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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL MISCELLANY. JOHN nO WARD PAYNE. I thb cwvfjlisjo or a broxzb bcst at rnotrtxr ak. 1 The bronse bast ef JoUb Hews Payse, tae gfcftef UMFautOik to tee dtixeaeef Brooklyn, res UmXlj saveiles yesterday at lreeec Perk, la the inn of trpwsM ef 30,900 spectators. TU Clea fa mU; emapose 4 of joornallsta.

emae-fUda, atUrs, and psiBtrrs, ud, bearing- la mi ad toe yr rsstile jtealae of tae aatnor Homo, Sweat Bowie," aa4 Ike tntimefe relationship which existed ktM bim aat tae ajambers of these different nro. cantons, be preeentsUoa waa peealiarly appropriate east ant. Tba project waa eoneeived torn etna Breaths ago by Mr. Gabriel Harrison, and waa ita-HtfiUUly received with ancK started appreciation ay tba votaries of the professions which Payne Joined, that ia a abort time Mr. ilenry 3.

Bwm, of this City waa rotnnileaiened to carry the Idea into execution. The lout, bow eesa, a fceeatifal work of art. It I eleven feet from the pedestal Jo the head tif shaft ia four-aided, slightly tapering to the top, bat from He situation the snoattaient apj ears to be considerably higher than it rally le. On the hxft ia the Inscription John Howard Payne, anther of 'Horn Sweet aad beneath a Una iadirating by whom tba presentation waa made. Tha aite of tha monnroent ia the leveled ground on the right of tha Fsnn-bocse, which eomataada from ita poaitlua a beantifal prospect, and ia one of tha moat pleasant moat fro-qoetiUd spots in the Park.

Half past three o'clock yesterday waa tha boar appointed for the opening of tba ceremonies connected with tha but at time it waa apparent that the provided by the Park Commlstdun- are to accommodate tha spectators were not half sufficient to meet tha require-asenta af tha Immense and constantly-increasing altitudes. The programme waa well conceived aad eareated. Tha members af the Faast Club, a Urge representation of tba wealthiest citizens of Brooklyn, tha Park Commiaaioners aa representing tha people, and about COO children of the prildle arhools, proceeded in procession to the base of the nsannment a few minutes after 3:30 P. mean- while the aptendid band of the Twenty-third Begi-asent, commencing the musical programme with ntoasini's overture Semlrainhi." The air A tm-ri-aan waa then rendered by tba children in excellent style, and immediately on its condom on the veil was withdrawn from the bot amid loud and eon. stoned cheering.

Tbe adlressr which are append-ad were then delivered, alternated with the render-lag of many popular and operatic selections by the band. those present on the platform were Mayor Powell, S. L. Hosted, Isaac Van Aoden. W.

C. Xingaley, W. F. Fewler, Judge Pratt. S.

R. Fisk, J. W. Hunter, H. n.JWneeler, H.

W. Whitelow, President Board of Edncation F. S. Smith, E. Lamb, J.

W. Carroll, and a host of artists and literary men. Mr. Tbomae Kinsells, on behalf of the Faust. Club, in a formal address delivered the bunt to th Park Commiasionera for the people of Brooklyn.

Hon. 3. S. T. Stranahan, President of tbe Park' Commission, replied aa follows! TSe.

TaTilnRKT axd Ckktlmft of ma Faust Club or HaooaLra The Park Commbtsion, repre-anting thia city and speaking for all the people, gratefully accept the monomentai rift which your fenerooity has furnished, and which, by tbe eeremo-jpjis hour, is trahiiferred to ita possession and fatara keeping. The splendid burt jaht nnveiltd, so complete aa a work of art, and so true to life, will hereafter be one of the attractions of Prospect Park, while paying a becoming tribute to one eo well do- nerving, not hitherto so little known to famei John Howard Pavne. thongh a man of brilliant fnenira-tiocia and lofty geoiuvlid not in life, except within a limited circle, command the attention he deserved. TJnnke his oon temporaries and companiona, Irving. Morris, Willis, Cooper, and; others, whose namea have so I been familiar to tbe popular ear, he waa for tbe moot part an known, perhaps.

I miieht say, even Leglected by nis countrymen. Thousands and tens of thousands have been charmed with one of the finest and aim-pleat products of hia pen Home, Sweet Home," with scarcely any knowledge of the man who gave it Birth. His uterarv career began in a foreign land, while he was yet iu euuipuraUve youth. It ended at last on an in boepi table shore. Such sometimes is the seeming ill-fortune of genius.

Of the charaeter-sties of his mind, the moral qualities which endear-. him to his friends, the range, and merit of his literary productions, others will speak to you on this occasion. Tbe duty imposed on me is mainly aeextnplixbe 1 ia receiving at your hands this bunt. so fitly located, sarronndod by and associated with the scones of pstitoral life, and by ita very aituation uggeating the quiet and reposo to Which, thongh -raiuJy sought by him, be gave expression in tbe ten-dereat stratus of song. You have, gentlemen of the Faast Club, evinced a deli rate and appreciating dis- crimination in selecting John Howard Payne aa the nan who deserves this commemorative His will hereafter be mora familiar to tha pen- Tbe occasion naturally reminds ns of the limited extent of such eilbrta in this country to do honor to snen of mark, while the increasing demand for park (rounds as pliers of popular recreation and enjoy-SBent suggests the fitting receptacle of these- visible mnmnriala of departed greatueaa.

The elaaeie nations of olden times gained much for themselves, and have contributed much to the pleasure of the world by such public recognition of their illustrious dead. Art waa encouraged aad developed thereby, aad tha tastes of the people elevated. ven to this aUy many of these works still remain as unrivaled naodels of perfection and beauty. Modern Europe1 ban long since caught tbe inspiration supplied by the example of the ancients. Her cities abound "Sritb tba prwJocUaB af art, many of una designed to keep ta memory and make familiar to the people the namee of her scholars, poets, sMiera, and statesmen.

Wi have men of genius in this country. We have had them-, tbe future will rive ns more, and ran we do better tbsn to learn a 'Mason from others elder tban ourselves The viai-or who enters the Urand Plaxa of thia Park wfU be sj.iiiuUd by the statue of the lamented Lincoln. Vocal with a thousand association a and suggestions. In making tba circuit of tbe Park, hia era will fall upon she bust of tha illustrious Washington Irving, the "historian and scholar. If be shall repair to tua retired and quiet scens of rural life the boat of lohn Howard Payne will arrest his notice and become his teacher.

I trust that tha work af enriching' thia yloaisrti rnrnnii with such moneunenta haa samply twicsn As the years roll sway their number ahould and will be increased, till at length tbe best charao-teristie of Prospect Park will consist in memo rials placed here in honor of those whose career has been fraught with blessing to their coon try and tha world. Mr. John O. Saxe read a poem written for the oc casion, after which an oration, waa delivered by Mr. 'William a DeWiU.

Ia tba course of bis remarks awe af ba said: "Wt coma to consecrate tba cardinal virtues, and to 'erect to tba memoir of tbe author Home, Sweet Home." It is not merely taw Individual that wa wish to commemorate, but it is, he ids, the love af home, with which his name ia iav separably interwoven for. all time. lake Virgil, in bus 4aeid. we take a. doable subject.

We eela- brats tba sentiment and the man, home and tba aa-thor, the fireside and tha stage. John Heward Payne, whose living preeeaee, long eince resolved te dust, to noma measure reappears in tha taneriah- nbls browse of this bast, was bora ia the City of Mew. York, on tha 9th of June, 1793, and died at Tunis en the 1th af April, lto. His iUa wns re-narfcabto for personal Maatv and intellectual Bra in ita youth, fear great asefalaeas aad fexcel- actios and authorshin in its maturity, and for versatility In literstare and falshrnlnese ia during Its closing years. Soma of hia sweet wat verses were writ tea when ba waa only fourteen years old, and at that age ba had attracted public Mention by hia contributions to tba newnsper press.

Properly to appreciate John Howard Payne, tha xdaee and eircumstsaoee in aad aaaW which ba fitted himself fur his hfa's work must ba taken late ennaadermtiun. Our eenutrw was then in tie extreme infancy. Aa energetic, bard-werking weenie break tnc (round aw a saw era one nt. Laa nursnit ofL letters bad eomDarativelr few wetartea on thia aide of the Atlantic Tbe literature wf tne world waa aeeeasiUa to as only through ex dimcalt arsis. We had produced bad pn great statesmen, good lawyers, and tolerable gener-sk bat tetters and tha arts bad baa neglected.

