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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JAT cf Hi Lh3 Esss Inla ths Ed cf a Ficr. excites moa death of the Cabin Drokea la and Pi tensen Burled Under tha De-Iris Panic Averted by Cool Head. The sew screw ferryboat NethertanJs of the Iloboken Ferry Company, wblle on her 80 o'clock trip yesterday moraine from Hoboken, ru Into the end of tht slip on the New-York aid, atrlklng amidships on her port aid. The boat carried over a thousand passengers, and tba excitement wn Intense. Tba passengers who war la tba port aabtn were warned of tbair dancer by otbar passea-(era, wbo aaw tba boat being awlftly carried aralnst tba allp by tba strong Udea Tba craah cajria ao suddenly, that soma wera burled la tba debris of tba cabin waJL table Life Assurance Company, wbo Urea at High and Spring Streets, Hoboken, was probably tba moat severely injured.

He waa sitting la the cabin which was demolished, A large place of wood struck him oa the head, knocking blm almost insensible. Tbe tlow ruptured an eltary la bis bead, and severely bruised his neck and shoulders. Ha was removed la aa ambulance to tba JJudsoa Street Hospital. J. Saxton, fifty-three years old, who Uvea la East Oranje, N.

was also badly wounded. Bis right band and scalp wera severely cut Frederick Betfhold, 1.037 Park Avenue, received a severs sprain of the left knee, and Frani Ollbaus, a laborer, twenty-eight years old. 10 Newark Street Iloboken, bad bis left band badly cut. Tbey wera also taken to tba Hudson Street Hospital. 'There were a score of others who received light Injuries wbosa names could not be learned.

There wera only a few ladies oa board, and tbey behaved admirably. Superintendent Miller, wbo has charge of tba company's affairs at Barclay Street, aid that ba would sot give any Information about tba accident It was said by those wbo saw tba accident that tba strong tide was tbe chief cause. Tba boat bad slowed up about forty feet out from the slip, and was slowly proceeding Into tba pocket of tba slip when tba tide earrled her with great force against tba pier. After considerable manoeuvring by' the pilot, tbe vessel was docked and the passengers landed. The Injured ferryboat Is one of tba latest additions to tba fleet of handsome screw ferryboats of the Hoboken Ferry Company.

1 Tba damage will probably amount to about $1,000. the cabin will have to ba rebuilt. After the passengers ware all safely landed, the boat was taken to the company's yards, la Hoboken, for repairs. A. H.

Pltford, aa assistant boUer Inspector, who was on board, said: 1 was In the boiler room at the time the Netherlands at ruck the Vesey Street Pier. The shock aa tremendous, and the boat keeled over frightfully. When I ran up to the deck there was a great hole In tba cabin amidships, a the tar board aide, and the cabin, hat there waa left of It, waa Uttered with lumber. 1 saw blood stains at every step, the plan was Uttered with hats, umbrellas, and hand satohela "Bo far as could discover, tha hull of the boat waa not Injured, but I could not understand wby the upper did not settle down, as the supports beneath seamed to have been torn away." Oscar Alcee of West Hoboken, wbo Is In the city on business at ft Burling Blip, was one of those who wera ao allghtly injured ae not to reoulre medical attendance. Via was In company with Mr.

Hobeiot, and wrni me nuason Bireei Hospital to O0 tar 1 I. I ua vuuv iwr aim 1 1 ivruu. When the boat smashed Into the slip," he said. the cabin was crowded. Some of the passengers bad Just left their seats preparatory to going to the front of tha boat.

I waa one. The shock caused by tha collision threw aeveral to tba floor. The aide of tha cabin was smashed In, the debris falling on those wbo had been knocked down. Thoea wbo were near tba cabin stairway 'rushed up to ths top deck. It Is a wonder the floor of the deck did not cave In.

aa it bad no apparent support after tba aide of the boat was crushed In." Mr. Alces was asked for bis theory as to the cause or the accident. "It was nothing else than gross ba answered. There was no fog as an excuse. Tha pilot evidently made a mle-.

calculation as to the strength of the tide. Instead of entering tha allp tha boat swung aidewaya and Clashed against tha bulk-bead." J. As ton. dim of the InluriMl. la broker at sttl Canal Street.

He was taken to the hospital In a cab by 3. O. Zabrlakle, who la a manufacturer of showcases at the same addraoa, Mr. Zabnskle said tha end of the bulkhead entered one of the windows, and as the boat moved along forced tn the side of tha rabln for a distance thlrtv feet. Ui.

Kahrlskia tmtd with the other passengers that careiesaaetis alone was responsible for the accident. He said the pilot bad allowed a tugboat to pans up tbe liver when cloee to the pier. The ferryboat swung down the river too far, and thus missed the pier. Mr. Zabrtskle's home ta at Glen Ridge, N.

J. Ha was with a party of friends. which consisted of Mr. Saxton. Oeorga loriar oi ine coiumDie Ldoyas insurance Company, O.

W. Langstroth, assistant man- arer of tha same company: Frank Moore or. the II. Clafiin Company, and Oeorga V. riunter oi Lunnam, uucaiey at to.

Mr. Kobelot wae the only one kept at tha hospital. Tha other injured men went away after having their wounds dressed. The Netherlands was In command of Capt. Henry Merer.

He could not be seen to obtain aa explanation of tba accident, lo arrests wera made. TWO EISIC53 FOa A WOMiS'S JCI1DU8 Cassvetltlv Plaaa ay XervrTark We sa for taa Atlamta. Bxasltleau A press view was given yeeterday at tbe Kew-Tork School of Applied Design for Women, 200 West Twenty-third Street, of competitive designs for tba Woman's Building for tha exposition which is to be held la Atlanta. Oa ta the Fall of 1803. Tha designs wera sent to Atlanta last night, as the oompetiUoa closes oa Tba plaaa wera made by Miss Mary Oaaaaa and Miss Alice J.

