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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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Si mil THE WEATHER, "All the News That's Fit to Print." Coodr, may be showtr le-dayl fair to-cnorrow; wind Wuthwtit. VOL. 18,056. NEW YOKK 1 TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1907. SIXTEEN PAGES rj VP rVVT Owl" Xw Tn.

rWvfMro. U.Ei 1 Jersey CMy. tW Xtwt, (THtt CJOrTn, CHICAGO OPERATORS HIE STRIKE SURE Telegraph Companies Will Not Receive Union Com-1 mittee. flLL 'FRISCO VACANCIES strikebreakers at Work In Postal and Western Union Offices. Both Social to Tt New York Timet.

CHICAGO, 111.. July 1. The most wen-acing ittca Tt reached In the telegraph developed to-day In Chicago. Weot-trn Union officials flatly refuted to consider the reinstatement of operator Win-jam Main, who wa discharged last Fri-Hy hi" wire apy of the union. Subsequently preparation were actively be-rin for walkout of 1.500 union men In office.

General Secretary Wesley Russell of the Commercial Telegraphers Union to-night would not ay when a strike order may he expected. He said, however, that he practically has abandoned hope of preventing trouble In Chicago. For several hcairs he was in communication by wire with President Small, In Ban Francisco, and with the Executive Board of the union in New Terk. Meanwhile arrangements were mad to secure a camp site on the Michigan shore. It is proposed to transport strikers there in the event of trouble.

Feeling among'the operators ran igh In to afternoon, when It became knot that Oners! Superintendent Cook of the Wester Union had Ignored a unloa commute delegated to plead Main's caie. De; were made on tho leade rs tirat they call a special meeting of tte union Immediately with a view to auth fixing a strike. More conservative heads checked the movement. It Is probable special tnw meeting will be held to-morrow or Wednesday, and It is said the is almost certain to be radical. The 1.000 operators In Chicago who trould affected by strike order In-thide men In both tho Western Union and Postal offlcea Two hundred of the number are girls.

The union claims a 93 per cent organisation in this city. PAN FRANCISCO. July 1. The first Installment of strikebreakers to take the places of the telegraph operators now on trlk in this city reached Ban Francisco yeeterday. and will be put to work In the! main offices of the Postal and Western Union to-day.

Theoperators are regular employes of the telegraph companies, and have been drawn from the offices in Eastern cities to fill the vacancies here until the companies can engage new men. The Santa and Southern Yacific overland trains brought a number of nonunion operatpra from Chicago, Clncln- MO. Omaha, Des Moines, Kansas City, o4 other place, and more are expected arrive within two or three days. Five eperators of the Postal Company arrived yesterday and reported at the office In the Ferry Building. The men stated that they had been sent here for temporary work, and would return to their regular post as soon ad operators could be en- tared for the local offices.

Th non-union operator are belmr paid larxe bonuses for their work. The new comers displayed an anxiety to avoid meeting the officers of the telegraphers union, saying that they did not-wish to recognised. Among the imported men were several chief operators from Eastern cities. RENO. July 1.

As the result of tie action of Supt A. II. May in dismiss, tug two operators in the Reno TJaton office last four other oper tori have quit work, and Manager Brown states that he will not be surprised if a general walk-out results. Owlirg to the shortage of men business with Salt Lake wa six hours behind this morning. TRACTION ROW SOON OFF.

Grievances ef Albany Trolley Errs ployea Will Be Arbitrated. i I ALBANY, July half an hour early this morning the employes of the united Traction Company on the Albany and Troy Divisions were out on strike. For a time it threatened to develop into a eriou tie-up of the road, and probably a repetition of the strike of 1001, which continued for. several days, and during which two live were lost. At a' confer ence between General Manager Fassett, representing the company, and a joint representing the employes of ta two divisions, it was agreed to submit the dispute regarding the wage of the men to a board of arbitration.

The de-. ttaton of the board is to bo final, thus averting further trouble. During the strike of 1801 It wa neces sary to call out the militia. Two of Albany representative business men were shot and killed by the militiamen while standing near their place of business. Tn Guardsmen fired at a crowd of arm pathlsers.

the bullets striking the two A settlement of tho strike followed after. SHIP FAILS TO PASS FORT. Vain Naval Attempt to Attack New- port In War Game. NEWPORT. July opening- fea- ws of the war game which is to be Played during the next two weeks by order of the War Department, with the d-tense" of Narragansetl Bay as centre.

aeaa unsuccessful attempt to-night to past Fort Adams by a ship of the w6af. Tho ship was the Quartermasters' eamr General Robert Swartwout. It wed to run In under cover of darkness, was discovered and technically put at ot action. A soon as the enemy S4 been Dlcked un hr a iMrrMldn fnm the fort the cell to quarters was sounded ao au the great gun were manned. The strictest discipline Is to be main-twd at both Fort Adams and Fort Qrl la the entire fortnight of tho aaoeuvre.

