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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 6

New York, New York
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ID AKD 3D RERIER. PKn CEST. CIRAECY CKRTIFI- CATER. DEBS from BANKS and BANKERS, for the PURCHASE aad HALE of Gntramnt Stock fi-aatedON FAVORABLE TERM aad rib DISPATCH. AM or ail eeenritle dealt is at the Stock Exchange.


im I tto? aale of fJNsllvI STAIE to-YEAR P1R CENT. BO.ND8, ffasiil ia aid 4 tM Central Pacific a- and of tba CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD STATE AID lWNDS, bearing CENT, interest in GOlJJ, DUAKAMtU) and PAID by ts STATE OF CALJ-tCRNlA. Auwiau ef Beaka, Bunti aad ethers received an W11I14 irrw. Ore. rs for tbe percaase and sal af MSeeeiiarjeeio aa anu EoaOs, executed wito cara ana rnaiiwi REGULAR STOCK UCHANGB.

m. mx. mio. a. rtiwiri.

Wtf. A HENRY CLEWS tbeoceaaor to Urrrnore, Clew. A Co-J BANKERS, No. 3K WALL-ST, NaW-YORK. UNITED WATER VRITIES) 1 Fl Ht HAbkb AND -FOR SALS.

All krada oa band, ready for aulwl delivery, at tba tewset market prvre. atAPOSIlb IS CURRCTrT AND GOLD RECEIVED. Aoonnntaof hank, bankers and individnale so'tcited. 9CVH FEB CENT. INTEREST AM ON ALL DAILY BALANCES Whim may be checked fur without tioliee.

OaPertion mads promptly aa ail tfinte. Orders tut stock, leuads axid goMi aacotei cn om-aaafairn. alold forpaymrat of dnoator aal ia eoma te aoit. i State of uovwiava. Eikttivf.

Di.pabtmknt, i Iw. fi. 111 ACCORD At WITH THE PROVISION'S af an art of tha General Aseemr-ly, hereto aoaeaed. 9aJe ara invitei and arm to receivva toribirty ciara, ina Jan. 31.

IMA ior the of one mi Iid Mlara cf tvoda af the Etala. payable in twenty jfi. tnr mtereat. nayabla eemi-anoiialT, at ire rata ot mbt rr rentom per annum, and terored tba edpe the proeeada of tha aalee of Uia ubuc or ewatnp aw beMirtna' to cue ocare. luda sill La received aa lew aa one thousand dollara.

to kaad4irjaaed to tha Governor cf the Ktate, and 'rtopueaia lor tne parrnaxe i oonoe. For tha information of capitaKata and there who a ertah to invert in three bonda. a rtatenient te anneied, kvapared by tha Hmgjmter ot toe Land Ortce, ho wins Im aanbtr af acrea of awamp laud remaininjr nnaold. aad front vhtcu. it will be imtd, toe aecurity offered for ana eedeaiptioa of tha bonda and tha payment of the no on ibiereet, ia ample ana certain, tin me preaent tvwtiM of pat-er currency oeww lira eiannarq at tbM bonda offer inducemrnta for inveatuent- of pita I that -cannot tail to be appreciated bythe moneyed of IU ceuatry.

Ooekmor of Louiaiana. (No. SS.1 Tf Ait to actorire tha Ciorernor to rarnc tba boada of aba htate for the amount ot one million ot ttollara and to provide for the payment of the hum, to defray tha awpeneeeef boildina leeeea, in accordance with tha aorttTactw made by him aad tba Levea daamieaioaera appointed for that purpuae. Sata TKW 1. if aarid 1 tkr Mnaafe aad Hoavc af Kaywo.

Bfatafli or far SttU mf bomnmmm aa aVaemf AwwaaMe eoa-amad, That tba Uoeeraiar of thia atata batahy astbor-Ead to ieena tba bonda of tba State, to be aitroed by bim. kadoounteraicned by the secretary of atata, and eeaied fcvfeb tba aaal of the (Mate, tnaamraa be aball think aaaper. tip to tha amoont of one million of dollara, pea a-faa ra twenty years, and beannc utareat, payable ww tannally, at tha rafci oi eicbt per cent am per anonm stac iM fmrtArr eaorHf. Tbe tne governor, aniuuctioa vrrth tba Board cf Levea -ommteeioaera, aaali advertiaa for thirty days is tba attrtai paper, sod avaotbar papers, pub.iahed ia the I Hf af New-Orieana, mr prrninaalii fur the porcbaeeoi tba bonda lavsed nndar at pruvikiKMOf thie act: and apon the receipt of Ibe Mde tlie fjovernor and Board of Commieeioiiere ahail aw tha power to accept or reiect the aame. aa they may ma beat: provided that ia tba avert ot tba bid peine ssyler par and rejected, tba (ioverBor and Hoard of I oro-aaiaamnera aball be ana are hereby authonced to ede-e anad bomla, or auy part toereof.

to tnirrow tha money aateenary to carry cut tne provicicrna of tnia act, until asa Leainlatnra ehali otnerwiea prvior or direct. tor fx fwnhr Tnat to aecare the pay- vaenf of tha aaid bonda and all interest that may acrrae Siemos. all the proceeda of the aale of the public or anaia nii belonajinv to toe fitate are hereby Dleiiirud. ta 4. it further enmftrO, that if durinp the vcar.

pmceeiia ni tne eaie ot panne or rwampianda oeiony- lo tne ruate vo pieuKcii hv uie rrarnputBi- hiq after learning aa tsmni asmcient to- meet tns it ea.npoaa, there ahoald be aaarplna, eaid aorptna I ra applied to tne purchase from the kiweat bidder to kMimia leaned under act. and tha governor Uia CommieeMinere or a maiority of them, abaii have nirht of rejecting all bids, demandina more than the i of the boude. for which turrr-e public notice ahall iveii be the (votrraor tn the ottK-ial faaevte and one sr aaaette is or oat of the tate. tor aimty dayv, mvit-nropnaaia from bosdholuere for thf aaie of lbs uia neecribed. Stco-E That Una act aball taka eBect frctn aad after daned) DUSCAR 8.

CABF, Cpeakar of tbe Hcumo of fti'Tf eentatiea. vMtrned ALBERT VKRHIKts Lieutenant (Sovernor aad rreeideit of tbe besata. Apnmeed Dec 30. lobo. tpiKlleui J.

MAPldOR WFTXR. Gover or of tba btaaa of Loaiaiana. V. 4 re copy: J. II.

1 tfaalrmaut ol ad othcee cf I Xiietricf, A true copy: J. II. Kecretarv of Ftate. Malrmaut of unaold Hwamp Land ia tba different otncee of tne rjiaie i iuiBiana: Lneold hwamp Lanue a tba lat Nov, trL fiwamn Sold aince Landa re a.ainina: asaold. thweatern Z.n,1i- 67 3T ati.tfas 37 fatp at 3l at 1 .) 21 16X1(1 11 i Had eia.fc ax i Sweaters 3r.eUi re.

214. til 1,4. 1U SU 9eUfo7 Babum Lxa. 31 LaUI.Vao ut Mal. tt 911 e.44.M7 A DO IP CPRE, Kaciater of Land Office.

DEfaBTMINT. -I Omci of CoatmoLLEH or tub Ccbbfhcy, WlfcRMflTllV. llec. 'JS. 1MIA I1THEREAS, BT HAT1SFAC1 URT EVI ft liiLXt'K nraapntad to the nnderaisned.

it haa neei le to appear tbat tha Mechanioa and Trader Na il Dana, in tne t.ty or jvew-xora. ia tne t.oonty of York and Btata of New-York, baa been duly orran- I asder aad aroordisc to the rea.uirementa of tha act aecored yaniadaaof United blares beads, and to for the cireulatMra and redemption tbereol, ap-1 June A Ktit, aad baa complied with ail tha pro-i of aaid act reuuued to be comnlied with balarw tsesim ni iiifj bqaineee aader aaid act. Kaw, Ibandora. I'turuii Ci-aBBB. CosspU alter of Ska Oarrenoe, da hereby eertify that the stecnasiea' and fraiin' Natarmai Ataak vi tba Jrty of Jaw-Verk.

in tba fjety of Iew-iora, ia Uia ouaty of sew-1 or a and Mats af Near-York, aa authorised to eommasca tha baataaaa af baakins, nndar tba act aforesaid. 'aat alUB. iJiU 2bi dse of Deeemhsr. TUEM.MAS CLARK. fas.

LOt. Comptroller. A L.J A HfjC COAL LAIIXt FOR LEASE. THE tHJAL HIDGE I If PROVEN EST A JiD tOAL SOMPANY prepared to tesea tbsir loads, ei tasted war stouat Csraael, Kortanmberland ooaty. Peaav, tasn iniii fSil uaa in ana bsata af abont four miles in fasarth.

in which ara the celebrated -Mammoth, hkid- asara aad etber eeisa af ant a nail ty of cosl. The Mia mi aad liask vans bavs bees worked to I aa bash tne aortb aad aouta dtpe. Tkt Lahifib aad tdaaoaoy Raitroaa landa. aad will he Drsoarsd to earr cnaA oa liatl at next aeaaan, aaakina: a drrect outlet to 4711 aa- bm euxec aatppiss; jpoiata asar niaviora. aosaastioaawith tbe Sisa Hill and atppias poista with tha an Vsllesand II tba absmokia Valley aad Korthsra Caatral Ksi(- ei vine a Soothera atsrkst ts Baltams- lakaa aad has by tba oBtUbary and Erie Railroad to tAa ae yera.

aaaanasaa at Mfstat ca to rseaTa? rj'wj' as asdiraad esewe'leaar if fa fartaar atforatstioat. aapty a (hraet ta taa saboe af asaaeanpsay. Ao. MM waJiNtrswrbiiadripbta. joo- f-i.

wktutiT, fraaiaaat. OS CITY ATOChCn. rhK IK. i Stooks aad toads of tba Corporal ioa of -York, das ascl psraMe IrlxL IMaa. vnU daa Or IJAAUU.

LbVLLai. Cauuabar- i lli.ilaa flask Tba tjaaafaar hooka wi il be elnaed ea Tsssday.sth mat. LAI tuw DSCH.1U, fompusiiex. rtBTirrirToy Kl-faack, Osttolibb i OrrrrB, Hbw-YobA. Jan.