It waa la the moroiBg twilight of American art amd literature that Payne prepared himself tor the pea and tne etage. lie is nrst to on regarusn aa a xdonoor in the uncultivated Oeids of IntaOlectaal la bur la America, with aa ether training thaa that which hia nriniti ve noma could afford. When ha entered spun tha English ataga, it waa taxing with the glories of Kenabio and af Keaa. aad lighted oo- rein iiiiIIJ nj toe tuu greater nriiuaacy iwiu. After sneaking of the Uraaaatio career of tha poet.

tbe speaker oentiaaed: "lioaBO, Sweet Hamer What memoTies these aimple words recall 1 What Use of kimlreOhip Cash tnrwugh their promotbean best 1 How burdened with sacred Ussugbta of rest and peace they are! Ana Vera in Brooklyn our noma, and peculiarly ttingde ha called the City af Homes tt wse teoca-imlv skDrveriate that thia soog snunld have a thriaa. This Luis noem. like iu anther, ia largely indebted te nrovulrnual aids lot tin celebrity. It was not the coinage ex many years of meoitatson, like "tiray a TOrty." nor was it writ tea. like ear national aa them.

Amid the scenes it sought te consecrate. Payne never knew what it waa to have a home after be was thirteen years old. About thia period of his ttfe ha mother, whoa lore sad virtue probably planted within him these sentimento which burst from hat owl years after aha waa gone, and hia father, who BUwd behind the scenes In tears when hia bey first trusted nun sea the temptations of toe te their long borne beyond the grave. Prom this moment Payne was a wanderer, and de rxta toe tenderness of hia heart, and tha uvsciss- tMOs af the fair sex. with which he most have been constantly assailed, ho msistalned hie celibacy and homeless nose until ba eoosnmmated it by dsn in up-.

on tha lemtita aad' hoary shores of the Msdttsrra- bVrauga iae a wanderer aaoaM save aang nw nnns---s---- i thmaone nsano, Vawertawlsaa, was whOo b) LaodoaTaagagad la writing Clad which be aaa asanaally eon verted frem drama koto aa apera, ad wbea hie mind waa doabUeas dwslilag upon hU deHgbtfnl boyhood at Coat Hamptoa, thai be wrote Hwai Sweet Ilsaae." Tbe song la abort and sisspia. Bat it baa aawwoed late a few lksea very tbewgha aad aasrtiwtent aad eeene of Ita Hint anbinet i The lewiy tbntebod oottaga.N the aingrag brrda," tba "balluwiag rtrss from sbsrrs sad 'the pesos of mlad beater thaa aU." It fall af tba fnrit and essence of Ho homo. said awhile ago that after his thirteenth ear Payne never knew what home wan. Yet thia know aoC For where la our borne I All I know ia that where tba soul dwells that ia cost sunn try, aad where the heart is there la eer home. And now to the sentiment of the song and tba memory of the man let this monument be dedicated, and te tba honor af ita founders may it endure fur-aver.

Taa ceremonies then eondadad. THE HEW CJTT l'XISOX. A cotmnittM consisting of Ex-Alderman Kodde, Dr. F. See gee, M.

Schreakeieen, and Gen. Stelnbrecher, appointed at a public meeting Jmld last week la German ia Assembly Eooms, in opposition to tbe project of tba new City PrUony called trpoa Controller Green, at bis office, yesterday' afternoon. to urge bim to exert hia influence as. a Commissioner to prevent ita erection. x-A Merman Badde said la behalf of tbe Commit tee, that the proposed new City Prison waa unneces sary, unwise, and impolitic Tba tax-payers bad a sufficient burden to bear already, without this ad ditional one, and It ahould ba tba desire of the City official la thia, aa In other matters, to prevent any further imposition of weight.

The present site and building of tha Tombs would answer all purposes for many years to coma, if proper alterations were made. Ha had Tombs, aad be- I lieved that tba whole coat of Auch aeodful repalra I i uMuinMtiiJUtlWI I The new City Prison waa, ba said, one of Jobs so frequently initiated by tha Legislature, aad would be a fruitful source of corruption, like the new County Court-ho use, and ba an expense to tbe City. Its site was an Improper one, and a large pe tition of property-owners against its selection had been presented to the Board of Aldermen, who concurred with them ia tha propriety of remonstrance. Controller Green, in reply, said that be waa not acquainted with the motives of the framere of the act for tba new Prison, but had unexpectedly found himself clothed with certain powers aa a Commis sioner. Tha originators of the project my have expected by their friends to control ita erection, but by the course cf events it had fallen into the hands ef Ma vor Hsvemever, President and himself.

Tbe public did not suspect that their management was likely to be similar to that of the Court-house Commissioners under the Ring regime. There was no Jobbery in the project now, but a auit-abbvbuilding, with ample accommodations for the criminal courts and for the detention of persons awaiting trial, wonld be built as speedily, as economically, and as judiciously as the operations of the law will permit. Its provisions. were peremptory, requiring tie selection of a new alto within ninety days alter ita psanage, and the sale of the Tombs, at public auction to the highest bidder, within six months after tbe completion of the new prison. He had pointed out the fart in a lengthy report 5 resented to the Prison Comniuuuon on the iifctb of uly last, that tbe Tombs would, with the adjoining blocks occupied by the Xew-Hsven and Harlem Depot and the Elm Street Arsenal, have sofficedfur all the prison needs of the City for tbe next fifty years but IJlC Commissioners were obliged -by chapter 535 of tbe fowl of IcTJ to proceed with tbe erection ef a new building without regard to their individual views of the availability of the old one.

Tbe gentlemen of the Board of Aldermen, who are now so strenuous in their opposition to the nieanhre. unanimously adopted, on the 27th of last March, a report of their Committee of Public Works, condemning the Tombs, advising the erection of a new prison, and recommending the passage of the very bill then before tne Legislature, whose operations they now wish to defeat. Some of tbe members ot that Committee are to-day actively opposing tbe law, although tbey could not fail to snow uiat it is mwi uuiibiuijt iu mm fiiui wvui, Tbe site bsd been chosen deliberately and with great care. available location nad been examined bv him Dersonallv and by others, and there waa none more convenient, accessible, and advantageous than the one bounded by Bayard, Mott, Canal, and Elizabeth streets. The property wss of moderate value, and, aa the buildings were of a very inferior description, small comparative expenses wonld be incurred in their removal.

The opposition of the property-owners ia tbe vicinity, who were the signers of the petition, should be considered, although it would occur aa well elsewhere if a different site had been chosen. The right of eminent domain in such instances requires that the public interests shall prevail over the individual and private ones. TEE XEJT PARK THEATRE. The new theatre on Twenty-second street and Broadway, to be built for Messrs. Stuart aad Bouci-cault, by Mr.

Parse 11, a full description of which appeared la Thx Tutsa of tbe 31st ot May last, ia bow in a fair way to completion. It was originally in. tended to have the theatre ready for tha public early in October, but an unforeseen hitch in the arrangements a few weeks age rendered it possible thai the theatre might never ba opened at all, Mr. Pur sell had purchased tbe lota for tba sits of tha building months ago, and the work of digging oat for the foundation had commenced when, about July last, it was thought necessary by the architect, Mr. Draper, to include an adjacent lot of ground, ia order to give ample stage-room, This tot originally belonged to Wm.

M. Tweed, but the process of litigation bad rendered tha proprietorship of It so extremely doubtful as to 'prevent it being bY alfy'meana'a aafe speculation. Thia difficulty, for a time, caused a dead lock in the arrangemonta, aad the engagementa already made with artists, ata, by Messrs. Stuart and Boucicanlt were about to be canceled. Another lot of ground, equally eligible wltb that Known aa TweeoTs lot, however, came into the market, waa purchased, aad the work on the building resumed.

All the artists, not already engaged elsewhere, have been re-engaged, and preparations for tha oneninff. now announced lor Ueoemoer. are in grogTeat. The work on the building ia beingj rapidly pushed forward, and xJecemner next does not seem too early a date for the opening. Mr.

Stuart, whose name in connection with, tbe winter Garden Theatre ia so well known to the pnbllewill be the manager of the para 1 neaxre. ana air. ixiou Boucicanlt ia to be tbe stage director and anther in general to the establishment, tne eonrpany already engaged are Mr. and Mrs. Dion Boaciesnlt, Mr.

Kdward Lamb, the comedian. Miss Kittle Ulan chard, Mr. McKoe Kan kin, and many other lash ee aad gentlemen well known to tba Sew-York stage, Mr. Bouclcaart, witn tne aoove-menuonea BWiMI f-j 1'hiladrJphia of two weeka on Monday next, after which tne enure xara xneatre wompaay vm support Mr. Boucicault ia a tour through the Eastern Statea, to continue until tha theatre ia completed.

Tbe mechanism of tba atae will be on a new plan, patented by Mr. Scnonberg. of Wallack'a. the inventor, aad to whom will be trusted the entire construction of the stage. The initial performance wfll consist of a new and original drama by Mr.

