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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3 THE BIG BROOKLYN BRIDGE TEE SUPREME COURT ASKED TO CALL IT Alt OBHB UCTIOir. mXLUM M. AMOUZ'l UUHJIOTTt HI turr bbocobt bt nsiAMsa xiixxa, axo jotzra a cnoAtx'i mrit WAsanroTOX. Kot. ft.

Tbe Supreme Court heard irfaoM this Afternoon in ilk Brooklyn Kid ess of Abraham KlUer ag-nt tbe buyer, Asd Commonalty of Km Cttr of Srw-fork Aa4 otheri. A Mat wile hM excited Biwk attract In Kw-Tork Aad Brooklyn oa seeeest of iko mageUede of the tnureeU Aogelaaay tavefr- to IKa the Xw-TerVt Bridge Com taay Baratsd for the parpeee of aoasi lasting aeasien bridge across the loot Mrer bet Kow-Terk CUT an BreoUra. Tbta bridge faqulred IO AO leal ttU IM fOt AboTA high tide, Aad tO AO AO AttUt Be tO abstract th navlgatloa of Jbo river. Is J8S0 Coaj rota Boated aa AOt aatborlztiw tte construction of the prpod biHge. Apoa eoadltleA that too 8eo-rotarr of War Bhoald srst etemtoe tbe pUA Iber-fer and satisfy himself that the brtdgs, whoa fin-abed, would aot obtraC Impair, or taftriouaty modify ins 8Ttcatom of tb The Seere-Ury of War pplnt4 A aoamtaalofl of eotfneeri lo laTMAiAtA the oabX ao4 cm Jane It.

1M0. apoa tbo leeelp of tool report, fee directed tbo Cnlef of lutewi to notify tbo bridge eempaay of la approval or iho plaa aad loeatloa of tbe bridge, abject to certain specified condition. Th om- rar ba Beeaa work on tbo bridge, aed eoatiaeed: aotil IsTa, tin aa aot eg tao btete Loaaiataro waa passe providing 'or tbo completion ol too Kratr by the ctlle of Wew-Tork and Brooklyn. ta Mar 1ft, 17b, aeariy savee years altar tbo p- yrovai of pia of is proposed Bridge by the 'of war. A bra nun -Millar, a warehoaea- tua, ol Brooklyn, broagkt aalt ia tha Catted Atetan CirouK Court lor tho Aotttaora DUtrlat of Maw-fork for Lbo parptMO of obtaining a daotao that tha brldra.

aaaootomplatod and oroatod. waawttk-oat lawfal Mtnrltr; tkat It waa a aalaaaao. aad that It aboald bo oaloiaod. Whoa too oaoa aaa to a float bearing baforo Judra Blutobford. tbo ooBiplaloaat'a bill waa dlauilaaad.

W1VA ooata, and ka taok aa appaai to tbia oonrt. Tha argomsat for tbo appallaflt waa Aiado baro br WUllaa M. Araoaa. of Kow Tork, who bagaa witb a atafaaaat of tbo faota aad a ronow of tko arldanaa, going to abow that tbo brtdra aa ooa-atraoiad daat obatroat tba oarlrattoa of tbo Eaat klror, aad dooa, tboraforo, daaiato tbo baatooaa of tbo comiriainaot br ytrtaailr proraattng a ear-lata olaaa of aalpa from raaobknjt bla war. buoaa.

Mr. Araoax argued tbat tba Andre waa, aaarparatlralr aaaoktaa. Jlttio aaa to tbo allies of Maw-York aoa Brooklra, aad waa ratber a eorloaltr than a roal oonranfaooa. Bo tboa eltod AdJadaed aaaaa for parpoao of bowing that aaytblng wblch la any dagrao totar- Iared with tba froe aarlgaUoa of a rirar had beea aid by tbo aoaru to bo aa ebatraaUoa aad a aalaaaeo. Ha waa last staling tao Points of Uiaoabard aaalnat tba Weatara Colon Taiegrash Comoaay.

la wblck tba eonita bold tbat a aob-' atanaa oaMo waa aa ooetraattoa to aartawtiea aad a aalaaaoa, whao aaatleo Millor latorraptod tm by saylagi "What ta tba oao of waaUog time i argolog tba qoaattoa wbothsr aa ooatraotloa aot aataorlaad ay Caugtaaa or by a Logtalatoro would aaa aalaaaoa or aot That la ae too qoaa Uoa bare. The auaatlon la, wbat baa Congress said ordoaewltb regard to tbtasablaatr Mr. Araeai oagraaa has aaid tbat tbla brfdga lhall aot oltroel. impair, or lajurlosuly modify tba aartrattoa of tbo rlror," aad 1 an trying to bow yoar Uoa or wbat Injartooa pjodlflcatioa of lae aarlgaikia of tbo rlror baa beea bold to be. Aaythlng whleb Interrupt or binder tba peaaace reaeele of any kind, or eonfiele a abaaga la the aianagaaaeat of aay roaaot, la aa obstrpotloa to tree Barlratloo, Tba Chlet Jortloa Tbea tba bridge BQct bo boITt ao high frooj pier to pier tba ao reaael erereeo-traatad aaa tooeh It witb her lef tleet a par.

Mr. Araoax The bridge aboald aotOe bnftt ao a to rlrtaaJly prerent tba usage of Iwo-flrtb of the tonnage aad oao-elgktk of uoAaatkorof Teasels entering toe port. tut toe Miller Wbat woaM bo tba aoa of a bridge aekigk tbat nobody eeald get op tot? Mr. Araoax la the ease of tbo lute of Jtns. ylranla agaiaat tbo Wheeling Bridge Company It waa bold by tbla oonrt tba the bridge waa aa cb-etrnetloa to narlgaUoa.

Blthoogk only oat of tbo kw eteaat boau oa tbo riyar bad atneke-ttaok hlrh enongh to tooeb It. Mr. Araoax then prooeoded to ergne tbat tbo derlaioa of tbo Beeretary of War wttA regard to lae Question whether tba bridge waa aa oburao-lion to oar Igaxloa or not was not a bar to ludlolal Inquiry eoncernlor tbo faota. If tbebrldaebad been ballt 5 feet above tba water Instead of iu feet, end the Secretary of War bad declared tbat It did aot oeatraot aarbretton, this ooort would aot bare beea deprived of Ue right aay tbat It Id. and th at It bad tberef ere bee o.balli la rloaitioa of law.

Mr. Arnoax'a arm meat bwted aa boar aad a balf. and was freqaanUy laterraptad by queatloua freaa the beaeh whleb iodieated tbat a a amber of tba JuaUeee did aot agree witb his reasoning. At Its ooaolBwloa Joneah EL Cnoaie, of New-Vork, replied for tbo rltfea of Mew-York end Brooklyn. Tha polaU wblck be oaoearored to maka were, that tba matter la dlapnto between llie pertlee wa not great eooagh to aire the eoart JeritdtcUoa; that plaintiff bad abowa ao anok aoo mal injury aa to eaUUo blm to relief la oualty; tdat be had a ooaapiete aad adequate remedy at law; that tbo plalutlf having aleat a aoa hie rtghle for eereo yeara, dnrlnr wbleb lime the ettlee apeat aa many ml II loos of dollar la building the bridge, aad nearly completed it, forfeited by bla lacbeeali poaalble right to appeal to a eoart of oqaity to Id-terefere Itk lu evmplotiea aad, that aa matter of taet npoa the endeaeo.

If the question were to be determined Judicially, the brldre. aa Maatrnev ad.doeenot, la tha-Asaae of the net of Conrreaa. ohicrnot. Impair, or lajnrtoualy the aarlgatloa of the aat Hirer. 7 Mr.

Araeux eloerd tha argvmeat by a reply, ao. iuten'u' tom Jtr.CbSm-a washwqtojTkotk i wa. Kat. Trniiaia TL Smyth, who waa rooraUr ap. polnUd roatmaator at AUaatA, Oa bat Wbo bad ot received bla oommtosfoa, baa srtittaB a letter to tba Poatmaator-Oeaerai resigning tbat poartloa.

joaetos Catna wiu letajTabart of JrOot circAlAr iataod tA-doy by tba Commit aioaor of lataraal Beraaaa, ta takd affeot oa Nor. IS, revokea an former eirenlara ander whleb. ra warda were offered for the dteeorery of eUlaaTdae Ue Croreraaieol on aeeotuit legacr aad laeoaa aioa taaas. Tha former raombert of the Coreaa Embaksy Wbo remained ta Washington left tkla mornlmg tot "York. aoeomrMuiied by Enalga a C.

