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The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan • Page 1

The Times Heraldi
Port Huron, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOBT TOON TIE The Weather Fair tonight. II. 11.71. S3. 30.


haa been sentenced to serve three yeans in the Kinrstoa penitentiary en complaint made by Mrs. Julia Kennedy, of Port Huron. Watson had been missing until a few davs agr when he was located In Hamilton; following an Investigation br Under Sheriff rem and the St. Clair coon-ty officers. The officer told Mrs.

Kennedy where the man was and she sent to Hamilton and made ths complaint that resulted In hi sentence by P. M. Jelfs. The Port Huron woman claims to be the first wife of John Watson. She was wedded to him In Sarnia in Ihe year 1S03.

The cwiple came tt Port Huron anl here Mrs. Watsert became ill and taken to th hospital. At the hcspltal necessary to smpctate one limb. Then. Mr.

Watson claims her husband deserted her. Watson No. 1 or Jnlla Kennedy, claimed that after her hns-land deserted her he went to Ijon-don, where he married a M1s Eraser axed Is. of that city. This mad Ihe man guilty of a charge of bigamy.

The Port Huron woman told he pitiful story to the Port Huron officers, hut they were unable to arrest the man as he was In Canada and a the crime was committed In Cans-da. They located the missing man, however, then th woman, who la compelUd to wslk on crutches, took; the train for Hamilton. NOW HELIEVER THAT CA1T. KEMMIS RETURNED TO OLD HOME IN ENGLAND Thai. Capt.

Walter th Tort Huron township hotel keeper who disappeared from Port Huron, nearly four weeks sgo. has ron either to England, or to the home of his fister In Arizona, is the bellaf of the residents of this city ht ar interested In the man's return. Thr axe a fw persons who think that Kemmis has gone to the Cans, dlan Northwest to make a new start in the world. Kemmis. It I said, left the city after nulling some moitjraged ler-sonal property, without l-aylng th amounts due on the mortgage.

A warrant could bo sworn out for th hotel man but It Is Improbable tbst sny such action will taken as It is thought that he has gone so fsr away that It would not be worth whil to bring him bark. Several years sgo Kemmis declared that he might return to Fnr-land, where was born. Ills wjf w-r sllve tbn. but now shs is dead and as th man was left slone In the world it 1 b1lfved that he mads good his declared Intention. SAYS AUTOS SPOIL ROADS Rrot'H-rwIn-Iaw of J.

V. Morgan II Akei Fr Injunction (Br Am4 Trtmrn Fairfield. My 2i. Frederick Sturgesa of ibis town, brother-in-law of J. p.

Morgan, hss sskerf the state courts for sn Injunction to stop the annual Hill automobile climbing oonteitf. scheduled for Memorial dav. Mr. Sturgess hs leen building An macadam mJ for th town for thirty year and rlares that the hyy traffic over 1 hem by visitor snd contestants st the bill climb will ruin the surfaea of th macadam, MARY HARRIMAN WEDS Wealthy Young Woman I Wo mew the Wife of Ouuiew Rnmaey (By th Prr Ardn. N.

May 2. Mis Mjiry Harrlman, daughter of tb lt E. II. Harriman. and one of the wealthiest, young wrmien la the country, was marr1d here at noon tdy to Mr.

Charlf Cary IlomT, of Ilufs-lo. The crmony was performed In the I ttl Episcopal church in the presence of tb of botli famine snd a few frlnds. Arrests Woman Wh Jumped His Bond, and Saves Himself $1,500 Washington. May 26 With his oner. Mls Joephioe Dennis, a grsy haired woman of 4.

Deputy Untied States Marshal F1tebr arrived here, today from Clifton. wbr he sr-: rested her a few days ago. Th prisoner wore On March lj last Miss Dennis was arrested here on. a chaxg of conducting seer saloon snd gambling boos la coaactioo with a dressmaking establishment. Fletcher, then not an officer of law, becam ber bodsinaii la th sum of lo0.

