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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 6

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 the '-itfx: Yor.n irizz. fsiday. juirc c. in 4 1 1 i'r 3 TALES 4 OB EEROISII TOLD AT GEIf. SLOCDU IHQDEST Irish Immigrant Girl Who Saved Many Lives.

1 APPARENT DEATH ROLL. 937 Wrecked Steamboat Raised, tout Bedltt Found In Htr)Hull-51 Bodies of Namtlm Dead Buried. mwmmmmmmw BODIES ItECOVEnr.D ,901 DODI SDK VTIFI ED. MISSISO ......14 AFrAHEVT TOTAL OK DEAD. Th total number of bodies rwewverod aa a result of the 8 locum disaster at a lata tour teat night reached 901.

of which TO had be 11 Identified, "till hi the missing ll-t era lTb apparent total ofthe dead tea to reach S37. The. number of unidentified la over 12a or within 85 of Taa Timfl mlalng list total, snowier that tbla Hat apparently cswnpletee the accurate record of the as tent. of the dlaaater. Testerday wore bodies were recovered and sleven more Identified.

9 of which were In Tbb TwiCi list the! missing. Two ware newly reported ae missing-. At Coroner Berry's Inquest yesterday aer. ersl witnesses; testified' that th water about North Brother Island, where the General 0 locum went ashore, waa covered with powdered cork from the vessel's life preservers, while the hair of survivors and victims waa full of the- nun sub-. etaoo.

Several stories of heroic rescue work were also told at the Inquest, while one witness thought Capt. Van Schalck had done the. boat he could la beaching the Slocum on North Brother Ialand. Tbe wreck of the Slocum waa rained yea-terdar and towed to the flata of nuibinjr Bar. No more bod lea were: found In the hulk, though sixteen were recovered 1 at varioua point a In the courae of the day.

The bodlea of fifty-one more unidentified victim a of tbe dlaaater were buried In the Lutheran Cemetery, at Middle Village, ye. terday. CORK POWDER COVERED WATER. Filled Victims Hair. Witnesses Testify Hfro Day at Inquest.

Yea terday waa hero dayi or. more prop-erly, heroine day, at the Inquest which Coroner Berry la conducting- to fix the re eponalbility tor the Scum dlaaater. Some thrilling atorlee of rescue were told, but not In any spirit of bravado, the atorlee of eelf-eaciillce being evolved only by the questioning of Assistant District Attorney Oarvan, who la conducting- he inquiry for tha peeple. There will be no session of the Inquest again until Monday, when, the Coroner announced, tha case will be -given to tbe jury. Mr.

Oarvan said he desired to have to-day and Saturday, to get tbs evidence tote shape. The heroic work Of Lulu McKlbblh. the hoapital clerk and telephone operator at North Brother. Island; of Mary McCann. who la only sixteen yeara old.

and who 'first month In thla country haa been apent In the scarlet' Ye ver ward on the Ialand, and of John TV-Wade, the; engineer and owner of the tug J.W Wade, will stand out aa bright epota In the history of the horror which baa stirred this city aa haa nothing elao hi Theao persona save their teatlmony yes terday modestly. Wade's atatementa were aa vigorous aa waa hla work on the fateful day of the disaster. The two wirls could only be. persuaded to tell whet they did by the Insistent- questioning- of toe ls inn norney. SCUM OK POWDKREP- CORK.

Bt the iHtlmnn of IhM. mm A 'neaaes it was learned that shortly after mi piocnm waa oeacneo on-North Brother Ialand the waters thereabout were covered with a coating of finely granulated cork had leaked from the torn life pre- ntn di snip, ana a numoer or person wer dragged aahore dead with life iiTicr'ri imiiiwi in ineir ooaiea. -On aurvlvor hiiMl hla h. A I mJt band prove that It had been Impoaalble i ivur aown iw wiree wnicn neia the lire peeftcrvere In the racka. and he aald that when he finally managed to get several of belt a out of the racka they tore to plecea In hla handa.

A woman who aur- Zw9 C'ater aaia ahe waa nearly blinded bv 11m ahowe it mrk (hit tn In her face when ahe tried to pull aom of uie preaervers out oi tne racks above her head. A drama tie Incident of the wornlng aen. ale occurred when aged Capt. Van Schalck waa brought Into the Coroner'a court on a i tT.tcr'L; Thm hearlnr waa auapended while the Coroner and Mr. Oarvan nm a the rear room and talked with the Cap- tain anu uw uoriora, who came wun film, A moment later the proceaalon formed again, and the Captain waa borne to the ambulance, which took blm to the Lebanon 1 HonpUai where ha haa lain alnce the dla- 1 I9" on the etand oa Monday, or If he la atUl HI then, hla examination.

Mr. Oarvan -aald. may be dla-penaed with altogether. An effort waa made to oueetlon the Judg. ment of tbe Captain In beaching the veaai on North Brother Island, but met with i only p.trtUI euccesa.

Of the three wiu nesaea questioned on this subject, two were aoncemen, who saw the veaael afire from the and thought the Captain could have put In at One liundred ajad Twenty-ninth Street. Thev admitted on crtxw -examination that neither knew anything of navigation nor of the conditions of wind or tide nor of the-difficulty that might expertenoed In turning? around a. boat like the Slocum. The other wltneaa was Capt. Van Oelder of the New York.

New Haven Hartford tu aervlce, and while he held a almtUtr opinion, bo eald he did not believe that Capt. Van Bchalck had done wrong, but that in the excitement Of the he had loat hla head. HELP PROM Tins ISLAND. Ihe teatlmony aiso estabUshed. lnd-' dent aHy, the excellent fire aervlce on North Btother Ialand.

