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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JL iXimrQoxh dig gfmag, ti1 2oocmbcr 23, 1853. r- SPECIAL NOTICES. rr Fmlt 4 OraaaMBtal Ti IUlNTS. Including everything MiMHtrTU'tlM Oar' Hm, rreen-hoee. Nursery Orchard, with all the twcens Intred actions, at eery low rataa.

Deeeriptrre grlee Cstsiogmss gratia. Carnage puid te New-York, litres arnts1 nnd other plaatine: dome in any pert a the lismnrij'. TV Wit mum lav transplanting ia after Oct. M. Address B.

M. WATSON, Old Colony Numeric, Frynteuth, Mm. jf tt i v.i,. -The Yearly -V ZL 1 I n.kl. Latitats.

WlU nance WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. and will oam ef thirteen lerteree. fWf Wedaecday Evening, Nor. 23 Hon. JO-B Hals Iatr-Jectory n.

Wv at Thersdsy EreaiBr, Dee. 1 OLIYSB W- Tewe' Thursday Evening, Dae Gbobos W. "serf Thursday Evening, Dee. 15 WbbdilL PhiL-Clrs. ebieer.

La fxftk Tmursday Evening, Dec. 23 Pake Bkhjamik. Sixth Thursday Evening. Dae. 39 Pabk Bluai.

tnnti Thareday Evening, Jam. 5 Thomas STABB IKO. Eighth Thuredsy Evening, Jam. 12; Dr. Lewis II.

AterA Thursday Evening Jam. tt Rev. B. D. Tenth Thursday Evsaiag, Jam.

J. Arl Thursday Eitainf, Feb. 2 Horn. W. R.

Smith. Tmtlfth Thursday Evening. Fab. 9 Jas T. FlBLB.

5arnect Preparation er Foreign TVeeel. rWteeat Thursday Evening, Fab. 10 E. P. Whip-(TLB.

Bnhj act A'cceafrte CAorecfer. Lecturers have eat yet bwi positively enrared for the 36ua ef January nmd the Id if February. Eauoaat apeak-mrm will ba aces red for th ss evenings. I. oors will be at e'eleek lectures to comraenoe 71 o'clock, ickats, admitting a gentleman aail two ladiee, ar two eminora, ta the eeeirea, susy ba procured at the Institute or -ef either ef the Directors.

Price of tickets, $3 each These tickets will alao admit the holdars to a eoarse of ix loeterae to be delivered at the laatitate oa Saaday rreeiair, by Rar. Rich abb Sroass, nf the Pilgnm'a harch, ia this city, on 7 Pntir, Wisdom, nU (reeaV ew 01' 6ae ma UamtfetteJ in Hx Wmrkt. ROLLIN CERRir SMITH. 1 Lartare SAM'L LOUNSBURY, Cammittea. WM.


I Order. Tha Vetera Corp of tha Wsref 1811 wiUasaemble at Heae-qaartaBa Star Hotel, No. 64 Lltnaaard na FRIDAY, tha lilh it at If o'clock, P.M., ia eitiwai' drass of dark clot be, with black hat. eockada and side-arms, to ealehrata the Eraca-mtioa ef this City by the British troops ia All who ware eat aged ia tha aailitary sernre ef th United States ia the war with Great Bntaia, declared Jama 18, 181. are requested to joim as oa this eeeasioa.

Ar'tar tha care BBumias ef the day are on ia this City, the corps will proceed to Brook Ira, where they will be received and eeeorted to Rer. Ileary Ward Bechr'e by tha BrookJym Coatiaeatals. adr caaauil of Capt. tU. H.

tlf ABr. A diseoorss will be daliren by Rar. II BW-. bt Wabd Bbbcbbb. SabjSRt Co mnd Errntt tf tkt War ef 1SIJ.

A eollecuoa will ba taksa tip for the baaefit of the ior iadisaat old aoldiers who served their eoeatry ia that war, and for the daent later aaent ef the dead. TheGoveraer, msabsra of tha Lngis-latare ef the State of New-York, the Mayors and Con-mot Councils of the City of New-York aad Brjuklym, Jersey CiY aad Wiiliamsborf the members of Coagress aad Legislature elect, aad all others who appreciate the aarvices readsrad to their cnoatry by the Te.eraasef 1811. are respectfully iavited to atteitd oa that cveniar Propriatore amd Editors of aewspapers ia this aad ad jaraat Cities are alao invited to be present. The doors will be opened at o'clock, aad the aarvices will com-. tneaee at 7 with aa address to tha Throne of Grace by Rot.

Pbtbb J. Van Pelt. D. Chaplain to the C-rps. By order.

H. RAYMOND, Lt. Col. Commaadaat. A.

Dally, Adjutant. Al at 8 peel ml Meetlas; ef FRANKLIN AND LADDER COMPANY, No. 11, held oa Saturday eveniag-, Nov. 19, 1S3, the following- preamble and rvsolatiaa wre aaanimously adopted tVhtrtat, At tha recent catastrophe at the (ire ea the eorner ef Faltoa at oa Sundav, Oct, 30, 1651, whereby Mr. M.

O'dkien lost his Ufa whi'e ia the discharge ef his duty as a firemaa, thus, at one sadden aad awiul stroke, depriving a fund aad affectionate sitter ef a dear and beloved brother, to whom she had looked for assistance and support in her declining years. Whtrnu, la his sudden aad untimely end, wa moera the lees ef eae who had eadeated himeelf te as by his assay virtues aa 1 his kind and generoas disposition, aad justice to his memory demand that we should not forget those who were aear aad dear to him while living; therefore, be it Roevfe, That a Committee he appointed, with power to receive doaatioes front our tellow-cituens, in aid of the Bister ef Mr. M. O'Bbibh, who by this calamity has been deprived of a source of sopport therefore the folloeriar featlemea were appointed on tha Committee: JAMES ROSELL, DANIEL MOON EY, ARMAftD 8 vRBIER The subscription lis: will also ba let at tha following places; JAMES KELLY, No. 330 W.

A C. KNAPP, No. 46 Washinctoa at. FRASER it EVER-KT, Ms. 30.

Gold-st. CHaRLES STURUEB, No. 391 Gresawich-st. ARMAND BAR BIER, Foreman. B.

Bbemomb), Secretary. tT I.eetmree by Rev. J. S. Imaklp, Madisoa-st.

Mataodist Epiaeopal Charch By apocial requeat of tha Board of Trustees, Rev. S. lasKir will deliver a course of lectures im the Church corner of Madiaom aad Cath-erine-sts oa tha following interestiag topttia: Tuesday. Nov. S9.

7 P. Mn Modern Hjnritualitm, or Spirit Rapping ttrnmrntknl. Tuesday, Dae. 0, 71 P. Matrimony origin, mearc eae eaVeafere tkt Jmtxtmttom.

Tuesday, Dee. 13, 7t P. True Doctrine of IFesioVt Jtifktt, or Worn mi tkt thouU kt Tuesday, Dee. SO, Tr F. Origin, PrtvaUnc mnd -Comeqtttmctt of Infidelity.

Thursday, Dec. S3. 71 P. Ckrittimnity, tkt basis of Iniitridmml sad Aeit'oaoi Virtu mnd Grtmtnttt. Appropriate singles: bv the Chiur.

uadrr the direction of G. W. Pettit. Tickets tor ths entire course, $1. Tickets for single admisaion, S3 Can be hvl of Rev.

J. S. INSK1P. No. P9 Mdis.a-st.; VV.

BARKER, Ho. 3 F. A. GUN dr. No.

104 I. R. RYER8, Sexton. No. 105 Madison and at the doer on the eveniag of the lecture.

tkt London. VUttrmtti JV, October t2, 1863. New Law of laheiitance, with Notes, Tables of Detcrnts Coasaaruimty, dec. Price Se. The Rights of Heirship, or the Doctrine of Descents aad Consanf uiaity, aa applied to ibe suceessioa ef real property and hareditamaata, including the da-eemt of titular honors and coat armor, aad tha respective rights of participatioa ia the personal estate of an intestate, uadsr the statuta of Distribution On the 1st January, 1854, every Heir at Law and Heir of Bsmmatioa, whoae nsht shall have accrued oa or bef re the list De--eember, 1833, wiU fiad himeelf forever barred his riht of lsira.

