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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1, i 4 .4 i S' IVi ClavlT laid bafort the) BeaAl wmui-HH tt-vxa M. titmf, la HiHin I Vila law, Mat 4ktWW atode ay 4aw-d of OttraM at BBEaVei east ymr. alto. Xs 4atba froe A Mo eaaietatare. Beevaaditg I la aflvej to the Caaaittottoaal Amsad- Hr Intui Scaled la at 0m paietutieae epokt tha tlx vote tie.

peapU et" Cfclo. 1 kttla Wore tUn yaw tg ly had eaten fai1tsiel ibdBMBi prttaed fka TW Cdaarreaa ay matortty af about aa-oaa, ejiocanj roanae. Be. Mbaeaaav.taf Bins step atom bars. They kulxor Hiiii.iiftnn "bat aeetotoo, and tod areaeat raaotu-aaae aava aV voice art a pefUaen atetoritft, atoetad by a to wry of toa people, aa tbal they vara contrary "aa rtpfnnl willef tba peele.

Tba amead-aseat af tba Tktrty-BiBth Cewarraea arnatd ta voted tor lo da-t, aobmUtad, by a taajortty 100, rm. aM ba abd. kta autUaacva aoaid aufy tba aba pmpt coaaair4 Uatt tt bad baca jJai iiil beyottd tba rbtoav aettoa ft tba Xariatatara, Tba Blaaa of vbb) bad fait tbM tbay aaabt vaca Ufeir Coaatita-'1 taoa karoatmy vt tba 1 auuuaWiutlaa art of Ooanrvraa. and praaraaad au uaaadaneat to tba btata OuntlaUm propoauia; to vtriha oat tba "word ana." Oatortaattaly ar.ay coaaactad ItONCh a to diatranobBja oaaartara, aad avattud both la ooa aramdnaat to tba vaotta 'Obto. Attar aa earutat eatfvaaa, iJ k- Mbtf anvaada tba an ba eraltant td abov aa asaanrfa af raraoebteaiaat.

araaoatttoa raeatrad W.OM aarw mora If an aa atava to avoaniar aaa. na aaa Buoountvi riqtctad bMaadatecboa; tai aa rardad tt aa of tba btoadeat aaai of aialiia, aad vbicb ba voaid raxivt. tbat ba battaaa vtiuaa toabtoa aad aw barUa tat paoya of Ohivia faror a( aaMaal aad -tamaattat anftnart. wltbaat rcaovat eoior br "raadiUoo. Bat 'U bataa a proate- ea blob a prtjaotv af tba paoila td T-Hf, ooaitlad vttb 'ia aaprpaianty tt o( anarura, atany waon va Mtria eitlaea.

and-'SMd raaaataad la V'vnuJ tba var vaa baaxtf aadad, iaa UanKiei'4e Orarty ataoaad a ntaortiy of aba lajpabiara. tia-va ajoavinead tbat bat tor tba aliatraaabtaln rlauaa ba ajaaaadaatat vaaM baa aaia etnM; bat awrana bat, ba daabtad Vat, tf aba auaataaa of uatta-raal 1 aaflrara vaa aafarataty tkotimiuad ao Ltanni at aawar Unw, tt oanld ba admitart, AnoUter ohaarMoa tbat bad oparaaad aaaaaii 4ba adupaua tba aaaaadtarat, vaa thai tbaar Oonadtatlna a ba ravtaeA In 'HH, aad It 'to aawod tow. Bat ao-ano d.rnait. tbat tbc Lcfcia-i tatara tbaa aiaatod voatld aaannia to racail tba aettua mm tba Oaaatamuonal bvmndiaaat. Ha vaa vubnc ba avbaiit tba-aoeaiara-n ita aaertta to tba veopbv tba tnaa arouhs amTba loaa; aabca a raw ami of tua oonid ba utiaanad.

Ho ar aa ba baiw tbran vjaa ao dirtaaaa in aba) Rapabtaaan fmrty ta raffard to 'bba ItecODaarocttoa atcaaurea af jCodci tbat i)iaiaaaina bad xaretaJly avoktad. Ua aaid tba 1 aaaolauoaa aindar aoamtdantaaa vereraabad tbraaxa arttbent dabata, aad ba yraaaatad a raaoonatnii ajriaa KaaaibUeaa aamabera aaa in at Baa taaannar ajbicb tbuaa raaoiattoaa bad baaa torcad aatbaLaBW bun Mr. ftoaaaa aaaay tba antbrm of aba raaohinV.aa bad accoaapliabad ainthlaa batt to exbibit Uteir Mad Btvladjeaa. Tbora vaa ao rflwanoo In tke OoaatMJUtoa tor ha vttbaraval ol aba aaaent ot limtn nan ci anna ill brlirrrl a Ht-t i rir tn-m me tbat tbaa tt anM vn aaw iroaa jna union, of vbaia autar panpoatttoa Ibnaa vaa waqnUam. a ar.

tbta asuvaadanary abnn vaa aoaolma-. aaipataat, aba CoaataaaaaviaJ AawMHlmaai banna a bacrwainart I si auu kal lrnailraiaiin abaan ot ta rviba. Mtaaa- a-TfitaiUna- -tMiIrt Mama Btala ajan aaa glvao tttrir tvaalr two fiataa In all tariia foartaa of tba btaiea tbat baaa lawiatataraa, aad tba rMniiaraeni ot tba Coo- aaxaaoo vaa. ibaratora. aaat.

Tbo aataodnirat vaa anttaaatjy pnnnmm4 by a tvo-lbtrd vnia of Uoiinraaa, aoaaad of ba rapraaaaiaUyaaaf -tba loyal buuoa. aad vaa aov raCftad by tba Law iall area of tbraa- aoartba ot tb aaiaa Inyal raprcvetiav ttaaa onaaaaby proi aaia tt. It tbay vrra povarfal aaoajcb to paopoaa It, tbay vara 'pewartai raoaajb to aduil it. and tba act ot tba Leatatntvra of Obao vaa bautataty brataat fumnt, abd aov Id baaa ao ef net bat to ittadoaa tbrtr coaraeler. Mr.

Joanaoa aaid tba Senator ana donbtlaaa riebt ba aaywa tba aanemdmrat bad baaa aftoplad by tba ataeaaaary aaaaber of aiaiaa, aMamiaf to Ua acuan ad Cnaerwaa. bat tbaro vaa auyereaxv or opinton, vbtcb aad baca tally aratad duriug tba recent dobate aai tba othmr propoattaon, tbat a HUla cannot vitb rav aa aaaent onoa sea. tt tba HouLbarn Ktatee 1 ba i baaa tMaiea tbrauacboot tba aar. aad are tow tmatttattua. tben tba bad aa baea aacmtad.

lie would axpreaa any davMad amnion' on vbatber ftatr'a aaaeat onoa lea could ba vttbdravn. Bia aaaanat anreaatoa vaa tbat at could not; aa otber- araM a Htota oaoa aaaintiaa; to a prapoeition, vaa bound tbat tt aoald aot ton ar aMtoeo yeara artarvanl eaaa fa aao bar -awaaaL aafcts- an (baa aaconatoar tia acuoa. It vaa a aaeeoon. bowrrar. tbat venM ba coaauterad by tba )adb-iary f)omajiit.

baa. Hat aund vaa open to battar judMuaant toaajaima. and aababad tbat bia optatoa vaa ar-Nijou, ba veald of eoarae concur la tba contrary opinion. Mr. BtiwxKa rafarrad to tba laauaa of tba Cuban.

bat i un ta abov taat tba raquirmnant vaa ratnVation by larea tourtba af tba Ifftolararaa or tba weraj (Ma era. aot ratibeauoa by ibraa-loariba of tba Wax. If tbawrvare Kiab a vHnoat Jialatnraa tbay caakl kMt ao aolro ta tba mattar. Ha. tbaraiora inaiatad bat i be preaeat ratibcattoa vaa couplet.

But ute -vUUo tbat bia arauaieat aboakl etand alone, in toaiiaund vbat ba vbaraetanad aa tba aoiborttv of tba beat hing writer on 1 urn prudence In ibe eoan ary. BiaUop oa Criminal Law. Utaeaouag tba ajaaaiioo vbatbaa tba caavtiiaUonal a ok ad men la abotiahiaa; eiaeery baea baea adopted la a Conatata tonal aanaer, ba aaid tbay botb atood on tba aama at lorn, barlnit baaa propaaed by Courreae tn tna aama vay. eaca by a om of tvo-tnlrda of tba Kepra-aeaaxieaa of loyal btatra. Aitor tba readme of tba ajuotakKat.

Mr. JoaUiaoB aaid tbat boveeer correct tba aaaainana aatltbt ba. tba bene tor vaa aware tbat dit-f" avraat opiatoaa axtated tnatda and outside of Con-, avaaa; aodUa raaart to tba-arauaeaia died, ba did atotbaow but tba fantlatnaa bad been convinced by the anranaaabi of tba baator from Maaaecbaeetta. tMr: fevMNKB, aad, wilboot intandlnir diaparapenent ao Mr. baa Bur, be (Mr.

Jearwiou) would rather yield aiaoaauorliyof toe Hcnaaor tbaa to tbat of tba book. roDii or omot airx. On motion af Mr. fimania, of Sew-Hampahtra, tbe sto tbea look ap tiia bill In addition lo tba ta tannra of aariain rleil offloea. Taa ajueatina vaa on Mr.

Wnu'i tawadmeal, fwuidlLa tbat tba bill aball aot do away witb tba Jurmgn aarriU ot th biat IVpartzutDt. Mr. Patumoii moved to aabatViata tmend. prortaUac tbat aacb acaotaabaU not eteead area la Bawbee, to ba peed out of tba eonlioaent evaid of tao aula DepartaBeat- Mr. Bcatnaa tboubl tbat nam bar abcrald aot a)a reatrtctod lo tve.

