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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 11

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 I 3 i TOPICS; IH WALL STREET. fflsalstn with Cawtlea. VTWtavef bullishness was In evidence In fatal11 mArket yesterday wss obviously of a strenuous character. Thoae best ZttOnmi to Judge In auch matters pro- Ltd to detect the continuance, of the lvea strlln ef previous daya, which iTeet at all Illogical, to view ef the tre-' dou tension to which traders, brok-and ths market have been subjected. 1 reactionary ton in tha nltemoon was to tha BTeater aKcreaslveness of jjrt bear Wowd.

and It la certain that tygf courage was measured by the rapid 'ittreat of few of tha newly Inspired 'w8n traders, who wera confident an koflT or before that tha market had reached Ha lowest prlcea and that there-aftsr stocks would eteadllr advance to i pgurtt which would reatora tha compla- eeflcy of Uioee who aro Ions of stocka. gentlment at present Is. anyway, a queer i (toUtora of Incipient bullishness, nervous-trfa, and Irritation. Tha possibility of a Ifaflr Inspires tha belief In better prlcea; jeosnt events hare aappad tha count; those who would ordinarily help tha ad-I vasee: and politics and politicians furnish tha red rag of infuriatlon to disgruntled ftredar. If a I Has; a Rimor.

I Rumors that war vague and evidently irratDonatbla, and which have been In cir- eolation for several daya, became mora pointed yestarday morning, ao much so I that orricers i we company menuonea a tha ronalp took "tjoe-nlsance of them and X. denied tnera opecuicauy. unxorxunaieiy, fi- tba tap teemed to furnish soma aort of 1 i confirmation of tha talk, and tha officii! i eeaial waa really necessary ajid very wel soma to those who knew what: an ad versa factor tha circulation of auch tin contradicted gossip had on tha Craally a rumor la dignified by a da-; but tha denials In thia Instance wera ta tha point and efficiently convincing; ta eliminate thereafter tha rosslp which kad mada tha trouble In the rnornlng i session- Tnls particular company waa not the only on that suffered front gossip. it' pot In tha other cases the 'gossip waa sot ao apeclflo and consequently, leas ef M' active. Met re poll tea's Tamsrled risaaees.

tome foundation waa afforded for reor- gantiadon talk yesterday when Metro polltan street Railway stock sold at 49, ii tin sale1 being recorded on the tape, Thla stack pays 7 per cent. There have been so many changes In tha various com-. panlea which go to make up tha Inter i borough-Metropolitan ay stem that Is not a Clear idea as to tha precise situa tion. It is grene rally known that com pany has been bullded upon company In trying to arrange tha finances of tha street car system, and since tha time when tha Interurbah Street Railway Company and tha Metropolitan Securities Company wera utilised to avoid financial difficulties In the Metropolitan Street Railway Company there has been no satisfactory mending of actual dondltlona, ao that to-day even tha friends of tha big corporation would Ilka to 'see a reorganisation1 and readjustment that would straighten out the financial tangle Involved. Despite a whole lot Of antago-niatlo talk tha companies Involved have many friends, and It la doubtful If there would be any opposition, aome of, them, say, to a fair reorganisation, of the! properties; I Distilling; nop from Taft'a Speech.

Having disposed aatlafactorlly of the President's speech the gossip hunters tackled that of Secretary Taft yesterday. Their early efforts in this respect were supplemented later by a more or leaa de tailed statement of what the Secretary la expected to say In bis Columbus There was a 'difference of opinion, as to the speculative deductions to t.e made from the alleged excerpts There waa also a change In aen-tlment In regard to the President's speech and some of the less volatile traders were Inclined to believe that nothing rampantly bullish would be uttered at Prov-inoetown next week. Some, brokera were hopeful that the Columbus speech of Secretary Taft would give ground for hope, and they looked for a Judicial utterance which to their minds would be reassuring. They aald that Inasmuch as everything Is diacounted In the speculative markets, there was no reason why th.e election of Mr. Taft should not be discounted and why bla flrat utterance aa prospective candidate should not be weighed as a premonition of bis purpose should he become Chief Executive of the Nation.

e.e 'Brokera Holding; 4b Bear "Recent recessions in "the market and the violent break In March last have been referred to as silent panics' and surprise has been expressed that no brokerage bona failed at either time." remarked a broker yesterday. It Is not a bit surprising to my mind, and there. Is no reason for comparison with the situation which existed In 11)03. If yo will go back to the records of that year you will find Out thai tha hniiMM wnloh falle1 did not fall j.ti.4 jaii Because their cuatotners were unaoie to put up margin, but because they were their Own blcs-eat rnslnmera Hv that I wir own oiggeat customers, tsr mat. 4 mat tney were Carrying stocaa either as the head of syndicates or for special manipulative purposes, and conse- nuently the brunt of the break fell on themselves.

The to-day is in a different position. There are few housea that are carrying any long lines of spe- rial stocks In which they have a direct interest themselves. The stocks tbey carry are for customers. If a customer docs not put up margin his stocks are eotd out and the broker toses nothing but a customer The absence of fail, tires la significant of just One thing, and that, la the common sense position of the brokerage houses. Individuals are being hurt, but that is their lookout, and does Jt-affect the broker." ,1,.

V'i i disregarding Gratnltlons Advice. That waa a very interesting statement Published yesterday morning. according to bankers, relative to the Increased resources of the savings banks of thla city. The increase of a little leas than SIX), resources and the- increase of open by more than 52.000 served to call tbe untimely end of the propaganda eminent Back Bay financier to aevtngt bank depositor withdraw their eavingg in order to- remove -the tetu from the face rrf the earth. ErU enUy the advice was not followed, ac- ornC to these figures.

There has been withdrawal 0f savings In many ln- to buy good investment seeuri- and bond recognise the change sentiment with regard to good bonds persons who were hitherto con-to keep their money In the savings Jhla haa been accompllahed. of mtt th educational methods W.v houses as to the best i "rmlne firatHslaas Investments. aesat taslteaUoae. to th orle. banka thla week have gained less than 1.000,000 on tas currency movement, rwhlch Induces the more or leas colorless bank The deduction, of course.

Is on the assumption of accuracy of these Preliminary The bank atate-mnt iU he. watched very closely, lnaa- IRlirH ronwurr ennamona are going to be in the min r. tAZ, 71 o. in mind Ov traders, the politic in "-met thla Fall. The eaae of d'Jrtnit th aT induced a hopeful feeling with regard to tha Clear- but the time money tirm with no keen out for anything except abort THE COTTON MARKET.

