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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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4- WASnDiGTOX. DEFEA OF THE UO USE SIL TEB HEX. AILCEB OV THKXI DISTINCT XITOETt TO FOECX FOE WARD BIUJ I THX IXTKft-HT OF TBS ULTXE SCHEME UNDIE ecspensio or ths cle xo seeiocs pea or rvETHEE financial tineee- XXO AT THIS SESSION. Apsrtsl CtssawA to Sw XwTarl Twnnv Wabhinotox, March 20. Three separate efforts were made In the Ilouse to-day by the silver man to suspend the rules to pass financial measures, rirst, Mr.

Springer got vote upon Ills bill to issue certificates for silver bullion, whleh received majority rot, but was very far short of ths necessary two-thirds. Mr. Goods, of Virginia, nest tried to hare the rules suspended to pass a bill providing for the repeal of the law requiring a sufficient amount to be set apart annually for a sinking fund for ths redemption of 1 per eent. of the national debt, which received only a bare majority, the vote standing 122 to 112. Mr.

Durham, of Kentucky, followed this second failure by a resolution to suspend the rules and discharge the Committee on Coinage from the further consideration of Stephens' bill for Issuing silver certificate! Pased on silver bullion, and to make ths consideration of the bill a special order gor April Title resolution received the full Stllrer vote, bat for some reason only f8 Tox-m were cast against Jt Tbe rotes on these propositions prove eonclnsirely what has been apparent to most persons for several weeks, that the extremists hare lost their two-th and there is no danger of any further financial legislation this session. A considerable number of men who voted for the Silver bill think they went as far as their constituents demanded, and they will now atop. It was most significant that two-. thirds could not bo bad even to fix a day for the discussion of Mr. Stephens' bill for silver certificates.

It la said in 'excuse that some members voted against Mr. Durham's motion because tbey thought It discourteous to discharge the committee but Mr. Stephens and his committee favored the resalution, which, of sourse, would have the effect to put the bill In position to be passed by a majority. The bill may get through the House, but It will move slowly in the Senate, and. If by any means it should pass, it would be defeated by a veto for the issue of certificates on silver bullion, it cannot be supposed, would be tolerated for a moment by Secretary Fherman or the President.

The conclusion tt the whole matter is that in all probability the worst of the financial tinkering is ended for the Tear. If R. HO WEAXD THE A DM I SIS TRA TIOX ICENE8 AND ErTECTl IN TBE SENATE DCR-INO THE ATTACK OH THE PRESIDENT AND HIE POLtCT SECRETART SCHCRZ THE OBJECT Or BITTER PERSONALITIES lift. BATES' LOUISIANA POLICT A SELF-CONDEMNATION IF PACKARD WA8 NOT ELECTED OOVERSOR, THEN "WAS BATES NOT CHOSEN PRESIDENT." Ml fXapes-a to the Awe-Pert Ttswa Washington, March 25. The one absorbing topic of conversation in Washington to-night Is Senator's II owe' a stuck on the President and his Administration.

That such an attack was to be made had been plainly announced for days in advance, and this fact, together with the general belief that the speech might lead to a warm and exciting debate, drew together one of the largest crowds seen In tbe Senate Chamber this Winter. The galleries were all filled and the was thronged by members of the House and other privileged persona. The Kepubllcan opponents of President Hsyes were well represented. William E. Chandler sat in the press gallery, keen-eyed, tbarp-eared, and evidently deHgbted with the proceedings.

Ex-Senator Logan was another pleased spectator, as was also ex-Senator Clay-" ton, and numerous lesser persons of the same political faith. Secretary Sherman was also present for a few moments, and noticeable tmong the Administration men was Oen. ile-2ook, of New-York. Mr. Howe is not an attractive speaker, and upon ordinary occasions his high-pitched, harsh, and cutting voice has the ffect of driving many of his associates from their places.

To-day, however, nearly every Senator was in his seat, listening with marked attention to every word that came from the Speaker's lips. Senator Conkling, seated only a few feet from him, was particularly attentive, and evidently well pleased with what was sajd. Senator Hamlin was another deeply- Interested listener, while through nearly all the day Senator Edmunds, the leader of the majority, sat with his bald bead resting upon his bands, carefully watching and weighing the effect which the attack produced upon the audi-nee in the ralleries and on the floor. The speech was evidently prepared with great vara. It was not written in a hurry, but was sbvioualy the result of much thought and calm and deliberate consideration.

It was by long adds the most direct and outspoken assault that has yet been made upon the National Administration. Secretary Schun was for a tims made the special target against which the fire of his batteries was directed. Ttoat gentleman was alluded to as a person who bad only been successful in his trade, the trade of politics, and who, as a General in the Army, a diplomat, and a lawyer, had been a signal failure. As a thrower of mud at the Republican Party, however, he bad done much work. Indeed, he had accomplished no re in that direction any machine not propelled by In this connection it may notbuimlM to cot tbi fact that tbtn Mr.

Schurs vm In the Senate, and la a position to Sarssvd Mr. Bow ksd Batkloc say l-gardiuf either hla character or ability. When he had finUhad with tha Secretary of the Interior, the speaker took np the President and his policies, and for nearly two hoars eriti- cleed and denounced them without qualification or stint. Referring to the action of the President in the Louisiana matter, he declared with much vehemence of manner that If Packard was not Governor Hayes was not President. This time-worn yet ever-fresh proposition was greeted with loud applause, hlch could only with' difficulty be oppressed.

tVhea the presiding officer did succeed in quiet. tag It, too speaker eon tinned, declaring that if it was right for Packard to be driven out of New Orleans it was not right for Hayes to be In the White House. If Hayes was not a asurper then XteboUa was. National harmony, he declared with much force, eould never be preserved or obtained by deserting right for wrong, and then at considerable length and good effect he detailed the many nagnscsosfol attempts in the direction indicated which had already been made in this country. In referenee to the eivtt service policy, he declared that no man could tell what that policy was, sad in the same eon.

action excited much saerrimont by referring to Senator Hoar as one of those who hoped Uf win Democrats by sprinkling them with patronage. Lee.Ettle.-bc.ho: by sprinkling salt on their tails. This remark, pointed though it was, was only a specimen of the many bitter and cutting expressions contained in the speech. When the address was concluded Senator Edmunds at ones moved to go into executive session, and so all further debate was for the time cut off. Whether it is to be continued or not cannot now be definitely stated.