Mr. VaCTeaeoa tbouf bt tbat tbould he eeonsh for wba aaerat eereiea of tbia Ooeeraaiaat. Hedenounred tba ayatena af employ a( iiiu oa aocoaal of eeraeea. Mr. baaaaa ucyaa tad tayttMl orar tba bill antil Men day.

aod tbat nt tba aiaanbata tbay roald In at tba Mtato Departasaat aa to tbeaeceaeary auuibrr. Mr. AwracaT ofpoaed tucb raatxictloat oa tba aart of ttoar aaa. Mr. Oaiwra taauaht tt ttana Onnyraas reanmed aaatral of tba aaeuera.

proaarly varrad daring tba Tba aataadataat vaa furtbar eppoaed by Maaara. Ctaiiaaaa aad Caaaa vba aatd tt we bad ao agent broad, aboakl aot be eel ted upea to pay Kueeia 1 I fcnee. to ai I Jba toot I- aad aaide. Oa tooti uv.euo, aaej otaer aotonnta ineee otaer roun nea. to ault tba aaatufiou of ibasecretsry af Stat.

1 ba oralrai boar aaaiba aapired, tba bill vaa Oa anotioa of Mr. MeauuLt, af Maiaa, an adjoara- ao aoooay vaa provioaa rev. Airp ynartoira. ar. Maaaaa preaeaied a Preamble aad resolutions at tba Vosoaaoa eaanetl of Jbxatoator, X.

la re-(ard ta tba ngbe ol awtaraksea rittarna. aVaferred to tba Committee oa Foreign Affaire. Mr. Tbatbb praaaated a peto.riaa.ef tha ritlaeaa of taa Diatrtrt af taauabia, praying tba tight al eaxrt. a-a) dtiagaaia to Coagraaa aad ail ether efflcerv tn-w Blading asBbm at tba Levy Court.

AUtarrad to Aba dasuutaaa aa tba Daaerict. Mr. Jwanaoa gave aatica tbat oa Moaday ba would a vole to tba eaaa af Mav Taoaaa. aanalor elect Mary lead. tk y-xccrwrrgrcTsoa tru.

Tba aupi Ina salary Itoeoriairat tloa sbavaa aaakt. I Vabaeaap.aB Mr. Hwara addwaaed tba fteaafa. Atter ragratbug ataat bia apeacb baa baaa aalared aaill tba cbieta of aha Ilepublicaa Party bavtag aaokea. tbeea vaa aa aa hut left to meet; ba aaid, what little aoUtsral ba bad scbiavad, bad ome faoaa ohaaewtnc aad arrolding tba aboala and abifltaf earraala with whteb ibtoaneaae bad gotaaiaagiad.

Ha taoagat be bed tbaa obtain ad aama reputauia fr aoUUral aaariftty. baaaly twe potato taotr appoaeata darad aaaka i tba ateeawigaa ivti vara. XUwt. atirai ea- l. aaa aaeoaa.

mat tare oppoaag the 1 sUncola aad aioaaaoa poury. tt vaa of lam set to asaauaatbet Maaator vvswa. baaMdetoaak y.raaxx for deearticg bia fonaar prtacitpiea. 3s ajaetod frcaa Mb. ItooUTTLb'e raamarka bt regara aihal aa aav ta tba prepoaed toeeeura, aad eaig BwaitBded hba of Bir Bctxa BcvWa esmarka fit aba Jnab larbamaat, "Mr.

apeeker. I awvall a rat. I ea bias ioaung ta tba air. bat by tba blest ag of Oom laiUtitkiaalMtoB." (Laughter.) Opoavhalae. deans aid tba twastnt caarga tbe Bepabbcaa Party' vnia aseerttoa of tbatr color bad thesr kiad I 1 bey enfranchise tba colored Tbe Meant will aa be to make bat rare oaailaaat ever tba vbttaa, tor they vera aaa la tba aMjoruy.

and even tbay vera, they vara aet aetualad by tba unscrupulous ambtttoa, of tba arbUaa, I hay aaked aaly proteruoa to thai rigbta. atot aautteel paaer. The aanator tbaa read etoueaca wa anew taat the white estate ta Ibe Boot tba vhiua areaad to raeiaasr. Ha aaeard Pailr rr ta awiteagaa tot ba posing aagv flra ea atoaaulb. ive aecauae tba haaitura aaatat bad (wtaaad euMUfy tba Cooatituusnsl '-i na hi, vmtj raiueal mm yuatuBed oa tba crouad taat taa sett tra rut ie-a snub lead tba Wad era aad taa fneaea at atbara aot AWae guilty, aad tba aisasaa vovLd aot be guUty at eraaoiiocy.

He cbuawd that bas eaitasgaa aaa huvee arotbyaf betraruig tba frtvada af Ibe party. I as reeaoa aUribuied fur fceesibbcea acUoa vaa tbat t-e blarka vera iuyal ss-d tba vbdea vara not. 1 a was atet by Ibe aaarttw taat aiat tfirkj veaa aw 1 wn jfarba, taa a-a tojj- abas aaa aaa an that eae-third aanifit to vote aaa. mr0mmSVkSmSBl Mil Waaaaaawmi eeitoa wre tcjal, but traggrat rataiiMtv reaaior r-mpaatar-sny acaaew a. eee mmmm bias esvd tb agree, bid area ase-estamed to, aer UI tbatr here but to OUT tbe craera at a.aar.

yet tawy vara enparxtiaed far being tnto the apesaraaea wrong Uotnir. valla ttf aaiiee atwnnin. Ha i im to tha exampto frean Bo-toaa havtory at tba ulaiil at LarruM. etton wy kM eottaana. aaM aU the yabala vara vtaaaa aa awv tinvrna mad the etentioa bad aa fcrea.

Tha abkrd i "aatn bated tor taa pence af tba ttapbbucaa by Tertone ajtaatora van. to caaa aarty aeread-eSa bad aa faaaort far tba bead or beart of a I-art, Parana eapabla or maktbc aueb aa aeaan party bad eaar ma art tola parpeea aba: bia re Aad baea BOtbiae tn aeeeenl tbeir aeltU biiaa of taa aoata aa taa laeujee we. iam are tba anavera toreaaoaa aaatanad by bta rallaafna BJeeaalf, eM ha I oat epaa a viedaiiil bia ova aWMivfaetarb and mailed forioualy. Tbe beraior kla pJ-ty aoacbt to girt 'be biarab ronrua-, be- tben vaa aa otber wy under Heaven to maka aneir Urea torabia. tMbor etpeajnaia aaa oaa ataoag tbaia naanciatoa aaa aeiabiba.

ilea, aa tn tba eae cr ui i.erea ta tna ZUHrtat of Colombia, vawa nan lava, ior tbay iaU not ba atjtaaisea, in tba goveramaaia aot by taa Praataent bad Xanuaaa lit neei wj vvupee, woo bn fount tbern naaele. aad sot bv ba truared. Tbea CoBaTeaa came to tba deliberate conciaetoa tbat tba blaaba aiuet bare a voice tba oevtratwat. Hack had alwava baaa tba Baoatora oplatoo, and aneb It aaeald ba to tba aad. Ha deaiert tbat tna bteckinen aaald avar be aaie tbe power of urur ferruer op-preaaora.

vba voobt alwaya contrlra new modea of arena tbem taraeure. Inbnman laaa bnd been en acted by tba moats since tbe war. aad betia est setae Or tbe miuasry power. He read as aztmot trout a eettor of Mr. btntrnt.

vbicb ba aaid ndiottad tha par- yjes of tbe rebel, if restored to paver, to reduce tba titack to aatatinoafaavry or axtarmtoata tbem. Tba Beaator abuaaed tbtt tba only vay to qualify tba egress far tbe baUot vaa to place It ta tbeir bands. He urged tbat there vaa tba sens aatbority toamer-etM legiatorbra power ore Soa-tb Carolina aa over Kav-Mexkoa. Oonfreat bad tbarjraroga-tlvaa of Siatea to ctrtam eotntaittaea vbicb vara not mdetaaatrto. boatb Carolina, atcikad mot tbe rnjhi.

during Uia rebaUion. to aend be ua Cora here, aad tt tbelr' rlatlona to tha OoTarnaaeat vera anen aaerelr dieturtad. aa tbe Henator from Indiana taaid yaaierdiy. vby could Uey bare been deajed d- misanaT The only answer weuia naee voen to asy yea -vera- tn tua reoellioo, and va revoke tna authority va once gaa you to bava Htata (Iot-araoaeata, if Btata bad peglsetad ta eagnira its omoeaa to btka aa oatb of aiUglanoeu tba tnited Btabia, Uia remedy eouUl not bava bean military em -or letral prueeediagt. But the rnartnding aucn State'e aatbority lo.

bava Uovernmont under ti.e of tbe Conatnuiion wbKb favaa fJonrrnaa to make all laws necaeaary Utr enforcing ita pruvialona. Ibe aama remdy would alona reach tba eaae of a compact between a Mint and Foreign Paver which vaa not followed by hostilities or armed emance. He claimed tbat tha lanputation of the Himalrrr Irom Indiana tbtt Bepubbeana wished to plaa the garlanda af tba white soldier on the black, span unfair and untrue. Those vitb arhoui tba bene, tor acted bad never shown any anxiety about Uia gar- laals or tha aoldlere who wore Uiem. Mr.

Uowt aaid all on the otber eido of tha Cham-bar bad eioaed toelr barangnea with terrible threaH and propbedee ot disaster to tba Republican I'arty tn the coming autumn. Ha did not bear them, but vera it ao tba conteet would not ended. He aaid no man eould conscientiously to into hie cloert as.d pray to bia Creator for other objecta in tha struggle tbaa tnoee for vbicb tbe Republican Party will vote, and cloeort by aulogiaung tia efforta hitherto, charging tba Democratic Panj aritn tbe entire eponMbiuiy for tna war, and by predlcUng Uia au ceaa and triumphant of tba Congre-aional policv. Mr. Paaai obtained tha floor tbe bill, bat on bmmiob ot air.

Uaaxaif tba lunber eooaideraUon vaa poetpooed till Moody. roBjfATioN or oaaMutATioNB. Tbe Sena ta look ap the bill to provide tor the formt-tlou of eorporaliano, aad regulatma the aame, in tke Jiiatnvt ot Columbia, which waadiacuaAvd by Mesara. JonasoN, Utaxaa, Wilxjcz, Uubaitx ol VL. aad txiaauM, ibe keuar couueuuitag it a granung an unprecedented llcenae.

