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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ctic Hthr-fforfi Cimc', glgnto; gutmnhrr 10, 1879, 8 'L- too shocking elreamstaacee MURDER IN PASSAIC XVIDENCE AGAINST THE MUBDZBED 2IAXS ONLT SOJf. tininnzzntq stories told rat tocxq MAW An bis wirs blood ox TOCSO X1UXSCB CUWHM-r THS' HCRDEBtR'S WIAfoV WHT.THX DOO DID ITOT BABC The) brutal murder, on Friday tlg-nt, of Pal fyuaa. Is Paeeala, S'. tu tbo theme of eonver-eetlo In' ell parts of that city vesterslajr, tbo tragedy iaviaf bowi made nor horrible by the dleeorers of evideaee etrSnglr eonflnntng tbo general oplnloa famed almost as Mtui tho etrenmsUaeea of the Bimrdot lsrsms knows bat tbo 14 man bad been butchered la sold blood by bis owa; tan aad only bUd la ordor that bo night sooner oomo Into tho' it (ha little property of his father. Although this eeemed to a 'bettered, yat various from tbo rtt tondo4 to fastea ssipicion on tbo yonag maa.

Coroaar Warner and Boat of fha jurots tapeaeled to Investigate tbo caaa thought young Ny-'aoaa'a agitation was so exoeeslve aa to aagceat tha Ida that It waa la pait assumed for tbo purpose of diverting suspicion from himself. Tien he sod bis young wlfo told different storios about tha events of tbo fatal aiht aad tha succeeding morning, fha aaid that whaa aba board tha strange solaa la tha ken, aad board bar father-in-law oomo dowa ataira and. go out, apparently; toward tha barn, abo tailed bar husband's! attention to tbo elreamaUaco. Ho ssys bo doai not reeol-leea anything of tho kind, la jtho morning, 'abo aaya, when aba foand that! tha old man gona oat, abo again told her bnaband of tha oe-earraoroa of tbo previous night, and! advised him to go and look' for bla father. Ha any aha did not apeak of thla at all, but that ba want out to tha barn aa aaual to tea about tha bones, aad foand bis father lying In the barn, weltering In-bia blood.

all tha elrcumstaneee. Coroner Warner de-aided, after with tbo local magistrates, order yonag Nymaa Into enatody, and laaaed bia warrant to Constable Charles Conkliait. The con-stable broocht tha vonns man to Justice Spronll'a ntra. Nyman snpposlag he waa wanted to give mora evidence, bat when the Coroner handed the commitment to tha officer, Nyman broke away from him' aad ran off. After a long chase, Conkllni: arao no to.

hlra. Then tha attire drew a fcatfo and attempted to stab tho direr. if waa disarmed and taken to tbe l'atersnn Jail, where bo icmeins. Hoi oxrnaod hit attempt to eeeano by saying ha wanted to so and sea hla wife. When arretted ha was 'eonsldersbly aader tho Influence of liquor, aw restless in Msde-aneanor.

and very talkative on eveTT.subjeet bnt that of tbe murder. Mr. Z. M. Ward, of 1'aterson, waa retained aa hla connaelj and be advised him to torching to any one about tho treaedy.

Mr. Ward was eonnaet for Brower, aim of l'assaie, was recently aeqnlttedi of murder. Nymaa eonducted himself In jail yesterday like' one not wholly In bla rltrht mind, appearing sometimes aileat aad stnpld aud again extremely nervous and taaeaay, and apeakiac to no one. hen locked up. Inc gava bis name as Komah N'vmaq.

and his ago as between 31 and 32. He Is a Hollander. His wife la also of Holland birth. Her father's name is Yonag. add he livsa la Benson-street, She bad not been taken into custody op to last night.

Yesterday afternoon an autopsy of the body of tho murdered maa waa held in I'assaie by Vj. Merrick, tbat plane, under the supervision of Pr. Warner, rtho Coroner. Tbe skall had been literally smashed pleas, and it fell apart under the anrgeoVa man- innlationa while making the autopny. There were als woanda.

either one of which would have; been so thoroughly bad tha murderer dona hla bloody work. Tha most Important evidence, however, was die-covered on aearchtns the house of the Xyroana. In at eloaet of the room of the old man a pair of panta- lulnNirlii-4n hmirs Ivmnn nr fnnnil Vi tl fT ing op. Oa these garments were numerous of lood, apparently quits fresh. In the loft over tho same room was foand one slipper an which iwaa a great amear of blood.

Thla slipper also belonired to tho veunc man. Theaa articles were taken poasea- lon of by the authorities, being regarded aa of the nteaoet Importance ta pointing to the probable author afjha dreadful crime. In the barn, on further searob. fwee foand the Inatrument with whldh It Is believed. Ithattheerlmewaa.eommttted.

Thla Is what la known as a saw-mill "dog." a long piece of Iron Ilka a clam o. Srith which two logs are fastened together. On each end la a point, extending at right angles to the hori-kontal bar. This "dog" appeared to havo beau rnaty. bnt tbo nolnta seem to have been washed re cently.

It is Just the weapon with which the fatal wounds fonnd on the dead mau'a skull could have Iwss Inflietert. Thia also waa taken into the rare of Jiymaa' remained lathe house last night with her toarenla, who ba! goae thither from t'aterson to Keep Her ao ni pa nr. The authorities do not seem to have 'Cqnaldared it necessary to lock her up, In tha eonrae of bis Investigations yesterday after Warner learned the came of It) or 1-vorsons who are aaid to have beard young iXyman threaten his father life on many occasions, It wan vv a aald that the old man waa In. such fear of his that several times he had gon and milked the rowi oiraseir ana nnai ineir miia oa lun 10 avoid all danger of being poisoned by his own son. The Coroner leaned aubpo-oas for all thee wit ties sea to appear at tbo inquest at o'clock this afternoon.

Another circumstance which tends to con- la tho slaughter of bis father is the fact tbat tho barn was always guarded br a aavaje Newfonndland doo, so ferocious that nobody could approach tho building exaept yonug Nyman. When the t'oroaer attempted to enter tho Lara on Saturday, the dog sprang at him with such fury that ba anapped his panlonsi they beat a hasty retreat, and tha Cottmer railed Mrs. Nyman and asked her to call the dog off. 4Hhe declared that aha wonld not go near him for the 'world, as tho only persons who had ever been able to control bim woro old Mr. yman and iHonmn.

The latter waa then-called, and Immediately on en tering tha barn be unit-ted the animal. This gives to tho theory thatbe, and he alone, must lave been la tho building when hla father was mur- iered. If any one else had beep the dog' a' rarklng would have been loud enough to arouse tha wtelshborhood. Mr. Ward, counsel for Komah.

flaime that old Xymaa attempted to climb a ladUar 10 get fodder, and waa killed by a falL JiURXISG BALES OF COTTOX. lAmi A XORTIT RIVER BUT.K1TEAD WHICH. CALLED OCT VAST riKEMEX. George Wliitcombr1, the watchman employed l.y tho Morgan's Louisiana and Texas fcteara-shtp Una, diacovered, soon. -after 9 o'clock yesterday xaoratng.

that a number of bales of cotton stored in tbo sheds of tbo company on tho bulkhead between Piers Kos. 36 and 37 North River wars on fire. He gava ab alarm, and. bis cries for assistance soon brought to his aid the srew of the steamer Algiers, whtah waa lying at Pier No. 3ti, and Koundsman Byraes and several policemen of; tho (Steam-be at hquaJ.

There are three hydrants on tbe pier, and wlta these lines of boas were connected by tbe crew Of the Alsiera, and the flamea were kept In check tatU tbo arrival of the firemen. Chief bonner and kaeMeeond Battialion of tbe 1'iro Departmant ar- rtved promptly in response to the first alarm. Koar-ag that tho nainee, which were burning flerrely in ha rottoa, would extend ta the wotden sheds of tho Old lJoaatnloo nteam-ahin 'Uompanv at fier ao. B7. a second and third aarm were aonnde in quick succession, which bronght to the lira C'blnf Kates and a largo force of steamers and firemen, and also the doaUns eaglae Jlavamerer and tbe i'oltce cotter l-Mera.