When her cas ws( ailed, however, she had Fletcher thereupon bcams active. caed the woman la Arlscna, haJ blo-j self appointed a depoty mar thai, weatj west sad arrested br a a bond hirop-j tr sad fagiUr. wlU liM IS ST I SS At tr th Youas "Kens Eu'ln a at i on Wdae-4iV wn.n Fr-d T. anr 'hat a larK teoH ti-ilt to th Ho-Mft plant. that fh the pian'.

js M-'l an-! that during Best y-r th tompacy nfwU to tarn out motors. ft on of th t.tTncnf ie1 th that iViwi that fiyt -n th- JiP indus- Sh-rinnlnt of M. Stanton Co. factory, en r.r.o.infM to the af th- present time he -IT 'r fhjt he can 4 rr.or trrnvd v. ni''iJiir 'A ir' liT evening cnlr fur-r aMn -I hut th jt.of w-r In th-ir of ws fort Huron 1 doirn now and what th- iy will 4 tin f'ltur.

Following a bH'-f addr Asa Brown nn Invitation to ir-1 F. of Ht CI "Hens to th "no the to one from next. fdnff i iv .4 Mr Fro ii it. jnllm th ri.n wh has y. oitnri." Th that i'iart-f m'ht ral M'Sm iou at th rf Pr th n.TTi of fS RfTia.l MirV'TI, with th word- 'J 'l II ir n.

-whirh If K.i CELEBRATION AM IAlm AUK Pf.UMNo MKK rh.lrrn.t.n of tt cotumU-t har" t1-' ri: raf to bell v.v-Ur tt-t of th Tn 1 I. a' -or n' at i J-ily t. rtK a'! ir.srmr t-MT" 'T th t-K an! that tr.itn It will most iiny ty P-'ti thN jrt f.Tiv- chiir-ti-1 to rut T-'tw-'-n rltr Kill 'n th i rrnUt of fhifU- 't li :t.I ntv mni- sn I f. rework Tbf com-milt-- i mw uuitrg -n wh th a cut of th ord r.ary. Ttodorw Roc't i Honored by CJbridye University, Stay 26.

Mr. hr t1ay to tmvIt honorary dcr'' of of laws CamSrM ItU YtS rf rh pip.n m't of h5 ry Irs Kns'tn for th r-ptirn kIt-q him by th farr.Ity. ani Th pnMnt was accompan VkJ f-n lrsinn hy Mr. Rocvrlt a1 hi onhtr. Mr.

La wft. A thy mat" their ay msh ff- winfin utrwtf to tS bfr!" era 13-rfMt'on. Americans were rrw Mr. a formally Mwn1 awn. cf Carnhri.Ie anirrity with heni t- a hnf rhat.

Tht! an cnr a visit Kn ffsan wl in IS I an.i Vr rv 5 th btchr' na. wh wn a cVcTman hi th M.i.irh colony and the fen-factor rf Harvard Anntta? Salary of a Minister Only $633 According to the Census May la a vera A'r of th ir rJT'r'd in a rprt on tt nj of ttii for a pr. prt paratory Vi5n -n to lVn IMr.ttr Iirar 4 of i jf of ard i th first cf rr KafhrJI hr hy V. of porIatin th -i vj. Th fixnrm ar front th c(tis -h Statrw harins a poo r.

of 2iVh rrd m-r in daamio toe ho-a th rris ar th I'nitartaa ih II.SS3. th EpixraL fh firl rf ra. fi.rrvl; 11.23. th r-h l'ORAU-K IOItr HURON' MAN STHICK CIIAIM INIi SODA FOl NTAIN DIES IN AUTO Roy H. Miller, formerly of this city, having hfen employed in Lohr-storfr's dreg store for a number of year, met an unusual death at his hone ia Kingston.

Wednesday afternoon. Just before the accident be was engaged in chargiig a soda fountain. Suddenly and with-ct any warning th container exploded and a large piece of flying iron struck him in the face, inSM ing a dvp wound and fracturing his knll. He was placed ia an automobile and an effort was made to rush him to the Saginaw hospital, but died within a few miles of that city. Mr.