Tbe bill vaa amended ao ta to require tba principal ofuora of corporations to be kept la lbs IMatrict o. Columbia, and by making tba irivate property of atockboldera. In certain cases, liable to uio atnoual ol par value of that aiock. After a further vrrbel amendment, tbe bill vaa ptessrt to a third reading, and Mr. called tor tba yaaa ana naye on iia Aaal passage.

There being not more tbaa twenty Heaatora pre. eat. at tba auarueatioa of Mr. Josswa. and OB mo- nl a th.

Bu tlii.tlUilUil DUTKICT OF OOU.MBIA OVTICUia. 'Mr. Scauiam tried to call up the bill to rcsrolate tbe aelactiou ot omcera. be. la the Dtetrict of Columbia; but, on mutton oi Mr.

Hxaoaicaa, at o'clock. tba ttenata adjourned to meet oa Monday next. HOUHI OF EPRSMTATITS. Mr. Dooot presented tba resolutions of the Super, VI sore of Polk Couuty, Iowa, la relation to tbe rigbta ot American citlxana abroad, vbicb vera referred to tba Committee on Foreiga Affurs.

KXTKiriuE raAUSs. On motion of lit. Slatm, tha Berretary of tha Treeanry vaa directed to furniah information aa to tba (mount ef property eefsed for frauds on lha revenue; tha amount realised therelroro; the (talus of pending (alia. Ac, TBKASCBT AOENTS. Mr.

Piaa eakad leave lo offer reaoluttoa directing the Berretary of tba Treasury to rcpor. tmmadtately whv he baa made ao reply to tba House reeoliitlnn of Nov, II, 1867, relative to tba employment of detec-tivea. special (grata and apec'al Innpectora. Mr. HoLbia objsetnd, on the ground that tbe Reo-retary had aot had auficieat tima to answer mat la-qury.

OHIO AMD TBI COMTTTtrrlOHAL AMXHDIfXirT. Mr. EooLBSToa preeeatd the Joint resolution of tba Ueneral Assembly of tbe Btaio of Ohio, wrtbdrsw. ing tba ratification Of tbat Btala to tha Conatitutional Amendment, refiieina- tha aama. and reqneattng the Preaident of the United States, the preaiding officer ot tbe Senate, and the 8peakr of the House of Rep-reeentativee, to leturn to tba Governor of Ohio all papers oa file with either, giving the assent of tbe Btata ot Ohio to sack proposed amendment of tbe Conatttution.

-ft Tbe Joint raeolutios baring been read In fall, Mr. Eooubrron moved tbat tbe resolution ba printed and reterred to the Judiciary Committee. He said it vaa donbttul whether tha parties called oa for loch papers bad. a right to return them to tha Governor of Ohio. He also desired to aay.

in the aama connection, tbat the lagiehwure of Ohio, iu passing auob a Joint reeolutiom. bad gone against the viabee of the people of that Btata; that there bad been recently tn election tn one of the Congrattional DuurtcU Hie re, wbfrt intt iniquity htJ been pre-anted before tha people, and that tba result of the election vae partly owing to the action of tba Legislature. Mr. wssaacauK, ol Illinois, (ncgastad to Mr. EooLXsrca tbat ha would modify hia mot inn ao aa to instruct the Judiriary ComauUee to report It on tba qoeelioa of law, whether a W'Sie had a right to with-draw ttt aaaent, Mr.

EoaLtsTo adopted tha tnrgHou, and modi-Bad tba motion accord lag 7. Ha inta moved the previous queettoa. Mr. bTkvcaa, ot Paaasylvaaia. than addreeeed tha Cbstr.

IheMpeaker aaked Mr. EooLktroa whetbar ba withdrew tba prsnou queatioa to allow the gentleman from Pennsylvania to make a remark. Mr. EoaLBarua decliaed. aayug tt wee aot aacea.

eary to speak on tba quseueo.aa the resolutions spoke for themeetvee. Mr. Btxvss said be roae to qneatioa of order. Ha did not know whether it vaa too lata to eoject to the reception tbe paper. Tbe Speaker said that it area too late.

It bad not only beea receive by unantmoua conaent, but ita reading had beea or Jerad bv unanimous consent. Taa motion vaa than agreed to, yraa 110, nay M. Mnxitmy. trtnrvT APraorkunox. Mr.

of Illinois, from the Committee oa Appropriation reported tbe Military Academy Appropriation kill, (impropriating 3OS.O0O,) which vaa arderad 10 bt printed. Tbia bill waa tbea referred to the Committee oa the Whole on the stale of the Colon aad made the apaciai order for Monday next. PtTmOjre, Mr. Bkxrx presented a resolution af tba Commoa Council ol Bocbeeter ia relation to the rigbta of American cttixeae In foreign lands. That vat rafarrad to tha Committee oa Foreign Af-tira.

Mr. BrkLBiaa. of Dakota h. preaented mamoriaja of tba Lagudative Aesemblv or lakotah for aid ta tba eonetrwohoa of railroada. Tbia vaa referred ta the Committee on Publle Tafitia, IKTAUD PlbWOSIa.

Oa motion of Mr. Craac ef Kansas, the Coat mtttea aa la valid Pennon' eras instructed to inquire into tbe expediency of piecing tba Id owe and children lot tba maa who vara killed In taa Lawrence aiaaaa-ere ta August. 143, ta the aame relation to tbe Pea-rot laws ea if tbe aaea had beea killed tba service of tba Veiled Statea. sitx to oonTixcs ihs ruxsvrjfa brgEtr. Mr.

1XJOT. from tbsCommmaa on Fraedmen'a Aaaira. reported bill ta aoattaoa tba Freed men 'a Tbia vae orfsrvd lo be rrlated aad recommitted. Tbe tret saetisa peeetdee fee enauaaaaee af tba Ba-aaaator aaa year atierJaiy 11 lias. 1 be eeeeed seetiea dirseta the beeretanr ef War ta enthareo lee Bureaa tvaea the States rertss sated la ea eaiaaa.

artar eoeealtatlsa wita the Ceiaaiia-aa4 apaa awi ewa ie eatattad aaald aa aoatiaaadr riwirfd Tnal tha silm a aoaal etam anal aot ee ekected uatti a euitatue yro- ii a atade antaia tna toe to far the edueaaiaa af aaa aai drea ef tbe freeaaea. The llrt eeetiea permtta tba CWauastoaers to aeabr vaaapeaeed ba.aaeas net required fee tba dee exera- lee edaeatieaai psrneeee. to ba eubjeet ea iwwvtaieaa af the law tliarato. fas toarta mine sera Ha ae eaVara ef the Tererea Beeet ve Carpa. or tbe value tear eervtee.

ea dale aartir aha Oojw vtaaaa. est have beea or asar be ntaetarad aat ef setwise, ta ee retaiaed ea duty, waea reeairaii ler sea praaev wviws at tae law. wita in eaaa aa tae- roTrcgr oojrrmxD namoii, Tba House tbea proceeded to the eaaatderatioa of tbe baatnAy ebsruna eaaa from tba boeouii Caa-gfseawinal Iutnat. Tbe Cose aa tua ua kUaoIatioae report three im ttiuoaa. aa futiovai PWawTbat Jotia Tocaa Baoara.

bavtag vetaatorUy geaa aid, euwalaaiaia. enuaaat aaa saisiuaeeai ant to Liimw eneaewd aa erased a i 1 1 aamiaet tbe Uaetod ttsisa awt eat'tiad to tea aeu, af aahve aa a kerwe- I 1 jA saiitiad a tha li af JS2l raarirt ef antaeby. ar to bald Beeet therein a Baas JaawiaVrttaaaivax. B. BaOTB.

aet eTaa rere1d awwvtV sf tae valaa seat tor tUsraeeatotive, JVa Li ik (amauaul Dwrt as a. ea ten. a aot eawtiad to a aeat taarata tbe Be aa bar ba aieetsd to aatifre area af BaBtaekv that a vooansT eanrta la the a aaetatiea of tbat Haasa frees tba tease sVatnetef geetaskr. Oa Bmtfoa of Mr. XUvaa.

Cbatmaa of ae Oora-taitaaa aa boorloaa. It was ordared tbat tka raaola-tbraa ba olaraaaed aad eoaaldurug aeparatety. Mr. tttm tbaa edgfeaeed aha Hoaaa ta support tba Brst reeoludoB. etplaramg tha faena oa wkmB waa based.

The mala aad sole evaaenee agaiask Mr. Baavra ta tba having vrtttea.os kla own adiava-aioa letter dsted Aartl Ml 1ML aaa aobtiabedta tbe LautevaUa CWeer, May if, lel. aorrectlug V- Krt af bU remark bt puMtc meeUng. aa van-hed ba tbtt paper, aad saying that vbat be did aay waa thta: Mot ona maa or owe dollar all Ken tacky famish LracoLa to aid bin La hla aabcly war acaind tha rVmto. If (hla northern army aball attempt ta croes eur bordere wa will reaiat Kanto tbe death, aid if one man aball ba found ta ur rom-atowealib who hall Join tbea, ha ought, and 1 be-liars ami be, shot down before ba leevaa f-e Btata.

Mr. btw-rs explained that tha defeaoa of Mr. Baoura waa, tbat at tba tbaa whan tbat tetter waa written Kentucky bad aaaoaned tha noeition ot nea-tranty between the United tttatee and eboaa engaged in armed hostility thereto, and that tbe very beati Cnlon men ot Kentucky bad aaa tuned that position, and had aooaht to bring the Btata taVo that ponton aa tha aery beat means ef saving tt snnm being drarsn into tba vortex ef tae rebellion. The Comnviuea bad given ta tbat eoaudaraaon all tba weight It waa entitled to. but yet it had coot to the condcialaa that no other oonsrractiona eoubl ba given to tbe letter than Ita natural tone.

