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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Pages IT WASNT BYRKES'S FAULT JN EDICT FEOM TAMMANY OATS TBS LIQUOR MEN LICENSE. 0BlfJtIOBRB MABTI CALLED OFF T0 POLICE THB (OBDSB wBJfT THBOUGH IBaPECTOB ITUU-TALK WITH TBE SCrEElXTEVDERT The sua shewa brightly vrhd yesterday, sad ft wm dry ud MMkM dusty ut foot, pat shin high" from th ground ther a wet itmk whleh extended over tt ntlr tow from th Booth Ferry Bpaytea Duyvn Cna, ad from "Heirs Kitchen th wtt Cherry HOI" en the ewt It wm good, old fashioned nt lultr, It to to hearts 9.000 selooa keeper wb bad begun to (mi that th nd lot tb worid had ooms, with the Br. Dr. prk- hunt os to on old of thm and. 8apriatoad-sst BjmM on tho other.

nearly very saloon la tows was open, tawn at wli down, oa too west aid a wall a on tbMt, to rood neighborhood a wall a bad. Tbr vu searMly a plao closed. vea to 1 th Tenderloin" Polio Preolaot, and almost all Ylgllana wm abandoned, jj IntMBewery the "bum "wer going In and eat tb aid doort la ahoal, and oa Sixth Arena every ooroer glnmlll sad aronad It a smoking aad drinking crowd ol old bu and young. Mlored nad white. ii Tit laxity displayed by the polio eafbro-lugthe provision of the exoUe Uv wm due entirely to tba UUttoroaoo of President Martin af tb Board of Polio with th order previously issued by Superintendent Byrnea Tlx liquor dealer, naturally did -aat relish th etriot enforcement of tb law-whleh begaa whoa Buper-laUadat Byrao beamo tb executive head of tbo Polio Department, and It prMumed tbat they appllod for blp to their Tammany friend.

At any rat. It wm larnd yesterday that oa Saturday Commlsslonsr Martin, daring tb temporary abMno of BuperintoadAut ByrDM from Polio Headquarters aad vhll Chief Inspector Steers wm acting Superintendent, tat for Inspector Steers and dlretod him to remind the Police Captain of tho roaolatloa adopted by tb Board of Polio on tb lat of fepteintorUst by tbe rotMof MeaaraMertla, Veerhis, aad MeUavs dlaapprevtn of tbo nu ml policemen to plain olothM In effMtlpg-ihe arraat ol liquor dealer vloUtlng tb law and of Mr other thaa a pnbU and open naanor of ebtalalBKOTMaaAeajcalDatllqnor dealer." i loipeeior tiirera, aoUn oa the direction fir him by tb Pnaldeat of the Board of ollee. aammoaod the Captain to Polloe Head-joertora aad "remladed them of t. ooiuM, wer cill la foroa. Mpertntoadent Byrne, when be reaebed felloe Ueadqoarten, wm autdu aorprlaed whan pokaa to about tb matter, lie aft -1 know of i uob aotloa by Chief ImpMtor BlMra.

On Saturday moraine 1 aUdTla. etor WUUame, Conlln. aad MaAoylntomV einae and fay them loatraetlon have the axolM law. nfored nnlformly aad Impartial-It U.WMhTllr noeeary for to repeat ibaae ImmoUom to the inspector, for they keaw my wlhM la th a rMpciTbut In.pJe" MaAToy wm new In hi poeltloa It wm more for bla benaBt than for hie aaeeolate. -1 wm awey from the UaatralOffle from 1 eaiook la tbe erteraooa unUi 7 oolook la th eyenloc on bMlneea, and If any order ware trlTaa out to the Folio Captalia dnrlnj nr ebaeue 1 know aothiac of 1.

and no raorAmt each erdere wm loft lor me.V "I wlU My that the wttlJwin ia plala elothM a nui himitv. wnot enroresnieBt of tbe exela Uw. Tb Uw waarai -ltHMima to ma, bawarar, from mr ebaerrX. ttoa that tbe laer 1 weL Intoned to-day. I bav Imi rldlac op and down towa HHftti prlnolMl aTennM In the aurf ao eara! and.from what I wm able to obeerre.

tboUoaor torM Konereily appeared to be oloead. I bao not mi maoh of the aide -street to-day TT tU Uw BO properly oaforood I will know the reaaon why." Whoa aeked whether Prealdaat KartUbad th Meat aa indwidnal-CommlMioaer to II IV PUo or their Mtion, BnperiJi-toadeat Byraeejald tbat any Cmml7ioaeVnad the undoubted rlht to eall tbe attention of any odloer to a reaolutloa adopted by the Boardof lelloe whleh had aot beeo isitl tbarefore. UU remained la fore. Further than rttn UcUn1 10 dlMU the action oiJa; ljurln't th oonTereaUon with t8 ltw" tbat a aaloon kawn The Capitol oa the norlhwa.t of th Bowery aad Houston Street, wblob had been absolutely elMd 8ondy. AprU 23.

aad tb San-day proTloua. wm open and door a rosblnit bualaesa yesterday. Tno 8aperlntendent etoneS aUoenr Malberry Btieet BtoUontor fatrolmlla" Thomas Lyaob cam from the' sta-tloa bouse la a few minute, aad a wm ordered Wire to the -Capitol" and arreat aay pTraoi fouad there vlolatlo tbe Uw. The offioer weat directly to the aaleoa and found the aid door pen. He entered the barroom, wblob was fluid With man drinking at the bar.

tbo bartender, who Utm at Ipa MoH street. WMarrMted and takes Tw tie bS.Pnr Btt 1oUo BUUon onVcharg of tlolatlng the aiclM law. He wm afterward bu Mocaiiuitoi 1 BtTOeS of Joan- ton the salooa wm closed and kept cloMd. InatruoUone to the Polio Captain In r.l?f lne Bft of ta xolaTlaw thief Inapeetor Htoere wm Tory iraarded. aad bia MUoa wm oaleulated to oMtaaVtkoN Whom he bad called together to laatruel hI had beea dlrMtedby lullt ittrUamply to remind the PoUm Captalna or the exUtenoe to reaolutloa which forbade toeemiSoy-nisntotpoUoemea la plain elothM tb a- foroemeat of tbe exela law.

baturally.tbU wm tax an to mean aa order loreraUxaMoaot the Tlgor with whiehiheex-eUe-Uw had beea enforced toepMttweeun-daya. There wm no ether lnt rp relation to ba 1 bled, aad It was hndefstod JollM Captain whan laapeotor BtMrieaUed S'" PrTau room, n4 MaVeyedto taem Inarreetloaa he bed received from Tam-BoaVd? repreaantaUTa the PoUoo The Captains wer dumbfounded, and thoT akedeaob other aad the Chief Xnsictor what tb asw order, wblob was ftcTivSd8 WtU 'd'" PltloB was Totebiafed them. They wer referred to tbo reaoluUona Uapeetor William did aot take kindly to this Uto of airalra. He wm Mtoalabed when the Captains bla district came to aim for la.true-UM u4 Wk" 1r thay had been jaw. aad that bo woald bold taem reapoatlbl 'lx' or laxity ta this dtreeUoa.

