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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 6

New York, New York
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Tn Kkw-Yobjc Time is the Lst family paper vbltsbed. It roataioa tbe latest news asd ir-rMpotHWct i it In, from a3 objectionable adver-lias insula 4 reports, end mar ba -safely admitted to every dumeaUa rlrcle. Th dlrfuJ announce-- Bosnia of quaexa u4 medical pretenders, which polls to Bujr newspaper of tha day, ara not admitted Into th aoianna of The Tim on term a. Term, raah lo advance. Potag4 eifl b4 prepaid by 0i IUIMm via all 4Mont Tms Timxs mrnt to SuhtHbon in CJU fB.eed ptalm.

Tn Dan.T Tana par aaaiua. Unlading tha Sands 12 00 Tva Dao-v Trass, per annuo, eaelunlv of tha Sunday aVdlttoa 10 OO Tha Sands? Edition, par auoum 2 00 Tu trstWuiir Tun, per annum 2 (0 Tw Waesie' Tim sennas 1 SO Teeee prtnmm lanflaw We bars do travel ioa eaeets. Kemit ia ersft on 'sw- Vork or Pmt OOn Onlm, powible, ia Vhcrt neither of these eaa be peoenred, send tha bwmj in a rtjisUnd lwiir. Address THE XEYTVORK TIMES, New-York City. NOTICE.

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Ja, This morning The Daily Time co-uristj of TWELVE Pages, Ertry Hstct-dtalrr if bound to itiivmr th paper in its eotnpUU form, and any failnn to do to should reported at tin publication efjflc. The Signal Service Bureau report indicate for to-day, falling barometer, easterly to southerly trinda, and generally warmer, partly 'cloudy, and clear vreatlur, preceded by occa sional light rains and north-easterly winds. THE SLACK WIBE IS FIXAXCE. Tit passage of the act fur bidding a fur ther retirement of learal-tender notes ia likely to be taken as a conclusion of the whole matter for the present. It will in effect, to let the Resumption act stand as it is, but to prohibit its execution.

The lan- guajje of the present statute is, that on and after the first day of January, Anno Domini eighteen hyndrod and seventy-nine, the Secretary of the Treasury shall redeem, in coin, the United States legal-tender notes then outstanding, on their presenta tion for rdemntifm at tha nffl.onf tliu Aa. istant Treasurer of the United States in the City of New-York, in sums of not less than fifty dollars." If this remains unrepealed, it will la) tha dlltv fit th tn nav coin ior all legai-leuuer notes presented tor redemption but if, on the other hand, the pending bill, which has passed both houses ava suosmuie ior ail luriner legislation on the subject, becomes a law, he must find some means of keepiug the full rolume of the notes outstanding in spite of the necessity of redeeming all that are offered. Btaxlet Matthews, who is himself a very expert juggler, and something of an acrobat, devised a very neat see-saw for. Secretary Shcrmam in his proposition, which also still pending, to limit tho volume of legal tenders to $300,000,000, and keep on hand a reserve of $100,000,000, which eoold in no case be reduced to less than $50,000,000. The Secretary was to re-same" until his supply of coin was drawn down to the minimum, and then he was to suspend and fill up again to $100,000,000.

Then the process was to be repeated, and tnetantiine $300,000,000 of greenbacks ws to be) kept out all the time. This would afford considerable swing, and Che op and down movement might prove rather exhilarating. We ean imagine th Secretary at one end of the see-saw with hi big bag of eoin, and the financial operators at the other with stacks of greenbacks. By an endless-chain arrangement, the opera-tow would send their greenbacks across and haul back the eoin, until Mr. Sherman's end grew light and went up.

Then he Would err out, "II old on, fellows, I must save that there gold back here or this thing 'cant go on." Then they would buy his bonds, or sell their gold back at a premium, and he would fill tip and come down with his bag full again. Then the brokers would begin hauling in, andgradually settle down Until the Treasury end was aloft once more. By industriously paying out his greenbacks, selling his bonds, and buying gold, the Secre-tarycouldkeep the exhilarating game up for a long time, but he would probably find that the other fellows were constantly gaining on him and filling their pockets at the expense of the Government, that is to say, at the expense of the people, and the rich would probably continue to grow richer. This Would be a very pretty performance, but might prove expensive, and a little experience would show that it was not resumption. Bat the House bill embodies a trick worth two of that, and proposes to deprive the Secretary of the Treasury of hU little game of see-saw, mud place him on a slak wire, to balance the full volume of greenbacks in one hand and his supply of coin in the other without falling off.

It would require him, in that perilous position, to perform a trick of ainaxing dexterityand one without a parallel in "the profession." lie must pass eoin over from one side to the otner. in exchange for an equal amount of the notes, whenever any one in the audience demands It, bat he mast at the same time keep the vtrinoM) of notes unimpaired. It is well known tttat any ordinary Juggler ean catch ein front the air, or pick it out of coat-collars and back-hair, to any. extent; but he eanaotdmw greenbacks from a given place and leave the same quantity there as before. That is a leat never yet attempted on any stage, but Secretary Sqeruax may find him eel aeq to perform it, on the unstable footing of ea attenuated wire drawn from la will a awulu war So mmnmm." fcu lm.a tew kMp aa wg Saippoae tlMa people) paaa arp Uaelr graaa- r-Usiwl coii: Tiej bTt.iij In papr on kaad, avni ba

4 1, money. II receiving coin for Customs and paying it out for interest, and can add to his stock by selling bonds. lie has sundry receipts and payments in currency, andean, moreover, buy gold with greenbacks by pay ing whatever premium may be required. The performance begihs. The people pass in tha notes, He laust take them and pay eoin, and yet he 'must not retire any cf the By woa Jerful dexterity, he pays tnera our about as last as iney come in.