just as if the artineryroen engaged la actual hostilities. At present there are five t'i. Bute artaierymen at Fort Adam, the -iy-sventn. One Hundred and Second. ana Tenth, and One Hun op.rt L.r-K Ji; nrty-sec-k 5.

to-4r from Fort Rod -New Bdford. At Fort Oreble there Xlnth ln wna and PS2.t 2Lih.Z Foeenth. D-urina; tho tho encampment ieit entirely the reguUra, but Soial oTvr1 ode Island N- l0LaUtoh-mpnl ar to detailed e01 the manoeuvres. 50,000 SEE GREAT AUTO RACE. Lancia the First Off in the Grand Prix at Dieppe.

DIEPPE RACE COURSE, M. Tho day of tho great Grand Prix automobile race dned clear Jnd brighjt the roadway dried up nicely during the night and promises to be very fast. Fulhr 50,000 people lined the track to witness tho start. i -j Before coming to the post the pilot Of several of tho most powerful machine were very doubtful as to whether they would be able to complete the course wlih the amount of gasoline allowed them. Tho bettlnr odd on tho Fiat 'car lengthened on thl account.

-f Some of the experts predict that one-third of the entries will be stranded on the roadside. I Christie, one of tho American competitors, is confident that he will be able to control his machine, and declares that pf his gasoline holds out he will show Europe a clean pair of 1 Tho signal to start wa; given by sx mall saluting cannon opposite the tribune. With the sound of the first report Lancia, In a Flat car, shot by the stand, the first away. He was Sent off wltha roar of applause. Tho other fcompetltor followed at minute intervals.1 Duray, in a Lorraine dOiDletrich, ws fourth: Ssis.

driving for Renanlis, was ninth; W. C. Christie. his American machine, was twelfth; Nassaro, in another Flat, wa eighteenth; Heath, another American, driving a Panhard, wji twenty-fifth, and Elliott Shepard. also an American, was the thirty-second man $50 FIRE IN POST OFFICE.

Starts In Sub-Basement and Smoke Drives Out Clerks. Fire was discovered In the sub-baqe- ment of the Park Row aide of the Post Office Building shortly after midnight, and before it had been extinguished ijCO letter carriers, who were working on ohe of the upper floors, were driven from tfee building by the dense smoke. The fire started in a pile of waste paper, presumably from a lighted cigar br cigarette dropped into a chute, leading from the sidewalk to the sub-basement. An effort was made to sound an alarm from the service in the building, but fit failed to work, and It was necessary ao send over to the City Hall Police Station to summon the firemen. I Upon the errival of Chief Croker and the firemen the blaie was extinguished in lens than hnlf an hour.

For a while dense smoke came from the windows and gratings, giving the idea that the entire Tower portion of the building was on fire, and this caused excitement amonar the employes, moat of whom left trie buuaing until me uiaie naa uwa brought under control. I TROLLEY WIRE BURNS 12 Breaks. Formlna Short Circuit, and Passengers Escape In Panic. More than a dozen persons were pain fully shocked and burned last evening at burg, by a broken trolley wire. Ikfr.

Margaret Bailey of 71S Driggs Ave nue, who was burned on the right hip. and Archibald Hughes of ISO Washington AvenuM nnrt hla daughter Mabel were the worst Injured. Mr. Bailey wa treated by Dr. Vogt.

Many declined medical aid and. went to their homes. I Early in the afternoon a trolley ppie escaping from control of the conductor broke the overhead wire and caused fat that time considerable excitement. Wljile the new wire wa being tretched a con ductor on a passing car became confused and did not pull down his pole at he broken Interval. This caused the breakage of the repair wire.

For the second time there was great excitement In the neighborhood, and it wa this bra which caused the Injuries. One end touched the rill, forming a complete short circuit. The passengers rushed out of the car, falling over each other end try'" to eacape tne wire, wow squirming about on the ground. A detail of policemen hurried from fvmar 3trit station, and with some difficulty calmed the crowd. It1 was said that several 01 tne ranrstavi Vwyw were more or less snocaea ana Durneu, WOMEN RESCUED AT Crowd Sees Two Carried Down Lad der from Blazing Fire start sd on the second floor of the ftve-storv building at 120 East Twenty seventh Street al 7 o'clock last night and burned its way: Quickly through the upper floors that it cut off escape for Mra Marion V.

Searlo and her daugnijer. Miss Birdie Holt, by means of the stairway, and penned them In their rooms on the too floor. i When the firemen arrived Miss Holt was at the front window calling for help, while a thousand person stood In the street unable to render aid. The elder woman became unconscious from smike and dropped to the floor. daughter draa-eed her to the window and held her head to the air and waited for the ex tension ladder to be raised, i nrMnn Kdwar'd Cook and John Bren n.n ran tin rha lAdder as it was being raised.

