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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-Ml Sit i- i 'v 5 iiiieE i I 1 --i 4 VOL. XXIO. 6272. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY; OCTOBER 27, 1871. PRICE FOUR CENTS.

v- i 1 "I BWNeVjSW-S I I t.A-4 1- am MM 'i-t A TIVEED'S DILEMMA, The Chief of the KiDg Robbers 1 Fairly Cornered. Orders of Arrest Granted by Judge of Albany, Tved, Ingenoll, Cine and Woodward Included In the Papers. The Accnsed to be Taken Into Custody Today. MUiloo Dollars Worth of Real Estate Transferred by Tweed Yesterday. Jstiiu Iititrmcnt laoig Clusei TArco'Iion.

th Citj. The publication in yesterday's journals of tbo Broadway Bank diecloanres created tbe wildest excitement in the City. Tbe plundered tax-pay era at last aaw spread before tbem tbe overwhelming evidence that their money bad been shared toy thieves. The Times bae all along told tbem that Tweed -and bia sang were robbers, and yesterday it proved it. Tbe damning evidence against Tweed tbe ringleader of tbe band, wm nowhere disputed, and load were the de mands that went up for tbe speedy arrest and punmhment of the wrong -doers.

Yesterday' morning application Was made to Judge Lkarxed, at the Chambers of the Supreme Court, in Albany, for an order ef arrest against William M. Twxep, Andrew J. Garvey, James II. Lngerboll and.EL- bert A. Woodward.

The motion was found ed upon tbe affidavit of Samuel J. Tildes, already published, and upon a complaint setting forth the fraudulent character of tbe claims audited by the Board of Audit, claims cloarly fictitious, and the fact, shown by tbe investigation of the liroadwoy. Hank ao conntv tbat: these four men bad pocketed the money. "The complaint demands judg ment against tbe defendants for over six millions of dollars, Judge Learned gianted the order of ar rest, holding each thif to bail in the ram of tUKKMKti. 1 Today Tweed will be arrested.

The others have skulked away, leaving but one to satisfy an outraged people's clamoring for their rights, and that one. the worst all, will lie taken by a Deputy Sheriff today. on tbe proven charge of downright stealing. Tweed remained at the Department of Public Works daring the greater part of the Delegations from political associations and delegations of roughs swarmed about tbe corridors and besieged the door leading to tbe private officer But few were admitted, and the rest remained in the damp, dingy, chilly hall-way, tbat reeked with unsavory odors, and there whiled away tbe heavy time with objurgations' and curses against tbe men who threaten the downfall of their chief. White-coated roughs, ornamented with slouched hats, lounged around the staircases, apparently waiting onlr for' orders.

Anxious men hurried in and out, or stood earnestly conversing in half-whispers upon the troubles that threatened their master. A few and incredulity when the subject of arrest was broached, while others, too accustomed to it to regard it as a disaster, smiled ghastly smiles ef acorn. "What, arrest our Boss exclaimed of the ushers attached to the Department. You don't know him and he laughed at tbe idea. The Committee of Seventy and every one who have been instrumental in tbe exposure of Twkkd eamOHn.

for their share and were subjected to the vilest abuse. j' During the afternoon Mr. John Graham appeared, and was immediately ushered into the presence of Tweed. For a long time tbey were closeted together patching and splintering up a defense, trying to one tbat bore even the appearance of soundness. When the information that the Attorney-General had empowered able and upright men to represent him in this City was given oat, Tweed' immediately' sought and concluded to "protest" against the action as But the mine bae been sprung too quickly for 'him, and be is now reduced to the necessity oi defending himself against the people he baa so long oppressed.

He dare not deny tbe. accusations against the proof stares him tn the i and he turns wildly from one subterfuge to another. At one instant he claims th it the money deposited to hi eredit'inths Broadway Bank was merely the repayment of moneys advanced by trim to Gaevet. Lgebsoll and "Woodwjuo and the next tbxow all thi UkB upon the Id Board of Audit and complaeeatly announces that lie is pleased with the prospect because it will now give an opportunity vindicate himself. Mr.

Tweed has no defense to the charges brought against him. He will talk and pr- teat and pat forih specious plea until after election. It shall gain that he will con-sdex hinrnlf and with that object in view he and id lia ing ei satraps. IIajX and Sweeny, are slrainin every nerve. It is a well-knowh Jact that WM.

H. Tweed baa been bonier engaged during the past few weeks in bijding away alljof his personal effects and real estate. His stocks i i t. 1 1 uave nearly mu oeen quiu vr iraauerreu to other parties in trustjand nearly all of his houses have been qiietly turned over to those who will hold tbem safely. Within a few days past it is saJI that be bas transferred upward )tf fonr million dollars worth oi real estate, ana veqteraay ne atsposa oi property worth more, including his magnificent dwellinjt on One deed recorded yesterday is to Richard Tweed, (bis son,) onvejing twentjy-two acres, two roods and) ten and one-half perches, at Fort The deed was prepared by George TP, Demarest, of JTo.

229 lroaaway, is aaiea auk. tio na acknowledged beforf WittiAM M. Jr. Consideration $250,000. The second deed I is from Eicbard M.

Tweed, conveying the same property to the Pottier Stymus Manufacturing Company, of which tjhe Boss is said to be the Company. iil The third deed is from Willum M. Tweed to Richare( M. Tweed, dateil Aug. 16, 1871.

and conveys a plot of gronndjon tbe northerly side of West Fifty-ninthjstreet, 84 feet 3 inches west bf the" Circle onsid- eration aclfnowledgedbefor Wm. M. Tweed, jr. 1 The fourth deed is; from William M. Tweed to- Richard! M.J Tweed, datdAng.

Jft, 1871, conveys' on plot of. groundjoop the south-east corner ofjNVest Forty-thircJ-street and Fifth-avenue consideration 75,000. This deed is alse dted on the lCtbjof An-gust, 1871, and acknowledged befoije Wm. M. Tweed, JrJ This is Tweed's fcrivate residence.

