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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
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Opt SttHT-goxh Sinus, Saturltn); gaimaig 30f is 86; 1 I LIVE DEMOCRATIC ISSUE TSZ MUDDLE AT ALBANY OVER THE STATE POWUCATIOS CAUd BT THI coetbol-Xtl'S ACTIOH THK DEMOCRATS BADLY nrta a TTmpf wr. rni patbobaqk. A lb awt. Jan. sa.

me oniy iinngiesoe vkich tb Democratic mlnontr la the two tranche of tb Legislature seemingly baa a ftui raterest Involves tha distribution of a few jaouoaod dotlan of patronage la tbe ahapa of tats pristine. Shall to Democratic jtrpus Kcetptper and Job Printing Company have tuf miserable crumb, or aball they be (Iran areed. Parsons A a nTal printing concern strong'' marked Republican tendencte. Xk tbe great question of tbe hour wtt tha raureerntative -of tbe Democrallo Party. It forced upon tbe Legislature In early boars of tbe eeaelon, and be re it I ao.

unsettled and daily becoming more complicated. All tbe resource of tbe party are evi-acaUr nllH1 10 r'taotlc struggle orer all fk. ImhKU K- TlMtnfcKUP ta when a Democratic Controller promised. If alerted, aire no printing to tbe firm so obooltco to the enlightened representatives of Jiesiocracr How be fulfilled hi promt, and. aader ooe pretext and another.

poetDoned ao-ttoa ea tb letting of tbe contract until a Dem-ecrattt bt etary of State could take offloe and lih 1. alMin 1. Lnt r4 a tha ajlU Willi UiW Afp. Company, are tact Tory well known. It a the opinion of a Democratic Attorney-Gaeeral tbat thia contract la perfectly valid, and that undar it tbe Leg-lalature la bound to aend all of tu printing to tbe Argut office.

But Herniates Harris, an equally rood lawyer and a B-pablican. on behalf of Weed. Paraona A Co. liajmi that the contract la invalid; that a contract to be binding- must, tinder tbe Terr law rending for State printing, bare been signed the montb of December last; tbat tbe Ke-subiiraa Secretary of Plate performed bis luty by signing a contract to Weed, Parsons that tbat Ann's bid wan tbe In lump and detail, and tbat tbe Democratic Controller violated bis duty In not recog-awag that fact and placing bis signature wita that of tbe Secretary or Mate. Tbe Republican Inila and Asaemuly.

when it became Imperative tbat tbelr printing sbould be DronDUr does by somebody pending the unraveling of tbe snarl Into wblcb the Controller bad so. ilex-trrttouy Involved tbe whole situation, decided to select Weed, Parsons Co. They might bare given it to the Artus, and thus justified tbe appeliatlun of scoundrels and oppressors of tbe people's ngbts-ari glibly applied to tbem br that Democratic organ. But tbey didn't. Ttey gar It to tbeir friends.

Tbis was natural, tbougk perhsp a little Inhuman toward to BWKl rant newspaper company. Tbey did it by naolu'JoD or tbe two bouse, directing Clerks Vruotrsn and Cblckerina to send tne Arm to printing lurtLer orders. And tbey bare obeyed (bet? order erer since. Tbe Argut gtrved rreilngly formal notice upon tbe two souses demanding tbelr printing. It waa pigeonholed witb frigid politeness.

Tber was left an alternative, and this tbe Ar-fm wopi adopted. -Tpey would go before the court and lay tbelr cale he lore Democratic Judire. Nobody suppose tbat tbey will get an) more than exact 'Justice from Democrallo Judges, though It would seem as if there was some ora thai they would. Ther got an order from Judge Pockbain commanding tbe two Clerks to apiear before Judge ingalla in Troy tto Monday next and show cause why ajoan-damu should not be Imued problbiting tbe giving of furtbnr printing to tbe Republican printers. Tber la scant courtesy in tola, for eight days' tuns would be a tair allowance to tbe Cierk.

However. In a fit-roe fight for bread starving beggars never dostand on any courtesy. Tha brings the history of Democracy's living iaau down to date. Tbe two Clerks called tbe attention of the two houaes to-day to tbe legal proceedings Into which they have been dragged. In tbe Senate Mr.

McMillan moved tbat tbe matter of defending tbe Clerks be referred to tbe Judiciary Committee. In tbe Assembly Mr. Cole made a similar motion, ilut IlenvKiracv waa on tbe alert. It ears were wide open. The party honor and tbe party organ mut be protected.

Through its two leaders, renator Pierce and Assemblyman Cole, It stepped boldly to tbe frout and demanded tbat tbe people' servant," tbe Democratic Attorney -General, should take charge of tbe i aaa 01 cot? i.ieraa. it ueuoweo touuiy in tiebalt of the people In tbe offloe. It negleetel one important point, and the Invariable argument that ft was acting In "tb interert of reform'1 a curious, almost unpardonable oversight. With Democratic unanimity the Assemblymen voted upoo this vital party uestlon. and of course tbey were In tbe minority, be a lor Parker, of this city, however, could not see tbe momentous importance of this matter to his party and to the Argu, and so he voted with the Republicans to trier It to tbe Judiciary Committee, lis anathematised by his frenzied Democratic associate, but ha is the most hardened Democrat in Albany when be thinks he Is on the right aide.

0 tbe more be la anathematized tbe saure like a leech will be oling to his opinion and to bl position. Tbe Republican of tbe two honar decided not to trouble the Attoroey-tiencral on tbla occasion. Before the Democrat bad added glory and prestige to their cause by this oeft-at. Assemblyman Piatt, of Pougkaeepsle, astonished the Rouae by a statement. Mr.

Piatt Is the editor of tbe Pouabkeepaie FotMe and possessor of a manner aud a tone tbat Is uncompromising. I am a member of the Anaembly Printing Committee," aald be. "and 1 bare been maklne some Investigation mvself. 1 propose to bring them to tbe notice of tbe House at an eany date. Meanwhile, lot me say something, about tnls subject, and show that the Attorney-General Is no more to be intrusted with tbla matter than anybody else.

Ji discovered a contract, dated a year ago, giving Weed, Parson A Co. the State printing. It waa signed by tbe Controller and the Secretary of State. Now, every State department in tbe city Albany exoeut one tbe Secretary of State's offloe has been violating tbat con Ira rt right aloo-. Tbey have not givt tbat firm tbeir Departmental printing.

I attf informed that when application was made to the Attorney-General 7 ui imi 1. turrit 1. Vj 1 nr nrm said be'd see Weed, Parson A Co. in hell before be would give them a dollar's worth of Printing." I Laughter. The two Judiciary Committee met after tbe Mjtn and appointed Senators Smith.

an. and Parker to take charge of the in-JsrsaU of tbe Clerka-aud of the legislature. It Ja unaolmously agreed that Weed. Parsons a Co. should be required to employ tbeir own ounesi at their own expense and fight tbeir Attorney -General O'Brien appeared before tbe committee and frankly ad- ei, oavina given an opinion a to the legality of the Argut oontract.

It would be gainst his own conviction to appear on the bhoslte side of tbe case. Waa. Ifg.ll Will Italt Kaa, atU.a. 1 1 oud4 to the trlory of Pemocracv can ooly be orroor advertised wiu appear and lead the fow of Jefferson out of the "doroaae. To a disinterested observer It does Mm as If tbe settlement that would forever ouerreleof tbe Albany printers eoeld beat be secured ry tbe enabliakment or Hate printing ofbee.

This would Impoverish rgaa. It Is true, but It would prevent a "vvui us of the rid ieulou events of tbla rrnton and would leave tbe Democracy a lit. tie ere letaure la which to ruminate. Republican ftwttee might also be benefited by being re- bevad of tha nana It fl.kt kK. 1 bi hi ffcica nothing la at stake that la of Interest to the earty at Urea.

ouowing bill were introduced in the As- BBuiy: aV Mr. I tt. Mia. fn. lh.

woramor and Senai of two addit lonal Mate At, a he ot opposite political faith, to serve tor "Taan, aad lo roiT tbe same eompeaaailoa as is raauur A -aOMora. t. Maker EataMlabtar a State Board of Miaiam. eoaaSHine of am meambaia, efoaH) tke Huarvl of aiaraa-lacreaaUM the New-Tort Cttv I TTT i- waaiwua. aaal Mar a tb Uramefry Par ooiattoo.

for general and tecbntoal edaca- tllJtL l.f?V?t",, lh" tb Krooklra 3'd SUeat ftatetT Hailroad eaa a. a Htaeaeeouat syatea Ma. ailiaiHl. ITOtMaiAB. tMdM.