When tbe Slocum waa Hill a mile away the alarm had beeq run the sland. every man was at his post. and thO flre-rightlng force followed tbe course of the boat around the point oi the Ialand. dragging- Ita hose reels, ready to get Into action aa soon aa the boat came lore 'enough to shore. While It waa too "late to turn water on the blazing- ehlp.

tt waa donhtlaaa due. the work done by the employee that many Uvea were aaved. Lulu McKibbln, one of the herolnea of dumater, Is a comely miea of twenty yeetrea with dark hair and eyea, and her etury made a strong tznpreatdon on the lurure and at In the courtroom. i She saw tne la aire veaael coming up the" river twwea Sunken Meadow and Ward' Ialand. Afiei- Informing the Chief Engineer, ahe hospital in Manhattan and ro Ul-d PoUceand Fire lleadquartera that the Slocum.

afire and loaded with excur- hospital in Manhattan and eiorista. was making for the beach on om OIVIMT laiHi Then she ran out to the point and saw tha boat go aground on the bar. In a minute, ahe eild. the water waa full of etrurt-Una? women and children, and Mia Mcivibbent without a moment'a hesitation, ran down the beach until the water reached her waist and began pulling- some of the children ahora, Miaa McKlbhea said she saw en dead man come aahore with a life preserver on. and not Ion after the veeael grounded the water waa full of particle of cork.

All tha pereona brought aahore for aom time afterward had their hair and clothea with this powdered, etoff. 7 nrMiORANra tikjs work. Mary McCaaa eaaaa here from Ireland oa May 11 8 he had wot been here long; when aba developed scarlet fever and was seat to North Brother Island. She was the picture of the roey-cheeked Irish laaa yesterday aa She told her aim pie atory of herolam. her face flushed with excitement.

She waa in convalescent ward when the disaster cccurred, and although discharged several day a ago. ahe has become so much of a favorite on the fctlaad that she still remain I heard the fire alarm sounded. she saM, and looking out of tha window aw a blf boat coming up the river with flamea bursas from her decks. I saw that she evaBTidaA with oacla and that some of them, women and little children were iutnplnc Into the water as ah. cam oa award the ialand.

A minute later he had son on the beach and people were i1 iimplnic into tne water zrom bmo be water was luieo wun uiem. i ha ton dM-k fell in and a- lot more were thrown into tbe water. I ran down to the beach and waded out into the water. I didn't go far at first, because I got hold of a little baby and when I saw It was alive I put it up on the beach where aom ewe too care of It and bundled it up tn biaaketa. Then I went out a little further, and got hvld of a little I pulled him up to where; be could wade shore and he begged me to go out and get ie brother.

I went out again, that time nearly up to mr neck and grabbed hold of another boy. I don't know if tt waa th little fellow's brother or not. and I got him into shallow water. Then I went out several times more; end the last time some one grabbed ma by tha Uga and I had to call for help to get back. One of tbe men on th island got tne la then and I was nearly exhausted "I wssn't afraid." she aald with a flash of pride ss she finished her narrative.

because I can swim." Did you see any cork In the water aaked Mr. Oarvan. "Yes, lota of It. It seemed to leak out of th torn llf preaervera. First I thought It waa sawdust, and when I got aahore and got it out of my -hair found out It waa cork." John L.

Wade ran his tugboat, the J. W. Wade, so near to the burning boat that he set his awn vessel on fire several times. He told his atory. yesterday in forclbl Anglo-Saxon, ao clear and concise that the picture waa before tbe eyea of hla hearers.

TUB WADE'S RESCTTH! WORK, I was lying at the Cock at North Brother Island getting water," ha aald. when I aaw tha Slocum coming; up the She was list above the Meadows, and fire was eomlny from her port aide forward. cut loos god east the hose off, and made for th Slocum aa quick aa the Lord would let 'When I got near her I told mr men to put over our lifeboat and throw out life belts to tha people at marling la the water. Just ss the Slocum' went on the beach I went on with her You mr boat only drawa four feet of water, and 1 could aret In close. I went right up' under her stern and tried to run under her starboard wheel-house.

I had seven men aboard and they didn't foe anytime pulling the people In. I told them never to mind the dead--w'd attend to them afterward. I wanted to get tbe ones that were alive first, I went to say this that two men who were In the wheel tvouss I suppose, it was the Captain or the pilot and the man at the engines) muat have been the last to leave. They stuck till it was no urte to stick any longer. I aaw one of the pi lot a croaa hlm-self and Jump The other one Jumped, to.

I aald to my men. Boys, th engineer's a goner! I saw him fill and back that boat clear up on tho bench, so I knew some one moat be In the engine room, and I never -thought he could vet out then. Si "Yes. some of tbe Elocum's men helped me after they got aboard, but I put that fellow Flanagan ashore. He nearly got me Into serious trouble.

He cast a line I guess, that my boat would catch fire and that be waa risking his akin again. When he east off a line I went for him. and well. I just put him off the boat, that' a all." "What do you-think of th Captain's action in (teaching Ahe whar did asked llrhwtn He couldn't have done any better, waa the immediate response. He beached her tn the shallowest part.

He waa all right, that fellow was." Edward Van the first pilot of the spine was so badly hurt that he had difficulty in sitting up in th witness chair, teatifled that every except this one. since 1801. be had charge of getting; out the ilfe preservers on the vessel. He said that several years after ahe waa launched 2oO new preservers were put aboard. There were no new onea put OA board since, ha said.