ThlaMtlaa of Inspector WiUlame wm re-ertM to President Martin, aad be cent for Inspector Wllllama aad Mked aim abarply: Wkether he bad glvan eneb oraers had been reported. Ieapeetor Williams said tbat hs bad. tod that la doing bed only carried out the batnicUon he had received from euperlatond-tot Byrnes, which he considered be we bound ta WT PerUooUr. j. ibe Preeldent ealled tho lnapeotor- attention the reaoluUone, aad th lnapeotor said that ef their exlatenee, and there tb eeavarMUea wm brought to an abrupt aloe.

tho revival of waleb bM to totfows0- unaoU Prtnoat, Feed ThattheeomBealoatlon from the Bxeoa. weOsaaiitu etthe Maw. York Cluaeea AUieeee ae pleoed ea SU aad a My reXerreoto leriatBdMt with aa axpraaaluB lta tue Itoard of PUiee toev while Mpeota eed requirea toe paUce mw wwuw, waevprovaa, la asZTtr yaed aU paraoM ha via kaewV 1.211?? to make the aeae kaowa to toe rdec that ther muf be proaipUy SIT. no tejrth-r MUoa baTuaaoa tottolaeteeaUWiahMxaay require. Pted at a meeuag of 9 Ib Ptomr SVM which Xleaara.

Marti UoCUve. and sm? wr 9r oLean wm propoaed by Cvmmlasloaer reeently token out of tbo Police Board ako roem for Job a C. Hheehan and made a Toii.t tocelved tb aftlmaUTO thre CommUalonar present, WM The practloe of send Ji more polioemea In plain elothM to hunt for violator of the ex-trn kL JLf "X01 dlMeauaaed. aad tho udyfoUowins; the adoption of thereeo. unbred Mventeen.

weato. toveaty-fonr during th prert- SXfeaaaa'yr UW.UT woaty bbemaiv TMT by th mora vigilant aafereeaaeat ol tb Uv wblob bad obtained for MToral Buadays PMt. as they uppoeedthat they had puVeheeed Unm unity from what ther ware pleeled toTaU peraeonttoa- by police irlrlnglTtrai. leglaace to Tammany Qalli they expected to protoeted from punishment tor their violation of tbe Uw by the Tammany Polio Board. Th eearM tokea by Buparlntondent Byrne In hi efforts to onf otm thalaw wm a arpVtoeto ihH 0o" breurtl tbo Mcesalry ptweaure to bear apon Oommlaeloner Martin to b7tSiiJ.f,rrt "Buportoteadont By.

Vs reeolnUons ef Sept. X. 1891. k- tt folly xpet tbat tbe provleloM of tbe exelM law acalnat Buaday Mlltng 11 nor can beearoreed by nalformod polioemea. I tie beanmak an btaln tta neoeasary evidence of a rtoUtlon of tb Uw.

Tb oonrto require tbat either poslUve evident of xhe sal of Uqaor BMt be obtained, er tbe poltoemaa must be able to swear that tbe bar wm oxpoeed and liquor lthr Mid or offered for eala. Th aide doors of the llqoor stone are all gnarded. and In bat very few InatonoM bu tt been poaalble for a nnl-formed policeman to gala samittanrt to tbeM guarded barroom a. Hence tbe employment of policemen In plain elothM MnUal ta a rigid enforcement of the law. Tbe following table ahowi tb nnmber of ar-reata made by tbe polloe for violations of tba I Saeosd.

JimtU. ruin Twtr third. II Tw.itlT.lnnrlk Mi ujun A IV lath 1 4 4-1 Tnty.arth Klavantli riftceaUi Twentytlrst Thlttr.Uitmt ltThirtyfourthl xouu 70 There wara 1 unui. 1 av. ill WMHMM Hill III UM preceding Bnnday.

DRY BUSDAT VS JTERSEY CITY. Jadge IJpptnoott made a dry Sunday In Jer ey City yesterday. Saturday morning tb udg sent notle to tb Chiefs of Polio of Jersey City and Hoboken Mmmandlng them to enforce tb Bnnday Uwsfln their rMpectlv eltiea. Tb Judg asserted tbat tb oourl bad ta right to set In the premises, aad If tb poltoo of tbo two eltiM neglected jth eaforoemeat of th law to see tbat they turned over a asw lat Mayor-eleot Wanser to to fo to tb bead of tbo Jney City Oovernment this morning. Ho will naturally look for pretexts for removing Christy P.

Bmltb, th supernumerary Superintendent of tb Police, to whom tbe 1 ring, to Mrve their wnenda, gave th eontrl of th department over Chief of PoUo Murphy's head. Tb Superintendent probably suspected tbat bis refusal to obey tb ordsr of Judg IJppln-oott might used a weapon against him by tb new Mayor, and prudently decided to carry out the Judge's Instructions. Tb word wm paased around aad there wm a general closing of the saloons yesterday. -f eon kMpers. to avoid tbo suspicion of carrying on buslnoM behind cloeed frontdoors, with the ssaletsnoo of aide door aeeret entraneee.

draw up tb urtalns aad xpoMd the Utorlor of their aaloon to tb pubUogase. i InformaUoa to tbo tnstruetions given by the SuperlnUndent to his snbordlnato been refoaedtotb newspaper i reporter at Police Headquarter A Sergeant la chare of th Btatton aaid, however, tbat th Captain notified their men when they went out en their detail yMtordsy morning that they Would be held nanoiiilhU: f. on their poata. wrwr VM rather inclined to felicitate felmaelf yesterday tbat Judge matter Ml ef hie headsT ipvuim ueeoa are noi JtonMed by a reform oppMitloa Mayor, no at- Batoona were pen a nana! aad beer flowed xraeiy. i 0BRIX2P3 MYSTERIOUS XSCJLFZ.

1MB ABKTTOBJ JP TBB BDVr.0 MAJT TO PACB OBAJTD JURY. AlAijrr. May 1. Colaeldentwllb tba meato for bringing before tb Oaelda Grand jury tn xacu reiaave to tbo eeeape of TbomM O'Brien, tho prlno of bunko men, tba appear-aM bar of Bonator David B. H1IL XMatrlot Attorney Jobm Onslda County wm tn town yMieruay, ana eonierred Wltk Attorney Gen-eral Rosaadale and Dlatrlot Attonay Eaton.

It wm agreed to have the ms presented to tbe Oneida Grand Jury arly this wmx. Tb Albany wltnsssts Were notified to be preeent on Vedneeday. TMstnot Attorney Baton wm deslrons bringing th matter to tbo attenUon ot tb Albany Grand Jury, wblob meets on Monday, bat after looking it over bo concluded tbat It wm bettor to wait a little while. If a oarloUoaf Dlsh-ler, Mcnwsine. aad oUert who ar aoeuaed of aiding In tbo oeeape ot O'Brien la found la Oneld County, there will be no need of bringing tba matter to the attention of tbo Albany Grand Jury.