The ladder ended at the fourth floor. Wltn a scaling noox erninin the fifth floor window and passed out the unconscious woman to Cook, and both men rarrinl her safely. Flreraen Walter Dua-gan and uustave Aioje taen carried down Miss Holt. The fire was discovered In the shop of Tnua-e A on the second floori ladles' tailoring establishment. The dam age wa about Sl.ow.

I CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. Four-Year-Old Glri Play with Flre- crackers In Parents' Absence. Helen M. Blajichard, the 4-year-old daughter of Frederick J. Blanchard.

i an employe of tho Edison Electrlo Light Company, living at 1.818 Topping Avenue, The Bronx, was mortally burned, last night la the rear yard of her home. The child had been left In tho company! of her two sisters, 8 and 8 year old. tod her dress caught from some flrecrack era with which the children were playing. Mr. and Mra.

Blanchard were visiting friends tn Manhattan. i I The little girl rushed frantically back and forth tn the yard, while her two Sis ters. terrified by tho sight, cowered in a distant corner i and screamed for aid. Neighbors heard the cries and tried to ain entrance to the yard through I he ront of the house. The doors were locked and It was not until after the screams had died away that some men managed to force their way into the rear of (be house.

Tney louna iiaien dead, iter clothes burned from her body. The two sisters were carried Into She bouse Completely prostrated by the slcht. Dr. FIW-klehauDt of Ftirdham HmtJi1 was railed and arrived In time to care for Mr. Blanroard.

who in the meantime had returned home. She was hysterical Snd for a long time it was feared that he shock wouta nave a. serious eitect. After AIL SIXER'S the Seelrh that mad ta highball samotu. Adv.

YAHDERBM RACE III HEW JERSEY Gov. Stokes Will Send Special Message to Legislature; Granting Use of Roads, WILL CALL OUT MILITIA Auto Racing Board Agrees to Pay All Expenses and Repair Road Damage Four Counties Want It! Social to Tit Krm York Tint. TRENTON. N. July A.

R. Par- dlngton. Acting Chairman of the V'an- derbllt Cup Commission, was here by appointment with Gov. Stokes to-day, and received the approval of the Governor for tho use of New Jersey roads for the Van- derbilt Cup automobile race on Oct. 19, the elimination race to be run over the same course on Oct.

12. The course has not been announced, and will not be selected' until special legislation is obtained at this session of tho Legislature to allow municipalities to accept the provisions of tho coming new law. That statute will provide for permission to close certain Improved county roads during tho running of both race. It 1 expected that action will bo taken on July 3. Wilbur F.

Sadler, President of the New Jersey Associated Automobile Clubs, accompanied Mr. Partington to he Gov ernor's office and urged the Chief Ex ecutive to accede to the plan to bring the annual cup race to New Jersey. He pointed out to the Governor that $000,000 was brought to the County of Nassau on Long Island last year. The Governor was at first averse to the plans, but whoa the financial prospects of the race were presented, and the assurance of Mr. Partington that all expenses incident to the race, auch as repairing damage to roads, employment of police, would be met by the Cup Commission, the Governor said he.

would send a special message to both houses of the Legislat ure urging the passage of -the measure legalising the closing of county roads. providing the proper bill were ready for Introduction. Gov. Stokes refused to recommend a mandatory law, saying that ho wa op posed to such legislation. The matter, he explained, was largely a local i one, qua the Board of Freeholders must vote on the proposition to close the roads selected for races.

The Governor concluded by saying there would probably be no opposl tlon. The new law simply will allow Boards of Freeholders permission to close country road during the races. So far a guarding the course is concerned, tho Governor is agreeable to calling out the militia for tho service, all expenses be ing, of course, paid by the Cup Commis sion. 1 While at the present moment no course Is announced, the officials of Mercer, Es ex. Union, and Monmouth Counties have been communicated and Mr, Sadler said to-night that good courses had been mapped out In tho counties named, all giving an average circuit of thirty miles.

State Road Commissioner Elijah Hutch inson said to-night that the counties where the course Is laid must have tho best kind of agreements that the' roads will be put in good shape after; the races are over. He cites the fact tnat aucomo- blllsts returning through New Jersey from the race on Long Island last year threw thousands of ton of stone off im proved roads, leaving many of them worn down to the first course of rock, and that Union, Middlesex, and Monmouth Coun ties this year have been obliged to expend thousands ot dollars to repair them. LOSES A $3,000 AUTOMOBILE. i Dealer Looking for D. M.

Jones, Whose Check Proved Worthless. Harry H. Cooe. a proprietor of an au tomobile garage at Sixty-second Street and Broadway, 1 looking for a three- thousand-dollar automobile and a man who. described himself as D.

