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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 4

New York, New York
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0 THE! NEW YORK TIMES, I MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1919. 4 Mm j.u mil? crcr3 Tin: ittj: at tics exa Reconstruction here The war" ravages In Belirfom and France are no more appautnir wan th. tremendous fire wwt here. And America' losses are unnecessary.

ZiMoratrocnan here tnereij mwm instating GLOBE Sprinklers thsv i ebeolute safeguard against fir. pX)St AUTOMATIC SPR2NKIXK CO. st oiuii -vjv -w I yWEIXOME SOLDIERS WITH OLD GLQKf Very American j) Home fcbould Have One of Oui iUArtANTEED WOOL BUNTING FLAGS ift.J4.6S 5x 8 ft. $11.0 v6a. 6.45 6x10 ft.

14.0 DeiVarscf Fr9 ot Charge rnon, rr urn or JOHN CURTIN Ilia -ESTABLISHED 8S3 46-48 FRONT ST. NYC Phone, Broad QQ0Q TIII11KLE01ITR0TZKY ASPIRES BE CZAR ColsheyistWar Minister Changes om Rashy clothes and Red Has to a Uniform. USES THE IMPERIAL TRAIN Mourning Damonatrftlont fof Lleb- kncht and Rot Luxemburg at 4 Pttrograd andj Moscow. I- -WARSAW, Feb. (Associated Press.) That Bolihevlsia lj in Its critical Uft, ithr rumingj to Imperialism, with perhaps La Trouky.

iHnlster of War and MarinC as tfct new Einjeror, or slipping back to the Idea of the old Nihilism, with a sort erderlV disorder, la the impression; riven by many refugees of ait naUonallUM who have arrived here from The cerreepondent baa talked to a number of Uhmm topla to what mlchi 1 harpen In Kusula If Uwra la no outaida lmerfrnc. Ona of them wi a Boi al.evit soldier who $ertd whila hU cuBtlmrant was anKaxad la raidinf tha country west of Mlnaki i Our chief characUrUtle, aald. la that ara Urad-Urvd of foolinc, Urad of killir.r. tlrd of flffhtinf and tird cf wandorlnc from pUlar to post, Thers no. ooubt Uiat Loon Trotsky it attempan to obtain -order and to whip Lh troopa "Into ahape.

la known to be tarrtbiy ambitious, and porslUy he Is dreaming of becomlnf Csar. knowlnc that i Balahavlam haa -i Hecent: -rumors that! tha Soviet Government troopa have Evacuated: Peuw are unconfirmed. There1 was i a eral belief In Petrotrrad durihr January-that the Alliea were about to occupy' the city. It waareven etated tha.t Entente Powers had tajued a proo-lamation to that effect and many persons claimed to be aids cite quota- ions from tha document. Bolshevist hlefs have been 1 alarmed that a to Petrocrad in the belief that Je Allies were in the fatter city.

Trotaky la reported xo have chana-ed from hla flashy clothee and red neck-des to a uniform. He 4a aald to be rid-inr here and there on the train formerly at the diapoaal of the tump ror and he la aald to be ualns th4 former tmperlai automobile. SUFFRAGE DISPLACES HEW REYEUUE BILL Votes 6r Women Amendment to be Taken Up! In the I Senate Today. EARLY ACTJ0N IS Tax Msasura ba and Probably' Hsld -1 i VVIUon'a Rsturn. Pattsd Soon for -i MpmtUl te Th Jtmw tor Tlmaa.

WASH1NOTON. Feb. 1 9 j-AcUon upon tha War Revenue bill, which was adopted In tha Mouse yesUrday by vote of 310 to 11. U1 be, moved Jn tha Senate Immediately upon tha dlipoaal by tha latter body of tha reeolutjlon to submit to tha States the question of an amende inant to tha Constltutl4n grantlnc sa-tlon-wldeauftrara to woman. Announcement has bean made that the womaa suffra- proposal will be tha first business befora the! Benata when It convenes tomorrow, and Senator Sim-mona.

Chairman of th4 Finance Committee, said tonight -that hs would not ask that, tha War Revsnua bill rtcalva tharlght of I It waa poaalbla. Cr. Bimmons said, that tha suffrage question- would be disposed of before tha Striate adjourned and In that he would ask tnunedlalely that action be taken on the Revenue hill. Th general belief tonight was that, even should It ba found poaalbla to get tha; Revenue bill before thai Senate soma time tomorrow there was Utile chance of a vote being taken before Tuesday. While Mr.

