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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 4

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TOnCS OF. THE PEESS. the myiroAUiAir ytajl coBcrr prrEwcB op himself i AN INTERESTING WORK. deal interest has been excited by the announcement that tie celebrated Haneariaii General, GdtaJtr. luKljpnbluhed work containing a fall hutory of hit own life, nd an attempted vindication of bis course in the Hungarian Revolution.

We find, in Ihm foreign correspondence the 8pinficld JUfmblk, which alwaya attractive and valuable, the following; iatereatinr. account thia work: I BEEti. Tuesdsy, May 4, mi. JusT as I am sendiag e4T my letters by this week', learner. I bars received fretn tksel'" book which will read throortww tbe world with greet Interest llH Do )eM a book than Gosoit's vlwljeatioa erf hie aowtuet during the Hungarian war.

JThere is 10 etesrytng d- there 1-vs kka eiKWf a written oa she mtu io Hungary, during the years IMS and I Mil, but, aa vet. we bar bad no work from one wba Mood aa fcigli tif authority aa GoaogT; ana. rnoreover, the taint which ta puMi efHa40" attaches tba name of Coast aa a trustor vo bia coantry, renders hi book of doable interest- It ta in two very large-sized handsome volumes, containing together between seven and eight hun-trd page. Of course, I have not bad time to read it, tat I hare looked threug somew bat carefully, and wUI give yea, ta a disconnected manner, eotne of tbe moot important of tba statements, reminding yon that I Intend ta express too opinion aa lo-whetlier Coaatr ia suecess-ful ta tba vindication of his conduct, bat only to present tin stds of the it tatter aa fully aa tbe few minutes 1 bare is spars will allow me. Tbe Preface opens as follows: Tba resistance of Hungary to Austria and Russia was closed.

Kosskth end aimui ssved themselves, with their Sbllewera, upon neutral -territory, as did the roles. 1 refused to Ay, and the majority or the unhappy eombatanta ta favor of Hungary followed my example. Whereupon I was amnestied, and temporarily banished ta Ceruithta but the derision as to my fats and that of my companion a remained, nevertheless, in the hands of Jlaron IIavsatj." He thru goes on to observe that the remarkable inconsistency between the arses vhu-M was shewn him, and lbs executions of others, who were, at ths most, ns mors guilty than tie, led many to iruptoM that be had some influence with tbe Austrian General, and to request him to exert it in their favor. Dut GoBOSY had no influence, and hia pride forhal him to pray for mercy for himself or others, so Ions ss UiTKiV remained the uulfmiied mast tcr of life and death. At a somewhat Inter period, circumstances Induced him to think that II ay sac's power was then limited, and be was on the point of sending a petition to ths Einsteror, wiien he besrd that the latter intended to make a journey to Corinthia, in May, 1S50, and tie determined to sk a personal audience, but this was denied him, and lis was referred to the Minister, Von Iih throuuh whom he presented a petition to the Em peror, a copy of Which, as well as the accompanying letter ths.

Minister, are given in the preface. The petition urges that, when he laid down hia arms, he did It begging lor mercy to his companions and the people of Hungary, willing himself to alone for what had 'happened that he ref used to fly because he was determined to share the fate of his companions, who hai done nothing to merit a harder lot than his own. The laying down of tbs arms was determined upon in a Council at which he (Gobokt) was not present, and he only undertook to carry out thia determination nevertheless, he was amnestied, while a portion of tbe Council mnat atom) lor their conduct with their lives, and others with their and freedom, lis (GuBOKT) was the chicrj, ae-tive InslruDitnt of opposition to Austria, and et, be wai pardoned, while others under him were exec tiled. Ia vain did bs seek to reconcile thcae Inconsistencies, and was tortured with the ides that the eurrender of Vilagoe was considered aa his work for which service he alone waa amnestied. But this wa not the ease, and he therefore begs for others the same favor which was shown him, premium as the reward of aueh an act of grace ths prayers of thousands in favor of "Fbascis Joseph- the Generous." Four or live weeks later, many of Gorge v'a efllcers, who were in the aame condition as he, were, in fact, pardoned, and this gave occasion tor a letter of tbanks from Gobobt to tbe Minister Vox Bach, in which he takes occasion to urge at some length that consistency requires that the pardon aliould tie still ftrrther extended to other officers asd soldiers.

The preface then closes with tbe remark that the Jfery small number of docu-nienls contained in the book, arises from the fact that the -author Bcvcr expected to survive the termination of the devolution. as Ibr the body of the work, it ia a.complete account the author liK hit frelinf, his convictions and his Intentioris.from the time or Hia entrance into the army aa a Captain, to the events which immediately followed bis surrender. As a matter of course, tbe events more in-msdiately connected ith the latter art are those most particularly treated of, and It is impossible to present these briefly, and, at the aalne time to do justice to them. Aa a general rharacteristici of the book, I may aay that -tbs author rlaims to have acted throughout the war from motive a of the moat diainterested patriotism, entirely apart from any feelings of personal interest, and he mentions a consultation where, trout motives of the general good, he dissuaded from various promotions in which he would have been Included. Of Kossuth, during tbe early part of tbe war, he speaks favorably, aa a man and Governor, but thinks he often erred because he was not a soldier, and did not properly mtimale the condition and state of eOicienrv of the army.

Bem, he saw but little. but he did not tmprexe him furorably, being too much of an adventurer, lie favored-Hovsuth a elevation to the luctatership, hoping by his peraonai Influence to infuse into him more correct ideae of military matters, but was soon obliged to protest against various measures, es pecially againat the want of foresight and consideration with wbira officers were promoted among whom was hia (GoaoiT'f own brother, who, from some unknown eause, waa promoted with great rapidity. ooa, he became so disgusted that be thought seriottHly of laying down hia command, but considerations of the gsneral good convinced him that he ought not to do so, and lis then takes ore anion to snow that he never sought the Dictatorship for the simple reason that he waa con- visaed it waa sn impossibility and "an absurdity." wa rereremie to um transfer of the government to 1eb- a ecus in January, 18-t'J, Gorge formally accuses Kos- acTit sf eo wart! ire, rear for his akin," which led him to adopt contradictory and inconsiderate' measures. Iu ths latter Bart of January, the author received a Dronosi- tioa, nominally from VVikbikchoiati, that be should betray the Hungarian army and secure to himself pardon and a prevision lor life, which, however, he unhesitatingly repulsed. Uembisski's appointment as commander-in-chief excited grest i discontent In Cobqet's army, which the latter, though feeling himself personally injured, put an end to by a proclamation, but on their first interview, the former acted very much like a madman, and soon shewed his incompetency for the office, for he was-irres-lute and wanting ia foresight Kosbuth's preitosnes-wi for tbe 1'oles waa the cause of much misfortune to Jlunfary, leading him ta desire to transform "the Hungarian coastitulional army I trauslate rery literally lnts a I'olo-liuairariaa revolutionary army," in order "thai 'Octovianus'-Kossuth could, untroshied, play the triumvirate tn mmiaturt with' Antonius Bern and Le- Jiidus Dembinaki." Kossi th waa too obstiiiale in carry-ng out hia personal viewa, and was desirous of being himself ths active Commander-in-chief of the army.

The declaration of the total Independence of Hungary, from Austrian rule, Injured tbe cause of the country irretrievably, by exciting great opposition in the army and elsewhere, and putting those who were in the right he-lore, in the -wrong now. ppoMfdto (hit mess Br from the rrry ItegntniNir, and after it was suddenly accomplished, he endeavored, in consultation wit JVieude, reins' mi ypmy vf repealing it, but the only available one was: a coup c(at, and from that, his trsfKls, if not GunetT bUnself, shrank bsck. tMmdftermuitd to tltmpl fe effect tkU rtpral im-trrrfy, and, as preliniinar) to this, to bring about the recall trotn their commands of Bex, PBfti-fSL auJ Dem-ait. ARer tnverrention became certain, tiaoEV looVed upon, the eause as nearly lopelens, but demanded that Kossuth and the whole government should attach themselves to the Army, and share its fate. This was agreed to in word, hut not carried out in fact.

This done, the Russian troois were to be left to themselves lor a time, and the Austrian vigorously attacked. At thia point the 1 account' beeoinea detailed, and the disagreement between Goboey and Kossuth breaks (Hit mors On June 30th, the former notified th ImtUr tkmt he Jbught for the people, not fur the asm cmrnpnsmg the Oetrernrnrnt, sr, in other words, he declared thst his VHCditianal obedience ceawd from that time. Kossuth isj here accused of in-capgeity to appreciate what the nation desired, or of iu-reitacity to ear rifice his personal interests ia behalf of that object. He, and all others, should have shared the lata of Hungary, and rushed forward agaiust the Aus-tstaas, determined te die in defence of their country, in-tv4 seeking ta keep epen a way of retreat into Turkey. On July two Kuasiaa officer appear with proposals fur a truce, preparatory to treating for sur-fMMlcr.

but Uutstr 'uapria Ibsm of snly aewking te gain time, and no result followed. Gvrsit felt at once that the presence of these officers would cause him to be accused of treachery his country, as Kossuth's personal esmity would lead him to seize upoa-ihia aa a good rpvrtutitry ts caJsmniaie him; but to avoid this, as nwcH as possible, he determined to lay open to his officers the whole of tae transaction, which he did. On July $4, CiiaET received a formal invitation to aurrrndt to which he replied with a refusal. On Aug. 10, Gobcxt and Kossvth had their last interviews, when the font declared that in case a report of victory gaitird by the Hungarians at Temesvar should not be true, be was etrranined ui Isy down his arms.