Tbe steam-ship Algiers was moved Into tho ktreaaa, out of danger, and tha Bremen eueoeoded In a boat aa hour in oxtinsutahing tbe flamea, before thev yiad extended beyond tbo ahed. Tho shod lis built Wiong tbo bulkhead between Hers Not, 36 and 37. aad about "i'OO feet loar and J0 feet lieep. The aonth- Vra and. for aboat 5U feet la length, la need by the rdora-aa line, and tha rest by tbo Old Ikiminlon Company.

1b tho part oerupled br the Morgan Una were CS bales of cotton, which had been unloaded from I ho Algiers on Saturday, and bad been brought from tiatveetoa. it waa la tuia cotton tnat toe pro ongi atatedl from some cans at Dreernt nokobwn. Tho daanaeo to tho cotton is estimated at $3,500. and la fuliv covered by. tnsaranevL and tbo damasa a tha ahed will not axeeed H.OOO.

It la Insured In she Commercial Union, of London. Ia that portion tho ahed eeenpiod by tha Old Dominion Com rany were QUO barrels of flour and U5U sacks of vwa. and tbe damage to these gooda la estimated at SOOO, eaaasd chiefly by water. jrow TBS lSSTJ.LL3tK.1T PL AS WORKS. I Max Lewanthal, teacher of a small Germ an at No.

252 East On Hundred aad Mne- imiii stives, mw nvDiAi a vvukui vis mi ah- atallmost plan a marble-top table for $12 from Joba 1 of No. 386 nlrd -annua. Lowontbal bad jVaid ti) of tho purchase mertey. when eirsaaastanees adored aoesoaary for him to get aa oxteo-aesw of time tor tha naxl tnataliment. Thla 'ttoaaioa Lynch.

It is alleged, refused to give hint, sad on rrtday ssut Francis kl array to Low. ctatbal wiib a track to take tho table back to the bmwo. axiwrasnat osieetoa. and wnea no triad to biisvaat array from entering hla rooms tbo latter ksaea aim vtoleaily aaido and farced bia wav Into the room whore the tablo waa, Loweuthal taoa lockoa tae coer anoa aim, procured a policeman. aad eaased atarrav a arrest.

Juntiea Kil broth, ta ike Harlem Police Conrt, bold Murray ler trial em an aaaasM aar BaaSIl I satiM li 1 1 II' SBX XMBT Or ST. MTirBMXS. Tbe Dr, McOlynn. of St. Stephen's JbjeMa Catholic Chureb, roaelred some tlma age paake a detormlsed effort to dear away the debt oa Us absvreh, wblsb amoaate to aboat $160,000.

Be laaaoel eirenlars to am panaaiowors, eaiuag roe aa imordlnary subseriptloat daring tbo present month. Cask parish iooer of means was roq moated to eo. snkato at Waat $10. aad others to aid tbe rbarch aa kbaar larrmit woeld allow. He baa prom lard to ear baaaa ovory day la tbo year tor those who reapoad aseeHIng so thetr saeaaa.

i as nrss ei vne exsraor-ataau-v aabarviotloas was taken aav yostorday darlag ao -ruing aad eveotne sarviaaa, Tbe aocsuetaat of tbe ebareb said tbat be could not give the amoaat eontribntod, or an approximate estimate, as the subscriptions were special ones. Boat of them inclosed ia envelopes, which wonld not be oeeoed until today. It probable tbat tba subscript ions were liberal, however, aa the aorsicoo were well attended. Lr. JdeGlyaa will publish a printed statement of tbe Bbacrtpuons reeclved before tbe end or iecemDcr.


There are two families residing In this part of ow-Jsrsey who are at the present time unusually excited. It seems tbat they are the nndonbtod heirs to the wondronsly large Hyde estate ia England, oeaasiona. aeooanU or which havs appeared from time to time ir. tbe newspapers. Tbo various heirs throughout the country have organized an association, known as the "Hyde Association," with aa office in Front s' reet, New- York, and are maktna- strenuous and unJ ted efforts to secure possession of tha property.

Iuriog tha last quarter of ths last century there earns to this country two brothers, from England Joba and William Hyde. They were compelled to leave their native land on account of tb ir espousal of liberal principles. They were believers in the doctrines enunciated In I'aine's "Kights of Man," which doctrines were very unpopular with the Eng. lish aristocracy. A few years after their settlement here theirfather died, leavine an exceedingly valuable estate.

Hy the than existing English statutes, do heirs could Inherit real estate unless they occupied the iand, and could not enjoy personal property on- less they were residents in ths realm. This law barred tbo Hyde brothers from the inheritance of their father's wealth. So active measures seem to have been taken, and the bonds and moneys of tbe sststo were deposited in the ilank of Lnglsnd to await dlspoaal by the Court of 4'hancerv. It is not known what waa done with the lauds. At the beginning of thia century, one of the brothers John died.

He lived In this JSStste, and married a ladv living at Kingston, a small town near Princeton. William was tesiding in the West. John's children seem to have taken an interest in tha property which belonged to their father, aud made plans ror Its recovery. A sum or money was raised, and the ease was put in tha bands of an English barrister. Tbe Court of Chancery waa petitioned to allow the American heirs to receive the per sonal proDerty.

altliouxh such a decree would caue a reconstruction of the statute on that point- The court refused to grant tbe petition, but the heirs and their counsel did not relinquish their efforts. That a large sum of money was contributed and vigorous means taken is evident from the fact that Asa Jones, a prominent resident of Hunterdon County, living in Flemington. and otfe of tho sons-in-law. gave nearly rmuwi auring uis iiie toward ceirsying the expenses in the case. In 18-J tbe amount deposited In the Bank of England had accumulated until it reached tbe sunt of OtMl.OOO.

William died a few years but his heirs aeem to have been indifferent to the fortune luft tor them on the other side of tiie At lantic. Jones and some of the liolcombvs (the two families mentioned at the head of this article) con tinued their contributions, however, nntil some time between 1H50 nnd 18l0, when they seem to have deemed the ease hopeless, and discontinued their exertions. The papers in the eae were in the hands of the English court, however, and were doing good work. Nothing more occurred until last Tall, when tbe court renewed the old decree, and declared that foreign heirs nileht inherit personal property in the ilritish possessions. The news came across the ocean And awoke to activity the apathy of Mr.

Hyda'a heirs. The fi rat to move-were the heirs of William, who were before so listless, and under the leadership of ex-Uov. Amy. of they traced their -lineage, 1 and put their elairna into proper shape. Great expedition was required, as the conrt said that unless the elalma were presented by the 1st of next January, the pronerty should revert to the Crown.

John's heirs are now very busily etgafced in arraacing their papers. The ''Hyde Association" pas issued papers evitft blank: spare the names of the ancestry, and these are disttibuted amonc the various famUioa Who claim legal descrat. There are seven of these families oa John's side of the bouse, tbe two 'principal ones being the llol-combes and Joneses, of this county. (Hun terdon.) Thev are numerous, but nevertheless each will receive a lurze sum. The estate is now valued at (AM).

OlM. Tbe heirs of each ron get 1S0.0KUX. Dividing this among tbe seven lineal Hues from John it cives each family about OOO.OOO. anil each. child, no matter if they are plentiful, will receive several hundred thousand dollars.

Ex-Qov. Kedle is employed b- the New-Jersev heirs, and expects to send a clerk over to do same searching in the case, and will probably follow himself in a few weeks. Among the persons well known socially who are interested, and expect a sha of the fortune, may be mentioned. Judge J. L.

Jones, of riemlngton: UoicomDe. or this city; C. Dunham. Castile- of one of tbe banks at Fleminir- ton; Ir. Khepard.

a promiaout ISusscx County politician: Mrs. Armstrong, of Jerev City Heiirhts: Mrs. Llvermore, of Hergf-n, and Mrs. Tercy Henderson, of Krooklvn- Whether their anticipations will be realized is still mi'certain. but their prosDects aro certainly encouraging.

MISSION WOr.K IN THE CITY. MISCELllANEOUS CITY NEWS DirriCCLTIES WHICII ARE ENCOUNTERED TIIE The -1 o'clock service at tho Fifth-Avenue Presbyterian Church (the Rev. Ir. John Hall's,) was devoted yesterday to the explanation of the progress, struggles, and necessities of the several mis sionary enterprises under the control of the City Mission and Traet Society. The house was wall filled, and in the courso of his prefatory remarks, Dr.

