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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-'I'- 4. IK It Sift 1 It wu well i knows to Lerd Lisas, sad had certainty Wa declared raw by he Uaited States that ae stockade eoutdts rsetrsbjed ar deemed valid unless it wss effective. The aoble lord added that he had ao doubt that ttm weald be aadisAcolty betwseaber Majesty's tovsrnxsaal sad the Government of the TJaited States oa that point, i Boss doeameats bad bea placed la his hands wltbss the last few days which gave aim reaeoa to believa that movs than a doubt existed to the efficiency of tlMbiockaa ifoAdaJtotadMMtiMa eAes Uii, ta a Tre msMrt, eould only regarded a rT Uaekad. Ha did jaot, haweves, wish to forestall the dUeuesioa which must arise on the papers which, ha understood, were ta be laid before Parliament' He only reiened totne rub- tort 40 hi that ha would moat ua-tuetitloiiablT taka an earl opportuaity of briagus Uia whole ooeaUL I the reality of the blockade before the House. II agare ha wool ba prepared to arodpee were ae-i haawtodged to ta tree, tftea the House ruust proaouoce tha blockade to be noa-effecUve.

If, oa tha mother hand, tha figures wera contradicted, of feurse tt would be for tha Government to decide what weight 1 should be gives to taeiav Ua tlMtaght they were boaad to deal i wlia these matters In a conciliatory spirit towards tba United States, and ha would ba tha very last poison to advocate any act of 6sverity. fart leai of hoetlllty toward them, the same time, ss wa bad acknowledged twa belfigereat perties, jostlo' eaca, aa wen aa justice te oar wa auoering factoring popalaUon, demanded that an early oppor-t amity should ba take, when the pa pert laid before Ka ifjnAtA(Wii th auhirt and ascertain, lor the satisfaction of all concerned, whether the block- do waa or waa aot eaeetive. lueauj iimni mm a ural Officer, to ex-: press Wa hearty aympsthy with the outburst of pa trtotle feeling which attaadad the removal of the i fouihern CommUetonarlee from the anctuarypf a Vrltleh veeae aod tba protection of BrttUh color. He aoaia aot view tha event entirely with regret. It bad aot only dUplaved the poaeraod paUioUmofthe na t.

V'' den, hat had elicited frera Caaada a poattaeooa esj rnnrrtrw ars U1 CrltttlMi tO Ifim the high )' Wm mwkA tttm Mai wit which nraf Imr at mrtvictt had been made bv the Naval Keeerve! Hear, bear.) Any amount of money was well ipeat which had prodaced tuch reaalt. la the ZVral affair fccthcountrtea had done well. England was firm and reaoluie; America did Justice, though tardily, and rjcb, a aeaca was of the nature of a coaqueat, where, both partly nobly are iut)dael, A4 aeithetfaity Hear, hear.) i Mr. Rinmrf uM that he bad heard vtlth much 1 1 pleaaare the aunouacement of his honorable friend, the member fur Ualway. that he intended at aa early rcrtod to bring before the House the subject of the Y'i the blockade of the ports of the Soul hern States.

It appeared to him that tnere were two questions Involved i la that matter, one affecting the Commercial Interests -1 ead the other the honor of this country. Aa to our cemoMrcial lotereets be would not say another word bau if it was true that this bktciutde waa practically nothing but a paper bUcafle, the honor of this ceun-' try was to a r'nt extent involved. tTbe recognition of a paper blockade, wookl, it waa admitted on aU 1 alli. a v1.iU.iIod ol international law; and would certainly be aa latenreattoaon the part of this court- i try la lavor oi toe noruern owwb. -l 1 fore, be necessary, to order to justify their recognt-V" -r tl of It, thai Uia Government should show that there was no loundaUon for the aMumpilou that this block- ado waa pot a perfectly efficient one.

letter from tae Caotalu of the asamter. ar. rma frlafna fWwaTaa Mmm 1 Bib Ai ankle in the )ety iVif, reviewing the righls and onBes of belligerents and neutrals, has recently come Under mv observation, ut which tne following expressions occur At toe same time, it mast be admiitc'i, that both the 8ndr and the have groaaly vWtated the laws o( cvUlxed war-1 fare, by burning merchant chips to the water's edge, 4 1 instead of carmine them before a friae court. Thelr couduct la certaiuty mack more like thai 01 pirates kwiiit human gtneru, a ine comuiaooer 01 iuc omuir aaya. Kor la it clear thats cotamuulty which cane-Uoul such barbarous proceedings deserves to be treated with the same consideration 'which, is anlverrally aeooroad to taoae who themselves observe the las ofciflUzed war tare." 'Now, the above remarks are exceedingly unjust at tlimi I auDnoee voa intended in justice, but you it ...4 tV.

i 1 1 r. In vflih nf the (WfaieraiH 8tates. have bean filaced by those i Hnviliaed "nations whose ium of wailaro you say baa been violated. Great Britain has acknowledged a as '8 beliitmnt. Thla- ai Aauleugment gives ua ail the xighta of war equally with the other party.

One of the most essential of tbobe rights on Jni the-btgh seas la tne right of destroying the enemy 1 commerce, sad thus oisabling him truin carrying on n'the war; a right which Great Bruaia, in all iter wars, Cd has exercised to lta lullest xtent and with terrible upoa her. enemies. And when she has not found It convenient to send her prize i10 0WB porta, aue has bad that overweeulug lunueuce with the nations of the earth, which has enabled her to send tuem Ink) nautral ports, aad these to have them condemned ty her own prlxe courts. i The ports of the Coniederate States were blockaded Vea ox auout tae 1st of June, IfeCl. SuuscqutiiUr to this period, and with, the fun know ledge 01 the fact, Oreat France, and Spain, aud the lesser mar-, Wme lowers of sued procuuuations, de- fintng their posiUons iu Uie war.

in these proclama-' tiona they prohibited belligerent uisers fiom bring- lt lug tuelr pnias their ports-rexcept in ease of ne- rtit itr, awt In that event both the cruisers and tiwlr rites (were to depart withta taenty-four hours. la Ibis state of facU how can it be insisted that we, shall send our prizes into xirt ru adjudication? Into whose porta shall we aend them cannot send tliemu-to our own ports, for they are b'ockaded at least so far blockaded aa to reader it difficult for ordinary uU-tufre to enter them. AVe cannot send -them into any of the 4 ports of those civtlixed" nations who arejw shocked j'ettbe bmbarltyol our buiaiug them. What then, shall je do withthem t. They are our awful prizes, eaptnred; avs Eorope, by the cruisers of a recog- nu4 44 Jam Government.