At this tune be was in KesscTBi'a power, and had the latter been deWoue of pn venting hint from carrying out hia iateu-tion, he had only to dctaoi him but on the contrary he let Jam depart, and aooa sent a message to him that dispatches showed the report to be in reality untrue, thereby gutUeg him (Gofcuxv) in poasesaion of infurmatioa luch he (KontTHl knew would lead him to lay down hia aims. On August II, Kossvth and the Government resigned GacEV favor; and the former departed, earrj ing with him the iusignla of the Government. At this poit-t, the author asserts that Kossuth hai contributed aa tar as possible to tha aurrender of the Army, that he had wriiao.or cacsed to be written, as early as aagust a letter to tbe Russian General, in which he efli red te the Eoiperorof Jtussia the Crown of Hungary, bat thia srrmq not to have been trausnutted. From this point ta the close the book is occupied with the details of the surrender, which the author declares was ncnesary, and acknowledged to be so, even by Kos-swth, wma anade from snetiTes of humanity, and without any pereoDai stiimlationa on hia pan, aud the aubse- kKh he was the object, waa total ly usevpecud te hia. 4 baye thushurnedly epitoraited some portiene of thia Ultrtestinv wrk, tmrerftu, ef course belt I have endeavored to show tbe germt drift" of the author's dolt rice.

It is but justice te hint that thw bonk should be read, even though the gcrersl lateravt ia the svenu of the Uaiiganan war has aubsided aa4 whsievcr may be the eptiiton of the reader as to the gtuit er innocence cf G-etr, he caunot Uil to gain much informatmn from the walk. i Beta. i A nvani named James Campbell wai run over by the cars, wear Malon-, FracU.a a sw days since, and kiStd. TrxrtAT Moawtao. May J5.

Tbe Courier has some reflections upon the his-tory ITaflaBd, sagjresxrd by the unussai vlsiuuiea ef Daacai was as thia pott. After a sketch of the origin, progress, and maritime decay of that nation, the article speaks of the Government, Inst it nt tews and Commerce of HoCand. The commerce ef the earn at ry comprises nearly every article of European ewkasre or barter. Aaaong tbe principal manufactures are woolen cloths, silks, velvets, linens, eottoae, paper, leather, cordage, nats, ribands, white lead, borax, glue, Vermillion, saltpetre, tobaceO; lrors, sugars, cheese, ate. In jmt trade with her, we export whalend fish oil, timber of an kinds, naval stores, ashes, baeoV, rice, raw cotton, to the value of $600,000, tobacco to the value of 650,000, turpentine, see.

Wa impart from er coffee (direct), needs, tin, lead, earthenware, raw hidee and skins, wool, wines aud spirals, linseed oil, sugar, cheese, cigars, linens, dee. Such ia Holland. May she prosper ia the future as aba prospered in times paat, and may our own relations towarde her always continue to be of the most friendly character The Journal oppose grants of the Public Lands, tinder the pro vis ions of the norneatead Dill. If this Iniquitous bill should become a law says the Journal it will give away immense tracts of land originally belonging to seven of the thirteen States win depreciate, and in many cases render worthless, new lands tn the West wl ofTer a direct bribe, chiefly at the expense of the old States, to tempt away such of their people as have no land win tempt hordes of the worst and poorest population of Europe to come over to this country will destroy one of our chief resources in time of war; and will squander away an invaluable patrimony, which will be wanted by our children and our children's children. The Journal adds We do hope that the Senate, the conservative power of the nation? will arrest the auicidal measure on the spot.

It haa not been properly discussed and understood by the people. At least give ua time to think of it. A measure sn. vast in its sweep, and far-reaching in its consequences, should not be passed without the most mature deliberation. Look to the Senate." The TVtiuHe opposea the project of Lieutenant Macbt, for opening a direct communication between the United States and the moutrof the Amacon, on the ground that the independence and development of the Home trade is always tbe most important question of the dsy, Tbe Tribune denies the validity of the arguments adduced in the Memorial of Lieut.

Maubt. Emigrants, it says, cannot well be persuaded to settle in a strange country they will prefer a more rigorous sky snd a less productive earth, before a climate of beauty and a soil of surpassing richness. The time haa not fully arrived for the conquest by civilization of those natural treasures which so abound in the Torrid rone. The dav is distant when the science of Man shall be ready to subdue to perfect utility the riches of South America, Africa, and the Asiatic Islands. The Tribune adds has never been a more pernicious fallacy in com mercial legislation than that which Mr.

Maubt indulges in. nanielv. the elevation in importance of the distant trade above the home trade. The latter is immeasurably the more necessary, the more useful, the more profitable and tne more stimulating io national progreas vi iucuvv. The former ought to be merely its appendage.

It ia true that its greatness, being all seen and comprehended more impresses the imagination. But those exchanges of services which are carried on in the family, in the neighborhood, the town, ana wnicii are performed with the simplest machinery, the greatest economy and the most uitmeuiaie utility, are oi inuuitely more consequence to nunian wenare and. national power tnan an tne toreien tramc oi iuc. universe, carried on as it must tie wun complex, machinery, at great expense and with remote These are simple truisms, but they are neglected by Mr. Mai; by.

in his ardent disquisition. Forgetful that it is the little rills flowing through each man's garden, and keeping green and fresh every meadow, tnat impart ler-tility and joy to the earth, and not the big rivers and that the latter flow only that their waters Jiiay return to replenish the former, he suffers himself to be so far misled by his fancies as to this distant tratnc with a country yet mainly a wilderness, as to pronounce it the great est commercial question of the day MARRIED. Oa the 6th in this City, according to the order of the Society of Friend. JOSEPH T. McDOWELL and ISABELLA M.

6TKATTAN. On Tuesday, tith by Rev. Dr. Kennedy, at the Pa-cific-ftreet Methodist Kpiseopal Church. LINDSAY WELLS to KLUANOK, daughter of Charles Bridges, all of Brooklyn, DIED.

OaTuewlay afternoon, in the sure hope of an eternal unmu with Christ, her Redeemer, EM MA. wife of Kirhartl S. Fellowes, of this City, aud daughter ot the late Bartholomew Wivtar, of Philadelphia, in the 32a year of her The friends of the family are invited to attend funeral services at her late residence. No. St Irving-place, corner of at 9 o'clock, on Thursday niornuir, Z7th inst.

The body will be removed to New-Haven. Conn, for burial.frora the boue of her father-in-law. James Fellows, wnence tle funeral will take place at o'clock, P.M., of the saute day. IU)2ti-2t COMMERCIAL AND MONEY AFFAIRS. Salea at the Stock at 25.

'316 Erie gJOOTJ. S. 111 J.000 dp. 80 9Uj .107 1 143 10.000 V. S.5s.

S.tHteOhio tis. Ml I 300 Indiana 2 eta. 1S.5O0 Ind. Canl Pref. 6s Harlem Kx.

Ctfs. Er-e Income HiIh i Ohio Life and Trust 1 Bank New-York SftiDel. It Hudson Canal. 117 St Bauk Commerce ll'H 3M doi 11 IMlOceau Hank Hi American Kx. 122 40 Metropolitan Bauk.

7i do liof 30 Morris Canal b30 I8f I JO do S3 IK Canton Co 81 100 do ok 50 Edge'h Laud sJtt 100 do s3 100 do. s3 300 New-Jersev Zinft.b30 13 J70 Utica a. Schen. R. K.13I i 33 Chenmne Railroad.

1 ti Hudwm River R.R. 62 100 do 6I s60 Cl JN. Y.kN. H. R.R...

till too 700 206 115 50 UKt 50 25 25 do do do do do do do. Si 86 tK Sti Mi Hi 8)1 15 S3 tit 200 Alb. fe. Sch. Railroad.

1S 89 do 1H 200 Harlem Railroad 71 350 do 71 100 do 71 50 Lone Island R. 20 i 3UO uo xu 50 Nor. Wor. R.R..... 55 25 do 55 50 55 10 55 130 do 54 50 do M0 51 50 do MO 51 12 New-Haveu 124 1111: Mohawk ta large aVenamt a 106 Bank af fiea I10; DeUware 117.

I In Money the street waa quite tTulL v-fee rates rule at tba minimum interest of the season, and lenders sj indisposed to disturb their lowest' demand vparation while they want more ariine paper. Exchange is steady at HOI'S. 110, with few bale except in aettle-mcst ae cvedas made at the top rate. Southern Bank bills weredBSHt, te a partial extent, at llOf. The Bostsw steamer will not carry out very heavy remittances, not.

withstanding the money facilities offered to remitters to anticipate their foreign payments. There waa less doing in Cotton to-day, but a good trade ia Flour and Wheat. Prices for Floor are somewhat stiffened, ranging ti toe ordinary State, and $4 37.f 3 63 for Baltimore and other Southern qualities. The public sales of Real EaUte have fallen off with the approach of hot weather. The transact ions, however, show no want of firmness or speculation.

The buildings under way and In preparation are numerous, probably 3,000 on tbe island, including improvements on old sites. The County Railroad subscriptions, authorized by a recent act of the Tennessee Legislature, are to be provided for and paid in direct taxes, levied by the Counties, without the agency of bonded indebtedness, but not over 33 1 cent, to be palled in In one year. The tax collectors account direct to the Railroad Companies, except where the instalments of one or more years may be anticipated by County warrants, in which case the taxes go to tbe County Treasurer, for the special liquidation of these warrants. The Sub-Treasury received to-day paid 78,5571 and held at close a balance of $3,857,187. Markets by Telegraph.

fH ablest-OS, Monday, May 24. The Cotton market is quiet at previous rates. To-dars sales were restricted to 5tJ bales, at NOBVOLS. Monday, Mar 24. Cotton has further advanced salea are making attic COB! has also improved Yellow sells at 5te.s55c No change in Tab or Staves CHABLESTOM, Tuesday May 13.

CoTTOX-tSales to-day 1,500 bales, at 10Jc. Ths mark et is firm, and has an upward tendency. Markets CTtfuUr reported for the New- York Dailr Timet. TcasDAT, May 25 P. M.