AN Jtlrl0 erobibitla tbe saploTaert of mur per esat. of ta aatun 1,... Tb bill Is ausaaaaually Ut aame as thai bMiedaeed hMt by Mr Houley. troduoed la tbe Senate were lav Mr mm. zTrz MeiieW of Mat T- uarTT a Mil 7 ararted air two adKtal Mlala aeeotatmaai or ZLT oOlo fur tare rear.

wOo tbe aaaas powara aa Lka 17 itbeetbar Aaaaaaora. FERSOSa --VTELLfOCVCE. at WtoSCr tifferm' of BuffJ- at the OaaUtB- Ray." of "ssinsbira. ta ax tha um sew are tie Hor 01 Herkimer. IiJ-urg.

areatt, 1 aavaaar BT taa nmlnl rtf In. mbAm.m "tr fafnlaea. at a aaiar? of (l.MO aw annum. nun-iBcwtiaraaNi Alexander a. eve, Baraard.

rkajKlier. Abraaa ft. HewRt. NOT FOB THE CHIEFEST JEWEL. n-CrOT.


Crlt-oeeti was beard from to-day 1 award to President Cleveland's reply to Senator CockrelL, to the effect tbat be could not appoint Crittea-dea to ofboe for tbe reason tbat be bad consorted with the Ford in tbe asaaMlnation of esse James. Ex-Oor. Crittenden aald: "In regard to tbe killing of Jeese James by Bob Ford. I hare no explanation to offer, and I will aay nothing lor fear tbat some people may think tbat I am cringing and apologising. But I want tbe President to understand that not tbe chief eat jewel within bis gift would Induce me to apologue tor any act ot my administration a Governor or Missouri.

What I did I did tor what I deessed tbe public good, for tbe peace end well being ot the people of this State. As a matter of fact 1 knew nothing of tbe sending of Ford to locate James until two days after be had rone. and when Ford's first dispatch, in which be said tbat be waa witn James, came to me I was completely In tbe dark aa to Its meaning and compelled to telegraph Commissioner Craur for an explanation." Police CommtflBloner Craig, of Kansas Cltv. in corroboration of tbe above statement, sar: I nave tne uesi reason for Del Irving tbat no bargain for tbe killing of Jesee James waa ever en tered into between Gov. Crittenden and Bob Ford.

Tbe first time tbe two met waa at ha annual bail of tbe Craig Hi lie at tae Board of Trade in Kansas City, which the Governor attended. During the evening a note was brought to me saying tliat a man wiabed to aee either v. self or Gov. Critteudeo In the lower ball and both of US roSDonded to the aummona. We met Ford, and after some little talk about the possibility or arresting Jeaae.

the Governor told Ford to oail on him at the St. James Hotel tbe next morning. Whether aa ntorvlew was held as surs-eated. I do not know. At another time I talked wttb tbe Governor concerning tbe matter.

It waa in Jefferson City, and I reminded blm that many ofboers had lost their Uvea In the attempt to arrest Jem I asked blm If It would not oe well to sboot Jesse on sight. To this be demurred. He aald tnat whatever was done must be done witbin the bounds of law. and tbat before blood waa shed an attempt must first be made to arrest James. When Bob Ford went out with Jesse fiamee from I.ihrt on that trin which ended In the tragedy at St.

Joseph, he Wild me tbat If I failed to bear from him in lo days I might regard him as dead, and when, after tbe 10 days had elaixed. I beard of tbe flndintr of a body in tbe northern part of Clay County, I supposed It to be that of Ford. Consequently tae newt that Ford had killed Jameo waa aa atartiing to me a to aay one. Tbe charge tbat dor. cnitenaen made any bargain witb Ford I believe 1 absolutely false, and tbat any one else bargained for the killing is equally so." LAX PRISON DISCIPLINE.

KEEPER LAVEETT ASKS THE BOARD OF INSPECTORS FOR AN INVESTIGATION. Tbjekton. Jan. 20. At the request of State Prison Keeper Laverty the Board of Prison Inspectors to-day began ao investigation touch- lag tbe discipline of convicts in tbe Institution.

The Keeper testified last week, when charred witb adultery by Mrs. Minnie Scbaffer. a recent ly pardoned convict, tbat tbe male arid female prisoners were given opportunities in the dis charge of their duties to associate aud soend more ex less time in private apartments togeth er. The statement of tbe Keener has occasioned great scandal here, and since It haa been made It has been a constant topic of discus sion, and much criticism haa been nanofii upon the evident laxity of the discipline tn tbe prison. It la believed toat tbe Keeper asked for tbe investigation on the strength Of a rumor that tbe joint committee of tbe Legislature Intends to make a vigorous Investigation on it own account.

Tbe Keeper Is a Democrat and tbe majority of tbe committee are Republicans. Tbe Board of Inspectors swore the witnesses to secrecy and, tbey themselves ret use to disclose tbe character of tbe evidence adduced today. Minnie Scbaffer. who waa charged by tbe Keeper after bis acquittal before tbe Police Justice witb perjury aud attempted blackmail, ba been Indicted for perjury only, no evidence having been laid before tbe Jury, it la aald. to itaow tbat tbe woman had demanded hush money.

erne a as retained several abie lawyers to defend her, and the trial will take plaoe next week. AMANDA S. DELASEF'S ESTATE. Buffalo, N. Jan.

2a Surrogate Btern to-day decided to admit tbe will oMhe late Amanda B. Delaney to probate, and thus Is end ed a contest over an estate worth $100,000. The estate consist of the property known aa the De laney Forge and considerable other valuable real estate. In tbe will there was bequeathed to Fanny Dunn Delaney. adopted daughter of Charle A.

Delaney, a diamond ring; to Louise Delaney, daughter of A. Delaney, a diamond locket and ring; to Adelaide Sawyer, a niece of tbe testatrix, an India shawl. There was bequeathed to Caroline Sutton and Annie Sutton, niTCca, eaca; vo unartea u. Martin. S3.000: U.OU0 to Elizabeth filote.

adomed daughter of the deceased, aud property In Rennsaeiar, Ind. To the adopted son of Mrs. Delaney waa given the bouse No. 1MB Delaware-avenue and tbe use dutina- life of the premise No, 198 Delaware-avenue. Upon the death of Mr.

Delaney these were to go to bit wife, Louis Delaney, who was also given $0,000. The remainder of tbe estate was willed to Charles A. Delaney. In a codicil It was provided tbat tbe Executor, Truman White. ahouM apply so much aa might be necessary of tbe estate not definitely bequeathed to tbe support and maintenance of Mr.

Delanev. Upon his aeeta it was to go to his oblldreu. Tbe wtll was con tested by Mrs. Rbodea and William Durcc, a aister and brother of the deceased, who claimed to be next of kin and sole heir at law. A CASE OF MEDICAL INTEREST.

Newbubq. N. Jan. 29. Last while Augusta Decker, a young farmer, near Walden, was eating chestnuts he felt a sharp pain on tne inaioe 01 nis month and thought he felt the presence of an insect there.

The mouth, upon examination, wax found to be Inflamed, but no Insect was then discovered. Mr. Decker called upon several physicians, but failed to receive any relief. He suffered much until a short im uv, wucu am tmiieu upon Ur. a Broad- uw, nwuvui ua, auvuiti genuemao anu a member of tbe Faruitr of the Uuiversity Medical College of New-York made another examination of tbe young man's mouth, after which the patiout waa put under treatment by Dr.

Broadbead. A few day ago, after lancing tbe cbeek, tbe doctor extracted 'a supposed iuaeot, an loch in length and resembling a tboueand-legged worm. A day later be ex- tractea trorn in same nee it part ot a chestnut burr. Tbe doctor, not knowing tbe name of the worm, sent tt to tbe medical college mentioned, and await definite intelligence from there. tiavlnar thus fa nnl i toner stating that it was a foreign substance and not mux-la vmwo erysipeiaa bad set In.

and the whole aide of the patient's face and head was badly swollen, so that one eye-wa entirely Closed Much Interest Is taken In tbe case by the medical fraternity of Orange County. Mr. Decker Is Improving rapidly. LOOKING TOR HIS WIFE. Tbot, N.

Jan. 20. Claude Fume, a Dane living In this city, looking for his wife. About six months ago he went to Europe, and before starting on his return wrote to his wife In this city to meet him. When be landed in New-lork.