Should a eonvlotlon tall la TJtiea, then tho eaM can be taken before tb Grand Jury bar. Even thogn both Grand Jnrtsa fall to Udlot tola fact will aot preclude tb Di-trlet Attorneys of either Albany or Oneida from 5 resenting the obm before sabMquent Grand uriee. Bbortly after fferlng tb big toward tor tba captor of 0Brioa. Oov. flower called la Attorney General RoMndale and reqneated hi a to AAAlKt tltA Ilia.

v4m th Udlotment tho aoeeeenrtos ef O'Brien. This direction wm made; under the Bevtaed wiwi proviae snas anau be tb duty of th Attorney General to proeecnte and defend all action In th event of which th people ot this Bute shall be Interested." Then again th atatuto provide tbat It shall be th dntvnf tha fl-nwl naimi Dl th Governor. Aa. to preeeeato every peraon who shall be charged withlhe eommlMlon of an uiuivwuw uudum iu TJvuuoD or me iaac This Is not tbe first Instance where tbe Attorney General kii MSisted tho local authorities, whea Lou Heeslons wm tried for bribery to tb Assembly tbe Attorney General took part In the proMCutlon. Again, whea McDonald, the contumacious witness, we en trial for refusing to testify before -a legislative committee, th chief legal officer took a baad.

When Hamilton Ward wm Attorney General took part frequently In trial of a criminal nature. It bM developed elnc the escape of O'Brien that a nicely laid plan wa dvld, to rescue bita from tb offloer on his way to Clinton Prison. The police authorities hero get wind of the plan, and alx offloer heavily armed accompanied O'Krlen to 'the prison. It ta believed tbat one of the principal reason for the Dlstrlot Attorney' hesitancy In laylag the whole obm before th Albany Grand Jury ia tbat ther ar too many toan In tb panel who ar mixed np in politics. There scarcely what might bo called a merchant th lot CLERK HAY DON 8 MURDER.

VO CLUB TO TBB PBBrSgTBATOB OP THB DUD TBT jDI8CdVERD. Hiwskb, K. May 1tb pollc bav cared no clues that wlli aid fMteslng oa tb guilty man tb arlm of waylaying, robbing, and murdering TbomM Haydoa, th Pottar BUaobary elork, who wm' struck dwn In th baa of tbo work opposlU tb Csntr Streot sUtioa yMterdsy morning Jobm Lang, a well-known thief and rnfflaa, who travel under the sobriquet of Joker" Lang amoag bla pals, aad George HaU, tbo bat-tor, who were artMtod yesterday, are not believed to have bad any haa the SMault Ko urg sums of money were found on either, and. If they are tb taen wanted for the crime, tb polio bav yet to And she evidence aalaet them. Hall la a Pblladelphlan: CMt County Pkyalolaa Wrlghtooa bM directed Can.

oner Bekulto ef Oreaget bold an UvealovSr tbe remaiu of the murdsred aaaa. The noet-toertomiyottob made, it Uamed. bow-ver. that tb blow wlU tb baleetiek that killed WJ Pwdtod -een pound frctoS rtSSS and that the pressure of tb boa on th brain wm the direct eaoM ef death. It la aaid that Haydon.

bv way of ehwig hie employer- eon-fldencau blm.WM la tb habit of displaying bto money when be wm ant to make drafts from tho baas and It la preaumad Uet eome of tbo yonag mttiana to whom he mad tbadia-play planned hie robbery and murder. psucoATJcs ro irxarjrBApoxyj. B.Xehleaet aed W. B. Sc sit.

Aiteraatee-B. H. Macru aad David War Weed. i etoi A Urge barn aad eatbaihang If aasseth Bead. Drain aaoet mo auto from La wail, Maaa wee bnravd Setarday allit.

A quMtlty bar, va2aa-Me ntrt, and aevaeteea head at euil ware alM dwitrvyad. TT were the liropoitl el Lukal Oaeiasaa. a auihmeav Tbe leae wtU be trea t.0O eeveredby taaarance. The are wm probably ef taeeadiary engla, aa MpkMlon whim a vara jaa eaipaan wm umtfaTM, 9 3 1 SHAPHG i SHERMAN JbOOM Tits OHIO SENATOR FAVORED KT EARRlSOys OPFOSXXIS. BTBXVOTH WHICH BB HAS BSCUTzXT DBTBLOPBD THB SITTIATIOB AS TIBWBD DIPrXBEVT XYXS CUIXOK AVXIOUSLY WATCHBD.

wWuroroB-. May L-Of aU the ati uHi in toanMUon with tb aaU-HarrUoa m4t, John Ebermaa laaaad atroageat with tbo Kepubiloea ot tb oonntrw. r-- doubtedJr Mr. HarrUea woald mtm, ppjnat within tb Bepublleaa Party unit vuw uu snaa nnarman. Tho Ohio Seaktor le kaowa to bo right a tba naaaMmi Question, and.

should he 4am tt rUof Mlaneapolls. ther would aapltal to gjsla from th cry that wm tb of 1 1 free-silver Ee publicans. It 1 known that tbo most prononnoed oao-mle i of th Preldent havs bad Sherman la their Tor Mm time. When Jusm a. Clarkaoa wm ber Ust November, at th tlm MlnaaaplU selected the plao of the Hattoaal Bepub-lioa i Convention, be told a political friend to vat 3b Sherman in connection with tba Harrtooa revdt Mr.

CUrksoa expreeMd th pinion thai Bbarmaa wm vary likely to be taken np and nominated. I Hb caUod attention to tb fact tbat Bberaaa ad vary popular with the Otmui af cooktry. and said be believed that he wer a candidate, they would rally to bis support aid tbat at least 300.000 German veto la Iowa, Wlatonifn, and Kew-York. wblcb bad ken lost to th Bepublloan Party, might bo regained did te miln Bbarmaa tba Bepublloan eaa- OarkMn bM not given publicity Xifc3aBlM fcUtolw "oreason tb believe that be bM cbenged hie mind. Certainly 8 harmed I stronger now than be wm Ust Fall.

Ha wiTiJ li8 PlenOonv.ntlonlMt week, and the delegatoe selected to attend ths Mlnneapoli Convention would, it now seems certain, vote for him If be should give th word. Thejeherman machine In Ohio eenreasedlT and Stat patroaaxe In the btate and eomplete machinery of the party ontoldo of tb two city counties. strenrth 'wblcb Ba did not poascM In ISsI or previous PrMldnUal yesrs, Itoslnth S2aSlM toSSJ eindldatotor tb Preldencj. Without, apparently, easting bis ye toward tbe nomlnatlonTbe has man tied to strengthen his grip oa the Ohio inacWne Tm th2 Forkr erowif have l.amed to Tnli baa not Mcaped tbe atteation of tool who ar looking for tSe coming man" wh ahaU brink aorrow to th Harruton bean. One antl-Adminlatretion BepubUeaa aaid believed Buermantob tho strobgMt man on whom tb opponsnU of Hsr-rlsofeould unite.

would come nearer to wresting tb prix from Harrlaon than any B-pubbcan ao far mentioned," this man aaid. ff ron look over tb Bold," continued. the Isn't a glittering array of talent to eeleot heinotblnxtoeoVS mend him beyond hi nam. Ex-Speaker Heed can'J be nominated by the Republicans eo linS L5 Jft retlB PossoMlon of hi. facuiuie! Ke "me may come when Blaine Is no loarer a nabonal ngur.