Uaada They are for aa octagonal building, 18S feet la diam eter, and 43 foot high, with square porches. Tha architecture Is a combination of ths Dorto and Ionian orders. Tha roof Is surmounted by a dome towering slxty-ava feet above tha pavement. Tha first floor contains ta front a com mittee room, a pubUo ooatroom, and stalroasa. Tha entrance hall Is 40 feet wide.

Cpantng from It Is the reception ball, which rvcoupUe ta centre of the building under tbe dome, and extends to tha. top of tha building. Oa either alia are the rooms for firr'wa and State exhibits. In the rear, the north. Is to be the art gallery, ou which ooeaa aa education and read.

1 room. Two verandas open front the a cf tbe building. i the second boor Is a gallery 10 feet wl running around tbe central reception a restaurant and dressing room, with a cooaing ecnooi tor exnititta, and an organ' room open trom this gallery. TMjon.ii'nti' room la also provliod, he buiidlnr Is to be ooastructed at wkiti rrsy shuiriea, and th oolumns are to of wood. ibe seal Georgia will ba -l the la the basement bullling there wiil ba an emergency and a Vmdergarten Punlap lloi klns, the manager of the 1, b-ueva her pupils bava aa excellent i ia win in prue.

Vr. Icaj Jer's VseaUes. CITY. N. J- Nov.

21-The Con- TaVernacle to-dav srantad ta X.ev. John SeudJer. lta- aastor. non'vV Wv abence. bet-Inning varauoa Mr.

feouduar x.u-z' at the rd ef i it They rlU i rroiiJaa and the SV i 3 IKt MUs Taylor Brooklyn, N. T. Life iirDanger. 6ix Dottles vof Hooda Sarsa-parllla Effect a Permanent Cure. I was suffering from heart failure, and at times my life was despaired of.

Physicians wera of one opinion, that there Was No Permanent Cure, and could give) me only temporary relief. I bought three bottles of different prepa rations, but mlsrht as well have taken so much water, so far as realizing any gooa. I shortly afterward read about Hood sear- Sar8a- aaparilla and bought ss-k a bottle. That was lirCS eight months ago. I have taken la all six ooiues up to the present time and I am permanently cured.

I never felt better In my life and gladly recommend Hood's Sarsapariila.M Annie Taylor, care of Mrs. Shlebel, 203 Hamburg Brooklyn, N. Y. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood'a Pills are hand-made, and perfect u.


V. Lawis Wants a Speed at Twelve Xllea Closed aad Oaea Cars Feadera as Ufa Preservers. Tha Committee on Railroads of tha Brooklyn Board of Aldermen met in the City Hall last evening to consider several Interesting subjects. One was In relation to tha speed of ths trolley cars; another was the placing of fenders on all trolley cars, and the third as to tha running of open cars when tha weather Is cold or unfit for opea cars to ba operated. Alderman Colson aresided.

Daniel F. Lewis, President of tha Brooklyn Heights Railroad Company, was the principal rail road man to object to miniMn; the speed of tha troUey cars to six miles an hour, as was called for la the resolution of tha Board of Aldermen. If you restrict us to six miles an hour." ha said, It will ba worse than the old horse He said tha people demanded rapid transit! and this could not ba furnished at tha rata of six miles aa hour. He also argued that reducing tbe speed would injure tba city, as tha value of property In tha outlying sec tions would ba decreased. In New-York City, ha said, about Sixty-fifth Street; tha cars wera Operated at a speed of nine miles an hour with perfect Safety.

Under tbe same condition the trollev cars rnuM ba nn- erated safely ia Brooklyn with a speed of iwtm nuies nour. Alderman Walkley asked Mr. Lewis If a nigh rate of speed was not a menace to fiubllo safety. Mr. Lewis's answer was that was not.

Ha said accidents were not tha fault of the company, and that, if the Aldermen wanted to pass proper resolutions, they should aim at the men who wera in charge of the cars, and not tha company. wi wu mama positive mat in is question of a reduction In tha anMd of ih. iroiier cars naa oeen instigated by the elevated railroad people, as their business bad decreased since tbe trolleys became popular In Brooklyn. The proposition to vuuww uiv spceu ui ine iroiiey cars, na aaiu. had not been made in rood faith.

CoL William Hempstead, In behalf of 300 property owners In Bergen Street, said they aid not object to the speed or the number of cars operated on that street during the day, but they did object to their sleep being broken and their health ruined by the terri- pie noises made by the cars at night. Tbe Question of onen cars than rm and Mr. Lewis said that the choice between onen aad closed cars ahnnM to tha discretion of tha companies. It was true, he said, that the open cars were run on cold and wet days, but it was done because the patrons of the road demanded It Ha said that a test had been made on oold days by running a closed car with an open car as a trailer, na open car was crowaeo. wnue me ciosea car was nearly empty.

He believed that tha railroad sanlea were the best luds-ea of this matter. There were a half dosen different models or car renaers orougni into the room, and wvu. wa nuwui 9 prove that hla was tbe beat. Lawyer De Fere said that the fenders at present usea were worse than none, and inai, tne present lender should hit a man. be waa aura to have his lega broken.

'in is question is to be ten to a committee of three railroad men, three citizens, and three others chosen by tha six. The committee came to no conclusion on any me mauera nexore it last COLLECTORS WAST "POSTAGE DUE" STAMPS As the It snaps CaaaetBe Pareaaaed, They Ave Obtained by a Base. Postmaster Dayton is tn constant receipt of applications from persona who desire to purchase tbe larger denominations of the postage due" stamps, which are affixed te mail matter received at tbe Post Office with postage unpaid or Insufficiently prepaid. As Postmasters are not permitted to sell these stamps, Mr. Dayton Is unable to comply with such requests.

But the would-be purchasers have discovered and put In operation a means of procuring them without violation of tbe Post Office rules. They mall heavy sealed nack- agea addressed to themselves, affixing thereto a one or two cent postage stamp, leaving the balance due to be collected on delivery. Tbe Post Office ia than eomnallad to affix to the package aad cancel postage. due" atainpe of a value equivalent to the deficient postage, and the addressees cheerfully pay the charge, which, in some cases is as high 130. TELZGRATmC BREVITIES.