Hall took occasion to congratulate the congregation on the liberality with which they had contributed to missionary' work. Thoy had given about $6, 000 during the last year. Th congregation also sustains two flourisiiing missions In the tenement-house population crowded along the western side of the City, and has recen tly opened a third in the Seventeenth The Key. A. V.

jNchaufller, of Olivet Chapel. No, Second-street, was then Introduced, end he gave shoit account of- the operations of the five mission chapels Dewitt. In Greenwich-street, Calvary at the 1'lvs Points. Carmol In tLo liowery, Lebanon in Columbia-street, and Olivet supported by the society under which be acts. The first Is intended for ths floating seafaring opul.ition of the City, and its congregations are consequently very shirting nnd miscellaneous.

The sveond works in concert with the Five Points House of Industry, and thus dips down to the very lowest stratum of our City population. The Monday. school connected with it is well attended and doing a good work in one of the most squalid districts down town. Carmel works in concert with the Young Men's Christian Association, dealing almost exclusively with the floating population of the City, or rather with that large section of It whose members hsve lost all hope and sunk lower and lower nntil thry are stranded aud helpless, as well as hopeless. The number of persons in this class Is not essy to estimate, but those who are most conversant with the matter place it as high as 25.1KK) in Winter, and 15.000 during the Summer months.

Lebanon, on the other hand, is situated in a tenement-house tract, and Olivet in such a traet inhabited in the maid by Germans, at the rate of 407 persons to tbe si a are acre, a trifle more crowded thsn the neighborhood of Giles In London, which registers 401 to the square acre. In enumerating the difficulties under which the missionary labors amonc the population. Mr. tSchautlier said that one of the main obstacles to Sundsv school work was tbe stalwurt rationalism of the heads of families. Another was Sunday -school vagrancy, by which wsa meant the constant migrat'nn of the pupils from one school to another, usually without any cause except their own fancy.

Two years ago tbey found at tho Olivet Mission that their pupils wore changing annually from this cause at the rate of (1- in every ltK). Their rale now was net to admit pupils who had been at other schools unless good reasons eonld bo assigned for the change, except upon Inquiry respecting them at tbe schools thev bad abandoned. In this manner they had reduced vagrancy to per 101). Tne rule might seem heart-less, but it bad worked extremely weil. Thev were also trying to make their missions self-goveroine.

la order to accomplish thia officers had to be elected from the members, the number of whom at Olivet waa tneieaaed by an average of M3 admissions per year. They bad established a number of junior offices to which promising young men wers elected In order to train them for active work in the government of the- church. Besides this, they were now making it a rule to train Kcndajr-school teachers from the tenement lfouse population. Tbe reason for this waa very obvious. Volunteer teachers from the cultivated and wealthy classes were usually absent from town during the bummer months, and the work languished, waa often nearly broken np from this cause.

Out of 02 teachers at Olivet Chanel 45 were now taken from the contiguous population and be did not. think tbat their work wonld have to atop next Summer while the fashionable world was taking its vacation: Tbe speaker gave some data as to ths practical xnanscement of mission work, and eloaed with the testimony of one of tho visitors of a German eeeular benevolent society, who ssys that ths tenement boaae population can be redeemed oaly by the elsvat ing influence of religions instruction. THB CITTS DEATH RECORD. The following table shows tho mortality in this City for the first week in November, since 1 $70: Total JlxslAa. i ft! -5 '-t I i o.

1 1 1: nz 1H70. 42? 17-I' S3 4 7 12 1HT1. 1-5 il7 K'-i 61 11 0 l7a. 44 ITU 4 7l 40 1 13 17. 4 WOS -1'7 75 5t CO 40 1--74.

2.U 37 VI fti 4T It8 17 74 75 4 40 1S7 41 13 7ri 7l 1( SI lt77. ti- a 7t B7 11 Vi l7a 4M 161 2t 17 IS 41H 7 I ml 7 7 19 rriag last week there wre rport4 to tbe Sanitary Bnreaa 9 vases of typhoid fever. 35 eases 'of scarles fever, eases of eerr uro-spieal 03 cases of measles, aad 40 eases of diphtheria, i-strtet. baaejnent with MOONSntN What eeviA; MINT Of In Motv streets, and ra beth-ttreet, is "Big Flats. for an Old Woti this respect.

It tenement, and lies. The dark passages. is arranged family baker. as a bakery since in this part tba pertinent in morning, took 175 gallons provernents. tide from tbe directed to the of the molac taken to and premises for termioed npop.

of rfevenue Ag ties Ktinaou ss ths Janitor of as far ss possi basement. At a cate leading accompanied pected rooms. and ntinson Canal-street andlr. Mott-street. three doers dark, and the ent.

Lights passed throngli r.vesy prepara furnace fire apparatus wad ready for the i three mash filled to the and a strong were new. and easily taken action be req enue -Vcent the houe. charged him premises. Or to barrol pick'. since he had bi he was empl station last United States peered to ants who had ways tbongbt ing-picVles; in which they we The raid was nicnt.

and llcemen on tho gallons of mas afternoon the of Rereaue 'i ke entire dist fonnd will be 1 While not the most complete in this City. A DINNE. TIIE ISVITA1 rorr The follow Thomas Railed .1 side, Coleman It si brim. opart i ent NEES IN MOTT-STBEET. A6EKTS rOCJfD IHTHI BA5K-A BIO TEKIMEKT-HOCSK.

between Canal and Hester on log through from Mott to Eliza- large tenement-house, known as the fThe bnlldlnc was originally erected en's Home, but proving a failure in (hanged bands, was converted into a ow gives shelter to nearly 100 faml- is a honeycomb of arches and The portion facing on Mott-street all tbe paraphernalia of a large bnt It has not been used the home was given op. It was officers of tbe Revenue Agent's dels City, at an early hour yesterday possession of an illicit still of about capacity, furnished with all 1 in capable of distilling a superior sr- aiaterial used. Attention was first lace about two weeks ago, because auQ other articles tbat were s-en from it, and after watching tho a few dave. a raid was de- The raiding paf.y consisted nts Brooks and McLeer and Ienu I Coleman. They rst called upon le bntldicc and obtained from him pie an idea of the outlets from the the request of Mr.

firnoka he opened .1 from the side, and through tbe hallway to the sus- In the meantime. Messrs. Helper rained entrance to the area on the where there was another entrance. stood guard at a third ahtrance in a givea signal the officers forced the passed inside. Kvcrytlilng was i was no sign that anyone was pres-re obtained, and when the raiders the front rooms the stil ion had been made for ready to be lighted.

fully charged, and everything sras Jiiet Sunday's run. In one cornfrwere be, each of l.OOo gallons capacity. and supplied with counectiug hose np for hllinz -the kettlei The tubs krore ao arranged that they could be and put up asain, should strah ired. After taking possession. Kev-rooks went to the part of irrested Herman Overbeck, and with belag employed on the orbeck said that he had bevu employed but bad never seen any in the place there, and could cot say by whom He was locked up in the I'olice it.

and will le bronchi before a Commissioner to-day. The janitor ap- irely ignprant of the name of the ten- ihar of the still, bnt said be had al io men there were cugage-1 In prepar-act. he seen the kettle pat in in boiled. made without creating any excite- without the knowledge of the po- beat. Yesterdav morning the U.0O0 were run into the sewer, and in the property was turned ovpt to the ehargo iwtor Weber, or the hird 1 'tstrict.

iling apparatus and other property imoved this morning and destroyed. largest, the still is one of the bnd valuable of the kind ever found ored ig to I Thnmat Hailey Dear iB: great pleasure glad or the gree the count received from And even more as thev have friendship to ship cost some were plunced national exlxt thought our or even host side your frl in your fait and out of 1 of America. 1 generous use o' over the Unit than any singl regard to our member now forget, in the them in the stay among us hefore you this City at di vonr eonvemc by the hand, vur long an We remain D. Dabeork William K. Dot Carl Schorr.

Hamilton Fisl John Jay. illiam M. Alexander It. Kdward Attlm John Kigelow, A. Hlerstadt, Henry M.

