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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FARMER'S WIFE POISONED gVSTICIOUS AND SUDDEN DEATH AT CRAFESEND, LONG ISLAND. fU. lilU L. BCBBAED URI1C BOX FATAL DCO A GLASS OP LAOEX, ACCTSXS A BKICBBOB WITH Ett LAST BBXATH, AND XXTUXM HOEJUBLX corrn-iiojri. OiBed, a qnlet suburban tin age rria is Ut ef eaitlested Weal Www rrwpwl fart and Cwr lelead, waa tb eeae of eiagular ad inexplicable Braider en Tn day morning, tbe Mlc yt very obscure, ana possibly, befB the closest efhelal The victim.

Air. XI aria L. Habited, acvd 00 year and 1 month, waa Ifca wtfe cf Sam Bel Habbard. a native af flia 4. wb own a farm of aboat SO acres.

saarrT'f aad la reputed to be tn ex-sDeat elreBmstonee. Mr. Habbard Va fiB years of are, asd spou obtain lag a divorce fraea hi former wbo afterward married and la aaid to live la Juiklpt. aoatewbat abruptly married to tb Sjasaaed, waa bad resided with bin for two or thrao jltn ta the eapaaity of housekeeper. It -is atatad al hi relatlvea bittarlr oppoeed tba marriage, aad alleged that tba woman relation with Dr.

Habbard, whli employed aa botno-karprr. wara Illicit, Airs. Habbard. at tbat data Mm. Hnuaaa.

flrst appeared at Graveesnd la tba sssaehy of boussaeeper ia tba family of Jam A. Vrullaataoa sis or seven year ago. 6b waa by Vtrtbaa Insiishwoman. and bad acquired a prop-arty estoaatingw about SaO.OOO by keeping a rea-toeraat In Fulton Market, Tola waa securely la-east r1 la rami aetata, fcon tba rental of wblcb aba aiaal ad aa income of $1,200 a year, mot of whleh a-a axaadrd In embellishing and maintaining tba ia wblcb aba lived a two-atory country bouse trading wall back from tba highway at tha intersee-loa ef the Neck read (Coney Island Railroad) and Cit'sssso Her maiden suit waa Maria A3a- Har ant ban band waa a Mr. PowalL Ha dial aad aba named axaia.

Cpon tha death of bar amed in band tba marred Mr. Rinnan, from whom gbe aparatad, for reaeone aa to which nothing ia aa-arna twd. Kinman died a year and a Lalf after aba Vawaw Mr. Hubbarda boaae-kevper, and aa no laal lartoa atarriaca with him existed, about a year ladabalf av aha becama Mra. Uabbard.

A eon of Mr. Will lam eon. In whota family aba formerly re lUed. atated yeeterdar that there waa nothing mye-teriaat aboat Aire. Htnman wUUa aba midad aitk them, and there waa no reaeon to anppoaa aha eat aar enemy in the world.

She did not often ajeek of ber paat life, I nt at tba aame time aba did at aroid tba inbjert or act aa If aba bad an thin to tote After bar marrlaga tha laid oat moat of bar tasovM in furnishing tba Habbard farm-hooae and aabelliahinc tba gronnda. Sba had tha reputation la la aeighborbood of being ary kindly and ganer-aa la bar dealing with tha poor, and of contributing tbarally to benevolent pnrpoeea and. ao far aa can aarartained, tba lived happily with ber berth hatband, anj devoted bar income to the comfort of aiabld age. Mr. Habbard blmaelf la (tearlly-molded.

bard-faatarad old Baa. with tba broDXed akin and weather-beaten viaage aat aweta to frequently ia Intercourse with farmer. Beaatllned to aay anythluc aa to tha cirt-u Distance at lira. Babbard't rath, and did not aaa any mystery K. He allege that the baa bean aubjaet to parox-ytat of tramp, and tbat aha died of heart dUeaee.

Tba tturT of tha tragedy la briefly as follows On Saaday afternoon, at dluner, Mra. Habbard drank beat half of a bottle of lager, brought from tba atUar by Mitt Luak, and tba remainder waa eorked tad returned to the cellar. Tba bottle was ooa of Ike ordinary type, etoppered with a aonimoa cork, BvJatalned In place with the niual contrivance. It waa tarktd by Miat Latk. who returned it to tba eellar, bat not lucked.

Miaa Clixabeth Luak. aa adopted aiasbtar of the deeeaaed and reDBtedly ber neice. at. It thaoid be atated, the only person, saving Mr. aad lira.

Hubbard, at dinner that day, ao tbat tha bard, tf tit bad oiia, wm aware that ft balf-couiumed butt! of Uft stood convnlntlT at hand In the ttllar tar the reception of a poison. 0a Taesday morning Mr. Hubbard took his break- bit tad went oat to taprlntead tome farm work. Via. Hubbard and Mia Luak wcra bnty with thu weak' boning until about 10 o'clock, when, according ta Miat 'Lusk'a storv, Mra.

Habbard com-jlxtMd of the beat, and wished tha bad a glass Of Wjer then, recollecting that tha bottle from Uesdaya dinner contained about tbat quantity, aaced her to bring it. Miaa Luak did ao. Mra. Hub-bar took tba bottle from her -hand, thook it, on-BMaad It, and poured a portion of tha contents Into self plot tumbler. Sno took two swallows, put fewa the gUss.

and remarked to Miaa Luak llxa-Ma, it tastva very queer. Just aa if It had potaah in J-' aae tnea asked Mtea Luak to taata tha boor, but Bel tier declined on tha ground that tba waa no Ata of th irtlcl. 'In mlnutei Jtr, icconllnj I allta Lak ttatement. Mra. Habbard waa aetxed wikvi4it rnnvalslona, and erted oat, Ob, my 6eS ssy Gd I I'm potsotMd and tail upon tue awt la a lemble paruxyam.

Mitt Lak ran armaa tha way to Hoagland'! and ftotaKiaed Mr. John B. IougUaa. who went over la aa tauveleevee. though it waa raining pretty hard.

aaa was tne Brat la the room after that tragedr too- Mra. Hubbard, who waa nerfactlv rational tad tooermt In her attaranco. aid. as ba entered tha iw. "Hr.

iHiuglasa, I am poisoned." What nahat Tea think tot" From tba tha taata of the bave lust taken." An ordinary glass, jwe-utrdt fall of lager, waa standing on labia, and tba woman bad not prob-7 taken more than two swallow when aottetd the taata. After tba first aonvul-ao aad subsided Mr. Hubbard asked Mr. Louglasa bar Boon tha lounge, aha wanted to lie down. b1- Lank tub of hot water, with muttaro.

eat tba sufferer a feat wara placed in It. Kba waa de to swallow about half a pound of butter. Wsen te second spam esjno on. Mr. Iioualaaa acnt Jit Habbard for Vt.

Vsa Cua-k, tba family phytl-who arrived about ftva minutes after MtV Hubbard breathed her last. She had "gat or ten spasms in all. at intervals of sea two tnlnntee, but waa perfectly conscious and t0Bal to tba last. Meanwhile, a number of tha bfcon bad arrived and bad beard Mra. Habbard ill, ii etaiamatlon that aha bad been poisoned, aad that she didn't think there waa anybody la tha lrn who bad aueh a erudite aoainst bar as to raa her.

In. Van Cloak was delayed ao long set Mr. lOBglae started to summon a lad lu hla to send him for another ph vsician i bat lust was Waving tha house Miaa Lusk called Ua that tlta waa afraid ber aunt was dying, lia Beat basa. aad a moment later aba Waa dead. Mr.

uoaglaas toot tba glasa of beer and tba bottle J' with him. and gave them to tha Coroner. Tha rass Mil contained yeateruay a considerable eedt-sat at the bottom, bnt no crystala of any vegetable fc aoald be identified wtth tne naked eye. Mr. tales that beforo Mra.

Hubbard died aha she knew who had poisoned her. and re- baattdr kaavsa 7 and piteoualy bogged them to save bar for 1 swsirsi swsore aae espirwa, iasa, Mr. William, and Mlsa Luak botngpraaent, aeerwd oat 1 know who haa dona tbia tt'e Btryker." But aha died without giving any 'oc tnis ttatement, and tba moat minute ln-JT prostcuted yeatordav rcveaied nothing upon aa alleaatloa could be baaed, Tw CI- upon his arrival, at one notified Mrr tUmme. Coroner of Brooklvu. that tha sa Important one.

adding to hla telegram vsspicion of foul plav waa entertained, and WWW1" eomnanied by Ir. A- W. bhepard, lr. Van Clvek aboat 2 o'clock to the 2joo, aad tha three performed- tha autopey. asiatecBal organa heart, lung, liver, and kidneva ZVT baaltny.

The viscera were removed and Zrv ja a lar for analysis, and the remains of er handed owr to tha Corooor, who rTf body over to tha undertaker and pro-rd Impanel a Jury composed of the following Jacob Lsie James B. Toorblea, John Btrvker. Uvranr Van "silec Cw. WaahingtoB WUH. D.