ASHES Are more plentiful and less valuable the salea including 75 bbls. Pota st Si, and Pear's at (i 25 100 lbs. COTTON Kales about the same the demand exceeding the supplv, and prices evincimr an upward tenor. 1,500 bales ware Mild to-day at former quotations. FLOUR A.N MEAL StaM and Weisara brands exhibit increased animation, without any aaaential variation.

Eastern and local buyers deal with grratar freedom and there ia a better inquirr from shippers. The supply of desirable lota is very mtith reduced aud there is likewise a visible decrease in the common and inferior qualities on sale: The businetis embraces ln.iKU) bbla. Superfine No. at S3 431 S3 3Ci pood common Orleans and ordinary to strait State at ISJ; B-ixed to fancy Western, choice State and favorite round, hoop Ohio at $il2j't 87): fancy Ohio at $4 37j' (4 fancv Genesee at $4 G7 extra Ohio at S4 7: 12i, anif extra CJcnoxee at Canadian is firm and active with sales of 1,300 bbls. Superfine at S4 12, in bond.

Southern is in fair request and steady in price. The stork is uoi very larre. l.two bbls. mixed to favorite ordinary Alexandria, "Haiti more. Columbia, Fredericksbnrg, country aud Georgetown brought $1 37 C2L Rye Flour is dull and heavy at S3 25 bbl.

Corn Meal is much de-prrPMxl at $3 25 for Jersey and S3 30 for Brandy wine. GRAIN. Wheat is scarce and wanted especially favorite sorts, which are comparatively out of market aud held to arrive at very lutli rates 10.MH) bushels Ohio red were obtained-, in nart at and 2.OO0 Canadian mixed at private con- tract. Jive is doin? better I.OW bushels were sold to-dav at ti a i ti 7 Ac. oauanu Kariev are unaitercu.

i juunuwiur less in demand, and both cheaper and unsettled. The re-ported transactions reach 30.000 bushels psrt heated yellow at 0c but chiefly mixed Western at PROVISIONS Pork is dull and heavy, with sales of only 300 bbls Prune at $l(i iS16 5o and Mess, at $18 ti bbl. Pickled Meats are fiteady but quiet; 100 tcs. extra cured Hams fetched 10c. Lard is more in request at uniform rate.

The sales add up 600 bbls. No. at 9i illjc. and fair to prime at 9al0c. Reef is in active demand bnt lirht in stock, which impedes trade; 200 bbls.

were sold at 50 for Prime, and 75 for Mess. Prime Mess and Beef Hams are uuchanired. There is more doing in Butter and Cbeese. nt steady ratea. WHISKY Is sparmcly offered and gradually tends upward.

Some 550 bbls. changed hands at 21 21ic fur Ohio and for Prison, cash. FR K1GHTS There was but a moderate business doing in Freights lor Liverpool. About 3,000 bushels Wheat were taken at 4d. baaged by vessel, and l.tXN) bbls.

Flour at lOd. Cotton was nominally at d. There was no change to notice iu rates to London or Havre. There was a fair amount offering for California, and rates were quite steady. Sale of Stocks at Philadelphia.

Tuetday Firet Hoard 1 ,700 South wark 6s. "53, 100; $4 .000 Tennessee 5s, aoi S5.000 Reading Railroad 6s, 70, 82 $700 Lehieh 6s, 871; $1.00 Reading Mortgage 6s. '43, s5wn, $700 Lehigh Interest. 87 $109 iO 87); 73 Union Cmial, 13 26 preferred 8 cts, b5w-n, 51 I Pennsylvania Railroad, 43; 15 Harmbarg Railroad. 45f 100 Long Island, cash, 1MJ 100 iwn, 10i l(Hi Morris Canal,, 18 1U0 Keuding Railroad, 3Itl United States Rank.

3. Bcttrrrn Board WO Lone Island, b5, 10J 200 10; 2Mlo.b5, 10 100 Morris Canal, b5, 181 81 United States Stcon Bocrrf $5,000 Reading 6s, 70, 82 $5,000 aiwn, 821: $2,000 1 821; $7,000 s5. 824 500 Kensington Water Works. 6sJ 275 61 SfUnvlkill Navigation Interest, 31 150 Inc Island Railroad, b5, II) 25 Union Oinal. 121 25 do.122 6 Lehigh Navigation, b5Ti, 10 5U Farmer's and Mechanics Bauk, After Board S10O City Railroad 6s, 1071 $1,600 Wilmington Railroad 6S, 5i 300 Reading Railroad, s5wn, 3S 50 b5.

20 3Bi 100 Long Island, 10; 100 50 10. I Closing Pricet. United States 6s. '68, 118a United States 6s, '67, 11814 Pennsylvania 5s, 95 95 Reading Railroad, 3Di43ti; Reading Bonds. 70.

8-'8l Realing Mirtraces, 6sJ "oil. 8S a891 Pennsylvania Railroad, 434 Morris Canal, 18J 181; Schuylkill NavUration. interest on. 53j321; Long Island. 10' 10 Vicksbunr.

15i15; Girard Rank. United Slates Bank, 313l; Union Canal, 12iai3. SAXES OF KSA1. ESTATE. 25.

I St A. J. Bleecker. A lots on 37th-st. between 7th aud Cth-avs.

each 15x90, $1,550 4 lots on rear on each 25x98, 1 each 6,206 3 lots on near avenne D( each 25x93, $2,0643 ea. 2 lots adjotniac, each 25x93, each 8 lots on near each 25x99, $471 each 2 lots on 1 near each 25x99, $235 each 376 1 lot ariioiuinr. 25T99 287 10 lots on 135th bet. 5th a Cth-avs ea. 25x99, $335 ea 3,258 l.iO Reading Railroad: 200 do 133 Pana-na Railroad.

20 do i 77 771 113 ..112 Atirtian tolrt hp S. Draper. 200 shs. Tianphis Coal Co. 3 I 10,000 Dauphin 500 shs.

Plueuix Bank. 1211 SECOHB $1,680 1. S. Cs. '67 I.ef-0 Harlem Tx.

Ctfs. 80 10 Nicaragua Transit Co 37 5e do s3 37 25 do 371 10 Canton Co 80i 100 do sIO 80J 78 Xew-Har. Il Hrt.b3 125 l'MKolllBg 77 100 Uo 350 ICO xie 100 Harlem Railroad 71 lag 77 lo 77i 4o 77 do slO 771 do blO 77 BOABD. 5 North. Indiana R.R..1I1 50 do Ill 58 Nor.

Ai Wor. R.R 54, 50 541 50 do 54 100 do. 54 100 do. Monday 34 2isi Erie Kuilroad 2O0 do 300 do. 30 2n0 do.

100 Si 83 85. 8 yt Tcesdat, May 25 6 M. Tlie prices for tlie fancy shares fairly gave way this forenoon, and the disposition to sell, manifested in some caft by strong parties, was quite marked. The extrenieecline from yesterday In Erie was nearly one i cent. Tbe high figures for some time ruling this leading Stock, and the stubbornness with which, until the past week, they were kept up, have had much to do with the general dullness of the The break-down, of 4 1 cent from the highest point now attracts attention, and there is likely soon to be renewed activity.

The other Railroads also suffered a decline. Harlem sold" in the street pretty freely at 71, and Reading at 77 a decline In each of 1 cent. The latter, recovered at tbe closing meeting of the Board, and the last sale was at 771, buyer 10 days. Norwich fell 1 cent, and was pressed at the Cautou cloeed cent down. Long Island and Morris each fell cent.

In these the Philadelphians seem te have weakened faith. Nicaragua sold largely at 37 a falling on" of I cent. Hudson River receded to 611, seUer 60 days. The Bond dealings were also tame at the Board. And by private contract there is less doing, though this will no doubt change on arrival of next foreign mail.

A new loaa by the Brunswick Canal, of Georgia, is advertised tr auction sales, by Dbafeb. Georgia is a good State financially, and her public works, with rare exceptions, have been admirably managed for the last twenty years. This Canal connects tlie seaport of Bruns wick by a ship-canal with tbe Inland steam navigation of the State. We take pleasure in referring ta the particu lars in advertisement. The Indiana Central Loan Is the first to be bid on.

Tbe proposals will close on Saturday, at Mr. Wihslow's office. Government fives, new, sold at 107, interest from January included. The cheap Indiana loans are wanted. Harlem Extensions have recovered to 60 per cent, The rates at which the leading Bonds dealt in abroad, are held to-day are aa follows Albany St.

Louis. .107 H7 ..165 HS 97 -Til fnales Stales s.W V. States 5s, V. Slates 5. '65 New-Yts-k Lobs 6s New-York Long5e New-York Canal Ohio Long 6a fiaioJs.

'65. Penosy vaa axa. Kentucky bm KrattK St 3a Illinois Interest. Indiana 5s Indiana 2s. ladtaaaSa, lad ana 5s, Tennessee 5s.

ensessee 6s. aon. Vitamin isonri. aosa. ..49 1 51 95 5 ..107 Lotiisriile.

Covinstoa. Chicago Davton Norfolk Fne R. K. 1st Mort. Rrie R.

H. Must. Enelacusaes Krie Convertibles, .108 .100 9 .96, SI .100 S7 .17 S3 Krie Coavertibles, Hudson 1st Hudsoatd Read in 6s, '68 RsJinr tkS.7. Ohio and ichuraa fentrat as i MwhuraaSontnern7s 97 Northera Indiana 95 Cleveland and PittsbuTr.tOO Cleveland and CwcinnaU.l7 a sa Georria 6a New-Yark Citv5s PkiladclnLia i 1 Coram 10 Albany The standard dividend shares show no weak nese, tf we except Panama Railroad. Utica brought 13-1; iIctr otan Bank 111; Ilanitrd 12Z Northern Indian 1 lot corner 135th-st.

and 24x110. 1 lot adjoiniur, 24x110 2 lots adjoininr. each 24x110, $340 aach 1 lot corner 134ih-st. and 21x11 Woodville, L. I.Bt Cole d- Chilton.