Shall we let them go 1 I This would deprive us of our right of capture, or Jar nuu that vfeht. which is the same thkig. And Caa be what impartial Europe intenCrd when it 'penned 1U proclamation It la-reaJtly admitted that the usual aad mora eV proper coarse Is, as you aay, tor a cruiser not to 'burn her Mixes to the water's edge," but to send a them inu a "prlae court lor aOudicauon," and thla Is tae course wnich I need not esure you we would be glad to Tntt( if the thing wero aible. lor obvioaa eaaoris. But if thu naUwns of 1 the earth put it.

out of our power pursue I'M this" course, is It generous to tna fault with us A because we do not pursue it To show you the earnest dciure which 1 had, in the beginning of my veralee, to- send my prixes in for adjudication rather I than Uka the responsibility of sitting ia judgment on i them myse'fi I aend you inclosed a copy of a letter 1 il wh chi addressed to the Governor of the town' of I the ialand of Cuba, as early as the 6th of Joly lastJ This letter will explain Itself, and 1 have only to remara with reference to It, that 1 bad not at its uate keen the Kpanlsh' proclamation. I rely ucon kvyouraemeef justhtew give place la your columns vi 1 hoth tatbiaeammuntcatkn and the letter. 1 am, R. t. S.

ry. trftaaau) Sumfca, Clbraltarfiaa. 80 1 ol Commander eftne Sum Suintef feels ig ziined nr recent oommcsta on hl troceedlnrs. We have i expressed the eplnioa that his stylo of warfare is not 1 that of civilised nations that indeed, it approaches -iv the piratical. UtUa thought that ia axpresatng.

opiiitou we were ipuadiag.tUe fine feeiuigs of a man rcf The -practice- we re. i anarkad oa 1 was 1 of .1 seising thipe ea- gaged peaceful, commerce 4 and turning lmm to the water edge, and it CW not seero to rail for much delicacy ead nicroefls ia apeaking of iu 1 UUnks. otherwise he 1 not corct the charttfr of a devti-me-rare sailor, kaabeea at tribe ted to Juat by his English ad-. rairers 1 aad as he has aiaied nl case la fair and teiu-i werate raacuaee. reaatlv print his loner.

Cam. kauax, axplains that tha loason burns his cap-, lures Is, that he has ho port to Uke them Into. We tl xuay venture te; aay that was Oroeisely i evervoouy sapposea, anu wia. nooouj erer 7 Imartned he woukl destroy' ships and their 4 cargoes, no could get them candemaed by a prixa court and eold. He appeara to tfilnk that because he 1 eannot do that, he utist g6 about taking merchant ves i burning them at sea aad a il thai 1 people, we thlqk.wUl disagree a Ithhlra.

We a ill not, 11 fowevev.agaladfeev8aheoeton,areek to Imrais i'TForeaaoatagaoL nisLsrr. i vl 1 bas frmndil necessary to limit the JaciUty which It baa hiUierto eWea to our allsnt corteepondeal, aad wa. isnail probably bear leu of him ta future. Cant, ftaaia relars to a leuer tiob he aadreetad to the Gavr-nor of Cteafuegos, and to our sense or justice: print Ik we have to-dsy a. tense of Inconven i leat llraiuUou as well as the sense ha mentions, we Vannot comply with his reouert.

and moreorer wejdo I ruttthlr-k it revruhii since the-met' CapW1 Saasxs vSrtdtea evtabCsa by it is aot queetfooi.u If, to i aBy mora ntha)asra for thersn-eof secession than we is ready to 3 IV rim it he A ico rn tt. Us the Xearh aH tha ItAi rto-jntaatATxa Ss Vrtca-nrwi. i i flat Aitr-rwi Tiait i The Uaitfd Sla're atcamer Santuip it Cuba I havlns rrtrd from Havana a lew with rebel steamers' ibA In at-i tacklo our feet here, we are constantly on thetockr TheCVfedeltat the Southweat Pass, fcaJPre al the puth Pasa, the Mcrtue at Pass A rOutra, tlto-Vaaaaare at te Notlbeaat Pa. -t Ut mereiitc efthe 5Cth a wtton-ladea bark i -''laruig f'tl rt- frm the ltheaat 'yi arrow cfcannel, wii de of water ha beea i rrery much of latej Ur crew set tt9 her aad ea- aped la the hoaH, Attie tA.ii ttme alirte tciiooneT burned at u. n-ror of thm aoa ia Jasa.

for suuilu reason and the Cotwm eaetarsd the rebel Kni-f Havana to wuue fviag to run tie tlorkedratwu oi vfe has gooe to the Boetkwett I- r. -We irtpiedimet thee--ev-wlirn hm Mnre'sa. 'i-. a RKVWAS1 Mains cojlst. I -v auoivai opi titd- uoimr dtaH- i a T' T' f- AmiSS TUB SOUTH 1VE1IC1S ST1TES.

Tba steamsUp JWfA Sar, witli maHa, passengers and specie, arrived at this port oa Meaday alght, having left Aapuwall oa Feb. 14. The following Is bar LIST. 'j Ordef ttlOOlaaHaisenaell: foa Geo. W.

Bodd aftO.Dewitt. uue a ao R. Header. wfuriie NeaKthoase a.obiMJ. Htmaae brae.

Co. aoxw Of dot 4cv aeea Richard Patrick. lto2 A.S.KoseubaumaUo. HAW KOtuHJas-T. oo P.

Kavlor 8.009 Hth Wm. Mia inaa a vm. Aa. Kzcnaase aaaa. awo J.

H. Cogtdli. S.600 Utiin a ivenatadter .000 Scholle Broi 13.700 Wm.ilillerJiCo... amH j. B.

aeaton a JifWO A. Hecht 14,500 Jaoatn, Boud Waa. m. 4.OQ01Klrty. Byrne ft 1 1500 JenninnA Brewfter'Eag KellvA C9.T40 J.

A. XcM.i.i....w TOOi Frank Baker J. ti. Parker A J4Cio; Metropolitan Bank. 2Js34 J.

Heller Bro auwo Jaa Patrick A 8tephen TUtea At uol Wells, argo A Total ntOlt A8PIKWAIX. NathT Hrandoa James nan fm gamae! h. Cooper A 600 Weils, Fargo A 164 3C0lCartwrightAHarrison I.200 162,11 vrand y.w.v The news brought by the ATortk Star Is almost entirely devoid of rnterett. British and French ships of war were gathering on he Western coast of Mexico, to control the commerce which 11 was feared the blockade of the East-era coast might divert to Acapulco and other ports. Dates from the Argentine Confederation are to Jan.

1, from Valparaiso to Santiago de Chill to Jan. 18, and Callaoto Jan. J9, 1 Peru it bad not yet been formally decided who waa elected President, although there was little doubt that Gen. Sah Romas had received the majority of Bolivia continued perfectly tranquil. The war in the Argentine Confederation was considered at an end.

A small vessel which had arrived at Panama from Cuapa, reported that the capital of the State of Cauca had been occupied by Urn. Lorxs, and that Gen. Aa-lotXBA had been obliged to escape. This intelligence was not regarded as entirely reliable. Late Panama papers by the North Star contain the following news: The United States steam frigate Saranac, CapL RrtCRix, and Her Britannic Majesty's steamship Termagant, Capt lliy.

the latter with $300,000 in specie for; Eorope arrived at Panama from the Coast of Mexico on the 9th last. Her Britannic Majesty's ship Tartar, Capt Hatss, sailed from Taboga for the Coast ofMexico on Mon day, the 10th inst. The United States steamer Wyoming is expected aoon from Callao at Panama. She had towed the store-ship Fftdnia from Valparaiso to Callao. The sloop-of-war Cyan was to sail from Panama in about a week for Valparaiso.

SOUTH AMEBIC A. Scaaaar aad Chill Qulet-The War ta the Argentine Ceafederatien at aa 4 Aa Important Kimsr fraaa Caaca. From Our Own Correspondent. Paxama, Saturday, Feb. IS, 162.