Wire. Better, but Trade at 1 to 3 Point Net Lett. WEATHER IH COTTON STATES. WASHINOTOX. An- 1 v.

for SaturJay end i Sll T. Saturday and SuJKUy, cht wub wtuua. Georgia Showers and Sunday; Florlda-rair gatarday esd guaday; light, fresh easterly wQda 7' Southwestern Florida. Al.h, arn 8atUro-y 18 Cottoa lost a midday cajB late trading and elod' SZZg declln. of from 1 to 1 po, sZ, the day wera estimated at 17B ono Ing waa steady at an 7r, tha active h.

tha middle ef the morning the market sold oft a shad under -1 rum inis leva! It was rallied by a bullish prtrat confll-tloa report. Later It weakened in frrmnalhv with tha stock market and closed at about tha rmmn Point or the day. Llrenxtot cables caned tha market there and steady, but trading waa generally rery auleA. WIraa were working better, and detailed weather reports were reoelved covering almost every section la tha Oalvestoa district for the first time since the telegraphers strike, but the weekly flr- nreawerc not made owing to the absence of wrarai pomta The range of contract prices la the local market waa aa follows: Thurs. T1one.

lilamr. Kir. Iw. ..11.24 112.1 Auiroot September October November t.2.1 ll.rtjll.22 11.2.1 l.2 ll.Sli-ull.S2 U.S4 1ST 11.8711.8 ILW 11 KlXrfl I 1 11 Ut ..11.40 11' 11.1 December ,..12 1J 1J.0O 12Va12.01 12ioi 12.21-12.00 12 12 Kebruary 12.12412.14 12.14 March 12.27 12.10 12.1cl2.20 12.21 April 12.22(&12.2 12.24 Miiy 12.30 12.80 12.2iXftl2.2a 12.31 6upt. King a weekly total crop movement figures follow: Thla Tr.

Last Tr. Bales. Balee. Port receipts ft.WT.Boa Overlana to mills and Canada 1.220.1&3 00.7t Southern mill takinxa 2.300,000 2,180.000 Brought Into sight thus far for season IS, 883. Ml 11.052,043 The movement Is for.

8SO days this season, compared with ,31 for the same period last season. The local spot market wss quiet and unchanged on the barls. of 11.25c for middling upland. No sales. Delivered on contract.

balea. Southern spot markets were telegraphed as follows: NT7 Orleans dull sad eaer. nnchsnged at 13Vtc: sales. 150 balea 6s van nah steady, unchanged at 13c: sal. 2 balea Norfolk dull, unchanged at in4c; sales, 19 balea.

Augusta quiet, unchanged at 13Vo; sales. IS balea CONDITIONS OF TRADE. The leading commercial weeklies, though taking Into account the adverse Influence of the atock market collapse of the last fortnight, have nothing but good to say of the condltiona of general business throughout the country. Dun's Review aays: Lower prlcea for railway securities than at any time since July 1. lw4, greater stringency in the money market, and the telegraph strike were the week's adverse factors, offset by many favorable reports of Jobbing trade, manufacturing activity, rapid progress of the crops, and remarkably prompt collections, considering the scarcity of money.

Undue significance was given the Pope failure, which, as In the case of the Mllliken assignment In June, was caused bv monetary pressure and not lack of business. Irregularity at the leading commodity ucnuifei resuiteo rrom poor wire service, but there was. little net change In prlcea tteports rrom tne interior are almost unanimous In telling of active current trade, and bright prospects for Fall and Winter. Most leading Industries have orders covering output for months In advance, and new records of production are constantly noted. Favorable comparisons with the corresponding week last year are particularly encouraging, be cause of the exceptional activity in August.

1(01. Railway earnings thus far reported for the current month show an Increase of 7 par oent. over last year's figure, which In turn surpassed earnings in 1M5 by 11. 7 per cent. Foreign commerce at this port for tha latest week exceeded last year's by tTU5.0n4 ss to value of merchandise exported, but Imports decreased being the first loss reported In seven weeka Bank exchanges at New Tork were 4.8 per cent, larger than in the same week last year, while at other leading cities there waa an average gala of T.7 per cent.

Much new business has sppeared In the market for Iron and steel during the past week, although less than the rate of production In some sections, promising more prompt dellv-eriea Least favorable reports are received from tin plate mills, a short fruit crop having restricted purchases by canning Interests, but activity Is sxpected with the maturity of tomatoes and corn. Bradstreet'a aays: Growing crops show further good progress toward harvest, and Fall trade tends to expand at leading Western and Eastern Jobbing centres. Best reports naturally come from sections nearest surplus crop-producing regions, as, for Instance, the Northwest and Southwest, and there Is no apparent decline In demand visible In those sections, but the influences ef tight money, stock market unsettlement. and the telegraph strike are visible, more especially at the East, where conservatism as to buying for future needs Is more Immediately In evidence, confirmed as this feeling Is by the knowledge of the already large volume of orders secured. Cross currents are visible In different Indus, tries.

Thus, wnlle finished cotton fabrics are In demand and some makes, notably bleached i reports of smaller demand and lower prices for i woolen sond. while high-grade worsted and fine woolen fabrics have sold well, other grades are slower of sale, mnd ther t(Jk of i the leather trade there is more life than of late, and good quality leather and hides are on better sale, as are also high-class shoes; low grades are slower of aale. and Eastern shipments so far are 4 per cent, behind litoft. In iron and steel the lack of new buying is still notable and tend to ease, as the mills snd furnaces find deliveries easier to make. There are some very favorable features that deserve mention.

Thus July gross railway earnings complete show a gain of 11 per cent. over July a year ago, which in turn gained 11 nor cent avir the same month of 1WOO. Bank clearings are larger than last week or year, mainly, perhaps, due to heavy clearings growing out of active stock speculation at lower prices, but It is to be noted that gains over a year ago are auu very pm i side cities. CURRENCY MOVEMENT. Estimates of the results of the week's currency movement Indicated yesterday a gain in cash of from 400.000 to $1,400,000.

Discussing the movement In detail. The Wall Street Journal says: Reported movements of currency this week Indicate a gala In cash held by the banks ef Sll KtiO. They received from the interior (5 82.1.100 snd sent to the Interior $1, 048.300. Including transferred through the Sub-Treasury to New Orleans and Sl.uu2.OuO National banknotes sent to Washington for redemption. The loss ta the interior was Receipts of new gold were $1,971,000.

Ordinary disbursements by the Sub-Treasury were $21,334,400. Payments by banks to tbe Sub-Treasury for customs. Internal revenue. per cent, redemption fund, were S21.S71.0ua The loss on Sub-Trsaaury operations proper was Tha total loss to the Interior. 11 223.200 and on Bub-Treasury operations proper.

was Deducting this from the gain by nsw gold of Ih. na ealn la t411.SuO. Receipts from the Interior were slightly larger than last week, while shipments fell off Evidently the large shipments ef currency to the Interior during the preceding week supplied the most urgent wants, as was indicated by the advsnc In domestic exchange earllrr in the week. The hank which make a epeciaity of mercantile accounts received consider able amounts of currency from all sections of the country, and the shipments of thee banks to the Interior were light. In the aggregate by far the lanrest amount of receipts cam from nearby and Eastern potnta Shipments war largest to Boston and Philadelphia, and some good amounts went South, la addition to 000 transferred to New Orleans through the Sub-Treasury.