Foalk. They wlU remain la a nntU theT cited State awamer Trentoa le reedy to aeil for the As.atk. sui.on, aad wUI then uke oaaaare on Ua reeeel or Coree. Ya Kit Choa. oaVof he at -taehea, will re ta 8 si em.

to begla a eourV Uo JaragBdarftwt! i KEED3 OF fcAVY-YARDS. VTAsaiMGTOX, Not. 6. Roar-Adaiiral Klcb-ala, Cbtef of tba Bareaa of Tarda aad Hooka, ta kia Aaaaat report to tba Beeretary ot tba Sary, ftiTaa tko followtBC estimate for tba fwealjear aadlai Jaao 8A, usj: Tlfl, majamaaaee of navy yards and ita- tloos. a.Iu.uoO: naTyaro.

roruimgtk II 1 tSr Bl.o, aay, iMeoa.a. bouW aiopf mtaamg tor aeoerei store, ore4giag, Trd. luraa ls.aad. dreoilog aad taadlaa wki. snop, oredgiag.

aad enatlauativa ot yard wmtLaiilC OHt aavr rard. Norfolk, tiunkii 1tI well, eulvert, marine railway, o-aouaa, eZ BaTT-rera. Mere isiaad. dry dock, wbarvea. Mrj-rard.

pareaase e4 Uaiiory to. AtkuaT The estimate for dm-establishment at all tbo yard amoaat to keXAM belag ao Increase ef near-It the preeent expeoee. The eatimatee for repair aad preeerraitea of ad the yaro aad tattoea amount to geuuco, aad for toe Naval Aavian at biUdelrhla to Tha total oait-Mtea a.e Tba estimate lor general aaatateeaaee. repairs, aad preservation, ami list and eoatingeoaMe, are very nearly the aoiaoaa taoee eraeen ted last year. The aoouai report of the Chief of tbo Bareaa or fi? pr 4 KaarmiUng of the Savy abowa that veseele were wholly or partially ooalpped dar-hag the year June Au lieMM tare far Ubor ot AoT.eaa and for material of Aa approprUtioo of n.0ft is asked for tbo aanlpmeat of veaael for tbo aext fiscal year aa aaoeaaary for tba aotaai waau of tba aarrioaT Aa esumato of 1 f.rUie oom- boa.

Coal to tbo valoe or 4a.M waa purrbased daring Ue year training ahlpe are reported to be la a very bad made to them from lime to Uroe. The bareaa reeom-asesHla the oetruetloa of two BweoVelC rnia of too each ta oar aavy-yarde for thm ear-tloa. to stated thatui workroild oa lyUT analtata aa appropriation or labor. tbero la Heaty of material o. wktekoald ladS be auiiaed On Jane a li thire were men ta the aavy.

exottuive ot beya, and daSt Ue past year NOM were eaiWted. At tee aloie of the U-l yr l.l ocy wore la the serTlee. oa trauablpaaadadkoo board estano- ARMY AKD 5AT KETS. WaaanraroK. Sot.

Omaedor Badror. aom aaadlag the fcostoa XaTy-yard, reaorta to the Kvy Paaarameat Uat the Called State earner BAcaaa doah wMpatmremmlasioaattbatyardai I o'clock yeerday afleraooa. the ofooer aad ttw being br Ike ea4 a tbk week she WUI aae ail her ea koard. aa4 ertu haul lase the etreait ta ts tiTVT 'ManeaaaaA WIU Bo orer4to rHiivuu' "-cUua frof. Kaid.

ar lae Satiocal Mtueam. VTlJ "-t Marts, aavtar be teaad ssli fee alr ra Kim aa OettM at beea -sa e. n. tteraadn baa beea ordered to take ea see aler for the Aile etanoo. aadea JaTlfTVL-i; be le eaas fi? 1 ITT TT hmCl laA I T'l Mil I arsa.ed sieb laae of fur twt Cn" l' 'r, r.f ta harlae irte.aa a Ward te-aagtoo aaasataa- of aaaurrapb eaeetat or.

aa dlreeva Cae. James M. Moev Oere of te, I Ma, aaall. assistant Varvrmaer, to report la persea to Ue eemmeadtaemeerae exr MoereYtnclaJa. lor daty S4 IBM pea, aad rsef By UtT the oa, eased log aieaerai of the Iepartmnt of the fast, OaV BtAVWftAafkr Cap.

Marshall win resort ta aevaojpto theeera-naa-list uee'ral ef ine I ecerrmeiii of CeAota to re-lleea Cape LlaaM rx WBeeiar, aeatstae Qaasw. master, from dtr a Deeot OuarieraMater as Bt. raaL Ca. Wheeler, apoa bring ae relieved, will roaeed te errea Bssmsasa report ib teVar setae eoaimaitdrag 6aralo the tepartmeat eg lae aaea TheBaBrmrBdeat-Oeeralof the Keemltlng er-ee bee Beea erdersd seeaeee A reeralte Be be pared aad ferwardee aader preper ebarge raefe ieiat a shall be desUrnated by the eommandlng Oen-erel ot the teeartaseat of leaaa, for eaatgameat to aaa atxleeath lataatrv. leave of absence for two month baa beea treated tteai.

Jean Meaoea UaU, reortk ArtUlory. U5ITED STATES SUPREME COURT, WasaLoioTO. Hot. A Tbo following tuialiisaa we transartert ta tba United State Sapreme Ooort to-day i jfe. VOOO-J.

AulUvaa ak. ptalatIS ta error, va, Tba boa BUvar Mining Company nbmtt-ted. MA. A Tba Detawere, Lsekawaana aad Western lUMraed Comaaay, plaintiff ta error, ve. Jobo CoMe la error so lb Circuit Court at the Lnited (kaMmnuad af71eer or LAas Doet IOT floif.

eju bf fngtl lae a BMriet of Itevi aey tflsmlseed with HARVARD 'WlUS AT; FOOTBALL. WtBTCAX MAI a) TBOCBLB TO BSAT THB tTATatSS ISBTTTCTB BUtTW, 1 Borrow, Kor. dA irame of foot-baQ was played oa Jarrl rteid, Cambridge, this aflaraooa botweea tbo Harvard eleven aad aa elevea from tbo Steven lasutato, Bobokon. JC. 3.

Tbo 8te-vaoa aaea won tbo tote, aad took tha wast ead of th Held, with tho wlad ta ihotr raver. HarTkrd droT tao ball almoet at oaee to thalr roal ilea. And boos, fjnaaa atads A tooeh-down At soma dlrtano from tha goal poatA. Aostla panted It to Cowitng. aad the latter kicked a goat.

Tba ball waa drtraa baak to Stevens's terrttory again by a fine drop ktek by Cowling, and Slovene teaebed dowa for aafeiy. Tbea bar mea raUled. and, getting the ball well dowa tha field, Feabody tried for a goal from the Held and failed. Adam aado a brtliiaat roa aa tbo field, and Aoetia anode a toooh-dowm Tbo ball waa peeved, oat, aad Cowling, wbo oaagbttt, tried by a free kick for a coal, bat missed It. Tbea tho play went to tho StiddlA of tbo sell, where Worth, of Stevens, made boom anooatohoa, and.

after hard work aad throagk a and by Cowling, Bush mads a tooeh-dowu. Bat the try at goal wa mlseed. aad the ban won book to Stereoe-a goal, where it waa whoa tbo were up. lathe eeoond three-quarter the (Uktlng'for a time waa hot, but finally tao ball wont Into Ateraoa1 terrttory. and Kendall rma to a toaeb dowa for Harvard grabblaar tho kali from tbo Fieveafiitf book before be ooul4 toooh baak.

Tbo bail i wa paoUd oat. bat wa missed. Tbea Cabot ipade a brtUiaat roa. bat failed to gat a touchdown. Nothing waa aoored during the feat of tbo ana.

aad the final result waa 11 poiote to ta larvArd's faver. The feature of toe kamo war Cowliaf "a kiokuig aad Baab'a oatoblAgj. TMAXsrSMSIiro MOTISQ CASH, adgTee WaUaoo and Brows, of tbo United tato ctraaJt Court, hoard yesterday tho anra-menu of ooanael to remove fir case front tho to tbo Stat eoart. Th mala ground wore that tba perrtto were not Bon-re1diu, Tho flrt caaa was Uiat of Eenry T. CaUar Asabat lmalel S.

Apple to a. Cbortea A. Wbiattor. aadwtbara, aad tbo Chrysolite Mmiag Cempaay. Tbo eeoond wa toot ef ylveeter W.

uatdoa ajraloat Praaoi A. Fogg. Citatoa B. nk, Jobs a WiUmaaa, James Ciyae. Morria belirmaa.

aad tha Bllvtrr Kra Mlntag Company, llie third waa tha of Phitrp IX Perkloa gakasa Ctarlsa Ceaaia. Miram Dewicc. Watte T. batch, aad tbe Doadoroera Mining Cora. Sany.

Tbo fourth waa tba of Aiiphalet Jot And other BBoekhetder agaiaat fieary C'ewa. Jena n. Ailea, And tbo Lea Naave Minae Saata Maria Gold aad Silver Mining Oonv paay. Tbo fifth wae tbat of 6oorgo W. Bovd aad Otherttoekboidar agaiaat Andrew W.

Gill, aupbea B. JOktea, Angaetoa bort. Preston B. Plamb. WU l'm W.

MaxFarlaaA. aad tha Amie Consolidated Mintae? Company, the ooaaaat foe tbo varioaa plalBtiiTs waa rupiaoeated by Uulted fclataa Commissions Oeorso Tt. Betta. Meaera. Steward L.

Heed ford. W. W. IfacKarlaad, Jnliea I. Davlea, Tbomaa a Bboaratao, Albert A.

Abbott WUliant d. rVallaoo. and JB. Praaeta Uydo appeared-for tho defoadaata. la ad these oaaoa tbo mo Uoa to recaaad to tho KUU oonrt.

waa beeed oa tao groaad that tbo aoa-reat-deat defeadaat ha each Instance who poUUoaed ho reaoove tbo Oaee to tbo batted Statee Court bad Aot. ea repaired ay law. a aeparaUeooatroTersy WHA the plalallfl. la the- oaao ot Nott agaiits Clears it wae eaggeeted that tbe aot lea for removal waa aot taken la time, ao tbo trtat bad already beea bad aad the aetioa Oeotded oa a demurrer, lae reaaeaa the areaasenU were bearAoa eieetlon day were Iba aoveral mouona to remand were Beading ta too eoert. aad that Jadgea WaUaoo and Brown thought it better to hear them altogether, aa ho aamo principle waa Involved la ail.