Bond. eaalt, founded opoa a theme likely to be of great Interest to Kew-Yerk. The author will appear In the play, as well as too principal members of tha com-paay. a A MVRDXX BROUGHT TO L1QHT. John Green aliaa John McDonald, eentenced for highway robbery oa the 2d of June, a few days sge confessed te tba Warden or tbe Maaaacaaaetta State Prison at Sprlngfietd, tba particslars af tba murder of James Graham, at Little Mack.

Long Island, ea Fab. 7. There waa mack excitement at tbe time. It will be remembered. In coaaectioa with.

the affair, Graham, a shea-max sr. with soma tieans and of soceotrie habits, being hi msalf living under aa assumed name, aad his two brother were arrested oasaspicioa. Green implicates one Michael Lynch, of Roosevelt atreet, ia this City, aad aa unknown third party, a picture peddler. The story i. ian with mlnnto dotaiL bow the eoa feds rases bargained for boots, not toad tha victim counting aad biding hia money, aad estaod the opportunity to tea nlm naawaree, ana mniwer smb ny with a bar of iron.

Warden Chamberhtla telegraphed to the authorities of Little Hock, aad aa Friday morning we officers ef that place viaited the prison and conversed with Green, who made an affidavit to the facts stated by aim to warden vnamoeriain. Maalsnminntelv described the store, the way ia which tba body of Mr. Graham waa left, and made such other statements that the Little Meek officers became satisfied that the murder was committee ay Green and hia two oom nasi ions. The officers left fur N.Vark nstnrdav afternoon. Tbey will nrekabl ictum-ia a law days sod reeaovs Grson and Lynch, i 1 TITS DEMOCRACY.

I. Tbe Union of thia City have chosen delegates to represent each Assembly District at the Democrat to Ceaveetaoa to ba held at Utica oo the 1st of October. The A peUe Hall dele-raAes ts the Democratic State Convention met last evening aad made arrangements tor their departure na Tnnsdsr by the same train with tbe Tammany dolcgataa. At a meeting af tba Tammaay deiegataa yesterday, ia Tammaay Hall, it was agreed that tha delegates to tba tate convention Tuesday morning at tha Bagga Hot ahould meet oa in Utica. J3IMI0RA TIOXT TO TUB VSITED STATES.

Tbe following ia tba return; supplied by tba Commiasioaersof Emigration, of the arrivals of immigrants at thia' port, tor tba week ending yesterday 20th. Steam-ship seer, Breaaen, 432; Kong; Sverra, Bergen, 125; 22 Abyssinia, Liverpool, 310 1 Great Wasters, Bristol, 144; Tyrian, Gibraltar, Bepnb. be. Uvoraool. T7 Egypt, LrvarpooL 420; City of 2iw York, Liv rerpooj, 110) City of Mtmtreat, Livar- pool, i ship TL Marshall, Irverpool.

St ship Henry, Bremen. 1M California, Glaagow, S44, Trin-aeria. Glasgow. 130 1 Villa da Havre, Havre, 10 fimbria, liaanbtrrg. 3Tti Georgia, Glasgow.

73 1 lianas Bresaen, TMi O. T. ranch, Antwerp, 114. TEOTTLlfO AT PROSPECT PARK. anWanwawasBanwaaswssnwaaw Tba Tall 'trotting- meeting af tbe) Proapect Park Fait Ground Association terminated yesterday with a grand afteraooa (port.

Tba weather waa delightful, aad a very large attendance of spectator witnessed two excellent contests. Tba first waa a purse of 1,000. for horses that bad never beatea S.43, ia which there were fourteen entries, eleven of tbeaa coming as the poet. These wore Gueea So, Lacea, Mlsa Miller, Fort Washington. Trustee, Cheater, Hopeful, Everett Bay, Kettle Walton, Lisrie Keeler.

and Gulnara, Everett Kay wen tha first beat, aad Miss Miller the second. II then became evident that Hopefuj was being polled in tba race, and Charley Green waa substituted for Jarvia, and tha result proved that the lusrse had hem deliberate! nulled, and Jarvia. with the horse and tbe owner. L. C.

Chase, was ruled off the course forever, and eonaeqaently off all the courses belonging to tbe National Association. acvjf ABT. I Pxoerxcr Pack Fata GaotTrna, Saturday, Sept t7. Purse, 1,000 for boraes that bad never beaten 4. mile heats, best three in five, in haraeaa i 1500 to first.

t-2r0 to second. 1130 to third, and $100 to fourth horse. I. C. Chase's r.

Honeful 7 1 a 8 tt 4 Ljnhn MurobVs b. Kverett 1 3 1 u. n. rerfruson n. m.

aiaa I. saoiuiis'ag. fort 6 3 B. Mace's b. m.

JteUis Walton 8 6 3 P. Manee's s. g. I Goees Bo 6 7 0 John aplsus br. g.

9 8 lt J. Baker's b. ui. ti ulnars. 8 10 9 R.

M. Howard's b. m. Lueea IU 6 8 6 7dfa. dr.

die. dr. T. a. Carpenter's m.

I.tsxis 4 9.7 James Chandler's h. Tins. Quarter. Half. Mile.

2 SO 2:27 2:25 First beat Lid's Second best 37s 1:11 Third heat. 87 1-13 Fourth heat J4a 1:10 Puth heat L10a BKCOKD BACK. The great race of the day waa the 13.000 pnrse for horses that had never btsten 2:20, in which tbe following seven were entered Peter Manee's b. a. W.

H. Allen Alden Goldsmith's b. m. Huntress George K. Ferguson's b.

m. Lady Banker i Charles S. Green's b. m. Lulu Ben.

Mace's b. g. Sensation, and J. J. Bo wen 'a blk.

g. Camors. Of these, all but Lnlnvond Lady Banker appeared, and the know ing ones concentrated on Gaxelle, once tbe rival of Judge FuHertoa. Tbe rates ruled as follows Gsselle ..250 140 a130 85 C5 ISO 70 bO 60 50 100 A---50 31tt FlRaif AT. After scoring nearly a doten times, they were finally sent away, with Sensation first.

Huntress second, Camors third, Gaxelle fourth, and Alien fifth. As they went round the turn Sen sstkm, amors, and Huntress to turn left their feet, but Srnexrion kept to the front and passed the qaar-ter-pole in 36 14 seconds, two lengths ahead af Camors. who was the same distance ahead of liuntt-ess. who wss a length ahead of Allen, and Gaxelle, acting badly, fifteen lengths in the rear. On tha bee kat retch Camors got close to Sensation, and at the half-mile pole, in 1:11, Sensation led him a length.

Huntress three lengths behind, and aix lengths before Allen, and Gaxelle ont of the race. Sensation kept in front round the lower tnrn, and won the race easily by four lengths, in Csmors second, two lengths aheador Alltu inside tha distance, and Gazelle distanced. Sacosu bat. Sensation brought $100 to $40 against tbe field. On tbe second attempt tbey were away, with Huntress two lengths ahead.

Sensation aecond, Camors third, and Allen fourth. On the turn entrees broke, but lost nothing and passed the quarter-pole in 35 seconds, four lengths ahead of Sensation, who was half a length before Camors, ha being eight lengths in advance of Allen. On the backatretch Huntress airain broke, but kept in front. and when they passed the half-mile pole ia 1:10 she wss tbree lengths ahead or sensation, wno waa two lengths front Camors, while Allen was out of the race. On the lower tnrn Camors fell away, and the race lay between the mare and Sensation.

Coming up the stretch', the latter passed her and won the heat by a length in 2:24, Huntress second, half a length in front of Camors, while Allen had the flag in hia face, Thiru HEAT. Sensation the favorite at $100 to $16. They got awsy on tbe first attempt; Camors aad Huntress were" together, and Sensation a length, behind. At the turn amors went to the front, and Sensation broke. At tbe quarter-pole, in 36 lg seconds, Camors was four lengths ahead, Sensation second, a lenzth before Huntress.

On the back atretch Sensation again broke, and Huntress took the second place, but Sensation regained his position and closed somewhat on Camors, bnt could not catch the latter winning the heat, by aix mngths, in Sensation second, six lengths be fore Huntress. FOL'BTH Heat. Huntress was a length in front, the other two together. At the quarter-pole, however, Camors waa in front, lending Sensation a length, and waa never heeded to the finish, which be won by two lengths in Sen as ion second, a do ten lengths-befors Huntress. 1 ifth Hxat.

Camors was hair a lenzta in tne lead. Huntress second, and Sensation third. At the quarter pole Camors led a length and a half. Sensation second. At the half mile Camera was a length ia front, and at the three-quarters a length and a half.