Tbe 'Committee could ot regard the latter aa written tc any neutral sense, tor there was in it no word of oondemnttion of tha Boutbern army. Tba very idea of neutrality waa taken from it by a preceding paragraph, in which Baowa eaid to tha editors ot tha Louisville Cnuner, this am igloos report of my remarks baa, I find, been miaanderatood by soma who have read it, who construe my language to apply to tba Oovernmaol of Confederate Btatea." THZ OOTTOM-TAX EIU. Pending the diacusalon, Mr. Atusoa made a report from Uia Coaterenra Committee on the Cotton-tax bill tba amendment agreed upon being the sd-diUou of the following clause: And ootum import -d Iforu foreign conutries on and alter Nov. 1, If, sbs.l ba exempt froraduty." He gave brief history of the bjll, end of tbe varioua attempts to reconcile the cooflloilng rinwt ol botb Mouses on tbe tul jecl.

He said" tbat tha Con Utr nee Committee on the pari ot tba House aid not feel that 11 eould take tna responsibility of destroying tna bill, for It waa palpably evident tbat this being tha third Conference Committee, 11 lens it could agree tbe Henata would not agree lo any further eontorence. This was tha very beat proposition that eould be obuunt-d. Under it tba American producer of cotton would not have tba protection be now baa (equal to IKeenta per pound.) It waa deemed Important by the Committee that the tax ba removed, ao aa to en courage the growth of cotton in 1868, and therefore tba report waa agreed to, but with tbe understanding on tha part ot tha House eoniereea tbat when tba question of tariff came up for adjustment at this aee- aion tbe whole subject could be revived. Tbe eoniereea had tbereiora boon relnctanlly compelled to aaaent to tba proposition. Mr.

Baooxa asked Mr. Axusoa whether the House was to take tnie bill or nothing. Mr. AlliV" repeated bia belief that if this conference report vaa not accepted the Ben ate would not agree to the appointment of a new Conference Com mittee. Mr.

Bbooka expressed the conviction that, under the cirenmetaneee. tna llouae would not be justified in rriectina the reoort. Mr. Scbkhcx asked that the title oMbe biU be read. Tbe Clerk read tha ti tie aa "a bill to provide for tbe exemption of cotton irom internal taxation.

Mr. Bt-H kmcx remarked tbat that title told the whole The House had passed a bill to repeal tba in. 1. rnal taxation on cotton, and tbe Benate waa deter, mined to tack to it that vbicb related to totally ferent (object, and vaa determined tbat nothing ebould be done for tbe grover of American cotton. unless el the aama time legislation waa reeorled to or tba benent ot certain American manufactures.

It appeared that whan the matter vaa last up in the House, he bad made an nnlnrky remark, in tupgeel- tng that tf tba House vould be but decided and nrro In a matter vhera tt anppnaed Itself right, ba knew of no body more likely to recede than tba Senate of tha United State. It seemed that that remark had given offence in tbe Senate, where it bad been commented upon and found tanlt vitb Ha desired now to make an apology to the Senate. He had tbought that on aober eecond thought and attar tima for reflection tbe Senate won Id recede from tbe ground which it had. aa tbe Houno believed, wrongly taken; but he saw be wsa mistaken; be. therefore, retracted the remark and admitted tbat tbe Senate waa Just aa mulish and as obstinate aa it cla'med to be.

Laughter. Tba Sneaker, interrupting, stated that that remark wsa hardly proper. Each House ahould refer to tha otber in a parliamentary manner. Mr. Schxhcx Tbea I retract that remark, for wish to give no offence to our anperiora, Laughter, or to tnose -at tne oiner en a 01 toe tapitoi; 1 only wish to aay that tba Senate, like the Court, "koowa itaelf," and ia more derided thin I supposed it to 00 when an opportunity vaa antorded.

Mr. Bchkhck vent on to aaow that for tile sake of two or three a mall manufacturer of Sural eotum In tbia country, chiefly for grain-oaga and other coarse requirements, tha fee rials vaa refusing to lata on the tax on ootioa two and a half cents pound on American cotton, unless those in mil tec- lure ra ware benefited to the extent of four and a half rente a pound currency on their imported cotton, If ba ahould rota to concur vitb the Senate on tbte repot be should do ao on It on tha ground on vhich tbe gentleman irom Ksw.Yorx (Mr. Baoxus) placed it for the aska of relieving the cotton Interest from a burden tt could not bear, and be did not knnv that be vaa fully Justified tn going ao far. Ha warned gentlemen on tba seaport and aft the East who are engaged In manufacture, 10 take care lest they opened a sluiceway which vould Introduce con sequences that they did not intend. If they opened up th question in reference to tha raw materials produced in tbe interior ot the country and in the South, they auatnot be surprised if hereafter just the aame degree ot favor extended to the oroducuone of tbe West and of- the South should be meaaured 10 til em selves.

IX nothing alas than Una bill could be got front the Senate, peruapa Ibe Honae ahould agree ui the report of the Conference Committee. It would be, at leaet, a great tbing to relieve tba cot 1 on-producing interest of the country. It tbe Senate and House ahould not agree to ihia bill, he trueted tha time waa not far latent not a great many daya or weeka whan Ibe Committee ot Ways would report a general bid lor tbe revision ot tbe internal tax. Into which a remission of tha cotton tax oouid be introduced. Ii tbat ahould be done, and if tbora vara an attempt to ancrraft upon that bill sutb a provieion aa taia, he did not know how far tbat principle might go before they got through.

Mr. BLARiK called the attention tf the Hoot to the fact Uit wbilt tb House wu by a yery large majority la favor of removing tna cotton tax. the senate was tn tavor of it, if at all. br a very dose majority. Tha removal of tba tax on Imported cotton was earned in tbe Senate by tbe votes of the Senatore from tba Pacific States, vho had got little manufacturing Interest rowing up there from the Importation of Mexican cotton, and vho bad made a specific point that tbey must have tbat cotton free of duty.

Tbere vere nve or elk Senators coming under that clase, aad il tba condition in the bill were not agreed to. tha bill could not paae the Ben ate at all. Xboat bone tors (landing right at the gate-way aad holding tba balance of power would detcat the bill uulaae Ibeir terma were agreed to. It waa for tha flouae, therefore, to consider whether it would anbmlt to vbat 11 rewarded aa an injustice, and trust to the future rs vision of the tariff to rematate amall tax oa imported cotton, or vbetner fit vould ba aa atub born as tba Senate, and let the whole bill die. For himself, opposed aa ba vaa lo repealing tbe tariff on cotton, he eonwdnred tha question ot repealing tha internal tax to oe 01 mucu greater and more immediate eonaequence, and, therefore, finding tbe Henata taut miuoad and finding it abeolutely under the control of tbe local pacific interest, ha bad fell bound In the Conference to yield tbe pouib Re.

larnng to the remarks of Mr. Bcbxmck. he eaid ba did aot think that gentleman vae Justified in making it aa Eastern latereec He did not consider were -vae any Eastern interest in vol red or tbat then vaa anything like a unanimity of opinion among Baetera men upon tbe tariff question. Mr. bcaskCK remarked that ba always thought tha genuemao (Mr.

Blamb) had come from so tar East ea to be almoat Wtet. and ba kcev the liberality of hie views on mat'ara of thte kind. He (Sea Kit cx) had never before heard of tba Mexican ertlon. Mr. Pike axpreaead tbe hope that the Eouee would aland on its dignity and 'adhere to Ita position.

If the bill thereby failed, that vould ba (moat excellent result. Mr. Biafxa remarked that hla eoOeafoe ought to state he waa against tna cotton tax being taken off. Mr. Pikb continued to argue tbat if the bill did fail, tbea tbe qneeuoa wonld go vhera tt ought to go, into tbe general blQ.

Ha hoped there would ba ao special legislation in favor of eotion or aay other Interest. If the Chairmen of the Committee of Ways and Meane, (Mr. Boaasrs.) Intended bia remarks aa threats of tree trade, tbea ba vould my to bun tbat ba did aot favor free trade to its utmost extent. If tbat vae to ba eelatlisued aa tba policy of tba country. Mr.

braxJtcx denied tbat bs htd made aay tbreaia of free trade. Ba bad only given warning of what vould be tbe conerqusncee ti opening tbe door tor certain legislation. Mr. Pita ooBaidered tbal it vta an implied threat in tna line of free trade. Mr.

BCBBncK eaid it waa aaly aa implied threat of tba ronaeqiieacea following aueb legislation, aad he left the House to decide vnetber ba bad aot fairly illustrated but views. Mr. Mexaaas eonaidered tbe attempt to taaton this condition oa tbe bid ao unjust tbat be could aot give his consent to ik Mr. Co tods declared bia eon vie don that thta waa aot the time to paae this measure. He bad atwaya aaea tbat in doubtful sneasuree it vaa beat to postpone acuon tor a tima.

Thta bill proposed a double boons to a certain ciaea of maaufaoturere: first, the removal of the Internal fax of two and a half cants a pouad aa oonoo. aad tbea taa removal of the tariff. He waa eenened that tha measure att-il aot paae except la a general bill, and in toying ao be epoke bath aa a cuUoo buyer and a rotten eaanafaoturer. Mr. Bt-a epoke in favor of tba report.

Mr. ItttUM rollowsd oa tb saois aide. Mr. MoaasBkan bepad taa House would not yield, bat woal4 ataad firmly where it bad Mood all tba autre. Mr.