Batter-ZZ-4 Uliameoa. Tba Inquest will Tneesr afterBooa at 4 o'clock, awhlta two is rook a detectivae are at work oa BBtaa aumcieat evidsBce to Juatlry aa ar- "sake. Just a moment before aha axpii i no niottv for i coacemed tbat bar tttoa of Mr. a all iio snak ir yeera aid. ska haa himii.

4 tZVl.7- to rwol aa absurd and libelous, la although would have been poaal-Butar tba cellar from tba yard in tba day time. ysBaawtdanaa that tltrvkor know there waa Mel beva. la taa sacoad, ao rpeare for tba murder. It sotnmoa goaatp in tba aalgbborbood, that Mra. Hubbard only drank 2Jt, and that waa kept ia tba cellar.

Tba appaara equallv au.teuabla, al-a suoporters. It ta thought Just saTtt? Mr- Hubbard adoption of Mass Laak. -JJJMJBresumpttoa tbat aha would make adoquato toTetSliIS wil1- wy bave peraid apoa of the husband, thus aapplyiac wevu, ana tm cortata that aa tor of arsenic of Ir. rTJcm that hm bara tbrst anJ wtth bia Own allew. te of lr.

Va Clock infested owa ailesrattoa that bia k). (s. Brrampa aad vomiting, tnay poaal Vte tba rtddka. Oa ataso i sted arithi tha aetinai iirto Tswoaaaafoamattbaaaouta, "aul i and bar tonvukelone wr of tlx Bavng aall aa baug afteg aia wita'a a aopoars lo have bad tmT. 7 art lZcT? ocveiopeu.

aad tba arena Ktrykev. Mr. Habbard a aenhew. esat SMJ tibsnastaa JWbiy tba Isoaoat am Taaaday asay reveal tblag warta foUowta. out.

At least, it ta i thataajwraat wlil imnaed lately fallow, but taa THE BOIiTICVLIURAL EXHIBITION. A rLCAaXXO SHOW AT GAlDEN TH rxATTmca or tb ouflat w- jTXxU OP THt HIORX WRXXirMa. Tha hortluittiral exhibition waa opaowi last algbt a CUmore's Garden. It waa a thoroughly cradltabla axhibltlou. boU ta tba aodety under aaaplcaa It waa brought into shape, and to tba OBtrlbutora by whoaa efforts tba plants.

Rowers, fra.ta saown wara caltivated to each perfection as to exalte tba ado4ration of tba dense crowd tbat to aaa tbem. Tba gardea waa never more tTalr a garden, than It was last night. Tba Interior arrangementa wara sack that there waa no of the proraenades, ao that tha crowd moved aa rapioly along aa poeslble. al though tba desire to atop and taapeet re-aaarkabla specimens waa occasionally trying to tha patience of many persona. Oa entering at Msdi son-avenue, the first exhibit aeen were tha strawberries, which filled lar tablet to the right and left.

On tha light was he vary large collection of 45 varieties abowa by liar. I. P. Hoc, i Cornwall. K.

and of W. Iarand. On tba left there was an-auperb col e-tion. but not so rtch a ia variet.aa, acnt by T. T.

Hcx-Tba sight waa a tempting one. and a fragrance that stimulated tha appetite provokingly filled tla air. Here were bag berries, a dozen of which a dinner-plate, heaped up in glittering mounds, and aU rked. Please do not handle." along on the ricbt were soma fine specimens of arced peaches, with a healthy bloom OB their cheeks, and some excellent specimens of nectarines. Beyond the peacles were foreign grapes in duster tbat errta.n were large enough to give increased credibility to the wonderful stones aboat the Israelites and the laud of Canaan.

On the left the at raw he rr as were followed iu order by vege tables, and I'eler Henderson, of Jersey City, showed a Una lot of peas and rauiitlowera. carrots, beets, and lettuce, besides other varieties. or 1Z0 feet along the outside Kne on tne rigrit Far ons flush lng, exhibited tneir evcivreens There were shown 71 varieties of the most remarkable eut-leaved. Variegated, and werpin dcriduoua trees, peculisrlj adapted- tor blunting in a.naii places, and for pro duemg effective granpa on lawns. There were no other exhibition of evergteen.

At the Fourth avenue end ot the gardtn, around the fountain noaresr the casraue, wms nn exhibit that attracted deserved attention. This was the collection of stove and greenhouse plants contributed by licorice Such, of South Aniboy, N. which waa conceded by florists to be the best vet brought together in thin Citv. A creditable exhibit of olmilar plants by John rVlBnsh, of Tremont, oc-upled the-opioite eres-eent-ebsped stani. and wlttitn tnese svuiicircles were the cut nower-.

which naturally were surrouuded all tie evening by lines of spectators five or six deep. The roses were not so good a they would have beeu if the exhibition had been held earlier. The aeaaon la forward and the show ndhand. Tiiervwere few rhododendrons. Arouud tne fountain nearest to Madison square were exhibited the floral design.

There were a few unique pieces. One was a tt.ind about IU feet high, composed of rooted plants, forming a triuie structure surmounted by nn eagle. Then there were two or three piece, one a handnomc cross In feru and roses, and another, a Itrge scroll of white carnations inscribed with the Lord a Prayer in purple immortelles. A third piece waa a sloping mound resembling a grave, wreathed with roee and rapped with a sheaf of wheat, and supporting a sickle-of panie and carnations, inscribed At rest." Toe re were several fine table designs, and in this line a decorated table Was shown at the eastern enu of the garden, to illustrate tha degree to wnicn artistic ornamentation can ba carried. The show of fvrns.

draca-una. lycupodi-ums and and selagiuellas. palms and t-ycads. agaves, lxoras, marantas. and rrotons exhibited on the northern pathway was an extremely interesting one.

Tba Judge were exceedingly prompt in tneir work of Invratiiratiun. and last uigut finished their work, and awarded the prize. The fniiowli were thu Srlucipal awards made John S. Buaii, Tremont stove and greenhouse plants, gold medal: tieo ga Such, South Alubvy, N. best six stove aud greenhouse plants, nlver medal Miss Mary Jane Morgan, New-York, best V.O specimen orchids, gold medal George Such, best 0 distinct varieties variegated-leaved plants.

'J5 Parsons Sons'. Company, discretionary premium for beat 1U distinct varieties. James Taplin. of South Amboy, won the prize for the best plant of lat, in-troductionJ The prize for verbena went to Peter whose exhibit of teiding stuff was verv full and complete. James Kiddle took the only iirUa.

given lor urowtug rose, and rarsons Son' Company tba only priie for evergreen. 1 etr Henderson won the silver medal for the best collection of cot flowers, and lesser prizes were giveu to August Jonge, of Stapletou Woolson of Passaic, J. Petar Hanson, of Brooklyn, and 11. D. Car-uiobn.

In floral Uesignt, the premium ot $'25 wis awarded to W. C. Wilson for a basket, and to A. bhepard. for an artistic flower picture, was awarded a silvermexlal.

W.C. V'ilon received the silver medal for best funeral design. 14 v. E. P.

R.w ws awarded ths gold medal fur tue best and largest collection of atrawberriea. of not less than 15 varieties, one quart each, and he also received the premiums for nine quarts of as many distinct varieties. Prixus for straw berrios were aiso given xn K. W. Iurand, K.

Pleraon, Lrr Uexamer. Fraser A Ed ards, and Oeorgo Tate. The premiums tor- grapve were given to John Eagau, of Irvlnttou. (silver medal;) E. iirouson.

of Oyster -Bay, nud John Finn. K. J. of Hartsiale.

rvceired tha premium for forced peaches, and values Kiddle the premium for nectarines. Peter Heuder- nm took two premiums for tb bfit follurtinn of Vegatsblaa. Siiecial premium! wera awarded to Mrs. J. Tavidson for table decoration; John Held, tii, Parsons fcftonn' Company, li.l James Kiddie, Kdward Huekana, K.

li. Parsons St Kretschman Brotbert, and Chariot Zaila. The exhibition will continue this afternoon and evening, and to-morrow afternoon and evening. Tuomaa orchestra will play darina both afternoon and evening exhibitions, and attractive programmes are announced for all four occasions. SHOT BY A DE IT TY SHERIFF.

J0H2T LtUCTZ'8 DSTkKMIXED STRCOOLt TO ATOID ASBKST HS IS 6EVEEELT WOCKDID. John Lointz, a case-maker, llrins at No. 501 Last Nineteenth -street, wa twice shot and seriously Wounded in his own house last night while resisting arrest, by Deputy Sheriff Walter H. Martin, borne time ago Leintx was the keeper of a liquor saloon on Second-avenue. Ha waa arrested for violation of the Excise law.

At tba trial ha was convicted and fined. In tba meantime he bad managed to dispose of bis property iu order to avoid a levy on the prospective judgment, and then be moved away and bid himself to avoid arrest and imprisonment. Two weeks ago a warrant for Lelnti a arrest was placed in tb hands of liemity Sheriffs Martin and Francis McMlrholl. They aearrbed everywhere for him without avalL Yesterday the officers learned tbat Leintx, when he moved away from Second-aveuus. went to No.

fcast Nineteenth-street i that he was biddau there, aud Ibat hla wile appeared at sole proprietor of tbe Bpartmeuts. Marttu and McNicboll went there last night. McMcholl remained at the ball door, aud Martin went upstairs. He rapped at Leintx dour, asked for him, wa told he was lu, and entered tbe room. Then tbe officer stated his bust-neea, and showed his warrant.

