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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JO BE TRIED FOR MURDER JSZ CRIMES OF 'FREDERICK CRJLL jxd daxiel rjy ordex I XtS WHO KCRDXKCD HI DACOHTtR CBILL'f BtHstVIOR AXD QUEER i PUT A STORY ABOUT BIS FIRST WIFE WBATYAX O.sDEX HAI SAID TO YISITOR. SlwTOir, N. Oct' trial of Frod-arick CriH for th maraer of bl oauzhtar a Mr jUartrt win bed la tbQonrtof 4 Oye aai Tralnr to-day. a rprnttiv of j.j Ttut -telta. him la hta rail laat fcatnrda jl l.4 Interview with Daniel Tta Ord-, who' I wlttn- trial for tb taardar of Hwlf.

Taa Ordaa't trial will laamdiatly follow CSH CM tea tba all formerly overt 14 by jMk I4b.wb waxeat4lalB75 for tba mardarof fcMriffc'B appeared to ba suffering rom aa attaek rfajtpwla, aal waa throwing himself around taa hlihaaJ and bod a.alnit tbt walla, wrlnc-1 Otitis groaning, and (ivlnt arUaaea of great fuinl, Ba Mid that ba vra alway affected la thi Mf ftr eating, and that tba attack usnally lasted IMi half aa hour to an hour. Tha Rear- think dwtkal trjia'i to 11, parson to tblok tbat ha la iaraajfd. a ha appear rrro-h mor aataral and la. p'ster whan ba think bo ana 1 looking at falia. A Bdy who blm frecpeutly daring tba Sommr art a 'd In a very bat that la bar tataiaa bl Bind I aa aennd aa 1 vr waa.

Hit Mtarri fwrtalnly "aty clear aa to irtnti which Itfaaerarraddntlaitha last faw yar. Any on wlial'Crill eoalkl bard.y scap Itwjt l. Hi realr diet la a tnlktar of bread. atlwH, aoar milk, lard, and -1or. Ever lnc btku Wfaln JIL aod dnrtn.

th hotUt day of baa wora a heavy rot battond around 111, thlek pantaloon and nndremtblnv. andahawl wrspptd accand 111 Bark and I. and ba had a pans, hot fir In bl eIL which ba made tha air slrsply attHine ald ha waa very sorry that tba tMnr bad aot railed on him vry weak, for than fald ban tntda tm-Dint, tha publication of lath might bv don hhu mini t'4; hot now tba af trial tiiw nssrat bana tliitnrh publication avaul do bra av good, and therefor ha would malt a (tateaient. In aniwar to tha sugiieatton that a tmi aar nerson considered hlut lnum ha "after twinit groaning, siialrrnini. and pounding ta wall bed, end tov for ral minutes, "Our lavtour was often falsely represented." Being asked wbetber be Ueaied that be had committed the aiariler.

be reviled Mr. ttoll (the iJepatr bertff ran tali you trot about that tban I un. I ka at narh bopa of beir.g cleared aa 1 hare of bnng antll tha day ef trial" 1 Cnllk tnnaloniOOyroli Haandhliwlfa ltd been living with bl uanxhter Eliza and ber hnW Tntttt, and bad trtml vral mal law u.U hafoia lb outlet rf tba Peace In hi neighborhood. In toi bailner a ibrewd fellow, and he I (aid la bjrs' hll a fair ftnowldie of tha law Via Ka.l without apparent rvnsou, conreleed a dialike to bta taarhter. and ba frequently uned Larh word leward her." The dlnpute which ended in tb mur-der aroaa about a half ba-hel meaiaire whiuii he had brnagbt Into the boae.

Ha wanted to take it op tiri.h dntred It placed la an buthonae. where belonred. He finally carried it np (taint, but aha "i fot tt.aad took to the oattoo-e, and ritorned to i lb room where aha bed been wurttne. huon aftrr-'. aard, whiia bl wtf' waa toward Ibem.

Crill took an old musket I from tha wall, aalked ap behind hi daughter acd Bred. Tbe charea etrnrk her In the head and killed ber inMantly. Ui wtf turned and aKd him what he had done, acd he replied, fhe ba aserarated and tantalized me ao I murk tbat Irani ataud it any loneer, and taaeenow pat an end to It." After om further conversation erlth hie wife, in whieh he uld he was not sorry far what be bad done, he ailted her in removing the i body i weat oot to tba eld and railed his daifcbter -i bosband. and then walked tuward UamburK. telling ifeoea ha met on the way tbat hi daughter had died taa fit.

He railed on lr. Pellet, in H.mhnnr ami tonfed to hint and to othrr that he had shot bl laaihtar. lie then on to Justice Ueoderrhot, who placed hi in i charge of an officer, by whom ba waa brouxht to Newton. It la reported that Crill had several tlm W. threatened to kill bl d.nchler.

and there ha been tevtved an' old story tbat his firt wife died enroe-where In Orange County, N. from the effect a gunshot wound, and that he attempted to comae! tha fact from bia neighbor, and In order to do a boriad her ecretly. Her death occurred before raved to Uamonrg, and the resident there knew otblng about It for aeveral yeri but When tome-thkg abont the manber of her death became known, be wa Queitioned, and he ald that she bad hot fcerMlf accidentally. He ha recentlv (aid tbat his Irst wife died In Patenon nearly 20 year ago, teout tha tlma when he marrled'hl oresent wife." Jlnee ha ha been In jail be has claimed that tba booting of hi daughter wa an accident. The evi-leae of Crill' wife cannot ba lenallv admftted.

bnt It la claimed tbat other proot will be" produced uffl-twat beyond all question to. eonVirt him of murder tb first degree. Crill will ta defended by Martin Reeenkrnne, LewisJ. Martin, aud Michael B. Kimble.

an Orden occupies a cell aUmt VI feet square, la company wtl hi two men charged with rape. Ui wpearanca 1 very difierent from what tt wa when wa arrested. I Then be wa bloated and from tba excessive us of llqunr now, ail Jlgn of disiratioa gnne. When 'asked kt had any statement for the public, he replied tbat ha had nothing to say. Van Orden lived with bla wifeand four little children In a tmall ban in Fnakford Township.

Ha was In tba Army Bring the lata war. but after bl return he became aery dissipated, and whan under the influence of llqnor would frequently beat hi wife. On the tiurnlng of lb mnrder, while two young men named Witt and were In tb hooe, Van Ordea triad to ihoot hi wife. but was prevented from doing It. letter, about noon, cording to tb tory told by hi littl dsaghtar.

year old. who waa tba onlv witness. JaaOrdeo. wha wae lust recovering from a de-bsaeb, became eurected at hi wife and struck bT oa to bead with hi Est, knocking her down, and then kicked her lu the aid. Krom the effect of this vio-leaca ba died about 6 o'clock the reat morning.

Ira. aa Or len had bean in a weak condition and waa sooa to become a mother. Kh drank m.i...ii. Tha boas on the day after tha murder presented a avsolat and nrnhshW miserable aboda In tha nuty. Van Orden never aoyimng lor ine convenience oi hi family ad aaldom enough for them to eat.

Slnee ba baa been in jaU be has told several person tbat ha wa drunk whew he struck ki.C. li. wtfa.aad did not Intend to kill her. tercral weeka ago made a prorneiop of religion to Mrs. J.

Wil- s-iainneia. wno waa spending the Sot mifuioiii viaiiea uotn blm vmu. io uer Be said, that he knew he bad dona wrong, and tbat be Would; ba satltfled With any punishment which tbe court might Inflict -m uitiv Lrtmo tan uruen, tha ouiy person present when the fatal blow were giv.n, 1 entirely 'Bdaeated. and la m.t i i mlned before the Justice at tba bearing ana did sot know th nature of nn oath, and was not ore. Tha court will nrohahl i deaea, and It likely tbst the Stat will rind it Terr lfnnlBt Ba autiiola i i and Martin Koeenkran will appear tor Van Orden.

iaa Bin i will represented in both esses by Lewla venr ws i leas ror oussex County. A rjMIXT FE jXEARL EKDED. CSVt OXE'OLD HAS'LEIT OP THE 7XDER- W03D FAMILT JISSB MtTRDERED OX FRIDAT. CutciMKATi, Oct 13. Xawi La reached htra snai na notorious Jesse enderwood wu la th oaeof hlfathr bous.

known as For rnH wood, la Carter County. on Friday, and died brew bl wounds ytrdar mornlna. The RniKv arty, tba brreditary antaconlsU of the inrround tba fort and tlireatea to kill aybadr Who. shall dans 1 vw arw WW V7 reeeue th old man, Oeorga, Vbo la Inside, with tha a-emea tbildran, badly woanded. George to-day eda4 la aettlag word to tha.