The British -Hail steamship Callao arrived at Panama oa the 7th Inst, from southern, ports. She brings dates from the Argentine Confederation to Jan. 1 from, Valparaiso and Santiago de Chile to Jan. 18 Bolivia to the 21st and Lima and Callao to the 29ih The news Is unusually meagre and unimportant The fctcamei did not touch at Guayaquil, but by way of Paita we have a newspaper or two. The country was quiet, but the people wcVe uneasy under the tyranny of Gen.

Flosks and Seftor Gaxcia Mosxml A French Protectorate Is still talked of, but the Gov. eminent Party say that foreign intervention Is only asked to arbitrate the questions at Issue between Ecuador and Peru. PEBU. The Electoral College haa not yet decided tho, question as to who li to succeed Castula as President of Peru. No doubt exists that Gen.

Sax Kodak haa received the majority of votes 1 but no better evidence is needed that an election in Peru is a farce. than the fact that the people and newspapers are discussing the question as to who ought to be declared President, just as if no choice hrul been made by ballot Although the constitution does not allow a President to succeed himself, a movement ia making to continue Camilla in power but his friends contend that it Is a slander on him to suppose be would violate the organic law by continuing at the bead of the -country. The new President is not inaugurated till October, A new Minister, in the person of Scfior Rafaxl Bos. tos had been sent by Bolivia to Lima, to endeavor to settle the differences between that country and Peru. President Castiixa, after recognizing the Government of President Mosqcbxa, has appointed Senor Astosio Cascia Gaxcia Minister from Peru to Colombia.

He is now at Panama, and will leave with his family and Secretary for Bogota in the nex't steamer, vti Cartagena. Business Continues very dull at Callao, Lima an, the Chinca Islands. The amount of guano shipped in December till for Europe was less than 5.C0C tons. The United States steam-corvette treemin; had rriidet Callao from Valparaiso with the United States store-tlup Frtdonia in tow. The fitdunia all1 be stationed at Callao.

B0UV1A. TliU Republic hex become perfectly tranqul since the assassinations of October and President Acba has made Senor M. M. Saltbas, Mipis-i let of Government aad Foreign Relations Senor R-Caksajal, ecretnr)- of the Treasury Seaor Josa Cox vis, Minister of Justice and Public Instruction; Minister of War, Beuor C. Abila.

a fi Vi.ff cisn. This llrputlic, under the enlightened ana liberal administration of President Is taking knew lease of prosperity. Political asperities have been sof toned, and from the tone of the newspapers One would be led to believe that a sort of political millsnl: um had been reached, In which even the out are as well satlsied as the Business Is Improving fall-l area the past fortnight have beea few, and those of but little importance the crops are abundant, the mineral product increasing and the railroads In processor rapid Tlie only drawback Is the unsettled condition of the Arauca Indians; but terms of peace are being-brought about with the caciques, and. sooa these annoyances will cease. eraxy French; aa, calling himself Orelie King of Arauca, had beta among the chiefs, and claimed dominion over the people.

Some were for1 acknowledging hlmi1 while others ere nbe lie vers. The result was, tha arrest, by fM Crdliaa authorities, of the Frenchman' who will be aenl to a lunatic turn. tf' A strong southern rale had caused some damage to ressels In the port of Talparalsc The' Americaa scbooneri art-rWy suffered eoaslderably. by getting foal ef a Chilian bark. andchaAng on her chains.

afeaan. asaxuaod PAsaicasoa have beea allowed 4he nrivUege ef constructing a wharf at their owa nsetotherrtbflIuaaco. 0. Tn prt-ject ef a break water la the port of Talbsf Ti nl vihsl jra Etrh.nM on Enfland. 00 days, was ,46 penca, Aum, it was notexoected to remain at those fif- Una.

Traigau -ingiana em TnVram. Us franca. France. Ut franca. To ailed btatoa, ii riAAJl.

toa. Tnere aras sraraciy euuicivu iwiw. Lae market for hosas nae antu tne new gnnemj. iy as hel4 at ta to 11 quintal, months. No pki olliia Rica In ftrst hands.

America 'refined 9 Qgar arobe sold at 93 87 to at ft aroba. Stock ea hand less tba aauai, rtx-: 444.009 arobe. Kew Bar ley, to be drUvered, sold at ftl 6A to 01 At cash. 1 OtA," for dtatUimg parposaa. sold as high as.

3, cat 4. Copper at 17 40 QuiUal. cL i ABGrXTlKE CCLNFEDEBATIOH rrovtncaa of Btre-Rioa Corrientes hxviar tvbaoiKed ts the, yktorious Buenos Ayrean, I Gen. Mrtav the war Unconsidered at Suenos Ay res triu mphant 'The Chilian papers caxa 'elder this a trlutcbh af civClaaUoA over, .1 -i-zi JAajjaa, SataxdaysXeky 1861, -v 1 1 sjiacs the fetfgsiei was wriueiv AJall vssssi has arrived from Gas pa. Pepayaa, the Capital of tha Hiate of Caaca, It wea said had baea eacaptcd byOea-Laras, and CoLAaaeuaa had beea obliged to ascap.

Wa hare aa details, amd aaanot depend ea the veraa- wj ai bus reporw i rTJKITBD STATB8 Ol COLOMBIA, jf aad Fmch Teaaela af War aa the Weatera Caaat af Kexlea That Haaavray Schaaaar. -n 'it VIA wu wwa WWIWrvBBtDI, I s. Saturday, reb. 15, 1961 We have no mails foi thia ateainer from Centraj America, or from Bogota, aid ao thing of local The Britisk steamer feiodia, from Liver, pool a Cartageaa, baa beea due for two or three days, and may yet Be in at Aspinwall before the North Star leavas. If to, your Arplnwall corretpondent will give yoa her aewa.

tf British and French war skips are gathering en the West coast of Mexico. It is to be presumed they will take charge of the Custom-hoe set of Acapulco San Bias, Manxaaiila, Maaatlaa and Gnaymas, ft. If they did not, the trade for tae Interior of much of It, might be diverted from Vera Crux ta Acapulco, 4c thus returning to the route used to lupply the city of Mexico In oldea time. H. Br Majesty'! war steamer Tartar and the French war steamer Ba-fonmaia left Panama for Acapulco on the 10th, and the British war steamer Clio, now at Panama, will aoon follow.

H. B. M. tag-steamer Bacchante, 31 guns, Admiral Sir Tbokas Murun, the British war steamer Termagant, aad the French Aag-eteamer Du-raf Treuta erf aUo at Panama. TheU.

g. frigate Saranac arrived at Panama from Acapulco on the 9thi 8he win relieve the United States sloop-of-war Cfant, which will go to CaUao. The United States war steamer Wftnmg Is at Callao. The United States brig Jrrjr, fourteen days from the Chesapeake, arrived at Aspinwall on the 12th to re-Uevathe United States brig sailed for Key West next day. The Chilian schooner Af aria Joiefa, which ran awar from Panama some weeks since with 930,000 worth of war material oeiongmg 10 tne Government of Colombia, has been on the coast of Ecuador and Peru, selling tha muskets, Ac A vessel has been sent from Palta to catch her If possible.

