa,aa a a-v a. a a.a-".

a aa Ml aa 4 1 Xa. 11 i i 4.,... a 4a a. a a. ik a "1.

aa 4 I'm- X- iaai 4M a. mt m- a I a. a aaawa4 -a a a. aw -1 I mmm mm i a. I a.

m. fcej S- tr i -teeVe SM 1 Sea aVerilfa. en. mm wm (e )-e. a) -a aw- iN, eiM -v-i, 1 e.e liei.i i e-e.

a. u. I li i i. I W. tw.w.! leMN, tm i 4 u.

JW as 1 -J- foes rs. im. ess eeae- t. hi. a a si a airM a Mai 1M mot Se 4 i e- 1 MM s.

av. Ste. 1 7 ''iii a ttiw Km I a. in aMt -t-nt av t-f i. si e4 n.

su fi s- a- as sr i mm s. S- t-m, .1. Sm I m-m I a. m.

1 a Htr U.H a'rr si 4 1 o. 1 4 m.m.m L. a 4 Is I i i i -s-a e. I. rv t.

u. sm, Ml- nmm- St T.r1mM. I rn. a s- a. a it i1ur 1 i Sw.

tn w. fc sm -ii ax I llll't la lf. I a- a. a mm. i aw.

I i.vb. i li I im I ia, a SM.S tv I i a as a I. wvs.a aw.a. ex. a ar.

-i 1 LIT" i ,0... a a- i a se a e- n.TsTr i -y, I II a a-. m-ifmt, m. 4 -it a. s'wi ri inili 4 a aa.s mmt m-m mm w' uvaa Ss i mm mmm x.

J. Tr.TTT a i X'M I 4 ava. a tm-mm a aa S. OaMw XX x. J.a... xZ-T Xxx X. 'ftmm a--M i m- -m 1 Xa a. aa a .1 mm. a W.f ax w- mm mm- I a mm I SaSkMSM.a 1 xsa e. rxM x.

xxx a xxexs a a. xM mum, a x- a xr. a a-- as MHrt. xa a w. mmm a.

i mt. w.a a iai.w a a 1 a. eaa 1 xaxx tothn ar M. Xa. at.

a. a-, ii 'S, Om SM i f-mm 4rm.tmm, mm tmm mZZZm. X. H.r Kill aXaa "tm mm a mm.

i -'a. a a- aa. ax a. a x-'" ar i. i i i r- eiKtis tmmm'-'tm XS-aaX a Ma Xae-lll.

mttm mt tm 0)jX'ss -m mm-1. a Max a- a a a a a 4 k.w. va.ava h.i Xos. aax 1 i a as i liaau I mm m- mm. X.

m- t- mm mm.m-mm, aaa I ISXXl mm mm a- a a. i i-a i 'Xa x.a 1m. wa-. mmtrn- X.i 4mm a mm a i a a i ii a. i a.a., to -a.

mmmumm, I Xaawa'ao. 4Mmm i mmm. m-t Mt.M an 1 1 ii a a a a mmmmm m. mmm mmm m. a.

i Ox MMa XM SmMX l.a a. l. mf 'in mt Btm tttm-m 9 X.Ma- ia 'a. r- srati sum ft aa as, f-ai 1 aaaaS ll'llA. 41 m.m aai.a IMl a 1 rmi a.

1 m-mt mm mmm 1,1.1.. I i IV-. I 1 a A inaaa a. I waa. a 4.

a. X. a a I444t i te a. 1 t- a. eeaja I a hm ee eee 4 niia as SmS sm Swm Xas a'-- a ii.

1 ImM Jaa. a mt alM a-nS n. t. lMma as Xaao.Ha mm -hi in a aw a ln tv a a 'tm m. mmttm I.m asaaa 4 saw a.

mm; a M.a a.ii.a.-ai.. a a.x-a.a. aw eawt 2m a aiM X. t.mmt a OS a XX eaa 1 Mt mm I ssmsa sv.s a Ja. aw 1 siiaa' 1 awxasta 4a.a a ex si a Xdtiat mmm.

aa X. ea a esax a sax m.m tmmm- 1 VIM lxxSa xa x. mmmm a X. i a a I an jam a a ''4U xe i ci a s. sax I I "tvi sal a jsa a a a a S-t -mmmm, mm XaXla mm.

4 WIlllaMa 0 xa ar mi I a aaa- i mmytm mm mt.m mm 444 4X. a I X4-S 'Jj iru.4 Sa 44. srH.a j. x.

a 1 Sax S4. a. a. 1 aX a-. Saa a I Xt a In alia akaa as a aaa 'lit tax m9P Xaaja O.

x.a a a a a a. I. aas 1 HHrM i tW.A. 1 a I sxiH. aaa VVX-XXXS Ola.

a Ummtmm -al ii. i i.HaMiia Smm K. tilt m. m. a mf Umm.

sua; h. eaxTTx. saw mt mmrnrn 1 av Hi t- 'a. i ta. a.

us in, in a at i I mt 1 a. i aw i a a. ta a -a. tisx ax I xx xw a.i -mtm "-X e.a 4.x 1 1 1. igt aa a asaa I 'L" Trn 'HI" us la tm Xa.

mmmt SV x. Xva ek 4 esa fn X. e-a 4. ala mJ.T ex. ua.4 sss.uass, saU-Jir.

atxl a mmmm. sm-mr'mm xih. ax Xaw aaa ex mLZmZ. av. tit 1, Kwa fs a taavta x.

a IT" X. axa X. aa I mmmm m. -r a anaa a 1 ii.ia.fc. m.

I Xaaaa as Mawa m-mm 'X, x.a xM x. X. a. i x. a x.rvir-r-J'.a?rr r-- Xaa a.

a fc. x-a, o. axs a fx. i tXXaaXIH XS. ar.

a 1 an a i. as i.aai as 4X awMl4aaa btax 1 al I t' JaaaMa as aaaiaa. atae a I ax 14MI xlaaa a XX a. 4. ax a Wm-mf a imsi 4 t.

tax 4.HS aaa aas I I Xa m. mm 4.aa 1 XS ax sa a si a VV milaa Sw a a a Cti'tuirv av eta.iami ra.e a eife mt m- 1 i. S.X tm- mmmt I ax aa 4 a SCI fKs. A Caat. lb.

Is lUrlsww t-saa tt Saw x.x a4 4 I i a 1.1 .1 I x. ex M. A.BOWE, rT BZ SVt. Jlxx. rSaaas 9 IH rV44a1 IrlUsS, CW.

t-a. Ilxisanavas V. rwxU44V. II rxatftri4 fl.fir. 4 S4a rv 14-4.

a. Xaxs s-s mtmm ef t'- I ti-t t) a --Xaa a-, at.x.i.j mT" IV NaataT" "'XX aw a 1 xi a. aaeaas JL. 1.U A li.CiO a-. I l- a.

a i W-. a a a. a ei asx.

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