Count Ju rsytoc for help and protection, and a Sheriff and tand for tha aeon of tha troabla, Tba followlne dl-iktcb was snt to-day to1 Gov. stiacabura, at tba capital, who baa yet mad "in cooerwood war baa broken aat iiMk nn i i uw wuurswwue wae aiueq hi bom Friday and the old man la (urroanded kldIMHl-J 111 1 -w vu in uui tuw snail, via kauerwooa tu 1 threatened. Th eivll of KmiMtiAa.tlM,. 1 1 1 whv win v7 iinok, van military company hfre be ordered out at Ba to protect eitison and preserve order Thi dispatch JoigBd by J. btewart, Caouln of tha Carter Voanty Ouarda.

and also by th Judge and tbe Sheriff. klll! Ja Underwood nearly complete --i. u4iuiivn i icis oaco-powerrui ramlty. oar of tta members hira bai three mentbs. Jesse was th last impendence of hia 77 "wiewu vriweea iaa buoerwood and tba brook beran dorrna tha war, when th.

Cnder- VSSSIStMBMillkal'iilnliMM-. VmMHAM.H.u. a ade rwood but th woaadest old man and two 7 ness. snoooiarooaa th advantage la numbers, snd srUl make th most BfC it BB a.uU ia. Ik 1 IUIIIIIT wHU.

aVHnnaT Slit IDs UlOOa ot thine hu btn don in bk-lf oti law by from tb lioTtraor dow to th cmtftbU. aaBBWBBBst7tBB-BiBWi-saaaaMswaa OSJSCTlyO TO CH1XKXK tJBOSFK Sax Fsaxcisco. Oct 13. A ctlptel from VtorlB ear Lrra siahlla tnetlBM k.M lu-n ob Vasrouver Island ana on tbo malalaud ritlh Colnabla, at which raaolutioa war pseeed sad pet It ton adopted to Sir John A. Mae- wBiawB vnTsrnsivDi, protwUnt againrt tbe employsnent of Cblnae labor iM MM sfarhttaii i fLi at i wwa MVH Hlff sjesMm C1A6 iUUiWI iaaafBB i mxavvKss ax uaiiptox soads.

roBTKXs MojtRot, Oct 13. Extensir sweparattoaa are being mad ber to-daT for tba nl drill to take place to-morrow apra tbe arrival of be Rerrstary. There waa a practice drill at 3 o'clock Ut artarwoeo, Abeat 20 boat and Uree Iteaa brtmchj th anTs of th See aabore. A fovaed ay tha boat aows dkstaaee eS, aad 17 daaa waa atv-a, by a ska-sal, whew foxward wiU a rub. Vrjira rtsiklaf 'rraed 3 "1 "ah4 to tk AtzZZZZ tor PractU aa Infantry.

Tb-at at Vl. Phat.0. frtstMln. lehootahTl Kaanaraa. sod JSIVSEUESTJL F1PTH-A VENUE THEATRE.

The flrat performanee la two year of Offenbach bright opera, Barbe Bleue," naturally attracted brilliant audience last eveninjt. There waa ao faCure on rte part of tb management. Tb "aa wU mounted, th and chorus were full and efflclant, 1 th eostamca wre frath, and 4n the of tb vrineipal rttata were costly and beautlf nl, and Mr. Grau' lt performers were In he cast. "Barbe Bleue." waa first made familiar to Kew-York audiences, some 10 yean ago.

whan Mlla Irmaand M. Anjae played tb leading rCUee at Klblo' Cardan. It h-s tha parkle and lrrltlbl fascination of Offnbach beet work, and at once achieved a popalariJy which it baa never lost. Last nlgbt'a representation was In most respects the best tbat has been given hero. Mile.

Paola Man a Botdotu baa ra all essential tbe tame conception of th character that ber pre-daeaasor had. Sb waa the uncouth village hoyden, and la br aubaequent finery waa. amusingly of ber origin, She wa uncommonly plrited la ber action, and ah her music vary gracefully and charmingly. In xeveral of. tba familiar numbers Mile.

Mario received tha tribute of tba heartiost applause, and wu encored repeatedly. M. Capoul'a llarbe BUut uffred 0111-what from the fact that be was not In the best voice, bnt bl capital aeting, and vivacity generally, left nothing to be ilesired. M. Capoul has all the grace of tbe French (tag, and know from experience how to us them to advanUg.

Hi performance last nlabt afforded him aa xcl)ent opportunity to show bl abilities, and the verdict of tb audience evidently was that he is tie moat accomplished tenor wa have beard opera bouffa. Ullcs. Gregoire. ai Ilermia, and lielorme. a tbe Ouecn, were both MM.

Jouard. rterei, Diupian, and Povard all deserve retognltlon. A Bobtcht, M. Duplkn was In hia elamest It was a flnlshederformanc, and altogether the best that has been given in this City. Barbe Bleue is announced for every evening during the week and next Saturday matin6e.

Jt ha begun tinder ueh favorable auspices that lt success seem to be assured. JOSEFFT AT CHICKERIXG HALL. Hert Josffy made hia debut last evening and achieved a pronounced ucceia Th audience, which was Iarg. contained a great number of tbe musical attracted by a natural curiosity to bear a young virtuoso who has suddenly coma to the front rank in Europe. The verdict of these erftical Judge.

however, aeemd to In accord with that of the mas of the audience, and Heir Joseffy' artistic position was established long before the conclusion of tbe entertainment. There was tBe genuine and spontaneous applause which la qnly occasionally beard, and which essentially differs from the perfunctory imitation. Hi reception and recalls after he was first heard, indeed, amounted to something like an ovation. The concert was well arraneed. tbe management hkving provided a good orchestra under the direction of Dr.

Datnrofch, and the following wa the programme Overture. -Atbali" lleudoksoha urcnestra. Concerto, (E minor) Herr Joe(ty auJ Orchestra. Chopin Adagio. (Second Symphony) Saint-Sain urcnestra.

Piano Solos: a. (hromsttsche Kantaisie ami Pnm. Jiinuet B.ccJjeriiil uak.tfoeiiy Concerto, (E fiat) L)t xlerr Juseny and Orchestra. Thi waa Indeed a programme of inch a hieh standard as to assure tba lovers of music of an evening of uncommon Interest, and there wai no disappointment. Herr Joseffy's perfect technique and exquisite taste are hi two strong points, a it appeared from thi sindl hearinz.

His cower is perhaps not so great as that of some others let is, he doe not pound the piano to pieces but he is sufficiently strong for ail essential purposes, and In the long aud exacting prolamine last evening be did not falter or fail to play with ex pression and artistic appreciation of his music Tbe concerto waa donbtleis his happiest effort, th allegro and romsnza being both specimens' of piano-playing tbat approached perfection. The er)p and delicate touch and the eay grace with which ba handled the instrument were enough to elicit the enthusiasm be commanded continuously after the first movement of thi eon- erto. In the selection from Bach, the Boccherial minuet, (a gem, by tha way.) and th etude on Chopin' Valse, Herr Joseffy won so much applause tbat be was unable to resist the demand of the audience, and played, for an encore, a tarantella of Liszt. In the final cn-eorto of Liszt be was no les effective than before, and closed, the concert with a brilliant audience waiting to bear the last notes of the work, and calling him out again to receive their applause. Herr Joseffy does, not require flattery to insure hia'rueeee.