The Bosb" is in desperate haste to get everything but of tbe way, and when be has done so will doubtless sfiap his fingers in the faces of his victims aid defy them to recover; He doesn't know tie trap thatJI being laid forhim, hpwevei or he would not speak aa confidently as Wb does. There is something wsrm in store tor him before be gets done with this business. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAT. 0tatM Frel pree Erery Fiewaef TMi Palttical Fri I thought Bill Tweed was smart to cover up his tracks, hut tbe morn Id don't show said one Tsmmanv notber, yesterflsy. f' Brsin has got of tbis flicbt.

and is cornered. I O'Ockok 1b coin to tetcb him. Tb croup wbose views "upon the loaures ot yesterday are tnocgbt wortby be ra- oorted. as aa index of a oi popular opinion were standing on tie basement floor ot tbe County Court-bouse. AIL with one exception, were Democrats lot influJ enee in the connella ot Tammany Hall.

jand one holds an important 'offloe iln which ho Is the rej sponsible chief of others; It is a bad thing foe Tweed," said the last oSe referred to, know bow he is going to get out ot 1 weakening and -'fast losing his beat Krery man that I bare talked lo today shoulders and says he 4ont know Boss is going -to do about it. nave Tweed today he added, addressing ol companions. "Yes, I saw him a little -while ag was the answer. lie appeared be somewhat! ahakeni hnt ha Mid he felt all nelit-wiim't at all wor-1 rled. Bat there wasn't anything else! for him tosav." I 1 -1 think he is in a pretty bad box.

Tbey will have to et quarters ready for him atudlow-treet Jail. They say he is to be arrested today." i I 1 The jailers will have a good board dr," said another. 1 'i. replied the previous speaker! "Hell have plenty of money to spend. The jailers will have, an Wpportanity to make him fork over some of the appropriations made by the Board of Apportionment for i be benefit of tbe jail, od which be, with the: others, have pocketed themselves." St i "Tbey ought to have the whole Board of Ap portionment over thereVsaid another.

"Well, they may baTCctbem; there 1 no tell ing, the way things are koxdk now," said anoth er. Hello, there's the Controller. Hiu co ll tY and Judge Cardcco." be remarked, as those gentlemen passed by enrsged is earnest conversation, snd he added Here comes Ex aherifl O'Bkibh. snaking hands with avery- oooy. M.

OUrieh disappeared in the flirectlon of Sheriff BtE3AJ's office, he remarked: "O'BBiKMia pretty active. He'll make thinia very lively for BHADLrt in his "What dot you think of Tweed's chance chimed Id the Tixks reporter. Ob, be Will ge to Albanr. It is too late to make a nomination strong enough to beat him in his district now," was the answer. I During these remarks crowds; of politicians were hurrying by, and groups like thisbne were standing together conversing earnestly and In low tones.

The damniag array of evidence put forth In tbe bia black type In the Times would admit of no argument, i There it was, furnished by a Democratic! leader of unimpeachable in tegrity, and tbe prosecution vigorously pushed by the Democratic State Attorney. Tbe reporter left the; eiowd and drifted info Sheriff BarsHAK's "What do on think of tbe situation I', was asked by one ofithe prin cipal nangers on, who is familiar with the viewa of the Sheriff. -sr. Bad, 81r, bad for Tweed. I don't know what he is string to do about was aoswsred.

"What will the Sheriff do under tb elrcom- ttimi said the renorter. "eherifl fikmis. 8ir, can't keep Icompany with such men. S'rr that's my optnioni" BkroaTER Do you think he will talk on the matter express any cpiqlou today 1 talk, but I don't think be will express an, opinion. ait until t4-morrow.

There will be something of importancje to-morrow; Come io and see inf. Kxfoktxb Io you think Tweed wjll ran in bis district for Senator I Official He'll run I suppose. There Is no time mow to make soother nominatioo, but there is some talk of piiumc up a man against hlsB.t Twxxd expected te get a treaeiidous ma jority, but it Willi be a small one nowi you can rest assured. If, be is elected. I doq see how' fee la golnc to take his seat, while being tried far criminal ofieneesj Doyout -The reporter confessed bis Inability to see how ft could be done, and expressed bia abasement St the audacity ot Twaao lo keeping' bis name before the public' for tsetr suffrage.

The foregoing Is a reflex (of what luUlligeat Democrat. to wfeoau but a short time ago Tweed's was tewer of strength, felt yesterday, after reading the paper, Atoeng the ignorant and vicious, and these thoroughly eorrupted by the money and favors wbicbj Tweed has lavishly-showered" upon tbem, there was a lttle show of deflaace, and sneh as these! asserted that TwsEn was smart enough to escape the eoaseqnsDcca ef bis crimes, and that he, to use their slang, would give tbem all the go-by and rule Tammany Hall and SswtTork, in spite of Itself, Welli" ssid aj respectable eiUxeaJ I gaesa well have Justice at It locks like it, said Oa the sueeu. wer enough a papers Iman to Cie beat sell you, 1 4 to! I don't He is 1 1 nendsi krumhis tbat tbe ou seen of his in the ears, tn the hotels and restaurants, tbe sabteet was oUscusaed, snd even the trial of Bo- prwKia waa torgottea io the Interest which centred about toe ease ef the People as. Wm. M.

TWeed, Even the little gamint in tbe street prated about It, and aaaed each other, if they thougbt Tweed would be sent to Blng Sing. One of these little Arabs said, "toe didn't believe Tweed would be arrested, he'd, pi off." Should he eoeape, this, boy, like many others, may be encouraged to prsctico-tbeft on a smaller scale, with the hope of going unpunished, too. Men; upon getting Into the street-cars, sank Into their seats, ana immediately became absorbed In reading tbe papers. Conversation lo some of the ears became general, and expressions ot gratification that the frauds had been in part traced to one of the principal offenders, were frequent. It was the same on the ferryboats.

Among the Germans the feeling 1 was one of intense satisfaction. It looks now." said a German to tbe Times reporter, "as though we were reaching the end." Everywhere Wm. M. Tweed's guilt was urged and admitted, and yet, upon the authority of these who know him best, he is determined to run for State Senator, and huge swinging banners stretch across toe streets In tbe Seventh Ward, one of tbem In the Bowery, to the disgust of honest Germans passing under It, with a portrait of the arch Blng thief, and advertising him as a candidate fOr Senator of the Seventh District. The Stlse rumors of Tweed's arrest last evening ew like wild-fire to all parts of tbe City, Increasing tbe disgust of tbe dishonest and the gratification of men of honor.