Flsne says, he understood that hi wife waa there, but they did not recognise each other, aad since that time be had not been able to find her. Plane says that his wife baa about $4,000, and that since be saw her a little girl ba been bora to them. He Is positive that sbe was at Castle Garden when be arrived. Now be Is looking for her and she Is looking for him. He thought he had ber located In a bouse la fw-Vork.

but on Investigation found that the woman was not bis wife. ASKING OOVERNMEST AID. QtTEBrc, Jan. 29. The County Bona-venture Relief Committee ha telegraphed an appeal to the Dominion Government asking for Immediate aid for the fishermen rendered desti- fallurT of he rreat flabitur firm of Robin Co.

ana BouUilier Brothers. Two-thirds ot tb population of Bonaventure County depended oa these firms for a livelihood, and tbe committee tbat unlet the Government cume to tbelr rescue at once tbe people, who Va BB" wienie. A Urian I Prbertr and life are endangered, and fears are entertained that, the mob wtll reign supreme. NEARLY BEHEADED BT BOBBERS. Galveston, Texas, Jan.

29. A special from Matamora. Mexioo, to tbe A rata says: 'One of the most diabolical murders ever perpetrated on the frontier was committed In the heart ot the city last night. An oid Alaaclan Jewish merchant. Antonio block, while oinaina-atore about waa almost bfded fovt blow received 'root behind with aa axe.

The munterer bea rtfied the safe of cearty and eecaped. Three men. Juan Tapis, Mariano Red-rtgoes. and Poilciargo Butatesva. who were last seen wok Block, have been anestea oa suspi-clou.

LARGE PRICK FOB AN ARM. BrrFAiatx N. TM Jan. 28. The jury In the of Joseph P.

Thorns, a switchman. against tbe Buffalo Creek Hallway for $10,000 oamare tor ia lost or his arm. awarded the Piatnuff $7,000. The plaintiff, while unooupUng ear on Aug. lest, had bbT left arJT-a, crushed that it had to be amputated, and We aa muni waa ataa tap the aaall a aw cwfssj ui sot aariag the la proper renala I i 1 1 1 1 1 it rmrnoo a ar ri i Tyb fa one of the rare exhlbiUons which Inspire le beforebaod with the cheerful certainty of a reaaoaabl amount of pleasure.

Why is it that not exhibitions of oil paintings prore so deprm itng to tbe spirits 7 Because la the latter tha roblems are harder, and only a fortunate few are able to rise to their levl; because, moreove it Is the fashion to attempt In a ire difficult medium tasks which are rai ely tried In water colors and etchings In these two line workmen are lnspi furthermore by a feeling which is not alwa oonsclously appreciated by artists, but mak a wonderful difference tn their work, a feeling of nearness to their public. The gay, light tin white mats, and gilt frames are for the most part neither very costly nor do tbey contain itidence of rreat labor expended; they are with the buying capacity of a very large circle ol citlxena; they attract as the comedy of tbe rhtest class attracts the theatre-goers. Tb brc Jdest farce of tbe negro minstrel la not stllii than tbe greeting of Mr. Thomas Worth tbe stairs in "No Flies on Me." A Mercifu Man Is Merciful to his Beast," and "Crowd Out;" tbe worst goblin at Kioto's is not mor i impossible thsn Mr. Walter Bobbttt'a "Lord.

What Fool these Mortals Be! Puok." The old. old puns of tbe clown at the circus re-torn fro no the past like fiie in amber before Mr. U. G. PI limb's picture of a painter's materials in Snppo ted by tbe Brush;" before Mr.

George W. Ed rards'a brilliantly colored portraits of flsht rmen's children in a boat cftlled "Sea Urchins," and before Mr. Clinton Peters' view of two children In front of a curtain on tbe amateur stage, entitled "Called Back." Then there la "Codfish Aristocracy," by Rotx rt F. Bloodgood, a joke which must, at least in Boston, hare an ancient and flshlike smell, a id Sub Rosa." by W. A- Coffin, a somewhat fa nt water color (like the joke) of a billet-doux moealed by roses.

Comedy of the superior boards may be found In President i rood's figure What's de News 7" and tl composition called "The Helping Band," and good stock humor of tbe John lbert variety in tbe familiar Connecticut Deacon In Mr. W. T. Smed ley's "October." Amatei ir theatricals are represented by Mr. Walter Batterlee.

whether it be a Decorative HoaJ" or a Turkish Ewer Bearer." or somebody Waiting." or Looking for tbe Fishing Fleet," or a Net Mender," for are not these personi (res young ladles and gentlemen dressed and poi ed for their Darts? indeed. Mr. Rudolph Bunne has felt so vividly this parallel between tbe fr licsome and unco guid stare and the water solors that be offers a view of Turn-Yum" tbe Japanese salaam before Nanki-Po." Ir it la thought tbat some of tbe forecolng bare li rger labels pasted upon tbem than they can be tha quarrel with Mr. William M. Chase's out-of door scene, "A Summer Afternoon In Hollar is that It has not name enough.

It 1 distinctly the Important picture of tbe show, not fr it size, though in tbat it is eminent, but fr the masterly handling ot sunlight and shadow r. the distribution of the green grass and 1 ave about tbe scene, and the fine values preserved between the two main figure) a seated gentlemen and a lady in a hammock, and an old womai in the distance near a Dutch brick dweiln ig of a pleasing tone of red. Tbe fainting of the man in a white flannel suit Is delightful; bis thoughtful face and expressive figure, tbe table with tea thing at which he sit, the hamro ck. and the feet aud ankles of tbe lady are wutif ully wrought. A story, however, seems lo be needed to explain the situation, and tberef re tbe title is inadequate.

It took like a quarrt I. for tbe handsome young man la tboug ltful to sullen ness, while tbe paie-taoed lady si ith tbe handkerchief to ber mouth seems to be in the crisis of a quarrel or tbe be-ginnit of an llinees. Sbe is almost too i nuch effaced. However, let us be glad of this rerival on Mr. Chase's part; luch painting aa this has not appeared for many years, and Indicates ability on bis part to do yel stronger work.

The medium be has used is not regarded with faror by other water-colon its, since it Is a species of tempera, lacking some if tbe brilliancy of oils, but offering more oensia -enoy tban body colors alone. Considering tl ist tbe tendency here, aa in England, haa been 1 oward the simplest washes and away from the le of much body color, the painting by Chase is certain to rouse condemnation in some auart irs. He has also here a Madrid Dancing irl." a single rather juiceleas figure with tamfx iurlne tn the air and little to mark it as dtstin Spanish. The impressionists of laadscspe are not in force this year. Tbeir wing la supported by Robe Blum with "Mist and Sunshine.

Venice." wbict we must take to be a marine: by Mlsa Gabr Bile Clemsnta with The Signal, Venice." when we have to take for granted tbe wheels of the locomotive and tbe track, and by Miss Florence fate, of Philadelphia, whose Mid tbe June Mead ws" has no little evasive charm. Mr. Currier ti not here, and Mr. G. W.

Edwards haa none of tb former melting meadows and woodlands of a tew year ago, Stormy Day, Kaatwljk. Holland," has a fine yeliow-rray water, and "Sheep Pasture, Normandy," a lovely distant line of woods, a single dark shepherd in the middle distanoe wrapped in hi cloaki ana various clusters of and separate sheep dtsrxfcd with cunning over tbe field and very pleasing by contrast owing to their thin fleeces undersboni with Dink. The Netherland water. eolntist return this year with good ware. Here Hasten, or Amsterdam, with still life.

eever, of The Hague, with pleasing low- interiors and bumble rolk at work or Tbe Heloing Hand." Evening Chorea" other's Care." Ac all carefully wrought. and expressive genre pictures deaervlnr tlon. At the Luke" and After Sunset" olland seen by George Poggenbeek. ng of foreigners and of undescriptive ber Is a loan Picture executed ht the. ua Detaille In his best manner, and called lew of the French Armv by Gen.

Canrob- tt." Tbe nam la somewhat curious, for a Which is Oen. Canrobert where 1 the and why Is It called a review A fine of alert aod Interested lock in- offlmra right, mostly dismounted, must be Ger- na Austrian: the centre la occupied bv a nette driven by Frenoh soldiers and oontain-reoch officers uncovered as they return the or tne former: the left is held br another unted group, apparently French. In tne inaioations of com Denies drawn no. and on tfce extreme right is a large haystack. There Is floe work here from one side of the canvass to the other, but tbe impression is not tbat of a masterpiece.