M. Jones of the Fifth Avenue Hotel. According to the ftory Cobe told the po lice Jonea introduced himself as the son of the owner of tho Belle Mead Farm. neat Memphis, and of a number of racers, among them being Modiste. He said he wanted to buy a car, and or dered one which would cost when equipped Cobe.

as he did not know him, told Jones that he must look up his check before he delivered the car, but gave him on Sunday night an order upon hi gar age for a car which he might use If the Inquiries were satisfactory. The check, according to Cobe, wa worthless, but he found, when he went to his office, that Jones had called with the order at 8:30 o'clock yesterday morn ing and obtained from employes a ma chine worth $3,000. I Jones is described by Cobe as a man about 25 years old, feet 10 inches tall. and of light complexion. He weighed about 180 pounds.

Tho missing car 1a a Jackson. Model No. 1.619. with State License no. U.4W4.

At th Fifth avonna el last nlaht It was said that a V. M. Jones registered there on Thursday, alvlna his address as Memphis, and had left very early yesterday mom In (r. He had not paid his bill. the clerk said, dui naa ten oenma nun a bag containing ciotmng.

i tm Saturday, tne cierx ones wanted to hare a check cashed. "Just enough to hold me until rather comes. but bis request was not gran.ea. LEOPARD LOOSE IN A CITY. Pittsburg Residents Are Scared and One Man Is Attacked.

5ftu is Tit Ntw York Timet. PITTSBURG, July Residents of th fashionable East End residence district have been terrorised for the last two day by a ferocious leopard, which It la be lieved escaped from th menagerie of a circus which appeared here recently. Al ready several dog have been atttacked by the beast, and last night It leaped upon Henry. Klopperburg of Broadbead 8treet a he waa passing through a thinly set' tied part of tho district. After a deeper ate battle the young man beat off the anl meL Residents In the vicinity of the Lincoln Avenue Bridge go about armed.

This venina- a score of extra polios were sent Into th district la an effort to kill the animal. So a-reat I tho terror amonr the real dents (hat to-night the guests at a reception by Mrs. John CortaL in Broadhead Street, went home early and under guard of armed men. i TTB th. ITadaon and bark thrae ttmaa day." N.w Day Line erhedule.

EsDeetallv at tractive exearshkea Eeiura by inoaoUjht. SHIPS FOR THE PACIFIC. Reported Intention to Transfer Our Battleship Strength Thither. Sferial It Tit Stw Ytrk Timttl WASHINGTON. July L-The Washing ton Time says: Concentration of Amer ican strength In tho Pacific Is to be the settled policy of the.

United States from this time forward. It will probably crys- alias tn a year In the transfer of the preponderance: of tho battleship power to that ocean. The plan has received the unanimous approval of the Naval Board, headed by Admiral George Dewey. There may sever be an announcement of the definite adoption of such a policy, but unless condition markedly change It will be put Into effect. Two difficulties stand in tho way of a bodily transfer of our battleship strength to the Pacific the danges.

of offending Japan and the lack of dock and repair facilities on that ocean. A to the first of these embarrassment It I pointed out that if Japan desire to keep the peace she will not object to sending an American fleet to the ocean In which Its most exposed Interests He. If Japan, on tho other hand, objects. It will be proof that she is disposed to CADWALADER'S ASHES LOST. i.

Philadelphlan'a Funeral; Put Off Be cause of Exprees Error. i Special ft Tht Ntw York Timet. PHILADELPHIA, July ashes of Dr. Charles K. Cadwalader, a member of a distinguished Philadelphia family, who died last month In London, are lost.

The funeral, which! was to have been held tomorrow in Chriftt Church, has been postponed Indefinitely. Mr. Cadwalader' body wa cremated and the ashes were expressed from London on the steamship New York, which was docked in New York last Saturday. The package, which was only one foot square, was placed In one of many boxes containing every variety of merchandise, but no record was made of the particular box in which it was placed. There was no mention of it on the manifest.

It la said that It bo found eventually, Dr. Cadwalader shocked Philadelphia's exclusive society a few years ago by mar rying his housekeeper. Bridget Mary Ryan. Soon after that episode the Cad- waladers took, up their residence in Lon don, i WILL EXHIBIT "THE BATH." R. C.

Hall, Who Has Bought It, Will Let Pittsburg Have a Look at It. Special T'Arra; York Timet. PITTSBURG. July 1. The painting The Bath," by La Toucho, which was rejected by the Carnegie Art Gallery though it bad wren first prise in the International Art Exhibit, waa to-day removed from the Carnegie Art Gallery by R.

Hall, the stock who has purchased the painting. Mr. Hall sent It to an art studio to have It framed. The news that the painting was being removed from the gallery caused excitement, and hundreds who had never entered the gallery stood in. the street and saw the picture removed to the van.