Leintx aaid be be If be be taken." and told tbe lieputy Sheriff to go to with bis warrant." Martin then attempted to arrest Leintx. The latter made a violent resistance, struck the officer with a plate and pokeT, and for a time bid fair to get the best of bis would-be captor. Finally. Martin succeeded in dragging Leintx into tbe hallway. It waa dark there and Martin called on ilcNlcholl for help.

Before assistance could arrive, however, Leintx redoubled his ettorts for liberty and Martin drew his revolver, and during the tight two shot were Bred, and Leintx allowed him to be arrested. He was taken to tbe Eighteenth Precinct Station-house and examined. Hla left hand wa tound to lie wounded. But he became ao weak that he bad to be removed to Beilevue Hospital in an ambulance- There exam lnation showed that one of the bullets had pierced bis left shoulder and produced a seriou wound. Martin feels badly over the affair.

He Bays be drew his revolver in the dark ball for emergencies" only tbat he did not fire it. and that it want off by accident during his atruggle with Leintx. CHICAGO A.D JiOCS ISLAND. Tba annual report of- the Chicago, Twock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, which wta Issued yesterday, shows that tbe road now own or control under lease 1 003 mile of railway la Iowa. Miaaouri.

and Caasaa, tbe net earnings of which ware, for the year ending March 31. 187H. V6. From this sum war paid oat aa interest, aad fur rental, dividends, and sinking fund, leaving a surplus ot rl. Tbe Bet earnings for IX 7-8 were greater than tboea of I7tt-7 by ftltil.WUl o9.

The inerease In gross earning was ttl.3U.i 44. and the decrease in operating expeitae 21. There waa a decrease of 41.43W. or 2 0-10 per cent, in the number of passengers carried, and the eaminra from passenger traffic consequently fell off 12. or 8 74 lOO per cent- The freight carried taeraaaed 10 but, at tbe avenue rate er ton per mile was lower than ta 187b-7.

tha Increase ia freight earning was only 4 1461000 per cent. A HORKJBJ.S DEATH Jamea Jordan, ared 50, ofXo. 17 TTaahinz-ton -street fall from taa fiftb-atorr window of aia residence to tbe yard aat atgbt. aad waa instantly killed. Hla body tell acreee aa iron railing aad waa aorriblT mangled 'GaXEXTrrLXt.

Jan 19. Tba Post Office at r-belburne alia waa robbed last night of SMarly sVlOO ta te tsw atampe aad 1W ta asoaey by blowing apea tbe safe, and S2S worth of iews'ry WHERE HEROES SUFFERED. THE CESTEXXIAL OF VALLEY T0EGE A SCCCXaarXL CsXEBaVATIOlt DIm6inSHrD UtS IX ATTIXDAJrCI OKATIOjr BT BX-T AJLMTTT BROWS. Vaixxt Tokos. June 19.

Tha centennial annrreraary eelebratioa of tba evacuation of this pi tir by tha Coatbaeatal Army waa celebrated to-day. Kxcursioa trains began to arrive at aa early hour, aad by 10 o'clock at least S0.OOO people bad arrived. Tha various com mitt aea bad their bead quarters, and wtth a well-diadpliDed constabulary force tba best order prevailed. At daylight cannon were fired and bells rung thrangb-out the Schuylkill VaTlcy. of which that place forms a part.

At sunrise there vans a aalute of 13 guns fired, aad at ,8 30 o'clock -Gov. Hart ran ft aad Latta. accompanied by Gen. WlnCeld S. Hancock aad other distinguished gentlemen, arrived, and were received at tue depot by a military guard.

Aa appropriate salute eras fired by tbe Griffin Battery, of Phornlx villa, aad tbe guests then proceeded to the military bead-quarBers, being greeted wtth load cheers OB tbe way. At 9 o'clock there was a memorial service la which large numbers took part. A procession was formed at tbe military head-quarters consisting of bands, civic societies, and ladies dressed la white. Tbe graves of tbe Continental and Federal soldiers wara-dweorated. appropriate eervieee were held, and thai yv occasion moved ever the intrenehments which have, remained since the occupation of tbe place by the Continental Army, and over the historic ground, whleh was strewn with flowers by tbe ladies.

A grand chorus of 300 voices sang aa anthean, and at 10.30 o'clock the review of the military was held. Allthetowna in the Schuylkill Val cy verre represented, and companies were present from Philadelphia and Wilmincton. DeL The troops were under tbe command of Oens. Greeg and seder, were reviewed by Gen. Hancock and Gov.

Hanntnft. At noon a aalute of 3 cans was flied. aaid at 1 o'clock the services nt the day were beitun irt a large teut holding 15.000 persons. Gov. Hnrtravift, the presiding officer, was introduced, and receiwd with tremendous cheers lie spoke in substance as follows We bave come to commemorate tbe darkest hours of the American Revolution hours which were those of triumph to the American causa, for it was at Vailev Forge that tba brightest honors were won by the Continental Army.

It was here. In rude tents and amid a Winter ot the greatest severity, that tha brightest record of the war was made. It it upon this spot, hallowed by hunger and cold, tbat wo meet commemorate a steadfastness of cause unprecedented in tne annals of history." A imem was then read by ltev. F. Q.

Walxer. of Philadelphia, and. after the singing of "The American Hymn," Col. T. W.

Bean, of Mor-ristown. rend extracts from an historical paper which he had prepared for the ocewsion. A poem, by Mrs. M. E.

Thropp Cone, was also r-d. The orator of the day henry Arinrtt Bn wn. of Philadelphia was next Introduced, aud crcaied great enthusiasm by his cloquiut oration, lie reviewed at length the hWtory and sufferings of tte Continental Army, defining the imiairtanee of the campaign with which the uauie aliey inrge is connected, and extolling tbe ex-el-lent generalship and the unprecedented couraiie and stradf ait ncss which crowned oar ancesnpr Tith virtory. He alao paid an eloquent tribute to tne foreign officers iir the American camp LafWyeTte, Steuben, and Pulaski. His apostrophe to Washington bad a thrilling -effect, the immense audimee rising and enthusiastically applauding as the orator continued Behold him in you-Jer cottage.

hi" lamp burning steadily tnrougn half the Winier night, his brain never at rest. subordinating the to the civil power a dictator, as mindful of tbe right of tbe Tories as of the wrongs ot tbe Whits a statesman commanding a revolutionary army a patriot, forgetful of nothing but himself this is be whose extraordinary virtues only kept the Army from disbanding and saved his country's cause. "The tide of battle." ha continued, -pevcr ebbed and flowed upon these banks. These hills never beneath tha tread uf charring iuadruns. nor echoed tbe thunders til contending cannon The blood that stained this ground did not rush lorth in the Jnvou frenzy of the fljcht it fell drop by drop from tiie beans of a suffering people.

They who once encamped here in the snow fought not "for conquest, not for power, not for giory. not for their country only, not for themscUes alone. They suffered here for posterity, they suf fe ed here for the human race, tbey bore here the cross of all the people, thev died here that freedom might be the heritage of all. Tbe time was already come when from iliose shores the lurht of a new civilization should tlaab across the -s, and from this place a voice of triumph make the Old World tremble, when from her eboen refuge in the West the spirit of liberty ihi'uld furth to mett the rising sun and set thepeople tree." The orator peroration besought tbe peunle of to day to remember that the inheritance of liberty and civilization cannot be kept safe without exertion, and tnat a country It benefited by great actions only so long as ber children are able to repeat them. The exercises ware closed wtth a benediction at 4 o'clock, the affair having; proved a crand success, notwithstanding tbat the heat was intense and traveling over the hills exceedingly tiresome.

Beyond the giving away of some of the benches, which, however, did no serious damage, tbe day passed without accident. A MUEVERLIt IKIES TO ESCArE! EDWAID costley's unsuccessful BU8X-- nis intercept er LETTER. Bptcial ZHapoa-k to (As Aew York Tteu. Baltimore, June 19. Early yesterday morning, Edvrd II.

Coit rr, colored, who li to be butted at Frederick City oa Friday next for the murder of his cousin. Solomon Cosllev, made a desperate effort to escape from Jail while tbe turnkey were feeding the prisoners. Tbe door of tbe gallery corridor wax left slightly open. Costley baa apparently been much prostrated for several day, and last night was thought to be dying; but seeing tbe open door be sprang from bis bed. ran through the corridor out into tbe yard, leaped over a tate.

and secreted nimaelf in the cellar of a bouse about 2 (XI vards awav. He was toon captured, and waa then taken back to bit cell, where be now liet heavily ironed. his waa bis fourth attempt at escape. A letter which he wrote some me ago to Nettie Byrd, directed to tbe re ot T. E.