Having once-heard hira. his audience Will naturally want to hear him again, -and at his second eoncert, on Wednesday evening, he will be listened to with an Interest tbat very few pianists bav ever excited In New-York. OLYMPIC THEATRE Across the Atlantic" is the title of a piece which was given to th patron of the Olympic last evening, and whieh Is described as startling, sensational, and protean. It is certainly a dramatic compo-itlon of remark sbl construction, but one which is not unacceptable to a numerous class of play-goers in the City. Ita chief purpose Is to Introduce Mr.

and Mrs. John W. Ransome, artist whose talents it bas heretofore bean the privilege of the West to recognize -and appreciate. They supply the protean phase of the 'Mr. Ransome fills four r61e.

three of them dislect parts, and the lady appear In two character. Between them thy upply songs and parodies whieh nobody can complain of on the score of abundance, and In which tha audience last evening were disposed to recognize considerable entertainment. Tbey are also the eentral figure of aom lather trtling situations Mr. Eansome ahowa versatility and cleverness In bis dialect performance, and It 1 In these that hp Win most favor. The 1 entertainment Is a long one.

for the drama, which 1 in Itself of unusual length. Is preceded by a fare or EXCBASGES OF S1AS1XS ItOCVUBSTS. WabhisotOX, Oct 13. The following circular relative to marine documents was issued by tbe Aeting Secretary of the Treasury to-day Jo Custom Ojnetri: "7 f3 J'W'rtmenf. circular of July 8.

loitf, Ao. 115, are hereby modified to read follow: Paragraph Q. Document must be surrendered In ease of a change In the home, district, ownership In whole or In parCfrom burden or denomination of a vessel, or of her lost, capture, or destruction, or lu case of chang of employment from coasting or fishing on th sea, or from coasting and foreign or fish-ing en th northern, north-eastern, and northwestern troniler to foreign trade by sea. or from foreign to fishing, except to whale-dshing A registered vessel eugasing in tie coasting trade should exchange her register for an enrollment and lieenae. In orde to avoid the restriction, and expense Involved in angaging in tie coasting trade ander a regit ter.

etsei of 10 ton nrden or up-ward, being enrolled and licensed, may proceed otiT erwise tban by tb Gulf of su Lawrence from the st -coast to th non-barn, north eastern, or north. wurn frontier, or vice versa, and may angag in a coasting trad by tea or lu the coasting and forUn trade on such frontier without hne of document. If a vonel of not low than five, and leas than twenty ton burden, licenced oa the aea-board. ttrol reeds, to sack front otherwise than by the Golf of ft. Lawrence, she must, upon bar arrival at the first frontier port, be enrolled and licensed, and, tbe license must refer to tne enrollment la the manner required for other enrolled and licensed Tewels.

If a vessel of not less than five and leas than twenty ton burden, enrolled and neeased on ub frontier for th foreign and coasting trad, proceed to the sea-coast otherwise tbaa by ta Oulf of 8t- Lawrence, sb must surrender her enrollment and license, and take out new license alone at the first sea-board port. It sach an enrolled aad licensed or licensed vessel proceed from th tea-eoeit to each frontiers, or rice versa, by tbe war of the Unit of St. Lawrence, a register mast be taken oat for tba purpose of magic- tbe voyage Parasrrepa 23. Wha documents are exebaagad or rarrendared at a port other than the port at wuieh tbey were tsaoed. the Collector at the port where the exchange or surrender la made must aoiify the Col-lee toe as ta port where th pacers were leaved of tbe fart by mail, ezeetit aa provided In section 4.333 of lb Revised Statutes.

XBM ATBUtllQ CBAXPIOS8H1P. Grxxra. Ontario, Oct. 13. The contest for ehampiajnsblp of America, between S.

W. Jebwetoa, of hamiUoa. and C. B. Beggar, of Uaelsfc.

SdtK) atakea aad Uaa nln cold BMdal waa woa by Beggar, wbe tookrfive of tb alae oveBta. Jon a ton's kman ing jump, without weight. ox M. V. Bill, tb beat oa record tn America, by aa Inch aad a half.

REPUBLICAN MEETISGS. Ftats or XnToti, SIriB tUTAn CvtTTaX, A. AktTBCB, Chairman H. A. fiuiDM, irctariea.

JiMM a. KaArs-. TCI 1SUAT. OCT. 14.

Son. Z. CHAXDLER. Alhanv. lioravia.

Afternoon auam KiNO. (In. hi vk'ri j7ac 'rdnfiia W. W. HICKS, Ogdeo.barg....

utu. w. RTErt. KM I KY A. bTOKRE, Bon.

HICHAhDi ROWLLT. kll.aa st iiiTrm a jorwjca FianktlnvUlsJ After: A. it. HACOCK. Hon.

RFTIl I Ull I Ik'VV ww inu. Candor V. M. FINCH. BALLARD.




H. WAKWICK. rstco Berkbtr. Watkita Tlconrteroga Copnha-en Ball, st, Alfred Centre ltjj. inon.

j. m. cai rr.Ksu.,jj. Hon. fcENJ.

F. MASIVitRr. Hon. J. U.


lion. A. W. l.l.KAMiV Glen Wild I. Vr: D- Y- TEF.D.

I "r.MnVjC. JS' l-Al. I SO Norwich f- ith iT.Esq BCKT I. WALTj(), r'n noa i. r.

luulk. WE bXESDAY. OCT. 15. (Hon.


sc. P. banks. Hon. CHANDLER.

hoi il. TO WNiEMD. L. WnODKCliaD. (ien.

AL'AM E. MM). Cooner Troy. "atertown. Wolcotf Rlverhe'ad, Long l.j mJ I Hon.

A. W. TINNfV. I Hon. RE EVAN J.FITHIAV Herit imer.

Grene 1 'unkirg 'Wigwam. Seventh Brooklyn iU--u. J. KILPA1 klCK. VHoiu CHAKLES E.



Hon. FRF.U. rot'tiLASS. i Ke-. MATTHEW H.

bWITH. 5 Col. 0. T. BE.VP.D, of ilichl- i Pike.

TroupshurAfterl'lAVIL Oneida iuu. Hon. A. M. MILES.


(ien. A. II EN. Hen. HENRY liALLARD, Yt.


t.en. O. A. st'KDiiiiK. Hon.

John l. Parker. Randolph Odesaa brasher Falls or Afton Turin rown tin aeo ticnlhOiaelicAt Hon. J. il.

SELKltEti. CoL V. MCKKAY. 1 1 Eveai Vii-ior Yorkshire, it rn.on t'LaJilla r. Edwarus Latimer Ha l.

Br Concordia Hall, Prof. J. IL WAP.WIPK. A- M. HANCOCK, t'oL V.




K. tiATf New- iia'or k. PAMiFOr.S. South. Apalachkn JOeu.




1 iSEO. Est. H. XIPHOl.s Pleasant Valley. Andover Loch bbeidrftke.

Sonora 1 Hon. H. J. (' it t'e Ai I'lica, VLL. (.

uVEt.dl. East Otto Howard Potsdam FiiTettevUle Baih Penn 1'an. Weeds port Blnguamton. Russell itiavvillc v. I'.

i D. BAKER. E.i. HURSDAY, OCT. ltl.

Hon. Z. CFlANIiI.ER. i-en. S.

WuoiirORD. nn. H. i.lB.MiV'. ol OLio.

Hon. A. W. TENNEY. 1 Hon.

E. A. STdKRs. itil ADAM F. kl.Nii.

.1. KILPATKH K. n. N. P.


CUKn. CoL li. W. CAIfl tic Hon. V.

V. ICKs. Col. O. T.


W. Vf. VRRY. RICHARD CROWLEY. Pn.L .1 Hi WARWICK efttfnrd Osford Kllery Nanies Waverly Hon.


I Hon. J. moon. Her ID n. a I.

MILL! KEN. lion. 1L BALLARD. lieu. A.


G. A. NCKOGGv. iCaoUWM. J.

1NTYRE. Hon. Y. O. lr.I.NEY.

T. B. WHITE. L-a. T.

H. SWiFT, Hon. W. BCNGAY. linn.

RED DOI Hon. o. il. P. KINNEY.

H. .1. MEAD. F.q. Col.

C. D. MVliuAY Uou. A. W.

lil.EASoN. i Dr. D. V. TEED.

fetcprrmius. Af Madnd. Tyrone. West port Port SuCern Fowle Owego New-Berlin I GEO. M.

LAI G11LIN T.s,i. i Hon. WARNER MILLER. I A r. OXL McConnell-vi.

Hon. M. D. HARNETT. jr.

S. BLAKSs. Esq. Pntmniit D., En.

X. Major H. 1). TYLER. 4'Jd-st.

Major W. BI. Dry Dock Hall ilarvard Kooi and tirh-ar. Rv. C.

B. RA V. Dr. R. S.

PACON't I Rov. T. FRIDAY, OC-T. 17. Gen.

JOSEPH HAWLEY. ten, Fluibil Port Jervis, Lowville, Afternoon lion. CHANDLER. in'n. J.

KILI'A'i'lMCrC. Hon. F. A. M'ORRS.

i (ieu. ADAM (Hon. .1. T. UPDEGRAFF.

of I Ohio. A. STORRi Gen. W. jL iIBm)N.

Gtn. N. P. BAN --Hon. CHAULtS K.

SMLTH. Hin. A. W. Col.

OEO. W. CARTER. 4. Hon.

W. W. lilCKS. Horida. iCol.

O. T. BE.IRD. of trau. Hon.


bILAS DI TCHER. Prof. .1. H. WAKWtck- Cacandaigus Harnna Waterloo.

ciienectady- Canton. Westflold. Cherry Valli ttuti Weat Bloom 1 ad Hn mmerhill, A.fternoo Hon. T. M.