Simmons Is confident that the-Revenue' bill will be adopted by tha raJnload OX supplies was recenuy rRnat bv k. Urn melarttv. and without alteration 1 which would eecessltata Its return to conference, ttilsi probable that several of the Senators Will demand the privilege- stating thlrj objecUons to certain-features. Thai. long statement accompanying tha bill must be read, and Mr.

Simmons-will SDeakJ i' It does pot at tnia unt inai avs mm Is today's ous hash, with money saved, and appetite gained, if to the hash you add plenty of the rniracIe-vyorker of cookery me deems ai uerun oi jieo-, i. knecht and Rosa' Luxemburg, the Oer- carried out tLri to take a vota man Spartacan leaders apparenUy made the measure before adjournment a deey lnysreMlon oa the l.ol.hev it 0,, specially id the deb.te on chief talna. Trotaky ordered i public wom-j euff raaw nronoaal takea ud nHirning at etrografl. and atretcar: mxich ot tad senates day. Senator Sim-traffic -was atopped but when officers tonight that would not triad to close the -theatres, the sailors.

IIl. im. who seem to do as ttivr. please In Petro-: lt WM jnow proposed; t6 hold the bill grad, are reported to have declared they nttre unuf president Wilson's return were going to dance and enjoy them- triaa yrance, there was no such reason selves as uuaj. i i for nreasine- its speedy adopUon as naa j.

Greet demonstrations' were held before existed when there was'aUU a chance of the Winter Palace and the red flag was putting it In the hands of the President everywhere at half staff. There, were while he waa in EuroD. i violent epeeches In whl oh Philip chelae- Blmoons confirmed i the atatement mann. a memoer or me coen ubiiwi i made by Representative hatchin to tne In Berlin, was bitterly, atUcked. tils effigy, made of cotton Wool, waathanged and solemnly burned.

I The Nardovnl Doml or People's House," waa re- -hristened the House of Rosa and Liebknecht" There was also orgaiiized a mourning Moscow, it being saia that It waa or the oppressed natlona. Prerre Your PaonogTapa Recoril Semi'PermaneBt SiWered Needles Replace steel needles! They play 50 to 100 timet without wearing out Loud JfHas Soft 'I 30s pm ycfcsee mt AtaaieaUr -y'-l tO Brsaiway TT9 Beeedway Fifth AftsM at Wrd Street Camtiont Beware ef ise3aly egectedassdlse ed safsrii Among those who participated were a few Chinese coolies andsome Behgatese, who were wrapped' in furs alleged to have been confiscated by the i One speaker aald: "We Bolshevlkl are the legendary Titans jaho wUl break; from our shoulders all tha chains of the It is aald that Feodor Chajlaplne, a favorite opera singer during the later days of the Imperial regime, la singing at the opera, at Moscow at an enormous salary. Reports have ten received that executions are being hurried so -that Jailors may have a holiday during celebrations, there being an average of from six to eight persons put death each day at Petrograd and Arrlvala from Petrograd are now very rare. One lad came the pousrt iron House members yesterday that a Joint resolution i would oa presentee, to vou-gress after the adoption of the bill In its present form -for the purpose of repealing Section 904 of the Kxdee Tax Title, which levtea 10 per cent on the sale oL certain so-called 1 semi-luxuries. There has been an agreement made that the conferees will get together after tha passage of tha bill and' prepare such a resolutions I It is understood that all thought of repealing the.

existing rate on second-class mail matter during the life of the present Congress haa been abandoned because of the unalterable opposition to such a step by Mr. Kltchin. The decision in this matter, therefore, will be left to the next Congress, which will be Republican In both branches. In this (connection, it waa explained that, as' the sdc nU-clasS postal mtes came under the heading of tax legislation, any i movement, to alter the terms ef tha nresent law would have to be Initiated la the House. The Senate con fereea attempted to acconspUsh tha eubt stitutlon of lower retea and the abollehw I ment of the provision of tha present tier recently and said that he had sons system, but the House conferees, traveled in a sleeping? car the curtalne led by Mr, Kltchin.

refused to give way, whlrii hsd tha "windows Vr. Kltchin. It la Bald. i also refused tO hrolim snd th walls nlastared with listen to anr PrODOSal Place CUea- Bolshevlst placards.

