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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II gtttug0tR tlamts, lntlmn, OtUshti 1883. Qmiimfple SETll LOW KENOH1XAIED VITIZZXS IRRESPECTIVE OFTAKTT hvrronr nisi i accept' a jijtwatioit ro hk matobaltt or tuooiVtv uroltxu ex local topics, -hi 1 tb Low wu MUiaalaitiettir rwomtssted Mayor of BrooUralsM evsnlag by tocotlng of liiUeas which, dceplta tbs stormy irMtkM, filled Ur fourth of lb lim Academy of Masio, The niltens wreeoBoosd of Democrat aod Rapeb-lioaas la tqut psrts, m1 bsr m4 that Were to be aollood ladies who bad salted te.tkt demoa-gtretloa toward the yean Mayor, Some of the wealthiest aad best kSowa of Brooklyn's Ut payers oceaptod seat wa tbs platform. Among them xjwotw a-CocaraaKaas 8. B. Cbiitesdea.

i.1 V. WUtt, ex-Coagreosmea Bare, Alexander T. On, X. I XaCeiscb. Jeetab White, Oea.

X. J. Motlneox, Can. T. C.

Chrattaoses. Go. Jofca B. Woodward. Darld M.

Storrs. Andrew) X. Belrd, 3t F. Knaop, Isaac DebawoawV Charles Barnes, A. k.

liara-. ylveetjsr It Board. Jobs JYaa Hoe-trend. Charles Pratt Alexander M. White, ft.

t. Fardcatee, Ambrose) i Snow. Beery Boats, 1 8.. Cum bam. Joha I.

James, If. A. White, X. A. Doty.

Card IL Da Silver, aad George U. Fisher. JXang la conspicuous pieces about tba Academy vara woros whose msaaiag ought not to he disregarded! Crtizcas. ratiatar nest Taeaeay." I Alexander X. Orr celled tha eliUca to order aad elicited croat appleaes whoa ka aald that the 'key-note of the call for tbe BeUa waa ttm perpetuity of bono rolo la Brooklyn, that thera waa a belief among sitliens that tbara should ba no la-terfsrsnee with monletpel affairs by politic parties, aad that a eaadldate should bo aoralaated for it nor this year wbe would uphold triBe principle.

Ho Introduced ea-AMrtrW Attoratry Themes Rodman a tbo pormaaorl iCaairaaan, aod (iK'tniUad i tho aamoa of aa booora-bto rull I oiliMBa for Vtoo-tPrMideata aad boorotaria.i Mr. Bodmaa ramtadod i hta ao'ttonoo i at tbay bad eoma teaotbor aa ettizeaa, aot aa parttaaaa. who bad Mel tbo piaa trtoa of pany otommont la par rroat bad lanod that It waa a Aulara. ApolauM.I Tariff. aanv, and olbot aattooai qooattoaa bod Bothlax do with tbo nanaaotnoat of a oily 'a affaira.

L'lvaa atrrota, food pollooaoa. (aad bo tbankotf Bod that Hrooklra had aaeh.) aad aood flreaMn ware all aoeoaaary to maka a ettr ooatfortaMo aad aa(a for bor dwoilan. Waaltwrona, tbao. for bint, una apoakar) a Domoorat. to aoataJa him for Maror lcra "No.

"lrotodfor him Da.ora, aata air. awotnaa. aaoaaao ao oaw aa woald admlnlalon oar anantoioal aoreramant In a noBHartiaaa aiaaoor, (A Votao Urn baa doaa aad choora. i I i Oaa. John H.

Woodward aabmlttod a ra port of tha atooa -takom by' tho oltiaeoo maetlDC loi Wadoeaday atchtito Ihdaoa Mr. Low to otand aaaia aa tharltlzana' eaodldata. Haraad tbo followiaa: lot tar from Mr. Low la raply to tho oommlttoot (V.

a. inn Tbo Dlatform ombodlod tha foaolatioa aabalttod to mo yo Wadnaaaay tmln ta ooo wita whloa I aaail aot aar am la tba beortlmmarmDathr. la rSr to proaora far tha city Uto boat raaaiia van apoa atra a aiatform. la tol that taa Mayor' ahoald ba rrao from onry aort ol ila i or aoliaathm la aay an or aat ot man. A atuoaua' aooilnaJbm la taraalr valuabio.

baaaaaa It aaka aaay hl oompiata loaapaodaneo auon tho oart of the eaudleata. wiia too aotiarataaai itoa shall ao mi attitude aa ataror. If booenid wits reHrierttoo. a ft haa bant my attitude urine taa pel a ml I will aeoeps ehaerf ully a reaonilnaUoo al taa handi of ma eutaeos of Brooktra. 1 bava 14 hooor to ao, tUeaneo, yours very reaprailv, I SMTH LOW.

I After tha cheering bad subsided, Geo. Wood ward said: "I Don the Platform thai outlined 1 bare the honor to- nominate Beth Low Mayor of Brook ly This brief speech waa received with another demonstration of sails faction, and Geo; Woodward gave way to Oaa. T. C. Cbriftonaan, who seconded tha aomlnatloa la a abort speech.

Be aald that surely the Itoa aad tha lamb bad kilo down together when tho eoeetacle iota presented of a life-long Democrat nominating a fceanbllcaa for Maror and Ufa-long seconding the soul nation. Nobody la Brooklyn would three years ago hara thought of snob thing. (Applause. lis ooaolnded with the emphatio declaration, which waa warmly applauded, that the oi ti tans of Brooklyn not only desired to ro-eleot Mr. Low.

bat also to continue their support of him. Tbo anmlnalloa of i Mr. Low was indorsed with three cheers. I i Alexander E. Orr.

isrias A. Townsend. Ramnel M. Meeker, aad John J. Van Kostrand were ap pointed eommitteo to wait oa Mayor low and ask him io appear before theeltlzene.

