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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
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i ii i J. ii i i i ii 1 4 1 -I: wf i -r 1) WM1BgggBsggBeESg 1 I II SgglBg I I rianemmwi I 7 IJ AXiniLI AH. (XnUnrntd firvm Fint Piy. of M. Dboctb si diatatcb, tie of whir 1 bm bed th, hotter to reed to yof.

in HillihiMrmril I rttiiln mr il-ar Wat. B. aeerctar State, nc, to. Dewwtyai aVUsn-pe tit Mar vin Is JnaBtnolnev-C Bdeatattl.) rsirra Aftmim Eninonn, I Fun. Oct.

IX. 1M6. I Voimcra Mabqcm I bare taken wevcraJ Mcu aloe two mowum so aaviae yon of the clis- attoos-of tbe Imperial (Hnenmeot eot-eming the of im cecupeoea of Mnxioo try um French I told yoa, ia my dispatch of Aug. 11. that wa Ihrt with our bom sincere wmttes lor the day 'mem the lass mat soldier should leavw tb country, mnd that tbe Cabinet of Washington could wxvntrtbata to hasten that anomeat.

im ttaa 2d of tfoptexnber 1 renewed to you the assurance of oar strong desire to withdraw our auxiliary eorpe ao soon wa ctrowaaataaeM should allow M. At kast, tnllfwing th eaiae ideas mors fully, in private tetter of Um liith at tbe aaina aaoutn, I added that It greatly dn-Bcadad apon tbe rnltad 6ta4aa to iaciifUte tba da Barturaof oar trocpa. It ibej would adopt towaml tba Maiicaa OoreramaBt ao amlrbla atUtuda huth wavid aid to tba aooaotuiatwn at ordr, aad to wtueb acoold nod aooUvca of aaenritr for tlia totuitt wkich obliged to carry araoa twyoaul Uia Atlaatio. WW wooid ready to ariapt witooat dlT th UMf mt ao uodentaiMliDS aa thia aabjact with ftba (tebtnat ax wMhiogu aod I wlah to awke folly known to yaw aow tha vmwb of tfca ovariuaeot wf Him WhatJra aak of cbaTnilad Staara la to ba aio-cd fjMt ihtr tbtentioB ia no to tmpde tbe ooaaoaxtmtiaa -( tba arw or oar of taiiura louda4 ia Mexico; aad tba tiniil irnarantira we eoald teera va of their intentfcm wwald be tha rwsofnttton of tha Eaajerur MtiMii.i by tha Federal Government. Tba Amervoaa CbloB ahoold dot.

It aeema to be btifit bat by tba difltQra of toatitaiioaia, the United State have tetarconrae with aU tha tooaarrhica of K-iropc and af th New Werld. It la to euifaruuty with their own prtaxipk of vakil-) law to regard the Bucsarchy etal'uahed ia Jiaxioo aa being at feaat a gvrernoMnt tt fatUi, withawt particular waawrd to tta nature or its or-gin. which hea bees cob-aerated by tha auffiwe of the people of 4hat conutrr; and io Urja acting tbe Cahiaet of WsaJUnotoo would airy be BnMnd with tL auuic fcelmea of ermpathy which Ireaideot touKMM expraaaed aaceotly to tha awvoy af Hraxil. aafruiaiae; tha polKry -ol tb4 United firl towaaj tha yauager fttatea ot tfaa.Aaaerlcaa eoa- tuaeot. It ia true, la acS! aenpied ml thta momnl ttw the rnch anvy, ud ac-an ree-kly aaa that thia fajeotKA will anae.

Btat tha acknowWigaint oi the atBBpnror MaXlMiuiAa by the United fctatee would, in war wpiaUMi, have aaificiaot inflnraor apoa the state the ecus try ta allow na to take la consideration thetr aaaueptibilltiea on thia anbjeot; and abonkl tha Is) tan Tt at Waahutgtoai decide to ofiea diplomatie re-sattimt with tha Cuurt of Mexico, we wouM aee no dtOicaUy to enter In arraogrcufnt the recall of our tooopa within a rcaaouaole period of which wa would, aoigbt consfBt to fix the termination, la eonaequemce of Uie -wtcAHnpK and fcramenae extent af the ouwnuai frontlMT. the United tales are. more than any other power, intereated to aee their trade wtth Mexico pi i ceo tinder the safeg-nard of atvpula- in hannony with the mutual wan is of now striea. We would most readtly ofTer onr Rootl ot to facilitate the cancluaton of a commercial Xy, ther4iy oementing tha pollUcaJ ruryrsrto tha IswM of wtacn i nave just maoa auvwa woo. By order of the Xmperor, I in rite yon lo tnaie haowa to Mr.

Bsrwaax) the diapoaition of ilxs Majurty'a simiqnment- Vow ars aotherlaed. If yon think it proper, to read aasa tba eootenta of thia diapatch. I remain. IiltOUTN ZE LHUYS. Tba Mart ma us Uoimiotxai, Ac, Ac, Ac i Mrrtsward to tta Marojnisde MosithioloBi.

DeFAsrrstrxT or Rtti, I WaaaraeTOM, Dec 18CS. 8ib nvtrjr xBde known to tbe President the BTsDperoT'a viawa on Mextcaa anaira- which yon com-aaamtoated to me on the 29th ultimo, I have now the honor to Inform you ol the disposition of thia gorrra-waeBt In regard to tba same subject. It eeema proper, however, fur me to amy, ia the first place, that what I kaa to communicate has bean already fully made AnowB to Mr. IVieuow, with authority, ia bis die-retioB, to Impart the aam4 to M. Xboutm hi Lhuts.

Tbe eflect of the Emperor's suggestions, when they axa reduced to a practical shape, seems to ba this: That France la willing to retire from Mexico aa soon aa aha that it would be inconvenient for her without first receiving from tha United btatea aa as-sjuranc of a friendly or tolerant disposition to the power which has assumed to ibwlf an imperial form to tha capital city of Mexico. Thai President is gra Li-Bad with the assurance you have thus given of the Kanperor'e good disposition. I regret, however, to be bilged to say that the condition the Emperor aog-gtals ia one which seem quite Impracticable. It ia true, indeed, tnat the presence of foreign arm lea la aa adjacent country could not, under any circum- ataDcea. nut cause uneasiness and anxiety on the part thia government.

It creates for ua expenses which are inconvenient, not to speak ol dangers of collision, nevertheless. I cannot but infer rrom the tenor of year communication, that the principal cause, of the dsssontent prevailing ia the United fcUatea in regard to Mexico ia not fully apprehended by the Emperor'a government. Tbe chief cause is not that there is a foreign army in Mexico; much leaa does that discon- awat arise from the circumatanoea that that foreign army la a French one. We recognize tlie right of sovereign Batinns to carry on war with each other if they do not tovada our right or menace our aatety or just in nuance. Tha real causa of 'Our national discontent is, that tha French army which ia now in Mexico ia invading a domestic republican government there whicb was established by her people, and with whom the United KLah-a armpathiite most profoundly, lor Baa avowed purpose of suppressing it, and eetabliah-an upon its ruins a foreign monarchical vshoaa preaenoe there, ao long aa it should endure, aoukl not fbut ba regarded by the people the United States aa Injurious and menacing to their own chosen and endeared republican institutions.

1 admit thati the United Btatea do hot feel them- earvee called upon to- make a war of propagandiam throughout the world, or even on thia continent, in the Republican easae. We have sufficient faith in the aiailnsl success of that cause on thia continent. through the operation of existing material and moral ran r. to induce us to acquieaca in the condition bf tanaga which we found existing here, while our own republic waa receiving its ahape and development. On tne other band, wa have constantly maintained, aad still leel bound to maintain, that the people of every State on tbe American continent have a sight to; secure for themselves a republican gov-eranarat If they choose, and that interference by.

foreign 8tatea to prevent tbe enjoyment of such insti-totiona deliberately eetabbahad ia wrongful, and in Its 0ecta antagonistical to the free and popular form of government existing in tha United Statea. Wa ahould tusk it wrong aa well aa unwise on tha part of tha United Btatea. to attempt to subvert by tone monarchical governments in Europe, for the purpose of reylai lim them with republican institutions. It seems to ma equally objectionable that European btatea finiia forcibly intervene in Statea situated on thia aoatineat to overthrow republican institutions, aad swlara) them with monarchies or empires. Having thus fkankly stated our position, leave tba questions for tha consideration ol France, sin-araly hoping that that great nation may And it com-yaiiblti with its beat in teres ta, aad its high honor to withdraw from its aggreaaive attitude in Mexico, within some convenient and reasonable time, aad thus leave tha people of that country to tba free enjoyment of tha system of republican government which they have established or thameelvea, sad of their adherence to which thev have given what seems to tha United Bjiaiss to ba decisive aad conclusive, aa well aa wary touching proofs.