4 lots 25x100, fronting Thrall-place, $21 each 1 adjoining, su eacn. on $21 on Bigelow-place, $18 do. 15 each 1 do. 12 each do. opposite, $i5 each.

do. adjoining, $17 on Clinton-place, $25 each do. 22 do. 19 each on Hopkington-av 13 each do. 14 each.

do. 13 each on Bigelow-place, 12 $16 2 lots 2 lots 4 lots 4 lots 4 lots 4 lots 4 lots 4 lots 4 lots 8 lots 12 Kits 4 lots 8 lots 5 lots 5 lots 7 lots Slots do. do. do. do.

do. do. do. do. do.

do. do. do. do. do.

do. uo. on Clinton-place, etch. on 120 each on $20 505 35S 6atr-435 $84 40 32 72 68 48 60 43 100 88 152 156 56 104 64 8 I4S iu Passengers Arrived. In brio Motdserrate.

from Porto Cabello Mrs. Wain and 2 children. i a bark Maria Morton, from Sarannah Mrs. GroseclouK-h and 2 children. Miss Cody, Miss Mann, Mrs.

Hinston, Miss Mary Cody, Mr. Mead. armiATtntK almanac rms bat. BUS Rises. 4 36Seta 7 t8Moon HIOH WATtl ran bit.

Sandy Hook. 12 SIIIOot. 52iHeUOate. .1 54 33 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF NEW-YORK.

MAY 25. Cleared. Steamer 721 Dorado. Mitchell, Acpinwall. M( O.

Roberts. Ship Wm. Hitchcock, Conway, Baltinwre Bogert 8t Knee-land, i Ship Marengo. (Br.) Corish, Londonderry. 8.

Orden. Ship Andrew Foster, Holberton, Liverpool, D. Ogden. Ship Siddon. Brim.

Liverpool. Spofford, Tileston Co. Ship Josephine, Jameson, San Francisco, James Smith It Sons. I Ship Sarah Boyd, Merritt, Havana, master. Bark Peter DemiU, Hoey, Savannah.

IX-mill at Co. Bnt Emilia, Grafts. Trinidad de Cuba. J. W.

Eiwell tt Co. Bark Dione (Pros.) Recason. Trieste, Funche Bt Meincke. Bark Potomac, Thompson, Cieufuegua, Chastelain, Pon-vert Co. I Brig Speculation, (Br.) Malter, Antigua, I.

B. Gager. Brig Helding. (Swed.) Mitten, Buenae Ayres via Charleston. Schmidt ti Balchen.

Brig Julia Moulton. DunneTJ. T3arien, J. W. Elwetl It Co.

Brig A. H. Wan, Wooster, Wilmington, N. Rivera It Baldwin. Schr.

Hester, West, Bridgeport. Dunham fc Dimon. Schr. Arctic, (B) Banes, Cumberland, Kelly, Smithers It McKay. I 1 Schr.

8. P. Lord, Smith, Baltimore, Mailler Lord. Schr. D.

B. Smith, States, Wilnungton, N.C., Dullner It Potter. Star. Nickerson, Philadelphia, J.

W. McKee. Schr. J. 1.

Harned, Banks. Philailelplua. J. Hand.

Louiw, Chaae. Boston, 8. Lewis. Schr. Eolus, (Br Stubba, Kiairston, IL Underwood.

Sloop Thos. Hull. Wilson, Providence. Propcllor Vulcan, Hand, Philadelphia, W. H.

Thompson. Propeller Cayuea. Nelson, Philadelphia. J. N.

Bnmrs. Barge E. Stevens, Kainer, Philadelphia, W. IL Thomp- sjl, aadae te J. Arrived.

Steamer Marion. Berrr. Charleston- aadae. to SDofford. Tilestom Co.

Steamship Alabama, Ludlow, Savannah, ntdse. and pass. toS-L. MitebiU. Bark William, (of Boston.) Pullerton, Sagna la Grande ay 1 1, surar to master.

Sid. in co. with brig Lucy Watts, and schr. Mary Gmton- Bark Falmouth, (of Camden.) Pendleton, St. ago da Cuba, sugar te master.

Bark Maria Morton, Bulkley, Savaaaah 5 cotton R. M. DemilL Bark Reindeer, (of Gardiner.) Laaaerce, 15 mde. toT. P.

Stanton. Bark Catharine, (of rhomastoaj Watts, Havana II days. surar to master. Brig Montserrate. Johnson, Porto Cabello 12 ds, coffee and ifcdiso to 8.

W. Lewis. March 2t. oa the outward pas-saira. 8.

Fillpon, ef New-Yark fell from aloft overboard. Brig Sarah Eilea, (of Portland.) 8U Johns. F.R.. May 9. sugar and molasses te NesauUt Subs.

Vessels before reported, i Bng Susaa Small, (of Cherryneld.) Guayama. May 9, suetirand niulasses to Brett Vose. Brut Cliatoa. Waiker, Charleston 7 eettoa and rice to G- BuUley The G. waa at anchor oa the bar at sunset.

Schr. tieaeya. of Searspurt.) Nichols, Guayaau, P-R. IS ds, sugar and molasses to R. P.

Buck. Sclur. Susaa Chase. Snow, Harwich da. fish to master.

Bng Four guns, (of Lubec.) Corbitt. Cardenas 17 sa-B-ar te master. Sailed ia oa. wttit enc WUluua. sur Boatoa.

schr. Cardenas New-York. Brig Phetoe A. Pairs, (of BouthbayJ Lenekia, Jacksonvilla to J. H.

Rockenbauga. bid. ta co. with brigs Frances. Hopkins, for 6C Juiiaa, PJL, Metephoras, Waaa, for l.arbadoes.

Bng Jeaav Land, (of WaUobareJ OOkey, St. Jag de C-ba xjda-. ntdse. ataater. Bng Grecian Qaeea, Br.) Gibbs, Leghorn Tt aadae.

ifaxta Brewa. (cnr. oka, RobiM, St. CaerxVs. lOdsraaiU ta W.

Ebbetts. i Schr. Cardenas, (of ProspeetJ Grant, Cardenas, sugar and molasses te H. D. Brookntan.

Schr. Peerless, Coakba. Homacoa. PJt. May anew to CT.

8. Shaaiburr. May XX. at 6 La. 37 25.

losv 14 a Unc MaaawT wiih a lars skip ua tow.eteenag Wast by Sottih. i Schr. Fa Avast. (Br. Dunbar, Wiodsor, N.S., 15 plaster te J.S.

Wlouwry Scbr. Jaaaeatewn, Caoka, Petal sbvrg 4 Ttanter. i hr. J.L. Morris, Ysa Name.

Yirriaia, wood. 1 Rrhr. Mary. Lamb. Roanuka, skinglrs.

I Schr. enter. Parker. wood. Schr.

Mary Jane, Haley inpaia. wnad. Schr. Caroline. Hilkms.

Harrincrta 12 spuinga. Pchr. B. Bnnra. MeKay.

Yiraiaia, wood. SloueThoe. Hall. MiUer. Providence.

I Sloop Vigilant, Wells. Providence. 5 WIND During the day, N.Wx aoissft. Steamship XXi Dorado, Mitchell, for ApiawaIJ skips Je-sephnse. Saniesun.

for Saa Fraarise: Hannah Kerr, (Br.) tana, for Quehrci Middle toa. (Br. MeNalty. Dalheasie; bark Harrest, Nu-hois. for Savaaaah Kepler.

Hardrop. for St Johns. F.B.; brig J. Hinckley. Johnson, Pailadelphta.

Frosa Quaraatine, sain Continent, Drsnunood, for Liverpool. Front the S.W. Spit, bark Herschell. (Hasx.) Jaeobs, for Hamburg. By Telegraph.

CHARLESTON, May 24 Sailed, brig North America, ProTidencs schr. South Carolina, a Northern pert. -Cld. bnt Metropolis, New-Y'ork. NORFOLK.

May 24 Arr. scars. Pints. Norwich, and A. S.

Elha. Rockland. Cld. srhr. for West Indies.

MOBILE. May 19 Arr. ships Repablicaad Diadem. New York Revere. Boston Tarn O'Shaater.

Philadelphia; bark Helen. Providenne schr. Smith, New-York. NEWOBLEANS, May 19 Arr. ship Clarissa, Carrier, Boston.

i Cld. ship Kentacky, Boston. Saokeai Jte. Ke date, 1st. Ion.

71 44, brig Ann Elizabeth, tm. Philadelphia tor bartoedoea. May 12. Int. 24, Ion.

67 33, schr. Surf, Mtdman. hence for Ponce. P. R.

May 19. at 32 12. Ion. 72 30. barks Brothers, fin.

Guayama, P.R.. for New-Haven. ay 19, 1st. 32 36. Ion.

72 34, wh. bark Willis, of Mattapoi. sett, bound on a cruise, 17 ds. out, all well. Fere is Ports.

At Guayama. P. May 9. barks Edna. Bibbins, Mg.

far New-York in 1 i ds bngs Oeeola, Roberts, do. Beoraa, Milison, for Mavairuex, P. R. to discharge; Albemarle, Mansfield, hlg. for New-Haven in 15 Benguela, itch-be rn, do.

Boston, Delhi do. for New-York, schr. Ontario. do. Atlantic.

Ploma, condemned; Br. brig Vioca .1.1. for New-York ia 12 bark Brothers sld. the day prev ions for New-Haven. At Humana, May S.

brig Kossuth: for New-York, Ids. At Sajraa la Grande May 14. barks Franklin, Michel, from. Maianzaafor New-York, Edwin Johnson. McCana, fnm Havana.

do. Panclnla, Lane, front Havana, do. brigs Henry Mathews, Deveron. for Boston, ldg J. C.

