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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 9

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ttligjrfe uittLtSa eSitiiTL Ortoto 14 l8S3e3g3 2 i TALK WITHVASDERBILT JIIXMILLIOX AWE GIVES HIS VIEWS OS VARIOUS tVBJBCTS. feat he batb or baileoab WTtaksT ges 1 RALLY. Of TB ITTCEE OF TBE COCS TKT. ASD Of IT ROSD Theo bs placed mmot of the railroad rtjpertJes of wtlelrh was the cMtroUtef Blrtt la other Mr. William JL ftaaartut id be intended to reSire" to priTu hi ajrrocaded tla family la hi Fifth -avenue msa- ton lest evsniuc sad looked tLc picture or muw ft bile be wm stoat, did not appear to be suffer-.

ci front obesity. 'aoe wm ruddy from coo 1- akvalaal Vircc. His STeS WOT clear aBO so aarfart that instead ei wsertoc his uM be Caar'd lbm ob oncers by the he wvereed i had pel wrt rJ ftt.4 bis appearance did ot show" hist to. be rro- tof He wore WUk frock Ml a hlfh ana btoci tie, sad do on- Irat spirits, aad lumrm oa serious he WW siert to llrs as 1 hsrs b. iw3of oi urn went sBjoy mysel ltd I am 4omg It by JMn culetiy.

I make ft -id Rr Vaaderblit with Airs? sod I BOM I tike be In- oae." 1 ben bo i-ned senousiy -1 hsrs stopped iV.1."? mv Mi Icbb lata pleasure, and I think I in fortnaate la brio able atop. Twenty years To I did sot think 1 abonid bo Ilnnc I am sow. Bat 1 wai i happy eo my larm ou liaura Itland-aa bar I ft ow. Content, gtnt bapfilaaat. I bare a enaroilnr famUy and a waaaant bona.

Hy beaita ta rood. I Merer waa b. iter, aad 1 do not kaaw that 1 aan ak for any U)la mora. Tba proertli in whlub I am inter- aid are In food banda. and rmed not uke tbo a-orry or tbera aU on myaelf.l The en who are Kanaclpr tbem bare kor been eonneoted witb aad tiy onnduet affair to produte tet raaulta." I Yob are a atock bolder la tho Metropolitan I belieTe.

aad 1 auoooee wlil be a racar Uratteadantdaiin(tine eoaaoQ?" I -I bae two boiee. bnt I uo not CO ao ary Often. I like tba opera tlmort." i iiare yea detenutned upon Bay eueaaiya for-zn tourer" 1, I Nu. i bare no blan of tbat Datnre In niow." It waa aaid am Uc aco tbat yon were rolnc to bare a bnilt rival ipoed and elecaneo fti ytblat afloat 1 I' No. tbat la not Bo- The Britannia nod Oer-Banle are food enoork yarbu for me wbea I want to take a aaiL! Vaehta are a ood deal like bonea.

Tbey are eaf to bay but bard to "it waa rerorted (bat you deeired pnrobaaa tbc borae Jay-kye-bee i I bare ne borae to mat him with, and I bar food laama bow." i I Tout intereet art baa not abated Oh I no. 1 aara about 2M the pnb-. ftr hare sot I I Wbea will yoa eahlblt tbem I i la about two Mentha, wbon my new rail err k' opened. I bad no plaoa to thow tbem before. "Yoa doobtlem hare beard the tbo Giad Troai Katlwty la arektnt control jot tbo Kw Vor.

Weat (tbera and JtuOalo Railway, and 1 as tba eonatmotiea plaeed on tba report tbat it mil attempt to eotapel yon to boy tbe Wrat Mora, ta order to a hop tbe oompetiUon arltb tbe Yora central I i I do not waat the road, and would Dot bare a road en tbe weat aide of tbe Hadaon. Tbo New-Trk Central la enony b. It bmneaa tbe river by rail at Aibaay. wbtub 1 tbtnkj any one wtU etrreo hi better than erowln It ty water at New-York. Am for tcompetltiom I bare no fear of tbaC flie Xrw York Unotral aaa provided rir tbo people tbroujrb tbe Hiate.

at-d 1 do ant ,1 thlak tbny will Oeeert ti I body Bow. I Tbe Weet HDnre will bare to a year to pay lu ebarpM. ana 1 am attrrft4 wtta my lotereat in JVew York central. ib maat remember too. tbat tbe bemlBeea of tho bW-York Central iaioot onntbted to tbia to.

I lo bet know as tbe brand Trauk even waata tho ft eat bbere. It fnrntabes bamM bow to the IPi1e and the Ixilaware.i ianlca wanna aad teatera. and if It oneurea tbe Weat Hbora. take tba bneineee from tbeee roads to aire to Ufh ttber, I snppow tbe est gbore would he clad io Biake an arraaanroeat to aaareatoe Ita aeoart-. aeiioualy apeak Inc.

1 ahooxl tblnk tbetiraad -tiaaki had at present enoaarh to take earn ef. Dunpetltloo la tbe Hie of traoe, and tbo JSew-Terk will not urn ft fight ao lone aa fairness 'teTaHa." I -1 Toar railroad Investments are extensive. Bow k- yon retard tbe eeooral oatlook r' man wboee )uda-mnt rely on told me while I eas la tbe Wblte latonntalna tbat tbe middle of rrenber would see a rmt rhance aad tbat realties wenld be p. In six weeks yea win see hi tbe, rallreeda dnrrn ta tbe ntsot with bu'iaaea. ftbeo yon see tbe next: reaort of tbe New-York Cfairel yoa wlH see that to baa earned ita dividend.

aiid more too. Money la only and ft ftrnar Is tbe market. Who km saw money at that phoe October before Chore la plenty at money, but fxoplehave not tho oontidenoe to Inrost it. Too oiatiy worthleea seca titles bare been rat on the staraeland tbe trouble people bare not dia-sriailBateo between tbem and tbe good onea. Hr btotber naed to tell mo tbat people wrested to ae- jt re the interest wllboat iooklnc ftt the prlaol I do not mean to say tbat all tbo seearities tbat hr re lauiy beft put on tbe market are wortbleea.

ht far tee many of tbem are not worth tbe paper they are written ma. 'ibe rood ones bare bevn brne down with tbem. fft ben my father died Sew-York Central sold fttilus. That waa bo-aaose of tho feaUnr of I uncertainty amonc People aa to tbe future of tho It bas alnoo sold at 150.. The atook is as od now as it was itben or at any time, and was aa rood tbea aa bow, lob lean Central Is sellinc 15 per oent.

lower tbaa waa a- year ajro. bnt tbe real ralne avaneaaiiKed. Lake Shore la worth as moeb aa It was before tbe deollne. Tbe fall of the suhstaintal properties from cms and two years are hu beea too mnrh and eanoot last. When I put mZ eatemnse I do not do It to benefit mrself alone, but erery.ene else as well who hi always look into tbe lu vast, ant to see Ibetr, money.

It is otranxo low different people ajoney qnkkly 4s tut to UTiJi Li m8 "ho earns hia may by bard work know the raiue of to and taiee eare that he does not lose It." do on 'nra-of tbe oonn- oannot be kept J'r immwratior, wlU be ihe aairama or tbe eoantrr. TK. eoentrr. Tbe nlnrlin. tbe different arro tho.

peace i natieaalftlee will pre- Bnd lOanlHhntft A preaperlty of It. Tho te Me of one raoe win he a ea on tbe of other andprorent wy on. el from aognliW an nndue mfioenoo. see no rlotoua idumonatrBtinn.

I' Ibe people her are fret aad AaltriwhV ft "TL I astenoe who in their own ooanirlea were hold Jt-wn. Hero they find tbat their rHrhTaro as rood Jf tbey are sUnfnltd tobJSS? Ifh ambrtlons. Tbo effeoT toto i ta that Is the rademp-3. tneOorernment bonta. Look at the br.aB Quoted at ISO.

I bouchtmlne 0" ot to be tledlnthewar i ne eoantry sbonld bare a lenrerdebt ThTJ iT-JVr who VopPortftBlty to) to France. If a eaa bold a bond. tkt i. 7 buy. man too vrnnh oannot be done to lorlnc 1.

"ore tneir ooontry. Wbe I ere a Jhtf eroonm. out 1 eannot help SikAnf Puhliei.pinloniftnd bow mnoh eare nwran morning it. rnbllo opinion ftrbt nine time, out of ten. Wronr aouAre only to5lrfnl aota.

bat people wbo I P4l has Ume to matnre it la power, and od for ayood wbloh It oaa aooompllsb!" -V WStSTLlSB MXTCB. RocBT, K. jyM Oct). U-At tbe conclu-of tbo wroatliatt toarnament. on Tbarsday.

(or khamplonabip at mixed fwrwiUitur. two of tba Mtsetaata, atofrlno Thorn peon, of Rochester, and Dnia Callacber, of Bnffalo, made beet three la fir. falls. match for wi una tiammmi -n boirt! Hm- flmi hookoollar and el- wr waj ftVW ttaViiUUftf nw at'lM ci to. aiaa poia bba Wtini aTTlr7 boot was r.7y were aBUafaetoryri tL I the cdreolatloa of that tbo on lot Ko.

TSh. had oompleted. and Tbo waa was fiowlax Urrely. ta dry. aad thai 1 reporteft WLloh was kaoeked hnli wtl hyrtho subsequent rvwne taat to.

well reTeWetaVJL" Paaln rd ef KM for ewideaee wWehw ill iJ5LmX? eroffAofaia.dbSuen4 oaTi bs wut oxt kis Yacht JJXADELnnA, Oct. U-Arthor PadeUori tied aj bl UdOAO tn ao tht a trnat thalkl ld not swt Ires from tho ooari about a week ore, to take to help, pay lor avach tThtS lock toay. and Is to hire hia yaht ante PT baektohillS a-, inmnm, at tbo elW 'if 1 barer aarread to the proawlKnT T-tk'JOotreet worftdfti, ZXZ? WOtHTH tftftiaa; ZtoZZET-J. 'lBrl Uftna elbow, by FOOT-BALL AT CAMBR1D6B. i THX VATC BKTWEEJT EABTAKO AlTD TE rXlTXftUTT OF rOlltTI.TA3IIA.j BQBTOjr, Oct U-Thft Harrard Xoot-baUl oiereft pbtyo it Peoopd polkas came of tbe seav mam this ftftorBooa ob Jarrls Fwld.