Tat George W. William 1L F. Winston Tiffany B. G. Arnold iSchultz, Sou Joba 11.

Hall, A- McCnrd; IL Cossitt, John H. Sheri James M. Con Benjamin li. A. Foster Hit'i Isaac H.

l'aile Josiah M. Ki C. G. Landon. Oliver Harrlma Charles Watrn F.

Thurber, lirayton Ives, T. K. Hutler. Knoch Fan Klliot 0. Ccwd William H.

J. X. Stark. George Wilsor. John 1 sylor J-cob Wondei George li.

Mr. Potter dinner will bo ing, the 17th i SVCCE A PERIRS 1F an4 thl-their depredatl ports of their a yesterday shoi Hastings, the drew from the off the bands desk in au oCi Ko. 1J6 Ful out to lunch. ing hia absened locked with stolen from th been disturbed ronueeted wit the robbery. stolen from th of the balldLu cumstances.

Snesk thievi Anguelo, on Maiden-ialne. the packing- vertently left valued property has 1-arly on man called at "7 Irvinc-pl; and handed id servant asked swer. 1 he when the found that the taken with bl in the hall. The apartm ment house sneak thieves on Saturday Jewelry value A.V A The brig; Belize. Hon doned vessel St.

Antonio, A boat was lo strange vessel loaded with for Havana. feet of water Instruments were la a eon second mats and the prize Capt, which arrivetll be bad cyclone was frora the son held south -east. Tbe cyclone loll of 0 ien the raiders tv d.thedistiliV TO AMERICA'S FIJI END. rox 'vTincn mr. thomas bailky TER HAS ACCEPTED.

np; letter has been sent to nr. Potter Ntw-YoflK. Oct. 25, lTf). Jf.

four visit to this country has given your friends here, who have been opportunity to return in some small de- sy aud hospitality which they hsve fou on the oihr side of the Atlantic. than your personal kindnesses, creat been, do they recogulze your steadfast eir country at a time when friend-hlng. -It is but a few years since wo i a civil war which threatened our suce. At that time many whom we frands before grew cold nnd indifferent Hut you, standing clone bend John Lriht. nver wavered In our cause.

In Parliament arllamont you were known as the friend speaking and writing, and the most your means in diffusing information Kingdom, you iiid perhaps more man to enlighten Hritish opinion in (great strugzle. These things we re- yonr honor. Americans will cut fay of prosperity, those who stood by day of adversity. We regre that vour is so brief, and would request tiist ave you wnuid meet voar friends in ner On some evening which mav suit ce. that we may once more take yeu nd tell you how truly wa appreciate faithful fVioudthip to our country.

sy aincerely yours. K. D. Morgan Bge, McCreery 'yrus S'. Field.

J'rowii rtrothers Iexel, Moreaa rt A. A Low. kice, Moiton. Illiss A fn, Chittenden. Samuel Sloan, John 1.

John T. Agnew. aae. iuslow. Lmier Uiton, J.

ir W. eliiinan Jsup. Paton Franklin Kdson. David Dows thkvick II. Samui'l 11.

Henry A. Oakley. Henry K. ood, I-uac X. I'helps.

table, Francis A. aiker. ilierman, H. C. Falinestock, ns, falem H.

Wales, I.lliott Shepsrd. V. T. Hatch A- John A. Stewart, n.

1 heodore 1 'rcier. W. 11. I.e. -Marshall O.

Roberta; Ambrose Snow, Stewart Woodford, er, Daniel C. Kobbins, l. C. Ilaidwin, Tliotnas Denny, Sinclair Tdusey, Geore C. 2Jaroun.

(bhnston, T. H. Van Allen. J.iliu A. Gray, r.

D. F. AppletoD, J. W. Jr as accepted this invitation, and the iven at Delmonico on Monday even- iU tbn SFCI.

SNEAK TniETES. ROBBERIES MONEY. CIGARS. OYEKC'OATS STOI.EX. es were unusually successful in ns on Satnrdsy.

as the following ro-ploits made to Police Head quarters Saturday afternoon Mr. A. H. shier of the Adcertiser, lisnk $4 13 for the purpose of paying i the o.lice. He left the money on a eon the sixth floor of the, building -street, locked the door, qnd wnt When he returned he found that dur- the door of the ode had boon keys, and the moner had been desk.

Nothing else in tho office had It is suspected that some person the establishment was eoneemml in Uess than a month aeo StiOt) wer cashier's oSGre ou the ground floor under almost precisely similar cir- i the cigar factory of J. R. top floor of the-building No. 104 en Saturday afternoon, and took from room, the door of which had been open, a quantity of Ke'na Yirtoria Slao. No clue to the thieves or the ohtajned.

eveuiug a well-dressed von the residence of Mr, John Wallace. No. wnue tne lamliy were at dinner, a note addresied to Mr. "li-. Th him Into the parlor to wait for an an- ne waa simply ah appeal for alms, and servant returned with the iiu young man had disappeared, and bad i several overcoats Irom the a Tlie val ue of the property stolenHs 1 duts of Mrs.

C. F. Pctrv. in the No. 314 First-avenue, were visited bv uring tbe absence cf the occupant's craning, and robbed of cioihinn- and at $70.

by-en Saturday RJLSDOSED BRIG PICKED TP Peterson, which arrived from yesterday, fell ia with an abaa- ven miles west-north-west of Cape Oct- 3, during her outward passage. wered from the brig and rowed to the which proved to be the brig Alice, d. She was hound from l.inviAl bad been abandoned' with several i her bold. The ad been taken away, and the decks fcaed condition. The Captain sent bia several sailors oa board tha Alio krew brought her into Helire.

dtas. ran), SB Alexander, SHIP JX A CTCLOXE. of the ship Alhambra, front Antwerp yesterday, report! that faissge. On Oct, 29. at 4 a neoantered.

At first the wind came -south-west, then it wen arnat to then bask again to soath-toath-west. two nonra. and waa followed by a The bareiaeter was raoidly ro- anil listed lac up. when the wind suddenly became a terrifis hurricane from tbe westward. A furious sea was on.

and the ship was buried in spray and foam. The tar-go. wnieh bad bees properly secured, consisted of old Iroa. This waa thrown bodily forward wbea the ship rolled heavily. Tee sails, which bad been anng-ly furled, were blown from their gaskets, making re rms which sonnded like the discharge of cannon, verything about the decks was rapidly getting adrift.

The crew were kept busy relashing the spare spars and the coils of rope on the decks. The hurricane lasted two hours, and then the wind settled down into a heavy westerly gale, which continued about 30 hours. BILLIARDS UNDER NEW RULES. A TOCRJfAMEXT IX WHICH RAIL PLAY WILL EE RESTRICTED THE PROGRAMME. The Collender Billiard Tournament will begin to-morrow evening in Tammany Hall.

It will mark a new and important development in billiards, and will introduce to the public for tbe first time the new "champion's game, the features of which were described In The Tl f.s some time ago, when the game yras invented by a well-known billiard authority of this City. The game has been considerably improved since its general plan was first published and eopyrlghtel by Mr. Collender, and und-r the present rales is calculated to bring out the real merits and scientific beauties of the French carom srame. The chief imirovement by which these results are accomplished is the partial restriction of "rail-nursing," a style of play though requiring the utmost delicacy oftouch and technical skill, has be-a so thoroujjrfy mastered by experts that it has become tiresome to the average spectator. The restrie'ion of it issecured by the drawing upon tbs clotb of tbe taole four straight lines from the fscepfthe eushkSns on the end rails opposite tho first diamondor "sieht" to the face of the side cushions opposite the second diamond or "sight," These balk" lioes.cutting off four triangular xpaces in thaiour corners, tako away inches of the sing" surface of tbe end rails and inches ou long rails.

Hut one counting carom can be upon the balls within these spaces, and tha hot must drive at least one bail nut or the player surrenders his inning to his opponent. To make the iarce rnns heretofore recorded at the old game it will, therefore, be neeesary to cross from rail to rail, avoidiug tbe "balk" spaces, a feat ditlicult of accomplishment. It is argued that tills difficulty will force tl.e players to resort to "open table play, which certain admirers of billiards claim is the only true stylo of plav worthy tne name of billiaras. There are other new features in the game, oue leaving it optional with the player, i a of tho of the balls, to play from the "'string'' or to carom from the ball with which the "cue-ball" is not in contact. It is expected that besides thus bringing out "open-table" play, the new game will go far toward equalizing tue chances of tao various players for honor places, and thus greatly add to the interest of a contest.