Tbo ooort reoerred tie daestloa. SXTT1X0 fiRS TO A CAT. Dora O'RoOTke. A TOUn woman' aumVnrad a a Ahaatbormald at Ko. KB West Thtrty-foarth- otreot, was takaa keforo inatloa Card dot, at tha efffoa atarkOt PoUeo Coart.

veaterdav nkaread with pouring keroaenAolt oa A oat and setting iui mumm aauxiBj. cnergo agmjaa Iora waa made by Jamea T. RlXoa, a colored yoatb Who hves in tbo bbcbo honae. Ua teatiBed that when he got homo at 11 JO o'clock on tut Friday night beard a aenrrymg nolao ta tbe room ooeapled by Dora. Tbe door waa opened and a cat.

wblcU appeared aioa. tn out of tho room and took refuge in a corner of tbo bail. Dora then came out ot her room with a lamp, fine aasorawod tba top aad poured oil on tho oat, after which aha at kreto u. The poor oat ran yawllng tbrongh tbe halt aad up the atair. bat was finally eaugnt by Bixon, who pot ont tbo fire.

Tbe cat tboa ran away and ho did aot know what bad become ot It Tbo woman titled that aha had poured oil oa tbo eat, or had tatoationally set fire to tt. The cat, ana aald, had aoaoyea her. and aha drove out of her room, and when tt took refuge In tba baa ehc threw a pieoo of lighted paper to rtghtea It awae SKvAM 1. i TT. i Lr beea ue she would not associate with him, and po waa aot Dated by maliee In making tbe oharge.

uu ium iii was toe worat caao kl A htr kl w.w. nww wiwv nua iwrs ivsrsea IQ tome way uat a warrant bad been iaaaed for bar arrest, and aha ton ber place at oaee. She wa waa found yeatarday by OQcer Smart, of tha 8o-eietr for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal, ta aa la loll lire oce offioa. whore seeking another yig tll wwniiHsmgt unei aiiaoii ot 13trOSI3Q CATHOLIC SXSTICM3. At tho Iatsa' church of 6fc.

Alpboasoa, la Booth fUth-aveaue, yeetorday morntug. tho tnaa of repoattioa waa aanr. aad daring tha day tboa-Band ot person Tltttod tha obarca aad paased soma time In eilent prajer. At 7:80 o'clock ta tho evening tbo odtftoo waa oompietely filled aad tho aervioae were Terr Imposing. Tha Vera Rbt.

F. W. antes, a. 8. Keoior, omoialed.

auendod by a large number of eeored minister. Twooaatora totoaed tbo Uuay ot tbo seiaie, tbo raa pontes beir made by a very large ehob in ihe organ loft At tho east oad of the oboreo. Durtng too aiaging of these euppUcatloaa, aa army of-deoteea, eom posed of rrpreeeBUtivoa of tbo different church oietiea, root cbtidrea ot yoara of, mature growth, had beea quietly gathered near tbe largo and auagniacaatiy deoorated aaoeaiary. Each dlviaion, with it au-meroua banner of ooaUy material, took tt proper plane ta tao proeeealoa. whleb patted througa every aisle of th ebnroh.

tbe Host being oarried by Fataor Warrick aader a vry rioblr mad oaa-opy. tho aupporta of which ware upheld hytho rusteee of tee eharck. On returalng to tbe altar devotot dtoMk VU.K- wbieh aioeed the TRTlltO TO TAKS TB31S LTTXtC-Christlaa MUler, a Geiraaa. barber, 89 wears old, eat hla throat ta It shop at Ka 109 West-Btreot, yeetordaT, and waa takea ta a drlng eeodl-tloa to tbo Cham be re-Street HoapUal. He waa a drunkard aad Saturday he waa aa abi to pay off bis employee, i Be bad then beea oa a oaroaa for eeveral star.

baa a wife aad three ebiidroa la rbllodaiphia, A German, who aamo ia saopoaod to bo Wrlgh. or Welch, wa found Insensible yeterdaymorn-iBg at tho Cooper Colon Hotel, la Third-aveeae. he having taken laudanum ia braady. Ma wa takea to Beilevae UoipUeJ. UU appearacoo Waa that at amocAanlo.

mors sAYiso am ABAjtDontD mr. Oapt Boanteeett, of iho British steana-ahlp Amethrrt. wbtoh arrived from Matanzak yat day. report Uat whoa It miles aorta -northeast of Bsrnegat ho pasaed tha pilot-boat Vary K. with the three-masted scboooer Blanche Booktaa the Teasel whleb was ran tato off tbe live Fathom Lirtit-ehip oa but Snoday morning by the team hlp New-York, of Merran Lino, which arrived beio th aamo Whoa abaadoaed by her erew the araooaer wa lying oa ber atarboard aide, aad was apiratly full ef water.

The pilot -boat and ber prue wUI probably Arrir her some tim to-day. BAJILAJr CBJLlLXXeXD MT TXKMSS. Chicago, VL. John Toemer, tba yeaagearamaa who made soeh an xoaUeat reoora at tha FaHmsa regaUa last tammer, depoetted to-day 8 wtth tao org JmtrmtC, of Ul eity. as a forfeit for a three-miie-and tara race with tho chamMoa, Edward Uanlaa, for a stake of SA.iX a aidawUaraoato bo rowed at any aolat ButaaXy agreed apoaj Teemer expreeeaa hi Wil iBgnees to row tola aeaeoa or tarty aext year.

-wMema. Caattatoooa, Vor. Wows roobed eky to-day (bat the strike of minora at to mice of th kaet Tennetae Coal Comnany aad Ue Jeuieo Coal aad Coae Cocnpaay hare Waa adiasied. aad Uat tbo (diking tuiuera raturaed to won yeaterday. 1 arW ARRJYAL OF JtMSi PATTL At I to XAU.T as noca tkat TSXBB Wis SO OHB TO MA AT Bin.

Mo. Adelirja PaIU aad Slzaor XlcoIiaJ ar-(tTed ta this dty ta tbo atoanvablp GalUa at o'clock yotterdky morning. Col. Mapleaoa bad raado aiaboraji amncaaMAta to walcoma tho prima dooBA tojyw-Terk, and a larg pamberet poraontbad besn Invited to aooompAuy hint dowa tbA Bay to meal her And take hay from tha GaDla, bat tho atoaat-ahrp reAcaod port at such as early hour that aba bras sot tcisgrapked. Tbe reault was that HaiA.

Patti apoa bar arrival found nobody to greek bar but tho unsympathetic Custom-boat offlelkle. There wa not even a parr. are to take ber to tier hotel, and aha Waa obliged to wait oa tbe pier witb aa much patleneo aa aba oouM eommaad antil an American friend plaeed hi earrlaae at her disposal, when tbe aad Niaolinl ware whirled of to tho Windsor Hotel while OoL Maptoeoa waa atUl eaimly leeptag ta hi bad. Tha Madame wa In another respect It being oleetioaMay, tbo Cut torn-boa waa not ewea for any other buaiaee than Ue eatraaeo and clearance of veaeela, and three of ber tranka, eon tainiag olotboa And kr Jewel case, and two true ka belonging to loolinl were detain ed aad aannot be released aatll to-day. Notwithstanding tbe disappointments to wbtoh she bad beea saaieoied.

lime. Patti waa ea bright andeueerftti a a Biasing bird whoa a Turn reporter called toi vHit her yatUrday Aftarnooa. Her aye were roar ling aad bar cheek were roay with tbo glow! of perleet bealth, -1 am vary, very glad to get back to New-York again," she aald. for I bare warm friend bare la wheee company I am I always bApny.and my audloocea bare are not A raid to show tbeir ontbusiaam when they ftAl Warm dmentraUoa of approval are 1 A great help to aa artist, aad. ho waver I perfect aba may bo in bar part, Bbe to inaplrod by Bpontaaeous applause.

There to notlung oold or formal about tha patrons of opera here, abd that to why I Uke to ting barora them. It waa very annoying this morning to find not vea a carriage waiting for me, and I began to feat that I would baTa to walk tO tbo koUl. w)U any cold feet, but kind tiiendsoame to my relief, ae tbey alwara do when I need Bbem. and I got bare alt right. Of Bourse, it oouldnt bo helped that nobody aamo to meet mo.

but waa disappointing all the aamo, yoa kaow.M 1 1 bad a mott dellghtfal voyac." oeotinued mo. Pattl, "aad I did not tnffer from alcknaaa at all. Wo had bat three rough days daring too entire trip, aad I baa the aampaay of a number of good Amonoan friends. I have been resting and enjoying myself aiaea tha Loadoa season, and LI never wa in better health, and I think never was la hotter voice In nty life. I bare en fithlng tbe Kak Kiver.

la Wale, and have paaeed my time for ovral week la Just aaob healthy pleasaree aa that, ao tbat I am per-foctly fresh for my Amerioaa- season, abd I am loeklng forwarA to Friday algbt, whea I anall Blag before a N'ew-firork audience agala, with nothing bot feeling of I joyful anticipation. I shall sing hi aot la, la Roaaial' La Caxza the prodno-ttoa of which waa wbat saved the Loadott seasoa from a least robs failure. 1 have not saug for many year before, beoau It waa Impossible to aeeuro tbo proper people to support me. I don't know whether ft baa ovsr beea done In tbla eoan-ry or not, but.I am sure tt will please the operatic paelta." bat are tbo other role that you aspect to mis eeaeoa r- aaaaa IB reporter. "I think It is not yet decided, bat Col.

