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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 8 1 ft! "i i 11 1 A RATIONAL COMMERCE. Annual Meeting 1 of the Com-mercial Convention. ff lag Day ai littknr A PtnMaaat gaotutioa IfaXee Debate KuIm ud Oreer tf Bartocn. Or. Baltimork, Md, Sept.

23. Tbe Commer- CoitmUoi assembled today la Um kail of tM Mmosm Tempt, which la ha d1 ornery decorated vita aUonal flaga, ahields and tbe mil ana of the several BtateA Tbe gallery waa crowded with spectator, including a Bomber of lad lea. Among tbe dwtlnguiabed persons a the Boor were Senator Wilson, of Maaeec base us, and Ex-Gov. Prwrisor, of Ohio. At HJ 'lock.

Jon a W. Garkett. who presided at Ue last Con veetion at Cineinaatl. sailed tbe Convention to order and spoke aa follow: (ian-ijcMEa or thb Comyextiox At the pre-atdlaSrflcer of tbe Soutbera Commercial Con-V saliva, bold IB Unelaaati. la October 1 eat, I have been requested by the Committee of Ar-rajteefnents to call tbi Convention to order.

That Committee also desires me to etale that, iu view of toe large aattonal assemblage of too Maaoute frateraily In Baltimore taurine tbe paat and with tbe object of extending tbe boa-r-ttalitle of Lata ouoimuultv to tbe member of lata Convention more effectively, tbe time or tbl tare line was ebitogcd from tbe tblrd to tbe fourth Monday Id September. Tbe laat meeting of tbe Hoalbera Commercial Convention marked an eooeb In tb Droarreaa of tbe reeonelllaUon of tbe rtortb and Bomb, Twenty-five State were rep- Veatented in that Convention, ana among mow fax-tiaa were Illinois. Indiana. Ohio. Iowa.

Kai as. Michigan. Maesaebuaetta, New-York. Nev va ana woowia. ad iu.i iabtiuuvd, umcr um SOU 01 uaw, were unuaciuiinu au v.

wmJ repreaeniaiive iium hh awui uu anea wbo, aetmx upon boueat eonrtoUon M( icrn prncipie. iuuku Twmaiir auo uonieaeraie aramiea. uaiivnn ki0d. eoraiancy ana aporeeiaaioa i auBra and Houtbern miereai ebara enzod aeuoa of tbe wea of tbe vartb oannK ine aitunga uuw mi jfwUoo. All representaUTea of tbet aoction ardially waited in reeommeud'ne; unerat app tauriauoaa for Boatbem baxbons nTre and 1 tmml'tto- praTCOKnw, anu warinij al all aieaa- wrea tor cue rearoranon or ue pow a- and proa- penty -oi we auwiueu oouiu Boatbern alnteKatea manlfeaual a patnouaui a-iUch praupt- a wieaa aearuij luuvraw mu in aui lor Uie ad -vanoeraeal oi taej utereai oi everr aecVioa oar aomauoi country.

Tbeae men. ot ill poiixica pmm, mi trtrir par taaan trammela, abowed Uiat pc4pleot all Uioae Hi lea deal red a restore' ana of evedtal re-1 alums apd brotberbood, ai were prepared aicain to rreoerniae tbat tb a Santnern Btatee wbould be restored to tbeir i kxbt. their dignity and equality under tbe Co aatitution tbitt the SMarta of tae weoole Of tbe Wat and Ike NnHh beat warmly and ku jtiy fr the people of aae nunui. eucu arrunrvu a atereourse, aud too reapeet awd tnendsbip wt- jcb resulted treat tbat twterooarae, and- tbe bef ut knowledge each of Ul other oi ine euiseaa tkoae ectiona, led to tbe adoption of tbe emiutiou by wtieb tbe 'weleffataa oi tnat couto atMa reqaosted Cotiirrea to pass-a, law gruUna; general amnesty to tbe people I be Bout h. ar tbe repeal of all law vqnlrtBCtrsi oalua, aa to remove all poUU- muaiDiuiinwiicn rer lamj ex la i.

xne eaair- aaan Had Une sattalac xtoa. uy tbat oocaaioo. In anoooeioc tbe vote oa tbla resolution, to state tbat 4t bad been vnaBituooaly and beartlly adopted. Bueb waa tbe result of tbat intercourse and fraternisation, aad so Uterouerulr in aceurd waa aii ine promoDoa or every proper auanci.i uu oouiinereiai interest, mat a Hay wuronj iLad originated aa ctoatbera conv enttou, And held lta meet- os on soutbera soil, resolved tbat toe uonvenuon. now aaaembled aa a continua tion oi toe Btaiuiern Commercial Convention abould sweet aa tbe hTauouai Commercial Con-' venUou, Constituted aa is tbla CooTentloo, em- swbcidb; ib iia soemoersnip so many ante and esalueubeiUaena.

perfeet eonbdenee may be en- anruMwju iui us proeeeainit win oe cnaracter laed by the same broad and liberal vtowa, and It will act so wisely, comprehensive! and pau-loUeally that It recommendation canuot sail vo produce a saiutory inn uenee upon nation. ai lecislatioB. Mr. UAKiutrr. concluded wita aa iDtauslsslie and beacty welcome to tbe dele- jpure.

At tbe coaeliHloa of Mr. Garrett's remark prayer was one red by Bev. HsaitT Bucks, of the Metbodlet Church, Mayor Baku followed la aa eloquent address of welcome on tbe part tbe city authonttea, Hon. fx. Pikckrit Whiii waa next latroduoed, and delivered the geaeral address of arreeting aad eongratulatlon, wbieb waa received with rapturous applause. Chairman, of tbe Committee of Arrangemeota, then announced tbe general ar ra ge men ta for tbe aeeommodaUon of delegates aad eommitteea of 'the ConTeotlon also tbe fol Mwlng proaramoiejof oatside entertainuenta On Taeaday! afteraona, after adSonrnineok a visit WVl be saade to Itraid Hill Park. On Wedncadajr artemooa, aa excursion down tbe Bay to Annapolis, as tbe gnosis of tbe Cora aad moat Kxcnanv un Thoraay arteraaoa, a vlatt to tbe Bail steam-ahip pi era of tbe Baltimore and Ohio Atail-twad company. Ua KrMay avaaa a grand banquet by tbe ettlBena ef BalUoiore, at tbe Maryland Institute; alao that tbe city aotbortUea bad plaerd at tbe disposal of tbe Oaumittee of Arrangements two commodious steam-en. lor tbe ase ef tb delegates daring tuelr stay who wf" uonirv wo uu naroor or mass axcar.

aaooa: aixl ihjit tbe Westara and Paelfle and amnw i ciearapa fjompamea tendered tbe tree ef tbetrUneslotbadeiegataa. Mr. Pais tbea announced that be was in structed by tbe Committee to reeommend tbe following order of business: t- Hallway eonnectton of the el ties of Virginia with kbe great Weat, a. Kdacattna. Central line water ccmnraaieatkma between the Kortb and tbe Hoath.

4. Devehmment of the gold and silver mines a wt i-aciuc Btates ano Territoriea, a. The ealarga. aneat of the more important lines of canals la the mtvrm mates, so ss te render tliam navigable for ves-eeia prupelled bv atxant. Tbe encoarageatentof a aeeiprocal trade bet weea the United States and Uracil aad tbe other routh Aaaertraa btatea.

T. Oonttnnooe mnlaad water-line aommnniratloa wart from the alia. aasipm tuver amng tbe Unit eoaat to the Km Grande. a. aeuied poUcv la tbe paluie mtarsst la regard mapunMaa uts uoverameot la a Ooounueaa waterlne eomaianicstloa from Mississippi Uivar Um AUanUr Oeeaa pustpourd frosa the CtneiiiuaAl ln- tWm.

io. AtaOroads generally. 11. Deuart. it of Oooimerce, IX American Kavintlon la.