Formerly the strencth of certain players at "rail-nursing" left little or no doubt in the spectators' minds as to their winning prizes and honor places. Now it will be a matter of pome little difficulty to predict who will tak the prizes, and especially who will bo the honor man," and carry oil the trophy. Owing to the improvements in the gamo the tour, nament contests are to be of lioo poiuts each, instead of 00(1, as formerly, aud there are to be five prizes, ranging from 91,0 to $100. The player carrying off the hrst pme will also win tho trophy, a handsome gold medal typical uf the ehampiousr.ip. and entitling the bolder to title of "Champion of the Champions." 'lhe players entered aro Jacob Sebasfer, holder of the lirunswick world's championship; Georie 1.

Slosson. William Sexton, Albert Gamier, A. P. Kudolphe. Maurice Daly, liandulpli Heifer, and F.ugene Carter.

Slosson's practice play has been most noticeable for skill and good judgment. To-morrow evening two games will be Played, introducing Champion Sehaefer. who will play Kucene Carter, and Albert Gamier, who will cross cues with Maurice Daly. The programme is so arranged that one game will be played each afternoon and two each evening. The tournament will continue until the iust.

tL DISAPPEARANCE. A MISSING OROCEH AP.SEKCE WHICH HIS FRIEXDS ARE CXAP.T.F. TO EXPLAIN. Superintendent Wallinc was r.otified yesterday of tho disappearance of.Thaddous II. yuiek.

who has been mysteriously absent from his houio and place of business since Tuesday evening last. The missing man is a member of the firm of Oui-k A who keep a large grocery store at r.e Hundred and Twenty-fourth-streot and SKth-svemie. He is a man-led man of steady habits, and with his -wife and child occupied a handsomely -furnishe'l riat at No. (.1 East One Hundred and Thirtieth street. Uis wife and child are at present abseut from the City on a to relatives in Zacesville.

Ohio. Dnring their absence (Juick hail been living alone in tbe apart-uieut. and getting his meals from a neichborihg restaurant, i election day the store was closed at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, end Mr. (Jnirk went to his home. lie called at an oyjier ealoon at One Huudred und Tweuty-fifth-street and Thlr avenue at about o'clock, and ordered two oyster fries arid a dozen oysters ou tho half-shell to be to his rooms at clock in tho evening, itiilicating that he expected company to supper.

The oysters were sent as requested, and the waiter who delivered them is the last person who s.iw Mr. ss far as can be ascertained. He ui.l n'tt nppenr at tbe store the next day. and on Thursday his part ner been mo alarmed aud notified the missing man brother, inquiries were made among his friends aiid but no trsce of Lim could le obtained. Jiis apartments were broken open and were found in perfect order.

Nothing had been disturbed or removed, apparently, and the gas In the dining-room was turned down low, as Mr tuirk had gone out to return again soon, had not be, nc-eupiud since Monday None of Mr. ymck's clothing is missing, and if he has gone away voluurarily. he has not. as far as can be ascertained, taken a change of clothing with him. His friends in Zanesville have been telegraphed to.

bnt thev have no tidings of him. Tiie friends and reiitives of Mr. Quick say they cannot account for his dis-ippearauce. He not in any financial and bis domestic relations were of tbo must piea.iut l.ature.

Kis partnership accounts are all straight, and his partner is at a loss to account for his disappearance. Tho bank account of th firm has not been tampered with, the cheek drawn by Quick having been drawn on the 31-st When he left the store on ele-tion day lie had $'JM in his possession, and a handsomo gold watch and heavy told chain. He was dressed in a Kail business suit of good quality, and he wore a Kail overcoat. He is about llu years of age, has dark hair aud and wears a fu.l beard. THREE II I 1 'A YME ARRESTED.

AS ATTEMPT TO RESCCE TWO OK THEht GO0r WORK DONE P.Y THE POLICE. While John Hoard, of No. Kighth-avenue, a District Tcieeraph me- senger, was colng along the Howery. ne-ir ilayard street, at an early hour yesterday morninj. ho was followed, by Joseph Smith, aged 1 years, and John Laydcn, aged 1-ayden crept behind him, aad, throwing his arm around his neck, seized his silver watch and threw it to Smith.

Beard is muscular, and when l.ay(!eu tried to get away ha found that he had met las match. Tin re was a desperate struggle between Heard and the two highwavmen, a-id a crowd gathered. Heard's cries for aid bronght to the spot. Offleers Wade and Ho- of the Tenth Precinct, and they arrested the robbers. A citizen picked up Heard's watch at the feet of Snrtli.

who had dropped it in helplnc his confederate in the effort lo free himself. A crowd of roughs gathered about the officers after the arrest, and violently assaulted taem with the design of forcing them to release their prisoners. John Wilson and John Lewis were conspicuous in their attempts to effect a rescue, and brandished a knile. Though their eloibea were torn, the officers eluug to ineir prisoners, and thev were pursued by the mob of roughs to the very door of the station-house. Here Oflieer Hradv.

who as on post, suddenly seized the ring leaders. Wilson and Ixwis, and before taey could recover from their astonishment, rushed them by into the station-house. The four prisoner were arraigned before Justice Duffy in the Kssex Market olice Court, yesterday. The magistrate held Smith and Layden to await trial for highway robbery, aud committed Wilson and I-wis to the island for a month, in default of bonds for their future good lebavior. While Henry HighrieM, of Williamsburg, was standing on Broadway on Saturday night he was approached by a man who suddenly seized his watch and attempted to run off with it.

Highf.eld cried for the I'olice, and an ofheer at once arrested the robber. In tbe Tombs I'olice Court yesterday be described himself aa an aeant. and said' his name was Charles Nelson. seemed astonuhed at tae rapidity with which tbe arrest was made, and complimented the policeman in court. Tbey tell me that an officer's never to be found wken he's needed." said Highiield to Justice Morgan.

bat this oue came right there, and at the right time." Nelson was held for trial. TESTIS A SEW ORG AS. The first public trial of a fine organ, built by George Jurdinc A 5on, for the Church of the Holy Innocents, was made yesterday dnrinz high mass, ta the presence of a large congregation. The test was In every resv-ct satisfactory. Selections from Geirea's Masses, Xos.

1 and i were sung by a eho.r of 14 voices, under the direction of Mr. Vi emstein, the organist of tne church. A on sacred music was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Me-Glynn.

Pastor of t. Stephen's Church, who said that ruuslc was one of the material helps to spiritual thoughts, aod that it had therefors been fostered by the church. All the beauties that we discovered ia music wete but faint lmaces of God's perfection and of the exquisite barmenv of all His works. To banish music from the chnrch would be the preacher aaid. to deny the existence of one of tbe most ueantitul instincts of the human heart.

Tho teworean coat 15.H)0. It has four banks of keys and two aad a half octaves of pedals. Its parts are tnus analyzed by the outlders The great organ contains 15 registers and ICS pipes the choir omen. 13 registers and 56?) pipes the swell organ, lo registers and 7l'i pipes; the solo organ, l'J registers aod 4 pipea the pedal organ. 12 registers and SCO pipes the coop.

er mowmenta, rvu-istera. aod the enmhioatioa vedaL 8 recistera. rusting a total of s7 rezUters and pipes. Last evening there was a eoaeert In the church, several of the leading organists of New York and i Brooklyn taking part. CITI MD SUBURBAN NEWS JfE W-YORK.

Jacob Struckenbnrg, aged 70. was found dead in his bed last evening in his room in a rear tenement house at No. 420 West Thirty sixth -street. Carl Knoops, a seaman belonging to the bark Olcrmeister. which arrival at this port yesterday, died of consumption on Nov.

7, and was bnried at ses. John Riley, a fireman on tho steam-ship Mikado, who, on Thursday, was sent to the Riverside Hospital, from Quarantine, suffering from smallpox, died there yesterday. Leah Silverman, an infant, died yesterday at her parents' residence. No, 16 Ludlow street, from scalds accidentally received on the 24th when a kettle of boiling water was upset npon her. Mary Russell, a young woman, of No.