Hares, at Bloomneld. N. wa intercepted by the Sheriff, la it he peak of tome money which be and bia associate secreted partly on Long Island and partly In the cellar of o. 110 West Twenty-fourth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, New-York City. It is, ha says, under the wall in tbe northwest corner, in the rear from the street, bottom corner stone marked with a cross In red paint.

There is no doubt that he has been associated with thieve both ia New-York and Boston. Detective Schmtuberfer. of tbe Twenty-ninth Precinct, accompanied by a reporter of The Times, went last night to tbe house Kb. lltf West Tweoty-fourth-street, in the cellar of which Coetley says ha hurried some money. Tbe how 1 a large tenement, inhabited by negro as well as white families.

The lessee is a Jolly little German butcher. Wbea asked if be knew either Coatiev or Nettie Byrd ba replied he did not, and tbat neither had ever rented eiiartmenta la the hou-e. His memory was atlrred into activity by a request from tue detective to be allowed to search the eellar. The officer added. Perhai we II had something yoa dida know wa in tb cellar!" "Vat," aaid tha butcher, "do you vant to look for dote twenty-eight tousand dollar dat darkey aay he pat in de cellar lore wa tree men a big fat man and two big lean men va here tree month ago.

and dey dig all over dat cellar, and dey dig de cellar pehiud for two day. Ven dey come first dey say dry are from tbe Board of Health to loot for smella. and dea ven dey don't find tnyting dey eay day re from de Cendral Office, and have look lur MOO purled by dat nievvr Costley wat killed his brudder-in law. liat'a all aonaenee. No nigger dat ba ao much money pawns bis coat for a toiler.

I don give a cent for ail de money you find." Notwithstanding the remarks of the butcher tbe detective aad 'he reporter searched the cellar of tne building and also that of a resr house. Evidences were found tbat both cellars had been resorted to by diggt-ra, but not the slightest proof of tbe truth of ostler's statement. Tba white and colored people of tbe neighborhood laughed at the idea that Coetley ever had any money to bury. Con ley. It appears, lied to this C'iiy after committing his great crime in Maryland, and waa arrested in a leatanrant in Twenty-fourtb-street.

near Sixth avensa? Hie captor waa Detective Ferris, of the Central Office, who took him to Baltimore aad received a reward for hi apprebenaion. A fiUlClDCM BODY to USD IXKXWARXBA T. Tba dead body of a man whose throat waa eut was taken from the waters of Newark Bay, at Ilergeu Point, Taesday. It is that of a Germaa about 40 years of age, wtta light brown hair, aad light brown chin whisker. It was dressed la ordinary business clothing.

A fragment of a Germaa newspaper be -ring date June IU, a knife held Sot-ether by a broken Ball, and a few matches, were tbe oaiy things found Upon the body. Tne evidence seems to be tbat tbe maa -first eat his throat and then threw blmaelf into the water. At tbe Morgue a ciUxea declared that tbe features of the corpse resembled those of Gieatlieb, tbe Philadelphia shoemaker, who la suspected of having chloroformed bis wife aad two cbildrea to deata a few days ago. Gieatlicb once resided at Bergen Point. Several other persons who knew him sgri1 that tha fare of tbe dead maa resembled that of the sniaaiaa; ahoasnakoT.

Coroner Kouen wUl hold aa iaquaax. MAB1KX DISASTERS. Bostox. Ida Jou 19. Tba steamer Pal.

aatiaa. from Liverpool tb lOta ban. lor Boeton. pat back to Qaaei stu a with ber machinery damaged. She will be detained aboat fir day.

St. oa. New-Brunswick, June 19. A private ible dispatch to-day states tbat tb ahrp Cambrian area abaadewed aad part of to crew for Cork or Tmi. at St.

Job aad waa faUv Js iU Tka WW -ow-t av tot t-tiarisittaaa a. went aal i To sear Cranberry Ugh. (Juakor City wewtt baa- sawtataaia. but did wea ta a-etxia! her eff. baa will wrahaklr off after throwing her ballast everboard.

-at FRESH LKDIA2T ALARM. "TEX TKIBtt OT wlaOOXa AXO JCVfTIMOTA aid to ax xxooTiATixa with thx uorx. amf Tsssss-S. ta aW yew-rer TVsas, 3lA.rOjr, aae 19. Gov.

Smith to-day deceived art rs from Burnett County, abroad by all tb leaning as a of tb eouaiy. eta ting that much tiara exists ta tbat aeetioa of tbe state ewer tha fact that tba Chippewa Indiana la Wiaeonala aad Minnesota are believed to bare formed a compact with the Bioux. aad fee are expressed that a general apriaiag of all Indiana ia tb north-western pa it of Wisconsin and Kiaaaeota Is soon to take place. As aa evidence of this, it is stated that the Indian bave forsaken their usual avocations of banting, fishing, and working, and are roaming over the country la large Bum ber. aad that runners are continually arriving and departing for the Mloux tribe.

The people are fearful for the lives of themselves and their children, and urgently call oa the governor to remove by force all Indians to their rsesrvstions. and compel them to remain there. Oov. femith to-algnt forwarded a communication to tiea. Hberidan.

with the request that alt proper means be employed for tbe protection of oar people. THE TRIBES FURTHER WEST. Saw Francisco, CbL, Jane 18. According; to a Boise City dispatch, Capt. Bernard arrived yesterday at Owyhee Crossing, three miles above tbe mouth of that river, with hla company of cavalry.

Here he waa joined by Cant. Whipple, with bia two companies. Gen. Howard ia supposed to be 25 miles in advnn-e. Winnemueca.

tha Plate Chief, cam in to Cap- inary's tamp last night, bringing with him a small party of his men. He tells a story regarding tbe deaigna of tbe ostites similar to tbat of his daughter barah. A dispatch received here last night from Baker City. Oregon, says: The hostiles raided Burnt River yesterday, atole 22 horses, and probably did other mischief. Caot.

Handier company ot cavalry left here early this Xuornins for Old Ferry on Snake Hirer." SaJi Fba-cisco. Jane 19. A ttilver City dispatch says A messenger from the vicinity of Camp Harney reports aeriona depredations by Indiana. A party under Kg an burned iiamond Ranch. in Happy Valley near Btetn Mountain.

The Indians bave captured over 4UO horse. Thirty soldiers of the First Cavalry bave left for tbe scene of disturbance. Troops and supplies are greatly needed. 21esar. Frncb and Boble, wtth their employes, have been driven from Stein's Mountain side.

They report the uioantaine full of Indiana wbo shot two of their men. and killed ot drove off all of their stock. The latest adviees Irani Col. Bernard's command atate that be has a bowitxer and three companlea of cava rr. and will be reinforced by Capt Alctiregor before reaching camp They are in hot pursuit of the Bannocks.

Gen. Howard haa ent Col. (irovcr ami three companies of cavalry to Old's Ferry to prevent the kannucsa from goinit North. Canon City Is being attacked by the Indians. A number of have been killed." A Mltrr City dispatch says A body, supposed to be that ot t'apt.

John White, of P-iineau. was found near McDowell Kerry, on the Lower Boise. Indians rommitted the murder. There is great ex-ciument ia Powder Kiver Valiey. The settlers have all left their homes, aud are fleeing to towns for safety.

LOSSES BY FIRE. A fro at Edwards, yesterday d-stroved McCain jewelrv- store, JileC'alu A Brothers drug store, Broratta giocery. Mrs. Butler's house aud fruit stand. J.

W. Wablinger's store. V. J. Iiono-vau't furniture ettablislimeut, Kelly A Maples' ten-pin alley, T- D.

l'addleford two stores, and the store of J. W. Key. Other buildings were damaged. The fire was of incendiary origin.

The loas is estimated at OOO. Tbe Phu rrix Distillery, at Chicago. 111., owned ly Dickinson. Abel A and a resiauraut occupy ing the aame building, Nos. -5 and '11 Canal-street, were gutted by fire yietterday morning at 11 o'clw k.

The loas on the buildUng and stock was about 41 insured. The two-story me angar-refinery at ne Hundred and Tblrty-titmh-sirMi and College-evenuo took Are l-IO --ning. and wm tie-stroed. Owing to tk.e lateness of the hour the amount ot oas could not ascertained. The Erie Railroad at Waverly, X.

Y-. was burned this evening Part of tn bagtrage was s.tted. T1 is a' Tne Court! ey House auJ a livery stali were alao de- stroyec. L. s.

on uotei. C. Arnold's large flosinng mill at Fort Dodge. Iowa, was destroyed Tcsesday niffbt by fire caused by spontaneous combustion; loss, $.0,000 insurance, K3.000. Christie's shingle mill at Se' erp Bridge, Ontario, with a birge atocU.

wax burned yesterday. Loss $12,000 insurance i.mail. TBK KA TAJ. CADETS. Axnapolis Jun lCi Tbe competitive drill between the battel on Cadet Midshipmen took place tb morning.

Ths -f ur companies comprising tbe battalioa ware taken the manual separately I their reapeetive LP tains. At tba conclusion of the drill the Judges tre unsble to decide between tbe First Companv. Cs pt. Qulnby, and the Fourth. Capt.