London: Published by HENRY KENT CAUS--. TON, NaT's He ad-court, Grace Church-st." Newspapers generally ia the Uaited States please copy, for the eeaafit of ail concerned, that their claiau aaay be laid im tisae to preveat their being forever barred. Mayob's Office, New-Yobk, Nov. SI, 1353. Pretelaammtlmai.

Tha Governor of the State staving set apart THURSDAY, Nov. 94, as a day of thanksgiving, Lreonmmend that the day be so observed by all classes, aad that all citizens, of every denomination, unite ia giving thanks on thaAlay to Almighty God lor the mameroas manifestations of his mercy to us during the past year. Given under my hand and seal, at the Mayor's Office, on the day aad yar ava writ'ea, JACOB A. WESTERVELT. Mayor.

The various offices -reiiaeeted with the City Government will not be open on Thursday, Nov. 34, far the transaction ef business. t)arMeremmIIe L.lbrmry Aseeelmtlem. The Catalogue ef this institution now records over 40,000 olumes, embracing a choice sslection of works in every department ef literature, ta which additions are ean-taatly making ef all valuable publications as soon as issued. Ths Resdiag Room is bouatifully supplied with utnglish, French, and German magamaes and newspapsrs, ma also the principal dome stie periodicals.

Classes are ibrmiag im the modem langaarea, and ia other branches ef interest te members. Ths Library and Reading Rooms are even from 10 A. M. te 10 P. M.

Psrsons wishing- te join the Aseeeiatioa, will make personal application at tha desk ef the Library, eorner ef Beekmaa aad Naaaau-sts. Terms Clerks, S3 per annum Merchants and others, ft. WM. H. GILDER, Recording Secretary.

Ce- MetTwwslltmai 1 1 mil Refer i Committee. The asembars of th I'inmittM kn raaaaatad nusetnllv to attead a aneeUi.g ef the Committee, te be held oa FRI DAY EVENING next, tha 35th instant, at cioci at the University Baildiags, for ths purpose of meeting such Aidsrmea and Councilman elect as may accept aa mw taban te meet with them for the purpose of eoaaaltstiom en the subject el what measures (if any) ths Reform Com-- naittee can adopt to aid tha members sleeted ia aecurrng Aba reform deemed necessary in the administration ef the srJraire ef the City. PETER COOPER, Chairman. J. G.

Bailey, Secretary. "CP Pepmlmr Ietairee) The se- MMie Lecture of thia course will be delivered by Rev. R. FOSTBB, D. D- ta thsCreno-at.

Methodist EpieoopeJ hurch.TUlSKfENINC,S3dist., at7 o'clock. Sub-jwl: GooUgicoi Afrncitt, Cmuttl of Ckmngtt, Mtmnt of Oaeeraortem, ae. The Lecturee wiU ba lUuatrated by Charts, Symbols, Orrery. Globea, c. and ceanot fail ta interest and instruct all who may attead themu Tickets 13 teats.

RT (Manias; Btkssl A class for instruction in YocalMuwe. under the tu.tiomef Mr. W. B. BILLINGS, "wiU be fanned nt the Lecture-room ef ths Fin Baptist Charch, eorner Broome aad Elieabeth-ate THIS (VVsd-mesday) EVENING, Nee.

tS. The test book used ia the elaas will ba the Terms $3 for the quarter ef S4 It as no s. 1 Rbfebbbcbs Signor' A. Bagioli, and Msssrs G. F.

Heel aad W. B. Brajbory. tTT Bei aaeai fcy ft. Dmleai, (No.

1 TJntom-wlace, Brooklvm, near the Uaaultom Ferry,) em THURS-' DAY, Nev.S4, fThaaksgiviBg Day,) at II A. M-, a aer- rmam wilt be delivered ia Garman, at tha Brooklva Insti- kt i. Ty Syn. At the doae af tha Samoa a collection will be tale a up to defray orpensea. "I fcmnAmailelma; for All Nmtlemn A lecture em the above sabract wiU be delivered by the Rev.

D. A-OILL, late Paatoe ef the National Scotch Charch. Hoi-lawar. Leaden, im the Preebyterian thurch, corse of iStaateei end Forsvih-eta en next THURSDAY EVENING, at o'clock. rsrrts Xlehrew BesY-mlet Reclery will aIabrato their Thirty-eacoe Anniversary nt the Chinese Assembly Rooms THIS EVENING.

Dinner on table a aj e'eleek. earrjes.ajm poWDER. B. T. BABBITT is (he erlg-X nal mvantar of the Chemical Yeaet Pewdee, which ia prepared and sold by him St No.

and TO Wamtmnrtota-et New-York, ia tm eans, Theea whe pejehnse aaeeU tklt Ihey get that irt ik tan aba-re amaat am, WANTED. SITUATION WANTED By a respectable American weaaan. a Protestant, as meaeskseper te a wer an- sinrle gentlesssn, or as nates te an la 'nlid, or as child's naraeaad seassaueaa, or any eituatrem where fiJeLty. mo-raliiv. aad greet exper eace would be apprecis'ed.

Wjuld to teaay part of tha United State. Call or address Mrs. at Na. 71 6th-avM in the bookstore. SITUATIONS WANTED As a good cesk aad to wash and iron im a private family by one, and aa nurse end so a mat re sa, or as chambermaid aad seamstress, by the ether.

These girls are vary expeneaeed, and have excellent City reference. Call at Ne. 73 Sth-av in the bookstore. 1TUATION8 WANTED As nurse and seam-stress, or as chambermaid and nurse, by an experienced girl, who speaks French flueatly aad as a good ck ia a private family by an active girl, a ProtestaaL. Theee females are very competent, nnd have excellent City reference.

Cell at No. 73 ia the bookstore. SITTJATIONfTWANTesD As cook nnd te wash nnd iron, or te do the housework of private family, by one, tad as nurse nnd seamstress, or as chambermaid nnd seamstress or as chamherma-d aad waiter, by the ether. Has three years' reference from her last place. Call nt No.

Sth-av in the bookstore SITUATIONS WANTED As good cook aadte wssh aad iron ia a private family by one aad as chambermaid and waiter or aa chambermaid and laundress by ths other. These Girls are very experienced, and have excellent City reference. Call at No. 73 6th a in the bookstore. SITUATION WANTED, To tend in comrec-tionery, bakery or fancy goods establishment, by a respec'abls girl.

of atreeable manners and good address. Call or address ANNA, at No 73 6th-av in ths bookstors. SITUATION" WANTED By an experienced "we-maa, as a good conk, and te wash end iron ia a private family mskee excellent bread, pies, puddisgs, dec. Call er addreas ELIZA, at No. 72 ia the bookstore.

3 IT ATI ON WANTED. As Cook, and tnwash and iron, or to do the house work of private family by one, aad as chambermaid nnd waiter or aa chambermaid and lauadress by ths other. These girls are very experienced, nnd have excellent City reference. Call nt No. 7S in the bookstore.

SITUATIONS WANTED To tend store in a confectionery, bakery, or fancy goods establishment, by smart, active girl, of good address, and as chambermaid aadHraitar, or as nurse, by a tidy girl of fifteen. Call at No. 73 in the bookstore. SITUATION WANT By Protestant young woman as wet nurse good reference riven. Inquire at No.

45 rear building, Mrs. NELSOM, fourth floor. ITl ATION WANTED As first-class cook in a private family or respectable buatdinr-house, by a very experienced woman, with excellent City re fere are. Call at No. 78 in ths bookstore.

SITUATION WANTEI Br experienced young woman is a good Cook, Washer and Ironer. Can give the best of City reference. Please call nt No. 1911 Bowery. SERVANTS.

I tie cheaper for housekeepers to eub-scrihe te the PROTESTANT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 7 Carmine- (whan they want servants,) than advertising, aa this office has been established thirty fears, and consequently has greater facilities than any ether office. SECOND-HAND BOILER WANTED. A good, second-hand two-Hue Boiler, of 15 to SO horse Jower, ia wanted. Call at the hardware store, Ne.

37 ohn-st. CTEAM ENGINE WANTED Of about eight Lhorse and in good running order. Address, post paid, ANDREWS cx JESUP, No. 70 N. Y.

STEAM FOWERWANTED With large rooms, equal to 6. (MX) square feet. Apply to ABBOT dc W1L-COMB, No. S951 Paarl-at. TO advertiser has had several years successful practice ia ths Cour of this and vicinity.

