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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 7

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 IN THE RAILROAD WORLD THE OSS AT CASTILETER B1ZDQB I ACROSS THE NIAGARA, iirKKIJO CFOS TBS MOST' UTtltlTDia i ronox or cohtbcctio th locifobt, 5. 1 Tb Michigan hratrsl ntllevr bridge across tb Ktagera River in sow entered a coo tbe moat wtereatlag portion tu construction--that of building th spaa serosa kisgsra forr, 600 fgt In lenrth, without ur mpport from Mow. Ob lb Aatertoan sids, th ertios above the bum tower wa eomstetAa oa WWaesdsy. a4 Toursdny tb eoancotkm I sards Md ta Urn tel post (or tb next ib 1 tkx Tr pat ia place, and. tb westber per-: I pits, these two scotioos Will becotaretedto-riigbt.

on the Canada std lb traveler ominctd oa p-dicay, Md oa Thursday the pqu for tbs lower wr lrwered; their plane, and la himUii tola sect Ion will be oornpleted BDd wrtri ob im nsit commenced to-day. This work baa attract-: large crowds of spectators, aod Is of a bareteT? to Bisks thee watching It dizzy If doee not tba wort man UwdmItm. The traveler that ia used In ieoestrurtlsg across tb rtver la en feat lone. fact wide, and IN feet high. It Aon tains m.OUi feet of 'timber and tone of bolts, -'rod, and iters.

It tad on toe lop of tba br.dce. and tjrojeet iorvt the completed end 44 fact. Te part that mu on tba bridge la eeeered to It by- crest Iron anrl It haa at Ita rMolntlns- an ar.lirln of too, it carries with It aa Itmnrm lunw tba river a ctcem-ena-ina. two anaarf ni jj Bsrrteks, and Innumerable pulleys, blocks, andj sbesvee of tae Boei Improved and powrrf balld Ta facilitate tba work tba traveler nmn wttbj alao two large woodeo platform, which raat Inn tediateiy under tba wore being don. Ach Ibrse platform la aft feet loaf and 18 feat wide.1 and aa It Dow hangs I feet from tba top of thai travetsr and BOO feet above tba water of tba rapid below.

As the construction proceed aomea tba rlrer tlie dlstanoe Inotn the top to bottom of iba brkla-a letrena, and tba bolder of tba plaiforni are nml in aeotioa. to that tber mar be -eauUr aborteoed when the ewrtloa of tbe tirirtre la aoupleted and tba. traveler ia asovao rorwara. As tbe mrer paaaaca adTaaoea, Bora danrereaa and narreiooa eeema tba undertaklnc, and tba work tatnaturaily a traclloc wklo-apread attanUoo. Vtaltor coma dailf Vtcx dlataneet to aaa It and are well rewarded for tbeir troabla.

Tba other work In eoniieetioa wltk tbe bridge baa made ceodtorocreai dnrlna tbe week. im tba Aaierloan a1la eTerythlac ia aonpleted for tba eooneotlon axcept tba treatla work aod tba nectar, of tba rtrden botom Hprlbc-atraet, and bia work la axnaotad to be beann next werk. Cm tbe Canada aide rapid proaraaa la nak Inc. Two of tbe abutment are completed, and tbe wyirk oa tba ptberaaBdoa tba Men ta well advanced. Tba larf a ant on tba Wetland eat-off ia bam pToaaoabF viaroronalv.

aod week after Bxt will In ail prob abllltr tea It flnlabed. Tba new brldre eontraotora are datamitoed that none of tba work. men aball ira) to daatraotioQ by wav of tba oantllerer and tba rapid, and are oonatraotlnr. bare platforms ta banc ander the workmen while ooDatmotinc tba Wrer anus e( tba brtdca. i i HARLEM AJCD HARTFORD FXJLKS.

Tba ment haa been printed that the old Xaw-Tork, Booaatonlo and Kortbeni EaUroad, aooatreetloa oa whlob was becaa year bko, was to be at oooa flnlabed from tba Harlem Klver as cWteond-araona to Dan bury, Cooa. When tbe road was sold nader foraotosare tbe tttle was pot In tbe name of John N. Wblttnc, of No. VaU-straet, wbo aald Uiat the charter was transferred to the Hartford and Harlem Railroad Company. It la understood to be tba plan of tba Hartford and Harlem to aaa tbe route of tba iiousatonle from bile Plains, or some other point in Waste beater Coentr.

and enter tbe City by. tbe Beoond-avenos) elevated railroad, from tbe terminus of which a onus mi oeinaT oaut across uie nver. i 1 NOTES OF VARIOUS INTERESTS. Tbe reosnt report ocMKenuiig th doalre of Jay Goald and bis friends to obtain possession of the New Tork and nw nland BaQroad reearved additional Icniaoanoe yesterday from, the eini-effloial announce ment that an effort would be made alaot Mr. A.

L. Hopkins, Vice-President of fcoald'a abash Ilailroad. as iTealdent of tbe Kew-Tork aad New-Ens-land Company; i Mr. Oeonre I. Keney.

Ueo. swmoel Tbomaa, O. 6. Brlee. and several otber KeaUemen wno are ln-teraated in tba last Tennessee.

Virginia end Georgia Rmllroad, exneot to leave this City the NWtar part of next week for tbe parpoee of makina: a tour of Inapeetkm of that road. Rtdoewat, Hot. a. To-dajr Jadoie Cbariae A. Mayer, on motion of Head Pwt.tit, attorneva.

oi niiaaaipnia, repraaentuic the Attor- -V aeyienaral of Pennsylvania, directed tbe taauinc of a writ of oao warranto assJnat tua Lake Ene and Western hall road Company to sbow by what right claims: to bnlld a railroad from Johnoonbnrg. Elk Ooanty, to Crawford Janet ton. MeKaan Connty. In tbe paper tiled at the Instanoa of tbe AUornev-Oeneral ft elalmed that tbe chartered BrivUege of tba company expired npoa tbe adoption of the- new Con-tltatioa. It la nnderstood here that tb la Is tbe first step In aa Important litigation In' wbleb wOI aa Involved otber valuable rights of the railroad company hi Pennsylvania.

Tbe petttioaere to the Attorney-weoerei. who are prominent citizen ef thai county, allege that the company ha been and continuously violating the Constitution and law of tb State. .3 B08TOK, Hot. 8. Tbe JTottmoZ of thi morning ayi: Kameron ramors are afloat oonoera-Ing the Preaent rise la New-Tork and; Kew-Enr-land ballroad stock.

Some of them are eoa-naotad with the next annual meeting, wtiieh take plana on Dee. it. Compared with tbe net earning of tb previous, months, those of tbe best three moo ins are enotgh 10 warrant soma ad. 1 aa eontroi or tna nn li 1 to.ih vnBd four peoU. wbloto bold more than half the stoos.

One pool of 55.000 a shares le tn Maw-fork: one of upward of 80.000 f-Jrur at a well-known State- banking house, and two others, one of Ml. yj shares and the other of lt.000. at an eqnalv tU known bank In this city." 1 7 Ptttcbcu, Not. 3. In tie United ate Circuit Court this morning the ease of the larrr.

Yonngatown and CleaMEroad arslnst in Pennsylvania KallroadCotnoaiiy tora- Jtraln tbs Utter from laying track at Book Point. 1 was argued, and Judge Aobeeon ordered that the restraining order heretofore granted be dissolved upon the defendant company giving bonds to WIre. In threm of $1.8, n. Tbl give tb defendant company tbe pSntwar! Company la tbe Aook ttajaul Railway sr.tem for tb fourth wetk in TCd lwi.uoa, airalnat 1707.000 for 7. ta" tooreeee ef tbI rnlng for the tst -week of the 1 --ooo for the WS.

ITTA.i" eeoond wk, 1367,000. against Ph.6,"11"1 irabjSSS? Tn total earnings for the month agcrsnted lest year, shewing aa tnorsaaa of 7B.ooa I B2T0K! NoT- At tb annual meetlnz of i Central KaUroad Companyheld ware sleeted WrecSrs C-Aldrtrh. of Marlboro; Kdwia Smith, ef I T. Parker and Tbomaa ktaa. ofl Moston; Lymaa HsOltngswooth.

of Cohsa-TZ'J? IoL b-oaM W. Blchar-uhZfJHi00 ilMim Coovre, of MaUiaai WooKf Bocton: Henry F. Elite, of Ant' bcrat, and WUllam M. baylord, of Worthampton. TorMA, Nor.