Bpokane, Washington, Nov. a meet- Ihi. 9 I -u k. im vinvwn ui me vmsena iMation-al Rank It W. AiAi A bank for buninesa The bank will go Into liquidation.

Its asseta are $425,000: Fort Worth, Texas, Not. 23. Inman ft futAm V. kMui-Wt the 8U Louis SouUweatera Railway Company for damagea aggregating $132,000 for wuiiuiHuua ui me smpment ox cottoa. Fort Wnrth.

Tmi tvlnv -n. bkeeter," has confaaaed to being one of the gang that robbed the Wells-Far iro ax-istJuiyr Rock lndUa Territory, Green Bay. "WTa. Nov. 23.

Five hundred chersa factories in Door, Brown. Kewaunee. Manitowoc, and Out ramie Countiea nave ahut down until next aiay. Baltimore, Nov. deserters from the nited Etatea cruiser Atlanta, now at otwtw turreaiam nera XO-uay.

C0HQRES3 WATER SARATOGA. xaia aacM water (by elaborate rtahlsg aw tastoead te an iu tonoar aathartia atraagU aa4 ssallc'jiai vlrtuaa, Why tie Admiral Is Net Scrviis ca ltd Inquiry Board. HIS RACIXG SPEECH SOT. THE CAUSE Intimated that He Objected, to Do lag tbe Work: Because He Ke- Sardod It it Beneath Ilia Vlgnltj. WASHINOTON, Nov.

23. Many Inquiries were made tofday at the Navy Department for Information about the apparent disturbance of mind ander which Admiral Meade Is laboring, but (about the causa of which be declines to be Interrogated. Tha Acting Secretary of the Navy is also dumb about the i matter, I although when questioned whether there bad been any correspondence between the department and Admiral Meade since the meeting of tba marine architects and engineer, he admitted that there had been. Ha bad no mora to say oa tha sub ject. I Tha naturi of tha correspondence Is known to but a few officer of tbe navy.

and until tbekr shall bava concluded that it may or must! ba made public it is likely to be kept private. Soon after tha delivery by Admiral Meade of his speech on tha vessels of tha navy, (in which ha suggested a race between tha Columbia or one of tha other large new crtdsers and one of tht fast At- lantio liners! It waa suggested that tht prompt and positive veto of tha proposition by tha department and the subsequent ap pointment ofl Capt. Bunco In place of Ad miral Meade on the Cincinnati board of Inquiry might have been Intended as a reprimand fdr what possibly was regarded as disrespecn to tbe department officers. It may be Asserted on the authority of aa officer who is well Informed aa to the view taken In thi department of the speech of Admiral Medde that hla displacement from the Cincinnati board of Inquiry has nothing whatever to do with the racing" speech. It Is asserted that If Admiral Meade should be asked to sustain this assertion he prompt ly would corroborate it.

There waa no In tention of criticising his speech, but If there had been It would have been because of his remarks In reference to the British ahlp Blake. It Is probable that there would have been severe and disagreeable comment If similar remdrks had been made In England touching a hypothetical case In which an American snip was Involved. It la not con sidered good form in the navy to allude. In PubUa speecAies, to captures of vessels of a foreign natfcn with which this country Is on friendly terms. One officer, who says that his onlnlon Is largely conjecture, asks if It would not be well to find but If Admiral Meade's difficulty Is not a suiden and excessive appreciation of his new and exalted rank.

This officer, a man of experience and well acquainted with tha personnel of tha navy, says that ha would not pa surprised to. learn the appointment of Capt Bunco to the Cincinnati board followed an objection by Admiral Meade to seTve In that capacity. This hard ly can be I accurate, for Admiral Meade undoubtedly would obey orders, however keenly he (appreciated the dignity of his nigh office! The suggestion is. however. that his aversion to sitting as a member of the board aiay have been communicated in uca sirons language as to lead tbe department to decide that ba must be displaced and another officer substituted as a mark ui ouiuiai Disapproval oi his objection.

ii is piaip mat it is the opinion at tbe ueuarunans mat Aanurai jaeaae was not removed from the board for hla mwh at the marine architects' dinner, but for soma uw lui sa arisen since tne owner. While tbe Secretary of tha Km raoantlv ordered an (officer to stop writing a series of papers which ha had begun in one of the magaslnes, because a line officer complained ui me tenox oi me article, mere would be no criticism of auch a aneech aa that Admiral Mpade, except for the nnadvisable reierence to tne unglisn cruiser when there waa no remark in it that re flected upon the Conduct of the Administra tion or or any superior omcer. It undoubtedly will be found, if Admiral Uviit, ahall be willing ItO suomit his corresnondenca ta the press, that tne change in the Cincinnati ooara can pa tracea to an entirely different reason. I Admiral iMeede has a brother who Is a clerk In ohe of the bureaus of tha Navy Department. When seen to-day in reference to tha auggeation that tha Admiral had oDjectea te auty on ooaras ana courts, be UU.

I I liaVM not bmb tha AAmlrat but I understand that he has nrtMin against auxy or tnis xina. He is apt to re- Sard such) work as undignified for an of-cer of hip rank and station. I should not be surprised if he had vented himself on the subject if the has found his work as senior memoer at ma tancinnau Doara uncon genial, i You know the Admiral la ant in press his (sentiments on any subject, and. muuwiua; auw uwu upon sucn interruptions of his regular duty as his ranant ltait to the Cincinnati board. I should think it very iiaeiy no nas asaea to be relieved.

Admiral Meade Is anxious to Ium a mm. mana commensurate witn his noaitinn in the navy, and I believe ha looks unnn tha oi a yarn or a neet as sufficient duty whleh officers of bis rank should be called upon to perform without being asked bwt uu vuuria ana ooaras. BCSHES3 MES'S BELIEF SROCEET TO OPES Will Bel Raa la Ceaaeetloa. with Restaaraat Aveaae The East Bide Business Mon'a Committee, at a meeting yesterday afternoon In IHope 839 East Fourth Street, decided to reopen and continue to May X. U5.

its restaurant and grocery on Avenue r. The BeV. John B. Devlas, the Chairman. uuu receipts or the restaurant $5,707.