Mr. Hall announced this evening that. owing to the great Interest shown in Tho Bath by the people of Pittsburg, he would place It on public exhibition In on of the city windows for a week before taking it to hla office. MACHINE BEHIND WETMORE. Republican Committee of Rhode Island Indorses Him for Senator.

PROVIDENCE. R. July By a vote of 13 to 0 a meeting of the Republican State Committee to-day passed this reso lution: I We favor I tho re-election of George Pea body Wetmore as United States Sena tor and. recommend that the Republicans elected to the next General Assembly vote for him for that office." A three-cornered contest among Senator Wetmore and COL 8. P.

Colt. Republicans, and Col. R. II. I.

Goddard, Democrat and Independent Republican, threw ihe last Rhode Island Legislature into a deadlock' and eighty-one ballots were taken without result. CoL Colt on June 20 announced his withdrawal from the MAN HUNT IN ADIRONDACKS. Two Policemen Shot and Their Assail ant Surrounded In Wood. Special to Tkt Ntw York Timtt. NEWMAN.

N. Yi, July 1. Surrounded by an armed posse George Delcour. who late this afternoon shot Frederick Cutler and John Arnold, policemen of this vll lag. Is to-night, hiding- in the thick for ests near tho village of Bloomlngdale, fifteen miles from this place.

Delcour, who was wanted by the off! cent for reckless driving, wa found In a local barber shop. When Cutler attempt ed to arrest him be drew a revolver and shot the officer In the breast just below the heart. In a fusillade that followed Arnold was struck In the left arm and a bystander In the hand. Delcour reached his buggy outside and drove away, and later abandoned tho vehicle and took to the woods afoot. Leaders of the posse are certain they have their man surrounded, and will wait Until morning be for closing in upon him.

MEXICAN REBEL KIDNAPPED. Believed to Have Been Delivered "to Mexico by American Official. DOUGLAS, Artrona, July 1. Manuel Sa- tabia, on of tho leading spirits In the former St. Louis Junta, known here as Samuel Mo ret.

was arrested yesterday and lodged tn Jail at th Instance, it 1 aid, of th Mexican Government. 1 JLate last night an automobile occupied by two Americana was driven to tho Jail. Tho prisoner was delivered to them and was forcibly placed in the vehicle The antomoblle and Its occupants were seen a little later passing through the streets and several witnt-saes say that the prisoner was choked into submission. This was the last seen of the antomobiNj. but there seems little doubt that Batabia wa delivered to Mexican officers at Agtiaorleta.

gPKCIAt THATf RrtTHjaXO FROM ATLANTIC CITY FOCRTH OF JILY. Tn Tck. Tl Pennrylvaala KaUroed. Leaves AtlanrVe City P. M.

July 4. atop, pin et Trenton. Elisabeth and Newark. Par lor cars, aintna? car. un cv- Fnv eaat.aa ul Cm The amber d.pth.

of a aparklina ntrhban are eerer so delightful aa when It's made of Jiu Vernon Pure Rye- The Pare Food CASH FOR THIEYES BY SPECIAL TRAIN Marietta Banker Lost $51,000 Here and Hurried Home for 'I $25,000 More. WAS TO BEAT FARO BANK Pittsburg Men Are Said to Have Been Swindled Out of $1,000,000 by the 8ame Scheme. Special to Tht A'n York Timet. PITTSBURG, July D. C.

Da via, millionaire banker and oil operator of Marietta. Ohio, lost 176,000 in a clever little bunko game In New York some time ago. and In Alderman Toole' court to-day he told the story of how he waa victimised into not only losing his money, bat, after 151.0U0 had -been dropped, how he chartered a special train to go back to Marietta after 125.000 more. During the hearing Davis, who Is a Director in the German National Bank of Marietta, stated that he knew It to be a fact that. many Flttsburgers have been swindled by tho same scheme.

He gave It as his opinion that the trio of alleged confidence men whom he accuses have cleaned up more than Jl, 000,000 In tho past two years. Davis told his story at the hearings or W. J. (Jake) Adams and Frank B. Ranger or rtttsburg and Frank Thompson Of New York.

These are the men who Davis alleges defrauded him of the 7e(-000. At the conclusion of the hearing Al- aerman looie stated that while he would reserve his decision for a week ho would no doubt dismiss the complalnta because lack of Jurisdiction. of Former Mayor W. E. Svkes of Marietta counsel for Davis, was arrested at the conclusion of the hearing on a warrant sworn out by Ranger, charging him with conspiracy to indict.

He at once gave ball, i Davis said that ha was flnrt a nnrna aA by Ranger and John E. Curry of Marietta last September. Thev told him that Thompson waa the dealer in a faro game in New Tork, and wanted to. get even with the syndicate which emptoyed Davis was Induced tn take 2.1 000 to New York, and was to play In the game with tne money. Thompson, It' was agreed, would deal the cards so that Davis would win $100.000., After arriving In New York Da via waa taken to the Imperial Hotel, and from there to a house Just off Columbus Avenue, three block from the Maiestie Hotel.