Po.MEROY. Hon. J. H. SEI.Kttti; Newark Valj Rev.

Dr. P. KKOHN. M. B.

WOoDlN. n. F. H. GERF.



SCP.OGviSs. Hen. F. FINCH.

GEO W. BCNGAY. lion. A. M.

e'u. BRADLEY W1NSLOW. Lvndon Lisbon Cont Essex Cknntaniov ancor. binithlKkro. Cooperstew St.

La wren Morris Csmnville. Weatchie. at. in I it I A vims: i. a.

r.sq. I Hon. H. P. hi SXEY.


GEO. W. LVNgai-. Hon. A.




H. NKHOLS. Eo. I Hon. h.


F.a. Eon. C. D. 1 J.

1. SAYLES. Eso. Hon. W.


VOXZ Esx JOHN li RI.1K i-. StnithLoro Rusliford. Btoominkbarg. Tonawsud Bleeeker EaUding North Urt Diurhanrri Yernou West Ceitre. North GaJ ville C.

D. BAKER. Esu. Frank's. Hi 1, F.



HAWLtY. I b. L. CLSUJiMi, 1 ark Vi wain, Hon. i 'it i ni ri Gen.

WM. WILLIAMS Hamilton afternoon. s. L. WuODFoKD CamlitenJ evenuag Baldr.iai:lle.


SMITH. ii Pi ti ii -'L- Cato. atli rnoon Gen. HIRsnv Auburn. Uening Gen.

W. H. GIBSON. Kfanrmam Hon. W.

W.HICKK. Kiebfleld Oneonta. springs CoL O. T. BEaRD.

Hon. W. w. CCKRV. Hon.


Eon. J. L. PARKER. Hon.


W. BL'NGAY. I Hon. W. B.

OilDlU. Panama. tiuilfnrd Krtssvthi Mdhol Klohola. Ijinrans WelUviU Hon. A.

W. GLFASON. Tiioga iCe -'ill 1 Hon. W. SMYTH.

ninn. I'. A IM.A Flemli E. lt. SOLAS, l.


a. unuus, tjtQ. CoL WILLIAM RWSET Hon. C. P.

VFDDEk. Bornhy. Humpm Angelic oou. si. 1S.KLNU.

MONDAY, OCT. 2a rrtca.i. Gen. JOSEPH iiiairr eeneca 1 11- i ii-1 I UbUAOf, I tft. Watte kt Hon.


Heuvest Hob. HORACK RL'mkLU Ctvmer. J. H. WARWICK.

Cnadilii Fork. CoL O. T. BEARD. Hartwk i T.

a WHITE. Esq. Ellens, -v. tie. ETHAN Hensei R.

G. PTTIBONE. kao. Nonoik U. SWIFT.

Esq. bouta ddisou WILLIAM RL'MSIY. fQ. KOWLAN, Esq, Jiorth 1 pencer 1. v.

OHOS. Eaj. H. J. MEAD.

Esq. Barton VULur. I nou. Tia.anu, TmsaJrfll. ikfcETTJ-E.

Esq. I O. PEARN K. Km. BrU-haas's Itllls KINstr.

IMX SIXPXXSi BASS'S hxceitsb. ALtUNT, S. Oct. 13. Justice 'Wetbrook 1 baa crhated to WUUam T.

Knsseli, Beewtrar of tbe SUpeiny Batrlnea Bank. rmter ra whi tvmaaa Bia nnau report lo March le8sA Heb uao swlerred the work of examining tb final aeeoaAta I its iseeatveg te Chaxle A. AV ewloc at Bfo-forh Chitcs, CmsfaB, (DOabcx 14 1879; Ciaewtaa. tt- aboald be allowed 2 per cent, foe Bia (or. rSSSSB BBsskCl BtfwBaKll rt a 1Z maaiBB B.i.tM VI, oa th "a paased through hht bands, and tha OBITUARY.

HENRY CHARLES CAREY. Henrr Charles Carey, tbe political economist, dld at hU residence in Walnut-etreet, Phlladalphla. yesterdar morning at o'clock. In the eighty. Lxth year of his Be was tbe con of Matthew Cary, a book-eiler, and ws born in Philadelphia Dee.

13, 1793. When only 8 year of age entered bb. father' atore to learn the business, and he combine! study with business until lbll, when he became a partner in tbe firm. Hi fthr retired in 1921. when he became the head of the firm of Csrey A Lea, afterward Carey.

Lea St Carey. The system cf trade sales, as a medium of exchange between book-sellers, was established bv him in 1824. Withdrawing from business la ls35. after a very successful career, he devoted himee'f to tb study of political economy. Inls30 published an essay on tbe "Kates of Wifis," an examination of the differences in condition tit the world' laboring population.

Thi work attracted the attention of thou-and of readers. It wu expanded into a large volume, entitle 1 "The Principles of Political Economy." publih.Kl.-.n li3'J and 1S-10. This work was temed so highly by l'rederle tho noted French ecopomist, that he- adopted ail its leading ideas and promulgated them ss own in his "Har-monie Economiques." This tr-atise, like tho earlier one cf Mr. Carey, was sn attempt to demonstrate that the laws of economy all tend haimonioasiy to the progressive amelioration of human life; that there is, therefore, no real antajouism in society, but that the intercts of all classes and individuals sr essentially conicruocs and deicndent. The publication wss the occasion of a prolonged controversy between tie friends of the two economists, Mr.

Carov beinx scon credited with precedence, and his work was translated into Italian and Swedish, and noticed in leading politico-economical journals in Europe. Oriirin.illy a zealous advocate of freo franc, lr. Carey bceau.e convin.fd that free trade i with foreign countries was imiKwsiblo in the existing state of American industry that a period of urotectiou mut first bo gone through with, and that while free trade was an ideal to which the nation toould lend, protection was the indupeusahlc moans of arriving at it. Ho was recocpir.ed as the founder or a new school of political econmuv. opposed to tho rent doctrine of Kicar.lo and ililthusian ihrory of population.

The leading princitilc-s of his svslem are, briefly, that iu tlm wcaknes? of isolation man is subject to nature, anil that his moral and social progress aro dt-pendrui on his subjecting nature to himself: that the laud tains all its value from human labor; that primitive man. without tools and withont s. iei.ce. ueirins upon liirht koils and advances lo tne snbjucatioa oi more fertile mid regions that the Interests of clasis aud mdlviduais are narmonious that there Is a constant tendency to lncreae in tho wiues of labor, and to diminution in the rate, thoush to increase in tho ajrgreirnte, of the profits of capital, in Mr. Carey published "Thn Credit fcystom in France (ireat Britain and tho V.iited a woi of profound erudition iu The Past, the Present, and the Future, a production tout was aceepted us one marked by great, rigor and originality of thought, written to controvert the doc'rii es of Ki-enrdo, Malthtis.

and others. Succeeding works were host, on "The Save Trade." "Letters on International Copyruzht," French snd American The Harmony of and nrv. ral others. lie also a to many newspapers, writing ilniot on subjects connected with political ocoiiomv. li.s Miscellaneous ork Wire pll bullied in one vo.ume in 1 In his old ak'e still rujorful excellent health nnti: very recently.

hi. latest w'rk. "Ihe of Law." having been written in when he wa In his eiehtiMtu rear, lie lived to jirinclpal wrltinps translated iuto litrrann, Kuian. 1 reneh, Italian, and Spanlh His eighty-third hlrtiidav was celebrated In Philadelphia I a feast, at which number of friends who had uttaiued high lank lu d.f ferent fiidds'of lubor congratulated the veteran student, thinker, snd riter upon tho honor which bo had achieved, and the hosts of frienris and admirers he had secured in many countries 4 tt.e world. J.

A DA 21 Si A CLl'TAWF. 3ir. Joun tuiucy Ailms has written a letter a-ceptint; lemocrt.c nomination for Governor of Massachusetts. He says; "I am senilhle of U.e eoin 1 iiier.t, and rvconiie the duty assigned me by the convention. It seems to nie to be a service which, ui.der existing clrcnmstaiicea, I do not feel at liberty to decline, and I accept the nomination in the Kpirit in which it was Tniwle.