At his supply or coin diminishes, he replenishes it by selling bonds or by pur chaes from the brokers. The volume of paper in the eurreney cannot contract, while the coin in the hinds of the people is increasing. They matf see fit to hold the latter or yield it up nly at a premium. The notes may depreciate on account of redundancy or waning faith in this kind of redemption, aod the Secretary will find it necessary constantly to increase his ability aal dexterity a th tiisk, of keeping his apecie supply on hand grows hardar and harder and mora and mora expensire. Finally, ho will nave Wtrive up from sheer and tumble' frm his wire amid the derisive ahouta of the spectators.

This may be excellent fooling, but is it dig nified finance it be much more sensible for the Government to pay its notes ss they are pi-aented- and cancel them thereby keeping 'at par all that are not pre Rented, and gradually drawing specie into the equable current of circulation, instead of making it subject to speculation, besides affording a solid; and permiuient basis for the operations of trade; and a sound system of credit mmmmmmmmmmmmmm COUPKOUIXE. A story is told of a certain bright youth who, helping his father. in the store for the first time, sold bottle of jatent inedi ciue for tUtrty-hv cents, receiving quarter arid a dime in payment. Presently the lad's voice was heard in tones of dis may, Say, dad, that's a bogus quarter he's given me." Nevermind, answered the good old man, after a brief inspection, the dime gooa. anyhow, ana 1 guess that's a square prof Of five cents on the transaction." The arrangement just con cluded affords a biruilar; consolation to Rus sia.

Her allotted share of Turkey's spoils does, indeed, fall short of her original esti mate but it is quite as much as she could reasonably expectt to receive, and probably a good deal more than she calculated upon receiving a month ago. In a word the his tory of the past three months is merely a practical exemplification of the crafty Rus sian maxim "If you want fifty kopeks, ask a hundred." i I But, although -the w4r is to be followed by a European it does not neces sarily follow that the confess will be in stantly, followed by a European peace. The wit who defined a parliament as standard for the measurement of discords'" spoke only too truly. isixtf-three years ago another congress, convened to divide the inheritance of th defunct Napoleonia Em pire, boasted that it had; sf ttled the politi cal bounds of Europe tiuce and yet its chief author. Prince Metterxich, lived to pronounce it a failure, and all that it did has long sitice beu undone.

But it is not too much to aaser that, great as were the difficulties that beset the Congress of Vienna, they were trivial compared with those which now await the Congress of Berlin. In IS ID the presiding; judges were at least of one mind, for each and all had suffered too sorely at the hands -of France to have any doubt as to what their course should be. But in the present case no two of the powers represented seem to be agreed upon any point whatever. Austria care only for the Danube, Britain for the highway to Indi, Turkey for the safety of Constantinople. Greece ean see nothing -but the revival of her ancient supremacy oyer the iEgean and its coasts.

Russia still casts a longintr eye at the Dardanelles. Roumania is indignant at the proposed retrocession of Bessarabia. Servia at the non7exten-jon of her frontier to its ancient limits, Bulgaria consider? her loug-desired independence but half achieved, and ever-restless Montenegro is lill hankering after cnbther slice from the tempting border of Albania. Mearwhile Italy is striving to invent some pretext for claiming a share of the spoil, and Germany, self-appointed to the duty of reconciling all these conflicting 'interests, finds her task hard one indeed. For the minor stipulations of the new treaty, however, despite their somewhat dictatorial tone, there is little that can seriously displease Russia.

Indeed, she may well be content to find England willing to take off her hands the thankless task of reorganizing Thessaly and Epirus, and of satisfying a race which 'seems to resent a favor as keenly as an injury. The prospect, too, however distant, of getting what remains of her indemnity paid down in hard cash, will be ample compensation for the surrender of remote and expensive post like Bayazid while tha stipulated cession of the Ketour district to Persia is merely a revival of that neutral (tone" theory which has already made Afghanistan the partition between Russiau-Tartary and British India, and which is now making Southern Bulgaria the partition between Russia and the Bat the same thing cannot be said of the doctrine of a British protectorate over Turkey," startedj as a hypothetical case by the London Tim barely a fortnight ago, is fast assuming the proportions of a popular dogma. Indeed, this suggestion has the advantage of pleasing alike the large party who think that the Turk should be kept up, and the equally numerous fac tion who hold that he should be kept down 1 soothing the former with a vision of over-, matched gallantry saved from humiliation by the protecting arm of; England, and the latter with a melodramatio picture of oppressed Christianity bucklered against the "Moslem tyrant" by "the freest nation in Europe." Bat the idea, which is so attractive to is the very reverse in the eyes of Russia, with whom the predominance of Eng land in Turkish I councils has been a grievanoe ever since the time when Lord Stratford de Redcliffe's paramount influence with the 'Porte goaded the Caar Nicholas into the frantio and disastrous ran im I it tha on aX-retavt 4tmirw sat tlx tantiaops ia rh wjr Ut. wfail sstrill Mm it, Eoitan ca ftrone, il. be avble aeeretly to tor mil bis mora.