The first night Davis lost hi $23,000 the gamoiers explained that a mistake had been made, and on Oct. 20 Davis went gainst the game again with $26,000 and lost th money, i The next mornlner he rhrtfr1 a. from New York to Marietta and, securing $23,000 more, hustled back to New York, determined to win at any coot Again he lost, Curry, the witness testified, then took pity on him and told him that he was being swindled. Unable to get his money back. Davis ued tho trio.

When Davis had finished. Curry was placed on the stand and corroborated his testimony. Curry declared that Ranger and Thompson had told him that Davis was tne biggest sucker ever born. SPLIT M. WHITNEY.

i MacFarland Leaves Massachusetts Democratic State Committee. BOSTON. July 1. Grenville S. Mac Farland, Chairman of the Executive Com mittee.

of the Democratic State Commit tee, tendered his resignation to-night "to John P. Feeney, Chairman of the State Committee. Mr. MacFarland also re signed his membership in the State Committee. The principal reason given for his actions is the candidacy of Henry Whitney for the Democratic nomination for Governor.

Mr. MacFarland says he cannot support Mr. Whitney on the ground that the latter represents corpo ration Interests and opposes true Demo cratic principle by favoring the proposed New: York, New Haven i Hartford Bos ton Malnenergpr. Mr. MacFarland, who Is Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Inde pendence League, will work in the.

inter ests of that organization in this year's campaign. WHITMAN WARNS POLICEMEN. Magistrate Tells Them There Have 'Been Graft Excise Arrests. Declaring that he would not stand for any more "fake ana graiung" arrests In excise cases during th ten day in which he is to preside over the Harlem Court. Magistrate Whitman read the policemen in the courtroom yesterday such a lecture that they will probably not soon forget It.

The case of a bartender named Van Aken, charged with selling liquor, had Just terminated by the dismissal of the prisoner for lock of evidence, when the Magistrate said: "I know all about these arrests, and I do not Intend to have any more ot them. I am not a reformer, far from It, but I do Intend that when these cases are brought before me there must be the proper kind of evidence on which to try them. If you policemen cannot furnish the evidence I will take a trip around the district and show you how It should be dona You can give this Information to your Captain, and he can give it to th inspector. SIMPLE LIFE FOR HANNA. Will Spend His Honeymoon Training Fast Horses.

Special to The New York Timet. RAVENNA. Ohio. July Dan R. Han na has settled down to the aimplo life at hla Summer home.

Cot tag Hill, near Ravenna He announces that he will devote most ot his time to stock raising and training fast horses. With th latter object In view, he Is building a covered half-mile race track on his farm, so ho can train hi horse regardless of th weather. Mr. Hanna expect to give considerable attention to the raising of fancy cattle of the shorthorn breed, ef which his stables contain some of the finest spec! naa in the world. Hi honeymoon will be spent on the farm.

Mrs. Hanna seven-year-old daughter 1 11 vies wlln them. Over oe.e BerrtBg-HaXI-Marrte Hefes are bow tn use. Must be a reeeoa. Baiee- rooma, 40 Broadway, cor.

Walker bt, f. -A4V. nararir. Vullla Zitrart Is sold by th best grocers everywhere. Try it.

AOV. FAIR CALLS FOR MONEY. Holderaj of Jamestown Exposition Common Stock Asked to Pay. -L' July At a aaeetmg of the Board ot Directors ot tho Jamestown Exposition Company to-night it was decided to isJue a call tor every dollar duo on (common stock. It 1 estimated that It will net the company $324,000.

When kho Exposition company wo organised (only 28 per cent of th common stock was called for. At that time tho fair had not assumed its International scope. Tho balance duo la 73 per cent, of $430,000. The resolution adopted provide that negotiable! notes can be accepted. 10 per cent, monthly.

A commission of twenty Directors was voted ta personally wait on atockholders. CAJ NEGIE GIVES $25,000. Roanoke College the Beneficiary 'Two New Professorships Coming. Va4 July 1. President J.

A. Morehead of Roanoke College, Salem, Va, to-day announced the receipt of a check for $25,000 from Andrew Carnegl In fulfillment of hi promise to give that amount to the endowment fund $35,000 had been raised. This addition of $00,000 has enabled the Trustees to establish two new chairs at the college In which, professors will be Installed by the beginning of th next session. I GIRL SWIMMER NEAR DEATH. CollegefAthlete Saves Miss Wallace tn Middle of Lake Hopatcong.