The Arrest at TweeaT Sew. ti meats at the CaaaBaaaety. Wild rumors were floating around town last night as to what had been done with the culpni Tweed. Up-town it was asserted that he had been arrested and safely lodged In Lad-low-street Jail, not being able to obtain the required amount of balL Some who retailed the story to open-eared listeners placed tbe bail demanded at fl ,000 ,000, and others at That Is too much bail to demand," said one.

Too much said another, I would like to see it placed so -high that there would be no possibility of his fretting it," he added, answering bis own question. it does me good," said a man in front of Thomas' saloon cn Broadway, "to see this man brought to justice. Why, there whs a poor man here the other day. sent up on tbe Island for stealing three buns from a bake-shop. Shall this man who Is rolling in wealth that he has stolen from the City go scot free, while the hungry wretch Is puuisbed 'Considerable excitement prevailed in tbe Fifth-avenue Hotel and- other of the large I caravansaries, at the rumored arrest, 'and.

our reporter, who visited tbe head -quarters of tbe Committee of Elections of the Committee of Seventy, tbe Executive Committee of tbe Young Men's Political Kef oim Association, and several Other head-quarters, was eagerly questioned about the truth of the report. These rumors, however, as will seen elsewhere, have at present slight foundation. Arsaas the City Hall. The figures published in the Times yesterday were the cause of considerable conversation around the Hall yesterday; morning. The general conclusion arrived at was that Wm.

M. Tweed and A. Woodward bad been doing a large and very profitable business, and that the robberies of the City Treasury bad at last been brought home to the guilty parties, or, at any rate, to some of them. The Mayor was invisible yesterday, arriving latd at his office, and lea vine: after reading his letters. There was some tslk.

too, yesterday, in regard to Mr. IIalx, and some strong language was uttered as to bis culpability in permitting the accounts laid before tbe Board of Audit to be passed on and approved by subordinates, of the untrustworthy-) character of one of whom, at least, be had full Various surmises were indulged in as to when Tweed would bt arrested, and several persons stationed themselves near to the Department of Public Works, expecting to see the Boss brought out by a policeman, or a Sheriff's officer, at least. The Boss," however, was closeted the whole morning with hia lawyer. Mr. Bautlktt, and about noon a messenger was dispatched for Mr.

Johji Graham, who arrived in hot baste snd bad a lone; etid doubtless very interesting conversation with his client. THJLTXXX-TAXE FIGURES. Aaalysiaat the BetatlcaV Aeessal h-liahed Yeateraay The trie-area flrsap. ea tar the Beatll at the Reader. Tho crowded condition of our columns yesterday prevented us from giving aa analysis of tbe, full figures contained In our supplement.

The facts concerning, the identification of the parties receiving the proceeds Of warrants draws for allowances made by the special Board of Audit, under section 4 of the County Tax Levy of 1870, are now presented In brief. The figures appended to the affidavit of Mr. Tildbr prove that on tbe 6th of May. 1870, four warrants, amounting to a total of 87, were drawn upon the Broadway Bankj The bank entries of tbe same day show that Ingkrsou. A Co.

deposited SMai 13, being tbe aijnount of two checks indorsed by tbem, and Immediately drew another check to the order ot E. A. woodward for au.xs S3, who deposited it to bis own account. At tbe same time Ax-Daawj J. Qarvky, deposited 67, and then drew check payable to Woodward's order for t30.87S 44.

wbuih the at once deposited to bis own account. The warrant of Keyser A Co. for 08, indorsed with the initials A. In lead pencil, was also deposited to Woop ward's credit. The next day.

May 1, 170. four warrants, Indorsed byi Ikoersoll A and amounting to 1152,86 tij were drawn on tbe Broadway Bank. Checks were drawn from that amount by lit-OERSOLL, in favor of Woodward, for tns.aoj 47. which, he at once deposited, and then drew a check for 28,772 ss. The latter was immediately deposited by Wm.

M. Tweed. On the 13th of May. two warrants were drawn on the same bank and Indorsed by Ikcbrsou. A Co.

The total amount. 11 28 .281 22, Ixosrsoll deposited, and thlpn drew a check tor 6.A66 SB, which was placed to Woodward's credit. The Utter thei drew a check for 19.329 99. which was deposited to tbe account ot Wm. IS.

Tweed. On1 the 14th' of May, three warrants were drawn on the asms Two of these were in favor ot A. J. Gabvby, and amountlnar to TV, be deposited, and drew a cheek to Woodward's order for 159,127 96. This, with a check of JLetske A indorsed in lead pencil initials E.

A. for 93787 33, making a total of gsc.ois 43, Woodward deposited, and then drew check tor 128,434 xt, which was added to the bank account of Wm. M. Tweed. i Oa the 31st of May nine, warrants were drawn on tbe same bank.

Of these, t2S417S 7 was ds-posited by Imoersoll A who drew checks for 1117.731 L5. which were placed te Woodward's credit. A. J. Garvey deposited (133.720 S3, and drew a check tn favor of Woodward for M3.AU 19.

which, waa deposited to the latters account, which amounted to a total ot 3011,047 Si. Of this day's doings. the share of Mr. Tweed seems to have been 930.996 6ft, There is no account of the disposition of the remainder. Of the live warrants drawn en the same bank oa the sad ef May, ra favor of Ketsbs A Co.

and A. Hall, UT antt Indorsed E. A. la pencil. Woodward deposited all.

EU6.980 it, and drew a ebeek for 633.031 87, which went into Mr. Tweed's bank account. 1 Oa the S7th of May two warrants were drawn oa tbe same bank amounting to isa.ra ex. this total WooDWARDreccryed from LvOER- 1 Of boll 15440 60, and from Garvby 926J7B SO In all 181417 10. Mr.