A lie. Tabs Faftx frrarlfTii VsrrArt, laanrs Ko. Frss-e-r. IT A JPlRKTrSO OK THE THI DTEES staas- toa TA Ui AAKJt KHI at itiarAar, sM Jan. ImA a divtdesd of Oaa Par Cast, apoa eaawrsaaMsi stock ot oaa auUion dollars, waa declared seaaaia en.

s. pjeasn. se tra 1 1 as a. Aiaclwsii 't -i i AtOti nU ARTU. rVacastary RORHOOD ck LOCKWOtiD, BROKSRI bTOCKS, bOXT9 ASD GOYIR3ME3IT SfX'L'RlTlES, afSeR T.

8tock AUrliiata. lats at iv At-tt vuAfA At a mast raff wf taa Board af rhreeares af this Com-' fan staf tha sty a simlrtdaf IV CaM. at tsf lailimJ axoeh was dscarwd aayabea aa aad after ak 1. at tba vranaf ar sftia af tha r' rraT Ko. AtMsldew mite.

eW-York. Te Trejaafer books wiK be eirwad frees tba lSh mat. oath days sariamva. a S. GIPUR.

ee. assaaora I era sr Baa da assds. IITRREiT 1 tarsal aa ttM kfaaOtyaf itew ii asasad oaa task ik. Af aVOA tj rttr ti haiei to WALL-Jtr aasnBOOirilFTtf lAL A5DTK ATttFRS-CSEOITS FOR LSJi IS THE COUNTRY i' AHi AbMVAkt 6JL.RVl-t WHITE, BASKERS. We.

4 BbOsdwai aad No. if Krw-Ytkk. Ciaeaiamtnt Sersritiev, Pc! an IVold booabt a anosmias torn A eesaam af Caaba, Haaasra and webers es torte trrm. AlI.HllAU lli HKHEiiV rnvea that ISe aaaasl meet ice of Uia vahoidTra of Pabaqos aad ha City Ka-l aJ aia-n, taa Umm Uirectars, end take plaee at toe ntS.w4 tea Ta nsoqus, iva.on klO.MOA and 1 1 r.M.A k. ah.

Iwt. L.l't. cvor. JftailaitaA; FINANCIAL. 4 SrrrBjraj u.

CoiroaCT, New-Ysrk. Dstxd JfOf xixoa. Charleaton, 8. Fa M. Tro, i Baranaab, Ga.

BTAV0B tBEBaUX. I- Kaw-Ysrk. CONDICT, SHERMAN BAXKERR, Ifo. 17 HABSAU-STi. tiEW-TORK, Girt) special attanUoa ta eoilecUoaa tbrasFboat tha Boa tb era Htates.

8olieit depraiU, object to check at Btght, tram basks, baakara aad individuals, aad allow iataraat by aeTesmaat. Eaacaaa srdsra prompter fa tba porch aee aad enls af ttoid, aad a fraearameat and otber Biieat it i is. Bail Fwrsisa Ekcbaatra, aad bay and sell Erchanfe oa CbaJlasiea sod Ravaanah D. JELNGS A CO, TUSNO A Cbarlestoa, 8. C.



"We have alao few sale a fall snaortarent of COMMERCIAL PAPER. eomprtaina- tbs names of Houees in the DRY GOODS, COM.aXsSIOS and JObBING. HAT and CAP.GROCERS. and other-trades, al rstea vsrying from TO 15TER CERT. PER ARRUM.

BATtKS aad INVESTORS est of the cit will be ear-plied with hate of names and rates, an application by mail CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD 1TATK AID BOIUS. II Intereat at the rate of RTVEN PER CKVT PER A 5 SUM. UUMI, Payable aerni-annna'ry. Guaranteed and osid by tha 1 STATE OK CALIFORNIA. Tba t-mOa are aeenrad toy a mnrWin an 1R0 miles of mad, trom bscranunm to the Califurnia State line, formins part of the GREAT PAC'IEIU KAlLKt A I ROUTE- ADOPTED and AIDED by tha UNITED bTATESOOVER.NME.NT.

1 bey are further aeoared by a M.N KIKG FUND of $0.00 PEHANNt' reaerre 1 from the earninfra of the road, and PLEDGED FOR TUEiR REDEMPTION. They are a first-daaa aecurity in every respect, and a limited amount will be offerod apoa terma which render them a VERY ATTRACTIVE aad DEMIRABLB INVESTMENT. For farther par-tscB iara inquire at onr ofHce, No. 5 Naaeau-at. FisK Hatch, backers.



A. Low, i W. Hrrrt.FB Ircrripjilf, L. Vofi Hoppstan, Gkgbmb D. Ckaoin, Jowatham Tbobkk, Hibm aw Mitrrnt, Joel.

Wolfe. I Hu hiid Lathebs, James Jubkftch, i AfAKim Batsi, i a no fjowa, u. r. uuiBun, A. sfrntDTK-B.

Noab L. Wixaon. HAHI LL O. BAHCtK r-reaideat pro tern. JAMES P.


Also, oa ahfjimepte to F.urope. Tbie company in prepared to Lake tba manaaeaieat of real and personal estate, to netrotists kosaa lor btatsa and corporations, and to collect interest, consorts, Ac. Csrtitlcalea of deposits will be issued, boarinaT interest, 1 JanTaB. 1WA ARRVAL REPORT OP THE SILVER I RIVER FIINIINCi COMPART. CAPITAL STOCK I I Ji ifififl.OOO All of which baa been leaned In payment of the pur chase of mineral and tuinins property.

Amount of etiatine debt, none. I MsnedJ UAKirS R. MA President. J. NEWTON SAbJUi, I DDKWAKlito- Dirrrtors.

ft WM. BORDEN, 't UrvM I ir. KumlftrTj Siutr ot Sir- i'nrk. (Hly amt hrmnty AVir- IiARira H. Mamoam betnar dd'y awom, rjepoaee and aaya that he ia President of the silver Kiver Mining tJoro- tiaoy.

that tbe above report is true and oorrect to tba peat of hia knowledge and belief. DARIUS R. MANGAM. Sworn aad aubacribed before me thie 36tb day of an aary. IsCo, (hlsnert.) i FuexikbUtb Bull, Notary Public, llnL Raw.

Stamp, Sc. i I TEW TH NATIONAL. BANK. No. 2tn Broadway.

DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE GOVERN MEVf. Banker, and dsalara account a solicited. D. L. ROSS.

President. J. H. SxorT. Cashier.

Tax Naiiokai, Shoe ahtj Lpatbeb Rawe, i Jan. A IMjU. 1 JOHN Ml'RROE fe CO i AMERICAN BANKERS, If o- a It us de la fait, riru, 1 Wall-at- New-York. ieaae ckroalar letter, of credit for trateiers fa all parts cf faarops. so.

am, commercial creoita SPOPPORD. TILKHTOR NO. BROADWAY. I88UE COMMERCIAL and TRAVELERS LKTTEKS OF CREDIT. for uaa in all the principal citiea in tha ISLAND Or CUBA.


Tba amount of sapitai is one million duiisrs.,ua.) which waa all iaaued ta buy property a-eeaaary for ita nueineea. ana aaia ospiiai was an paia ior aaca property. Ita debts are notes natatandins. ii Fourbcndred and fifty dollars (fi50.) ALtilf CAo Ml Pres.

aad 1 rait as. FRANCIS C. CROSS, Trnatee. EDWARD A. CLTLF.K, Truatee.

GEHHGE RUSHER. Sec'v and Trafte. Subscribed and ewomrto tbia atth of January, IMS, by GEO. hulHIf, pweretarr and I before ma. FaVAXCia H.

Zrrz, Notary Public. I No. 4 New-York. i Oma op Tns Wn.s ran abbe Coat, awd IaoM i I CoaUAST. No.

Id Wauhit, i 1 New-Yobe, Jan. 3, 1B66. A boVderanfthe WILKESBARRE COALAND IKON ft 1M PA NY, for election of directors will be held WEDNESDAY, Slat at tba office of the Wyomins atiey vans, wmpsar, ua iity wi rni laceipaja, at o'clock. Taa noils will remain ooea aatil 3 o'clock P. M.

Trans! sr books will be oloaad from Jan. to Feb, 1, iBcrasiva. up oraer oi ue wsra. WbL ii. TILLINGHA8T.

Baai ataiy. MISRISOUOI BANK. FORMER ty locatad aad dotnc baaiDesa at Sheldon. Franklin Cooaty, Vermont, harinc been represented lnaolrent and eaioinsd by tbe Court of Chancery, and tbe nnderaifrned appoiated reoeiesr. aad taa time Hmitad ta at moo tha float thm data with is which tbe creditors of aaid bank must present aad prove heir clainie afainst aaid bank, creditors are hereby notified that tba anderSHtaed will fsoeive aaoh claixna at the bankwitt-aoosa of aaid bank.

in ansraon. Vermont, if. v. saav, aactiw. Bwnjiof, vermona.

uaw. it. ma I OrrKaT 4P Tfcift ATM FTBE IftaPBAB cz Oompaby 1 or Ncw-YoBE. No. ITU broadwaj, New-Yoba.

Jan. 2S. lf. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN THAT book tor tba aabscriptioa of tba addiUoaal capi al af aaa nnaarea taotiaano oouara. wiu aa open at taa otnes of tba ooarpaay natal tba Slat inat.

Tba prsaeat abarehoidera will be entitled to an award eqaai aa Uttf psr sent, of their atork. H. C. BEACH.fWetary. I Bboad Top Coal, atd Iaos Coarp a y.

1 I Ornci Mo. 3t 4 New-Yobb. Jaa. St. lfrvt.

THE ANNUAL, MEETING) OP STOCKHOLDERS for tha elect ioa of aeeea directors for tba rnraiaa year will be held (in conformity wttb tbe laws of "ennaylTania) at Carliile a Hotel. Morriarilis, on TUEbDAYTEeb. U. WM, at I a'clook P. M.

Tbs poila will bo aoaa aatil 1 o'dask P. Tba traaaAtr books will Je tn frsas taa 7th ta tbe 13? Frbrasrv. i- laVKD. U. rMJKlxi Secretary.

inra rKaocEP a AirrHBscrrB coal, vo 1 tip, tie BboapwaT, Nrw-Yowt. Jta. It, THE AN Al. frTl GJ UP Til STOCC aotdars af tba luiickarbockar Antbraoite Cosl Ca. wih ba hatd at tbe olftce af tha St Nrabolss Ooal Oom- Col'DAY, arrs on tba at day af abraary.

Ua. at 1 oiock p. Taa Vmrlaaas boaad af twelve ta aw ti aiiaaotsa wi be tha atectara af a dxTwctora to taa eaauinapear. w. IA, ISAAA, A CARD.