It. Revenue reform. 14. Immnnlir nn. wate property at sea tn Um ef war.

IV. inreet trade Between um Bonutean Atlantic ettle aad Karope. a. tuver aavuBBUon. 17.

conatractton of permanent weew, na n-wwraj (M ireca the moath af the tsalaslppt Hlver. la. nnane aad taxaUea, hv wNu(uiBvna mwrm. la. uaaraea on pan irer and freight frame by rail aad water tines.

aa abolish throagbeut tbe whole eoantry all lleewaes Ian yard en eammarrlal traveler. tU Tbe aawreveaMat of tbe ana coast harbors, n. Ample railroad facilities tram tae Ohio River to tb Central fauath. St. Tares aad sltart weta-hte.

4. erelgn lm- taraUoa. Si. Hef nadmg af tbe eottoa tax trum tbe Memabia Cbaaaawr of i ntamarnn aa The yeahe and ltetawas ship Canal from the Ballimora Dotra oi iTaoe. xz.

ine anouuoaaf loroed State in. apawtion i irssa saeaaaM Jsaard. Tbe Chairman announced the next buainee ta order to be the apaolotment of Commitieet oa Credentials. Permanent Organization and' Baaineaa. Oa motion of Mr.

Kjrkxaxd, of Baltimore, a recess af ATteeo mlnatea was taken to enable delegaOona to aeleet aad decide on mem ber of the Coaamltteea. Oa tbe reaaaemMing ef the Convention after i the reeee. tbe roll af tbe Btatea waa called, aad the following gentlemen named by- tbe delega-. tioae preaeat front twenry-tw Btatea, aa Cbalr- aaea of tbeir respeeUv deiegations rProra Alabama. W.

p. Gordon Ark-anna. Boa, E. H. English; Xlortda.

K. B. lliltoa i Ueorsoa, Aadereon Indiana, Wlllard Car' Ijeoier aowb. Jtoaxoe Kentoekr. J-.

Louisiana. J. h. Keh-. kardi Matse, Jehn U.

Kim bell; Maryland. wwmikwi, muni wllmatt: Wlaeonain. Hon. FL Bmik WeOraaka. K.

A. Alien hTew7rsex( C. B. Oath-fe ew-York. Uearg 8.

Haaard Morth Caro- aw Btanaoase; Htmirt i A-eanayivania, oen. J. 8. egely tfonth Caro lina, a. vi.

vea; -Tennessee, r- A. iames Vinriau, w. W. Walker. Vest TirfTnia.

WTinlkaor, 'At the aftrraoa seaelon. tbe Committee oa- Owdeaattabi reported Via delegatee preaeat, B. am. xwaator, oi uaeuBtn. waa cnoeen pan eat rreaideat or the Coaveatioa with twenty two Viee-Preaideata.

Oa asaammg the ebalr a am riimi flilTa Aa aaamated and sharp dlscuaaioa arose oa report of the Comaitttoa an Hulee aad tba ajraor or aaiaea. it wa argaed tbe preeead was aa adjoarned seatoa of tbe Ciacinaati Coa- jmusi i aaat ta aaatneea aoatposed mm that away Booaia oo nrtx va order beeev by tba Committee of Ar- TaaureaaaBta Mia roreoooB. partiouiarty ae the report ware ready to aa- tuade oa toe aaWecta abmi over ta thia coarantioa. a uAa -Bnada to amead by nbtatuDb tbe reooaamet. sAuas oc xa voxnoutte or ArrangemsnU a tba roeraai Bwanaeaa.

riaaiiy. the pesnoue jae-tloa waa sailed aad the report adopted. aaend- ss ua aiagie reepoot or eoiutog one dai ataalia from 1 A. M. te I P.

tnstaad Af a hL. Adjoornad to A. M. to-aoorre w. aVwatad naJk.

Tba fat ot Vom Halnpurifa. tba Sservaaea whMb aoasaeaoad aa Banday aveatag, terminated tha days at? repeataaca which began with tae fawtival "Bosh Hi haaa." ar Jsew-Tear. The urepaxaUoaa for that aoieajiB. 1 ts aaatomary asi tap VT.V'i WwrpMawayiaajitcxaiior varejlM Sa. Um truly DkHU rifll this hlflna with and heart-felt enpkHlft Lest ovemBs tbe synagogues solemn imtkmwcn rfOTTnedb i weaty-rour boon of wimd teatr -tread to- i(W wita prayer imploring mere giveaeae lor past Bios.

aad for- TXItZOBAPHIO 1T1 KH. King Amadetjs baa gone SaMkgoasa, The opening of tbe Bpanir 4. poned until tbe lOlh of OvLet awrea as pvev- Fonr thousand 8paniah win Ka unl to Cab. before the end of jZ a nere were five deat' teaday from yellow eve- ta CIiaxlecloB yea- vItnd'tbLl-k, City is opprea-''f nd lhr. touobaictoieaa.

bJismDe" doe. ivot eal fe. and TLrT, im guarded at nvgbt. loaTmniwU wf the German inoemniv I gy to lie paid over by France. rsd g7f 41 eietre of Pan.

at not to be rrr 1 attr tbe reeee of tbe Assembly. vJL, ar DK-CnoiHXUL la not to go to Boare A A Ambassador. nnf fmablo -settlement the Keweaatle-aMk eadatrike before tbeloae of the present omnqnet in to be given to Mr. Butt, tbe en Tjr-ebsoted Member of Parliament from l4tn-stt, Ireland, on tbe lath proximo. 9tia expected that Commodore Asitburt's aoht Ataaaaa will reach-hex.

tbe nrat week la October. A' aurpateh from Calcutta to-london an- neunoea the wreck of a steamer on tbe coast of India, and that 138 naUTe loot their live. The -escaped convicts from tbe Nevada -State Prison are makina- their way aoutn-weat- ward toward Owena Valley. It i rtrnored in Raleigh. N.

that United States District Attorney SiAJtBOCiL la to be re- movea. N. W. Oasdinkb, one of tbe oldeet and moat nccessful merchants of Klmlra, H. died yesterday, aged sixty-two year.

-Ia the Criminal Court at Baltimore, the ease of Mrs. Whaktom wa postponed, tbe pris oner being too weak to appear. A conference was not held on Fridav at Vt-raaillea by M. Tuieku and tae Prussian XMplo-maUo agtnts. Secretary Dkjjinol with bia familv.

lnft 'Mount Veruon. Ohio, for Wasiunjrton. yester day. GOT. Smith, of the Tlndaon Bav Comninr.

baa arrived at WrnniDea. and the annual meet ing ef tbe Council will take place at once. The nearotiationa at Rt W- fnr ha boat race between tbe Part and Tyne crew are a failure. -Tbe Canadian annual Provincial Fair be gan, at Kingston yesterday, and will continue lour days. The schooner TTard recent! fonnrierMl nn Lavke Buperior.

near South Manltou. and all 011 board were lost except Capt. Hakrisom. Tbe Iom af Redi.ngtov. Hnsi ari A.

Han FraneiscoA by the fire of Haturdar algnt is tto.000 abovehelr instrrance. In a game at baae-balL FhiladelDhia. het- tween tbe Athletics and Eokfords, yesterday, tbe Bckforda were victorious by a score of 9 to 8. Frederick Pike and Wm. Boardman.

of Phiiadelpma, committed suicide on Bun day. They were both aged sixty year. The Salt Lake Hermld enlarges todav for tbe Uurd time, although it 1 only fifteen month old. Dr. Ctrus Knapp.

of Chicago, died sud denly, in Maiden, on Sunday, of paralysis of tue beart. The formal opening of tbe State Fair oc cur to-morrow. Toe entries so fax show a large increase over laat year. A promisinor young horse named Western. valued at was killed while loading, at Kacipe.

today. An attempt wag made in Cleveland. Ohio. on Saturday, to perpetrate a fraud on several Insurance companies to the amount of 960,000 on life polices. Tbe boiler of tbe Wentbora.