One theory 4s that his attack is only the commencement of a general assault npon tbe Administration, which is to be taken part in by Senators Blaine and Conkling, and, possibly, Sargent. Another (and perhaps the most correct) opinion Is that Mr. Howe has acted from the first upon his own responsibility, and that ho is not acting in concert with any other Senators. If no-defense of the President is attempted, it is very probable that the matter will end where It commenced but If any person replies to Howe, It Is considered probable that some of, the anti-Administration Senators will continue the attack made to-day. In that case, a long political debate will doubtless be the result.

THE CASE OF MAJOR RVXKLE. ACTION OP THE SENATE JPDICIART COMMITTEE TESTIMONT OP EX-8ECRETART BELKNAP AS TO THE PRACTICE OP THE WAR DEPARTMENT IN REVIEWING DECISIONS Or COCBTS-MABTIAL. SfeenaJMsusfca to the Xe- Teri Tun. Washikotok, March 25. The Senate Committee on the Judiciary to-day considered the ease of Major, Rankle, who was dismissed from the Army several Tears ago upon the sentence of a court-martial, and restored by President Hayes upon the ground that the findings and sentence of the court had not been formally approved by the President, as required by the statute.

Ex-Secretary of War Belknap, who issued the order approving tbe sentence of the court, was examined as a witness, and testified as to tbe practice of the department in cases where officers are dismissed by sentence of court-martial, ne made a written statement showing that while he was Secretary of War about 60 eases of this kind came under his observation, and in every instance the record wss submitted to the President, who made the review required by law, and indicated to the Secretary his Judgment, who in turn issued tbe necessary orders by tbe President's direction. Gen. Belknsp showed that during his term Of office there was but one instance in which the President indicated his action in his own handwriting. Gen. Belknap further showed that prior to President Grant's term of office there was no uniform practice in this matter, former Presidents sometimes formally acting npon the record by certifying their action In their own hands, and at other times, after reviewing tbe findings and sentence, directing the Secretary of War to issue the final order.

In the case of MsjorRunkle, Gen. Belknsp testified that tbe record of the court-martial was submitted to President Grant, and that the order issued by him as Secretary of War, dismissing Rankle, was issued by direction of tbe President Major Runkle was found guilty of embezzlement while acting as disbursing officer or tbe Freed-man's Bureau, and was sentenced to pay a fine of (5,000, to undergo a term of imprisonment, and to be dismissed tbe service. The order of the Secretary of War, by which the sentence of the court was carried out, shows that it was Issued by direction of the President, as It explicitly states that by order of the President the fine and imprisonment were remitted. Runkle's long and honorable service in the Army being assigned as the cause for Executive clemency. Tbe order of President Hayes restoring: Msjor Runkle to the Army carried with it several years' back pay.

This case is, in its main features, similar to the ease of Surgeon Draper, who was restored to the Navy by order of President Hayes, and allowed about 12 years' back pay. No action was taken on Runkle's ease by the committee. COXGRESSIUXAL TOPICS. THETARIPP BILL READT TO BE REPORTED TO THE HOUSE THE PREE SHIP CLAUSE OCT THE GENEVA AWARD DISTRIBUTION-MR. BOTD'S HARMLESS LITTLE SCHEME.

A rtal ZXfMlrA to tht Axe- York Time. Washington, March 25. The Committee on Ways and Means have finished the Tariff bill, and Mr. Wood will report It in the House" to-morrow, and move to have it printed and recommitted. He may also ask the House to fix an early day to begin its consideration, but it is not believed the House will grant this request until afteropportunity bad to examine the bill In print.

Section 21 of the bill as -originally drafted has been stricken out. This section provides that all materials for the construction, equipment, or repair of United States vessels may be imported free of duties, and that all vessels owned wholly by citizens of the United States shall be entitled to registry, enrollment, and license, and to all the benefits and privileges of American-bull vessels. This was known as the free ship section. The House Committee on the Judiciary will, to-morrow, take up the bill to provide for the distribution of the Geneva award fund, when the committee expect to decide finally upon the matter. Mr.

Boyd introduced a remarkable bill Into the House to-day. It has eight whereases and six sections. The whereases are a condensed speech. The whole ease is this: There are some lands in Chicago known as the lake-front grounds, which were given to the State of Illinois by Congress to aid the Illinois and Michigan CanaL The bill proposes that the grounds bo sold and the proceeds bo need, instead, on the Illinois River improvement, 'which; is a modest designation for the great scheme of connecting Chicago with the Mississippi River by a snip cans! and alaehwn ter navigation. According- to Mr.

Boyd's whereases, this it the most benefieept proposition ever made to Congress, and will cost nothing at alL THE XEW-0RLEAX3 COLLECTORSHIP. CXCERTAiNTT AS. TO THE NOMINEE GOV. PACKARD'S CHANCES KILLED. Jpawsl Bissau to aW New-rer Ttmm.

Washington, March 23. Who the CoU lector of Customs at New-Orleans is to be, is a question which Is in as much donbt now as It was two months ago. It is generally conceded, however, that Gov. Packard la not to receive the place. Many of his beet friends have given up all hope of his appointment, and it is to-night believed that any chance which he tnight have had was spoiled by Mr.

Howe's speech in the Senate to-day. It is argued that the expressions contained in the address regard-tag his to the Governorship will snake it Impossible for the President to appoint him without appearing to do ae for the purpose of one ef the chief thorns in his own PACIFIC RAILROAD Washington, March 25. The new Board of Directors of the Pacifls Railroads has -lsM9f4txllloaowi Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts Ralph P. BuekIand.of Ohio Daniel Chadwick, of Connecticut W. Smyths, of Iowa, and C.