I DEEM IT PROPKH TO SAY THAT tha stoma Insurt noa Company ia ta so way sonnaetad) with taa Colombian Marina laauraaca Compaay. except by tba fact of baviBf ia a majority of tnstaneae tbs aanaa directors aad that taa affair af tbs Morris are ia ae tar eotnpiicated with er affecved bv the to4avabiam. BUftMNs.) Morrw Firs and Iaiaod InsSraaos Ca. Octcs Dblawaab AJro Hrpaow Cabat. Cowpaji y.

Nrw-YrBE. Jaa. SB. 1BA AT A MEF.TIRU OP THE BOARD OP Manafsrs of tbia company, held oa. tke Mta taet, THOMAS DICKSON', Eaa-, waAeiectad Ytea-Prssuisat.

1 f-, taai.NI 1 i. a .1 Opptrs) (rit Jirrr-iiksos IywrmArs I'oarui, i TIIK AR.UAL ktECTIO roi tonofttiltamfaii will ba aaid at taa Wo. as Nrw-YOBK, Jan. ZV uffi. 1 ijn trtftt vii REO- ar.

a i rev, ai im i am 1 to 1 a-aloca. X. i SAAlUtx. REXCH tTB, AecreUry- paay oa MOSOAY. Feb.

kA. PsJwul atopta iruat Ii to 1 a stock 1. At. AMrJt tC rCATT. fcearetary.

-VT OnCK. THE ANNUAL MEBTUCO OF THE I stocknoldera sf tbe A.fsencsa ILmBm for the aiertica of truuet wilt tsksp'sce at ha ofise ax tna eotaiparr, Aa aiuw-iwuD smwAt, jib. aaiacioca r. ja. vL'i-raur, May, WININU PROPEHTlfci BXAMISED 1U.VUCWK.

air ol AsWi-t i Csrrr. op tbe 9socra' Ftaa IssrntA.wi-s; i J.w. lA AW ELKCTIOi lUH OiisLCCTOUS OP eomnanr will be hni.t at jmi FINANCIAL. H. J.

MESSENGER, BANKER, NO. 139 BROADWAY, A 6sncminatocA of 1 3-IO notes oa $and foe tap. aaedists delivery. i GoldGovexsmect becsxit'e, Etocka aad Boada kajtM and aoldon commies ton. JJEPEW POTTER, BANKERS, SO.

Il BROAD-ST, Allow interest at tbe rata of FOUR PER CENT, par i nam oa deposits which may be cfiacked far at aifrht. Special attention to parfAiAas aad aals of GoeerBment Seeoritiaa. Miacellaneoaa Stocks aad Boada xm-bt sad aaid oa commis.ion. Collections made prcnatjtiy oa a points. HENRY W.

POTTER. CMAUNC EY M. DEPEW, (Lena Baeretvjy pf State.) TV' OTI CE-W AJ.K ILL LEAD COMPANY. -THE Naansal meetlrur of the stockholders of toe Wallkill Lead Csnpany for the electron oi directore will be held at tha office of tha compaay. No.

Wall-at-, I Room No. on Tl'ESDA Y. thetth of February -next. iPeUa open from I to 3 o'clock P. M.

Tbs transfer books will bo cloeed the Sd, 4th and Mh rmi. SAMUEL M. POND, Secretary NOTKETO RTOTHIIOLDKR!) IN THE NATIONA EXPRESS A TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. By order of tba Board of Directors, a ra-o uaa it ioa of frve dollara per ba been made oa tne etock of tbia company, payable by the 1st day of February, at tba office of Mesara. Hart A Puree fl.

No. 74 Broadway. inwLDU lauvti pnu Preeid'ent-l COMMISSIONER FOR'i MARRAOII bETTS and otber State No- A Heenraaa Rocaa Ko. ftrst floor over -Park Bask REMOVaHlTTHE-OFrTCB JF THb GERmX-NIA FIRE IN81TKANCE COMPANY baa beea removed to their new bttildinsT. No.

17 Broadway Dtc. a. lonV I 1MVIDENDS. HOME INSURANCE COW PANY, NO. 135 BROAD AY, Ja.

25. IMS. A dividend of FIVE per eenLJ free of Borernment tas. waa THIS DAY declared by tba board payable on demand. JOHN McCEE.


1MB. The usual semi-annual dividend of PIVE PER CENT. ha this da; been declared, payable on demand, free of WILLIAM M. JOHN. Secretary.

DIVIDEND. I The Roard cf THrectora'nf the BROATiWAY AND 8EVENTH-AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY bare thia day declared a Irividend of rive (5) per Cent, on tne capital atock. payable at the National Broadway Bank on IDe lat day of reoruary, new. i JOHF KERR, Preaident. FIFTY-alXTH DIVIDEND.

Koith Alar air ah Ftbf. tBTJKAKri Compaitt. The Board of Directors have THIS D.4y dared an rntereet dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the capital atock, payabl. on dmnand. Ecm OPPICB OF TBE F.Elt RAILWAY COtaTAHY.

I New-Yobk. Jan. II. IW8. i TllVIDEXD.

THE DIRECTORS OF THIS LfOomiMar have declsred a Semi-annual Dividend from the earninps of the rosd for In menthaenriiOE Slat teoemoer ultimo, or inux asp. u-h i.n r-sr A.enu oa tbs Pbefekbjed Sto I Aleo, a Dividend of Folb Per CenL-bn tbe Commob Capital. STont. i I Hoth nsvable. leaa tha froverrimetat tax.

on MONDAY. tbe Mb day of February, at the Treaeurrr'e Ottice. Llace. tn the retriatered holder of" atouk at the closing of books. i The tranafer book of both clasaes of stack will be cloeed on fsatnrdaj-, the th mat-, and be reopened oi Wedaeeday, tha 7th of February.

I HORATIO N. OTIS, Secretary. MilwaTtkke ahii Pbaibje Pf CuiES Railwas, CoMJ-ABX'B tIPFlCE. NO. 4 ExCHANUE-riwtCE, I (Rotiff No.

30, IfflRtl fUNlR.) i nlw-Voitl, I TMVIDRRDS OF1 lAi FOUR PERCENT -APon Firat Preferred, and (3S) three anduue-baf er cent, on Second Preferred Stock of thi company for the six month endicc 2Jd January, 1X6, will be paid lit Feb ruary next, to btooKnoiuere oi record aa N. B. Mortpae Bonda can bo converted into Kirt Preferred titoek from lnt to 11th February inaluaive. G. K.

1'AINTOK. Traaser Airent. Opph of the Dfi.awabK: ani Hrr-anN Ca- mi. r. iiiftdwiiMJi FTTiIIE RO A II OK ANACKltS OF THIS .1 Company have declared a dividend of EIGHT PER LNT.

out of the profits of tile company, payable, ire of Government tax. on and after the 1st day of February nevt, at their ofhre. No. 7Nasau-t. The tranafer are now closed, aad win remain closed ouul MoDdAT.

arth int. Ity order of tlie lisrd, ISAAC N. SEYMOUR. Treaurer. CIXTY-PIRST HbT UNITED OS TATFS tlKK INbURANC-K COMPANY have thia day declared a Hem--innual Dividend of Fire fer free ot irovernment tax.

psyaoie on demand, ana carried Three l3 per tent, to atlrpUia account, out of the earnings of tbe lai-t aix month. 1 SURPLUS JAN. Wt. 13r.CC0j Niw-YOBA. Jan.

3, lfc6t. i W. W. UNDERHILL, Secretary. SC6rSBAHlfA ARD WYnMIltd V.LI Ft SaJL-BOAD i Ann Coal Com past, I Taisttt FrriJiiifji, New-York, Jan.

23, 1VV Tlfiw, lIMirtl ti 1IIIS uai CLARED a dividend of Five per CenL on the capital atock, payable to the stockholder on the IT til February next. The transfer books will be closed from tbe lat to aba 17tb ebruary, both dava inclusive. ELLIS POTTER. Treaaurer. 1w-Jemey RairBnAP Tbamspobtattok Or PICK NO.

3 COB EH WlLL, NES.YfFJL Jan. 17. I VI DEND THE BOARD OK DIRECTORS of thia Comnanv have declared a eemi-annu- ai dividend of nve per cent, (free of sovernment.tsxi payable on and after Feb. Transfer book will remain cloaed until 2d February. i H.

J. 8QUTHMAYD. Treasurer. r.t rni.ic Pike IniintAiira Uompajt. No.

15. Broadway. If ew-Yobk, Jan. IS. lwv.

DIVIDEND THK SEMI-ANNUAL INTEREST Dividend of Three and a half Per Cent, on the capi tal etock, tfree of government tax,) ksa this day been de clared, parable on demand. I J. F-CURRY. aecrei etary. Office op the Mambattab IitncaAifcB Compaht, i nrw-joBX.

Jn. ll, 5 A SEMI-ANNUAL. DIVID END Of IK arer cent, haa been declared, tisvab i per cent, haa been declared able on tie mi mand, at the office of tbe company. No. Wall-aC By order of tba Board! akuhcw eai I n.

rjecretary. Focbtb National, BaPE or the Cttt op i Npw-Ye, Deo. I8AS. THK BOARDOP DIRECTORS HA VINO decided to ebaair tbe rhvidends from March and September to January and July, have this day declared dividend of psr cent, free from government tax. ap-able Jan.

A Tba tranafar books will does ad snd open 10th January. B. BEAMANj Cashier. Office op the Ptom'i Fnts I.f arrBAitcE i New-Yobe, Jaa. 3s.

im. i DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of tba PEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY have thia day declared a Dividend of Poor per cant, free of goeerameat tax, parable oa demand. I By order. WM. B.

MARTIN. Secretary. OPPtOB OP THE ClOEIXtW BUJE 8TOHE i Mal.dej. Ulster N. Jan.

A laW. EMI-ANNUAL, DIVIDEND. NO. dividend of Ave par eest. oa the capital stock eras thia day declared, payable to the stockholders or i their legal raprasentativea oa aad after Feb.

IM I H- BOUARDUS, Secretary. Arm FlP IrtarrBASm Coat Pak Y. No. 1 Wall-f. TWENTY-SIXTH DIVIDE THE Board of Dtrerlor have osclsred a Remi-annnal Dividend af FIVE PER CENT, free of otrearament tax, payable to tba stockholder on and after lat Febraary Bait, AS.


PROM TAX. i MARKET SAVTWOS BANK. Ha. HI Naaaaa-strwst. Rav-Vark.

FREE DenoailS aaada sow will draw interest from Feb 1 WM. VAN NAME, President, R. CONnOTN. Secretary. I SIX PER CURT.

INTEREST, JFree from rovarnmest tax, allowed ct I METaVOPOLITaS AVIa BANK. fcO. 1 THIRD-AV. I ISAAC T. SMITH, Praaiasst, W.