Miss iennle Wallac. 10 years old, ot Jersey CUy, who holds a record for swimming across Lake Hopatcong, had a narrow escape from drowning yesterday while endeavorlna- to retteat her dt form a nee. She wa rescued by Raymond Pnrdy of New Ydrk City, a 22-year-old athlet of Georgetown College. Miss Wallace went into the lake near Woodpoft In the afternoon, and when halt way across wss taken with cramps and thrw up her handa Her action was' noticed the crowd on shore, and young Purfly put out in a boat. i Fearing that he would not be in time.

he dived from the boat, and. catching the bathing 1 blouse of the unconscious woman tn his teeth, he Swam back to the boat, regained It. and rowel ashore. Miss Wallace soon recovered. Purdy has a record of having; saved four persons in the lake last Summer.

DROWNED IN HARLEM MERE Flvo-Year-Old After Loet Ball, Caught In Mud. Trying to recover a ball with which and sonje companions had been playing cnH the shore of the Harlem Mere, In Central Park, near 110th Street and Fifth flfe-year-old Raymond Halflrty of 114 East 110th Street, fell Into the water and wais drowned yesterday afternoon. He had been playing on a slope Which runs down to tho water. One o( his companions threw him the bait IfmlSead him and rolled Into th water. The boys trfed to recover it with stick.

jHal-flrty tell into the water, which at i thai point la about two feet deep. i His feet sank Into the oose, and he could gain no foothold. Hla comrades called for assistance, and a crowd of children and women gathered. Julius Schultx of First Avenue aw the body lying in the water and Wad ed out I to It. Then he found his own feet stuck In the mud.

He finally reached the shore with the assistance of Patrolman Samuel Love of tne i04th Street fetation, where the body wa car ried. BREWIN STARTS FOR HOME. I Four Years Victim of Aphasia Ner vous at Return of PLAINFIELD. N. July 1.

Charles P. Brewlnj who recovered his memory fter rour years or aphasia iett here to-day in company with hla son, Frank, and Edward Brewlnj a relative, of Burlington. 1 Brewln workd here for four years as Charles Johnson and recognised his rol at Ives as soon as they arrived andlwel corned them. Even to-day he did not seem to be able to grasp the fact that hiore than a ifew days had elapsed since he left his tailor's shop In Burlington. The restoration of his memory censed htm to (be nervous, but under the care of Dr Buchanan, son of an old and the pastor of Mr.

Brewln, he became more normal and appeared in tine spirits wheu he leit.i -i i Mr. Brewln and his companions wilt 'not go to Burlington at once, but will stay a day or so at vamura, who -wnicn city air. Brewinl Is familiar. The physician's; Is to make tna return to tturiingion graa-ually. I SEEK A MILE OF CENTS.

Kansas Methodists Will Raise a Mori. gage In That Way. Special to Tkt New York Time. I' TOPEKA. July 1.

Tho Ladlei Aid Society of tho Methodist Church fat Lakin. have completed a novel; plan of raising money with which to liquidate a mortgage. The object 1 to gathetf a mil of cents, and' to do this ther was given to each member a narrow strip of paper p. foot In length. Each foot frill hold just sixteen cents, it is calculated that when the mil of cents is received the sum of $944.43 will have been raised.

th exact amount ot the -Interest and prin cipal of the mortgage at this time, The Lakin women have figured out that It takes Just K4.443 cents to make a mile If they) are laid tn a row. Killed By Street Car. Edward Leonard, a city employe, was run over and. killed by a northbound Second Avenue car at 1 o'clock this morning between 127th land 128th Street. It 1 said that Leonard was trying to cross the tracks when the car struck Before th car could be brought to a atop he wa underneath it An effort to release him wa unsuccessful, and the wrecking crew was sent for.

They succeedd lifting the car about three feet from the track, but h. for Leonard could be got out something aiippea ana inn ir ten dui vn mm. Motorman Michael Gannon and Conductor Thomas Scan 'on were arrested and locked up in th East 125th Street Police btauon. 1 Horse Mackerel Caught. Spetial to Tkt Ntw York Ttmts.

AMAGANSETT. L. Advices by telephone from Promised Land to-day from the American Fisheries Company brought the news that an immense horse mackerel naa been caagnt in their nets, estimated to tio th scale at half a ton. and would be shipped to the Fulton fish market, rew iora. lo-oay.

Th steamer Ranger captured the prize. 1 1 FOtAT WATER. XATCstlTS CnUB." Panel Eortna Water in the world. Park A Ttlfor. Acker.

Merrall a Condlt Poland tpriag ta, 1.19 Sroaaway, si, A4t, STRIKE CALLED OFF, CITY TO BECLEA1IED Drivers of Refuse Carts Agree i i 1 i with Mayor to Return jto VVork This Morning. 1 HE MAKES NO PROMISES Will, Consider Any Grievance Some Disorder Marks Strlke'a Close- Fireworks "Bombs" Thrown. drivers of the Street Cleaning Department who have been on atrlka for ix sent word to th yesterday that they would return to work this morning. Thl action was taken after an announcement by the Mayor that it was always his custom to consider any grievance presented by city employes, but that bo could not deal with the driver so long a they were not at work-Then, on the advice ot representative of the Stat Department of Labor, th State Board of Mediation and. Arbitration, and tho local Federated' the strike waa called off.