PILOT STUCK TO HIS POST. Van Wart, haa been a pilot for thirty years, said the Captain left the pilot house and cama back an instant later, telling the pilots to beach the boat on North Brother Island. Be aald be held tha course of the best -all the way and jumped from the hurricane deck Into shallow water alter the boat had been beached. He rang- a Jingle bell for full speed when he msde for the island, and when near th beach rang a bell to alow up and another to atop. The boat grounded easily without any jar.

All. the signala were answered from the nein room. Mrs. H. W.

Turner of 2.649 Eighth Ave nue was on tne excursion wun her motner, alater. neDhew. and babv e-irl. She aald She stood over her baby and tried to pull own some -of th life preaervera, but eouid not do so. She crabbed aeveral In th cork falling in her eves and nearly blinding her.

She waa picked up by a tu. Her mother, slater, and nenhew were killed. Paul Llebenow, hla bead and one band swathed in bandages, was one of tne witnesses. He said he tried to pull down the life preservers, but tha wires could not be dislodged. He showed ons band badly cut to prove how th wires had resisted his enor is.

ueoenow escapeo wixn ni wife, six-months-old child, and hla 1st sr. Hav en others of his party, all relatives, were lost. Joseph Oaffney, chief engineer en the Island, told of-the fire regulations carried out. andof jthe. cork-flUed water, and torn life oreservera, ha picked Wouldn't the rocks thereabouts tear the uie preservers, msxea juoge uittenboefer.

"The one I aald- Oaffnsy, TWELVliSLOCUM FUNERALS. St. Mark's iParlsh Barfed MrerYIctlrrui Yesterday Mrs. Doerlna: Saccambs. There were twelvo funerals of Tletlma from the Oen'eral Slocum disaster tn St.

Mark's 'parish yesterday. Two were triple funerals, and two members of th family -of Edward Klein, a win merchant at 91 Avenue A. ware, also among; those buried. The General Slocum disaster claimed a hew victim yesterday when Mrs. Ida Doer- ins, wire or tne ttev.

Dr. ueorre Doerlna-. Superintendent of the Lutheran Immigrant iom at mat BtreeL. succumnea to pneumonia suDerinduced br burns and ahnoa- resultinr from the catastrophe. This la th tnira victim rrom xn clergyman's family.

Mrs. Doering attended th fatal Sunday School exmrsjon. accompanied by her three children Ida, eleven; George, nin. and Edna, six -years old. Ida and Goorg loat their lives.

Mrs. Doering was not Informed of tha death of her children and In order that ahe should not discover, tne loss tins bad suf ered the were buried from No. Stat BtreeL. Th mother will tut burled to-mnr row In the plot where her two llttl ones were turien. Th police tinder Inspector yesterday- the house-to-house canvass for the purpoee of obtaining- a complete list of victims th calamity baa craved.

Th Inspector aald two or three days would bo required to get tha revised list lnu YESTERADTS IDEffTIFfED DEAD. BRAXXJCY. CHAIttThV 10 years eld, 439 ttk 8 FRET. LTIXIS. 4 yeara eld.

Tth Bt. rtrT.LICJKT. Mrs. HKNRT tM ream old. 110 Wast UIKkSt.

GARDNER. LonSE. tt years old, Ttt WesV enasiar eroaa. OOKTZ, EDWARO, V4 years SM. 1st At.

XKPrUCR. LILT, XT years eld. lW 1st Av. UMM. ntAKK.

11 ysars old. SsS Bast STttt Bt. MOI-LER. KOWIN. I years old, tt St.

Mark's riare. MT7LLCR. JTACOB. 4 years M. IU Tth t.

KIMMtLKiMr, HZXIg. 4 years ei ISO SCHIRstKR. ANNA. years eid. 1 1st Av.

BCHNEBBB. MART. yearn etd. Avaaus A. LElSCHUt, BKNRT.

IS years -aid, S23 East SMTrjER. KATX, years aid. S33 Stanhope St-, WTTTK. OKN It years eM. BT East Hat NEWLY REPORTED W1SSING.

8 bock, orack, iH mn old, aUnr i OCK. MAI, ,1, rears U.V Mercy "a Sail Tickets far tha Slocum Benefit. Miss rrankle Bailey and othero constituting; tha squad of women of tho stags appointed to seU tickets for the actor's Slocum dlaaater benefit descended oa Wall street jreatorday. In the office varied. As a rule It waa not difficult to interest tha younger members of firms, but at th Stock Exchang skillfully planned sitae a failed utterly.

Th squad having divided Into two storming parti, two of the ticket sellers tried the New Street entrance, only to be turned bsck with a brusque rebuff from aa alderty doorkeeper. Mis Bailey herself and on her chief lleute.ianta stormed the Wall Street o-traoce, but had no bettor luck SLO GUI! I7I1ECK EiUSED 5TOI7EH TO FLnSUIvG BAY 6 Bodies ReccvWYcsterfJaij--1 51 Dead Buriel UO CORPSES" FOUND IN HULK Torn Life Preserver "Utf FMUmI Mh CofR Shavings Picked Vp-eni "i 1 Sloeum'a, Mslr) Oeefc- i hull of the General Slocum was raised yesterday noon and towed at once to tha flata in Flushing Bay. Rlker's Island. There It waa beached and pumped partially clear of water With the 'next high 'tide an effort will few made to force the wreck further tn ahora. Contrary to expectation no bodies were found la the wreck, Aa tha hull was raised from the mud one body- floated to the surface, but a search of the wreck Itself proved fruitless.