Free ft use gasaramaattax. THTB D-A VENTJR SAYTNGS BANK. Cerasrof Twaate ixth-af-rwt aad Third-avenna. N1 KW YORK SAVINGS BANK. CORNER af 14tb-st, aad BLb as.

Oata dads trom A. IS a P. Monday aad Thursday eveninar from I to I clock SIX PER CENT IN TA REST, free from overs mest tax. Dsnoaits aaada aa or bafWs Fah wnl qraw intereat from tun nata. tauskAalalf R.

H- BOIX. S.uftarp. DENTISTRY. COLTOW PERTA 1 ASSOaTI ATlXN--TO De. COL TON is doe tba aredit of coviviagoiis aaa of this imrmrtaataawatcNitroaa Oxide) ia the prartaoe of deotastrv." 4Mr iVam Dr.

Catwiiini, Tba aw eilainiie i tar tbe gat fa taa most aaia aad atlieawit macrxr. t.ifd patienU and tba Medieai prnfeasroa af New-York wtil tastiry. Ofbeaa Na. and it Coosar laatifn.i, TaRS. tSJlIPPIN.

RfO. S59 GRA5D-T AeTmosit Lord A Tilor Ksa-York, ara liAaarlins FULL or PARTIAL SETS of tbsir IMPROYED ARTX- AIC'IAL. P-trrrJ, wito or wraoout avxAracttaaT the FaO set an sold or pietxna. fat; silver or robber, SiO; lart lai gotd. pea touAa.

2j sdvwr of rsbbas. $1. ins -ALL PERSONS WIS EI NO TBES A Vcf of a kamsae, careful stul akiul dew. aailsa Dr. J.

A. KELXJXY. No. InXaetlura- aft. betsraaa Broaawap and Univsrsrip-rilana i Dr.

Aai- 1 a parUcalArty aaooaaifai with rjaxj aarviftai parsaas. aad aAO caiiaresa, To, Tit. MOV I IS DDE THeniKDIT OP ORlGlNATINGaadoaingtba ONLY METHOD Bar wnacn ta is peeaiois aw anaiawiw aiieovia oxios para Ca Hoyt haa seed at for years extraoatus taouaaada teeth with parisct annum Only osaoa, Aa. ava Atroad way, aaar lata-st. FOR fALb-OFFlCsl FORMTUaUl VoKalaT-ins rf aetra.

eeuins, ssa Aatsnas. I At at w1.lAafaJUV'tl'' "l' MtJaaVSaWaMk a PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR ARMY Oppa-B of tbe Depot QUAsjTBTiwjiarcB, i FtiBT Lt-avEywoBIH. Kanaaa, Dec I. U3A Sealed proposals will be received at this office aatil o'clock on the slat day of January. It.

tor tbe tranepor-tat Kin of Military Supplies during the year UrX, on thm fol lowing routes: RotTTE No. I From Forta Leaveuwwtth. Laramie and Riley, and other depots that may be established during tbe abovepear on tne weet bank of the Missouri River, aortb af Fort Leaven worth and aostb of latitude 42 degree north, to any poets or stations that are or may ba established tn tbe Territories of Nebraska, Daeotah. Idaho and Utah, enntb of latitude degToes north, and east of longitude 114 detrree west, and in the 'I errUory of Colorado north of ad degree north. Bidders to stats tba rats psr 11 ti pounds per Kt miles at which they will trsnaport aaid stores in each of the moatbs from April to rJeptember uiciuaive, of tha year IteK.

RotrTE No. Prom Ports Leavenworth aad Ri'ey, ia tbe State of Kansas, snd ths town of Kanaaa, in tha ritate of Mlaeoon. ts any posts or atstAOna that are or may be eetabliehed in tbe State of Kannaa, or in the Territory of Coxirado, south of latitude 40 aetfree north, drawing appiiee from Fort Leavenworth; and to Fort Union. N. or other depot that may be designated in that territory, to Fort Garland, and to any other point or points on tbe routs.

Bidder to atste the rate per 100 pounds per 10U miles at which they will transport said storea in each of the months from April to Septsm-ber, inclusive, of the year 1P66 Route No. A From Fort Unroa, or such other depot aa may be eatabtiahed in the T. rritory of New-Mexico, toaay posts or atationa tbat are or may be eetabliehed tbat termor and to such posts or atationa a may te desiemated 'n the Territory of Anxona and Slate of Texas, west of longitude 1US degrees west. Bidders to state the rate per lOu pounds per luu mile at which they will trannport said store in each of the rronth from June to November, inclusive, ot the year lrtiii. The weignt to be transported eacn year will not exceed pound on route pounds on route No.

3, and AOOO.000 on route No. A No additional percent ge will be paid for tbe transportation of bacon, lard, bread, pine lumber, shingles or any otaer storea Bidders abould give their names in fall, ss well at their plaeee of residence, and each proposal aaouM be accompanied by a bond the euro af ten thouaand dollars, signed by two or mors responsible persons, guaraa-teencrlhat, in case a contract ia awarded for the route mentioned in the propoenl. to the parties proposing, the contract will be accepted and entered into, and good and antbcient aecurity furnished by aaid parties, in accordance with the term of this advertisement. Tne amoont ot Don da reuutred trom the contractora ill be as follower tin route No. 1 On route No.

S. On route No. 3 SatiKiactory evidence of tbe loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person offered as security will be a quired. Proposal" must be indorsed: Proposala for Army Transportation on Route No. 1.

or a the case may be, and none wul be entertained unleea they fully comply with all tbe requirements of this advertirteinent, Parties to wbom awarda are made must he prepared to execute contracts at onos, and to give tlie required, bonds for the faithful performance of tbe same. Contracts will be made subject to the approval of the Quartermaster-General: battue rifrht is reserved to reject any or all bid that may be offered. Contractor must be in readme for service by tbe 1st day of April, lf6o, and they will requited to hart a place of business or agency at or in the vicinity of For Leavenworth and Union, and otber defiots that may be established, at which they may be communicated with promptly and readily. by order of the Qoartermaster-Getieral. J.

A. POTTER, Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. Patmabteb's OPFtt'E, U. No. Broadway.

ew Von Jan. i il. PROPOSALS WILL BE HKC El AT thieomoe nntil 13 o'clock tbe 31-t for the following eupplies. uhirh rnw4 of th vrry tM qvntily, nh-t niidinM arr to R'si, Srllrr d- fit. or TirmTlf d-Itotfjhrrty't, of all to be delivered free of ex-Pnse to tbe government, at tbe Navy-yard, New- tork, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS.

2.RS0 feet B. M. white pine plank; to tons broad top coal. rolls tracing cloth, 4 bare il.3d? Ulster flat iron. 12 (ire.

hose coupling, iGaylord patent, 1 1 large chut lathe. 1 radical drilling machine. 1 larpe planing machine. BUREAU OF T.QUIPMENl AND RECRUITING, ton feet 4 1 i wire rope. BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR.

l.SM. lbs lead tope. 2 a IV BUREAU OF STEAM ENGINEERING, v.nrri gallons pure oil. 1.2P0 Ibe bolts and nnts 2U0 brasa drawn seamless tubes, 30 rings Martin a metallic packing. Responsible seeuntv will be rerroired for the prompt and faithful deliver)' of supplies awarded.

Blank forms for bidder, with needful particulars, to be had at tnia ofSce. JOHN D. GIHKON, Paymaster LT. S. Navy.

Orn'T op chief QrjABTtrBatAPTP.rt, i MU4TAB DlVltll'S crTKP CJrLP. Ntw Okleabh. Dec. 2. SEALED PROPOSALS AH INVITED and will be received at this office until 13 March 1, lnotf.

for tne purchase of aixtv-six u4t t'amela, tlie property of the nited States, now at Camp Verde, near San Antonio, Texas. Bids may be made for one or more of these animals. Each envelope containing a bid should be sealed and addressed. 'olunel C. G.ijawtelie, Chief Quartermaster Military Division of the Gulf, New Orleans La.

The Government reserves tbe rujbt to reject any bid deemed too low. Payment to be made in V. S. Currency open the acceptance of any propossl. snd prior to the delivery of the camels to tbe suct-esfui bidden, at San Ar.tonio.

Texas. C. G. SAWTELLE. Co'one! and Cnief QnarteTmoster Military DineioD et the Gulf.

BvC Col. U. Army. f-o PUBLIC NOTICES. CUUiPORATION XOTICEs-PUBLlC NOTICE hrebT Riven, to the owner or owiAtr.

epecupant or oecapfRintai of all hoai and Iota, improird or animprr vnd liijatis, alTtwuled tbertpby, ill At the foiltiwinff eifrtiiiif-ntt bivt been eomplptcl and avre iodtred in tbe ottice of th Ipoard Aror- fur pxaiuiiat.ou by ail i-prM'iia iiitT-etifed, via. 1. For batldiiLfca ttwer is Jane-Street, from E.fhUi to 2. For regfniatini and irradin4r. aettmir curb atd trntter and tlas-fcrinK Due Huiiilrvil and 1 hn t.v-t uoutj-etreft, fnun Fifth to aVTentb-avnae.

3. For pavintr 1 wentietik-street with traiblock, frcm Third to Koartij-avenoe. 4. For building a aewr in STent-aihth-etreet frc Third to ounh-avenap 5. rorpavinir Fifty-bfth-etreet with from Third to Foiirth-a-nue.

C. For paving tSeTeDty-firtTtrFtrect with trap-blot k. frcix. Third to fro-irt h-avenue. The limit.

embraced by such aMievment Incladeall the everai houses and kits of frrouiid. vacant Iota, puBC- and pan of land uitnated in both eitWs of Jane-trect, to FUintn-avenne. Also, ail the lots on both Md of One Hundred and Thirty-cond-4ttr-et to tha extent of half the broca tie in fTifih to t'Vf ntb-ivt aa-. Also, ail the lot on both side of Twentieth-Street to the extent of hail the block iron. Third to Fuurth- venue.

AIao, all the lots on both sideeof to the extent ol half the block from Tmrd to aronrth-a venue. A.m., all the lots on both tides of Fitf y-6fth-rt rec-t to the extent of half the blocs from Ttnrd to Fourth-avenuua A Ho. all the lots on both sides of 8eTf-nty-6rst-etreet to the extent of half tha block from Tbird to frourtb-aTenue. AH MrfyaM whoata interests are affected Yrw the abeve- named and who are to the Miue, or either of them, are requested to present their objection in writ. UK to one of the nndcrsned at their othce, number thirty-two bamDertr-atreet, basement- ni-w Court-housfs, witiiii.

tahirty day iruua the tlata of thit notice, JACOB F. OAKLEY, PAMKL D. CONOVER, 18AAC O. HUNT. Boaxd cf Areerscra.