Iiuil bought the actio of tbe Senate vary tajadtcioaa, if ot ebaolutol improper: am aa Important waa the rweal of tba cotton tax now, that be eroald yield to the imperative --und of tba frr-'-aad vote ior the CoOt'srenoe report. Atr. BABjrmn spoke ti fcvor vf report. Mr. lntail ehjeed fie dsUut, and aaid Ota! Qe ably Kasaa why be bailey ed tbati ahould na a am 11 awal duty a ootftV tap flat Jtgaa rwveahoald be derived to H.

ba aojaatoa beraafiea. Tbia removal af tba tariff, aa aottoa vaa vary to a oa tba tat ai aovasa- ber. lea, aa that One nsTeea would have portaaUy af teatuau; lha aaeattoa. It nee to the PreeideBt. oom ml met no if ntiuiiu Tba Speak ar preaanesd a eommealcauon Tnavi tbe Beereuu-y of taa Wavy, answer tha latoUtloa aa to alam ruinations aot nst ewuiera maa pauora, in eppotabaene.

ta the Wtry paper eat, auarred to tbe Cam mi Maa oa Mavel Aaaira. Aaa, a communication from tbe Secretory the Treasury relative tbe propaaed eakt af Mock of Ibe eternal bwemp Caaai iompeoy. WUTrM IM MBBlS" en Alan, lactam tea (Joe. Puses and JudgS CalS Vaxi, oi Texas, fa retervare 10 affair la that I tale. ate 1 erred la tbe flaoonstrucnou vommiiiaa.

gppBorMATIOKg. Mr. WaaannraiiB. of Illinoia. (root the Committee -oa AppropnaUons.

imported the Naval Appropriation bill apptoaa latiag la.ovo.oeo. ataoe tne special order fra? tba 18th of February. Also, tha Consular and mpiomauo Appropriatioa bill an propriatlng Becommittad. THB kkXTPCIT xXXCTIOX CASK. Tha Bouae resumed the eonaiCaratlon of the Ken tacky election caae.

The views of Mr. Burt tiMioit, vho la at bomt. vere submitted fa writing, and read from tbe Clerk1! desk, aarainat tha admission of Mr. Baowa. 1 Mr.

CataauB epoke briefly egainet tbe report ot tha Committee; and then, without diepoelng of tha question, and with the undemanding that the dia-i euaaioa vould be coniinaeJ to-morrow, tbe House, at 4 o'clock, ediourned, Aeteptaatt ag thta Raw Maryland Ba-- atar. Tha Mxrylxnd LegialttiTO Committee appoixt-ed to notify Hon. William T. Hajuiltom or hia eleo-tlon aa Dnited States Senator, vlated him on Thnta-day at Hagrratoam. A letter aigned try tbe Committee wee read, and Mr.

HiatiLToa replied a follows, ta WTitlng Oevtumeb: Yonr communication Informing mi of my dsotlon by the General Aaaembly of Mary bind aa Senator of tbe United States fur tba term of six years from tbe 4th of March, 169. yon vere leaned to deliver to me In person. In accepting thie Important trust, allow ms to axpreaa my deep sense of the diatingulnhed honor conferred noon me by tbe representative of tha people tn Marylaad, and tbat profoundly im-pressed with the reeponslbilitlee attached to the position, especially in view ol tbe present condition of our beloved country, itahaH be my earned endeavor to merit the gTeat confldance repoaed in me by a diligent faithful and conscientious diacharge of duty. Actuated, in common with yoarsrlvra end thoee yon represent, eolely by con-aidermuone for the general good, and the eafery and velfare of a once prosperous and united people, be assured that It shall ba my constant aim to cooperate vrtb all patriotio men in restoring unimpaired the juat and equal relatione of all the Slate under the Constitution, promoting peace and harmony, cultivating friendship and goos-will, cherishing the ob-aer vance of law and order, reviving and reinvuro rating our industrial interests, now perishing in the South and languiabing in other parts of tha Union, and in maintaining and preserving for all time our cocatitauonal lorm of Government, and vitb it ae. curing to ourselves and 10 our posterity all the precious blessings which did always and will still attend Ita rightful administration.

Accept, gentlemen, tor youreelvea, my sincere thanks lor your personal consideration. With great reepecf. I am your obedient servant, WM. T. HAMILTON.

GINERAL CITY NEWS. ocul 8 ixci ros tbk Yocitd. Laat evening at a meeting of the Association for tba Advancement of Srietre and Art, a paper waa read by M. Bjcbabo IdtTtBioN on tbe object end method of imparling to young people knowledge of the condition of human well-bang. The lecturer showed tha importance of instituting all classes with regard to the true relatione etieting between labor and capital, and.

In order a bring about thie remit, advocated tke teaching of social science in onr eebboa and rolleecs. He took tbe ground that many financial blunders of tbe past few yearswould have been avoided bad men been made tmii with tbe prmciplea of political economy in tbeiryoutb. The speaker then touched upon the metmd of teaching tbe acience. He would have the pupa find ont for tbemselvea the anawera to and in no way rely noon suggestions of tha leader. He believed one hour each day devoted to the eubjeet by children eight or nine yeara of age vould be sufficient to commence with.

Having mast red the first principle 01 tha acience tbe pupils mictt extend their inquiries to the more intricate thua become prepared toengaae under-etaodngly In the active pureuite of lile. A lo ng die. enseon followed tbe reading Of tba papers, alter which tba meeting adjourned. AuuTai lit tbb City. Mr.

A. BkwTen, the Freicb Consul at Richmond, la at tba New-York Ho tel. Gen. Anaon Stager, of Cleveland, and Hon. U.

C. lord, of are at the 8. Nicholas Hotel. Sent tor Cole, of California, and Hon. J.

B. Judd, of Owmo, are at the Metropolitan Hotel. Hor. C. Wotllay, of Cincinnati; Hon.

H. K. Sloan, of Bandua br. Hon. W.

Mcclain, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Uov. hullH'k. of Maasarhnaelta. are ai tba Fifth-avenue Hotl.

Hon. Jobn Bigaiow, ot Highland Falls, Is at tbe vvestminder 11011. KZW-JERSET. Dtath op An Umiiowx Mas raoat Apoplkxt. Aont 8 o'clock yesterday morning a German cbaaio waa found insensible at tbe ferry-house, foot of Sxcbnnge-placa, Jersey City, and thence removed lo the Police Station.

Folios Surgeon Wanna waa callsd to, who decided that the man bad been atricken down by an apoplectic fit, and that hla caae vaa hope less, at tne same ume ordering aucn remeJlea aa are usisL About half an hour after being takea to the Station-house the man died. Deceaaed area aome flv feet eight lnchee in height, about 60 yeara of ag. bad dark hair and grey whisk era and moustache. He wore a black overcoat, knit Jacket, blue Jean Jacket, white mualin shirt, grey nnoersnirt, mixed pan-auoons and black cap. In bia pocket waa a knile 1th the iniuala W.

a wallet containing Pavo-lit Ferry ticket, tlao paper of tancD coniiting of Vread and cheese. Coroner Wabmh took charge ot the body, and will keep it two or three days for Iden-aflcaueu. Tbb Xniai. or Da. Wickm The trial of Dr.

I. Z. Wu xxa, charged with, publiahtng aa obscene look The JUuMnUtd Couiurlor waa con tinted In tba sex County Court yeeterday forenoon. JUdge Time made a ttrong charge against the ae-cissd. He argued that tbe platea of medical works ot similar subject, il taken without the context and athlbiiad aa tbeea bad been, would ba considered coecena.

He aleo rafarrad to tae purpose vitb which tie book had been leaned, and ua difference ta thta rapect from authorised medical worka. The ceaa ma given to the Jury at 11 o'clock A. bL, end at lat aocounta tbay ware etui oat. It te reported that Uey ware divided seven lor conviction and five tor actuittsJ. FOREIGN MARKETS.

1 Loanoa. Friday. Jan. fl V. M.

Consee for money aad the aoeount close at JHaWH Tbe tnilowing are the cloaiag quotatiena for American I'm tad etstee Prve-tweaty I lliaeie Central Ball war -a antaimi anaraa FmaaxroBT. Friday. Jan. 31 P. M.

United 8 tetee Five-tweatiea for taa lasus ef lSKl.TflV LrvxarooL, Friday. Jaa. 31 4 P. M. OoTTOB The aalee foot ap to-Oay U.0ul bales, at tbe luuuwaf emiDK pneesi Middling pianos Middliaa Orieaua bnXADSTcrrs Core.

43s. td. for Mixsd esters. o. I II IU Wheat ia easier.

bib Calif jrni is. N. a waaaes iwa. J. o.

aariey. (a. ao. for American. Data lie.

foe America. Peea, ana. for Caaadiaa. floar. Sla ad.

for Waatara. PaovMioaa Beef, Laa. for Winter eared Kxtra Prime Mess. Pork. Its.

for asw be tarn Prime Meaa. Lara, to. ad. for baa American, cheeee, ra. tor the biaasst raaae ef fine Aaaancaa.

flsnsn. tas. td. foe Cumbariaad Clut. PaocrcB be, Dutab Btaadard Bea-ar.

aaa. td Keata, aa. Sd. for Coauana VVilmiBstoa. aad lla foe flnTpale.

Tjliow atokd. foe "Sp.u TorpeaUae. ska, awb Peiroleaax. la. sd.

lor re- trrtiv. Jan. Jl I p. M. Oil.

gst B) BS3 galloa: bperss Oil, 1110 toa Llaeeed On, t-M lus. toa; I insssd Cake! tui Turn toa for taia aoiuag. ATVka, Prtdar, Jan. XI -3 p. PsraoLXXM fraaaa lur biaaaard a aae.

Vaaaeatla Marbttt, aw Ja. Fxora firm: Spring Euree. 99 74. aBBaT quiet aad advanced,a.f aalee for ba 1 aad S(U Ot for bo. Coajt-Oi mWa a boadnal at be.

1 new moderately aet re aid da-ained to.ala.; (alae IIS Bablbw dail aid del stiaed to. v3e. sales stgllt, rsoruionlmtoaa artive: standard ateee Fork, tn Tt; flm r'sss bedaT aiMU6; Prua Maea. m. todiaarrU 40, BrLk Htili medrall art'; dry 'aaitod BheoiUrT leoee: rosea Sides.

(Va avnt oounary. live. leoee; rioasirltad Caatbevlaada. Sbee lap a. lwian iXl eaaead St I prune ateesa.

UtkaauUo. to faireaasaad; biebt sdvtaced Heav Hioa aloauat ssay at gi 7at.i. Lrva Hoae aetivaaT Ira rana-iag iro ft k6e fa. bxxr Cattlb -aat eastetbi anaratoel Bapaa .4.. 11 a a cxirr toue.

xJ.tou Waaat, besbss) Cara. SO. 000 baaash Oata, Dressed HcviV. bba. Hon, bual beat, tn aaahea Cora, l-tuu Ilreaeed Hw CtacnrTt.