Sin his compart- tion of an alteration of i rates before the ment -was. a woman; who Journeyed House. nearly 30O miles to buy some sugar near What action the next Congress will the frontier. The cars waa -eo crowded. take Is problematical.

but It will ba he aald. that men slept -In the baggage discussed by the Republican party lead racks, which were roomy. and are as soon as they coma into power. a I i PHILIP GIDDS COPIES T0 LECTURE 0U WAR Fct.szs Rezzkts Halifax ai Ship 'isith Cem geesiol te tttTmrk Timas. N.

Feb. rhni nihba the famous EnrllBh war oorre- poadent. whose daily descriptive stories of the fighting irr which th BrhMH Armies participated, and particularly tha big shows wmcn tne vam-dlaia won: their laurels, were followed by thousands of readers both In Amer-in Orsat Britain, is a passenger on board tha Cunard Uner which sailed from here today, bound for Nw Tortc -l Mr. Oibbs, who was In Halifax for the first time, spent much of bis, time with the i Canadian. forcea at the front.

Ills brilliant dispatches. which appeared dally to Turn Niw Tosjc'Timx. during tha; period of the war. were, eagerly wmmh kv thousands of Canadians, many of Whom took advanUge ot the -oppor tunity of maXlog a permanent history of tha great war and preserved all -u his articles. i tj have been with Canadians many times at tha front," ha said, and I am glad to bava had' tha opportunity of traveling home with them.

To me. as to them, the trip waa a historic voyage. SUFFRAGISTS BURll WILSON IH EFFIGY Ceotlnaed frem 'Faaw Celaau 8. Lcrfhz No melal y. men have sixty-three Votes pledged for tne resolution, but one more is needed.

beeause Its passage a-equlrea a two- thirds vote. The women are trying to get Senator Hale of Miine to come over tomorrow a petition signed by a major also will be presented; to Senator Oay of Louisiana. A number of tha metibers ot the militant forces who Intended to go to- tha rienate gallery were among those ar- gnt. John J. Rogers.

the National Advisory nr. tiro giving unexcelled service to satisfied wear-ers all over the worid. Yon, too, should -wear thecis i ASTON COMPANY- Massrs Garter rested tonlg-h Chairman of CounclL is ona -who "will be nresen' There is sura te be a large delegation. While the militants were girding on their armor today: the more- gentle branch of the suffragists, tha National Suffrage Association, waa mak- fng plans to attend, the Senate session tomorrow. The spokesman aald they were hopeful, but refused to make any 1 mtittint Amnnv 4 XTw men -connected "with this organization who will ba present are Miss Mary Garrett May, Mra.

Frank J. Shuler, 11: rszii Fcr Safe fp I eoc tj" per trccers A i Pcnnd Ai i r- Tor can get It quickly and economically by altering or adding to your old buildings. For expert counsel and free e-tlmates ('onset Is. lOHl'KD a-ODIKICk rvA w-- tXLJ 1 Tst-pew Bfyaat ttn. NEED rr.

-i, 1h4 hod artivU 3 Aunaltt) to4ay UOm ktno the crtdit myaim cnt at mu tmgm eteaasw wvfc Mra Stanley' MeCormlci. Miss Ester Ogden. Mrs. Charles Tiffany Mra F. Louis Blade, Mra.

Richards Aldricb and Mrs. v. Event Stacy, i The anti-militant workers. In a state ment issued late tonight by Its Vice Presidents Miss Mary Oarrett Hay. denounced the demonstration staged by the National Woman's Party, and ques tioned the sincerity 1 'the militants.

Miss Hay's statement "The v-tth, an ths women of America, -have -been obliged to stand the ahame and stigma ot the outrageous nerf ormances ibl the mem bers of the National Woman's Party tne w. ot ins sunrage movement. Ih character, we have tried to eonswer tnem misguided, but todays demonstration on the eve of the calling up or tne vote oa the Federal woman suffrage amendment makes It a question whether the members of i the Woman's Party waa the sucoess of the amend ment -or bublicltv--for their sraanlaa- 1 i i "This Is not a party issue. Such an Insult to the President Of this greet nation must be resented by all Repub licans ana juemocrats ajue. confident In the discrimination and wisdom of the members of the United; States Senate.

I know that they will not permit such actions to prejudice of Justice and their respect for the mill tons of American women wh for half a century have, been asking for i Mrs. Csrrte Chapman; Catt of New York Is President of the association. Mi 'AX 1 xpenence taudht thousands that SI i OSTOM In IS rdNJU. 3 C7I 1 is better for the! larrvilv thah mm. mm 1 have thlkeJ with mar.y on the way across, atd heard their experlentos.