OFKHi'F, ImMROOF AfiW.SW BIS New CoraT-HouHE, Jan. ltce. LEGAjOTJS S'l'pH KME tOIRT CIT AND f'OCtVTY OF NEW-YORK. William Donnelly and Hannah u- l. I .1 uia wuc, a immij u.

uvu, Amanda, hta wile In partition. In pursuance of a lodg ment of tne supreme' coan of tne crate oi Kew-torK, made in the above-entitled action on the twenty-seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and aixty-bve, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in said judgment for auch pnrpose, will expose to sale on the aixtb day of March, one thousand etpht hundred and aixty-aix, at tbe Merchants' Exchange Salesroom. No. Ill Broadway, in tbs City of New-York, by JAMES M. MILLER, Auctioneer, at 13 o'clock at noon on that day: Alt tbat certain welling -bouse and lot or parcel ot ground sitnated on the westerly side of between Broome and Spring statin the City of New-York, aad now known as number 71 (seventy-one) Greene-stand designated apoa tha map of tbe farm formerly of Nicholas Bayard, deceased, as lot number 233, bounded easterly in front by westerly in tbe rear by lot nnmber 348 on tbe eaid map, northerly by lot nnmber 234 on tha aame man, aad soutJverfy by Jot number 2Sa on the same map, and containing in breadth, in front and also in rear, twtnty-nve feet, and in length on each aide one hundred feet, be tbe several dimensions more or leaa." Also those two certain otber lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lymg and being in tbe Mxteenth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, knows and distinguished on a map of the property off Mesara.

McKibben A Nichols, made by Alexander Martin. Surveyor, aa number tbs (six hundred aad sixty-eight,) and 670 (six hundred aad ae verity) in block number twenty-seven (iJ and are bounded and contain aa foilows, Beginning at a point on ths southerly aide of Moore distant-one hundred feat easterly from the easterly line of and running thence southerly and parallel with seventy-three feet ten inches tbenee soatbsssterly in a straight line along land now or late of George bbellard. one hundred ana thirty-one feet one and a quarter inches to Varet at a point distant thirty -six -test six incase trom tba easterly line ot running thence easterly along the nortbeily line of Varst-eC fourteen feet tfi res iacbee; thf nos nortberly at right angles from Yaret-at. one hundred feet; thence westerly and parallel with Moore-at, twenty -Ave feet; tr-enea northerly, ant parallel with ona hundred feet to and thence westerly along aaid somberly side of Moore-at, twenty-five feet to tbe place of beginning, be tKs aid several dimensions more or tees." Dated, New-York, THOMAS LA WRENCEVKeferee.

No. 133 Nasaau-st New-Yorkj LoCEWOOD A CbobST, Plain tiff' Attorneys, 133 Naseaav-tL, Ssw-York 12 lawlw MACHINERY; ST, KA.M STOE-CUTTRR. COMPAWY Staaa neMs. A aasaJl fU AI'MIM IT fat Pas. lvaa wssaaaefl A.

QUARRYING STONE of any kind by STEAM POWER, and wvtboot tbe asa af powder. They will de be work of aboaa as aaa, aad tbe atock wasted by tba aid process. Tbe Machine bare beea thoroughly tested, and are working apoa the larceat names ta the coaatry. Circular giving particulars and prices sent free. Address STEAM STON B-C UTTER No.

It Wau-et, 'OB SALE-BY THI NOVELTY IRON WORKS oaeor both taa beam aaa-iaea of tba A'srtA tar: cvi. in dor S3 inches, LI fast etroka, wsvaght iron cranks. Tbs eagiass are ta as takes from tha ship, and as put is ardse. wiui ssw In vAwaint maumA and will be warraatsd aa aouad aad rakahle ia every re spect aa a saw ana ma Ttssy wiu ae sold, delivered paady to be set up, or at a price aet upoa board a p.m. I tOOn rUFFERTY, MACRINCRT MFR- enaata, 4 Bey sc.

vsaraa. maanfactnre aary and portable engines aad bsaleaa, nax, benrav akura aad rone ma. Binary, mill asa i nig, halting. Jtrpeoa A aaows atAea, asi sra.

dnim. CTEiM KSOIWTK A0 BOILER A TWFX. aJ ty borse sagiaa. wrtli at boras pawn boiler, (sr. will be told at a barrel a.

by IX H. T1CHKARK. lis. At Caus. msrrisl si aswsrs.

N. JL ARTIFICIAL EYES. AKTI17IC1AL JCY AHTIFTCIAI. rTUM syce taada to order aad imsilsil by Dra. F.

LA ucti A Gaja iasLa! A.V ttiamaiii etepLjed by ox asv ttm atrusaarsy. Away- ara. MARBLE A1YTELS. THS BEST PLACE toe ery to parebasa Marble Mantew of the latest dewifrae at eery low pne-e, ta at A. ALA BAR'S Marble Vorks.

No C- lish-sf wear ew-Vork. tssinisjltfyaitlAU let IsaAfiaMaary'. JltAsltaA sagaa mmmm AUCTIIOIV SALES.1 QOVEblNMCNT 8ALK. 4 LARGE SJkLK OF FISE SURGICAL I.fSTRUSIESTS. i i 'Will be told at auction, at the Medical Purveyor! Tf i noaaa, PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE.

TAlfil. -On TUESDAY, Feb. 13, Uao, jrafSemersl Operating Cases. 1 3t Minor Opersting Csiws. tS FxsectinsT and Trap fuming Cease.

I 66 Post Mortem Cases, lara. 1 Dte-wM-ting Cases. SA Packet Cases, tws-foJds. JfO Pocket Casea, three-fiJda. ISO Stomach Ptunp, part Hots-key valra, I Sou Teeth Extracting lastrnmaats.

Kr Davidson's rietf-iniectuig hyringe. X.Uf) rieartttoators. 12.IX0 Cupping Glasesa and Tina. l.iO Trusses, sing la aad donbaa. 401) Scissors.

AOUO Toaraiqwess, all partsras. A.aiAi una Kunoer Kynnges, ei oeis Bptincs ail sizes. -btoUicacopea, Tongue Depressors, By liases hypoder- mio, Ac, Obstetrical Cases. Bpecalatua, i-aooats, Ac. A portion ef the foi ey tiliiff article are eeenn d-band, and will be sold separately.

Tbe balsnoe i entirely new. The genersl operating rirv contain instruments for ampntattoes, exsectiooa, minor opea-sttons, and acta of auicun u. Booatu, AT SAME PLACE. On WEDN ESDA Feb, 14, Will K- riivk NEW BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, TrTRAP- PINO PAPER, inn 3,000 STANDARD MEDICAL BOOKS, Consisting in part of laf Copies Cray" Anatomy.

1 fiO Copies Irangltaon' Medical 2j0 Copies Practice Medicine, Wood bennet'a, Watson Ac. SD Copies Da 'ton'a Physiology. 10 Copies Pathology. I 130 Copies 3 urgerv irosa, Ericheen, Ferguson, etc. Copie United States Dispensatory 0 Copies tieck'a Jurisprudence, 60 I 'opiee Parrish'e Phsmiaop.

SO Copies TherapenLx-s. Wood and Btill. SfO Copies Minor's Surgery. tn Copies 8urgieal Anatomy. i 70 Copies Chemistry, Fowaee.

1 20 Copies Webster's Dictionary, Ac. Ao. S0 Blank Booka. 4 quires. Cap, a bonnd. Blank Hooka, araali, quarto. 329 Blank Booka. fine, whole bonnd. i Son Reams Writing Paper, cap, letter and note. 70.

Reama Wrapping Paper, assorted. l.OfA) Inkatanda, varloua psltsrns. Envelopes, assorted. 3.t(in Flank Books, miscelianeoas. 3U0 Portiolioa.

Pencils, pens, ink, Ac, Ac. rkime of the Medical Booka are ssoond-hand, and will be sold separately. Tbe Books and Instruments can be inspected the day before the aale. I Catalogues may be bad on application. ROBERT FLETCHER, Burgeon and tivt.

Colonel U. 8. Vols Modical Purveyor U. A. I Joata H.

Dbapeb A Aactioncera. AUCTION SALE SCRANTON COAL, JAN. 31, l-e. Npw-YOBE. Jar.

ISM. The DELAWARE.LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY will hold their thirty-second suction sa'e of coal, on WKDNESDAY, the 31st day of January, lets, st o'clock noon, at their new salesroom. No. 26 Lxchange-plAce. corner of William-Kt-.

New-York, at which time they will sell, by Messrs, JOHN IL DRAPER A Auctioneers, TWENTY THOUSAND TONS ofFFtFSH MINED BI'RA NTON COAL, of the nana! sires, deliverable at their depot, FhEA beta port, N. during the month of February next- The sale will be positive: oach lot nut np win be sold to tbe highest bidder; no bids, any form whatever, being made tor acootint of, or on liehalf of tbe company. Tha condit ions will be fully made known at the time of Bale. TFKMHFiftv rente per ton. in current fund, payable on toe day of sale, aad the balance, wttb tbe govemmont tax ol seven cents per ton.

in current funds, witbiu tea days thereafter, at the ottice of the company. 4 JOHN DHJSBIN, President. SALE OF QUARTERMASTER'S STORES. Assistant QrAKTPRMAirrra' Ofttce, i 1 I ism Will be sold, at public suction, at tne United States v. fjeismas, nuoree.1.

nuwi, rmieivi- nhiA Pa. on MONDAY. Jan. 2a. 1W.

commencing at 10 clock A. tha following described Qtlartennaatex'e sicrres. vix. bi9 seta fonr-borse wagon harness, new and. in oriTnal narkanes.

L7P1 single arts lead-boras wagon bamesa, new and ia original packages 76 sets aix-burae artillery bailees, new and iff original packages. 370 single aets lead-bores wagoa baraess, ssa ism iivf) sttuile nets lead-horse waaron harneea. lei mnlebtters and bai lines, aecond-band. 149 pack saddles 2.C37 noae bags, new. 179 t-artiin, ho skins, new.

1P yards green baixe. new. pounds iron wire. new. 25 tm pounds chain cable, aew.

Si f-'f" pounds wrotq-'ht spikes, new. Termn of sale cs ah in sovernment fnnds By order of CoL W. W. McK IM. Chief Q.

M-, Philadelphia Deiot, hfitbt ttowaiAif, capv ana a. v. i GOVF.R.1MRVT SALESTT SALE OF RESERVED HORSES. OFPVE, WAKUUttiTOH D. C.