Tweed received $9,924 So. On May 28 six warrants were drawn upon the same bank for 9257,527 6L Of this, Ikobrsoix deposited 1193,121 96, of which Woodward received 990,430 09. A. J. Garvby deposited 94390 81.

and Woodward (2,639 64, making the total for tbe latter 9140,04 68- Mr. Tweed received 125.018 07. Tbe remainder la not accounted for. I On the 30th of May three warrants were drawn, amounting to 9177,629 86. Tbla waa divided thus Woodward received from Ihoerboix 928,461 09, and from Garvey 927.000 34.

Woodward's own check, drawn for 70, adds up bis share to 9123.977 IS. Mr. TWEED received 926.668 75. On the 3d bf June eight warrants were drawn. DfOERsoLL deposited tVM.631 79.

of which Woodward received 93474 10 A. J. Garvex deposited 9125.552 224 and paid Woodward 983,081 16. The latter drew on Kbtser A warrants 353,423 65 thus making his whole share 9209,828 9L Mr. Tweed was paid 951.290 28.

On the 6th! of June warrants were drawn. Ikgersoix deposited 9191.683 48. and gave Woodward 998.684 ea. Garvey took 26. and paid 13 to Woodward, who drew 964496 80 on Ketser A warrants, (indorsed lead pencil.) making a plump total share of 9263,616 61.

Wm, M. Tweed received 964.411 68. On tbe 10th of June' there were nine warrants drawn. Inoersoll had 9181,680 61, and banded Woodward 985,270 24. Qarvky deposited 16, and paid Woodward 971.563 13, who drew all the other wart ants, amounting to 9121.620 01.

thus making his sbare 9278,342 27. Mr. Tweed's portion was 966,513 28. On the ltth of June three warrants were drawn. Ijioersoli.

deposited 1181,086 45. Mr. Tweed's share wab 938,515 45, and Mr. Woodward's 9101.493 65. On tbe 17th of June fonr warrants wete drawn.

A. J. AiivET received 368,123 71, and aave Woodward 958.600; Ihoebsoll received 948.768 31, and paid 932436 22 to Woodward, who drew. Including tbo warrant of John McBridb Davidson, 9139.808 64. Mr.

Tweed's part waa 961.482 60. On the 20th of June six warrant were drawn. iNGERsoLLdrew 9107.257 74. and paid Woodward 964,494 81. Garvey bad 987.901 61.

and paid Woodward 968.777 38. who drew tbe warrant of Ketser A Ooj. and Jacobus, for 956,063 81. making his entire profit 9169,335 60. Mr.

Tweed received 944468 52. On the 24th of June eight warrants were The depesitof Ixgekkoll was 985,623 72, of which 347.733 07 was paid to Woodward. Garvey deposited 389.140 13, and rave Woodward 969,068 68, who drew also 938,308 74. bis total share boinstlSS.lOl 29. Mi.

Tweed, on tbe same afternoon, deposited Woodward's check for 143.666 67, On the 27th of June eight warrants were drawn. IsoERSOiX deposited 9188.368 74, snd paid Woodward 9133.998 14, who drew $108,064 04, all indorsed in pencil hia entire sbare smounting to 9242,062 18. Mr. Tweed's portion wsa 906,787 64. On tbe 30th 'of June six warrants were drawn.

Inoersoll deposited 9179.669 01. Woodward's share from Ikobrsoix was 994,224 S3, and from Garvey 920,679 38. Jacobus' warrant, for 93,012 87. was drawn by Woodward, and swelled his total to $127 68. Mr.

Tweed received 829,469 T5. On tbe 1st of Jnlv five warrants were drawn. Ihobrsoix deposited 1203.663 41. from wbleh Woodward received 9108,567 43, and Mr. Tweed bad 924.304 24 as hia portion.

On the 8th of July five warrants were issued. IifOERSOix deposited 976464 91 snd paid to Woodward 950434 48. Woodward also drew on his own penelled indorsements 9110.583 77, thus making) his whole profit 25. Mr. Tweed's portion was 944.607 26.

On! the 19th of Jnly eight warrants, pencil-Indorsed with Woodward's initials. were drawn in favor of J. O. Seymour. Kehmard A Hay, for the total of 998,353 64, which Woodward placed on deposit to his own sccount, and paid Mr.

Tweed 923490 69. On the 1st; of August four warrants were drawn. Diobrsoll drew 9231,366 61, and gave Woodward 9108,849 46, who drew Kbyser a warrant for $43,224 93, making bis total share $151,074 39. Mr. Tweed received 926,689 98.

On the 6th of Auxust one warrant was issued to Akdrew J. Garvey for 972,075 08. Inoersoll received of this $47,744 68. who deposited it, and simultaneously drew a check to the order of Woodward for $21,963 81, who, in turn, deposited the check, snd gave bis own to Mr. Tweed for 917,378 85, which he deposited.

Onltbe 9th of -Angus three 'warrants were drawn. Djgersoix had 9184,676 38, and (rave 9121.471 67 to Woodward, who turned over to Mr. Tweed 945,164 5L On the 12th of Anguet four warrants were drawn. DiOERSOix received $216,673 30, and turned over 975,810 56 to Woodward, who passed over to Mr. Tweed, ss his share.

956.601 46. The extent variety, and method of these operations is thus seen at a a-lance. Within the comparatively brief period of four months, this audacious trio of Ring-men filched tbe enormous sum of $5,710,913 98. The deposits of IjtGBasoLL A Co. were 93,549,329 18, and tbe sums ne paid to E.

A. Woodward- amounted to 91.817,467 49. Tbe deposits of Am drew J. GaavEr amounted to $1.177.413 72. of which he paid Woodward 9779,615 69.

WM. M. TvKED received 9932.868 60. E. A.

woodward's total receipts were 26. tn addition to; this list, are warrants to the credit of the Xew-York -Printing Company, the Transcript Association, and the Manufacturing Stationers, amounting to 9384.395 19. Jane 7, the Printing Company gave a check for $104,333 64, which Wm. M. Tweed deposited tbe next day.