S. Tbe answer of the Kansas Pacifla KaUway in tb cetiUoa on the quo proceed ln-s pending In the lupreme Coart has been BUd. It allege that tt ha reoetved the Btate, but baa all 1U aatborlry rrocj acts of Cons-res s. It denies any right of the etc to forfait He franchisee, and claims that par- "HW wrw i viiaii aw any aa ana wo LBIWlBWSt I Pasama, Oet W. The Chftiaa Gorernmetit meditating building a railroad from Aatofagasta to Haaaobaoa.

with a branch so Tbe propoaed line 671 kilometres ka and lu eastern terminn will be within bort distanoe of 1-otoal CsTjcaoo, Not, l-Jodgw Eawea, In tba Clr-, a Court, this morning sentenced a man namad i'ttUBerman to six month la the County Jail for attempted bribery of a Juror In-tbe Interest fortb-weeteTU RailrocxLwhtoa waa beinaT for personal eamagea. klmu Nor. Notlo baa 12. FlT. 7 Pasaenaw Agent kebeatlaa.

of the out laland Koad, to comr tag line that anlea Aa alleged trraguiarttiea are dlseonUnaed bia road 'UlAtibeeaMt of 10 day mak a tan-dollar rata Usj point to Chicago. i I TIT TBOCSAJiP BOLLaM LOST. Cbtoao Kotw S. A beav7 km to tbs wcrinaarrores Cotnpasy ooeurrad tnthlity MUJOo'oiorA thlsmornln. At that fcomrW.

T. tba transfer eicrt of tbe xprcca eompeAy. J2.k1'. tranafer of axpreas paekage to ftraot. la doing so be had tbe bag eoataia-J tt atoney swung over his abouider.

and ZIa throucb tba door with a against protruding from tb aid Of tb door, bat r.P Apparently wa act damaged, la delivering the the exorees at It Was dlaoovered was tore, aad tea tbe war bills and a vaek-aMaoaiataina something over tUUl bed dropped rob waa at eooe gaade without afiecUag OiscoTary of the missing money. PanjL. Kow. 1 Tho ConatT Ahmv r. TUhnrin to 1T PTTnttlcrt tstmeiilallis tea prass to ss a remarkable ease of suspended irewta.

The patiaat I Kliaabetb KUaer. yuan, whoa buquI raoaiti were arrested age ef month by an attack, of brain P- Phyateal development went oa aachepkea. cut the mind rematnett tae mind a babe i P0 Md. Bbc aaa never learned to eat. haa no a weaned, aad her stitenance 1 derived free tMmaiiaa iiaad.

tb same aa when ah wa aa "Uut. Worn out, the mother died a abort time Hr place is euppued by rartou aurstnc aaMaer, mmalaa of tea Wa aaasa) aBssaweavasaaBBsaaacana. i- IDE WILLIAMS ISAM BEATEN. TBZ XASTABO Kn TTW JOT A BPIBMTXO MATCH CAMS AT rOOT-BAIA. ji BofrroK, 5 or.

S. A fooi-leJJ match betaeen the Harvard and Kniiaow College eleven wa' )lsye4 on arris Field, Cambridge, this afternoon, ta tb presence of about 1.000 spectators, laeradtnc: a fear ladle, who aalvereu oa tbe benene dnrtn: tbe two boar la wbieh tbe game was In proBTeem! Harvard woa ts tosa. aad took tba east aad of the; field, from wcicb the ball was at one earrie intoj the 'Wlfllam terrtterr. Tb first score of tba gamex wa nad by BonsaJ. a Harvard rasher, wbo, afterj a fine ran.

mad a tone b-d own, at eem distance, however, from the goal-posts. Biddte punted tbe ball to AppJeton. wno cangbt it. and Austin kicked; a goal After tbe ball was started againy Hsrtley secured it. aad earried It, togetb-i er with aeveral men who were plied apoaj him, almost to William' goal line, but thai ball Anally halo.

soon Cabot eeeuTee It in a acrlmmaM. and by a tremendous effort toreed tt over tbe Williams aad a second tounb-down for Harvard waa given him. From tbia Austin kicked Another goal. Tb play went on with tbe ball for some time in tbe centre of the field, when Field, of Williams, got a fair catch. After he bad k'eked tbe bell Houahton got tt.

and had almost taken It ever tbe Williams goal has; when a foul was allowed, aad tb ball waa takea back again lo tb 85-yard line, Austin then got fair eateh. and Houchtoa again secured tbe ball; and, alter a abort run, pasted it to Cabot, who made the third toocb down for Harvard, directly behind Williams 'a goal, but Austin failed to kick goal from It. Then tbe ball went down again tb WOUaros goal, and waa secured by a Williams rusher, who, taking advantage of a gap hi Harvard's rush line, waa making good pi ogles dow tbe field when Kimball. Harvard's quarten back, tackled bim tn fine style and brought him to the ground. Then Bonsai got tbe ball and pealed It to Codman, after a short run.

and enabled th latter to make tbe fourth touch-down, fitddle punted tbe ball out. hut tt was miaaed. Moon, bow Oubot got a fifth tauoh-downtor Harvard from wbleb Austin kicked tbe third goal. In tb second three-quarters WUllam at Aral played a fairly effective game, keeping tbe ball wefl tn the oentre of tbe field, but finally Codman got it aa It waa gradually going toward the Harvard sToal and. breaking through the WUllams men.

ran almost two-thirds of the distance across the field, and was not stopped until be bad reached Wilt liams' 10-yard line. -William soon made a Mlnty) touchdown, and then Cabot made tbe sixth touch-down of the game, but Austin tailed in the try at goal For some time the play wa fox tb mlddl of tb field. Kimball, of Harvard, mad a difficult fair cat oh. which wa duplicated almost Immedb ate It by Wells, of Williams. Aad then tbe play returned to Williams's territory; and th visiting leven were obliged to make 1 tbeir second aafety touob-down.

aad, before long, tbel third, At this time much of Harvard' Play i ura loose. Tbe ball fumbled and aeveral chances to make touoh-down were lost, but Caoot, whoa play during- the whole ram was exceptionally brilliant, made another, dasb aad auooeeded tn getting a seventh touch-down dh rectlr behind tbe William goal after a long ronv Austin's try at goal was suooonful. and goal So. I waa placed to Harvard's credit, i Tbl wa soon followed by another touch-down by Cabot, matins the eighth and last, from which Austin kicked tbe fifth goal and ended the scoring! Then tbe ball went back to tbe oentre of the where It remained almost all tbe rest of the time, although AppJeton ran It across Wliltamsis Una for a touch, dowa. which wa not allowed beoaosa of a claim of held' in tbe oentre of the field.

1 i In tbe eseond three-qaarters Crane took Gllmanu Place, the letter having injured hi leg, and dun Ing 1 be game so vera! of tb Williams men were la Jured. although tbey all resumed play after belraf reUevvd for a time br substitutes. Beside tb good play of Harvard's rusher. Kiddle mad otn fin catches, and Austin' kloslng waa tb beat Harvard baa shown this year. For William Field.

Wells. Banks, and Taft did tbe beat work. One ef the touob-downs was not counted for come reason by tb referee, who aanonnoed tbe score to be goals, touch-downs, and 8 safeties, or their efurralent. 87 points for Harvard to nothing for Williams. One of tne rushers who played on th William eleven wa H.

A. Garfield, a son- of th late President. Tbe teams were as follows Rushers Oilman. Bartier. Cabot, Apple-Jon, Bonsai.

Codman. and Houghton: quarssr-baca-k Elraball; half-baeks Aastln and; Blddla; nil-back Oowllna. i4la hoahars-Jooea. Garfield. Pereoa.

Pbelua. Caras. and Williams; ventre rusher Field auaxtrr-back Hanks; bail backs Wells Orecui rull-beoaTaX t. i Referee Tevts Goodloa. of Wdllams; TJmplres-L IarHarvard.

T. H. Cabot, tO; foe wnilami. Mr. Woodbury.

auicLVE or A BfCH T0 USO MAX 1 1 A XXW-TOBKKB BHOOTS HIMSELF TS A I DKLPHIA HOTEL, i Pbit-asixpbia- Not. JL Marrr of the im-t in tb Oolonnad Hotel wen awakraed at 4 o'clook this morning by the report of a pistol. Tbe nigt clerk, who was at tba moment: doztn a ebalr. rushed In tbe direction from wbleb tb aonnd name, and entering room No. iM.

on tba leoand floor discovered Charles A. aUtthews. of Nw- Tork. JytnsT dead oa tba floor. Ha bail ahnt htrt- Mlf tho had.

tb ball lodging to the brain and causing death insntly. Hr. Matthew wa abet years pf age. rather 4aH aad (leader, wltk black mnctaoba, and bad tb appeeranoe of a refilled young man, lie eame to that olty three "reeks ago from New-Tork. where mad bis bom at tba Hoffman House.

Be wa aooompa-nied by bia wife, who 1 about tb am age as br husband, and a maid. Mr. Mattbws and hi wlls ceemed to be a loving young eouple. and they pent much of their time together. Last evening tbey attended a theatrical perform aDoc Between and 4 o'clock this morning Mr.

Matthew aroused her bnsband. as aba bad been attacked br a 00 pious hemorrhage from the nose. Mr. Matthews wa considerably alarmed, and at ones summoned a physic tun. Dr.

Davidson re-ponded, and after a brief visit checked tbe hemorrhage and retired. A few minute later Mr. Matthew waa tartled by her bnsband springing oat of bed, seising a revolver, and shooting himself in tbe He expired almost Instantly. This I tb xolana-tlon of the affair given by tbe employee of the Col-onnad Hotel, and it 1 the only on that can be obtained. Mr.