While they discharged that doty letters wore read aad sneeonea made ly several gentlemen. Mayor Edaon, of this Cltv, sent a letter la which ha regretted that a ore-. ytous engagement Prevented bia proaaooo. aad be added that it might be oonal dared somewhat pre- mature ia blm to be prsoaDt. Be eongratolated i uroosiva noon saving a onartor ao admirably adapted to tho lllnstratloa of homo rule, I It was much better than that of New-York, he said.

i In that It enabled the Mayor to aanaga tho oitr'a baatneaa oa toe same trial principles which are recognised la the maaagomeatof the business of enn-orsttena. while the charter of New-York ao :) dlatrlhated the responsibility of government that nobody was fairly reapooslble for ttaeoaduct Tba Mavor axoraased tha hooo that tha oitlaMia of all taa municipalities of the Stale would oome to mil realiiatloa or tba neoemlty or their local gor-ernmeuts being net only for tha people, bat by tba people, aod would demand a ehaage in the present System bv a eoestttntlooal amendment. I Henry Ward Beeeaer sent a telegram from Oatj oeatoa. lexaa. aaylag that the ranomlnalion oft Both Low for Mayor of Brooklya had his heartiest1 Indorsement; that no other name should be pro- eemea.

ana tnat it oeooovea una titixana to eleot bin! by an aneiampled majority'. The telegram was loadlr aoolaudad. Tha Vir Dr. Theodore Curler sent letter full; of kindly allasiona to Mayor Low, whose noil ilea, ba aald, should no mora be taken ocolxaaoa of than the color of bis hair or the eat of his eoeA. ILeagbter.

lie bad given the ally oleaa atroeta. clean beada oi depart manta, ntea of elear onaaoleaooa. aad It was not to be wonderrd at that Mr. Low Blood so high la the estimation ot iherttUena. la bla judgment, Mr.

Low's ml es during the Beat two rears had been mole bills aaeom pared with the moon- tela of hli incne. Us urged the tax -payers not to let the ol vie ear stop an the track for want of good grip, but to lata a grip oa Mayor Low and aleoi hits by a great majority, i I The Bev. Dr. Thomas, of the First BaptUt xChureh. David A.

Boodv. aad John C. Maanlro aiao mad a speeches commendatory of Maror Low's eonree and Indorsing mat MdenonVieaeo Of spirit which led BeaubHeeaa aad Dentoorala alike to kban'1 a oandldato slmoly beeanse be was the cenu. ate of a party and sopport oaadldatd with suck noa-partlaan reoord aa that of Mr. aow.

i I I 1 The rstnrn of thaaommlttao with Mavor Low and hie a a pas ra ace neon the platform tat fall view of the spectator waa greeted with prolonged ap- is use. -me wnoie noose rose bp to wessotae niam. f. aata aad handkerchiefs were waved ha the air. rheer after cheer waa given, aad the bond strurk np Bee the ooouuerlag hero oomea.

It waa aomo minutes before tbt oration came to ao end and Maror Low eoaid command si lence In which to spook. Then be Uat of tbo abandaaeo of tboi heart the month aneoketh. 1 thana you. gentlemen, for this eordkail woloomo lor toe more meat klndueas with which yon have always treated me. Yoar oommitkeo aald to me that ya had toBdr-red to mo a renoeaiaallon bpoa the plaiform adopted at Wedoeedar'a moot log.

lanDiansa 1 and that yoa wished mat to stand la tha ooailag oaovaaa aa tha aitlaena -candidate for Maror. 1 1 ball bo glad to ataad apon that plat- form and to re such oandldato at thla juaotara of adalra la Brooklyn! (Aoplaaao.) rarhaae It la booause Hrooklya Baa been aa cob tie a all In my mind for the last too years that 1 think it ia la the mind ot every eitiaea that tbo alty ahoaid bo first and the party teoond odor the preaoot -charter Brooklyn's Mayor has eom plate oonirot of all iboee Intereau aba tooeh Jour dally Uvea, yoar health, the aaiety of yoar proterty. and row pevsonal safety. Ho may be a pool Party mas, vUo would eooslder the soleotloa of a alayor aa a neceeaery step toward the settlement of Freetdoatlal Question, bat 1 ehallenge his rent to ao called a good ttrookiyaite. lAppia ben 1 entered oIBee two pears ago three great on eei loos of vital roaoera to our olty at'rviej mr attention.

one waa tiio problem, another waa tba eoanrmtlon of lha bridgav the third lo aeeoaatiy of raptd traasli. (Applaaaa. Tbo arrears troable bad grown oat of a aarlety of had government, the bard times, and an sra of vttravageaee being among tboavii Thecliy had rlaino oa property which It could not collect to the amoaat of wooa and fi.0v, ro. uf ikatamouat haa heoo ooUoctod la the laat two years, (applause.) while only htve gone lolo arrears during the same period, ao that a aot gain Of t3.0ja.ocv haa been made by the -etty out of these bad debt. Two rears ago tae amount that weat late ar- rears was i lha amount that wilt ro lata nrrv-e thin year Is $1.00,000, thus Ihewing that Wei are gradually' redodug the ft urea a.l the time.

(Aplaaao.T Twoveara sen tho per cent of oeirraat tasee oollocted waa a little abort per root. Thoee Sgaroe show that the prerty that haa been! relieved aesnnning to bear' Its orvrtorttoo of tho City a el Peases. Bat i belter tbaa aU that we novo a law devoned to thia nrroara problem behind whh la WlUlam M. Er arts Ha talnkf tt will solve tha arroam problem i In the ally of. Brooklyn, il thlak ao loo.

(Ap- it tao taw its admlalsterea or meadl ian-la at the eed of I he neat two years tao orraara roeient, wita au us inrealenlcga. mm be aomo- th ng rioiv connected with the nat 1 I As to t-ia brllje, mtay person kkra seen tha i reraasitr tor tnaar 'tears of ka OMnnlafWiav I Yoa probably remember that we bad a bridge opealag hiat Sprlag. ILeaghter.) I bopo fiat In the general reMoiag over tbte wvoot will i burle I awl tne regrota oad a.akapplaasa of I ho 1 tt. 1 he only oaa of tho three qaeaUoao that tecs Is bo substantially aetliod Is the eeeetleo of rapid ran ut. 1 rally nadorstand the stgoiOvaaco lend tka tmeealty tor rapid transit, although I do not live la oaa of tho oatlylag wards sdi am craipei.ed to rtde aown to rev i ibnsineaa Rapid transit aseaaa a girt of una to two hoars a d.y to those who have to riJsio their bulaaaa la er-Iora.

it i lara-er reveaee from the bridges aa laarsaasa valoo (or proparty la the heart of the olty aad oatho rntaklria, an lacreased oopoJatkm. and a fMuariaa-lig of all lLoao taMlaesHeo Uvtas? oa taal oorMsia- tioa. I ere alt tbeao thing, aad I know of no aaeeuoa so ftfwaMAC oa mswuis aa ton sswst raold traaolt. Applaoaa It la dao ta yoa to aar Uat thora ara two prlocipiaa oa which I ataad. ao I haJ aiwaja atand.