It will be observed that the small gain this week wss du entirely to the receipt of Dew gold, of whloh nearly half was Alaskan Klondike gold, mad available her by checks of the San Francisco Mint and Seattle Assay Office drawn upon the Nsw York Sub-Treasury. The loss ew Sab-Treasury opera Hons represents the eseea of revenue over disbursements, and tha Kiss would much larger but for tha tncreas la pension payments to $2,414,000 from In the preceding week. There was a slight ftCllna oft la custom collections, which er S4.oiiB.0uu. eomranac with the preceding week. THE NEW YORK STANDARD IN PAPER MERGER.

Oil Company-g Money Uaed In Pur chat of Western Mill. serial Th Nn, Ksra Timet. APPLETON. WU. Aug.

lt-The proposed merger of Wiaconala and other Northwestern paper mills is practically complete. The merger has the backing of the International Psper Company. That corporation, which now absolutely controls the print paper market In the Eaat. has decided to awing its capital of $120,000,000 in the Western planta. and haa obtained financial support from the Standard Oil Company in the financing of the Western project.

It is now believed that the Western merger will Involve an addition of too to the capital of the Interntuonal Company, Instead of a. at irst proposed The Standard Oil Company will. It la Bald, furruah the money lor the purchase of the Western planta. The Westerners will take rart cash. pan stock.

lor inesr plants. There are nearly forty Western mills Involved Including thirty in this State, five toM S-nesota, and four In Michigan. CHICAGO TERMINAL OFFE Stockholders Advlaed to Accept $25 a Share for Preferred Holdings. Stockholders of the Chicago Terminal Tranafer Company, who have joined with the protective committee organised by George I. Malcolm and George D.

Mackay. have received a circular advising thera of an offer the acceptance of which the com mittee recommends, of $25 a share for the preferred stock. The offer, which Is provisional, will hold good until Oct From whom the offer cornea, the committee would not divulge yesterday, but it waa common report that waa made In behalf of the Baltimore A Ohio Railway Company. Thla road, which has been contesting with the Hill-Morgan interests for the control of the terminal property, recently prevented a forecloaure of the mortgage on the property by taking up Its llo.uuO.OOO bond tsa le wiu mo interest aue. A 1,500 WIRELESS FOR $10.

Abraham White's De Forest Stock Sold to Satisfy Execution. An echo of the troubles of Abraham White, who announced a few months ago that be was going to merge all of the wireless Interests In his United Wire leas Company, came from the real es tate auction room yesterday where Deputy Sheriff Forges put up 1.500 shares of the stock of the American De Forest Wireless Telegraph Company and knocked the block down for (10. The sale waa to satisfy an execution of $5,472 Issued on May 12, against Mr. White, who waa then President of the company. In favor of the National Shoe and Leather Bank, which has eince been liquidated and merged with the Metropolitan Bank.

Mr. White'a merger never was accomplished In fact. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. WHEAT After showing firmness most of tha day the market fell with a late break In stocks and lost all Its gain. Liverpool cabled a to Tid advance and Berlin a per bushel rise.

Later impetus waa derived from Northwest black rust talk, low temperatures, and complaints of damage by a recent hailstorm In North Dakota. In subsequent dispatches warmer weather was predicted for Spring wheat States. Telegraphed statistics were In shout the same shape as the previous day, most of the Interior movement being missing. Export sales of IS loads did not represent all the business that might have been done with a normal wire service. Cssb wheat In New Tork closed ss follows: No.

2 red. 81o elevator and 2Ho free on board, afloat; No. 1 Northern, Duluth. (1.04S. and No.

8 hard Winter. 3VsO free on board, afloat. Total Interior receipts for the day were estimated at about W74.000 bushels, of which were at Winter wheat points. CORN The market opened firm and H9He higher, advancing later on unfavorable crop ad-vicee from the Southwest and fears of lower temneratures In the Northwest. Commission 'houses found offerings very light, but the mar ket became more liberally supplied in tne arter-noon on depressing news from Wall Street and sharp reactions In other grains.

Last prices were at about the lowest or the day. The Liverpool market waa H.d net higher. No. 3 corn in New Tork was quoted at 62c elevator and 60io free on board, afloat: No. 2 white, 62o, and No.

2 yellow. 62e free on board, afloat. FITl'RES. NEW TORK PRICES. Thursdaya I Wheat High.

Low. Close. Close. 1 September 04 03 11-16 9XT Teceraber 9T 97 May l.Ks l- $1.02 $1.02 Corn September 3 24 Itecember Sit ei4 May ao eo CHICAGO PRICES. Thursday'a Wheat High.

Low. Close. Close. September Wl B5 83 December 91 90 9u May 97 9u 9U September RS B44 644 54H December 81 61 61 May 52 1 62 63 Oats-September 4 4SS 4314 5H 44 43 44 43 May 40 45 45 43 Lard-September 97 8.90 a.92 October 9.07 .97 9.00 9.02 Ribs-September 8.S7 8 RT 8.57 8 62 October a 75 a 67 S.G7 8.70 Pork September ..16.03 15.82 13.63 1 03 Consolidated to Move on Aug. 24.

The Consolidated Stock Exchange has decided not to move into Its new building, at Broad and Beaver Streets, until Aug. 24. provided the contractors are ready to turn it over on that date. Trading on the new floor will begin on the following Monday. There will be no formal opening of the Exchange at that time, be-cenuse of the absence of many of the members, but it is exriected that a house warming will be held aome time during me ran.

INCORPORATED AT ALBANY. SprriaJ Is TU Ktv York Timet. ALBANY, Aujr. 18. There were Incorporated by tbe Secretary of 8 tats to-day the following Splitdorf Laboratory.

New Tork. (electrical specialties:) capital. $500,000. Director Hen ry Splitdorf. John Splitdorf.

J. M. Flsber. New lorn. Bltss Amusement Company.

Hudson: capital. riOO.Ofin. Directors A. Bliss. Hudson; E.

T. Newoomb. J. P. Coua-hlin Alhanv John A.

Scholx at New York. 0rokera:) capital. $3,000. Directors T. R.

Harway. Brooklyn; F. Houston, F. S. Roselle.

New York. Manhattan Paper Stock Company. New Tork; capital. a.ii. Directors T.

F. Burbv. K. A. Hand.

New York: H. J. Oonren Brooklvn. F. A.

Gutierres St New York. (Importers capital. $20,000. Directors A. De Brlg-ard.

3. W. Spencer, O. H. Mann.

New York. Smith Watson. Nsw York, (furniture, china, and sllverwar: caoltal S2S.O0O. Directors R. H.

8m! Lb. Sarah Smith. Alexander Wat son, rew xorx. Lsltaar Realty Comnanv. New York; eanltaL $1,000.

Directors J. Leltner E. Lsltaar A. Leitner. New York Stark Win and Liquor Company.