Fnday. Jaa St. Flottb firmer and bigheri amily. til xitaifllAa Wbbai Irm aad Ma I uxer. $1 aa.

Cowr firmer sar. tas.eeja. Oatb firm at ae.Wa. ilia. ealee S.fK baataew at 01 av.l aw Prim FaiL Baaa Poax.

tn a oflarsd fot bswtityt Oto neid at nacoa aaid at ice fi 11. for Caar liVa. aa i a. i abealdea: una iov oioea for flee eidas. Llt LttHl Bail at biM a kla U.d.

lai bnTma. HMtuiswiiasiainit Uom Isimm I Baw-CkLXAaa. Fndap. mm ti COTTd fd dlTnga, lScil aaiaa la-oa i.w 0 uj. aL 1 aU ej reeeiMa.

rf-J exports, iUaLee. vales oTlna 118 iM kale; alaa of In, ak. tkal Was reeaiota. ilrd aalaai avexa. aaatwtsA, toral jhial baae, I 313M aaiee, was sua- law I far.

Taa saaattoTaaa takea by yaaa and Bava. aad I bare: tba Ctauaraaes report vaa adopted yeas 14, bays, fty ae nvt abatee. Ma ewa Mousaaaaa- I praeeee. aula Fujvjaarm: taa aa (isuss a nwht: rvoatTW, atilaave aakina Hi Itaela Kitra. an to Ooaa Tbe sassa to iwrtt; Oare 'ffcrmsr at fcaa.ayeaa Poaa-tdaratomattBx Baooaarm aJ-ra.

UaaailHa; aaa, ue. fetes. LaaPTae vbeieaie asaraaa retairaag at lea. far Maria, aad eta. ptor k-a.

kaitsaqa. etafrta34. bea-Verh Biaba 4Va-H eaaa. aa.iaat. Oeai.

tAtalMa- Orwaock It Friday Jaa. M. FLOm ta mmtarato remand, bat tba market aa-aaaad. WaaaT firm bat oatot; ealee ef kaebeaj bo. 1 AUJavaaee Cat at At ti.

aad aa baaa eat Ka. I ChKao gpriBa at $3 ea oaa aad ether graine are aeaamally aaabaaaad. Coaa Ataau Will txen aachaoaed; bharta, hnipataffa. fit; Middliaga toatwa, Bjujkiao yaaruHTa-k Mar to xtostoa, fil WJ to bew Yerk. Aibeay.

Hawioin. Fnasv, Jaa. M. Flotb aH but flnni city Hoabia Kxara, tl Caen try, 11. Wiut dull aad tower at fl fee Na aad ti Ut for Urn.

t. Oars aoanaal at toe. roan dacllaad Hew Shelled. K. ve.

Uasasxo Hooe la el fl Tlt Karat r-re able. Vawr. M.wuv busnsls Wbest. 4 00 basnet tieto. ba lmss 4 I' einrMkjrra-ej bbia.

Floar. I.M baaasle Wheal. Ba) bbla. Para. BtrrrAiA.

Friday. Jan. a. PLooaduD aad naebanaed. Waaar inactive and aachaaaed.

Coaa dull aaa lover; ealee ef eara ef ae. eathetraek. at 41 (a. Oats daM aad eaehaae-ed. Bra aomiual.

BaaLay Ana; aakiner 93 far Canada. Mxas I'oti firm at B33egL3 to. Laan Aral at Ultaatlea Uaraarp Hoae dab aad aaeaanged. Sam Faaltcxaoo. Friday.

Jaa. SL Eastern Brjmt SSc.aieuc., according to quality. PLora firm as tor Brtra. BT 40 for Ba parka. Waxax firm at lb lagal leaders UI.

Plallaaelpsita Btaek BaardU PmLAXirLniiA. Fridav. Jaa. SI. Stocks ansettled.

Pennaylvania State Pivea. Pailadalpbia aad Erie Baitroad. STS: Baadma Rail-raad, 7t Peaaartvaaia KaiUoaa. Ma- tvoid, MfrJh. Fbom Tbcstwoxtbt Data It baa baaa aatlmated tbat at least one-fourth ef all peraowa bora la tba United States save, at birth, hinge ma taberealaaa eeaditioa.

and ia consequence are predisposed to nabaoaary eom- blainU; yet it ia equally well oetabhshed tbat tbia pre- bspoeitioa a aad aet end tn eonsamptioa. aetbma. or mt other luag disease, if dae eare aad watchtalniss bt obeereed. aad all aaeiUag saasss avoaaptlr treatod aa tay arise. It is La lasts sob esses Dr.

D. jATBa'a Ba-patoraat etereisee as moat beaenoial effeste, aad baa padaeed tbe largest propot-Uoa af ne sores. Beside pamplly removing eoagbeaad colds, which waea left to themselves, era the most common aeaae of tober-euouj development, the ipeetorant allays any mflama-tiei which may ettat, aad by promoUag easy expeetora-ton eteanaee the lungs of tbe enhetsnsss which elog Uam ap. and which rapidly destroy whoa Buffered to re Win. Sold by all draagwta.

.1 I I illiiiaisl 1 vnnr hense has 1 OHO windowe and door, tbey art all connected aad disconnected with tbe Bargler Akrtn Teiea-repb Bell in your bedroom, by tbe elnpie to Kb of one small spring st rbe bell. HOLMES, No. SOI Broadway. novtmcatt ot Oreen Steaaaera. FOB BPBOPB.

Feb. 1 Feb. 1- New-York. Peb. Feb.

4. New-York Liverpool, r'eb. 4. -New-York. Feb.

4 fob urnrsiLL. sb. Iew-York A spin wall. Citof France. United Kinedom.

CotoTadu Ceiia Persia Anacne. Dcpartare at ilia. BATfmPAT. i Malls for Bar ope. sto Liverpool, by the fp mf JknU waep, close at tbe General Poet-ofBea st 11 M.

Bappm-meatary mail for pat letters ea Pier Bo. at North Hirer. Matle for Booth Pacific, Central Aaaenee, California. by tbe drama, sice at tbe tieaeral Poet-ofbee at UJDA. M.

Depart are af Daaaeetla Mall. Fart Mails e'oss at A. 1 aad If.M. Western A. t.JO aad :14 P.

M. Lona Uland and 3:30 P. M. Newport and Fall River 1 P. M.

New-York Cental Kailroad 4 P. at- North Maila 4 A. M. aad 4 P. M.

North Mail, Way. -4 A. M. and IP. M.

Sontn Mail A. AC and JS P. M. On Sundays all nuute close at 1:10 P. Pautaccn Arrived.

Jaw. tl 'a lausMklr ftla. Ana mdoii mn4 Kate Wiahr. Pbebe Bllia. lie, Asaee Eilaa Rshert Elba, Henrv ClaMon.

Florence Clavton bucsnie Sieree, Marv Ana koo-era. t. R. Roeera. 14.

L. Prevoet, Bent Leon, Fanay Lroa. David Leoa. AHred Leon. Harry lann.

Joraaa Laon. Iarans 1-eoe. Mar ball Brown, Richard Bswden. Carl Knller, Henry Becker. Beraard to it jonn L.ientaa, ana ui tne swumr almakao raia dat.

1 II I Baa 1st Moon sts tt hiob vim nu OAi. aady I Uov. Island. I IT I Hell 3 MAIUNE INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAY.

7aa. Cieareaj. Mtsaaiahtns rll ef Aatwaen. (Rr .1 haiarhaaaa. Ua.

Bool. Jobn U. Dale: United Kiaedora. Donaldewi fllaaeow. Handaraoa Janiaa 1.

Hrad. Uaenos Ayrsa. Arthur Leary; Minsk ftbaekfoid, Cbirlsston. Wheeler A Llnaard; laaoo, Hodgee, Na- leis. n.

aeuraaay a to. bbm Fawn. Ka.aon. lisvre. Bovd AHiaekea.

Barks Damon. Wilkina. Bueaoa Avrea, W. Hopes A B. A.

Cochran. Swaaev. Cartaaaa. R. P.

Back A American ftaa-le. Harford. AsDinweiL Panama Railroad Reins del Bud. Robineon. Montevideo and bt.

Mary'a, Winobeatar A Leeda. Brigs (Jiova, tltal.j Collars. Palermo. Lawranee, Oilee A B. "mith.

Morria, (enfasroa, Peaiaton A Warrior. tBr Davia. St, bviu't. Miller 11 on a ton. i Schooners Rlcarda Barrne.

Freeman. Mavagaes. B. J. Baker A Darton; J.

M. Ricbarda. Wright, Mew-Havea, Van Brant A Siaerht. Mood Reindeer, Rosa Bridgeport, B. Brtgga a va.

'i Arrlvta. ntssmshin Prlls Br I Oleedle. -laadoa Jaa. and Havre eth. with mdva.

and 102 paaaencera to Howlsnd a Aspinwali. rrem)an. 11 to XM na coatiaaoua a. a. aalee aad heavy bead aea.

Had oae birth ea tb pea- mahip Saratoaa. Kmc. Norfoui, vitb naaaenaars ta N. fu. aleCreadv A Ol Steamship Praaeonia.

Saerwoad, Portland, Ma, vrtb tooaa ana pasaengtre to i. aniee. StMmihiD UAUeraa, Conon, Richmnnd tad City Point, wit mdae. ani passenger to r. Met ready A uo.

Bieamahip Bersus. fiearae. Boston, vita mdae. ana passeaaar to W. P.

Staamahip Carroll. Hqdaine. BatUasova. antB mdaa ia naiuaaore ana unio aaiiroaa co-Steamer Viekaborg, Barton, Providenea, Biaaaer Tbetia. sidon, Providenea Blssmsr Doris, Almy, Bristol.

Steamer Davie. Providence. 1 behr. HiehBieaa.

Moore, aUiaebatopara, vitb tret r. Zeyla, Hevae. Baltimore da, with eoal la I Crewell A Beaa. bebr. Loaiaa Fraaar.

Builmaa. Baltlsaaea. fa Javaai Moor. Albert Held. reMit.