Hs has also a select Law practice' aad wishes to connect himself as partner or successor te one who has an established and lucrative business, and whe would like to be relieved from all ths labor of such bisi-aess snd retaia an interest in tha profits. Address BYRON. Box No, 1,350 New-York Poet-Office, with real name and number. FOREMEN Wanted on the Pansma Railroad, ten or twelve experienced foremen, who are thoroughly and practically acquainted with railroad constrn ction, to go to the Isthmus of Panama. Apply, with recommendations, both as regards chartcter and abilities, to the Psnama Railroad Office, No.

78 Broadway. AGENTSWANTED Fifteen men of good address, as Agents for several patent articles Good salesmen cam make S5 per day one for Boston, with $300, cam make $1,900 per annum. A small Fancy nnd Variety Store for sale a great bargain. Call or address No. 317 Bowsry.

crkfl AGENTS WANTED-To sell town nnd tJVfVcAuntry rights ef Otis' Patent Insulated Lightning Conductors in every section of ths United States now unsold. A rare opportunity for those wishing traveling arency. Apply to the LYON MANUFAC-TUR1NQ No. 265 Broadway. New-York.

MAN WANTED In a Cordial and Syrup manufactory. A competent workman, one who understands his business as a distiller, and is willing to mike himself otherwise useful, may procure steady situation by addressing note to R. O. Broadway Post-Omce. BOY WANTED Te attend an office.

Inquire at Ne. 51 third-story, frint room, between 4 and 6 P. THIS DAY. Wages, $1 80 per week. GIRI WANTED Te do geaeral housework; one that is a good cook.

Apply at No. 19 Bond- Brooklyn, near Falton-av. BOARDING. BOARDING. A large and small room, on the second floor, to let, suitable for gentlemen, at No.

80 (near Broadway.) Modern improvements. References required. BOARDING. A gentleman and lady or two single gentlemen can be acconimodatad with pleasant furnished rooms and board at No. 24 Brooklyn, within eight minutes walk of either of ths ferries.

BOARD UP TOWN. Furnished and unfurnished rooms to let, with or without board. Families and single grntlemen can be accommodated as above, in that new, larre and commodious house on the southwest corner of BroadesY aad 2th-st. This ho ass has been recently built. With all the modern improvements, Gas, Croton water, Baths, Ac.

Stsges pass the door every few minutes, and tha 6th-av. cars are within one BOARD IN SOUTH BROOKLYN. Two or three single gentlemen can be accommodated with partial board by applying at No. 1 Willow-place, corner of Joralemoa-st-, between South and Montague Fe riea, three miautas walk from either. References exchanged.

OARD IN SOUTH BROOKLYN Two very pleasant unfaraiahed front rooms, on tba second floor, to rent with aard, to a gentleman aad wife or single gentlemen, in a quiet family, within a ihoit distance of the South Ferry. Also, one tingle room, on second floor. Apply at No: 133 second doer below Amity. References exchanged. BOARD IN BROOKLYN.

Pleasant rooms, with board, cam be obtained nt No. 34 within five minutes' walk ef either Wall-st. or South ferries. References exchanged. QUI ET HOME WANTED By gentleman, wife and infant, in private family.

Would prefer using their own furniture. Address, with particulars, stating terms, which must be reasonable. Box Ne. 1,734, Post-Office. HOTELS.

ANSION HOUSE, BROOKLYN Only tea ilXminutes from Exchange in Wall-st- It has recently added another addition, which has been fitted up im a itylc equal to any hotel, nnd its capacity will new rank tmong the first in the country. Families or single gentlemen, wiahing to locate for the Aatumn or Winter, will lo webf to taks look nt ths Mansion House. Strangers driving in town during ths Fall will find ample aeeomaao-lations. Omnibuses pass the house avarv five miaatee from the South and Fnlton Fsrriss. EDWIN R.

TALK. THE COLLINS HOTEL. This new house is located at the corner of Canal and West-its-, from ths North Rivsr, and opposite Collins line ef steamers effrs sums airy, pleasant family parlors and single rooms, at very moderate pricea, for tba wiater moatha, by applying to TALLMAN ox MAPES, Proprietors. EVERETT HOUSE, ON UNION-SQUARE. This establishment, now furnished and complete in its arrangements, will ba epened om TUESDAY, the 23d at which time persons desirous of engaging the fsw remaining apartments, ran apply to the undersigned.

IlAV LEY D. CLAPP, Proprietor. HORSE" AND WAGON Stolen this morning from opposite St. Ceorgx's Church, in HORSE AND WAGON. The horee, medium-aizod.

dark bay. stent built, long mane, nnd shaggy coat. Faial hite spot oa ths forehead aaother white spot uadsr the feiWk of one of tba hind feat. The wagon, black top, nearly new blue cloth liniaa; cushions covered with a slip Using of faded, alate-colored Holland. The right shaft has been broken and repaired.

A blae woolen horse cover, nearly new, lay folded on the seat. dollars reward will be paid on returning the above te No. 131 lOth-sC, five doors west of Broadway. STORE. For sale upon accommodating terms, the stock, fixtures, aad good will of the business ef aa old established gentlemen furnishing store in one of the principal thoroughfares in the City, now doing cash business ef fifty dollars per day, nnd with custom shirt trade worth ti.OOO per year- A chamcs seldom to be met with for a person desirous ef stepp'ns- at once into well estabhshed business.

'Apply to 8TILWELL de SWAIN, Attorneys, No. 11 Chambers-street. I AM NO DOCTOR, NOR A PROFESSOR I am omlv rial a old Mr. GRAHAM, who being- possess ed of aa ONGUENT that will force the whiskers nnd moustaches te grow atxtrng and thick etx weeke. without ataimng er injuria: the skin, takes this -xethedof informing nil thoae in want of beard ar hair thu his On-guant will be sold for $1 per bottle.

Seat te any part of the country. R. O. GRAHAM. Ne-SS and all druggists'; Brooklm, Mrs.

HAYES, No. 175 NOTICE Feathers, beds, mattreeeee, and peOlaeeee. The well-knewu proprietor ef the eld-fashiomed Feather Store and Mattress Factorr, Ne. 158 begs Wave te call the attention ef his palrama, the mease-keepers im the City and country, te the mew and extensive nsaartsaent ef Fall Goods new em hand, which, he offers for aala aa lew aa aav hones ia the City. W.

CRAWSUCX, Ne. US CmnJ-st. sec aad deer east ef seex-t. FOR SALE. PROPERTY IN BROOKLYN FOR SALE.

450 Lots in Jersey, in erne plot. S30 Lots im Sooth Brooklyn, em nicks, Heary ami Ce-lunsbta-sts. 315 Lots em 6th, 7th, 8th mnd Vth-sts and Gewaaus Creek. Block ef Lots on Court-et. and Hamulton-av.

20 Lots on Hamilton- av. 14 Lots at tna Atlaatic Dorka. 30 Lots om the Wallab mt Bay, with Dock. Montagus Hsll, one ef the Haest bmildiage im the city of Brooklyn. Contaias Poet -Office, etc 03 Houses aad Stores and Cottages i PROPERTY IN NEW-YORK FOR SALE.

91 Houses and Stores, comprising almost every variety. 1 Store and Lot, No. ft5 Bowery Lot 160 feet deep. 1 very ft ae four-stogy brown steee Homes, between 39th end 29lh-sts 1 do. on 14th st between 7th and 8th- ava.

6 Lots corner Broadway and 36th-st. 3 Lots on 7 Lots on 43d-st. 13 Lots on 10 Lots om between Bmndway and 5ih-av. 1 Lot on 5th-a v. PROPERTY IN JERSEY FOR SALE.

1 Hones and IS Lots on New York Bay. 1 small SteamVoat nnd 1 Schooner, 1,200 tons. Any of the above proper -y will he sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of $. P.

TOWNSEND, No. 83 Nassau -St. FARM FOR SALE, At Fresh PondrL. 1., 3 miles fromWilliamsburg Ferry, on two roads, and adjoin-in Mount Olivet Cemetery, containing 26 acres of excellent market lead, with two nduses, barn, nnd abundance of excellent fruit nnd good well of water. Also a Country Store, nt Colnmbusville, on ths Newtown plank-road end Fisk-avcnue house 54x30 feet, 8 lots of land, with barn and other out buildings, with ths stock ef goods oa band, and good well of water.

Also new Dwelling House, adjoining, 22x37, two story aad kitcbea, aad barn. Also pteee of Wood Land, on near the above, containing 111 acres of 1 und. Alio 61 acres of land, Laid out ia lots, corner of Maiden-Is ne aad Juhnron-av The above will be sold reasonable, and on accommodating terms. Apply at JOHN KOL-YER'S, at the store corner Fisk-av. aad plank road.