I 1 am. Sir, tha more Inclined to hope for such solution of the enficulty tor the reason that when, at any time wi into the last four years, the question has been aaked of amy American rlatvnrn, or even of any American cruaen. what country in Earope waa the one which was tha least likely to experience aa alienation of the trennibhip of the United btatas, answer waa promptly gtvaa, France. Friendship with France has always tin deemed Important and peculiarly agreeable by be Ansrrlcma people. Every American citiien deems St wo Was unporMat and deairabis tor the future than Tbe Freaidest will be pleased to be Jmformed of the reception which the Emperor glvae to which I have aww made.

Accept. Sir, tbe renewed sasuranees of my very Ahth coaaidaraitoa. Wl 1,1.1 a si U. vTste Atlaaitle cas Great Wee term RsvU Piin irriraxa. Friday, Jan.

IX. In the ease) of ihe PhiUdelphU IUOrod eg. AMaatie and Great TWeetera Baflroad, to-day. Mr. tojTi-t for respoademX read an afBdaaM of Taoitas W.

IJutxams, Ertginse t-tD-Cblef of tbe Atlantic and Ureal Western Compa-ty, showing thai the route to Vew-Tork via the Western, Central Lewlsburgh Central aad Bnruce Creek lXailroada win be one honored than las present route toJtew-York, by the Atlantic and CAreet Western Company vU over the Kew-Tovk and Erie Ballroad. upon the two reutsa proposed by the Atlantis sad Great Wsstera Kail way Oosnnaay, ceto to Kew-Tork aad the tbrr to Philadelphia, vmder eon tract with the Phil-aeVilfhla and Heading Bailroad Company and the East TasuisTrrarte KaOroad Company The rtatioa of Port CUnloB ia A common point to which aU freight deetlmed far KsAt-Torkor FhUadel-yhia is taken. From Port Canto -to Kew-Tera tbe attetxnes ever ths routse we have addled la eoa hun-eawd and thirty aeiaa miles. Treat art CUntoa to Pbiladtlphia tbe distance is awventy-efsbt nillea, the vUtrerenos is distance in awe of PnOailelphJB being BAy-cios miles. Mx.

Bmw ooateaded Sat Interest asms wonld indnca these partise to aaa the Nroota to Pailaflc hla as tha shortest route aocordbrn; to the aaodavit af the engineer. Tbe dlfTsrsnca ia Awor of Phiavdehia Is equal to sixty per eeni and that dlf-Vranoa la equal te tbe whole freight acroes the At- Hr. Bronca also disrnsserl tbe tojal pomt volvsy- to tbe question. The ease la still amder argument. Aceord'ag to an -y BTraTg-'T' fcaSia Ka aOUOSal.

HotU BOBt. f. Waixxa, JoJge Biacx and Obobos H. Tbabtow will adJreot Cu eoart la USultot lb4 respond CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. 'A THE jiTiR 0 TIID BITER PL1TE.

The Tunguajan Army on the Iefensiv.e. I i i i The lAdTanfag ef of PorifUii in Tneir Favor, Chilian Priwate ntted Oat Against Spaolab Commtroe. The Bteamr XeuhTork, from Aspinwall Jan. arrived at this pcf-t yeaierday merning. I Tratsair I.UC 9 teBBatl Ktw-Terk.

R. B-Oo TO Walls. Fsrso A Ca. S.o Laws Wader 106.3(0 0 Braau Wiathroo A i MLSUtDI AU at. C.

111- Hanraa, naeraiaa a JM io Lass ii Walieit K.SB0 80 Aniutl Belsaoat A Was-p. CSM an aujuuo ajtuaiu Ce. n'Owlsr Cages Kelly A C. a.ia SliUndor Aiaooey alurgaa ai iwiaier tx Tei luiai. 33 The War oat tbe atlwar aPIsitte The gaayaa'An eet State Defensive.

ru. ihaiu BLae tal Herald. Jan. i. Via Bantiag we have received papers from Boenoe Ayres and jMoatevidfco up to the 17th of o- Ihe Paragwa-raa armr.

which it waa one time feared would cease their retrogade movement and make a stand, or seen advance again on the City of Corrt-entea, has denitivaly evacuated the Province of that name and retired into their own territory. Xhia givea the allies the advantage of a better base of operations, especially in connection with the Brazilian fleet; but the -reliance upon the efficiency of the latter hi not very grrat. and further, the difflcultiea.of att ivrT'-g the Paraguayana nave been enormously increased. They are pow concentrated, offering a very respectable front to their enemies, and are well defended by the natural configuration of their country aa well as by numerous works in advantageous positions. Beside all thia tbe beat and unbealthineea of the swamps begin totell upon the a Bird armies, and it ia tberelore not to be wondered at kiat some newspapera on the other aide of the Andes talk of deferring the renewal ef hostilities, and even of a friendly settlement.

I He vera! Chilenos and foreigners in Montevideo appear to havb purchased and partly or fully fitted out auine three or four tinvatoera. to sail under the Chil ian ftakv and prey en the -commerce of ftpain on that coast. i I CHILI. The Spanish) Fleet Is Beareta ef tbe Ei-K aneraldav. Corrrtjxtndrmc of the Tint-York Titmra.

PaXAjfa. Monday. Jkn. 1, 18C6. The eteamer of the French line, the Peru, arrived at Panama hroVn Valparaiso and intermediate ports on the 28th.

bates from Valparaiso snd Baiiti-sgo de Chili are to ihe 9th, and from CaJlao and Lima to tbe 21st December. Matters have not Changed materially in regard to the war with Spain sinoe my last. Tha EtmiraUta, which captured the Spanish dispatch vessel, the CoraJonga, had gone off somewhere with her prize no one knew whither. Several of the fipaniah fleet had apparently been looking foe her. but bad returned to their blockading duty, unsuccesiif uL Some suppose the tmer-mlda to have gone te join the Peruvian fleet, which, it waa expected, would assemble at some southern port io Pent Of the Peruvian- fleet, the Apurimae or CoA-iao.

44 guns, and Amaxnat, were at Iquique. and the Union and America bad lelt the ChinchaS tor the same port. The Spanish: iron-clad A'aataaKut was at Cai-dera. in Chili, on her way to Talparaiao. and the flag-ahip Villa Madrid waa at Coquiiubo.

Ton may expect to bear aome stirring news from Chili and Peru ehortly. On the 3d ult. an Btteoipt was made by the authorities in Coquimbo to take possession of ihe So. ruder' Vtdait a bark which served aa a sort of storeahip to the blockading frigate iaar. Thia huier vessel had steamed off out ot i tbe harbor in order; to overhaul two sailing vessels which hove in sitfhUin the meantime the commander of the place sent eight boats out with five oarsmen and four sailors ia each to take the aforesaid bark.

Just before the boats came alongside' of her she hoisted 'the ftaliao nag, some say. without a right to. do so. But be ttfat as jt may, the Chilian authorities eonaidered her aa engaged in contraband of war, sod thumlore a lawful prise. They -intended to heave her anchor and tow he on shore; but before that could be accomplished, the Blanca came near, and they had to leave her, taking only the crew as prisoners with them.

They were blamed by tha Chilian press for not haviug set tbe vessel on nre. 4- FROM T1IE RIO GRANDE. Fa 11 are of tbe jknaerlesia 111 vis ton of (Seat. Crawford United atatee Soldiers Forbidden toKnlist A Sauall Victory for tbe Iaaperta.lla.ta." Kkw-CxLEaxa, Thursday, Jan. 11.

The prownavill, Je8, cotTeepotident of the New-Orleans Timul under date of theUth instant, eys: The American division, tinder CxiVHiHD, is not making much headway, aa the Federal aoldiers have been forbidden to enlist, snd the Brownsville recruit ing office has baen'iSoeed. p. It is understood khst Escobaso ia preparing for anothVr attack on Matamora. ThelmperialistB Surprised a small camp of Liberals, killingl twelve snd bapturing thirty, who will be executed under MaxiMUJair's order. Gen.

CmawvoaD to prevent the murder. The latter replica tnat ne bad entered solemn 'protest against thia. but Gen. Msjia inform ed him that he was compelled to obey the orders of his government. Gen- Cuvroao waa shot at from the Op posits aide of the river, but an kpology waa afterward offered.

i Krw-Oaixans, Thursday, Jan. 1L Beceat advices state that teen. Craax arrived at with important dispatches from the -1 A grand dinner pad been given to Gens. Wimxx and Cbawtobd by the Mexican Liberals in Browna-TiUa. Dens.

Eacokano, Coa-nxas, GaBcxa and Bo-Mirao were present. Much good lee ling was manlfest-ed on the part of the Federal Generals toward the Mexican Republicans. I 1 i Frsm ajew-Orlemns. I KBW-OBLBalis, Tburadty, Jan. 11.