Sefior A. M. Sorxiao, an American of Spanish parents, formerly Washington correspondent of the Vs Iparasojf ereano, arrived on the last steamer from Mew-Tork, oa his way to take charge of the editorial columns of the Mercurio. The Martinetti troupe of acrobats, Ac, 94 persons, from San Francisco, played two nights at Panama ano leu tor titma on tne Hth last nor QruAB, Gen. Mosqcxsa's agent to Panama, left for Ecuador on Government business on the 12th.

LAW REPORTS. Court Calendar Van 0 r. Bur MM CotJKT Cikctjit. Part Noe- 4 IB, J937, 17B3, 1K3, 1300, t8, 1144,1882,4010.857. 0035, 1977, 1360, HBO, 1162, 1168, 1264-12C6, 1289, 1310, 1322.

City Contracts The Comptreller aad Appropriated Fend. SrrRZall COCKT GKKIEAL TIKif. Before Jastiee Clerk. 8aUMrtea4 aad Barzard. The People, ex rel.

CA. W. Baker vs. Robt- T.Hawt. This is the ease la which the relator asiej to be paid for printing fifteen hundred copies of the City Charter, with Kent's notes.

The bill was $4,260. ine payment oemg reiuaea oy the comptroller, a mandaMut wan 'asked and obtained, compelling the payment- The Comptroller resisted the motion for tie wni upon ine grouou.mar oerore tne Legislature authorised the payment. Baker had been defeated oa the merits of his claim in a suit to recover the bill. The Court holding that the Common Council, by recognizing the claim, had waived ail questions and objections connected with it which might otherwise nave been urged oa behalf of the Corporation, 1- racieu a menoenraa so issue. The case was stated In the Tints, of Oct 15 and SO, 18BI.

Appeal was taken to the General Term of the Court from the decision of Justice Sutherland below. and the Court have now rendered the following spimou i BAaxAxn. J. The appeal papers show that the work In question "was done under a resolution passed by the Common Council, and the vote, and the Comp troller directed Dy resolution of the Common Couneil to cay the bill. i It see ras clear that unless there is some legislative pronimiion, or some legislative requirement as to a particular mode In which work should be ordered, tne relator is eatiueu to reoorer.

The Superior Court held that there was such legis lative requirement, anu weir lore oasmissea tne com plaint oi. tne relator. smce mat aecision. nowever, tne Leirisiature an- thorixed the Supervisors of the County of New-York to raise by tax the sum of $4,260 for Charles w. Baker, (the relntor,) for nr in ting and binding charters with Kent's work in Question.) and pro viding that no portions of the suras of money hereto- or thereafter appropriated by the Common Council tor aay specified purpose should be expended for or applied to any other purposes than those specifically uameu ana proviuca ior in sucu appropnauons.

It must be assumed that the Legislature passed this act with knowledge of the- circumstances attending the relator's claim, and the decision of the Supieme Court thereon. By this act the Legislature recognized the equity oi tne relator's ciaim, ana intenaea to ana did proviae for its payment notwithstanding anv violation of pre vious legislative requirement as to the mode of its contraction. The Legislature first say to the Common Council, you shall contract no debts excrpt In a particular mode, i ne Legislature aiierwara say, although you have not contracted this debt in the mode provided, still we authorize and direct you to pay for it If the power that Imposes the restriction subse quently directs that notwithstanding such restriction, a debt contracted in violation of it shall be paid, tbo Court cannot, when the body who controlled the debt is alili nx to conform to the legislative will, per mit one of the officers of that body to set at naught both the will of the Legislature and of the contracting ooay. Taking the act of April 17. 1861, and the Ordinance of Sept 27, lfil, together, it appears that the sum of 4,200 has been raised oy tax lor, ana appropriated oy the Common Council to the purroeof payinr the re lator for Uie work in question, and that this sum can not be appropriated ior any other purpose.

This is a clear recocnitioa by the Legislature and the.Commoa Council, of the relator's right to payment, and a direction by ooth those bodies that relator should be paid. It ia not competent for the Comp troller, holding in his hand a fund thus specifically- aporoprlared to be paid to the relator, to refuse to dis pose or ll aecoraing to its appropriation, i Order of Special term affirmed, with costs. Clxaxx. P. J.

This case is distrncruishablefrom the peoide on the relation Of Green the Mayor, Ac. In that the relator ia the present case had no remedy bv action against the Corporation, the claim having beea decided against him in the Superior Court and as the LezUlature and the Common Council had made a sneclse appropriation for that claim, the ap plication comes within the decision in the People on the relation oi neynoias rs. (in naro. b. is.

iu. HO) and the -People on the relation of Baker vs. Haws, (21 How, P. 17S) I concur. SrvHzsxAxs.

also concurred. Meses Ely for relator H. H. Jkndei son, for re Haekeye Caraarattaae aad New-Yark Cearta The Claisav JarUaictlaa ar Iks HAraser." $tJFKIM C0CAT 81-ICIAt j.rJas Connectirut Mutual Life Assurance Com-panft vs. TA lev land, Cbiumbiu and Cincinnati plaintiffs on the -1st of February, Instant, attached funds of the defendants deposited ia this City by the defendants, to pay their Eastern stockholders.

The suit ia which the attach; meat Issued was commenced to enforce de feudists liability as guarantors of the bonds and coupons of the and Indiana Railroad Compact, aowlasolvent defendants moved to set aslJe the summons and attachment on the ground that the parties are feretgn corporations, aad tba cause of ao Uan dtd not arias la thia State. The plaintiffs con-tan ded that the cause of action arose fa this State, the bonds aad coupons being parable at the office of the. Ohio -Life Insurance and Trust Compauy, la this Cityt that the defendants, by a general appearance, waive any irregularity of service, aad that, irrespect-. We of anv State law. a corporation created ia another fitete waa sntMied to ell Uie risrbts aad remedies of any citixeaoi another tatalaear Courts.

laewaaa i-There ts such a Biaeratty of asthortty apoa tba question, vix. where doea tha cause of actio a arise, where the contract la made out of the State: but tspayabta.arsa be performed withta It that Lund myself not at liberty to advance my owa views at Knedat Term, wnere a decision adverse to tha nlatn- tlts may result In tearing them remedileea. i-i feel particularly eoostralBSd by. the case reported ia 3' Coma ISt, Burekle as; Eckhart, lreat the result to which I hara arrive oa this question, is aot accessary to consider the point raised ia relation to the effect of the nodes served with the order to show causa. I think, however, jurisdictoa could aot be claimed in consequence of.

tne nonce, alio wea tne eoastroetloe claimed for it by the plaintiffs, unless miim at action aroea la this State- Tha obieet af section 427 of the Code was aot to coaler a privilege anon foreini Corporanoas, dui craaws a nue as pus-icy, which Is ladcpendent of any action cf the Corporation or parti Defendant motioa mast, with cost to abide, tha area the "ivk fctrki "lw pialsift i IE. 8.Tsa Wltile for 'iM U-J v-? A WTH Sat Anlde for raeertalaty-Kniarlrahla Bteaeata Aaaallad. i i Itrrazxs ootr arxcLu. tux. a Ciaaacry Rott, Extcutor, fc, ye.

Wm. Root. This was a proceeding to obtain a oonstructioa af the win of John Rose; deceased, and has been toce ar twice stated la tha Tnras. a John Hose left 30oV)00 toward foundliig a manual labor Institution for the education and benefit of destitute boys of this City, provided, within Its years. the City would aoa to 11 a uaa sum ior is smote par.

case was argued some time since, and decision WThe Court now rendered judgment, holding that the provisions of the will are void for uncertainty. Warranty Daraaara ae a STFXm COTHtT CIACT1T. Edieard Gould y. William. Metick.