Cftmbrtda, wUh the elewaa of tbo Unrreraltr of Pranxytvanla, play waa eaUad at o'elock. with tbo aarrard men at tho east end of tbo field, bavin the ann fnH in their faces. Tbo ball was at onoe unshed to the PiBBsylraaiBs coal, ana within 10 aiinatas Kendall made tones-down for Harvard, bat the attempt to klck'a coal from to was tailor, hnoe tbo ImOI was worked back toward Har vard's ftoal. hot was sent acalir by Bur- ess. woo made a fair eaten, and book free kick.

For soma time tbo ball went back and forth hi the middle of tbo field, dartnc which Ke- mek. for Peaeeyrreala, made beantlfnl fair eatcb. tbo result of which, however, did not help his side. Then tbo ball was ajrsia driven to and io acrimmace tbat followed Adams, a Harvard roaner. was serereJT Injnred a boat tba head aad waa carried off tbe Seal.

Ele place was taken by Uongbton, and tbo raiue went on. I'eniwylvaaia was son obi i red to toach down for safety, and tbo ball went to Harvard's roai a rain. Good rnns by Hartley and lAnstin soon earned it back, hut ia tbe rest of tho first tbreo-qoarter of- an boar noUiinc waa seoved, except another safety by rennsytvanlft. A cat is and Biddlo for Harvard, and Lindsay for Pennsylvania, distinirnisbed tbemsolros by iomr runs, and Crane, of Harvard, mads a fins (air catch. I In tbe seeond tbreo-qoartara.

mnch to tbo surprise of all. the bail waa kept near Harvard a coal most of tbe time. A ions ran by Lindsay opened tbe inninc. but ft rood kick after a ran by orreea seat tbe ball beck. Harvey theft made a touchdown for Pennsylvania, bnt on a el aim of fool It waa disallowed.

Bamak rot fair oaten, aad tried for a coal, bnt failed. Then too ball weat to Psnn-eylranle's roal araln. and. la tbo baa da of' Apple-ten and Hartley, had almoet reeehed tbe llo. wbea It was called bank by tbo referee because of fool.

Barress then made a fair catch, bnt tbe attempt to kick coal waa a fall are. DartBsr tbo lest few Inn lee of tbo lnnlnc tbe ball went to Harvard's roal, and. In ft terrible mlee near tbo lino Harvey, a Pcansyleania rusher, became helpless, and waa carried off tbo field. Time was sailed wltboot either sidelharinc scored, and tbe rame was left in Harrard 'a banda The tonch-dewn ooanted points, asd tbe two safstles made by Pennsylrania 1 point eaoh for Harvard, i Tbo score waa therefor. 4 to ft ia Har-rard's fayor.

Many Harrard men wore disappointed In tbo play of their team. Tba Pennsytvaalft men exoeied Harvard in klcfc-inr. and. bad tbey ben of equal weight, mlcht Bavo woo tbo ram. While improvement will, of onurse, be, made before the decisive came with Yale is played, the prosoeot of a eritnsoai victory over tbe blue ia at this timo poor, Tbe teams today were as follows: i Harvard.

Itaebers Adams, Henyhtna. steadall, Bouk1. A sf Irion. Hartley. Bryant.

(Captala.) tiilman; quarter beck taae; half Decks Liu die, nrress; rull-bsck-ADitln. UHtxmit rmhmnia. Bnahsrs Harvev. Sep. Keant, TBompaoa, Jonw Mai, wrar: QnarMB'-oarK Ijindaari baV -backs Bell, MDU, Ibayer; full back -Noble.

HsTfrt LsDt. Bainsa, ot tbe Xnstitnte er Tech- nolocy. Vmt.irt For Harvard E. T. Cbot: for Unlrer- alty ot peaaarlraala H.


S. iGricBH tho Chicaeo yftchtBsnan. who financial transactions ftt Vacklnack were made tho subject of ft diapatch In yesterday's Tntca. hi quite wan known in tbia City. Ha and nls wife boarded at the Windsor Hotel last; Winter.

In January ho waa Introdnood by some Of tbe at tache, of tbe hotel to tbo effioers ot tho Flfth- a venae nans, as a centleman wbo wtohed to. open aa account with their institution. Hb made dr posit of. aeTeral tboeeand I dollars, which bo from timo to timo added to land drew At one time he had IkaOOUea Snnaalt Tlrk omoers of tbe bank were aot aatlsfied with bis careiess moaner oi aoiac Dnsineea. aad war.

oaa-tioaa about boaoriar ba drafts noless ha had Kimethinr to draw arainst. Ceafermenthr. vhra nbeoks were preeented tor payment a fear weeks aro, and it was fovnd on iaresthration be bad do money on deposit tbey were returned nnbonored. Tbone were tbo chocks riven by Gri-n to people ia j. Mr.

Coleman, tho telerreph operator at the Windaor Hotel, who (was very iatimnte With Hr. 'irirca. said yesterday that be was tbe prince of eood warm-hearted and bent aixaa hartnc a rood tlsAsv. Be wanted everybody aronnd hint to bare a rood time aad waa very free (with bis TionKT. of which be seemed to bar plenty.

Be bad bo bed habits. A bono three rears aro somebody left liO.OOS. booa after this bo married asd went on a trip ta tbe Mediterranean. Early this Horinr Kr. Grirra boDcbt tbe icbeonoT yacht Tritoa, pavinr about for br.

Uo hsd her Qtted np at considerable expense. He belonred to tbe Citizens'; Bicycle Clou, and on Jnno IS bo took tbo members of tbo oinb dowa tbo Bay on hla yacht and treated them roraily. Mr. Orirrs, Mr. Coleman said, reprosentedto him that ho owned ft two-third Interest In tbe tnter fjcia, and tbat be waa tbe President of a mlnlnc eomoany.

Mr. Coleman didnt tblnk tbat Mr. Grlrrs knew aaythiar about basinsass. He tried, however, to make himself and others believe he did. Durtnr tho rachtlbc excursions aronnd Uew-York.

Mr. Grirra fre- Snently paid for supplies la checks oa the Elxth atlonal Baak of Chioaro. Paymeat of some ef the checks waa refused by the hank, aa Mr. Grirrs had bo money oa deposit. When the cheeks came back some of Hr.

Gnrrs's friends here paid tbem. He iarariably rare tbem checks la paymeat. which were honored. He sold tbo Triton durinr tbe past Hummer for $9,800. aud bo bonrbt tbo Counteaa.

a apiendid Canadian yacht, a abort time aro. Ho flies tbe flar of tbe Cbloaro Taefaf Oub, i bat his name ia said not to be on the list of members. TBEPAXixo ron VIOOB0V3 WQXR. The Executive Committee, of the Committees of Oas Hundred ot the Zlchth. Tenth, and Foajrteeath Assembly Districts will meet in tb.

rooms of the Btsekler Assoois-tloit, No. 8S Eaet Fonrth-street Tbe business of th. sneettnc wUl be tbe BTanrement of' prellml-aarlea tor aa active partiaipaidoa ia tbe aemiar vanrasa. Tbeee committees repi osunt the Olstrtot organisation, formed by Jadee Alfred Stockier two years aro. asd tbey are eSeetive worklnc order.

At too meellnc of the Execatlr Oommitteea dates wlil be cbosea for heldlac tb. Assembly. Al-oermaBko. aad Sesatorial Conventions with a view to Bomlnatlnc worthy men. The Executive Committee are oompeeed ot tho ellowior renUeroen: Klcbth Assembly Llatriel Mania Engla, Chairman, and Messrs.

Alexander Jackson, J. Goldsmith. John B. Wilt. K.

i. paranberr. Abraham Blelstiff. Kiehard Dlttman. William Ueko, Baley Cohn.

i. H. Orrinro, Morris Gersten. John Johnson, Thomas Stack, Moses Meyer. Georre Belek-ert, feamaei Peyser, A.

C. 8 trees. Hee-man rrtnnd. Henry Trneberr. Heftry VoreL Morrla Benjamin.

H. J. Tillman. 1 Charles Melnen. and Charles Wanainrer.

Tenth Jkasembly Dlatriot Cnarlea Sleekier. Chairman, and Messrs. Charles Iexow. Philip Wasaanr. Julinaularbarr-er.

John Graham. Ferdinand Kate, Jaeeb Geia. tleorre L. Petry. Charles Groth.l Hemaa 1nli hlsnn, Ole Oawa.

Wallace. Kow-acU. Moses fiamarls, J. Krierer. G.

ibchBeck-enbecker. Louis Berndt, Bonjamui 1 Merrltt. Andrew Blebea. Joseph fjowa. William Zlllia-kus, Herman Gertb.

William E. Welnrman. Joseph tetner. and Dr. Sherman.

Fearteenth Asseaiblr Uatrbn Kraak ft. Beard, Cfaataman. and Vrederiek J. Kleea. Loots Boee.

Henry Markoa. Theodore Tea Bremsea, Ra'ph Weil. Bernard Koeepstoek. Harh Bacley. William H.

Bred-erlck. GeerreHamea, SamoeiWell. J.W. achelpert. Benjamin Maylesmlth.

John Courbertri Thomas-Wallaee, Moses Macree, Henry Bleyer, Henry IT Cftk erenrak. Jacob Farat. Adam Hirsobler, Isaae Retnheimer. Joseph stoaier. Cesar ws, jaarua sicuOTera.

Jo TEK XX BANS FOX MAYO jinw A tueetiar of German citintos was I held last evenlnc at So. 800 Court -street, Brooklya. to advocate the re-eleotiea of Mayor Low. CoL Beebr, editor ef tbe Brooklya AWts fVrsai called the meetlnc 9 orde. and Jnattee Kaehar was elected Cbalrsnis.

Reeolotioae were adooted la which it waa stated that tbe German oitliena of Brooklya, Irrespeetire of party interests, declared la faroTof annBloSaT sei'-roveramei-t; that tbe present chief maristrata of brooklya had shown himself ao wormy of that office tbat hla re-election weald prove to ether cities of tbe Calea tbat maxUrlpal arernmeat caa aad oarht to be separated froaa aatienal peUtlca, and that Mayor Low was an llOB and able macistrata, aad had. do-reted hla time aad eaerriee to tbe ad-' mlnletratloa ot the aCaira. Tba sneetinr tbea Broeeeded te elect parmaaeot officers, aa President Frederick 'Stelae; Vice-Presidents Joseph Dettmaaa and H. Law; Hsoraoary a. Eisenach Treasurer Julius Lahrecairaaa.

A cam palm committee ef IS waa appoiated, aad It waa decided to hold meetlaaa ia the various wards. vua tm wiv nsvura aaa one im wss aastera Jjisxnoa, i TBI IX M0YSK CBXXA T0MT. TTAMDtGTOit, Oct li-HArtmag-taeata hare Been perteetod for the UoiaeraUoa of the body of Dr. Charles K. Bh men thai, who died ia New-York Citv oa Thnradap last.