It anrely will not eomV oonr nl Jerry' Busk may bav hi BghtntoV rod 5P' uUre wm be no elMtriolty li lulmn lr who would be moat likely to fulflil our hope, and it wouldn't surprise as to 'borU' Within a day or two the AdmlnlstraUoa Bepub-lleaas hsv awakened to th faot tbat aatrucrl for the nomination to ameng theoeaThmSee 25 Ft i JBOW lrinc that Harrison wul tbatMiTnew Btatea wlU aU be for him when the oonventloa assemblMlnHinnMpolls. It lmpsMlbla7tbe? ballot. MeKtnley or Sherman, or perhan both. "rjMy will be complimented wl th thVvet ef OhJojand om of th thr manoXaeturlng Here 1 a fait sample of tbo talk AdmlnUtra-ttoulmea are! now lnduiglng in: Mleblgaa wlU Uet Ukely stand by Alger until It to clear tto aomlnaUoa, aad Iowa 7m Pp tooom.Plln,ont Alltooa with one or twoballpta. The Pad Ho States may not be en-thnsjMtie for Harrlaon, but with Blaln out of tb kaoo tba Question naturally arloee.

wber fr7 "it themeelvM bettePl Tbi New-York. PennsylvanU. and Wew- KulftnH 1aIIm with v- ii "-SlSTZl alter the flrat wonia one. and iKiumm. xi eomDinatlon ever been nggeatod by the most energettoof STiKS PPto tbt would smut more thenj 200 votos out of tbe 90a" What tbe aatl-Admlnlstratloa RcpubUeans ar roost Interested in ascertaining to: How dee ThottM O.

Piatt tbisrttoatto" WWU if "dtodly lliVto aV. Har riseii side-tracked, be may be couated upon to takajno hasty stepe. Ther -la Ukly to be a good deal of Mhemtng this WMk. aad eoasulta-Siwlrtout bomoer looking to tb lotoal Mr. Harrlaon a alma.

Thb IUInols Republican ConvenUon BOMta Wednesdsy. Senator Cullom. Bep, I1LJ who ng from the Presidential race in fevor of Harrieoa. to said to favof in.tructtag th delegates for the Pree? dentl Mr. Cullom is not unmindful ot the anti-Harrison movement, and cherishes tb bop thatjls cm tbe renomlnatioa ot Harrtooa la found to bo "Inexpedient." be may eaptur the PreaWenfe foUowfng for himself by Vlrtoe of hie reeent aaxBanimoua action and eaeure the mucMealred plum.

Mr. Cullom's oouno i AN UNSUCCESSFUL SWIM. a HOf A BUFFALO BIT SB TRIED TO GET TO JKBSKY CITY AMD FAILED. Jol a Smith, a driver of Buffalo, nndsrtook to win from this city to Jersey city Ust night and i aad a dismal fall or of It 8m tta wm Standing at tho entranM th Cbai i bora Street Ferry about 10 o'aloek when a boat same la from Jersey City. Tbo psaMngert rush id oat In crowd.

Smith soatcbed a bua-drad'ldollar diamond pin from tb cravat Henty Beskey of 29S Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, and started to run. chased th fallow, and Officer Bafiaa fM Leonard Streot Station sUo started attar Finding that be wm being overtakes. Smith turned toward th river, and at Jay Street jumped off the! dock and track outlvutuffor the Bew-Jeney shore. Tb Idea of swimming th Hudson nnder tb eltoamstaneMi wm lndierou tbat both Beakay and th offloer at down oa tbe strtng-plee of tbo idoek and laogbed. They kaw Smith would obliged to tarn back, and ther imply Mt still and waltod.

7 later they heard a eall for Cl. ytumn aeaor ana token to th Leonard Streot Station, wUer bo Waiai lweTw4 nni This or.i. uifM uauicw UVVINH OI it, Bat ho ran ao aad finally jam aoa into nver, i i LIZZIE FARRELL DEAL HEl DID KOT REGAIn? COVtOfOtTawaia AFTER jTHS ASSAULT OS bebL Bxb Baxk, V. May 1- Llsxi FarrelL th orvint girl aaaaaltod en Brldg Aveao Thursday blgb died to-night at o'clock, at tho Long Breach hospital, never aavtag regalnd eonstousaoM after tb attack. ChkrlM Cooper, tb acgro aocnaad mt bavlng ooneemedla tb orim.

Is still la eastody. bnt tb cue against him to thoagbt to be weak. Hi eonnlcttor storlM and ttomnt niade bv Is us I times la regard to bla wbereaboauThara-day flgtit wer considered amcloat ovldonoo to noidiootnoxtuein. Mohatlm, tbe police are working on the ea. reportea to-nigni mat aa important else oeiaineu.

uui tno pouo rex use to My la regard to It i AUKXBCK xsosrn raox beats. arotux, K. May X. A trisla oa tho eney aad Saw-York Railroad, In rharga of Cbnduetor Jacob Hall and EnluMr Stephen trne a oamego eontalaug Looaard ee and hi graaddaaebtor. abet 1 e'oleek iieruoooi near the MoetvaJe etatlon.

srain wm gelag at th rat ef forty mllM is. saaoeoapeuM ot uie were out sad the earrtaca wm suattoL Tba wm eoon brouaht to a atandauU, aad too haade wol back ta nWk an thmr un. peeed. tw dead bodies, but. to earpriee.

neither Mr. Gnraea mmr-ble graaddanshtef wm aerldaaly hurl, altnonch both bad received UvelF ehahtng up. Tbe bans lutor.lal wm kftorward, oapanrad. uea eeeo anyaiing JtSll Rtfn KwM uarn Gurd taia a mm ofi buried trald tralJ I ii imuu tii cnvri I MQASTXD TO DEATH. FATAL RXIULTS Ot TWO RAILROAD COL- I aaioai ABD FIBESL wKamn Paan May 1 Aa tralgbt brala aa tmTiLlJZ.

wxeuiTBaUB af by a KaStli'1 WbwtbtrMk, wMk irv. i. raa xato ta tbrowa Croat tb track aadbartod ta aaembaak- Harry ttnjta, aad Harry Martin. PblUdalpbU. wTLuAhVu a-raBAYKaylWblUawM Cwtral Hadaoa tralgbt trala wm taking water at ChorvilU Static.

nrt InriaJn. 01 upoath? wilmlVLSm ever prSoSfeEl There are two oxjOaaaUoaTTf ihaTSSl of the accident Oa i that thV tog Un bad ao algnata flagaa suil'w an approaching train. Thootaer totbat the asenrn Si moru nS- 5s? wt: SlnCiI Wed wltb trel A. las had tba Urm B.ii: mni.wm WIUVl I FIRE CAUSED A BOY'S DEATH. i I THBEB OF HIS SISTBBS WEBB MOM OB t8 IBJURBD.