Tha Chairman aMol thi he beUevjed tha need of the city would be greater uus year than last year, because last yeas many people bad lived on their scanty savings or earnings or from the pro- ceeds oft tha aala of thoir fnmiinu i that thla Mint year they would have nothing to depend upon. Airs. I. A. T-nwoTI Ik 1..

tvm unwuuu, especially aa it aeemed to set a premium on laziness. Men wnuM aura i- la meals and lodging. She also thought me grocery prac- UcaUy mderbid people In the same business, who had to live, like everybody else. T. UrkaAna it as-auAl aaw a Ht Seua that nobody could oompu with th UK.

IiWekll lTs-aWaw4 sta' 4VV. -In. rjcommtjnd to the General Committees that as sajsJUsa WW UaOiaMX. RviHcH1'ss PKiisMk 4V. a.

the Rfi V2J TJt. K. Ii. Cannon Itr Rev. O.

air. and vcZ. fu. cising. ana Yalfc Alaaaal Meet at Sherry-.

The TUe Alumni held a meeting at Sher ry's last night. A lecture on football waa deliver by Thomas CocbjeaawXaMinsberry. who at ine time was oa tbe Tale team. The lecture illustrated. Ancient and, mod- era ware 1 of playing tbe game were de- The lecturer daal hv sen Deo.

a photoKTaph of the team that would be aucceasful In the game to-day. After the lecture there was an Informal leGrath'a Harder re Arralgaed. Dug ran and William 2. TMaonn 1 arrested Wedneedav nbzht am sua. 11 naving murdered Joha McGrath, r.

tne naiiway of 24 Hamilton tha nle-ht nt Mn, a Justice Rvan tn tha a-. iaw mmm coiueasea 10 11 1 u.uiiiHiiKu ucurtu aeata. Justice avra am( win men to tne coroners omce. Faarth-Claaa Paataaaetere. wasHLNQTON.

Nov. 23. Among the rourth-fcla! Postmasters appointed to-day iur inwiurt: aames i i Ttce. East Eimlra; 9 I I JI I 1 -a WW SBWiiiiBaiMai7vuKca I Tweet tmmx sKOssot gw fOM Baa ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAFORAL CIGARETTE Hat Steed tfca Test efTlae MORC SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED 7TH REGIMENT DAY TO-DAY at tha 23d Regiment Fair, In the NEW ARMORY, Bedford and Atlantic A Brooklyn. POSI0XS FOB THE KEXT IEJLB An Appropriation of $140,000,000 Will Be Asked Jfumber of.

New Claims Has Begun to Decrease. WASHINGTON1, Nov. 23. The sub-com mittee of the House Committee on Appro priations having in charge the preparation of the bill appropriating money for tbe pay ment of pensions due In the year ending June 80, 1890, beard Commissioner Lochren in advocacy and explanation of his esti mates for that year at tbe Capitol to-day. As the result of the conferences.

It was announced by Chairman O'Neill that the sub-committee would report to the full committee a bill appropriating for pensions 1140,000,000. and for other expenses 000. Tbe Commissioner stated that In the fiscal year ended June 30, 1894. the sum paid out for pensions was $139,804,401, which was less than tha amount anoronrl- ated by S23.205.71& Tbe estimate for pen sions proper In laU5-0 is the same as the amount paid last year, and $10,000,000 less man tne estimate ror this year. in the year lwo." said tbe Commis sioner, thirty years after tbe close of tbe wan tbe pension roll must, in the course of nature, reach us highest limit in numbers.

and thereafter begin to decrease. The falling oft in the presentation of claims is shown ov tne fact that tbe number of nend- lug claims In the bureau has decreased up ward or auring tne year. The large nroDortlon of new claims filed an for in. crease by pensioners now on tha roll a New claims, well proved and of easily recog nised merit, are etui belnc tiled br deserv ing soldiers, who have lonar refrained from asking Government bounty, and by widows and dependents of such soldiers. In 1891 tbe number of claims filed was 888,780: In SCARCE FIRST EDITIONS APPRECIATED Prices at the Sale ef Charles B.

Foete'a Celleetloa Charmlacly Kxorbltaat. Tha library of first editions of works of Emerson, Hawthorne, Holmes, Longfellow, Lowell. Poe. and Whlttler. formed by Mr.

Charles B. Foote, was sold by auction by Bangs Co. yesterday. It was to book lovers the most encourag ing of book sales. If they care at all for ex pression In money of appreciation for scarce Tbe prices paid were charmingly exorbitant; the enthusiasm was as refresh ing as folly, Emerson's Nature," 1830, brought Poems," 1847, Society and Soli 1870.

$17; "Letters' and: Social Alms," 1876, with an autograph note by the author giving the title of his book to his publisher, $13. and then there was a silence which the Indifferent could feel was full of suppressed tumult. Hawthorne's Fanshawe," 1828, brought $155; Peter' Parley's Universal History." 1837. $35; Twice-Told Talee," 1837, $22; Tbe Gentle Boy." $34; Grand father's Chair." 1841. $25; "Famous Old People," 1841, $32; "Liberty Tree." 1841, $25; Tha Celestial Rail-Road" 1H43.