Mi cIiama factory exploded yeaterday roorninr. and wa thrown about 800 reet in tbe air. Nobody wa injured. Tbe case against Rich akt V. Rnwniv late Deputy Collector or Baltimore, for em-bexxlement, waa postponed yeaterday on ao-oount of the sickness ot the oouoaeL.

Han. Louis' Joseph Papixkatt. lead or the- Canadian lasurrection of 1837. died at bla reatdence at Moirticello, Quebec, on Bundar last, at tn age of eighty-three: Hon. James E.

Harvey has. of ill-health', retired from tbe editorship of tbe Washington Daitu Patriot. Hon. Noah 1 Jin. raiaa oaa pnronaaeu nia interest tbe paper.

Tbe schooner -Lucv J. Latham, waa mn liv collision with another vessel, in tbe Wellaod Canal at Port Col borne. Ontario, on RmnrHiT Navigation is not obstructed. Chief-Jnstice Chase is at CaxnnoviA w. to guest of Gen.

Ledtaih. Tbe party consists of Miss CHAg, Mrs. Gen. Bpkaqcb, Hon Okkjutt BatiTH. and Geo.

Cochbam. JoRAKNA CaSTI.ES. of Peelralrill mmJ fifteen veais, committed suicide on Sunday, by taking arsenic She gave aa a reason tht hr friends bad all deserted her. McLaughlin, an Inspector of Cnatnma waa murdered and hi body found on Sunday, near San Antonio, Texas. He had caused, the seisure of W0 mules, smuggled from Mexico.

A shooting affray occurred in Little Hot- ton wood. Utah, yeaterdar momma-, in ki.h one man was badly wounded. Disputed mining claims were tbe cause. The Eastern Railroad Comnanv ha. clded to apply to tbe next Massachusetts Legislature for authority to build a double track on tbeir Baugus branch.

Tbe Fall races over the NaahviTiA Ttiww. Horse Association's Course omnnl r.t.iu. The weather was delightful, and tbe attendance The Chief of the Revenue Manna Rnr. baa decided tbat vessels loaded with bay or combustible matter may, oa tbe approach of a stesmer, waive a globe lantern instead of a lighted torch, as now required. Tbe neonle of Mant.icello Art m.ii.

excited over a report of tbe noding of coid mine four miles west ef tbat town. Two simi tar report coma irom Ataxias, Polk County. AV raa try at aa ai hjc tensive nrc in tbe woods am mnnefw HiaiwuOTwiiira utmu a wo mvera ana Mani 11 1 1 rv towoc wis. Aooeitisens or the iawim i Bivara. Two Creek.

Ka wanneat. and nt piaoea, were ooiigea 10 turn out and arrest the are to sava aawtr property. Tne nomination of -Oen- Jnirw nnm ido ivr congressman at large seems to be re- uaraituur weu rewiTan in uiluoia. Tba KnH. field 8tat4 Journal ays be wiU command the aaaantea support or every member of tbe u.ll...

A Cia waaaaa WL1 JJUWaJfaTVal A XfcV 111 IUO 0rtwla TtRIINANT U. HalAKKIJ. who mwA y-aa-at-V Wf Wg Wg a swww- at-avri Wtn-n I1 TCIITi aUeDK DA wt, Lm pleaaed uUct. mud bMi MotAnfii A tunw jmm iuiint4fiiuKjiv ia (joe OUkwsS rriMM in it- ro jiioi a TMimtv uniro ouu.tbvm vs cuterea into witn rt r. -its "way wmpaoy lor tna transportation of twelve rimes ner week bataaaa ana easpeasMM atauge.

aaa net ween Hewsxk ztensive prenarationa are tMina maa t. PttUburg to race! va President unit m. tara jrwut iu. won. in tjouneil voted him tbe hoamtailty of tbe eitv.

A of oitlsens. without regard to nartv. win 11.1 llltat. jCoL Thomas O.

Semmes, who was ap pelated Postmaster at Atlanta. by Preil-VuitJoHKSOa, and against whom a aafainaijo. WTX.0OO waaeharged. aa been booorably ae- wt wa uo uautaxs otataa Allatrifife OatiudaVluasslijrjt arjdia. Mmcl xne n.DrenTe cocrt or MiaanaainnJ fiay gesdered a deoiaion ia the State Prtntina- ABaA It.t nBAe ta.

at.tta. Tilled br ho Governor must aeeur af sum Igwuttnxa. Tba ofBos a a Tb. Circxiit Court In Raleigh ba aagagwa sine Saturday 10 the eass of the United Statea ajrainat Amo Owgxaaad about thirty othera, for whipping one Aajioat SioamTz TArroa aoeoont or hi Ous of Bui. gkmmtxtW owa broihir is itbi tkmttL fendanu.

7r Tbe TInbted Trara' of dence. savaatx muakata.with uaimT eaa Baad.wibrkd last evaaiaa: for New-York, aa twata far fhtladelabia. waara they will re. Will 2Brnrn aa Tkiradu. tbeBsTanty-AtrttBaiiajtr, RoRRaTa aa al fiaJiaaw4n Ohio.

a feaanirday. for pasaing eoaaterfeit OnaBMBrtrtt twos an the b'lath b'aUonaU Bank af Kw-Tork were toaad on his peesoa. Boaaara la B.vertnteadent ot oaa ot the Clev. land Iroa Com.waay's coal mines, aad is weaitav HaalBSaA ia Lha eaaimaalu faar aaa Hll iatheaauaaof ivwlgton, The LAbor ReirTflera nf Woreaarter Vf hold a eaaoua last evening, and seieetad bat ot delegates to tV State ConveaUaa af that Party-'- AeUva aio being saade for tba Beonbtiean raMuoa aw. iilmr, lay.

Boosts la the BrtiWipal hotels are in grean eataaa. and it ta aneated tbat the crowd strati n-r mil Le iuu.unai TUB TTDAX. TAVX HOAX. CstsTte) mimm Kaartweov Ia ta aaswsrt atawi aa OwaarVaaU Major WALTtat Gxiswou, Uplteol Btabf. -Aewetaat yagiajpgr, ta aharga of the 'Bar River.

Improveaient. at WOmlagton, If. C-, ebatmanasaiaM tjtat city tba aab- jsanwn eorreaposiaeaoa OrvaoaTjAra Pxab itrraa lau wii ajrtarra. I WujtlliOToa. Jl.

CL. HepC 1A, I STL I Bmf A awaatx. TTai a 1 raatnlia Mmmu WitWi TtMre sea raaMvata ISM) paper ef a areat TUal Wave oa ear rnaal. iupated aclBHUno eaieaiasaana rnaoa try yea. a secmr oa tne a oc wa proxJnaa.

I take tba usarty af addressing yea. and Baking the simple aieatina, at aaish a report emanated 01 eooraa ia wli lams ana laagnaote aiin-sasata by ta Preaa aad peopts sa this proa-a. bat owing Setae Imaoeoae propertv aod Bambers 01 bms I ha 1 a 111 anetirt anna lha rtrsTl nroemc the month of Ahat liana Pear iuver. 1 aardiy deeta It Jnatiee te thaaa that I ahoaid treat this snb Jeet lightly. But la see abaette of anv ometai atate-aaeat 1 do not wlah te be needlessly alarmed snd act foolishly in rexaovaas; psaperty and au need 11 flaaffi pow new 1 presume yon have leulimd thousand letter axnon tbla snbleet.

sad 1 oaie wish vwa to eonsMer BV 'teuer aa not wnuew la ma alarmed state of aotod, hot aa a dutv A awe a the United Mtates In protecting then: property, and the llwaa of my men. Hj an Um mad las aep(j- yew will oblige, moat re peetraiiy, your seeatoni servant, WaLTEK ORISWOLD. Catted State Assistant Engineer. Tax Bxrur. DSKUM OF OOtiPAJLATTVm zootvoer, AT AlAaVAai Couaei, CAMBBlDSB.