This swells his total share of the spoils to 14. ImoersoLL also deposited ra the Bowery Bank warrants to! the amoant of 9413683 '62. Thus the whole amount of plunder was 94411441 37. Ikgersoix paid to unknown persons 94.731,861 69 Garvey paid in to same way 9397,798 03 Woodward likewise disbursed $2,649,196 76. A number of the warrants issued to KTTtsek A Co.

havej been pronounced forgeries, but all those exoeptone were deposited by Woodward. the bandy go-between factotum man of Boas' Tweed. Tbe conspiracy to compass this wholesal fraud commenced in the pa ware of section 4 of the County Tax levy of 1870. It provided for the payment of claims aa might be found due by a special Board of Audit, eompoaed of MSyor Hall, Controller CosraoixY and WblM. Tweed, Preetdeat jot the Board of Supervisors, or Jos.

B. Tocso, the Secretary ef the Board. II is incredible that Mayor Hall did noLknow and tell bis associates that their duty was to investigate all aooountaj aad' that first or last tbey must be held as they now are responsible for all errors and frauds eu the ace of the bills. It Is very easy to Imagine tbe lessons Msyer Hall particularly, and all tbe other conspirators generally, bad for 'wishing the forced vouchers baraed. Fortunately for the ends of Justice, the forged warrants kre preserved, and are available for 'tas occasion i The teller! of tbe bank testified that E.

A. Woodward's writing isoa the depeeitHekesar tbat be usually anade the depoaita tn person. Woodward is Deputy Clerk to Joaxra B.Tocjo. oa whose eertiaeatson. according to Mr.

Tweed's and Mayor Mall's resolution, all bills are te be paid. He baa made aaaay payments to persona that eansot be traced, bat ef those made to Mr. Tweed the ldootlfleaUoe ta perfect, i a. AWsri Witk the Trlhaae. Nearly two weeks ago the Times cure the public the first intimation that the books of the Broadway Bank were being examined lor the pwrpeee con vie On Wm.

at. Tweed. Oa tbe fallowing flay the tWokim, under the caption oi Another Times Story Discredited." denied the fact. Yesterday the Trtbsme published the result of tbe investigation. Comment unnecessary, exeept to say that this la a fair specimen of the abuse" te which the TWottne has! subjected by tbe Times In sit late matters! of in terest and news.

Vliwht Preat Jaacica. Weeks ago Aitdrxw J. Garvey fled, from New-York to Canada to avoid arrest, and now another Ring sconndrel has gone. Elbry A. Woodward.

Tweed's go-between, has fjeft for parts unknown, and Is probably beyoml reach at this time. He was Deputy Clerk to Ibd Board of Supervisors, confidential agent of Vs. M. Tweed, and a kind of scape-coat convenience for the Tammany Ring. The evidence against htm now seems overwhelming.

He appears, ia Mr. Tildes 's revelations of the Broad watr Bank accounts, to have been not only the distributor of tbe Tammany plunder, but a tdol for any Uitrlgue. With the late County Auditor. Watson, aa well aa with Andrew J. garvby, Jas.

H. Inoersoll, and isTSBR A be was thoroughly intimate, and thought to posoees many of tbe secrets that apparently were burled with the dead Auditor Those secrets unraveled would probsblv tell the whole story of tbe great Tammany conspiracy, and reveal all of the guilt of tbe criminals. He had built a splendid residence, enjoraing those of Messrs. Inoersoll snd Garvby, ar! South Norwalk, which be is said to hkve recently transferred to his business partner. J.

P. Beatty, of No. set Broadway, in tbla City. Since the flrjt discovery of. his implication in the lortreries of John H.

Kktser's name, on the warrants paid by the Broadway Bank, amoustioa- tj more than 9800.000, be has not been seen. On Tuesday be returnod to South Norwalk, where hei transferred real estate valued at 9300.000 to persons, lesigned bis position as Directo In tbe Fairfield County fire Insurance Company, which be holds $26,000 of stock, and aa Treasurer of, tbe Fairfield County Planinc Millk. Tbe county records show that he transferred bia bomeatead to Mr. J. P.

Beatty, who tbeii transferred it to Mr. Woodward's wife for the nominal sum of $1 He also aimed quitclaims of valuable property and moj-cgaces. aud made tianfera of valuable property for merely nominal sums jto several parties, including Inoersoll. These operations are thought to represent butia small portion of bis great wealth. Since 1864 he has purchnked real estate to the vslue of nearly $200,000, land baa sold properly to value of $60,500.

He has alao loaned an immense amount of cash to sundry parties. There can be no reasonable doubt of the escape of both Garvet and Woodward. The effort of friends to deny It is evidently to baffle or mislead the pursuit of officers after them. The Ciriaeas Cosnaatttee. The Joint Committee of Citisensj Super- visors and Aldermen were to have met yester day afternoon, but did not do so, owink to tbe illness of Alderman Dimond.

The Chairman of the Committee. Recorder Hackeyt. has meeting for 3 P. today, when a report will probably be presented and adopted, and the Committee will then adjourn ruu dt. Tho TLahercre A gala.

The usual deputation of unpaid laborers appeared at the Controller's Offloe- yesterday to demand a settlement of their claims, and received the usual answer no funds available. Mr. Tweed yesterday advanced tbe sum ot $22,369 28 from his stolen fund to pay off meq employed tn laying small pipes. Their claims were audited by the pay-master, and the money disbursed before IP. M.

Why Daa't These 71 ea Oa ta Tweed A deputation of contractors for street improvements, appointed at the meeting In Bre-voort Hall on Wedoesday evening, paid a visit to Deputy Controller Green yesterday morning. The deputation comprised Patrick Farley, Tboa. Piersoo. Jobn Kinsley, Bartholomew Noonan, John Brown, Wm. Baird, Thos.

Cremln, Henry 8tolImeyer. L. W. Johnson, Charles Devlin, K. J.

Cunningham and Matthew Baird. On being introduced to Mr. Greek. Mr. Plerbox said the City now owed him about that be stood much In need of money, as did hia fellow contractors, and that be bad been obliged to reduce the number of men at work on.tbe sewer in Harlem, because he had no means of paying them.