And while I theeinbarrassment which we suffer at present from the falling away of a large number of our former associates to follow after a min who ho 'been for Id or 'JO years the most enemy of the Parly, nnd wno is at this moment plotting its dismemberment and tater overthrow, yet I mink wo may venture to bo-po that their o.c'iiis.oti will bo l.ricf. Aircadv thev must be beginning to t-eo that if they do not sjieediiy retrace their steps, tnev will find thui. selves livered the hamls of a greater tieneral thau ey the celebrated hero whom thcvdelight honor. ery soon we may expect them utruirglnig hack, weary, wny-woru. aud hungiy.

filled, lUe the prodigal of the par.iblc. oniy witii iiusits ana eakt wind. Meanwhilo, the convention has selected me to represent the ancient pniiiiples of I eracratic nd to hold up standard around which may rauy ai'. men who wish to piotest, at one and tbe same, time, against personal politics on the oue hand aud fanatical legisiatiou on the other. IVrson.ii volitics or the subordination of all principle to the mere aggrandizement of an individual hiis beldui had "a more perfect specimen tnn ltenjamia llutler while It would bt hard to find a mure characteristic sample of anal leal legislation thaa the Civil Iiam-age act of tbe last Legislature.

No 'U who votes for John 1. Long can avoid by that act indorsing law. lie is lis and ou that precise issue was preferred by his party to Henry 1.. Pierce. The candidates of the IVmoeratic Party alone represent this double protest, and cSer the opportunity to stamp with a brand of common condemnation the two most offensive political evils wnlch just now Ballet tho OF -XATIOXAL" 1 21 PORTA Prom Out itnnvhut (Temu At.ral, Oct.

10. The State Hoard of Health, tukin' the gTounil thst the prevention of yellow fever In Memphis is a subject of national importance, recommend that a thorough survey and examination of Memphis he made by the officers of the General tiovernment. 1 Ins plan has been already discussed, and is generally favored. If that commission of engineers can devise a plan for thoronjlh drainage and sewerage, the people of Memphis should go to work at once to tarry it out. The people of the Taxing 1'istnct aro becoming anxious to know whether Oov.

Marks will call the Legislature together to authorize the Lo.ird of Eire and Police Commissioueisto take such action as may be necessary. WKDLIXO JOCRXEY. Prom the fitauiitr-n Ya.) Yindirator. In the la't few days a young; lady and eentle-man in -this county, both In good circumstances, were married at A. JL, weut straieht to their new residence, to which the groom had already ordered new furniture and an ouiht for housekoeping, and at 1- o'clock they had dinner, which the bride had attended to.

In the afternoon the brldesra side had a Rod deal of an down tho carpets for the happy pair. RCDOLPUE BEATKX BY CARTER. Euitenc Carter, winner of the first prize in the Collender preliminary billiard tournament, played a match game of billiards last night in the Union-Square Rooms against Rudolphe. Carter won easily. Rudolphe piared fairly.

Carter made runs of bit. 14 and tC. and Rudolpte scored C'J. H2.snd 70. Carter ran tbe game out in tbe forty-second inning, with an average of a little over 11.

Rudolphe' average wa a little over 11. Lon Morris, and Rudolphe are to play in th Union square Rooms next Monday Wlnchecter' II vpophoaphltc Will curw ConsnmTtion. Couglir. Weak Lungs. Bron chitis, and tieneral lebility.

Wflcrri.rmcnt. GreenOeld'a Cbocolnte Carstmels' Are nourishing, and recommended for children. No. yOli Broadway. atwritarwmj.

THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES. THE NEW-YOKK SEMI-WEEKXT TIME, published THIS MO RSI SO, contains: The UUed Cacpaitn In Kew-Tork A Fatal Railroad Blunder; A Theatre Manager Shot; The Blair Murder Trial; Xolea and Diamonds Stolen The Bay Slate Republicans; The Hepburn Railroad Ioaniry: Latest rore-ga Kewa All the General Kevt; Letters from onr Coirespcndeut at Rom and Abroad; Editorial Antlcres on Current Events; Cuircnt Literature, and other larerestlag reading mat- tar, and full financial and Commercial Reports. Coplesforaaleat THE TIMES OrTICE. also, at THE TIMES PP-TTWS UfTICt, SK L338 BROADWAY. PRICE.

CEKTS. Craving; for Honor nriee I mm a morbid appetite. vuci aivusav iuiui JLl i tuit surely The whole human rnn be healthy aad tmpra amnmi' a ikLiuiak iu.iu 1nee and lioaor rain and deatrav. Rich. AatD'S TEETOTAL TOJ.1C, srsMemeaad add to Ufa.

If yea have irtwi wrcistairarely old RIchavrd'B TSSiutab i ujih; wui mans job ycang agaia. The eld aad Ininaiare etre-notkrwed and bbb yaiaaa ey suusulovu iisiutAli lujiiv. Ewarw famllw caa be hetitthr. tcremeratp. and '-Mr wills aUCsbUUU TATOXAJ.

ZUJUC is, MMeMS dl Arm Tmm rTrivTJll iZ2-T- e-Ud otst, aad tk tha nctwrs la laemmhiaw vow which shJs77y tuZTTSZ sad shUm, ww eanaot biamVo i fTTMhiw I bow have ao faith la anybody InA, l. 11 hr" been proooowe-ed ISm IS. 1 i 7a laoe-iuloa. the boetor skill ii-r tk lu referring you to KS? T' you raaaot d.nbt h. rnm -hsV hiv.

hilhti V7- editors. rxferw. of the c.ts a N- a2 BrdT Xturdayw Moa. SiZL dars. tio see him.

CISV. ou went lo hi. a thou: aa is of others have aircady done. andt7.Tr,?" Wn supertontv as a caikartle ikil I freedom fr.m "I CTod' rv-luce, he.da. he.

na? ythe mueot. n'lnr' 'hat are dangerous trntauu luay known by aa acid after taste. the P.ltlvo 1,1 a.iT- t.r""rr it l'- Propert, on asi 39 a LH ,0 1J auction by r. CO- on Ti-ewlav.

It. by order of the Executors of C. R. Eo.ert. deeeasei Kadlrally to red bv fir.

Marwh'. treatment. lorry yers practioal perleuce. UTn V.nV, i Allot "pposuest. l-aal Church.

up-towu brar-ih. been tried nod we know the irr a.LHAUUS TLE1UIAL TOXIC la ia prrwrribina Klrhard'a Tret make ilRinl.s.1. 1 U-N1L- never II TflToTiT w- ttlchard' iIuTAL 10.MC It never tails Th rsrcivsrn. Mlmn.i.,1 i never trying RICHARD TEETOTAL TU.VIC I. lie Will fnTin.l 11.

I 1 takeRICllARUS TEETOTAL TOXIC Try it. A IhiIv taklnir Kit bnrd'e Trrtnial Touic soy weaaiy, ncsly wi.msn must trv ii. ItooU Pninterf. Kennlred. u.

Tesri. one cent per toot; best I.oli io.i. Xo. 603 7th av. tix aii-Wlv life Richard' TEETOTAL lOMi will aurely give juu healtlu The termpnls at dvsti.n.iti auuly n-Ueied aa by K1CI1ARI a TEL TOTAL TOS1C.

more inlpmti.min-n 1 1 1 O.S'IC used. It mae. no drunsarJ tVe rnn be ihr hi-nllliieal nnd hnnpir.t people the world with R1C11AR1' r.l.roTAL ilem yearn LkTLC I I Vfc ipi r.encc. Irn and women rrl.thi tbe In-arllir tiservf ir oy using RICH ARL i EETO Al. ToNl" be Uirhnrd's, huiida ou up au.l si life.

Ever? HrinL nf linn.f I I. dose of KH ilARDS IHtioT "to ICUII HO rilsa tilh liininea I. RICHARDS TEETOTAL ON1C and you rcafe. F.tery lile wrrekril nnd lo-i bv liquor misbl bo saved Ly RlCiiARli I l.LToTAl. '1 OXiC.

A lllnn.l BCY ALWAYS OXflEXSED MII.K MARRIED. MOR.sE.IOHN.O.S. In Oalvestun, Ti iss. Set'. 1 0 the 1t.

hsniii. I urtri kr.a Molisa cf the Miss Oaiigl.tvr i Judge Johnon. of Oalveston. II VUK R. Su.ldenlv on Sundsr ni -rnm al tne residence hi iiepliew.

U. a. It baiarK. in the Tliii er of aire. I.e relatives and fn -lidnuf the fsn.l!v mi.s if.illr lnvitea to te ti.nerai oo S'e 1 1 -liK from the nice of r.

ss iuk chel e. Carr.etf.-. will be in oii arrival of l'J M. liiv.n from iirAu l'-ntrai I'po. HKT'l S.

At N. V. on -mtay. t. 12 rxu J.