Brooklyn: capital, mow Directors M. Baron. Psch ear. New Tork; W. r.

Schreelsla Brooklyn, i A. E. Traeger Specialty Manufacturing Cora pany. uurraio; capital. SlB.ono.

Direct ore A. E. Traeger. H. O.

Walter. C. a. Hatch. Buffalo.

Nelson CoUlna New York, capital. Director A. Nelson. F. W.

Collins. Winifred Nelson Km V-fc- Century Brass Manufacturing Company, gyra- Directors w. j. pieros. Syracuse.

Lni re rsai wired Box Company. New York: DlroctorsJ. Stubbs. New York; C. 8.

Ullmaan. W. E. RothermaL Chicago, 111. Jumle Specialty Company.

Buffalo: capital. eOOOO. Directors-E. Wlllert. R.

F. Harr-ineyar, W. Etllllnger, Buffalo. The Central Restaurant and Hotel Company. New York; capital.

$50,000. Director J. L. Murray. O.


Aug. 18. The following eorpera-tlons war chart crad her to-day: Hyde Park Realty and Improvement Com-paay. Orsng, (real estate:) capital. Incorporators Leon M.

Berg. Waiter H. Wild-rick. Albert a. Vmirht.

E. Rowland Hill. Webster Land Compnay. Tewn t'moo, real estate:) capital. ii.W.

Incorporators Jacob Berwltx. Ijto H. Rosen. Laser Rosea. Buckhorn Springs Water Company.

Town of Belvidere. (Belvfder town water supply:) capital. $40,000 InconxntAn Rn. la senberg. John H.

Dahlke. Snaros Mellick, Eiiaa Ulbbs. Elmer Smith, SATURDAY. CITY HARD PRESSED TO PAY ITS BILLS Failure of the Bond Sale Has Left the Finance Department Short of Cash. CONTRACTORS HARD HIT Many Have Been Waiting Months for Their Money Threaten to Quit If They Ar Not Paid Soon.

As a result of the present tight money market, and the fact that two bond sales have failed recently, the City of New York la exceedingly ahort of funda, and, should the present conditions continue, the situation may become very trouble some to the city authorities. It may be said that it la already causing the officials of the Finance Department considerable worry. While Deputy Controller' McCooey, at present at the head of the department. roaintaina stoutly that there la no serious iinanciaj (ubitcbs ao inr as tne City is concerned, and that payments are not being withheld from contractora and other city creditors. Is.

nevertheless, a fact that the offices of the Controller are visited every day by upward of a score of men to whom the city ewes money and who have been put eff from time to time. Thia has been particularly noticeable In the laat week, and undoubtedly- resulted from the failure of the 15,000 XX bond sale last Monday. City Hard Pat te Meet Its Bills. Primarily, the failure of that sale Is responsible for the trouble. Had It been successful the city would bare had enough cash to tide it over, probably until Octo-1 ber, when the collection of taxes begins.

As bids for only a little more than were received, however, the city Is put to it to meet Its bills. The trouble with the contractors dates back to the failure of the $29,000,000 bond aale in the latter part of June. The money market then waa aa unfavorable to- the aale of 4 per cent, bonds as It is at pres- ent. As soon as the sale failed, the eon- tractors swooped down on Mr. Mets.

They A. V. were met witn tne assurance) wsd market would change soon, and that plenty of money would be forthcoming: in from six weeks to two months. The contractors neded money then almost as much as they do now. Some of them, perhaps on the strength of Mr.

Mats' a opinion, borrowed money on abort-time notes, and these notes. It la aald. are about to fall due. Naturally, the contractora turn to the city for what Is due them, but the city baa. not the cash to liquidate the claims.

A few of the contractors in question were persuaded on Tuesday and Wednesday to take city bonds 'in part payment of their claims. McCooey aays that the bonda were given thera with the un derstanding that they were not to be disposed of below par. However that may be. city bonds of the same Issue were offered in Wall Street the next day in the neighborhood of 9. The bonds had been turned over to the contractora under the new law that allows the selling of city securities at private sale at not less than par.

The offerings in Wall Street, although "Mr. McCooey does not admit it. virtually ended the chances of the city aispoeing 01 tne ounus at, ir and the salea made since have been comparatively insignificant. Threaten, te Qelt. It Is said about the Finance Department that several contractors have threatened to atop work on schools and other city improvements If money is not immediately forthcoming, as they cannot longer pay their men out of their pockets.

The extent of the trouble in thia regard may be measured bv the fact that ninety contracta for Board of Education work have been let since June 1. Many of these contracts have not yet been certified by the Controller, as required by law, for the simple reason that that official, when passing a contract, must certify that the amount of money called for bv it is available in the city treasury. It was the hope of the authorities thati tho Rales over tne counter would onng in sufficient money to meet the indebtedness if the bond sale failed. Mr. Mets at one time said that he had made arrangements for large sales In that manner.

The sales over the counter, however, have been but a drop in the bucket, and there Is considerable speculation about the City Hall as to where the city will get the money to meet the September n1 October payrolls, both of which fall before the tax money begins to come 1X1, especially no lliu ucui-uiu iur refcuuq bonds is said to have fallen off materially. WCLTOCJ ycniriuoj nuiliiliru itia. the financial depression waa affecting all securities alike, but declared that when this depression disappeared city bonds would sell at a premium. He denied emphatically that there had been a hold-up in the pay ir ent on certified contracts, but- admitted that improvements had been throuirn-uie city aeciminar to certify contracta. QUESTION STOCK TIPSTER: Newark Police Look Into Business Methods of J.

Overton Paine. The Newark police undertook yester day to Inquire into the business methods of J. Overton Paine figured prominently on the New York Stock Exchange a few years ago. Mr. Paine has been giv ing information on the stock market with an office on the top Door of 193 Market Street.

Newark. A visit was tld to the office by De tective Sergt. Frank Tuite, and Mr. faine was requested to visit Captain of Detec-tlvea Carroll at Police Headquarters, who Questioned the stock man about bis busi ness airairs. Seen at his office later In the day Mr.

Paine admitted that he had been questioned by tbe detective rxafarding certain information, but denied that he would discontinue business, as had been reported in a Newark paper. Mr. Paine was then shown a copy of the paper and said that the statement as reported waa untrue, and said that be had instructed his attorneys to institute suit against the pa- that he was engaged in a legitimate business, and that he would continue to do so despite what the police Mr Paine does not operate any wire or telephone, and hia chief business, he said, resisted of furnlAhlnr information on the ock market. His office force consists two clerks and a stenographer. The advertisement signed COLLIER'S WEEKLY .4 published on this page yesterday was inserted without the knowledge or consent of that AUGUST 17.