Mapleeon ta thin tag. I believe, of havtag meslng la Ernani. andl Don My repertoire ia thelargeat of hay linger ta the world, and thf Colonel aaa giee ail tbe aovelttee that ho deairea. If ha only baa tko people to support ma. I bava no opinion to eg pros either about the Colonel' or Mr.

Abbey' eomoanlea. AA 1 told them on th learner when 1 waa asked about the compaaiea, tbo poblte to the oae power to Judge tbem. I shall aing aad act with ail my spirit to Osaka tbe ecaaea at Ue Academy a aaoceea. and I have fall faith Uat It will profe a saocoaa." 7 Col ATaoleaos said yesterday that every box aad acat ta Ue Academy for Friday night, whoa Pattl will reappear, hi sold, and Ua famous prima doana to sure of aa ostbuslaatto reoeptlon. Tbe Colonel rubbed hto hapd gieefully aa he made Ue announcement, and it was very evident tbat Ue arrival of PatU had pat htm In unusually good humor.

oi BAI120E. Jiiw-OaLilirs. Not. fJL At a meeting- of th (Th amber ot Commerce last night CapC W. H.

Dsaer. Engineer. TJnltod AtatesUrmy. la charge of tho public work at SeaU Paaa, reported a Uat of Toatels which nave gone arround OnrtPA Ua laat IS month la tbo pasa above tbe Jettle and outside of Uo Jetty cbanpeL Capt Heuar aaya; The depth of water la the) pas Itself na been lose than SO feet, but never! within IS month- baa tt been less Uaa So fee. The leoat wldU ef tbe twenty-aia-footcbanaal id tbe Jetttee waa S00 feet, and of Uo Utrty-foot ohaanol SO feet.

The width of the twea-ty-eix-foot channel Is tbe paaa channel varied from do to ADO fast" During Ue period mention A aoren I atoamora, on snip, one brig, and one bark went azround, one at the ead of Uo Jetttea, four outside tbo jettle. aad five In tho pa Capt. Heuer says: Jn every case Uaa far wharf a Teasel ha been aground aha haa beea oat ot UA ha anal. Had tbey boon 1a Abo channel they would not have been aground, aa Ue deotb ef watef ia the obanoel tbe pass and oat-aid ef Ua Joules haa al way been 26 feet or more." The grounding I chargeable to faulta in Ue pilotage system, which, being ander political control, ia found to be defective." BBS MOBMTt OIYX TO BBS 1WMDXRSB. Kaw-OalaIks, Not.

wffl of Ento Towniood, who was xcardared oa Saturdaj by reisTille SyUes la bar room In a bagnio tn this otty, waa found this moraine on file la tho office of tbo Fubllo Tbtrr. It was mad 10 yeara ago, Tbe teautrtd ay: have ao father or mother llviuri and have no heir. I do hereby giro, aad bciueaU Mr. TroisviUe Sykea, ofUis city, at Ue property, real aad personal, which I may die possessed of, hereby eonstitnttag him my sole aad a ul versa! legatee, and In case of death of the) aald TroisviUe Sykes I do hereby give and beoAeath to Mr. Stephanie Bykee, hla moUer.

and! to all her children, all Uo property, reel land personal, which I may die pos-Beesed of. I dp rurUer constitute and appoint the aaid Trobrtillei. Sykea my testamentary Executor." Tbe real estate of uo woman ia this city to appraised at Sylaoo, while her diamonds, jewelry, stock, aad bobda amount to a earl fiso.ouo more. The crime ot khe murderer haa diaquallfied him from inheriting Ue bequest, and It ought. nndr tbe law.

to ka to the State. Tbe Public Administrator baa opened the euoaeaaion, rues OT 4 BQQV9 tnTBlQIAS. MlLMA' JfoT. ft TIT. H.

Comsy, oar put ka boon running a bogus wbo for Urea medloa! eolli In Ufa city, despite all efforts of to oappreaa Ue concern, haa de tbo authoritl earn pad. bts family. Yeatarday ho oaielly disponed ot hto poeaeaMona, aad tt to believed ut 12,300 away wiu him. Coney's Uat bo took wife aays tbat be left with a wo: an, and ber state ment to probably true. Tbe man to one of the moat arrant irasxu in ue country, ue was a nostler to arargooata tbo British Army, and gained soma alight knowledge of medicine.

He secured a bo cue diploma, and soon after hla arrival here began practicing mealalno. Ho opened a medioal college, and timed out about CO graduate, tbo most of whom) are aractioiag Illegally ia Ul 8 tat and Mlanocoua. Coney'a bogus ooncern, U. rough earn bocas-poeaa legislation, scoured ebarter rrom tea iRiaxa(qr, aaa ail acorts te aappreea It A VJCT0XT rOX LAW 11T MT. LOCTg.

St. LotjisJ Kot. ft Tha Court of Appeals to-day decided Uat tho proceed legs of the Board of Police CtommieaioBara ont ting Chief of Polioa CampbaU And appointing Toofe la hla plaoe are a all and to and ta accord anoe wiU Ue Aoctoioq Chief Campbell reaamed control of polioa affaira to-day to Uo delight of tbe Law aad Order League and the Tea majority of oHixene who are at thalr back. Oct. Orittenden.

wbo I in Ue city readiag over hi teetimoay before Ue Ormnd Jury, wa perfectly ereeued whea be beard of tbe devtoioa. aad tt la considered probable Uat ho will go to tbo iengta of appointing immediately a aaw Commissioner, wbo, (with Ue Commissioners Indicted for conspiracy, mar constitute a majority of the board, able and wilting to again remove Camppeil. thla time after trhvl oa a rbarge at Insubordination, which Uey hay ant aad dried for the eeeasioa. XVXXBAX, Or ABTBCB J0BJT9OX. Nor.

ft The funeral of tha lata Arthur Bl Johnson waa held from tbo real-dance of nto family Ul morning. It waa private, aad aUondadj only by relative. The Episcopal aervlr waa Had. without alnrtng. A wreaU and oroaa of fiowors were laid on Uo casket by tba family.

Tbe bearer ware Bnecoe Cockling and Clarence A. Seward, ot Kew-York. aad E. A. Bray-toa.

D. 2C i roase, T. B. Prootor. Arthur loardalT.

Jroh G. Brown, John P. Gray. p. V.

Kogera, R. William, Tacodoro Pomeroy, and ill lam H. Vyataoa. of TJtiea. In ooaneetioa Trkh Clarence aAward'a appoaraaeo ia tbla laat aer-vice for kla friend, it to recalled that when Tan Tinas made tta eanvaas Uat Sammer of Presidential prefcronca ooo expraaaloa ia favor ot Clar-oaoe Aj.

aewara wa reportad from Oaeids Coaaty. It wsa jtitan hy Artitar Johaaoa. rAXBT XTAW TAUCJSe riQBT A OA IX. Bt. LocisJ yor.

ft A prominent FowYork porting man ria sent to Uia city a propeajtion to back Baddy Byas to fight Stad cr any other man ia America fat from $3J0 to a tide, tt fight toutsplACewithla 100 mUos pf JSew-Oilear Febraary. On Uia aobjent Al Sm th. bolilvan' nanaaer. Bead tbla afleraooa: BaiUraa aad Mraa meet ta Boatow wua bard gloves aa soon as we got beak-1 Kyaa to hungry, bo can hare It oa oar war to San FranoUoo. As fortbabeianeo.

it to all talk. Bo mo ooopie are trriag to got a tlttla eheaa glory aStbeoxpeaa of others. Thechaarea are Uat Ryan will want aoUlnc to do with 6ulll-Taa. or Made either, attar Uo Beaton match. At imtii ia a stuo eariT to taig aoat- a matca botweea Ryes aad SlAda.

tiougk aomcUlng mar coie ot I woi Connt woi Red em. Grand to tha mtarer of CeTZEAST, txt rtnarday fcctliA KEW PUBLICATIONS sAPa TW WW 1 Atuu AUVI.Q-CQSFZDERATE-CRTI1S. -1 ess. THB BKCRtT BeRTTP nt TV mvvrti.i,... 1 Aauoca.

naval renreeaetmUve ec the iZZZLlZZZfir 'arop TbT i ia theet) TOlumes WA hATa tho mnat 1m, portAot SoatbATB toatribattoa that h. wet boon ttaio tO tbS hUtOrr of thoaa nawal aa. tfoos ot tho Confederacy that wore conducted i i al. ww aw via i ona as a tmsa. Whea wa consider that those opcratipna destrored acores ot our peaceful marchant ressala, about drove our commercial flag from the high boos, put beck ov maroantUo manoo for a eenarmainw ooat ns haadred of miUiona ia pros pec tiv tjaum; woen wo also reflect Uat theee samo operaUoni eav-a rise to tao most faaaoa4ipIo-matlo controrenr And internAtlooal aajudaca-tioB of modern times, tha high fanporUnca of the subject manifest, And Capt.