Its.T-.ln the TTlli yea- i.i lii, ni-e. uuera. at th" Ii mi- or Wtn. Edward Knsier. at Tu.

mat. ht 1 1 o'rlix-k A. M. A LI s. in Kri ia evi i In of Kr.i-st Cayois.

of the latt John l.uvt.-r. Ke'utives and i-i are ini t.i tii.inri .1 from t. etlll'll C'l-ic-n. ast "ntr. on it.

at HI A. W. Nr. ilNW.W At Imr.i en. X.

J. on the l.ttH last ir a l. 11. oswsv. widow of theUie Chailes J.

Con K.eil o. em Nollre of fuoersi i r. lilt ELY. Al u. X.

on Ir-u. li. mi. t. lann'v'lL 1'lekly.

in the year of Ins funeral wi.l t.die-,.li 1 lnotU. A.M.. at Trinity and fru of ll.o fanillv iie lnvitnd to ten 1 out furtlo not.r. i' 'El MAN. -At lla k.

X. l'J. tv.ia.ia onlv eon of 'm. '1'. and Ai.iiim HorT.o.n 1 4lh year of hi, 1 rl-iel- and are resits- tfnr.c innil tn the -uerai from tlie -e in, parents.

Xo.4 Jl Oa Oa-. or. l.ithlust. at 1 1 A. JL, v.

itlwul further noil. e. iiHl. At Sunday mom: i.e. Mirn.i.i K.aav Jamo E.

llojt. and danirli-er of the un-rai uTMM In tu K.itoi.ah M. E. liur-h on Tue. the 1 at 1'.

Reiat.vts and friends are re- invitei! i in o. 1.1. on of Corne.ra. and Jl E. in lqtu year uf Kelstiveand f-mn is -tf-iilv mr .1 to th.) a- tn No.

U3 So'i- Ii ltd Rrou.ii n. i. at lu l.x-i. V. UI.SToN.-1 i.

mid ai B. K. hn.s. No. Li-t su.

IUsiiih I'at-Tos formerly of bor hetr i'rav. r. at tbe lo.u-e V. T111 icmaini ill U-Isieo to Id. JliT-a.

for m-tertnent. At his n-e In I'laiu'VM. N. J. on ond oar morning.

I.ith m.L. 11 W. Van. in tuo oin 01 ins a.e. '1 I.e r-'iatlies and fnenOs of the familv see innted to atu I tn funeral at E-iouls M-ctiuj: house.

In I'lainliviu. on ourth day, the at, 'Jiii THE TlJIE-s ATI I.OIil OK NF.W HOOK AM) NEW -Restricted to books of last thn mouths. r.UOTilEHS' I.sT. PKOll CAULYI.r, Jl'tXXYaOX. AM" KlsXllv It, fiTsa Hvs.

-i. LL. O. cloth. 51 WHAT MIt.

II ltVI js.wv IN III VOYA'JE tt Rot 1 TilE IVOKLL) IV THE SU11 BKo.i.,- M.i and hio. tL. 41. rpilK TEI.FI'IIONF. THE MIl'llOPIIOVE, ASH THE I'll' iNsHiKAl'iL Rv ui.t lit- Moscr.i.

Menu re de 1 Inslllut. with Ad-ditluus and I'orroctious by tu Autuor. Witn 7ti Llua-trutious. l'Jiiio, cio.b. $1 Ji.

fl'IIE OKltilN OKT1IE NtTIO A Eie Aai J. lr.M A 7. if. jj. H.O.


paper, cents col h. .11 cents. FTF.KMKIV. WITH TIIF liL-T tivr. Ah, hisHua Post Hvo.

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'JO wills Till. iAi.ISMa.n Ly on. 15cnU RL'RXIXGTHEIR eHIPb. Ry Barsht "JO cents.

ROSK JIERVVX WHlTtHKE. Hy Asks eenia. Trl TWO JIIsSELEKIXMS. 15 cents. Til AKi A vi By K.

A. bllUMU. 15 cents. Fr.AMLEY PARhOX-AGE. By Aamoxv TnuuLuix 15 cents.

Harper A Brothers, l'ranka-spiare. New York. CHARLES RIUSLUS KON.H1 LIssT. ri'HE FINAL VOM Mll OF I.ANGE'S t'OW. A.

V-mters nl rcnteronorcv. by the L. Ii. Bud tk Rev. 8.

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sin, eitra both. Wita more thau 100 full -Dace engravm. I oul THOMAS DE Ql'INCE Y. KIS LIFE AXD with Cnnull.sbed Correr-ondnoe. Bv A.

Pai.t. A new edition. Two oU In oa. crown, tiro, eioth. with ncrrratr I-' "ill tWOBTH's.

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Charles Seiibuer Son'. Xcs. 743 aad 'li Broadway, Kew-York. D. AFPLETON cV CO8 LIST.

THE IIO RTE KF1MTI.EI VIX. OF PACL to tn QalaCianai Fnhaalana tvl 1 Tjno-hy. Titoa. and IbLemoo, also of Jama r-eter. and Jud.

tb Eev. lluar s.sri s. u.Kunn isaian, trki4 aad DanlaL" and praerlraL 1 vo 1-fraa. eio-b. Myj pair, pnoa.

u.aa -snorser IfWat I lira ouh to p'ace each ta the of It owe ladlrUual Mtory, brlBifinz ail can isara of tha srntae ui af tr.e ctreataataacae ot hia conteauplated laia. to tmr apno the senx sad the tore of au worda to make taa w-w uapreaaivaTeaas J-rsaass, 1,1 Frermtlo'a. By Josta lliaiu 1 With ts, eouJiiwi- of Jart pert-eprlea. ruldaa Vr very vsrUd etperleaea. I eom jiaad ail the ate Sliffliil Iks stmasi 1 1 jwve ass law AliaieU caat of th aiw WevUI la la toy aasaale esV I i mmmmmwmm9mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr I T9C TIVKS CATALOG CX OV SKI BOOKS AND HEVT XOtTtOXS.

1 1 ka taw thswo niaiki D. A FPL ETON dte CO.S I ITT trailaaiXJ OrTXiNrai or logic it j. r. oilmob.k. A.

ProfaMor of Lad khswoeia. aad Kach.h la th. Calvarsuy i.r llava, lea. anew, 7 Oewta. Thi treariaa trww ra tb lsi nnea aa af tb teasBt to aitanliry foe tho aathefe -ilmti th ataia-m-sits to whk-a they are InteadaaaJ la the aaat locveal res.

sxxk that wee avsVahla, Utiawaltty aad sas. eiUtatMes are ao fnr the work. If iimn auv xew4laeMaa. tbvr arw eisnalleity. rtsaspanasraa.

aad nraettcal aoa.talioa to tbe wants of tha trersss Anil caa atadeM la ecllaawaad irwsa MArL OF POWER. FOB MACHTXE. haMa ana Helta. ith a History ot Potto. Mass-fact are ta th Caused Sta-ea.

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Koaa. po-ket form, "rice. 12 4sA lh. New Euxlaod and stlddl atataa. 1 voL.

Jo pecea. cloth, prte. 1 vi. The rruri and Southern Mataa. 1 voL, 2M payea cloth, one.

23, hecond edition. a D. Appletoa Publishers. Nos. 59 aud SSI Broadway.


Irfim s. Mam eelles fsecret." Tb Kacoad ire. Ac A. L. Wurraa.

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Etnla-aclnc a bnf aceoanl of bl Aneea. and an of tbe first fine arsof hi 11. e. a continuous at onr of hia later rears and tb events of bis tunea. ilted by tb Hon.

Jo voU. ll'rao. With portrait from stanL New Cheap ru vieed Eaition. I'er loliimr, eitraclota, SI iu. OF.

V. of th Theoiorcal 'nuA of Emsinal Kwe-ietib-x. Hv Smu, M. WabjusT l-ecrtnd and reTisa Wltn a blorraohiral Intro-duetiou I.t th Hob. Juuw Bl.siuw.

Wtph Asm nortralt from steel 8vo. estra cloth. t. fMCKOR-! POEM. THE POEMS or FRANK 1 O.

Tlcknor. Ji. or K. M. with an lu troductory Notice of the Author by Fati.

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Chaapdl- tlon. lllmn, paoer cover. 60 eeata. vOUI1H FOR THE NEW I lit II a St- by toe Sea vmyof lie X.w ChorcnT id. I.

b.o. rt-a cloth. I J. a ri-ncott A NSs. 71i and 717 Msrk-t st 1'hlladalphia.