SiH: A Vial tn ths fd1i la I Hv lQJi to. The Scarlet Letter." 1S50, $27; the original contract signed by the author and his publishers for Twice-Told Tales." $5a Oliver Wendell Holmes's "The Last1 Leaf" and other poems in "The Harbinger." 1833, $15: Poems," 1838, $20: "Foems," 1S4, $20: "Poems." 1849, $20; The Autocrat of tha Breakfast Tihlo tftna OK. rww Ka iani i an autograph letter of vary little impor- Lrfrngieilows Miscellaneous Poems." 182S, brought $27; Novelas Espanolaa." lSJU, "Elements of French Grammar" $13; "Outre Mer." 1833-18S4. on Slavery." 1842. The Soanlsh Student." 1843.

a nraaanta. it. 2 SrffJ. VU OI -orugea," 1846. $18.50: Evangeline." 1847.

a nresenta- tlon copy, with an autograph letter. $02.50: Michael Angelo." 1884. $17. Lowell'a Conversations on Some of tbe Old Poets." 1845. brought $22; "The Vision of Sir LaunfaL" 1848.

$16: Mv atuHv Window" 171. "An Addreas, by ffTvriS wiu-wa, iOMu, fio, puD- Edgar Allan Poe'e Al Aaraaf. Tamer lane, and Minor Poems." 1K2. hmno-ht $150. It was bought by Mr.

John Caldwell. Poe'a "Poema" 1831. brourht CI buyer was Wrenn, Chicago. Narra tive oi Artnur uoraon fy 1838, was bought by Mr. E.

F. Bona venture for $17: ana "Tales -or the Grotaaaua mH aP.l besane." 1840. went to the nm kn rn. i. u-.

wuan i ajuweu gave ol.otl lor The siaven ana utner foeros. 1845. Wili- Um Everts Benjamin gave, with superb calmness, $5 for an autograph letter of Poe in 1.20O words, and with Imperturbable uuucaauuice ior tne orlamal manu script of The Bells." Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin," 1852. brought $22. WhltOers Legends of New-England," 1831.

brought $40: letters, Mogg Megone," 1836. $26: "Poems." 1849, $20; Little EraV'' 23: and tne lesser amonnta at- vkih wb- of less bibliographical value were estimated were comparatively large. If a wise man, a sage like Cato, had coma Into the room while the revelry was at Its wrong; the later editions are better because tbey are more correct," he would have bean regarded as a maniac. Aa Aged Wasua't Death, by Fire. jersjst CITT.

N. Nov. 2i-Mra. Hen- rtetta Lvy, sixty-three years old. lived alone In a room at 87K Morris Street, al- taouga sne bad a married daughter li Vins on the same" block.

A coal-oil stove, which she used for cooking, exploded this morning, setting fire to her clothing. Neighbors uamea. oui Mrs. Levr was badly jnjured that ahe died at 8L a eMsVie) aVeV-3jyav4M 4VUT WWVaXel A Dry Saaelay Ordered. 1A.1 ISLJLMD CITY.

-7 NOV. 23. Tha Tl.ll 1 1 xuuuw wnuuiwuncri were zonaaiiy notified to-night by Mayor Banford that the wui oe expectea to see that the excise law is rigidly enforced Sunday. The order d'rl that every place where drink Is sold shall be closed. Should the order K.

r.i.v, fully a carried out the city wUl experience a dry Sunday for tba first time la Its history. Fcr Govencr Yj'ers 274,174 Ballets fast HIULllIJTr OYER MORTON, 2JSQ Strong; lias 45,187 Moirei otea than Grant for Mayor V6te of tbe Congressional and. aemblf Districts. Tbe vote of the city" at tha' last election was officially decided tbe Al dermen, acting as the. Board, of County Canvassers.

CoL George B. McClellan, President of tbe Board of Aldermen, presided as Chairman of the Canvassers, and Deputy County Clerk Scully acted as Sec retary. The official totals are given here The Total Tate for Governor, T4. Tba total Tote cast- for Governor 274.174. and It waa divided as follows: David B.

Hill. (Dem). P. Morton. Rep) rJverett r.

Wheeler. Lem. U.U.W Francis E. Baldwin. U28 Charles H.

Matchett. (Soc. 7,614 unartea li. jdatthews. 1.183 1.1 2,860 2,870 uerective Jianx Hill's plurality over Morton: Daniel N.

Lockwood, the Democratic can didate for Lieutenant Governor, who was also on the Wheeler ticket, had 9,218 Votes more than Hill, and a plurality of 12,208 over his Republican opponent. Charles T. Saxton. The total vote for Judge of the Court of Appeals was 274,040, divided as foLcws: Char lea F. Brown.

Albert Haight, 123.110; Brown's plurality over Haight, 13,829. Flgares far City aad Caaaty Offleera. On the City and County ticket, the total vote cast for Mayor was 274,310. William L. Strong (Rep.) received and Hugh J.

Grant (Tarn.) 18,907. plurality over Grant was 45,187. For President of tha Board of Aldermen John Jeroloman (Antl-Tam.) received 929 votes, and Augustus W. Peters (Tarn.) 109,054. Jeroloman over Peters, 43,875.

For Sheriff. Edward J. H. Tamsan (Antl- Tam.) received 148.705 votes, and William Sohmer (Tarn.) 112,820. Tamsen ever Soh- mer, 85,945.

For Recorder. John W. Goff (Antl-Tam.) received 158,903 votes, and Frederick 8mytb (Tarn.) 104.159. Goff over Smyth. 54.749.

ivr Juan or eunefior txjurt menrv n. Beekman (Anti-Tarn.) received 15L155 votea ana (jnanee H. Truax 111.186. Beeaman over Truax. 40,019.

ror coroners. Will am frMeaaher fAntl- Tam.) received 154.075 votes, and Emll W. Hoeber (Antl-Tam.) 1,13.686. John B. Shea (Tarn.) received 107.472 votes, and Jacob A.

juuinacnt (lam.i iut.4'J3 votes. xne successiui canaiaatea ior Aldermen are named below, with their pluralities: District i 1 Jeremiah Kenneflck, 1,029 i lcnoias t. Brown. Tanv)v zh 3-Chrtstian Gcetx, 146 4. Andrew A.

Noonan. 881 wiuiam iancr. ntm.l..... 6. William Tait, 886 7.

Frederick Marshall. 743 8. Thomas Dwyer, 971 9. -Josenh T. Hackett.