This ac. tioa was brought to recover the sum of $1,738, forv merchandise sold bv the firm of Rushmore, Cone' of this City, to the defendant Rushmore Cone A Co. assigned their claim to the plaintiff. The defence set up is that tne gooas were war ranieu oy Rushmore, Cone dc aad that they proved to be of inferior quality, aad were subsequently sold by the defendaut ai a great lose. defendant claims a set-off for tne carriage ne susraineo.

Tne tnai resulted in a vsraict ior ut piainuu ior $1 800 64. W. A. Cotmen, for plaintiff J. R.

Diekenson, for defendant i Ceart ef CeaeraJ 8eaelaaa. In thia Court, yesterday, before Reconler Horr- mav, Anne M. Jennings, a German girl, 18 yers of -it. was tried for a felonious assault upon Gerkart Kieselhaus, and It appeared that the complainant, Kieselhans, called at the premises of th prisoner's mother and behaved in a very rode and insulting manner toward the prisoner, whereupon he was ejected from the premises by the mother. He Immediately returned and attacked tho mother, a horn he threw upon the floor, and aa be was In the act of striking her the daughter stabbed him in the back with a dagger.

On learning, the facts of the ease from tne witnesses, tne District-Attorney lmmeuiaieiy abandoned the prosecution, and the jury were directed to bring in a verdict of acquittal. Margaret Eagan. an trian woman, ti years oi age, was tried tor grsna larceny ana acquitteu. Catharine Miller, aiiat Catharine Smith, native of Ireland. 25 vears of axe.

pie ded guilty to petty lar ceny from the person of J. W. Winens, of East Had- aam, ana was sent to us reaiamuary ior four months. Hennr Sewell. an Englishman, years oi age.

pleaoeo guilty to a series of robberies from his employer, Samuel Hammond, jeweler, of No. 44 Merchants' Exchange, and waa sentenced to the City Prison lor five days ana nnea siuu. a ngni punisn-Lshment inflicted, with the understanding that the prisoner is to leave the country immediately. August Meyer, a German, 22 vears of age, pleaded guilty to forcing a check of Woods A Lowry" upon the Chemieal Bank, for 8783 33, aad was remanded for sentence. Hurragate'e Ceart.

Charitable Bequtttt A Minister in Luck. The wilt of Caroline L. Griffin, now admitted to pro bate, leaves (10,000 and 400 volumes of books selected from her library, to her pastor. Rev. Franeia Effingham Lawrence to St.

Luke's Hospital, to the Sunday School ol the Holy Communion, $3,000. Also a large sum to the Board of Missions of the Protest ant Episcopal Chuirn of this City. gsjfis sidinrriif i ne wius oi jane b. vruson ana Edward J. McGloin, were admitted to probate.

Decisions. BTPRXMX COCBT CHAMBIKS. Bators laUo Iasrahaak. Trimble," Executor, vs. Van Zile et al.

Motion granted. Jones vs. uoouxut ana other. motion denied plain tiff. Costs $10, to abide event Brttiar ts.

WaUh and other. Motion denied, with costs. Rot. Jr vs. fames end ofArr.

Motion denied plaintiff. Costs $10, to abide event Lnvyn Mutual insurance comvanv vs. zrow ana ma- granted. Th Sam vs. To Bame.mouoa grantea.

Cortei ts. Correrus. Motion granted. Jskatn et aU ys. GUnvill Woolen Company.

Motion granted. Fairbank ts. Ha? try. Motion granted, unless plaintiffs pay defendant $27 costs, ia ten days, in which case tne complaint is aumissea wiuiout ouier costs. SrrXBIOS COTJRI SPKCIAL TSRH.

ator Jmkm BwerUb The Peovle of the Slate of Hew-York ye. Van Haft. Order of arrest granted. The samown. uraer oi arrest granted.

SCFRIKIUB C0DRT CBAxtBKaS. BcSm Jostle Bomcih. Purchasers. Believes. Order granted.

Herbert vs. Hendrickon, et ot Order granted. Ever vs. Schick, et at Order gi anted. Las et al.

vs. Becekman et al. Order granted. Bctaraiutiis Unaerier. i Hamilton vs.

The Admndck Estate and Rail road Company Order for commission granted. SUncler We6er.Oraer of reference to Joan S. Patterson, to report Ac. uratg vs. smith.

uraer gran tea. Cruttt ts. DiFiganure. Allowance $S0 granted. Wernham vs.

Wemham. Order of reference to Hon. Murray Hoffoian to report Atibreth vs. oie, Jr. uraer grantea.

In th Matter of Samuel A rment. Uubca Corpus, settle at 12 o'clok. Cum km an re. EUuttt. Attachment granted.

Wilthau et at. vs. Barrickto. Order granted. HoUtdon vs.

Vatahle et at Order granted. Rortrs vs. Stt vensan. Order of reference to Robert EmmeU, to report, Ac MONETARY AFFAIRS. I 1 i Salea at the Stock Exchange.

25, ie63. $5,000 U. S. Cs, 1T4. Cum.

Coal pref 9 21.IXX) U. A. 5e. "tt. Cou.

Hi 275 do )t 3, AH) do. blu 2.600 Try 7 3-li p. cN. StiH dq 9H Ohio at 6s, ia 4. HO0 111.

ou'n Us '77 So 6,000 111. Cou SM e.ooolll.' War 3-ia do to lenirsi h. 150 30 Klk 150 ito. s3 ariTg sie 5 34)4 i 341a bSO 31 Jfc 100 60 aoo tk woErle 600 Ten. S4 io MOO do l.

M.H Vtba ISO 200 do-. lh.OOO do. b30t5 100 iJg SS if 60 doi. 64: 200 Erie K. 400 oo 7,000 do, s30 t4 6.000 doi.

1)10 S41; 150 do Lor Virginia State 6s. 64 3.O0X. T3 260 100 do Mbawari State 6s Pref. 30 10 AO U0 5 Hudson R.U.... bi 36 2.C0O do SCk 109 do Xii 36,000 21,000 do b30 SO do.

3h Til do. aela 37 16,000 4Mt 60 da. da sou boo au. 6,000 654 1234 1234 44 dn.i......stS 6k 30 i do. do.

sio 56 3t0 Usrlem fiallrosd 6,000 do s6tt 160 S.woo California Ptate 7 HI 20lKeadinff R.K. 6.000 Hnok C. L. 101 60 do s60 44 64V loo.K.K.Ut M.B..106H 28 Uleh. Cent R.R..

lju VUI At. VII WW" W. 7.OM0 B.It&d il. M.lnM3 9SV 56 do. sBO Mia 1M Hud.

Hit. 150 J. II.LR. blO 23 1.0f Hud.Kiv.1 M.U. K4 4f 2a S.lS Har.

1st U. lids lot do 23 l.pno -UM S44 oo a'. (1.000 klo B.a Ct. L.U.B'K 6o U. So.

2d 7o 1 100 do slO 47 s.oos do iov ioe. sa4t 2.CO0 Hkh. 80. S. V.B.