Hu remains will arrive here for ereaaatkta ea Tneaday merninc next. The body of a person who died ta Cbloaro will he cremated la tbe La Moyae Crematory boob. The body heinr embalmed it was at arst re rosed, hat a correaTondoBco oa the snbjeet hroncht the matter iste snob a sbane that if tad friends of the deceased will ia close the recaains taabex and hare tbe whole tninr earned, so tbat there will be ro asnsssltr to haadie tbe eorpse. tbe laeiaeratioa will take place here. Otherwise it wUl aot.

i A XVLLMT IK BJ9 MATf. RocaTOTEit, X. Oct 13. Johaj TTeidner, hoy aU years of are, who. slaee October.

186a, has beea Brine with ft bailee embeded at hla brain, ejed to-day. CntU lately bo creel aroable had beea oaaaed. Sllrht dlstarbaaees resciied oeoa-aloaaUy. hat aot an til lately did aerloaa srmptema s. The ft suae ate WIVJSJOS s) i i which wtu.

xsstx os XX- TimKMKVT OV SlKX. BBB3YCAH. "WASHmffTpx, Oct. IS. The oQowln t-et- ftTftl or4oT Wad issned thlft Blteraooa: Wab DtmBTH -art Wrertseroe; IX CL.

Oet, It, IBRs, The 'President henna aecedee te the rsnii a Oea. W. T. ahermaa te be nilered from the snasd ef tbe arwy oa the las of Vovemsar. Xae.

pre-peratcry as bis rectresaeat fret aerire aerrtee, alreeta the loUewiac chaassa as easterns. is te cnav maadi I WHIIafd T. fthermaa will be veUeeed freea eofamaad of tt amy oa the ssoveaMBUoset 4t ana will repalrae hla bona. Bs. Loois.

la awaM blsrstireeaeBt.i Tbe Oearl will beetteeded prior te hhnesueuaaet by these of a aKesCscamp whosa he anav eeaUreate to the aSjuaaMMaent. Fntlip H. eherteaa will a re esse te Wasbbartoe, aad oa the atmt mtntiimsd dsisassnme cemsaond ot la army. Malor-tiea. Jeha M.

fteheAeld wlft repaid to Chi-caao, J1L. aaa wlil oa tbe above saeniloaed dale as hm eiommana ef tbe Jtilstary Stvfaioa ef ta Missouri. 1 Maier-Oea. JdharVpewfU proceed to the presidle of tea rraaelare, Cai, and will ea the aBeTe anee-tiened dete aaaame comaaead of the Military fMrtsioa of the Pscine and of the Department of California. Brlsveea.

C. C. Aarar will preeeeft ta Part Lu1 worth, and wlil oa the above mentioned date swuimiN JT" v. jKwwvwri. BiisV-Oea.

B. Mackeasie 1 will ptoeeea ts Sea A a loaio, i sxm, ma ut en aaeei amiMSM ate aanusae eemmaad of the Departavewt ef Tea Th ZVpanmrat of the Soath wilt oa the 1st day ef Bovember. 1S4. be ase-re la tbe Deeammat ef tbe Xa-s nader the eoaaBaand-ot Malor-en. Haaeoek oommaaOlnc the Military Disistoa of the atlaatuaad tbe Depart mvtit of the Essv.

1 I KOliKT T.UCOUr,fteeretaryef War. Ma5eT-Gea. flanoock was offered the eemmaad of the Dirislcm ef the Mlseonri. but declined praferriBC te astaia hla present c-nanmand. tbe Military Ii vision bf tbe Atlastie.

Hla letter of deoll- aauea was red tred at the war Department to-day. Ms1nr-Gea. Raneock. at 7 o'elock last erenlnr. re- ceired from All Jt--Gen.

Dram, rcpreatntlnr tbe War Departments dispatch aotifyinc him that be weald remain la eonaaand of the Lwpartroent of the Zast, with which the Department of tba aoath baa beea ennseheeted. I The General was pleased to he allowed to remsia here, bat said be woald hare beea veady and wlllinr te restore to- any other poet If the ebanre sboald hare beea deemed ad-rif able. His preference, however, tn fheee plpinc times ce peach' waa to remain hero. Gen. iisa-eock.

who has beea ooeSaed to bis boose for tbe last fir. week, was permitted to ret eat of bed yesterday, and be eat np the meter part of tbe day. Be was hleased at the prospect of relief from oonSneaaent to his bed. pertcimlon bavisr been (iron him by his physician, ta be about as nsaal after to-day. The aheoesa In hla knee waa thor-narhly healedl bnt tbe leg will bare to be ased tenderly for a week or so.

The General anticipates taklnr a abort vacation as seen as be ia thoronrbiy oonvsisecent.1 He proposes rolnc West, and then poseibiy to Ndw-Mexloo aad other points oa tbe Sontb-westera fron'ier. i Ia aecordanre with Gen. Haa cock's rnrrestloB the War Department yesterday care btm pormla sioa detail oar oompanles of artillery from tbe troops stationed la tbo Harbor to ro ta Sewbnrc to participate; ia the centennial celebration. Tne oompsaies will parade dismounted and as Infantry. THE LOUISVILLE RACES.

FOTJB.J MACE i DEIDEr OH Aj FATM TRACK THE WEKXEBBi LorrsvTLJ Oct IS. fb. weatber was fins t4-day, ai tbo raeet were eonsequenUy fairly attended. Tie track was stiff. Finer TUci Purse fSM.

of which J50 to tho second, for s- rear olds; three-qnarters of a mile. Starters Jen its Tea Broeck, (Fuller,) SO pounds; Bob Cook, (J lien.) 98 pounds. Pools Bob Cook, $50; Jennie ran Broeck. $30. 4They were eery close taretbi from the start to the tnish.

Bob Cook finally iinnlnr by a short kalf-lenrth. Time 1:22. Mutn Us paid ta SscenD Ra a. Parse tiSA, of which to the eerood; tbree-onarter mile hunt. Starters Joeose, (J.

Williams.) 14 ponaoa; Cftllao, (Blay-lock.) 118 pookds: Kllmeay. (Gorbam.) lie poanda Pools Callaiout; Joeose, $li; Kllmeay. tea first Heat. TTber ran bnncbed Into tbe heck atretoti. wberp Cftllao came awtv and won easily rty three leartas, ECmaay eeooad.

Jocose third. Time 1:18. feecond Heat. Pooia KUmeay. $80; Jecoaa.

$30. JJoeee led hi to tbeetretob, wiLb Cal-lao seeond, EUmeny third. Then Callae took tbe lead aad wqn by eirht lenctks. Kllmeay aeeead. Jocose thtrd.

Time UlVf. Matoala paid 10. Tbtrp Kara. Parse SAOCLor whioej $iuo to tbe second; maldea and aon-wianlnc ftJlowaoeea: one and miies. i Starters Miss Dance.

(Henry,) 84 pounds; Loot-mate, (Fuller.) 8s pounds: Lncy May. (litis.) Ill pounds; 81ocnrn, taxe,) 87 pounds; Mnrfcor, (Wethers.) pounds; Mamman-tst. (tttevaLlj 111 pounds; Late Forie. (beaman.) 114 pounds: iGbost (Araold.1 K4 peonds. Tancler.

(Bryant,) 86 pbunda. and Centrerille, (Gorbam.) 97 pounda. Pools sold Maaaraonist. $100; Lacy Mar, Mnrsinr. and Late Forie.

$40 each: field. SS0. Late Fbrle woo bysrMeartb, Mamroeniot aeoond. Centrerille third. Time 1:58.

Mataala paid 138 ea Focbtb Ba. Parse $300. of which 1100 ta tba seeoDd; wlnslnc penalties and seUlnc allowances; one ana ane-quarrer tunes, ptancrs bobio-rard. (Morohy.) 11 pounds; Mattle Eaptnre. (Barnes,) lli poonds: TwUlcht.

(Wheatly.) 81 ponnos; Klahie. (Wethers.) 88 Posada-, Billy G-. (Jones.) I ponnda Pools Benierard, $100; Mstths RaotaVe, $80; field, $40. At tbe start Billy G. led, with Boulevard! seoesd.

Elnnie third. Position, were aohanred until tbe home stretch was reached, where hi alt is Baptnre came from tbe rear aad woe easily by three lenrtae. Boulevard aeoond, two lenrths ia front of Kiaai. thtrd. Time 8:14.

Mctisis paid Sit 40, Tbe winner was not SOkL: 0B1I VARY. 1 riLLIAM 8CALLAN. WQUam I icftllaa, an actor ot some ability, died oa Frld at BtUI water, where he was playlnc ta Bl ook aa Collier's Lichu 'London" eompaay. lie was bora la Inland aad was S5 years old. I was broarbt to thia eoantry whoa 2 years ef act.

Bo mads his debut at the Cheat-BBt-Street lefttra, Pblladejphia, and nbseqnsnt-ly played at thft Ajch-Street Theatre aader Mrs. Jeba Drew's manacemeat. Ia 1878 he appeared as the Pro esaor In tb. Blc Bonaaaa" in Chleaca. aid ftchicred rreat saeceas.

Ha was very saoeestful as Michael Peary in Anah-aa-Porne," Danny Mann ia the Colleen -Bawa" aad Serreant O'Boark ta jo Celebrated Two seasons aro be waa the company of Miss' Annie Plxley, ana last season he aad bis wife ware members of tbo Theatre Comlaae oomaaar. Beaidee bis srlfa. bs leaves thee chiidrea. the eldeet of whom 1e 14 years oul. iMrs.

bcftiisa at stiu at tbe Theatre Comlqne, Etm became aoqaalcted with her has-baad ftt tbi old Katloaal Theatre, ta CfnolnnatL where they were married If yean aro. Tba body will be breofcht to this City, and the funeral will take place lfora Wo. 8Q West TwoDty-ftftJ-straet. Tbe burial will be ftt GresBweod. EDWARD LTON.

Edward Lyon, of tb flraa of Lyon 4: ahlpplac oc mission merchant No. 4 Bowllaf Green, died resterday. at his residence in this City, of aa abacea i oa the brain. Mr. Lyoa waa a aatire of London, (arlaad.

and was about 45 years of He was interested eh Is fly in the West Indian trade to allarce extent with Haytl. He resided la th. latter eoantry for about is years, aad was well-knewn kbere. Branches of his firm are estab liahed ia Boston aad Havtt: Mr. Lyoa was a member of the Produce Exouaare aad was a popular man la tbe stnipplac and prorislea trade, lis was a member of tbe Madiaoa aad New-Tore Clabs, aad wasalsd Interested an atbMIe matters.