MSSS. WalUr OrUwVX. Asf VmUA Mat AuUUnU ANgf. waw. art.

-Dsab Hia i Ia-tbe absenee of Prof. Agajuuz, I bare to acknowledre too reeetot of voor favor at the istb Inst. In answer to your inquiry I have to say that Prof. Agassis baa never expressed any opinion, scientific or otherwise, oa the probable appearance of a tidal wave" on oar eoaat on tne MQ or etn proximo, nor bas be ever oroabeaied.Che aoMaranos 01 a tidal wave on any other coast at any other tuna. This report la entirely an Invention ot soma nawssnper penny-a-liner.

1 am bupertntenoent 01 atol auuwi i Museum, and bave been with bun daily forayear past, and know that be has never expressed sn opinion an tale aablecw or referred to it in any way, ax- ept as a sabjeet of aonoyane to km A ant, your ooaoient servant. THOMAS J. CAUP. smauLAE MISHAP. Dretrwctlow of si Cigeaa by Fire A Teat aaat Vrtr Baroe.

MwratesU Through a private letter the Milwaukee Sentinel obtains tbe following statements respecting losses which have befallen Older Circus, at Reedsbnrg. while It waa on its annual tour through the Interior ot Wisconsin Oldeb's show combined a circus, museum and menagerie, and consequently required a large number of hcraee lor the transportation of tbe wagona and eagea. Ot ISO belonaing to tbe institution, forty-one were destroyed by fire. On tne conclusion of their entertainment at Keedsburg. on Wednesday uight, eighty horses were provided with quarter under three large tent -oa tbe place of exhibition, each eontainisg respectively twenty-five, twentyseven.

and twenty-eight horses. About o'clock in tbe morning, when nearly ready to start for Baraboo, the canvas-men- and driver went to the hotel for breakfast, leaving no one In charge but a hostler belonging to one of I he side-shows. Shortly after tbeir departure- tbe tent oa tbe eastern extreme of tbe line, filled witn straw to a depth of three feet for bedding purposes, caught fire from a torch, and in a short space of tune nineteen horses were roasted to death. Twenty-one were rescued in a damaged condition, some witn their eyea burnt out. some entirely skinned, and others with tbeir hoofs so badly burned tbat blood streamed from their feet at every step.

They were removed to the stables of the Mansion House and North-we tern Hotel, where, after a number were put to death. Several ot tba poor animals, wild with excitement aod pain, strayed off Into tbe country, and were fouud three or four mile from tbe scene of tbe disaster. The horse belonged mainly to tbe baggage-wagons, tbe company losing only one ring-horse. Tbe fire waa a severe blow to Mr. Older, whose loss is estimated at 1 10,000.

Tbe company, though sadly crippled by thia untoward circumatance. will, through the energy ot tbe proprietor, renew lta engagementa for the sea-sou as soon as be can obtain a new complement of draught burses. The main tent, containing too menagerie, escaped umuucuuu." The aiaraows Charge Jadaja OcKeaa th GrssS wry. Chief-Justice McKEAjf opened the Fall Term of tbe District Court in Bait Lake City, Utah, on Monday, BepL 18. Three prominent Mormon were set aside in the organization of the Grand Jury, after which his Honor read the joiuowiua coarse: uuiuau vw tub uhaed jurt: tou are tnmmoned here not to try criminal cases, but to say what criminal cases shall be presented to tne Court for trial.

In tbe discharge of this grave duty yon will be governed by tbe same principle nf law which a-overa Grand Jnrio, in Maine aod Montana, iu Georgia aod Arizona principles 01 taw everywhere applicable tnrougnout tne Republic The crime of muruer, arson, larceny. Digamy, adultery and not In Utah are the same crimes elsewhere throughout our country and throughout Christendom. No conduct Is criminal here which is not criminal elsewhere. If there is anything peculiar In the situation in Utah, it Is we peculiar conouot 01 soma men here, and not suj peculiar principle or policy tbat are to be enforced nere. Utah belonea to rrn.i States, snd tbe people of Utah, llxe the people of the rest of tbe country, are JTnMo to tbe laws of tbe United Btatea.

Those wbo obey tbe laws must be. shall be, protected la their rights. Those woo do not obey tbe law must answer wir uuuuruiomw at toe oar ox justice. And tboee men of influence wbo, in practice, defiantly trample upon the laws tbemaelve. aud by precept teach other to be the flrai to grip vi me law, rather tliao tbe obscure men whom tbev nave muled.

nniu- men, it Is your duty and mine, our reapeotive spheres, to enforce tbe laws. Dot us do so without fear, favor, affection, prejudice, or tbe wjw vm. nrtn. SbooUag Affray. An aftray occurred at a late hour last night, in a saloon in Eleventh avenue, near TbirtV-aixth-srreet- dnrln. navbnivk awwus wit snvt in too teit arm and aiiirhilv aoniulMl. are Arrived. ine steam-snip txlle de raris. (French.l vapkruiaun.nim eepc 15, via Brest ISth with merehandise and passengers to Geo. Mac- aa au earir nour tills mornin.

elan rh. aM u.vMu oeia. 2m, LOCAL NEWS BKIEF. AK IV-sTOBK. -Capt.

MuRRtr. of the steamer Bailie, is at the Kverett House. John O. Evans, of Washington, is at KAaB wllisaW HnnaA The bixth District sends Hon. Jacob 1 una auiu uua AJABS.

Oen. STrjcrrnv. of a it B. SAHpoan. of Amsterdam, are at the St.

James AAWVLl. MlCHAEX broken, last COLEMAJT had his riirht lr evening, by a fall from a truck at Ninetr-tblrd-etreet and TeBth-avenue. John Fltnn. ef No. 15 Baxter-street, yr y.nnl thigh, last tugbt.

7 discharge ot a pistol Iji his A large number of citizens of the Twentieth Ward held a meeune- laat ma-ht "Dental Hall, and organised a James O'Brien iion. bamtjix Capt. Fret. kiok Cochrw. and Mr.

SiGiHMrnsD KACriiANif 1 ojiacua coaraa- 4 senator JBAtard, of DeTsware Gen. W. IL Retwolds, of Rhode Is iand, and faon. Thoma York HotiT Senator Porj of Vermont TlJentkw mander jAttas O'Kakb. of tbe United isil Wsv "mi.m luta.

oc irirnann are at eV .1: YritXTa af wm U' TED VAN. of tba United Btatea Army, and Hon GairriTHa. ot PoilaWnni. la5TO-1C OlAverrtrBet, ha. atrtklag crra McCartht aa the hsVdlth BMTffW WwOAO wal'Bl IU aAVtsViaa A IllaWI II II I aaa i a.

aa area found dead In bjToeV Tvi TSS iZZ CSvA tablt vvaa .1 A I KAI Tn IISrw.VnMat so4po-d lAat Gm. O. L. HAETSCTT. TTnUawl xi twi j-3iw VAiJDrnxx LrgrjtgL ot Ka.

i v. 712 -wd JW. rteht A tow oeeaured laai nitrnt in v- mr. A-ia raralp wounded by James Moijolaaabv trao flit lie 1 lft mm WaB wwa aa. mBBH, Ju.uj TMrd-aVMTln.

in tha a Tweu ty-aeeond-atreet. was aU ablaaa I mmm a. tk. wv Ta XTxTT. -T 7T taroe asasv VI UU Vlwhl Ids Yeaterday.