Matthew and barmaid rwtarned to New-Terk. going the wloow made arran re-menu to have her husband' body embalmed. The motive for the suicide la a mystery. It Is stated that before or during Dr. DeTidson' visit Mr.

Manhew drank a pint of brandy. Tbe young man lived lu good style and seemed to' be poseeesed of ample mean. He was not notloeably Intemperate and no other known ciroumstano In bts dally life during bia sojourn here i regarded a furnish ia a motive for tbe not, though be had appeared somewhat depressed by tbe Illness of bis wins, who was sub)eot to hemorrhage. During falsres-Menoe In New-York be was a member of tbe Te-troienm Exchange, and bad an offlo at No. B0 Broad -street.

1 XATJf TOWNSEXD Nrw-OnxKAKRj Nor. SL At, 10:80 o'clock tbl morning, Kat Townaend. was weil-known in her owncirole throogbout tbe ooun-try, was murdered by tb man who elalmed her aa bis wife. and. wbo wa believed by the world to be her legal husband.

8 be was about year of ago. hanaaoma. though inordinately jtout. and was known to be very wealthy. Treville riykea, the murderer, la of excellebt family, a native of tble city, and 48 years old.

His father waa at on time a olty Alderman. He baa always been well known hi sporting-otroles. and aeveral times bad an interest In rambling establishments. At on time was tn tb livery stable business. He has been living with th deceased v.

av wa. AX ATTBMTT to POtaoa A Va arrr t- iTLilfTi. An made to poison tb family of B. B. Stephana, In Fonythe County.

Georg Stephens went to tke bucket to get a drink of water, which made him ex. An investigation resulted tn tbe discovery of something resenuiling saltpetre la the wash-stand WMb-pan, In th watar-bucket, and tn th well-racket. AU tbe live Hook en th plane a ted from drinking tb water. Largs Mocks of chemical mat- fjuinil i 7 mm wvu. asce ai ss etue Ml ta rtXSOSAL JXTKLLtGKWCX.

Commodore Cloero Price, United Stabs Navy, I at tb Everett House. Th Rct. CI C'Plnckcer, of Charleston, ts at the 5ew-Tork Hotel ,1 Freeident Andrew IX Whftty of Cornell TJai-Tenrlty. ts at the Fifth-Avenue Hotel. A.

Lefafrre. of tb French Lee tlon at Washington, is at the Clarenoou HoUL Uetv TTseier Mrritt and OoL Robert S. Ik MoUa, United btatas Army, arc at the Grand Hotel. WUGBZXe' TBS BOAMDIMM M0STB1t From (As ihrrsVapwm (IX) Vs. Prtm, Get.

ft. Tb rrntldant of iliddlebury ConeK, iaa Bcv. Dr. Hamlin, ha tnaururuled a new thing tn eonneetioa wt th new college boarding: baU. A act of oalcs haa been put Into tb hall, and all ta boarders who by tbe wa are all thestndeut frosn eat of tows hot one are to be weighed asoutbly.

A record of their wetghta will be occa-rateiy kept, and thus It ean' be seen from time to time just what affect tbe hoard furnished by this Institution will have npoa the system of tb at dsn la. Tbe President thinks tt at worth while to keep truck of tbe pnysloal bcaltc of tbe boy land sTtrtsJ as waU a of their mental Oevaiopment. Caps Town. Cape Good Hope. Nor.

3. The colony at Angra Peqneafc. a nay oa tbe west coast of Afnoa.whlcn i flying th German Csg and elaunlng aathortty over aoatia-uoua UrrUory, reoecur thecal ccd to fire a Doe a soaooner for no Betyiag dutaes levied by the colony. The Cantata of the winl hoisted tbe Brttiea fiaaV and be we then allowed to depart anu-olssted. Armxira, Nor 3.

Many districts ta Tbesv saly are still flooded, althoash tba rain ksr ceased. The fate of amorou Tilg which bar aaflared rrnsa ssat naadaia sU Baersjoem IN AND ABOUT THE CITY lfB, CTBRIES YER 7 E0PETVJL xtB XX9 bib ftmw crxTAnr that will beIsxkctxs Ex-Bbes-tff Jafnea fTBrlen, thit- eandidate of tbe Independit Democrat for Rearlster. sat lor bia lunch at Dalmonioo yesterday afternojo. "If the way people talk any indkBatson." slid be. tb Iadeprndeot ticka ia going majority, lief that elected by a good! round my prediction on the be- deoent nan In th Democratic Parts I stcav John Kelly 1 lota tlon.

Be haa axntuded every fean of todependeno from tb counsels of their party and selected a hi eonfl-dentlsl advisers men of the lowest a-rede. He haa quarreled with erry decent man tn the party aad baa cold it again abd again. All tb money be baa ot ta tbe world name from bis political work. The decent men 1 tb party are disgusted and are only waiting for tbe opportunity which election day will furnish tbcast their votes against htm. Republicans as well as Demoorats are alok of booses and deals opt of which no good ever came or ever will come Republicans are just as anxious to get rid uf their tosses as we are to get rid of KllT" What effect twill Got.

Cleveland's letter to LKclly have on your chancesT A gooa eueet. 1 ne letter only snows op Kelrru 3e wants to -force men like Grady. Crocker. 1 oley, and Coroner Martin men of bad repute an 1 no standing down tbe neck of the honest Del nocrat of sw-i orfc, and tbey are golnc to re such nominations. JU Kelly had any rer teet or feelings for hht party ha would ear; I'Geitlemen.

If I am th stumbling-block I will step 1 Bnt no: be stands there, vindictive and rrannieal, to barter away tbe right of the part to tb enemy." I "Do you expeel to be elected "Well. I have icvcr been In a canvass where I bad so mneh enoc aragement from tb beat people In the City. For laas week our bead -Quarters bare been erow ed from morning to night with men from every part of the City and of all sbadee of opinion. In railroad oars, tn shops, in business ofSoe votes hav been taken and I have had two Mid sometime iree Tote to any otber candidate' one. I am not earried away by excitement.

I am as cool as I ever waa rn my life, and I cay that I am aa ee -tain of election a I am thai I am sitting here." I suppose lri given out TO ballot for O'Brien to-day." said Mr. r. W. Hltoheock. who wa Handing near by, "and every man will vote tor htm.

It tb moat wonderl ill thing I ever saw." A Republican politician going aero TJnton-quare a few mm itea ago," aaid Mr. George Henrique, "said to 1 1 friend of mine that be would bet 1 100 to HO th it O'Brien would be elected." I've made a bouse-to-honse canvass tn bc brown -stone fron In my neighborhood." ald Mr Hltobooek. "and know that O'Brien hi the men. For several days been taking vote In th Fourth-avenue wet oars, and Invariably O'Brien haa bad a majoril "He'll get mon Hebrew vote than Hess." said Mr. Henrique.

The Hebrews are solid for him. He's a tried man fnd we can trust him. When yon see the Exchange go for a man a they are gome for O'Brieni it means bnirinn A SAD STOAT OF MAN AND WIFK vaa. CHARXKal B. JOHKSOK SBKKTKO BS- X.CASS rnoic bsb ettbbaitd.

wka csMtsed on Colombia Heights. Brooklyn, in De ember, 1PT7, by the attempt of Charles K. John to murdor hi young wife in the bona of father. Mr. R.

D. Ben-diet, of Monroe-place, nolo mote than a year before He Beech er had married the young people, and th weddlnf wai regarded as the most brilliant and notable of th season. It was a' ease of lev almost at first sight, and a both the lover were te ohildren of very wealthy parent, no obstacles stood fat th way of a happy union, lobnaon waa not quite SS year old and hi wife vaa about 19. When a ohild bad been born to tbe young eouple the eonduet of the husband ohange; and treated hi wife with uch cruelty 1 sne fled to her father's roof. Then he became repentant and asked her to I reran to him, and when she refused to do shot her a turned to leave tbe room.

Tbe young wife ran screaming from tbe apartment rbere tbe Interview had taken Place a own to ie basement, tbe husband following and still firln t. Only on shot, however, took efieet. oh neon wa arrested with tbe smoking pistol in bis nabd a he stood on tb basement ataira Just outatde tb cloeed door of tb front basement where; his wife had taken refuge. Johnson wa required by Judge Walsn to gtv 30,000 ball to await tn action of tb Grand Jury. For a time hi wtf hovered between life and death, but she finally recovered.

Tbe father of Johnson, who is the bead the firm of Johnson A Sbeperd. owner of soma tt the prlnoipel stag lines in this City, bad prtoeeding takea to determine hi sou men condition, and tb young man wa deelai ed insane, and the criminal proceedings hastitui Bd ajcalnst htm In Brooklyn were abandoned, witl tbe consent Mr. Benedict. After a abort time spent in tbe Bloomtngdar Asylum for tbe Insane young- Johnson's mind wa and an extended trip ia Europe completed hi to vigorous heath. HI wif again consented to live with him after much solid-tadon.