Bulloch la probably of all men tns most fitted to rive as tha Ron them itnr of thass vents, fr bo Wa tbo bataI iwpro. wnianTa or ma aocession causa in Europe aaroasaont war. Toera were, beaidos tbo Commisstoners, otbsr waU-kaowa atents and InctorB. sacb, for exampld, as tho Uvorpool banldnK-houte of Fraaer, Tronaolm Co. Barron, In Pari North, and Major Caleb Huso tha Utter a Wast Pointer, who "bone at And forwarded tha riflas and field artillarr sajs oar Author, "without which tho great a.

a. aa ats uauaea oi ooTan iTneg and tba Chlckahomlnr eonld. not haTo been Tot, Capt Bulloch' successfully fought." pUoo was dtoUnct ana preeminent. RarnhHrur k. a degree, and constantly interlarded with general excursions on thej Southern causa and book fa eeedin-ly tatarartlnB; both la penonal narmirTand SSuLilMtJ0!" WipretenUotis style, wbile lacklnS logical ArrAnSement, yet AtunUy lends a glow of entbusiaam eren to tbediacuaaionof the Alabama ease.

A Lio-tenajwln the nTy, before the war. be had resigned in order to go Into tho naval mail aorrice, and commanded the Bienville, civine between New-York and New-OrloAnl when the accession ot Oeorsia caused bint to offer to Ccefadorate tiovornaenb, by which he waa at once aant through Canada to England, whore be arrived on the 4th of une, ltl. i -i We think that Capt Bulloch make it dear that Ue Confodera, Government laid out no' money to more OattnctiTe advantage tban that, which it furnished for fato projecta. The Alabama coat 47,500, aa delivered by the bnUnora Her oqnlpmenta and other expense eoat 13.37 e. for cruising fund aha bad No remittances were ward made to her, Aad Semma drew no so that tier total cost, until the hlaaraarBe conquered and gunk ber off Uberbonrz.

was 0,937 8s. 7t, or. in round num-ber. about HOO.OOQ. The Florida, axclusiTO ot nor cruiaing fund, and the amount expended 25 aiu oos M- or ont AW.OOO, up to September, 18Gi The total expenses of the 6ee King, or Bheoandoah were about $368,0001 We find tbat during one cruise of the Florida under Cap.

Maffett aha took 56 prixea, while several more were captured and bunted by Lieut Morris, wbo succeeded Maffett, on the latter" illneea. The Shenandoah, went round too world, and sought out tbe North Pactflo whalers, of which i she destroyed 88. The Alabama's victiHi ware still mor numerous. Frota Bahia, May a. 18ea, Semrnes wrote to Bulloch as follows: We Are hairing capiUl suoceaa.

That little hill vhixh threatened to present to our Uncle John bull zor ue aepredationa or the Alabama ia growing Apacev and Already reaches 13,100,000." The author reckons tbst the regular Confed-' ernte cruieer destroy ed 175 vasaels;" the particulars are in the proceedings of tbe Genera 'eoart, when Uncle John Bull was obliged to psy the bill which Semmes and his other industrious nephews bad run up for bim. But if theee cruisers came cheap to tbe Confederacy Uey also aamo cheap to Uncle John Bull, who could well afford, as the figures quoted by the author how, to pay $13,500,000, in dam-Ages, considering what they cost his chief commercial riTtu. Mr. Milner Gibson, in 1864, as Capt Bulloch notes, aaid that during tbe preceding year the number of British ships clearing bad increased to something like 14.000,000 tons, as Against 7.000,000 tons ot all foreign tonnaga iuoiuslF," and be gave tbo actual decrease ta the employment of American shipping in the trade between England and the United States aa something like 46 or 4T per cent" This result he Ascribed directly to tbe Confederate cruisers. Attain we find Mr.

Secretary Mai-lory writing to The blows of our cruisers have destroyed tha foreign trade of toe enemy and giren great discouragement to his whale fisheries, tbe tonnage of biota haa echoed to its limit ot 1WU." Finally, tbe caaen of the United States at Geneva declared that while in I860 two-thirds of the commerce of New-York was carried on in American Bottoms, in 1863 three-fourth was carried on in foreign bottom. If we dwell on these figure it ia because we And tbem or others like them again' and Again in the -ol-nmes before ua, and most properly, for tbey are the true vindication ot Gapt Bulloch's work. And yet the author tells us that bis duty was not a pleasing oa. The destruction of unarmed and peaceful merchant ehipe, while Quietly pursuing their voyages oat the high aaea. tan practice not defensible upon the priudptee of tbe moral law," and again h' BAy.

MI can, conscientiously aOirm that this destruction of private property and diversion of legitimate commerce was painful to those whose duty it waa to direct it and to inflict On the other hand, it might be urged that on moral ground it should be no more painful to destroy the commerce of a nation than to destroy Ua Government, ana therewith many lives. It is certain that tha Florida and the A tnhasaa ware not pontes, and the beat autberiliea Agree that the Uostruo-tion of marchant Tessela, where no porta are practically open to tha captor. Is not a violation of the rules of wat. And if, aa tha author tella us, all that baa been determined by the appeal to arms" ia that "aeeesaion ia abowa to be inadmissible, it is surely a proportionally noteworthy result ot the ruin ot American commerce to have determined that the way in which tho Anglo-Confederate cruisers were) put upon the high seas is also The point on which Capt Bulloch apemally dwells throughout his two volume ia that he waa not engaged in violating English law. and found many people, including official person-) ages, to fully sanation bia cauae.

He aaserte tiiat "any one who cares to refer to the lead-lug newspaper articles, and who remember tho general tone of tMiblie sentiment la England," in January, 1862. 'wilt, I think, admit that there was a very apparent tendency of opinion toward a feeling of sympathy with the Confederate causa." Again, he aay I have reason to belie re that at least five out of, every aeven in the middle and upper classes in England were favorail to the bouth." Mora specifically, he informs us, that when the Ala-' uama escaped officer of ber Majesty's Customs bad beset eloaely watchingtho ahip. They were on board the very morning of her departure, and were eatished tbat there were no arm at? ammunition fa Che ahip, and ne goods except such as were froe or had paid duty." The reader will naturally auk why, it was that a party of guests waa put onboard and the Alabama droased with nags, as if to abow tbat her departure waa not final. To tbia Capt Bulloch replica that thia so-called ruse was not intended to deceive the Customs odjeera, but to mislead tha United mates Consul's spies. Ikevertheles, the author acquits Price Edwards, the Collector of the Fort of Liverpool, frpta tbe accusation of having takea A bribe from hinv tor letting tba Alabama go, and be even adds that "no publia official, either principal or.

ubordiuate. ever gave tbe fsintOHt bint of tbe purpose ot bis superiors in respect to the Be lav ure of CocfederaU shies.1, i. The truth ot the mutter as Capt Bul- loch explains, tbat a theory was derated to over the operauocs required. The British foreign enliitment act seemed to be an absolute obstacle to furnishing English cruisers for Confederate It fomada any parson sa-der seTere penallie to equip, furnish, fitoutr or arm a vessel ajairwt any foreign State. Under legal advice Bulloch determined that it mm peraon should be employed to build tbe cruiser and another to furaUh tbe battery and equipment, his purpoae couid be served, tut pUe of the -aw.

uhiA a moota After bis arrival tbia ncrgetio officer had laid tba keel of tbe Oreto, afterward the Florida. She waa sent out from Liyerpool under the British flag, in coramAnd ot An English Captain, to Nassau, where she was to meet CAnt, Mafflt. aad whicker also were sent four guns by the steara-ehip Bahama, The hasaa coaauzneee of the tahama hired the cbocssr Friaoa Ai-'rd. pt ths Crete' anna- wHt-iard. and the two vesaeU tbea me at ZL a V'J WD' grana trans or nration JP'are.

aad the Oreto euddenly be-canae the CasrfedereAe cruiaar Florida. Pre-raseiy the same hocuvpocus occurred with tbe rAceful 2.X1," which oecame the warlike Aianaaa by receiving ber gun and aunmuni-won from theAgrippina, in Abe Bay of Fraya, iircrirm- hardly be aaid that tbe eva tribunal looked very eoldly on tbia wjoror-a trick "Freato change It lorced Oreat Britain to pay for the damage done by the cmieer. But Capt Bulloch is none the Iras correct hi saying that tbia device lor a long time served his ourpoee. The Brit-n neutrality prociaomcion ot May 18. ixtn, bryy tells us.

was eminently constita-tionel and he adds that "every one waa commanded not to Infringe the statute: but be was left bo discover preciaely what waa forbidden and what waa porxnbauble tnroogb biaowa tnstmcta, or, be waa wiaa and prudent, by the help of those who were learned in the law. Tacemod to him very iain and very sas- Buch, then, fs tbe drift of Capt Bulloch's answer to the charge tbat Enelisn mnntcipal btwwaa Violated By Aim. There waa ns mystery or dhwurne About them," he says, whom speaking ot tbe negotiations for build tog tttAlahton, "and it will be seen that all tbe ntrtter management of the transaction was conducted in tie same way." Yet Aosnehow i W11V-CfI1a nd then cbxistened irSfr 5eioro. gb haT right name. Bbe left port without registration and without A clearanee at tbe Custoaa-bouae the Captain of ber conaorttbe Agrippina-wasto teU the Health Officer who should visit htm At Terceira that was i "from London tor Demerara, and bad put in for aupphaa;" the Captain of the Enricav (Alabama) waa to avoid speaking or aignal-tag any paaaiag ahip" on his way to the Atores, and Mr.

onge, who was put aboard, was to mix with the warrant and petty offl-nn," to "throw out hints." to -show interest in their comfort And welfare," and then "talk to tbem of the (Southern Btate And bow tbey are- fighting against great odds. In the case th Ba devices were resorted to. You must be careful to appear," write Bulloch to Master Low, who went in her. always as a private gentlemaa, AraveUng oa own affairs. In fact the service ia which be was engaged was, after nil, largely a secret service," aa tbe very title ot his present work announces.