Housel, of Nebraska. Except Mr. Honsel, these are the names announced in The Times dispatches 10 days ago. ILLXESS OF SECRETARY GCHUBZ. SUDDEN ATTACK OP NERVOUS APPECTION OP THE HEART HIS RECOVERY UT A FEW DATS EXPECTED.

fprcUl DUpie Is the Wns-For rtswa Washington, March 25. Secretary Schurs was taken suddenly 111 at his office, this afternoon, with what was probably some nervous derangement affecting tho action of the heart. He was taken home, and this evening is regarded as somewhat better. He will doubtless be able to resume bis duties in a day or two. THE ALABAMA DISTRICT ATTOBXET.

REJECTION OF THE NOMINATION OK PARSONS HOT CONTEST IN THE SENATE A VICTORY FOR SENATOR SPENCER OTHER NOMINATIONS AND CONFIRMATIONS. tipectal to IS Sew- Tort Timrw. Washington, March 25. To-day, in the executive session of the Senate, the long pending case of Parsons, nominated to be United States Attorney of the District of Alabama, was at last decided, tbe nomination being rejected by vote of 23 to 17. Senators Spencer and Kdmnnds led the debate against him, and Morjrmn and Blaine spoke in bis favor.

In opposition to his confirmation it was argued that he was not competent to fill the place, and that be had been extensively engaged in cotton claims of a fraudulent character. Further than this, it was argued that Mr. Meyer, the present incumbent, had been suspended solely upon the recommendation of tbe Democratic SenatY Morgan, and because be was believed to be a fend of Senator Spencer. The entire Judiciary Committee, in-eluding Senator Thurroan, voted against the confirmation, and Senators Matthews, Blaine, and Bnrnside were the only Republicans who voted in its favor. The small ness of the vote was duo to the fact that a.

large number of Senators were paired. Senator Hoar did not vote. The rejection of Parsons is generally regarded as a victory for Mr. Spencer. Ihtpatch to tV Aortatrd Proa The Femte confirmed the following nominations William O.

Choate, to be District Jndge for the Southern District of New-York, vice Samuel Blateh-ford, resigned Robert P. Kennedy, to be Collector of Intern Revenue for the Fourth District of Ohio; David Potter, to be Surveyor of Customs st Savannah, Oa. AoraZ. Assistant Ensrlneer William Rowbotham. to be Passed Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Jabei Rnrchard, to be transferred from the furloughed to the retired-pay list Passed Assistant Paymasters T.

S. Thompson and William J. Thomson, to Paymasters Assistant Paymasters (ieorge A beering and William McGovran, to be Passed Assistant Paymksters. 'oil matter. O.

B. Warren, ax Rochester, N. H.j Georjre It. Lrsritt, at Exeter. N.

Albert H. Tattle, at Rutland, E. V. Rockefeller, at Niuta, N. Y.i F.

J. Wonser. at Tama City. Iowa; Dwgiht Sat-trrlre, at Dnnlap, lows J. 11.

fticDoucall, at ball-nss, CaL; Jsraes Retlly, at Hamilton. JSev.i D. C. Mangum. at Imrham.

N. C-i Thomas M. Orahara, at Cheater, X. Mrs. Elizabeth Moncsn, at Leesburic William II.

auborn. at reenaboro, William L. Koehe. at Plaquemlne, La. The President sent the following nominations to the Senate to-dav William U.


The consideration of the Consular and Diplomatle Appropriation bill was completed by ths Senate Committee on Appropriations this morning, and it was subsequently reported to the Senate with imortant amendments. The effect of these amendments, generally ststed, is to restore the salaries of all diplomatic and consular officers from ths reduced amounts proposed in many esses by ths House to the amounts provided by existing Isw. The committee concur in ths House provisions extending the diplomatic service in South America and insert provisions for various diplomatic offices which the House omitted. In every case where the classification of Consuls has been charged by the House, the benate Committee reatore them to the existing grades and salaries; and the restoration of the following Consulships, which were (dropped in the year 1 876. is provided lor, the salary in each case being fixed at $1,000 per annum, Southsmpton, Steetin, Nantes, Valencia.

Milan, Venice, Marauham, Santa Cms, and Swstow. Tfashrm of 50.000 for the relief and protection of American seamen la tnrrensvd to SbO.OtiO. and the House appropriation of to be expended in the discretion of the President for diplomatic and consular service, is stricken out, together with the clause requiring Consuls to make commercial reports quarterly. The committee take the ground that such reports are already sufficiently provided for. The committee insert provisions for continuing the maintenance of Charges des Affairs in Denmark and Switzerland, and a Secretary of Legation in Brazil.

They concur in the House restoration of the United atates Ministers for Bolivia, and for the United States of Columbia. They also agree to the consolidation of our missions for the Argentine Republic, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The Salaries of our Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary to Great Britain, France. Germany, and Russia are provided for at S17.6UO each those to Spain, Austria, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, and Japan at 12,000 each i and those to Chili and Pern at 10,000 each, instead of S15.0OO, SI 0,000, and 8,000, respectively, as reduced by ths House. XOTES FROM THE CAPITAL.

Wabhimqtos. The subscriptions to. the 4 amounted to SI 75.000. March 25. 1878.

per cents, to-day Tbe receipts from internal revenue to-day were $442,640 36, and from Customs, $317,429 OS. The demand upon the Treasury for silver dollars Is now very light. Less than 100 were paid out to-day. The Committee of Ways and Means are still engaged in the revision of the new Tariff bUL It will probably he reported to tit House daring the present week. Commander Joseph S.

Sherrett is ordered, to 4vty as eqwipiBoS ofnesr at tns ICsw-vsrd. Washington. Passed Assistant Paymaster Louis A. Yorke to the Ksry yaru, reniscola. Owing to the death of Mr.

Allison, there will be some delay In Issuing silver eertlfleates, as a new Register of ths Treasury must first be sppointed, the signature of such officer being required on ths certificates. The House Committee on Appropriations today agreed to report the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation bill without any material change of its provisions, as prepared and submitted by the sub committee last Friday. The Attorney-General, to whom was referred the qsestioa ef the competency of the bond et Mrs. Price, wife of Mr. Price, the successful eompeti.

tor for tae snail rente between feaata Fs and MeaUla. has ceeided that tae bond is not sufficient, the wife not being a proper surety for her has band. The House Post Office Committee examined bat one witness, this morning Amos P. Curry, of Little Bock, who had a contract for earrying the snail twice aweefc on hares baa Ulwsea Little Reek aad Pine Bluff, his sees peaaat ion therefor hetag EUOOayear. At the teqnest of Mr.