A warrant for $29,000, be said, being seventy per cent, of tbe South-street paving contract, had been signed, as he understood, three months ago, and he -would be glad to have it. Deputy Controller Greek said tbat the contracts were now under Investigation, aud as each was found to be correct the oontractor Would be notified and bia account aettled. He intended to call a meeting of the Board of Revision snd Correction of Assessments st once, and he would facilitate tbe settlement of tbe accounts as much aa possible. Tbe deputation then withdrew. Tiiey state thst tbe aggregate of their claims is about 1 lriayar'nalPs Trihale ta Tweed.

From (he Leader 'of last Saturday. The renomination bf Senator Tweed from the Fourth District ta a compliment as deserved aa it Is suitably bestowed. Mr. Twred bae served several terms In the State Senate with signal ability and success. has ae-eomptUhei for las City hat few 1 Repro-aentaHvet in (As Z-egitlatur ha don.

The charitable snd I educational institutions of the City owe I much ef their established worth, capacity for usefulness and conspicuous progress to Mr. Tweed's untiring effort in their behalf. Throughout his Senatorial career Mr. Twits has been (As eeastanf friend of the poor and dittrtmtd. His friendship for the working man haa toeen thown in a multt-tud of eayt, and everjs scheme for the advancement of the condition of the working classes receives bia k-eartv indorsement and co-operation.

In the Senate, in rise eounteU, decision of character, mm treat tMeeutit ability. Mam than out eonepxeuouely. He embodies ta an eminent decree ail (A guali-He of leadership, and bis positron in the State Senate hss been won by faithftttne to principle, integrity of purpose, assiduous industry mnd an unflinching sense of His renomination Is a deserved recognition 4 those eminent aualt-OcaUons. and his re-electioo will be the tribute of respect and confidence which his constituency are anxious award to HOKrTT and straightforwardness of official character. HER.

BOUTWTEIX IN BOSTON. i i TLectare the Pmril aeattaaa AImI. lag 9a hike Prosperity. Special Dispatch to the -NswYork Times. iBoeTOX, Oct.

Boctwell lectured tfcte evening, in the Bsy State Course, at Masie HaU. He was received with enthusiastic applause by an jlmmeose and fashionable audience, eompoaed In a large degree of ladles. subject of tbe lecture was the Present quesbene affecting public peas pertty." He pointed but the errors committed by laboring mta la looking to labor organisations foe; bettering: general condition aad in spending sej much tune in discnss-ing the hours- they should work, showed that the only way to elevate toe laber-mg classes Was to educate taenw Hs ssxt showed the evils of entail lu laud tenure, aadsf tbe power of railway companies to purchase land bob necessary to tbe business ef their read, aad to hold coal lands, thus depriving people ef gettiag livelihood by owning -each lands. Trans portatioa by land and water was next discussed tae evile i growing eat ef the of railroads shown. Tbe -English allies sni feed, passed i law.

that railroads saoold eeavey passengers a eer taia distance tram the city for a earning. Boa-ton needed susb a The mternal interesu are fifteen times ss great aa the external inter est, and aheap transact-tattoo tor Weetere pre duels is of vital importaeee te tbe eastern working ma a. ne deplored the abaeaee of American snipping. Tte removing ot duties as a measure relief was notice! it would necessitate removing duties from all. and that ths Government could pot afford.

Referring to the burden ef public debt he said those of Europe and America were, a few years ago; KMBfiuCKOOa. and today they are 931,000,030,000, He opposed postt oning the payment ot the debt, aad cloeed by pointing oat to youo strg who will have to govern this country when contains 109.000,600 of people what mistakes they mast avoid. GREAT BRITAIN. Aasiker Colliery EisImIsb ta Baslaad- Thtrtythree nisen ta the Pit-Aa Aaaerieaa aYark at a a Diwi, London, Oct. 26.

Another frightful col- Nery dtssster la reported. explosion took place this afternoon in tbe Seabam Mine, near Newcastle. Thirty-three men were ia the pit at the time, none of whom have yet been reached. There la scarcely hope or caring a single life. The families ef tbe victims, with larre numbers of people, are gathered around the mouth of the pit.

and former scenes ot excitement auddu-iress are renewed. London, Oct. 26. The bark J. B.

Bradley. Bradlet. master, ot fiuckspbrt. from London for Philadelphia, wns run down off Isle of Wight by a steamer (n ime not given) and a portion of the crew per shed. No damage to the steamer reported.

i RUSSIA. I Iteara-aalaaiiaa mf sha Araiy 1,600,000 he War Pmib(, London, Oct. 26. Tbe entire reorganization cf the Russian Army for the training of the wbole people to arms, raises the total field and landwehr forces for war to 1,600,000 men and 51 XX) officers, sixty-six regiments of Co-sscks not included. There is created far ther a reserve force, which, la ease ef anj in-, vaaion, is equivalent to making every man a soldier on a peace footing, to 750,000 men and 35,000 officers.

The new artillery adds 1,000 gnns to tbe eld force. This enormous change in the military forces of Russia ia masked under tbe mere creation of landwehr, called local which nominally! leaves ths old army i GENERAL EUROPEAN NEWS. Aaatriaa Polities Keaia-aatiaa of the Hsbrawsrt Cahtaet Spala Qaiet sVeleas at Caasasaatats. ViEjfNA, Oct. 26.

The morning journals are of the Opinion that the political questions pending before tbe Emperor will be decided according to tbe views of the Imperial Chancellor. von Bettst, and tbat tbe resignation of the Hobenwart Ministry is imminent. Later. The Hobenwart Ministry tendered their resignations today to tbe Emperor There is no doubt that Hia Majeaty will accept 'tbem. Madrid.

Oct. 36. The rumors which have gone abroad of the cocrplraeies against the Government by partisans of the Duke of and of the infant Alfonso are without shadow of truth. Tbe wbole Kingdom is perfectly quiet, and no demoostrstion of any kind against the dynasty ot Bavov ia apprehended. Havre, Oct.

26. Tbe number of Communists released by the Courts is not leaa than 10,000. It la aaid that Prince Napoleon has left Corsica. Rome. OcL 26.