MeClain. as the drilled, and It wai derided to adopt tbe baronet lewelse a teal between them. In this tha Vint Compan wm declared the moat proheient. and wa awarded tbe flag. Id las Annie Kodgvrs, dsashtsr of Bear-Admiral Kodrers, presented it to Capt.

QVilnby, and ttvs. JeflersoD C. lavls made a few ingratoialory re-xnarka on the part of tbe Judge. A rATHZK-lS-LA WS VIUS. MlDDL' TOWX.N.

June 19. At Yajrerville. in tb Town of waning, near 1 lenville. Lister County, ye-teiday morning. Frederic Kimble entered bis son hard's room and attacked tbe bitter's wife with a sma 1 axe, inflicting tv frightful wounas.

which will prove stal. The on was awakened by tarn first blow, aud fired a tvolver at hia wife's assailant. The tlaab of the revol Ver disclosed tbe fact that the muidereT was bis fatb r. Ha fired a aecond shot, which took effect in bia atber face. The murderer was put underguard, aud xtpon examination committed to jail.

Ti. cause of wtne aaaault was a settled hatred of tbe woman. MILL HANDS WITH TOO 21CCB MOXET. Pkovide.vcx, R. L.

June 19. Laist night a't 12 o'clock a drunken row occurred a among tbe mill operatives, wbo bad Just been paid. Nelson Armstrong, the owner of tne bu tiding where the disturbance eentr. went out An. bia night-clothes with a revolver in his band to-quell the tu mult.

Moot of the rioters fled, raising tbe cry of "gnost," but one nails man, named tsaaiael Hoy la, attacked Armstrong with a stone and knocked him down. Armstrong, who is over years oid. bad mar aged get up. wbea Hoyle again attack! him and waa shot, probably fatally. Hoyle has wife In Worcester, where be waa recently employ eji.

OX ELLA LEAVES ZLatama. June 19. Gen. Jove liar, tb late Captain General, embarked yesterday in tbweipaaiah mall steamer tor Hpeln. The rectitutle and-modera-tloa of Oen.

Jove lar's administration of affairs contributed in high regree to the pacification of the Island. He leaves behind him no feeling but tbat of regret at hi oepart ore. Capt Martinet-Campos haa appointed Seur Kicardo Ualbia Ablla Secretary of the Government. A DISBOSEST CASHIER KILLSHIUSELF. Tkot.

X. Y-, June 19. Edwin lAndrews, Cashier of the Washington County Natiotml Bank of Green wieb, committed suicide this lorninby hanging himself ia his barn with a baiter. A (revolver waa found ta hia pocket. Tbe bank waa Recently euspended, and ia found to be entirely wreeketd by tbe operations ot tbe Cashier, who haa heretofore en-Jo) ed a reputauwa tor piety and Integrity.

ZAVXCU OF A SEW IROS SB IP. CavTia, Jun 19. The new IronV steam -ship City of Celaauua was tuocessfollyf launched from John Roach at Boa's yard this after- i snot. In the presence of a larva eeneours nf people. new vaase which haa a toaaage of tons, is tor lb Ceeau riieam ul Compaav.

of baeannaa, aad will ply betweea that city and Mew-Xerk, A AXW-AMSTEMDAM BASK DtflDEKD. Jun 19. An application will be la a day to authorise Richard M. Beat. Keeelver of tb ftew-Aaiatwrdam Savin gt Baak, nay tbe thlad aad final dividend to tbe depositors.

1 bis will be ta qakokaat winding up ot a arokaa savings basik oa record. xrsKSomt thaowexs or titbiol. ALnajrT, Jane 19. An unknown mavn and woman awUad Dr. M- A.

Watt to tbe door of his residence at North villa. Bear Johnstown, last aigbt, aad threw 'eoene eturMM la ass zaaa. both aia eyee are bwrned oat. It ia feared that IBM TTBMOXT DEMOCRATIC COSTKXTIOXX MoJTO-aLJli. June 19.

The Democrats bald a preliminary eaoeua to-alght. It ia probabl that Oeorra L. Watermaa, of Hyde 'Park, will pre- side tsss Coaveatioa to-morrow, aaa tnax a. H. pg" will be the tdidate few Ooveraor.

BxrpTAXO, K. Jan 19. Daniel Btarrans. the traarp ronvtrted ed ootracina a girl aged years, waa ro-dsv aaateweed b-r Jadge Htmawaad biisaaa 6th of Mrv, wtta aeargw af ersreed raswad. Penes BO suae PASTIMES OF THE SEASON.

THE ASCOT RACES IX EyGLAXD. THt botax Borr cvr, aboot disbt, AXD TEX COKOXATIOS aTAKXa. -Loitdoii, una 19. raclajr at Ascot Haatk waa eoatlaaad to-day. tb Royal Hunt Cap, tbe Aaaot Derby, and the Coronation Stakes being (the raeea oa which-th ehiet intareat of the day waa 'eentred.

Tba Kara! Huns Cap. a handicap sweepstakes for 3-yearold aad apward, bad a embacrip-tioa hat of 72. oat of which IB cam to the poat. Mi. Crawfurd eh.

a. Avon taa being tba favorite at the odd af sir iralnst one. Be did not. kowevwr. prove qaal to the expectations of hia backers, aad was badly beaten, not being placed ta tb race, which waa was by Mr.

Beat's Julius Cwear, against whom fourteen to one wa given. Lard Harting-toa's Belpborb. wtth twenty-five to on against her. tarn ia second, and Mr. Bymill's Rosy Cross, wbo waa quoted at tea against one, waa third.

Tb folio wing ia a summary -of the race Tag Rotal Hrin-Cup A piece of plat i value, 900 eovercigna with, 150 sovereigns te tb second, aad SO sovereigns tovta third, added to a handicap sweepstakes of lO sovereigns each, for all agee year olds winning penalties i new tnlle. Mr. J. T. Beat's b.

a. Juttua Canar, years, by Bt, Albans dam Julie 1 Lord Harungxaa fa. f. iteiphosbe, 4 years, by phiiite. dam Van Hnllr.

h. BLnae Prna A yea pa. bv craciaa, dam, Iuqualtioa Mr. W. b.

irawTtird eb. Avoulea, year, by Die-tin, dam AvosMlale 0 For tbe Aseox Derby Stake only three honea started Count Xagrang' Insalalr. who was second in the Derby and the Grand Prix of Paris Lord the winner of tbe Oaks, and Lord Kose berry 's Con Cregan. The betting was six against four against Insulalra, and alx to four on Jaunette, and thirty -three to one' against Con Cregan, The race resulted In a victory for Inaulaire, who won in a canter, with Con, Cregaut second, and Jannette -bringing up tba rear. The.

following ia a summary of the race The Ascot Derby of SO aovereigns each, half forfeit, with 2.UO sovereigns added, for 8-year olds colts to carry 1'2'Jt pounds, fillies. 11H pound, winning oenaltie the owner of the second borae to receive lOU sovereigns, and of the third, SO sovereigns out of the ataksa the Surfey course, one mile and a half. Count F. de I axrange's bk. VInsulaire, byf Dutch hkater.

dam t-ireeu 1 Lord Hose. borer's nr. a. Con Cregan, by Pero Uome. dam Miss Harnette.

3 Lord Fslmot.ta'a b. f. Jannette, bylLord Chipdeu. dam Clieviaannoe Tbe Coronation Stakes-brought out a good field of 11, including Bine Ridge, wbo was favorite, Strathfleet. and Brie.

Tba betting was four to one against Strathfleet, eight to one against Redwing, ten to three against Blue and ten to one agatntt Brie. The naoe waa won by Redwing by a neck, with Ktrathfleetsteeond, Bine Ridge and Brie running a dead beat forHbird place. Tbe following is a summary of the race-: The Cobowatios Stake8 of 100 sovereign each, half forfeit, with -3UO sovereigns added, for -I 3 year old fillies, to carry 1- pounds; winning penalties: the owner of the aecond filly to receive II 00 aovereigns and the third to aava stake one mile. Lord Falmouth's br. Bedwlng.

by Blair AthoL dam Wheat Ear t- 1 Duke of Westminster's b. 1 Stnstbfleet, by Scottish t'bief. out of Highland Flings dam. 2 Lord Bradford's br. Blue Kidge, by T.

Melbourne, dsm Catawba Karon A. de Kotnaehild's br. f. Brie, by Parmaaaa, dam Highland Slater iead beat. YACHTING ON THE HUDSON.

A FINE RACE between the crack TACHTrj VICTORIA AND FIDGET. Oa CurrasyaaaVat, Nxw-I AMMt itf. Jun 19. One oft the closest watch race ever seen on tbe Hudson at this point was that sailed to-day bv the crack yachtst Victoria. J.

U. Roosevelt, and Fidget, Commodore Crriunell. the 0th Inst, the Victoria won tbe challenge pennant thai was presented to tbe Central vHadaoa Yacht Club by Mr. Phillip Schuyler in 1875. She was immediately challenged by the Fidget, who had formerly held the pennant, to sail a Cortntbianrace for it to-day over the club course.

A light northerly breeze made down the river, and the tide waa ebb. The Hart (or the 20-mile race wai made bjr ths Victoria at 1 1 b. 3im- iU. and by the Fidget at 1 1 b. Om- To' escape the tide both boata nusrved the shore, making abort taeka np atream.