It proved an unfortunate step. Another ohild waa born to tbei 1, but It advent did not serve to eement a reunlo 1 which It now appear wa never thoroughly bspiy. finally Mrs. Johnson was agala eompeUtd to take refuge under her father' roof fr the oruslUes of her husband. By tb advice ol her relatives she bas ooaamenoed against her hui hand a salt for divorce in tbe Supreme Court.

ooklyn. Yesterday Judge Cullen. on application John L. HilL counsel for the plaintiff, referre I the oae to Mr. A.

F. Jenk to take testimony rod report hi eonoluslons to the 00 art. So appefcraao was put in by the defendant, and it la supposed that he has left tbe Stale. A SVICj DE" BODY BOBBED. roTjit THotrsA doi.t.akh disafpeabs fbom AD MAR'i POCKETS.

The police are ascertained that Gustav Schlneter. of ie firm of Soblueter A Mandes, Fulton -street, Brooklyn, who committed nl-eld by sboi tine himself ta Zlpp's saloon, at No Elm-plaoe. last Monday ersnlng, had in his possession, on tne day of 'the suicide. $4.000, 1 rhloh ha not been accounted for. After tb shoo ins; the proprietor of tbe saloon said he locked be body tn tbe apartment where Bohleuter had killed himself until tbe arrival of tb Police.

When toe body reached the bouse tbe clothing had been retnoved by tbe undertaker, and Mrs. eefaleuter reeeiued $30 from a friend of tb family which be said bad been fonnd on ber husband. Oa the day of the fc quest she was given $33 in addition to tbe money already received, ber husband's watch, ard sonte trinkets belonging to him. Tbe tSB had been found by tbe Police. On Friday Mr.

Isadora M. Bonjex-Mayor Soroeder' partner In the tobacco business, called on Mr. Sohleater and caked her if she! had reoetved $4,000 which ber husband was known to have In hi pose ess Ion on tb day of the shooting. Sb replied In tbe negative, and than for toe first time learned that ber husband bad drawn $5,000 from tb Sassan Bank on Monday. Mr.

Bon had learned of 'tb fact accidentally, and be also ascertained that Schleoter paid $1,000 of th money ton man tn New-York to whom he owed that ram. Tbe remaining $4,000 wac tn five-hundred -dollar btl. Three hours elwrecd from tbe time of tbe shooting until the body Waa taken to Mr. Schleuter's borne tn Schema erhoru-street. Mrs.

Soblenter notlend that the doth ss bad been removed. Tne family undertaker, who wa assisted by another undertaker, sxid. whin spoken to about the matter, that be found tbe body in sneh a condition that ba had to cut sway tb etotbing. Ko trace of tb misslng mony has yet keen discovered by tb polio. ATEZETlh GAMES OF STUDENTS.

WUIKKKS ATITHS FIEXD STEKITNO TH1 I COLCMSIA COLLEGE ASSOC! ATJOX. The Antanln wind blew, gusty and chill across tb gradnd of the New-York Athletic Clb at Mott Eavi yesterday, and th noses of those who went to sej the twenty-third field meeting of the Columbia College Athletic AcaoeiaUoa were vary bin mdJed. Nevertheless, th gam want off very satisfactorily. The first event oa tbe pro- das, handicap, at 100 yardav. Tb won by De rick son.

fs, (soratcnj first heat waa in 0:10 4-6, wttM P. Rupp. Jr 80. of the School of Mines. (Tyardk.) second g.

W. MeOinnis, "84, Seboot of Minei look toescoood heat, with a yard handteap. in ttios-a, A Reed. tM, School of MJaV, oond. with tb cam aUowaaee.

Th thlra head of the preliminaries was woo by W. H. Aldricr 1, trf. Seboel of Mines. (10 yards.) ia M.

T. Boffsaan. b4? yards.) eenoo. Tbe first aad aeeond tn each of tne pre-llmluary beau ran in the final, whkah waa won try J. W.

Moumris, Jr with 9 yard handleau. ta 0:10 t-o. Denekson eame tat second from tbe Scratch a Vand and a half behind tba erienav- Tbere were fir starters tn tbe one-mil run wnieh feUowed. 100 yards. race was aaaaieapped aa high as men ran ta tb order in which tbey were placed uc start tor tne nrst tbree or B.

a Boon, of to School of tb end by a magnificent span la la two yards abend of J. An. foar laps. 1 Mia, won omt; plby. W.

of School ef Mum. Bool's handi-s and Appleby's 0. cap was iw The quarter nu run had three starters, and bV C. N. femtth.

tB. of tba lav was captured Sebeol. with handicap of yards, ta 0:93 1-A K. Harrhv tCl wbo started from ta suratoh. In a good seoond.

A hand loan coo teat as putting the hot foUowed. D. W. Reokhart. of the 01 xinea, im, toed the scralch and threw aha 16 feet, a Bodelsen.

behool of Mines, covered St feet 1 lncr tea. with 4 tnohe allowanD. Tbe ISO yards' hurdle-race waa woa la fiae style by A. hancJle, with yards handicap, in 0.S1 t-S. Derieiwoa.

8X In tho iM yards' dash, was again placed at tlte anralch, and woa it wefl ta O.ia 4-5; Randolph. was aeeond with 6 tarda start. Tbe ooe-mUe walk Was won by R. V. A.

Koms. of tbe eestool of Minee. wbo started from tbe ecraish. tlaae ura 1-, Stin. Msoul ol Xiaan.

nad agoo4 bane of wlcaiag ap to th last lap. wben be waa ruied ent by th rfreo, Mr. K. J. Wndei, for unfair walking, i X.

BusAmhra. "86. of tbe Xedieal Kehooi dic taaaad aU corsnetttors In thro wing the hassssce Trith tb aid of In handteao of feet, eovvrtng tbe ry dlataaea of at fee toebca. a Bodelsen. tx ncbool of Mm, threw (M feet 44 tnene from the ecratec- The running high Jump Wms waa, jv UV I o- I asajuasi aasKiieap.

tils actual yarn tereeting INCTOW OOBWH Wa Tlia MtriM to 7- aw v. win, nf t. a 1 a 'aTIa 7 "M'u. soravcu; r. mmvai oi siaiee.

su yurus; it. ti and K. A. HtnTmaa. t.

of the LawBooL yards. Kemp quioxiy overcame lioflajana lead, bet hi treadle broke hi the fourth lap and be guv ap the race. Hoffman kept ahead utUaear the finish, when beta Rood and Read passed tbe Utter warning by SO yards la I10 Tbe running broad Jump was won by G. W. WblPA ye.

with a handicap of 14 tnohe. He lnlP feet inches. O. Bodelsen was second, wtth-l feet 1 inch from tbe scratch. H.

T. hbri-Ter. j8Tj with a handicap of inebe. beat Bexa-to-r. of the School of Medicine, scratch, at vaulting with a pol.

oleerlng feet 6 inches. Tne hall-mile run. with four er tries, was won by K. 8. Appleby.

scratch. In 4-5. Tb tug of war wa JhMt event on tne rs-ogramroe. Klghty-seven net r-lrhry-stx by mches. and were hi turn beaten ht a .1 iiTZ-l? 01 yaros; R.

c. lbe regular progTamme bad been eonelad- an a anUa iw wma 1 nu iut ouanipion-hip of th New-Tork Athletic CTub and a oap rained at $100. which wa won by E. M. Teomana tn Georg H.

Tcylor waa second. Tbe latter nearly falntetL. 8. Derickson won th obstacle rme Terr wet oond ill 00 from the water 'jump, and M. W.

Ford, of the New-York Athletic Club, peat the amateur record at the standing lumo by 10 feet 6 Inches. The record bad Been 10 c- A. J. Oneokberner, of tbe New-Yoi Athletic Club, beet his own best record of 85 tacnes?" notti" the heavy shot SB feet A DEFAULTER 6aPTUBEL SAsTTTEL a. BRAKsTOsT ARRZBTKD WHTLB TiBrrnio bib wtfeiamd child.

In the Summer of 1682 "jamnel S. Shannon, a dashing young man, well known In Brooklyn so-eiety circles, suddenly disappeared from his home. He had been employed in tbe office of John F. Ji-V wealthy real ectat dealer at No. 188 Mon-tague street, Brooklyn.

Mr. Shannon was sooially well connected and had many wealthy friend, and -wben a rumor was enreed that he bad stolen money from bis employer it was indignantly denied. Mr. Jamea himself refused at first to give any information about the affair, or to make any obarg against Shannon. A few weeks after Shannon's flight, however.

It wa ascertained that tb dashing 1 young society mn wa a defaulter to tba extent of fas, 000. Slnoe them Shannon ha spent a miserable life, being bunted from town to town and olty to city by the polio. Last week he ventured back into this State in order to pay a caret visit to his wife and ohild. at Corn wall -on-tbe-Hud-eom where Mrs. Shannon Uvea with ber mother.