On the homestretch Sensation broke, and Camors won magnificent race in 2:24 by eight lengths. Huntress a dosen lengths behind. sumtAgr. Sajib DatJ Purse, $3,000 for borsee that bail never beaten mile heats best, three in five, in harness $1,500 to first, $700 to second, $500 to third, and $J00 to fourth horse. J.

J. Bowen's blk. g. Camors ..........2 Sill B. Usee's b.

g. beusstioa ......1 1 2 'J 2 a. Goldsmith's b. m. Uuntress 3 2 3 3 8 r.

Manee's bv-s. w. U. 4 dls. Chss.

a. tiieeu's b. m. tiaxclle dia. Ttaa.

1 Quarter. Half. 1:11 1:10 1:12 LA2a Mile. 2:22 2:24 2:22 "a fe24 First beat Peeoud ..35 Third neat. Stfs Fourth beat.

.1 35 a ruth 7 RIFLE COMPETITION AT CREEDMOOR. Tbe third regular competition for the Turf, Tietd amd Farm Challenge Badge waa held yester day afternoon at tbe Cieedmoor Ban ge. Long Island, under tbe supervision of the National Rifle Associa tion. There waa aa nun anally large attendance present, and fortyaerea entries were made. From soms cause or other the shooting was not so good as usual, although the general: average waa eotnewhat better.

The match waa only opoa to members of tbe Association, but they were allowed to choose any style of weapon most convenient to them. Tbe following ia the score made, Mr. Collins carryiag otf the badge and $8, Mr. Anderson securing a prise of $5, and Six. Fngei a prise of $3 50.

DUI Mima Arm. Score. J. T. B.

Remington porting ..16 A. tncheater H. Kurel. Remington Military .15 B.H. Matllsoa Gen.

W. Wricbt Ballard 15 Gen. MeseroU. Maypard 15 A. 8.

Vowle nnarpe Thomas Lloyd Ballard Sporting .14 Lieut. Cot, 8 porting 14 Leon Remington MUitary 14 OoL Carr ReminRton Rportinc U.C Brace Bportmg ,..13 Hie hard Hickman. tien. Tbos. a.

Dakin Remington Military. 13 J. a. MeBwen. BvorUnx- 13 Ueorse Crouch 8 portinc 13 W.

hT Clarks 13 J. P. aL BporUng. 13 S. J.

ally, Jr. leg 13 Henry I'ultoo Maynaed ttporUns. 13 Alexander r-jle Remington 13 A. Alfird 13 W. u.

harps aponing. 12 J. M. Mil.tary 12 t. ft.

Military. .11 D. Gunefon Kemington SporUiiK 1 aiexander Ueming ton sporting. ,...10 William Robertson Kemtnjrton T. I.

Military 4.. .10 F. 8. Oanlmsr Military 10 i. R.

Kith. Allen porting lo J. Ooalm A. J. Bern ins ton Rsniiuslou Mill tar B.

J. Ileraey W. J. Burton porwa. Major V.

L. Remington aporttog. Lieut. CoL Hitchcock. H.

H. MUitary. n. n. w.

a. tauuuuy John Robsrt RcUy J. B. Pewaea Uportlug. Cspt.

lienry Ueurse B. Qi Mihlary. iika. Kern iuston i II tary P. P.

sir ban Jena Military TVWERAL OF A TETERAN OF mfc rVQliam C. rinckney, a veteran of the war of iei2, was buried yesterday- from St. vohn'a Church, Yarick atreet, tbe religious services being performed by lie v. Dr. Tea Btocek.

Tba de ceased was caansetad with Lieut, Jetihsm's Com. paay. Col. Dodge'a Begimeot. He took active part ia the parades of the veterans until, recently when failing hearth, induced by advancing old age, compelled bim to keep indoors.

He died at Hia residence, Xo. Doadaick street, last Wednesday moraine after ten da-re' ill aeea. At 11 o'clock yesterday morning hia remains were conveyed to St John a Church, there being lew present oat nis ttsmeaisie relatives. immediate and a representation of the It was designed that tha vetemna ahould act aa pall. uearera, bat taair age ana lernieneea did not permit of their douir so.

and a reoueet made to view the body was not complied with as against tha rules of tne xas veterans present were oea. uen- rv Bavmond. CoL Isaac af Fbyfle, Jonathan Smith. aad leaaa Skidssora, CoL Phyfle feelingly observed that the remaining veterans now ia this City would rladlv have attended the services if not nre- nented from doing so by Ulneas, Tbe remains were taken to West Brighton, guoen Island, where tba Baal verm eat tooa place. CITY fAND SUBURBAN NEWS.

network: Marshal ITart araatod 789 ltoeaeee aad.ra- oaivsd HSS9 earing taa peat wash. AH tba tax books wifl ba eocnpUsted next Maaday. Tba taz-efBoa waa opoa ywatorday for taa payment of parsoaal taxaa, aad a large amount waa reeerveu. Tbomae Daly, aged 21, rf No. 71 Char Hon atreet, while intoxicated, Wiruat bis ami through a pane of glas at bis residence, catting bia wrist ae- verejy.

Fraderiek PanJ, aged 28, af Taa Dyke'a Hotel, while passing along tbe Battery waa assaulted by some unknown ruffian, aad bad bia left ear severely cut. In tba national amateur regatta, which takea place at Philadelphia, Oct. 7, tbe Princeton TJniver. aity Boat Club will be represented la the four-oared race ny a selected crew. Tbe steam-ship Humboldt, of the Bremen line, which came off the dry -dock ia Hobokea a few daya ago, wu tent back yeaternay to ret a new propeller.

Tbe steamer Franklin will take her place. The steam -ship Main, which left Bremen on Sept. 13, and Southampton oa Sept. 18, reached this port yesterday morning. Her mall news ia fresher by two daya than that previously at band.

Chan. Hathom, aged 31, of No. 63 West One Hundred aad Twenty-fourth atreet, waa struck on tbe head with a paint-can by some unknown person during a quarrel last evening at One Hundred and Twenty-eighth atreet aad Fourth avenue. Tbe witnesses In tbe Stokes case at preeent confined' la tbe House of Detention, namely, the Hart boys and Bed mono, were brought to the District Attorney's otnee yesterday aad examined. The Sir Ksigkta of Pal ea tine Commandery No.

18, K. met at their rooms. Odd-fellows' Hall, last night, to make amagementa for tbe pilgrimage to Philadelphia, to participate la the grand parade of tha order Patrick O'Neill was arraigned before Justice Hogan, at tbe Tombs yesterday, charged with bur glariouftly entering the iquor-etore oi i-asncK aian. No. 1 Bowling green, on Wednesday evening.

He waa committed In default of $1,000 bail. Thomas Maher waa yesterday arraigned before Judge Coulter, on charge of stealing a quantity of lead pipe belonging to the City. The prisoner confessed his guilt and alleged that John Connors, of Harlem, was aa accemplice. A warrant waa issued for Connors. A cable telegram, ria Jamaica, from tbe De pertinent ef Foreign Affairs of Peru to tbe Consul ia thia City, announces that the time for the opening of proposals for laying a aubmarine cable between Panama and Pafca was extended, on the 13th of September, for sixty daya.

In the case of Jamet D. Conae, who is held In default of $30,000 bail on chart ea of embeaxlement, the facta of which htve already appeared ia Thb Times, Judge Ingrahai yesterday granted a writ of habeas corpus to bring the prisoner before the Court to-morrow morning oa mvtiou to reduce the amount of his ball. Commissioner Van Xort make the following statement of public moneys received by the Department of Public Works during the week ending yes terday (Saturday :) Fox Croton water rent and pen ror troioo water rent anu pen-r e7: for UpplngCroton pipes, $106 50; pi-mi ts, $1,69 -i5; for sewer permits, pipe sold contractora, $1,510 23. Total, altiea, $14,017 e7 1 1 for vault pei $420; sewer-pipe John Doe, alias Ex hard Doe, James Bryan and eeTeral other aliases, waa arrested yesterday, by DrpSty Marshal Crswley, on a warrant Issued by Commissioner uaoorn, merging mm wno Beuuiug nhnsene literature thrsuch the mails. He was ar rested at the Clinton Medical Institute, Xo.

147 ast Fifteenth street, and dtnng the evening gave bail to appear for examination and trial. The Supervisors' Committee on Civil Courts were to have metyeeteaday to investigste tha claim of Wm. ktchTeag, a moulting to $450,000 for services in defending suits brought sgainst the Board of Ex- cise from lt5 to 171. Air. alclLeag did not appear.

Only two members of tbe Committee, Messrs. Morris and Billings, beingjreeent, the inveeligauon waa adjourned until next Taursday. i BECOKLTX. The Police of the Sixth Precinct arrested nine policy dealers in the Eastern District of Brooklyn, yesterday. Joseph McDennoti and Edward Kennedy were committed by Justice Del mar, yesterday, on a charge of breaking ints the saloon of Frank Hart-man, Jo.