John IX Adaaaa a Means -boat maU contractor, aad also at tae sags eat sun e4 Senator Dorsey, be applied for a diseonunaanee of the contract, aad thereupon a new conn set between tae same terminal poiaia, bet bv the river rente, was given to Mr. tAdasna for $2,000, Adasas Eying te Carry $AO a quarter as a rrsri-firstisn tea i giving if MorruiL, March 25. The Church of Eng land clergy ef tais city tw-ay waited anew, tbe politan aa4 teqnest a alas te saconataer ass tsoa to realm a is anooia it. His lordshin said he VUnsMH kia BainA a retire, aad regretted he JastnU not alter tfc THE WAR CLOUD DEEPENING EXGLAXDAXDBUSSIA MOBE HOSTILE BRITISH DEMANDS RESPECTING THE CONGRESS PERSISTED IN AND RUSSIAN INDISPOSITION TO CONCEDE MORE DECIDED THE rOBSIBILITT OF WAR OPENLT DISCUSSED BT JOURNALS AND London, March 25. The Tisws' Vienna corespondent telegraphs as follows The controversy between England and Russia is approaching that dangerous stage where the point of honor more and more engages the attention." A special dispatch to the Tim from Pern says Mr.

Layard, the British Ambassador at Constantinople, is tbe bead of a party who would rather see England go to war with Russia on any ground, however trivial, than not at alL The present philo-Engllsh attitude of the Porte is dne to the intimate friendship between Mr. Layard and Vefik Pasha, and the latter's temporary influence over the Sultan. But the Sultan is a man of capricious and arbitrary temper and of inferior capacity and resolution. A Court or Cabinet intrigue might destroy Veflk Pasha's ascendency and change the whole Turkish policy." The A genee Rut of St. Petersburg says "Russia having" communicated the entire pre- Hminsries to the powers, having declared that no secret treaty exists, and having recognized in each member of the congress a full right of discussing, proposing and determining, the London Cabinet's conduct in instating: on imposing its formula upon Russia can-only be regarded as revealing an offensive Intention." The Xorth German Gazette of Berlin says Considering to-day's news, the meeting of the congress at an early date can scarcely rhny longer be expected.

War between Russia and England, however, need not yet be regarded as a necessary consequence of Englnnd's attitude. The Russian Armv remains at present near Constantinople, and its conduct will, in the main, be regulated hv that of the British fleet. The Russian organ (in Brussels) Xoni says there is but little probability that the conirress will meet. It is, in eonsejuonce of English views, more to the advantage of Europe that it should not. The daty of Europe is to settle the crisis without England.

The Temp of Paris save the prevalent opinion in diplomatic circles is that England's persistence in her refusal to participate will cause the abandonment of the congress. If is probable that if England refuses to take part, France and Italy will follow her example. The Temp does not consider thst an Anglo-Russian war is a necessary consequence of England's abstention from the congress. Lonton, March 2fi. The Berlin correspondent of the Time says if the Congress does not meet Germnny will rvvert to her former position of a friendly looker on, without positively approving Russia's doings.

The correspondent of the Daily TeUgraph at Vienna says it is confirmed that lluosia has not yet sent a final answer to England. The answer is delayed pending tbe efforts which Russia is making, with the approval of Oermany, to wean Austria from her last idea of an English alliance. The Montag'i rrUw declares that if England does not attend the congress tbe three Empires roust come to an understanding on Russia's demands. If England then considers it necessary to secure her interests in the Mediterranean she will discover that the freedom of the seas Is, as Prince Bismarck recently remarked, essentially a German interest. The correspondent has good reason to assert that the foregoing express the views of Prince Bismarck.

DISSA TISFACTIUX WITH TBE TBE A TT. ITS TRUE MEANING RUSSIAN RULE IN EUROPEAN TURRET THE ATTITUDE OF AUSTRIA EXCITING UNEASINESS IN ST. PETERSBURG SERVIA TO OCCUPT HER CONQUERED TERRITORY. London, March 25. The correspondents at Vienna of the Time and Daily Telegraph agree that the full text of the treaty of San Ste-fano has renewed the strong anti-Rnsslan feeling there.

The Tim correspondent says: "There is no difference of opinion here about the real meaning of the treaty. It is not Russian preponderance, but Russian rule in European Turkey, and it is just because such an alteration as would entirely destroy this feature would remove the treaty that less confidence is felt in the efficacy I of tbe congress since its puoucation nere." The Daily Telegraph' correspondent says: While Count Andrassy will demand the revision of the entire treaty, be will decline to do so in combination with England, because the interest is not identical. A Renter dispatch from Belgrade says the publication of the terms of peace has caused universal dissatisfaction in Servia. The Army will reoceupy all the positions it conquered from Turkey, and, hold them until the congress decided as to the justice of Servia's claims. The Grand Duke Nicholas hss made a pressing demand on Servia to remobilize her reserves snd concentrate them on the northern frontier, but Servia has not complied.

Losdov, March -t5. The Belgrade correspondent of the Time confirms the report thst the Cabinet council has resolved to reoceupy all the territory captured from the Turks in Old Servia. Recruiting is going on throughout tbe country. A Berlin special to the Standard sava the Princes Battenberg have authorised a ifessian paper to deny that either of them was ever a candidate for the-throne of Bulgaria. The Standard" Constantinople dispatch says 200 refugees are dying; there daily.

"She Time' dispatch from St. Petersburg states that Gen. Ignatieff has goae to Vienna because some anxiety is felt about the attitude of Austria. THE HERO OF PL FX A BETUBXED. RECEPTION PREPARING FOR OSMAN PASHA AT CONSTANTINOPLE.

London, March, 25. Router's Telegram Company have the following dispatch from Constantinople, dated to-day The Sul- Un on, Sonday summoned Osmsn Pasha to him and in the ot the ministers expressed nls presence admiration and gratitude for his heroic defense of Plevna. Osman'i public entrance into Constantinople is arranged for to-dav, after which be will review tbe troops at tbe War Ministry. AFFAIRS IX ITALY. DINNER TO OEN.