The Bt. Charle theatre has teen purchased by Baa for $120,000. Cotton has declined: lc-dlXc; aalea: 1.400 bales; middling at-48c, Coffee Bales at H) in gold. Corn steady ltsgf 1 Gold 13. i TEBRESIEE.

I ygeaanga mat (lav, st Kssplag wp lbs Statte Penitentiary. ji KasarvTiXa; Friday, Jan. 12. td-dy aent to the Legislature a massage urging tbe Lagialatura te make pro-vlaioa Sat keeping up tbe State Penitentiary, and warning the members that embarrassment and trouble will aoaoa from the delay. Be also urged tba importance of the establsthment oi a' branch; penitentiary at Enotville and Memphis, on the ground that the prlsoBets already umber nearly five hundred, and will aeon -reach one' thousand, at the present rate of liitnaaii.

when accommodations fox tbe criminals will be impossible. i. A biQ to remove; dlsabilttlea of private banking taeeta with favor, removes tbe penalty of (10,000 Jbr doing private banking. 7- Mcbbat, accused of shooting Bovrn, was discharged. I There nave been no arrivala of steam hosts Ths Cwaseriaad took a full cargo ef eotton lo Cairo fbr lisw-Orleana.

i Breafclae; 'wp bf lee en the Missls-. alppi Deatrmetlon ef Steawaore. I Lotna. Friday, Jan. IX The warm weather of the peat two days, combined with tbe rise In the Missouri, started tbe ice in or harbor about Velock this snnming.

and it separated nearty opposite' tbe loot of Cass street, the lower portion moving down about ana kuadred ieet, and opening a chmnel to the mittoii abore, through Whirb skiffs passed aevaral boura, Isatd jixMug the stramee BsOs MtmpktB which Sree loe-bound in the middle of the srrer, the steamar irarsw at the lower end of the hivas. the steamer PrwirW Awss, at the nppar end of the bmdtng, and the ferry-boat oa the Illinois ahore. Considerable damaga was alao doae to aevaral other boeia, bargee aad wharf-boata. Tbe Jtsttt JfwyW waa valued at abou4 $130,000 and insured fee $40,000. The W-araaw waa valued at im tnsuranoe it act known.

The PfwirisAW waa worth 1 14,000 aad was prabrbly insured; and tbe tarry -boat was vetoed at about $30,000. About aooa tbe wteamer A'eerwata and Jerrj-boat begaa butting the lee at rha lowsr end of the balding, and broke i rhknnel fthord 1C0 yards wide oa the ltiatouri thoTC, hrarly opvoeite the ieree, wbeo VfcSwig field b44 aim wj cd xnorv4 down sjpw. wracks af tan ate am ars wbicb were injured aad stm afloat, to tbe eatrento tower part ef tha city, where it formed a gorge. The harbor eppoette jlhe dry is new epea and the lerty-toata are running. It at expected that ths ice both above aad betow ths city will move out to-night, aa the ice en tbe Miasiisrt Brver broke up to-day at M.

Joaeph. Ksnaaa City, Lexington City and St. Cfcarlsa, tbe etTscta of which win be felt here before WAoraing. At Bt. Cbartef the Soxth Missouri Bailroad terry-boat, need for trassporting trams across ths river, and tbe landing wvsrs badly injured.

No other disaster at yet ported in the ViaaourL There is no sews front ths Upper Mississippi. The weather ia very warm, I aEOOjrir DIEPATCn. ST. Levis. Friday.

Jan. IX The statement In the first dispatch-of the emtained by the breaking up of tbe ice to-day waa la- The value ot the Brltf JtempkU was Wartaw, 35.000; the wrecking-boat, $20,000. Tha entire loss Is 22S.000, and tbe total lose at thia tk. disaster three weeks ago will loot np $500,000, i Increased to-aight to double that amount, 1 -wiax'OJisis. Mcetlnaj of i tbe Leglslntnre or WOT.

f-sinsiis. Maorsox, Friday, Jan- IX The Leginbitare convened on Wedufcrklay, and elected Hon. D. Baa sow Speaker and E. W.

Tocno Chief Clerk. Tbe Senate elected F. M. Sxxw abt Chief Clerk. i Gov.

Faibcbqxd delivered bis message this after noon. It is very able document, and a complete review of the affairs of the State for tbe paat year, which are represented to be in an exceUeiit condition. The State debt is only $2,664,553. Among other recominendations, the Governor urgea an appropriation for thi immediate compleUon oi the State Capitol Md the enlargement of the limine Any-lum. Be also 1 recommends an amendment to tha constitution, providing! for the election of a State Auditor for a term of ail years.

During the war, tbe Qtate furnished 91,373 men, an excess of 1,263 Over all jcalla, and "equal to more than one from everyi two voters. Tbe weather is warm and rainy. -i The Recent-: Marder Wear Pottavtlle Ar-1 rcitof Fsar Men an naptetoa. Sottsvillx, Friday, Jan. 12.

Four men iave bf en arrested near Ashland, in tui county I on suspicion of being the murderers ol tbe coal operator, iMr. Dckke. They were all armed with revolvers, jt meeting of the citizens will be held at the fTewn Hall to-morrow evening, to take measnrts to prevent murder and lawlessness in ScnuylkiU Couhty. 1 Executions lit Plttsbnrgh, Ptnn. pjTrsBvaoa, Friday, Jan.

IX BEKJAhtiif B. JlABsdHAU. and ArorBT Fbicke, recently conxidted of the murder of German named Fount, at Btyd Hillj near this city, short time since, were execuiea o-oay. waaa.aai-u -confession before the trial implicating Fbjcbu, who, although the testimony against him waa coacluaive. persisted in declaring his innocence to the last, calling on Haikball on tSe scaffold to clear him of the charge, Slaaxia Gaiiciixa, convicted of poisoning several persons, will executed on Friday neat.

4 Kietatlaa Aafsita. tn. LAcpcni, Friday, Jan- IS. AC, cpnvicted of the murder of HrnsT AJtoa, of Hrncofk County, waa executed today. He died; protestirig his innocence; though he had previously repeatedly conleaaed bis guilt.

The Bteanishlp Worth American She Pate Into to Repair. jPoaiXAXTj, rriday. Jan. IX Advices by the Scotia state that the JTorlh American put into Qucenstown on ths 81st with machinery oamaged. I The btenntshtp Canada.

i Bostox, Friday, Jan. IX The Cnnaril Bteamnhip Canada arrived here yesterday from! Liverpool, "hile attempting to enter Halifax, on the? evening'of the 8th she ran upon the rocks about two miles from tbe entrance to that harbor and thumped heevir three times, but slid off without receiving serious damage, although she will go into dock for exaniiaation to-morrow. Her cargo was discharged last night, and some of her goods are wet- Diaaater to the Schooner Christiana. Hoijif as' Hole, Friday. Jan.

12. The schooner mxaxk near Cape Page ia the Caritrtaao, of pfarmoui, Me. The mate, Cbasxss Taixmak, of Ostervillcj was taken off yesterday with his feet and hands bailly fro ten. Capt. Leach and the -remainder bf the erf were frozen to death.

The bodies of tbe unfortunate men have been recovered. 1 'Marine Diaaater. PaovrscirpwR, Fndsy, Jan. IX wM Arrived, liinsburyh, from New-York, with machinery, slightly disabled. I i criaise Kire'ln Melrose.

Mass. BosToe, Friday, Jan. IX ITie large building nown as Waverley Hall, in Melrose, waa totally, destroyed by fire last night. Lots about $40,000, which is partly insured. The principal sufferers arej the 'Wyoming and Waverley Lodges of Free and Adcepted Masons; Emhxxsox A Basbbtt.

shof manufacturers; H. P. Wbitkxt, grocer, and Davii Wibster, owner of the building. The PhljOelln Theln. paicAoo, Thursday, Jan.

1L The rennipn of tht Phi DelU Thela Society waa held here this evening. The poet was Col. Chas. P. Jacobs, ofl Indiana, fai the orator, Gen.

Cbiiixi BLaca, of Illinois. The affair waa a splendid success. 1 ail I The Lata Gerard, Hnlleen Resolntlons ef the Assoc la ted Press. At a meeting of tM Aseociated Prees, held on Wednesday, Jin. 10, li3C6, the following resolutions were paased unanimously: Resolved, That the members of the Associated Press bars beard, witn deep regret, of the death of Gcbabd Balxboc, late a proprietor of the Jotmai of Cosuacrcr, and for many years the President of the Associated Prees; a gentleman, who, in all bis relations as Presi dent and member, was distinguished for his integrity.

courtesy, kindness, and. lor aia able and faithful services to the Rnoirtd, That tbe President of the Association transmit a copy of tht tbeve resolution to ths family of the deceased. I I Anansenaents. Lrcr ItrBHTOK's $ew-Yoek Tbxatkx. The Lady of Lyons" wss played here last evening to an audience that waa more respectable In applause than numbers, necessity, suppose, compels the lessee to resort to these very much hackneyed works.