Dec 1Z lfoA. The Ouartermaator-Genaral of the Army directs that all government horses now at Giesboro. D. be sold to the highest bidders. I (ALES will tnsretore take place at GLEHBORO.

1. CL. Dfginnuuron i Tumifniv vrrv rv- i cw. 1 and continuing on each TUl-SOA and THURSDAY thereafter, until all are iliiDoscd of. A boat will leave the Sixth-street wharf every bout oa tbe da vs of sale.

rbene horses have been carefully selected, and are su- pi-nor to any heretofore oucred for aaie. Animals will be sold singly. I Sales to commeoce at 10 clock A. M. I kBUb 1 Akli United Statoa currency.

JAMES A. EKTN. 1 Brevet-Brigadier-General in charge Fint Division Q. Al. G.

C. HtNBT D. Mines. Auctioneer Salesroom No. $1 Naaean- st-.


(I KO.M FoOM.) so. e4A IsroadwAy. a choice collection of Arsi.Nt.l- rit.TljrLtS. i by tbe favorite American artiste: J. O.

B. Inman, V. Neblig, Dand Jobnscn, Ii. Burling. John A.

Hows, J. D. Barrow, A. W. Warren, Otto Sommees.


LEEDS MINER WILL SELL by auction, on WEDNESDAY. JAN. 31. and FEB. 1.

1m at o'clock each evenins. at tbe OLD DUiS.NK.L- DOKF GALLERY, No. 48 broadway, next door below linatiya: EXECUTORS 8ALB op FOUR FINE PRIVATE COLLECTIONS OF AN- tLtnT aad being by order of exseatora of the late NICHOLAS DEAN, WM. LAWRENCE. a WALDO.

and JOHN LA FARCE. ALSO, THE OIX-PArNTTSGS AND WATER-COLOR8 belonging to tbe Uto J. klcLEN AN. Alt INVOICB OP FINK MODERN PICTURE just received from ROME, purchased by a gentleman for hie own use, comprising, in all, about 230 fine pittoree of tbe Ancient and Modern bonooia. OLD MASTERS.

I F. iena, Van Dyck. Da Fiori, Titian. Noterbsom, Bolario, Rubens, Oatade, J. Doth, G.

Romano, Tamers, Rachel Rttyacb, Jos. Verne J. David, Ilenis Kirk. P. Veronese, WaLte iu, B.

Lambracbt, Giorgiom. Sir J. Reynolds, Hobbema. Drootraloot, A. and otber equally celebrated i MODERN.

I Lentas, H. N. CaUia, J. Harvey. S.

L. Waldo. J. Kyle. J.

Talbot, Stewart Watson, Kebusslle, W. 8. Mount, John Jamea, Honntag, Tho. Wm. ilait.

Pastel is, aad otbera. also, i Tbe three original aU-paintingt ADAM AND EVE ths Temptation, the Jadgirsant, aad tbe Expulsion painted by HASH OTIS, in IrM. ALSO, Two Sna MARBLE BUSTS. PETRARCH AND CLY'l and bgture af F1HHKK bOY. They ara now on exhibition free, from t) A- M.

to P. M-, and oa the two evenings previous to aale until lfj if. wttn eataletreeaL HsABI D. MikEA Aactioass- No. 81 5asaaB-eCroppo- Bite toe roev-ornce.

SALE OF AN F.LEOAST COLLECTION OF HIGH CLASS ORIGINAL MODERN OIL-PAINTINGS by leading artists of tbs Flemish, Dutch, Dusseltiorf ana French ecboola. Imported by and eorj-igned to A. D'Huyretta, of Antwerp, gad never before exhibited in thi conn try. MINF.R A SOMKKVILLE will sell at auction on THURSDAY aad FRIDAY EVENINGS, Feb. land 2.

a 7 o'clock, at tbe SOMEUVILLE ART GALLERY. No. tMS Broadway, near 14th a very valuable collection of high-cljaa origiaal modora oil paiatinga by taa joAtosnng eminent xvuropssn arttaaa, Robbe, ot brssssl. P. Seignae.

David Col, 1 E. FicbeL Verbokhorea, E. Aceard, L. Van Koyek, i A. Van Hamtaa.

F. Schaefela, Verscheue, T. Gerard, Moeselagen, Lantant da Metx, F. brackeUer. J.

srulua, and otber. Also, from a private collection ef a tea noisseur of thia city, a few eltoao works ad tba toliowias; favorite Amancaa artiata: Tbns. Cole, J. F. Kensstt, S.

Colexoxn, H. W. Hnbbard, Tboa. Hick. T.

1- Smith. W. Whittredga. F. bouta, W.

O. U. lAarley, and others. 4 The above are aew oa exhlbittea free daring tbe day, and oa tbe evening previous to sale from 7 to 10 o'clock. Catalogues cas be bad at tbe gajiery or at the ofbea af tbe aaotiaaaera.


13. MfS. Will be eetd at aoblio aaction, nndsr ths direction of Cap. D. G.

Thomas. M. R. at the Ooeeraaieat Ware-Iroase. out ear lTta aad ets Washington, D.

CX. ea MONDAY. Ja-. Sa. ISM, at 10 s'cJoek A.

AL, a large lot of eondesaned esntaing. consist iag sf Drams, sssbes. baaha. yaeketa, biaskets, bedsaeks leei ffina. hsvslssss.

sap swears, mbbse Maaaeas, rubber poiKbos. axes, pstisavaa. batobata, apadea, abase, kettle, tupaaera. aavorsaeks, aeapital tests, wall tents, Sibley terns, common tents. Bag, easts, osss, sack aad-cpes.

vesta, truaaeia, shirts, tarbaaa, Ac 1 Ths sale will ba eentiaaad fpeaa day ta day anul ths stores are sold. Tbs ore mast be rseuofwd wrthla Svs days frwm dat of ease. I arm cas a. fa gowarnn ert feada. .1 D.

ffu UCCKaTR- Brevet Maior-Gsnasal aad Oaisi Qwsrtsrm aster. Dsri pot sx Moexjb Wiliops, A set looser. EXECCTOR's SALE OF VALUABLES isroparty oa 1st, So-nth 3d aad Bergen Me, Brookiyaj st ii- LUDLOW A Co. will aw7a4 aucrt'oa ea THURSDAY, Feb. la, at clock, at tba BfH chAcgs 'o.

Ill Broadway, bv ordar of John Y. Jtisnderaoa and Frederick Riley. Executor, aad Barsh Flrta, Ejectitrtt of Jobn Firth, ISobtheas-p COBfTPTt ipy aid Bom at TS- Ths valuable Blot ef amend, with tas See tare Tarteit luam 1 pwhetaatiauy battt, wwll hgbtsd, good boaston sttihisiss at 4 eatsid aatf arau tu fsst Lot ftlJU feet. KEBAtBif-aT. lna nioa of ai ana 1 est us iMk A.

Bswava--e. at feet ease a cmna tfadaf: iacka froat ZD test rear, fa faa aa; h.s a and US west side Ms-ax, at ths olea af tbe Baesjoatsara. TA. R. Lrn.i AUCTIOaI sales.

r.S. OOVERXMEAT SALE OF TOBACCO. NEILSON NICHOLS, Aactioassrs. will aeQ at pab- bc atactkm, by order ef Messrs. RAWSON.

BRIDGLAN5 CO, United Stats Tobacoa Agents, aa TUESDAY. Feb. ft. Iff, at 11 e'clock A. Al, at their Btore He.

US Part-t. HaxKrr-squars: i 1.413 pkps. Virgiaia Msaufsrtarsd Tbbieca. ate hhda. Vtrgiaia Leaf Tobacco.

4 4M hbds. Virginia Tobaceo Stataa. xUtaplee ready aa tha aeotattig of aate. For atAiosToee or furUtayinf ormaUoa. apply to Mcsar.

KAWSOIf, BRIDGLAND A Ma. 41 Broad-et-; AL HADER A SOX. Brokers, No. MS Psari-sC, op at the offio of the aacttoneers. KXTKNSrYE BALK OOVFHnF.tT ROLI.ITO STOCK.

MllJTABT Drvtaiosj of THE TtrKinrssBB, Cvt rxp qcabv I TEJtaLASTES UirK I u. M. Af IIUTAEX KAXUHIAUa, Si onr.T a las fill be sold at rsiblie auction- at Memnnta. Tentx. WEDNFfiDAV.

Feb. It, the following seen bed rolling stock, vis at our locomotive engines, five feet pars, (three old aad dismantled, one repairable.) (It) Sixteen box aad ut aiae dat cars, mora or less, tVvs feet fuage. SAME TIME AND PLACE. Il) One locomotive engine, five feet guage, lying tn the ditctt on tbe line of the Mississippi Central Railroad 13 miles north of Grand unction. At Nashville.

WEDNESDAY. Fab. M. will be sold tbe following described rolling stock, all of Ave feel guage and in good running order, vis: 1 Ore locomotive engine, Lyman A Souther, builders. (16) Eighteen locomotive engines, R.

Morns A boa, builder. (1 One loromotive engine, Rodger" LAM. Work. builders. 1) One locomotive engine.

Sambo ara A Smith, builders it fl? One locomotive tender. dke-. Two hundred fist snd bos cars, more or 1 asa. SAME TIME AND PLACE. 1 rSi Five Jooamotivs engines, naserneeabie.

BoitoraAnd running gears for two CD dummy engines, anserviceable. 1 ifi Five spans. IV) feet each, McCalluxa Trass Bridge. 3 Two pen bridge. 50 feet each.

133) One bandred and thirty -tnree perch first aad second class cat stone, compria ng foandation of roond-bonas. 1 ill also be sold, on abose- mentioned date, at Memphis aad Nashville, ths balance of military railroad property remaining nndisposed of at that time. -v Bstae will onmmence at each place at o'clock A- ana Cool in ae anul all the property is disposed of. TERMS OF SALE. Caab.

in government funds or, when purchased bp Railroad IV.mpanies. on credit df desired) of not exceeding two years, iyabie in monthly installmente with latere at be rate of 7 3-10 per cent, per annum, secured bv bond, aatiafactoriiy to the government, tor doable the amount of the property purchased. Full descriptions of the engines can be obtained oa application to Cart. S. K.

IlamilL A. Q. Naahville, Tenxv. F. J.

CRILLY, Brevet-Mai. and A. Q. (J. A.