"Cap. Bulloch's operation were extended to TancB, first la regard to wooden veaaels, wniie, later, there was "an appropriation of i-a, 000,000 for lron-clads by ComnW' The necotiationa carried on between Capt Bullooh and M. Arman, wbAwaa tbea bo II ding ships for the mj.eror Uapoleon, form an story: The Author gives a copy ot A letter from the Minister of Marine, granting authority to arm the four correttee whica were building for tba ConfcHleracy at Bordeaux aad Coatee. But the wuy Emperor, when fortune favored tbe union, withdrew bis connivance, and even indhrnancly censured Amain, fhe French Imperial Government" seya Capt Bulloch, holly changed iu attitude of tacit encouragement to the -Confederate States uat at Abe time when the secret pledges were ripe for effective fulfillment and when tbe rxMseaaien of the ship, built under tho cover ot Official connivance, might have supplied a great And pressing neeeV author also criticises the "vacillation" of the British Government snd the greater stringency with which its laws against sending out cruisers were at lost enforced, via the only cruisers tbat got out of the English porta were the Rappahannock and Georgia, and they accomplished almost nothing. The reader deriras a very deep impression of tbe value of the services rendered by Secretary Beward, Minister Adams, Minister Dayton, and others in cheeking the rlana of Copt Bulloch and tbe Confederate diplomats with whom be waa acting.

Tbe boldness of Mr. Seward's assumptions aad assertions, bis oonstemt demands end 5 ro tests, and the -cental sea viguonce ot Mr. Ldams everywhere appear. Thanks to tnee efforts, soma Iron-dads bo lit by tba Lairds for Bulloch, were seized, aa was alao tbe Cantar or Fompero. The Alexandra was released, after a famous trial, but was rabsoqueotly libeled and retained at Nassau.

-1 Remarkable as were the skill and energy with which Capt Bulloch built and bought war vessels ta Europe for use against Abe Union, be found time for other important services. It was he who sent to Savannah, ia the Bermuda, the first shipment of war material from Europe on behalf of tbe Confederate Government Be himself soon followed in the Fin gal, the first amp mas ran toe blockade solely on Government account" Ha bought ber on the Clyde aad loaded ber with war supplies, including riflea and front quantities of smmnntlfnii ,1,11,1. i Mv mum WW IMItjaKI the Confederacy a cargo ao entirely eomposed of military and naval supplies. The account of bis voyage and of bis running the blockade at Savannah ia extremely intoreatiruc Aa the ud-iwujii iiuviLn wt axsiu, bus wna con- wo aiuii-viau At4auva, wniie uapw Bulloch returned to England by running the gantlet at Wilmington. All his personal nar- rative aimpty ana attractively presented, and the garrulity which characterize the work ia one nf ire manafAat.

-kvnv aa it l.i!i.u i uiuwiun pleasant episodes of old naval life aa wall aa warfare, naval education, the ahip-buiiding ot wouiUIBUUIUVU, 4 A for CADt Bulloch's political passages. Bhev are an Im a- thia. a adherent and admirer of the lost cause, who while acquiescing frankly in the reunion of tbe cannot in aU -cases divest himself of old-time phrsseology. He is certainly con- wiui wu, uuvuuoui, una seems to chertah littlo hiHniMinii da.n v. wvwr towubKamUfa.

He Xrequently praises, very warmly the skill and valor of his opponents. Of Farragut and for example, be speaks lu admiring terms, and be pays a tribute to the skill and jwiEuau, wiui wiuca apu wooa xtogers, ra the Weebawken, fought and conquered the Atlanta. As for the defeat and destruction of the Alabama by ITinslow, we may ssy without hesitation that Copt. Bulloch's account ia by tar tbe fairest, so far aa we aan WH nail aa. WknnAt a I.

wj uuuiucj writer. He tolls ua that tbe Keeruarge showed credit-able discioline and efflciaawv. anil -laisawl tk. action by the excellence ot ber gunnerr. Of tbe outrase committed by the Wadtasett in the capture of tbe Florida, in the part ol Uahia Capt Bulloch naturally speaks in strong terms.

It was indeed a gross and absolutely indefensible violation of tbe rigfata of Uracil It deserves and has received tbe strongest reprobation, and was promptly disavowed by tbe Government The reader may bo interested in learning the fate of the three chief Confederate cruicers. The guns of the Kearaarge sent the to aa aporopriate home at tbe bottom ef the Rritihh Phannel rha i4a -aafra wv a -v. autuag Uit oyster-beds of the estuary of tbe River James wu4w mm a UflVlintlQWU, OOUgn XOr a yacht by the 8ultaa ot Zangibar, in 1ST9 "her trrrl w4Va waymi-w. lalt Vr viia la.1- we n- a aw VBm SWvUVal "aA tjlXU KJAW fJQ inelanchoLly island in the Indian ocean." am WATTJSAUL WATTAAT. By Joir 11.

1 vol, ISbm. St Wll, Mr. Mollett adds to the series of n-nrr. Great Artiats, which already numbers upward ot 80 volumes, a brief graph oa Antoine Watteau, who holds a pecul-ir plaee among the French tmmtera of tbe seventeenth century. Ona serious fault may be found witb Mr.

Mollett Instead of giving ns the results of a careful study and well-digested reading ha a connected Aad balanced narrative, be makes rather a compilation, interlarding bis pages with copious extracts taken from many sources. Tnouim him authorities are no doubt excellent and ia themselves interestin the nernaal nf a book thus composed -of quotutuna, with hardly more than connecting paraxmpa to knit them together, is dull and unsatisfactory. Ihe opportunity to make a book of excep. taonal intarast Bail rmnr laMHima vr i has lt slip, and arnce there exists a fl- yuu tur auuu a wui tsa) a IO DO the a mUIHM, aSi SUB VI BttCaU wag a singularly interesting bis work so delicate, ao nil of feeling and grace, baa about it qualities which, until his ilv nA nainta In Fr. presented.

Dussteux hat caUei him tbe great-t coloriitt of tha rretsch schCK Kia "Fftea I --wa uaaaaiwa- ana vur weu-Bnoejrst (Joavarua- a. woo arw nguwy rearuea as most Cftarmuig and spirited works, altogether French la their inner and moat tul in their color. Though hi painting breaks aU the trad.taons of the French school of the soventesmth aentnry it deviates as completely from tha Flemish style, The a-fiAil Via- tr.Ha w-j 7 aavia uau tuauy poor iaaitators among iu follower, iu iwoerta- timi hal liw, 1 i I i -a wa' mm its i eawj lae pictures produad by inferior men baa reflected a dodht B-aa tha -rait artld i tuat Mr. Molastt take the trouble te sift the aui.w auuuoa oa autoonty Wafr-taavii' rifwitimi mm ciarlnfa fmn, ef tctocl he facied the work et AhhA. The early aeoetsliorai of tie artist' life were pWaant aad e-ell suited to UieeVrrelnp-tnentof bisreniue.

Tbe (tori of youthful hardship Mr. Mollett diaptoveA. Valenciea, tba birthplaca of Wattaaa, waa erven in ICoi, as now. a city of importance, wall advanced in the appreciation of Arc, though, tt we are to accept tba iwoord llmm. do Bocage, wboae authority.

-tar be from us to question, yalencies eras chiefly re-markabla for tba spirit of cleanliaeBs wbiob prevaiiad aawag Its peppla, tha woauea were Incessantly occupied la bouaebold duties And in verpetual barmocy wfth their bus ban da. riaoea where era Treik are cleaner tnaa our plates and dishes. Tbo women carry tbeir husbands on" their backs that tbey may not have to tread upon tba floors. Tba very cows have tlieir tada tied uptokaeo them clean; tho servant girls would despise a master woo should retuee te have tba faraiUir Bui Bed ooA to tbe barn far the Saturday's Tba women were also noted for their beauty and grace, and tba pretty Xaees and forma Wat-teaa aaw about bim be depicted ia bai early paintings, studying carefully tbe com-nositioa and grow ping. It is not aaeafe to aay that ae artaat ef tbe century showed more elements pf simple charm and grace, whether the work uadecwratcTWtteetga, a bit of stage aoeaary, or an elaborate painting, tban is present tn the pictures of ITatteau.

A lightness and delicacy of manirumtion, a dream-Uke pcwto fancy that is pleaaant to the Benson and grateful to tbe eye. Whether in figure or In land-scapes, or in both together, we mark thia feeling And beauty. The story ot 'VVatteauA abort life, aa Mr. Mollett Anile it it full of strange fluctuations. We find bim one day at work on a sign-board to keep his fingers warm and bis artoaaach filled, and tho next painting tha portrait of some opulent patron.

The pictures which illustrate the book are, on tbe whole, ery goad; some, indeed, are so well engraTed and show so much delicacy that we take them to be the blocks of a French rather than of Aa English engraver. A BOOK AB0VT JAPA2T. TH! WAR WOR8mPIR3 CT OA. TH THKiS. KRIESD.