The inevitable centre of ink-rest la lacking, for even tne wajronette. unnirtm enough in itself, disperses one's interest owing to tae i act. tost it contains four omoera. Com mon work with Mr. E.

A. Abbey's interior be other wall. "Tbe Old Song." SentU to be sure. will not mHv ra pared with a warlike tmnn Rut llle. falls of tbe expected war effect.

Abbey hits that most difficult of delimit shade, sentiment without sentimentality. Tbe youbB woman standing at ber barp smiles softly to herself, immersed in hor singioa'; tbe old eouble near tbe window touch hands mutely; tbe bid man bows ba bead. This is very gentle butlvery great art in tt delicate pathos and restrained leellng. In all these point tbe American! 1 far beyond the Frenchman. Judging the lather from nis own point of.

view. But how aa to nrchuique Comparing picture with picture. Abbey's technique also Is finer tban Detailie's; wbfie tt may be tbat on tbe wbole the work of Detaille Is cleverer; so far as we can judge from tbe two example the foreirner ia the inferior oe new-x ora buminr Club's annual show 'Ml entries, among whioh tbe reproductions net urea oeionging so too utte jars, nary Mor-are not the least Interesting. Knowing tbe water colors, ana etchings of resident It Is curious to note bow ther Inbiram famou French landaoapiat. for instance, or imp, rwiacrotx, ana atuiet.

Mr. r. Far-of London, sends over eight pieces, mostly me from England and Venice Mr eneck has a large Deademona's Hou ice;" Paris is represented by Teyaaon- whoee work la an etching, La au Fauoou:" by Frnmentln. Faivra. rette, De lo Rio, Focillou, and Alexis Diss aad a Clara have bmn eta-hawi J.

loot who also sends three views tu bis familiar stria. Kiarht ru. small etchings hare been made tor tbe catalogue, which Is as simple and handsome as usual. The year 1886 will hare nothing to brlnv as a r. raoh against either.

Etching Club or Water FLAME TWENTY FEET BGff. 'letxxaxd, Ohio, Jan. 291 The citizens of I Brighton Centre, two miles south of Cleveland, are greatly excited over a gas strike. The drjtl was started on the premises of Howard Gsitee, In tbe suburbs of tbe village. Just 10 days aav, auu at noon ou wean qj gas was struck at a depth of SSS feet in a considerable volume.

eoououea to iniiiessu uniu it was ntnassarr emporartly suspend operations last night, well Is now 476 feet deeo, aad the roluase or) gas now produced Is sufficient to mak a flsgne almost SO feet above the easing ton. Tbe wall will ba drilled to a further depth of UM) TOPEKA'S TWENTT-FTVE TEARS. 'ofexa, Jan. 29. Tbe quarter ocn- inlalef this State was celebrated here to-day amass meeting oompoeed largely of ettiaeos io hare been here since the Territorial da vs.

meeting was held under the a us pi oca ef tbe Mas Historical Soetrte. and waa i miAA oer by Chart Retonsoa. the tret Governor of "rT etase. xoe laegtsiarure was present a oaray. eeeecnes were mad By the preat Gov.

fro or. John T. Mama. Chlef-JusUee Horton. B.

F1 Mmtisoa, D. Anthony. John Bommr. S. T.

Thatobar. iuair. ex-Sweat or tjatdwwU. aad otaer. aad an erunnal eoem br tw an waa na aim tol The DARTMOUTH MEN DIKING REUNION OF THE NEW-TOR1Z ALUMNI ASSOCIATION THR BXSATE 8T8TEX OF COIXXQR OOT- KR51UKT ADVOCATED KX-MIKISTSR MORTOK8 DOSATIOK.

Sooiabllitj and rood cheer were tbe ruling features of the Dartmouth dinner at DeU monlco's last night. About 70 members of tae Kew-Tork Alumni Association nartlel Dated in the festivities, which were enlivened by Instru mental and vocal music good stones, and witty anecdotes. Ex-Judge Horace Bujeell. the re- um r-realdent ot tbe aaaoctation, presided. Oa his right sat Judge Tossy, of the Supremo Court of Vermont, one of the Trustees of tbe eollege, aad oa the Chairman's left waa tbe Hon.

Levi p. Morton. Here aad there were Prof. James F.Colby, Surrogate Daniel G. Rollins.

Dr. Paul F. Mnnde, the Rev. Francis Browa. of the Union Theological Seminary; Charles R.

Miller, Mesea B. Perkins, Banford H. Steele. Prof, a P. Hubbard, Dr.

Charles A. Dana, Charles H. Beckett, Prof. John Ordronaux, Gen. Charles A.

Carleton. Ernest HL lines, Gllmaa H. Tucker, Henry L. Bmith, Gen. Samuel A.

Duncan. Horatio N. Twombly. A. S.

Kidder. R. Osgood Hason. William N. Cohen, and Philip Carpenter.

In opening tbe formal exercises of the evening ex-Judge Kuseell spoke of the growth and In creasing prosperity of tbe New-York association. He proposed a the first toast Our Alma Hater," and called upon tbe newly elected President, Charles B. Miller, to respond. The sons of Imrtmouth were congratulated upon then-estab- llabed ability to wrestle with tbe obstacles that the busy world throw in every man's pathway. The sturdy manhood aod self-reliance of the graduates of Dartmouth were alluded to in terms oi praise, and Mr.

Miller paid a cordial tribute to tbe character and stability of hie Alma Mater. Tale College, the speaker Just now passiDg through a Winter storm of crltietsm. Her venerable President had resigned In a buff a dreadful calamity from which Dartmouth waa securely sheltered. Tbe sons of Dartmouth were, fortunately, able to point with pride to her present rigorous condition and to her excellent prospect. judge veasy spoke in behalf of tbe Board of Trustees.

He said that there waa but one dlann. sitioa in tbat board, and that was to manage the coege with liberality, intelligence, and enter- vTima. i nere was no danger of Internal dissensions affecting tbe well are of the Institution. Tbe Judge urged that all old graduates of Dartmouth should send their children there. Ex-Judge Kuseell remarked that he had four children, but.

as they were all girls, he did not see how they could help Dartmouth much. Dr. James F. Colby, tbe Professor of Law at Dartmouth, elicited applause oy announcing tbat there were measure on foot for improvement in tbe town of Hanover, N. la which the college Is situated.

Prof. Colby snoke with satisfaction or the progress tbat had been made in the internal affairs of tbe college. Complimentary allusion were made by some of the speakers to tne Hon. Levi P. Morton's recent donation to tbe college of aome valuable land adjoining tbe campus.

Mr. Morton waa called upon for a speech, and when he arose to excune himself he was saluted with the stentorian eollege obeer, Wah boo wak I Was boo wahll D-d-d-Dartmouth 1 Wah boo wah II Tiger! Tbe ex-Minlster to France said tbat his donation to Dartmouth was a mere trifle." but tbe college boys insisted that It was otherwise. A rollicking nautical song waa sung br Hiram C. King, and Hoaea B. Perkins spoke witb rigor about tbe intellectual culture of the young men of this country, bpeeobes were also made by Prof.

Hubbard. Philip Carpenter, Dr. raui aiuoae, ana ran i ora u. steete. Just before tb dinner a business meetlnw waa held by the association and tbe following gentlemen were elected officers for tbe ensuing year: President Charle K.

Miller, class of 7S; Vice-Presidents Oilman H. Tucker, '61. J. Wy. man jonee, l.

nuiiam nr. lMiies, Secretary Charles H. Beckett, "el: CorresDondin Secre taryErnest H. Lines, '83; Treasurer Henry L. Smith, Musical Director Addiaon F.

Andrews, T8; Executive Committee ft. Osgood Msson, M. '6. Gen. Samuel A.

Duncan. 6H, Banford H. Steele, TO, tbe Kev. Francis Brown, TO, Horatio N. Twombly, William N.

Cohen, T9. A. K. Kidder. 9.

The following resolutions were Introduced by Mr. R. Miller and adopted unanimously Rraotord. That tbe Daitmonth Rollam ianriatiia of New-York, bellevta that tbe aatabliaament of closer relations between Dartmouth and ber sons would strengthen tbe colleee aad inapt br graduates witb a livlna interest lo ber welfare, unite wttb tbe Washington Aaaoctation In beat-tilr aaBrovlng the aoUoa of the General Alumal Aaaoetatloa. at ita meeting last year, tn appointing a committee to confer with the Trastea npon tb subject of Aiamnl re present alio la thair honor! hoard.