Datiac his Blaess hi was visited by nia sister aad her bus- bena, toe Bon. John uelmes, member of Parlia ment for Berkaey, who were ameac Mr. TUlarda Mertbera Pacific BaUreed caesta, He leaves widow aad four eblldrea. i Arson al zittxliwkxcx. Tba Hon! Green ot Illinois, is at the Aster Hbase.

I James 11 Ashley, of Ohio, is at the Grand CeatralHoiBL Cbaxlea W. McCune, of iBtiXaao. is at tba Hoffmaa uae. i Commai der Georre Dewey, jCnibed States Navy, hi ftt be Victoria Hotel. Jndjro rmiftm J.

'Wallace, of Syraensa, is at the Alhe narle BoteL t- Btshop I ash UiUar Thompson, ef llissiip-pi, la at thai Uraad Hotel. T. Bl ackstone. PresideDt of the Chicago and Alton Kallroad Cempanv, a at tee Windsor Hotel, i j. i Ex -Got.

Locm Kobinson and David C. Bob-lason. of 1 nlra, are at tbe 8t- Jamee Hotel. Attarne: Leaiia W. KiueeH, of Albany, and atriok Cowan, fof Saraioe-s, are at rereu ac sea.

Baron I Ichaeffer, Austrian 1 Minister ftt Washiartoii; Conarecsmau W. D. Wash barn, of Minnesota; ex-Courreeaiaaa Georre Haseltoa, of Wbwondta, and ex-Ger. Jieary Howard, of Bhode lalaf are ftt the Flfdk-Ayeaae Hotel. I TBI 1XT1XO BALL PR1MAX1XS.

Tne Irr njt Hall Deeoocratie orranixatioa held Tisry th-rllnat list srsntaf sad selest.d delesratee tbe various aominstlnc eonreations. The Cooai Convention wiU be held to-eaorrew ereetac In Irvlnx Balk lee Seaaterial Convw vtoas wL. be held ea iTbareday erulnc tb Assembly Cearentiea. oa Meaday erenlnr. feed sad the AMermaaie CoareaUoas oa Retard eeeaiac.

ath last. Asaon- tbe eeiecates eheeee to tfae Coaaty Con renoon war Co. lebaet MorphyJ Terence Deify. Job a Callahan. Thomas Wild.

Jehi StaooeB. Mark Lantras. Excise Oosa-mtaveeer Xieholas Haachtna, Joha Gliea. ax Senator Thomas 1. Creamer, Michael J.

Sharkey, ex-Jndra Tlmethy i. Campbell. Alfred Waretaff. Joha K. Periey.

iH.retlo Twembly. Chariea Goepp, Samnei Coaaer. CoU Frvoarlak A. Coakttac Gen. Mama T.

McMahoa. both C. Deerlaaa. Geoar.H. BorarV SherUt A.

V. Daridaoe, tb Bar. Charts Berrer. ib Her. Charlee HoefUacer.

Robert Mooeey, Cai. Samoel ieaae. Dr. a. X.

Morvissora, Joseph Ai Mouhalmer. Henry StalBert, Lake F. Cexana, Mix Moees. ex-fahartS Feter Bewe. Johft BRITTLE JLMUSXMZNT BOTES.

will be repeated as tuntal at Klbloe Gardes arise the week. Dollars and Smse" ia a popalar and cbarm. bacly ftoted play at Daly's Theatre. Mr. and Mrs.

Oeore Henachel wiU Eire two rooal recitals ta this Cur next month. The sale of tchecriptions for the Irrinr sea-aoa at the Star Theatre wiU ead ea Friday. The Mulligan Guards' plcatc" remains Bpoa the programme at too Theatre Comioae. Air. J.

K. Emmet will appear to morrow 5Frtu'ia TW ta to. Lawrence Barrett wfll perform Richelieu i Theatre oa Tharsdar aXteraooa. ta aid of tat, Vuteeat'a Hospital. Tbere is no chance at tho theatre of tbe San fciaco MmstreU.

whose new burlesqaa, sufficiently popular. It is aanoanoed that the famous English poet, Mr. win barn a. will rive readiars here from his poems dnrtnc the oossiac Winter. Mma.

Alwina Valloria saQed from Lirerpool yesierCay ea the aervia to Join the company of tbe Metropolitan Opera-house, la this City. The Union-Square Theatre is crowded each nicht at present, aad Mr. Jefferson's dellcbtful per-lormanoea are aeea with the createst pleasure. At the Star Theatre to-morrow ereninf Mr. Lawrenee Barrett and his eompaay will rtre the Sftieth performaaos of Franoesoa da Bimiai." MissEffls EUslar will appear on tior.

5 at the ataadard Theatre la Mr. A. C. Canter's drams, Her enrsxement wUl test one week. Tbe Fnioa-Square Theatre Company will Present fer tbe first time Mr.

Robert Bachenaa's play. "Storm Beatea." urine their eararement at Harerry's Tbeatre. Chloaco, Mma. Marie Geistinger arriTed in this City yesterday by tbe steamer Werra. She will make her first appearance at tbe Thalia oa Friday.

Oct. 19, Der BettelstadenL' iss Kate Clazton will produce "The Bea of Ice" at IheThird-A venae Theatre, for one week, oa Oct. The play baa beea Tory popular elsewhere since Miss CUx ton revived it. Mr. J.

H. Mack organ izinr; a company hich Is to be knows as J. ii. Hareriy's bilrer Ainr Company Mr. Frank Bancs aad Miss Hetea Blytbe wDJ be tbe leading snemben 'Alfred Cellier, the composer, and H.

P. Stephens, the librettist, bar. last eempl.tod a new oomie opera called Ths Smucdera." Mr. Tewa-aoDd Percy haa the American ncht of ths work. Mr.

Richard Mansfield will make his ap-3eraaee at tbe Madison Bo a aro Iheatre in tbe play which is to follow The Kajah." Meanwhile, -he play which is to follow "The Rajah" has not yet beea aanouaoed. Mr. and Mrs, Florence's engagement at the Grand Opera -hoase will end thia week. They will perform durtnc the week ia The Micbty Dollar As usual, Dombey and Soa will be civen at the Wednesday matinee. Bignor Giuseppe Del Pnente end Stcnor Franco Jiovara, the baritone and basso of tbe Abbey Opera Cempany.

arrtred yeateroay on she Bremen ship Werra. Bo In of tbea. artists were aosoeapanied by their wives. Mr. George VandenboS, the well-known Vftmatlo reader, has returned to this City after a 4ay of two years tn tnr)and.

He has reoorered nia health. He wiU berin here shortly a series of readiars from Shakespeare and Dickens. Mrs. Agnes Booth, who has retired from tne eompaay of tbe Fifth-Avenue Theatre, will perform ia "The Stranclera ot Paris. which Is to be reduced oa Nor.

6. at the new theatre balldinc on the corner of Broadway and 'I fairty-uf th-street. The beary rain did not prevent tbe audi-moo which assembled at the Fourteenth btreet rbeatre last aicbt to see Miss Dar.nport in Fedora" from beinr a very large one. Probably JOO peepie were enable to rain admission te the Whatever may Toe thought of Miss Minnie Palmer, her success la London is beyond Hhe bas Just mad an enracemeat lor nve montna with the Boyai Theatre, Strand, and she will aa-jiear there oa Dee. alia remaimv meanwhile, at mother theatre.

Mies Clara Louise Kellogg'i concert tour is a remarkable eueeees. Last night Miss Kellorr and lasr oemnany appeared ia Cleveland before a large imd entbuaiaatic audienoe. Durinc the ensaiac -week concerte will be circa la Toledo, Jackson. Detroit, and Toronto. Readers will be interested in learning that Salrini is publlaninr ft serleRof articles In an Jtailan period teal, to explain the Interpretation that bo has riven to those Shakespearean plays rhlch he has produced, "Hamlet." Othello." Macbeth," and Kin Lear." A newspaper printed In Baleijrh, IT.

what it calls a paraaTaph from Tax Trsrxa, ia which Miss Lillisn hpenoer ts praised with foolish axtrararance. For example, Ths Tints said, l-erordlnr to the Baielrb paper, tbat Miss Bpen-r's bast nbzht waa arand." Tax Tihbs was But trailty of Uua oSenae. The sale of seats for tbe Metropoliton Opera-Louse season begins at the box-offloe tomorrow, ia spite of tbe auction sale of Friday erenlnr. plenty of oed seau are left for tbe epeainc nirhk. Abbey en Friday moraine ret used aa oBer of per seat for tbe whole ornhestra floor.

Tne price broocbt at auction was about $18. Masks and Fscea' will be repeated a few raore times at Wallaok's Thaatr. "Moths." whtoh waa a sueceaaful drama la Loadoa. and walob Is aa adaptation cy Mr. B.

C. Stepbansoa of Oaida'a Bevel, will be produced oa Thursday evenlnc, the mh Inst, Miss Hose Cochlea and Miss Carollae QUI will hers important parts In this play. Col J. H. Mapleson, Mma.

Etelka Gerster, and tbe members of the orraaizatloa which la to present Italian opera at the Academy of Musio UuriBc tbe eomlne season are expected to arrire ia this City to-day by Us steam -shin City of Berlin. The eompaay ia a very larre and oromiatnc oa. Tb season, it will be remembered, betiaa a week from to-morrow airbt. Miss Bar Jewett wfll appear at the Fifth-Arenue Theatre, after "Tb Duke's Motto:" In 3lros and Grundy's new play. Tbe Glass of Fashion." Mies Jewett will also perform thia aeaaoa ia "Pique" and -Divorce," two plays which have bees bosrbt from Mr.

Daly by Mr. Stetson. Jiiss Jewett and Miss Gerard are now ths laadlac actresses of the Fifth A venue Tbeatre Com pas y. Tbe success of Miss Davenport and of Mr. ManteU la Fedora," at ths Foarteenth-Street Theatre, has made tbe aocess of M.

Barton's play. Tba smallest audience tbat has seen tbe play up to this time was. probably, aatberedon tbe first nirbt. Tdr. Maa tali's aceompllahmeat la traatiar tb char acter of Loria Ipaaoff should aot be underrated.

Mr. ManteU acts with rraoe, aiooerlty, and passion. Mr. James E. Murdoch will cive three recitals at Cblckertnc HaH oa Tuesday erenlnt Oct.

16; Thursday erenlnr. Oot, 18. and Tuesdsy evea-Ing. Oct. 88.