OTO Naiift ayiwaaioiiiv Author ef "The Oe.Oeaua.lwoiTuS A AtiarsaOa aw-Yoaa I. peucim. jaSA In outward, ttppjatrAnce-4a its brilliAat chromo covers, square octavo sLa, large And many wood-cuts this boliday book resembles closely many others Arranged for the delectation of children. It is on the same Scheme With tha TMlur rvwiVa "Tlraw ers," "Tonj Hunterg." -and a whole libra-1 a. i -iijiau uteratare or soe.Dcrter claes tor ynung v-nrsonA.

Bat tt written for "Children and will amuss then quiU as muck aa the ordinary run of such books, it also appeals -to growa. folks, and will among tbea muck mor appreciation. In The Young Americans Japan," and Tbe Beautiful City ot Tokio," the taiaOieh-AnaeTican -who begaa hi oook-makmg witn some most cbarmtog Tasanree of life in a slim volume called "Tbe Golden Lotus andertook to open Japan toy oang Hit long residenoe in apan And h-s unusual knowledge of the Japanese written characters, isgends. aad bric-A-erac lore, his profcaaional acquaintance with Japanese curios, ia which he one of tbe moat intelligent and trustworthy New-York dealers, and quite a tittle knack ef bia own at dawcrip-tjon and the telling pleasantly a story, made tbeee books interesting to old as well as young. With tbe present volume be touches theMai beaten tracks of Nippon which Miss Isabella Bird, described with more or less truth in a recent publication, and gives in detail the manner and customs among the Amos, a meat curious bearded race of Korta-ern Japan, who are supposed to bare been conquered by tbe Japanese when tbe Utter arrived trom tbe Asian mainland.

We learn from the preface that Mr. Greev cruised on their eoasts in 1653. and during bis long stay in -Japan more recently learoea to know them better. He bas also employed the reports by Tarious Professor interested in ethnology wno during tbe last tew years have auadea study-- of tbe singular religious rites and domestic customs of the cVinos and of other 71 di" oonttnent periunwof kindred blood, who worship tbe bear. Few things more interesting in connection with tha origins of Borth American savage and civilized race have been lately than tbe likeness between customs of races ia North-wee tera Asia and North-western America.

Far from eattline Aba nix tin whii. way theemgrration took place, it may be said to strengthen tbe suspicion that Asia took more from America in the' way ot population than America from Asia. Aa to toe copper-colored races having corns from Asia in aay recent senee; ethnologists are few wbo are aat-iaHed with a solution of the problem. Mr. Grsey's boys' book takes tbe reader directly into tha tillages and ramps, the festival huts, and underground Winter dwellinga of the Ainoa of the lands Yezo and KLarainto, and showa epeeimeua ot still other allied tribes in the same region? It introduces aa to cry living personages Habo, the young woman who learned Japanese while out at service in a Japanese city aad aot as interpreter between her tribesmen aad the Japanese officials, navaA officers, and their American guests Chief Setta-ye, tbe polite and hairy ruler of Ainoe, kindest and hardest-drinking ot semi-savagea, and Oto Sambo, tbe younr Japanese who, baa beea educated in Connecticut aad meets the critic lama of tha Americana Dn things And customs in Japan by sly allusions to our own shortcoming, political and otherwise.

We are asked to the ceremony called oukari, or trial of strength, in which one wiry Aino bangs a rnoecnlar brother on tbe baclt with a big cmbuntil he is forced 3 iwa wo iouow cue cere- muum mm waas toe Aino in am a god" of the bear wtico they have reared or trapped. He. "tuade god" by being worried with blunt arrows, bai Bed and badgered. anally Bqoeeaed to death, between large uoauu vi wooo. anen- nut Dead and skin are solemnly worshiped with Tiba-tions ot mkd, burning of uuOta, or aticks whittled so aa to leerve tha shavings on, aad other ceremonies in tha bear-house.

We go on a bear hunt wtth two eiaagy American boy and tbeir father, tbe Trot or, whose pedantio remark border on the facetious. We are abowa Aino, Samelenko, and old Japanese curios, are witnesses to a wedding, aad aea Ainos and Samelenko going through tbe ceremony of recognition after long absence from each other, la fine, Mr. Greey has aaade a delightful book, in which the only fault is the occasional use of common terms, or rather Aauericaa vulgarians. Soaae of the legends for chapters are novel and witty. "The frog ia the well has ao idea ef tbe great eoeaa.

tStni. be imx-tom be knows every thing, liianera, of Ota. bad never been out of bis native village; yet whea be was told about the Yeso-tia Amosl be laughed And replied: Sack talp- are Tary good for children; as for tua. I am Bot acquainted with any one wno worships a bear Every ona baa a certaia amt of nativa conceit tha ia oftentimes ridiculous in tha eyes of strangers. Tbe Yeso-jinsay: The Aiaoe wui aiwaya be the prida of tbeeeaaad the 'Coafocius aaid ithin the our seaa ail men are 5otwith standing rhich one does not care te acknowkdra tba Aino as a relative.

Ha wbo undartakea to catch a bear must not cry over his wounds. A mo rrr b. To-day we wonUpyea aa a god. Tbiarerore eat what we offer aad en-y Ai no's SporcA to th ir. Woman was tbe laat created and tbere- TOrai alM Mil laS- luWac ku.

a 1.1 r- vac il llillWBB BSsB may eomm-t aay sin, it is aot right to pat ber rn-vro, I na LiiU-tm-Uoae are aa remarkahla ik. a.a. m. are chiefiy by. two Japaneae draught oiea, but nuraiw are eviaently by Mr.

Greey. who also oeatiimeyt tha ta. ponille for its rrouping, while osrtaia wood- a H. f'wtrapns -oi typical Ainoa snd others. The Japaneae drawings are eeri- emiV Mai aa1 awtMM.1a, WaJ al I a a UH, mWCj SI tVUB- ly nnt by tie most famous workmen, yet soma "croee irora ine nsnones ot japan ara tnnet arii-itavl tatk book on Nortnern islanos closes tna seriea a V.

I I a vi uiiw Tutuiuee oeauag wjtn tbe naost Trri sating of tuodern Oriental mpLrea. I BBSI xo irose coxTBJxcnoss waxtxd. Nor. Tba comrnfrta. for the relief of the sufferers by tha recent fire Paaeed the fallowing to-day: 1W CoaaiBiUee have ia hand aurbrlant tucAs tn sast jaaicavaa caaruy, ao that tba juzvitt oS: ii mmm.

ua lauka iT n-a a a lortbeir verv Broaao aaa saa-aroua mruom --s' us mj tae ease naasTBsae i TAMTXDTOB XATS. CinaAao, HI, Her. A A dUesaiek t. ck. PaUy As from Ogaaa, CUk.

atyu trvLX WEkea. ot fssHvin. nwa A ore Wllkea. of theCaitea 'llZSmirZl berdtng beea sjear tbe Fteeavut fTailey ata-e-a. beeaae lot aal taled of starvaiioa aa4aera: LAnasvJpetastto 3rw TES ZXTL5CT SA COW.

mm (U fan rmeUco AXi. 9ttX A rare and valuable specimen was brcett dowa rasa eirtag's Isiaad by the AJaaUrnrCoav paarls rsamr at raaU waioh arrtvedaa Soacay laat from tbe aorta, Thla was ao lass tbaa the akeletoa of the srotie sea eew foaad aa Bahrlnr Island by Dr. l4oaAr4 SUJneger, a taenviwr ol seieattfie odds both tn Uts eountry and Europe, who was st to tbe tolaaa In tha hrf-rert of scJeoe by tko amiiasoaiaa Institutloa. Tbe Aeotoe wa hampered tat! rea.araAsa by Ue jeaioaey of to ho-aa officials, wae ate aotiag to toe kHereet ot AbeKawlaa toaeoeaer-ly earchlag for a teimen of the aea eow. but la aplu of their Interference, be suoaeeded In carryr wo1cn of the greatest eceauus tatereet.

Thto r-eu-ar aalaaal. wctea MaewniM P-4 be extijMt, aoMaaad ta soman the aether tt haa ever hived aoywAore else Is qaestloa. Ibe foaaii beds of luirope eentaln boc.f a aea eow. hut aeae which oeuld bare OelnnreJ to animal lit this. In ta Indlaa Ooeas HZ? ow- bat tbey are rare, an tbey are not Uke tbe bAria; lalaad eiuacl a etaa.

The aea eow of th leuiaa Oeewa havs teetb, feat thoee al Behring-, itUag tso aee: oi two rough boa plate ia tb atxLh with wtteh mtL wfc m1 bea, r-Ung tbeir araa a tbe aaaihaw aea bwstoat. tavey hi bore, baler kiUad tbe aea eew. and satire aaa aoae to snake runners for their dog-draws, aeeount riven of tbem by aa JS fiteUer. wb2 ae bcbrlag1 eaeeod wxpeAaUoa. wkarti The sperimea brought here 5llpfnl to Psrfot with tbe exeepiioa ltth" t11 tbe wrist bones, la of 17 eea eowe-ekuiia, SstaB at aa-aw-v-tticw.

Tb aaitDalal whea allee, meat bar beea troan Sto fMtioZ mboat lwo 't long. Its enasYol which there were two oa tbe poruoa of the body, haA no Aaads. Tbey ware raiXr eada, whleb were carried on the back when tag eow awam aad let dowa to support tt aa it edi The month was smell aad naermved witb teeth: ra wetwemaB; tbe ear. Baereay etaail oriuoe la the bead. wiUont any sign of aa external ear; tbe tall and Ana were like thoee ef a whale.