441 West Thirty third-street, was knocked down by a ro-naway horse at Thirty-fonrth-street aud Broadway last eveuiug, but she escaped vith alight Injuries. Mary H. Ilehn, ajred or Xo. 21 Bayard-street, was struck on tbe head with a water bottle by her husband. John Behn, dnring a quarrel with him In their apartments, at 2 o'clock yesterday morning.

The husband escaped. Iuring a fight at a late hour o-n Saturday night, in Sixth avenue, near Twenty -eighth-street, between Joseph Tierney. of No. 304 West Fortieth-street, aud John Story, a resident of Korsyth -street, Tierney received a slight stab wound. Mory escaped, John Kyan, of No.

472 East Seventeenth-strset, 19 years old, while iu the allevway at No. "Ill liowery, at 1.30 o'clock yesterday morning, was struck on ths hesd with brick by a stranger, who escaped. Kyati, who received a severe scalp woucd, was taken homo. Mary Murphy, a vagrant, 10 years of age, was found at a late hour on Saturday night in the hallway of No. 33 Haxter-street.

suffering from severe burns. Her clothes had taken tire in sortie manner which she was too drunk lo explain. she was taken to iiellevuo Hospital. Dr. James J.

P.rotvnlee, who had been for several years an Inmato of SL Luke's Home for the Agel, in Hudson, died there, oa Saturday, from pneumonia. The Doctor was 70 years of age. He was a native of but had been a practicing physician in this City for nearly 30 year. Matthew Smelt, of I-lighty-first-streot and Eighth-avenue, 3 years old. who fell from the platform of tbe West Side elevated railroad at Fiftieth-street and Ninth avenue, on Thursday evening last, dud yest-rday at the Roosevelt Hospital from the injuries then received.

Coroner KUlngcr will hold au inquest in the case. r- Andrew a resident of the Netv liowery, 4 years old, was kicked in the face and severely injured by a stranger during a fight at 2 31) o'clock yesterday morning, in the bar room of Patrick Hickey, at the corner of Canal and Korsyth streets. He was taken to the Chambers-street Hospital, and his escaped. While Miss Thompson, of No. Ds Christopher-street, was passing through Illeecker street on Saturday evening, sue was attacked by Joseph Cullen, aged 17.

of No. 271 West Twelfth-slroet, who switched her pocket book, containing a small sum of money, from her han.l, and made off with it. He was captured by Patrolman Van Wart, of the Ninth Precinct, and. when arrsigned before Justice in the Jefferson Market Police Court, yesterday, he pleaded cuilty. He was committed for trial in default of $5l0 bail.

John Bannon, of N'a 'JO 1 Chni ry-strcet, years old, was arraigned yesterday before Justice in the Jefferson Market Police Court, charged with having euu-rrd the apartments of Kam-nelJ Landon. at No. 'Jl." Wooster-street. ou the sth while tho occupants were absent, and carried off clothing valued at ifiTili. The evidence against him was furnished by a wi.mao-to whom he had given rne of the dresses stolen and who was arrested while wer.ring it in tho street.

1'snnon was committed to prison in default of bail, and the woman wai sent to the Houae of Detention at a witness. HROOK.I.YN. Koundsman McMahon and Officer Craig, of the Vau street Station, arrested two men yesterday, nam. John Mcru! and Matthew i.rininj. who had in their row-boat, at tho foot of Conover-street.

11 Lags of cotti.n. and were unable to give a satisfactory account of how they came into their possession. The cotton is suppose. 1 to havo been stolen from oue of tho lighters use at the South Brooklyn docks. The Directors of the Ilrooklyn Library announce that Mr.

John Kiske, of Harvard Cniversity, will give his course of lectures upon suejects connected with American history, which were so well received in Boston and London, in the Art Association Morrtafue-strcet, begiituing his eveuiug. and continuing on the 1-th, 17tn. 'J lth, and Utitii inst. The subject this evening will be "Tno scovery ot America. IHirlurs filtered the saloon of Daniel No.

301 'j Atlantic aveuue, early yesterday by ruttinir out a pane of glass in a rear s'in low, and stole io worth of cigars and $15 iu inoiif y- They then kindled a llro behind the bur. and Went away. The tire died out without causing serious damage. William Dick, a lad of 17, ot No.

VJl Myrtle-avenue, was attest, on suspicion, but Was discharged by Cupt. Campbell. In tho courso of his sirrmou yesterday morning, theliev. Mr. lieerher remarked incidentally that there are but two objects of punishment above and below.

ne is the preservation of society, tun other the reformation of the criminal. The infliction of infinite and endless punishment for anv other object is a token of demoniac erm-lty. It is demomuc and not divine to iatiict pain for the sake of If I said he, "that a Ood stood at the door whore men go out of lite, ready to send them down to eternal punishment, my soul wotdd cry out 'Let be no (i.d 1 My instincts would say, 'an-nihilaU turn I.OSC ISLAND. A IJ-ytar-oid child of leorgo Zuener, a resi-dout of Hicksville. ou Saturday night, while sleeping iu its crib in the room with its parents, was finothered to death by the family cat, which was found lying across the child's face.

F. (Berber's at Richmond ti ill, was broken iuto by burglars, early on Friday morning, and a quantity of liquors, cigars, was stolen. A 'ter ransacking the saloon and cellar, they went iuto the bedroom where Gerber aad Lis wife wero asleep, and took (ierber clothes, containing all his money. In their baste to escape they lett a five gallon demijohn of gin in the back yard. Attempts havo been made iu the courso of the past week to auter and rob the Kpiscopal churches at llewletts.

Newtown and Maspeth. but without success. The otlieers of these as well ss other churches In (Queens Couuty are about to put iu b.irglar-aiarins communicating with the Ij11s. frimilar to tbe one which has several times prevented tbe robbery uf the Kpiscopal church at Jamaica. The schooner Kate M.

Cobb. CanL John s'i-monson, is uow ia Huntington Harbor for repairs, having been struck by lightning when off Lloyd's Neck, in tbe Sound, dnring a thunder-storm ou Monday morniDg. The lightning ran down the mast, completely shattering it and destroying the then entered the cabin, tearing it lonieccs. and fouml Its way out through tbe side of the vessel above the water-line. NEH-JERSEY.

Alexander I'arkcr, a boy, has been missing from the hocio of his parents in Kearney since Friday. The) prizes distributed at tho close of the Newark walking-match at midnight of Saturday weie as follows: Charles Harriman. $.00. a gold watch, and 30 for the neatest eo.tume Walker. 30; Noden.

ss'JOi) Armstrong. Tha prl -e for tho best style walking was divided between i'reuss and Uairaii. (itort-e Esrey. the boy whose skull was fractured by two Italian musicians oc Union-street, Jersey- City Heights. Friday, was still alive last evening.

During tbe day he had frequent eonvulsious. and there were no indications that gave hope of his recovery. Tbe physicians say that he may linger for eight ot ten days. The Police were not notified of the nisaalt on Friday until over two hours after It had been committed, ar.d up to a late hour last niabt tbe assailants of the lad had not been eaptared. FATALLY RICKED IS TUE STOMACH.

James Murphy, a laborer. 30 years of ajre, died in SL Francis's Hospital, Jersey City, yestorday. from injuries received at the hands of Timothy Murphy. The two men were not relatives, but boarded in the same bouse In Constable Hook. On election day they quarreled over tbe issues tbat excited the Jersey City politicians, and words soon led to blows.

James waa filially Knocked down by a well-directed blew from 'liuiothy, and while he lay prostrate, Timothy, it la alleged, kicked him in the stomach. It was uot at thoucht tnat James had been seriously injured, but he was unable to leave his bed on Wednesday ruoruimr, and. finally, he became so 111 that his removal to tae hospital was necessary. He lingered until last evening. County Physician Converse, who was notified, made a post-moitem examination Oi the body, and discovered that the walls of the stomach bad been rnptnred by the blows, and that the rupture had caused death.