KeaoloeO. Tbat the Dart month College Alntnnl Association of reapeetfuUy itra upon tb Faculty a careful eonalderatlon of tbe advantages of the soalled aeaate system of college aoveramant bow In nseat Amberst aod Bowdoln. wah a view to Its adopuoa at Dartmouth 5f a shall commend itself to tb ladgniaat of tb acuity. The oldest graduate at the dinner waa John F. Emerson, of Broodyn.

who belonged to the Clans of 2S. FIGHTING IN THE DARK. Gaxvestos. Texas, Jan. 29.

A special dispatch from Dallas. Texas, says: "Detective Jack Duncan and Deputy Sheriff M. Seely, of Freestone County, surrendered themselves to Sheriff Smith last night, stating that they had killed several men in self-defense four mile from thia city. Tbe circumstances of tbe killing were subsequently related at the jail as follows: oeeiy ana Duncan ten Dauaa weoneaday with a warrant for the arrest of Jeese Bonner, of Na varre County, on a charge of horse theft. Tbey arrived at hie bouse in tbe evening and entered without drawing tbelr arms, not ex Decline to encounter resistance, but they had not gone beyond the sill before three of the Inmates opened fire Jesse Bonner and one ot two unknown men with revolvers and tbe other with a double-barreled shotgun.

Tbe officers drew tbeir revolvers, at which Bonner seized Duncan's pistol hand with bis left hand and held tt up, at the same tim leveling hi weapon at Duncan' faoeand flrina. but without effect. A moment later Bonner bad tripped over and thrown tbe dotective to toe floor, at which Deputy Sheriff Seoly. who stood only three feet from Dun can, shot Bonner In the right side laying him low. Just then tbe light went out.

but the ahootln went on in the darkness, both sides taking aim by the flashes from their opponents' weapon. Duncan, Derore rising, shot one of tbe unknown men who stood over blm. In the course of tbe battle a woman yelled My ohud 1 kUlod oh, my Tbe flrltur did not cease until the last round of ammunition waa exhausted. Neither Duncan nor Deputy Sheriff Seely could tell definitely what the result of tbe flgbt was, but believe tbe five inmate of tbe bouaa were killed. Being without ammunition tbey deemed It beat to mak tbelr escape ss rapidly as puaelbl.

Sheriff Smith started for the scene of the fight last night to investigate the matter, but has not ret returned." UNABLE TO PREVENT A SUICIDE. BfJCKAKAX, Jan. 29. Tbe resi dents of this city were greatly excited laat night over the sensational suicide of P. Cox.

a successful young mechanic, about 80 years old. He wss a cousin of Charles Clowes, who killed him self and mistress in a Chicago bagnio a week ago. Ciowes's body was brought here for inter ment. ioudi cox seemed to have been deeply affected by the tragedy in which his cousin figured. Testerday be went Into a hardware tore and askea to be sbown some revolvers.

Tb proprietor felt that something was wrong, and declined to exhibit the weapon. Cox afterward entered another hardware store. He was shown several re vol vers. He selected one, and cartridge to fit were banded out These he deliberately adjusted tn the chamber. Gentlemen," he said, turning to the Ave or six men In tbe store, I wish to say good-bye and" The frightened spectators advanced to prevent the suicide.

Stand back," be exclaimed, brandishing the weapon. I dont want to die a murderer, but you mustn't attempt to Inter-fere." Tbe men retreated. Placing the pistol against bis roreaeae, ae aaoea: nay good-bye to ail my friends." and pulled tae trigger. Theae were the last word be uttered. Tbe bullet tared hat brain and death ensued almost Instant ly.

Cox leave a mother and a young brother, who were dependent upon him for support, FUN FOR TAMMANY CHIEFS. Tbe Bernard F. Afartin Association ef the Seventh Assembly District had Its annual reception last night at Tammany Hall. AU the big aad tittle Tammaay chiefs participated la the fetal vi tie, wnica were aept up tin a late hour. Rhartff Grant.

County Clerk Flack and hie deputy. Mr, Gltroy; Fire Oommhaiooer Ktchard Croker. Police Justice Duffy. Register Reuiy. and CoL E.

T. Wood were among tboa who were present. Mr. Martin is tb present Chief or the Order of Arrest Bureau In the Sheriff" office, WANTING TO SUPPLY NATURAL GAS. PmBBUBO, Penn-, Jan.

29. Sol kloss and Thomas Axworthy, representing a syndicate ef Pittsburg. Philadelphia, New-York, and Cleveland capitalists, are la this city arranging tor a DinaaV of natural eaa from Butler Countr te Cleveland. Tbe syndicate ha lasd acres of gas land ta Western and has offered the Forest City Councils 1 10.000 a year for a franchise to light and heat the city. A VERY PROFITABLE ROBBEBT.

CtsTcnrKATT, Jan. 29. The statement ie pubUshed hers that early this moraine Dennis F. loam ore, a prominent contractor of Wash-burton, who is here la tbe Interest of the granite block pavement ecneme. entered a snorting aooe at No.

153 LorigweuTb-ret. He had S4.UU0 la his fins ma warn he mterwd the sou. After be weal away be dlaeovtarsd that he aad Dees robbed el tbe enure amount PRIZE BOXES FOR COUNTRYMEN. w-HAT THTT OTT FOR TRTDfO TO- BUT cornrrERrErr xovkt. John Hode.

of Bocopolla. waa sitting an a five-raU fence. Xes that John anotabxg bstter than a are-rail fence to sit npoo, but tt suited his playful humor to sft there rather than poo one ef the three legged stools or tarokea-backed chain with which his house waa furnished. John Hodge was not a philosopher. spent Uttte time la studying tbe prooiesas ot the universe, end he was aee given to that sub jective ratrospeotioa which enables a man te follow the divine advice of Socrates, -Gnothl eeautoa- aaow tayseir.

oared little for tae nair sp nrong of metapnystciana, aer did be allow his faith to tie aha km br the nnaettltnar taanrlea of modern science. In short, Joea was aa bumble-minded sob of agrieulture. sometimes yclept yokel." aod be barely knew enough tm read hi new sua tier and writ a leCtaar full at orlcia- altty In tbe spelling. I As John Hodge aat upon the flre-raOed feaoe he wa reading his paper. He waa not reading the news, but tbe advertisement.

Away sow a la the depths of his soul Joea had long ehariehed a hope that aome day he would be caked to a nigner sphere or useruiMaa. reraape some one would advertise for a alee, health country boy to become President ot the United States, or the elevated railroad, or something of that kind. John did not fiud such aa advertisement, but he did find this: AUanrJeat AOB Tt BSnOI Via 1 aa I III day. ASSras B- S. (X, T.

O. nog mjmm. U. Hods waa astonished aad deUrhted. A rent ing of unspeakable satisfaction aaread ever blm a he remembered tbat he had twice S300 la the savings bank.

He jumped down off the rail fence, ruseed into tbe bouse, and addressed 8. 8.O." Two days later be received a letter waica told him tbat a personal interview would be fossae rv. A time and slaoe were annointea. John wa there. He met a charming gentleman with a benevolent, not to say patriarchal, air.

Tbe awn tie at an took Joha te bis emce aad laid a pile of criap, brand-new beak note before blm. Do you see anything the matter with those asked the gentleman. "No." said Joha: fd like to have as many of tbem as I could carry." do you shall. But Bret eome witn me." Then tb gentleman took John aoroat the street te a bank. He showed the bills to the Paying Teller and said: there anything tne matter wita tboa No." aald tbe Teller, after caret ullr examin ing them.

The gentleman thaakee the Parlna- Telier and took John back to his office. Now." said be. "those bills are eouatarfeita. I know, for I made tbem." Jee-rlcxety exclaimed John. "Ton can bare tduQ of them for Cam tar SI Km for $400." jonn herniated.

The bait waa very tempting. Finally be aald: well, guess ril bettn on S80O." I haven't that much on hand now. TM Kara to make them. Ton can nay me the S30O, and I'll give you my note for SO aay; and when you receive the goods you can send me back the note." That's square dealing said John. He nald tha kauiL mil Thomas Samuels.

7 l'lJ b900 rou the roods byAdanta Express," said Mr. Samuels. John denarted rnllv aatlaAaal anil awjuat Boa-oeolts with a light heart and a flat pocket- DOOk. Eeveial dan latnr Km ranalml carefully sealed. It waa heavy.