rraanra and, ao ape pall ana ttuaaawiiaa refer Jtto-g0rK ESimsSimb4, gune 2 3fett of a poppet which should preserve all the entward semblanee of uncontrolled action. This is what England has long since divined, and what she is now endeavoring to prevent a fact in which lies the source' of future disagreements whose end no eye can foresee. Count Ajtdrasst would seem to 1 have changed his mind rather suddenly since his Thursday's speech 'to the Hungarian Delegation. On Friday he openly declared that "the prospects of seeing Austria's interests upheld at the congrestfre of the best" change of tone which may perhaps be ac counted for by the report that Russia has. iust eiven aatisfactorv assurances to the Cabinet of Vienna respecting the boundaries of Bulgaria, and the proposed military oc cupation of that province by Russian troops.

The "English protectorate" theory appears to find -ho favor in i he eyes of Mr. Glad- ston'e. who has inst published an article to show that the most probable result of such a measure would be the "protecting" of the Turk off the face of the earth altogether. Opinionfl are conflicting both refanla the members of tho congress aua its probable duration but the general belief anncars to be that England will Ie represented by Lord Beaconsfield hiriself. Germany, despite recent reports to the contrary, by Prince Bismarck.

Austria by Count Akdrasst, and Kussia by Prince Gortschakoff or Coant The duration of the proceedings is variously estimated, from a "ingle session tol two months, the latter being much the more probable, considering the number and in tricacy of the points to be settled. The question of Egypt is being alluded to ionce more, this time by the Russian press for the French and English journals, so voinbl on the sn.bject two months ago, have lately tivoided it with a persistency which seems to implv that thev have begun to disdover how little is to be gained by calling attention to the most troublesome and hopless problem of the century. The unpopularity of MaHMOCD Damad Pasha, the new Turk ish Minister of War, bids fair to make his terure of office a short one but under the present improved aspect of the Eastern sit uation, this will be a matter of comparative. lv small importance.

Whether the con gress will really assemble as early as the day for its meeting remains to be Keen, but the preliminaries are undoubtedly in a fair way to be settled, and there seems likely to be less squabbling about points of no importance and more real attention to the matter in hand than such assemblies usually show. UXIMPIiOrED REAL ESTATE) The actual cash value of a certain claas of unproductive suburban property in New-York and Brooklyn has been of late fairly tested. On the loth of May 534 lots- belonging to the Brevoort-Lefferts estate, lying in the midst of a beautiful, healthy, and rapidly-improving portion of the suburbs of Brooklyn, were offered at public- auction on very favorable terms. The salesroom was densely crowded, and the bidding during the first part of the proceeding extremely spirited. Some seventylotswerejdis-posedof, at prices averaging about 50 of; 60 percent, less than the same property brought in December, 1372.

The bidding, how ever, soon flagged, and it was patent that those there assembled were not prepared to absorb any considerable number of lots except at very much lower figures, and under this condition of affairs the sale was lad- jouried to June 6 next The property of fered formed a portion about a third of the Old North Farm," which covers a tract of ninety odd acres, comprising 8i)ine of the finest vacant land in this part of The sale can hardly be termed a success, ttiough its results were by no moans disastrous. 1 It establishes the fact that with rar.v ex ceptions there is at present, outside of the building interest, no demand for unimproved Brooklyn property. The buyers as we understand, all Brooklynites. 're sult of the adjourned sale will be watched with a great deal of public interest. On the 17th May, two days after the Brevbort sale, the heirs of ths late Richard F.

Car- MAVputup at auction, in lots, part of a 8u.burb of New-York, including the Riverside Hotel. The property lies on the tipper end of Manhattan Island, near Fort Washington. Though the sales-room was r.vell filled with real estate speculators, none of them seemed inclined to invest, and the bidding was confined to four or five persons. A lot oa tho corner of Eighth-avenue ani One Hundred and Fifty-third-street sold for $350. Six inside lots on Eighth-avenue went for $310 each, and the earner lot on One Hundred and Fiftv-fourth-street for $650.

Street lots brought from $175; to $195. Nearly half an acre, on which stands the Riverside House, a handsome and well-appointed brick building, contain. lug one hundred and twenty-Sve rooms and every accessory of a first-class hotel, with the Hudson River Railroad station In front, Went for $22,000. At a partition sale of a portion of the Carman estate in 1873, the Riverside House and grounds were bid in by the family at $35,000. These prices establish ruinous rates for those who bought during flush times the property sol 1 at about one-quarter of its appraised value, aud perhaps a sixth of what it would have brought in 1303.

The Carman heirs, in view of the apathy of the public and what they deem totally insufficient prices, post poned the sale indefinitely. From present appearances, many years Will elapse before the acres and acres of building lots which fill up the space between Fifty-ninth and One Hundred and Fiftieth streets, Eighth-avenue and North River are taken up and built on, and till this arca' is covered with bricks and mortar we can hardly look for rows of brown-stone houses in 'the neighborhood of Fort Washington. presume that the lots knocked down at the Car man sale oould not to-day be utilized for building purposes so as to pay 7 per cent. on the price of the land and improvements, after deducting taxes, repairs, 'It must be remembered that the growth of the City if almost altogether oa the East Side, along the line of the horse railroads. of October last fifty-ven lots on First and StMsond avenues.