CAliE OF CON DEM EC ORDNANCE STORES. Will be aold, at public auction, at Indianapolis Arsenal, Indianapolis, Indiana, oa the 3utb day of February, 1HX, at 10 o'clock A. a large qoantity of ordnanoe store of Interior quality, consisting in part of tbs following articles, vix, F4 carbines, varioua kind. 36,0110 moskets and rifle, new and old. United Statee and foreign, of vanoua calibres.

HQS Starr's army revolvers, aervtoeable. 37C Savage' aavy revolvers, new. and others, with a large lot. of spars part for the repair of mall arms of various pat tern. fY cavalry sabre belts, worn, T24 cavalry saddles, worn.

LfiSt) cavatrv bndles. son. Irh belt holsters tor pistoia, worn. cartridge boxes for pistols, worn. Lloa cartridge boxes for carbines, worn.

309 slings for cxrbmea, worn. 1A6 sets pt artillery harness), worn. 47.000 sets of infantry aconutrementa. worn. Also a targe lot of spposdsges for tha variona kxads at mneketa and nnee.

Samples to be seen at tbe Indianapelta Arsenal and at tha United Statea Ordnanoe Agency, No. 46 Wortb-et, nrs-ioriiiif. Jii iwWsbs, JA8. V. WHITTKMORF, Captam and Brevet Mator Ord.

Commanding. GOVEBRMEHT SALE. Extensive sale of dry goode, bedding, Ac, ta original package, will be eold at auction, at the Medical Par veyor's Warebonse, No. IT Market-et, ISaehvxlla. ao TCKSDA Y.

Feb. MtA BEDTINO. a.ett) hair nisliiiissss, toiatcd. 15.0W hair pillows. 47, ae bed ticks.

1 Zi.if)0 counterpanes, linen and mars i Ilea, 30,000 moaqaito bar. Sl.iUO pillow eases, 4A.CO0 pillow ticks. I sheets, linen and cotton. CLOTHING. 41 OW nhirta.

i.lW drawers. 1 ab.HM) dreseisg gowns, I 19 0U) socks. Oz-X lO.Onuslipper. I' M.Ofvniabt caps. PUNDRTES.

towel, fall sire, huckaback. roller toweia, cxaea. LOUO napkin. yards red BanneL S.4t0 yartl putt a perch cloth. Ann gutta percha blankets.

l.ono Indian rubber cushions and pillows, l.uwcanvae hammocks. 1.0U0 canvas blanket casee. i 10.0U) pound oakum and tow. Cotton bats, cotton wadding, tape, Ac g-A email portion of tba forgoing article are w-eond-hand. and will ba sold separately.

The.rreetar part are new and in original package. Catalogues may be bad on appLtcatioB. ROBERT FLETCHER, Burgeon and Brevet Colonel U. 8. Medical Purveyor U.

a. A. LA KtiE SALE OF CONDEMNED ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. Will be sold at public auction, at Fort Monroe Arsenal, Old Point lomfort- day of February. 1MJ6.

at 10 o'clock, A. M.t a large qoantity of stores, eoa-eiHting in part of tbe following articles, via: SU held, siege aad sr. mast cannon, wrought aad east iron, smooth bore and rilled, of calibres varying from three to eleven inches, including 23 east iron guns un-anished. 36 mortars, cast iron, 13-ponndsrs, 34-pounders, 8 Inch and 10 inch. 2B.3 shot, shell, spherical case, grape aad canister for mooch bore and nfle gans of calibres ranging from 10 pounders to 10 inch.

432 breech-loading Barnside's," Merrill'." Maynard and North new and repaired. Mt) musket and rifle, United States man ui act ore, new and repaired. C04 foreign rvflee, Aaatnaa, calibrs at, new and -repaired. 17 amooth bore pistols, calibre M. aew.

193 breech-lnsrfling carbines, Burnsids', "Merrill's," "Sharp's and Starr'a. 37 rifles, Henry's and Spencer's. 1.9K1 muskets, and nnes. United States and foreifra maouiactare of various calibres. rcvdlvers, "Colt's." Kemington's.

and Lsfaa-cheux. calibres aad 3. l.VTl sabre and swords. i t.44.0ie rounds of ball cartridges for carbiaa.muaketa, nflee and pistols. A large lot of artillery implements aad equipments.

A large kit of infantry aad cavalry aoeoat reman ts aad horse equipments. A lot of rope, paaline, bookies, rings, Ac, togetaer with a large quantity of smiths and carpenter tools. Samples of email arm can be aeen at Fort Monroe Arsenal and at the United States Ordnance Agency, No. 4S New-York City. Thirty days will be allowed for tbe removal of heavy ct dual ice Ail otber stores will be required to be removed within ten day from date of Bale.

Terms of sale. cash. F. G. BAYLOR, Captain of Ordnance, aad Brevet Colonel 0.

8. A. Commanding. Hemst D. MrHTB, Auctioneer Salesroom No.

37 Nats opposite the Post-office. IIHER aa SfiMERVILLE WILL SELL irk. at action. THIN DAY, (Saturday.) Jaa. 77.

at 10' cioofc, at tbear salesroom No. 37 Nassau Household and Office Furniture. Koeewood parlor suite in red rape, tables to match, lotjcgea, black wain at bookcasss, oak ball tack, oak chairs and tables, rosewood bdstaad. mat-treetiea, mahogany bookcase and secretary, elegant black walnut library, tables, flics furoitare, deck, abaira. rA.pyixux lirvswew, oir-psinamgs, wngrsvings, ac, Alan two auuare Diaao-fortee and one rosewood 7-octava upright ptanow Auw a faadiaot aised Haxrvna; safe; also a Decker billiard table.

KECXTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE JAMES M. MILLER will sell at auction oa TUESDAY. .1 an- SU, Iraa. at 13 a clock M-. at tbe Salesroom.

No, 111 Broadwaj. nnderthe direction of tbe executors of, tbe estate ef PETER VREDEN BURGH, deceased: Stobb auli Lot No. aul Hsoacwat. bet wees Fnttasj and Dey aoid subject to a lease expiring May Isbs. HotTvs and Los No.

30 flCA ran at beta a Sallivaa and A. (era st. HocaA ahd Two Lot Ko, Jokes-t. bet VieecKer and tus For luMher particular mqmr or THOMAS EARLE. No.


WI ITERS, AITO-uoneer, wtU sell, this day. at 10H o'clock, at No. A4S Broadway, tbe entire stock of French millinery 1.000 hata, ribbons, laces, now era. Siaawr aad Wheeler A Wit-eon eewiag maclunea, children a suits, elotbmg, ladies' under garments, aafa, counter, hw tasss. rtk.

chairs, lease ttve yvara to raa, aad, all other goods, bp oroer 04 A. aijjiiacs avi FURNITURE. FIVE ROSEWOOD PARLOR FVRkl-. i Tt'RK. Patent rosewood bedstaads.

patent rosewood baresn. tbe handling of a number of keys avoided, eaa lock oow trsllmg four drawsrs-i Aato, rosewood, black walnut, and oak library, dining-room aad chamber furniture, at SPRINGMEYFR flake J. B. Belter A Oat. No.

T33 broad wap, isetabliaheol lest,) opposite tba New-York Hotel. Factory corner of 7au-at- ALL KINDS OF FTJRIITTJRE, MATTR Esse, bedding looking-glmn. Ac, cheapest at SNSDEN A CAMPBELL'S. No- 333 Bowery, between, Stanton and Houston sta. Call aad save money; goo da warssnfsd aad dehveree) free; furniture in eaita.

1 PERSONAL. IN FORMATION WANTED OF HENRY YOUNG, a aatrve of Havre, Era noa, who left this city for Baltinaore, MA, as) taa 13th af Asgnst, lAO. It has beea reported tbat he eniieted thara la Compaap lata Msssachosetts Infantry, aader tbs asm of Frank Lows, sisaa which tusns ao afteasst Imm mm.v a aim. ales Aged 1 years, feet UK incbsa high, light ioa, bioo eyes, fair Jttatr and mild weanteaaaua. Any infurmauoa si kim wilt ba distressed mother.

Mrs. JAA a vtsfsAU avgt, aj oi New-Yesk, 1 STATIONERY. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IJtKaj WHtta. inn id" aad -Aja- tea tm.4aV rCslas. YeW ffjaas) Iparla 1 1 1 1 1 -A ta.

laetored by KEAtVES A CO, sa.tsmar te J. tV --tut ASTROLOGY. Tt. I JtEjFIErOLA.It, BTJBTJtESS AND MEDICAL nUasui f.1, Udsa Az The aaat, fatare and ptinat forwteld. i bread way, Asaaa Ba.

St Tha doatH-fui tositsaC mi- HOWKSTe- mavdaace Pwo wteh to know: losses! A- wclfurvovaa raat, te'la '( ywa ws-b COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. STURGES, BKNNKT A CO tbasaw. a. wiab av BKNAAT ai. I ires from Tbe remaining part Oil ta Ixoaidwaiasx.

stON AT HAN HTUKGKA JllKlAII TtfVXL PENJAMIN G. ArlNOlD." sx w- rR0AaUCa; BTCaiCaslJ laerw-YoBA, Dec. 8, lhtA. NOnCK OF COPARTN Not lat Nfrw-Yosa. Jaa.

tjajs. tha firm of STURGEa, AViNOLD A CO. I r. 1.1 A 11 1.1 AA. AHA i.Il FREDERICK STijoty EDWARD STLKGEaT DISSOLUTION.

New-Ycbe, Jan. bt am Tbe ermartaevship berwtofnre sxxst tag aader tbs a-of McALPC A BARRACLOUGH. ttSit CatbarS2 at, ia tkua city, has tbia dav besa ssstually dwaorveil. WILLIAM x7Mt-ALIUt JAMES BARRACLOUbrL If. B.

The business will hereafter be eontlaasd by tha undersigned, at tbe aame stora. WM. H- McALPPt. DISSOLUTION OFCOPARTNERaHIpT" The firm of MAR IN, solved dt metaal coiafent interest to the other cop sign tbe firm aame fa esta and anmd all the bawotiee, aad waa arts) tmue the bsnking baaxneas under the firm aame si MARVIN A WHITE, HAA MAR VIA. Naw-Yujak, Jaa.


MINTURN. ELIA.H WADt and JOHN N. AHM AN, II of whom reside hx tka City of WILLIAM it. SWAN. idea ia tbs City of Brooklyn, and who havs beretatese ewrried on, is the City of New-York, a baa wis ss with tar.

eura countries, ander tbs cupartnerabip-aame or Bra ef RINN ELL. MINTURN A Intend, oa aad aftat tbe data hereof, to eontnue the aaaa buaiaea aader ta same firm. -fSigaed) ROBERT B. MTNTtrRN. (Signed) JOHN W.