SPECIAL NOTICEsS. POT OFFIC NOTICE. Ti foreirn mails ror the week endlnc Salnrdar Oet. 1 1. will o-e at thu oftlce on Taeadar.

at lu V. for E'lrei. by tseotiatn. ouarn.tu'wn on Wednesday, at 1 P. for Eur.

by salt, v.a Oueeu.lowu. lrorrw.po.idenc for Fraoe uiuat be specially a.iilrewse.1 and at p. for Franc dl- 7 ii s. 'p, "a llarr on 1 bur-lav. at A.

for staam-alilp Cl y'f Mon treal. iueenstowti, and at aDont a. for i or 'finuni an.l iscotiaul most b. tircisl. ly addressed and ai A.

for Scotland dires-v hy steam eDii. Eti.lo.ia. via and at 1 11 30 f. Europe I steam shin Moki. via on Erem.

n. Tliiii.ll. for hwrt.n ire b) llanbure and lirwmeu slame- r. lor Hint ana japan wiu leav Saa Francis Oct VS. Them-ils fr Austral a will Franc'sco llli.N I.

JAKix IVMmsster. orn. l. Nrw Yoaa. oet.

11. l7a 7 1 A 1 vVATfcU. OK a.L.E.1 il '-A laslv wa. treated rhtsicisna ia ixw rar.a. licrlin.

and other Curoa citle. 1M months t. cur Ii.f amtr.alton of the li.l. frninatin- in disaM of th kldnevs sat dr.Mv. They all tb reratabi mineral trina waters their treatment The lady Msrsel tn New York aid ad unr niedksal I'rofeaaora.

with other n-ral waturs. lor without relief and then coinn eueed the AKA EL water, without other treatm-M. and wascire.1 in less than a month. As this Is a tpe presented dailv. deaihs should certain be presented by the use of sueh a wonderful aa'ural pre pa rstioti in dr.

ty. gravel, stone, briirht SilUeaae. dllle aud 1 r.srr ere1 ad wsoa irv. uepH. JJ1 Eraadwar Xew- York.



A. LEAF ITT At iriTinvrRits Now on EXHIBITION AT THE rlJNins usti VLES Rooms, to be sold TIlUKsiiAY, Oct. lb aad fol. oniric ev. nlrus.

at 7i'Ho chsrk lE LI Bit ARY OF I.EO.S' LEWIS Ean an eteeedln valuaMe collection works in KNOLIsH. FRENCH. ANL OERatAX. VOYAOtli. TRAVEL.

RIBLIOCK FH V. Ac. I AK ANCE FOR INT ETM ENT. a or sale, a liross itnn. hnn.ii..

Ur.o. near Ssuso cntsnni nearly lCity iota now leal and payinkover 10 oer e-nt. net on so.J to t.o.e various Inlwi I'r ncipala oniy need apidy for partiruUrs lo OW.NLR, Pu orJlc iox Xo. I lit. Ai-FI VTt HFs, I'i'rfOlLAIN I.AVP FINE MANTEL fLOCKS, BRONZES.

JUTCnEI.L. VANCE A CO, Nov X.IW and Broadwav. IfOU raALK-CIIAMBEhWS XEWBPAPER will old a sheet from 2 by 36 lo XS by 50; will l-o sold ch.ap for raih. Apply at tb lwut rj-. where they can be aeen working.

'I'lIK ANM AL vE.TIN4 OP THE society A. tiF T. I.CKEs HOSPITAL held at tb n.pnl on th evening of St. Ll'KF. HUtV 1 mh IcaL at oi-io.

k. OEOKi.F. MACfCLLOCH MILLER. ulel.Mrlom.O. 1.1.

1S7H. LEC'TRIC IT A I Al.TV FOIt Til 1 Jcure of nervous and dlsaaea. H.i r.r.e. er.ces. Consultatioa aud pamjihlet Ire.

Dr. hMlTH, so. .1 I'I KYK AND ROCK t'ANDr. The Pioneer Houaa. OTnoare ours with anr nt.

at p. bottle, per gailon. H. H. Klkkkcu.

t.U Fu.toB st. aad Toy Broadway. HLMIV A. DAN 1 M. No.

ItA near 'tltht- Boars 8 to 1 aud 5 to 7. to ffentleuva only. Ull. rsTL'AUT Wll.l.lo, ATTOUNEV AND Counselor al Law. Notary Public ro Hnil.n..

No. 'Job Broadwar, N.w ors. HLAIR' ttOLT AXD HHEC-matio Usmedy. oval boa. SI round.

AOe. ah an s-ista. 11 Ot'KWOOIl'ss MIPEhtl Al. -a wrtai aa dosaa. No.




COMMITTEE AK. 11 potatad by La Rs.FC BUC AM CE EMAL COMMITTEE wili ra( aaily at haad-aaartara, liml Aaaamhly DlatrtM, 46 Pearl. Burma, Caatkam at. ApwAkcoasa caa racaiT ttekat tl ea (hasx itinv DWtnct I an nattowa. OXa haura.

10 to 1 saUl 5-4th Odtobac. ROflrRT (i. UoOUBJK fhalrataa. Cataiaa A. Brajarca.

Oes-fc. Trtsl'ANT THI CALL Ok TH JL I CENTRAL. COklUTTlL a sr.aun artil bald at the Head-auart-r af tha i a ITr rvTH A a. HEttBLY DISTRICT REFLTBLICAM 7th-t. aad Waatara Bonieward, THIS EVENT', fees ni'i mm uniinfiii ntun spealiy S'l In il 1J for Europe, by ii-siii Ieasing.

via Pis I herlmcrsr. and llsmlnirr on (Saturday at A. uj nsniiiaia via a I'ort Liirionwii: New I ork Oet It. Tue mail, for May an Jamalea leave New Tors ffc t. lt The mat's will leae New Oet.

Tn ii alls for Newfonn lianit will leave N-w York i et. 1 7. The mails for Ve.l, ieve New-Ynrk IW I. -ol rAwrE" ru-- NEW PUBLICATIONS. MOW TU TIM TO KlAEW ICKUrni HARFKXM OXTBLT MAUAZIXX FOB yOTIalU, I COXCUTDIMO TIE FXm-JIUfTm TOLCXE, OOXTAlMi TBS OLD XAtTOXAX, FLEX.

By Voxiaa i aa Okl Uae7 1 Iatarlo af Raa aVaaa Ill rt Tll ra ttsakaa A Oaf tiiviraaini Toil-cat, vtta, IT wail banal OU VtawT. Rata at OU Fwat Tavwra. asaBaas s-la ansS lrwparla far Hurhwaysaaa, a Old wsy-md OU RARLT AMERICA ART. By W. Bswiarra.

Etovaa Ea(ravta after Palatlaw Vy Jaka Bmyaer. Batijaml Was. J. a Caspley. tt W.

Faaks, Joha Trass haj. Ollhart Staart. a Xewtao. Bally. E.

aValaotv. Waahlatsaa ALataa. aad F. B. ena ROEAMOSIX-A Potat ByCP.CaAJPCa.

rPOX JXIXA 8 Poca. LsUstraM by Alaxx. ALEOEXD OP ALL-HALLOW ITL-A trwar. GcomoAaa Hcu. ItitmsTiaBV--I turasd, aad tb atoay Bc.

eye l-xk4 ataajlly at My tvnufal am say Mar; on "TRe aaads Mwthsi fwrtk appakla(ly. TBE SPARROW WAR. By ProC H. W. EtAaar.

IlJjrTSLsTtots. Band kparrvw. A XIOHT ON THE TETE NOIRE. Ii-u-rraariosa What gom aa ssast rara dowa. "Thy wr rat bee Characters.

"A tail dark Man. with Aral apraiaad holdlar a small Lamps' I saw my Doaaaa oa a Ultl Da. key." THE MIMICRT OF MATURE. By J. Basjus, IixcrraATtoas.

Jaea Frost aa a Landscape Fata. MltaseU Orcalds. -Daaca. OecJkida. Eauphltaa.

PhvUlam Scrtha hOck. Mas, enl Leaf m. cry a( laseeta, MtaMtU Mskv KWaiawr Lntetcorais. afsa.nsbiaaci bwtwawa Raata of d.3reat FamUlaa. Moth aa Hammm( BsrA Raaenhiances batwaen Craataaraws aad laaanta.

Plaat Aalmals. CranaeaM. UyArasda. aai Crtaaida. Onck-hUiad MoU aad Parcwxla -itt Was as rwoms ot th baa.

THE COBBLER 8 CATCH. Bv Rsar Uusm. aa UlastraUoa by Aaaxt. THE CATTLE RANcHEa OF COLORAD3. By A.