Arena Sixtyeihlh, Sixty-ninth, end Seventieth streets3long- vmt a amitixa sida, ta haAra. taoca th. mm mm I i aail w.ra arnawil njrljr low tall lots on Sixty-niB tit-street. tet.eeaFirjtiaJ Sml tmmUiLt tear SSOO av pi Prmt tana lota -tor S1.760aa4 Sl.SOO, Hi tha aoraar -flrst- avenue tor tn sale was com pleted, and every lof sold to bonaride bid ders. I In contrasting this sale with the result of the Carman sale, we arrive at the conclusion that one was a comparative success, while the other was disastrous.

The reason is obvious. While Sixty-eighth and! Sixty-ninth street lots are capable pf immediate improvement, with a "fair chance of selling, and a certainty of renting, le Carman property cannot by any possibili be resold at a profit, or improved in such nanner as to pay an income. If those io have lost fortunes in speculating in unimproved City real estate: had but taken a broad," large, and practical view of the past, t' le present, and the probable future growth of the City, they would have done what thojspecu-lative builder has done: follow the horse cars, and lead the up-town movement. All those streets and avenues above Fifty-ninth-street, served by the Second, Third, and Madison-avenue Street Railroads, have, even during the ieriod of the most intense pepres-sion, been the scene of groat Diilijng activity. This part tho town, ujj as far north as Eighty-sixth-street, is knojwn as the building district.

Vacant property can now be sold in this area at about oe-halr what it cost in 1870. Lots in this locality are emphatically "building lots-" The term City or building lots," is 1joo frequently used, both here and in Brdoklyn. to denote property which, in point fact, can only' be utilized for farm, garden, or cottage purposes. Those who cherish the bopo that rapid transit now soon to be realized ou both sides'of tho City will turn suburban gardens audj farms into thickly-populated districts, with Ion? ows of brick and brown-stone houses, ftately churches, hotels, and theatres, are Ikelyto ba disappointe Tko grotvth of the City will be accelerated, but it wijl continue to flow in the channels already Established by First, Second, Third, Fpurth, Lexington, and Madison avenues liaving no considerable vacant areas in its rear. Our remarks in this respect apply as well to Brooklyn as to New-York.

The proposed rapid-transit'facilities on the other side of the river will stimulate building On the ede of the compactly built up portion of Brooklyn, but they will not for some tme to come turn Long Island farms into f' City building lots." XL USES FOR STEAM. Wonderful as many iuventions arej hard ly less so la the narrowness by which aortic of them are just tniased. and wait for years after they could be reached by putting forth the hand. and active as inventive Skill is in applications of machinery, it expeudsf mainly in lessening the cost of manufacturing. while glaring and important defects in the conditions of domestic life remain uncorrected.

The railroad ear, in respect to details which tie- termine the occupants' comfort, is nearly the tame it originally wa it lacks hearing and ventilation, and Mugby Junction, with Its "refreshments." still mocks the necessity which forbids the traveler to leave his stomach at home. For twenty years rapid transjt in this City Las been a necessity and a growing satire, until now it has at last become reality. The City dwelling of to-day, iicept that it has more iras-xtures and wash-basins. is alight. changed from the dwelling of 850 its "modern lraprivjments and "all im provement" ara a mockery, only of the train of miseries jerience i between the landlord and the plumber.

While ingenuity has ben improviig the kerosene. lamp, the gas-burner and globe remain as lii contrived nd unsatisfactory as ever, yielding a feeble and flickering light, to the profit of thej spectacle-makers and of the. gas companies, Which can make up in pressure the redaction thev have reluctantly conceded in price) They make the bills by the metre, but the metre is theirs. Lid can lie about the 'quantity, now as; ever, and th "standard" of quality is practically theirs also; thus they decide the quality and measure th quantity. The coal-dealer, en his part as honest as the plumber alwaystis on self-declaration, does his own weighing, npd the sold "ton" remains au indefinite quantity.

Moreover, the heating and cooking arrangements are utterly unsatisfactory, inadequate, unwholesome, costly, wasteful of tiin and labor, and very destructive of furniture by their unceasiag dust. Nothing more clearly shows the strange inadequacy of our domestic economy than our manner of Uiing fire to ob tain heat We need the intangible things, beat and light the material thin from which they are set free, to wit, coal, we neither need nor want in our houses. Defective as it Is, gas ha long relieved us from labor of light-making, ani many persons have queried why heat could not also be furnished. Yet there are no insuperable difficulties in the way of burning? the coal for heat in one place, as thpt for light is burned. and delivering heat as wantL Gas has been mentioned for cooking and heatinz.

but there are as yet no adequate appliances for burning it. and the cost is prohibitory new methods of producing it as, perhaps, methods of getting it from water may remove the objection of cost, and Iperhaps ingenuity may remove also the practical difficulties of burning it oa scon siderable scale. Meanwhile, the iuiDraeticabil- ity of employing steam has been generally as sumed. The agreeableness and efficiency of steam in heating- have lon beea. familiar facts its effi ciency for cooking is also familiar to all house keepers, on a small scale.