Mr. Murdoch's prorramme for Best Taesdsy win Include Lonrfellow's "Paul Revere 's Read's "Driftinr." recitals from Hamlet," Holmes's "One Horse Shay," Prank Murdochs "Pilot of Lake Eric," and Dickens's "Wrong Room." A company has been orzanized for Miss Clara Morris, who wfll berin bar aeaaoa aader tbe manacemeat ot Mr. Frank L. Goodwin, at Baltimore, oa Got. 8a, The company will laolade Miss Lulie Eld rid re.

Miss Ada Walac. Mrs. Farren, Mr. Gastarns Levlek, Mr. C.

Bambridre. aad Mr. Hart Conway. Miss Morris's repertory will comprise "The Sew Macdalea." Artlsle 47." aad The new and active manager of tbe Twenty-third Street Thee ue ffsred tb. place of business director for tbat bouse to Mr.

Joseph Tooker. Bnt Mr. Tookor, wbo Is bow connected with Mr. Wallaok's theatrea. waa obllred to declina tbe offer.

Mr. Bares intends to brine forward prominent actors and plays at his tbeatre. Mr. and Mr. MoTs Rankin will appear-there to-morrow Bicht ia "The Deal tea." At tbe Casino concert tbls evening Mile.

Almee, Mile. AnrMe. Mlla Kixau, and M. Nirrt. of Mr.

Graa's French opera oemaaay, will be tbe sole riarers. M. dmuad Kenpert. the piaaiat. will play a faataaie oa airs from L'AfrioaiBe." Mr.

Aronsoa's orchestra will plsy selections from Aida." Carmen." Fatinitza," "The Beccar Student," aad La Vie ParUienna" The Turkish Patrol" win be circa by request aaa also Mr. Areaaoa'a rhythmic "Casino Walts." It will probably be" of interest to many of th epera coara of New-York to kaow tbat amoac the Italian artists bow Irrinr is retire meat la Italy are two performers wboee appearance la this City, 40 years aro, oceaaiueed many stormy sesmea. of which tea- public twioe or thrie waa mad. aa Involuntary witness. Slcaor Benedcttl aad bicaora Trafn.

whose difficulties with Maaacer Frr at tbe Astor-Place Opera -hoes are vsry comically narrated by Max Mar trek ia his Croteneu and Qua vera," dwell happily at Foslt. aad look forward to ealeoraUnc. ere lone, their diamond wed-diac. -I A Celebrated Case" will be' revived for a brief time to-merrew aicht at the FUih-A venae Tbeatr. Mr.

Cochlea will perform aa Jeaa Ke-aaad ia thia well keewa aad taterestiar drama Mr. Cochlea 'a perform aaa of tbe part waa ad mired several years aco. wbn it was seen at another theatre. Tb east of tbe play wlil Include Mr. Jack as Count d'Aubeterre, Mr.

Wbeatieirh as Denis O'Boorke, Mbw Gerard aa Madeliae and Adrians. Mr. Lewis Morrfawa aa Count d. Moray. Mr.

Bamaay aa Vise ant BaeeL aad Mlaa Loaise Muldeaer as Vaieatina. This Is aa eicelient east, The Dakes Motto" Is la preparatioa. -i Tba Merry Dacheas' enters to-merrow eveaiar apoa tea last week at tbe Standard Theatre. Tb opera, whil not poseasslac merit of a htrlklar order, has hea foead soOcieatly amostnc or the assoa Bas bssa remunerative to tbe aaaaareiB of tb tbeau. Oa Moadar, Oct.

S2. Mr. Manrie Graa'a opera boaS eompaay will bacia a limited eexrroent at tuts boose. "La Jli Partameaas." with MUe. Aiate as Rose Micbea.

aad Lee Cloches dee Cerae-viUa." with the aame lady aa toerpoieu. will be preeeated. Leooeq's opera "LaCowet ht Main." with Mile. 2tixaa as the Princess, will be produced lev the first time la the ortriael French. Work at being poahed witli great enerryat the Merxopolhaa opera hoes.

Teaterday a 'ere lore of peepie were at work sortia eat aad pot-nnc ia tbetr susses ta na ior eas ooeTnsnea rsssat-ly received. Tbe aaditorhisa of tbe buiidlnc is eempest. The pit ta which the evahastra was to play will probably be floored over so that tb ma-sioaaas wlu be a surer tbe ievel ef the star. Tbe faraMamcs ef tbe stars la th way ot rtcriac herder Ucal. foot-lrata, aad eiher sseassories are la plaaa, sad ft larre ouanBty of scenery ts ready.

from lldlabed. aad there are ae assay details yet aaattended to tbat It seme aa tb boeisu eaald ftot be made teadv by Moadav. taetSd: but Mr. Abbey la eon fx lent that te will be, aad reiterates, -iua uti taeepesaac wui aot be poctpoaeo. The McCaull Comic Orjera Compuv win revive The Princess of Trebieoade" at tbe Castao to-morrew evsainc Miss Winston will he the r-nnoe.

atlas Jansea Beriaa, Mbw Carsoa tbe Prla-i ta. de Xayther Paola. Mr. WUsoa TrewieJ llni. Mr.

Bail Cabriada, aad Mr. Maffua Sparadraa.f --war vveaunc. ijoi. zs. sxr.

Jtowaau a aronr trsreliac coamsv arill ralnra and andaea Mil lecher's opera. "The Beccar 8 Measra. Sims and PettHs new drama, "In! the Baaka," wiU he produoed at the Standard Thsri atre oa or a boot Oct aa, whan the raruUr draaaa tie season at this theatre wiU be Tb. cempany enrajred for tb theatre I acinose Mls-as Kat Forsyth. Ida Vera on.

Kroner CeweO. Eilv Cecfaiaa, Dora Staart, Mrs. Andrews. Mr. Fradci'io rr7Io, jar.

m. r. Macs ay. Mr. John A.

Lane, Mr. vuanee bieoay. Mr. Owaa Fawostt, and many vuaorm. asiosrsBS, oosaedv, and.

la Tact, everr eort of plsy. will be produced by Meesrs. Brooks and Wok soa, maaarars ef the BUadard Theatre, "in toe jtaass" at bcartlly praised by the London ae MAST TXSXXSaXX. TJX 9IBIAABB 0X0X9 XAJtXOAP COM PA T. Ta ta fewer (as Xew.yrft Bra; Please publish the following: balnea statement the Income aeoeuat of East Tehneaaea, Virriala aad Georcla Railroad eompaay, omitted from the evening papers fax pohlUhing extracts from the report of that eom-j Pftay: A Iste rest paid oa all classes of seear ties Taxes paid durinc the yr.Z'.'.'.'.l".'.'.

1US08.5 1 74.7S7 Set earntnrs for the Zxoeas of earainrs T4 1.8S)8.0M 09 sd vApeosee as expuunea in i Beceipu during the year from Uneia- i aau aal Georcia beads 1JH10.COO 0t Exoesa of receipts from bonds over ex penditures for (It, MS 14 vcryjespooxruity, j. SAMUEL THOMAS, frosldent E. Va. 4 Ga a K. Co, Oct.

IS, ldtfl. XAlJf PXITXXTlStt RACXS.I wHicago, uct-ll Tb races announced for to-day were postponed on account of rain. 7BQP1C-FXUIT LAXATJTX Is delicious tb take and at once corrects aU iri recaiantiea or tbe liver, stomach, aad bewela ror eoosttpaUoB. biliousness, headache, etc, it Id uoeqaaiee crerynoay It. Bold everyw mmu.

mute per oox. ewnoaffs. nasT eoasideratloa la aeleotlnc a silk w-i. wear well acet silks sre se heavily welchted tn dyeinc tnat she ailiaa; threads are rotten, and can be easily lmkea apart. Much silks, aowevar handsome la appearaaoa cat aad come creasy after a few weeks' waar.

CsksttB tui as are exemot from all thia Ocoptma. Their Ct racllltv has bun teatwl ta thoosaads of koimHWt and the nusers ruarante thess In evry pantcalaft ha 1 sell from SI to 1 SO, in blacks and colors, (a tfcadss.) rie more wear fer the outlav than any olfarr dress goods sold. eUacax H. TraaT. IS East 14ta st, bew-york.

Advertitmtttm. A rrmaoaa coroa tbat wfll not yield to ordf 'arr remedlss may be taeronchir core, by Dr. Jirnh PrscTOBAST, an emeseloas medtclne brOBCblsil ana pulmonary disorder Hxacrxxs Mlt Wnrx. The only inre extrsdt malt: a thoronrh rvetoratlve for eat eeiUed persona and convalescents; cure Indlsautloa and oeoiiny told everrwners at tb oeats per tmtln Siim iin.nj. Laprks.

roa drees-linmr'. want a cloth that Is so ever beea made ao stronc or so firm as th aklsi fwnxs. aad thererr are th beet dress-ilalnsa tnada Ad.mrttfmant. Brarrmo Piavos ara tbe heat i t3.no0 new hi nee. arerooma.

Ko. 16 East lsta-st. n- la sobl touch, aad earahlUty. AtiwrrKsstsaj i Wrixv Baoira Moirm sx-re, 3taniary, Medsmons; teantlf ai, artistic, durable, laexpeaslva bead for cnlar, ST LfxaWoV Smmrvswr Horrax. Desirable suites r.

wwra wm oi aaa avsa aa lor rfanaV- ftTraeDra, initatloa. Inflammation, all kidney arsl tyrhaareoaiplalaia oared by ft'-T" A Mate Erldeace of BeuaesscBt a row of well pelUhed teeth. People ef vnlcar th-sUaeta are very apt toaecleos tbelra. C-leeallaeas dto-tiands earaf ai attention so the' teeth, aad aiperlease indicates 41 as the safest aad sorest saeans ef retrieviar their losase at haaty ana viae. 1 re-Mwe Unpaiittes anoa and hetweea theui Imparts te soft or shnvalrt rams the hardens anp rcslaesa ef coral; makes tbe breath fracraat aad lends to 1 smix I'W WHUWWH CHTB.

I Canrree Water. Superior tean. terativa A speoine for disorders of the stemaco, liver, kidneys, ecsema, malaria, and aU asperities ef the blood. Avoid crude, harsh waters, "native and TorelcB." Buch waters are posture Irritants aad iav a star raalrallv cared -sv n. Mvi treatanenL Tbonsaads have beea cored aad relieved.

Jorty yaars prsotical aiperWoc. Galy.omca, TWBJVI IWT HUM Dt. A.rea'e Perfect Teeth Fswder, tei terr i th worldi a ccm Trees ss4 ShraTse rrom th eld B. a PAKS05S ft CO. nurseries.