Air brok oat ta tb oaOar of tb tkreo-story-aad-bMement brick building at 1M Broadway, Brooklyn, about 2 o'aloek ytrda xoora-tag. and tb tea peopto living ta tbo! plao narrowly eaoapod with their lives. Th chief danger wm from th wblob wm vary tblok aad poured up tb bUa aad air ban to tba top floor, where Mrs. Matilda Tmffi and bar nine children ware aatoop. I Th Tttffta war aroused by ta erlMfromth tret and Mrs.

Tafft took tb flv ypangar ebUdraa aad mad bar way dwn th stairs and oat through tb back yard to to next strMt Tb ether four wsre old nugb to koaUx their danger, ana this Mused bm to loo trol ot themselves, and a naalt oao thm. Benjamin Tafft, aced elevea run, wm eo badlv burned tbat be died yesterday aftoraMrritb! EMtora Dtotrlct HMottaL farfound lib ZZ?" rra nooVby eftremaa aad carried to the roof. Mildred Tafft. aged lgbt year, climbed out of a window aad wm r-cued bVnremeaT Bbo wm burned about tb body, bel ntMrtonalv JoMpbine Tnfft. a red the am window 11.

but abe wm toVrrighMaad to heed the wamlnrs ef the firemen aad lumped wflfrvVr Tra, wm eerried ZTZ. tmmmuwwu I ta ItNst 1 nfferiag from shock and partial aufloeatloaT d.f" tb fir wm alight, boildUg. owned by BtokM Behaft vra taS aS1 IT W00. JohaHeerU; VflS lftd Bb fthefatl Aa Wa aa futsCooa eoend WXZCX OF A BIO WHEEL. IT CABBIES THB ROOF ABD WALL OF A BUTLDIXO DOTTK WITH IT.

Wnxntxmo, May 1. Th uestnctlen yesterday of tb great Coriis ngia aad tt heM Mm 2Ta A of tba wrillmti.l i. Company wm the xeost extraordinary aeddeat aa aiaiory 01 urauMUOut ataaafaetarlaS- TbngU. Whleh WM bouaht Of B.m-mm A nmilpf Kawark. K.

a year ago. wMf 100 bono powaz. It wm brought to WUllmaa-Uo eactioas. It took a Urge gaa ef workmea maay months to oreet lt aad sksusksd te be buUt especially for It Tb driving wheel wm S8ftotln tb shaft oa wblob It turned 15 laches. It wm running with enlr 400 hone power yeetordey whea the ahaft aad- into It pit with frightful eruk carrying the roof sad tw walls of to besM with It It wss smashed Into hundreds of traraento, aad all It pokM wsre broken In two at the bub.

So tor-riio wm tb downfall that brlok la th ea-glno-booM wall wer tbrowa 200 or 250 ftot and Mm of than paased eaUrelr ttroagb th mala mill. Both aa-ia aad asia bobm are piled a ahapelcM satp ef rabblah. I The Iom by the aeeideat will amoaat to BiO.OOO oraMS.OOO. The llaea eompeay 1mm nothing, however, 1um It bed aot eeeeptod ta gl-aati whMU believing ft wm too big aad unwtoidy to run snccsssfnlly. Several ef the eagtao-reom mmm mvtvw HnMa SSS A.

iJ. FOtkr ll Ilia llh k. 1-1-. i "A i mi gtaM evaa iswvi BMW a4 ah ira, i) NEWARK'S NEW WATER WORKS. DEFECTS THAT ASSOLYB THB CITY ACCEPTIMO THE PLAXT.

FEOM HnwAnx, It May Th aw watoi plant wm to bavo beea turned over to tho eltyjby tb Lehigh YaUey Railroad Company oa fay Th dty will fafuM to accept It la th otojtlon In whtob It hM been Mn to be. Tbneagl shallower than tb contract damaada. and tb Mpadty. th angiaMrs aay, fall short let the stipulated 50,000.000 dally gallane. Tba eup.

ply plpM are defective, aad treeb break are mt wkly ooeorrone. Tb oity aatborltto will rfulr th oompnay to bring th plant ap to tb Mutrect ataadard before they wfU hand ver tb S6.0OO.000 par-cbae mouy for It at best they My they wllL Th attoatloa of too raUread Mmpaay wm ealled to thss defeet xeoatbe asm. Tb pany hM aot deigned yet to forward reolr to tbo letter ot cess plaint. Soma cyaleei aas Sle believe tbat th elty antborlttoa are making letr complaint for pabile aaoet, and thai th relaUonaof mm ot tboM la ofdeo to tbe eom-paay are ueh tbat ther will am the aitv fake lath end anything ta eompeay oom tt to eall a water plant aad pay evr ta aontraet WINNIPEG'S Bid FIRE, it THS OPERA HOUSB BLOCK AJtD XtOHY- EEW OTHEB BUILDIBOI BUBVXD. WDntrBO, Maaltoba, May Th mestdia- Mtrou fir la Wtonipcg history eeuriad thia moraiag.

It started uader tba stag ot tb PrUcMS's Opora Shh about o'clock, aad before it wm get andrMntrlthaUr Opera Boom Blk aaditghtoa other buildings, mv-eriag a space ot nearly tbiw aaraa. ware um.rT deatrorod. Among tbe balldlngs buraed war Bawlf grain heuee. FrMt A Wod' agrtonltural fanpU ment warebeoee, Greea' grata waivAoao. thrM larre 11 very aad Ml sublea.

new Salve-tloa Army barrack a. aad the aleblee ft th lemlnlon KxpreM Company. The ether ware private reetdoooee, Tbo SaasM war flr tbat little or aothlng wm mvxL Th Itiss ar vary heavy, but eaaaet now be estimated. Ruee a Self (' UaeU Tom'e Cabta 1 Ceaa-paay. which wm pwyiag at th taeetto.

toot everything, lecludtag wearing appareU ward-rebe, aad aperlal eceaery. Frederick iWarde wm to have epBed there to-morrow, tat rar-tuaatolybla atao bad aot beea takaa Uto tb theatre whea th fir brok oak, A TMTSXJOGS PJUSOyiR. Kkwakk. X. May X.

Ther to a asystorloa prisoaer at Polto Head Barters. Th ataa, wbM name SapertBtoadeet Brewa mfnsM to dlvalc. to aaid to be tb troaearer mi mbso Kala-hta ot Labor argsntoatto. aad to be a hart la his eei seats. It to layeeeible to ebtoia other parttoolara, Mar re hM a vi haea aaaee age I eat use MAY-DAY AURMS lUSElaESS LAEOE BUT ORDERLY DEMONSTRATIONS BT THE WOXKINOMEX AJfARCaOST DrSOlDBBS RBPOBTTD BUT tM FBW PLACES AB nra-wy, UMXT- a CT LOBDOB PABIS TJBDSUALLT MAmia wi.