John wondered a little at Its weight, but hastened to his room to open it wita trembling Una-era ae toreonan tbe wrapping, and found within a box. Ha ooened the box and found in tbat not money, but sawdust 1 John nearly fainted. His money had been stolen. But by whom? The exprea agent, of oourae. Ne one else oonld hare taken tbe money out and reseated the package so neatly.

John wrote tbe following letter to tha ex. press oompauy: Adams Kxaesa Coaoaar Haw.Tn, a eaafc deeember I had a eaab packatr depoaeted La Braaeh oflle H(H Braadwa New.Vor ubo-im k- Sard dollar packed la a email wood box marked Joha Hoace Boeoall M. J. aaai box earn te hand and act a oent oi money IB tbe box. I have tha Ranaint Beeleveeof C.

Plana tnveattaat aad let ae bear from you soon the aarty gave hi nam T. Baasaela, 1 wa la Mew-York at the tuna ana a fciaa. tru'y. JOHN HODGE P. 8.

If I loo that monav I win anhilak tka ataae la tb alterant New tor paper. Tbe express company out ita detect! vm to work- on the caae, end very ooa the agent In charge of tbe offloe at which the box was sent wrote a full acoount of the matter to Sunerlnndent William Hoey. He concluded nia letter br ear. lag: I taally learned enovh te eoavtnee saa tnat ba Kaut goa teNew-Vark to bur lain 'nan nwah could aot be dlatlagulebed from tb ran id article. TZfthmm ers.aad 'held him ap'oe tb tdOQ, aat a bnndreds of ether poor apaa have been taken la.

aad the tbey thought the expraa eom-pany bad dona hv It la tlx sam old atory. with which you and I ar ao familiar, bat of which a Is so hard to convince tae greenl," "Doe this often hapoen uallawaf t)v- oompany was asked. bvery day." was tbe answer. There is a OI OOUntrVmen who Visit Nnr.Tark-aat leas than SO a day for tbe purooee of purchasing counterfeit money, and tbe old gam is Invariably played upon them. After these dupe have received the sawdust, thev vnta that company such tetters as I hare shown you.

I wi give rou euouga oi tnem to make a book," AN EXECUTOR'S ACCOUNTS QUESTIONED When Dr. John M. Cornellaon, of Jersey City. died, in 1875. he left a will, designating James A.

Alexander, his son-in-law, as his Exec utor, and tor 10 years Mr. A la tender, who le general agent In New-Tork of the Fire In surance Company of Hartford, haa managed the estate. The Executor of the estate of Mrs. nwg vs. aoisusno, wire oi tae late Uounty Prosecutor MoClelland, claimed front Alexander the repayment of $13,000.

alleged to have been borrowed oa behalf of the Cornellaon estate. The effort te eolleet this money led to a demand upon him for aa ao oonoting as Executor. Final action upon the application that be be made to account has been deferred from time to time, but recently tbe account was filed. In it he charged himself with $111,247 07. reeelved on account of the estate, and asked for an allowance of $128,457 AO, which would show an lndebtedneaa to kim of S7.OU0.

Tbe Executor of the MeOailaad estate hare filed 130 exceptions to his account. These aiiege tnai ne nas iaiiea to Barge aimself with about $0,000 that should have gone to the credit of the eatate. A hearing la act dowa for aome day In next April. A TOWN OFFICER MISSING. Schzxktadt, N.

Jan. 29. John 8. Lansing, a Hoed Commissioner of the town of Rotterdam, has been missing since last Wednesday. He left home without giving his family any Intimation of hi departure, and foul play la feared by his friend.

Since his departure It ha been ascertained that be acknowledged to a friend that he wa -behind In bl account. Mr. Lansing was Intrusted with a large amount of public money to defray the expeaae of repalr-inr the roads and bridgee damaged by tbe recent washout at Huffman's Ferry. The Tors Board will hold a meeting Immediately to examine his account. The beodamea hare offered to make good any deficiency existing.

FEWER FLOURING MILLS. Milwaukee, Wis Jan. 29. Adranoe sheets from the Millers' Biennial Directory shows a net decrease of 8,812 flouring axilla In the United States and Canada as compared with 1884. The number or mills at present In operation Is UCS7.

The gross capacity shows a slight increase over 1864. Every State aad Territory shows a decrease ia the number ot mills, except Dakota, Nevada, and the Dtatrint of Columbia. In Wisconsin there is a loss of 120 Skills, the present number being 657. Tbe most marked loes la in Pennsylvania. Ohio, New-York, Illinois, Mhv burt, Texas, and the Province of Ontario.

SERIOUS RESULT Or A QUARREL. Jama Cobb, a carpenter, went to tbe house of Albert D. Howe, a builder, who had employed him, at No. 814 Decetur-street, Brooklyn, last Saturday night to collect a biU. The men began quarreling over money matters, and during a souffle Howe struck Cobb on tbe strap, knocking him down the stone steps la front of tbe bouse.

Cobb waa assisted to his borne at No. TV1 Maaleoo-street, where Dr. Sidney attended him. Yesterday the doctor went to the Twelfth Piectnot Station House aad said that Cobb waa seriously hurt aad liable to die. Howe Was there upon TONY HARTTO APPEAR AT TBE COMEDY Charles Frohmao yesterday made a contract with George Brotaertoa and William Ttnnleavv.

manasrers of tha CnnMaAv TU.t which he is to produce WUHan GDI's fa roe-comedy. A Toy Pistol," and will present Tony air. ariaufawoBH art anmathln like those of Ml lea A Ruu. JSZ Dixey: tbat ia. Hart srtll get a targe percentage oi tae gross rawp a piar wui produced on Feb.

20, with the intention of running tt ail inter, wiu oraw. a Toy Pistol" a much after the style ef "A Bnach of TT wa tw A WRECK IN THE PATH OF VESSELS. Boe-ros. Jan. 2S.

Tbe steamer Istrian, which arrived bare yesterday from Mwwmwi reports that oa Jan. St, la latitude 44 OT aorta, longitude AT wast, sbe passe a derelict able, wita part ef her mammas standing. Her decas were awash, and she appeared to have been for gome time tn that condition. Tbe wreak to a meet eangeroua eounKuoa so aavigauoo. SMOTHERED UNDER A HAYSTACK.

W.i. AM bestow, a so. Docy ox man was found one mil east ef here rinsi lir oeer a aaystaek aad coved wtth hey. Aa old earpet sack and a large supply of Bah tog tackie were found with bun. He bed evsdenuy beea smotaorad by the haystack falling oe blm aad had beam dead long rime Sethiac te prat1fy we eouy waa tonnes INDIAN ATT AIRS 13 CANADA.

Ottawa. Jan. 21. The Eon. vTllIlam MacDougall.

fsi mmlj Cbsamswlonec ef ladles Affairs la the Canadian Go is a meat. daCvrrad an addrem hers amrhh am Um ilaaeg at the Karthweat t. uoetsedsd that raa had broken faith wtth her Majeety and the BrtW mh nation by negieoflng to protect and provide for the Indlaas eommltaed to the chare ef the Covmussal by the tracatfar of the North west Territories Cased axa rel. The Indlaas had reeelved ao font or adequate eompeeaetlee for tbe auTresKwref thete aerttage, aad tbe treaties saade wita tha were rraadauewt aad net aa ao eourt of eoaity la Cbrmttwidosa would pro-nouaoe valid or equitablo. The British Gee-era meat bad trueted te the honor aad rood faith of Canada to protect aad fare for the ladJaaa.

bet the eootnne ef survival of the flttes had beea Invoked te Justify the violation of aotema trsetlesaad taeextru-aloe of native tribes from teetr native huatlag erooada. The lediaa title ot eooupaaey had always, wbwrever It existed la fast, beea iweo aised aader Eagtiea rule la Atnerlee aa valid again every other title or claim exeeo tbe paramount title of tee Crown. Por tbe eake of my ooaatry's honor end ntvr peeee," eoa-tinoed Mr. MacXoaraJl, for tb future glory ef bar Majesty, la whose aamo these ofaetaT robberies are perpetrated, hope pubue epialoa will compel the adopttoa of a eew lediaa poUcy ta the Northwest before another resort to tbe ultima ratio ot oppressed people has stained the prairies with white men's blood and added another tea mflllnrts to the buttons ef --'--i NATURAL OAS FOR BUFFALO. BrrTAXQ, H.