The search superficial In Its character. Toe-hold la a Uncle of twisted machinery and debris, and It may be -that after It la dumped out other bodies will be found. r. In tbe raising of tha, Slocum, which occupied four and 'one-half days, four floating derricks were used. Two derricks were stationed on either side of the wreck, and four heavy chaist wwt placed under lt--The piscine of the chains attended with great dlf fieoRy, "but "When the power was applied they performed their functions most satisfactorily.

Three tugs towd the derricks and their burden to the flata off Hiker's Island. i 1 After tbe wreck had been moved for Some dlstanco shallow Water waa encountered and tbe hull grounded. Than there was quit a delay. Finally, with a rising- tide, it floated off. and the journey to tho flats was continued." Coroner O'Onnani -PoHoa Inspector AJ-bcrtxon.

Inspector General George Uhler of the United States' Steam Vesssl Inspection Service, and, Superylalna Inspector Rod Je visited the wreck late In the aftwrn noon. Rodle picked up a number of life preservers bnhe main deck and tagged them for use la the Federal investitgation. The preservers seemed In bad condition, torn and but half filled with cork abav-Ings. Mr. Rodie refused to express any opinion aa to their Coroner Gorman baa made srrange-' menta to have the Coroner's Jury visit the remnants of tho Bloctrrn early Moqday morning.

To-day the Coroner, with In. spector Albert son. will direct a aearch for bodies in a number of coves and inlets st Hart's Ialand. Sands Point, and City Ialand. At 10 o'clock last night the total number of bodies recovered at various points yesterday snd received at North Brother I sixteen.

Tbe Fidelity carried down thlrty-soven bodlea to th Morgue at 8:43 o'clock. These bodies were already Incased In metallic caskets, and" will be burled In the Lutheran Cemetery; Mlddl Villa re. L. L. Saturday morning- nles identified.

There was a second burial of th name-leas dead from the Morgue yesterday morn-, lng. when fifty-one bodies were loaded In undertakers" wagons and taken to the Lutheran Cemetery, where they were Interred in the bis; trench dug last Saturday. A single hearse led the procession. There were the bodies of fifteen children In the lot, each of which was incased In a -whit casket. James K- Dougherty, Deputy Commissioner of Charities, accompanied the bodlea to their last resting.

and carefully recorded the exact location of each casket. Th burial servic was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Peterson of Mlddl VU. wW th departure of the fifty-one bodlea the Charities pier, which- had served since th day of, the Slocum wreck aa a temporary morgue, was clear -of i oar war a taw ratwinra OMMS rt.

awaiting removal, out they war disln taken away ana in pier was men leelea The first Identification to bo made by tho ruivnini di in, -nanjrwm iUr swned en Saturday last, occurred yesterday: after-' noon, when Anna Mattes of 87 Avenue A. said that "body il was that -of he? mother, Mary Mattea, fifty-eight years of Inspector Albertson. after the wreck had been towed to the flata In Flush-Ins Bayr mads arrange menta to have the bottom of the river where th hulk had been dredged. If there are more bodies to be recovered the Inspector thinks they will bo found at that point. Muslo en the recreation pier at tha foot Of East Twnty-foirth Street.

which waa stoppeo the night of the Slocum disaster. wna rrauuni awi msni. ina near-open-gle Banner waa played In funeral march time by Qurista's- Military It could be plainly heard In the Morgue, on Twenty-sixth Street. The band next played 'Nearer. My God.

to Thee." Hymns orily were played during th evening -and th band will not play other than auch muslo for at leeat a week, WOMEN'S AID FOR SUFFERERS United Clubs to Open 1 Neighborhood Moose for Slocatn VtctJm. Over 125 represent in-. unofflclsJ- ty, more taan fifty different womsn's cluba. met at Uie Academy of Medicine, on Forty- tnira etreev yesterday Afternoon in sponse to an Invitation from the Woman's Health Protective Association of Now York and passed resolutions of sympathy oa tha oiwuui uiauier. Ainnnmenii were also made far srivlnar nractleal auiit.nn suf ferers.

Women affiliated with claba rer tmumn wivaix uuiwios lines ot work wvto )iiRni. noniocn ut me ueugntsra of the American Revolution aat mi A Slds with the Daughters of th Confedera-ey, the Betsy Rosa Flag- Association was nasi iu in iuowr aescenoants. the Congregational Club members consulted with those of th Actors' Church Alliance and th Century Theatre Club, th Appalachian Mountain Climbing Club and Needlework 'Guild voted together aa one woman, tho name of th Day Nursery and jummmmr sin racicui, war nanaeo in With that of the Hundred Tear Club, while So reals, the mother of women's clubs, waa represented by many members. In addition to resolutions -of sympathy paaeed, to be sant to Paster I Laaa and his afflicted people, a commute was appointed to- interview th minister in regard to the best way of rendering- practical assistance. A motion was psaaed unanimously to open a neighborhood hous in that part of the city which baa Buffered most from the calamity and supply nurses, doctors, and women workers to take -oar of the children, and old people and to assist men who have loat their wtvea snd are left with helpless little ones to care for.