Miller was engaged In the drug business fr Kingston and also was mayor of that pl.ce. He was -out SO years of age and it t-ur-vived by a wife and two fhildren. cne of which is 4 years of age and the other an infant, three wfks. The married a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Langfcrd. who now live at 709 Huron-ave. lie visited in Port Huron several weeks ego. KICKED TO DEATH CVRsON VI LLF1 YOUTH C.17TS IS PATH OF HORSE ON NH.irr C-sonvflle. Msy 26.

Special) Leor.rd Hartwetl the adopted ton of Mr. an I Mrs. A. SisMoe, living three north of Sandusky, was instantly killed by being kicked over the tieart by a horse Tresday evening. The accident oerurred but a few minutes before Mrs.

Sisrrv, who had at the Bad Axe hospital, had returned home. The boy as taken from the CVId water school by the Siscoes about five years ao. Th ill be held from the Episcopal church at Sandusky oa Friday. TAKES FATHER INTO AIR Onille Wright Mikes Five Successful Flight In Dayton Dayton, Ot May 26. Orville Wright made fiv flights here yesterday afternoon.

In one cf which he reacid an altitude of 2,700 feet from wbfc-h height he landed at terrific speed reaching the earth in one minute and 2S seconds, or at a rate of over twenty miles an hour, thus eFtablishini? a world's record for descent. The machine dropped tinder perfect control and landed within fifteen feet of the end of the starting rail. For the first time In his eidsty-two vears. Bishop Milton. Wright, father of the aviators, left the earth yesterday with Orville in a six min-tite flight and was ken throe hundred feet in the air.

AGREE ON BOND ISSUE Flint Electric Representatives Appear Before R. R. Commissi, Bp a -vw Lansing. May 26. John J.

Carton, of Flint, and J. C. Weadoek. of New York, are before the state rail road commission this afurnoon with the proposed bond issue by th' Flint Electric company. It was stated at noon that It ii e.xpcted as agreement relative to the matter will be reached and the issue approved on the inventory showing as to the value of th property.

The applications from the other companies for similar bond Is-ue are practically ready for presentation to the commission and will presented it understood, as soon as the Flint and Poetise propositions have bees approved by the commission. HIS NOTIONS DISPELLED Very Few Legislators Aft Addicted to Liquor Habit. fftp tkm A i0Cf0 Pr WashinCoo. May Wnen the temperance q'istiXJ cam ap for discussion today at the world's sixth Sasday school convention. Prof.

F. S. Goodrich of Albion college, Mich. declared that any notions be bad entertaired aboal the inebriety of coT.ersmn had teen dispelled by a statement made to him by Representative Washington Gardner of Miehiiaa. Gardner toid toe," declared Prof.

Goodrich, "that daring twelve years la congress he had tnsvs bwt eizht there who wre erwaly addicted to the use of stress 12a, norm. IVSPFXTOHS HOLD lNlvTliA-TION' INTO CXJIXISIOX BIG HOAT3 An inv sugation for the purpose of placing th Llaro for the collision ltwn tb steamers Wood and Gcodycar in Lake Huron on Monday, which resulted in the sinking cf the latter vessel and the probable drowning of I persons, is heinr h14 in Port Huron today. Vessel Inspoctors Stewart and Van Llew are conducting the Iutcs-iiaticn in their offices at the government building and the crew of the Wood. hirh Is new at th Reid dry dock. Is being examined so that the authorities can learn what they know cf the accident.

The result of th investigation will he sent to the department at Washington, and the depositions of the survivors of the steamer Goodyear will alo 1j tent to Washington. The atithorities at that place will Investigate into the reports filed with them and at some future iim make a report in which the blame will ho placed. FUND NOW IM HASFP.1.1, IJVMK ADDS SIO TO rilK SUM HIl HAUL HUD.SOV The ienSt ball name played at the Athletic Wednesday aftor-noon between the local high school rervs and the t. Clair high school team was well attended and after th evjH'nses of the visiting had hen tahn r'it there re-nalnd $10 which will le placed in ihe fund lieing raiscl towards se-rtirinir treatment for Earl Hudson. TSie local team was victorious by a x)rc of 13 and 9.