New-Haven, for Virginia, be Dr. Mont. Aevenaan, Oorawailie, N. b. WIB At (ane M.

M. clear. Tale (ra a a. BObTOB. Jaa.

tl ArT. et earner ensile, tram more. a ia. arr. eteamer nenmaetea.

rres. aev-orieaaa Tha Untiah aom N. Moaber. from Ljvarnanl law Ra. wmea waa abandoned at eee.

aad a.beeoaenly found by the wreckers, baa beea eafely takea lata Be-na toa, Nova SeaUa. Jaa. It Arr. aehr. Pbnadalphia: aehr.

A. B. Cranaaer. from Boa toa. Sid.

steamaaip K. Soader, for Nw-Yo:, B. Warner, for New-York; eehr. bhileh. for Ctoafaaew.

IA AM AH Jaa 11 w. from New-York; bare Bareka, from Antwerp. Old. steamships Ua. Haraea.

tor Navr-Vork Boduc. for Boston: ship Kaioe. for Litarpoal; eehr. Mesas B. ram nail, for Boaum.

BAN IRAXrlSI'll. Jaa. Bl TIM. ahia rtlW. lUvarpeol.


a a etovtotf AJiay BXPOSITIOJI UBIYBRaJOXB At WINNER OF THE WAGER OF 20,000 FRANCS l.w II 4OLtlJ lntarasii ai I aalest aa tba Parts Bxh. brvitad to eag aad exaaarae toe report tLTT.l,''.?.' taa avaat aaaAa, aae eee Hertaatoat avas ail atbara wT at HBBBA fif t'it'tft X. Pn Lad, Ip il HeuHJhyi A i iT a 546 Broadway, i GEAND POPXJLAE HOVEIIEljT TO ERECT THE GEITYSBTO ASYLTLTI1 FOR HWALH) SOLDIERS, CbDIB A SPBCIAX CHARTER FUM THB IT ATI OF MWimTiHU, FAMBD NABOB Bat, FECIAL. BOT1CK. At a meetiag af tbe Tiaalese held at tbe Otrata Hoaaa.

Fhlledalphla. tbe wee Btarywa, Tutm mm sM-riaa bar rxnatta aaoou aa fivoran tat lutauuua aa AexbDa. The foilewiag geabe i i fur tbe eaaalaa r-arl PaaaioawT OF. MB) BKTABT LIKCT. TaaaacBaa WAUI.

AN APPEAL TO tbe soldier Home aad ear eaaatrr will be baaored by The obtaet ef tbie Aaeoeiattea ta to arsetda, by pubbe exerttoa. a 1 AL HOMRfor ear daabled JaJer to ereet aa aaylam for thoas wbe ia tbetr patrlouam Bava aerved tbeir eeaalrv at tae tiiama af tha. baaKb a.A bappiaaaa. who tha baM'e ler tbe aattoa a nf were maimed, aad are new laeapable ot workiaa for tbatr ewa Baiabraaaea. Fraaoe bas ber Hotel Dos tavaltdee, where -reet the aahee of tae (Teat Bap.laaa; toaeiaad bey Greenwich and Cheleaa Hoepitala.

tbe former bemg oae of the fluees arebitoeteratatoaaluree sea a.vitod to) chanty. Russia. Prwasta. and ra fact nearly all Buropeaa countries bava macai fkjeet retraal fee tba aaJartoaato IsMiara MaaarharaVd fee ta sUartatioa af the nfwitf eeuaad war. bat fraa.

peeaperoa Haaabuaaa ThepoZi aad a.ek ealdmr aat tb tia-J. ar ta. etoewalha ef bar erwvdad dim. These noble patnato toft happy bamee to eave ear eammaa eoaaaryin the Beai af bar da daaj Wa Sledeed to them ear Uatiaa eraMtoda. aad aav tbeee waa are epeedeat look to aa i.

toetr wtter aaed to tadaeaa 1Vta-l0y part-w. the result ef tar aaen4e-w aaa be raeaat ana aat a ataa-le dollar to tbia porpoe. aad the leettrebarg Aay mm will akesa THE LAND niS BEEN PUBCIIASED bv Oua laneutm. aad Tea Tbeaeaad Dollars have already baaa paid toward tbe preeervaUea tbe battle-aaad-beaathvty acres ledpuBiag the site af Ueaeral Maada a baadaaartora) have beea aat apart lev tbe aaea of tbe Asylum. i I HEAD THE FOLLOWING CARDS We hereby eertify tbat we nave examined tbe diasxaad goods, pearls, emerelda.

robis" sud otbev eveeleaa atoaea, aa aasenhed la Ibe list, aad Had them all geaaiae. fc Diamond Impertera. Be. Msii-tsae, bew-xerk. J.

IlkKatN Diamead Bettor. Ba Ml Breams st kew-Terk. Havtag perfaet eaafidenee la Ibe i.tagrtty ef yew aeartllv k'JJ lmU forde ax pieaeure to toader yoa gralaitaasly tbe aae of my shew -wadow kl. VrsadV mj, Preai As Pawaaaw ffieraf aflto VnM4 bva. I I rsccvimead all PcattasKers tbat tbey (bad aid tbia Iraty beaaveiaal aad petriotie aaUrprjise Tbxasvsv Dbpabtbiibt, Orrtc or iBTBaatb BkVBBrrn.

Trimim Tat Sauiinlsnri nf 1hi w- Aer lam for Invalio: Boidier. have madv doe apoiisstlsa to Jea H. Diebl. Oolleetor nf Inl.raal Havanee. for tne baeoad Colleetiea K-t of tbt i State of Pennarlva.ia.

for par-miemoa to held a Oift Faativalt aad preeented to bim eaUalaetory arid oca that tbe proceed af aaid Uift Feeaval h.rra't-'dT.tha said Maparvisors to hol (ueb Gift Festival, exempt from all abarga, wbetbar from epeetal tax or other dulg ia reaptot to eaid Gift eeuval. EOLL1HB. OaatBttaataaea Urn a -row-a aa ua. Sbv-Tobx. Oe.

st, km i jk tn mmmk a bnama ea- anr Olnnlad Vetaraaa. mml havina naaeed a oitl far tbat porpose la tb Kew-Vork Larialstare laearporabna ease, tbe ebame of leanne anr disabled veterans to huh kin ma aamm, hu ii in AutmiB iau time to toipriea, aad it shall have all tbsaad at aty toagae, pea Fully sympatblsiBg with year great object, the ooaaaioa of year Faatival atirviag Hall. I tender Ia order to promote public confidence rathe highest eegraa, and for the ortbefaaee of thie erasA eatoet. tba Aa. eocatio.

baa deoided to dace Us oiamonda en public exhibition ia the show-winqow ef ths large far aad Bat eetab. taabnant of oh a N. Oenm. Na ill Broadway, (under the 7 Tto4 wu -adat SI h. admittin.


Oa whieb letter eeeaaam a UommiUee ef proaameat eiuaeaa will ba aeleetaa to assowsls witb tbe Maa aseat a aaakiaa tbe dietribaUoa. belore the aadieaee, at tba PEESEKTATION FA1B, teeoaasneeea U.N DAY, Feb at Me'eioek A. at Hortlaaltural Hall. $641,950 IN VALUABLE PRESENTS will be dbtribatod amoag the TSekrt-boldere. ta aeeordanee with the Charter aad the following HOIIlil33TJLI3 OF JmTWAJXXm Bs.

A. .1 Pressnt la Greenback! .9100.000 40.0U0 I 1 4. 4. .1 Present IB CJroenbecs .1 Present in Greenbacks .1 Yacht, the Famous .1 Diamond Neeklsoe. 48 Brilliaaia.

ft), fee 1 IV Rmwh and yiar-Rmaa. fail Diamonde) .1 Diamond Brooch and Ear-aUngs. tall Large DiamondaL. T3.000 .1 Diaaaond Brooch aad Kar-Rin( .1 Diamond Becklaea, brilliants. Star Bet- ting t-800 .1 Diamond Beeclaee.

BrillianU T.ftw .1 Diamond Croaa. aet la Sliver. (Large Die- aaondai t.Orn .1 Diamond Slide. 14 Brtlliaato .1 Diamond Clue tar A4K) 1 Diamond Clnatar Brooch 4000 .1 Diamond and Pearl Cameo Bracelet, Brooch and Rar-Kinn fvoos too 4.1KJ AlAU 4. 000 401 a.

oua Aba ISM I HO a. too Atetl X.9 0 Aom AOta kOOO 2,81 0 too X.50J XM ltno kbO 7. bO0 1.500 .1 Diamond Sinale Stone Piaawad Clnatar Diamoad Closter Brooch 1 Diamond laa tar Bracelet. .1 Diamoad Cluater Brooch aad .1 Diamond Cluater .1 Diamoad Cluater Brooch .1 Diamoad Stnal Stone Scarf .1 Diamond Cluster Broeeb .1 Diamoad Cluster Bracelet, .1 Diamoad Si.eie Stone Kiss ,1 Diamoad luaerald Ciastor Brooch .1 Pearl Nesklaoe. .1 Pair Diamond btagle Stone ,1 pteraead ,1 Diamond Smaie Stoae .1 Diamoad Si.le btoae Hi.

1 Pstr Dismo.d Sinie Stone I Diamoad Single bton Pia .1 Diamoad bingle Stone Stud .1 Pair Dwrnoad Si.fle Stone Ntuda .1 Diamond Brooch, 11a .1 Diamoad Cluater Breach .1 Diamoad Sinsle Stone Pia .1 Diamoad Sinaie Stone Stud .1 Diamond Cluster Brooch .1 Diamoad bins-Is Stone Ring .1 Diamond aad Kmerald Brooch .1 Diamond Single atone Pin. .1 Pearl Breaat-. la, Ear-Ring aad Mead Or- .1 Diamond Sin. te Stoae Pia .1 Diamond Crab .1 Diamond and Emerald Ornament .1 Diamoad Hme' Mm Pi. .1 Diamond Sina-ie Stone Kina.