1 bopo. Wbra tbo ladirtdaal la eall to aooer lor too poor waoa, rldoal oaitbt to bara that loaa mada rod by koine auatalnod. I oosurod Uat tbo approach to tto bHdoaboollboopotosor8 rrora rm oinwioi oa r'ioai tarma. (AppUuao.1 What Ii aak for aad abaJI work for rapid traaaia-oot ra old tranait for IMS iiiaaa or Coawy blaadt- Kac amntd traoalC for Brooklya. (ProtoaaOd waao roor coanor Jwaa row alttod to any keeptDir ft waa aaow tblnal It waa oxportioontak Thera waa aoror aaotboe Ilka H.

Tharo waa no prooadoat by whioh to tow ora a Mayor. If It baa aooa a ineonaa aot happy (applaaaa whoaror la to bo or aowaaaior wut raeoiro It aacbaod taat aa It waa oommtttod to nvkoeptna. Tnaaaa totnooiuaooa oi iroBiya witboot dutlaotloa of oarty tba rharW ataada tbo admlratloa of arary aity la tbo L'alon, (Ap- -1 bollera ta homo rata, ta oomoiltUn to tka lo- oal aathoMUea tbo eomtileto aoatrol of yaartr ex- poodltaroa anV of oaory Itoa to aw mu too tax ory. Tbara obould bo no aaoal work erderod to ba dooo br tho Stata nniaaa tbo taeal aaiboriUoa aak It; aadtboa It abanid bo dono aader tho- ao-txtrrtaor manammant if tbo Mayor. 1 do eot-fa- ror.

bowoTar. atrlo (a local autboritloa tbo obt tnaklna Dowor of ooromea wneo mci antoor. lra want to onato a dabt I IteUaro tbay ahoald firat eonrlaoo ko HUto and tha uoraraor tuat la Indiana haforo boloo allow Ml to la conciiulofi. Mayor low oaitaa attention io tbo Boeooaitv of roaiotoiiaa nail lay. If tba eiti- xaaa ospoctod to elect taoir Mayor.

CtSQlSBA Tf AFFAIRS. I BUIIKKM" ABD CLCB BOtKt ABO MTBCBL 'tiSEOCB FEWk ITEMS. CisctxxATi, Oct fi Tbo CommercUI Club of Boatoai win bo tba aeU of tba Comraeraial Club of tola etty oa Friday aad Saturday or tba eomlas woak. Tbay will bo fcaadaotoaly oator- taiaad. Oaa.

Ebenaaa trrirad ia CtncLnnaiS atnooa to day from St. Lonla, Ila baa proportr aara whloh roqnlraa bla Bala acoompaniad br bla daaitbtar. wbo la aa ronta to tba Kaat Tba PHca of BeDtoTfibor corn baa boen flxod by tho Grala Oommltlaa of tbo Chamber of Commeroa atWoaata. Thera waa a "aqaoeaaf oa aottllait aay. aaa it waa ota op toBueonta.

i Bad waatbor tba aroator oart of thia waak affactad Ibo oxpoattlon aafarorablyv Tba attoad-aaco waa 15.000 on daya wbaati ahoald bar a boas CV.0U0L aad yat axpenooa hara been paid, and there will ba a amau hoianoa to ads to tea aarpiaaof last year. Tha hooka hare not rat been aqaaroo, but it la estimated that tba aarploa of tab) year will ao Tbo charre "of aDtaoroaatllo eondnet nrafarrod bafora tba Board of Office re of tbo Chamber of tomejeroa by Mnrat Halataad and Richard Smith arainet joha K. MeLaaa baa been reported Dock to tbo board by tho committee to whom It waa referred, and will oome op for eonaidoratloa bafora tba board at lia neatlnc oa Taaadan Tha action of tho committee aatoaata to a report that la ltd opinion miaropreaantatlona or one newspaper ro-f ardlnr tba boaiaaaa of another oaa properly bo reraraeo aa anmereaniue ooooaot. Tbo Hallway Clab, a new and- onorratla orraal-Batloa. will establish Its headraartora ia aa at- tractive suite of rooms oa tho first floor of tha Otta Bnlldlnr.

i- Tha bohoM Board wlil brinir to oossmI tba Coontr Aadltor to doAIoo tax lerr npon the dnDll- eata for school pnrpoeas at t.79 mills. Instaad of mil Is. aa fixed by tba Tax Commission. Tbo claim will ba that a Tax Commission baa do right to meddle with tha lory for school porpoaoa. Tbo Sohooi Board ring ia ooo of tbo etmoceet In tho ally.

Tbo KeDabllcaos are bolna thneatened with opposition booaaaa tba lory has been: reduced, bat with tho Democracy so divided tbo Hepoblicana oaa an ora to laaga at too tareas. THE IXDEPEXDieXT DEMOCRATS. Thera la consternation ia the rmnki of both Tammany nail and the County Democracy. WbOo tbay bava bean dltpntlnr about thotr refrularlty and trylnit to boUdia "poaoa aad harmony" plaiform to stand on. and boaatlnjt ot tboir ro- pooUra streajrtb a danaerotu rlral naa apraac op.

Xlacaatod with tba potty aqaabblea of tho faa- tloaa. tho derotloa of tbo leader Itoa tba apolla erstem, aad partloolarly with! tbo pant boaalstn' which praralla la each of too factions, a number of prominent Democrat, tho moat roapaetabla and repress ntaltre men of tbo party, hara united in aa oryanteatloa known aa tbo Independent Democrats. Tba object ot tbo orraaizatioD. la to effect. II poaslbus, a oleanlog out of tbo Democratic Augean atawee in tba City by a concerted morement In faror of tho eieettoa of boaeet aod capable men from tha Democrat la ranks to positions of trast.