455 Court street. In Justice Walah't Court, yesterday, Thoe. Gorman, Wm. Wadsworth, and Wm. H.

Kose were committed for trial on a charge of breaking into the honae Ko. 241 Masses street, and attempting to steal a quantity of weaang appareL Oscar Holte, first nate of tbe German ship Malaido, at present lyiag in tbe Atlantic Basin, was committed for examitntion in Justice Delmar a Court, yesterday, on a charge of passing a forged check for $110 oa Jaa, Boas, of Ko. 9 Hamilton ave nue. During tbe last week tbe wills of Frederick Kspf, of Xew Lota George Stahl, Brigdewatera 1 Eliza E. Pbebua, Catherine Wendell, Ellen Cudley, Mary Anne Wood, and Elizabeth Suydam, were admitted to probate in tte Surrogate's Court of Kings County.

There are now in port 493 Teasels of all classes, divided aa folkws Steamers, 65 ships, 48 barks, 210 brigs, 85 schooners 00. Of these, 253 vessels are moored on tne Brooklyn side of tbe river, divided as follows Steamers, 12 ships, 16 barks, 135 brigs, 54 schooners, 27. Mr. Beecher not laving returned. Rev.

Dr. Parker, the author and preacher, of Poultry Chapel, London, will preach thia morning and evening. lr. Parker'a repntatisn aa a writer and apeak er should insure him a Arge audience. It ia understood nbat Mr.

Boechet will preach one week from to-day. Letters of administration were granted in tbe estates of Frederick Xapf, Ana HIggin, James Knight, EUtabeth Lewis, James Sherlock, Ann Lerch, David Bienbardt. John F. Burron, Mary Kobinson, John M. Ttylor, Sarah E.

Crooke, Wm. MaddenTMary B. Parntelee, Charles 8. Haakins, aad Ana Balaley. Henry Montague, weH-known rough hafling from Bad Hook Point and James McEvoy, were committed by Justice Korse, yesterday, to await tha result of injuries inlicted by them oa Patrick O'Brien, of Ko.

53 Waahingtoa avenue. The ac-eused fractured O'Briet'a skull by beating him with paring-atones, i Coroner Jones heal an inquest yesterday afternoon at the Long Island College Hospital, ea tbe body of Gustavo Olaen, the Norwegian are mi who waa stabbed on board the bark Alliance, two weeka ago, at the Atlaabe dotk. Tha testimony seemed to show that Oscar HoUsnder bad inflicted tha fatal blow, and tha Jury iwosered a verdict to that affect. HoUendev was held for the Grand ury. WESTCHESTER COUNTY.

Mr. James H. Morsn has purchased tbe old Metbodiat Chanel on Hamilton avenue. White Plains, for $3,120. The contract for grading Fordham avenue tbe now width of eighty feet has been awarded to James Hall for $03,000.

Tha annual meeting of the Westchester County Bible Society will be held at Mamarooeck. on the last Wednesday of October. A fair held by tha Sunday -ecbool connected with the Reformed Cturcb of Mount Vernon an licbed tha treasury abvut $300. The work of excavating for tha foundation of tha new passenger depot fur tha New-Haven Bail-road Company, at Mrw-Bochelle, la pro greasing rapidly. The special train which has been running between New-York aad Mount EUsco, during tha Bummer, will be discontiaued at tha close of the present month.

Peter Zhik, Ex-Street Commissioner of Mor-rlainia, baa com me need a suit for slander against Mr. Kaiser, ooe of the town Trustees. Mr. Zlnk has laid his damages at Divinity Church, Morrisanla, which, two yeare ago, was In debt to tbe extent of over is now not only free from pecuniary obligations, but baa a cash balance on hand of over $50S. The Democrats of the First Assembly Dis trict of Westchester County will hold a Convention at Fordham.

on Monday, to select delegates to State, Seaatorial, aad Judisial Coaventioas. A new road has been opened from Mount Vernon to PelbamviUe, tha Priory and Kew- Bochelle. which shortens the distance aboat ooe mile, and the grade ia much easier thaa by any of tne old roads. Tba Democrats or the Second Assembly- District of Westchester County will bold a Convention at White PIsina, oa Monday, to a loot oaa delegate to tbe State Convention, five delegated to the Sena torial Convention, nad one to the Judietal Con vention. A Union Sandaj-school has been organized ia tbe Tillage of Pleaaaatvilla, with the' following aS eera: Charles Ferris.

Superintendent: Sylvester See, Assistant Superintendent; Mrs. J. Lane, Fe male paper in ten dent; airs. x. dee, xrnasurcr Jo seph Henna, tsecretary.

At a meeting of tba tax-payers of Mount Ver non, a committee ef tea waa appointed as draft a bill tor tbe action ef taa Iejpalatare, to mpowar tba Trustees of the Tfflsiris aw awmtaiaeioa. to take land for the parpens of la Brassin the depot ace modattoas eftba Vsw-HsTea ItaUroad Company, A bold attempt was made, a few nights ago, te sen-prise aad rob Mr. Martiadala, a rasiaeat of Preepoot atreet, Malreos, by raw men aa aa waa about passing Kdsall Ktraei Bridge, MottUlsvon, from taa direetioa af the eld atnal worka, (a dlamal plaee after dark.) As Mr. Martrndalo waa aratoo. aad exhibited no alarm, ha was aUewea to without farther aaolsotatioa.

LONG ISLAND. The new Epiaoopal Chnroh on Shelter Island, wss eompleted yesterday, the chaaoal window being fa place. It to aa aleaaat affair, msinory af Alice Marv Hairht. wife ef Matthias XI coll. who died ia Brooklyn.

Jan. 5 1873. Tbe cbaoel baa been mostly built and furnished by funds contributed by tbe jvicou tamuy. be new entnee wiu oe oeumaiea on Wednesday. Oct.

1. Key. Dr. Bobeack, of will preach the dedicatory eermoa. William Killinger, a German, waa arrested on Friday night while committing a burglary at the residence of Mr.

Bees Hicks, at Little Keck. The burglar bad effected an entrance to the bouse through a rear parlor-window, and wbea brought to terms by a revolver it was fonad that he had la his possession Mr. Kees' watch ana chain, wnicn nan beea stolen from his bedroom. Upon being locked up be confessed te having robbed tbe CathoHo Church at West Flushing list week, drinking the sacramental wine, and stealing the silver. i STATEN ISLAND.

Mr. Eraetua Brooks baa determined not to be a candidate for the Assembly, unless be can receive the unanimous nomination of both the political parties of Kichmond County. Tba Richmond County Republican Conven tion wUl meet at Clifton Hall, Hew-Tork avenue Clifton, oa the 13th of October, to make tha county nominations for the November election. Caadidatea are to be nominated for member of Assembly; Bher-iff, ia place of Moses A lis ton; County Treasurer, ia place of A bran Winantt two Superintendents of tba Poor, in place of Xathaa Heal and Jacob Egbert two Justices of the Hessioaa, la place of William H. Allen and Frederick Haeener; aad one Coroner, la place of James liempeey, the terms of whose emcee will all expire the 1st of December next.

NEW-JERSEY. The water-main in Greene street, Jersey City, burst yesterday. A new Grange will ba organised in Woods-town, on Monday night. The Bergen County Republican County Convention will meet in Plainfield oa the 15th prox. The Jersey City will hold their annual shooting festival at the Idle in Greenville, on the 6th proximo.

The Jersey City Theatre will open on Monday evening, Sept. 89. The theatre will be under tbe management of Mr. Campbell. i Adjt.

Gen. Stryker has secured all the muster-rolls of New-Jersey soldiers engaged in the French and Indian wars of 1754-A3. A dwelling-boose at No. 90 Cherry street, Elisabeth, belonging to F. W.

Bell, was destroyed by fire at a late hour on Friday night. Loss, $1,500. There were no bidden at the sale of lands for unpaid taxes la Jersey City on Friday, bat tbe delinquents paid nearly $11,000 to save their property. Lewis B. Carr, of Lower Creek, Salem Coun ty, waa accidentally shot while out gunning on Fri day, by a companion.

Tha wounds are not considered fatal. The Sunday mail between Camden, Atlantic City, and Cape May baa been dieooci tinned at the re quest of the Sabbatarian Society, and tha mail train will be abandoned llary Mitchell, aged fourteen months, was drowned In a tub of water, in Grand street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, during the temporary ab sence of her parents, yesterday. Mary Fordham, residing at Ko. 40 York atreet, Jersey City, fell out of the third story window while attempting to close the shutters. Her injuries were painful put not dangerous.