SA)aTaw I yi Tb rrj anted a4 Ua at Pord-fo Ubor Wvaw beadto-T bm swan of th Ursa atxtos mi tv. cw. tax dtoartoav In tba hAnAm mm i-a. tngtbtrfasmlltob MbwxbaaNMCt aad pa. lag th day a tutot maaaav.

Advlea reeefrad bar ahw tbat ta meat Pja tb day aaad baravlly tt at atotty. Thar wer sssmlili at a wtmsn wber psssbss mt a what taflsstnistecy Usui tor were made, but the paltoe wer gesMrally est taalnaMgMdrde.UtWMa4AMlato. ly prseeitsd, wm very oaaHy nrtinl whea "nun mij nIBI May Day wm served here a vary catoi A Urg protola tora4 a tb Tbaaaa Xmbaakataat aad atanbat to Hyd Park, wher astiUf tMottag war Uii. A t-mtt addrasMd tb rwd. InolndUg Cunalaghaas Grahaas, tb ttilstlsl member ef the Hao ef Qnsasssi Teat Maatf ad Baa TUtott.

tb labor Under, aad Btopalak. theBussUn wihOlst BsMlatisa war adeptod dMUrtagutavar mt an elght-homr day aad ealllag apoa ParUameat to bom aa algbt best blU. TbiTs tss ao dlsiiiih. Tbe meeting wm th largeet 'ismtutlw lAeTaaa vr argaalaad thia ity. Tb werkmaa began to asssmbU aa tb Taaanes Embnrmnt at 10 olek tb aiarii Each Matlngsnt wm bdiiby abaajfaato.

and every band ot aaradar oarrtod bsasrs. war bodMkad with roMtto aad fa vera. Altogether tb ptssssslsa mad a bright peeteaU aad the appUaa wm ftoqaeatMta tolUr asarehed atoaxc, ta pr-f Mt order, aad with almost avOltnry irssislo Aaldaaatay bglva at tb magattada at tba dsmnstratia whea It to stated tbat tb pra-ceesloa oceuptod nearly thrM hoars ta aattitaf Hyd Park. Tba aumber of person who took tt Irem BQ0.000 ta VW.WU. im spsseass avad aad tb pssssiA lags generally ware aooerdaaM with tkmptZ I mat sviarg laroo atatd aad fsst poUc aad a eoatiagMt of the St.

Jeha' AmbaV bm Aasoeutloa wara praaaat Tb aataatbUga dispersed quUCy. TheAnarchlsU bad aa tmprevtoed piattom ta Hyd Park from whleh Loato KUbal aad thr spok. but they tatted to attract attoatUa. Joba Bum to-day wssssdsd ta avarttag what thrMtoaed to bsesm a ertoa dtotmrtT Awkgpaotto aboat to ator Hyda Park wm stopped at the MtraaM by tbe peltoa, Th ecenpaau ot tba vehicle, however, taatotod apoa their right to oator th park aad aaaUaad to tora off obedience to the ynllismsa's aa dors. Theerowd ta the rear thea bagaa paaa-tngtb vehlel forward, aad weeid eertotoly bav evwrpewered th pUm a fw BMaaaati aw.

proves a SMBist, Jut thea Ban and. aeixlag tb borMsf baad. turned Sfls hvll. to favor of ee-eperatVea to eeoare fewer weak, tag bears. A black bag wm found to-day aaeeladed tnt beetde tba Weelwtob AreaaaL It telaed a quaattty of geaMttoa.

dyaamtu, aad gunpowder. In It wm ala taaad a bait llUd wltt MrtrldgM and Mveral deemnveats, wrlttoa a seraura laaguaga, leeesBavsadiag a whom the peliMr now traaklag. TW raruM to Alvalge tb aam tbl tadlrldaaL fa wm ttsshed tv. dM aot appear thai any attempt wm nmado to mum aa explode a. Th hag wm takaa to aa taoUtoi magatlM sltoatod a tb Woalwtok maraba.

Damomnratloaa were bald to GUsgaw. add bnI tb Urg awa of Groat Brttoia aad IraUad, They were mi a eled after tb Hyd Park nvMtiag. bat oa a ntalUrMaU. Iaey were atteaded with a dio-tnrbaae. PAua.

May Pari te-dsy wm porfMUy atot Tbo atrMts darlag tba day did aet mi PtoMnttb baaU that I asaal aa eSaaday. many penoaa. feartag Maflieta botwoea the polto aad wrktngmaa. pa lag tb day at born, There wm ao dtopUy ot polto ol-dlerr, but every eae luv that th aatborttto were reedy to pat down with a streag baad aay attempt at disorder tbat might artoa iMtMd ef 10.000 men taklag part la tba BaO Favto demeaetratiea. there were aly SOO proMat A man aamd Callne, who wm tav prtooaad Ust yeer for taklag part la tba rioting Ust May Day at wm thina Preeldent A aantber ml speechM wr mad.

Hi VallUat delivered a haraaxae. tb eeaxMof which he deoUred that Ui ass im muf ta claims of the worklagmearToaedbearftad la tbl form. Tba worklagmaa Utondad tbl Tmt, saSd, to deliver aa to the Government en tbo nest ton ef an algbt-booa-day. thin attiatatax did iiliiiiIi Tilntsis would resort to more eaergetto tss btm to seeure tb graatUc their frTnidk Tb aUettng prayed tba waakneM ralberjJUa, tb strength aad aadaalty at party. YalUaaVs remarks preveked streag dissent from Baaly.

wh ueaeuaeed tb poltoy at TloUac eelnulsted to BapraM oaslga aelgb-bora wttt tb btoa tbat Fzaaae wa-BCbd at dMperadoM. aaid that weald aever Muneel tb multltade to waall ew at. would a toll th Mvaraat SMMaiwa at twpraa-toa Ha wad la favor ef Iu aa anaaty at tba Mt at viola reeeauy perpetratod ta Parte. Tba msitlig appUadad Baaly MBtlmsats, aad refused to lis tea ta th Marqutode Tb aaual rseltleM wer anted, aad tba attotlag dtoparsad ta aa rdriy maanar, BUglag tb CarniagBOjU," aad ahaas-tng Vlv RevoamCfl olIy At 10 o'clock thia vElBr lMnitWM etlll traagniL M. Los, Prafaot at Polio, wfedtad Gaa, Hansstor 8 o'clock aad anna v.

aw aa sssssity tor tba farther retoattoa aa muuary, ta isepublieaa Gaard aad tba peiMo woaia anu to preeerve order. M. vtottod Preaideat Garaol and Una that aot a slagie arrMt bad beea made. Tb araat of the Priaa mt Yalta tm tbl elty to-day aad a rreat effaas to aTtovto tba aaxtoty. Ta Priao bad express id desire ramala qatot, bat whea it wm represeasad aim that thkawtodgf bto tty woald bavaabane Betel EeetbwlIllaAty ntod to let himaelf be eeea pahlto.