1907. ForSale Albas ft Hadtes 1st Ss U. S. Eaveleee Pfd, Asjerlcai Maitfaz 1st es Aaier. TypeteiBdlrs Pfd.

Seaboard Natieaal Bask Susdard MUllaf Csau tailed Bask Nets Pfd. Pere Marqwtte Pld Wertbiaztsa Prtferres U. S. Errgtoeg 1st is Rsysl B-k Powder Pfd. Alliaact Realty Cltlzeas CeairsJ Rat Saak TOBEY KIRK 1S7S.

25 Broad Street, New York Thiaw 42B-7- WE HAVE STOCK FOR SALE IN 8 NEW BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES NOW BEING ORGANIZED IN PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, CORONA, BETHEL AND OTHER GOOD EASTERN POINTS. Send for Our Current List sbowlnc that the averaf Investment of this character pays over a per annum. Subscriptions may be paid for In small monthly Installments. STERLING DEBENTURE CORPORATION Brunswick BuHdhtg, Ms sUaesi Seaare, NEW YORK. ANDREW a.



SO she. Life Insurance Club of N. T. 14 she. Morris at Essex R.

R. 60 shs. The Motsorongo Co. 1 share Obispo Rubber Plantation Co. SI.

000 Consolidated Light ft Power Co. (Wilmington, N. fi Bond. Si. 000 American Cotton Oil Co.

4H Bond. TOR ACCT. Os WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. SI, 000 Brooklyn Ferry Co. 1st Con.

ftefe Bond. 194. Knickerbocker Trust Co. Ctf. 10 aha Safety Car Heating A Lighting Co.

S1.60O The Vitro Powder Co, (Kingston, N. Gold Coupon Bda. 112. 100 shs. White Knot CoDDer Co.

sTd. 8 sha Central Leather Co com moo. 50 aha. Guggenheim Exploration Co. S3.

000 Detroit. Toledo I ronton Ry. S'4- year Gold Notes, dated June. 1906 SL000 Albloa N. Gaa Light Co.

1st Mtg. Bda. 1915. S3.000 Second Avenue R. 1st Con.

Bda, 1909. DIVIDENDS. i fJflOM PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. A Memi-Annaal Dividend of $2.0 per sharees IhePrefrrred Stock and at Qnarterlv Plvidrad of 92.S( per share en the Common Stork of this company have been declared payable at the Treasurer's Office. 120 Broadway, New Tork.

N. on October 1. 1907, to stockholders of record at 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, tsepiemoer 14, ivui. The stock transfer books will be closed -at 13 olclock noon on Brptember 14. 1007.

and will be reopened at 10 A. M. on October 9, 1907. Stockholders who have not already done ao are requested to promptly file mailing orders for dividends with tbe undersigned, from whom blank orders can he had on application. FREDERIC V.


New York. Aug. loth, 1907. Tha following dividends on the stock of this i company have-to-day been declared, payable Repu.mber 16th to stockholders of record at the -lose of business August 2t)th. ONE AND THREE-QL'ARTERS (li PER CENT, on the preferred stock.

ONE AND A HALF UH PER CENT, on the common stock, and an extra dividend Of ONE AND A HALF (l',) PER CENT, on tha common stock. The transfer books will be closed at 3 P. M. August 26th and reopened at 10 A. M.

September 3d. F. J. KILNER. Secretary- Office of Tho American Coal Company of Allegany County, No.

1 Broadway. New York, Aug. 12. 100T. The Board of Directors of The Amer.can Coal Company of Allegany County.

(New have thla day declared a semi-annual dividend ot Five Per Cent, upon tha Capital Stork of the Company, payable at this office on Tues day, Bepiemoer so. iwrr. The transfer books will be' closed on Thursday. August 22d. at three o'clock P.

M. anJ reopened on the morning of September 4th. 18o7. GEORGE M. BOWLBT, Treasurer.

KIXGS COVTY KLECTRIC LIGHT AXD POWER COMPA3TV Brooklyn. N. Y. Tho Board ef Directors has declared the regular quarterly dividend of two per cent, on the capital stock of this company, payable on September 1, 10OT. to the stockholders of record on August 22.

Transfer boots will be closed at 3 P. M. August 23 snd reopened at 10 K. M. September 2.

P. R. ATKINSON. Treasurer, AMERICA GHAPHOPHOSE CO. A quarterly dividend (No.

41) of ONE AND ONE-QUARTER PER CENT, on the Common Capital stock of the American Oraphophone Company will be paid on September 15th. 1VK7, to Ir holders of record September 1st. 1007. By order of the Directors. Kj EUWAnu u.

usiun, jrresiaeni. AMERICAN- EXPRESS COHPANY. August 15. 1(K7. At a meeting of the Board er Directors, held this day.

a dividend of tlf per hr waa declare out of the income of the Company from Its Investments, paa bis October 1. 1H4T. to shareholders of record at the close of business Brptember 14. 1S07. JAVF.S F.

FARGO. Vice President and Trees. THE WHT DAIRT LUNCH CO. TV. second auarterly dividend of On and Three-ouarters per cent, on the preferred stork has been declared payable September 1st, 19H7.

to stockholders of record at the close of business Aug. lth. 1007. Transfer books will be closed from Aug. 17th.

to Sept. let. 1907. both Inclusive. H.

M. DAVIS, Trsaa. METAL MARKET REPORTS. Copper metal road Small gains in the London market yesterday, and on the Metal Exchange here made no further decline, for the first time In nearly two weeks. la London the closing prices were: Spot.

77 Ss, a gain of 16a from 'the last price ot Thursday, and futures. 74 15. a gain ef 1. Pig tin dosed strong at an Improvement of 3 Ss for spot and future, at fldu 10 and tl(W respecCTvery. Lead was weak at lit IBa Spelter was unchanged at 22 c.

Iron warrants were strong at ta 61 for standard foundry and fi7s for kf Iddleaboro. The closing bid and asked price of copper and other metals for spot delivery on the New York Metal Exchange yesterday eompar as follows with those of the previous day: Friday. Thursday. Bid. Asked.

Bid. Asked Lake Electrolytic Castings Lead Spelter Tut 19.25 IS 25 17.73 18.73 I7.T5 17.26 13 V70 MM 19 23 ,..17.25 5.15 5.70 1H.23 47.75 S.23 80 SO 60 S3 S.M) 37.73 HEETC7CS ASS SLXCTIC3S. -Cfclctug, IsMllamapatlis mm Layatavlll Hallway Cvaeatawy. No. Broadanv Kaw Vara.

Auaust M. tOOT. The Annual Meetlnr of tarkhoiders of the Chicago. iDdtanarl Lnejsvtlle Kailway ivnpaav wih be ni on HeSMSur, ber la 1007. at tea rlork A.

Jd. at the ottV of the Company la Indianapolis, for tbe purpose of etacttac Directors In tae of those whose terms snail taa evvlra. atad the u-ansactloa of such olrxr eusiaeM aa away ee nroi-erly brought before the meeting. Polls open imD tan o'clock A. M.

te eleven o'clock A. ii. The Transfer TmoM will closed from august li7. at 'dor V. at Hntti Bepteca-bsr la.

low. ax 10 clack A. M. 1 J. A.