Fpr MwuiwiNttHH oos rue viusaiaa, ji. I TbeasaeaefBeacIeaeBrlmBlaBta tanrfintta appetite anSNQOSICiU BiTT lta. Be ear yoa set l.BBdberc's Pertamea, EDXJflA AJTtl BLAkKCHAI. WIKL MOSX, Alkethreeta. a Paserter Ckaeelate, stld by a'vaexm casai Bsni WasTa ftTssTV ftOftB "Alacraey Mraad," BTJT ALWATS CONDKKHED JtrLfc BACOlf COWDIK.

oa Wedassaav. Oct. 10. at Oraee vaurca. iae Mev.

Hanry U. ruur, IX Ik, Kossar- aua. ran, aaa svAa-ras ajLoaoa. Tnsrhtsr aa the late Uiiet Cowdtn. of tals City Tbarsday.

Oct. 11. at the residence of the bride's parents. Btcaasoed. Va by ths iter.

ir. Joha Pollard. Jr. Wm. A.

A. uaowa.S 'lt'h. L. I. i las, daushter ef Wm.

J. Westweod. CLARKi-CLAKai-Oa Iharsdsy. Oct, a. lAi the resldeeee or the bride pereats, Jersey tT, N.

I by the Bev. W. W. Pannier. i.

Brnaar CuJuts. Lf Lonoa, Easland, te Miss Mawaia. a. uail. a iX14oTJ W1.STAR.

on Wedaesdsy, Oot, IS. h.1 ths residence ot the bride's father, by the Mev. ft. at ijalliday, Baaar u. Xujott yLoasaca.

daarhiarof M. A. wiaier, all of brookiyn. i Xrlalty Chares. Kew-Ro-ebelleice Thursday.

Oct. 11. by tbe Bav. Beary si. Pouec assisted by the Bar.

Chart Cannedy aad th Her. Chariea Hbihea, Llpat. bveaaar Tsai-LS tuiit. I'. ft.

A. te Bcuaa TasCoarxaairr.aaashierof Uesarr DeiaHeld r-halus. FuLWKLX tHl RTFRS. On Wedaesdsy. Oct, re.

m. r. Mi wi, tiu asacis roLwaaj. I ambus, daarhter Joha ft. Charters, all ef Break- Oolnwbls, Pcbb, Oct.

ft, 1811. oy tbe Bev. Oea, Welle Uy.W. Y. ft.

Hrnrev. M. D- ef Everets, Pena, aad Many yoaacest dsnchterof Mr. Jeaa resdrloa, Coiambla. -i BobhtaBAitKa Ob aatarday afteraeoa.

Oct, is. at tbe Chorea of the Heavenly Beer, by th Bar. a. 7a. Ueeriaad.

Faaaa tint Hosae, U. K. 4 aad l.vnua asanas suu dattrater of the at Kd ward St. Thanks. i-Lfc A AL rtalA at Oelumlua, Peasu Oek "ml laax by the Rev.

n-ao. WeUs kiy. aaslated Or the Raw. veaaar vouery. laaui ls, woes asinmsr or Uoiaaibta MUXS ao WAJtBY.

Oa Thnrsday. Oct. 11. 1SSS, Ut reeldeaee ef the bride's mother, by tbe Her. A.iJ.

the Palmer. Ourts ft, Miua. of sWwavaea. (o Pis GL. bowbbv Jiew-Turk City.

OOkXLr CBABY. At Kaux. Aihaay Coanty. Hew-Tork. Oct.

lu, by tb kev. Wat. B. Ksaholds. Hunt oaacaier of Joha Crary.

of ths toraser niac. Thomas B. Oecu. of New York Cltr. i TAN Wedaesday.

Oct. tQ. 18SS, at th. reaideace of th bride's pareets, er Sna Bar. WUUam T.

slorsaa, D. IX. itxiaa vu akbs and Ctaatisa kson. esuahfr of -rrnh laMtartca. koto of that ctrv.

WELD WOODBCBT. Oa tbe ISth last, at ftt. Joaa's Charea. Far Hoeaaway, ay ta Bar. in.

Says, McAbtbub Oos-ioa sx to Miss ILsra pa Bamsxt Woooscbt. aaaarhter ef th lata Major-Gen. WHMU7, O. M. PIJT- BLmwTRAXk-Oa Oct, li.

lasa CSAKLsa X. BtKSTTaAL. IX. lL D. Ha frieads are tavitad te attead hla faaeral ea Ssa-day afiaraoea, at scasca.

at Bis sate reside u. ke, 4 Weat SaaaaS. 1 I BOW Bsewea Potnt. K. Oca.

II. of cna-ansrptka. auci Jt yeaaaast Saashler of Jsaass aaa) Jsne.hawsieB. aed la. raawral sarviaa Baaeay.

Oe.lA ui KsT. ILsla-tlves aad fnaads rssDartfaliy tavitea. Trslne laiaad Boat from New-York at 1 Jie te Fort Iaaar-aaant et Urseawsed Csaistsry Moeday SBoralac. BkEAZK. Oct.

la. Looska Basicza. ifs nflilsiBs. Briisss. late ef New-Torfc.

la her 7Mh rear. Betleeaf her faasrsl Bsr attar, freea aer lat rssl aeaee. bo. Sal Moaree-el. fcrocakiya.

CH AXK. At nymaata. 5. sd mat, Jon'cJTsoa of ths law kark thmm. of Laaoai.

Cos. la tais uux, oa tb iste in af siiiibIss i Cbsblcs a. cobv Reivraaadfrlae are fasnaad Be attead ta aaral rroes Cai vary Cbareh. oa Taaaday saai alas, anrh 1V- lOe ciooa. UBntsanstisatssftMsnki seat.

7 COOCS. At e-etec Tnssdsy ewetac. -Oe. a Kra Caraaaisa ft. wll.

1 Bessae Oeuee. i Pusllrtas.UUMtMrwalsasa t. frisaes vf taa tastliy are reapseUaUy tavttad SoaS-mad the faasral froaa Ike nislilss aa af Bar stater t. Aaaa at- Ttaa sis kwu kdac. Earrlabarc! RAkhtoh.

hadflaalv ax kn.k r.A ftl I au w. vn. mihtmu, wii sev Aiewsaserw.nan vaaevai ea rgaak. frees her lass 2 firureaJ arrival ef the trala freea Weer-Yerk. at (iranssst yrtaads aa relatives are rsa sei 1 1 1 ly tavisaa, Hoa.

At Lake WcebeeJI TTwraxA. daa rater af wjii i aoe, i uuvia r. net are years. raaerai sei in ss at at o'rtae P. BL HoKtH.

Mrs. toasirra rlorva, vrUowet Bofar. Oct. II. la bar Cuts yvar.

Is larsMC.I at sycndlawa Ciansrv. riwa resiaeara. a OS Eaet STtb-et, Mead ay. Akth laat, as aasiir aaa vwu lavna. LVOIC-oeaLae IStk lass, tseu t-TOS.

af BariaBd. aa-7 yeara. Fuaerei servteea will aekeid a ah) MSB Be. at aast aa Taeaaav. tb leea tees- as IS A.M.

krssaeaer tavttad se stiead with eat farther Bono. BOkran-rarcxA A SBdeealr. a Thsradar. Oct. 11.

11 aad rssiaaa i Jiuastia raaerai serkja aaaasy. at a eearter peat eaa. at Coai 'arveatlnasl al ki aaiirea. aaniauaav. aad STtaet, tyCaarinoa, Bllaftelnaia, aad st, Loahl awica TBonmos ii iniimi it i Oca, 11.

BABAa wtf ef Lewis A. Tavaasaoa. raaerai Maadsy. te JO A. BL, at Be atBeeoad Beformsd Carek.aMaarvtUa.

WABXt-ftaddeaty. ea aarereay. ISth I Wabb. la th aoth year of hie era. Koslce ef faaeral hwtsfter.

see: 11 A. ML flasss ceast SPECIAL NOTICES. TO IITKIX16XST rKOPLJC War XTKatT MAX AWfb VOWtS. wrf T. na ttt I aaosUdoaOywear; DR.

BCOTTB XXrCTBJO OOBStT OB BXL.T. If yoa kavs A ITT pais, ache, er tUtfaellac froaa any cease whatever; if yoa lack sasiaj aad ae aet 1 apt tbo mark; If ycasafTsr frora aay disease, bc yoa to at oaoe vialt the ksadsoma partes of BAS BBOADWAT. COBJIXJt OF lsTH-ST. There yoa eaa see eaexhibrOoa a fall Dae ef these aiecaat, aad remarkable Yea wm ta ae ease he solicited to pewibaas, aaa aa are cordially ta-. vtted.

i They oaaaot bxjura. Ilk. medietas; there It ao watt-lac a kmc time for results: rirtrtm araafkim at quick; tne first week, more frsqaeatly the Srat day. i ir. thaar aad oftea evaa darlac tkaarataeuC, beaeftM are felt.

There Is a Tbc inrad becomes acttv. th aerves sad stactisb cst- ill ti-T iris tlms Ttanr sail aoodfeaUac come beck. TTlit alsnks lasissthiia has this woaderfol effect enieaca has aot yet faay dsssosv-strated. lat professional aaaa samil that there at hardly a dlsssss which electricity or aucaetaua wm not beaefit or bore. Tbe celebrated DM.

W. Am H1MSDXD, of this City, has leotarsd anoa the sabjeot aad adrtaed aU medical men to sasks a trkU of thin snailss. ii serlbuic tbem saoes remarkable eares be has aaada, eves hi eases which weald seem Vmslsss Th Corsets oo aot differ ta appaaraaca fresa those asaany sold, aa, la place of the ordinary steals, ws ta-aart oar flat steal autcaatoda. Tbey are etasaat ta shape aad ftnisk. Price.

LtlaQ.ta, sad each. nrctrks Belts, price, tt. Over famflles la Kew-Terk articles. ALL lit UrTtTKD. HO, Ma BBOAD WAT, COMXEK 13TH-ST.


ea next tb 18th lasL. wUl be tbe moss tatereeiiBf of ti whole series of eeateanlal deojoeatrBtlotMvTB craad parade wlil be perUoipateft ta bv ta New Jersey and ffew-Vork State treops. Ealchts Tempter, and other Mseoaie bocms, Oad-teliowa Kalchts of rthv jOraad Army posts ead elvt soeteues resr erally. Tke Oreteaalal Chores ef 1.000 votes will be aeeomaaaled bythe famoas Bavaash kertmeet aaae. of ew-Vork.