W3t'l0 bl4 4V. 6.00a x. Ind. 1st so raw do aim 2oe 60 100 4a 1,000 I do 28 le loo 60 330lD.Cea.K. 6UiC.AN.'W5.F.Bs7 100 do i.mxii;.

a n.w. Mt 4T isosiie. a ntt.b. ti. is 2006 let 11.10 I 10 Col.A Cin.

16 3.roo ft Tol H.r'.Bd at a Chi. K. cs 6.04 l)et if. A ToL Bds 76 ISO 1 Silinioubk ro a 0 Clcy. A Toledo 46 17 Bank of Commerce.

i aos 46 bx 356 do ,...46 1M0O American 103 29 60 467t 6.rK 103 aio Chei B.lsL I1 IjoxjO Jb3810a.il85S 1 6jX t' i SO.Cr.O do KAllW i0 aet tun Pud Ac Mail fl. Co 60 rem do. Mr sl 100 lm a 66 MIL A rr.Du Ch. B.

WH so jit i 'vde-." ao Wi levi.arr.uau.isti'rr. 11 IS xU.APr.Da CJdPrt. 61 66' BZCOST9 S0AK9. y. .1 I 018000 TJ.g.

Cs '61, Ra. a a. ts. uu joraeiftc M. i.

63. do sSSrt- S74 611 6l f- dii. 14X. T.Cea. tsO.

Waee aV 60.000 lt-o u. ti, wa i ar Loaa balf-y'tly. 91' 60.000 Tr'v I au a X. 6.0.J Ttna.H. b3 68 IliM StiUta) 6 .....4 tM 64 6.MS 10.000 do .64 16 Clue.

A K-lsJ- xt. 0 bltlat 84-. i. -hSST sv -riWMH ailwsy.4-. 100 da 36S de SS do.

lAflta JS0 66 Ses do 66 Uoo He Rjdlwir mud a 6ji 6,006 do 6ii aMonU War Loaa 6a ju 3H AO ErleKaiL 6i 66 Una. KIT. tt. 4 I.0J0 Cht A N.W.SdM. I.NAH14.

R. VI II. R. S3 i a Ji a b3J 3tV looT.a W. 49H 6.oe lod Tteadias 14 f2SkUca.8.A N.I- 94 M.toa 4 ion A-T.

Fla. 87 X. 60. a. a.

w. a. as Axa. Gold. lS 6vo de, lo3S 3JKe 1BV 127S 4e34 MO.

Cat afiO 66 1106 45V IT labr. SV 106 Curve, a Tel. a as Harleas li4 Ufa U6 stY 499 Bart, frcfUJaae 3ual TntM, Tcb.V-r. It A wj acayy Vostness eontinuca to be doae on the Btoch Exchanga. The market la buoyant and alghly apecnlatlve.

the tolnme of actual salea to-day ia nearly tip to the large transaction of Triday last The Tational Scctiritici are now Ukinf the lead, and tha orders are threefold greater thaa they were a fortnight ago." The outside orders to buy seem to Increase wi'h the ad. yance la price. From 83 cent the Coupon 6 centa have gone up to 92 cent; and a further early advance to 95 centrls confidently spoken of on the 6treet aa more likely to induce Investment orders, since the aucceaaea of the National arms, than 90 cent before. The 5 cents of 1874 are also in renewed favor, and from Tiaso have suddenly gone op to 85 cent The Oregon War Loan from 66 has advanced to 91 cent and Treasury Bonds bearing T.30 en in free demand at 93 39 cent. The precise form In which the Loan and Treaa.

ury bill was finally passed to-day was not known on the Street to the close of business hours; nor was it deemed entirely certain, owing to the ir regular working of the telegraph, that the bill had been definitely acted upon at all, so aa to aend it to the President for his approval. At the same time, some doubt was thrown upon this morning's mill tarv sdvices from Nashville, and this Induced a partial reaction in the 6 cents, of the State of Tennessee, from 65 cent the highest point in the ferenon to 62 cent, after the Second Board, the price leaving offC3V cent. An Immense business was done in this Stock, and ia Missouri. The speculation Is eaual to rise of 20 cent in Tennesseea, and 12 cent in Mia- souris, in leas than a fortnight. The other State Stocks were firm.

There is a further inquiry for Illinois State War Loan at 8Sj89 cent. The City Bank Sharea have taken a sudden turn ap. ward, and the rise in some descriptions within a few days is 710 per in others SS5 per cent. The Railway Mortgages continue in favor- The Sinking Fund Firat Mortgage upon the en tire property of the Michigan Southern had a fur ther rise of ll per cent, the closing bid being 91, without bringing out sellers. The original first mortgages upon the separate lines, now over.

due and redeemable, are being converted Into th more eeneral Sinkinir Fund Mortgage. kThe pres ont amount mittrw1mr ia shout a million and three-ouarters. Some of the old bonds were bought to-day-in view of the facility for conver sion at while the Sinking Funds were selling at 90'391 per cent. The Bail way Share list was quite active. There ia a brief pause in the speculation in New-York Central, consequent upon the large settlements of yesterday between buyers and sellers, on Hhe je-opening of the transfers.

It is supposed that some very considerable private settlements were made at 84 cent, ex-dividend, and the usual effect of transactions of this nature is to let down the price in the open market, to afford the Bulls the opportunity of replacing, at a profit, the stocks which they parted with in the adjustment making contracts. The price thia afternoon a the close was. 8383 cent At -the same time the turn in Erie Shares waa inthe opposite direction, and the Stock in demand at 34134 cent. The movement was also upward in the Michigan Southern Shares of both dercriptions, the rise from yesterday in the Common Shares being liaij per cent The Guaranteed Sharea sold at 48 per cent Both sympathize in the advance in the mortgages of the Company. The course of Chicago and Bock Island Shares is also upward 6fJ'2561 being the current price in the after- noon.

The other Westerns were steady. Illinois Central CLi per cent The-BearvA disposition in Pacific. Mail, from some unexplained caaae, Is on the increase, and tha cash Stock fell a fraction below 92 per cent, ex-dividend, this afternoon. In addition to the large printed list of Bales in the afternoon, a considerable business was subse quently done on the Street, embracing 1, shares of Cleveland and Pittsburgh at 1818 per cent. The general market finally left 1 off steady.

The following were the bids for the City Bank Stocks to-day. The additional rise is from 2'35 cent: Manhattan Lnion.f. Cltv- Pacific ....110 ..125 Chatham 70 87 Bank of the Republic 90 IBankofM. America '80 90 IHanover 63 95 Phenix 90 EnttKlver 76 Botchers A Drovers' 103 National 87 Merchants' Ex 73 State of New-York. 80 Commerce 89 Mechanics' 73 Broadway 120" Ocean.

70 Mercantile 99 American Exchange. b7 Market Shoe and Leather. 83 Corn Exchange. i 76 73 v. New-York 83 Imp.

A Traders' 04 (Park 97M Manuf. Ac Merchants' 79 I The bids for as follows the railway Mortgages were 1 N. Y. 96 N. Y.

Cen. 6s Real Est N. Y. Ceo. 6a, subc'n.

90 If. Y. Cen. 7s, '64 103 K. Y.Cn.

7s, Ifl3 N. Y. Cen. couvert "7A1C2 Erie firsts. ....106 Frie '64--la 160 WJ4 Erie fourths, 85 North.