GRANT IX ROME THE MINISTERIAL CHANGES PROSPECTS OF THE NEW CABINET THE FOri AND THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT TBE JESUITS LOO KINO FOR HEAD-QUARTERS IN ROME. Rome, March 25. Hon. George- P. Marsh, the American Minister, gave a grand dinner and soiree to-night in honor of ex-President Grant.

The foreign Ministers, some members of the Cabinet, aad moat of the American residents were present. Vice-Admiral dl Broechetti. not Admiral Martini, as at first stated, is Minister of Marine la the now Cabinet. The Ministry is weak, and not likely to secure a majority in the Chamber of Deputies. The followers of Slgnori Crispl aad looters will oppose it strongly.

It is believed that the new Cabinet will soon find it necessary to dissolve the Chamber, aad appeal to the country. It to stated that tho Pope will aeaeet Cardinal Hohenlohe as Intermediary with tho German. Government. tThe tTassiti art XtfroflatlM forJjhAjsjchajt of a palace, with the view of removing their bead-quarters to Rome. The Pope holds aloof from the movement, CUBREXT TOREIOX TOPICS.

THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR ABOUT CLOSING THE GERMAN CHANCELLOR'S REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTED. Cape Town, March 5. There is every prospect of an early close ot the war. The Kafirs say they are tired of it. Sandillj, the Chief of the Gaikaa, is reported to be asking for mercy.

A combined movement has been made for his capture, and a decisive fight is daily expected. London, March 25. A Renter telegram from Berlin announces that Count Stolberg-Wernig-erode has finally accepted the posts of Representative of tho Imperial Chancellor and ice-President of the Prussian Ministry, London, March 20. The Times' Paris correspondent states that the co-operation of Germany in the art exhibition is becoming more and more cordial, and it is thought that all the German Princes, except Frederick Will am and Frederick Cbarles will visit the Exhibition. DAXIEL OLEABY CHALLEXGED.

THE PEDESTRIAN CHAMPIONSHIP WILLIAM HOWES WANTS TO MAKE A MATCH FOR THE BELT. London, March 25. "William Howes, the pedestrian, hat challenged O'Lesrj, tbe winner of the six days' contest that ended Saturday night last, to a match for the champion aelt snd S2.SOU. Howes is tbe ansa who won a silver belt aad $500 in money at a competition in Agricultural Hall, London, a little over a fortnight ago. There were 45 entries la all.

bat as this nnmber lmght hare proved inconveniently large, 20 of the most celebrated wore selected and started. Tbe contest was to last 2A hours, the men who covered the longest distance to receive the champion belt. The start was made at 8: 37 clock oa Friday evening, and Howes, who wss the last to leave the track, walked until 8:58 o'clock on Saturday evening. In these 24 honrs and 21 minutes he covered 120 miles, which is the best on record. He covered 10O miles in 18 hours, 7 minutes, and 57 seconds, which is the fastest time yet accomplished.

Howes was entered in the 1. te international eontest, bat he failed to start for reasons not yet known in this country. It is doubtful if Mr. O'Leary will accept this chal-lenge. at least not just now.

It will be only fair for him to give the preference to those who are his com pet i tors in tbe six-days' struggle, should any of them feel anxious to ones more test their powers of endnrsnee sgainst the plucky Irish-American. Once satisfied that Vaughau and Brown aud Corkey, and the others who pushed him hard last week, are afraid of him, Mr. Leary may pay some attention to the above challenge. In any event, it is safe to suppose that whoever tbe competitor may be he will hsva to eome to this country to secure the championship.) THE OF OHIO. A BREACH BETWEEN BIS EXCELLENCY AND MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE CHARGES OF LOG-ROLLING IN FA YOB OF RAILROAD LEGISLATION.

fptcial tHepalck to the Sew-Tor Tbaws. Cincinnati, March 25. Gov. Bishop is in trouble. When he was elected to his present office an attempt was made to induce him to resign the important and lucrative office of Trustee of the Southern Railroad, but he declined.

Tbe Trustees are now before the Legislature for authority to run the City of Cincinnati 2,000.000 further In debt to complete the road. It is charged by the Demoerstle members from this county thst the Governor has caused the defeat of important legislation by trading votes and log-rolling in favor of the Southern Railroad blu. Ths breach between the Governor and the Democratic members of the Senate over the matter grew so wide that to-day he summoned the Hamilton delegation to the executive office and reproached them for their uncharitable treatment of a faithful publie officer. He denied that he or his grocery firm had intrigued to advance the Southern Railroad bill by opposing the schemes of Hamilton Countv members. He had a scrap-book in which were pasted paragrapha from whatever source whleh reflected favorably or unfavorably upon himself, snd read a number of them to his hearers.

He ended by sn spoeal to them to take no action in opposition to tbe Trust ess. Tbe seene is said to have been very affecting, bat the members went immediately back to the House and renewed their opposition to the bill. The inquirer reads the (Governor severe lecture upon his course this morning. The article closes by saying that "ths appearance of the Qovernor of Ohio bullying legislators, lobbying for and against legislation, especially in matters in which he has no personal interest, is an unprecedented spectacle in the history of this State." A DEAD MISER'S MILLIOXS. THE STRUGGLE AT CINCINNATI OVER THE WILL AN IGNORANT EXECUTOR QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRATOR.

BpmeM Diepmieh to the ttewTork Ttssav Cincinnati, March 25. The fight over the estate of Tnllis, the deceased miser-millionaire. Is beginning in dead earnest at tbe threshold of the ease. The attorneys for tbe heirs-at-law, Tullis' sisters, are doing everything In their power to prevent the estate getting Into the bands of Floyd, the person mentioned la the will as Executor. Floyd, an ignorant potato peddler and hay-hauler, who lived oa Tnllis' farm, near the city, has qualified as Administrator, aad unless the injunction asked for in court to-day is granted he will come into immediate possession of an estate worth not less thsn OOO.

The promptness with which his bond was filled up, and certain other circumstances connected with the ease, creates the belief thst Floyd is merely a tool of designing lawyers in pursuit of tbe millions. The will in wnlch he was named as Executor was subsequently revoked, bnt on the statement of Alexander Long, attorney, that the revocation was not in Tnllis' handwriting, the court set it aside and admitted the will to probate. A close estimate of the real estate involved gives it at over 3. OOO. OOO acres, located in nearly all the States in the Union.