A Government line of telegraph between' South, Seaville and the lower life-saving station on Perk's Beach, in Cape Mar County. Mr. James A. Swift, the electrician, ia superintending the work. J.

Bockwood, A. Ph. has been appointed to the professorship ef mathematics in Batgera College. New-Brunswick. He has held a similar chair in Bowdoia College during the paat live years.

Two freight-trains collided on tha Pennsylvania TtailraniL nnar Plainahoro. veaterdav. Both en gines were destroyed and three of the ears wet eTfe mousneo. xxss women aawisou, uo engineer of one ef the locomotives, was badly bruised, and hia fireman waa scalded slightly by escaping steam. Bishop Odenhetmer will confer the rite of confirmation at Be v.

James Crystal's Church of the Holy Trinity, on St. Paul a avenue, nearCentral, Jersey City, to-day. A large number of Mr. Crystal 'a congregation will be confirmed. After the ceremony the Biabop will preach.

i The body of an unknown man was found near Bound Brook, yesterday morning, by Mr. Joseph BrilL The corpse waa dressed in a plain suit of clothes, nearly new, and the man's head waa resting on a bundle. He was supposed to be a tramp. Tan County Physician waa notified and the body taken to the Morgue. The body of an Infant was found in the vault of aa outhouse at No.

77 West street Newark, yesterday. The case waa reported to County Physician Dodd, who investigated the matter and then ordered the arrest of Owen Wilson, the father of the child. The prisoner said that hia wife had requested him to bury the child, and he bad thrown it into the vault, supposing there waa nothing wrong in it. The mother of tbe child claimed that it was still-born. Aa inquest will be held by Coroner Vreeland.

PROF. DOXAZ.VSOJTS At a little after 5 o'clock yesterday evening a balloon ascent on a small scale was made by Prof." Donaldson, from tbs Capitolme Grounds, Brooklyn. There were probably a thoaaand persona present. The balloon eras stated to be to feet in diameter, and Ha inflation, which commenced at 4:80, waa not eompleted until about 5. Tbe work Of preparation progressed smoothly under the direction of Prof." Xonjjdson, who personally superintended aU tha arrangements.

Ha waa surrounded by numerous interested friends, who were armed "with bundles of advertisements announcing the resuscitation of the defunct balloon of two weeks sgo, and the determination of the "Professor' to strike" that easterly current, of which so much has recently beea beard. Immediately after the ascension ot the balloon, the first act of the Professor, after waving hia bat in response to the cheers of the beholders, was to fling among them a bundle of the aforesaid advertiaementa. which were supposed to be the message from tbe clouds expected from him. The balloon proceeded eastward, the intention of the Professor being to land somewhere oa Long Island knt thmi wars those amoun the spec tabors who In sinuated that a landing ia the Sound would proba bly be the result oi nis tnp. rru.ifT da TS RECEIPT OF CUT TAXES.

Tha receipt of taxes commenced yesterday, and, aa always heretofore, upon personal estates si one. Tbe receipts yesterday were from ladivida- els, and not from banks or oorporae wapsan wn sen swneran the first to ears the interest oa pro- payment. Tbe amount ef taxes paid yesterday On personal estate entirely was iuj.ovi ii i uiaceuu aft, aeeruiag to tha payees, $8 bal-aaes paid Into tba City Treasury, $131,390 it. The comparison ef this year with 1ST, wbea large corporations ware mostly tbe first to discharge their obligations ts taa City aad realise their per centum, is as follows, Thvt la ltfrx. tha first day a receipt, (all personal tax.) tS; in 1873, tbs first day's rtowptaV (all personal tax,) U31.350 19.

fjonaiderfng the general feeling of insecurity la monetary matters at thia time, tbe above statement shows that tha City af Xsw-Yerk, iu Municipal under the present management, can outride any stona aad provide the best security. THE STATE USB OF STXAXSBIPS. Tha new steamer Georgia, tha latest addition to tbs State Line of steamers between this port aad Glasgow, arrived at thia port yesterday, Friday morning. In else aad appearance aba la Uke her sister ships of this line, tha Pennsylvania aad Virginia. Her internal arrangementa, however, are la some respects superior.

The State Line baa now launched six steamers, three at present trading be-w thia nort and Glasgow, aad throe between Liverpool and Kew-Orleana, and, encowmged by the great success artaiaed, tbey have now contracted for three new vessels to be built on the Clyde, and to be in every respect masterpieces of naval architeetara, Mrk will nnabla them next Summer to dispatch a weekly steamer instead of fbrtaigktly, aa now, from thia port-- Thia line, it may bo added, baa large standing contracts for shipments of produce, and full caigeeeara guarautonu ivr anm uun. SPRAGVS SOT ISVICTED. The Grand Jury of Kings County presented a Urge number of indictments to the Court of Seasione yesterday morning. Judge Moore received th without comment, aad after directing the Grand Jury toprotsid with their Invest igst tons, wontea with the routine beaiaaaa of tba Court. Later as taa day a a laws reporter caaiea oa samsn aiatnct auut aovCalloa, aad was laJbrwil that no tadirtwisai sSbast tragus had beea praaealsd As toeOrand JwiB tot.

Srrraoe indictment win probably be brought lata Court some day next waekv DEPARTURES FOR XUR0PE son, Tbomae a. Cpbam, T. L. Ralph, ataarlos arenstoia, SV TboTee Stendv Jali-S Jietry. Alpboaao W.

1L Eedheffer, Jsa. aJcharda, atrm. Jas, EetaVdZ Jrt.Richrd H.W, Jsa. Beattljs B.C. Ua.K M.

3. Fish, Heary a Howolla, Maator It C. Uewella, aliaa Howella, Jeha 1. Coietnaa. SiVr 'JLhL -Vrtoa.

rVmttmd, teTkiUs, airs, stand Marstnn. Fraaevla. F. W.fcwtt. W.

-njlth. i.C. Hardy. ev. aoot.

uamu, jonn w. aw tmc antls, ibr W-iH? F. W. Hamilton, Mr. and at ra.

P. it rWergaet, AA. MeFadRStt, Sir Thoa, Dakla, K. A Cutter, H.Cowy, Chaa. Gaaeoyne, Albert Thomas, two Misses i ro-raod Mrs.

KrederVek W-atoa, Mr. ssd Mrs, wTaTMnMer, Miss Brybsnv, P. O. CUinaa, Mr. nad Mrs.

S. Dwtsht and infant, Hbs Mlaa Hayno, J. H. Badger 7k. A.

Brlgham, ias WlnneM tryne, Gould Hoyt, Mrs. Luey A. O'Connor, ehfid and infant, J. ra aRailev. John Kirlev.

W. Clarke. W. W. Law, B.

Thoratoa. John Alaxaader tewson, J. at. Tadhantor. WUUaas Hsmllton.

i- rilwtliMaiiLl For cleaning and dyeing, best in the City, go to Lord's eoeee. So. 630 Broadwar. near Bleeeker Ke. 834 Broadway, near uM aad ho.

111 8th a. am PASSESGERS SAILED. fa alesBvsMs Asa Jntssanr, for Sasssaas u. nanuers and wtfs, Mrs. Lwara Alien and Jjro children.

Mrs. Boardman. Mrs. Woodruff, Miss K. W.

Carter, Miss V. nmni. iiiu R.nMMt. Mrs. Flouraov.

Miss K. Mof- feU.MIss Mouroa. Mrs. Curtis and sou, Mrs. Harrison, Mils S.

Frudden. Mrs. B. B. BreU.

John ColUns. Miss M. B. MUls, tieo. Dnmoa, Jsa.

MeOrsth, P. Knapp and wim. Wallace Camming and Boo, Miss Mary Thorp, Miss Ida Blaoeaard. Cap. J.

u. at ins, a. v. Lewis. Oeo, Wbiteside, V.

Hutehtna wTfe snd Infant, Mrs. H. Lewis, Mlsa Julia Sporfaawk, Webster, a. C. rradden, Mrs, Stevaoa, Mrs.

B. Dossm, B. W. V. Monrsa, J.

Potadaas, MiaaB telle Hart. Miss Bugeno Bowers? H. Suitor, wife and infant. Thoa. Weat, John Byan.

Miss MeUrsth, Miss J. Dunn, Mrs. J. MeOrsth and daughter. Mrs.

Clark, Hugh Taggart, A. Drummon, John Lewis, Lloyd Twine! Mrs. J. Melee, Mrs. L.

Johnson, Mrs, Law, Mrs. Loeretia Bow an. Dr. Jan. K.

Barnum, Prof, A. Kiswald, Miss Janio as tin, Mrs. taffbsriov, Mrs. Angel, Mrs, Pry, intent and nurse, Mrs, O. Glus-ker, Mrs.