The first tarn of Tan Rensselaer Point buy was made by the Fidget, who had pasted the Victoria, while the latter waa entangled in the eol grass near tbe shore. Headed down atream. with spinnaxers set and jib turned oux, quick time was made to Low Point buoy, at which place the Fidget bad nearly half a minute's lead. At the first torn of the home buoy the Fidget had increased her lead, and here made a long atretch across the river to the mouth of Jew Creek, at which point she wore around and laid a course for the an Kensaelaer Point buoy, fotcaing it without tacking. The Victoria followed ber lead, and again both stood down atream with kitwe fly ina.

In passing! New-Hamburg ou this course the Victoria, for the first time, passed the Fidget, who lost tbe best or tbe breese by keeping too far in shore, and turned Low Point buoy two nuoutee ahead. On rounding tba mark both boat, were clone hauled, and, with Mill like boards, ber so tbe long beat to the home buoy. At this work the Fldtret outpointed ber rival and gradually gained the weather poeisiun. the last mile tbe two made aa pretty a race aa ever waa aeen i bat the Fidget maintained her slight advantage, and crosaed the line winner nf the pennant by 43 seconds. Tbe actual and corrected time made by both boats la aa follows btart.

I Finish. Actual IC'orreerd -1- M. R. H.M K. H.

6.1 H. at. 8. Ftdt- Wiovia 4:47:81 6:17:31 1 1H 21) oa! b.l:Oa LACROSSE AT JEROME PARK. THREE WARMLT-COSTC8TED OAHE8 BETWEEN TWO PICKED TEARS.

No prettier scene, and no prettier surroundings could have been found ia the vicinity of New-York yesterday afternoon, than were presented oa tbe grounds of the Westchester Polo Club. Polo and lacrosse were both to have been played, but ss not enough polo players were present, the Intareat of the afternoon centred on the games of lacrosse, played between two picked teams of tb New-York Lacrosse Club, for Individual lacrosse pins, presented by Mr. Hermann Oelrtehs, President of tb club. Tb few spectator wbo were present In the earlier part of the afternoon, weie amnsed with lawn tennis i but at 4 o'clock a four-horse coach, bringing tb Lacrosse Club, rolled into ths grouniis, and preparations were at once made for tb matrix. The men were divided into two parties.

Reds aad Blues, commanded by Capts. G. M. Hammond and 0. La Montague.

These gentlemen shoe their men as follows Reds, J. B. Llndley, Mer-ritt, J. M. Mitchell.

W. B. Dowd. A. Koch, George P.

Work. W. Hall, F. Potter, and H. Oelrtehs.

Blues, A. H. Curtis. C. Cornea E- Rubira.

R. La Montague. W. Pattison, A. B.

Alley, J. Lafon, John Kelly. H. Fieken, and T. 3.

Hyaes. The Reds were arrayed in red and white striped shirts, caps, and stockinrs, and tbe Blues In similar garments striped dark, blue, and yellow, making tbem look like gigantic unable-bees. As they took their positions for tbe match, ao scene of out-door life could have been more effective. The round waa aa level aa a croquet lawn, the abort green grass patterned with tbe alaattng shadows of tb great trees, behind whica tb sun waa setting, aad flecked with the golden llrht tba streamed thtoogh tbe brancbeer On a green bank, la tbe abade, eat asaay ladles In Ught bummer dress i oa either side. were tb gay tents of tbe contestants and bark ot all rose the picturesque, suaay gabled, club-house.

At either end of Use grouads fluttered tbe aiUaa flags marking tba goals and bouadariea. waa aalled at SiSO o'clock, aad the two Can- tains stepped la front of their respective sides, ua bard ball between their lai raias stiaka. (aatd. a tbe egnal. "One.

two. three." began a atrug- stiae. Tbea eoaaed aa earttlng trial "of skill and st.wagth. The little bail was toased from aa aa. otbwr of tbe Lung lacrosse sticks like a ebaMksaaek.

Sott La Montagus weald eaten apea akt Ism USB aad rss half way aeraas tbe field before be would ate aad buried to the ground by stardy Hall. Flckea. fur the Blues, and korh. fur the Reds-goal keepersstood la their reapeetive oaks, marked each by tar flag, eet aia feet apart, aBd tresraeatly aeved the game Just aa the other aide waa about to about victory. After a desperate Strug-gl of tbe ball was seat spinning through tbe aoal of the Bine by aa Inadvertent kick of one of their own men.

during a sloee scrimmage, near their mA of the field. Tbe asea. not aad exhausted. threw tbemaelvee oa tbe grass ana were allowed a rest of 1 minutes. Wtth a change of eldea, tb Bads taking the east and the Blues tb west, the smme waa recommenced, aad resulted la aaother lyaaiaute straggle snore does aad exciting tbea toe flrat.

for the men were well warmed tat their srork and eareleee ox ta sturdy Plow niaed wpoa their beads, bod lea. vjas. Hall covered himaeir wtta gl suav a smart ran. bat tbe Blae. etnas' Laar were too mark lor aim aaa aia Breaker 4' 1 Tli.

final saiaia waa a mill na ef the Rede that carried the bail to ta acker ead of field, a close ammsaage Bear ta goal, and Work aeat the Ball spinning turough ta goal af ta Mtaea rww asinaw after the game bar a The prita -ware delicate spec lanes af the Jeweler's art, aad arell worth tbe etraggie tnat ootaiaeo taem. la a jawiBBlrt1kT in hat at tha draas aad taa at as 1 1 aaaid ta kaafy snvAwaad tbe ail shaaassAl THX riTTMBUMO XACEM. PirraatrM. Jaa 19. Tha Spring running ansilsg sf lbs riiaa lsbln Drtvtog Park AseoeWtkea opened tday with tavwcahl watb, but th tiaek was heavy.

The first reea waa a mil aaah, for aU agi parse, I1M): aia bin atartad. Pateer ttaaspsosi. Tin 14s" Fbcoiip Race. Roes Hoaa Stakes, for 3 year olds; oa and a hah mile daaai t'M ewtraaea, phrr or pari t-'JOO added, af wbica stasod horse to get Iks Bonsasa Bpeeaiatloa. mnl Wlisy Miaa Brady eXefl.

eeweee a4ww wW Tuwe X4V. Thibd RaoEv Mile beata, for all agas, parse, 25tt Ada Irnbert .....1 1 Kiag i koMpntnre. Hippograph. Tttnld74i 14S Te-saorrow's raeea have beea poatpoaed oa aocouat of the boat-race. ATHLETIC GAMES AT HOBOXEX.

The inaugural games of tha American Athletic Club took plaee yesterday at the St. George's Cricket Clnb, Hoboken. Th lOO-yard ran for th championship of th club waa won by B. W. Hoag.

Jr, in il- Tbe rail walk waa won by a X. Hoaa la 7:15. W. C. Wiiraer waa victor la tae 440-yard run in 0:331.

J. W. Goodwin had bo eompetitor ia a three-mile walk. T. B.

Bate woa the mile-raa ia H. H. Oak a woa the running high lamp, making 15 feet I inch. J. Magee waa winner of th tn tie-run.

A three-mile walk waa woa by J. Cetasr la 20:2. 8. W. Hoag.

agaia proved a victor la th 440 yards ran, his time being 1:2. Laet (teres Peaada la Three) Wcwhs Aluji'i Aitti-Fat is a genuine medicine, and will reduce corpulency from two to five pounds per week. Purely vegetable aad perfectly harm lee, acting entirely on the food ia the stomach, preventing th formation of fat. It ia alao a positive remedy for dyspepsia and rheumatism. Borrow.

Fab. 11. 1878. Botanic Mtdiein Company, Bufata, X. T.

GirrLiiixx: Th lady alluded lost seven pounds in three weeks, by the use of A Iran's Axti-Fat. Yours truly, SMITH, DOOLTTTLE SMITH. AdvrtismmL Wholesale Druggists. Finest Olive Pa lad Oil, Expressed from tbe choicest selected olives, especially for, Imported and bottled by Csnrtu. HsUts A druggists.

Fifth Arenas Hotel Bnildins. and Blsth-avonue. eornar Thlrty-nintb-su set; also, sio. 133 Newport, K. As we bottle tbia oil ourselves, wa can guarantee every botue to be superior any other salad ou in market, fur only places ox mines are as above.

aetmmmam. tatkms. The tortures and aeoaiea I endured for six tyears, aoue but those who have suffered wtth this ter-Tibki disease can know. My life waa miserable. Ib dee-peratlon 1 tried G1LKH' LINIMENT IOD1UE AMMONIA.

8' cave me instant relief. I sed it Internally aa well aa texternally. THOMAS BUAN1UAN, No. 127 West New-York, i Sold by all druggist. Rend for pamphlet, DR.

GILES. No. 120 West Broadway. New York. Trial bottles 2i cents.

Or high or tow. er rich ar assr, None would foul teeth or breath endure, It they but knew now nre and swift Wa 80ZODOKT, that priceless gift, In giving beauty, life, and tons To every charm the mouth aaa owa. Kerf Hotel. Frre lalaad Beach. tirketa, fl 'ib esonrsioa, g'i 'ib.