EAST-BO VXD FREIGHTS. MEETING OF WESTERN RAILROAD MANAGERS TO BE HELD IX CHICAGO TO-DAT THE NEW-YORK AGREEMENT. tpecie IMemUeh to the Ifem-Yerh TUtem, Chicago, March 25. A meeting of Western railroad managers will be held at the Grand Pacifla Hotel to-morrow. Tbe principal object of this gathering la to take no, together with tbe Trunk Line CommUsloaeis, the question of distributing the tilt-bound burineu amoo the ririoui Writers roads in accordance with the Kew-York agree.

mmnt- Botav Sb Consmlastnnsrs wao an aew tn the city an soundest taas tbe iimism will be carried out faithfully, for three months st least, the time ot probation decided upon by the Kew-Tork meeting. Tbey think that by that tins tae feasibility of the plan will have beeosne so apparent that there can be bo farther trouble la making a perma-a nt agreement. The railroad managers, on the ether hand, are not half so enthnsiastie racardmg the new agreement, aad while tbey think it will be tried for tare months tbey do net believe that it enn be extended a day beyond that time. The meeting will have a difficult task before it. Tha-troable la regard to eatting of rates daring tbe last week or two la claimed te have Been eeeasioeed by the fact that eon tracts had been made previoas to the last advance in rates extending to ths end ef March, but the Commissioners are confident that ae new engage-snet ts have been saade extending beyond the nreaeat BUB IS IRS E3tBA KSABS3CS3TTS.

Kewvcbo, N. March 25 James Bigler A ef this City, extensive dealers la Umber, have i sesignssent. Their nabUitiea are not yet The first has had a suit psndlng for several years against the Oty of Kew-Terk for Vet wren gSO.OOO and $90,000 for Umber far-miaked te tbe Lwpartatent ot Deeka. Tnessritmaea yet deeided. and the long litigation aad fail are to recover tho money finally ceased the Ira to aaav Bosrrosr.

Marsh 25. The Hosne Savings Bank has asked and been granted a swntiaaaaee st the in section iasnvd a few days sines, ae the IHreeters believe that within a few weeks tho ees dittos it its affaiva will warrant the rssessiitUn of seats us under the proesttian ot the Savings Leah law reeeatly unseed by the Legislators. HQMJMULMXXttX. X-H. March 23fiearal denes la the management of the HaydwwvOJe (Mass.) Savings Hank will probably render soeeess-fnl an attempt to secure control of the funds, and let Interest accrue aatiJ the 12 per cent, deficiency In assets Is made up.

Some of the heaviest depositors have screed to thia Fixator. OMn, March 2A The Cltiseas' Savings Bank of thia eity suspended this morning for days. The liabilities are about $200,000, and the assets estimated at $225,000. Cistctkw an, March 25. Messrs.

Howell Dane A Cob. hardware dealers, who recently suspended, to-dsy filed a voluntary petition In bankruptcy, in order to facilitate tbe com position agreed upon by the creditors. The assets of tbe firm are $204,707. not including $27,000 believed to be worthless. Liabilities.


The adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was held here to-day. The reports of the committees sppointed at the previous meeting were received, aad Included the cardinal points mentioned in Ths Ksw-Yoax Tmxs of to-day. The majority report of the committee suggests thst the net profits be devoted, to psylng the floating debt, and that from the dividends to be declared an amount not exceeding 2 per cent, per annum on the capital stock be set apart for tbe trust fund having for iti object the purchase from time to time of the bonds aad shares of other eorapsnlee which are guaranteed bjr tbe Feaaayrvanla Railroad Company, and also of tbe bonded debt of tbe Pane- sylvanla Company, la such form ss the Directors shall deem for the best interests of the stockholders snd future proeperity of the company. Thia report recommended the adoption of the reaction presented In the annual report. Mr.

Thomas Potter presented a minority report on the subject of tbe resolution to create a funding scheme. Tbe reason he defined are as follows Firet Because sufficient time bad not been afforded to the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company tg understand the details of this funding trust. Second TWe, Board of Direct onof the Pennsyl Railroad Company are themselves divided in opinion on tbe subject of said trust. Third The financial condition of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Is not such as to warrant any appropriation of the net earnings during the present year to such a fund. Fourth The first duty of the Directors of the Pennsylvsnla Railroad Company is to psy to the stockholders a dividend oat of the net earnings of tbe company.

Fifth The, funding scheme Is of too much imports nca. Involves too many Interests, snd sffects the savings of the Industrious poor to such an extent that no hasty action npon it can be justified. The undersigned therefore respectfully submits tbe following resolution snd recommends its adoption ReeoUed, Ths I the creation of a trust having for its object the purchase, from time to time, of the bonds aad shares of other companies which are guaranteed by the Pennsylvsnla Railroad Company, also ot the bonded fiebt of the Pennsylvania Corn-pan v. be and la hereby referred to the Incoming Hoard of Directors to take aueh action, under the advice of eoanael. as may be lawful and best adapted to create such trust, to perfect rales and regulations for its organization and government, snd also to report the names of the Trust Company and the names of the Trustees, together with the probable annual cost of said trust, to the stockholders at their annual meeting In Philadelphia In 1879, for their approval or rejection by ballots deposited with the Judges of Election for Directors In the said year.

A vote waa called on tbe resolution after a three honrs' session, when It eould not be decided whether It had been adopted or not, and the question was postponed until to-morrow. At that time the stock, holders will vote upon the question whether or not the funding scheme shsll be adopted. There is great opposition to voting the foreign proxies, as it is held they were sent over here to vote only at tbe annual election, and not for these schemes. If they sre voted along with those of the friends of the manage ment. It is believed that it will overbalance the vote of the shareholders here.

An effort will be made to defeat John M. Kennedy snd CoL Henry D. Welsh by substituting Thorn aa Potter and M. Shipley New. lis.

Whether this will succeed or not eannot be foretold. Tbe two latter are the candidates of the parties who are opposed to CoL Scott's management. XEW-JEBSEY LEQISLATUBE. THE LAW OF LIBEL A GENERAL GERRYMANDER BILL THE SINKING FUND MONEYS. from Our Oust Oipi'ssssaaiat Taxjrroir, Monday, March 23, 1878.