Ind. 90V North Ind. Gosh- Lt '68 86 M.H. AN. I.s.f.

7 3c Ml Cea 7 T.II. A A.2dt, 4S -L. C- A a. L. 0.

Condi 13 Cb. AK.W.S.f..:it!. Clut; N.W.ldta. tda.46 Ch. k3i.

W. seoonds-17 Hah. Ft J. firsts ..,46 Han. A Ht.

J. seconds. 3D'-: 78 K.YJt tfntm 11. Vr rM, amm IN. Jer.

ea. ooBds.t.loSX Bndsoa firsts, '69. (iu. Crsie -i udarn convert 67 78 Chi.

ARk.L Harlem tint. '69-TS .100 L. s. wan. trti in B.

A Wab. Drt Lack. A flnts. 10S14 Dnf. Jjick.

W. Ida. ST Cen. ATel.ftrsta,a.f. 6S Harlem seconds.

'64 Mich. Cen.n.f. ae.ti2.103 C. B. A Q.

Ante 99 Mich. Arets. aitt V-8. Asaented 12 Thpre i fair Mnnlovment for Mcnet Afnon? the stock BroAcrn at 6 7 cent at can, lit ratea of discount on first-class Commercial 'paper, ire, oj7 cent Exchange oa London for tbo Aii to-morrow, leaves 11410114 cent, for Bankers' bills.

Gold was weak at the close st 103 cent I iThe' lExp.orf Clearances 'pf lv. mestic Produce sfs not, quite so heavy this. wtk' as last. Tha following is com pa rati re ststesidat of the Exports (exclusive of specie.) 'from I7eW- Tork to foreTjrn portsjfor" theweek endiilg F4b: 25, and feince Jan. tMe.

tae 1. -teas). For the week i. $1,04360 U3i.ll2! Previously reportcdlOjiOUb. 18,190,403 Since Jan.

1. 91L441.967 tJymAlt. SnbTrcAsury receiptor to4lJKpvtj 20,038 locludinf 119,000 for Customs p4y nents, menta, C21. 1 1" i i'lvi r.r 1 The weekly statement of the Piiiladelphia; up presents the ollowi ig agjix gates 'asj of the pre- yjous Capital urj.vf. Specie- Hue from (rr ka i.wi Due to othet fcardis l.Mt 6.0i3 l.N7T7,3t i S.lxtilS: la.A-3 T16A17 loe.

es.Jia The mails by tie Boston steamer front land to Teh. 9 were delivered hare this The telegraph from Halifax has anticipated general teaor of the news. Iiterpoo suth ity says that: 1 Aa important ananclal operation with Franee, jut anaoa seed, will tend to keep uptae export of rold, and, epnseitH-ntiy, advance tea value of sniy here. The Baxxsos and other large wrtallstshayef agreed 60 -advaoca to toe Goeeraaaent of rwm X4.00Q)OC aterlinr. at 4 aeat-wuh.

crst- erm mission, eaual to 0 cenu. epeuflrv of Rentes at OCX. This Is ssslvt At. a-ka sk sa aaiTTW-aBTA4S 1 is vaia Vrrmles. la ths epea market to 2)4 cent 1 towovad ctiactsx.

The effect was UUwisa feUa Focia. The Installments are to SO et tm the Hth lostaat 40 JJT Vl'fr aaaau as DacsaWa waa 1 iaatwW iallwM'ff- "4 rsto of 1 Caaliah Ceenuaeal am ajtxtiaa wsaraaasai The rrturu from the Ae week ending the Wt of rsbruary. ghes tbo following results when compared witk tba ate- i vioua wee: Other deports 14.179,91T..Deereae; STtass Govt securities. 1 1 Decrease. aftaais 1 O.

her irSS 4mti Notes unemployed. svuhti The amount of notes In circulation is 2(kRAau. being an increase of 263,470, and the stock tf bullion in both departments is 1556,903, show. ing a uocreaae of X323.466 -when compared, with the preceding Tetum. -r- GENERAL Nxsr-ToiA.

Tuesday. Feb. 2i 16C3 a P. Tha renorLed rereinta of the nrincinal kine nf Produce, since our last have been 137 bbia. Ashes.

bbia. Flour, 118 bb. and SOT bags Cora Meat 4.018 bushels Wheat bushels Corn, 4.770 basnets JJ'i ousneia Barley, xm bushels oats, 8,4 IS bushels Malt, pkgs. Provisions, and lfin bbia. at XI for Pots, sdse for Pearle, a) los aa.

COI'TON ContlanMdnll mA ukImI. UIMIIim E5T business fa Rio, during the past sr I- ecow 8o aodca ths Sales of Rio, during tha peat week, asaouat to 1SJ30 beaa. ana emnrace apoo per imu feaxa, at 9ac 204 per at 40c. 40, per LwT'at 20c. alfper Ylymj Seud.

tt ioMo. 4r, per do at 18c 700 per Afufa. at 18HC. and 663, per at 19ac. he mar.

ket closes arm. bat few actum w. t- Java, iAe.t J.7e.; Lagnayra and mw. usual terms. The stock of ait inda, th taarnlnit.

was 131.M3 pkg. Including 8C.U3 tats Kio and Saa-tos, 800 bags and 1W mat Java, mats Ceylon. 13.85t baas Maracaibo. bag St Domingo, 4,910 bags Ceara, and 2.W0 bags of other kinda. Feb.

tl Baltimore 5 U-iiAVssa Feb. 22 a 3Bfl0 reo. new-Yora Grand CANDLES Adamantine have bea la aaaia rm. quest mainly at HtSIUo, i another kiads an- cauiira. a FRUIT The demand has beea wmdaraea tar kinds, including Layer Raitlne at $1 ,40 aad Bunch at $3 SO ft box.

jtlouh aad MKAL state aad western: Flour I. 1 i I 1 Lit- uHKviucu, y)i iv. vi uctu axnivr, wain the market for the better qualities closes Irregularly. with a limited loqully. Tke reported-sales nnce our last amount to bUs IncluJlns 8uperaae State at 5 JO; Inferior to- choice extra State at $3 703 90 chiefly at 15 70 $3 73 Buperiaa Western, inferior to choice, at SA 434s3 extra Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois at 9 70-SSo Sai-sxtra Indiana and Michigan at $3 7i1A 4o; inferior extra Ohio at S3 931 round-hoop extra Ohio, shin Pine brands, at $444 10, chiefly at OAwte 10 bbt Superfine ....,...,...,,.4 SO Extra foe) ft SO Superfine ft 4349 ft 60 Extra Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois, A f04 0 hiiu aisuiiui.M.,.

a 9 Inferior extra ft Extra Ohio, round hoop, shipping ft 0OA. ft 10 Extra Ohio, trade brands ft. isa I OA Fancy ft 1ft Extra tfti 00 inferior to Choice ExtraMlssoari ft J09lT Oft Southern Flouts is la less demand at drooping rates: sales 1X00 at a asata IS fnam tm good superane Baltimore, and 00 for fancy to very cnoice extra brands, bbt Canadian Floar ts more linqulred for. IncMdinsr superftne "af S3 64 $3 63 i i extra at S3 -tOASA 73 i.m bbL sales 660 bbis. Rye Flour, is 04 83 for fine and superfine bbL Cora I4eal continues la demand, al S3 0063 tor Javaevi A3 ts for New-Haven, and OA 3043 33 for Brandy wfae, bbL Buckwneat Flour.