As to bringing i( from the outside, many practical difficulties hav been assumed, chiefly, loss of heat and a prohibitory cost. During th past Winter.hcw system of Mr. B1KK8ILL HoLLY. formed with the express aim of proving thase difficulties unreal, bat been subjected to pract cat test in th City of Lock- port, and th Holly Steam Combination Company" claim to have successfully settled the problem of supplying heat in quantities as do-aired, by measure, at a practicable cost. 'I'hre miles of underground pipe were laid, little of it larger than four Inches diameter 40 scattered dwellings, a large school building, and a public hall, hay been heated two engines, one of them half a mile from the boiler-bouehave been run, and steam has been supplied for 'other uses, all by three boilers of mod sizef only on or two of them having used.

It is claimed aa demonstrated "that with sumclenboller capacity and pipes of proper size, an ores 6f more than iodr mile square It) any city or village can be warmed from on set of boilers." Th pip, covered with non-conducting material, are inserted In bored loig of wood, laid over til to aacura drainage; and above th pipes for gas and water their iza. to th plan, decrease as th limit of each district are aaproaebad from eijf bt tt one and a half inebe in dlametar aa expansion junction anrvte bos," from which the service jiflitiiii iiiiraiii pirn ii itiiiii in tn mlm mmrl. mm UiAet fetute fe bsuclomd mm JtlVs.Vl!,'' 'umLug falt pm- inn, pom pipo wuj Titr i tor qwtfij 9, sraam. saa cb nomas at an "th Wllar will -tiv the ill and vraaun aa itgn aaamt to it thia result i being accomplished by a system of regulating valve, by which a pressure of 50 to 60 pound lathe main is reduce 1 within the houses to uniform one of on to four pounds. Th water from th radiators stored for household use.

for which it Is very desirable by a contrivance called an accumulator," it an also be carried. either by atmospheric pressure or by the direct fore of th steam, to a tank in any room in th Lous by another contrivance called th anti thunder box," steam may also -be dis charged directly but noiselessly into water for laundry or other uses. raising it to the boiling point in a few minutes, thus doing away with the system of hot water calculation in bouses, "-and a coil of pipe along the' floor, with clothes-rack to slid oyer them, will do clothes-drying very expeditiously. For cooking although a complete and perfect ateam-stov for every branch of coo inn is not yet produced a circular stove of sheet copper, costing five to twelve dollars, and having seven openings for utensils, La in use by this "steam ing" made practicable, the most: stupid cook cannot burn tho dinner' of the dish, aud the LeAting of rooms in Sunituer Is avoided. Th nada from a puand of coal will cools a rtinxzar In less tlms than ia retoirei to iget good coal flrq well started; the steam can be taken from the air-rake of the dining room radiator, th rough a small rubber hose, or the stove cn be Temoved to and used in any room where there is a radiator.

When the steam-stove is fully perfected is promised. will be within a few months" all tires will be banished from dwelling ad conflagrations averted, except from external causes, which will be largely retnoveu when whole clocks or districts are supplied with steam apuaratus the rutes of insurance should then be correspond ingly lessened. Several other novel applications of this system are promised. Kire-engines are to be simplified and lightened by being engines solely, dispensing with boiler and furnace on arriving at a fire they will simply take water from the hydrants as usual, and steam for working their engine from a pipe close by the hydrant, leading from the steam main, in which, as above stated, an ample workinz pressure is always maintained, the engine thus taking steam by one pipe and water by another. By bringing the steam-pipe against' the base of the hydrant the latter may be secure! from freezing.

Furthermore, to complete the service of the system against fire, steam can be poured into Itho burning building, where it will have an effectiveness in extinguishing additional to that of water, by reason of its penetrating nnder floors and in other spaces where fire delights to lurk and water cannot reach it a two-inch pipe, a. GO pounds pressure, it is said, will deliver 5,000 cubic feet of steam per minute, which, in a room 25 by 100, would make a stratum of steam two feet thick under the ceiling. And by no means the least attractive part of the programme to us in Now-York is the announce ment that by the steam system ice and snow can easily And cheaply be removed from streets and sidewalks, where in large cities it is frequently ia serious obstacle to ordinary locomo tion and traiUc." Various plans for removing snow bodily from the streets, a fast as fallen, by means ft the railroad tracks, or by melting with portable furnaces, have been proposed here, but the Lockport Company assort that "a re ceptacle 1 by 0 feet, near the curb-stone, with a steam coil at the bottom, will melt the snow as fast as delivered therein, and the water will be conveyed to the adjacent sewer furthermore, as to the important matter of cost, that "experiments show that the cost in fuel iof melting a ton of snow ic this manner will not exceed five cents." How much would New-York be willing to pay for the relief of having this indescribable nuisance thus destroyed as fast as it appears The percentage of loss by condensation is declared to be very small. A 12-inch pipe will deliver steam economically 13,000 feet from the boiler, or about three and a half miles, and although condensation increases at the Fame rate that the diameter of the pipe increases, the increase in steam-carrying power i at six times the rate of increase of the pipe. On the all-important matter of cost, no figures are given in the pamphlet before us, but the general statement is made, based upon the experiment In Lockport last Winter, "that the same amount of heat can be supplied at a good profit for what the coal aud wood bills of consumers would be for stoves and furnaces, and the quality infinitely superior." To thi is appended a certificate of entire satisfaction with its efficiency and cost bv the citizens of Lock-port who have used the system.