422 T. Oaklev. 862 11. Frederick A. Ware.

2.18 12 John J. Murphy, (Tarn.) 1,215 13. ranic J. Goodwin, (Tkm.i.. 14 Jacob Wund.

175 15v-rJohn P. 22 16. Francis J. Lang-try. 87 17.

Andrew Robinson, 88 18. Robert Muh, (Tarn.) 1.080 19. William E. Burke. 304 20.

Thomas M- Campbell. (Tarn.) 21 21. Benjamin E. Hall. 3,112 22.

John J. O'Brien. 642 23. William M. K.

Olcott, 8,957 24. Joseph Schilling, is 25 Charles A. (Ren.U.. 807 26. Charles Wines.

1,407 29. Ella Goodman. 2,972 .28. Collin H. Woodward.

1.08I 29. Henrv L. School. IKep.) 2.44TJ 30. Rufus R.

Randall. 5011 Besalta la the CeacreSslOmal Districts, The official canvass of votes cast for Con gressmen shows the following- figures as to the Tammany. Republican, and State Dem ocracy candidates. District. -Y Franklin Bartlett, (Tarn.) 5,312 Austin E.

Ford, s.oi John Murphy. (State L147 BarUett over 2.217 8 James J. Walsh, 9,408 John Murray Mitchell, Walsh over 867 9 Henry C. Miner, 8,038 Timnuv j. (jamnoeii.

mtaxe uem. and Rep.) 7.084 John Simpson, 6.214 Miner over Campbell. 954 10 Andrew J. Campbell, Daniel E. SicKiea, George Karscn, (SUte Dem.) 2,331 Campbell over Sickles.

863 11 William Sulzer. fTajn.) 11.208 Ferdinand baaman, 10,04 Sulser over 684 12 George B. McClellari. ......10,033 Robert A. cneaeDrougn.

trtep. Geonra Walton Green. (State 2,042 McClellan over Cbesebrough. 1.341 13 Richard C. Shannon, 13,555 Amos J.

cummings, id.uov Edward C. Baker, (SUte 1.W3 Shannon over Cummings, 466 14 Lemuel E. Qulgg. .......24.332 John Connelly, Ciamj Qulgg over Connelly 6,977 15 Philip B. Low, .....21.562 Jacob a.

tjanior, tiam-). n.ixsn Robert Grier Monroe. (SUte 4.827 Low over 4.534 In that part of the Sixteenth Congres sional District wnicn is in this city. Ben L. Faircbild tRep.) received Va04 votes and William Ryan (Dem.) l.itn.

There were s47 Dianas recorded In the Seventh Congressional District, 637 in the Uightb. 42V in tbe Ninth, tail in the Tenth. tb in me aaeventn. v-i in tne 't weittn. 701 in the Thirteenth.

2.822 ia the Fourteenth. and 1.253 in the Fifteenth. The State Dem ocrats, it la claimed, voted blanks tor Con gressman in tne ourteentn District. The Vote for AsaeaablysBea. The voU for Democ ratio and Republican candidates for the Assembly was as fol lows: DUtrlct.

Daniel E. Finn, 8.871 Michael Q'SulUvan. 2,873 Finn over 9U0 Z. Thomas Barry. (Tim.) rro Augustus Sparboro.

Barry over 1.180 3--Charles 8 Adler 3,136 Daniel CRauiy. 2.92S Adler over 4. James A. Donnelly, 208 2.855 Patrick J. Haybyrne, (Rep.) 1.703 vonneuy over Hay 1,152 J.

Foley. 8.113 Sja. a. i w. iiaiuie.

X660 Foley over 453 ttomnin. (Tarn.) 8,530 lUlam Grote. (State 2.8S0 Samuel J. Lederer, 2.34T Hoffman over T. Henry W.

Hoops, Henry W. uoops over woir 872 8. Alfred R. Conkllng, (Rep.) 4J534 Wlluanv H. 4J172 Joha Martin, (State Dam.) ixa tjongimg over Walker SO 9, John F.

McDermott, 8,032 nuuwn xaxier, a.lkil Mciermott over 101 10. Jacob Kunxenman, (Tarn, and State Dfm.) 4 001 merman nausaman, 8,506 Kunsenman. ever 4.356 wKu4 vy 2,073 1.150 4,818 8.94l Paver over La X'etra over 11 William Ilalpln, 4.C James IL feoulnnwrLa. 0,4.. i Halpln over South 2U 14.

John P. Corrigan. 4.1 1) jamea i. fiteaart. (Rep.) Corrigan over 16S 15.

Seth WHka. (Rep.) 8.807 Jouls liatUer. a.t--u WUks over HetUar 281 18. Charles Steinberg. 4.17S Victor J.

DowUng. Steinberg ever 88 17. Robert MiUer, (Rep.) 8.4 Patrick iTalaor, 81 Miller over Tralnor. 18. DanlI J.

Gleason. 7777. George W. Wanmaker, Lawrence P. Mlngey, (SUte Dem.) L311 Gleason over 19.

Weston C. Percy, nttrica J. Kerrigan. Percy over 228 20. John B.

Fttsgerald. 2,871 John Tinsley, 2.315 FlUgerald over 556 2L Howard Paysoa Wilds, atoses uerman. (iaxn.j. z.m Wilds over 1..... 2,903 22.

Michael F. Tobln. 8.349 loaepn -j. Mendel, (Rep.) X.otii Tobln over 488 23. Judaon Lawion.

men.) T.226 Edwin T. Taliaferro, 2.815 Lawson over 4.311 4i TT gw ouiv, iwmn jb. Biaaueia. a.000 Bold over 453 25. SteDhen S.

BUka. (Tarn.) 3.812 ueorge E. Morey, 2.760 Blake over Morey. 82 28. Harvey T.

Andrews. (Rep.) na auis isaviosoa, i 4.089 Andrews over 1,029 27. Philip W. Relnhard. 8.801 Lyman W.

Redington, 4,017 Relnhard over 1784 28. George W. Hamilton, 8,275 oaurn r. xveiur. riam.) ml.aovi Hamilton over 1.684 29.