Fare, by stags, 6J cents. A CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. It is situated one-quarter to one-half mile from the centre ef the village of Kinderhook, Columbia and contains about 210 acres. It has on it fruit trees of various kinds, aad an apple orchard. It is well watered and fenced, and haa on it about eighty acres of natural meadow the remainder is good grain land nnd wood.

There are two brick houses on it, with two sets of large nnd convenient out-buildinga. One of these houses is beautifully situated, with hanging wood in the rear, and with little ex-' pence may be turned into picturesque sottngs, situated in the midst of a beautiful country, nnd so near churches, a' flourishing academy, post-office, it is 'a desirable residence for gentleman who has family te educate. It is four miles from ths Hudson River Railroad on one side, and ths Harlem on the other. Apply to the subscriber st Kinderhook. or AARON J.


A good, 3- story House, with store and cellar and large stable in the rear an excellent stand for grocery and feed situated on the near the railroad terminus. Also for sale the lease of Lots, with the improvements, eorner 3d-nv. and fllst-st. 3 large brick Houses in 23d paying a handsome interest 4 brick Houses on 7th-av. brick Houses in llth-st.

House nnd Lot corner 2d-nr. and and largs numbeT of Houses of all elasaes Building Lota, Farms. Ae. Apply to LUSH A MOO Jf, Real Estate Agents No. 71 3d-nv.

To Let A fine b. own-stone House in near Maditon-av. HOUSE FOR SALE In ths village of Fordham, one two-story double dwe ling-house, beautifully located alao, a number of building-plots from 25 by 100 feet to five acres each. Terms easy. Apply nt the Real Estste Office of Z.

NEWELL, No. 344 Broome-at-, opposite the Harlem Railroad Office, between the, hours of 10 A. M. nnd 3 P. M.

Money loaned om improved City property. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. A very desirable Hotel Property, forming part of one of the best hotels in New York, and paying large interest, would be exchanged for City prtpertr, improved or unimproved. Apply to HOMER MORGAN, No: 3 Metropolitan Bank Building. LEASE FOR SALE.

The three years unexpired lease and fixtures of the first -class brick store. No. 290 Bowery, mow occupied as a furniture store and ware room. It is the best business location in that part of the City. For terms apply to JOSEPH W.

LAMB en the premises, or nt the office of JAMES W. WHITE, Counsellor nt Lnw, No. 11 Nassau st. LOTS FOR SALE On the north side of between 2d and in between 12th nnd on the south side of east of 2d-av. om the eorner of 17th-st.

aad 2d-av Stuyvesant-square and on the north aids of 19th near 2d-av. Nine-tenths of the purchase money can remain on bond aad mortgage. Apply to W. MAYO, No. 70 Esst 14th-st.

FOUR LOTS FOR SALE 24 br 100, commencing 50 feet from the northeast corner of oa the easterly'side of 9th-av between 59th nnd oOth-sts. Location very desirable hi gh groand on the grade and free from rock W. J. STEWART, No. 157 South-st.

ESTATE FOR SALE. Nos. 221 nnd 233 Ca situated on the corner of Watt-sU, recently occupied by Messrs. "Requa dc as an iron-railing manufactory, Ac. For deacriptiom of ths premises, terms of sale, apply to L.

H. MOORE A No. 122 Broadway. ARMS, HOUSES, AND LOTS FOR SALE. In Plainfield, N.

nnd adjoining towns, 50 houses aad lota, of i to 10 acres, from $A00 to $5,000, nnd SO farms, of 10 to 200 aeres, from $1,100 to $10,000. For particulars, inquire of S. D. LAW, No. 52 New-Yorker GEO.

W. DEWEY, Plainfield, fTNIONPORT AND WAKEFIELD VILLAGES One-half acre lot in the former, end aa aere'in the latter, for sals. Address UNIONPORT, UermUotUm. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Shares for sale. Address as above.

FOR SALE. A good saddle horse, rockawny, harness, saddle nnd bridle, nil in good orler, will be sold low, by applying nt No. 114 Brooklyn. TO LET. OUSE TO LET IN BROOKLYN.

A very nice three-storv brick house, in rented and nleaa- ant neighborhood, near nu omnibus touts. The house has the gas and fixtures throughout, pump in ths kitchen, and possession immediately. Rent $350 per annum. Ap ply on tae premises, in 3d eoor wsat tram or st No. 71 Atlantic-at.

FARM TO LE OR FOR SALE At Elizabeth, town, N. comprising 100 acres of superior land, under good crop and cultivation. There are two good dwelling-houses and large number ef barns nnd outhouses on ahe premises. For further particulars apply te G. B.

WHITTLESEY, room No. 41 Insuiance Buildings, Ne. 51 Wall-st. FIR ST-CLASS nOUSR TO LET LEASE With all modern improvemente, fouasrias high, besides basement in a fine location No. teJO 2d-sv between 18th aad 19th-sts.

Inquire of M. PRASLOW, Noa. 10 or 290 2d-a v. BUSINESS SITUATION. To let, a Urge country store, and dwelling house, (if wanted,) short ride from the City.

Inquire at No. 4 Brook- RICn PARIS FEATHERS. JasTrecetvedCthe most extensive assortment of Paris Feathers ever offered in this City, among which 500 dosen Ostrich Tips, ef a very superior quality. 200 doxen Marabout Plumes. 500 doxen Plumes ds Coqnes.

Also, large stock of Ladies' aad Misses' Beaver and Felt Bonnet, which will be sold low for cash by J. II. HOMER. Noa. and 08 corner of Williain-st-, NewYork.

fTQ FIRST PREMIUM MILLINERY. lO 93 Mrs. WILLIAM SIMMONS respectfully an-aoamree to her numerous friends and patrons that met show-rooms are mow open, aad stocked with the largest aad richest assortment of Fall and Winter Millinery and Millinery Goods te be found ia this Metropolis. MRS. WM.

SIMMONS, No. 564 Broadway, New-York. ILLINERY. THE FIRST PREMIUM A 811-ver Medal was awarded te Mm. G.

SCHLEGEL, No. 151 Divunoo-st-, for tha beat ease of Bonneta exhibiaed at the Fair of the American Institute, Oct. 20, 1853. Ladiee are respectfully invited to call aad examine the ease ef premium Bonnets nt IM where they earn alee see the Silver Medal awarded te Mra. BCHLEG EL.


19 Maiden-lane, invite the attention of Country Merchants and City Dealers te their aaeortment ef Goods im MUFFS, CAPES, T1CTORLNBS, CUFF-TRIMMINGS, MITTS, GLOVES, MUFFS, SLEIGH-ROBES, ef every description. Each article warranted ef the beet material, aad mamuacture4 this eeasom, with express adaptation to- the two classes ef trade mentioned. GENUINE FURS Manufactured expressly for the subwribers. consisting of Ruesia and Hudson's Bay ssble, royal srmiae, mink, stone marten, Chimcmimellm, squirrel, and ether fare, in he various and moot fashionable stvles of mufT, victoriaee, cardinals, cuffs and beam. ALEX'R T.

STEWART dc Broadway. EMPIRE SLAUGHTER-HOUSES. TW atteatiom of Batchers, Mailers nnd Chandlers is nested te the above-named buildings, situated nt the ootof 39 contiguous te the North River. They present inducements for the above occupations mnean-paased by amy establishments of the kind in the eemntry. Each building is separately supplied with the Croson, nnd private sewer runs the entire lensrth ef the buildings.

with openings for each. has just beea smbetan tiaily paved, nnd as there is a large dock at tme loot the street, it bids fair the business stseet sf tlu northwest part ef the City. More than half the aeuldiagie are alrealy occupied, and liberal inducements will be mads te parties taking ten ef more. For mone full particulars aad plans of the buildings, inquise. ef ALEXANDER P.

KIN NAN. No. 117 Wnrren-et ee Ne. 122 Went im the evening. TO PR INTER sJ NEW-YORK TYPE FOUN-DRY AND PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE (ESTABLISHED IN 1823.) Ne.