An Exeeatlro Committee of ao roDreoentatlre men bare assisted ex-bberur Jamea O'Brlenr to the oerfooUen of tbo orvaalsatloa. 'At the mootlnaof the committee Uat erenlng at Delmomao'a tbeao reeUcme, aer-- orai oi wnom naro Totuntaniy aerareo ineir connection with tho Tammany ilall and County Democracy General Committees, received report from la of the at AseemUr districts in which local orreataatloM bare bean perfected. Tbeao started la erary lastanoe with between 100 and 800 niera- oera. ana eereral bare now over: coo enrolled. Sevan mora 1st nets will oerleot their ora-anlza- tloas early Uita week, and br the end of the week me worn wiu do oompietoa orery laistnet in too City.

1 The oncanlxationa anmber ao many deaertera from the ranks of the two warrlnc factions that tha leaden of each arc very much frightened aad are pre parlor to take eotion to atopvltbe secession. Upoaalble. Tho bead-ooarters of thnew omnl aatloa at 1.199 Broadway are tbroaawd every after noon ano oveomg wiin woraera wnoeo aotivity and determination to aaeoeed are aoparent. The aoeeae of tbo movement while yet ba iu infancy ia sash as ta greatly ocooarare the leaders, who apeak hopefully of tho poaai bill tier of the traly bercnlaaa task tbay bare nndertakea. Tbalr mo-tire la certainly a eommeadeble onei About 60 vouor men living In tha Ninth Assembly District bare formed a aolltiaal organization called the Tooog.

Mea'a Indapoadont League. Tbo League believes that "honest aad able representation In loaal affairs hi beat Been red bv motive co-operation of indepeadoat parties. Each member pieaaee nimaeir to support too eandMatea for locai otnoaa nominated-or ladoraod bv tba Leaa-no. At a weU. attended mooting bold it the Village Hotel In Abiogdon-eqnare last eveaine, Thomas J.

Burtoa waa elected President, A. B. Carrtngton Vloa-Preaident. V. Waldorf Seeratary.

aad W. H. Copetand Treasurer. The Exeeatlro Committee consists of the President aod Measra. Alfred Carr, W.W.

Wlllard. B. B. Marriott, aad William H. McCarthy.

ItoaolutkMia adopted favor tbo aoparatkm of local affairs from national iaaaoa. local aelf-gor- Ornmoat, aad the withdrawal of tho ooncrmlng power irom ut eoara ot aooermen, OBITUARY. CHARLES CREI3HTO HAXffWELL. Tba Hon. Charles Craihton HaaewaU, for a Quartor of a oantnry eonneotod with Itbocodltorial ataff ot tba Boston IrmttlUr, and tho vrltar of a re view of the weak, wblab has beooms the featttrs of that paper, died at his retidsnee la Ksrere, yaaterday morning, at the age of ok.

Ha was bora at Cranston, ft, and since no was IM years old bad been engaged on newspaper work. Ia UMT bo beoamo editor of the oAao efaaaa, at Columbus, and returning to Boston was editor for asborttlao of the 1oUt) limtr, aad later of tbo fcuVa- Com-eaoaweoVfAi Be eontribnted many artiates to Ap- Oletoae' Eneyolopedla aad tha Aorf staaavicsa As-etnev aad was a contributor to raiiona magaamee and other period ioais apon a variety of topiea. He was a State Senator, aod later a member of tha State Constitutional Convention, bus ha bad no ammuoa lor paouo uia, WILLIAM M'AFEEJ Trmiam McAfee, aa old rosidnnt of this City, died at bia borne. No. 8SS West Thirtleth- stroat, yeatorday morning, aged 7ft years.

Be waa strtokaa with paralysis a week ago last Tharsdar. since whloh time' be has aot been aMe to speak, although apparently eensclons of bis aorroaadiaga. Mr. MaAfee waa nromiaeaUy Mentis ed with tho JteooMioea Party in Us dlstriot for years. wiuww, MMia, auaa vsv uaugnsor.

Bla eldest son. Mr. James MaAfee, Is leaetodiaa of tho Poet Offioe Bolldlng. and ex-Aasembfymaa Knox MoAfeo, another bob. to nowolork of tao.

vwn oa opesaoa psbbsiobb ta wis wty, UAXT. Oct. fx Thia was taoi last day of tha Island Park trotting meeting. The weather was pleasant, tho alfeadsase fair, and tba batting hoary. Jim Jewell wea tao anualahed pacing race aad MTaglmoat tbo aalalahed etaaa trot, la tbo 1 olasa.

for a Pa roe of l.ooa DnoaSon won the first, third, and fourth -heals aad tho raoa. Llsrie O'Brieo woa the aeooad beat. Sa3W; ia use rroe-tor-au naoiog raoe Wesuaoat won In straight noaca, Flora Boll iseooadi aad tucnoau anira. lime rtlej SilSVa. Triakot trotted to boat Jar-Kvo-saoa roaoed tt made here oa Taareday laaL bho went tho mile beanuruUy wtthoot a skip la 14.

making tho quarter la the half aad tbo Ihree- qaanora ta srarrciova mabkm cr vioixxczl atartha Moore, of No. 81 Cberry-atreet, takaa to tao Chambera-6treet Hospital oa Tbara- oay annrooon spparently inffartax; from great Pel. Bee was removed to Beflevne Tatospltal, where she waa relievee of a dead obild. and ileata a dyteg eoadittoa, porltooJtla havtna as ta. Prom marks of vtoleaee discovered oa her beak.