Hapald a viajt sTaaiaeat caraot, aad toe latter turned tb vtoik Tba Prtaa. aad PrUasM WaU start for Loadea to Partoto arbanpdathaMnnMssalealaydbar mm erltteal a memsat -Tba rwUtJmmmmi aay tbat aa aa known at at pi seed aa troa pet Sited wttt powder aad era irea ia a oaiaa aaop ea tno Bootevard Yelteira. He wm sees aad sssnysllad to deeamp bef wm ante to tgalta tba faa -n-fibtl to Impromptu teak At Tears, la tba Xtepartataat at ladre mm Letr. early tbte mrlg a beaeb t-yirfled the Geia Barracks. Tba Besis mt the exA xptetea wm tarfta, aad for tba tt wm tbtagbl Aaarebtote bad anempud to Amw ap siauoaas rwwoor asm waasaar tltaatod Toara, rra pepaia at tba attr wewa STaetly aatunwMaaaastolv kam a Bldlra traaa th rea to to spot wher tb expleetoa ta Tsrfcaaa aa Isrmsd wm aet the aataaiytag waa nmtjjmmmt" Ba iT-Jl Jva toha beefttsi aader S3ateJ Uared tb aewwdad strata, mi tv a T' BaowaiA, May May Day aa paaaat bawa nmjmtmmmm.

Tb ses1i A tta tyttaster wttt a taaa af tb aight Tate thma whtob WM tw gyaasalte aartrtdgM antoAaA tat. tb ataat to th nu mt vj. great arowds 0aad at th tateteaa, Lato. IS al al.ali a to tbaabafraf St Mastto'a a. whtob i tatowdwtadownvatoad at C3O.000 war aad tot fras-vaaam aaA tufau, mt SUM ta adteaaat tiiiwiH 1 A teeBac at wOd Beaertetraamaa I Ubor parade aad te tb dtonUr at tb diapUy at the at Tit Maa kbtedta totaa.

AtAablla. tethaPvewtoM of Vmskt. Admaenite ta Dwal 1 tba BartotBMtetTs tMtea I i LttXU Bebldt. May L-XxmM tar a gov, private mmj an WM Th raeiemeaey mt th taawaatbar pswvwated th Umtfmm aay axtoat 'A a todor boldtocot oataaar ft reealteCthtoteraed tteto MO refaMt away UpcrrlUga at taar ptoaM at aMtebry wbara were ae-a. a msMar at aeoadeat tram sfsMaeOa Dtepatabaa toOtlag bow tba day ye aaaa received freen mJX tha aatsalji Owayaay.

At Haavharg tbava wm aa yaoiawiisfctX000iisiMteabad ytobata, tb Is ii tlit, was aat tb maskera I i Bomb. May Ir-TU day paaaat UC bara. Aa a aveaaar at m-ttJ Itallaa trees war beat mm nus mmm mmj. A large SSBSIS.Stlll at It Peter's tkto tb BMMtomed bear, aet forth ea ate eauy anva tareagk tba arewded acreete. Ko uses wita a SMrlBBs Uea.

Kaay tadoor taarkadtbaaar.bat thaM waarty. Darlag tba vaatng a A dtepateb Mat trem ay that dartog tba ovsaUn av axplodsd wttb great force. Tba wtaaewa ot tba euuag aa aa ta farnrtar ta tta aesnenaaa. Beveral MrMtabAV TrawBA. May X.

Dartog teeatotaaaaatber at 3OQ.000, aaeeampaated by rratoc whleh. white tba great eat, reismtted a aaaa fair. tmadevbat at 'Uek. ea tb gtvlag at ayse- awraage Blgaai. IAA Talus mt th tag aveae" berth wttb graad "The Workavaa's Brama' -tk, thaateaah, troop wara rtefbte the day.

Maputo, May 1 dlsaraera harm wat aay part ef Spato. Al Sevttte a pvtost found a booth wttb a llrbtet taaa aa tba Sear his ehareb ifiiUml bat aa aa nsrsubedit fi BAacaxoaA, May L-Tbere wm a dtolaib mmmm aawe ae-aay. xae eae ef tb tiMte tbb Mvaatoaa aereeaa BcPA-Pnsra. May 1 4a aprtoaf tba aatte pro- mm wwraagmea mt uvte arty ieurty-fwa aigataat eeUbrato th day. Vail th dersMifrsaia wm la pragreM are ores eat to Xtebateea' sdjeMBt to the park, aad a pread tbat Ue tre bed beea started by tbeaa to lee tt eetobUeh however, that the Bra mt engia.

A tore crowd raatdlv mm aad the peltee oxporioBMd SJeeA dHnealty tekMptagMStoteat pM far tba porettea at the are brigade. Tb baildlag wm emptotely anttod. TaateMaatoaatetoabaalSlOfLOOa Haocb. Mat 1 si. tu xa Haiia.

TB day bm beea avost araarly maaaer. Last algbt revalatteaary Ptoeard wr pMtod aa tb wall ot private houses aad ea lampposts, bat they were te aseved by th peltee eeea tteywers dte-Mvered. ii AhtmuAB. May L-Tw krgs lgbt-baar aaaeaitrattea war bald to-day. TaaapMebM war mild to taaa Tba listing at th bteetat-teto aad tbers ware aU traaqali.

la ttarv Um tb aay wm quiet. SOCIALISTS AT THI POLLS. MUBIC2PAL RLBCTlOXS IW FBAICB A PLATFORM ABD MABIFBSTO, TmMa, May Acrdtng to totecraato ttmm tb pvotase tbe mBatetpel stesttoM appear to lpaalte. Maay towa are ea tbta, Tba paOtos Apromlaant teatar tb teetea parada by tba Beelsltols wm tb frslsttol Imju sraatte aad tba itdrM to werktogmest. wktoh wwa prtatod ea red paper aad oarrtod i biiIii.

stoaderd bearer. Tba feltewlng te a tlsfisa af tba aa- it ii toyaAv aaaMeeaserrraeeteaaBBaaa teaab I hi wtos a yeacM eaadclMhlaa lBnm.aS.tbe Aar. amsapwvs warhs toer te asa hears. gaarMaMtoa a alaiesa at "mm mi is iter WlU toe nest mmk 1 1 1 1 I I I a AralataMS ef Uai Aarv. a a ywes of lehsrieg aaaa I ABX.A AST- S.

Rxewipttea fesas rmrimw aaaaii rva aipar (Mh. Aar. A aa. aa, uaHSVB Oa in X. Tka mmm mi eeytua tor acM an mm, a.

aeeaeaioaaaMS tevaaorW AW. la Tbe oreettea af af llbaal avl la. A WT. 1 I aeat awdt.I A a Cbat amchLteirbM aj aaj hi aftosvaaaaa M. aaiaaa, mm aaaaaaa ad ParseaelteXM tareBettl.

a MdtoMtar taua waaaWT'taailaM4 BamaUf. TeaaSVee 1 mZu aa mmui tra-la WUAaat ABT. KtaiM aa ttmm BAiia al ag ft mmlr.r,rL AST. 1 ti a. a I 1 1 iai af aaataml era Ms Umi wua aastoiaai eavty "ia a Zmm aiJa'Z ii mmt ASTt.