Jan. 29. The Common Council Committee to-day decided to grant the Natural Gae Fuel Compear permission to lay mains and breaches tarouga tbe streets ef thai city. The company is required to give a bond of $100,000, with these conditions: That It win not interfere wtth gas or water pipes er sewers aoverksnsftwt he laid; that it wOl restore street te es good condition a tbey were before laying Pipes; tbat It will reimburse tbe city for any expanse la restoring street which the eoaa-panr has failed to put la good eoadtUoe; that It will Indemnify the city for all liabilities that the city may he eubeeted to In ooneequeno of the Introduction of the gas; tbe excavations and laying of pi pea shall be subject to the supervlaioa or the City Engineer. A Httie eap te provided for lo the appointment of ooe inspector from eaoh ward te supor-yise tbe work of laying pipes, they to receive $2 10 per day.

Tbe company ta required to begin laying pipes by Aug. IBM. The ges to be furnished is to be for fuel aad heatiag purpose only. Only those who have a realdonoa of a tmp la that city are to be employed, and they are te oe paia i su per aay. te the grant.

There Is much oppoaltioa VANISHED LIGHTS OF THE FAST. People no longer rend by tbe feeble flicker of whale oil lamps. Neither do they hone to cure a lame beck with an old style porous Llaster. The fittest alone can survive and that Benson's. Energetic, acientiftc.

medicinal, modern, safe, and Incomparably curative. Ax-chonoE. Tear ehlldrew will al well aaa1 fc rkar'a Toale. good dtawatioa tf yoa alvetbaaa raraar-a uaur aalaaai rowtkaf the TM" A "R3R.TFTD- BA TT)WT1I OTJlr At No. S3 Wei Taeeaay.

Jan. so. by Rev. tDtW. Bndnaaa.

D- IX. aaalated by Rev. Dr. Lata roe. O.

IX tuft. wur to Mlw J. Tocwa. both of thia etty. BTBARwg BtlRT.

At 30 Dserawt- ta Breoklya, on Thursday. Jaa. S9. hraev. a B.

Crane, D. It, of Coaeora. N. Liluk. daagbtar of Jama M.

Bart, lo Taostas Baaxa STaaajta JDTFID. AKDKmaOJ. Oa Jan. ST. a hi borne.

Bast ot ail ipbtharm. Jaiaaataa Miuakk. aged 7 I days, only aoa sf AA aad Bllaabsth ik Astem. and bank raaeral private. BALDWIN.

I a Brooklyn. Jan. M. irsja, Jaoon I Baldwix, aa tb 871A year ef his aga. raaerai gtlvate.

BIKBt-At Colorado Pprmg. Colorado, after a hrtef Ulnam, Wtiuaa Wad Bxxas, la the both yaar ef hi aaw. NoUos of faaaral haraeftar. BXU--MaaOAarr Cxpxxl. widow ef Rae.

Admiral H. H. BeU. U. B.

It, meay mormaa, Jaa. ttt. Pmaeral at Newborn from Bv Patrick' Chare. Sunday, Slat but-, CLKTEIaAKD. At Bnet Choree, K.

J. as Wadaw-day mornme. Jaa. ST. KtXBJl wife ef Uobaft Clerautad.

Kaneral rrlce at ChrlM Char eh. Cast Oreae. oa sararoay. Jaa. Su, oa arrival ef 1SW P.

M. traia from Mew-Tork. DB ROAK. On the STth of Edward Da Joxxa TAXoxoit. wife Rakaavaa aad fi mill ua liml fanoral at bar lata raalrtmnaa am.

Ill oa Betarday. at e'docs. FA1R.BAKK8.--At Brick Chare. It J- Jaa. IHms, CBAaurrra, widow of Joha Fairbanks, ta STta llalatlr and frlaafls of the famOr era tavnad te attaad tbe anerel sarvlesa oa antardav, Buth toat, oa arrival of train leaving Barelay aad Christopher ut Fsrriesat U0 P.

au st Uraos Charea, Oraag. N. J. KAPLAal At bar reatasne this ear ea Thursday moraine. Jaa tn, i(je.

Jclia A. Karuaa, eaachtar af let Kill Fetter and sister of Aaroa T. Fetter. Funeral aarvlos at Br. Phftrtre Charea.

Mal-berry-at, oa Buaday. Jan. St. IBM, at 1 e'eleek r. M.

rrieaos are adaotioaataly twvtted altand. the Nth laat, after a brief lllsass, ROBtKT KXXaBDV. Ralatlva aad frted ef the family are torRed te attend tb faaaral aervte at hi lax raldeoa, MS Wei llst-at. oe Monday. Kb.

at 4 O'olook P. latarmeat at eneveal a ot family. Toaears. oe Thursday evwoing. Jaa.

aa. Hut luti Doiaumws, widow ef Jama Lawsoa. tw tha 70th yoar ef ber as. Faaaral Hues at BL aba's Ckarea. Tea Kara.

eaday. Pee. 1. at IS A. Trains leave Coairal Deeot, Hedane Rlvaa-, at aad JBO A.

M-t rotaralaa. leave Tank an at 11 A. M. hts lat rsalSsans. eta-er.

oa Thantday, Jaa. SS. TboslaS MfUCBAUt, ta the Atah rear ef hi aaa. Intsrmant Weedlawa TAf Boatafera. Coaa.

Waenesday. Jaa. rf. Mast Taffab. wxtow of a P.

Taepea, ef lueok-lya. M. la the wtth yaar of her wwT lotarmaot at fclraoaweod oa Monday. Feb. TAW WTCK.

At (Stag Ulna, ea Friday merantg. Jaa. se. luusint daagbtar of a. a.

aad A. A Vaa Wrea. Banal at rtabkla. WAIT. Suddenly Jaa.

1BBS, ASIUX ynaagest daagbtar ef William B. aad PhmboJ. B. Halt, asva yea, nosua, aaa oeys. 'anerai aarvlea at the bona ef hor av.

and butt. ea Baaaay. a IM eta- meatm Whoa taiaae. WALK ER. At Korthferd.

Cona, Jaa. B. IBM, Ml. kibva Hoaolbt. widow of Uoorg Walker, formerly of New-Verk CUy.aead years.

moatas. aad day. raneral from kwr lata riUHini ta Bortaf ord. Monday. Fee.

1. at SdM P. M. TOCWGS. Oa Wednesday, Jaa.

Saixt A. IorwK, ta bar year. ranaral srrloaa oa Saturday, Both ta at 11 A. af tma tberesldaaos ef bar aoa. Georse BL How-U.


Mar a saa hi to the taste and smaDsr doss thaa etaor maeaeala For aai ta halt lea anlv. waa ITnai Btata Uoveramawt raaraaaiwd label attaraad. wnaoat waioa utm aa aad by at dniggiats' and oaatry asora I. J. HU-BAbO.

Jr, Philadelphia, Pan. TJ BAOEM. OA KB YOU LOHOIKRI'N TBI AVnak of loaUHi yoar Ufa or that of year eellarea by duaaias aaotruofd from doaafad wood waa tub, which ah rb tbe worst aotaoaa This aaf olds th aa-rat ef a many fatal eaaea ef intra aas la oar best tam-Ulaa. Pat In tbe Solid Watt Croesmr Wash Tuba, which will laat aa loaa a tb honae. Sand to TUB ITIWiKTCItiaini.l lillh-L.


I antaraa. SertMla, Bamb Fnraaara, Aa. tK8 ARB OPPICE FGBIfTfTRK la great variety maaafactarad by i- w. tiLiitw. aa iti mnrra at POBT OPF1CE BOTICK.

(B bonid be rand daily by a4l' flstsesCi may oncer at any um. i Lattara fur oratga aoeatrta nana net he oarially ilraaaad for Sweatee by aay pantoalar steamer. x-ept wboa a I aaaUad taaand dapUoaiasot t-iTklng aad euwisswal aoeameata, IttMn aot aaariahy ad-aiwased kotac aawt by ta faataat mull avaliaaia. Faraura mau fur th waa ruling Jaa. Ba wld cloae (promptly I all nssssi at thl ofae a foUow: ATL KI A I SAu A.

M. for Jamsiea. Central lea, aoa tea Bata Paew aorta, par maa. via atnjratoa. (iattan La- Maxvao meat be ed par Vanaaaaa at A.

M- for Newtwaaa- Vn 7 rwuai ti ii a le Earope, ilp Baltie, via Uaaonstowa. tiattaia per at it aM A. M. fw barvia. vat Qnsaastswai tu 11 JO A.