Mary Bent H. Farkss, a Farkaa, C. Angel, Jas. Whyte, Tboe, M. Wilson, J.

Francis Bagan, Mrs, M. Oiebelbouae. Miss M. B. Apthorp, i.

P. Apthvrp, Chaa. B. Ma pea, W. W.

Humphries, Tattle. a mam ikim sfaiuanrs.W aai'saaat T. Bowman, S. SehwwasoB, Master Sebwanson, Miaa i. Dosmd, Miss Ida Uvincston, Jsa.

Dunn and vnle, C. Heist, Was. Wade, MraTj.B. Deppish, Mrs. M.

A. Cook, B. Toner, B. WTossr. Miss Kate Lonaa.

Mrs. Waymoth. Miss Waymoth, Miss A. Smith, H. W.

Searle, H. Wsde, Miss H. Ferguson, Miss H. Ferrnsoo. t.

A. Burlia-game, Geo. Clark, Mrs. BurUngaaae, Miss O. Bsutell, Miss Roberts, Miss A.

B. Davison, Misa Allen, Mrs. us tin. J. K.

Hines and wife, Miaa Kate A. Brase, Wm. Cookaen. Chaa. Baekman, Master Henry Taylor, Mlsa Oetavta Taylor, Mias Henrietta Phlllipa, Miaa Georgia Taylor, auss rroaa PASSESGERS ARRIVED.

Jn iliam illi lai. ft mm aaiiaaast, W. L. Waltheor, wife, child, and nurse, Mrs. G.

Ulffnre, J. P. Carter sod wife. 7. P.

Carter, Miss Bella Turner, B. P. Lit-tlefieM, M. Towns, U. Lewis.

W. Lymua, B. White, A. HsekweU, W. H.

White, J. Jonas, Jsa, Fester. A. Bobbins, Simon Hiller, H. D.

Pope. MISIATURB ALMASA GTHIS DAT. Sun rlaee. 5:53 I Bun aeta 5:48 Mson ntsAsai wst a oyai tl BIT. Sandy Hook.ll: 35 Gov.

Island. 1': 14 Hell 30 MARINE INTELLIGEXCE. KBW-TOBX B4T0BDAT. Sept. 27.

CLEARED. Steam-ship Wyonung. Morgan, Liverpool, Wit- hams A Union Weser, Brickensteln. Bremen, via Soatbampton. oeineas a axceisior, uw, Rotterdam, aweetlaad, Bowring Co City of Mexico, Timmormann, Havana and Tons Crua, F.

Alexandre as. Mnrtem Metronons. unci, now-vmmfc r. Baker i George CromweB, Urawloro, aew-vrieans, Clark ft Seaman Montgomery, r-aircloth, rarannan, EobC Lowden; Eesulator, Martin, Wilmington, w. Lorillard Steam-ship Msjflower, Tufts, Philadelphia.

Wm. F. Clyde tt Co. i Sorth Point Foley, Philadelphia, Lonllard steam-snip 1 City of Houston, Deermx. Galvoston.

vis, Key West, C. H. Mallurv a C04 Ban aalvador. Niekeraon, Ravannah. aes, one1 stol.

Kns, B. P. Cnrrie ACo4 Wm. B. Garrison I Jtaanattnn, eoanuu, vnarieaon, 8, CL, J.

W. (Juintard C04 K. Knight, Chichester, Georgetown, I. J. Keuyon A Glaueus.

Bacon, Boston, H. F. Dimocks Sarah, Jooee, Philadelphia, Wm. KirkpatrK-k. Ship Thoa.

Dunham, McLean, London, T. Ihmham'a BrpbewACo. Barks Cienfoeroa. Kotststs, Port Jobnson, Borland. Dearborn A Menoit.

Treletoen. Cork lor or derm. a Cet; cmsou, 1 Mallory A Col; Dalhave. (Br)McJleilry, Loudon, ArkeU. Tufts A Co.

Johann Lndwig, BoUyes, Botterdsm. Funeh. Edye a Hanven, (Worw. Bod-reth, Bttordam, Punch. Bdye A Paul.

KJatt, Stettin, J. W. echmidt A C04 Begulus, Uous, Bottordam. Tobiaa A Com Paola. (ItaL.) erase Ho, Cork for orders, Bloeovteh A C04 Baao, Marssas.

Cork for seders. Siocevteh A Com James K. Boyd, CBr.J Perry, Havre, France. Boyd A Hiacken B. MsK.

Spear-rng Hiller. Cieofoeroe. Jova A C04 tiasella. Dock- Brurs L'amiro. tltnL.) lUpnrsoto, ITsples, Bloeovlch A Diana, Hansen, 4 assterdam, Tetens A Bockmann.

acbr. Carrie, (BO Bonnen. St. Heney A Parker 1 Luola Mnrchison. Jooee.

Wilmington. M. C. K. 8.

oPwell Hedxina. (Ojr.J Toss, Blslnore, for orders. T. Buger A Co. -v1' ARRIVED.

St earn -ship ttbermao, Hslsey, Kew-Orleana Sept. M. with mdse. and us mums to Frederick Bskee. Has aad Bgbt rariabSs winds too en lira fsnige aepfc.

8S. Gorha Silversmiths, I BOND STREET, Solid Silver Ware. Tha GoKKAaf. Compajtt, of Providence, R. i.t baring bad an experience of orer thirty years in tne manuracrare oi bona SOrer Ware for the trade, feel Justified in making tbe statement that their productions are not only of the highest grade manufactured in the present adyanced state of the art, bnt that their great facilities enable them to manufacture at prices -within tbe means of the closest bnyer, AT RETAIL.

The Company hereby announce that they hare this season opened their fine Show Rooms to the public, and will hereafter, tn connection with their wholesale business, retail their own goods in the City of New York. All who hare a taste for beautiful sllrer are IutI ted to Tisit their salesroom. Tie Sale Deposit 140 142, and 146 Broadway, Coranr Liberty street.) i Prancis H. Jenka, President, I The First Established in the World. Clsarterwa aaelaolvoly far tao i Salewkeepljasf of Tatlaiaialea, Bonda, asseks, Plate, Jewelry, WHIs, ke TJXDKB OUABASTKK, aad too Renting of Safes ralte 5 Fire and Biirgrlar Proof Vault.

tiCAKSBD DAT AXD SIGHT BY ARXKD MKX BOOStS FOR Us DIES, witk evwry aoavenlewea. sopaists Ssssa, Sa are nro- vided. Tory amany ladies ara reatera er asansilora. A PtUmmmm tm fas Wssisst ts ssM Immi rtm er Sato OPwswMfylwfBM nwfwaMal nwtwswllPwr 4 Tbennolie are lavitso tnwlstt tao ntonMses. Jam.

Q. Daaxiao, rros'l. A. t. k'aivr, CITIZENS' i ISSCttAXCK CO OF NEWARK, Jf.

J. Cash oo Total Assets. Jnao SU, 1873 3M38S 14 Hoa. Ai.a. atrrcs su, Treat.


I Cash Capital paid $290,500 00 Total assets, Jnao SO, tt I tsscu AOAwrr loss oa savaqx st nu at KtaSOSABLS BATKS. TtMPLE, Agent, i jsaviea oreaavayV Viw-Tsrk, of Hertort sn-sblp afata, Oer, Tea CWsaiadiia ia, aad aentbaorptna lbth-wttA aaisaaaaT? is-srstoOelrtohstCo. ,4 awflfBaW fur Havana, aaaa Steam ahip Jsaaee Adrar, taskwaet. 11 84wita astise. and paasesgvrs to James W.

'Imiill Steam ship Batorts. Mowrtnad. Irvsmssi a 16, sad (faisasnwa 17ta, with mass, and lj eaLa and 414 steersrs psasensers to Charles U. team-ship Baw-Orleous, Gsyer, Xnw-Or leans. ca' l.

with nwlao. nod pssssarsrs to Clark A Seassaa, Ship Storkera, IJtorw.J Lriokssa, Aatwwp, W. balUst to Fsncb, Bdye A Co, Bark Heaos, Ziesmer, Bristol, 4) A. aalasa to taeh, Kdye ACo. Bark Assyria, St.

Jobs, B. Bastes, Rotterdaa Aug. 16, la ballast to Bsgle. Blakaioa A Bmrta. anchored at Sandy Hook fur erdsvm, Bark Sigurd Porstonsen, Sowttiawims 4S ds In ballast to Tobias ft Co, Sept.

16, UtiTio Ion. 63 4'), passed bark Clio. bound K. Bark admeto, Amlsista, Dahlia 40 Sa.hv ballast to faneh, adya a Co. Bark Fvda, (ItaLj Marino, HuU 47 ballast master.