The steam used by each consumer is measured by a metre, and as factors in the problem by which economy is secured, the following considerations are urged: That the deterioration of stoves and furnaces is avoided that the waste of heat through cbimueys is practically avoided by confining the consumption for a large area to a single smoke-stack that cheap fuel may be used by employing blowers. Stock companies are said to be forming in various cities of this country and Canada for introducing the new system. LADIES JX THE HORSE CARS. Toward ladies riding in the horse cars the courts, of late years, have shown themselves very courteous. In short, upon this sub ect the Law appears to be a gentleman, and speaks as uch.

A lady has a right to have the car stop for her, and ean recover damages if the driver re fuses. We can recount a story npon this point from no further away than San Francisco. In that cityy about ten years ago. Mart Pleasakts hailed a street car, but the conductor refused to stop. The reason he gave was that she was a colored person, and, said he, we don't take colored In this car." Those were days when their right to ride in tb.9 cars was much in dispute and to teat the question tbe lady brought an action.

Sh recovered a verdict for 8500. Tbe Supreme Court said that was too much, but sh ought to have fair amazes, for the car was bound to" tap for her, and their rule as to colored people was no excuse. So they ordered the ease tried over again, to settle tho damages more moderately. As to standing npon the platform, a lady never does that unions the ear is crowded full in-ide and no on will move for her to enter it and then she has a right to stand on the platform, and the eomoany ought to be grateful to her for ridintr so without complaining. Therefore, all the decisions of courts that it is negligence for a pa-enger to stand on th platform, and that he will lose a suit for being hurt on a ear, if he stood on the platform when be might have been inside, are unimportant to ladies.

They do not want to stand on tbe platform. We can cite on this point the dictum of Mr. Dick, when the London landlady assured him the apartment selected for his us was not larg-9 enough to swing a cat in." You know. Trotwood," he said. I do not want to swing a eat.

I never do swing a cat, Therefore, what does that signify Gett'ng a seat when on ba entered a car. is a matter which passengers usually settle among themselves, and their decision are not published but what a lady must do about holding i snbjeet sr saw- clerflosm iza Pms-smt- 1-rmsstaa. sl ass Wmr-rx, with nvnm aXcaeaa- lady nad BtaMTM. a born wbr tixexr wma only leaf lie oltgrlaij took Out. tnd hdd tht ehild In ha lap.

ssd AUaa Wairptl etoo4 1st xreM aa tsssv. essa eteeiMe arr- aveaabasr an the ether lady's haixia, Th ear had sagL lision which stopped It short, a'ndMIs Wnrnt was throws down and her knee fractured. Law-salt for damage. Th lawyer said that sh ought to hav hold by th strap. I couldn't," sh answered, the strap was too short for to reach.

I could touch it, but could not hold it. A lady's stays prevents her holding the Strap," The Judge told the jury I that if 'he lady could not hold tbe strap without extraordinary exertion, or damaging or dfrang- ing her dress, sh was not bound to but might do "the next best thiDg. vtV, to bold by tbe hands of her friend." We believe that If this learned jurist had spoken hi fall mind, he would have declared holding by a lady's hands a much better thing than holding by a strap however, be discreetly left the whole question to the jury. And the full Bench said that did just right. "He could, not hav told th more than he did.

Are we to say, a matter of law, that women are to dress in a cer tain way, and that their ordinary habits, ac cording to tbe usages of society, are to be cast aside when they enter a car, for fear thev should ilfind uo seat I Possibly a woman may be to foolishly hooped, wired, and pinned upas to de prive her of her natural nower to help herself but tbe question whether she is so is one of tmat for the jury. When the plao is reached where the lady I wishes to leave the car. she has a right to hat a it iconic to a full stop for her, long enough for hr to 'alight. And tbe rule is she has a rlht to time and facilities tor leaving the car according to the measure of ber apparent strength, skill, and labhitr. As long as the old-fashioned idea pre vails that women have not the same strength and agility as men possess, the courts will not it lady psssengers should be bun dled oft as men may be neither may chil dren, for that matter, or lame or sick persons.

Each passenger has a right to a fair opportunity to dismount, according bis individual needs, as far as the conductor can judce of them. If a weak person or a lame one Is hurt through not baring time, it is no answer to say: Oh! Strong, well man could hivo got off in that ainre." Several eases have gone against the jrompanies where conductors bare neglected their duty in this matter. Mrs. Colt's case ihnd Mrs. Poclix's case were very much alike.

In each of, a lady passenger in a New-York horse car asked the conductor to stop tbe car. and he did so, and she stepped down, but the hoops of her boap-skirt caught on a nail in tbe platform; the conductor started the car without itvaiting to see that she was fairly off, and sh Was hurt -by being dragged along the pavement. Mrs. Poclix was additionally embarrassed by having a child of 2 years in her arms, while Mrs. Colt was 69 years old, and lame.

Obliging her to walk with a cane. The lawyers for the companies argued that hoop skirts were needless articles, and if ladies chose to wear them, they must run the isks and bear the consequences of their catch ing. Dut the courts said no. One of the rights yf a passenger is to ba allowed a reasonable time to get off. When passenger de sires to get off, and indicates this to the conduc tor at a proper stopping-place.