It was aosoeeteo taat ano na oeon eevoreJy kicked, aad last ala-btber boahaad. Aloxaador. waa airotted on aoaptotoa. Mo waa looked a ia the Oakotreot 4SSMTS 99 A ZASXiVrT flZlt. BosTTOX, Oct, CL -At a satins; of tha aawdltorsof Ckuaterbary BaakaO.

boot aU shoe awaaafaatarata. who raseaUy faUed. tha Babmaos of tho firm were ehowa to ho tin.00 aad tae aa- aa.ia.aua, ut too asset Sbo.0U a) ra deaoCfal I or worth lea aecoaBta. aad the balaaoe at the aoaa- tstaavawoea real aiiaia. msnniisfaaaWa.

aVs THE SEVEXTU'S VETERANS A SGTAVLt ANSIVBRSAM DISHER us DZiuoswva tBSCBKt FT CKXCBAT. wBABT, BX-CXa TAJtt jxiABTn, MATOB XMOS; AB OTTlKBl A CBSTAsTTIAL PH28EHT TO Tint BlBTBOLOt kTATCB PEDESTAL. About 231 rrjesto sat down (o Vb tmr-tuotb aaniranary ilsnar of the Teterazi of tba Sersaik Boglmest In Delmonlco's last svacVUT- 0 uw front of tao kaloony. oroc tba entrance to tbo Urge AiniBrbrll. bong A trophy ksThu; for Us centra a Urya shiald composed of aatnral fiorrs aad leavra.

and bearing tao InscrlpUon, riait atioaal Ooard. WV tbo numerals la flow and erlmaon Woasonta, respeot-fvely. and tbo words In daisies. This was snr-roondod by i balo ot bayonets, aad waa supported beneath by I two crossed guidons and at either aida by 1 allk national aad resrlmantal flat Theaaj wore projoetod ra a baakgrouad oomposed at 10 other partly turied Amer-ioaa flags, and from the aides of tbo bal-oooy protndad tho British aad Gorman standards. Below, aa trsmeaee national flag waa festooned many toldsl Above tho centre ot tho principal table was aa Amarleaa shield aormonated byka aaaio and hordored with-, festooned American flags.

Smaller banners supporting tiny dags of all tho eirJllzed at ions wore disposed at intervals upon the wails around tba room. Col, Winchester of the eoimi presided. On his right aat ex-Presi- oVnt Grant, px-noeretary Evarta. Oen. Stewart L.

Wooolnrd. Sen. lxnls Mtxaerald. alaior Moiaan. of thaOkl OOard: CaL PowelL of the Tbirteoota Begimont Veteran Association; tJOC uoton- klaa.

of tba 1 sraniv Uilrd Ksaiment: Major Watson and Capt, BenriQQoa, President of the Old (siurd. bis left wars Mayor Edson. thd Ran Dr. fiainraa D. Weston, Cnaplala of tbo oorpa: Commodore Upahur, i niteo ntajtoa.

aavyi too won. vnauooey M. Depcwl CdL Emmona Clarke, -of the Beranth Bajgimantl George Kemp. ex-Co L. Pood.

Past Commander-of the Veterans Col. Chnrch I ami CoL Laird, of tho Twanty-secoaa Hrgimentt CoL koott, of the Ninth Keciment Vet eran a. Among the other gnesu were Mr. rroa-erlck Phillips, secretary to President Arthur; M. vr.

coooar. icommander corn, or LatBgeiie row. fi l.iint.!oL Hoatwltk. Ms lor blemo. Com missary Kemp.

Paymaster Klnrland. Adjt. Freo- tend. uaarlermaster uouy, lopta. xiavoan.

nay, Giffln, Tiffany. Marray, Bird, and Arthur, aad Uautall Baker. SallsWy. Fleming. Wood-hnnait.

tinrwlwln. Mill. Mooraa. Soieer Dominlck aad Crocker, of the Velerana; Dr. Howard, Pink- nay.

CoL Aboar Miller, President of the Tonrth -National Rank i w. A. paton. William A. Burtls.

W. M. Montague. Thomas B. Innea, B.

O. Bowery. Cot Portert Oon. O. MoKlbben.

Major Allison. Cspts. Klpp, Applatoa, Abrams. nneeis, Lieuis. Ralht.

nawaooK Joneav and. Ware. Adit. Rand. Edwin Sherman, Jade 8.

BordeU Hyatt, and CoL UirMH. I The oxaa tea ri were ornamantea wiin a copy oi the oeventt Kegimrnt veteran oaoge ineoiora. When the doffee and cigars bad been served, ana tho Chairman had rapped for order. Major Kemp arose and read tha following letter, wnion oueitea throe rousing sheers for too rrssiaent oi United Staiae: I ti Krw-ToKX. Oct.

A ihx MyDaaasta: Aa erjariscemeBt elsewhere will for- Mdmymesnng at dinner on etaturday evening tho veterans or tns BeventB Regiment of tne kiv-iok State hatlonal Oaard. It la wit no allrbt reorot tha 1 thus den mvseif the Dleosafo to which, ta behalf of that oraaaisatwa, vou have tendered me so cordial an Invitation. Your association baa abundant cause to be proud ht Its alnto. Us origin. It hWtory.

Its roll ox oisiiniraisnea mvmoeraaip. eiumd oi i-w- Wilt wbk-ai Um ume ta eepertally aaaoelated, aod proud of ihf National flsuvd of which tbas recimao i stk is mm rou mt hi iwumi la so eoBSPIiXaoaa aa ornament, very truiy yours, plimoaaaa it toast Of wiuuuaa A. Aiuuth The first toast of tba erenlng was Pro Patrla." Oea. Grantjwae celled opoa to respond. His name waa tha airSal for three times, three oh ears and a auperbly executed skyrookcC When the tumult had an balded tne ex- rrenaent saia i naa no lass.

that I should ta called ee early In the evening. supposed that at least I was going to boar ooo or two of the good speakers sitting near me, and that 1 would Del ante to gainer aa idea or two irom tbom: tnea I might bare aald something that would be worth bearing. I supposed that yoa were Ont I going to congratulate each other on what fou had aone in tne past ana what yon might ibo expected to do in tho future. This country' passed through an ordeal aomo roan ago in which your regiment figured in way of wtkb It a sad not bo ashamed aod of which the eountry may well bo proud. We wbo bad ah satire part to take In that war remember that It wad tho Seventh oomposed of men of stasdlnx In tha community, thst went as a hod r.

1 believe i waa from tne west, out un derstand ydu wont la a body down to Washington wbsn too capital waa. threatened, and that manr who went as orirates afterward finished aa Generals. Many baaame commissioned officers probnly 600 kr 700 rrom your own single organisation. I prekume that was not at all a mutter of favor or because tbo Seventh waa a crack retrl-meat, bat rather of merit, know that many did distinguish themselves, and tbey made a great deal of that history whloh bsa been al'udsd to. Without the services of the volunteers, who prao-ttoally composed the entire army, ws would have had no history to speak about to-dav.