Bark Bepublie, Berg. MarseaTbo with aoffes to H. Paveatodt A Co. sssol ts raash, Ujt Bark Hostrene. Peva.

Glasgow 64 4. wttk real to Metropolitan Gas Company vassal ts raais Bdye A Co. Bark Juptbsr. Leitke, Btasaea, 41 aa. la ballast to Funeh.

Mil A Co. Brig Chaotic leer, (nf London.) Msrrtaoa. Baala 81 a la bailaat to Howland A AsmawalL Sebr. Island City, Alien, Gluaasa tar, with Bah to VsaA, rutT a Bobinsens. Scbr.

Mareena Meason. Dayton, Geonretown, TX C. Sea. Sosaa Wright, Meant, Feme nil ins 13 da, wita lumbsr to Doliner, Potter A Co. Scbr.

Stephen Morgan, Tan Cleat, Baltimore. Scbr. Ruth Shaw, Shaw, Baltimore, for Bsw-Harea. Sebr. Excel, Ladhans, Virginsv Scbr.

Harry Deremas, Cornell, Vn-rtola. 1 Scbr. Boot, Morrison, Knight, Tbginia. Sehr. Cornelia Bewklrk, Huatly, rrovldsaea, tar PluV adeipbta.

Scl lean hr. Ana shells Thompson, Howe, rVortdeace. Sehr. Ana T. Slppla Baeoa, I Sehr.

Geo. r. Kane, rateraon, rTovtdenos. rateraon, Providenes. Schr.

Jsa, M. BayUs, Arnold, Frovklenee, for Knss "nethrmrt. Sehr. B. J.

Barnor, Mitchell, Prwvidenee, Schr. laaggie BeU. Hall, Providence, Sebr. J. a.

Seymour, Barton, Providence, tat Kanv-hethport, Scbr. Z. Tsvlor. HIH. frovidene.

Schr. Wtuow HsrsTBorton, rrovldonos, fas- gllssheth. port. eenr. sob, tt sin, mm wmoxs nw inranyjinywsa.

Schr. L. L. Hamblm. Velsor, Provmoneo, Scbr.

Loduakia Sehr. Mnnitor. Heath. Provides r. Bewditeh, PrnvideneA.

Srhr. Hattie Perry. Chase. New-Benfnrd. Scbr.

Franklia Pierce, Flanaoa, ew-Haven. lor ansa, bet port. Schr, Tbomaa Borden, Anon, Fall Bivor, Bw fTijliad phia. Schr. W.

B. Jourdan, Baker, Haw-Hsvea, for BslU- Sehr. B. GIbaoa. Brown, Bangor, with tamber ts se der.

Schr. Addle P. Avery, Byan, Xaw-Bavaa, tor Baltt- sehr. Hl St. eVerjeJi.

OiPida HI morn. atenss-shlp Lard ttvs. (Br .) Unrafcart, TItq Sept. via Bostsa t6ia. la baliaaS te Snow kVvxZZ.

fteanvship Leo, lissisnra, SaTSanah Sept, 4 se. and pesarngers to Murray, Perrls A CeT Sa off Cape Louaoat. passed ilsam shin Marts Sehr. Hotixon, Leet, Pawtucket, for aVondoUt. Scbr.

Hester, Davis, Fort Chester. Sebr. B. All Baker, Dow, George's Banks, with fish to H. C.

Bogers. Sebr. A nthonv Burton. Johnson, Ps wtueket, Sehr. W.

Thorajdike, Cushman, Bock land, with Urns for iUebiaxind, Scbr. Ml chard Bill. Pries, Seeserset. Schr. 8.

P. Godwin, Waterbury, Bttmfbrd. BELOW Bark Columbia, SehsischsT, Oaxrt Aug. in ltsst to order. Wliii-i-duiuU)ru, light, A hasy.

BAILED. Steam-ships Weser. Cor Bremen Aaglla, tat friissgew Rcvpt, Abyssinia. City of Montreal, and Bepublie. tar Liverpool 1 City of Mexico, for Havana; City of Houston, for Galveston Western Metropolis sod Gen.

Cms-, well, for Jiew-Orleans 1 Montgornery and San Salysdor, for Savannah Manhattan, for Charleston Retsistor, for Wilmington, -Old Dominion, for Rishmond ships Tbotnss Dunham, tar sadun 1 Bdith Troop, fur Bristol; barks louna Kacle. for Antwerp; Jas. B. Havre brig H. Hill, for Auz Cayea aonr.

Hat Lis a. Fuller, for Charleston. BY TELEGRAPH. BOSTOH. Sept.

27. Ait. steanvehlps Worees--4er. from Havannab Battlesnalce and Centipede, froov Philadelphia brig B. A Healeoi, from Baltimore.

CHARLK.STON. i. SepC "27. Arc sreamer Georgia, from Sid. steamers Chsmpten, for Kew-Tork Buator, for Philadelphia; Sea Gull, for Baltimore.

HALIFAX, If. Sept. Jf7. Tbe steamer Delta aid. foe 1 Quebec thia afternoon.

The steamer Alhambra arc trora ami retnraf-d to Boston thia memins i LEWEB. DeL. Sept. sehr. Mary Miller, tram Georgetown, D.

has been detained here sioeo the 18th Inst, on aceount of thostekness of her crew, who are now reeovering. SAVAA'KAH. Oa, Sept. 27. Air.

hark Ik H. Deveber from Montevideo. Cld. tea ss -ships HuBtsyille and San Jacinto, tor Beww Tork; echrs. Guy B.

Phelps, for D.F. Keelinc, for Baltimore. VlKaVAKD HAVRJi. Sent. 25.

Art. steam-tug Tiger, from Kew-Tork, for Portland sehrs. Fsnoie A. Baiirr snd Alice BoVda. Philadehvhin, tor Bostoa Bowie J.

Morrison, Baltimore, for Boston; reports, Ztjlh rnat, laA 87 40. km. 7t. spoke whaliag schr. B.

F. Sparks from Hatteras Ground, ef and for Previneetown. wita 300 able. sperm-oiL Also err. scbra.

Chaa. B. Morrnwu, Baltimore, for Beotoa in tbe gale ef tbe 20th mat, off Chineotearne, lost foresail and split mainsaiL Also. arr. sebm.

Eugene, Boadout, for Boston Banner, Weymouth, for do.f Amos Edwards, Philadelphia, for Portsmouth: Wyoming. for Sscoi Joseph Chandler, Kew-Tork. for W.ndsor, N. Marwl. SK Elmo, aad Z.

Snow, Weeds Ue. for Bristol, Ward J. Parks. Georgetown, U. ior Portsmouth f.

Hepaibah, Prorideocs, for Bangor Lottie 8., (Brn) from, Sidney, CB. SW. Hebe Henry Clay. Wind, modersto, aloar. EVSOPEAN MARISE SEWS.

Orssxirrovrw. Sept. Yl. Tiie Canard U'no ateaa ship. Cobs, Cant.

Mooddie, from Kew-Tork Sept, AY ror lavex-pool arr. here at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Canard line steam-ship Olympus, Cant. McDowell, from Boston Sept. 16, for Lrvnrpoul, arr.

ia this har- bor at 4 e-eiocK xois moraiox. auwa.Bvmv Drat. 27Vho stanm-snio Tat freni AsptnwaU and West Indian porta, arr. hers to-day. ife.

Co, NEAR BROADWAY. Pino Plated Waro, The Company are also the exclusive manufacturers of the well-known Gorham Platx." It possesses all the elements of Una silver in eolidity, beauty, finish, elegance. of form and outline, and extreme durability, atone-qnartefto'one third the price of solid sUrer. FURWITURE. CDRTADfS AND DRAPERIES.


CARL II. SCUULTZ, Stmrissnr ts ScAolts A Warker, Bo. 860 Broad wsy, earner ITta St. ana Uaiee aqnaraj lliQeral Spring Waters. In a ere shMO tne tosdinc OeaMest AstWitMS mi taa Onttos Ktauw aS aaarat anrlaas taey tep BROWNrs Metallic Weather Strips Windows ana Doora, exclude COLO AraCa ta Winter, and DUST SltBtOAOWAV.

rBUrOHAlJ4 FOR SAND AND MOall I STONK salsa' ptspsssli wfll as reooivoa at tha oOlea ef IM rssnartssoat of Docks nntil 13 slock ansa of Tt'B'Sl OAT. Sept. SO, 1873. for furniahina SAATO ASS saOSh" STON rOl MA KINO COaCBATa AM sUf-nAr FOB KOONllATIOsia, front Oct. 1.

1S73. toOct. 1, la' For roH nartiewlars. see too Cum Ain ri, Cnssss to I 1 u.lf l. 1 mmmm as wsii, as,.

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