Bee Long Island U. R. Time Table. Iran slant board, 93 per day. Neither Dragged, Liquored, wr.

IMiEktilLXa l'L'KE WINLa aar from Watered. the I H'omt Vine yards. Miller A- Broadway, nasaewtlc lloots, Sooea, Uaiters. beauuful styles. Moderate prices.

The Beat and Cheapest Bathing Heap la aae is PYLE'b ULl O. K. best grocers kreo tt. make the Oasna Hard and Hewlswy. Cse Brown Camphorated bepooaeeoue iJentifrioe, 25c.

Have yoa tried the perfeetiaa bleed af Hscka and JAVA corLt in glass iaxs I jVCARRIED. HAWGIN WEEKS. On Wednesday. June 19. at the Church of bt.

'rsota Xaeier. by tbe stav. F. H. I I y.

b. lisssY J. 11 sJfiois to Maav Auecaxa, itanghtsV of Phillip Weeks, ail of tbia City. LINDSAY BELL Ou Fourth day. Sixth month, 19th.

by Priends' ceremony, C'rabxbs hsroa I.isdsat to Mm Lswis, eldest daughter ot William Bell, ot this CHy. PELTON MORRISON On Tueeday evening, June let, 1h7h. at the Mamson Avsuue baptut Church. Jersey City, N. by tbe ttev.

Oeorge B. vosburgb, Apaxasar Isivroa, of New-York City, to Maoots Moaaiaoa, daughter of James D. Morrison. of Jersey Ulty. BlRKBECK.

At the reaidenee of bar soa-ln-law, Ed-ward l- Crabh, at Oreat Nena. Long Island, on Taesday, June IK, widow nf Oeorg atlrlLbsxia, 'la tbe K4tb ysar of bar aare. ruuarai sitfvieas will ies pbww at tb reMldsaea, at OraatNaek, at lo o'clock A. Prulav, June 'J 1. Car-rtaaea will tm in waitiua as liiiatev Point to convey friend to Oreeo-Woud atleclouk P.

oa arrival of train from fliiilitiiE. this City, on Taasdar. tb lHth Inst. Assra. wife of lb lass (tot, I.

J. Cbsaobrouab. Relatives aae-rrisBMls ar invited to astsad ths funeral oa s'ndar, June si. at 4 f. M-, from a.

Mark's Chursa, id-sr. and lllli-sl. City. Jane 17. 1878, Mr.

tuxA-Bsrra Cuaax, aged Ml year and 4 month, Funeral will Lsks plaoe on Tharsdar aftsraooa. at o'clock, from tb resldeuee of bsv sis, Jaa, M. cuurk. No. 946 Jersey Olty.

Malatlve aad friend arere-apectfullr invited. CRAKE. At Newark, X. oa Taesday, Juae 18, Htssf M. Ctint Relatives and friends are tavHad to aetead the funeral at bis late residence.

No. K17 ashington su. oa Priday, 2 lat Insv, at 4 P. M. rRANC'18.

Ou Taesday afternoon, the 18tk lnsC, at her hue reaidsaee. No. la West Ksd-sc, Roaaxia Paaji-cm. widow uf tbe late Pierre K. francis.

Funeral at At. atepben's tTbareb. Bear Sd-av oa Friday morning, at 10.3U o'clock. Ertends of family are respectfully invited to attend. LOOMib.

On Wednesday, June 19, Hsxaauaa B. LOOMBU Notleaof funeral hereartsr. Li'uN On Tuesday, June 18, In Brooklyn, N. Mabt A. Lroa.

of You aar. aged Ml year. Funeral servtee at residence of B. Heatty. No.

203 oa Wednesday, at ti eeloak P. aad oa Thursday at rseldeaes of A. Aezhlosid. on Warburtea. Yuokers.

at -J o'eloek P. M. Carnages will meet 1 o'clock train from HOth-at. MACEY. Buddenly.June 17, Hebbt J.

Marxr. la bis 8Mb year. Funeral seerle from bis late reaidenee. No. SSft West Tnarsdar.

June 'Jll, at lo A. kl. HOHb. On Monday, June 17, after a lingering Illness, Jsmss Rosa aged 6V. Relatives and friends are tnrued to attend the funeral from bis late residenee, Mo.

6 HI -Jd EllrahMb, N. on Thursdar, June sO, at V. Trains from foot of Lterty-at. at liM P. Ml'YDAM.

la ibis Cttv, on Monday, Jans 17, Jams Apbisb au ti.sJt. oa of the late C. M. budaai. aged years nenda are lavited to attend th fuaaral sarvloas front tharasdem-e of aia brolhsr ln law.

K. 'I'. lAtn uasr. No. 14 kast 47UeU, on Thursday, Jase ilU.

at lv e'eloeh A M. VtllMILYE. At his rsatdenea. In this City, ou Tuaa-dar evening lHth inat, Wuius k. Vttsitrt, la tba 77tb rear of hi aga.

Hi friends are luvitsd to attend hi funeral from the Collegiate Reformed C'hurcb, Mb-av. aad oa Friday. 21st, at 3 Oeluea. latarment at oudlawa. SrECLALNOTI CES.

ro-iT OFFICE NOTICE. Tbe foreicn malls for the weak eadmg Hattarday, Jane 22. 1X7 a. will close at tbia oeSea oa Tuesday, at A. f-T Europe, by steam-ship Wyoeatag.viaini aatuaut oa Wednesday, at A lor Karwpe.

by euaat-ahip Both nia, via wui'siiainwa. teotveapoaoenee ror ri forward ml by this steamer mast be specially addreeawd.) aud at 7 A. ior rraaee ouvet. By siaaas-smp lbraaor. via Havre; oa Tbarwiay, at a A.

M. for Kanps, by i -ship Baltic via OuesaeliiBa. lenrranpiiinlsees fur any aaa rraaee to dm mmr Md ay tnis st earner mat he specially addpasasd.) aad at IV for Eaeatie. bv steam-ship Ponies iiranta, via Prrmutb. Cbsraewrg.

and Hamouxjr oa Msturaay. at 7 A. far fcaeape. By ataam-sbip City of BVushsaoad. via Uiisaasiijwa.

leor aiBBesise fur fistaiaiiy aad SMotiaad te be fatwerded by that eoasaaer sawat swseially artrtramil. and at 7 A. kL. tee aeotiand d.rsct, by Kstnst lp i.lruaiuiaa. via Uiasaow.

and at lLeu A f-ir l.uroj, by etoaas-ehlp Weaar, via noctaaasptoa end Rrmea. The steam-abipe yetutng. tVabaia, Bailie. aset1y of Rlcfamoad an no take snsila for lieasssra, ksm. aad Norway.

Tbe mails tor Aspiawail aad Bueth Pa1s awrte leave New-Yurk una 'Jo. 1 Us saatia for huis aad Jstaa leave Baa FeaaMnsce July 4. 1 he suaiia fur A as rail. leave New- Yete. air A THOfi.

JAM EE, Fostmsetsv. Msw Toaa. Jaae lfi. 17K. UEU.

A. LA A ITT Ascueaeer. TTtia (THCUhDAYl AFTERNOON. Also rndar aad batarday at ClUtoa Hall, at 3 'aloak, OHEAT BAROAla IN CHINrTHE PORCELAINS, OF THE FIN EaT LtKeUirrioN. aunarb Tassa, Ussbraila Caepadors.

a Beta, Puaab Howls, (tardea Beats, Plaques, Toilet Beta, Flower Pvta.4W.Aa. Til Batnrt Isisai stjlaa ai1 jillina Also a beautiful eoUsctiou of A SIMILAR opportunity so parr base eoejt (nods vary low pries will probably aot eder agate. 1 HTCAKT WILLI'S. ATTOKNKY AND XVsOsi.iiar a LawVotsry Pubiia. No, XIM Baoaa- sneeiss stteaqea paid te settling sat el, eoav aad City aad eeaatrv nlleet us, ART1MT1C FlHKlTt RE, LATEeiT fT YL.M.

AT POPULAR PaUCES, WAABXa- WAjU A OU- eeav tstist aad Crosby sta UK IHOCI KTY OF PBCOKATITS AMT. is S4 Eeat lsla-aU, has eo ssblBtuoa and Sec aaia eeveral water eaters By Mass. TEsUUtA HtwU. DKNTl pTEY-THI BbtT OF EVERY DEgCaUP. Bob.

at lie. Waira eld stated. Mav 4 aaa a ta tb SPECIAL NOTICES. -ILllatsS CO. ai'momiaM, VO.

aad BROADWAY. AMERICANA. TO BE BOLD mi THCawDAT. JCTtE ATHOf.aV, snll.rata af BCABXX BOOK, awaesstiag ebtefly at WOREA psletiBg te AMERICA aad ha HISTOBT. aad liailitlTlns asaay raalb arsirable BOOKS aad FAbV TBVKTIA fewaf the wovaa are ILLCETRATED wwh KXTBA FLA TEX mmA aaaay are ta ANDaOMX BINU I It OS.