8abah CoNttTu.w. four, ot. aag, af e. 13 Goerck-sKeet, appeared at the Etavaotai Ptwclnct Btatlom bleeding pro-fwaety frota a saver oat oa tha head, which she bad re-eel red dnrtnar aa affray ia tba bail war of her bowse. Taa do not rerort having done urytbrag farther ia the matter than to af tha tajured gut dressed by a Wbile witnessing tbe regatta of the Em-rnreboat Clnb, at Harlem, yeaterday.

Edward Joaara was attacked by some unknown person. woo Btaooeo mat la the sett hand, lanieting siigna vomoo. aCart Smart, ami fifteen vears. was se verely burned vesterdav about tbe body aud legs by tbe explosion of a eaa of kerosene, while sbe was attempting to Uht a fixe at her residence. No.

Morris-street. Kate McKnztc. of No. 133 Liberty-street. attemnted to eomnitt anicide last evening by taking Paris green.

She waa taken to Park Hospital, where abe was soon got out of dauger. No cauae wa assigned for the act. The Trade Printers' Union of New-York held A-meetlng yesterday evening at Hotanio Hall, ta Bast Broadway, when those present discussed various projects of advancing the in-. tercets of tbe trade In tbe City. Visoonnt ViLAnr.

of the Belgian Legation Hon. John TtK-aaaf of Philadelphia C. Pman-- gcelo. of tbe Bosnian Legation, and Hou. Hi- Sam Slblkt.

uf Bocbeater, are at tbe Albemarle Hotel. Hon. Homer A. Nelson, Secretary of State; Oea. D.

iJTTlejouk. of Oswego: Kx Gov. Bullock, of Massachusetts; Judge Held, of Albion, and Hon. Bobjekt H. PrCTK, of Albany, are at tne lilh-aveuue lioiel.

Maggie aa infant, was found dead In bed yesterday morning, between Its parents, at No. 439 West Tbirty-niutb-street. and is supposed to bave been accidentally auti- cated. George WrLPOjr, a mechanic, fifty-seven years of age. waa ooinmltted yeaterdsy by Jus tice Hog an, on a ebarge of entering the room of LuiBiu biau-eOK, at the Stevena House, ana stealing a quantity of wearing apparel.

Uakif.l Stephens was arraigned yester day, at Baser Market Court, for stealing a t73 goia watch irom the person of Chas. Waulacr. Btb-Fhenh Is locked up to answer at Court of General Sessions. James II. Cross, of the firm of Keep Sc Cross, No.

16 New-atreet. was Testerday ueld by Commiesloner' Omouk. to answer in 11.000 bail on a charge of using and selling washed in ternal revenue stamps. The last game of tbe championship series oeiaeenine Olympic Base-ball Club, of Waau- trt ir ton, and tbe Mutual, of tola City, on the Union Grounds, yesterday, resulted, iu a vic tory lor the Mutuals 10 to 1. The chief of the Revenue Marine Service yesterday decided that vessels loaded with hay or combustible matter may, on the approach of a steamer, wave a globe lantern instead 01 a lighted torch, as now required.

Leonard Beolk, aged seventy years, of xo. we est a wenty-sixtn-ctreet, lull dead last evening in Avenue D. near Fourth-street. The no ay was taken to the seventeenth Precinct etuuon-nouse. Tbe American war vessel Gvcrriere, which wa recently run aground in ine Mediterranean, to oe Drougnt home.

capt. J. ts. cat-ioiiTOif baa been detached from suecial dutv at New- York and ordered to Spezrla, Italy, to take coui- uiuihi oi nor. auo new-1 org; caieaonian dub propose giving an entertainuient at ones' Wood on the 6th of October for the benefit of tbe family of too iate f-x-cnier johm goldie.

Scottish games will be gone through, and a very entertaining programme ia expected. UEO. Rogers, an Irishman, twenty-two year or age, waa yeaterday at Essex Market Court, oh artred wltA atealina fmm laim. AAKOic, clothing dealer at No. 66 Bast Broad way.

Bookbs was held to axswer, under 1600 oan. D. K. Bakkman. of Scranton, is accused of raising a cneck of ts29.

drawn bv wourd: of Beach-street to and or endeavoring to obtain payment of tue amount irom the Bank of America. Tbe forgery waa uwmmi, uua im lorser na escaped. In the Supreme Court, on Friday last, be- ioto uuo navsiKu, witnesses were examined In open Court in the divorce suit of Adki.pii a s. Ddbvauc against Charles Uuktai. Judgment 01 oivoroe was granted lor adiutcry 01 the de- ienaant.

Terrence Creamer, an Irish laborer, was yeaieruay cnargeo, at Jenersou Market Couit, by James Ccrran, of No. Stl West Twenty-mntb-street. with stealing a feather-bed valued at $40 from his. Curkan's. bedroom.

Creamer wa locaea up in tne absence of bail. A desperate affray occurred last night, at In wood, during which Charles Murray sub bed 'a bom as maloket three times in tbe abdomen witn a pocket-kuife, inflicting wound wnicn are expectea to prove ratal. The assailant waa arrested by officer Brown, of tbe Thiny- kwuu ricciuut, auu waa aucrcu up. Dr. John Beach yesterday made a post mortem examination of tbe body of Kudolph uhcbbrer, wno was slabbed Sunday night by Philip Wilkk, at No.

419 Tcnth-a venue. Tne nqoeet In the case will be held this afternoon at ne wentieth precinct station-house, by Cor- otter 1 An inquest was held yesterday by Coroner Bouirmkr, in tbe ease of Boss Bllkn ilk. km, aged two years, wbo died from injuries received on Annrsuay last oy oeing run over at Pif ty- uiuMrvumi variu-avBUUSf DJ Car PIO 11 of the Belt Una. A verdict of accidental deatn was renaerea. Jacob Rupert, keeper of a lager-beer brewery oa the corner ot Tblrd-nveuue aud ninety -secono-etreet, ana georob ERSsT.m the same business, were broueht before Commia- slouer Osborne, yesterday, on tbe charge of not ooutoratingievenue stamps on lager-beer barrels.

They were each held to answer under uaiA. Aaii nitrnt a wagon in wnicn was an nn- gnown man, a-lixa mktrrb, of No. 16 Orctiard- treet. Mr. Himmrll, of No.

7 Orcbard-atreet. -and Mr. Haodk. of No. 19 Clinton-street, was upset at tbe corner of Sixty-nlnth-etreet aud irsi-oveuue oy tue norse running away.

Mrs. jaaxaaa ana axrs. aaimmell were severely ln- jarai auu www taaeu aw Uieir UOOios in BU UU- ouianoe. toonscior xucuard 11. 6CHOOI.ET was last evening tee recipient of a briliiant ovation at ano rooms oi uie irving Ajterary Union In Baat Tentb-atreet.

of which socle rv be bad tw. from which be was obliged to with- oraw in rouBequeuoe ot pressing buslnea rela tions in ms nanve city Bocbester. During l. is connection with tbe society be was universally auiuinru mh tua avuwtariy riiainnienTS ana social quautiea Complaint was made yesterday before atusiioe uuuak, ai me Aomoa a olloe Court by William Lambkin, of No. 303 South-street, that bo detected AlsXaroer Marshall, who h-a-a at No.

199 South-street, in tbe act of oominitung a but glary upon his premises. The prisoner ad- uiiiwhb uia guiia, auu aaia, in extenuation of tue offense, that be only wanted to get a bottle of wuisay. aao waa oommittea lor trial. A meeting of noward of 200 frArm an 1-H sens of tbe Nineteenth Ward waa 1ia1i -1 uaraoii, last evening, hem rt Clacssrn in Lhe chair. Besolutions were adopted condemn! ug buu cxureuinr m.

aaijmw aw bei wiu uw gooa men, oi whatever mw viccu si race uey mignt ne, to secure an none aamims'ration lor the City. An execu tive uummittee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Claussen. Bchwarr. Bhafer.