The Police learned of the visit, aad on Friday evening Detective Corr and Chambers, of Brooklyn, took a train to Cornwall. 1 They found Shannon without difficulty, and yesterday brought htm back to Brooklyn. During his abeenee an Indictment bad been fonnd against him for mbexalemcnt. and on that indictment Judge Moore committed bitn for trial, without balL I AFFAIRS AT TBE ISTHMUS. ACT1TB MTL1TART MOTEMEirrS CAtTBnrO AirxntTT GEirtKAL ym Paraxa, Oet 2a, Great exdtwmect exbroi throngnont tb mterior of th republia Troops are being moved in different directions, end, although no outbreak has occurred, fear appear to he generally entertained that trouble Is imminent.

It is certain that tbe Colombian guard ha been employed to prevent a fab; vote being obtained, and ther seems no reason to doubt that all tb coast States would hare gone for lobes and that hardly a vote outside 6T Government elroles would have favored Nuftat had It not been for the pree-rnee of the Federal troops. Tb Govern menu of Bolivar, stagdaiena, and Panama are simply nominees of th Federal Government, and tbe people do not like the system. There is not a papor in ths country that does not discuss the probabilities of paoa or war, and tb uncertainty exhibited indicates a tendency to tbe belief that an appeal to arm will become a neeesslty. The steamer Oonflanxa continues to cruise in tbe Magdalen ander tbe orders of Gen. Chaoarro.

This measure ia said to bekeken in oonacQoenoe of rumor persisting in declaring that Santander. An-tloquia, aad Tolima intend to unite and Invade Bolivar and Magdalene. Gen. Rafael Alcpura, ax-Prealdent of th State, ex-fcenetor. and Deputy to tbe State Assembly of Panama.

I at preaent in tbe common jail here, where he ha been put by bis political enemies. He Is the leader on the isthmus of tbe Liberal Party, which declares that Nunez has not been elected President. It is said tbe pretense upon whieh AlEpura is detained is a personal quarrel with another Deputy. On Sept. 18 loud rumbling noises were beard at Cneuta, Santander.

and a strong earthquake 00-eurred. On the previous day a movement had been felt at Santa Boca. Manizale, and Medellin. Runs or declares that the town of the banks of the Atrato Rtrer. has sunk Into the earth.

If true the oatastroph must have occurred some week ago. PERILS OF TBE SEA A BCBOOHXB IHTO AVD BOXX OTHER MISHAPS TO MABnTEBB. BosTOK, Not. 8. The schooner Hand Webstar, from Hoboken.

for Bangor, wa run Into on Out, 81 four mile cast of -Chatham. Cape Cod. by tbe schooner Meta BaHlj- from NOwbaryport. which struck tb Webster on tb port bow. tearing rbrbt through ber aad causing her to sink in about 15 minutes.

Tbe Webster's lights were all set at the time. She was loaded with ooaL The captain and crew, five ht all. wer rescued, and landsd at Baietn yestcrdsy. Bocclaxd, Kov.i The schooner Meta, Cant. Edgert, of St.

John, New-Brunswtek, from Boston, for Hilinboro, In ballast, daring the hurricane of Oct. aod 80 struok Bagged Island, near MauniouB.aand became a total wreck. Tbe Captain and three men reached shore and were oared for by tb islander. They reached hare to-day. The vessel was uninsured WiunitGrroN, Del S.

A small worn sated obooner. nam unknown, sprung a lean and sank in th Delaware River, a mile above New-Castle, last night. Her orw reached shore safely. Chicaoo, Not. 8.

Private ad rice state that the Canadian wrecking steamer Conqueror, while attempting tbe recovery of the -propeller Oneida, atraok on th same rook aa did th Oneida and-sunk. i Cbstbotoait, Not. 8. The aohooner Monitor, with ore for Cleveland, ia ashore near 'ManlsUon and is full of water. lBFT WITEOUt A CANDIDATE.

XXDIGXAJTT DEMOCRATS IsT THE EIGHTEEKTH SEHATORIAi DISTRICT. Fobtda, N. Not. i Tbe Democrats tn this, th Senatorial Distriot. are greatly Incensed at Senator ftangni.

waa renominated about three weeks ago at Sobeneotady. and as It wa impossible to get from him a positive aooept-anee or refusal, tb convention adjourned to meet again at Sobenectady on pot. SO. Before this meeting Baucu was interviewed by leading Demo-ecats. and.

it Is aald. told them that be would accept the nomination if tendered him at the adjourned meeting of the) convention at Schenectady as be was satisfied that be oould be re-elected. Aoeordlnc to programme, he was nominated at the aeoond oonventioa, son the Demoorats war very sanguine of hi election. About a week after tb convention adjourned Banc us again obanged his optnlon of hi prospects, and published a long letter in a Maratoga County paper declining tbe nomination on tbe ground of ill-health and important private business. The Democrats of the distriot were amazed and disgusted.

They found themselves without a candidate and only 10 day in which to make a canvass for a new man. A meeting of tbe Senatorial Com-mitt. was add at onoe. and It waa resolved not to make a nominal ion, as the time was not sufficient te allow a Droper canvas to ne made. Jama Arkeli.

tbe Beublioaa candidate, aooordma-ly. haa a walk-over, it ta safe to aay that tbe moat unpopular Democrat ta the distriot to-day is Akxxan-andsc B. Banca. TBS.ltT. 1X0 XBX.

8t. Lrrtrra, Mot, Nor. 8. With the exewn-tson of Henry Newman, Commiss inner of Labor atatlaslos. and W.

A. Plckard. who have not bee arrested, all the ring men Indioted yesterday hays gtvaa bonds to appear trial. Another indictment turned up to-day against MeCaecnev. the ring boss, ohargtng bbn with attempting to obtain JS.uGP andar false pretenaea from the Brewers' Association, for- which amount, tt ta alleged, he oOered to secure for them a 00 art deotslou against th Downing high Mtens law.

Tbe indicted Police Commissioners, Carath and Lata, to-day broagnt a libel eutt against each of the grand jurors, laying damages at $30,000 la each oaa. Tbl morning Latx Tlsited all th police stations and mad speeches to the force, threatening witn dwauessi eny olBeers who attetsp.ed to disease tbe present police dlfbculty. Word com from JeOvrson City that Got. CrHiendea is Tory savage, and neeittveiy dceOse to discus St. Loujs potk mattera.

TBS CITTljror ZUBLK. CriABiiSTOJr. Not. JL Tb Stat Supreme Court has just decided a ease which I of Intelsat to mantel pal eorporstkins. H.

E. a prominent lawyer, wa rtalng on borss hack, on July; tS. 18T7, through aa avenue la th subtirbs of this city, when tbe bore put his foe4 sate a hole to. tbe roadway aod tarew the lawyer, wbo, bo waver, was not seneusly hurt. Ha brought esrtt aa-a teat iheettT for (Ufflarav and waa awarded from tbss Terdiot the dty appeavard.

claiming that a man Ic. pal eorporauoo wa aot Uabi tn aa aettoa for damages ta tort, anise surh action was apedfiealy autborixed toy statute. The up rem Court ao held sad disaalaced Ue ooairiB4, CITY AND SUBURBAN NEWS i NEW-TORK. Tb polio last woek arret ed 1.281 perOTj. Jh Public "Works Department collected $2x11 47 last week for Crotou crater rents.

Boaton. i informed that at tbe time of ber death Mr. David Mom, "tb tat Btrl." wa aaid so weigh SrX poano. Idr. Jobs R.

Plan ten has bow appointed ponsut-Oeaeral the Catted States of the Metber-laada, to snovced the late Redolph Burtage. i Tb Um $0 renew public cart Itonn wtn xpb- oa Nor. la Tbe Mayor' Marshal tataed I.4i) lieenee last week, toe fees lor which amounted Oommencinc Von day next. Sth and during tbe Winter months, tb Fall River Ltna amr wOI leave New ork at P. M.

from Iter No. S8 North River. Tbe Custom-bottse will be cloeed ooTuea-dsty. election day. exeept between tbe boor of 9 ad 10 A.

when it wiu be open only for lb entrance and clearance of vessel, i Report have been rectlved ht th Dwtrict Attorney 's office of 190 ease of Illegal registratioa In the sixteenth and Nineteenth Kleotion District of tb be oond Assembly District. I An assltmmcnt for tho benefit of creditor was filed tn tb County Clerk's office yesterday by Joseoh A Nathan Stern to Solomon Hymen, with preferences amounting to $4,471 14. Ther were reported during last week 643 deaths. 995 births, aad 190 marriage. The eases of ooutajrtous diseases reported were as follows! Typhoid fever.

46; scarlet fever. cerebrospinal meningitis. measles, sb; diphtheria, aft, Bagjrage-bandlers Majer and Sawyer, of Castle Garden, ran a race for $50 a aids in Battery-ork at daybreak yesterday morning, and Maver won. Ther wa a large number of spectators present. a came ot foot-ball win be payed on tho IFolo Grounds on Tuesdav next between tbe Wee-teyan and Prinoeton teams.