-For the first time in at least five years the Assembly had a session this afternoon, beginning st 3:30 o'clock. The Senate did not get together till the usual hour of meeting, 8 o'clock this evening. Among the bills Introduced to-day was one by Mr. Matthews, of Burlington a general act redisricting the Assembly districts. The eoaatles gerrymandered by the act are Burlington, Camden, Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Monmouth Morris, and Passaic.

The bin, of course, does not disturb the apportionment of Assemblymen from any county. It merely changes ths lines so as to make the counties aa far as possible Democratic. Mr. Sykee Introduced a bin appropriating $10,000 for the erection of a chapel at the State Prison. Mr.

Robinson, of Passaic, introduced one which very essentially changes the law. of lihel. As the law at present stands, the publisher of a libel ean be indicted, tried, and punished In any county of the State. Mr. Robinson bill permits the indictment to llein snv county, but provides that the defendant may, if he chooses, and upon filing an indemnity bond for the costs, have the trial removed to the county in which hla paper may be published.

Mr. Matthews to-day offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing the Committee on Banking and Insurance to report by bill, or otherwise, any further legislation required to protect policy-holders from loss bv reason of want of proner notification of the expiration of their policies. Among the bills pased to-dsy was the one directing the Sinking Fund Commissioners to pay off tbe Interest of the war bonds to pay $10,000 per year of the accrued ptlneipal. the rest to be raised by State tax. snd prohibiting them from investing their surplus hereafter In any mortgage securities, such surplus to be invested only in United States bonds.

THE WEATHER. SYNOPSIS AND INDICATIONS. Washington, March 26 1 A. M. High and colder north-westerly winds, with light rain or snow aad rising barometer, have prevailed Middle States aad New-England.

The barometer from the lower lake region to tbe East Gulf. rtla falling, with warmer southerly winds aad weather, la the upper lake region and North-west. Clear weather baa prevailed la the Gulf and South Atlantis States, with lower temperature aad light, variable winds. The Ohio River has fallen 19 Inches at Cincinnati aad 13 inches at Pittsburg the Mis. stssipm iv inenee at Cairo ana one foot at Mei It Is at the danger line at Vieksburg.

IXDICATIOKS, For Kew-Engtaad. wsi clear, or navtly elondr or see MiU JLtimmtim Istmlm. MrtlvoUestdy memther. weeteriy wuuU, aad rieimgei- lewvu ry i im wtki jr onrvmeirr. Tor the Sooth Atlantic Metes, warmer, clear, or nartlv eloady weather, light, variable winds, asd stationary sv hiabr pressure.

For the East Oalf States, clear or partly cloudy weather, light, variable winds, mostly from the north, aad nearly stationary pressure and tempera. sure- For tbe West Gab? States, Tennessee, and the Ohio Valley, warmer, steer or partly cloud weather. sooth easterly winds, aad stationary or tailing barometer. For tbe Lower Lake swgton warmer, elaarfng weather, westerly winds, haronsiag variable, and stationery or falling barometer. For the lpper lake region.

Upper Mississippi gad Lower Missouri Valleys, clear weather, followed by Inereasiac elond usees aad rata stsss ssiissi south erly winds it ailing baren ter, followed la tbe Larwer Missouri Valley by rising bare me ter and winds shifting to colder north-westerly. The Mississippi River will generally faO. Caotienary off-shore signals eontlane at Lewes. Cape May, Atlantic City, Barnegat. Sandy Hook, New-York, New-Haven, New Lojtdon.

Newport Weed's Hole, Boston, Thatcher Island, Portland, and Enotporl. THIS CfTT. The following record shows the changes in thetaeapac stare (or the past 34 honra. ta ossnparV an with the eorresaeading date of fest year, as indicated by the tbernvesneter at Hadnat's pharmacy 18TT. 1878.

1 1ATT. 1S78. A 9 lH so r. a A. M.

J7 P. ,42 A.M 4 tll r.M... Jfe ISM tfilir a -tr hoe Aveeage lempetuiuee 1 1 111 lV 14 Average tisjiiriinri Sue snrtnu ia tlaa data lest as OVERWIIEDI ED BY THE SEA- TERRIBLE TA TE OF THE UR YD ICE. MORS THAW THREE HUNDRED PERSONS CARRIED DOWN BY. THE CAPSIZED SHIP Df A MOMENT OF TIME BUT TWO OF Till ENTIRE SHIP'S COMPANY' ENOWM TO HATE SURVIVED.

London, March 25. Ia London and tho provinces yesterday the weather waa fine and, bright until about 3:30 o'clock in the after; noon, when an almost universal change ensued, Short and violent gusts of wind aoeompaniod by snow and dust storms of a very unusual character, as brief as they were sudden, followed rapidly from almost opposite points of the compass. It is supposed that the eapeiaing and sinking of the British nsval training-ship Kurydioe off the Isle of Wight in the afternoon was due to the suddenness with, which a squall overtook the ship, and the fact that the entire force fell oa the full, spread of her canvas. As the Eurydloe waa close in shore, a' dangerous gust would give probably no warning when sail might have been shortened or the ship's helm altered so aa te Improve her position, added to which it is possible that the disposition of her guns, stores, or other dead weight may have given a lover age to the force of the wind bjlesscnlnf her or- dinary itabuitj. 1 DnnnoM, off whleh the ship waa lost.

Is a lofty headland, and la well-known to visit- ors to the Isle of Wight It is situated i short distance south of ShanUln Chine, about midway from that point to' Black Gang Chin. The Eurydice waa commissioned as Porta. month in February, 1877, and went on a practice cruise to the West ladles, whence she had been for some days- expected a Portsmouth-She had a smart crew, whose number Is vart -ously given at from 200 to more than 300. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when off Uunnose, and proceeding nnder full sail, a squall struck the vessel, bne capsized and sank immediately. The schooner Emma, whleh was passing the Eurydice at the time of tbe disaster, reeuoV five persons, including Lieut, Francis H.