Preeldaat Anhar aad Oablaeti Cleiaad sad staff, aad eaalaeot armv aad aavy (Dears will Be present. All available vsaasls of th aavv wlil be eachored la hew Bare By. 1st display of Are-werks la the vmlaf will sarpees la variety and beaaty all previous pyroteekast exaiMtteee, BVXCCBBIOTf BATES. Kxearalca tteku to Sewbnrc aad retnra wTD be sold by tbe Was nacre ead Baffale MaU-way Compaay oa Oct. IT aad la.

aad will be rood I return oa Ock IS or 18. Ba4a. SI 2 for roaad trip. EXCCBBIOll TRA1NB. Tbe only direct aaa plctareeqae rU Has but sea Kew-Verk aad Albsay.

passlas tnrouch ta aoataeas aawnaia. si im BBore raeta. kei aad arums I tralae oa Oct. is win ma ae ailawsi XVasaa A.M. A.JC JLM.

el M. A.M a at. Bt, Breoklya Aanax IM SrtJO lira s'rOO fl.YDesbresass st.TiSO Se SJW 11 4:1 CortlaadtetTiao OO llS 4:80 Jersey it 4:84 4i4 Arrive A. X. A.

M. A. at U. At P.M. at.

P.M. Hewr .10:00 ilii IM Bvenlac cralaa by West Basse route will arrive ka ample time for ttre-worka. i Ketarnlac tralas win leave the eleaaat aew rassna rer station of the Weat Khere roai. teoerealeat the washlaetoa Bead-onartars, where eserctsea wlu be held, aad tbe helrhts, from which tbe ara. worka eaa -vlawad to the beet advaatsaaj aa follows: P.

aU, 6. Mi F. IJi P. aU wita ae maay tralas ae may be ssi lassai SfHiiiaa "'t T'Tumnnlsts. A PABliOK CAR TBAIK The second seetioa of arala leaviBc Yew-York at A.

M. will be eomsoseo exeloalvefy et elae-sai parler ears, ajtearsloa achats fur this train. eatltUac per-chaser se passsa aad a seat la Pullman parler ear ss and from Ke wbuac, will he sold atrate of for roaad trip, EICUBSIO TICKETS bt BALE. ia aew-xora at Koa. las.

vjn. Sfll, sin, Broadway: Ha CBloB-sqaare, Ba. 787 Ota- sytvaaia Ksuroad sisHoaa, Iocs Seal iocs i wif.a,."Al'k.sLi,c"1' Annex Offloe, foot of No, 1 re Kalo-av. Is Hoteokea Baseaa's Hotel aad Bo. XM Waskiaa- aaOB-BaaL la Jersey Ctry ransylvanla Baflmad BtasVat.

ts vrraauanoBS reqainng as iwsi wm piMse aearess fitVKBY MOiitTT. General paasencer Asent. ka. S4 State et, Bew-Ycrk. FRENCH BLACK, riKAl, BROWN, A WD taabloaaole raU aad Wis tar eokars dyed a LOBP'ft, viae laoea.

reireu, crapes, featkera, (krvas. Ac ele- ua aewees stral av. oeatlanaaa's aMls prsaasd bv tailors. laea ii HAKU-MAUK fifirR MtH Wif.TKY. THE BiHT LN THE WOHLb.

Price, at to ft per (a llo Or la bottles, The trade or (anillies supplied. H. a aOBX a CO, Paltoa-et. and LU Broadway. A I.E A LObO KsTaklJanrn a an ann, JL rr-tf si rsrh flrr snnrls hnslasas Is aaanmiii the death of tbe sealor partner of the arm ef Had-eUffs pn Boia, Klarrto.

y. Address PHILIP r. UtttCUffl, AdmlBlstrafr. KciSS Wallet, aMasa- wOfta, Ha i HBAW-Qt'AKTEhtH FSRI'OOU BElAABXJI palaleas deatiatryt 0 rears' praettoei arieas daeed; rood rubber sets from S8 upward: Caa aoM aad plsclaa wark oa best terms; Best Ail lac freea .1 pi extractiac aader caa. se oaat.

Xir, WAIT ft SOS. ka 46 kast Sadat, aaer sta-av. KRCHtaTS, KTMEV WAkT THEIR silks to rive aatisf sotlaa. abaaia tm Ualns the CABLft WILLS. Maay aallfc haa bee)' coadamaad benease taa coaamea ti er a boot walst-llalnc has beea ased.

awarar LOYERIsKr-M NEW.VOKK BOOK IX-ChAaia -Cheapest beoksicre la lb world; volumes ta every variety aad atvl ef Maalaai TOUCHWOOD. KO. 17 CMIO.M Xkthe first to la trod ace th taarsaiaaaniT. laio thia eouatry, haa yass reeelvad from Bares tbe hh imannaai lasiawvaaaensa HEN MY A. 1IAMIF.I.H.

af. ttO. 1 AA LaXiHGTOK-AY. BEAR WTH-rTHoors 8 to 8 I T. IMseasee of tb aarvuai.

systasa: tmportaat oaa as. mad leal aad sarslcai. Mf. MOMtLET eV kltlktl.l. rjEKTiirr orlrtBsten of tbe sonerattva mwrmZ.

lac teeta wltaoat pala. sio.at8 Broadway, hew-York. CKfURU-HANl sCHOOLKIMIKSBOCail, i-Jaold. aad vxmaairvd aasd or a eataioa-aa. Aa.ri.tkt.

Xo. at rVkisvwe-Tsrk A OFFICE JKklTt'ME IM arsst variscri BMBBfactorad hi ia stiAlw, aa 111 FaHee at. PT OFKICst MsjTICK. ysretra malls for tb weak aeauaa Oct, S0U1 close at this offics as follow: 7- 80 A. M.

fori Earopa, per staam-shtp ariaoaa. vlay Qnseastewa: at 10 A. It. for ta 'sdward ialaada. per siasm skip tnaihw.mii at 1 V.

M. for Jaaaaaea. a ax-Cay as. kevaailla, aad Llnot, per steam-sal Alva. Will tbDAT -ai i a.

ML tor. Caropa. percfaess. Ship Werra. via ftoatbaaiptoa aad Bra sua, uasten for lrviaad aad Praae most ba dirented per at A.

M. for Irrlaad, ear etaaaveeie kuski Is, via Uiiiailiwa. 0 attars for Oraas knult aad atkar aaroaeaa eoestrlaa moss ke directed per Baskaks-i) at 8 A. M. for fraaee direct.

Bar lasmehlp Asaert.Be, viaBavrei at 8 a. M. tar ta rT-hirlsaSs dlitofJYu am -ship w. A. bcaaitea, ta rooiiardsm.

1 KhA Y-At 4 A. M. for Bare, per staaas-chre Adrtatla via Qnesastowa. (lettaas -Far uermaay aad kraaosssaathadlrecasd "per Adrtauela a. tLfar erasaar.

PTac. Aa per ataaavahlp Baasaaeeia, via Plyaspatk. Cksrbcurc aad Baasaers. (letters for ttraat Bntala aad ether koroaeaa eoeatrlas meat ha dV-reoveft per Hemiaola:" as 1 JM T. k.

far at 1 r. BL for Oaba, Porjo tbea. aad saike, par assaavaklp CefaUrtdX HaVvltUBi impayAt A. BL far STewtoaMlaad aadBV. Ptwraklqsaloa.vlaBaUtax.

i ao M. fee Xarapa per saaaaa-sbt City af Bar la. via (jniiaiisa tletarre far Uar-Bmagy. Ac aut aa dtreetad per City af kerliatn at SL far henciaad direct, ear ataaaiahla BoUvta. via Olaarow.

(lal tars ssaat aednsetsil per kotl'iaFl as A. M. for Beuriam tract, par Tt This wlta-erlana. via Aatwarpi at lOA. If -TTTvairsI taisraia, the Soath Paelftc porta, aad tke west eeaat af Masjee, "mr par siassa mi tieeaa.

rsa ii as r. at. lor cua aea 1 raattaaa. Via Mavaaa. kCAUAV.

at av r. m. lor asoa, per steam aalp Lary P. Mllaw. via Saw Orlaaaa Malls for Caiaaaad Japaa.

psrsiaasi sMpCttyof Bj a Jaaetiw. (via lea rraarawre easse bar Oa. at 1 aad Prji Isisads, par stasis sais Caty af -tSbsj. traa Baa Visa Haaj plea bar sat. IS at r.

tiT raacad ea ta prasaasptioe) V.lI77.-.7i varlaaA SraaaJsia, mmtwZmmlIZTTzrT 1 a araacaw av aissiac or TisBsiiailBa ssaria fa inwaaruof wr issir aaSatt se aaa rraaeiaea. Balla Eas arrtvtnr oa Usee at Baa iTarm.n. i SPECIAL NOTICES. UWAEO SrHI.Ck4 ACCTIUSUS, arriTri-T atn or XJTDIA. TCKSL, AhB pVrtStABI CARPL1S JlT Uadoahtanly tbeBaeat aas neat at resile aeetloe.

O.I EXHIBlTI'jJ AT 1UI ayrw.vee AkT OAUkT. 87 KASsaO-sT. Tea sold TrtSPiT. Oca. 1, aa foliwia cvv ai OhEO-CLOCA.

PLXaftft BOT1CB hulft uf 113 LlMOiiES UABIU. A few Jewel Boxsayfftspes, lakatsads, Par sals ftt HUf.ll TKOST At CO Eos, as. aad 84 MrkBAY-frr. II ia A -DA KIEL, A. WlTHHTs.


aad aatarday. IS. IS, aad 8 i aniasai laiiy tavwaa seeiainitio aad saia, 1 DOk'T FAI a. TO fEE tBl OT1B PAHLoR BrAt Sold sa easy Barsaaata. ka 124 Weet ista-ak 7) NEW PUBLICATIONS.

TM OOl. rABLADlCE. 7 eTJETBI AJTO mi j- FOB OLD AJTO TOCSOf i lacrBdiac: TEE BTUBIC PBOFXSSOB, THE WOTJVL TCOTBACEX, TKE AFftftT DOCTOB, THE BATJSHTT BOYS AJT9 TKX BO0X3L WITS XATJOBTTEBvPBOTOEfJfvi xixraTEATiorrt xa rusxiKsT BOOEZ OFHE YXAB, Prtoa, Bl la, 1 aVF.fCTTOee Pa ft west Baa, Ba fTsEMOEEST-B BjMWVni.V HICIITKd Al yoa koveb-beb how aiii r. taU Bji.Msralssa b-tac treat kaed'a eelbrald Ptetara era aad Is wvrvft hore tlisaihwsUeosaf taassarMlae, The ether Blaetraueas are aamsrsas aad ef a hlrh oror, keiac se the reftaed taste ef taarasd.rsef teis model family mars use, where mtanee Is te alvvaia, Tke Korsmhil aamher Is the Brat et Vat IX. kew tba te sehearlba Yearly oaly Blaie atri SO ceata For aale every where, or W.

it BMOft BXMoBaaT. ri7 RELIGIOUS NOTICES. ABOSTlCtkt AMD TH IMF! DEI. K'X Aoas et tke Day. A scores ef tan sermoa Ta M.

oat UUrt lb arch. Wast letheL. will heeia aril a 5 byth kev. oi awaa, iinnissiy aaeaaa tsusn, caTerd. Uar.