The fund tip to th present time amounts to the ol- losir.j: Previously acknowledged hrnan Arcnitxia John P. Cnrron. Detroit Wm. McCaffery. Ivtrolt Jack Vbrn, Ietroit Tho Dodge.

.30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Benefit bail game 10. 00 Total 8205.25 GOVERNMENT RESTS Halting Point is Called in Sugar Conspiracy Case. Nw York, May 26. A halting point in the snear conspiracy trial was due todav with the resting of the governments cas. Before the opening of court It was th prosecution's announced-expectation to finish its prca rotation of evidence by noon or shortly after, the mornins session to be devoted chiefly to testimony presented in a culmination of the effort to connect Secretary Charles R.

Heike of the American Susar Refining: company with the tmderwelghtng frauds on the company's docks. Testimony that Heike knew of the so-called technical statements showing the weights of sugar refined, together with testimony to show that he had endorsed checks for refunds of sugar duties was depended upon by the government to conviace the Jury that he had knowledge of the frauds. It is contended hy the prosecution that the technical statements showed the company to be refining more sugar than the government weights showed it was importing. This is held by the government to proof of underweights 'hich Heike had before him ia documentary shape. NOT AN AMERICAN BOAT Schooner Eifuno Was Flying Our Without Authority.

lS iMft Prtmt Washington, May 28. If the schoon er Esfufxo, which was searched by the Nlcaragyan g-asboat Veons, wa gying the United States flag at the time she was overhauled, a has been reported, she was carrying the Stars and Ptrtpes without any authority, according to official advices received Ijf s. Th navy department has aathentSc Information that the Esfnno is not a.a American schooner. She is said to hay a Nicarag-uan register and Is entitled to fly the Niesrajroan Sag. It is thought probable that she may be partly own by American but thai In no sense entitles her to th protection of th United States as an American vessel.

Under these circumstances the American government would not be Justified la taking any action whatever la aer cae. New York. May 2. The New York hxard of edncatton has decided that too much athletics for school girls is unwise. Acting on the recommendations of a committee of rr'en, the toard has rnled thai school (girls have no business to run more than fifty yards, nor s-hould they try to be hurdlers and broad jumpers.

In explanation of the decision a statement from the heard of education says; "In a general way, the board of education does cot 1-eHere in having girls tecrrae Individually prominent In athletic sports. It all right in the case of lioya, but girls should not have such aspirations. The board favors games for girls in which many can take part at the same time. We favor ius. games, as opposed to exhibitions of individual skill on the part of girls.

We fell sure that the decision will be approved by fathers and mothers." GREW DF27 LOST FHFNCH SUHMAIUNK I SO. IT IS SINK IN FAGUSI! CHANNEL WITH LRfHT LOSS Paris. May 26 Admiral FournJer states that the Piuvlose attempted to pass nnderneeth the Pas Calais. Th submarine had on board thro officers and 24 men. Torpedo boat destroyers have been despatched to the scene from Dunkirk.

Calais. Mav The ferryboat Pas de Calais, crowded with cross-channel passengers bound for Dover, had Just left Calais this afternoon when one of her side-wheels experienced a violent shock. Th believing" that his fkat had sirick a submerged buoy, stopped hi' vessel and a moment later th of a suhmsrino, th Plu-tiose. came to the surface a short distance astern.

A boat was hnrrledly launched fiom the ferryboat and went along-fiUle of the stricken craft, but the sailors rapped in vain against her metal sides and in a few minutes after th submarine arose to the surface she sack again beneath, the waters. The pas5nirers aboard ihe Pas Calais were horror-stricken by the drama enacted before their eyes. The ferryboat, which waa making water rapidly, summoned two tugs to the scene of the disaster and then put back to tb French shore. The Pluvios. with a crew of 23 men, left Calais thirty minutes before the time it ia presumed eh came up under the paddle wheels of the Pas de Clai, though It is im-psosihle to conceive that sho would dive in such crowdd waters.