Coroner Paralow waa directed by tbe Coaoty Physician to hold an inquest. Timothy Murphy, the alleged auaiiaot. waa arrested Thursday, bnt be escaped, and it still at lare. The Police are looking for him. JTISSIXO FOR THREE WEEKS.

Inspector McDermott tm informed last nlht that Alice Alonzo, a girl 12 years of age, had been missing from her home. No. HO Henry-street, for three weeks past. Her mother sent tbe girl ont to do an errand for her, and store tnst time she has not returned home, and no tidings of bar have been received. Her father, who ia a sailor, returned borne from a voyage to Savanna yesterday, and on learsinc that the eiild was missinz informed the Polifia.

Mrs IImm mmA 1... ntans anas tne reason abe bad sot reported tbe disappearance of the girl before waa tbat she had to care for two small end-dren, and could not leave the louse, aad bad nobody to send to tbe Police station. A ceaeral alarm was sent oat last night to all tbe station hoawa U-r acting that search be made for tbe misalag child. TUE riTCAIRN ISLANDERS. THK HOME OF THE t'ESCtVDANTS OF TBI BOrXTY MCTIXriR8.

"The following account," says the London Daily Sev-M, "has been received of a visit paid to Pltcairn Island by the officers of Eer Majesty's ship Onal: We have jnst left a place of great interest, namelr. Pit cairn Island. After a thirty days' pss-ssge from Ssa Francisco we sighted the island at 8 A. M. on the -d of July, and at 10 o'clock anchored off Bounty Bay the first time a man-of-war haa anchored there for about 20 years, it being customary to steam off and oa the island while communicating with it.

Immediately on oar arrival, the Islanders launched a boat through the snrf. and came off with a quantity of fruit for ns. The chief magistrate, whose name is MeCoy, came on board, as did also tome of the Vonngs and Christians. I say advisedly some of them, for It Is very difficult to find ont who is who on the island, they all being Youngs, Christians, McCoys, or Warrens, although a fashion is coming into vogue, owing to the confusion caused by there helot: only about five names between 93 persons the total population of individuals assuming names. Thus, one of the Christians has taken the name of Do wnea and is bringing up a family under thai cognomen, while another has assumed the name of Selwyn, If thia eontinnes into a few generations it will' be hard to trace their connection with the original name of "Bounty." At 1 o'clock a number of the officers landed, and this Is how we did it.

We went tu oue of our boats to some distance from the shore, and then anchored, for ws could not get through the heavy surf wnich is always runninjr there. However, the islanders, who managed their boat admirably, eaine off for us. ac.d took the whole party, numbering lit in two trips, without even camping us. Some ef the people were on the beach ready to meet us. and a great deal of band-shaking at oree took place.

We then started for the settlement no an exceedingly steep hill, aud as it had been raining heavily for two or three days we found some dim-euity in climbing, especially after having beea live weeks on board. At the top of tbe hill almost all the rest of the people wero assembled. I was toe first up. arriving about three paces in front of our chaplain. Then eusued more How do you do some of theui beinir so anxious to talk that before you na-l time to ask they would say weiL thank you." "Continuing our walk abont a hundred vsrrts or so, plots of sweet potatoes, we came to the houses: and then the ehureh and school-house.

We went iuto the church, and Miss Mary Young, who is 'sehool-mistress. plared some of Moody and sankey hymns on the harmonium, several of the women at the same time singing, and not unpleasantly. All the houses are completely hidden in tho trees. so that from tbe sea the Island looks uninhabited, unless you have sharp eyes and can distinguish cleared patches under ruilivatiou. The principal things cultivated are yams, aweet potatoes, and pumpkias, although there are many other kinds of vegetables grown.

I noticed of sugar-cate and coflee-ulants at. parent. growing without ary need of cultivation. The inhabitants make anft'eietit coarse sugar for tl.elr owu user aod very good salt ismade by tho evaporation of the sea waier. 1 have seen a far Inferior article used in South America- Vegetation is very wild.

anrt. there is a heavy growth of ferns. Oranges crow in the wildest profusion, and. after eatiug them In many parts of the world, I must say 1 never tasted any lo equal in excellence tho Pitcairn oranges. F.very one who visits the island makes the same remark.

Tue bread-fruit tree docs not tlourlsh so well at Pitcairn as at Tahiti and other South Sea islands, and at present, the cocosnut trees do not lar vury well. This, however, could probably bo remedied by the introduction of fresh plants. Lammas, rhiritnoyas. and plantains are in great abundance from the sneeuleut stem of the last they make an ink, which, however, fades away pretty soon. I 1 animals, they hsve pigs and a few sheep, while in the highlands there are goats, which the shoot; there are also ducks and fowls and a few pigeons.

I observed many of tiie ducks and fowls feeding on oranges, which would have eaused some astonishment to an farmer. Cotton is grow, ing well, and hopes wero entertained that encugii would soon be produced to enable the islanders to ohtaln everything they rt.iuired by bnrteriug with tbe vessels which occasionally visited them. I obtained most of my information from Miss Young, wr.orn I was astonished lo find so well educated, as she could converse iluently on any subject, and had a very fair Knowledge of botany. Her mother is the daughter of an American named liul.ett. who settled on the island many years ago to teach Uio people to read and write, lie is now -Q years old, ana is livine at Norfolk Island.

From the church we proceeded to lee tie tomb of John Adams, who was the last survivor of tho nintineers, and who first instructed ti.e islanders in religion. The grave is situated among a cluster of orange- and guava, and has a neat headstone, which was sent out from Devon-port. From the tomb we next went to visit th i bounty's gun. which one of ouf Lieutenants, the Paymaster, und I roiled right ov, r. to the great amusement of the islanders, none of whom had ever seen it moved letore.

After a sisirt stay at Simon Young's hone, wheio we were supplied with quantities ot fruit, wo returned on board, the vessel re maining off the island all night- We again lauded on tbe following day, and under the guidance of iss Young obtained Bumu spletoli 1 specimens of afterward dining at the magistrate's house. I ought to mention that on the evening of oar arrival was a grand festival, for then was opened the organ which had brought from San 1'rancisco for tberj as a present from the yueeu. It is an American -or-gan, witn stops and swell, and very handsomely carved. On a silver shield in front is the inscription: A pre-ent from tl.e yueen to her loyal and dutiful subjects, the Pit airn Islanders, in token of hsr estimation of their domestic he first tune played on the organ was 'i ijd Save the tuerw. the wholes-population of men, women, and children jotting iu singing it, tl.e thoughtful present of bor Majtsty occasioning tho most intense delight and satisfaction.

During tho second day the islanders came on board and visited every part of the ship, the last of the party leaving for the shore just beforo dusk, when McCoy and Miss Young horn made appropriate little speeches. As the last boat pulled off from tl.e snip thev gave three hnrty cheers for the tueen. followed tore for tbe Opal, to which o-licers and re-poarled with three cheers for the Pitcairn s. They then pulled away, singing as they went oue of Moodr and Sankey hymns, --pull fr.r the shore, followed by (iod Save the We then weighed and Pitcairn Island. It may bo said of the islanders tnat.

they are virtuous, industrious, and weil educated; that ap pareutly they live perfect harmony, lb whole population appearing as a happy family, all working for th common good that they are truly a religious race, and although they have. 'as it were, been made pets of by Knglaud on that account, to their credit be it said'thai their rlign.n is devoid of hypocrisy. I should mention that some photographs wei-e taken by Capi. Lr.biuson during the time we remained at the PASSESOERS ARUI YEP. in fitamhp rt frrrn I.

J. William Halt, N. Mitvi.ll, lu-vid Thorn. Capr. it.

Woo.1. J. Uarclav, Mciir rrrv. George W. H-iChes.

A Hell I'-irns. looiH-r. li. F. Jame-on.

McLur.iy. John Mcintosh. A. KoSertvoc, Mr. aiul Mrs.

Joiin ii clnl.i, William Duncan. David. Joi.n. mid Agues Young. Christina Mrs.

ul-Jui'o A. Chambers and Hire,) KoK-rt I'. V. I rew. Mini McDonald anJ child, v.

Br en. Mar IVden. II. Wr. Mr.

p. Annie Uiboon. Ale andcr and st alasactiiis "tr. Sunrises H. 1 1 I Sun sets 4.47 1 Moon rises.