They ars poorly adapted to her company, and not at an to the diminutive stage eta which they are performed. If, however, Mite KuurroB's object be to present herself in series of Veiling charactera, with a view to capturing tha public, she Is hardly likely, we think, to affect her purpose. The! lady's style is al.ogether toe artificial to win the sympathy of aa sudienos. She is torever la a pout, a pet, or a sulk, and displays these evidences of imperfect culture with such gravity that one ia overcome naturally with the wrong emotion. Aa arUste wht removes herself too far from her audience commits a blunder which is very apt to end In the sudienos removing themselves altogether tram ths artiste.

In the three acts which we witnessed hut evening Mias JtctHToif did not once condescend to tbe level of humanity, A slow monotony of super, fluous aaaarur Was all that the crushed spectator bad to feaat upon. Even la the third act, where moat actresses are surprised into naturalness, she was unbending, and retired to her spartassnt with the air ot a tragedy Queen, whoa wrongs not only make her sacred, but enWsua. We are sorry to1 apeak thus of a lady whose personal attractions it ia hard to resist hut the Ttia effort to star" in pieces which have been wall played here eaa only end la the mortification of failure, which timely criticism may at least avert. i MX- FlAasB was a good a. and Mr.

Waicox. made robust by, boota and rollicking by waa lees sepulchral than usual ha Gloria. Mr. aa, Jsaawaaf, earned a whip throughout the evening, leading the hvainttoua mind to suppose thtt he had a track horse eoneeakid in, the wings; otherwise he was morf arete and respectable. Mr.

Moariatza one of tbe beat light ecanediaas on tbe stage does not shine xa and hia' deaeriptioa of the palace by Ccsno atrack ua aa danperlng Tba part does not suit him. Of the rest it Is unnscsssary te speak. Mas BaTXJtAS. ilk Kats Batkkaw arrfved bere yestordaj tha SoUU and will make her rwUr ej mblo Qirdaa eo ICokday tveateg in ttXCU TUTAsialaaTXS manic rehearsd atSe'cksck. at the AadsBay of Jfaslc.

In tbe evening the Fiaacb eosapany gfwa a psrfaraa- at thai same establishment, Ugne Lea At Irvtog Ball Mr. TBrtonoaa bo aat givea his third 8ymphosjle-8oiree. XQe. Pabxbb Is the vocalist. The programme ia unusually tetarawtiag, and will be Interpreted by aa orchestra of sixty performers.

TJodworth's Ball. Mr. Emi Meaveaa gives bis laat lector, i i FXSfBCCAK. OP aCLIJAH P. Fl'RDf.

i sices sit the Chnrrh The Proeeasiaav The Body at the City Mall. Tims F. PCBBT, Vfho lot JBOiTlJ JCaTS the bibbral three score snd ten lived simple unpretending life among ua, waa yesUirday-eynveyed. with great pomp and ceremony by hia late associates and friends, to ths City BAIL where his remains were laid in stale until this morning. In conformity with 'the request of the deceased, tbe Bo srd of Supervisors took charge of hia funeral rites, snd doubtless with the beat of intentions, invested the simple ceremonies with all the ahow aad circumstance of parade" they could.

Supervisors Smith, Tweed. Bum-, Fox aad Shoos were appointed a committee to confer with tbe family of Mr. Pttvdt, tad make arrangements for the funeral. kjhey did so, and in compliance with their suggestion. tbe pall-bearers met at Mr.

Ptmxvr'a bite residence. No. b) Ludlow-street, at 9 o'clock Aj and at a Hole after 10 o'clock the procession moved, to the church whereat the services were to be held. The following is a list of the pall-bearers, of whom all were present except Hia Honor Mayor Borratax, who wma compelled to leave the city at an early hour, ao that his engagements at the Ball would not permit him to attend: Bis Honor the Mayor, Jobic T. Hottsah.

Tjasiel h. PaXAVAN, tirand bachem of the Tauimsiiy ho. lety. Bou. Wv.

M. Twasa, Chairmen of the Tammany General Couimittee, Hon. Johs Kcut, Sheriff of the Coun'y, Isaac Bxxu Esq-. Chairman of the Commissioners of Charities and Corrections. Smith, Lsq-, President of the Board of Supervisors.

Joun Bucz, President of the Board of Aldermen. 1 J. Wrutoii Gbekk, President of the Board ot Conncilmen. Juht. A.

KtJrxcDT, Superintendent of Police. Onwos BLrNT, Supervisor. Jous For, Supervisor. Supervisor. Avochtus Weirmash, ex-supervisor.

JoHK W. FaMEB, Esq. Bun Vaxdcwates, Esq. The procession waa iormed as foUou I. The officiating clergymen.

The remains of the deceased, accompanied by the pail-bearers. a. The family of deceased. 4. The Honorable the members of the Board of Supervisors, headed by their Steers and Sergeant-at-Arma.

6. The Honorable Ihe members of the of Alderman, headed by their officers snd Sergeant-at-Arms. 6. Tbe Honorable the members of the Board of Ccnincilmcn. headed by their ofheers and bergeant-at-Anna.

7. Tbu beads of department of the city and county, b. Members of CougruM, State Senaiors and Members of Assembly from this city. 9. The C'ommiHsioners of Charities and Correction, the Commissioners ot tbe Central Park, the Commissioners 01 the aletropolitui Police, and the Cuuimis-sionere oi tbe ire Department.

lu. Tbe Tammany hoaety. II. 7 he Tammany General Committee. IX Citizens.

The line of march was kept free flom interruption by Sergeant Wrri, of tbe Tenth Precinct, who was in charge with a competent lorce of men. The church, which still retains the Chritmaa decorations, is at the corner of Broome and Christie streets, substantial and pleasant house, from which its present congregation will soon be conijieUed by sale to go. Tbe coffin, a very handsome rosewood box, trimmed wiih silver bands and handles, waa rested upon stools upon 1 the altar, alter which the pall-bearers, the family of Mr. Ptntor, and the hundreds of attendant mourners were seated. Probably at no time has this or any other church contained at any one time so many of vur local diguitarv-s ss were present on tins occasion.

Judges Johh H. McCrnw. Giu, G. Bab-kiid, Ijickamam. Gabvik, Casjx)ZA, Jones, RoTjeht-sus, Dewi.o, IMIDCI, 8UTHERLA1ID, Momcbixf, Mo-mu, Bassocb; Senator Stbosu, Mr.

Ltmas Tre-miike, all the Superviaors. all the Alilermeii. all the Councilmen, the struet contractor. MejKra. Bbowk, I'Bvok and Kkapp, Capt.

InalaH liTNDEaa, Sberitf Kellt, Mr. ViNDEWiTKB of the General Sessions, John kpaSKa, Hon. A. Oaket Hall, District Attorney, Ui 8. BEDroBO.

and lion: C. HirrcHius. Assistant I'ixlriet Attorneys, Superiutendcnt John A. many members of the city press, and an immense gathering of ladies and gentlemen, who hlied the church to overflowing, wnre present to testily, each in his own via), his regard for the memory of the deceased. Tbe services were not particularly imposing, but they were solemn and appropriate.

A very well-balanced choir, tbe soprano voice of which is sweet and clear, was finely accompanied by the orfcan, ihe cliant-iiig and ainging being a marked feature of the scrviee. Atter the cusumary reading of the Scripture, tho delivered a discourse on Christianity, its iiiilu-f nee, progress, importance and desirability. The ad-dreea was entirely unobjec-tiomble, but of no peculiar appropriateness to the occasion. It contained a brief allusion to the sterling inti-grity, uprigbtnebs ef purpose, the nn impeached and uniiiieechable record, the honor and veracity of the deceased, and closed with an exhortation to all the public men present to adhere firmly and tenaciously to principle miller than to policy. After the sermon snd a beautiful rendering of I would not live alway," tbe burial service vas read by the rector, the sexton.

Mr. Joses, dropping a handful Of earth upon the coihn. Tbe audience was then dis missed, and the eofiin waa opened to afford all an opportunity of taking a tarewell look at the deceased. Dressed in his ordinary attire the body seemed in a perfect state of preservation, and presented the calm stern look of feature which eminently characterized Mr. Ptjbot when living.

We rhould thick some two thousand people, men snd women, vailed themselves of the opportunity. Tbe family then took an aileet-ing tarewell of the body, which was soon alter carried out to the hearse, tbe rector heeding the procession to tha curbstone. Ths line wis again formed, and the body was conveyed in a plumed hearse, drawn by six it on gray horses, i to the City. Hall steps. His Honor Mayor Hon maw met the pall-bearers on tbe esplanade, and headed the procession as it filed along the corridors and up the winding atairway of the Hall to the Governor's Boom.