The former ta playing a very strong gume and la all prooabillttoe wiu play a close oontest with tbe Prtncetoa men, Anthony Richeiieri, a JYenchman, 72 Tear old. died of heart disease yesterday at Na its sshingtoa-streot, where be lived a secluded life. one knew anything of his history, occupation, or habits, and tbe body was sent to toe Morgue. I Among the Immigrants who landed at Castle Garden yesterday wer two little girl. Laura and Blanahe Walker, and years old.

respectively. Tbey had crossed tbe ocean alone and were on their way to Join their step-mother at Davenport. Iowa. 1 (reorge Hartweck, who shot th janitor, Matthew Donnelly, at No. 103 Bleecker-street.

on Friday night, waa held to await resulto yesterday by Justice Gardner. At tbe hospital It was said that Donnelly haa lost tb sight of on y. Is not out ot danger, and cannot la any rrent leav th hospital for a month. Arnold, Constable Co. are now exhibiting tn the carpet department of their store.

Broadway and Nineteenth-street, a large stock of Imported Axmlnsters. Wiltons, and rooquettes, aad a great variety of oboloe patterns of body Brussels. Tb tore 01 kftsnt. Arnold. Constable A Co.

will be losed oa eleetlon day. Qarano Jandorf and Morris Wail tb two boy wbo are accused of baring criminally assaulted little Mary 8 teller, a 8-year old ehiid. te a vacant lot in Sixty-eigbth-street, near first-avenue, on Thursday eveninr. pleaded not guilty wben arraigned la tbe Yorkrille Polioe court yesterday and were each held for examination In ball. Defendam 761, Aroericen Legion of Hooor.

celebrated. Friday evening, the aeeond anniversary of its organuutton. After remarks by the Vice-Grand Commander aad -Grand Secretary of the State and the Commander of tbe Council, a handsome gold watch was presented to the Treasurer of th Council. Mr. Charles i Woodward.

An elaborate lunoh, followed by speeches, closed tbe meeting. Represeotatrves of th following schools met at tbe Fifth-Avenue Hotel yestcrdsy morning and organised the New-Tork and Westchester Football Association: Park Institute, of Rye; King, of Stamford. Conn. Dr. Chaptn'e collegiate School; Lyons Collegiate Institute; tbe Berkley, and Gib-bens A Beach's School.

J. T. Jenuey. of King, was elected President, and B. Bayor, of Dr.

Chacin'i aobool. Secretary. The Oaterberg plan of clearance ba been tried by Boor 0 member of tbe Produce Exohang during tb past week, and the committee having charge of tbe matter will report to a general meeting of the Exchanre to-morrow noon Tne plan has been operated through tbe Produce Exchange Bank, and, although there bar been some bitches, tbe general effect of tbe plan aa applied to produce transactions Is said to bar been good. Mr. Engeno O'Shea, of Brooklyn, died a few day ago, leaving a will.

His widow bad the misfortune to lose the document last Wednesday while going from Wall-street ferry to the Naval Offioe ba tbe Custom-bouse, whsre her son. John O'Sbea. Is emolored. There waa much anxiety In tbe family over ths test will until yesterday morning, when tbe bite Mr. O'Sbea's lawyer anaouneed that It bad been returned to bbn by a gentleman who plokad tt up In the street.

A largo number of members of tb National Guard were reseat at Creedmoor yesterday to compete in the Marksmen a. Bads males- Tbe weather was all that could be desired, and soma remarkable scores were made. This wss tbe last but one of these for this year. One of tbe features of the day was the qualifying of tbe last man hi one of tbe companies of the Seventh Reel-meet, which rives ths company 100 per oent. The last oompeution take plao nsxt Saturday.

The telegraph announces th arrest, at Den-tt. of two persons ehargsd with passing counterfeit twenty-dollar notes of tbe National Bank of Commerce In this City. Inquiry at the bank and among banker make tt probable that tba counterfeit is not a new one. bnt a new kwue printed from tbe old plate, which la a fair imitation of the genuine, although the signatures are very badly done. A few years ago a great many of these counterfeits were passed ht this City and lte vicinity.

Health Officers ConghUn and Leahy obtained from Justlo Duffy on Thursday last war- rants for tbe arrest'of five men for keeping lodging-bouse without license. Yesterday afternoon' William Smyer. Na las Chst ham-street; Richard Halaban, No. eOtU Pearl-ctreet; Patrick Sullivan, No. 1ST Worth-street; Charles Asburm.

No. 4So Pearl-acreet, and Hart Curry. No. lift Chatham-street, were- arraigned at the Essex Market Polioe Court, and Jnstioe Duffy held them for examination, fixing tbe bail at $7U0 each. Tbe first crtaw-country championship race of America will be held under tbe auspioes of the New-Tork Athletic Club next Tuecday.

Tbe start will be made from the upper end of Tenth-avenuei thence over the fields adjoining the King's bridge road, across tbe Spurten Dnyvtl Creek to Fordhstn Helsbts, recroasong th Harlem Elver at lawood. and finishing on tbe Dyckman farm, near Branson'. L. B. Myers.

D. D. MoTaaorart, T. r. De-laney, aad a iarg number of the best known athletes in tbe country will take part.

Tbomaa Kelly, the contractor who was arrested on Friday on a obarg et oatracous assanlt preferred by Eliza McLean, of Na S3 Lalgbt-ctreet, wbo said that tb offans wa committed tn an ln-olosur In Ar" Ooakley saloon, at South Flfthri avenue and Canal-street, was held yesterday hxi $3,000 ball for an examination to be held oa tb 10th Inst. Belly save fas will prove that be wa aot at Coakley' when tbe assault la said to bare been committed. Justice Gardner aald yesterday that it is -a case of mistaken identity, and that th woman is snort-signtea ana oca. BROOKLYN. Permits for tbe erection of 29 new bnfldinp granted in Brooklyn during tbe past week, At Washington Park, on electron day, tit team of Tale and Rn tgers Colleges will play a game foot-balL Tbe Tale Club is regarded as th stronreet in the country, while Batgar ba won several games of not this season.

"While on tbe stag at th Academy of Mnskx Brooklyn, on Friday night, daring the Democratic rally. Mr. Samuel Guthrie bad bia poeket picked of a gold watch valued at $180. 8n or eight other watches were reported as baring been lost hi aad around tbe building where tbe crowds wer thickest. Justice Bergen, of Brooklyn, has issued a warrant for tbe arrest of Peter J.

O'Bonrke, on a charge of bigamy. O'Bonrke i now on Blaokv well's Island, where be was sent last week by a New-Tork magistrate, on fading to give bonds te keep the peace tovrard his first wife. The second wife learned yesterday that O'Roarke's friends were about to furnish tbe bonds and take htm out the State. Ha will be takea to firookisa to an-iwarthe charge of bigamy. 1 It was announced yesterday that tbe Brooklyn.

Flat bush and Coney Island Railroad Company, better known as th Brighton Beach Railroad Com- gaay. bad defaulted on the interest due Oct. 1 oa second snortgage bonds. Competition and a bed Mason sre given as the cans sc. A proposition bas been mad bv the bond Holders accept eer-titt aatee ef indebtedness bearing per cent, interest from October, and pavabi In If th stockholders will raise ia each by paying a 10 per cent, assessment on the entire stock of the eout-panj.

Tbe pro pod clou wlil probably aooaoted. LONG ISLAND. Julia Johzaton. agad 80, colored, died on Frt-dsy at her boms tn herapstead. Long Island, from barns received while attamptlng to lift a holier from the euiTa.

ba fell on top of tb stove and finallr became wedged between ha back aad a barge wood-box. A aeigbbor while y-i-r'nr tbe house happened to look toward the window and saw a blase his d. Hs catered and found the old woman in trnmm. After the flame wer xiia-gaiahed th anTortaTja te woman presented a horrible appearanee. The flesa wss eotirelr bao-ned WESTCHESTER COUXTT Tb will of tbe late Angnsto WOkins Kalley.

who died Oct. a tn the town of Rye, has keea admitted to probnt tn tb eatehester County Surrogate's Court. Hs leaves kw property, eetloaeted at U.KX1. te hie son. Augustas, and daaghtacs.

Saaaa and Harriet, aad makes ale eon bis Execmsoc A motion araa made before Justice J. Q. Turkman, at White Plain, yesterday, by srutiani A- Beach, conned for Mr. Ida Rosa, to compel Joseph Ross. Jr.

her husband, to pay her $1,100 ail-mocy due. Tie defendant reside la 6omrrUte. 3. J. bat I ahroksrta Nvw-Iork, awsfS hi Wtf SWWaL batch tl JOB ts th rhloh accrued between tbe tba wnen tbe order Was Band and tbe tin wnea be began paying be aiunoay.

Th court took ta Paper aad 1 ma Its decision, Mr. H. Bntlec, of th firm of ButaV Cotv-Bkant, haa purabaaed CeL Richard Lather hand-come Tiila ta YYlnyah Park, New Rochalla. for XRWJERSET. Vartla Ttnrna stabbed rath neck by Cbarie Daniels ua a terday.