29 Sprmee-eL, four moors below William st Tap embsexibsss furmiam very article tc emreu in a prrnung office, tor amah er aspisved paper. Alee, second hand printing presses and type, and a cecn-plete fee a German pener. in geed order. CORTEJ.YOU A GIFFTXG. nOCNT LEBANON WIMIU A few bexee ef Wine mads em Mount Lebanon, Sj-i pure ruiee ef tkt frree foe tain, enquire ml Ne, ti EruaJet.

NEW PUBLICATIONS. TVKW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS JACK 11 ADAMS THE MUTINEER. By Captain Chauicx, author of Ben Btace," "Tom Bowling, Ta Spit-fere," Ac This is well told story, founded om ths worl 1 renowned mutiny ef ths 'Bounty' nnd the Horn is th fa-moes John Adams ef Pitcairm Island. Since the -tth ef Marrvatt and Cooper, the author of Jack Adam-' ia almost the only, writer ef sea tales, whe cam coat stand the public Beautifully illustrated. One voL 8ve.

200 pp. Pri-e 50 cents. EDITH'S LEGACY; ob, LONGWOODS OF THE GRANGE. By the author of Adelaide Liadsay. A pleasingly told domestic story, much after the style and nssnner of its many prototypes, and quite worthy to rank with the productions ef Grace Xguilar nnd Mrs.

Grey. One vol. 8vo. 134 pp. Price 25 rents.


We should judge it te be net only good represents tion of the prominent phases of society im Washinrton, but well calculated to convey to the young heart the danger of firing itself up to a love ef pleasure aad outward display. One vol. 12mo. 350 pp. Price in paper 50 cents, cl th 75 rents.

PASSION AND PRINCIPLE. A Domestic Romiaee by Mrs G'BKT. Ws have received an excellent novel by Mrs. Gray, entitled Passion and Principle, wherein the aathor shows the consequences in which passion, unchecked ky prinrip'e, must ever Complete in oaa vol bvo of- about 200 pp. Price 50 cents.

DUNCE A BROTHER. Publishers, No. 134 Nsw-Yerk. Copies of any of ths above works mailed, free ef poet-sge, on ceipt of the prices as affixsd abovs. FRENCH COURSE.

JUST PUBLISHED PHILOSOPHY OF FRENCH PRONUNCIATION; on PRONUNCIATION IN TWENTY-FOUR RULES, wiih systemattz-d explanations, nnd prafttiee ia prose and poetry and cxtra-ta for translation By GuiLLATMB H. 'I aLbot, Professor of the French Language- Boctnm. 75 cts. This is the only system that has yet reduced French pronunciation to combination of rules reliable and genrral in their application. These, aad -the exceptions from system net only eomplets in itself, but which has the advantage of being true uultam im is the result ef several years' labor.

LATBLY PUBLISHED, A NEW METHOD OF LEARNING THE FRENCH LANGUAGE embracing both the analytic and symthttyt modes of instruction, being plain nnd practical way of acquiriag the art of re a ling, speaking nnd composing French. By Levis Fasqubllb, LL. Professor of Modern Lanuuages in ths University of Michigan. $1 25. FaQVBLLB's new method is universally acknowledged to be tha best now in use, and is rapidly supersediag all others.

It haa already paaaed through tea editions. Also TUB OLLOO.UIAL FRENCH READER; er, Intsrssting Birmives ia French, for translation, accompanied by eonversatit nal exercises, with grammatical nnd i iioaaaticat references to Fasquelle's New French Method. ths explanation of the most difficult passacss, nnd co pious vocabulary. Br Locis Fasqubllb. LL.


With notes by Louis Fas- quelle, LL. D. 75 cts. Copies sent to teachers, by mail. prepaid, who enclose te us the price of tns b-oke.

rub- iished by NEWMAN dc IVISON, Booktsllers and Publishers, No. 17S Falton-st, TVTEW MUSIC Just Publishes KATY-DID it SONG. By Thomas Bakxb. "Didst ever ask ths insect tattler what Katy really did to make such a stir in the wor and gave occasion firit everlasting eoeg of Katy-Didr "No." "Wall, ws hsve, nnd here is ths answer." BLEAK HOUSE BALLADS, No. I.

Beginning the World." Words by Fitx-JaMBs O'Bbibh. Musis by Thomas Babbb. 25 cents. DO GOOD. Words by J.

R. Obtoh. Music by Thomas Babbb. 25 cents. JOANNA SNOW.

Song by L. V. H. Cbosbt. HEW riAHO MUSIC.

LA PRIMA DONNA VALSE. By Oscab Comet-taut. 63 cents. LA PRIMA DONNA VALSE. As played by Jullien.

50 cents. La PRIMA DONNA POLKA. ByTah bbb Witoi. 25 THE SPECTRE OF OUR TIME. By Ptchowski.

50 cents. Published by HORACE WATERS, No. 333 Broadway, sols agent for Gilbert A Go's. Pisnos, D. D.

dt H. W. Smith's Melodions, and Martin's Guitars. N. B.

Second-hand Pianos at bargains. GEO. P. PUTNAM etc COT PUBLISH THIS DAY, GOLDEN DREAMS AND LEADEN REALITIES California nnd Overland Adventures. By Ralfb: Ravek.

With introductory chapter by Fbamcis Fooee, Esq. cloth, $1. The latest -eok upon miaing adventures, and ws should not wonder if public opinion pronounced" it ths best and most readable. We have read and reread rnaay a humorous and instructive paragraph, utterly nt a loss to choose among so much that is cood." Portland 4eV An Illustrated Edition of THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD, with engravings on steeL One volume, square $3 50 gilt extm, $4 nMe-occo, $8. This volume is printed oa superfine paper, uniform with the illustrated edition of Irving.

It contains 11 engravings '-n sie.l. LYRICS FROM THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. Ths poetry by W. H. Bellamy.

Music by C. W. Gloyeb. In one volume, uniform with illustrated edition. Cloth, 75 cents.

This volume contains six lyrical pieces founded on passages in that popular work, aat to appropriate mnaie. TI S.ARTHUR'S HOUSEHOLD NOVEL. A IRON RULE; ob, TYRANNY IN THE HOUSEHOLD. By T. S.

Abthcb. The above work, by f. S. A bthub, which will, beyond all doubt, prove to be one of the moat eoonlar works ever printed, for no fathi or mother ia the land should be without copy of it. It wiU good lesson to all, aad be recommended by all that read it.

Complete in 1 VoL, price 25 cents. Also fur sale the following works of T. S. Abthub, price 25 cent i each The Divorced Wifo, Ths Orphan Children, Tne Debtor's Daughter, Insubordination, Lucy Sanferd, Agnes or, the Possessed, The Two Brides, The Iron Rale or, Tyranny The 1 anker's Wile, Pride snd Prudence, Cecilia Howard, Ths Broken Promise, Love in a Cottage, Love in liieh Life. The Two Merchants, in the Household.

Just received and for sale by BUNCE A BROTHER. Booksellers aad Publishers, No. 134 one door below Beekman-st. THIS DAY PUBLISHED KENNY'S MILLS ob, THE EARNEST WORKER. By ths author of" Robert Dawson, Jane Hudson," Ac.

1 voL I8me. 40 cents. Kenny's Mills will be for superintendents snd teachers what "Jans Hndsom and Robert Dawson are for beys nnd girls in our Sunday-schools a cheerful, encouraging book, showing how real difficulties may be met nnd conquered, and how a patient continuance in well doing finds a sure reward. it rxTBAY THE FLOWERS OF THE FAMILY. A Book for Girlsr By the author of Little Susy's Six Birth-Days." 1 voL 16mo.

385 pages. 75 cents. in pbcss: WORK PLENTY TO DO, AND HOW TO DO IT. By Maboabbt Mabia Bbbwiteb. THINGS TO BE THOUGHT OF.

By ths author of "Little Things." ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH, No. 683 Broadway. THE CRYSTAL PALACE.

A "BOOK FOR EVERY VISITOR. O. P. PUTNAM A GO. have just published, A DAY IN THE CRYSTAL PALACE, AND HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT, being pjmular companion to the official Catalogue.

By W. C. Richabds, M. Ed iter of the Official Catalogue. Price, 25 cents.

For sals by the Booksellers re ne rally, also at the 6th-av. cars, but rot IB ths Crystal Palace. It gives such directions and explanations, that the visitor cam aee aad understand asore with it, in one day, thaa ha could without it in a week Ctntrier. It is an indispensable volume te nil who wish to know what has been done, nnd what is doing, at that general centre of obeerratKin -the New-York House of Industry." Mirror. TnECOLUMBIAN GLEE BOOK By B.