There Mr. Boons, the Janitor, aided by the suggestive brain and nimble fingers of Mrs. Boosts, had prepared a-simple resting-place, under a canopy of mourniag. for the cofhn, on which it rested during the day and night The lid waa agaia removed, and hun lreds who had known and respected tbe deceased while living, thronged the place to look upon him de ad. To-day he will be removed to hia bunily vault at White Plains.

Thus en da the life and career of an honest man, a publi: spirited citizen, a taithtul friend, aa open enemy, a ataun'ch Unionista man whose natural abilities placed him in positions of influence and power. The Late Robert B. Mintnrn. At a special meeting of the rector, aniens and vestry of Zion Church. Greenburgh, Westchester Codnty, held Jan.

IX 18GA, the following preamble and resolutions, ofered by Mr. Caoewxix, were unanimously adopted: The rector, wardens and vestry of 7.1 on Church, having heard with profound regret the sad intelligence of the death ot Bobkbt B. Mwtcbx, Esq. Retottd, That in fee withdrawal from the scenes of lite of one of such raiinence in all good works, from large pursuits, front liberal deeds of charity, from beneficent aims, front the Church in all its manifestations of goodness and duty to God and man. from enlightened efforts to relieve and 'elevate the temporal condition and promobi tha eternal welfare of his fe low-men while we bow with submiesion to the righteous dispensations of ths All-wise Providence, we deplore the loss wkich such an event brings the Church and to a wide community in which hia virtues are as household wares, his character revered and his example a precious heritage.

Bttolved, That we eheriah the remembrance of his virtues and graces in all' the relations, as well of domestic as of outward hfe the accomplished gentleman, the consistent Christian, the faithful churchman, the devoted patriot prominent in station, but just, urbane and liberal in spirit, and kind and gentle in manner Qualities which won ths esteem and commanded the respect of all men. Itetoivtd, That this church and parish, the object of his Internal care and solicitude, in which fbr many years he has been a devout worshipper and efficient member of thia vestry, feel particularly tbe magnitude of their deprivation; and in thia spirit we tender to hia afflicted family our heart-felt sympathy ia their great sorrow not as to those who sorrow without hope; for of no on can the assurance be more reasonably Indulged that his departure from this hfe waa the translation to a brighter sphere even a heavenly and that he died having tha testimony of a good conscience, ia tba communion of the Catholio Church, in the confidence of a certain faith, tn the comfort of a reasonable, religious and holy hope, tn favor with God. and ia perfect charity with the world." Saalved. That as a totea of respect to the memory of our deceased brother, the rector, wardens and vestry attend, the funeral in a body, and that the. church be draped for thirty days with the emblems Mtwired, That a copy of theae proceedings be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and be published.

ACTIO OP TUX XAXK CP OOlOaXBXZ. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of theXatiocal Bank of Commerce yesterday, the following proceed-lnga, expressing the sense of the Board on tha decease of their lata associate, took place, and the record was directed to be publiahed: With emoriona of Borrow of, no ordinary force, the Board of Directors record decease of their late coUeagua, Boaxar B. MistTSik, who died at about a o'clock oa the morning of January 9th, atter a very brief lilneea. Mr. Mimttjbm was one of tbe original ecapuraturs and directors of tbe Bank of Commeroe to Mew-York, and continued to hold the office ot director to the time of his rtaath.

a period of over twenty-five years. He was ever the sole and faithful director, the careful guardian of the Important interests under ths man-cement of th board, and conscientious trustee of the stockholders of the itstirutlon, Bj assorjatoj iwutia ujib sincere frtOitmiffa the BieaMBl of aa unbroken tottiuumea. marked bv fidence, respect sad reward; aad they would briefly pease on the minutes of tbe beard their isnmati of the many vtrtuea and striking ensxacter of their departed friend. As a Bjerchsnt, Mr. Mnrrray' was Intelligent, enterprising and successful.

Honor, truth, Justice and ST Jtleas iategrity conscaotry ruled hia business career. Aa a number of sodt-ty he waa evwr 1I1111 mllj aa-teemed aad honored for hi coorteay, earneataeas and ueefulneee. The aim of his hie waa to do good. Hia labors to thia end were unwearied, aad wisely bestowed. His own highest eajoyixvent was rtinecasd front the hafnilnins he bialoaed est ethers.

But in the domestic circie, the centre of pure enjoyment, hia virtues shone with the highest lustre. His Lis wss illustrated and adorned i. his duties as a son tenderly ministering to the declining years of a beloved parent; aa a brother, exhibiting umtorm fraternal attention and regard; as a husband, full of devotion to the clams of this sacred relation, and as a father, ever seeking to present tous children wise counsels snd just examples-Pure principle of morality and religion moulded hia' wbels Ute. snd completed a character worthy of being admired and imitated. 1 1 Tbe directors offer to the family of their deceased friend the expression of their atneere condolence and Sympathy because of this sudden nd mournful bereavement.

And yet they would point to tha bright Christian nutb, theagrounded hope, the completed work of him who ceases to cheer and guide them, ss causes of gratitude, which by tho aid of time, will bring to them trpa consolation. i JOHN A. STEVENS, President, Bessy F. Tail, Cashier. GENERAL CITY NEWS.

1 a The Emiobast-Sbtp Hoskob. Mrs. Mabt A., the unfortunate steerage passenger on board the emigrant ship Neptune, who suffered so terribly lrom. neglect and exposure, while suffering the pains of premature childbirth, a foil account of which appeared in yesterday'e Times, died yesterday morning at the New-York Hospital from the eflecta of said neglect, superadded to the natural consequences of her condition.

Coroner (ioveb empanneled a jury yesterday afternoon, but in order to afford the persons implicated to prepare their several statements, Uie case waa adjourned over until 1 o'clock to-day. when a full investigation will be made into the matter. The ship's surgeon, J. C. HEaRtcx.

came forward, voluntarily, yesterday, and expresses his ability to explain satisfactorily the cjrcnrn stances, which at present bear so directly against him. An explanation will also be made by the Commissioners ol Emigration before the jury to-day. Pbobablz Fatal: ArrnAT. Yeeterday afternoon about 3 o'ckick, two men, named Patbicx Dtm-lat and Edwabd Johmbok, labcrera, residing at No. 159 Washington-street, quarreled about some trilling matter.

During the altercation, Dun lap struck Jo huso on the head with bis fist, inflicting slight abrasion, and immediately after Johhsok drew a knife and stabbed his opponent In the lelt aide, tbe blade penetrating to the lung, infiicting a severe, and probably a mortal wound. Aa soon as Jchksou committed the deed he -made his escape. The wounded man waa conveyed to the New-York Hospital by Officer Mc-ClakT, of the' Twenty-seventh Precinct, where he now bes under the care of Dr. White, the House Tbe two men were in the frequent habit of quarreling previous to the occurrence, The Naval- Powdeb Sales. The public will be pleased to learn that Capt.

Wnuc, Chief of the Bureau Of Ordnance, is disposing aa rapidly aa possible ot themmense quantities of gunpowder which have been stored necr this city dtiring the war. The close of the war, and the desire of the department to reduce the quantity of war material on hand, has now given bini an cpportunity to get rid of the superfluous powder. On the 2sth of December last Capt. Mdluuit sold at auction 1,545 barrels of powder and a lot of 150,500 pounds ot cannon and musket powder, which was purchaeed by Drroirz A Co. of the Hazard Powder Company.

Smith A Hand and A at prices ranging from 8 'i cents to 16 cents per pound. In time the remainder will be sold. HtorEsic Lectohes. Mrs. Dr.

51. A. Jokes, who has for several years delivered lectures in this city to ladies, will open her course at the Thirtieth-street SI. E. between Eighth and Ninth Avenues, on Mondsy afternoon next at 3 o'clock.

Tbe first lecture is free, and will treat of maternal duties, the arrangement and mechanical advantages of the osseous system, deformities, Ac The second lecture will be given at the same place on Tueaday afternoon. Mrs. Dr. Joxss is a graduate of the Female Medical College, and a lady of rare aecomplish-monte and culture, combined with a happy faculty of expression which renders her a most interesting lec Axotheb. Ticrm or the Kepttute Exptxmon.

-Johh Waxjteb. the second engineer of the steamer JSTepttme, the boiler of which exploded down the bay orijthe 3d insL, died on Thursday night, at the New-York Bospital, from the effects of the injuries so received. Coroner Oovkr will hold, an inquest to-day. This makes the third victim the names of the two others being Hekbt Mctinnos, pilot, and Geo. ami-ink, (colored) steward, who were both killed at the time of the explosion.

CHEisriAJtmr ts its Relations to Life. A series of sermons on this subject will be commenced next Sunday afternoon by Bev. E. G. Bbooxs.

at the Twentieth-street Universalist Church, rear Sixth-av-euuo. Tbe first sermon will be on Christianity and the Individual Life." 2. Christianity and Social 3. Christianity and Business." 4. "C'hris-tianityand Itetorm.