HILTOV. Secretary. feoposal QUARTERMASTER OrFTCE. WEST POINT. July 190T.

aaaled proposals, ta triplicate, subject to the usual rendtttotta will be receiver it this office until 11 ai August IS. 1907. for fitrnUhtag iron Lamp Posts and Lanterns for exectrte street lights. The Called States reserves tne right to accept eT reject any er all proposals. Forms for proposals furnished upon application.

Address J. M. Carson. Major and Quartermaster. TJ.

8. M. West Pamt. N. T.

pubuc jroncra PUBLIC NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the owner or owners of all boasts sad Iota, improved or unimproved iavads sjreotsd thereby, that the foUowiag propased aaseesments have been completed and are lodged la the offtes ct the Board of Assessors for areatnattoa by all persons Interested, via; i BOROCOH OF THs5 BRONX. List S3A1. No. 1. Regulating, grading, setting eurbatonea.

lagging sidewalks, laying crosa walks, building approaches, and erecting fences where necessary la Ftalay Avenue, betwaea East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Street and East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh Street: Collage Avenue, between Eaat One Hundred and Bixiy-nrtn street and feast una Huaaraa aaa Blxty-seventh Street, and Eaat One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street, between Webster and Morris Avenues. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. List ease. No. g.

Regulating and gradtng Castletan Avenue from Bard Avenue Olen Avenue, In the First Ward, paving tha tvedwav thereof with macadam pavement, laying cobblestone gutters, and doing other work aa nee as sary to the completion of tbe work daeortbed. For full particulars aee City Racord. AH persona whose Interests are affected try the above-named proposed assessments, and who are opposed te the same, er either ef thatn, are reqasecad ta present their obestlns. la writing, to the Secretary ef tha Board ef Assessors. No.

82 Broadway, New Tork. en or before Sept. 17. 1907. at 11 A.

at which time and place the said objections win be heard and testimony received In reference thereta. ANTONIO ZCCCA, NN, A a wiaMm, JAMES H. KENNEDT. Board of Asssssesa WILLIAM H. Secretary.

No, S20 Broadway, City of New York. Borough ef Manhattan. August 13. 107. Offlea of the Department ef Parka.

Arsenal Building. Fifth Avenue and Stity-ifourth Street. Borough of Manhattan. The City of New York. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES will be re-eelved by the Park Board at the above office of the Department of Parks until a o'clock P.

M. on THl-RSDAT, AUGUST XO. Berovjsjh of Hsshsttaa. No. For paving with aheet asphalt upon concrete foundation tbe carriageway, for fur-nishlag and setting where required new curbstones, and resetting elsewhere the existing curbstone, end for alterations to the drainage, all in Fifth Avenue, between Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth Streets and between Ninetieth Street and the Plaza at On Hundred and Tenth Street.

No. 2. Fnr navtnsr aad rsnavlnv with rock asphalt maatio where directed, the walks of iae uentrai ana other parka No. a For repavlng where directed the ment walks of small narka No. 4.

For furnishing, delivwrtng snd laying cast-iron water pip and appurtenances In the narricm Kiver Driveway, between One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Street and On Hundred and 8eventy-eventh Street. for run particulars see City Record. MOSES KEHRMAN. President. JOSEPH BERRY.

MICHAEL J. KENNEDY. Commissioner of Parks. Dated August 16. 1R07.

OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, i Arsenal Building. Fifth Avenue and Sixty-fourth Street. Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York. 8EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES will be received by the Park Board at the shore office of the Department' of Parks until o'clock P. M.

on THIHSDAY, AUGHT Horongh of Manhattan, for all labor and materials required for the erection and completion of Addition to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. located la Central Park, on the west side of Fifth Avenue, opposite Eighty-third Street. I For full particulars City Record. MOSES HERRMAN. President; JOSEPH I.

BERRT. MICHAEL J. KENNEDY, i Commissioners of Parka. Dated August 7. 1907.

Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Room 1.53. No. 13 to 21 Park Row. Borough of Manhsttan.

the Citv of New York. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES will be received by the Commissioner of Water Ruonlv. Gas and Electricity at the above office until a noes: m. on WEDNESDAY, ACGrST 2S, Borossh of Breslilrs. For furnishing, delivering snd laying water mama ana removing existing water mains In li-aiom.

i union, wreenpomt, Harrison, Johnson. Manhattan. Meserole and Nassaa Avenues: in Humboldt, Keep. Lorlmer, Meseroie. Oakland.

Provost. Scholes. Waterbury and White Streets, and In Deiraontco Place, Borough of Brooklyn. For full particulars so City Record. JOHN H.

BRIENi Commissioner of Water Supply, Gaa and Electron v. The City of New Tork. August 15. 190T. OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS.

Arsenal Building, Fifth Avenue and Sixty-fourth Street, Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES will be received by the Park Board at the above oftk-e of the Department of Parka until 3 o'clock P. M. on TUIHSDAT, ArGCST 2. UKT, llorooiih of Brooklyn, for furnishing and delivering two steam road rollers to the Department of Parka, Borough of Brooklvn and Queens.

For full particulars see Cltr Record. MOSES HERRMAN. President; JOSEPH I. BERRY. MICHAEL J.

KENNEDY. Commissioners of Parks. OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARRS, Arsenal Building, Fifth Avenue and Sixty-fourth Street, Borough of Manhattan, the City of New Tork. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES will received by the Park Board at the above office of the Department of Parka until o'clock P. M.

on THIKSUAI. SUilST ZU. 11M17, Boroagb. of Brooklyn, for furnishing all the labor and materials necessary to erect and complete a three -rail post and ptpe wire mesh fence In McLaughlin Park. Borough of Brooklyn.

For full particular se City Record. MOSES HERRMAN, President; JOSEPH I. BERRY. MICHAEL J. KENNEDY, Commissioners of Park.

OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE Borough of Manhattan. City Hall, tbe City ot New Tork. SEALED RIDS OR ESTIMATES win rr- celved by the President of the Borough of Manhattan, at the city HaiL Boom No. Is. until 2 o'clvk P.

M. on MOXDAY, AUGUST 26 I90T. For th Installation and construction of a suction or vacuum cleaning system in tb Criminal Courts Building-, bounded by Centra, Franklin. Lafayette, snd Whit Streets, Soroush of Manhattan. City of New York.

For full particulars see Clry Record. HBXRI S. THOMPSON. Acting Borough President and Commissioner of Public Works. Th City of New York.

August 14, I90T. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. foot cf East Twenty-sisth Btreet, New Tork. SEALED BEDS OR EaTIMATEA will received by the Department of Public Charities at the shove offlc until 2 o'rhvit P. M.

on WEDSESDATi SEPTEMBER 4. 10OT, for providing ail labor and material required for th erection and eatlre completion wlth tb exception of fitting up of a new pathological building at tb Kings County Hospital, Borough of Brooklyn. For full particulars se City Racord. ROBERT W. HEBBEBD.