A. Uaras, Jr. Iixj-sTaATTojrs. Th tsma-" Aa' whea th Failai lamped Tha Old aad New la Pa -La V. uuina a haa Pet Baaaa-Old Aa tanli.

A Bpaalah Air." A Roan a ap. Cnala( tb Hoerfaao, "Cstthif nf- Branding a Calf. Csstl Jiaa to Water. -Thi Par latar ream Pwhln socay ap WHITE WINGS; A TACUTlNa ROMAXCL Bv Wu, urn Buaix. CarrxaL IHawlac nearar.

Caai-ru 1.1 Th Old bebosl aadth Xew Caarrsa II IL Frk-aaad and Mlrauda. lu mrutus. Not deria. to rt.r head ot foot Wat he ahoali Aistwt ber." MRS JAUDIXE. A Novsx.

By Dnaa M. Caata. IsxcwraaTtoBv 5o 1 am aroLah ar. Me, a-k kaswt Tby walked horn Lhravffc th Wood Path." MART AXERLET. A Xovax.

By U. Buasuoat. Caarraa il V. hwrtewa Caims XV. Cans l.t at laat Casrrsa XT1.


VIT fta-e jrr, aa lisaraa Muam reeft- Few- f4r Aar tk4 assar hrrtaata- w-t IV -m rr frr tmrmtrr. 1879. wsy aNaua. aritkI rtr tat fvtr prrMewa rratstaia. IV rarl rAasn-s tlm lire servol aoeeiv ksls be uisaas iacA; a4 -WJT lU itioskmarr.

It ni Meaaaara tomAtSi, tke FaAftaAera. al tu naw masia rvatiaaaai, tkat Usr nlrm N'tuwWra deasrra. ra Av extra arsii alao br a mmi 3 aew aaaaal awairsi4las' I bsimi MaOaZIwa r4 aabanartv anrwaijs V. tV rvwtUaaor. artlA AW aassas ad sddWaars of ts.

Xrw aw war iters, en asjQ mai the fn a mMlrd rest tm JUr pMs. IIAKPER'TA PERIODICAL rOU IM7. HABrklt UA'IJZIXA. Pa I Air HAMPERS WKAKLY, Oi Ttmr 4 isj HAHfFKS BAZAE. Vtl rear OC Th THREE publications, on year 10 OU Any TWO.

out -str 00 BIX sabecriBtions. on year tM 00 Addna IIAKPEK tL BltOTIIEK. X. T. POLITICAL riMIK FIK-T Ar.tBI.V IHiTKllT Kt.

1 HLBLICA' AtsSOClATlON w.L r.dd a pr.mary al Xa. st. THlh 1 I n-i te rlrn Polls opn from 7 loVoci--k. CUAH. U.

isiAlhkK Joarra F. Baiaa. bas-ratary. ItwsideaL UKt'OND AssesRSinLY- IU-TKIIT- KKFIB. IOLICAX AhMOCJATlo.v A primary for ias ieetloa ot deileatw tL Tar.ieua osassmiHNit atl bi4 Pearl at.

TH 1 is LS1U, Foils opn tri 7 1 FIl.RhK VAX WTCa. ouu Miaa. I nataiy. Peeslaaat. flMilKD A-EMrfLY llliTatM'r BKPCBsJ-X LAX ASM I A riO.s.

Prtmary alatliit tur d- fatea to th aeveral row vvwtson. Tills (1 aeadayi at. LX-N'iat Xo. 141 aih-rt. Polls t-B from 10 Wa.

11ai. eass-arary. Hull H. fciLEY. i-ratdrwC DeTUK RlMAht eHsctioa of th Ri.oL LAU REPCHUCAM ukiikl-16ATION wlJ Bel a at ho.

IJai ea TCt DATEVRNIXu. txs.l4.ta79. irom7 P. ML. to 0 Bwrvo ot eksrrtnf dstga ta 4.

Caress CHAKLEa is. UOL ILks'. Frwaal t. J. Cdsbji Wumaaurroa racret QRVENTII OlF-l'stlCr Ktflh.

L1C AX AabOCIAlloX. Pr.maey se. aa -ui bald at the Uekisissrwn, X. 37 Cllasw -piaoa. TCEa-DAV EVEhlXti, tart.

14. Fssli Opaa trom UJ 10 o'clock to siia delaerat Iota varsutas 'e- OoklUtTkllUOTT. r-rvaraC F. A. Sanoja.

kiratary. riHK NINTH Ass-hlMHLY UtTM ICT ML. JL PL BL1CAX AMJS 1 ATloN ail; a primary aJj tioa far dvlessta enavMUoa a TCkada sX. 1XO. oec 1.

JACOB IX ACat RM as, Fraatdent. D.auu. Pcosrar. Buia ary. fLEFKNTU A.F.lrll.Y DI-TatlCT KE.

I IPAV TLIilJAl EVENlXta. Oct. 14. 7 lUVciork. at I CHASV A.

Fa-AJSODT. Ja, Pi 1 4a a i. W. Ha stbs, Karratarv. rpM ELFTII AewsEMBLY DaTatlLT fulMA-X ry eseeo a lor delcac lo ta several coaTass 1 Hia iTaeaday) EVaalXO Oet.

1. ley, at a. 71 AwwD. VlCTost HElMBltaViiER. Fi.a Aaat.

Cbabaaa B. CLaaa. etiaary. HI RT ETU AsSsMkLV DI-TRICT RECBLiCAM Afras kcaaTIoX. A kesasary baa win k-a he4 at Haadwaartasa.

Ka. lies aa4 lid Waa X4lb-L. aa 1 LELAT A AXlXu. wt. 1.

rav vmrpoa af laatia to tt. iaaty. Bewssaanaa. AselarBSaas. aad Aaai as iy Vntisaar iai Pasla ap from 7 I la cisjek.

a W. MEADE. Full. CL Cs. Aacarraaiav lamtars.

FOl HTRENTII A-a-kMBLT UlwTUKTkE PL BLJCaX ABJsOClATIOkw arsanry aaMXasa. hat aalea-atea th aoarawrUaAa. at Aaa IXTsi-. (rataaaa HaU. a 1 1 LsllAl AVAAlJkek Vea.

IA. Psaia BBaai nam a lOw alar. JOsUI Av. BRADT. Wm.

Em. I smeary. ilFTCENTH A--RMBLY tllNTItlCT kk-FCBUCAJC AAasXTI ATIO V. A peljaary as-artl. 1 1 ta aaU tho Caatrm Cummin aaa.

wi4 a es. Js. ill kvta( am Til la h.lXTBENTII Ass-RMBLY UIS1KHT ItR-)FCBUCAB AAtsOCLATllyX. FY-arr arV-a. ta 1 -aiaa le aaiwal amm laatlaa awaieaajlaaBS, TCI bAI tvtll(s Ow.

Is. al la Mar. r-asJa aaaw trwm 7 to 10 Was ark. wi. Mrt, )tVly Fna Nil VilUab Tosans.

iai auai-y. SENTEENTH AR NUT UIKTllTsA-ICBLJCAM anmarr eieen-i w-Ulhh-B B4-awarm Tsnw 1U4. B4 1 Weat am TCUIOAI VEVIasA iaa 1 A. CaT. tH parpiaiW aliBTtaa- liliaim ta variaaa saal am swenaaa FaL 1 a as tl iaa 1 veam Bv K.

BdJkwXhOM. Frasss Jssra W. PaaaT. Bmamary. fl'k F.NTT-FlatrtT JIWIMKLY OIrTltltt Ji KtrtauiAl AasBOCIATl tloa will Wa aai a ItlL ET ATk OtrF C.

ftwthws. aaat Btky-aw TMIA aa ay ZVLXlXs. th parpaa a ale at lili rl 11 ta laitaaa na lasaaaiml aai rata arm 7 ta I P. M. A.

A. lTTESMOaJTsJt. 1 1 Root O. M. Faam I A PKlrlABY ri.ario OP TB TWEMTB iCT REPCRUCAl AXHOOsO am JsamOOIATlOM.f.

AbAEMBLT DIATRICT af alien- dilnaiaa Uaasa aamavaA br th Oasuaal Csasaaam laa will a asj as MaaocM EaaL B. 141 Raa toeAias. em TVEaVUAY. Oes. 14.

l-wTPU m- tiwsa 1 P.M. i. Cs iMsid at Head ipsan (Tsaadayt RTENUKA. Ov. 14.

lur a ipln a th digat 1 a aaa as iris aos'siilssl Pt sia ream 1 1 IObcabcA. BMKRlsalLX BHOuK. hull ll Baaanra CaTaaa. amsrataryv A. KaAM.

anniara. -X.

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