LAW BOOfCS. lag elvrlna aaaay et tbe was KTfoLrSH a4 AMIBICAj NtrRTarWMMENTARliJ, 1 KAATlaAA, Dls.EaT. Ac NEW PUBLICATIONS. ftCKlBNKat FOB. JtLY Opens wtth aa lateraatlag paper, d-eeriWng a lew ae aesla TBS EXCIKT LOAM XXHIBITlOTf mt tba Boctety of Deaeeetlv Art wtth sosae tweaty niae.

tutlnaa. taalaaing a Sae view ef the sssrrtde of tb Aea demy of Daalga, eertoaa aattteaaa, Jewalry. spewBA, muga. Ac AM AMERICAN Af OXFORD. Mr.

Aaaler WOsos, aa Amerlnaa gradaaes ef OxforA give soese talarsstiag details regard ta arahlta tar aad ether foatares of that taetUatloa. hto' artiel aetaa tUaatratia Vy euaa Mgdlea, Mew. Exetea, flaBB, aad other soil ego. -THB FOUCX OF KaTW-TOBK." by Earnest laaasrsoll. la fan af eerteee sad ovesft.

way aaacdetea, aeeartbtag th vwh of the tores frees tbe Battle-Watch ot sight art, tn 164 te tbe pros cent affective erganraatiea af ,17 Basa. Mr. lageretUl Aaaeribes eehail the rootbs ef tbe BwUcasaaa's afe, ltd aangsrs aad tactdeata. eelebeated arrssaa. the PoUeaaya-.

tent ot dealing wil traaupa, bow tbe Pwliee sbeckad tha draft riots, Ao Ac IT ALT AND THB POFS 4. is aa intereskag paper by Mr. Laigi Moati, wbe for; twelve ysar waa Consul la Italy. Taa paper grvaa at ketch of tbe peeaeat Kingdom of Italy, aad auakew leerth relatione between Victor Btnmnnal aad taar Pop. 'BIRD JYBCmTXCTCRX Uth third of Dr.

Brai eel's paper ea Building with nantaroas exquU it LUaaeratioBS by Blordaa.1 Ajasageaarenriosaeelaaeserlbsa Is that ot theTsllov4 Bird of India, wbica eawii toawthsv twe or three Jeave -as a reeeptaale for her agt i "POMOJTA AT UVDDEB ORANOE." rUoektoa has another of Ids araO. stories, ta waleh a tells how Pomona Takes taw.Balm at Rudder Oraaga," and how aha aeala with TrealAgents" aad "Lightning. Bod Man." There ia a atroag liiansr stery by George Faraoaa Latbrop. entitled Tee pBTso-Coan pe Ion a sketch by Joha Ia Ooing to Malar poems by Maurice Thompson, sJalla C. R.

aad! ethers. Editorials, Book Reviews, BiteA-Braa," 4Va A Fob Balm Evaarwuxaa. -Pries, 8 at i Mt yeax, SCRIBNER A Oa, Jtew-Yorka MIBB ALCOrrS XBW HTORY CNDEK TBI LILACS. Tb seea af this story, whisk rivals Ltttla WomeaA laiatereat, laid la a Aae oid Xew Eaglaad hasaaatead. aad the neighboring eoaatry tewa.

aad the half dossal Jolly boys aad girls whe form the ahlef saaractsra aea' described aad their thousand pranks aad serapes ar de tailed la a way to delight all the yeang. fades that Ltlaea waa begua la NICHOLAS tor 1877, and bs aompietod la October, 1M7B. Tbea 13 numbers aeat, post-paid, for S3 ao, er taey aaa aa aad of aay booh sal lor at tbsi aame rate. BT. NICHOLAS FOB JUXT, whleh has Just beea Issued, tells aboat Barbeea a-' tbe A earth of Jafly O.I lira Ha at tb The Olrl whe Saved tbe Oimeral." "A Boys Expert.

a8 with Tar Bird aad Their How the Weather Foretold." The Story ef Feraeos, aad eon tain, holies. Foeasa, Fteteeaa, Rbynssa, Bbnea, Ac. ate, for the Bummer vacatliaa. The London AemAvm says of WT. NIUTIOLAJ I Wt have ao hesltatloa In saving tha both la tbe letaccpua and the pictures tbia marline msgaaine haa ae rlvaL" Fob Iaia Kvaarwaaaa, Frioa, SS eenta a yeaa SXTRIBNER A New.

York. AfllATUN' NEW HANDY fOLl'UE KBIBM. BrUUsnl Kovttc, Rot a sac, Advanturs, TrsvsL llamof i Ilulof la, Literary, and Sealetg Me Bograpaa, Tba later ae-vsloymeuts of riterary taste with smsrlnssf tsadsre indlrats twe ftrsl a prsfsrans fori eomoaet aad laeid out) tea ef a ksterle tttererv periods' end for stories whiea. walla wit hla the snsiitisss of a sans gle reading, shall have all th symmetry, the srtlaUe; traatmaat, tb careful char acker drawing; aad tae frs.tiasss of laaldeat, which aaark tba leagthler baf raly more eaabltteaa aovel i asaoo4 a Sennail foa literatura la a form ao eonveaiena and aaady that tag -volume may always be canted la Vtb pocket, ready fog ase oa tbe train, oa tha eteasa-beaC ia ta boras-ear, at, momenta enaiabed at twUlgb er bell time, white atttias oa tbe sua shera, or rambling la tbe woods at all periods of rest or leteare, whether la km ar eoaatry. In Meognitloa ot these prsfsrstias and aeeua.

APPLE. TOMS' MEW HANDY-VOLUME SERiES to peojaetsdj The books la this rise are of a else sua veuieot for thef pocket, aad vet Urge eaough te admit af bold aad baad-J aometyae In order tha tbey may be rased without fat lama, with tbat sen af restf ulaess aad pia which weU-prlated volama aloae eonfar. Fiction i etasarlly aredomlnates la the plan, but II 1 to make the range of seleetloa sompeaba-aeive, a to iBClade works of every variety of them from eld authors aad aew, aad aUractivs te stadeal as waQ i general readers. (. Tbe volume are ISmo, paper eovavs, prlate a guodV paper, la Urge type, aad sold at low prises.

BEADT JUNE Si I JET: 11 Ett FACE OR HEB FOETCME I A Stery. aira, asais aowaanaa, mmnor at -arenas teeveu, "Ought Wa te Vlalt Ber A. Frtce, eOeeaaw -A STRUooLE. A Story. By Babjtbt tuuAM.

JtU, saats. To be followed Immediately by GORDON BALDWIN aad THE FUILOSOFHXB'S PENDCLf By krovm Lurpac. Pries, Ef M1BERICORDIA A Story. By Evkxx Lrrsr LDrroa) Pries, 30 cents. TBE FISHERMAN OF A DOE- A Story.

By BAraai ataa a. hUciorncn. Frtea, 'JO eenta. EAaAY OF ELI A. By Cwaasa Laanv TUB LIGHTS OF THE OLD EKOUhH STAGE.

TBE HOUSE OF THE TWO BARBELS. By Taatnuar. CARXYLE: Bis Life his Books his Theories. Aay voirums la tbe series saalled, post psld, te asp til if wlthla the Called Steles, ea receipt of tbe D. APPLE TON A CO Nos.

849 aad 111 Broadway. Mew-York, ATTMACTlt NEW itOOaVav. ONCE AND FORETEa. A harming aew aovst. By Mies Osivf, aatbor of Arti." lbs aea Maid.1 ate.

TbeLoaaoa AMks eayat "It kt a alas sum, only too vara, to aias aar i a nvl so sal lent baaltby aav sates la lone, aud ae aauaraetury la potn and woraasansbie- be awe oaa road ibe ub wtttx owt ksin Odigbled wtta It, Paper ewreea, 1 1 alaeUa eouad. Si bu. jt'sr mabriedi nw tow MANAor.D me, WIPE. Br aa entraufod Bbstea A asliglilfal rvssetle. Bveoale.

BTRATAO'M AND roNMPI RACIEfl TO DP.FRAtTl LIFE INtUllANi-r. COMPAhlE. Oa of the nvnsf tbrUllagly latersstlag vmBsaes ever pabilsbed. Frtea OONQCERED. A aew aoveL Bv Ba lama, aeauafulty Beaao.

Prise gl aa TBE LILY OF SAN M1M1ATO. A Bet Mr. (1. V.

rrwe 1. ST. PETER'S BRIDE. By Mrs Sr. Joan fEowrU XLvBi Mane Meak's Daagbtac rnee 91 6U.

FEOCaYT. A aew aovel. By lead. Ohio, prase SI Su. MRS.

PlZZLEBtntY'S NEW OIKL Ah Oosuayvs, the ieeSurer. SO O. W. CABLETOM A CO. Fnbl POLITICAL.

a'HB FIH-fT' AEvI BLY DllrTRICT Kit AHHOCIATIOK wlU hS a enSJaj tes rransna-at eat TMbaUiliAl BU. aa e'aiovk. JB trETiLJrsast sarnLBn, sf Oevei ite. waers. New-York..

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