They were net proline, the oAsoriac beleg limited te 7 mrnrnm iwmasa, aad My WKV taWW' Dr. IHelaaa-eraaidbe was forced te aee coawid- SltNt ilnamaa aallu al.k bad be at enoe told them that be woola pay mora taaa tbe Boaataae weuld, there weuia have been an order prohibiUag tbe aettvee from eaUuvg any of the bonea. ea there baa atnee beea. AU Uat be epuld do was to say Uat be would give aa much al the Enaalaa efncials, aad, kaakiag klmaelf paaaahly weU UDderstood, the nauvea worked lor bim, Tbey did net go to work te hunt for boaee ex 0.0- lT.1'T.Vb?t autbr3rJk4 JOB? the beaeb they took tbeir etleka aad felt for.skeasloca. ovbes wererameat has ever sect aay eoe on tnere ex- for soea a boat, eoi tbe 'mg are asoea BteresleA'and peas eeveral tietone, Ue ai eatahtUbed aaignai a-atloaea Behrtag '1 iltland.

Xr. btejaecer. wbo aot, aaoereauy. over vear of klmaelf apoa the eatlaiaotory reaulu of bla expedition, aad elated tbat th tiai-, ton whleb ke brought with aha waa worth almoy weignt goid. TUB CMC AO 0 PROD UCE 'MARZZZx it B-siea-BasseeA-aBeeaB Cancaeo.

Sov. A. --The feature of to-dayK Brad- tag to arn4neewere a grea aiaavnetaaatea to th Philosopher. Tbey looked aad operated for a decided reaction from tbe strength of ttoaday. aad their attltade was justified aata about aeon, whea brcaatinfr started in BrUkJy ca ae.

3H aweagt ta karooe, 'ana r. ebaaae ta weataer waa ta point r-calai a for a dowa sura la price. The progr-ae ef tb eoMt-eleeuea -aA-ncaa li MwauMitaH -OeaageoaMi ttMmS t'eaooaeaaL TBe r-rfmov. e( we priou, nw. boob that a war betwaea raaoeaad ChUka was ln-mineBtwere aot eoaOrtnaxI, aaa taat waa ItaeiX re garde a a reeeoa lor lower prkees.

Frovtaton were moderately active and irregularis weaaer. though U-e-oea wa ouoted lard, and the local bog market waa ateacr. but ta pacalaa laleraat -old raihor lar-ely, anostly I or tn 5" rr's aallrarWa. Their oBartas gradaally Bore ona orders fro-a euBMOa. 1 award weoa She asrM suraea, la rmpathy wna wheat, and Ue lit laSaJT" saarae wa4 Boiaeura.

Tn shlpptna- ootaaad wa iwthter I baa "1.. exeetx tbatgreaa aaiat ware ia good reca-vl Jad wwatH eetiVer-d at any spr ailed tiso with la the aaxl tare Basataa, iwa oecUaed SO -aass aad eteo-d boea Tit cents below the laiet Drire 'it AU 77 Btu ler oJiSl All til January. Lard decluied 7Heonta. aad io 1 ecir i -4 eeeu lower, at tl Sa Bid for lieeember and7 bij tarJanoary.

la tueaiteraoea a-re waaaoeaU aad aooutaloe trading far a reported. r1ouHSHnsHntaltwil stnafn, Tbe-c tuadlau aoeouBI and a aoder UsaerSit mimM-'tM "are Arsa, wua aJH HV4 aaavtUed. but rmtraf advaaeed IH eonta. 1 a--. iTr.

ar. -e -re a-au w-w wwu Tavwi VwBal ATV A CmalM aov tee latest prlreeo stoaoar. a VWaaoL. ti otrre tae latest for laanW anJ id WMaoaaia Ud Juur, tk. aaiMes reroruKl batiar toue aa Xac land, wbU oar r-oalpt were rather small, but aimmiii, -ci verv uant.

ta Kew-Verfe bed adrod foreleetiaa. The tBIaga perailtted twarlabaosa. aad there wae aaor eeaSdeat oeuiag at ta advoaoa, theth-ury being tbat a Svoat rtae, airaayl? Sl'vS ooponunlty foe a lut- toae eeaa-oo oniMty aaooi o'clock, oa tbe poaUn of a quotlag Loadoa aaheo belter, sreicn wa eeeAfwMd or erat vase CUMatlooa. of aa advance oC ad. p-r ou" r.

waa -oba01r eea to eadav ere being felt la brttlsh gram mUZ boa tardily siotad Br the reporter." lae -7t waa. Bowever. ace-pred hv aaaov a trux ahv a tadteaiioa of foreWra mlmmmZmimm political tltnauoo, aad wojid appear to have bee ao recarded 00 ta e-eboard. as bertag order eaan At (reea tew -tor auTrroBI otaer clikra. Including Balujnore aad bew-Or-aaa Tber was a.

roM aeaaaui caa a. a tb reportea blDfaBt were verv liaht. Apriug at from tfeUtofc, c-nis lor freaa rerelpts, eioalog omlaallr bicbor at Ouh eeots. with ta cen tal'laai' 11 tO be UM OalVlor iatmT rnT.aod not lor i Sprtpg sold at to S3 craia. Ite4 WiuarVtf quiet at Ai UH In awrUi aide booses, aad Ao at mt ooat la aouu aid hooao.

being aoauaally St oeata lwhe-e. la tbe af terBooB tke market waa atroarer, Januarya-UiM oa the eurhei-ae aa biaa aa But. raola! "TWr'r troHg-r. It oe- rllaae to eent eartv. adaoe-d itoiia cent, and Mceed oa naogeH fa e-wt above to.

lateaVpVtree of Moaday. at aea eeaca aid lor naonBisn. fo Kay. IbSoaia a-A oalr eeat bbar. a by larger offerlB tbaa wer waoud.

laeiodlaa one nut let ot B6O.C0O beenel old By toe Biaa who baa been ausp-cted of a 1ki.ii to eeraer be aaaraet for boee-aber. Tble reUevwl tbef-aroa tbe pea-cat futare, aad tb longer eav wore depi ess ul by las epert tnat aara ww eora bad eireeAr arrlv-d from San.aa. wbieh art eoeae to ealuoa. usee, ate tmpi aluaTaa'Twa sar bo with wv eora before New ttrMlaa markrts were oal ten t-adyai1 nurre liita ware only moderate, but the Kori la Lhls eitr wre not iWfortd ea email as eme had The leierj eaoles noted a Loadoa advaare At. ber eaarBsr oa aargiisa Be arrtaa.

aaa be anarliat Ihra hflylag. ta arm pa. or Wb and rajeot- at to -aTlaT The taat lbT could Bo alToi-1 to pav over ii e-ata. aal Pjrra ee eBiaeaoat to axrjr polat kaet wee ZL.J--.-rr. aiiarnova stay mm Br WW -a-WBJ TBS LITE OCX MARKETS.

e-attla--1teeelrit, TBO bead; anleaaaoca, AOo beaot good 1 ior -eblpMog graea. but oAertngs awry araa otOer sradM boeVAV-SJ aatrv botrK-nrX bwA laaaaa, AS Sfcia-aa, ladiaos, as SoaA aXT Sbe-p-aorelpt. too Bead; airvd Brwdssa-aaadull eoeaavea euOi tairTo aoed. S- twSS 7i brim. eatre.

BJ im So. H5sul aast-oavamaaer sad -a-aar: Vortera. aTV Vol Zmitm Kksas Crrr. ov. A Cattle rLnajdrJj' oo-redt Toaa Bt-ara.

Te: Oolorado baM-breed Steara. S3 VKlt lb; Cowe. 1S4K. Hoi UsesiBta. asOS head aaarket Arnter aad lslblebM Assliiia, ne baadi aaayrfcet qubw eawt "lair7 moox Prieea.

a K-a aiA mmrk" rauadolrihiaa. aa aiaal au, v- TJ hP "ao-lpta. lun baaat -r tabr aa eaaoei yestordai pnees. aaw TEE F0RK1QN MARKETS. mZZ5Z- 3ST 't-tlr aflTor 1e eaoted exsotad.

essat grta, saW: Xew-t oraOoouoJ itZTi Atlauua aa4 Ureat V. MUn 8-ooad nortaTeirVastotV eoae-a. P-aaaWaoav AL-SaVJ- lvaa-oot, Xoo. a p. If.

return rutin ra-llSSt l-bruy aad Muvb sZ iTIl tf-; bavB aad tknl oetrrerr, ltardd4ua Canr'- f'Jt--r-4oe-lttjBed rvrroieem. gaWlb-B. lZZm3' l-rs Lead cSad at saarka lULmmTm'r0'''lnm' 1U- i ot Trtrrr m-nm utj T-ttarec tae ebtttaste rywa, Waa Irimi Bv eaaav of tao I poTaa-iaoa: soak -J i a Mfiai too a a r. arttvpa pte ap wUb il serai boBmsi aad tiinnii ti aa iBCaaaa tegtew etaa, aad tae Uoorag a-. mwrnwy.

i a it Maniuo i arae latjoeog iVr'Ornt'-rr iOtelitbe roaait waaaaaeaow gretiryiag. ia afew aceatba tue av 1 mvi.wsm- pal OOt was a well mat da oair tWfl mtmCitld. AM tlHaanfaf-TS a. Oer ti-eotiae ao Kacd aaat ft- nrteea Hi! frr Tad gWTTT frTCTTO OOk,.

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