CoeamissioneT. Dated August 16. 1907. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES. Sealed estimate for bailding freigkt shed Piers eo.

61. aad 62. and oa th adjoining lateral extensions brtweest West ItKb and Wmi (d Street. North River. Contract 1.091.

will be received by th Csmraisstonar Docks at Pier A. Battery Place, until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday. August 21, 1907. (Far partiea-lars se City Record DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES. Sealed estimate for machln tools (Contract 1.070) will be received by th Coa.

mlsstooer of Docks at Pier Dattery Place, until o'clock noon Tuesday. Auxust 17th. 1907. iFor particulars see City RecorJ DEPARTMENT OF lXCKH AND FERRIEA. Sealed estinatea for building struct urea nod eppurtenanrea on th pier foot of Canal Street, Staplatoa.

Borough of Richmond. 1 Coo tract No. 1.077.1 will be received bv tho Commissioner of Docks at Pier Battery Pine. wntU 12 o'clock noon, Thursday. August loth.

19V7. (For tarticulars City Record. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES Sealed estimate for furnishing and delivering sand aad broken ston (Contract No. LI021 will be received by the COmrnlastooer of Dock at Pier A. Battery place, until 12 o'clock noon Tuesday.

August 27th. 1007. tfor r-I tlcutsrs se City Record. DEPARTMTSNT OF DOCKS AND FERR1EA Sealed estimates for furnishing rlp-rj (m-tract l.lOl) will neaived by tn Commlssioa-er of Docks at Pier A. Battery PUoe.

until 13 o'clock aoonl en Moadsy. August IS. 107. Xr paruculaxa sea OH ilecprd, 11 PUBLIC iVOTXCES. KEW YORK lUrREMt CUlBLi ID JL'uiriAl.

i.f Cuter coubty. AS HO It 4 REoSRVOIIL Section X. S. i NOTTCB OF APPLICATION FOR ArruiATUENT OF COMMISSION Publie aotta la Krr. 4fte Ik.

Intention of tbe Corporauen Ceuasel of toe City ef New Tork to make application to ta Supreme Court of the Stat of Vew erk for the appointment of CmmtaelBrs iSf A prataal. under Chapter' 7:4 of ta Law ot and the acts amendatory Bach application will be anao at a freelej Tsrat of the Storem Court to he hM la asd for th Third Judicial Dlatrirt AT THE COUR HOUSE IN TUB CITY Of KINTJoTON. ii, T-. ON THE T18T DAY OF. 1107, AT TEN O'CLOCK 1a tbe tars a o.

of that day, or soon thereafter aa counsel aan he heard. The object of suck apoltoarlos ta cbtala an order ot the Ceurt appointing tbre disinterested snd competent freeholders, of whom snail reetd tn th Ooantyi ef New York and -at toast en o( whom shall rwnd tn th county where th real estate hereinafter described is situated, to act as Commissioners of Appraisal AND DICUARCifl LL TH DUTI148 CONFERREll UPON SUCH COMMISSIONERS OF. APPRAISAL for th purpes of providing an additional snppty of pur and, wholesome water for th City of New Tork Th real relate ta be acquired herein is atW ue ted ta tha Tewa ef Oiiv'and la to be acquired la fe for th purpos turnlsh-Ing an additional supply ot per and whoi-some water the City ef New Tsrk. Th following is a statsmeat af the beemeV arte of th lends to acQalred herein, with refer te the data and i place ef flUag of tn map. .1 All th parcels hareta described ate te Va aeeuifwd tn fe and are eoird plah.ea th an rinaxtr rarerre to.

All thos certain pieces er ta reels of real estat altaated th Tewn ef Olive, Oowsrty Ulster and Stat of New York, show a en a map ent i ilea Keservoir Department, section Na. Board of Water Supply- of th City ot New York. Map of rent estate sit sated la Town or oitv. chanty of I later aad Rtat of New York, to be aeqotred by th City ef New York, aadar th arovlstoa ot Chaotsr tJ4 of the Taw a of tSAt mia. d.

for th CKmstrwetton et Ashohan Jlassrvelr aad appartanaaewa. in th vicinity hhokaai aad West Shokaa, between EsopMS Creek and which man waa fliad, la tb etflee of the County Cierk et tbe County ef Ulster, at Kingston. New York, eai tb Itth day of July. 11. bounded and deearlbed mm follows: I Baginntng at the northeast corner of parcel No.

34. in th cwatre ef Esepas Creek, and running; these atoo tho eewtr 11a of said Crek and partly along tb centra Un of th westerly branch ot said Creek and the eaaearly lines of said parcel No. and along th ast. erly snd northerly lines of parcels No. 433.

42. 427 aad 4Jt mad partly along th easterly Un ef parcel No. 401. th following eourses and distances: B. 9T K.

i feJ 5, It IX E. S7. feet, g. it E. 20.

4 g. is err s. 204 4 feet. iw tL' na fswt, S. 20' ST H.

232 fret. H. 15 E. M4 feet. 8.

48 sr B. S70 4 fewt. S. If E. 1S4 feat, S.

T3 88' E- Bta.g feet, S. It" S3. feet, g. SI 03" E. 824.S fest.i B.

13SS.T feet and 8. CS 4' E. Uol fee to th northeast corner parcel No. sao, In tb centre of Shokan Avsnu Pndg. over Esopus Creoki thence, along the easterly ilaee of said parcel and parcoi No.

428, aad atlllj oontlauiag along tbe said centra line of tb westerly branch of Esopus Creek, a 'B. 185 frot and 8. 86 11' E. tall feet to th southeast corner of said parcel No. 42H: tl.noe partly -along th othrty line-at sum.

J. er W. S3 feat to th northeast corner of parcel No. 429, In th wwstsrty shore 11 of Esopus Creek; thvnc along th aald shoe tin and th easterly lines of said paroel and parcel No. 43T.

8. IS 01' E. W32.4 feet to th aouth-east earner of said parcel. In the northerly line of parcel No. tt4; thence partly along aald -northerly Una.

8. S7 EL feet lo th northeast corner ef said parcel, Inj the centra ef Ewopus Creek: theno along the Centre I in of aaht Creek and partly along fw, easterly hot vi eiia (wnvi. a. 4,, ai 0.70 feet th northeast corner ef (eucol No, i37V: theor along th northerly Ibis of said i parcel. N.

e9 49" E. 94.3 feet to th northeast comer ef sam. In th asterry shore of be fore-mentioned Esopus Creek; tbeoos along the aald shore aad th easterly shore of th easterly armaeh of Esopus Creek th following courst and distances: 8. 4 4- 21" E. 2KI.2 feet, 8.