Woodbvby. author ef the Dolr-imcr." Thia is one of the best Glse Books which has yst been issued, snd will soon be as popular as the Dulcimer Price $1. Just published and for ssle, wholesale and retail, by HORACE WATERS, No. 333 Broadway. MUSICAL REPOMTORYiTNs.

1. LA PRIMA DONNA VALSE. By Juli.ixw Published this day. Price 61 cents. ALEX.

MONTGOMERY, Nos. 1, 14. and 17 Sprace-st. AUCTION SALES. i D.


HOUGH will sell THIS DAY, ths 23d insu, nt 19 o'clock A. all the rosewood and mahogaay furniture contained in the fire-story free-stone house ia near which consists of one oleraat rosewood aurta, in French crimson nnd gold brocatelle, one do. in blue and white sstin damask, one de. in green and maroon brocatelle, en richly-carved rosewood etagere, one rosewood atotiaa piano-forte, one aaagniScent rosewood book-case, one beautiful R. W.

eserutoire, R. W. centre aad aide-tables, eaay and sewing-chairs, pier aad oval glasses, nch mantel ore Bents and clocks, oA paimtimgs and sag-ravings, brocatelle and laee curtaiae, velvet nnd tasestr carpets, one superior nsabogmny extenaion-table. It. W.

enrner-etemds and comer etagere s. Ae. Alao, in the Chambers, rosewood and mahogany French bedsteads, bureau, waahstaada, tables and chairs, lounges, work-tables, lookiag-glanee, seere tastes, mattssaees, blankets, counterpanes, feather beds, bedding, dee Ae. Alao. im the Basement, walaut extern, ien-table and dining -chairs, ehinn and glass ware, cutlery aad silvsr-platad ware.

Altogether, goee. aa-aoitment ef rick hemsshald farm tare. Catalogues. JtfGNETIC OT POLITICAL. The "Hard-SbelU and 5ott-SUa Have held their Conventions, Aal awful indeed are their party dissensions, 'W'hUs thoe Hard-Shells," the roaches, Aad 5oft-S hells." the flea4 With the rascally bed-burs And insects em trees.

Are im fearful coaunotion, aad LroBI the cause, For his powder destroys them Bs natnial lawn. Depet for LYON'S Magma tie Powder and Pills, No. 424 ay- IRON CEMETERY RAILING S-The Atlantic ubng Works and Foundry inform those whe hare mads ntqaiitea raspecuag their mew patterns, that ther nre new taking orders for the easee nt their office, Ne. 39i Bleed may, corner ef Walker-st. GEORGE FOSTER.

Aremt. DiEN FARO PLAYINCAlL.leutW-ltern aad W'eeteru dealere are invited tees mine tne best goods mads in the Unite States. Foe sals at tie rhieIp-iB Cart FsctoTs Depot, by siu, AMUSEMENTS. THE PROPTIET PUBLIC TI EIn er-der to complete the very extensive arrangements which, have mow been several weeks tm progress, mnd te insure the perfect remditiam ef thia great work in style f-w beraiof-ra attempted im may operatie performance he is rwcn-allod to defer THE FIRST PERFORMANCE OF THE PROPHET Till FRIDAY KVENINO msxt. Nee.

25, when it will positively be pmdnred. All tickets purchases for the first might will be geed for that occasion, nnd these already purchased far the aee-end night will be received am Munday, Nee MAX MtRBTZEK. NIBLCS GARDEN ITALIAN OPERA. On FRIDAY, Nor. 15, For the first time in New-York, Meyerbeer nnd Scribe's Creed Opera, in five arts, called THE PROTHET, It FBOPBTA.

itm new scenery dresses, appointments, nnd the following unrivaled cast Jean of Leydem Salvi Fl- mother Sign'n StefTamone Berthn. his bride Sign'n Bertacem Zacehanas. an Anabaptist Sig. Marimi Jonas, aa Anabaptist. Vietti Mathina.

am Ross Count Oberthnl Sig.Jleneveatan A Soldier Sig. Quimte Peasants, Soldiers, Priests, Ae. In ths third net. rramd Pas de Redown nnd Qaadrille, by MdUes. LEEDER, DROUET, DUMAR, and the Corpe de Ballet.

Time ef the action im 1530. The first part takes place im the country in Hollaal, near Dortrecht the second im aa inn im Leyden the third im forest im Westphalia ths fourth nnd fifth in tha city ef Mamster. N. The Box-office, for the sale of Secured Seats for the first two performances is now open at the usual places. Priee ef admission, $1 Secured Seats, im the day time omlv.

$1 50. Seats msy be secured daily nt Messrs. HALL A SON'S, No. 239 Broadway, opposts the Park, aad at Niblo's Cardan, from 9 o'clock im the morning until 5 in the evening. Doors open nt 8 performance te commence at 7.

PHILHARMONIC SOCIETt TWELFTH SEASON. The first Concert of this season will be given en SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 26. nt Metropolitan HalL Conductor of Orchestra, Mr. T.

Eisfeld. The members, subscribers, aad the pablic, are res sect fully informed that th increasing patronage of ths Classical Concerts of this Society has obliged them to sec a re larger room nnd, in accordance with the request of many members, they wli, in uture, produce two Symphonies nt each concert. The Orchestra is augmented, te eighty performers. The principal orchestral pieces te be performed are as follows Symphony, Ths Seasons," by Spohr, (first time Overture, King Lear." Berliox snd Vsmpvre," Marschaar. The following; eminent nr-tists have kindly volunteered their valuable services: Mrs.

EMM A GLLLINGHAM BOSTWICK Mr. AP-TOMMAS, Harpist, (late of London aad Mr. HAHM, Violinist, (his first appearance.) Terms Subscribing members, $10 per year, three tickets to each eometrt; associate, $5 and professional members, $1 per year, one ticket te the public rehearsals and concerts members csb procure extra tickets at $1 each tickets te mom subscribers, $1 50 each. Application for tickets received at Messrs. SCHARFENBURO dc LUIS'.

Ne. 722 Broadway, and Mr. K. WEIZBL'S. No.

213 Brooklyn alee at ths door ob the evening, until 7 o'clock. Doors opea at 7 concert to commence nt 8 o'clock. By order, L. SPIER, Secretary. BROOKLYN ATHENEUM.

A Concert will be given at the hall of ths institution oa THU tS-DAY EVENING, ths 14th inst. Mrs. EMMA GIL INGHAM BOSTWICK. Madams DE VILLIERS. a pupil of Thai berg, and BETTINI, alao havo kindly volunteered for the occasion.

Signor RAPETTI and other distinguished perforT.ers are engaged. The proceeds will be sppropnated for the benefit of the library of tha institution. Tickets, 50 cents, nnd $1 for reserved seats, to be had at the Athen-sm, nnd at ths principal bookstores also, of tha Library Committee. Concert to commence at 71 o'clock. BROADWAY THEATRE.

B. A. MARSHALL sola lessee. Doors opsm at 7 o'clock, and the Over tare will commence nt 7T- Boxes nnd Parquet, 50 cents Family and Upper Circles, 25 cents Private Boxes, $1 $0. THIS EVENING.

Nov. 21. will ha nevferw.d the Tragedy, in 5 nets, by Richard Shell, entitled EVADNE. Evadas Mia J. Dean I Vincentio.

Mr. Conway To conclude with tha Farce ef ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. fXTALIVACK'S THEATRE- A C1RD Mr. BLAKE respectfully announces that his benefit will taks place on FRIDAY EVENING, ths 25th inst on which orcssion will be acted Sheridan's fiae Comedy of THE RIVALS, with its glorious cast, including- nil the principel artists of this theatre, and for the first time here Mr. Blake aepear in the popular character ef Grandfather Wkittktmd.

Box book new open. Full particulars in future advertisements and bills. NATIONAL THEATRE Drass Circle and fr-. 25 cts. Orchestra arm-chairs.

50 cts. Pan inette. fa colored persons, 25 cts. sxcluajvs Privets Boxes, $5 person te Private Box, $1. Doors opea at 61 curtain wd rise at 71 o'clock, precisely.

THIS EVENING, Nor. 23, the mew and wonder mDj successful dramatic version of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Uncle Tom. J. LinjrnrdlEvm.Little Cordelia Howai George Harris J.

Prior I Topsy Mrs. Mae; ALLACK8 THEATRE. Doors open at 61, performance to eomuMneeet 7 o'clock. THIS 23, will be performed the fine Csmsifiette ef A MORNING CALL. Sir Edw.