151 moil water rui usv. r. m. m. w.

Sandy Gov. 4 Hell Ga-. 31 ARINlf IXTEI.LHIKNCi:. SE'iY-YOKIv Ainu piiT to Iivr.n Co Kenhani. fetoam C'ttijioolirtin Hitchitni.

(ifa'iw 17 wuh pijf ir to or ve-s-l to Jwhn Keiw r. Sttaru Lena, (br. ixiuii, lit d.v. with mde. nJ put-ncin to W.

Mi run. iiiam-bin lit i.ry iye Antwerp witii tle. and i-asonur to 'o. O. an Voville 31t.

uvitej. anl n. to li Strain-ship Hindoo. (Rr. i Stvon.

Hull Ot. lo and Boston Nov. 4, with ml t. and p.i. nj'T! to Su son.

Steam-ship Powhatan. Pri'-r, 'ej Ort. ith, Catarom Iain, and i.bra!tr ISth. with fri to Piisjip-, lir-iK. Co.

Steani-ciup City of At.ntA, Woouhull. "har5toa Not. 7, wittt mie. aud pAerng-r to J. W.

A Co. Wranoka, Couch. Kichui'md, City Point aud Norfolk. lo Oil Douimioa bt Co, Neptun Berry, P.octon, witn mdsa. and lo H.

F. LHoi-)l. K. Knrht. Gora-town.

D. C. and Alexandna, wiili ie. nnd -n to J. Roome, Jr.

ship Albamfcra. Alexander. Antwerp 33 with old irn, to order To-e! to Snow lVirteu-. Ship S. fcrctaen Sejit.

14, In ttallaist to Tbeo tor i.ur. baric PU Eyo-u St. Prre iH In 'ba! last to Daori. Mrve.ile Jt Co. Hnrli Cssnatantin.

i Braisn. L-ndon4Sda. to ordt-r ves'tet to Fnh. o. Barit AlmiraU Lau-r.

tj, Rich Flavors Msle from the finest Mexican Vanilla Boans. 5unas-ius in aroma aud taste all other rooVmj flav-rs. R-ai Ismllj and xm. i.rr.-rv to the bicht rte-ere- the tm avors of Ue fruit. Foe dlicscv an 1 ni-hn.

as wl. great ad prfct por' ty. tiH-v Ciav no tMiuai. As proprietors or tbe Kojal Csxine Towder. we assure pstrooi tbat tbe same standard of oweUcnce is adopted for the Royal Extracts as ia the Bak-m Powder.

For sale by all rirnrera. ROYAL. BAKIM; rOH DEK CO- New. York. In enprenarrels sol Brett, Sea Co.

Rnmi aw Bark Cbele. Praia ada. aUryport a. 'w baluwt to aaastevi Vai Bar Koec Carl. Xorw) KjiVh with ii lo ardTi TobtlTa ballast to loeava-k Co.

hark Samuel rl Mckersoa, Cole. Boenos Arras as ballast to Brett. $om Co. (SorW-' H'la' A1W MsJa Bark Apeantn. (ilaJLj UwaatA AnuWrdant IS A.

i lalat to matter. -m S3 Raek k-. rl as i 1. la ballaat to Snow Bnrg-ss. mM X.

Bark Denneistrr Von Wlolr. (Gt. 1 SVhM a esSer T7 ia ballast to Fanrh. Rdve Co. Bark Prwveaar.

Mortre. Aatwi-rn 41 a. empt, harrla aad Iron to ot-ler-veseef to Aasua win Cv. -a raV Bark tOer,) Oirlstoffer. TTamhore Mt with mdae.

to oissr-nusl to llermaa Kooa 4. Bark Joanblne. Stahl. ork 30 da, with irom tlTll. v.s to r.

H. Smith woW Bark Elhe D.j fiwr, Cow Bar 1 iK. 1 Perkins Cul-hhI to Raiton. Watson a Co. Bark Heh.

(Oer. NorUL. iarseillo bi da. la sn -to Kunch. Ed Co.

bJjsaJ Bark A. O. Ywire. (Norw .) Larson. Prwa A ba'las to Knnrh F.dvs A Co.

Bark Ptit (Br, Sleevoa. Gloaosatar ta In hallast to Scattmell BarkOrono. Miltrr. Antwerp 55 da. la Li last to master.

f3 Bark Tree Ibrovakl Turronovich. "vr 54 ds. In lllsst to ronch. Kdv A Co. Bark Monte A-i Olivan.

Urrrpool 40 da 2m. salt to order to master. Bark Dnc Frateill. Vainnria 6.1 ds. k.

ballast to I jiaro, Storev A Srtatu Bark Post. Hndrtrksn. Rotterdam so with Iron to ord-- vosvel to Tolnaa A Vt I1 1 1 I E. Morgan Co. Vfssl to J.

W. Flwoll A CeT Bark Iai.t. Vidullch. South amt) ton It d. Bark L.

onida.v (ItaL.) Knso, Rio Janiro 59 to mutrn Bark Anna, Plrrfn. 57 a. Hark Pisagoa 411 with atL-of soda to William R. ir.4 Co. Bark Kowena.

Miln. from Atwnlcvn. Brta Tcrif nffoj Lisbon tls. wl-h ulj HaseroTr A HtHnn. Brtir rlin.

Terlik. of and 5 fr.m I.lrero,,.! In la'last to master. Uric Tirtta, Bikiwti. Cartagena 4t! with lro, oistu. onlr v-k1 to Clspj.

A 1 o. Brig Waiter Seiith Malon-, llarsna Ot. 37 1 sngar to Ii avooievrr A Eld. v.rl to f. H.

Smith Bric Tnlu. Ptersn. BIi.e gl with uni L. tt VlNl sansn at Nan fi; eloulv- fiPOKE.V. Ot.

10. lat. 4 l.i. Ion. 11 HO ham Vorth-ra OlIA from KntfiTdnm.

for Yon l'J. laf. 4-4 6 Ion. 1.1 FnbrE, (ft from LuLus laiai.t, for I-'almoaiu. 1 CAR I.E.

Hsvnr. Nov. Tho i.rrl TrsnsatlsotV! t'as strain-shir l-ire, Cait. Sutc'l. from sw York (fcr.

'Jl. arr. at tiovl.n Saturitsv afternoon. Th steam-slnit Canada. Capt.

Krau-uel. benca fot Ncw Yori at i r-lock this vrnine. Hamiii'h, Tti llan.birs American Uai st-siiiKliip Cap'. Kuhlewi-in.

f-r New-York isld. yesterdav. Xv. Ian. stam liip Wiilim 1.

apt Held. h. from Nw-Yori ta ltt. for Ham l.ti rjj; lii.s tn fliirualt.d ths Lizard Movr.i.r, Tun Allun stin-sMa Sardinian, ('apt. liiitcon, from iur-Vo Let.

Ill, for L'ar-pool. arr. hr t(-liy. llKiri. Nov.

-Th stam-hlp ITaanover tiaaa HorTmsn. from New irltai.s Oct. '(, for Hn-msni rla llanra, has arr. 1 14TF1 STKtLT ANTl CTH AVEXl'E. r.RAXD CENTRAL .1 FAXCT AXOjMiY F.ST A BLtSnMCST.

AT I'OITLAR I'RICEi rorrLAR fioons at rorcLAR rRirF.s. i rF.cIAL SALE OF SILK. SfiKT 1 joj. TSI'AL 1 I 5J5PIECKS Kltll VKLVET FlXIsg.





AT I OI PP.KTs. 01 DEPRTMEST OF HOSIERY AXi 1-VDKRWfAr; FOR LADIES AXDCHILDKE Wll.i. BM Fo: XD ALL THE LtAtt IN'i sljkl.Es. AV; (J'l T.ITIL:". AT p.ilY LOW COMPLETE of OFNTLEVES furIbtzsbing GOODS, neckwear, collars, ci.tfs.





jACXr0X. ADMIXliTRAj-KIX. SO. 777RRO ADWAT X- CANARIES. We have w.ia of the iiml ae(tes ssrinfi tv(uxbt to th: errantry.

ci ae4 fcear thvni kias at ti Ji ANHATTAS BIRD SToRW i.TH AV COii-sii or -o -T-.

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