The committee wilt report on Tuesdayi June 28. and a general Invitation Is Issued to all women Interested to be present at 2 o'clock at th Academy of Medicine, on Forty-third Street. I LOST, SAY POLICE. Revised List of AllssJnjr to be Ready 1 To-day. The ten poneemen Who began on Wednesday the preparation of lists tor the house-to-hous canvass, under tha direct! on of Inspector Schmlttberger.

to determine tha exact losses resulting from the General Slocum. disaster, finished their task at 7 o'clock yesterday morning, and two homrs later the last of the 100 German-speaking bluecoats assigned to make tha search had set out srom toe mu treat ouce station, Laat night these officers nreturnod to the station and mad their reports. The Inspector said that the policemen had visited. every sddree given them, and that he estimated the number of th known dead and missing at a llttl more than L00O. In many case persons reported to th police aa missing were found at their bomea.

tm canvass orougnt to iignt several new eaaea of dead and missing, among them being- the names of five residents of Jersey uit. ana in hobuwu, vis aro known to be dead, but who had not bean aa re ported. To-day f.h police will, revisit, th homes of those who 'have reported relatives as jnlssins and obtain a complete description or ine appearance or tne latter. Th Ulcers will tak with, tbom deseriMlona of th unidentified dead, so that th relatives of such persons may look them over and aee If they are able to reeofrntse any of the bodies; at the siorrac The Inspector expects to prove that many of tho missing; are among tho unidentified Pour ethnographers were busy last night preparine- a revised list of the missing and the dead not previously reported, which will probably ho finished this morning. Lien's Slides Reduced We hire made nurked reductions in the prices of this sjasoa's Russets, yi I pcrnerly Patent, Uather Boots an4 Shoes.

53.50 Small lots of Russets, last jear's goods, but deslrahle styles, $2.50 WAl McCLENAHAN C0.f .23 West 34jt8 St MONEY FOR SLOCUM RELIEF. Contribution Briaw tk Fund Nearly: Up to Contribution' to the eioeum relief fund vii Treasurer Jacob H. Bchlff made Bia reoort s-esterday aftemoon totaled SCijy Cx-Majror Seth Low, through tho Coffee Exchange, gave $250. Harvey Flak dt Sons. IL0Q0; Jacob Buppert, 300; th NaUonal Biscuit Company.

Thomas nun. aiJUQ. and tho Mecca. Temple of the Mystic Shrine and the Ancient and aMiani 'Rita bodies. S500 each.

In addition to the above thefollowlng were- acknowledged by Mr. Bctxll yeaieraay: Veterans' Union Orac Epts. Home (or N. T. State 25 Tha Consumers Park Brewing Company ,100 Harraaa taub.

3d rrdinand 81a vers. 45 Otte -Frleb 19 James TaJoott ..160 roruna Lodge, tXi. I O- ZD, Incurs Dies W. Douglas's cantrlBuUoa Employas ot WUUam ni-MH IS Joas Betnert. Bt.

Mire mum. Episcopal E. Lutn. Mission of Trenton. ITrs.

S.Vandevhoef.10tH Tour BympetMsars-r. Max Kinsrork J.J.Aimm. At 2s Nmmr Horn. MWina- ataeaina ce aw J30 Hohensollara Un- Collote4 -at too --L ts'trmpkea v- Worth 81.71 Paul H.I Iras 29 Stranaa Bros. At 2S Nat.

Hnklrai W. Belts 50 Jleeetved through the Am. Hard Co.lOO oviraar Jacob Bchloaser 10O Jaaob. First iAith. CIturca.

BtewartavlIIe Is H. ino Charles O. Bothner Social. aamual Acaarmaa. Groves Joha Tuck Sons' Co.

24 Wssaar L'n. Orooerv and Tea Vol. JVerela Zi Oarks SO Man. Ase-a. 25.....

25 EL Beanecke a BO H. B. Wilson First Pres. Church Bundar 12 Cent. red.

2 Church pi. the Arcs-angal SI F-itn C. Hahn 25 Whit atlea SO Maria. gnainaars. 50 aha nr.

Cart J. 28 a. Coraet SO Clara B. 25 hu John's Ltn. cn.

ss Estate of P. MoUer.100 Roaar. Lawaoa a Ce. 25 Proceed from en-tartatarwt 11 Msraard. Merrill at Lk Loswera Oam- Co.

....1001 erinna w.rT.iraaa i otraa- man Vs Fraa Oerkan Italian Amerloaas.T0.25 Wm. R. Oraaf 25 Mem. BaDt. Church.

Si Batjer Seaboard Trading Co. ZSi Charles N. T. Times Chap.S2.S Psasaoola Club. Boo Enstneaiin Mews Publishing Co 1001 r.

BalUnger 25 United Ch'ch of Brooklyn S3. 49! O. u. T. M.

Curtlua li Nat. Bis. Co. LOoO p. Rtsart SO Hrds Bebmaa Sadie EntaMoel S3 CoPfrnlcua Lodge MB.

F. BO H. B. 2S Taema F. miss st, Ooidsaxing Chapter Mv.v.v a Bill Grove Lodge F.

Amiumit Co. rwiro Miaei iuo. 25 la So. Cong. Tbreush Cooser Sx b.

a. or id uantrai Baotlat Chnrih I change Bank: Uaabethf M. famuet JSotthelf Praah. SmvJ IChaa TM Msttlssa a usu atarieau 1 1J- at.r. N.

v. UM Sons Bahnsea- -Sol-av Banc Si 20 Morssa. ix. .100 Employee of Sond- a. ranena at t.

1 3 Max Sehwarta a Bra. 75 Simoa Biya aam aa. helas Manas. .25.85 King Solomon L'dge No. rrs 7.

4s DtoVes Cftisens on; siat. Bank 38 Mrs. J. BV O. H.

Rialer. 10 CB. Wolffrsas tod Geo. B. Trinity Ckv La.emani I40.

jr. swport .,.,..,...100 tnireka Fir Hoe Co.aoofTkreusli B. B. Femlkao A. DO B.

The Bronx laarssoais a. 8. Whit Dental n.sgeciup S9 ltm. Co sorTh Branx Chib ISO employe B. a.

White H. XV. T. Mall a Cotlofl Dental Mfa. in The J.