M. fur toniand dlraot. par ataanaip Derome. rto Ulaaanw. Ooltars muat be Atrwated per at 11 Mi A.

M. tor Boigiam diraaa, par waamsblp koordlaae. ra A at war. mast directed par Nooreiaad Mtbriaaea dlMlwmlatB-absp W. A.

bcaottee. ria Ronorda, Uauar mast be auwatad par W. a. fasoUoaiat IpTm. suTbssw mada, par tamahip Trtaioaa.

tesmtmlp BeUrl ffro- saa Frmodaetvl aot bar Fab, at 7 P. M. Mail for Aaatraila, -'nt Saatfwtea. FUL aad r.rmVV Fab. SatTP.M.

tar oa arrival at w.Tra of shm Biliaaals waa Itruas lay. uxira ti. PgAHSOM. Pa rwer omn rw. Tesur, M.

1m Jaa. SB. tana. KEW PUBLICATIOys. Au leromioTfl wixt km resort, HOM JOCBBAUoet lo-avr 11 HAS CHQICt UT OF PLACE.

M0KKU niiUJfi eisoa, Bow.xrk. waa.i ana I or ta eoataty s-tta Praaastaaaa aleao hawe rab.Sl.atTp M. Malta for Cuba, ay rati toTamaa. aad theae by. aaw sr.

from Lmt West. StaMMIabOBWtailyatMA. M. The snbsdale ef eloslag ef nrSemafls ee the ptwampttoa of thasr ualwMrrupiaal overload traaaat to Baa Frtmrliss. Mail from tb Bayeirag a ttm at Baa Fiamia oa the aay of wt.

NEW PUBLICATIONS. hAtfll dfc KOTHIES.IIW.TOKKs -MATB JCST PfBUlBEDi A arBW EarrtOB. WTTaT nXSH MATTES. a lusfi 1.1 VB. Bimn awlae bsrsaad taarasls.

Arm aged end SaBed br has HamtaCJ. W.O a. pettratt sad Dlarrarlima lathra rnramm Fa. lJBa rCatfetm warn Hsrpar Adbrarp aaaoaBW mf Bestge BBet a Werkal XL ajp tRiKaf sir ritmci. "oaSta.

By L. lea. He. ef Bglri Hawdp 111, LA IB MS GOLD. A EovaL aVyDa-ldl aener.

tsuar er -By the Oasto sa Che tn." "Hsjiu" 'A Msest FbtAe. it hied HAEMI'B BAWDT BKKIKS. J-ATErr fSSCKSi SB. LESTER a BECRET. By Mary Co Hr.

BB OB. CAB UI AID WO DO LA. By i alac. aether of Upsa a Oast" AT. 1-ABT DATE AT APSW1CH- a.



MRS. DTMOHD. By 1 CHRISTMAS AVeKU By B. U. ar)atm mesaetee HALT-WAT.

AaAasle-1 OCECES OP PREVENTIOE. By Dr. Cesaw. SS -Ca- By Mrs. Mills aorta.


Witt, waa ta. tn r. 1 1 eORLIX OOLO. By May fTlajaUSd 1 QUARTER WTTft THE B3TH (TBTB BLACK HORSE) DRAOOOBI. ByJ.E' St.

MUSICAL mrroRT. LBy O. A. HiSrirs FEAITEUSeCARI Lb BK1KT. LATEST JscUXS I LAaa SOT, A CueeUi sat lamas By Mas.

4 BOS. Ortgtaal Comls Oaoraa By W. B. BO Ua H. MaCartky.

M. a Sot. Dafamy Wee. By BeamO Power OTDasasgaea SS 80K Fvst Pwmea Smgataiv A Btora. By David Caraate array.

1 SB SOS. -Belfr By Wetter BaaaaU. 1 SOS. Cradie ead Bsada ByWEHami ess. Tbe MlsOstae Beegh, I by M.

B. Braadea, WKh OS. What's Bus Ores xBy the 4FT. The Daf By RJIo Whits Haather, By William The shore works seatesiilasBatw.te any aattet lae DaaoS etata or Oaaoda. ea teeatpt ef pram.

HARPER'S CATALOOtvB sent ea rssslyl ml tea HARPER BROTHERS, Kow-Tark. the saa a "at CAtsSClOS ATIO Alt UBKAKT. Edttod by Hoary Mortar. Lf.Ii. Lit era tar at DtUverstty Coll age.

af weakly vehimss. se sapsr. at the lew prtoe ad TKH CKHTS PKJl TOLtTBIK, BB voramaa postpaid, ti. Btograpby. Batlgtoa, aad ralaoaophy hAorpttaet Play.

Pe smsaad Taloai Eatarall aad Bataral Haaory. Ait, Mttttal MOW RRADTl MX TKK YXAK IXPKIBOKXXXT. By Mrte from the It rata by IE PSESSi CH1LDB HAKOX.D4 Lord By THE ATJTDBIOGJLAPHr OF BEX JAMIE THKCOHPLKTKJUIOUX. ByltaaeWakoa. TBI SCHOOL.

FBESOAIDAL AXB ati vat-s. ay i By Aataoref The Bar thuater, WITH OCT BlaXaUBU. TO-BArs rEOBLKB. By Mrs. J.

-H. Wsiworta. 1 voUlSmo, extra atotk. Prie. Theaataorta UM rolaaae daal wtth a rttal I Wane her book at aot a drj oaaadUrimxa) dlaaartatioe, bet a fail ardramaus Wtfl bl CABBKLla'O MA IE BOW' BKKIKS AED OKtCIEAI.

BOTKLS. aad sdreiga of about ua -1- Pxlo pr vemmag seats. KOWiBKADTi A CKIHSOK MTAIB. By Ana Other rnlsmss lei Oomplot Cataloga a fro by mR ae i CAMKIX A OO, IrnEed, and 71 Breed aay. Bow-Tark.

TM BIT MY VP AMU A MAT KUtt BT HURT HATEB. tstao.Sl SO, Ta tory ef Marsarat Kaot I book worth i ttteweetai Tber I le ta Ufa, I sttrrtaa. hssatlfal aad real, wbleh head ear 1 ymsatay. aad admtratlea. 1 wm ettmel ae Bale itsaWss.

fmeMyeees.1 Jest this sort ef tower vainly trymg Ut relwhiaahaBMaJwaybaoavaalhm.betba tatter ef faith tathwthaa stgbC-If taut aoral mm ae, ss- tae TICKBOBBOO, IOBTB AHtEICiH BETIKET. FEBACAET CM BER. cdirTEHTSs The Ceag Sad ta Piuatdeat's Joha A. 1 Bipissialstli or tbe Pi tattaaCoaferasue aaa toe boos Sailana mt I iM-Ctaf -oaldo Aasermae Land Qaaauoa -A. J.

Psimsaf Gee. iTurf sij ri mi sis 1 1 raalaad aod Iead. Raorr Oooese Biarsisss Optaiea of Bra as I lam Tborndik ate liters. Cob. Jaa B.

Fry 1 aciari aad Xrsa. W. T. ebermae Batae aad tommoew. OoT Raben 6.

1 aseteoU. adp weueua, fiaoaiar m. m. arena, jamas p. -t Kill Mwaiai.

o- a. oaayioB. as. s. too W.

EBOLA 1MB ABB TALK ttmw -Fsbraaiy Mo. UKarmai "Lu ef Pomao) kbs." llaary M. Wlmaiiili, Waee ef Eaaiiaa Cnllisi Cawrtoalasa. T. W.

Haa: JZ Bewb Aathropsiugy aad Paiiaatbro IV Shllna aad la Kxaaorstlsas. Thoasao Sijwian V. al aaaotpal Roform. faeorg M. Brwwi Toaa.

L-Tb raaar Peaey 1mim tee Aroma, User C. El Prlaa aor rac ia aa Aaaras WII.UAM A. aXhtaeXAf. THE KEG LIS HIBTOBICAI. MKT1KW.

"era. BB: ready. SX A 01 llZlMmltSjLJiJLfA'L THFixSToi jTW. mmj Wmrmmmam ttrnm ttmi sbbsii tm a -mm mm. thayear.

i taeeght. The book aria heel the teserdsef Hanarv! By popular Amerleaa kSme velamss fully prlBtaa ead heead over. thae teat tm worth stsatrtaa. so. losieaj me ead loataa Traaaertsc ia.

aa at so i-irstrirhis hiit atory. fan mt graee aae tessesss aad eater. We fast her ssalisnisa baaoty te eeg Stajm lip The Crtae. twassd at a heead sale tke'trw radTe taaas whs ere sktag ear best wile Sttla. -Bestea fletsld, TT- ITeitM.


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