"Too much credit cannot be glvn the Canadians for the work they did on the other side. vThe attack on Cambrel' was a severe strvtirle, and they had many caualUes. TiM.y were fighting en the north while the English were on the south, and 1 went into Cambrai With the Canadian Gibbs is going to the Unltsd States to locture, end will endeavor to tell Americans what the British people have eulferod during the laM four yars He eapecta to be in the United States bout twro months, and probably will take a fun into Canada to speak at Montreal; and Toronto. When asked about the labor trouble In Great Britsln. Mr.

Gibbe said he thought that it would be a long and hard fight between capital and labor and that: labor would win. He did not think that it reach tha Bolse-vlst stare, which wss contrary to British InaUtutiona said British' character. But there need be no doubt about It," said ilr. Gibbs, England will never be the old England a new England Is already in the making. The men who were torn up, as it were, by the roots from their old life and were ahak-en up by tha convulsions of war.

ere not going to go back to, the old life or tolerate the old order of things In land and Industry. In the course of Ms service aa war correspondent. Mr. Gibbs went through most of i the heaviest fighting safely. He was I stricken with trench fever on two occasions.

-Boon after the armlstloe was signed he met with a serious accident when a heavy motor truck dashed Into his i car. He suffered serious Injuries, from which he haa not yet fully recovered, but he la In excellent spirt ts and the eea voyage benefited him very much. He is a charming conversationalist, and ona would never guess from HIS niUUTfai UTtiJVinji uii.o. .1.1 speech that he waa the most famous war corrwsponueni in um wonu. cr.J tciitho Interest cn yemrj Mert-C2SC! reaches ycu punctually 'on day.

fio m-tter what lisppens to ether Investments, ycur Interest end principal ere both TUUST C011PANY '160 Broadway, New York US lloaUgaa SUEka. 44 Coart StEka. SSS E. lth Bt 1S54 B'way, Bkn. SJT Falton St, Jarosiea, ft.

Y. ISO Mala It, White la las, N. V. 1 Factory 'Manager it -i For newly projected rubber tire factory to take entire charge, except plete charge cf man- ufacture, i purcliaje i of materials, instal- lation of machinery. i Right man can name his own financial condi- tions.

Give qualifica-' i tions, experience and telephone number that can communi- j'-cate witJi you 866 Times Anoex. i fT ruck IS ale gQ a I To; take complete charge of sale of standard and 2-ton truck. The right man can name his own financial condi-' tions. Give quaJifi. cationi, experience and telephone berto; that we can xmrnunicate with you quickly.

865 Times Annex. VI Lew-. 1 BOYS' IMPORTED FABRICS For the boy from 7 to 16 years of age trie Norfolk suit is the backbojne of his wardrobe and shouliJof neces-5 sity possess exceptional wear- ing; quality. Our Norfolk suits ollpy with' fidelity the lines of the approved English models, a are rerodu sturdy genuineV In English hichr; sdected fo makers of the original models. We import or make, all the correct accessories, including caps, furnishings tand- foot -wear, which with Norfolk" suit' outfit.

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t-. -1 A- A' You may obtam one on convenient mpntKIy payment i. end your pretent piano will be taken: in 'ezckanga. 1 ill J'asaeggae i i aee-aBBa 1 i i MADISON AVENUE -FIFTH AVENUE, rfEVV YORK; Xrilrty-fifth Street Thlrtyf6urth Street Ami important log of i i Womeini's Xrlcolet'te I Skirt's at 1 5 SI will be': held on the Th ird Efloor today (Mooday) 8' jgwajBasjsjsjaa awaaaaaaaaarnVBanWaVsn mmmmmwAm-mmmAtr A tmalr charge will be made for Altera tlctia 1 rf: i' P'- a BROADWAY: AT 34TH STREET I i mm sBsaasa 1 a I -5 kn 111 ill II 1 1 Hup uvumjiyj i'-'-'j-t-' me 34th Street Greatest '--v is --'J I Men i mm -rAAA-r A'-- ilkf Shirts" 4- 4 1 r.y -v i 1 'in' -'ww I- We Have Ever Will Commence on Morning, bru ary 12'th mM- (For details cqo Tixcsdas" Eycnln Pspcra) mm mt i a i i I'A 11 Fifth Avenua. at 32nd 6trect4 3 il-- ii.

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