C. Q. Huptel Brewlna- Ce 100 Baker, Smith A Co.XOO F. Krumblsd I Boa Board of Officers 12th R.g. N.O.N.T.

50 RosanbUtt A Grstta, 25 harl.s A. luo M. T. IodjrV Na. I OT Jaffa 25 Koessler a Baaa- laehsr Co.

..100 J. T. Baker. Nerth- Villa, N. 10 C.

B. 28 Received by J. H. Bchlff v' A Hon. Satk .250 Throusk the Coffee XxrluuMre! B.

F. fi aeceptas Bostv tUh Jjit 800 Mecca Tkmpl, Mys-tlo Bon Anoaymaus 25 L. W. nsaca iteiaii But chars and Meat walla Bmth.n. ho B.

Hv. Whit .116 Dealers' IB Anawaada Club tooi w. BavrsB a SS Oree Av. Bap.C141.8i uiniimrn ai jacotoBr i A S3 171 U. Vs-reia 29 R.

TV -fl c-uiury, uieea sad Brass Kal asm ana7 Theeuah N. T. Cot- ton Exebanrei Slecfrtad, ruber to. 100 R. Slad.nburg Fanna.

Wllaaa A rj in. Bo j-ranci. 20 C. Hathaway a Co. .100 oeroafr Va Winkle 11 8 Solomon eoct4y Xt Lthnua lui aaasiar BtAlr-butldera' Leasua at iChapmas.

a Allen ino Oretar.N..l'..,... 85 Haaemaa a 1 l. .20 Bsrlloev Brothsrs. Bo A C. 20 g.

ft. Ladles AMRoc 50 Park Lodge sl, jr. A. Ian FlelsckaisJin's Vienna O. 1M Owathmer A Co.

100 H. Heatsa Co lOO Habbard Bree. Ce.lOO EUinger a Abmhaaxlon M. WeldA 100 Hopkins. Dwlght aV Co.

via moo.1 Bakery 50I Atwoed.Vviol";. ft- Mooejk Knoop. Frariche Co. A .4 rjr Jeees Co. MutuaJ aidAa- -ion! A.

H. Ralnsy 10a J. H. Parka. A in.

Slaarspa, HaaunlU A Emsloys ot Max y. .............100 Woodward A HUl. ma a Q- H. McFaddaa A Brother im R. T.

Wfiana a. rv IJathasa, Alesaader A Co. Jaoobeon a Bros. SL.iAadrws. FHadens Lodmm 830.

la 2D, C. W. La A Co. SA Paet ry WUllam siL' A zi iamrai -J JJ V.raln Wai.

H. All 8. Lanssdorf IBl Heath. WjiWspiia to i Eplsoopal lm? 25 r.T SO "rarnaa 55 Charls Palin t5 Copalaad A Co. 25 John Stomal r.SXNathaa ii "lT.i5o' Nordaa a 25 r.inq IXxJra 71.

IT-. Mn. A. ieland a i The Harlem Yndipaal ooauiaea C. BO P.

I- waiiar B0, Charlaa 'it Tsr: e. 7a- i i eWhalaa Bros frQ H. H. Butt. toiEmpioyea of Wbsien Worsen'a Hsm Mi si Bros M.SS Msuy iwy, Cent.

Mabal PowelU Aana sahyteriaa So IeecW. HermlBli h- Rlsslae So O- Doscbee, Basal I A. H.lmaa. and LotlJa r. a.

tj. 3 aysspathl a I HolDMia mm jBleomlnrdai Own. na tHitetmtt Guard Of" eraln SchU- larhund eo Tha David Ifin, harias Werth 23 Bmlnr Cm, tmm snaadery yuihi xipo1ar Star Lsdsw Net field. sL.I tmiTmm 3el hsiiid 6il I IJm Bnrwmrr Howard ChfW rjMlm Brew, clples mS- chrtak as. Brewtns iwi.PniiMi -V I Iw-i aan ItH I hwibm awwwtaaT Co- I I SwrwriJTW M.

Y.240 29 Oraad Tha folleirlns ravs $10 each at. i. Hwtar, 'Sir. unuMtl Jedew Link, ZvH, O. F.

Sana-. Dr. r. T. Ttaoo.

rreTesa CouacU Ka. Fhtiis Jaasoa. W. a nMtF. Chareh tha' Si.

uM.iAS.iun, Mrs. U. C. Used Fobs. HsJrh Knleknao.

laaaia Av. Praafcyt riaa S. at BraokJ'rw. AdoU 8uadaarar. MTOOOlltaa 1 mAwm cntaatar Ma 29.Ucltua K.

o. is. a. lasama rothars. Th ere lire in the country- bear the Regal XaDei- The unexpected dnand for Russet shoes this season fourid' most manuiac-turers unprepared.

At the last nnmant thrV WPTft tllWtK1 m-J ww unable to buy Russet leather, for we had taken all the AX grade stock obtainable. Consequently you can obtain the latest styles In Russet Oxfords in a full variety of styles mmf in the 77 Regal stores or from saeT aoa Styi boos. sav 1 11 JUGAL STOBES. td OF MEN'S kew tuka crrr. Certlandt St.

102 Nassau SU, ear. Ann. boo ariaaawar, cor. b. nlft 1541 sd ut 10th fit.

hat. Sftth and SOth Sts. 1S4I eon. Herald Butldtng. asT Elshth t.

Skth A tth Sta eg Third Av B. W. eor. lh SM Sixth Av.jB. SL o.

21st Bt. 1d W. 125th eer. tth AV. 1ST VVV.

he. Certlaadt aad LTberty Sts. tnnr Toitk crrr. S5 Broadway, eer. tuar Bt.