5. Christianity and Politics." 6. "Christianity andiWoman." 7. Christianity and the Perishing classes." The Revest Sekvtce. Tlie United States revenue-cutter Ashuctot, stationed at Eatrtport, Maine.

boarded, on the 2d Inst, Uie English bark D. R. De Wol of Windsor, K. bound from Calais, Maine, to Liverpool. Tbe Pt Wolf was ashore on Pig Beach.

Cauipo Bello Island, and was broken in two and full of water. Tbe crew were all saved, but the vessel will probably be a total loss, The States Islaxd Ferry. The proprietors of the Staten Island Ferry have made a change in the time of their trips, much to the disgust of the Statea Islanders. The first trip from the city is now St 8 A. the last from the Island at P.

M. Tbe cause assigned for the change ia ice in the river," two cakes having been reported in sight yesterday, Womas Dbovtctexk A woman'; named Jclia Dunn, living in a aLanty in Sixth-avenue, near Fifty-siztb-atreet, was accidentally drowned yesterday afternoon by falling into a well. The body was taken ont yesterday and the Coroner notified of the fact. Deceased wss native of Ireland and 49 years of age. The Bichxoxd Medicax, Jocksau The first number iof thia journal, which will) be -issued monthlvi ia now Messrs.

E. 8. Gajixab3, hu snd w. 8. McCbessbt, M.

are the editors snd publishers. Bali, or tbs Yonfo IIes's Association. The Young Men's Association vrill give their ninth annual ball at the Academy of 1 Music on Monday, the 15th inBt. The proceeds will be applied tot the benefit of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum. 1 i as- i rAtvsrUaMKSt.

I Brjuuvo's Patent Champion Fire-proof Safes, and Hiudio'ims Patent Bunrlar-proet Safes, with Hca-BIKO A FLOIO'a Patent Crvstslized Iron the only material which cannot be drilled at lis, 361 Broadwav, Kaw-York. 1 1 I tA, 1 be great Fenian movement cannot prove successful an leu sll members of the order and others ass Kext's East Iki1a Corns as beverage. For sals by all grocers. Wholesale depot No. im Ctase at.

i Paseeagers Arrived. Pasnan per avwausi'a A'ew- Toekrom AipinwJt. Oapt-Jones and s.rvant. Gov. John K.

Goodwin. Oca. G. H-Buberta and wife, Mrs. B.

G. Lstnrop. oausrbter and niece, A. Jones, 8. S.

Morton, wife and two childrea, Mrs. P. B. Isaacs. W.

Born ton, George W. Jioble, B. D. Basse tt, wile, three childrea and servant Wm. Lewis, HTA.

Leny. G. Kins. ie and three children, H. W.

Smitn. H. U. W. Henderson, 8.

D. Roaenbaam. Miss 2hsa Keyes. H. Krouthaa.

J. B. lua-arsotL O. A. Gaawraad wife.

W. U. Mills. B. Hinckley, wife, live children sad servant, B.

Lehman, wife and child. E. F.Weat-eott, A. N. Gonroheh and w.fs.

E. W. Farahaat. W. W.

Hilton. M. W. Mayer, ft. U.

Bali. 8. A. Leddy. Charles A.

Curtis, J. P. O'Sollivsa and wife. McDonald. W.

M. Thomas. W. M. Fddr aad.

wife. Maior O. Marstou, S. M. Johnston.

G. W. Forbes, rir L. Lorraine. U.

Morse, J. L. Clark. A. D.

Richardson, Mrs. Watson. G. W. Stein, R.

M. Tamer, Mrs. U. Lswsoo, E. J.

Har- Si twre and 8 children. P. Haknch and I childrea. Geo. Stsin, U.

L-i'ksr at. Ln, A. H. Hum, O. C.

btoddard, f. Watars. Mm. J. Hill sad child.

MiaTRanaa Mrs. L. W. Wat aaq 4 cn-iarsa, a nsraer, n. a.

Anrel. Margaret on-en. W. Whseloe, F. Wheeler.

C. H. Syhrsster, Mrs, Alien. Mrs. E.

Hul and child. W. H. Gillsa, D. barel.

ATS. and J. Moore. A. Minsou, H.

M. Livingston, J. B. Kris, H. B.

Armstrona. Dr. A. M. Hairiaoa, A.

L. Harrison. J. L. and L.

Harrod, Ira I), tun A. MrDoaald. B. B. Ball.

G. W. Wheat, D. Ritchie, R. P.

Young, Jf, Mason. W. BurehalL A- H. Brown. U.

R. Lona. H. A. kaowkW a i i a.

nunu sou hnl aj. T. M. G. Draaa.

nTjinu Evans, Robert Beaaar. N. Saetoa. B. R.

Beamer, Wm. E. HomelL K. G. O.

CrsnoC. Mask. wTw. White- J. W.

Pi bora. W. O. Keiaoa. Fl Rt.

head, J. A. ParnelL S. Usrrisbeysr, Wm. M.

Fox. E. G. J. T.

Enrirht. W. Rvma A. Mitchell, Kra. Blasnf and two children, J.

A. Lunar-tins, D. O. Parris and wife. Rev.

a. V. Fins, Daniel Richards, P. Flint, Mra. Annie Steward J.

Archer, wife aad boy, O. J. CbapliDjJ. A. Pares, J.

T. Ward. ft. Huaua J. Avh-k, Geo.

Ii. Willis aad friend. G. Round. Isasa Brurham, W.

H. Wsister, P. A. Fairchild. B.

hoard. Chss. Msstersou, Jas. Onr, T. and P.

Fletcher. Proa Aspinwaii Mx. Conaiin, G. Robinson aad child. W.

S. Tompaina, H. H. Thorn too, t. Sampara, T.

Benaa. B. Uenks, Casenona, Daniel Dicheraa. J. B.

Dana. J. Mei's ke. Backs. 8.

F. Jaaniasa, Waa. Bobarta, A. P. Mars ton, and others ia the steerage.

Jab. IX fa smisuAfs SaoHm from limmpaol Mr. Maaa and family. Mrs. Griffith's, Mr.

aad Mi-a. Johnson. Miee Ledyard, Mr. Amsoa, Mr. MontsV; Mr.

Giiswold. Mr. WcMurray. Mr. Daviea.

Mr. and itra. GrunalL Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Mr.

sad Mrs. treeasn, Mr. sad Mra. Bollock aad servant; Mr. and Mrs.

bun too. Mr. Beaks, Mr. Z4TWl, Mr-ImiaMr. Coats, MrBayesT.

A. Woif and faniilr. CoL B. Duncan, G. Brown, Mr.

Giddinga, Wr. viaterbouse, Mr. Clarke, Mr. and Miss Waterbury. Mias MurJge, Price Mr.

Howard, Mr. Colo, Mr. Pattar-on, Mr. McGuekin, Ar. Aodarsou.

Mr. bait, Mr. and Mra. Anderson. Mr.

Stern and bmtoar, Mr. Shea-han, M. Goddard. Mr. and MraWseks, Mr.

aad Mm Joy, Mr. aad Mrs. Howell, H. Johwsoa. W.

Ickea, Mr. Wood, Kav. B. Sunderiand aad family, Mr. and Mra.

Williams, Mrs. Holt. Mr. Brsume. Mr.

and Mra. Goddard. Miss sianvr. suss ranu, im. js.

siarye. atessis. Aaeourt, F. Lrooa. W.

Prosaaler.W. Mad doc Mr. aad Mrs. Ktaab. Pnt Si Rc- PresaosujT HoTstar.

-v. i i.i j. vai Lottimar. J. Wrar.

J. BiTHrn. J. BaUKttomaw, Jno. mm panes, Lffoaa, WUaoa.

Dale, Wiisoa. Daia, naaear af dm. aa w. uw, v-wsa. aa ueaar.

iuraar, A. Bon. w. MeAntaa, K. Dobell.

M. Piarce, Karris and htr.O. Fa-U. R. Gibson, CoL B.

Jaoka, O. Boeabaost Jamas Duncaa, GeorgeBBeese, Wax. Clark F. Gata-ehou da Peytter, wifs. chdd and servant: Mr.

sad Mrs. C. Greppo tad child, air. vVheat, Bstesisaaadt daaghters. Mr.

Van faads. Mi. WyexofT. Mr. Maaaia-twsh, Ms, tjTinyrB, PjJ A.

VTaie, J. UaouAj J. VaawtLW. Keys, 3. meyTm9.

Mathsw. Ba sassi iflls jrarvw cvavaj. Aaat CJiaa D-Fiad rieam. Dr. A.

EcBevorria. Ir. BV A. Vaadarkaif, B. P.

Deaaoa aad lady. J. P. Heigh and lady. J-W.

Hf-aa aad lady, Mne trssaa HaTh. M. A. Mortey Mna U. tWrryTlfra.