Taboo, after they bad been an hour in tbe water. Three of these died, so tbe only survivors ot the disaster are Benjamin Caddiford. able seaman, and Sydney Fletcher, first-elest boy. Tbe following is Cnddiford's story The ship capslxed ia a squall and snow, storm about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when five miles from Dunnose. There were over 3UO persona on board, all -of whom, exeept aayself 1 and Fletcher, were, I believe, lost.

I waa one of the last on the ship. Capt. Hare waa near mo when she went down after capsizing, and aho carried with her a large number of men who. were clinging to her, or were drawn down la the vortex. A man near mo said, A vessel waa close by when the squall came on, aud therefore we will be sure to be picked I was more than an hour in the water, being a first-rate swimmer, and very many of my comrades cried to me for help.

1 tried to assist two or three, but at last there were four clinging to me. and I was obliged So kick them off; Our ship left Bermuda three weeks ago. We passed the Lisard (County of Cornwall, and most southern point of Great Britain.) yesterday, and expected to anchor at Spithead about 5 o'clock in the afternoon." Tbe later reports lead to the belief that the Eurydice bad about 320 officers and seamen, of, which 270 were young men in training, beside about 20 officers and men taken on board at Her- -muda as invalids, time-expired men and eourt martialed prisoners. Lloyds, however, place the number on board at 315, of whom onlV two are known to have survived, though a dispatch front Ventnor says that, as a bark waa seen bearing toward Dun nose Just before the squall, there ia some hop entertained that she may have rescued others. In consequence of the strong ebb tide and north wind at the time the bodies are not expected to eome ashore.

All bands were muster ing on deck for prayers at the time of the disaster. But for the passing of the schoon er nothing would have been known of the as everything was obscured from the sight of those on shore in consequence of the blinding an tv storm, and it would have been thought that the ship had gone on to Bplthead. I The vessel Ilea, with her masts visible, -two miles off Lueeombe Chine Point, where a rarvino comes down to the sea, and through which tho wind blows with a force against which vessels eannot stand unless closely reefed. Boats went ont last night to search forbodlea, but none were found. Several gun-boats are today cruising in the Aa effort will be made to raise the vessel.

A dispatch from Cowes says: "There tens donbt that the Eurydloe waa carry leg too much aaiL Sbo had her lower and upper studding sails set." A Portsmouth dispatch aaysr It it feared that with the men embarked at Bermuda, -and probably from Admiral Keys Squadron, (North America and West Indies.) the Eurydion. had nearly 400 persons on board." London, March 16 An official list issued try tbe Admiralty shows that the Eurydice's officers and crew numbered 208 men. Seven, however, were, possibly, left at Barbados tn prison. All-tho accounts agree that there were also from 2U to 30 passengers (officers, invalids, ajnsa whose time had expired, Ac Jon board. OTTTEB DISASTERS AT SEA Boston, March 25.

The schooner William Thomas, Port Johnson, for Newbury port is ashore on Wood End. She la somewhat and nearly full of water. Wasbdyoton. March 25 The Signal Service 8t tion observer at Iife-Savlng Station Ke. 3.

25 miles south of Cape reports to the Chief Signal Offioer, at 7:10 A.M. as follows i A brignntins rams ashore early thy morning, two miles north of this station. Tbe vfrkel lies with bow to the beach, and about lSOyarjfs from the shorn, Tbe crew art i all oa board. The life-aavlng crew are preparing ts board tbe vessel. A telegraph station has been opened abreast of the wreca.

and farther particular) will be sent ss soon as ascertained." Finn ISLsm Long Island, March 28. The schooner A. H. Hickman. Cant.

Sbaw, Of and front Philadelphia, for Portland, Ms, with railroad Iron, which bad gone Inside of Handy. Hook for a harbor, and left there yesterday, struck a sunken wreck, supposed to be the brig Carrie Winalow, in the channel, and rams ashore oa fire Island st 10 o'clock last nigbt, with four feet of water la the hold. She was -diaeovered by the life-saving patrol about a half hont later, who boarded her. and are staying oa hoard, at the Captain does not wast to leave her. Asalstanet has been telegraphed for.

CniCAOO, March 25. The wind-Storm which strurh this eity en satarday night, and blew Until Hunday morning, seems to have done considerable damage te the lake ahippinc, although a majority of the rasro warned by storm signals, remained In port. The on Und rii triCIn, Tbt wind tie witH great fury for several hours. Sr. Jo.

Vsw-Biwawwtefc. l(seh SS A tisai n' sprsiaa; wp sals awrala. a4 Saw wimo fa law with grass vioUaeev Mo damage lead te reported. Shortly after tbe norm com nienced tbe bark Liffr, Capt Havana, for St John, in bsllart. was drhrea ashore at the month of Musquash -Hsrbor.

four suUea from He. Jobs, one will In rums a total wrsek. The crew were eared. The vessrl was owned by Job a Met weeny and George LarvUs, Insured for 440.000. News was received to-dsy that the hrigatlne TV Oillespie.

of Paasber, Neva Seetia, bound Cross M. John to Havana, wsa wrecked on tbe i Psurs Feb. 27. Insured for half her value. MOjriT TO TAT IBM CBtrSCJT DXBT.

ItONDOCT, N. March 25. Edward SInv ball was present st the Bondont Presbyteriaa Church yesterday, and succeeded fat raising almost money enough pay the halsnss ec the church debt. The church has a debt Three weeks ago, -swell Smith, of New-York, was reseat, and ever $23,000 were raised, fciaee then about A7.0OO have bean raised. Yesterday.

Mr. him bail saceeeded la the morning in raising abeot gA.OuO, and in the evenlsg about S3, OOO. feavteg a liula isaa than S3 OOO still to be raised. The eeagrvcaciou am eocSoent that thia wlU ho nrevidsd tor, and the am. torn debt wiped eat.

ta lid itt or mm bollt rxTzsri LocaroarI. March 23. The Holly Ifan. afaecuriag Company, of this city, have Just gained aa Important suit. Involving the esaiustve right ef the 'Pesy te ssestrnet water-works on the Holly (rs, tern ef stand-pi pev years age at ladusnapelta, before Judge ft than VitAWi kta-.

Plla ov was -w mm, Vrwi nex-ari. WTA (1-.

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