It tma -I an mm. EaE Pwrva to ISaa. sbo (aaaaai iaaieMMteMMtoadM the a Mmr. It u- aW 'Imm'lmZJmt? slTial Bant te 1 WM aa KalS 7 Vaui aa r- r- L- a--a ef 1 am im aM oatetagtae IMM.n.wi mt k-ag thaaa eaeWta-ea tea n.ia.naa mi raw i as wkka. a 5 pswasM M.aieeaa-ated br tbe etoa tew MdeaalSls! a mmm imm Jt.

BmiaaS my seats OaMef aaetaa aad bvtasea. 9Z- baaaaa. to psatea Tmm wr-ee, eate toswearei niatealU mt rauee. vkt' The eaaeaeaei snaans mt Mmr i Maswsalaia cms end aar an tb man rtorTNt 5 aay ah I Vt'a'aA. ZmZr mmmi 'V tey? eeary wteawbTh is 11 lead raia.

mt mmm mt te aMiaaaaaTM tea aTaZa tele. wM bevel smhrsiisg all tee aianins. paymil aa tati tet''lTp4 tojtoe cry elWeaiiaem, atot mmm Oianlast Tm WtU mmt mmwmm i in I a taa wart. wtebe atetr area y. eaA te oetote yeea vtatery a vtetery mt to BSteaeattet a lihi ismann rACL, UllMCX rTtr.

LAA eiWhAl.iB&AAAAAi SZD riaAGS CaPTTJXXIX I TBB CBICAOO POX4CB MAXB A RAID CI TBB MAT -DAY PROCBSEIOX. May lA ktgbty lav tbabtar-Dary to-day. It wm the lateajs at by tottlmmiinriiiis1in wblcb wm thai are mt te-aay! i mt klalAf IW that taSAa mt mmm A otoar Unu bene mt ttoda, kaarwa issasg UM Boa 1 as S. oarrtod Saga wtoaAwwe' red MM they a roe set ta fteaain iii of gsBat tataaatoet Uabbard. A bail tad MMaitattea waa bald tiltssi ta Furperrtek.

aad Capa rte. Etst: tzrZmT a deaaa Central rteateaaeM.vM wm tbasr way limit tee i-twib i erwwd whtob aad tbo atseete. aad. liiiMpeahad by a deoM aw sets ta aalferat, teak piUM tta eraer at Mstlaaa aad Chert As tba atab eaaaa ap with ttear Sre-rea Sage BaatiBg ta the i sysiear Marsh sallil hte baad. aad ta a twtakDag a ears broke tbe reaae aad fted toe oa earrytog tha terwaaa Sara.

Thaarawd taU baek te aOtow tta amesre aad thetr prtesesis pesssaa. aad tta tests we es airaai islisily haimS tet a aiuf iut weawo. to erawd whtob itead tt siraata whtie sbssrtag wildly. A iww tetoau totor tta filraas sax pleyestaiitit the utta iBethsr ed by Lasso sac Marsh aad tha eft sees qatakty Mbwg toe bsarsr mt tta tad banaar. DsasteiUM eaewn ireaanaae.

wm jatetiy pteaed sssses teaair. mm a ye era taa vnta a arwrbt eaiti tads -r Tiinsrr aa toM ta tha paarat wagoa. aaa tat aag were atoea frees ranks It did aa aay partite or pvweeeatoa, tear ah ass IW rJ draeartee were tohaa Cbafhto Laaghrer1 wbaa th totter readtbatea Mvera teetaie aad tafarmad theaa thMUwaa bto aarpaat ta prsssMte tbatt, bat that tt tew mast be abayad aad. ta. Tba aaaa stated teat tbey were toaeaeat at aay wvaagdatoa, Tbay aajy read tta Arena faaa aad did a4 kaw smv www vtesatiag aay tew ii, a mmim awy wt totoaA te SUrv-vA aii There mmm mm Ue toeaS krat mt aaa neat, waara tta sf sibhs mw rovwiBwoBBry eptn if Mrarany BO TROUBLR XB HAYAA'A.

1 Havaas. May 1 May Day ia Havana wa aet atarkad by aay dtearoav. TB warkataa aaaaaabted to tba Yitto rbJfM' bat asbiag ta axatta alarm SaOawad tb lab? valuable ieottxxs burned. a 4 THB LAR4B BARB OF THE VAXRLAWaT STOCX FARM DRSTROTXD. 'Tlianiua.

Wj May L-Tb large bara A. tatttMaOau. taaea mmb tmtm. PalrU bwwlgbL aad dsapbte Isspst saTsghtto aaavM taa aaBsuag wm Twaaty-elgkt baad at aartsa4 la tba Kahte riMiir teOtea Mar by Mr. MeCaaa af MOar Ax tttatey tor aia.Bswa aa xar aaa a egl aaaa partehad te tba Baaaaa.

Ttery eecMvea Two eteters to pan Mmm 7 i my aawd M-M aad a faayaar-eld atailtoa by Oreaar. 17 Th bara wm eae ef eaaa-t la tbe an ate. aad waa vetoed rallr The atee dsetfsisd WM watead ad XID MM ATTMXTT rCICZBZt WnaiBiua.DsC. May L-Taa i F. rrttejuy mt to hte Sa pbyxlattea.

Ha seas aeea. mm 1 P. ht, mm sAaiail.le Baaaa 1 hmmhiCt dan res id taaA a teas mf e-teae wee mm mi ta a aaaase at Kaeen it, haaea mm wmmt ai.t aa eaera.teMwaaabbea4 s-veWje Jy aaai i.r mTm as toe meaaeaay, erajaAai yaa wana tee aaaaa tea ha. Si as mmmt wikkavi I'm te tea i i toe eraeta mi iaxttoe inn imman ta ton kalll sia aiai hi raca-a at aaar. 1 aSS la end te tee ary eaA tee mm nam iUte hTTSSjaltTks TiSV'TvV'rTn'iT Te te battel bavavssl bavrah tar th Brtiliai day I MTrtbtuenfaM Rmsahl tests anias i aaiiSsiwi mwmmm 1 MtekffabaawBBW Tba peOM mntote bad tueid atrtet araar tar tta racatottoa at "tti i Hi ill i whtob wm aa tbat aeaa-et ta Aaarehtosto draaarte wwaid parmlHst te aaa pesedi.

At Kb Read mt th tw taaa trwat tt ArbsSlsr gaftea antoe Ssmtof ad tag waa sarrtsd. tt Bad aaaa imisl isiiiiai mmm mmmm, mmvm IK dteerdar ea the bert Mala haaj- mt woa, merge F. TJrPteesy tBsttlmm. who waa Batot yeeasrday.reatataa asitngal nmifsid asuassises tor tweaxy tsar bias, aad bte mm te ni ess ily srmaal There Is teaab sine'itli bar te wt artsy mr BM taa as an I namplid el all by a-, bare aa Friday ea baa-' mm eiaas-M te In i at I al.l.. II.

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