Tbe workmen's societies of Rome and Nsples bare refused to participate In tbe Congress of working men which is shortly to be held at Rome, on the ground thai that assembly will be a mere Republican demonstration, apd, as such, unfriendly to Italy. Tbe 'em-ment has relaxed vthe vigor of its precaution a against tbe Interoationsls and tbe partisans of Republican agitation, believing that their prln-e pies have no hold upon the Italian people. Fereigm Aid far the Chleaue aad Harth-weetersi SaOrcra. Vienna, Oct. 36.

Today's journals publish an appeal for contributions in aid of the sufferers by tbe Chicago fire, signed by Yon Beast, Er-langer, Todeaeo, Kinsky snd others. United States Minister Jay is active In furthering the relief movement. London, Oct. 26. Tbe contributions to the Chi csgo Relief Fund received at the Mansion House up to last evening, amount to 41 .200.

The town of Bradford has subscribed 4,250. The Times this morning urges tbe dispatch of prompt snd liberal aid for tbe settlers In Wisconsin and Michigan, burned out by the forest fires. The Times says if such help is not afforded to these unfortunate the ultimate suffering which will result from tbe North-western fires will be greater than can follow the Chicago conflagration. 1IEXIC0. Ptsfen at the ttlaafrrey Revalatiaa OsTeraaisal BSavsaseata Atalsil the Rehels.

Matamoras, Oct. 22. Saltillo still holds out against the revolutionists. Eight hundred, troops nave arrived to reinforce the Escobedo, tbe Commander-in-Chief of the Government troops, is moiching against the rebels. Benares, Morales and, Hamalta.

small cities in the Neevo Leon province) have pronounced against Two thousand Mexicans have crossed into Texas to escape rebel proscription. BOUNTY CLAIM FRAUDS. Arrest af a Clerk la the Meeaad Aadi. tar's Sanaa aad af gtz-Caag-resansaM Slake, mf Teaaeaaee. Washington.

Oct. 36 The Evening Star of today aaya that Vicroa Powell, a clerk la tbe Second Auditor'a office for the laat eight years, was arrested here by Deputy United States Marshal Phillips, ou Tuesday last, charged with frauds ea the Government tn eoo-neeUoa with bounty claims, The eaoouBi specified is 910400, but it is rumored that aa raves U-gatloa will show ths a meant to be ever $100,000. It is also rumored that an Ex-Member of Congress is implicated. I 1 Later. Ex Congressman William B.

Etoxe, Supervisor of Internal Revenue for Tennessee, was arrested here today on bis arrival from that State. He la charged with defrauding the Government to tbe amount ef 900.000. On bring arraigned before Commissi oner J. f. Johnson, be waived a preliminary examination, and gave bail in tbe sum oCtltftOO tot bis appearance before the Crimlaal Court.

It Is said that Yicroa j. Powell, lerk ta the Second Auditor'a who was recently arrested, aad now in aiLla concerned tn the aamej alleged fraudulent I i -t'l 'THE MORXONS; i A Perttawi "fifty Feet Leaf rreen tier aaea Wwata la hVatrgaaayv Washington. t6.t-The character of the petition from Utah, fifty feet long, aad signed by about 1,500 women of that territory, was recently unintentionally misstated. of being against, it is la favor of polygamy, aad was sent to the. Executive Mansion by delegate Hoorxa.

The peiltionsrs say that their husbands, fathers, sons, snd brothers are now being exposed te the murderous policy ef clique ef Federal officers Intent ea ths destruction of aa honest, bsppy, Indus trioas, aad oree peroua people; sad they therefore ask for the removal ef tbe Federal disturbers of tbe peace, or at least to atop the disgraceful eaart proceed' tars, or scad eaadM aad rehabie an ta Utah ta investigate the quest loo of tae eoaatttauaoal rights and liberty of the people. Tbe peutloaers express their sprobatKa of polygamy, aasert-lag taat it was sanctioned by Christ's teachings. and tbat tae weiiiutwii aciag ptnn Federal efscera, THE ELECTIONS'. t- Nine Important State Contests oa the cf NoTemtvr. New-Terk, i New-Jerscf, Massa- ehnsetts and Maryland.

Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Wis consii and Virginia. Kaaes Candidaffs for tbe Chic be Chlcf Oflccs to rnied. StatUtlcs of Former E3ecf ions in Each Stafa. Preparationsj of Both Parties for tho Final Struggle of the Year. Nine very Important State elections are ta be held oa Tuesday, ev.

of which fall statin ilea are given below. New-York elects a pea tion of Its State officers and Justices ef tat Supreme Court. and both braaohes of tbs lature. New-Jersey elects Its Governor and Legislature Maryland. Massachusetts, Minne.

sots and Wlsconsia their Stats officers and Legs islstures nUnois a Congreasman-st-large and a Congressman, to fill vacancies, and Mississippi and Tlrgiuia their Legists tores. IW-TORK. illcia. I TaaoeratKv 1 Tat Secretary ef Staia. Bepubll O.

HUton Scrlbaeil Laedrtch WUiera, Jr. I Controller. Kelson R. Bopkms. Aaber P.

Nichols. btats Treasurer. Thomas Ralnea. I healer B. BrlstoL Attorney.OeneraL Francis C.

Barlowl Marshall B. Cbasnp'sln fenginser aad Sarrvyor. William B.TayiurJ Van K. Blchmoad. Canal ConualssioDer.

Alexander BarkW. Oeor-e W. Chapssaa. luspecter of State Prisons. Tho.

KlrkpauickJ IaTtd B. MeXeU. Tbe fuliowing was tbe vote ot tbe state by couutlcs for Governor lu 1170 IVm.i Res. TVm. Hog-1 DM.

llog-i B.aa. Coanrlea. tota. 1XH met Ontario. aisj TsTO STU'Orlaana.

eii'Oawega CJrt 4804 2 ixm See sua IH. 1J3 1WT 4M7 HL -S71I. Saratoga snot lM71rbmMc-ta4y 343 244'rboOrls 3m ZZil.Schuyler Iheoera sss SMS Slenboa TOO "MsSdOiU 194 Coontlea Cay Oortlan Erie t4S -T" Sb A' 11 lev mo asie sis 4AJU ins SI4A SUSX 'A sacs a V-v 14t ens Faitoa aad Hamilton. Oeoeaee lierklmnr Maduoo. Jew-Vorg .,..1 STSSiSallivaa 4 4W 3 TMxrs llstar washlngtoa.