Ardent. Mrs. Cfcillington. Ksene Te conclude with Bourcicault's Comedy ef the IRISH HEIRESS. Pbicxs or Admission Dress Circle nnd Parquetts, 50 cents Family Circle, 25 cents "Stall Ssats, $1 Private Boxes, $8 and $7.

UNCLE TOM'S CABIN nt the NATIONAT THEATRE Notice to Cither aub Stbab BBS. The grant and original Drama of Unci Tom' Ceein, by O. L. AlKBM, which haa been such success nt ths National Theatre every nigh since the 18th of July, and in which tha youthful wee der, Little CobdKLIa Howabb," appears as the gsntl fee. will be continued EVERY EVENING in Octobc and November, and every WEDNESDAY nnd SATUA DAY! AFTERNOON.

Admission, 25 centa to Dree. Circle. Remember, the National Theatre is situated near Roosevelt, and this ia ths only plnet im which the correct version from Mrs. HabbiBT BbboB BE Stowb's work can be witnessed. GEOCITRISTY die WOOD'S MINSTRELS, No, 444 Broadway.

PROGRAMM for this evening Pabt Overture You will see them em the Ohio Old Folks nt Home Ballj Pnmer Sweet Home, Receive Me Wait for the Wagon: Diaah Dear Jolly Old Crow Lost Child Ring the Banjo Locust Hum Old Jaw Bone. Pabt II. Fling Wi man's Rights Lucy Long Polkn Violin Solo Medley Dance Comic Pas da Deux; Accordion Solo; Hungarian Waiblers. Pabt III. Banjo Solo; Banjo Duet; Comie Trie Alabama Reel Song and Chorus Finale, Holiday Dance.

On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 24, am Afternoon Concert, commencing at 21 o'clock. Doors opsm nt 61 o'clock. Comma nee at 7. Ticket 25 cents.

A CARD. GEORGE CHRISTY, aa profeaaiomafi known for the last 12 years im connection with Kth pian Minstielsy, takes this method of informing his friend snd the publie that he haa formed copartnership wit1 Mr. H. WOOD, of Minstrel Hall," No. 444 Broadway ax which place he will appear every evening, mm hopes to meet his friends in that magnificent nmd eommodiont Hall, im his professional eapeci.y." He hopes his emdea rora te please will meat with that success which his fa ver able nnd flattering procpeete now premise.

Ne effort ea his part will be spared to merit 111 patronage a gemeieen public kavs heretofore sccorcsd him. O. N. HARRINGTON. Profssaionally known as GEORGE CBLRISTY.

CHRISTY'S-AMERICAN OPERA HOUJli No. 472 Broadway, above Grand -at. Open everj Night- The well-known original far famed aad emh CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, organized im 1842 the. firs-am oldest-established Company in existence. THE MODEL TROUPE OF THE WORLD, THE COMPANY, comprises a versatile and talented corpe ef erperieac ed performers, under the direction nnd personal supervrcm of EDWIN P.

CHRISTY, Sole Proprietor and Mam-gei tha ONLY individual of the name ef Christy, engaged as a performer im reprcssmtatioas of Ethiopian Minstrelsy Adnuaaioa 25 cents. Doors epem nt fit e'eleek te eem ma nee at 71 o'clock THE WORLD IN MINIATURE. A grand model of the World in Blaster of Paris the first nnd only one ever exhibited. Thie vast and magnificent work, covering aa area of nearly 1,000 square fact, exhibits nt one glance the surface of the earth en Mercater's projection, or flat surface, with the oceans, seas, gulfs, lakes, Ae represented by real water, oa which miniature ships msy be seen making their regular veyagee between the continents. An efficient lecturer will point out the geographical and political divisions ef the globe.

This movsl nnd extraordinarr exhibition will be open te tl publie at 7 o'aoek, oa TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 23, 1853, at the spacious hall Noa. 377 and 379 Broadway, comer of White-et and will continue open every day, except Sum-days, at all hours from 10 A. M. to 10 P.

M. Admissiom 50 cents children 25 cents. Tickets nt the principal ho tels, musie stores nmd entrance. PERIIAM'S (3IFT EXHIBITIONS OF THE SEVEN MILK MIRROR, EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, nt Academy' II all. No.

663 Broadway. Tickets good for the admissiom ef four persona, nmd eae share ia the 1N.HS GIFTS, ONLY VI. Te be had from 9 A. M. to 10 P.

M- daily, at Academician. Ne. 603 Brae-way. H. Water's Kmc store.

No. 3S1 Broadway. Lovsjey's Hotel, Park-row. Howard Hotel, Broadway and Maidea-lame. -Howe's Cough Candy Depot, No, 100 Cluaham-et.

1 ONES PANTOSCOPE OF CALIFORNIA, THE 1 PLAINS. AND SALT LAKE New erhibt-B- eS HOPE CUAP1L, No. 71 Broadway, EVERY EVENING at 71 o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY A FT B. NOON 1 VWb TV. moot suruS- cent painting, from IJS09 dare erreoryeea, taken expressly for this purp-e, by J.

WESLEY JONES. Axtast and Pre- pnstor, aunnr nn everinmd journey ef resenting to the life, Indiana, Mersapne and Califo uarns, nmd the most magnificent scenery in the world. A fully descriptive Lecture by the artist, and lapproptmte memo, will enliven the exerciess Tickets 25 eeaxe. Reeerrmm seats 50 cents. ClnROR Iasti rato, Ne.

tit a-fBieadwa: trwrafRlLCliL TDxCsId i foate im natural uac.j. AA-d-omU' Ckiida 11 r-innR uay ANDLALGTII OCBPxxroi-AKCSi i T9Mnt lasritute. No- lt Cromdvray, toeBunir st 11, 4 and 71 eveniag, eonsisting efsaac, ventr.l.v p. 1 tHe learned raxary Alx.fc.i ti tt- i 11 AT BARN USPS mVTTrTZ ti.aisbmrlY annular anft UNCLE Tola's CABIN, drasaatiard establishment, nnd pMtaced ia ta -t let-orate manner ltw be per ira. "rlS i day) AFTERNOON, nt aM la 1 ING, nt 7 o'clock.) Three Ticket-office (ins i ew obviate every inconvenience ef the n-l r-Admittance te the whole uncus -to the Livi BAFrES, ths Bearded Lady, Ae as well as Performances 25 cents.

Childrea aadsr tea, I i Seats in the Pa inette, 12) eente ext'n Secured in Ike Drees Circle, 50 cents, which may be obtained the dny. ROADWAY MENAfJKRIH AND MCllV. JL NO. 337 BROADWAY. The a bo a extenstve premiaee bavin been fitted up la tne meet costly and eleraitt style, will be epened ON MONDAY.

Nov. 21. with the meet superb collection of LIVING WTLTf A' MALS ev er exhihited in New-York. A colaesxl l. CERS.

the oalv oe ia America. Tha GREAT tL -PI1ANT HANNIBAL, the largest ever exhibited. Li Tieers, Le.parda. Bears, Zebra Ac, Ae. HERR DRIESBACH.the Lion King, im his sts.

-performances Al-o, to he seen without ortrm cAerrc, real, veritable, far-famed SIAMESE TWTNS "fANG AND ENG. with TWo OF TKEHl CHI -KN, their first appearance ia New York for many -The astonishing feaU ef Mr ELLIS, the "man wio i nrma, nmd innumerable ether wonders toe timnrou pamcu anxa Adauaaiou 25 coats children under I. half price. Open bom 10 A. M- te 10 P.

M. WOOIVS GALLERY ANI H.l K. ACADEMY, No. 483 Broadway, Room v. 1 open the 21st November.

Drawn from aaturs eorr-' nmd UautifuUy thoroughly taught, in short cour 1 study. For further particulars viatt the galiary. ME RICA ART-UNION TION-Now opea, at No. 497 Broadway, PA. INGS BY AMERICAN ARTISTS.

Members for C.s 1851 will please call at the 43allery for their csirs- before the 15th ef November. CCKLEYf OPERA HOUSE No. iZi Cromi-way, near the Preseott Hooae. eean every might. IMMENSE SUCCESS of the Grand Burlesque aelectt-a FROM NORMA, ax will be repeated MONDAY EVENING, Nee.