Ben net, Koebler. Mlllebacber. Bobrnaon! Wellman. Hem and KUuker. Tbe Committee la instructed to watch tbe nomination made by vu Twivua 4uues, auu 10 report upon tne merits ot the candidates.

It ia nnc lntiii.H mate special nominations, except aa a last re- BBOOKLTif. Bnortly alter 7 o'clock, last- niirbt ifaw. AaarrT'iTzrATaUCK, aged four years, tell trout a second story window at No. 206 Vau Brunt- aaaaiucu. In the case of Emma A.

Jnsmw oer nrst cousin, waaiSTorata Juan a of Divis-loa-avenue and Leaf -street, tor seduction, tried I at MB fXWtLTB -UUT UlUfX. TIUtMVl.w Kutf udse Eiiaox. tbe iurv awarded tiVTii.inha t.vw uaoajrea. At a meeting or tna uraacivn TtnerJ Aldernten held yesterday a eomaiiuee was au- aw wivu aeiegauoa 01 the gar mtrm wa uwa ABiavno. aaa ltn such ettisene of Breokiya aa may ae laliiriwiiid rn tba t.ONC gajLAJVEt.

lVext ThtlPWav tha wnrVrnm of nlio. vu. -iu. virbium ate vvjmiatl dout. Ine fJornin Issionera of tha Pentral T7.ii avaea wa uvn iHaira sin bvbmbii aa 'I'Tin.

ruaaiA.oiiiBiiunittuwi tor oaa aad a aerosol land taken far railroad purpose. Ail ttngrinwTA man. what waa fnami rostrate condition on the Jackson-avenue Boas was taken to FTusbing and plaeed In aTcelL bere he died on Buaday snarming. A Croner'a inaaest resulted la a verdlrr Au-a Aealioa of tha j. was.

i the S. P. aL noat on taci AT-irty tniTth- g-erry was leaving the dock at Potnt, yeaterday, a tuaa. real ding at Aennat4ad- Klwa5chwa leraid ofhUpoXI tlY. 1 Jtwlga Shannon.I of yonsrers, bas reoov- hia ofBdal daae.

Officer Osthosmi rnt tbaWeai r.r-.. rAit. rsBttudar arrests a aaa m.JZi. Jrr f. wa.

in aa I in Oj 11 oca at Middletowa, Oona. Um cornet -atona af Rt vn.Kt. CRtboU. School, and tenporaiLW worl shlpv was taM on Baaday laat tan posts eefemoniee by Very Bev. Dr.

Starr. Vioar- Geueral. ITATBIf I8CA1VO. Jom Brew est waa taken before Justice niOBUm. veaterdav.

at Port Htebiuood. charge of perjury, and acid to bail la Sot for further examination. PIE The bouse of Mr. Joseph R. Mead, of Broad-street.

Newark, has boea robbed by bur glar of pro oeriy wortd 1600. Testerday, the brig Jeieriooa Eagle, with a ergo salt, cork aud wood, arrived at Perth Aniboy from Lisbon. Thra Is tbe second arrival at tbi pott wit bin live day. The first in the course of lectarea to be given be i ore tbe Youoar' Mon'a Cbctsttan Asso ciation of Elisabeth. N.

this Winter, will be delivered by Bev. O. H. Tipfait. D.

New- arg, oa Wednesday evening, Oct. 4. at Library Hall, to be followed bv other lectarea. ot which cue none wm oe given. The second race for tbe championthiv of tne auu you awuit, between tne Argonauts Of Bergen Point, aud the Neptunea of New-Brigh ton, etaten island, took Dlace vesterdsv.

Tbe Nrptnne won the race In 16 minute, aad S3 second, the Argonauts coming In twenty suconu inter ia inmates ana it seconds. George Oixet. another member of the ring of thieves wbo have been robblsg the United Stutee Watch Coatnanv. waa arroated yesterday, at Marion. He oonfeased tbat be bad stolen parts of the works of watches from his department, and tbat slnee the arrest of bis ac complice be had thrown them into the Haeken- aaca auver.

lie was oomwltted tor trial. Ann AM NATS' BKCORD, Wapiiivcton, D. C. Seot. 05.

der Jobn MoOowta ts ordered to ordnance duty st ton pnia avy.yam. ueot. a. p. Baud ordered to the Naval Academy.

Advertisement. I Tbla Is the day oi Committees, and KSOX baa appointed him self a committee of one for the purpose of aUeudin to hla own matters, and to sell every one boutaures to be np to the times one of his latest stys iiiia. ii. nroauway, corner oi a mionttree "EWSPACKAGKS FOB THB PREIS, Can tain and puisei of vessel arriving at tbl pert are requested to deliver paoxaa addressee lota New-York Associated Pres. only to parties exhibit.

ing the written aatnonty ol J. bntoirroh. ttenera! Agent. ews packsges for tha Journal of Oast awns, Tte TTtbuna, WoriH. Hun, Uocorw.

CMnlnf VL Oaa. wtareaat Advertttmr, 6oU Mhm and fine- i'ortctr iMmoicrat, saoaid siso oa aeu versa only ts the parties. movesBewte Oeeaa Hioaaaers. roa xtntora. Tbniinirla Sept.

18 Hsnbnrg. my oi LiverpooL Chins Sent. 27. UveroooL vsds. ept.

57 ew-Yor I verpooL aent. 27.. New-York GlSMTOW. City of Limerick. Sept.

Ohio. 28.. New. Tbe Sept Virginia Sept. 2.

Sept Sent. SO. Bi em en. Mam Sept. New-York Bremen.

City of Brooklyn. Bept. New York Liverpool, auiit ncDk UveruooL Australia Bept New. York uiasgot FOR HAVANA, AC Baionls Sept. New-York ITsvans, Colombia Bept.

Havana. Henry Chauncey.eiept. Su. AspmwaU. ClavatBST Parelgm Blaila at Poet-OSSce.

TUESDAY. For Enrope, via Plymouth. Cherbourg and Ham burg, by the rnarfagttt, at HH A. with a supple mentary mail for doulU-paid letters only on the pier at tbe toot of Third-street, tn Hoboken, until 1 i P. M.

WEDXRaDAT. or Europe vis Queenstown, br tbe Ifnada, at IS with a supplementary mall for OovbU pmid letter only on Pter No. Nsrth River until lit P. M. Claalng of Doaaeatle JTIaila.

North, Pooglikeep-tle War M-i IP. IL North, throa ris It. B. R. R.

and New-York Central A. P. Mrt nana way, via iisriem H. A. aLi 1 A) p.

M. East, via New-Haven 5 A. IP.H. tast, via Newport 4 P.M. East, New-Haven Way A.

1 P. M. East. Fall Iuver. rail P.

M. Sooth. Through 7 7:30 P. M. Phlladelnhia NV av A la i it Weat Mail, throogb to Harris.

burg. Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Bt. Louis, AXMaisville, Indiana poll a Cot ambus, Odoaco, SL Paul. St. Joseph.

Salt Lake and Denver 7A, 3M P. M. West Mall, througb to Clevo-land. Toledo, and by A. and (1.

Western 11. to Frankun and Meadvllle. Pena. dte 4J0 P. 1 Psneitm Sailed.

eXFT. 23 7a afsawt aa fTrnaimi ir Hon. Cleon Haogbe and Uatr. OoL' Hugbea. Malar Bis-elL A.

LiDOman. ladr. 7 rhildrs a and tin. Un Cleveland. Miss A.

Cleveland, Aagnstav G. P. Dewev. wm. Nelson.

and anna. (lAn 1 cr mwA laav. atra. u. it Laog; Julia wood.

K. B. rackerman and lady, Edmund waring and ladv, W. V. Ibompaon aud lady.

tl. ArundeL J. H. Partridge, Rev. H.