It Is his duty to Stop the car long euough to allow the passenger to alight lorg enough according to tbe cir cumstances, such a tbe condition of the pas sVnger, and of the street at that place. If suf ficient time is not given, aud the passenger is ikjured. the company is responsible. And if Hoop-skirts, such as ladies generally wear, re quire more time and care for alighting, the Companies are bound to provide for the safety of passengers so clothed. Mrs.

Maverick was injured in an Eighth- avenue car through the conductor's carelessness in stopping. She asked to eet out, and he rang the bell to stop. The driver stopped but there was a hose-cart running violently up the street behind the car. with chnnce tor it to ttirn out. The conductor saw it coming and Hurried the lad," out, but there was not time for ber to alight.

The truck could not be stopped; it crashed against the rear of tbe car as the lady was crossing the platform, and her band was crushed. She recovered damages, for the court said that the conductor was bound to exercise the utmost care and diligence of a very cautious person in stopping the car and allowing her to leave it. But a lady ought to notify the conductor that she wishes to stop. In a Boston case, while th conductor was on the front platform, the lady pulled the bell; the driver stopped the car; but while she was stepping down upon the ground, the car suddenly started, and sho was thrown down ahd'hurt. The court held that if the lady undertook to stop the.

car herself, while the conductor was busy on the front plat form, the driver could not have any accurate means of knowing when she was fairly off, and. he was not in fault if he started a second or so too soon. i THE CAPITAL OF CREDIT. tThe assertion has often been made, and fcts, so far as they ran be ascertained, would seem to justify it, that at least nineteen out of twenty business men ia this country fail soon' or lat9. The Republic is certainly a land of failures as well as of successes, and a peculiari ty of both is that they are seldom permanent.

Indeed, failure Is frequently the consequence of. many successes, and success is at last tbe crown of repeated failures. Americans are rarely so satisfied with any klind of success as not to crave another kind, and they utterly refuse. when they fail, tol stay failed, however discouraging their Icircumstances or their oitlook. Thev have such faith in the resource of; the country und in their own that they are not apt to be cast downjby financial misfortune.

which they regard as temporary. It is this faith, possessed generally in which makes them imprudent, not to say reckless, in the management of their own affairs. They take small parns to avoid disaster, from which thk-y feel that they can soon rally. A modicum off. distrust, even of despondency, might be beneficial to them and their creditors.

Business has been regarded in many lights and from many points of view. It has been defined as the application of intelligence and industry to the laws of traie, as a uniform sys tepi of buying cheap and selling dear, and as tit organized attempt' of the few to de fraud th many. In this country particularly. it would seem to be in the main a scheme for obtaining and perpetuating credit, without which. In most cases, it could not be carried on.

So long as a man has credit, it i very little trouble to get on. When he is obliged UK pay her, he ean borrow there; meeting a i note in one bank, he' can be sure off discount in another when a firm takes up its ean put out new paper; thjis exchanging money, aa it were, from the right hand to the left, and sustaining credit by-extending it. A house that has our been fanly established can eontinu indefinitely without any eonsidei abl capital, provided it ha preserved its erttdit. Old Arms fail every few weeks, in times like and, though they have given sepport and Imports nee to their member for several generations, are found to hare bad no financial foundation for many years. Such altera invariably excite surprise an4 great deal of comment, aa If they war I i iTii i t.i ilim" i i II 11 unprecedented Instead 6f common.

And th eur I a a 1 Ic im eon mmm hu tin they In on SrheA theT owe. ud paamdoxieal aa it SMiaHl. Thy incur what Is sailed legitimate obliga- 1 tiou but the are's 3 teach Increased, and ofts created unlr circumstances so bee a liar that they become illegitimate without receiving "ft nam. Indeed, the boundary between the kiti mate and the! Illegitimate I so slightly mark' ia certain circle that the two get Inextricably confuted, aud th moral Ideas of the merchant alang with thm. When the ebligs.

tion fall due, and new one ean not incurred in their stead, suspension, ot -'r a- oompreiBiaf, or bankruptcy, and another eommersUl expert' ment, attended, after a given time, with th foe mer result. A amber of firms fail regularly and periodically, sometim through sheer 41. honesty, but generally from lack of method, economy, and foresight One might suppos that, after two or three failure, they would destroy confidence in their capacity to ma oar that they could gat no farther credit, and bs compelled therefore to retire. But such art the ease. Competition is so actlr that, unless a man, be thought positively dishonest ra then he is not denied opportunities he usually command credit, and eontinu loaf, uninterrupted, and brilliant terles of tutolMs elee.

How large a proportion of merchants Is there who fail whenerer they are called upoa to tie the greater part of their debts! Thyaa nlwiyt pay If they are not called to pay Very much, end so long as they hay th privilaje of borrjwing. Deprive them of this priTlIeja' force them to depend oa themselves, nut them to their financial purgation, nod they go to pieces. They are stroug only while they are not taxed; they are only ehlls their responsibility remains untested. Tula Is well shown by the periodical panics, financial reactions, commercial torpor, from which so often suffer as to demonstrate our national extravagance. Imprudence, and want of forethought.