Fremont, Taylor, do. Brinckerhoff. do. Delta, from Charleston; just arrived, bark Deane, Boggs, do. schr.

Talbot, Chase, from and for New-York. At Cardenas May brigs Manzanilla, Berry, from Boston, just arr Tennessee. Black, from; schr. ana otuers oeiore repovxea. Milwaukie, for New-York.

FINANCIAL. THE BRUNSWICK CANAL AND RAILROAD COMPANY OF A orfer for sale, through 8. DRAPER, their SEVEN PER CENT. MO TO KG BONDS for reimbursable nt their orKce, No. 94 Broadway, ou the 1st ef May, i857 These Bonds are for each, with coupons attached for each $35.

payable 1st May and 1st November, at their said oAlce. They are secured by tbe first and only mortjraee on their property to L. KAbDOLPH MARTIN, President of the Ocean Bank. Trustee, with other names inserted in case of hia denuse. The Brunswick Canal and Railroad Company was chartered by the State of Georgia ia 1835, which charter was renewed iu 11131.

with perpe' uai privileges of a liberal character. The Stat bas subscribed antl paid $30,000 to the jtocs, and tbe CompuDy have expended a capital of $475,000 on the Canal, win, is all but finished and tha prtceeds of the inus are to be applied to the payments fur the completion of the ex-cavatioiis and. of the buildinc of the two locks, oue at each terminus of the Canal. They will require no more money to fulfill alsnlieir enragemen's for their works, which are in active progress, and the Canal will be ooeneil for traffic on the 1st of Octolier aext. The Brunswick Caual is 12 miles Ions and 33 feet wide, and extends from the great river of Georgia, the Altamaha, to the sufe and comiuodioas ocean harbor of Brunswick, where it is fed by tide water.

The Altamaha, and its forks, the Ounnlgee and the Oconee, with eir numerous tributaries, afford aa inland steamboat navigation of over 1,000 miles to Macon, MtlledceviUe, and all the great central cotton-growing region of Georgia Immense quantities of this staple, and of the vast supplies of excellent pins lumber which cover a portion of tlie country, re wafted down theta waters, but are prevented a free access to tbe Atlantic bv the bars which obstruct the mouth of tbe Altanialia. in common with alt the preat douthera rivers More than a century sro the sacacity of General Oglethorpe led biui to fix on Brunswick as sure to become the most important seaport of his infant colony. He laid oat ti town, the British Parliament approved the selection, and recently our own General Government surveys, (see the rerts of Stockton, Sherburn, Olaxton. and others, 1H26 aud 1837,) pronounced it our only safe and accessible Atlantic harbor for large ships, south of Viicinia The Har-ho is handlocked and affords the nest anchorage for fn rates close up to the wharves of the town The en ranee is aoout a mile wide between the islands of St. Simon an-l Jekyl.

aa4 is nearly straight, with 24 feet water in 'he shallowest part of the channel. The town of Brunswick is situated on a bluff, 10 to 12 feet above high water, is amply supplie.1 with pure water, and as no fresh nvers debouche into the harbor, the vicinity is perfectly free from the malaria so prevalent at the mouths of the Southern rivers. Extensive arrauere-mcnts are beinr carried out for lines of packets between Hrunrwick and the Northern cities, and no one' can doubt that upon the opening of the Canal a full tide of commerce will flow through it cmplctinr. as it does, a feature snown nowhere else in the Southern States, of an immense district 'Irreminently rich in products for foreicu commerce, and whose wide extended iuland waters are thus connected with an excellent port at a salubiions point, of the easiest access to our largest ships Any further information required can be bad of THOS. A.

DEXTER. President, oWon of A. DAVIS, Treasurer, No. 90 Broadway, or of the Auctioneer. 1 lie Bonds will be disposed of at a public perrmntnry sale, at the Merchants' Excliauce, at noon.

on THURSDAY, the 3d of June, in lots to suit purchasers. They will carry interest coupons from 1st May. and will be sold payable one. third cash, one-third 1st Jul v. one-third 1st August, with intrest from day of sale.

They are receivable for Caual tolls. CMTY OF NORFOLK (VIRGINIA) BONUS AT PRIVATE SALE. The andersiimed orler for sale 9200,000 of the Corporate Bonds of the City of Norfolk, with 6 percent, interest Warrants attached. These Bonds were issued to lUulreaa companies, ia payment for subscriptions, and are in sums ef $506 each, payable April 1, 1872, with interest on the 1st days of April and October respectively ia the city of New-York. They are issned by the municipal authorities of the city of Norfolk, confirmed by the popular vote, under a special Act of the Legislature 01 Virginia.

Ample provision has been made by the Select and Common. Councils of the city of Norfolk to provide funds to meet the interest pupctually, and likewise to create a Sinking Fund to retire the pnncipal at maturitv. The population of the borough of Norfolk ia snout 30.000. aud of the city proper about 16,000. The city debt on the 27th March.

1852, exclusive of the above, was $361 .230, represented by city scrip. The income for the year 1852 will be about 61.0O0, result 111 from taxes and lease of city property. Norfolk, from its central location, its easy access from the sea, its protected position, its ample dimensions and great depth of water, iu entire freedom from ice in the severest winters, and its healthy climate, combine to render it a point most favored of nature for all purposes of commerce. It wtli he seen by the map that Norfolk, by means of the Seaboard aa4 Roanoke Railroad, is made a principal point for three important lines of Railroad, which meet tide water within her precincts. I.

The great Southern route, over the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, passing through' Weldon, Wilmington. Manchester, Branchville, and thence to Charleston, or continuing on from Branchville to An rusts, Atlantic, West Point, Montgomery, Mobile to New-Orleans. I. The interior, or central route, proceeding from Norfolk over the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad te Gaston, thence te Raleich. Salisbury, Charlotte.

Colombia, and to Branchville, and thence to New-Orleans. North Carolina has subscribed $2,000,000 to this line. 3. Ths Western route, passing from Norfolk on the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, proceeds to Lynchburg, and thence South-westerly to Knorville, Chattanooea, Tuacnna-bia and Memphis. Virginia has subscribed to this line.

In addition to these main lines, there are others accessory to and connected with them, and by which large sections of country are man accessi rue to onoii. Apply co CAMMANN. WHITEHOUSK Ne. 56 Wall-et, WILLIAM WARD. No.

16 Exchange-place. TVl OTICE. Office Panama Railboao Compawv 11 MEW-YORK. May 80, 1852. A Contract bavins; THIS DAY beea concluded fur the complelion of the Railroad from sea to sea.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors held THIS DAY.the following resolution was adopted, viz lUeotved, That the Capital Stock ef this Company be increased to S2.3oe,tfl, by new subscriptions, to the amount 01 SI.3oa,O0, and that holders of the present Capital Stock of $1,000,000 be entitled to subscribe at any time before the 1st day of June next, to the extent of one and one-half Shares for each Share held by them respectively. Foreign Stockholders to be notified by this resolution, and to be allowed a reasonable time for availing; themselves of this privilege. Ten per cent, to be paid at the time of subscnbinjr, and tea per cent, on the 1st day of August, and the remainder in. instalments, as required, for the completion of the work. FRANCIS SPIES.

Secretary. MESSRS. DUNCAN. SHERMAN Sr New-York, tissue Foreign ire alar Letters ef Credit oa the followiag citiis: Carlsruhe, Malta, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Dresden, Marseilles, Rio de Janeiro, Athena, Dusseldor Milan, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Florence, Moscow, 8traaburg, alien-Baden, Frankfort, Munich, Siena, Berne, txtmoa, Messina, Smyrna, Bordeaux, Genera, Mulhousea Seville, Boulogne, Gibraltar, Naples, Turin, Bremen, Hamburg, "Nice, Tsuloa, Brussels, Hague, Oporto, Trieste, Bagni dcLnecaHavre, Oleroa, Venice, Baaie, London, Paria, Vevey, Cairo, Leghorn, Pan, Vienna, Cobleata, Leipsic, Wiesbaden Cologne, Lyons, Rome, Warsaw.

Cad il. Madrid. Also, Letters ef Credit, payable in an tha principal cities ef the United Statas, Canada, Wast Iodise. 4kc TBE MECHANICS AND TRADERS SAVINGS BANK. No.

492 (between illet and Sheriff street. New-York. President, WALTER 1st Vice-President, Rich asd H.iHox, Zd Vice-President, CatKDLII L. IsoCBSOU. 3d Vice-President.

ALrits T. COHS-LL. Secretary, Jam Ka P. Haiout. This institution will open for business on Wednesday, tha 16th day of Mar, 1852, at 4 o'clock P.M.

Bank days Mondays. Wednesdays, Thursdays sad Saturdays, from 5 to 7 o'clock. P. M. Interest at the rate ef six per cent, will be allowed on all depoeita prior te tbe 1st day ef July.

Interest declared oa the 3d Monday of January and on deposits which have been deposited for the space of three months next previous to ths 1st of January and July. Tha charter secures to married women and minors, the sole control of their deposits. 1 Bboabwat Bank, New-York, May 84. last. LECT1 1).

The aanaal election for Directors of this JCa Bank for the ensuing year, and for Inspectors ox tne next succeeding election, wilt be held at the Banking house, ea TUESDAY, the Sth day of June ensuing-. The soil will be opened at UM. and close at 2 P. M. J.

L. EVERiTT. Cashier. Crt nnf) WAMEB-Ob bond and mortgace, at 7 VJ.VIVJ per una brick house which rents for $564. and twenty-five lots of groand, situated witnia a thousand feet of Vaaderbilt'a Ferry, ia the naoat improving nart of Clifton.

States Island. Property worth from $28,00. Title perfect, and bond aastcepttonsble. A letter addressed te Ne 3,236 at the will ae attended t. CASH FOR MORTGAGES -Good First Mortgages, oa New-York, Brooklyn or Waiiamsbarg lots, bougntat a BAoderate discount.