Applause. We have, aad bare bad, a Uttle band called the regular army. It was a most creditable body, and famished men who helped yoa in making this blatoryi bat as an army by itself it would aot be able to fight In any great war. The Government of the United States, however, has an army, aad a grand army, wnicn can meet any roe Lb at oon bo broarbt against It. And that army la oomposed of tbo independent, tnloliigent, thinking, reflecting eitixea.

when be points his gun, knows not only at what he is pointing It, bat wny ne is ppimrog it a bis ioiiow oamsn Doing. IADDlAase.1 This is wnat makes the great Armv of the United States. This Is tho organisation or which the Seventh la an bonorabis Dart, forming a eucisus possessed or anmcient experience (or tba first As wars- progress these beoome the schoolmasters to educate others np to their stand ard, while tbey advance to a hta-tier one. 'I will eloee br exoreastng tbo hope that yoa will kdeo no your organfczatleo, ao aa to bo prepared to meet an enemy whan he comes again bat I bono tbe.tbere will never pe an enemy who will hare tbo temerity to attack na." Great applaaaa Kx-Seeretary Erarts re ponded to tha aeooad toast, Th State of New-York." Ha also was sn- tnaslastloaly greeted. Bat before be eoald aay a word no waa interrupted br the Chairman, who aald Sir recognising the greatness of the work yoa have ahdertakea la assuming the direction of tho erection of the pedestal ot the Bartholdi Statue, thd Veteran Corpe of the Seventh Regiment have antborutod me to present you with thia check for $1,600.

la aid of the aoblo atraotare and. so express sue trust lauM a generous pantio Will eucpiy yoar eommitteo wlthall the additional means aeerosary." Applause.) Mr. Evarta responded 1 It is aot aa aaoaoal circumstance to mo to-reeelveja cheek before making a a speeeb. Laaghter. I Bat mast protest against the degree ot publicity of this expoeare ot the mercenary character of mp eloquence.

However, I will pocket both tbo oheok and tha offense. I am askel to reapoad far too Butt because I never bold an omen rromitbe slate ana wasn't bora In it, A compliment from line that eary weight yoa bare already reoeived, and the Judgment of this great nation la that tba Seventh Regiment, made no of men broogbt opto sots of pesos, showed Itself able to rtso to tae level or exposure and wounds when tbeoonaston warranted. Not onlv that, hnt Its members aet an example to all citizen soldiery ot ati uio ousteaot tue royai union, ana wnen tnev resolved themselves into the regular soldiery of the Union they, shoered where the strength of the Union ley all ltslcitizena ware soldiers and all its sol diers, citizens. I ADDlause, Let other aatlons ad. mire they respective systems of a standing army or a military apprenticeship, bat a my judgment that system to best which was preflrared in the an elent Hebrew confederation, that when war breaks ont men shall beat tbetr prnalog-hooks Into sears aod tbelr moarabaros Into swords, aad whan ft haa aaded shall beat their-epcart into prunlng-hooka and their hworda- into ptowsharea again.

I wna never before present at a military (festivity of this enaraoier. aa i bbvo tne nest excuse, that I never was invited. Laaghter. I desire to thank yonr organisation for the kindness aad consideration with which yoa bare eontribnted substantial ntd to what seems to to be one of the patriotic and necessary duties of the aommuntty. Jt to proper that we ahoaid receive thd great gift of the Trench notion which reoogntseej oar mutual relations ta the revolution and ever stnoe.

lAnomnse.1 It waa the whole of France al those wbo admire oar Institutions who determined to celebrate oar triumph la thia way. Tool eoairtbattona were la am all so ma. and i tao gift from ail of France ell of tl.a I nltod ta tea. Bat whoa the statue eomea It mast bo plaosd soma where. Sew-York wsa to bava the honor of to.

and it waa beet that New- i ora soooi i pay ror it, mat is one or tba dlmetu-tles with whlon we bare bad to contend. On tho aee of It all the Natioa should contribute. Yet it to aataral that wo ahoald be expected to bear the bardea of tho expense. Thia to not the nrst tune that wo nave Been aided by the Seventh Regiment. Wind tf yoa will all earrr Into tha deela la wbion yon are lanoenttal the sentiment thai It is a oaty, yoa wiu aee tae pedestal rising with tho tree sruts or ibis aomannnitv tn aiiaa graOrylag ko the Froaoh people aad saliafaetory to Mayor Xdaoa snota ta tha tnaat T.a dtw Jf sw-York- He said that the oitixona ware nroad of the Seventh Begimoat, With snob aa organisation aad ne iafioeneee It oould bring to boar oa the whole community asy evlla that ahoald over throatea the Cwy from tha dangerous classes oonld rJU1J? overoom.

-The Day wo Colo-brete" was responded to br the Hon. Chaanoey I W. Depew. wbo csJled attentloa to taa fact that the regiment was the first to saramd tba tiUe of Kational Oaard la hooor of Lsfsratte whom thov mat on so rears ago. Geo.

Woodford spoke to The Army." doehtrlag that the aattoo stood la aodaagertrom Ootstdo tasmies aad deerted the sotloa of a lam standing army. Commodore asher championed ibv aiir. uuwr apesooss arete listened ta ntssrerilA OoL Clarke. MmWw Mnla. hklSS, CoL Seott.

Cant. KuiUu. vN.i murrsak juflgioaaiy at ffua- Ivtties inn TttstDtxT. Arthur paasod a coles day Taetar- r-Jla-Avoaaa Botat, Utba aftorac Rantaa. X.

where he wfl spend to- sasu os. oiaie vreitammysea. Ha to VO-SWMT0W from GemJ CoL Hotel CoL Powa susutaai aa frantic it day a tao bo weat to day w.U i fstaOatOOi to JRISn UUSICAl FESTIVALS. i. BIO WtOJXCT tTBAXDBS fob; WAKT 01 ji cirrTAL.