When these occur, any number of houses topple down, and among them msa that have enjoyed public confidence, and bea regarded as very sound. Their disoomatar is ascribed to external causes; but Investigation generally shows that their condition watbad; that their affairs had been ill managed that thy had expended far more than tbey were justified in expending and that their failure owing to their further inability to fly kit, procure accommodations, and defer by Various shifts th day of reckoning. Tbe great cause of failures in this eonntry fat tbe unwillingness of merchant to de basinetf In with their oanital mit aa lies within their means. They provid very liberally for their pleasures and caprices thsy tend themselves indefinitely, and make thai! creditors take most of the risk. They seem termined to get on at somebody ls's eost However their business may shrink or tbelr profit be reduced they do not diminish their expenses, and -when tbe crash comes thsy are among the least hurt, i nere are merchant and merchant but, certainly, many of thsra depend on credit they do not deserve, and llv on what they owe and do not pay.

BODY-SXATCUIXQ. i The event at Cincinnati, recorded io our columns on Friday, will send a thrill of horror i through the whole community. A secsatlot novelist could scarcely Invent a more ghastly incident tiian that of a son discovering th corpse of his father in a dissecting-room. crimes committed In th United Kinj-; dom ever excited a -eper horror tbss those of the resurrectlonisti Bceei sal Hare fifty years ago. Bcseb wss sa Irish shoe-maker, who settled at Edinburgh, whea tbe reputation of the medical there: stood exceedingly high, and attracted crowd of studaots from all parts of th Kingdom.

Their number thus became largely in icss of the subjects' they demanded, and. gay stimulus to body-snatching. This was found by Bckki more lucrative and atractlv thas the bench and awl, and having associated wits himself on Hake, these two set to work supply a want," with much sueces. however, tbe publie grew alarmed, fartout threats of vengeance were leveled against th snatchers, and it became evident that th had ness could be no longer safely carried on. Is deed, public feeling ran so high that vn th students incurred odium, and it has been said that tbe late great Surgeon, Sir James I'taoe sox.

left Scotland for England to soap annoy ance. Maaar. Bcbke and Habb therefor turned about for fresh fleilds, and resolved to to work in a different manner. They inveigled weak persons' or children to their abodes and quietly smothered them. Twoorthreyrsgo detective in the North of England clverly dleov ered a murder by putting hi sagacious terrier on tbe track, and Busks and- Habb wr brought to justice by means of a yet smaller an Imal.

It was suspected that one of their v) time was little Italian vagrant, who rn4 pennies oy exhibiting whit mice. Tbdt' tive set a trap In th murderer's den, and sure enough white mouse was caught and served to complete th chain of evidence. BCEEI' body accordingly went, like thos of bis Tie tims, in aid of anatomical science, but Ha EE, having turned King's evidence, escaped and Is connection with him may be mentioned ca- rious circumstance. About ten years ago aa old man was brought before a London Police Magistrate on some minor charge, when the jailor said: "I have reason to believe, your Worship, that thi man is Hare. Bcbee federate.

We regret to say that this horrid fl'alr st Cincinnati is not the lirt of it kind here ey any mean. So lately as 1373 ther was a vert similar case at Philadelphia. A wealthy farmer named Muxes having been found drowned, was taken to th Morgue. At th inquest thr was no evidence a to th nam of th d'-ceaseo. On the family coming to town to Instil ut la quiries, tbey found Mr.

Mcxce' wtch pawnbroker's, and discovered thst it bad bees pledged by McEwe, driver of th gon. Mcsice was found -July 3. and XO Ewtx brought th body to the hospital from the Morgue July 5, though the Deputy Coronel stated that be held a receipt for th body frois th Superintendent of th city burial ground. I Th question arises whether tb rul in to; 1 pltals ss to th reception of bodies are not to lax, or, at e.11 events, too laxly enfO'SeO. vi i cours It is to be deplored lr mere is a im material for student to investigate, but that is a less serious evil than body-snatching.

hich th punishment cn scarcely be too se vere, or the precaution to prrnt it too stria gent, SOME OPPOSITION TO 31 B. JUSDALl A correspondent of the Oermantowa JV graph writes this week of an Importaat noirtiesj movement Inaugurated for the purpose of runs Speaker Randall. Be saysi Oeearre at tlx Democratic Slate Coovantloa In PUUbnrj seaM render it pretty clear that a important nwemml Is being organised among th DeaoersU of Pali-delphla to defeat the nomination of Mr. -f Comrrees ia tbe Tnird ihatrie. or faiW that, to defeat his lemon.

AS the brtlwm Ilea tbe hitter feod between the Kaadall lare feet loss, and the complete trtamp ft tn toe Htat Coavention oeearrej oum of neeniiar eaTrevetioa to bsM Kendall a ssrance eoarse la favor ef i-ree-Traoo leria bill Is Weed acalas alas maxked eoVrt, The opposition to tee Speaaer saaa. lm tae Mn.fff ofne. iM'Ji, I. I If Tku fatten has the iaiportaet effect el saadiul Stsrafs' C-W-. WKUa n'aMtberrsHit-.

ITlSi -ea M-rt KjactOnll batlllty V-l Isf-aalAB-OBiBl aTaaVtl to tbe TmilXTOmm iBlTl 1S1 rs-ei of S. rt jwwat. tSM htseooree ln UTTe nute-slUMMon I ns. mmm mm lot all tho vok.

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