41 7511 p. 100 GRAIN Wheat Is quiet, and 'prices tenddowa- warn. Sales have beea eon Aaed ta 17,230 hashels. Including White Western, at 1 48 i Bed vWatera, (Winter,) at $1 41 Milwaukee Club, at i Racine Snrliur. at 01 33 1 Amber Jersey at 01 44V bask.

Corn is plenty and heavy have beea made of 27.400 bushels, at 62Xs.fe64iic. for Mixed Western. Iu store and afloat; Vc4C. for new Yellow Jersey and Southers, O8e.6)70e. for new hite bush.

Oats rule quiet lac lading Canadian, at 30c. 4) 40c. Western; st 39e. 40c State si 40c41c, and Jersey at- J9sv4oe. busheL -Rya is ia moderate demand, at 04c.

80e. from dock and delivered, buabel salea 6v40 busaels. Bartey eondaues unchanged, sales at 9,300 bushels State and Caaada at ft Such. The movements ia Breadstuff's, during the past fortnight reviews Urns "lflsetlrity; and quietness have been the ruliDt faatarei of taa trade ta Flour and Grain since my- last report The dull stats of the EneHsh and French markets at last advices was such aa toprevertt the transmlsstaa et erdera-with favorable limits, aad the export bustnaaa fo, thefort-ntsbt past has beea quhe ltsht The transactions ia. Flour have been ch'efly of a retail nature for -the ass of the City and local towns, aad generally arseefiniag rates.

The absence of a rood shipping; demand ia seriously felt, snd at yesterday's Com Erehnnre there Was great dullness and a decline af 5c ft bbt at) the low grades, the better qualities being mora steady.The receipts by railroad continue free, and lately have beea rathetvta excess ef the requirements of tha traaa. The stock in store is, however, ght aad. any Improvement ia the Foreign, demand would give aa tm pulse to prices. In Wheat there is but little doing prices are nominal 1 tha stock is mueh reduced aad la few holders generally sot offjlnf ts sail fiea-ly. The assortment Is so small that exporters find It difficult to fill orders.

Indian Corn of tba new rros comes lorwaro slowly, and sells Jot Clrymre; The stock of old Western Wired reduces slowlripriees faror the buyer, the market Closing heavyTlya is inactive. The ifevtaickt segregate,) Great Britain and 104,270 bbia. Flour. 30 bushels Wbest. 371.293 bushels Cora, 7 Sit bushels Franca, 151 bbhv 4f lour, 33,338 bushels Wheat, To ContiaentMcl bbia floar, 10,028 bushels Wheat 12,123 bnshels Corn, 207 Rye Floar, 08870 bushels Rye." Export 0 Breadttufs- Great triteJn OAS irtiamd, I'j-JJ ir-d aw-.

From taimlm. VVmr. khla. r.rm.

W. si, 'St. W1.8I6I S.7 1710 OjsjU 13, 'Si .,193,0 -11 6M inMl Frh. 1, 'tsi 1 19 276.o Eirt3s7 Boston. 3 Frb.

Vi 49l 39A18 Other 7 Total. lJT1aL 12.4444 AT3M To sboatssaie period, 1861 Klni.fTI!. period, 1XS. i OiNJM.y XUS19 about saois period, letAs Continent: Mfii5 i STda.y'ear.aa.Wa y3r.Yyi!i,i84.....liii,'6 ri Sw a. sa6UUV4M HAY North River bale lt in moderate suprraad air requet at from 75o.R5c ft 100 as.

HOP Are quiet at former prieea' Last-yeai6 croi; Uc.s23a. a si 11-! 1 -i H0EY-ales A3 tea. and MP hblsCubaj ta bond, at TSfl.wyjeM cash, gaUon. J7 0 I RON lias bees I nadirs at anchaArad ijsatattoas. LBATk P9 haa heeals at 88 6086 100 fts.

1 M0LASSE-3alee, ftlitoVfVtotT sew crop, at S0c but laeludtBgsomoldatl3r.i3ic.; 1 20 hhds. Cuba kloarorsdo. and0S5 sUsh Island, on terms not aarertalned. 1 NATAL STORES Cwnrooo Ream la down to 43 pet HOD. Spirits Torpentiae -heavy, sad quoted at from II 0541 10 fl with HmHed tntrctiy.

OIIA Continue very e.uist st fofmer rates. Crude Sperm. $1 40-t 43; Crude Whale, at UnMeamed Winter Sperm, at 41 eol 3 ached Winter Waal, Olive, at 1 334 1 33 Aniseed, at 4.4rbAo..",ehMF at Ko. 4 rviater at 60c.64j.;.iplty Had, at Ref.nt Hesia, fWsfls worth's 17o.i!SOa.4 Cruse PetroWam. at Jit ned PetToisum.

at23e.r36c.1t gailoin, VPROYISIONS-Port J6 inorrsouf hi aflrr, ll Is Ooier. SsleeV Mnca asf lt 4J40) 23 for Mess 414 9TAtl4 73 for fe-de: i je la April, Jane," and July; 111 r.Mi new Prime. bbL; Dressed 41orr -e. ft On Heat ara iSdeaadiakAc.C9. (r llsms; 4c.4Ji.

for ShouWrrA, tales boxei at liclric.rfl Lard is- ia tenaest at former raf-, ljt bsree sad Ujqtu aers aea. at avreef ,1 salesJsuMje our last E73 bhls-Tsf 6: Vi li fr extrs Mess, and I2U Vi lor aav Wf wWd. Prime Hess, 029 aizix laais ssree, Beef Ham. 1A17 bbtvfntter isaaiitng at Uc9 ror.Weictera. and I'-cir h.

RICE-Sales were madaa 6-sall lote.ef Caronaa. it fi 73 a 7 23, and SUl bss Itaagoon, al JS 75 ts 23 4 i-- UCrABHava bee 4ft 4efr clemATrA, sales hare aeen made of 1,40 bhia, shirty Cuts, at iU nno 7c i alsa. 37 boxas Havana, part at SC. 91 av TEAS 4ireens are ia feQuett aad ore flcite Ins. 'Black, quiet 11 daTJ.andprtea farbrUayers.

A Wilts KY S'tles were made fo-dsy of W0, ttls, '---M --'i 1 FREIGHTS Tba market has beea delt sad rstes have beea Asroewhat ur fettled. For Llrrfpccl Ftrtur. 2s.2. lJtd. ft bbt.f Wheat bulk and t.Cora, Si, ft asasVl Beef, 3a.

te. 1 Pork, Is. 3d. bUa tar aad Lard. 2.22.

adDuuer s-t Cheese, 2s. fi ton. 'ForGissgow Flour, s.4Hd. 1 bbL GrsiB, t. 44.

fi bushel 1 Po'k, d. J. Id. tbL, Bacoa Lard, 23a. aJ.i 22s.0d.25s.

toa. For Lot.rioa Flour, boL: Grain. Sd. 3d.

IxnUJ Pork. isJktV bbt; Beef, 51.4 iaALT tc: Butter and Cheeks, 2T tJ.w Bacoa and Lard, Tallow, VtasU ForUarre rr, 1, boV- v. i-tsjc i 1-.

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