Half amailoa cards headed "A Series of I Grand Irish Mnaioal FaaUvala were recently cif 1 enlated through too nrtacipal rltiea of this so on try. Tbo festivals, they stated, ware to bo given aader tho anspioos of tba "CelUe Masiesl aod tao patronage of taa rarioaa brmnohee of the Ra tional League, Ceitla, other Irish aOOMtlas la tbo Cat ted States, aad "tba greatest Torts of ancient and modern oomrMsoraw were to be givea by a oomoaay of oASQaaled merit, Oa tba backs of tbo oards wars printed: Irish medicines for all tbo world Irish laws for Irishmen," aad aa adrsrtisement of ell warranted to care nolo. The scheme of the private Individuals Interested la the festival. among them Dr. cieary.

of Chicago, was to bring irtsa usie nromlneBt before the anbi and ospoolallr to estavUlsh aa Irish ODora-honso iu this City. A tenor was imported from Ireland who ro- jotced in tee oiaastosi name or ayuvaot in tbo old country, bat whan he oome here he changed it to we more familiar one of Joba sauiraa. Beaidaa nrodaatna? thomnalaof Balfa. WaAare. Booke, and Harnett It waa intended to bring ont operas written -br Mr.

Paul Maetlwinoy aad Mr. i itionara rarreu. of unoiin. two largo nags were made for the tour through the leading etitee. oae with a barn aad tho otherwUh a ana buret portrayed thereon to do Olapiayea at the book of too stage.

There were fire soloists and an orchestra, and loO voices ia tho eborus were expected to bo picked np koaBytowa in whloh tba oomoanr An entertainment was given In Paterson recently and a boat $S00 waa realized. Entertainments, aet down for the Brooklyn Academy of Mutts oa Tuesday and Friday of last week and the Academy of Mnalo, New-York, oa Monday night and last night did not occnr, although deposit bad been made for the halls. Several hundred people assembled at the Academy last evening and received their manor book. Mr. MaoOwlnoy, the mmnoal director, aald tae entertainment bad not seen properly adveruaed and too "Paoters'' bad beooms dlsoonrsged and would, not pat an any more money.

M. Murphy, a young musician, who had Iteen managing tba enterprise, raid he was told that SI. O00 to S2.0UO waa to bead vanood toward establishing aa Irish opera house through the agency of tbo Irish Moaleei Festivsls. but that enlr about S600 bad boon ont no bv outside oartlee. He had Personally spent abont aVtudtn paving artists and In other expenses, aad about $000 of debts were vet to be mot.

Dr. told blm oa Friday that bo did propose 'to advance any more money, aad tha vsrlous postponements bad oo- enrred throngh a lack of memos to meet necessary expenses. Mr. Marpnr prooosea to ses tost' none Of too artuts iosi any money oe oonia.noio It, and be intended to organize the company for a tour through tbo ast ana wast his owa responsibility, and see whether Irish tnusie oonld not gala a eeooro foothold ta. this ooontry.

He called oa Donovan Rosea yaaterday and that eminent atateaman garo blm no and of sympathy and encouragement. "But everybody knows," remarked Mr. Murphy sentenuouslr, that "Donovan hasn't any Among the artists wbo were to annear last evening were Mr. Fred Bomeman, Miss Ella M. Conroa.

Miss Ines Carnst, Miss St. Jamas, and Miss Anderson, sod a. chorus, a Mourn tbs Hopes that Leave me," to be rendered by St. Stephen's Church oboir. A HORRIBLE WIFK-M URDEK XXIXBS BT HXB HBSBABD BBCATJSS BBX WAS TTJtKo hw urs.

i MrLWAtrrxx, Oct A horrible mnr der was oommittad oa tho sonth side some time at aa early boor this morning. On Tuesday afternoon a couple supposed to bo man aad wife arrived. In the eityi from. BSsmarek. Dakota, and found quar ters at No.

S00 Clin too -street. At an early hoar this forenoon tba man from tba room occu pied by himself and wife, and, remarking that hta wife was feeling adits bad. left the house for tha purpose of purchasing soms clothing. Kothmr more waa thought of tbo matter at the time until along toward noon, when the discovery waa made mat the new boarder had failed to return, a visit waa at once made to the room, and the door waa found to be- locked. The proprietor cnocxea vigorously.

Dot received no response. Then It waa decided to break open tne aoor. wnion waa aone, ana a horrible sight met the eyes those present. On tbo bod lay tha body of a dead woman, sarroonded by pool of blood, tier bead was mashed almost to a Jolly, and the sight was a sickening one. The alarm waa oaiekly given, and the Petrol and several officers were soon on, tbo spot.

The body of the murdered woman waa at once taken to the Mora-no. From a letter wrlttea In German and found in a trunk, it is learned the murderer name is Albert and that be and hta wife came from Berlin a few years ego. The let ter states that tne wtre often expressed a desire to be killed, and at last the husband consented to gratify her A small Iron bar was used to orush the wife's head. To-night it waa discovered that the murderer, who cannot apeak a word of angllsn. left at boob tor Utlea.

New-York, onr- Misains; a uuvmis stoaos 1 .1 CAUPAION IU TIBGISU Washtjiqtor; Oct (L From the fact that tba friends of Gen. Mahone la thia city are greatly Interested In tho paragraphs indicating tbs pros pects of Republican success In Ohio next it Is believed hero that Republican sucoes in that State will help tbo Readjnsteri la If tbs Republican straight-oats of Virginia hare done anything, tt 1 does not appear, tho only apparent, party divisions in 1 tha State being I Fnndera and Rndlnilsra the leader of tba etraigbt-ont Repnbllcana. tha Hon, John F. Detendorf. spends most of his time tn this Cltr.

and his arruments arainst Mahi.nn anil ma metnoas are poured into tbs ears of newspaper men rather than those ot tbs voters of Virginia, A keadjaster wbo has Jast oome from the home ot Senator Rlddleberger, tn tha Shenandoah Valley, says that tha boosts of Uie Bourbons are not louder this year than they were when the Boar-bona in 16S1 nominated Daniel, the enbllmo Bophomore Lynchburg, for" Governor, only to be beaten by Cameron. The reports of disaffection on tha nart of tha ooloFad sms nf bavst this gentleman sava. been arroaalv mime. ated. and ao far aa tbey are trae tbey are more tho result of Individual disappointment to secure an- point men ts or nominations than an Indication ot indifferenoo to the benefit wbleh the negroes admit tbey have been enabled to enjoy only sinee the Headjustere earns Into power.