1 Diamond Cluster Stem Pin .1 binale Stoae Diamoad .1 xiiamoaa ti Making in the aggregate 123.104 Piassnto, valued at HOW TO OBTAI2I TICKETS. Ordera mas aa aeat to aa is registered letters or aast-offlea orders, ra euma from $1 to 3kS st ear risk. it drafto ar by tima at tba CLUB I ticket to an addreae 10 ttekalA on kddreet, ,4 UI tw ticketa to one addraaa. IT bl ADORKIt ALL ORDERS AID COMMCN1CATIOMB TO GETTYSBURG ASYLUM ASSOCIATION, BO. 4 BR0ADWAT.


L. L. COBBER ORAPD AND TTH eiTS. I'DHB OF BCPTVRB VERIFIED V9DEB OATH, i 3 smiBiBPniiKr la tbe praettoe of bis wavthod. saeeeesfully reratse the reaeral belief taat rupture is taeurabla.

The ptaa eg trying to care tba wnraerey by tbe iaeuppertabe. mhnmsa and bsrbareea preasere at a nass is sat s-ide as a al-Bra, and hia treelmeat aaa appliaaeeeara a aertaia cnarameo te every patient, in eoaluaettoa with hta csiebraiea ibid iprw wmm CrRATTVE COKPOCSD. Peranaa iw ereetai are reepeettnUy soUeitad ta read tbe fmloaiajr eartiScate ef Mr. Cabs Baa: la aae of tae rear UBt whew foe tba Bra ti aaa Dr. feharman iitd ana ta a.

eatt aim. to know if he eould eur my tare doable errotal Rupture, which 1 had angered from for the eaaea eg aeveateea years. After a close examination, he aaid, wita aha application of his anatomical eopiieeee and eurativa 110.U10, eouia oe entirely cured. 1 mouni it impassible to realise bie promiae. aevertaeleea 1 put mraerf ia hia bands, aad.

thank Gad. all he eaid aad promiaed waa vanned ia eaves a on tba aae of hit CoraUvee, for I toaadt myeerf e.twely eared. Snbeeqneatty to the cure, aov mora thaa twe rear aad a half. I have al landed to ay baes-aeee ae a retail eiossr. vitb aa much via-oe aad acavitv aa bafora I waa nntaaA grapba were takea by order et Dr.

Shermaa. ia the aaa snDeaqneai coaditioo, attar treatment, copla of wbtch I aave reserved, enl anil suaw to aay oae inter-aatod. that tbay may reeliae thte etmpia manifestation. After aeing all the remediee and trutaea iaveatod. sad hadlBB me raliaf, I feel aadar craat obheauoaa to Dr.

Sherman for having cured me. aad perbapa saved ma freen ea early aravsv. In eontemplatlo. ef tbe aaajrera aad annevaacae af ruptare, I think tbe ma. he bapptosti.

ana world wbe aiaaaa himsell 1. tbe bands af Dr. bberntaa. aad receive, rbe aame satisfactory results. God preeerva biaa aaaay yeara, aad inspire tba aabatod with faith ia the efhcaoy ef bis euraUv, Cardenaa.

an. 38. -I UA BAUsTIdTACABABAS. Tbiesarbfleato belag dated freto abrst f. tbat the paMie maybe eeaurad of ita traUuainesa.

I atake oath that It as a traaabaiea from tne wifun, aa baa dad aaa person by Mr. Cabs fl to. i J. A. aUAKAUtb.

awara te Before ma tma tea aav et novamoer. iner. Jr- Botary Public East Rirar Bank. Ba. ri Broadwsr- -OFFICB.

Bo, 4VT BROADWAY. CUR. 4TU-S 1 vbere the pbotocrapua 01 Mr. Cabana and aaaay ether aar-MM mav ba aaen. with ether evidence af thaaAaaavaf IlinanUrf ntralm af aaiait rev.

aaea graaw, oy mail, aa receipt af twe tan stetampa. PHILIP PHILLIPS i au, ar iiuiauvtits, nitUAUWAI, a. i Wholesals aad Hatail baaiera to SMITH'S UNRIVALED AhlRILAk nBfllM. Alaa. Maaufeeturere of SUPRIUOR PlAbuS aad FaulMhere af SUM A -SCHOOL MUSIC organs to rent by tae aaouab.

BEAD TBB i SBW-TOBK fCOCRIatwL FOB 8U DAY, Feb, 1 aad EVERY SUhDAY. Witb the a nana sal mt tba Bd year af tha eld aad favorite weakly touraal. Mr. DOUGLAS TAYLOR rseatee eeaasdlea vttb oaraaAiam ae aae af the Editor and preprietova. t- i A BEWYOL0ME1 ev Stariaa.

Tatoa, Peatry. Bditanals, Crtttaosa. Be- POLITICAL GOSSIP ABD CORBX8POSDEBCE. AVbA, TxtAf BAUA FXIIXT BEPOBTaAH ita Mattat s. City ABaira.

Art Oraaamaaa. Draaaa Fraa hi BamfeKaal aU aWerybody" tn geaeral aad tha Family Otrea" aw. ae aBtosaoaabto msttsr adautaed. obxt six cam a Brmnnf BOB BALE AT ALA THB BEWB rTAbPE. oificb.

aa aPtrcB-rr. nw Baanv. THB ORBAT llaUJaTeVAI all COMIO PAPER, 'famine a pf eiraa, aaMUCaT aAAa aad TDB OF tTLOODT TBAIB 9 avyY.gabi?TOg 4hk Ai.Vl SI 4ihl tsUiog Uioatrationa JaMO A. BBA TBtl I.KO KORUB B. BKKUKB.

HOKATIU O. blCKEU ''AMERICAN PEOPLE the aeble laautauoa. eome IM of ear best mtiseaa aa ehreetorabw aadar starve or beg, I hereby moot eerdiall laderae yoar aaa tnis aaa aaowiaa imiiwhv 7 nj ww aad tafluaaos. very trajy roars, a HALPIBaf- yoa, gratoitoualy, the sonleea ef mv Full Oreheetra to THBODOBB TQOMAB. St.

Biohotae UotoU Mew-York. OBB AT SATDkDAT BVK.1L!0. FEB. g. MM.

Pair Diamond Clnstor Far-Riags to .1 Diamoad Slufle-Stoee Ring 44.. I Diamond Stad 44.. I Diamond Bracelet 47.. 1 Diamond bine-la-stone Ring 48. .1 Diamond Cluster 44.

.1 Camel's Hair Shawl 1. 1 Cboios Emerald Mud 41. .1 Single-Atone Kins'. 43. .1 Single-Stoae Pin.

Cluater Brooch 44. .1 Diamond Single-Stone Pin 44..1 Pair Diamond Bincle-etone Ear-Kinc. Bt. .1 Diamond Single-atone Kmc 87. 1 Diamond and Emeraid Cluster Rina-.

Bl .1 Diamond Cluater Braaalel. bar-liinga aad Fit Camel's hair Shawl Diaaondaad Kuby Three Stone Diamoad and Emerald Clnatar atlag Diamond duster Brooch Pair Diamond Clnatar btaoa Uautlsman's Gold Watch and Heavy Cheta Diamond binrle-Stone Klnx. bias Diamond aaa Garnet Cluster Ring. Diamond Bingle-Stoae Pia .1 Emsrsld Baob Pair Diamond and Baby Ear-Rings. Diamond.

Cluster Ring 41.. I Diamond aad Emerald Stem Pia Ladias' Diamoad eat Watea Bt .1 Diaavmd Stogie Stoae kUag 1.PV Lol l.4 1.4flt l.tnf l.tnt Lent l.K Ltot L4US Diamoad aad Opal Stag. inuKwi eineie-rwae nana. iitamo nineie-ntoae King, liemond Three Stoae fcme.i lltanul ninvla-aloaa rsart aaerf ne uraoad Cluster Ring lleeaoad Blnalattoaa Itina. 1 Oentiemaa'a Diamoad aad Ametbyat Kiaal Diamoad Ciuator Pi.

to. .1 Came, and Peart Brooch aad Camee Broooh Diamoad Sinle-Stoae Bias Diamond Clnatar King. Ladles' Gold Welch Coral Brooch and Ear-Rinse Pair Oaraet Sleeve bnttona J2 Gold and Pearl bearf Ifla meral Scarf Pin 11.. 1 Emerald Scarf Pin liA to 1, 1 4 One tuoueaad Oopiee ef tbe Spleadid-Iv iiiustrstea Preeeatetioa Work. eattUed the "Tribute Rook." aa BAl each.

to to 1.1D6 to l.lot Pat tograph Albums at Ssh AUUO Aiao, taao rTeeeaia, gi aaea. Largea follow! nx BATES. 40 ticket to eee address. bl ticketa to eoe addreat. to 41 I UI tictett to ont tddmt.

condition my rapture vae ia wbea 1 consulted aim. GOTO tCFtRLttryt IOOK4TOHE. sarner af kto-st. aad Braadwsy. sad cat a baa at baaatiful Freaca Bate Papa, IV sear ler ea la, stamped, Ob-KICIAL.

11 HAW IB tea. PADCC A H-EXTBt CLaM Ba KB. Jaa. SL 1MB 4. 61, 51, 56, 11, 62, 12, 80, 81, 86, 38, 78, nS PAJJCCAH-OLaat, PaJOt.

Jaa. AU lbaV CI, 89, 06, 57. ft, 71, 81, 7, 25, 39, 12, 87, 42, 80, 62. TATB LOTTERT Extba CbaM ValA Jaa. tl.

tato. 70, 48, 5, 80, 2 18, 18, 74, 73, 3S, 85, 12. STiTE LOTTEKY Cuam 104. Jaa. 41.

laa. 10. 61, 41, 7. 1, 48, 85, 86, 78. 60, 78.

40. Pnssa cashed ta Royal Havana aay tba abeva bw tima Cirsu srs aeat free. Informatia. aivwa. JOdKPxi BATBs, ba MBroadway.

ROYAL. HlTAtALOTTERT OA CUBA Prises naid ia geld, tnfermsUae raraaahad. bieb-eat laaaapaid for daulaooaa, aad all biade af gold aaey eilver. TAILOR A WO. Aaaaars.

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