Wayne 43S SM STSS kxil Vl 4-1 A Ss-. urt WOMCSl SMI S4 vet towti 34te Wyonuag. Yatea Total XAtaa sxs Sbt4 Democratic, Jastieea mf the Isiiisii Csan. Firtt District City and County of New- i York. Candidates George Barrett, Repoblt-.

can and Reform Democrat nomas A. Led with, Tammany and Democratic Union. Second ZHstriel Kicbaiond. Buffolk, Queens, Kings, Westchester. Orange, Rockland.

Futaan and Dutebess Counties, liotn Trtles support Joseph F. Barnard, Democrat, the present in-enmbent. 1 Third iXso-ic Columbia, SutUvaa, Ulater, Greene, Aibany.Scbobsrie and Reoseelser Counties. Both parties support Charles B. In Democrat, the present Incumbent Fourth District arre Iteratoga, Washing ton, saex, Franklin.

St. Lawrenne, Clinton, Montgomery, Hamilton, Fultoe aad Seaeneetady-, Counties. Candidates: Joseph Potter, Kepub llean Samuel W. Jackson. DemoeraA, fifth Lnstj-itt Uooadaga.

Oneida. Oswego. Her timer, Jeffaraou aad Xewia Counties. Both) parties support George A. Hardin.

Kepnbllcaa. Sixth iHstriet Otsego. Delaware, Madison, Chenango. Broome. Tioga.

Chemung, Tompkins; Cortland and Bchova CouotkBa. Caadidatea 1 Ranaom Baieom, Rvaubiican Jeremiah K. Me Gnlre. Democrat. Seventh District Livingston, Wayne.

Beneea, rVstes, Ontario, Steuben. Mooroe and Oayuc. 1 Counties. Caodidatest Darwin Santa, Be puoucao. 1 nhth IHstriet Erie.

Chautauqua. Cattarao-gus. Orleans. MUgara, Geneaee, Alleghany aart Wyoming Counties. Candidates George D.

La-moot, Republican; Rio hard D. Marvin. Repao-lieau. tbe oreaeot insuabsnt, aosatnatad aad supported by the Democrats. Ifce-'eeuuse.

i In the following lists candidates whose names are marked with a are the present in eumbente: i I Ffre DtsoHef 8nfljlk, Queens -end Richmond' Couattea. Vote In lsevt Kpublieaa, TAU DaaioeraUe. B.T01. Presefil Candidates Gllaerl fc. Deane.

Hepubheaa; Townsend D. Cock. A)emocrat. 1 Second District First, Second, Third, Fourth. Fifta.

Seventh. Kleventa, Thirteen to, Flftemtlv Nineteenth. Twentieth Wards ef Brook' yu. Kings County. Voce in law Kepaoiroaa.

10.4TS Democratae, 11A31. Present aodidateet Jena-C Perry, Republican 'James T. Fierce. Dmu AO-at ZUf3ci Sixth, Eighth. Wloth, Tenth, Twelfth.

Fourteeata, Sixteai.ta. Seveaiaeaili. Eighteenth, Twenty-first aad TweetT-aeooud Wards of Breoklyo, and the towee ef Flat swab, FlaUanda. w-Ita aad Ktt. llLnrhLof taa Coaatr of Kings.

Tate iaistlt Republican. 10,041 Democratic, 1S.S90. PreaenS canaiaaiea 1 ea i A. W. H.

Van Sickleu. Kepablicaa Murphy, Devauerat. District First. Fourth, Heary fFlfih.iXth. event h.Thlneenihand Foarteeatsl Wards or Aew-iort- vote in iocs: Atepunucan X.41S Democratic.

IS JOS. -P reseat eaadidatrat Matthew Stewart, Kepuolicao; Lemuel BangV. irregular BepobUcaa 'William M. Twerd. Tammany.

Anthony J. Oil var. DecaocraUe Umoa Ira B. Davis and Ferdinand landman. Independent.

JifiA IHstriet Eighth. 9 1 nth. Pi fteenta and Slxtaaata Wards af w-Yerk. Vata la Mesa KnabLiaaa. S.fll: Dataaoratan.

XsJDUl cratic ladepeadaai, SSL Present caodidatest William M. Evarta, RepabUeaai Thomas B. Stewart. Irregular Kepulieao Miesael Nartoo. Taatutaay 2 Hatansl La wm, Be fotm Democratic Sistk District Tenth.

Elsventh and Seven-teenta Wards of Ksw-Vork. Vote ia 11: Ke pabUcaa. 4.TU Demoeratle. 1AJJS Prase st eaadidateas August Wsismsaa. Kepaencaat Henry ultra aa.

Ismsoacy Martin sentan. DemoeraUs Reform. 'i Scsenlh District-Eighteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-first Wards af New-York. Vote te 180 -Bepunlieaa, t.rri Demoatatle. 1I.3S9; Demo' rratie Umoa, SASA.

Prswaoteaodldatast Repabucaa: Jaha J. Bradley, Tasaaaaav; Jaa. O'Briea. Desttoeratis Reform. sac pa Maeacyr independent.

Jtghtn District Twelfth. KTaetecnth, ani Twenty seeend Wards ef Kew-York. Vote ta law: Da fihsiit eaadidates: WiUlaot Haw. Jr Kepabiicant CanauaaBehwarta.lrragularBpebilcaa: Hot-, ry W. Genet.

Taaamaoy. Darnel F. Tmsim and Andrew J. Plama, Dotaoeratie Rstona. A tatA IHsSrtr Patnaoy AUas.aad.and Wes ehsatar CoaaUee.

Vms la last: Beoobtieasi, SACS: Democratic, 1SS4S. Preseat eaod da test Wiliiana KoOertaoa, RepuoUcaa; WtUiaaS Caaid well. Damoerat. tenth District Orange, aad SuIUvaa Cen ties. Vata tm lass AtepabUcaa, S.2t4 D- cratla, Prcasat esadMiaiest AMvar) i.

I if l. 1 i. 1 JIT.

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