8. Wsteoe, if. C. H'ckBAaa, LuliBg. I Bks A.

Tsttia.ll. H. Baaford. F. Boyd.

A-BaasV, M. M. CalvaTM. Fngler. Chas.

Da via, J. de Laoa. V. Bwawa, J. M- Muwn, A- Cardoaas aad sraaat,

J. B. Paal. Caarias Cessaeek-Tetal, iL i MmtfmmmUr Jr0kHmomh.from T. t- Tar-Vir.

E. Kirk. Chas. Mayer. B.

B. Lab. P. W. Wesley.

A. nakar, aad ia the saearac. BUBtartrBB at it wan tbis rav. i I 4 I Moon Baa HH4H WATKB TBIS DAT. Baady Ge.

leiaad. BaO tt MARINE1 INTELLIGENCE. i -t Jaa. I Cleareel. 8tmshtr Baltimore, Lswia, Washington, J.

Band: Patapsoo. Ssff. Baltisaora, B. Small; Uenaaan, Wsnke, Bremea, Ueh-vshaACo. Ships Harry Hia IT, Oliver.

8aa Kiwaeiseo-. fratstork A Coiambia, Bobiasoa, Livwrpooi, C. H. Marshall Bark Ariragtnn.Bartlett, Ksw-Orleaaa. W.

B. Bngbaaa, Brigs Enuna lvaa. Lowry Gibraltar. C. C.

Dun-aaa A Olivia. MolW. Cisnfaesoe. P. O.

Schmidt: Ceres, (Br) Wilson, Ctenfwegoa, Hret. Son A Draaa, Braea, Cienfuagos, Speaeo, Montague A Co Artnur Erghsa, Clifforo. Apalschicola. J. E.

Ward A Herbert, i Sanford. Halifax, D. R. De Wolf A W. Kibby.

I Sioboisoa. Rio Grande, via Richmond. Miller A Houghton: Oak Point, Wnod. Marseillea. D.

R. Da Wolf A Vo. Mary Ellen. Wy-maa, Port-aa-Priaoa, via Wilmingtta, Brett, Sua A Co. Thomas Owens, Pettins-aU, asvrtaa, Thompson A Huntsr.

i -i Scbooaer Alabama, Vaagilder, Corpus Emma D. Endioott. Snow. Ualvestoa. J.

W. Elwell: Early B.rd, Rogers. Newbora, C. P. Good-speed; Wild Hunter.

Ilatneld, St, John, K. B. p. R. De Wolf A Lnisita, LnderhilL Grenada.

W. J. H. Hubbard: Elisabeth De Hart. Low.

Poace, P. R-. Miller A Houghton. i i i Arrlweel. Steamship Hootia.

1 Jadkina, Ltvarneol Dee. SO, aad Vfwaanstoww SKt, at V2.X A. with mdsa, and passer gars to Uunard. Had heavy westerly winds the entire pssssge. Was detained outside Sandy Honk hours waiting for daylight.

Dee. 31. at 3 P. M-, off Cable Inland, paased steamship Asia, bound E. Jan.

1. at A. Meg tastnet, steamship City of Cork, bound same day. at 6 P. lat.

61 UX ler. It 3a, steanuhip Etna, bound E. 3d, lat. SO 10, Ion. 40, steamship Java, bound eaxt.

Steamship Yaaoo, Tnomnson. Hew-Orleana Dee. 90,. via Havaaa Jan. and Delaware Breakwator.

arith mdse. and psssswrs to G. Heinoksn A Palmors. KiperieDoad verv heavy weather; put into Delaware breakwater abort of ooal: waa usable to obtain any on account of ice for 3 da. obtained a supply through the kindness of Cant.

Lyon, of ardr A. G. Lyon. Jan. M.

stesmer Oommander, Terry, from Wilmington. It. for New-York, pnt into tne Brsaawater abort of. ooal, rudder disabled and sails split. i Steamship Charles G.

Leery, Bars lay, Galveston Dee. ST, with mde. and passengers to Arthur Leary. Had Btroageasaerly galea cross the Gulf, and strong northerly winds from lak 30. In lat.

38 IA km. Ji, toos a violent gale from tne north wasd. with intensely eoid weather; lasted hoars; ship ooversxi with me; was obliged to hesve to to clear ths rigsing and sails; is strained and baking batt y. Saw a large ship ashore Bear Carrafort, surrounded by wreckers. i Steamehip Kong hhuey.

Gowgb, NeWOrleans Jan. A with mdM. and passongers to U. .1 Cromwell A Co. Pas-ed in the river, bound up.

steam snip Chwmpion. and oa the bar, egroiind, steanuhipa Morning Star snd Alabama. Experienced strong northerly galea up to Jan. on ths 8th ths gale increased, with a high sea. lasting with anabatad fury until tbe evening if ths tilth; wss hove to CI boors; since bad light haad winds.

Steamship Breaker. Savannah Jmn. with mdse. and passengers to Livingston, Fox A Co. Sid.

in eo. with steamship for bew-York. 7th inst. og Cape Lookout, encountered a heavy gale from N. K.

accompanied by tremendous seas, which continued with Qnsbated severity for 73 hours. Steamship Kew-York. Horner, Aspinwall Jan. L. with specie and passengers to Pacine Mail Steamship Co.

Has encoantexed strong gales from St. W. to N. E. the entire passage.

Died on board Jan. 4, of congestion chills, Samuel Rhodes, of Akrnh, Ohio, aged 43 years. ptwamsftip Motto astla. AaAms, Usvana Jan. at 5 P.

with muae. and paaaanjtara to fipoffova. Tilaston A Co. Has eipcriaacedttroiur northerly aalaa for had both wheel-hoojias earned away; laid to outside the Bar all night in conasouenca of ths ice. Schr.

Millard Fillmore. Chase, Boston, with mdse. to 8. W. Lewis A Co.

'i Schr. B. P. oolsey. So pars, Bewbara, It.

KX, with Baval stores to James L. Davia I Schr. Wm. Allen, Cranmer, Georgetown 18 da-, with coal. Schr.

Bell R. Hall, Lemon, Baltimore JO with coal to Canard StaamsBio Co. I Schr. Charles S. Castain, Castaira.

Georgetown 14 ds with ooal. Schr. Archer A Reeves. Ireland, Mobile 14 with oorton to U. 8.

Quartermaster, I Scar. Geo. B. Ifvyt, Cranmer, Virginia da, with wood to Benton A Son. I Schr.

Henry T. Wood. French, Portress Monroe ds, with wood. 'i Schr. United Brothers, Vienna, for Xew-Baven, with oysters.

I Schr. Fleetwood, Gardiner, Georgetown, with coal. Sonr. Wm. Bone, Anderson, Virginia, with wood.

Schr. Wm. F. Burden, Baltimore, tor Providence. Scnr.

J. Bewiey, Loveland. Virginia with oysters. Schr. Clara BelL Hinckley.

Boston, for Baltimore. oenr. txon. an en aaa, ecuu. Aiexanoria.

WIND At sunset, 8. E. 8 JO P. M-, M. E.

i nniled. Steamship Union, for London, and returned ia eonse-auenoe of part of her machinery being out of order. I By Telegraph. BOSTON, Jan. Arr.

steamers Norman, from Philadelphia; Mary Sanford. from Mew-York; bark Kremlin, from Croastadt. Below Steamer Prmbina. from New-York. The steamer Pstapsco.

from New-York Portland, passed Cape Cod this morning. FURTHERS MONROE. Jan. 13 Sid. fbr New-York, steamer Leo, rrom Savannah Louis, from City Point.

i Miscellaneous. I pHll-APM-THlA, Jan. M. Vessels arriving here from the Delaware Breakwater, report tbe ice is adrift below Chester, and if the weather continue moderate naviga tion wui ne nnoostructea oy nataruay. Foreign Ports; Aspnrwar.1 Arr.

Dec 19, steamship Atlantis, Mann, New-York: asth, bark Idaho. Chapman, liew-York; 2tth, steamship New-York. Horner, do. -I CId. Deof 14.

bark Xantho. Jon way. New-York; 30th, American Eagle. Harford, brig Costa Rica. Caasidy, Z2d, steamship Atlantic Maury, 27th, bark Chanticleer, Benthall, Mavassa.

.1 ILATXST FXB SCOTta-l t- tirrsiaesTOWW. Dec SL Arr. from New-York. Delhi, at Antwerp: Milliaa, at Cuxhaven; Reoord, at Gibraltar; Astronom, Solid and steamer Delaware, at Liverpool: Columbia, at Liverpool. Arr.

from Philadelphia, Whitehall, at Oueenstown. Arr. from New-Orleans. Annie Kimball, at liver pool. Arr.

from Savannah, steamer Darien, at Liverpool. time Snip Mconrxajn. from Liverpool for Boston, at Uneenetown. Lost sails. i The brig Neptune, from Kew-Tork for Grangemouth, IS on the rocks near Newberggar Birth.