T85 Broadway. or, jntu pt, 13S epp. Herald BntldlaSj, o. Kill Bw w. "5.

BROOKLTN 10OS Broad way. eal Vniloughhy Ut Fifth Av-, bet. 10th A Uth STORKS JaUUUCKP WITH STAR ABB orKV A' Jwie" Offering of Men'sv The man who prides fine linen' will be: given an opportunity to gratify his taste' In this sale of nne summer negligee, shirts. begin with," they are neither commonplace in design or fabric they; are shirts your ultra haberdasher would ask $1.50 to $2 You may choose fromAmore than a score of distinctive in plain or plaited front shirts with cuffs attached or separate. Complete size ranges.

Among them are snirtsoi imoorted polons and satin brochets, in Tight and dark jmZ Mr. All 4a Ova t. 1. I 1 VM. VOGEL SON, Eroaaway.

B. tTntermeyar, Andrew Jackson Data. eeratie Club. O. Brows, J.

J. Collins. Henry Schilling. Aaroe Stilar. Hannah S.

Burke, Fenwlek B. Small, Freuhd. Fota A Joseph a Flesh. J. Rosenthal.

Jean Pry, Huge Cohn. L. Warms n. sdias reiaert steaaad Rothereher Be hi L. Si Sob.

Rdward MUhiina-. Independent Vet. Asse- clation, Mrs. Wn. Oastoa Bam.

Uton. Biusia CooaeO K. lOS, O. XJ. A.

M-. Mount Mortal No. ST. The Pleasure Society Benar students. Implores of SS.

Shew ar A B. J. GsnfSB. Flatbesh Vol. Firemen' F.

ana A. Ja. Association. Brooklyn, Mas Bohulhof. i Mrs.

Oeorg H. Boyd. C. K. Van Dense.

Jamas- B. Kay, Aanis CN.IU. O. A. Potter.

M. IX, VloUt Social Circle. Chart Fortwlngler, Thomas Hal. William V. King, B.

Pouch. Anonymous, Uherty Lodas Ko. 60, O. JS. STtw York Ledg K.

10, O. ft Leooold Fischer. Jerome CotarM. Last Stan Association. J.

W. Kaysar Aae'BV S3 Seraao Cluh. Lent Laoap Tribe Ke. jPrlraros Plea sere OnK f3 as, i 1 Tbe following cars Fhlll FMona. I L.

J. CeoaWr. H. O. Csonell.

Ladles Auxiliary at Pyramid Lodca. Krail Reinhard, Adolph J. Block, Oeorg H. Stall. Dr.

AtehlsoB, n. B. Eble. J. aaterrnayer.

The Petrokovar Beneve David S. Hays. last Aaaociatlon, D. W. Craman A.

rtr Vug. Broder Buaa mxeu an fit Association, -Former scholar ef Bt. oae Naval Cams V. Mfm. r- I.

i H. Doktorsky. A. Crow.ll. Julius SUeka, Mark's Saadav BcbeoL Ario LJasrtaXel ikrwl- laa- Uul.

H. FOBS. F. A. Haaneaen, A.

TB Green port. L. L. Wm. A.

Hartaasaaiin Obhard ZUer Ass's, LMiur juuus uenner. Mrs. Isaac Wollsteia, R. Ekc l. a ad wife.

Lools Myer. WlMhre BIMer. a. rtaai. jr Hj- Horn Ins.

i Mas-KaHarr. FlakelMata. Robert SsBford Walker, Aus-uat HersdaekeU Court Oaa We. A-O. Start.

Moent Uorsh Ledg Ka. SIS, Raid Blair, A. Bah mart. 1 FHsay W. Hastosv Otva AHnbwc H.

LUklB. John 'ocL Srowa J. OoidC (: M. J. Mart.

Blamenthal A m. A. O. B. J.

LIUie AUrv.!lra liahl. Tomrrd and Axmie Ger ty. Admiral Fhrragmt Ceon- cl No. lOO.

K. C. MeLarea. I. MacDouralU K.

IX, lamer a fccbattu jaonh Rauach KoJt Bo- rty. Vm Piai er. Mrs, W. F. feoeker.

A. B. Bpro.Be:. Mrs. o.

B. Ktlyara, John aaw aer. A. SCaolea. wolf Brethera, H.

Frladmaa. Zt J. 6holr. Jamas RoasawatS. Rothschild at VldorC, A.

li- Smith, John Pats, samoal aUeta. J. Gilck. i LewtMha Brothers, Hart Ce u. jl.

riareis WUUam Neiset as. Walla, few Russet shoes that don't IS BTTLSa or RUSSET OX-FORDS St UQ2X aTTLF.a I I Mail Order Departrnent. THEM PC OBKATEB JdW TOB3C STORES. i BBOOKLTK eIT Fnltoa ep. Meatagne 8U 111 Broadway.

UU Bedford Av. VISSI Broadway, bet. Dluaars St. aa4 Wllloughby Av. HSf rirth bet.

10th snd 11th StS. MBWARJC'M. J. 1 Braad ev. ft.

St. JC jjcBasnr citt. egg Sfswsrh Av, STORES. Sisd W. I28th or.

Tth Av. Third A W. aee. tth SU SU. If ligee; Shirts each.

himself in his tast madraL rarraipq. maris. noaston Si. A. F.

Souther land, Mr. A. Ahem. Slath. Beatrtc, and WaJttr Bcheur, John S.

Oliver. A Reader a Th Times, .15. Charonttlar. Henry Melkel, A. O.