II. Sherwood and son. Mrs. K. Doanelv.

A M. TraeatlelL v.1?!" J. Pennpe eimoena do Santos, Mrs Peltpna Simoeus uos ntaua anu a cnuureo, a. 3. BCJiaurk, j.

Bucalev, W. Strange snd lacv, J. W. Warren. Henry Noonen, H.

T. Johnton, Robert Piaher. O. F. Dunderdaie, D.

MoTook Forbes, K- W. Wslaee. Tberon Ives, C. J. Avss.

Kicnsras. 'i nomas A. llnL-r j. en anu isav, uot, r. v.

Ku. au AL Atellalra. Bummer. Jsmes Haase, Wilfred Field, W. taanden, K- M.

Kra kowlser. Alex. Kennedy. W. H.

BtnarL Willie t-Uwartla. Ann TaeUv. Marv Mnrtaua. wi-w waamnjruam. isiiv n.ev.

J. Kirnnu Cant. J. B. Crelirbton.

H. M. Booaman. J. wilann Andrew H.

blewart, Alex. Eastoo, A. A. Pletcher ana party. PasMBgers Arrtveal.

SEPT. 25 7a I'Mtlt a A in tv of Hmsrlrk frnwm xrfvar aooi. Mrs. stain, airs. (Jao wallnan, Mrs.

Sailta. Mr. rnsndy anil lady. Mr. Jackson, C.

Davidson, it. n. Aiewey, J. Leviaoo, Mr. Mortimer, SL-Geurg Evana lCDtlATURB ALMANAC THlll BIT.

Sun rises. I un I Moon .8:17 HIGH WATRR THIS PAT. Sandy Book 5:43 1 Gov. Ialand.0:U Uell MARINE INTELLIGENCE. NEW-YORK.

Bept SS. Cleared. Steam-ahlD Mima Thomas, Crane. Sldnew. International Coal and Hallway Fraiicoula, Bragg.

Portland, J. P. Ames; Citr of Mends, Deak- en, Havana and era Cmi Alexandra dt Sonsi Msrtba Stevens. C'banoe. Baltimore.

Wm. Daian An ule. Steen. Chester and Wilmington. A.

Ab- ooit niaca Anaroona, aiereaiui, fniiadninbla, A. Ab- do im. raircniia, itouu t'bliadelphla, J. at Brigs Philadulohia. Jonea.

PhilsdelDhia Shit) Great Admiral, uhatiltdd. ban Rnf son ex o. Barks Sappha wnDnr, RrlitoL England, E. Morrau's Sons: Colin McNeil. Crow ell.

aai. veston, K. M. Starkpole at Pohono. Thorn osoa.

Penartn for order, Himpaon at Clapp (Alexaitlra. twi rier. v.orK or xwmoHa. xrancn. tar A ul: Auuuuor, lor.j vary, a aguwa.

Atonanu, Aiearooni at ixit aAontesoma, iummuuL Barbados. T. T. at F. A.

JwtghL Elita Baras, BrJ Vasey, Hamilton, Ber. Bnc Presto. Oneenatawn. for rtr. Aera, Bmelia Ceieatina.

Amadla. Trieete, Punch. dy at Co. Alrnna. MUcbell.

St. John, N. P.X Nevius Ot Sanal d.hI id. t. li.i m.

auujiLiui. uuu, rwiHrau. niLWB AS, Crandail. Berteaux A Co. Hchrs.

J. M. Stevena. 1 Eda-ett. Hanre-' wla, John, N.

B. p. LNevios at Sonat A. P. stlmpsoa.

oaiui oubivu -M-a a-js. ajioii. hows i amure. Kin-near, Providenoa; SalUe Burtoa. Palmer, Stamrnrdi George Washington, Peck, Htainford Fanny Beat-' iuc, arm, p.tmjou.

neBUBr, AUUSa si ts.1 Ameila. Allen, New-Haven. Arrived, 8 team -ship Ctmbria (N. Hoak, Hamburg Seat. IS.

via Havre 15th. with mdse. and 647 passenger to Aonnarat uo. ept. is, tat.

to ex ion. as vs. oa paned steam-snip Manna nan. neaea lor L4verpoo 19th. lat.

aw, ttm. aa. pMaed a Cmnard ateam-alnn. bnund v. uu 1 Iah mm I WW, nw.

wo WtaftVatMBUip CteOtBS. aattft a lur xjt.ftri jw hip time tl: aame time a riniAn bound 24th. Iat 40 ion. ta a. naaMd earn shin France, henee for IJveroooL Slosni-shlB K.

B. SouawBnrdiefe. 7Inr.nrU. ISth imaL. and Bar 17th, wiLh mdse.

and Btaanmi. ta oaw, i uftui awenj wmoa to lat. ML ln. 71 4s. the nee heavy ajoaail from IM tn Hi list lnuL, 1st.

au OS, km. 7 44, experienced a heavy gala from N. E. to N. N.

lasting hoar asw gv veassls nova to oa atarboaed tank-1 naannil nmtxmm a i a-, aa-. -ju in-, wiu ugos nrecaa irata w. n. ana nne waa Steam-ahlv St. Low Is.

Whltebead. Kaw-n Bept 17. and B. W. Pssa ltb, with todse, aad i rera ron.s.

cremwell at Co. Had aMiAw and aea to lat. 10 N4 afterward anoonntered at ftora. at, tam-ahla Cltv ef UnMrtek. Jasalesna- Tja pool sepu IS and Queenstown 11.

with mda, and 4M passaaaer to jooa ijaue. Bept. 20, lat. at 17, km. Ctty of Broaaela.

beeee for amt, favloav to 10, hi CMy IJverpooi 1 same date. Vl.fll.. tm.i ur bieaun-ship Arisdne, Doans, Gshreatoo, Sept. via Msllory A Co. Had atrsag N.

galaa Bp the Guif 1 mer tweas ts. viu sooa. ana tisssi iibiss aa it zaa mar, Htuiia nfta aaa taara auumwaf pimn ta. Httiam ahts Victor. Oacee.

NeW -Orleans Rent i 1, Havana lta.with aadaa and lasnrigi ta C. H. MaL AUD. earn a Ma Cltv of oaf Patau. atMrldwe.

fliTm Bept, 17, via Key WeatBtta. with sadae, sad rtainn ger to u. At, MaAiory at cat Rteaavahis Wm. P. Clyde, Drew, FJehnvjod.

City Point and Norfolk, with mdaa. to Wsshiajrtoa AC. t-nia Wm. M. Rssd.

(of Bath.1 Btb-toa, la ballast ta "WT, awwwa wa wy ateam tna A. A. wa Bark Root. Bosk, (of H.i,f Ala. denea.

ta ballast to master. Towed aaa na Gtm-AMk. TbS At. AL wiUV-ad kali Bark Trait aTniotv, (of Turks -I 1 llalfnar tn hallaaA tat BL Bark Lotbair, BrJ Browa, Slalaana. O.

JA a Oml With coal lock Swala Soa. Brig yiuw.jBeiia. (of parrafMro, Jf. 81 Craae. moaor, oa.

With A) ton piaatac taJABl una aaiiwausjia. e-sraanv if 111 s- mmmm Sehr. Wm. it. Jones.

Lssa, ParaAtDdlaa, da 000 sehr. Jtailar. WTlay. Philadel- I Sehr. aMl CrwweO.

Ctawau, Hswarea. detnbia. scar, tv laaala. aWaia. Haw-Havaa, H.

R. tjraw. MlTlett. Ksw-Havaav sport. scar, nMwaea, amiatt.

Mw-mvea, for nekr. Rachel Jaaa, Tartar. Purtooaue, tar Kusa- PhriaoVOohla. achn Qeane 1. Brewa.