Advices receiver! by the minister of marine confirm the report of the probable loss of th ill-fated entire crew. The maritime prefect of Calais, In reporting his action to the marine ministry, of sending beats to the scene offers the opinion that th naptha reservoirs of the PI 'jTiono burst. A torpe-do 1-oat destroyer has bn anchored near where th Pluvlose sank and divers have iron down to the submarine. A wrecking vessel has also r.e to the scene. AUTO TURNS TURTLE Driver Has One of His Ribs Fractured In Speed Event.

Indianapolis. May 26. An automobile racing car. driven by Beall turned turtle on a bank of the speedway this afternoon and landed in a pool of water at the eig? of the cours. Beail was pinned under the car and one of his ribs fractured.

The accident was caused by a wheel of the car flying off while BeaJl was driving at fall speed, trying oqt the motor for the race meet which opens tomorrow. tail "I- I asms Wahtsr? Hay Foreeajtt- Cpper Lk to etocSe-rct to a fsr ana Friday. tpre Fair tonht FrWay, Stittt It wrnrr Friir ft wrt pTtrn; X-orwe irrcttioin tr wwrssrr Fr ts.y tn wwt fcirirf ssSerwi UrM to moderate nArtwt to mortis talr tcnUit b4 rniay. roilT HURON KNIS ANOTHER RIG NVENT10N IXR THE YEAR 1011 OTHER tTTIES WANT1D IJATII-EHING, RUT 11NNEI. CITY HXIKKO THE REST PIUIDEN WIMD TELEPHONES THE I.OOD NEWS HOME I ROM DETROIT That Irt Huron will be deserving of the title, "The Convention City" in 111 Is evident from the fact that there are at least ten conventions which will be held here next year.

K. Woods, president of the Retail Gro cers and Butchers' association, of this city, telephoned The Times-Herald that after a hard battle th local delegates who are attending the conven tion in Detroit, had secured the con ventlon of 1311 for Port Huron. "There were other cities after th convention but Port Huron seemed to appeal to the majority of Ihe dl gats in attendance and It was finally decided that the next gathering would be in Port Huron. said Mr. Woods.

"The convention Is to be held sometime during the month of Jann ary or February snd about f00 dele gates will be in attendance. He si so stated that, the Port Huron delegates and business men who are attending the Detroit convention would be royally entertained and that after returning from the boat ride ro Tashmoo park Thursday afternoon that they will leave the metropolis for lh1r homes. Secretary J. T. Perclval, of the state association, did much to get the 1911 convention for Port Huron.

SEYLER IS FREE JURY ACQUETS HIM OF MURDER OF JANE AD MS AT AT. EANTTC CITY I Bp th A rtUtri Prf May'r, Landing, N. J. May 26. William Syler lat nijrht was acquitted of the- charge of killing Jan Adams on the million dollar pier at Atlantic City lat February.

The Jury was out more than five hours. The feature of the rioting dsy of th trial was the testimony of the rrisoner Hmself. who oeeapjed the witness ftand all morning. His story wrs a complete denial of th tharg cf killing the- girl. OVER SUPPLY OF DEAD BODIES Attorney fiencntl Rwlew That tli University Mut Take THrtri Lansing, May 26.

Under a ruling by the attorney general today the unl verity must take, on-claimed bodies shipped ther by state institution. even though there are more cadavers on hand than sre -dd by the department of anatomy. Th superintendent of one of the asylums wrote the attorney genera! stating that he had receive! JnstrnctloTjs from the unlTcr-Mtv not to ship any more unclaimed bodi ii the college has more on hand than can be rd. He asked whether the Instruction ahould otyed and was informed that tb- law pTsd In 190 repairing all state institution to supply the yniversityWls mandatry snd the contingency that the college night scure an over supply was not contemplated Railroad Bill Amendment Lost. Washington.

May Cummins amendment to the railroad bill prohibiting the increasing of rates by railroads until they have been declared by the Interstate Com mere commission to be jost snd reasonable, was defeated by the senate today by a vote of 23 to 43. TOO LATE TO CLLASSIFY. WANTED Boy to learn the printing trade. Apply The Tim-Herald. WANTET Two com lady demonstrators to iotrodnce some family remedies, from boas to house.