Ne oteetoa to Mortgagee of stall aaBoantser havins sasay years to run. if welt secured. Ad trees MORTGAGE. cm-York Tmmta Otbce. US full aar-ticulacs.

li-crtuEii u.ni5 or THE NEW-YOKJC AND A HARLEM RAILROAD COMPANY. Theae are par eat. Beads, ratmbnrsnbie ia 1BC7. with sewu-anneal ln-tfreyt cocpoos attnebej. ui by kLA TC1H rrian a.

BAlNSFOiLD. Ne. SS wT im st STOCKS AND SECLRITIES-Of all kiadsboueht JO and sold oa commission by HEX B.Y Hirntru 1 Haaover-sC. basement. 0 1 EW TOO YOUTH.

COMPONENT PART OP TTft LONG tOTCHTjATTEK PHILOSOPHERS STONE has FZT I'ad ia S.LXtATtD KrN I Lt LIQUID HAI II DYE. pro. lacing when used, where grey er whitening locks aw the advance ef time, the most desired and beautiful euades el eotar, fraea a Iwat brown to a awt black. Ail who are rre, Sefore tbeir Uma. wuj tind its u- leaves tae tuur keali.n4 J.

aearanee perfet-Uy natval. Prtrm cents wma B.SAN1J3, AgsiiU, Ne.lMFultuB- IIUSICAL INSTOUI lf awn-rOTtTFS-Tke Isrrsst XEa aseat of pianos, with aad without the ev a in tsia city, is tn be found at the warereomsef T. GILBiKT Cew, Ne. 831 Brnedwrnv. emoaite Bmaslwey Bank ase Theatre, aad will be soad at graex hkum.

Tbese piasMie have the Bseuiue 11 aim. ud are waiianlew te Sua any Iealers eapsiied ea liberal terase. Second hand pi WATERS' Ietajas4andrenairs4. Ill OtIAIf PI ANO PORTTTS -OOTJLD ft BERRY, I No. Ssn Bread war.

kuix 1 iki Mux and Ptaae Waremosa, are now effarimr tha flasst as sort awat of Boston east New-Yerk Ptanoa, with aad withes Colemsa'n JKoliam. at very law snesa. Piaass as let. Cash paid for Pianos PIANO-FORTXSv Ths flasst assortmeat la ths city may be found at the wnrerwosns of N. P.

CVS.TIS3 Ne. 447 Bi ead a v. consisting of Qo. bws 'a celebrated Ameiieaa patent Action Pianos i T. kCa'i pop-aJar A-Wias Piaaoa: UlLSEBT's and oUier Boudoirs.

A 1m, a variety of new and second-hand Pianos for sale and te let at N. P. B. CVKTISS CX.8, No. 447 Broadway.

SECOND HAND PIANOS. A large assortment ef good ssrsad hand pianos, iaeladiag twe woliaa piasee, andene7ocC boadeir Piano, arioee raasTiag froea $54 te $175, all ef whick wmtw sold at piano rouans HORACE WATKRiT will be- sold at great bargains, er te reat, at the orJT. GILBERT Ne. 333 Broadway, ear. of eppoaite Broadway Bank aad theatre.

FISCHXRJ Be mCHZR. (late NTJNN8 Manufactory and Wars room, Ne. 174 eoraer of Dey-sl. PIANO-FORTES warrai versa bridre aad" nateat tubs, well calculated tans. Piano-Fortes tuned, repaired and N.

B. Also, Piaao-Fortes for sals. 1 ted. with re-for keeping: la NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANO-FORTES. We bsvs now cm hand a large assortment of new and second-band Pianos, for sals and to hire.

Pianos from $54 to $5K). For hire, from $3 te $19 per month. No. 1S9 Bmst way. New-York.

8 AFFORD BROTHER. INSURANCE. 1H52. Omct or nts Astob Mutual ComrAJtr, Nbw-Yobk. Jan.

28. 1834. I THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT ef the affairs of this Company is published tn conformity with the re- eairements of its Charter Aniount of premnnw not marked offDee. 31, 1858. $321,466 35 Amount of Premiums oa Marine and Inland Navigation and Transportation Risks for the year ending Dec.

31, 1851 stl.tO0 43 Total amount of Premiums $943.673 4S Amount of Earned Premiums during the year as above. J. 24 Less Return Premiums S9.64I 14 Net Earned Premiums, 1851 $60394 lueses paid urine seme period $389,997 14 Re-Insuranre Commissions, Expenses and Bad DebU.TTT...... M.642 14 TS 1 Net Earned Profits 78 The profits of the Company from April 2, 1849, to Dec. 31, 1850, for which certificates were issued.

amount Additional Profits as above. $177454 131,634 78 Net Earnings to Dee. 31, 1851 78 The Assets 0 the Company on Dee. 31, 1851,. were as follows 1 v.

Bills 72 Cash 34.884 15 Loans on Stocks 88,834 44 Premium Accounts to be closed by Notes or Cash, Scrip of sundry Sutual Insurance Companies and Salvages 42.973 32 This Company take; no Fire Risks disconnected with Marine Risks. The Board ef Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of Tw enty-focb per cent, on the Earned Premiums of the yearendins; Bec 31. 1831. for which Certiticaiea will be issued oa and after the 7th of April next. Also, interest of six per cent, on the Scrip heretofore (issued, payable in cash on and after Feb.

S. Bv order of the Board. EDWARD A. STRONG, Secretary. Francis Skidd v.

P. A. H. Renauld. Faiuuel Spnmils, Connolly, cusna Kootuus, Paul Aides.

Thomas Dunham. W.Kesit.85Cednr-sC John Harper, James Myers, James Stuart, Sajioel Bush, -Francis L. Cook, Benj. A. Mumford, L.

B. Wrsian. Vlvsses B. Brewster. Zebedee Cook, Thonias Tileston.

N. L. McfTready, -KVn. B. Crocker, Sidney Brooks.

Li. 8. Pond. O. Gnswvld.

Wm. F. Bulkley, has Fob vert, Arthur Fmnesan, E. J. Brown, James S.

Hyde, Fred. A. Lee, William Bryce, George Bird. W. Culhert, John B.

itching, R. T. Woodward, All red Barrel Theodore Crane, Chaunrey D. HurdV Robert F. dward Anthony, B.

Chittenden, m. R. LothroD. Josiah () I.ovr. ZEBEDEE COOK, President, Eowabs Asthosy JV ice-President.

EESWABD A. Stboso, HEALTH INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. The NEW-YOhK HEALTH INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Oflice, No. 167 Broad was CAPITAL, Will insure the health of both males and females, from fifteen te fifty years of are, at the lowest rates consistent with the safety and protection of the Institution. Insurance will also be effected tin persons from fifty to sixty years of are, at an increased rate of premium.

This Association will also rav, in case of the death of anv person who mav hold a policy in their oflice, $20 for funeral expenses. The following fates hare been established by this omce, vis. -tbablv payment, excluding thb fibst week's sickjtess. By paying $2 per year, will draw $2 per wee k. By paying 11 per year, win tiraw sj per weea.

per wi will draw reek. Bv navmr S4 oer rear. By pacing $5 per year, will draw $5 per week. ny paying per year, win a raw per wees. By paying $7 per year, will draw $7 pe' week.

I By paying $8 per year, will draw $8 per week. By paying $9 per year, will draw $9 per week. By paying $16 per year, will draw $14 per week. YKABLYrAYMEnT.lNCLUDtNO THS FIRST WEEK'S SICKXKSS. By paving per year, will draw $2 per week By paying $3,5 per year, will draw $3 per week.

By paying $6.46 per year, will draw $4 per week. By paying $7.58 per year, will draw $5 per week. By paying $9,44 per year, will draw $6 per week. By paring $14.34 per year, will draw $7 per week. By paving per year, will draw $8 per week.

'By paying SI 3.30 per year, will draw $9 per week. By pay ing 15.44 per year, will draw 18 per week. For persons from tiity to sixty years of are, 25 percent, advance will be charred on the above rates. 1 JO for application fee will be charged in addition to the above, the first year, and twenty-five cents each year after for renewal of the Policy. The business of this Institution is conducted upon scientific principles, and based upon tables carefully prepared by competent medical ami mathematical calculators and the rates of premium are as low as those of any responsible Institutions in this eountrv or in Ensland and as low, undoubtedly, as is compatible with the safety of the insimd aad the stability of the Institution, Every one will readily perceive the very great advantages to be derived by availing themselves of the protection offered by this Institution, which has been established from benevolent and philanthropic motives, under the influence and deep sense of the distress and humility to which many are reduced, for want nt an established principle, sanctiound by public opinion, and comlucred under an organized responsibility where all who are disposed to anticipate the decrees of providence may, in times of health and prosperity, purchase with the results of their industry, the rirut to protection ia sickness and adversity.

All communications must be ml dressed post paid) to the Secretary. DAVID P. WHEDEN, President. Stephen A. Piebck, Secretary.

EPTJBLIC FIRE rNSTJTRANCE COMPANY. XL Insurance Buildinrs. cor. ot wall ana wnnam-eis ei-aces oe. 14 aad 11, (round floor.

TSUSTEKS Saatl. 8. Rowland James Warren, George Curtis, Stephen Whitaey, Arthur Leary, Geo. T. Adee, William H.

Russell, Iort'rW HaniUtonJavid S. Kennedy, Daniel B. Fearing, Denning Duer, John J. Astor. Aegs.

Downing, John Stewart, Jr. Fred'k A. Delano, Gazaway B. Lamar, Robert B. Mintura, James C.

Bell, Wm. H. Aspmwall. Reuben Witners, Deal Drake Smith, Wm. Butler Duncaa.Edward C.