The brig Fro hotf, from Philadelphia for Falmouth, was abandoned. Crew saved. Yhe ship John Richards, from Charleston for Liverpool, put into Lamlaah on the 2rjtb. having lost foea topmast and several sails. Mat) drowned.

Part ol the crew of the ship Harry of tha West, from Kew-Orteana. were landed at Liverpool by the Annie Kimball. The chip W. F. Ktorer.

from Itew-York, "put into the Clyde, with loss of sails. The shin Mary Richards; from Liverpool for Philadelphia, put back oa tha list. CATARRH CURED BY iNlIALIXG A HARMLESS FLUID OF AGREEABLE ODOR, The Sense of Taste and Smell RESTORED. DR. rI GOOD ALE'S CATARRH REMEDY Baa cured more eases of Catarrh tbaa all the ether remedies put together, as thousands eaa testify, who have tried every other knows means of sure ia vain, and have been permanently eared i ny DR.

B- GOODALaTS CATARRH REMEDIES. It will carta inly cars, if you follow tha directions apoa ths bottles, whica ars very simple aad nlais. SOME OP TBS 1TRPT PHYSICTAJIa are RECOM-, MENDING IT. Do act allow the druggist to pshn off any other pi spa ratios upon you. If they do aoi keen it, sead manay te ths Agent, and it will ba forwseded at enoe.

Price, $1 par bottle, each, bend stamp for PampnJee. OAtmOIf.L Purchasers of DR. B. OOODALsTS CATARRH REMEOYwiU pleaaa notice thst thsgsn-uine artasle bears the eiawetejeef R. GOOD A LjC M.

RRrnjSk note agent for tba sals ef ssms FOB SALS BT ALL DRUGGIST T. OFFICIAti OaAvVIBOk. wsTtlr'B Kxtba OLaaa Ba IhV Jaa. It. 1, 21, 8, 20, 86, 7, 6S, IB, 66, 19, 46, 61.

KCSTUCKT-Clabs EB, Jaa. 188a, 40, T2, S4, 48. 38, 73, 88, oft, 29, T4, 64, 68. UELBY Bxtba Class Ho. IA Jaa.

12, U64 10, 24, 86, 69, 12, 80, 47, 9, 83, 72, 1, 19, 87, 18. IHELBY Class Ho. Jt, Jaa. It, um. I' 73, 59, 6, 84, 85, 66, 19, 75, 69, 36, 71 JOSEPH BATES.

WipWau OVAL flAVA'NA LOTfERYTICKEl't, Piles S30 in eanranry. Orders rsosivad. JObEPH BATES. No. Walat, Bew-Terk.

IKtCLtRI IX TUB ABOVE hOTTR laa seat fraa. by sd-n-aating blMMOKa, a-OOSKjA OQ-. e. It Wan-at. OVAL HIYASA IrOTTKSiY-PRtZES paid ia gold; htformstioa furoiahed.

rJigheWVatet paid lor eouhtooat aad tU tindt ef gold tad silver. IA CONSTUUTION A wosiUve and frasa aa IMPtntB BTATB OP THX BLOOD, aad te al 0eraditary) DHIEABE8 trssrmrnil fren) PABXHT TO CBIX1X SCROlHAaA, jrntUata, GLAVDULAK a-wrT rwr-s CLCEaATIOS. KIS0S EVIt, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RBXCM, This taiat, OtSBaDrrABV and, aodtbkdJ utliag aft) 'with aatold misery, iaaf aB usual atadieal i eurable. RIIIJUMATISIlI. If taers is sny aissass fca which the OoaatK sties Life Syrup ia a sovarslga.

It is la raeuatatkca and Ms kladrat alinHnas, The tataass sains are I I swellings am reduced. chronic or vicarious, sf twenty or thirty rears atasfiag, have bsaa anrad. NERVOUSNESS. SEBVOCS DEEILJTY, SHATTERED KU ST. YTTU8 DARCE, LOSS OP POWER, CONFUSIOH OP THOUGHTS, KPILKP8T.

Thouasads who have suffered for years wiQ blest day on which they read these Bass. Particularly '(a weak, suB'sring women win this medietas prove aa Isis timable blessing directing their fbotstsas to a Hope which fulnla ItlERCTJRIAIs DISEASES. BAUVATIOX. BAD ooarrurxiog. botttso or aowta.

ACBKS CtBOKXt. DBntBssiox or trnuys. rmooor i CONSXITUTIOR LITE SYRUP purges the system entirely front all tbe evil effects of MERCURY, removing the Bad Breath, caring the -Weak Joints aad Rheax i i matie Pains which ths use of Cslomsl is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gams aad secures the Teeth a ftntlB Constitution Lite Syfup Eradicates, root and branch, aU Eruptive Diseases a the Skin, hkt BLOTCHES Aad aO other dimnuKtVe of this kiadl which so mach die figure the outward appssrasns of both maajs and males, oftea saakiag them a disgusting object te thesBs sslves aad their friend A CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Cures aH 8 welling cf the Gknds, nither of ths Face, Seek, or Pamale Breast, and shealcl be taken as aooa as ths swelling is detected, thai pre. van ting their bras ring, and producing troublesome Din charging Sores, which disagure as many of the younger portion of the oommnnity, from six to twenty yaart ef age.

Young children are vary subject to Discharges from the Ears, which depends npos SScrofuloua constitaticn. These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Lifs Syrup. I AH scrofulous parse sa suffering from general Defcilitg Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of ths limbs, abdew men, and ia the female, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, generally accompanied with InflammaUcn aad Ulceration of the Utems, are permanently cured trj CWatira-tion Life Syrup. Tbe disease known aa Goitre or SwsBsu Keck, the' Lifs Syrup will remove entirely-. Tha leamd ahould be taken for aome tfaaa.

as the disease la isnil ingtj chroaie and stubborn, aad will not be ismotia without extra effort. Tumors sf the Tumors of the Breast, ttd swaiuag of other glands of the body, win be oompletaby redaoed without rssorting to the knife, er operations at i BpOeptle Pita, Hvmpatoatie or Organic Di set tta Hart, as palpitation, Disesaa of th Valves, prodwriss grating er filing sound. Dropsy the Baart Cass tad sB th affsotioas of this important organ, (parsons suflentg from any acuta pais ia th region of the baart) wiDbt grWAtly rslbrved by Conatitutioa Life Syrup. .,1 I Broken-vOW tad Delicate Coo.Utstiosi, r'- SurrsaiBO pbom IWDisrosTrtoH- to Exxbtiob, Pa ua Baox, Loss or Mbbobt. FoAaBoDnioa, Bo bob or Calamttt, Feab or Dibzass, DTaraaaS oa? Txsxob.

Dar, Box Sxn ajtd Win Suxr, RiTUssiiKas, Piix, Baosabx CotnrrrAcB AJTD IaSXTTJDB OF TBB MOSCULAB STSTaTt, afl rSOSirB the aid ef the COSSTiTCTIOS UTE BYRCP. i I TOR Al.Ii forms or ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either eTthe Koas, Thboai, Tovorx. Iron. Toa ob Scarr. ne ismsdy Baa ever prevad Ha eunaL MOTH PATCHES apoa tbe fiaiils face espsadiwa, upoa the disiasii sctioa of the liver are very anplsas-aattetheyewng wifs aad saothar.

4 bctUas ef Cen. atitutlou Life Syrup will aorreet the sauretioa, aad raw move th deposit wkich is dirscUy aader th akra. Isaisaaaasef theLfvsr, giving jrne te Laagnor, Die, alii i. Isdigwrtion, Weak Biosnach aa ui ana aaacerous eoadltiea of that organ, accompanied with, burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be reosvedi by the ass ef CvD'STTTTJTIOJf LIFE STBUP. As a general ffiood-Puiliy-ln Agent, the Ldfe Syrup Btarula xonrivaled by any preparation in the world.

r- THE RICH AND POOR are liable to the earns dlseaass. Batnr aad SaisBesaav) made the OrawUtntioa Lifs Syrup farthbsaAtof PURE BlrOOD sad if ta I aad early death ajtaa tkmis la youth, i. WJX GREGG, IX D. BOLE PROPRHTOB. vfrw-TOsUL, jtoxaaH Aixjnr, b- -1 Wholssal DraiitHsts.

.1 7 AOINTS, -1 BTa, ii ciur-eta, Bavr-Tarkc GEO. C- OOODWEt A OO, Bostaa, i J. H. RKED A Chioago. i OOLLIBS BROTHSBB.

St. Lswls. I J. D. PARS.

CHaoiaaaa. JOH5bOS, BOLLOWAT CO- PTitladalphla. BARJE3, WARD A CO, Hsw-Orisins, HXSST i CO, MoatrsaJ. Cid. BosTaTfA.eiaTTa csaj, faargistaiCa i I.

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