Hagadom. Mrs. ruin. A. Nathan Kirsh.

iA. Koonta. The follnarlnsr m-m Oeerge sgrhSrdt, Slg. Wlttaer. Charla F.

Mollar. H. L. Harchftald Joaaph Ebarfaardt. u.

Obsrhardu rmpatby t. Kraaraea Literary SOS'S, Poa. T. 10-, i Minna Meik.L AmeUa Burger, Th follewlns; gave $7 each: IDora MargBllea. 8am JohnowHs.

William Blebanherg. Huge Metsger, F. M. Schmidt. Raawav, Mrs.

St. A Sympathiser. Cone Straat Chase1. Or. ansa, N.

B. Kiraeh, A. aV. A. Spear, H.

Halvern. A. M. Ooldtah. Mr.

H. Nearer. Young Ma's SoeietF of St. Andrew's Church. ViuOu Ami hMM m.

xvarsont. W. F. Bar rtmi. H.

B. Lefkowitt, isioora utui, 1 William Hi. In rf 'f Je. Banner1 Boo. H.

Fonks. David Kul N. Philip Herewtts. hf Ladarvl.

iLaaaryus Brothara. V. B. Frauader. m.

ww wwm.m im. v. n. PI W. 8.

and 1 arhaft Mrs. F. W. eUadtts. Murlsl.

tClwand. 'Clara, and A. 9.. W. 8.

Murrlasa. I Tha follovrfnr rave $1 each Mrs. eumr, Mrs. C. D.

Mason. Mary Brownf elder, Joaaph Samoloft. From Little Elsoe. Sympathiser. A.

j. Dorothy and P. IL. John cunnoell. Sympathises, E.

B. Bv. Brttaa. V. M.

Cm Mrs. 3. Sinshetmep. Master C. La Toar, K.

Kamptassv M. R-, hy M-s Ma, pHar and Timothy Chu. Jeaale Rwnth.l. Wss. KRsehkeT Krocaa, Theo LTHfJ.

Hew. M. Dtasaab, i poya from FobUs School H. Satterty. uM.

ssarklas. 8soked and Drartk for Ninety Yttra SPwviat TU Nw' rtrk Ttmts. SARATOOA. N. June Isle.

Carthy, who- used liquor aad tobacco for atmoet ninety yeara, died At his Oranlte Street home here this snornlnar, at the aa ot one hundred and four yeara. Ua came from Ireland to thla place almost half century aaw and enjoyed comparatively robust health until a short time sine. Me earthy never VvuM admit that he waa aa old man. and would aay smilingly that A. man la only aa old aa feels.

Horbs tnd Conpklnts raara tn mnrmt Mwur. mw smmme-r Mmnlsinla miM I says a leadlna; specialist, lf every fca. aiiui my nim lOBSn rith Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. jt -I the most ef fee tire rrna destroyer kn. i to tha medical Cliff's Fere Halt Elskey aids dlgwetlon and assimilation: purlflei and enriches tha blood; regulates tea bowels; Quiets tha nerves: hardens tha muscles; stlmalatea tha hearfa actios.

aim outids up ana. sustains ins entire system. for half a century by leading doctors. "Duffy's- ta absolutely pure, contains no fusel nil and la tha only whisker me. og-nlsed by the Government as a medicine.

At ail arugsists ana grocers, or dtrert. 1 a bottle. Medical booklet free. Duffy Malt Whlakey Rochester. N.

T. kmSkm California, Paget Sound points, the trammer resorts of Wisconsin. Northern Michi-gan and Minnesota, tha Black riEIs, Alaska and scores of other pleasnre gronnda aro best reached by Tha Norths Western line. 4 i4 Special low rates all sunv mer. Thebestof trainsrrice, Writs at once for maps aal for booklsta deseriblac the scssary, aHaiateaiMi traaaportatloa fsoOitias, with valuabls iiUuU hotsla, hotel rates, Bshins; snd AH sgests sen tickets vis, this Haa, IX W.

ALtRlIKE. Oenl Casters A seat, C. A N. W. -Br srwaM Broadway.

New York. FIQHKJC ANt HUrJTIHQ Colorado possesses sotns of th anest fishing aad hasting roBde on earth, the deas iorasts heme the natnral covsrts (or elk. deer. and other game. Its myriads ef streams teesa with monatara rot; Its takes.

whil roll ef attra. iih tions for the sngler, are also tbe hannt of millions of geese, docks aad ether wild fowl. Tha Fast Trslns to COLORADO are via --T uniorj pacifio i LOW BiATKa a Be sure yoor tJckets read ere thtoltos. eopy ef "Ta RneMss. Oraaf SVia Loss seat (re oa sppiicaoea te 231 CnOWniYsEEUTCSXCin LTUilR0ECK.6.f..

ATSmTOffTlTT i i 4 et MrM-; 7 CARPET Hs BRonc uriiii ki ti Tel. iSStvASth St. COMPRtSSXXS Atw xaaasT Atteriag. saars" NEW SHOOTING RECOBD: Guphill Wlna Grand Amsrlean Han. TIa at ,98 Breaks.

INDIANAPOLIS. Juno the Ct American Tournament to-day JUcbara -Guphill of Altken. AUna-. handioappe Vi yards, won tha Grand Americaa TnF- a silver tea service, and 1.000 la caiA the third shoot-off of a tie. with Randal of TaUurMe.

CU at In tha first shoot-oft at wWevtyttsr tha reault waa a tia at 17 breaks. Ta end resulted iS another tie st 17 In tha third the soor stood: Gtrpfal-. RandsU 13. The seor ef ttt for American handicap is greater of the previous- reeord. which Kansas City last year.

A i-w.

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