Alonso BelL (Rep.) 6,214 puru Bell over 1.377 3a W. W. Miles. (Reo.) 8.655 Charles Marrln, (Tarn.) 8.017 Miles over 838 While the total vote for Governor la this city was 274.174 the vote oa the constitu tional amendmenU waa small, tbe totals being aa Na 1 141.811: 1 No. No.

8149.209; No. 4188,845: No. 8 144,194. The vote on the several amend- menu was divided aa foUowa: No. 1 (Revised Wii- anA against.

defecUve, 635; blank, 11,470. No. 2 (Apportionmnt For, against, 66.641; defective. 453; blank. 11,236.

No. 8 (Canals) For. against. 62,768: defecUve. 307; blank, 1063.

nl Juages ana uourj or Bes- 10ns in Ajngs joumy s'or, TL010; against. defectlve. gsf: blank. 11.685- No. (AddltlnnaJ nf FJLnt.

defect- 000, uiana, utk tne Greater New-Tork Question 107.669 less votes were cast than for Governor. The total vote cast oa the eonsolldsy tlon Question was 106,508. divided as fol- una. awr, Sauw. OV; OSieCl-4v.

A7A- D1M m. On the question of municipal construction of the rapid transit road. 184.035 vote were cast, as follows: For. 132,847: against. defective, 899; blank, 8,073.

THS CRUISER CISCDmiTI ACCIBOT pieeaaslea Before the Coart Besaeet. lag; a Ckaaga la tha Teetlaseay. Lieut. Albert Dillingham, the navigat ing offlcer of the cruiser Cincinnati, which vessel was reeently Injured by striking aa obstruction In Long Island Sound, was the nrst witness to be called yesterday before tne naval court of inquiry which baa been convened for the purpose of determining wno was to blame for the accident. Tbe proceedings of the court opened with dispute between Judge Advocate Sears and Capt F.

M. Bunce, the President of the court, as to whether Pilot Arcularlna should be allowed to change hla testlmonr. The pilot had beea asked If Cant. Glass had instructed nira to announce to tbe navi gator the courses steered. He had testified that he had raatvaf Ajt.

The Judge Advocate objected to a change in the testimony on tbe ground that only verbal evidenc should ha imitti r- Bunco was'of the opinion that alterations in the record should be made. There was a oiBcussion Between the two officers, which ended in the change being allowed. -men USUI. Cllllna-bam damaiwIaA K. Tight of cross-examination.

This waa obiected to by the Judge Advocate, who ruled that the pilot could not be examined at that time. There was another diacuaaion. and tha result of that was that the court went Into executive session to decide the rf ua were was 1 adjournment. SOUGHT DEATH WHERE HE MET DISASTER Jaases Blaavelt Kllleel HlsaseU Where Had Killed Hla flea, OLKAN, N. Nov.

23. After aarlna- a hearty breakfast this morning. James Blaa velt. a well-to-do farmer, living near Shar on Centre. went out under a traa on his farm and shot himself through the neart.

Last year, under the same Blauval auiau oil tnree-yearMio son by running over him with a mowina- ma chine. A few years before he accidentally killed hla brother under the adjoining tree. xnese two accidents, together with tha ma iruc, woo uiea taat wees, leav- imoiur iu ain cnuareu. was more an ua vu man voiutt Tlini. DIHER TO MR, R1TM0ID.

uieyeitata nay Ue4-Bya to Their Baefna; Beard Chalraaasw A tarawaU banqeat was givea ta Howard XL Raymond at tha Botel St. Dania last evening that waa a handsome teat i menial to the Bonalar Chairman of the Racing Board. A host of hla admirers 'met him around tha board, aad thus formally bade him good-bye on tha eve of hla departure tor Chicago, to which city ba wm make hla home in the future. Many gentleman prominent hi tha affairs of tha League of Assertcan Wheelmea ware ntasaat. The dinner was served at o'clock.

US -coreia being laid. When cigars had been lighted, the speechmaelag Mean. The Bar. c. Kllwood naan.

if. or Brooklyn, raapondad- to the waai, muur nnua. am UKK a vary lit! SI si view of Um matter, advlalna I fr th'1' Popular pastime oa the EabbaUi whan a.y oa waaa "Tha Wheelmen of America was the toast to which Charles F. Coasum of Poughkaepaie responded in a happy vein, after which "The Wheel Trade aad Wheelmea of tha ktatropolla was me suoject or aa tatereatln talk by Elliott Mason of Brooklyn. Ieaae PoUar.

Chief Coa-sul-aleet of tba New-Yock Divtaion, paid a glua- vaw inuvw viwinnai) xiaymona. SJM1 la hla re- miu utai senuamaji spoaa reaungur of pleasant relations here ta the East. eome or tns mora prominent wheelmea who sat down with Mr. Kayinoad wera Oeorga R. BldweU.

ex-Chief Consul of the New-Tork IH-vtslon. Learua of Aaaarteaa aih Mott of Maryland; Ieaae B. Pocter. Chief Conaal-lect of the New-Tork IXvtaioa: Will tain CX Tata of tha atontank Whoetssaai Robert Oealla, Chief 01 uu xew-aersey inristoa: the Rev. C.

Ellwood Nash of Brooklyn: Charles F. Cossum of turakeaoaia. Caalrssaa of the Rights and Frtvilagea Committee of tha New-Tork Division: T. A. Ralsback, ex-8ecretarr of tha New-York Divieloe; H.

W. Kaisht of Newark: K. 8al- tonstall of tba American Wheelmen, and Charles or ma itrooaiyn iilcycl dub. Aeeldeatally ghat Hla Horse, RTVERHEAD. I t.

Nov. 23. Fred Hav- ens of Flanders was leading his valuable horse yesterday and at the same time car rying a loaded gun. Mr. Havens stepped upon a stran hanging from his boot and tripped.