Most have experience. Permanent positions. Icjnire Oriental Mdi- cine 221 Huron Are, 5-27-m WANTED Experienced stenographer One familiar with in a rat. re and real estate preferred. Address Box 4m, Times-Herald.

5X TIUI riWH LIKE HI ROV PAKK TO tT- ItltY tIi; hou; AFKAin was a jokf; ISIT TlIK CANADIAN- OF1-T-CI INATKiATK CAK WAS W)U)KI) WITH I'OUT ii hi. who wan r- TO CATCH KXST IIOAT "Who th- told Amfriran who f.imt over hfr on th night of fi: lUrthday. and had th nrvo to t-tl on of ur tret r.ira?" Th1r4 Ja one of th that In trf'tiiir a-kd by Sarnia pv pi. anvj ospiaijy iiy offlflaia of th riainSi Srr-t Railway company as th? result cf a little affair whirh oo-firrd in Sarnia Tuelay nUht and hf rnijht hav rosu'tl in more uramatic rraalts than it did. Th whd affair at in too na-'" of a jfke.

but sad to mention th -ot of prartleinsr urh pranks i high. pomcthiiiK that la yosi are caught by th Sar-nia p-l. Th Sarala police ar work in on this cas. It said, bnt it ronr-od-d hr all th.U th Kuilty on will iro nr.ptinlshd. It a 1 happnd In th mad th rrowd to carh th last thr tars contv them from I.ak Huron park in Urn to cattii t'i" last Unit for I'trt Huron.

Th? thron? that had to taken to the frry iand'nR v.u far to bfst for th rmrx Ineid wa a rn.t rnaa of hninanit v. Sa rr at a prem-Inm on tb top of tl ar. In spit of all Shis no on pitUd th who a had p-ft'ontlnsjoti tn r.i4 Mr.) IT POLITICS riiFMiYTvm Ft 'SI'S TO All 'FIT HA IT OF rUOIIII.inoMNTS Atlantic City. N. May 2.

Th Knral twfmM.T of th Prhytr-lan rhnrrh In h.Tc ai today torn with tsopsJcTi or th effotts of Hom-r th r-cnt prohi-1 nomine for rovrncr of I cnnsylvanla. to fcrc the convention to adont a rcoMition drlarin pohiicaily aicainst n- li-juor trfn-. It was d.x-lir i hy the ex-t it'-! Mnmiw.onrs hat this was an efort to thrust th FrsT5 trian chtm-h Into the pclttiral arena. Uiwrd-r Ia--ting nearly an hour, tl sssemMy finally passM In in a form. cMfnlnatinit th pol.tical reference.

The ort of the to.Ard of foreign mtsoiono was pre ntd hy the chairman of th p-ermarrnt commltt en foreign mission. lcf. S. F. Vance, of Cincinnati.

indietner.t. nain.K. Xr.iericar In Orient wr mad hy nv. Arthur .1. Tiwn.

creta.ry cf th loard of foreign missions. -Th worst mn in the far cast" raid Dr. rron. "arc net th r.atiTes hut the whit men." TAfTWONT BE THERE Chief Ecuttwe Will Be Absent From Teddy's Home Coming. Wash-nston.

May 25 Prosider.t Ta'T wi'l not attend the homeepming celebration in honor of Theodore Rooseet at New York on Jna president been urred to attend hy representatives of th Republican club of New York, who first th ccU'hratfotj. On the day the former president sal's ioto New York harhcr. th president be at Villa Nova, receives th degree of doctor of from St. Thoisas collcsrc. Jewish Ko.1w I rr-TBi St.

PetersHnrit, Mir 2S Th exodus of Jewiiih. famil! from Ktr hs becm The total dervartnres frtm tht rity nr to I tisht wr ja r-rccrihd famili (ic'ysiTclT to th? poorest class-Th xrnison is attended wt'Ji harrow ins stcht. th day yesterday at KifT stmffsliE trsirt of wsnns passes! ont the city rates c.rryins: the Tttsrhl fconsh.5l4 effects of th isar.ishci All coafusica. Pohhlnc rlinrtng to their li'tl and sa-d fce-I tna were atl's cortd octsid the town and told to return to the of their birth..

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