OT W. 309.T feet, 8. 1 3S' E.i 34ll feet mwA Af Hff IBC 1 M. 111 eu corner of said parcel No. 379; thenoS along th southerly line of said parrel and partly along the southerly tin of parcels No.

iied. 8. aA f6 W. 62S.3 feet, crossing the easterly braach of Esopus Creek, aa island, tha westerly braach of aald to a point In tn easterly tin of parcel No. afc2.

In th westerly line ot a road leading from Shokas to pilv city; ftlnfi the WMl.rltf .1 I ln the said easterly line of parcel No. SKI. 8. 8(1. E.

Al feet to the southeast comer of said parcel, in th northerly, property line of th Ulster and Delaware Railroad Company: tiienc along th said railroad property Una and partly along the southerly line of' said parcel S19 r. iImi. (I. 1 Ite I No! ma. S.

82 15' W. 137.1 feet to lit soutk- lunpr ui niq parcel Ki. ota, uiencs partly along th westerly Ho of N. IS SS W. 41 feet to another point in th cefor mentioned southerly Un of parcel No.1 S3; thane -partly along tb said southerly Una aad th southerly Un of parcel -No.

Sftl. and still continuing along th before mentioned northerly railroad property line 8. 8J- 0T W. 306.8 feet, on a curve of Wi fact radius to th right. 1S feet, and on a curve of 44S4 feetrsdlue to tao right, 14.7 feet, ta a paint In the southerly lis of parcel No 380; thenc partly along th aald southerly line on a curve of 4434 fleet radius to parcel No.

38S; thenc along th Westerly Un ef said parcel on a curve of 44H4 feet radio to the right, 1394.7 feet, 8. 5. IS E. 30-I feat, and on a curv of 4.1S1 feet radhisl to the right. h4 feet, to th 1 southwest oorner of parcel No.

3K9; thence partly along the westerly lie of said parcel No. and parcel No." 300. snd along tb westerly line of i parcels No, 31-7 sad 39. partly along th westerly line af parcel No. 399.

and alone the westerly lines of parcels Noa 403. 41a 432, 4.13. and and still cnnUnuing along Ih easterly property line of th before-mentioned CTseer Delaware Railroad Company, on a curv ct 4U1 feet radius to th right, IAQ.8 feet, and N. 23 49 13" W. e2.9 feet, crossing Beekman Brook and Bush Kill, crossing si read lea-ling from Weat Shokan to rod head a (id Olive City.

a cross road. Shokan Aveaua. ai road leading -from Bolciii to Abakan and aj read leading from Bnicville to Weet Fhcksn. to the north. west oorner of said psrcel No.

43tt, rhenr along the northerly line of same. N. TliV ts. wzi.e feet recrosslna the insJ teadlns. from Boics- vill to West phoksa, to the pointer place ef negmning.

115 Keferenc Is hereby wad to tb ld map. filed, as aforesaid, in the offto rt the County Clerk of th County of Ulster, for mors d- acq aired. In case any property abovail descrfbed Is used for sny public piirpose, sweh a a highway, such or shell continue until tb City of New York shall fcav legal right tak possession ef or change tha asm a Dated August 5th. lT. FRANCIS KEY rESriLETOV.

Corporation Coonsat. Office and Post Office adtlressj Hall Re-ord. Comer of Chambers i and Cealr fit reels. Borough of Manhattan. New York City.

i Headquarters ot th Fir Department of ta City of New York. Not. 1ST snd East Sivty-seventh Street, Boreugh of Maahattasv th Cuy of New Tork. i SEALED BIDS ON ESTIMATES wiU be received by tb Fir Commissioner at th ahov Offlc until 10-JM) o'clock A. M.

'on IKIUtV, AUGUST Z8. 190T. IlorousTh ef la-r. No. 1.

For furolaalrtg all tha labor aad materials required for additions had alterations to th building of Volunteer Et'ittne Company No. 1. located on tht side if Union street, between and Amity sir'. Flushing. I.

'',) No. 2. For furnishing all the labor and materials required for alteration aad additiona to building of Volunteer Eagle Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, and Union Company Na. 1, located oa th west side ef alxteemk ttT.

109 feet south of Fourth Avenue. Col teg Feint. 1 No. S. For furnlshtnc the labor snd ma teria la required fur additions and alteration th building of th Murray Hiill Vo.oateer Ho Company No.

4. located at (h iunettee. of Madison Avenue and Long la land Railroad. Murray HIU, Flushing. Li I No.

4. For furnishing all th labor and materials reoulred for additions I aad -altratucs to th building; of Voicnteer and LadJer Companjr Ieu Nn. located on tn north aid of Orov Street, 286 fast: west of Maia Street, Flwataing, I. No. 6.

Fur furnishing all tho tabor aad materials required for additions and alteration of tb building ot Volunteer Etigin aad Hos Company Nx for a boss company, located oa th wast sld of Seventh Avenue. hrtwea hi tee nth aad Eight! Strteia, Wkitsstoo. For full particulars se Cltr' Record. Deputy end Acting rtrej Cenuslsslaar. TJatad August ix anorl ATTENTIOM IB CALLED TOi THS ADVXR-t lee ment in Th city Record ot August 14 to ta, 147, of th eonfirmslion by th Board of Assessor and tbe sa'enng la the Bureau for th (Election of Aasrsstnoats sad Arrears, of aaseasmeqt for lal PROVE -wb uADi'rtti rue nunWr 2SD WARD.

SEC TION le. FEWERS AND A PWRTE.fAKCH la AVE- NT: btwsn Longwnod Avenue and Hant Ptat Road, and I T1FPANT b-tweea Bouthvm Boulersrd ssd Whltlock Avenue. I4TH WARD. 8ECTIOM It KINOS-BRIDOB ROAD AND UKESTfJN AVKXUB RECEIV1NO BASINS, oitr the oortbe ow HERMAN' A. METZ.

I- 5 New York. Aagut lit iff. City of ATTENTION Iv CALLED TO THE ADVER- tisemeat In Ta CHy Record Of Asguet tt. 191. of th coflrmUon by th Kuprerne Court, aB-J th atrtg ml tee Bureau for th CoiUctloo ef Aseawsmeet aad Arrears, ef ssaissmrnf itT Oft NINO AND AC-QU7RINO TITLE to th i Mlowtng-named tTH WAPD.

aBOno.V II BATHOATE AVENUE OPENING, from Rast ltb Street Pe'ham Area. Cenflrnird. July 6. 11; U. tWj 1 cmptrtiw City of Now York.

August: f. lt4- DEPA RTM BXT OF DOCK AND FERRTK. Seisled tsUMta) for gTadirg aad eoostruetlns; pedaetrUa approaehe lets West Z2d qVid Weat 23d Srreat. North snd for atylna; g-rsnKe pareawnt between West 1.1th aad Weat 14th atresia North River. I 4Coatract l.eei.

wUl rctvd aa msuwaer a uacs at Pier a. Pattarr rise. unt' rori fwsoa) en Aorsat 19. tree ttoiUra. era Ctf r.

Etcrtr it.

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