The shock discharged the gun. the woieoii iaaing eueci in I Re animais mouth wuunuing turn so severely that ae bad to 553 4.278 .4.050 oe auiea. It is interesting to read en I beautiful to look at. The content3 mil FRONTISPIECES: THE GRASSHOPPKTt AND TITS ANT. Drawn by A.

li. Frost. PRIMAVERA. A Study by Albert Lynch. CAST SHADOWS.

Prinr-! ly r-rMt Friant Selected ty I'MVi rt Hamerton from Typea of Conten rary Palntlns.1 McANDREWS H7MN. By Rn-lyard Kip ling. Illustration by Howard Pyle. Tire matrimontat; TONTINE rr.X'C- FiT ASSOCIATION. A Story.

Rort Grant. Illustrations by A. li. Wense.L GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS. R.

A. by Cosmo Monkbouse. Illustrations from paintings. A MODERN SIR GALAHAD. Poem by Hannah Parker Kimball.

THE MANTLE OF OSIRI3. Story by Wal ler Lauint fanner. PRIMER OF IMAOTVaRT OEMSA. PHT. by Brander Mattbewa Xlluatrauona by OUver Harford.

THE WOODCUTTER'S HTJT. by Archi bald Lampman. Illustrations by Frank French. AN OLD. Poem by.

Dorothea BT SPECIAL INVITATION. A Railroad story by Francis Lynda THE STORY OF A PATH. Story by H. uunner. Illustrations by A.

B. Frost. MINNEHAHA. Story by Eva Wilder Ie lasso n. JOHN MARCH, SOUTHERNER.

Georg w. -jaoia CAST SHADOWS. Painted by Emlle Fri ant. Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Witn por trait.

THE POINT OF VIEW. Tbe Christmas Peace of Mind Dr. Holmes aa a Civllixer Dr. Holmes and Boston. Apropos of the completion of the new buildings now en tirely occupied by Charles Scribner'8 Sons, ft history of the house from lbMO tolbdl is published in this numr, with attractive illustrations.

The Christmas cover is or namented by a design by Alfred Price 3S Casta BaheeripUoas foe Bcribnar'a Kagastae for 1X4 should be seat now. Price 13.00 a year. Charles Scrl boar's Sons. Kew-Tork. BAKER'BLAUKETI IfeMwaatttrhetaaalBBkatssaeal Have mm 1 yaaia, Hnn4rtsaf Usttmoalals ta tat etfrct.

Kadt both wna sad wiibeat saretucim hook, for ttoraj r.Tijaa tniiSa Wm. Avaaa A aaiSis. raiuaaa. COT, FLOWIX'S HUT P1RS0IS Ha Answers CrltieLsaaa His Carae la Sesae Reeeat Cases. ALBANT, Nov.

23. Gov. Flower to-night made a reply to the crltlctams oa his course iq granting certain pardons re centjy. He first says that he has not usually made pardons public," believing that thereby the convict -would find It easier to obtain employment, and regain bis old position In society. He says that he has not Issued any more pardons than; some of bis predecessors, though he sees no merit In that, as he thinks' pardons shonld be given whenever demanded by Justice.

He pardoned John Welch, convicted In 1882 of killing his -wife, because the trial Judge, county prosecutors, and many'cKI-sens had. asked for it. The Judge alao'had thought, at the-time, that -the evidence hardly warranted the verdict of murder la me secona aegree; ne naa expectea man slaughter. ueorge u. okt, a eowicted muraerer.

wbosa death sentenoe' Gov. Hoffmen had commuted to Imprisonment for life, 'was paraoftad on the raoocn roena a tlon or. the Llstrtct Attorney who proaecuted him. He had bean twenty-four years In prison. The pardon of Anthony Cola convicted In Rochester of obtaining a signature by false pretenses, was gran tad because he had only six months more te serve, and.

waa old and very feeble. George 8. Male, convicted of Incest In was pardoned because tbe District Attorney who proaecuted him be lieved that mere waa grave aouDt aa ta his guilt. Bestoa Mayoralty BOSTON. Nov.

23. Independent nomina tion papers were filed to-day aa follows: For Mayor Abijah HalL by the Prohibition ists: roineaa r. sieio, py tu I'eopie Party. COSPLSXIOI PROBUCSRS lRaX8TD Thar Arm Ouuvedl with laapreyee Cse ef TJaltea gtatee Malls. INDIANAPOLIS.

IntU Nov. Statea Deputy Marshals at South Bend last night arrested Dr. Samuel Killmer, Harry McDonald, and Elmer Btrayer. charged with using the malls for fraudu lent purposes. Killmer, McDonald, and Btrayer are one gaged In making and selling complexion lo tions.

Tbey represent about 150 firms or companies tn South Bend that are making and selling patent medicines and lotions. Several weeks ago tha Post Office Department Issued an order excluding the literature of some of tbe firms from the mails, and tbe Indictments just returned are the result or tee investigation that was maoe before that order of the department was Issued. The Indicted men were brotiht here. Dr. Killmer la aaid to be worth 8100,000.

and McDonald and Btrayer are wealthy. Tbey have all made their money out of the lotion business. Dr. Killmer baa been doing bast- -ness under tbe name of Louise Walthaaa's- Gooo Fortune. WALTHAH.

Masa. Nov. 2S--By the will of Francis Buttrlck, Waltham will receive a legacy of nearly 8500.000. Tha appraisers of the estate have placed lta total value at $750,000, which is said to be a very conservative estimate, as tbe securities can be held, by the terms of the will, until they can be negotiated at somewhere near their proper value. We all have much to be thankful for this Fall, and many a table will be specially brightened for the Thanksgiving feast.

In this, Silverware will play an important part and a visit to our warerooras and inspection of our latest designs will much simplify the process cf selection, Picod; Dcrion aTX.TXRSliTTH3, 37 Union Square, N. Y.V 13 jlaUen Une. V. Si-e. Oreile'i PrsleMer," li let "Wuthenng Helshta" irVTiVB "Or- a Solid Silver 1 aa IV I.

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