Daaialcwt a Jersey city Jaroe Nutreait, Edward rTannery, WtHiain tastanev, and Michael Kelly wer arrested ta Jersey City yesterday charged with robbing ex Freeholder Patrick Ma Ard is of a gold wateh and $190 la knooey. Tbey asc aald for rmlnttoav 1 At Newark ysttrdaT UrAyoa heard a motion by Messrs. Kaliscb. eouasel for John ChWholas. for a right to carry his ease to the Coart of Errors and Appeals.

Tb grounds for tb motion, counsel said, were that the Judge eharg and tbe verdict were aot' la aooordanoe with tb Tidanoa. District Attorney Keaa oppoaad th motion. Decision waa reserved. rxxsiDurr boto to btxf oct. i Pawama, Oct, 28L After conferring with oefioT OaUegoa, tb reprecentatlv of Salvador and Guatemala, th.

governing Ministers aad many members of the Congress ot Honduras have deter-mlaed that Ooosress shall assemble, and that a change in the Presidency shall be effected, and Heflor Soto's resignation be aeoepted. thus enabling Saflor Borraa to eooe into office. Thus tbe unity between the three republics will continue andts-tnabed. much to tbe diea-ast of tboec wbo hoped that the dispute between Presidents Barrios aad Sot would lead to armed outbreak 6BOCTISQ HI1 ITIf-aOX. BoffTOir, Not.

Albert D. Haynes waa arrested last algnt tb Charkwtowa Distriot for shooting his arc eon. Barry H. Lydsvoo, with latent to kill Tbe two never agreed, and are aaid to nave bad aom words yesterdsy. The ball struck Lyds ton's bead, nearly penetrating the akalL bat th wound Is aot considered fatal Hayneskas erred a Una ta Stat prison for killing a man.

THE CHICAOO PRODUCE MARKET. Ctneaao, HL, Nor. To-day waa a bull day CnteamprodaeaeumsBs, TtrisilstiiffsslTnn1 sharp ly aad provisions followed slowly ta their waksvbwt thcfornksrweaAusnsddsoldedlyla sne latter part of the saaaloa. Provisions war aaodsialstr active aad ill najia. though tho local hog BBerket Is quosed 10 to eseH lower aad Llteryuul advtoce lndleased no Importaa enang thera, Ta bog artaatloalad packing firm to acU freely, principally for Jan nary delivery, and there was as Muses more mil on the marks tbaa waa wasted.

But tbe etreerth In wheat and eern mncad a rise tn the priees oC orodoet, and tbsy betd Ira after bvaaditugs had weakened. Shi spera were rather quiet, nut the re-eent outgo of staff has beau very large, aad pneeut prior svrr a ooettnuanec of aa active demand tor coosamntlou, tboaga the Continent of Europe would cecm to be bopeleaily elosed against us. Pork advanced 1H so Beats, aad dace 10 to 1HU crate above (he latest priees of rrtday. at B10 40 asked for November cad Bli SSW askwd for Jaaoary. Lard advanced te Tts cents, aad cloeed fU to I cents higher at B7 SS4 forKovemeeraadB7sU4btdforJaauary, Abort ribs closed ti cento to oscm btgher, at TO asked for January.

Tae pegs-tug of tbis city since tbe close ef last wees tndadee llXuou hon. scalnsc 78.000 head te tbe sssss tlssc test year end tlA.ouo bean to do. ta tnSL Tbe Summer peaking 10 vac eloaa of October tadadad about IAO0.0WO begs. Flour was euart. Tbcre was a mooerate vol time of sales, but they arereaaadeupof tbree or foar llama One or twe lots were takea oa foreign Tae market was nrav Tba coarse snlllstuas were tegood demand.

Wheat was aettvs and much stronger, ft advanced IK to llsecnt aad fan bees Meant, closing eeot uove tbe latest prices of Friday, at cents lor Ue-camber, aad IMH eeoia bid for January. Loadoauoa-cd au advance ot ad. per quarter oa red Winter, to arrive, and flrmness euterwiae. while oar seecipsswcre smaller. The nrst bait-hour was ssarked by an aa-naaaUy sharp saruggls between the nulls aad tbe bears, and tt was keot up on a smaller scale daring tba remainder ef she I Buyers bid for round tots of 100.000 husbels, nMccly for January, while entailer lots were celling f-eely at tbe setae priees.

Tbe set Ung waa partly none by ths larger buyers of the prsvloas dag. and partly by the firms wbo started the bull movement seawral days ago. The latter got rid ef Urge oaaadtssa. for a while the market looked ee If 1 waa radical ly weak and waa sustained only by edessnareed effort on the part of the bulls. Rot later It became evident that (lay buying was general aad to a ooer stderable ex 'ens oa orders from outside.

Taegradoai kardealnsof ths English Baarksss la widely aceepaed ee a stga that tbe altoctloa warranto little more strength tbaa bas recently been exhibited, aad the ebaage ta tone Juet what a goo maay Deopke have oeem wainag far. iBetr gravest tear being tbat la a Utic too earlv In the seres! rear for ssrssurtu. Tne loea tnat tbe leading kalis had unloaded oa tbe crowd was apparently the cause e( the later phase of weakness, bos tbe doea-tura was started by soalptng aalaa. which were cooa followed by offerings of big blocks. There Seemed so be no trading for export.

Oar lota of sa red were unchanged at cents to SI TO, the outside la south aide elevators, aad sio. A bt ditto, sold at Meant. Ro. Spring was firmer at 04M so 04U ean la aad Ko. quiet at St eeetav la the eftosauea the feeling wad alusnpy, though there waano change in Cora was moo mere active aad decidedly straawer.

This mouth advanced It cents ana fell book cent, elMrtng at cent aUure the Istast priee of Friday, at 4814 oenta. Other deliver! ae eSiscd to cent blgber, after sail Ins ap to 4t cent. Tbe Briosa markets were caued a shade firmer, while cur receipts were no large, tboush showing aa tacrsasa, end the active ssipomg ssove-ment of ths last week wac supposed to have reduced our stock ef Ko. to acarly aero. There was a good saipptns demand, wblon took all (he ear sot offering at aoout Kovembs nrteas.

srrrh a die. count of cents for rejected. As showed by tbe above noted ma re man! of prices, the htssset advance was ta the Kewnbsr deliveries tec aborts tUUng a great deal more tbaa some obssi ises had supnosed to be oat. Car loss of So. sold cblcflv at to 4SM cents, end released mostly at sw te edVf eecta In the afternooa the market waa aoautally steady.

BSTTIS3 C0MMKB C1AL AWFAIBX Lojrnow. Rot. aVTbe Jftaaaosntsf jf tbl week The rmaa of -ulecoant for bank bUls. 60 days to month, Is XK per cent, and tor trad btHs. daystotasontha, tHtoBpareeat.

Ia th first haU of the week the threatening aspect of the Phrnscs difficult and tbe fall area la the cotton trade ta Liver- Boot ceased a tail la tbe leading eeourlUea and ees again reoeoea on rn draws! from the bank of fcnglead of bullion which was for shipment to The Kcrmomim ales says tt Is remarkable the, with ail this gloom, the actual fall In prices baa not been greater. Central Pacific bares, lienver and atto Oraabe, angto-Aaaart can Telegraph, aaa Wabeab preferred have alien 1 Dr. Sfff ield'sTooth Crowns Artificial Teeth Without Hates. XT A 1 A I D. na i i i It I FIO.

1 na. sxteuzstb a bikgls CHornf ii hhtios or Ths Cnvwl TO MOOT. XBX, ACCUaATS 111 I13IO BAXD nir.ania TBX BOOT FBXTXXTS DEC AT OB FKACTCRX. FIO. "1 BXPTtESKlTTS TKX TWO FSOSfT i sidi tooth rRXPtsiDrox Tax cmowjra.




T. SHEFFIELD. DD.V 28 Wert Street. Uterer "iTbrk. BOSTOX: OJTBoyliBou Street, ti 3TEW LOyrDQS.

COKa. 72 fitala Rl raat. I i 1 1 TJ53 XS. lvSZTTIZZaaTS CZE2CL EZ2I71THIC2L Said eTerTwhara. A.

roigmiiat, ssi si at Aycatt, telsl sHrecC, Hew Tag. reset, tcaliiirtsassd i he beats and ion Fn aod OO. preferred A Lrrsarnnt, Sot. $1 -K f. M.

Th ottoai as. als mstsui Is itilirr i tnrt ni filinrs Isn tag e( aia HoiUnehead. Taaw Co. tt si sww tnoswbt that feT any lartster taUaras sssartbey wial be of 'tin i Imsertaace. The annakrs vrarew'sTJ'erejeet wiieinisllsel' states that Messrs.

BoillBihssd. 1 alley a Ca have'. BU.SSV easas a Sanaa imwavi ruaa are astlmaia a MlBlATVkt ALMASAC-TBI3 BAT. cay. I Baa assail 1 .1 MAMNE INTELLIGENCE.

TTBOAT. SOT. CLKABXD. H. Fa TssssM-S4t)( rss.