21, a' during ths week. Concert at 71 o'clock. Adn uttamce I cents. 1 TH-TeOYPTIAN COLLECTION. A im- to retain this Collection in the City having been -tidy expressed.

Dr. ABBOTT haa reopened his for a season, te afford nil persons am opportunity ef ng his attractive Exhibition. Open from 9 A. I1. uxV-.

P. at Na. 059 Broadway. Admiaaion 25 eents. ADO DWOrToWNCWQ AC AD 31 No.

800 Broadway, new open for ths reception af pupils, who can enter at any time during the sesaea. Classes for la-ties nnd children om Wedneeday and Saturday, or Thursday and Saturday afternoons alt snesiir Saturday fur practice, with band ef musie Lesaoae for gentlemen on Monday, Wadnaaday, and Thursday evenings general practice, with band, oa Saturday evening. Gentlemen do not attea I om regular aveaiars, hut purchase lessoB tickets, and attend when enuvsment, er team a particular daaee. While on a visit te Europe during the past Sammer, a number of mew danese waie will be introduced for the fir it time here. Private lessons, family classes, nnd scademies ntlsnde Soirees twice a month, exclusirsly for pupils.

BITKRS DANCINt ACADC.UV, New-York House, No. 149 Bowery. Even --lessees far younr Lndies and Gentleman, THURSDAY -nd SATURDAYS, at 71 o'clock. P. M.

MOND iY ar 1 THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, for Ladies end Misee. Lndies at 21 Misses at 31 o'clock. New classes are neve forming at RIVERS' DANCING ACADEMY. VVh -e-hous. Buildinn, No.

283 Falton-st Brooklyn. on TUESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOOWR, at o'clock. TUESDAY nnd FRIDAY EVENINGS Ladies and Gentlemen Ladies at 7 Gentlemen at tl o'clock. Misses and Masters om WEDNESDAY s-1 SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at o'clock. Each pup- a quarter commences from tha date of subscribing.

FERRERO'S DANCING ACADEMY- -v West rondocted by Madams C. DUBR1 FERRERO and EDWARD FERRERO. Yonn-la snd masters' Classes. WEDNESDAYS, 8ATUKDA MONDAYS snd THURSDAYS, at 31 o'clock P. M.

Memeas' evening Class, TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, tt 7f o'clock P. M. Private Lessees, Schools, aad Cl set families, attended. N. B.

Pupils cam enter nt az time. SIGNOR GHERARDI'S DANCING ACAL -MY, No. 59 4th corner ef 18th-et opposite Clarendon House. Signer GHERARDI respeetfr nforma his patrons nnd the publie that his Sch.l I rpsnsd for the reeeptinm of pupils evsry WEDNE md SATURDAY, at 31 P. Gentlsmsn's Class, DAY nnd FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 7 M.

Prira Lessons. Schools nmd Acadamiee attended te Soirees is ususL. 1 THE ART OP DANCING CORRECTLY A. "5 GRACEFULLY. Mr.

CHARRUAUD'S classes open for the reception of pupils, at his na ar room. I.e. 54 Wist 13h west of Broadway. Far days and hours, plense see Morning nnd Ere tug Exprttt. DRY GOODS.

In fl fl FALL RIVER COHFO RT AB LT Z. JJJ 1st aiu for cots. 4th size for large beds. 2d sixe for single beds. 1 5 th sixe for extra beds.

3d sTxe for double beds, ifith si7.a for quilted. AB neatly and stronrly sewed, nnd filled with pare cotton, carded expressly for these Comfortablee. For sale nt fixed prices, from $1 an wards, at the dry goods store of THOMAS TATE. Ne. 80 Canal-st comer ef Greens.

Also, Blanks ta nmd White Quilts of nil qunlities. BOOTH cV TUTTLEy No. 140 Broadway, corner ef have em hand full assortment ef Merimoee, 'Pnrsmettas, Mousselin De Plaid Spurn Silks, Plaid Mousselin De Lafnet, Shawls, Ac, all of which will be sold at low prices. LASGOW nOUBB WEST END OF (77) BROADWAY, NEAR GRACE CHURCH. MADDEN dk STEWART, Importers of British.

French, a- I Csrmsn Embroideries, Lace Goods, Linen Ac, bava opened their extensive Retail Eatablishnseet, with na entire new atock. Popular trade- popular g-oo-s popular prices. CLOAKS. SnAWLS, LADIES' CLOT. MANTILLA VELVETS.

FRENCH MERl.No-, PLAIDS, PARAMATTAS, nnd DRESS GOODS af every kind sailing at great bargains, by LYONS I JONES, Union House, No. between Cm aa 1 and Spring-sts Ladies favor as with a call, DAMAGED FRENCH PRINTS, Lik ai eol red Cloths. Ladies Cloths, Cassimeres, Als-- Merinoes. Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Liaens, 'u. Clo he, Ac.

fee sale by W. MATTHEWS, 54 Cathanne-et. BENCH EMBROIDERIES, No. 773 BaOA WAY. I receive be every steamer from Europe invoices ef Embriderie of the newest aad most beaut- ctylss svsr eflVred for ins psc tion.

Ovsr ths mnsio s'-re. F. CRADuf. IRISH LINENS-S-4 and 4-4 Blay and Yeove Liaons, to close eommigmssemts, and full assurtme-t Bleached Linens, ef the well known ahal ef James A 1---rt Young, of Bailynsean, Ireland, for sals by the packa-e. ey WM.

REDMOND, No. 30 Pme-et. e-MWMBBWWMBM-MM-MMM-MWsmmv CLOTHING A CARD TO TTliTpUBLIC- P. LTROG-lfs A Uniom Hall Clothing Warahoaae, has rtnoe-ed to Ne. 138 adjoining ths Sun Buildinr, until their old stand is rebuilt (which is already eoromenn.

.) and owing te the large number of work-hands ep- -r- soane ten or twelve hundred, the quaatitv of wout in their hanea at the time of tha fire, aail their pr-- facilities for manufacturing, they are prepared to new and well-selected stek of atea's aad boy' elot suitable for the Fall and Winter, nt red seed prices. P. L. ROGERS dt Ne 13a Fulton-st. GENTLKM KNt FIJRNItSlIINU tKH): TITTLE, FOX dfc MITCHELL.

No. 311 LrJ (successors te H. A. Parker, formerly Warren In- invite the attention ef their friends end the public to i large mnd choice assnrtmsmt ef gsntleman's furu -goods, of recent im aorta ti on, adapted to the presett ensuing sen- en, Yix. cravats, ecans.

giovcs. Ml shirts, under drawers, Ac Ac, travsling biai and ahnwls, robes de ehambrec, end aaaokiaa; coata, bo of Pnris nmd our own mass fact are, of mew nnd elegant s- N. Particular atteatiom paid te tna ef liaen nmd muslin sLirte te order, nt the shortest EDSHROOT8 GRANITE IXAx-U Ca eCLOTHlNO WAREHOUSE, nt the eld :42 Fultom-s, hsfssm Broadway nmd Naaaaa-st. E.

DEGROOT mow offers ths as rt extensive ax c' -set stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING tm this City, which enables htm to retain tve PREMIER CLOTHIER OF The CUSTOM DEPARTMENT le under torn emoe ef meet experienced and skilifsl 5" every garment visnsnlsd to gtve on MEN'S AND BOYS a and vet iL. eaasv tha ever. '1 a Lt i get men's nmd beys' etntbiar, ready or i order, ia at J. YANDERBU.1 Ne. 1 1 i u.u..-.t ef Gold-eC em a i iw-i LOT IN Of CLOTHINO.

I iinvwiV. No. Idi 1 liS. has aa af Fall and Winter Clothiq wholcaals snd rets teerderfr-ma splendid stock ef ranch riot be, ci amd vesting, at pricea that defy eomptna. VALUABLE INTENT! Yr.T OWN MILIJlRw-LARKX.

patent eor (af nmd belting mill, is mm invention vIk 'i nrmrsg into general use, turming out aa it -s wheal extra -our, naperft udnga, a. brum, ntla aingVs ope rati om, aad ia the moat mar. This truly acienufie ml Us a sn'-e feet im diameter, and five foot is shaft, capable of grind ing nmd bolur? be kals af wheat mm hour, nnd can be power, from four horse UuTVUrlr -entire coat of a mill enlc-lated tt -te the hoe ydecs net exceed chase mills, se the patent fa mmd North Carolina, si--, sey. PcBBsylvanin nn lUs i see the Area! and rJ I..

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