'j The leaders of the strikers went around the city last. night in automobile notifying all the men to report at their stables at 6i30 o'clock this morning. The men hired; by the Health Department will also continue the work of cleaning the atrtcta, and ih regular wtlji work overtime. But with every effort which can be made It Is not thought probable that the garbag can be completely removed until Thurjsday or Friday. Ther la an accumu lation ot a wees to oe got na ox.

it nas become sodden with rain and ha been trampled under foot It la no longer In barrels, but la piled In Irregular heaps, in -which every description of refuse and dirt Is mingled. Thi worst spot wIH be attacked first. and jevry effort will' made to clean up the crowded streets ot tho tenement district. Chemicals will also be used wherever It appears necessaryi Some disorder marked the. last day of the strike.

Brick were thrown at strike. breakers In a few districts, and in ethers what the police call "Italian bombs" were! thrown. These are explosive fire work used by the Italian In; their feast elebratlons. One of them Injured a po liceman. '1 i I City Health Sot Affect.

Yet. Physicians say the danger' to health front conditions caused by th strike, is not yet over. At the same time, the mor tality figure collected by th Heaitn Department tor last week chow a surprising result There wa actually a decrease last" week of about half In th death i from dlr- rhea. as compared with those, ot the corresponding week of last Dr. W.

H. Guliroy. the Registrar of the Health De partment said yesterday: 1 'In the whole city last Week ther were 78 deaths from diarrhea, and ta Manhattan 88: In the corresponding week of last year there were 100 In the whole city I and 75 in Manhattan, Last week. there was not a single death from this cause in the Bronx, a most unusual occurrence. i.

I don't know how to account for it ex cept) through the Improvement, of th milk supply. I have not yet had any returns for the present week, and perhaps they will jshow the effect of the garbage But at present I have not heard of any outbreak of diarrheal diseases." I Tsled ta Get Braaklyw Mem Oat. Before the striker decided! to give up th fight they had made ah. effort to bring out the Brooklyn force, On Sunday walking delegate were busy; emomr th men across th bridge. When th roQ wa called at Stable B.

Street, Brooklyn, yesterday morning, 4 number of men did not answer. Deputy Commls- sioner Owen Murphy wnt In search of them and managed to get most of them back. He wa not absolutely certain that all the absentee 'wer away on ae- count of the etrike. as it wa possible 1 some had merely taken a holiday. How- ever, the attitude of the Brooklyn force was giving the authorities a good deal of anxiety when the strike was declared off, The Park Department men refused yes terday morning to help break th strike.

Supt Joyce read them Commissioner Herr- maifa order to report at Stable A. Seventeenth street and Avenue C. and they received It in alienee, i Then they consulted together and announced that they would disregard it. The Superintendent com- munlcated with the Commissioner, and about noon he directed that the men should be sen? out to their ordinary task about the Park, He 'said afterward that he had no intention of discharging his men. aa Darlington did flfty-flv of th Health Department' employe for a narallel disobedience) of orders Kaa at this time of year need of all th men he baa '1 I I Breaklasr th ftrlke.

At Stable' instead of th 24 carts which pottered around on Sunday, 120 were ent out yesterday. Usually 200 cart start from this centre; A few of thold men were back at work, but th majority of tbejmeai were sent to Dr. Dense I by contractor or applied for Jobs on their; own The same police1 protection wa provided for tho men as on Sunday. Under Inspector Surnai and Capt McDermott 400 1 patrolmen massed th district, and every eart had a policeman; marching with swinging night stick on either alda There was no disorder of any and Sixteenth. and Eighteenth Street, east ef First Avenue, were fairly well cleaned.

At Stable D. 505 Cast Uth Street, 80 carts- went out lit place of th normal 62. Dr.jEensei was himself tn charge la th! and found the conditions very bad Refuse ptte blocked the thorough-fare. A misunderstanding with the Police Department resulted la i some delay, and It wa not Until 9 o'clock that a sufficiently largo force of patrolmen waa on hand to act ia guards. Then ther were so shovel I ready; and they had to-be brought from; First Avenue and Forty-seventh Street, Crowds assembled as the; cart moved put.

but the-police drove them along and for a time 'the work was not disturbed. j.ji Sana Tkrewa fr Hat-lean. In the afternoon, however, a number of the1 Italian bombs." ordinarily used for hartnlea firework display, were thrown at the street cltaners. One came from a V. i' i -i 5l i i i i Law so chase ut tiie aov.

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