Boston. F- t. Duaeek; Tallsl suae. Flsherv Bavanaaa, Henry Toage, Jr.l uld DoenaaM, Wataar. nad City Pmat.

OU Domlalou Htaew sriip Oar Ctsy of Craambaa, WeodhaU. Cajerlaesuu. J. W.Quiav-tard A Co.r Itoa-uuMoc. Iosae.

WUmias-tcav X. WUlhtsa r. Clyde tOu Chaiascsaa, ka leans. Boa-art Morgan: haarara. Baker.

Havnaa-Jeaaes B. ward a Oct HaoeoaTfreesaan. bew-OrkaaM? fjemnei H. neaanani Miaaloena. Mckcrana.

Eey Weet aad Oelveslna. H. Mallory A Oai Prnaer. St. KHts.

a- k. Onasrswldae Oder. nan. oer. I 'ram as an BnsMhcaapioe.

oelrlesck Co.t JeenUy Oocglas, fcew-Orienaa, H. Brigaami Ttlle t-a. Wrmo. flrowe. Loadnnderry.

Funek. kdyc a Oai Wt-Haas Woodward, Ynenma, Batttasoce, J. a Arenas! kiaanuaa. itracjr, Portlaai H. Halij amrtny MUler, Kaitlmore.

oTH. lover ltlehmond, Moaa. awpari Mews aad West Point, Old iMsnlnioa Btanm ehl Cevr Khreofels. Pisrber. i-tyaaouta, ussr Mroa-i hiwhss aW flaakaaa a I ai I BAty aa.

a-. a saw sat, auamn vrssuaay Vw. chips Haney fendlatoe. Psedli Ian. Sanctis W.

g. Barnaa: Brldceareser. kdnnaa, Llai'sout, C. W. H-v.

toast ctthoscB. SaHav. Ltvareooi. Snow a bur- barks Cavlon. rTtaL.1 Laura, aTaLajra, Funeu.

sVty Iial.J Blano, Lssboa. AOo.1 Anna Maria d'Annado. Ill Faach. Adrc Cai Harold, tbri foe bars' na; Davtd A Iraatoa, ioaaa, B. Anau bay aad Wortolk, Brawn a tiiii; Uej fuet, itej rtahen, HesuT Xeae-e.

Jr. AMMITTD. Btisr ikTp XaTa, fOecJ HetinpTWfh, Boutaampton is ota vu mnss Oeliicas Co. sseess-eblD III tssiisls. (Fr.

Jaeffret. Karw SS av. with mdaa aaa inmiiiiri to Banger Xroe. Btoam ship Anaetla, Vogels ess as. HnmbwrrJ Oet, Si, wtu ssose.

aad passengers to Buahar gCo. Bieaarehlp F. CsJan4.fDuwilO Boater, aoteardam VB da. with mdaa, and Limn ml to Tanea. kdye a Co.

Slaam ship OuU eareaaa, Pennraglen. Cha-laaaon dsgwltk aadee. aad nmsgns aa Junes W. QJntardi Buaai stir Ootoa. oraoa.

arptB-wnn ea, wtsa! mdse. and iiassiium to PaclOe Mail wiacm ship Co. 1 Steam ship Onvsstaatss. KaUy, West Pots andl' Itorfoik. with mdaa, aad passmgirs to Old raw In lost Bt earn ship Co.

i aiesai snip Hi iak alii. Boas. Lewes, DeL. wttni" BBdse. aad scssiassrs to Old liosslaioe steam-ship CoJ tMeam-sbip Koxsorsb, thrl Uunlap, Medlierrancaai pons dA, with fruit to Lawrenae, UUea Co.

vasl eel to Bearer Bras. 1 Steam ship Castalla, Ward, Oenesw ste wttaj mdse. and pacscngers to Henderson Broa. I Bark Transit, (of Aaaapoita. W.

Hortoa. Bdsm denax da. la ballast to J. W. Parker Oo.

I Bark fort a aate acnalto. (ItaLJ Boklairrno, Buiji ua SS ds with Uaoziec-raot aad innry ibibi to J. Me3 Andrews. bark MaiT A Hala. lot Knswerth.1 Hteaina.

ProrraafV Bl with bcaajtto Tbebaad Bros vmil to. TJ Metoaif a Co. Hers Heward. fray. Boston, ta Ballast to Ssastcr.

Bark Hafrejord. (Morw bahi. Boctca, ta kalian tl Benham Boveeen. atrt- riorence glyaa, Pinsiinla Oca. wltk ltabs to orVr vsnsl to Tspper a Bsnttle.

Brti. F. eery. Couklla. Bmncwlck Oca, Vs, WttM lumber to order vessel to kvaaa.

Ball a On. JlkD aaaess, at aay Beek, Usbt, tFj tapW at City Island, same. MA lit Ok I tsara -ships HaimbeL for Copenhagen; Kedcrland. for As twerp; BnhcmM, for Hambergi Oder, fad Bremen: Cttv of Cheescr. or Liverpool: The ucenJ for Liverpool: grin, far London: Clri eerla.

for Ctms4 siowi Posnoaa, rtr Moalaro Bay; avaanra, (or UaJ vana; Gaedaioape, for (ralveatoa aaa Asy West Hudson and ChaiaiaMa. for aw -On si: fallahaaM sen, for Bavaaaan Ultv of Ootamhia, for Charles ion Kacu later, for WUinlngtoa. N. CL; Old Dosalnloa. fog Norfolk.

Act Maaaawan aad BkhrBoad, Xor Wsaf Point: Aasertna, for Haiti mora. fchlp Para ml ta. for Melbourne. Bark Kortbera Emobre. for ahssirbsl; Oinus Dare, tng.

for Talparalau: Arraonn. for Marseilles: Maria, for Las Faunas; Bprlagwood, for Llvernooli PsssaW for Dunkirk (illlaer. for HuU. Hrtau TaotU, tor Trieste! Harry aad Aabray. to rotat-e-Pltre, SPOKES.

Btoauvanra nri Oross, rnrwl frssn Fan as, keu re Hew Tork. Oct, lfihU.s7BS.loe.M4A Bark (asv.l ahowlag letters 1. T. B. Bov.

lat.ags.loa.eeiA Bsrk Minnie Allen. tkm) Bpeacer. from gew-TerldJ for Hydaar. Oot. SU, lat.

ad SO. ion. 4 ft. rOMKlQXPOXTB. nUvans, Werr.

A steam ship CTHy ef Wsshhsv Dm. Aayaolds, from Maxloa, lor New-Tork. BT CABLX. Lovnow, ysyv. A md.

Both alt- Ida, for Italia: gutulu. CasUda. Maria, (root PaaU Ooooyi Moenrt. (Mbereita task, kdoiph Mteaalsj from Plymouth, for Wltmtagtoai Carl: Bd lovkJ Adolphna. from Loedoa, for tvbeei Csko, frees Uven poo, ror toe Misnaisi tuoy, irons 1 Itsmum fay Arv.

SLst Ulk. Iter bete: ad Inas- Laoanra The siesmanlp Broombaagh. (Br Cant. AndwrseeA from baislmore Oct. IA for Calais, haa rima aotiiy.

Tbe ateam-h le Ooaeordia. UM, aolio, fronf Montreal Oct. Tk. has arr. at Glasgow.

Ta SMam-ablp Crpraa. (Br) c. Lavewdar. fronf Charlestoa Oct, ll. tor rtrsrseii.

has arr. at Dnr The sesaavahtp Lormlna (BrVOapt. MoOaaWv. rroel ew-trleeea Oct, A tor Pnaklrg, bee mi tae Urn The BteaaB-enfp Beulptor. (Bf, Cap, lama, tnti Kew-OfiaaaaOca.

The ataam-abtn Tletorm, (Br I Oap. Harrison, fynai OalMUfl. fn. tl, i lu- i iananu iiopaa uao.1 tapt, Lauat Hew.Tora Oet. 14.

arr. al 8tcttla the list ult. Viussaamws. a. The White Btar Lane shlo Oomiante.

Cant, Kennedy, front Uverpeot, Th, Canard tine seism ihtn Parents. Cass. muk cow. The Allan Uae flsetlsn. Cap.

DnlstaL from Ileal on Oct. tl, for Glaet gow, has arr. here. I LivBsroot, Bov. The steam-ship Lord CM, Cap, TJrouhart.

which starved hence at noon Vov? Lr'd Philadelphia, did not Were the Mersey uatll A. MJ gov. A owing to a fog. Mac srlll call at fjii miasm naj A -rT sissm 'I (Bel-) aid. henoc at 8 P.

M. to-day for SrrTwkl fUraa, Nov. A The BAsabura-AmertcaB IJneJ trout BMtmrtTSZ FMLB. ajto oot dt lanamrDau. BxcnoirrHaw- SAW WITH Tata TXaXB STTBOSeLr ASS WAAHI3QT0X, T.Cu lOl SC.

K. W. liitriM tv. n.unrl. sues wane ibii ndy Meck.vvs I acv.

IslaaA, i 3 stal 3 1.

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