Oxtard. owsbh Plieatloa for Vokassa tke collcaa, (lta-eLj TO Cf; Bathar EcOAJt HT, ft. will Preaea at th 4r rasas, and atkar BBAtLlY. aTj, after veepers at ft F. ML tttUMH Vlaitlv 1 I Df Bulu IWI An.

A 1,1. Nil'LS' CHI'RCH. 4TH AY- CORify.l. ASOthet. Be, ft, Alfred SHalathal.

af Araam a. wraaskaad ChapaLhlsarhsater. Kay land. wUl areaek fteaday, 11 A- at. The Bsbue ecrdially tant aw, laaoaor C.

XL' II 1 ian.a Um aT wui be lasts lied minister So AD Boo la' Cbrv of whsrk the laia kv. B. W. kallowa. D.

IX. waa fmy tar, aa Wdasadsy svsalaa. Oet, if. atSe-atoaa. A -GE.

CARV. OF OHIf. THE CREAT Vastatasmaa aad orator, will address tbe Maahas, taa Tvmparaaee AssodaUoa aad frabJ. at the larva bail of taeCospar I'aloe this eftareoo at SaaloK. iwpsiiiBBislBtBt Ail are weinssaa, J.

U. AT TUB MADI4 ttoaal Ckareh. Cr. Jo MI1-A YF.HCE yyoKtni, Joha V. Imiul preaca at li A.

a. aad P. Cariailaatry Trh ampBaaiha tb sUvatloaof Wesaaa." kpa-jai av rices of IfotareaaAao Wsdamnay aJcktattectocsi I MCRICAE WPIR1TCAL.1AT AI.LIAM VCoaferssic, BapabUcaa 88 West SSdac, wn rwcw iwu vaya ma i aa i All are eordlaUy ievtted. I A TTHE WEKT PRESBYTERIAN CHCFCH. AAtd-et, ketwae Sth aad Oth ava4 the Paavar.

Joha R. Pazsoa, IX wui in nh ttsrttr. tke tick task, at 11 A. SL aad 7:4 P. k.

A aTECaV HILL. KA. It ITI4TH-ST. will, dlamaraa aa Tl XV AaOraw Jaokaoa Lais Celoek. aa k.

a Physical DUtarbaaraa lacldrat to calf Chances Aaso an." All seats free. naal ALL heiiLs CHTRLM. (AKTHO MtB rial.) Stht waat af etbar. Rav. R.

Beber k.T, 4 tea will ptit: hat 11 A. M. aad at 4 P.M. Attiii uiKmsii at oa KS.kvoiK- aaoara th Haw-Tart Brrtriuiai Lmm. kuaday a JO p.

BL AdmWstoa frae aad aU ta mvtMHV A REL-IOIOl'd (SOCIETY CAN RENT TBEBOB BALL, BROADWAY AlfDSmgT, T3LCKCMER l.l-T XBOkarsh, corner of A. at, 7:41 P. M. Rav. Aaker Meer wUl cfncite.

fttraasev at wayswilcims. (,.. T3BHOI.D, HE COM ETH f-PR'ACnrxa. loa tb above sub leet by onvof Joshiia's Feiiowa. tllea.

comer 4ta-r. aad SSsVeuatS P. CHlMCU OK ttCst rAVIui bU alxtk CatvaraalUt SodatT, STthek, eorcer Stber, aww- su bu rti-i-BAh. ix Pastor. saeratBr, at 11: i.

"THE TWELVE GATES IBr OITT OF GOB? kvanlas. at oa tb Uois Li-'a First lecture: THE UTFLUEBCE OF lHJt Oh CAT CTTY OS VBt BOXY UTK.S -l Oerdlal tavltatloBtaaU. HURCH OF TH HOLV SPISIT. sin' laeaav. as4 Attkat-HolT annaaiiln.

bv kav. Bdaauad tallbara. 11 avaaiu AfSJm Bar. Hash Miliar IX. of klaaaeicpL riHi Ecu or THE ME- AH.

SlTRJIT VrarB-av Bar. Robert f3ol I far. Faaw-Sivmia, xi; sub)e "Be Caaaa ss Kaumh, wber Hs as. Urooahtrp. a aaarm i riaCRCHOFTHEMOLl TBI 1TY.

AL-t Vson-ar. aad 48d ek kervioe atl 1 A. ML aad M. Th actor. Rev.

liber F. STaihlna. li ri. eashi evaalcs eab)aet rsarladlers aad Swlacllafcl" f-VHCRCHOP THE DIVIIE1 FAT8RMTY aa, nv, Lima n. rajtoa.

Pov 11. BL--od or Msmmoat" T8 P. "Ba. I-aaUas Loyoas aad tea Jaaalta." in RIMT CHURCH. ITH.lf.

fllitz 0htb-st- Bar. I)r. MbJpmaa. rvtwas at it Ai M. Bad p.

The Blrbt Kav. Bach MILsJ incBBpe, ia. win preeca in BMraiBf i pHlHCH OF THE -EPIFH AHt. sTTHaTj Vasar LealnrtoMv ftav. V.

T. Traey. Raeaor: Rewl k. Cooeer. Asskuaat klnwlax-barrloas J0 asd.

11 A. M. aad Ir. M. Beats tree.

"IHt'kCH OF THE t-TRAkUSRM, MCRCEM Oet, Bear Bta. Rav. r. Fltasvraid prearhea ta-dr saaralnr aad Rav. Int.

laarns as vaalBCa All th seats always fra. alHriRTlfS. VHW Ulintl saavj VIHUt, above Bar. Mr. kewlead.

Baetor( Bar. D. y. Mora, ssslstsak ftervlee, 11 A. AL.

if. x. HCBCB OF THE JUCA MX ATI OX, BAM lBOB-ev. aad tWkat. Bar.

Anhar Branka kamn. Plrlnc arvinaa, A. 4 P. M. AU eardlaily GALTART CHTBCB, CORKER, OF 4TH, kod ILrt-st-aervk at 11 A.

M. aad 4 P. M. Taa Rev. B.

t. ftauarlee. a IX, Beeter, will efAaUte, iPtiri. ur vusliist. Wur sal a.BT tmnn rra a am ai a in i a iss SB.BBSIIST aaoralnc ra the Saw CHCHCH By tb Rav.

TYLER, CfRT fOCTFTT OF PIRITnALTtfTfAv A- RawakUeaa Rail, 88 Waat Badak Mrs. krkrhaai Meters msralnr aad vealac as sual aaoralaei aawwa aniaiiuaa BlvySSSSaS By ta evearac ssesare at 7 FiEjriajT Hoi st or i son ISA WervbatL Was. F. Barnard. Bapei rarvef soar, sIbcibc by tb choir ml et STBT, 02 rrstaadaak-I eblldrea 'al fl a aaar a a wu atoca.

ra Bias taruea. OT; eaotaiac aa ska as Bolafnie. EXINUTOft BAPTIST 1as Caadav IS ao 1JB alary Moor, Paetoa, M.t sabect -A Coaftrsaed 7JC P. BL 4 "aver a nasal ty." Oaaaay school P. At.

Fraras a Kseeserry." Friday 7 P.M. 4 31 EKOOEt f.EirHMOIII WILL COM tnan a nas er aaadar evi i Moe an a Ban aa Baaday, kav. a. CH RCH, 8 ICE jtf 11 Aact SMhat- hatwaaa VaA aad toft era, tbe Be. ft ft.

Beward. Psatav-Sarvlras t4 f1" 11 A- BL ftaaday Oct, IA praaoetar by tbe Paa tar. Taxi Psalm LxviiLi 84 His sAreartk la anbleet -Taa Paaw ot aaa Sum aaaa." hit rtTnimi tttts anal? fliai after sat iliias. ta wbask aU are tavttad. Plf-k-ORBJED CHCCrfl, PROSPECT BULL, AVStth-et, hsiwsea Sd aad Sd ava kav.

Dr. kiel. 7i: lwtblf HltkV M. a a Dtrar a. irma Oeaual Baodat Charea SAdat- 7tk aad ail 'ay.

a. at. aoe iar. a. day-ccaooi.

ttSft. (, St. oioBcrs carBCH, tmnrryiiABTi sqsre aaais free Rev. ft. kainaf ord.

kaoSve-H aday, Oet, 14. hotv eoaaaasaloa. a. BLt 11 A. sr saeralBC prayer, lltasy.

aad ssrmca bv Rev. O. uMlua, as tnaity LB area; 4 r. BL. sank aad BkbaS I ft p.

CT-BtARKjt CHFRCH, xU-tT, fttD lOTH. laU 11 A. Tba Rav. tjv- ri fL Waat.a wulpreaek ta tba moretaa. Evaalaa.

Rev. fer. Rai 1 CT. RAHTHOIiMEWM CHIRCH. Mad phksaa.

aad 44th. Rev. Saaraai CaoAa ix Baa, tr, MarBlaa aervle 11 elek. aXteraooa assaha 1 WUI i T. fTEPHE4e CHURCH.

rtk std. taa 8th aad eta a vs. a. av am, aector. A Read 4 P.M.

tvociET or rRiEPDavT Taa wnsslilaas ritaails" BTaii. tt wi 144 8 rarkj at leaTaLeavl 4 P. aas ea leiftu a. R. aad sfts P.

BL ('Hl'BCU, RAkTlJI 1 Pastor of ta Ckareft ai th haa star aaa anal tbe Csisy. Bimalat af ia.aisinit.av 1 a ta Bra ftT Mst4 Jk-ktvtk THIBIfHT REY. PI4B. CA PEL VTlLIa eattver leetes ea-Traa Caleara'Bs Ba, Paal-s aaaa iirim as. aa aaaaai, oaa, i lay.

Oaa. BL, at eraam is mt kail aaa will avail by Se hear tals I ''xm sat I tk am Bl IV. taa) a aval I tlstlicnln 1 1 elriae. -tl MABlftOII COM EE ArT CORE EE BsTVai VaweeasaVal 'a 4 v. are aaoereaur tar 4 i 4.

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