Center, Fred'k G. raster, Chaa. H. Russell, Josiah Oakes, Peleg Hall, Isaac Townsend, Joseph Gaillard. Jr.R.

g. Hoae. John A. Stevens, Jas. M.

Wsterbury. This Company having their Capital of $154,444 paid la la easa. and secarely invested, are prepared to ins a re arainst kws aad dam are by lire, ea favorable terms. The charter of thia Company pruvioes that, after paying interest to ths stockholders at the rate of 7 per cent, per aaaaaa, fonr-fiflhs of tha remaining profits are to be divided among the assured la scrip, bearing interest, which scrip is to be redeemable in cash whenever the accumulated profits and capital shall amount te one million dollars. ROBERT S.

HONE, President. D. F. Cckky. Secretary.

THE BROOKLYN FIRE INSURANCE CO. CHARTERED 1824,. Offices, No. 43 Fulton, Brooklyn, No. 6 Merchants' Exchanre, New-York.

Have their Capital (as also a handsome surplus) invested in the most andonbied securities, and continue to insure Build-inra. Merchandise, Waraiture. aad other personal property. Teasels in port and thaw Carroea, apoa. as favorahle terms as any other similar institution.

SIBXCTOKs: William Ellsworth, William Miles, Alex. H. Sckultx, Phineas T. Barnunt, Elijah F. Pardy, John D.

Pre, Danl. D. Howard, Sam. P. Townsend, Hea.

Quackenboss, Caleb 8. Woodhnil, John Eadie, Justice 8. Redheld, Cbas. T. Cromwell, Joel 8- Oatmaa, J.

W. Asaermaa, Anastst's Nic holas, Robert C. Bell, Fordyce Hitchcock, Richard L. Allen, John N. Genin, John C.


61 Wall-el, 4th Month, 6th. 1852. This Company, with a CASH. CAPITAL OF 210.000, with a surplus of over $104,404, insures against loss or damage by fire oa favorable terms. dibkotobs.

1 George 8. Fox, C- W. Lawrence, Richard F. Carman, Rich'd A. Reading, Peter 8.

Titas, 1 Henry H. Barrow, josiaa ftiacv, r. v. naruavoyne, 1-1 uii uiarx, fe.l.k .1 BU. 1 1 IM1UH IT Joseph W.

Corliss, Richard Field, John D. Wrirat, Ellas Hicks, Abraham Bell, Irad Hawleg SisniL Tswnisl. Bei'i stars. N. Applications in Albany at the efllee ef W.

C. No. 5 State-st. Wm. C.

White. John J. Walker, Chaa. H. MarahaB.

ElishaRirra. THE REPUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE CO. luoruc BoiHliars. No. AS corner ef nuua floor, in rear of Sua sad Atlantic Xneamaee Offices Insures asraiast loss aad daauure by fire, oa rents, buildings, household furniture, merchandise, ships ia sort, and their cargoes, ke.

on favorable terms. This is the ely Fire Issuraaee Compaaywtth a cash es.pjtMt ia which ths pekcyho'uersfeiticipate lathe profits. ROBERT S. HONE, PreaideaL DmtCAB F. CtmBT.

Secretary. TRAVELING. lTOTICE- The subscriber has beea annotated Ami fas It the Michitran. Soutaeni and Northern Indiana Railroads. The attention of shippers and passengers is re-auested ta this route, being the quickest and shortest ta Chicaro.

The ateaatskips Empire State, South Michigan and northern Jndtmna, will run la eoaaectioa with Las Roads at Toledo and Monroe, Buffalo aad Dunkirk. JOHN P. PORTER, Agent, Ne. 149 Bread at. FOR LIVERPOOLr-TJaited States BTail ateassahip ATLANTIC.

Cspt, James West. This steamship will depart with the Uaited States Mails for Earue. seai-tively oa Satarday, May 29, at 12 o'clock troea bet berth, at the foot of Canal-sL. Ne berth secured til paid for. For freight er paaaajrs, having unequalled aocosnsaodatioas for slmuv mnifnri knnlvlii EW'D K.

COLLINS fc CO Ne. 5 Wsll-st. Tha steamship ARCTIC will sawosed the ATLANTIC. aad aailj aaelS. FOR LIVERPOOL The nevr aad sidewdM stesrakia CITY OF MANCHESTER, RositaT Larreif; ensnnsan-der, will sail from Philadelphia Um Jjvsrpool, ea THURSDAY, Juae J.

at to VlorkA-M. Saloom, ia sinrle-state rouasa. calnon. tndaaUe stale rat aas, $64 Saloon, ta torwar state-nssms. $33 Paaeenrers will be snrvitled witS Rail way tickets to PhUa--tlclbtua.

free ofexpejuw. by the agent. THOMAS RJC'HAKDbON, No. 41 Exchaace-place. LM)R SAN FOANCISCOThe new clipper skip 17 MESSENGEBJ Capt.

Fkajik Exith, to be dispatched 27th inst is receiviac Cargo, at foot of Pike-SC, E. and will be loaded immediately having the greater part ef her capacity ecred. For freirht or pamure, apply te BOOTH EDGAR, No. S5 Frtot-rt. TILVVELIuG.i av a -v a-eavasa la a VUH I rsSkBktr' $308,408.

New-Yotl: xuasvToaa. neary Wene, Jobaua Livinnuaa, 'ra a iM-rgaa. inm TkisCaaapaay kavmg saesplee4 their rraaination. above, are now ready te anaertake a gsnend 1 i wanlrac, Armey and Commiasioa Bniaii Tthi10'-aWefUold; Daat. Bnlla aad Bill.

tltrtKt! paTment and rolWtKni ef, kiiU sod I warding ef Gold Dwv BulUoaTand SpaeSTaTI tsr'V pareeJs. and fr-irata of ail descnptiona, in snd bmtZmlZ City ef New-York, and the Citv if SaW FtssreVnsS prtw-ipal cities aad tow as ia California. eoanecUnr at York with the Usee of the American ExtrewCoaTrJn- I Harden Express. Pullea. Virgil Ca'i KoithrrTatd 1 1 da Express, and Jjvingston.

Wells ck a Earopwi They hare established Offices sad faithful Aseat Hi the principal nties aad tewas threnrhwa tUc saAern. i ale aad eMera States and California enarretMj and tn 7 ful special messenrers furnished with in-a iesu lur tke'II eurity of treesare and ether valuable packiirea. aceuiiiru'r each Exprese npoa aU theur lines as well la -Caufuoua a. 1 I Atlantic State. v- SAMLhLP.

CARTTTt, fnr Xeaay yeai cwmeetej Kxpresa tympany, and R. v. WASHhUhi PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY -a ace having appeared ta Saturday's pspera, eonivti. the itleVthat Passerer. proved with UkLfiL ble srencies, would be subject te deUntioo aa the l.ta-T ef Panama, it ia deemed proper to announce Ihnt the T3 OREGON was at Panama, at last dates, ass (pars UsaT, free of engagements, tor pssssngers and im the alen, i accidents at sea.

the steamers CALl tiiyvl 1 LIC. TENNESSEE. GOLDEN-GATE, arid c6am'j TION. la the service af this Cempanv, wilLbe at Paaamt 11 the course of the present month. By onWr Nxw-Vor April 3.


THE CHEAPEST AND RHflRTKSrr vnirTVsi; THROUGH TICKETS WITHOUT DETENTION -Tie' 4W 4firf TafsaarShrfllT AtU sVAIIirilial art re, NEERand INDEPENDENCE, over the Ronte having bat 18 miles of land traasioTtaiioe. Tbee 1 strainers are unrivalled ia their cabta amVsliierara aocem- 1 modal ions and, with the increased facitttice oi the Trans -Company for crossing, passengers can' re 1 1 upon through without detention at anv point. -Suerajra passes- i gers taken at for $145, they uujiur thatrewa transit. For information or paasaee, applvna. to D.

B. ALLEN, No. np T70R SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY. Inns 1-T i A splendid new doeble-enriae eteajswlus CITY PITTSBruRO, S.464 burden. Wat.

C. STXHrKssvav. Cam. mander. This splendid steamship having andnrgone sites- -sive alterations to suit her for the trade, and ta make her ae comniodstioa superior to aay steamer on the Pacific, wij sail for Saa Francisco, as above, touchiujr nt Yalparaiae and Panama Har state-rniims are large and airy, aad er i -steerage aceosnmodatione are euiiet ior to'-any steaaahia i -afloat, having abuadaace of both light and 8ir, as well aa aa extra height between decks.

It is confidently expected tUe- will make the passage to San Francisco in as short a time as 4 it has been made by say steamer, thna te families, -and te those-who deeire their eeaafort, a J1- tsh'st conveyance than by the crowded eteajnefvt Chagres, as only a limited number of pasaenrers wili be taken Apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON, Ni; I Exchange-! place. New.York. and No. 4. Philadelphia.

NITKU STATES MAIL. STEAMS HIP COM- PAN connecting with the Company. Onlvthmurn line for CALIFOKNIA and OKE-. i OON eta ASPINWALUNAVY HAY. Grvat reducti.i for steerage passengers.

The splendid Uniied States Mail Steamyhii CRESCENT CITY 2.IKX) tons. Heuby Wj'v- 4 OLE. Commander, will be disnatched oa ATlfRTI A V. 1 June 5. nt o'clock precisely, for AspmwalL.

Navy Bay.di- um im Larini, in onimander. carry inr the Tumi dispetched. (transfemnr her Iniwr UI11I IDI'l Pin A 5 TI A Inn. tall aVl.v-k XT fnn Pi.r 5 North River. Rates of tars to Asninwall Ladtee I Faloon-Stute Room.