Ml NIT IRA. fSigaod) ELIAS WADK, Ja, ti (Signed) J. N. AHMAN. WILLIAM H.

SWAN. Dated Nlvt-YoBE, Jaa. 17. let. iU.

8. Stamp, cents, canceled. rtip awd Cbwary -Tets-Fiws. Oa this day of Jaaaary. la the pear of oar Lord esM eight hundred and sixty-six, before cum RoBKU B.

W. B1.1TIK EUAM WADF JOHN N. AHMAN and WILLIAM H. HWtV. to me personally knovra to la tbe persona describe is.

and who executed tbs foregoing sortilicato, aad aefeflly acknowledged tbs execution thereof. it- a. I Adam P. Pxjrrx. Notary Public U.

S. Stamp, cents, canceled. I riled with tbe Clerk of the County of New-York. Jaaa. ary twenty, ona tho.ssnil sight hundred and axxty-six.

No. 81 KW-Y ORE. 3tL IrM. THE FIRM OF COBB, ZAV'La1L CO. te thte day dxeeolved by mutual consent N.


CASE. Tbe undersigned will conf isae the business of general etock brokerage at tbe aame place. (No. 31 Br art rt ander tbe firm name of CObB, PRINCE A CAi, K. ft.

I VBtJ, PRINCE. T. Im CASE. DISSOLUTION OF mPARTVEHtlllP Tbe firm of DE LA KHUN It, SWAN A CO, ie-this dav dissolved by mntaal consent. INFIELD 8..

WILilEK bsrlng sold his interest to the other copartner, who are authorised to sign the firm name in liquidation having taken all the assst. assumed all tbs Habits usee, who alone are aatborixsa to aigs in liquid, taon. aad who will eontinoe the Produoe Commsasins). business at the old store. No.

96 Barclav-etceet, ew. York, ander the firm name of DE LA VEftGNflfcSWAS. A the remainiag partners having ni ievej siih them Mr. N. D.

HARE ia the place of Mr. W. 0. WIG. BER, wba retxree from tbe firm.


BOTAVn. New-Yobe, Jaa, 10, lata. I rtTRTJI A. SMITH. LATH CASHIER OS a atis sx.

eni xn. baj xw xasn Vthe Importors' and Traders' Katioaal day admitted aa a partner la oar bouse, tbe remsAaiaa aa aaswtofasw. F. W. DKV bans, ui alls firm ant KVOK A CO.


ANDY have been admitted as partners ia my business, which will hereafter be eons area Iter be eons GANDY A CO. tinned aader tbe arm of bUkPrAKU Jam. 1. ua. SHKPPARD GANDY.

COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE MR. GEO. CARKINGTON TAYLOR haa become a member oi oar firm from this date. READ. TAmYLOR A CO, New-Yoaa.

Jaa, 1864. No. Maiden lane. SITUATIONS WANTED, FEMALES. Wa1jteitj by a widow wba is 00m patent aad willing te taks tbe entire charge of a family: a home for herself aaa) ftaaghtarle more desired tbaa wages good reforests.

gives. Inquire at no. xtendareon-place, B'U usy. A Ja TED A SITUATION BT A RESPECT A- ble hootch Protestant woman aa cook aad to hem ta washing and ironing ia aa excellent 000k aad baker, Pali at No. 4t4 otb-av.

Hr ANTED A SITUATION BY A KESPKCTA. ble girl aa cook woald assist with the washing: the-best of city refer. nee given. Inquire for two day at-No. 151 East near 3d-av.

ANTE A SITUATION BY A RESPECTA-ble giri, ia city or soubut, as 000k and laundress; ss vujmiws uu ui u. is h. uaii at jso. an atn-av. WANTED A SITUATION-AS COOK.

WASHES aad ironer. or ohambermaid and waitress good -reference given no object tons to go in tbe country. Ae-nlv at or i ill No. 9sd WmL ITLh-st huaaaiiL WANTED A BITU.1TION AS WET NURSE a young widow with iut incnmbrance: milk aeeea weeks old aad a plenty ot it. Call at No.

tut Wstasth--t, near eth-sv. ANTED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG Woman ae eook, aad ia willing to make herself generally useful. Inquire at No. 310 Sullirsn et first frost room. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RESPECTA- ble French girl ae nurse and seamstress or ladies id.

Apply at No. Clinton Hal, Aator-place, th-st. PRIEOR HOUSEKEEPER A WIDOW ot aame siusnsse. wtshss a aituatioa ia either ea- Lteti- ity, or to take cara of aa invalid. Apply at no 31-' VOUNO LAOT WOULD LIKE COPYrNO to do at hums.

Address COPYIST, box No. AAA DOMESTICS, SERVANTS, HELP, advertising for aitoationa. places, homes. Ac DAILY TRIBUNE, are charged oaly 3 ovate. MALES.

I1TAMTEDA SITUATION AS HOME OR FOR-- sign buyer, or as bsad of department in aa import- Ing or jobbing dry good eoase: applicant aaa Dees six years in the Amancaa basineAa ta Par ax, and has had several years' experience ia thaarad in New-York familiar with the (it. Etieaneaad balae aiarketa: kaowa something of Lyons and ia acquainted with Freneb, Swiss. English mna Gertaaa goods gsasislly. Address Post-ofboe Boa No. aVTaa.

ViJ aged count AliTED-A SITUATION AS CORRESPOND- ing and oooftdential clerk or aeeretary by a middle- aged gentleman, well versed ia general basioese and accounts: baa been aome year in a leading railroad eora-' pany: Timrt beet of referaacee. Agar. J. A baa No. lay ise OtBoa.

WJ ANTED A YOUNG MAN. AN AMERICAN. a araduato of a college, not afraid of work, desires a situation where he can make himself useful; noob-ection to leering the city. Address M. CORLETT.

No. 3 lrving-piaoa. Wi ANTED BY A SINGLE PROTEST AKT Scotch roan, a situation aa ooaohtnaa ia clty.etF cos a try baa first-elaaa city reference; understands hia beainesa thoroughly sn-1 is wi hog and obliging- Aa-dreaa Box No. 310 IXsam Ofnca, WANTED A GARDENER'S SITUATION BY A yoang German man, unmarried, who la perfectlp eompeteat to take charge ef a firet-claat place, seek tat green-houses, graperies, Ae- Address JUAAPH, at Yoang A Elliott' seed -store. No.

Joha-et. A RESPECTABLK protbs-taat man, iitnatioa aa waiter a private tastily. Address E. No. sot Broadway.

DOOK-KEEPER OR SALESMAN. AN Uaetive. iatsliiaeat toau aaaa shea a aitaatlea aa book-keeper, lalesman, or any Light, active empkrynMBtt; oatv a moaevaxe aaxary eipectea. aaarssa owwe-KEEPER, No, 3 East xth-at, CASHIER OR BOOK-KEEPER'S POBl-T txoa wanted by person who ts capable of taking ehargaef taeefbee baaiuae of. stack aad aaid brakes office.

Address ty. Box No 1U Tiata. HELP WANTED. 1 AalVl PER AR. WE WANT AGENTS-p l.OlRJeveiy waeie to Bed swr rmprevad trjb Three new kiada.

Uader aad appsr teed. Warranted av. years. Above salary or large commiaaiaaa paid. Tbe ontv aaeeatass eotd ta On, tee Stales fur less; Itiaa f-sQ, which arsWlp Isowsed sp Whtbr f- ssw.

fJrssir aasfcsr. ta.sf Awlsss-. AJoth cheap BiaebiBee are Ciroalar rear. Ae av eaa apoa ona a. x-jaxaia.

rAtuossoruy aasiyv $10, A DAT. SPLFNDID ISDUCEMEXTR OF Vlsrad ta agents fog tha salf-taaohlag babb penmanshipTanoVpeaa Frio, postpaid, for the 1 am. tl SO: for ni iimsnahin asd 73 nssxa. AA. babbitto.

BAbBITT A WILT. No. 37 Park-row, New-York. A OBHITS asr A siiiv ra sa av-u 1 x. jVpine's aai Inn al ail portraits of LsdP Washington.

Lincoln, Grant, Sherman. Lee, Htorwvais-Jaeksoa and othera. Addrsas WlhLOW A CHA2I-- XiLfcit, ita. Bpraee st, Aew-York. GOOtW ANTED A RUBBER WORKER: A IT opportusity is open to party who thoroughly posted in the mixing and carina) of ladiarabbsr for packing, eprvaga.

Ac None ea a fxret-eiasa BsseT' sso asrpty ta eacn a afasasat ana prontepi psa ia offered enmmanicatioae etrietly coofldsatisj. Ayptp" by letter te aiObA. Box Ao. atal Aew-fork Pas-, amea. ITT ANTED A GARDENER AND vv cap ris os is ring aaaxg.

oi a aniima a 1 chtdina glass: mast oe a married baa of exi and abM te rwre tw past empio-rrr. Apply at tbe I Btore ef Maaoa xiiutxsar, Aa, as broadway- Tiir ANTED A NEAT. SMART GIRL. TO vT abort distance ia ths country aa waitreee Api-i ham lii bisk; arust ooaas wsu raoeeAaava at No. 4 Maiden lane, ap stairs.

w. ANTED A GARDENER: ONE WHO FULLY aaB.maadB hta basiase aad the a too tag af a rape. Address box no. 3,347 raet-otaca, wtiA aame at kts oaa. peoyer, aad leaxgth af txxae with htfav 3 YITANTED A STOUT.

ACT ITS BOY OF peace eid. lasidiag with hia aareatst aaiarv Ait esse in Address, ta own handwritieg. giving aaexee! atutAIJaAtk. bos Aas, MB Junes ov ANTED A MAN WHO UNDSRSTANDST if garssraily fax. Apply at Na, BA Bsata ta at.

YTTANTKD 13 AN v-OTFICH, A AX writes a wood haod. fat AAadi A. flu. Res Ia Tzt raass OeSoa. 1 Of WE LtrriltBfJ.

av AET CD-A. GIRL TO COOft. vr'AUH A3 irow for small faaubS atta iwfaf Hit rsaair Apt fry at Ba at West UtA-ea. TtTATSD A D8CO il ats) av, snr lath eta wX WRETITOIEI WAITE De-J ERAI IAosm.4 ia ill stsase wsa.i skews lash by If toen, aad very thin, Maaatssvnsere sa Aswa majlcj INGHAM A CO. tathj dxssW 8, H.

INGHAM harsMrsoid kaa artners, who are llqui.lau.-m. having taksa ail Myusser AVetAiifiaAttej' I.

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