Gadosy, Norwtch. tar Eltsnoetoeort. Pi- FniladaV sehr. J. H.

Bdrdea. Rich. kBaahethaart, for PaB River. ehc, Wat, Marala. Kaapp, ISlaabeUipart, far gait Blver.

ear. FMg. Tytar. Tribal. missbthnart.

far Ktw. Hchr. J. B. TtieaeB Kuaabetbaort, for Bta- nlnrton.

Kar. 8. M. MiiAsr, Braoks, tar Sew. liaNOB.

eter. AAeVaanek mil lira Pafl Tahllm Waan. fehr. anas aide, Lyaah, Port Johnson, lor Port-Mtna. Mhr.

J. H. JCnapp, tanrat. Port Johnson, lor Portland. Sehr.

Al Id Knowlea, PievMaaea for Port Jobeaen. Sehr. I-A. Halsh, Hill. KliaattetaiMrt, tar Ilartoro.

rvenr. ll. tubma hiii, lort Johnson, foe II. Thomas. Hill.

Pert Job nan Mitr. Irta, ueariafc, Pert Job wsma. lav Pall Rrver. Bebr. CMisea.

Lawd. fciiaabelbaorl. for LLarUerA Scar. Alfred Uail. Bakan New-Bsaliorw.

WIND Sunaet. light eloady and haay. By Telearrapla. BOSTOW, ftept. ts.

Arr. ateaTaer Oenrg neps. is. arr. steamers oeevga sars i Roman, from Philadelphia i tw-Yark i brig Blsey.

tram Cape Heresies. Philadelphia i scars. Apamo, iroBB rtaiuaaars Nenfune. from MvY Haytlen steamer Heresies, Hebe. MnracnaneL B.

CL, Bept. 9A Arr. at nam ar Vtr, gin a. Philadelphia. Bid.

steamer Jamea Aerer. New-York. Nkw-ouleans, Sept, X. Hid. ateaavshlp warae wBaainaton, ior new.

sora. Arr. steam-ship United Btatea, from If ew-York. NORVOLK, Sept. XS.

Tb steamer Jaaiata. fmm Phlladelnhla. far rlnir fh-tnana bbIIbbm Med. She will sail ts-Btarrow. SAVANNAH, Bept, Arr.

Buaday, steamer Oeneral Bsraas, New-York sohrs, Welaaata anal B- Arr. Monday, steam snip Oriental. Boston. BAN FRANCiaoa. Shk.

It-Tha ahln California. frota New-York, and tb bark from New. saw tie. bsv arrived. Arr.

ahip BalUe, from Liverpool I B.YARD HAVEN, Sept, tt, A. M. Arr. schrm. snkee Blade, Sooth AjbWv.

for Newborynort At-art Jamenoa, New- Tort, tor Hyarau Borneo, Yankee bert for Belfast VraaxllB. tor Baatoa AandrieR Pish an4 Neptane's Bride. tar New-York for Harsh, dot, tor Nw-Havea Abby Dow. Ida May and Maria Box ana, Bostoa. tar Philadelphia i Jane ia Jtoxana, sortoa.

sor paiiatv Hauor. Inr MaaanK i Man lai (elL, lor newBort i sry aamhsb, sav -for Providence Waterloo, for New-London Bertha Baader. Windsor. N. bu for Rich mood.

Vs. Dia eenrs. Aioert jsmssoa snd ssne parser, nr. a- au, ino n.jx. w.

ana iigat. BKartaa Disasters. BOSTOB. Maaa Han. U.

Tha irhr Oeneral afaada. from New-York, for Labee. sal lata Oloneeatar. to day, having been' run into by a vtssel and allgbUx damtred. Savaksah.

Oa, Sept. St. The sehr. Bophia, from New-York for Branawtck. ia ranorted on Horn JaXaad.

Bear Doooy. EUROPEAJi MALaiiTB lVBWS. Arrived Oat. LoHDoa. Sept.

St. Tk Gmon ateam-anjp Colorado. CSDt Preeman. from Ktv-ion rtept. is.

iowmmh a Queenatown oo Bandar aad proceeded for Liver pool. Tbe Canard steam-ship Aleppo. Capt, Moreland, front Boston SenL 12 touched at Qnennatnwn oa Sat- arday and proceeded for Liverpool. BALL, BLACK Sr Nos. 555 'and 567 Broadway, ABB SELLING OUT THEIR IMMENSE STOCK OP REAL AND IMITATION BRONZE CHANDELIERS AMO GAS FIXTURES AT TJtBT LOW PBICBS.

Ball, Black Co. Decorated Glass and Porcelain VASES, TOILET SETS USD CESTEE PTJBOES, FROM PARIS AND VIENNA New' French Clocks, Bronze Statues and Groups. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY GRAHAM, 22 John-st and 19 Maiden-Ian). Nicol Davidson, CHINA. GLASS.


IRON 0R POB Bni. flings, Bridges, Docks. Parks, tftc- aria made xteaslvs additions to oar adding and' ItHtt and llth av-, thereby largaiy ftw. mm nil, i. am i.

wia bbo waa. mm ft ma wu aitnaiarwinBt samniiiw. wa ar now prepared to execute aU kiads at wiaaght and awat -mat won ior puiuiings ana otaar rmrin wl great despatch, and at sxtremsiy low prioe. B. fV J.

H. CORNELL, OPPTCB AHJ WABXROOMS. BJaa. 139. 1411 susd 14A Ceatr- IT, 1 -t- BO vrlfBW.YOStK IB) OOrBssJTKXk.

Tha aew Psnrphlet rrabiuhed by tbe Ksw-Torx Tntxa. nnntafniiigaiiBnliti HISTORY OP TEI TAMMANY PHATrija. te now ready. ra-t tj-T miy inftaa- tkaa which eaa BagtJftbaaomtb twbjeah iswrading aeesoplstabatof tBtawarraabi drawa for tha Oewrt- i rsBsrl, with netl tntrodaoUoa. lnaa.

tratloa aad The aaartduet win ha aokt as a eoey- ar 4 a hAadred sVtslara. 'An ardars latiBBBiatothe, I AlW-TORSt TIMES. ft. I Lur rvmciio(iisxx9 stoyes. iucAiAiaoN.






Prononneed by to first Msatesl TaleBt, the BEST PIANOS MADEi 1 i Prion as reaaonabl and Barms as easy eat With thorough werkBtaasoTp. AVAREROOMS, 5TH Corner 16tb-t- New-Torka JAY COOKE, MltLLflCD 4 I No. 4X Lombard-St-. Lozidon.4 FOREIGN EKCIIAIIGEj Coi7.iiiiercial '( CreditSi1 Cable Traiisfexi aa'xaATBttKf, -AVAILABLE IN A LL PARTS Ot ThIW0bXaV PASSPORTS rURNISEP WITBOUT CHAaflB JA7 COOEB CO, KO. 90 WAEilVBlT.

JANES i IRON i 8,19 ft 13 Eeait-s. FOONTAIHS, FLO GARDEN OILAME5TS. BUMMERHOUSES, saTlTEal AJfTJBTATTA C1TE-P0ST8, CITES tsr City tad euunuy. TABLB PTTTIJfOS st tha ai aadaf the baaatl 'BTaa. ft, -f mm1 19 -J.

BLA Oft' f3 Bu.hidftiM af ro FSTtoViV. lOHS-T, arrORBaf BAIT. Baa a ek af Plus. A-aaera, Cigsr hsidV. aad waag QTtllOTrftB s-T reoaaaliy earwU wvboat tha kxdls.

baataeaB i Sibssi i and cfom TZ. aAASI A-" eal4ALala WEBER i-S 1 -iV iaiaag f- a i pleas fl 1 Radleal Car Trass Otst, Ba ITtftat. Ba ff t-rTiBBT atA. akBlMt.1 sadiaaaal tjaagri sash.

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