$65; Lower Aft and Forward 8aloea I $55 Secnnd Cabin $45 Steenura, $35. Pas. r-engers wili be landed at the Railroad Wharf at Aopiawail, i free; Trsnnt of the Ixtlunna at the paaK4ngrs' axpenstu 1 Ths Pacific Mail Steamship Company, under jjresent arrange-, ments, always nave at Panama Stennwhips upented and ra-a ceived bv i government for tranKporttne the inllar Calisr- '-aia and Oreron mails, immediately on their arrival at Pa iidii: and persons secnrins pasaaire by the United States -i Mail Steamers from New.York have prefesenne of acdHa- .5 mod ati on on board. Rates of fare from Panama toSaa Eras- cikco First Class, $250 Second $225 r-U-eirra, tViS. 1 Children under twelve vears, half-nrics.

-Fee freight or parsage apply te CHARLES A. WHITNEY, at tta offirw of the Companies, No. 177 I New York. .1. 4ins.

JOHN ted States Mai's, will else ha i -passenrers. at. Havana, to tha i lm.ll 'L-nvra THROUGH TO SAN FRANCISCO AT REV RATES NEW-YOKM AND: SAN FRANCISCO STEAMSHIP LINE. Ths new steamship UNITED STATES, ChaALKS C. Bebby.

Cumrnaiulsev wOk take her departure for ASPIN WALL. sa WEDNESDAY, June 23. at 2 P. connettiar at Psnsmai with the new double-engine stesmahi WINFIELD 2.100 tuns burden. KKnhsy Cooitxsan, Cuo.

mander, which eteamer awaits the srrivai ef paasearar at Panama by tbe UNITED STATES from New-York, and immediately thereafter proceeds to Saa Francisco direct, without stopping at intermediate ports. These vessels, ia accommodations and safety, are not snrpssstiil by any oa una route, and an experienced aunreon is attached to each vessel. The UNITED STATES has made the voyage betweea New-, York and Char res in 7 days and It hours. aad the WIN. FIELD SCOTT performed the voyage betweea New-YerkV ana fanama in tne snortest time on reeora.aiota as te rte--ning and actual time from port to port.

Books are new open aad through tickets for sals. Apply to 7 v. DAVIS, BROOKS General Agents. i No. 28 New-York.

i JONES JOHNSTON, No. 1 i eornerrof Libert y-st. 1 Passenrers per UNITED STATES will disembark alone sids ths wharf at Aspmwall. and take the Punama Railroad, now opened nearly to thus avoiding the risk atw tendaat upoa landing in boats at Chagresj, and the Kireg asvirstios io xonrona. TVJEW-JERSKY RAILROAD.

NEW-YORK an XV PHILADELPHIA DIRECT. U. MAIL EXPRESS LINES- Through ia 4 hours. NswIersey Rail-t road, via Jersey City. Leaving New-York at 6 A.

fooS ef Cortlandt-et. 4 A. and 5) P. Liberty-st. Lnne Philadelphia, same hours, foot of Walant-st.

Fare reduced te $3 for first class, and $2 54 for second class: Waahinrton sad Charleston throurh Tickets Bold ia tha above lines, and threngh barrage carried ia ie 5- P. hi. lino rem New. York, with threngh Cond actor i I i i LEGAL NOTICIJS. Te joh.n; uakkh, ant hereby snntmoned and re- i this actiob.


aotil OVklN THATCHER Summons fur simer demand i cut i set. (Com. not served.) Te JOH.NJ BAKER, Sn ORbIN THATCHER. You are he onin tn nnswtr the complaint in I 61mT in the irfnee of tbe clerk of the tTitr I York, at the City Hall, in the City of New-York, aad to i 1 serve a copy of your answer te the said complainant on tha i subscriber, at his office. No.

86 in the City of New York, within twenty days after the service of this summon oa vou, (exclusive of the dsy of snch snd if yeufAi i to answer the said complaint within the tinio aforesaid, tha plaint ins in this action will take judrment arainst yon lor the snm of fhree hsndred and sixty-four dollars and thirty- three cents, with interest from the seventeenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred aad fifty-two. besides the cos and disbursements of this action Dated My 17, 1852. R. W. TOWNSEND, PlamtirTs Attorney.

Tbe complaint ra this action was filed in said County Clerks nice. May 15, 1838. 1 my26-laawW K. W. TOWNSEND, PlaytUTg Attoraay.

7VJ ETT-TOR SUPREME COURT. JOHN1 S. i Vnwvi- JOMV HAKLU aad ORRIM THAU for asonev demand oa contract ii. (Com. cot ser.) To JOHN BAKER and ORR IN THATCH- ER.

Yen are hereby summoned and reqnirad to answer the complaint in thia action, which Will he filed in the office of -the llerk of the City and County of New-York, at the City i Hall, ia the City of New-York, and -to serve a copy of yimg -answer to the said complaint on the his oiKce, No. 86 in the City of New-YTrk within twen'y da; after the service of this summons oo vim. exclusive ef tbe dsy of such service and if you fail to" the said eompluint within the time aforesaid, the pliontilf in this ac- tion will take judrment against you for the sum of of ime hundrrd aud eighty-seven dollars and twenty-eight eettts, with interest from the thirteenth day orVovemser. vnn I thousand eurht hundred and fifty-two, btsnles the costs and- disbursements of this action Dated May H. 1K52.

R. W. TOWNSEND, PlaintafTs Attorney. The complaint in this action was filed said 1 Clcrk'sofiicr. May 25.

1851 i j' nav-rC-law6wW R. W. TOWNSEND. PlafjiUtrs Attoroer. NEW-YORK KI'PREME COT'TtXI JOHW I.O- EKY and ARCHIBALD H.

LO ER srainst JOHN BAKER and ORK1N THATCHER. Siimiiions for nvxi-r demand contract (Com. not ser.) To JOHN BAKE and ORRIN THATCHER You are herebr s-imaioned aud reemred to aaawertbe complaint ia this anion, winch sul be tiled ia the office of the rierk of the Cit ail Cvnaty of New-York, at the City Hall ia the City ofZNsw-Yors. an to srve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the suhfcrilrer, at his office. No.

84 Cedar-sti. in the City of -Nam -York, withia twenty days after theservh-eef thissote on you. exclusive of the day of sacks service; and it yon far! to answer the said complaint within tbe time aiore-said, tbe laintifls in this action will take jidrnMtut nrainxt you or the sum ef three haadred aad twaaSjrirbt doilarr and cents, with interest from Uie eirhth day March, one thousand eirht hundred and besio tbe costs and disbursements of this action flmted May li, 1832 R. W. TOWNSEND, PUmtifl's Attorner Tbe ea mplsiat in this acUua was filed ia said, Coouiy Clerk's fclt.ce May 83.

1832. i Bny26-lai6wW R. W. TOWNSEND, PlaytitTs Attorsey. I'PKEME COURT.

CITY AND OK NEW-YORK. MARGARET A. WASH, an infiint.l WILLIAM B. ASTOR, her aext friend, aramst A I' V. WARDand MARY GRIFFIN.

Eseeotnv. fee. of FKANCie GBlFFUv.decjeast tiesiassas. TeSAMljEL feodaut Yoa ere hereby summoned and recuireU to umiM' the complaint in this action, hich was filed iji the oflice of Clerk of the City and Couuty of the Cnty lii-in said City, en the 29th day ef April. 1852." aad ta- serve a copy your answer te tae aaideoinpiaintectlieswbecriiM'rx.

at their oflice. No. 16 Wsii-st, ia the City, t'ounty and -af New-York, within twenty davs after the servn-e et tiu summons on yoa, exdasave of the day ef sirch service sou it yen fail te answer the said eomplaint within the i me aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to tas Court for the relief demanded in the complaint Dated Msy 1852. MILIEU DEYELIN. Plaintiffs A tterwevs, yVlawlswW Jt Ma.

16. Wall-t New-Yerk. TVtrnfTis HEREBYRITEAstlOCTlMtOf-11 KEN and EkEKH 4RD FABEK. wh iwseert rvely re side ta the eit of New-York, i It .7, wm. pars the State of Kv ParkrChnnk asannfactnrers sad whoiHsale veaders Pocket-bncAs.

in which ail the parties interested are tt -said JOHN POIKEN.whota the gwied partner.a, the said EBERHAKO FABER, whs the'pscial pmnrt-r that the said FBEKHARD FABER haa eontniutei sass af twen y-teor uadred eVdiara, as eapet aL twwards common stock, and that tbe said partnership into column- ea he 2tth dsy of April, 1852, aad is to terminal on Uie lat ef May. 1851. TXJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, atfconlmrte Vf il to ail pcmnn aavinr claims arainst KASOM WiL-LIA S. Ute of the City of Brook dereaid. that hev i reooired te exhibit the same, wit voncheni thereof, te i eabecrtber, CHARLES BYRON WILLIAMS, athissU" Nov pine-sL, tn the City of New-York, ba or behtfe t- 2d day of August next.

lnted Jan. 27. Ll'CY ANN WILIJAM Eeeutrir. i2S-lawjnW CHARLES BYRON WlLLljlyM. Eecntor.

IN PURSUANCE OP ANORDER'fif the Surror of the County ef New-York, is heT'I''V t.i persons havtnr rlaims arainrt ROBERT A. Ai Kit of the City of New-Yerk, deceased, to prwtit tiie s'- with tbe vouchers thereof, to the snhs-nV-r, st hr Barclay-st ia the City of "t-11 before the tid day of Jnne next. Dutetl -jy- i 1 aavof I85L MAKY b. Aoimmw d9-lawCmW IN PURSUANCE OF AN onULlisftee ef the County of New-York, notice i all persons havinr claims ni.nst FANNK i late ef the City ot New-York, deceased, to fr-- with vnurliers thereof to the Pubwriber. at F.n ia Ue C'jtv of New-York, on or jr" Of Ancujl ncit New-Y-x.

ii iULLL.i, leant ta the previsions of the Kepsed StstutM ot ot New-York; the canutactuhag and ok and such other artictc. as srer usually dealt '-J.

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