Mr. Biddle- oorger is represented aa being oonOdent tbat the jieeajustera win secure too next Lagsiatare oa joint ballot, aad aot only that, bat that they will prevent the Bonrboas from electing nine of the tl Senators to bo chosen, and will thus obtala con trol 01 tne upper pranco 01 tne Legislator. Gov. Cameron is abont to divide time an tho atnmnwlth Judge ChriaUan, aad the arguments ot these champions reepoetlrely of the Keadjaster and Bourbon Parti will be beard by Largo crowds and wtut grot iniwrcs, .1 TEM OSSXSJt Ml-CSXTXXWIAi. rElLADXLPHLA, Oct fi Tha Gorman bi centennial eelebration, which will oonllaaa four daya, ta commemoration of tho landing tn thia alty, la 1683, of the first emigrants from Germany to this country, was Opened this evening br a grand vocal aa instrumental concert by the German Amerioan Pioneer Jubilee.

Tho concert drew an audience which, filled the Academy of Music In every part, Tha great bnildlnsr wa taata- ituiy aecoratod wita growing plants and flowers, flaga aad booting, aad the stage waa enlarged la order to accommodate the musicians aad singers selectedXrom tha German mnaioal societies of tbo city. The programme wss a long oae, box was listened to with great attention by the nndienoe wnicn was entnaslaatla and liberal with applaaaa vumi ir too masfuiaae ana toe orators or tbe evening. The principal orations were delivered by Dr. G. Kellner, editor of tbo Gtrmm Mivra, wna tn bonnao.

ana too uon. n. Pecker, whoso sadnmou MIhwi Both gsntlamen eketohod the hlatnrv nf uormaa pioneers ano paid glowing tflbatee to their pluck and many vlrtaea, whioh resulted In the establishment of so vigorous a colony aa Ger raautowa. a bow noted and wealthy snbai of this olty. where tbo pioneers settled apon tbalr arrival nero.

1 so greetings of the meetlnr were extended to touts usnossi wno eeiebratad tha nomaim oeremoniee held ia Cnsfold. iu Rhlnaland kaM te nrs mnniM oasae from, tn retara for tbo message cabled aoroos taa Atlaatia fxora point to-day. 1 i OMMSBA1L WAJHraQTor, Oct, fi Posmjurtereneral Greaham. who baa beea oon flood to bla noose on I-eret for two daya wiu chllla aad fever, had beta In, poor health for several' weeks, aad said baly a day or two ago, taat taa mala purpose of atoreoent absence from this alty aad bla riatt to tao a est was to endeavor to break aa the uwoos wmon ao les was threatening aim. A number of 'reoorta have bsu nrfnu m.

oently ssssrtlng that the Pcwlmsater-Geoeral will reommend ooatal toiegrapha. Increased letter ySTht. a reduced local letter rate, and other re- rermaln bla ..14 when asked whether thaoe report wore true, tbat bo bad not yet had time to think what bo would resommend; that ka had had ao opportunity to work upon his annual report; that be had not bogua It yet or ooelded what ha would nut la but hoped to nad aa early ehaaee to consider tho snaay aawBtwooaa mane to blm br mea of greater Butpwioaoe waa aimaeif ia taa postal stTyloa, TILUXQ A XtOXO WITB MIAD-AB0T, m.TLra, wa, vet, o. eomo uma ago Isham Banks, a eolored desperado, robbed a tore Florence sad waa arrested. While being carried to tho Jail, at XatatpklBaBO broke loose from tho Ehorlff and mad good htoeeoape.

Ha ha beea ta ChaltailOOOnea iCoont for aomo tlma aat la law of hi hero boots. Sheriff Grlfas aent a war- swot ior we arrest to Bkerts Harpo. of taat county. Aa the negro bad made freooeat boasu bo would not be arrested again. Shrt3 Harpe aammooed a H4 i InevUabi.

bat as tne bbenff started wa urrouBaea nim. backs aDoaronUv About a docea shot wore Bred bia aa be ran. aeverai of which took effect, bringing hia dowa. I nun no. eroso 10c liberty.

a as sat 11 mast aus wtus pirn oaor. FOOTBALL AT VA2U1B11GB. atABTABD DEFEATS' WBeXBTAS TJf TUB FtRST cams of thb ezAsos. Bostok, Oct. faThis aftTnoott tba first game of foot-ball of tho season at Harvard College played oa Jarrta Field, Cambridge, betweea elevens representing Harvard University aad Was.

leyaa Colleire, Tba result, as was expected. Was In faror of the crimson. The weather was favora ble aad rams attracted quite a somber of spectators, considering that It waa of minor Im portance. Harvard won tbo toss, and, taking Po sition at tha oast sad of tba field, sent the ball fly ing Into the air at ft 15 o'clock. Tba bait was forced at once to the Wesleyan's goal, sear wh tea it remained for the remainder of the three-quarter boar.

Bypassing tho ball it came to Wssssinoeft, who made a rash and got tha Brat touch down for Harvard, from which a goal waa ticked by Austin. andrtooo tho Wealoysaa wore forced to make a safety touch -down. The remainder of tba three-quarter of aa boor was an Interesting, except that In the last five minutes Weaselhoeft, makiag aaoieadid run from the oea- tro or tba sold, gaiaed aaotoer toaoa-aowa for Harvard. i At the beginning of the second a minntoa the Wesley ana rallied and run lied tbo nail down to Harvard goal, aad forced Harvard to make a aaiety the ball was soon carried back to their own goal. This time It was Heller's torn to get a tonsa-dowa.

bat tba nttompt to kick goal from it was a auaro. ana ee- leysn soon made a safety touch-down. A fins ran by Weeselkoeft earned tbo ap plause or tbo spectators, who had snowa utue enthusiasm. A goal from tba ceid was next kiokea br Austin, who folio wwd It no with another touch down. Tha game closed with a goal from tho field by Biddlo.

The score at the end was three goals aad three loach-downs for Harvard to two aaiety toacn-oowns for wesieyan. Harvard's ruscrng waa good, not tbetr passing waa not an to Previous rear. The olariam oa the wnoie. waa very good, ana Uie eleven is certainly Dot Inferior to that of last year. Weaselhoeft and Hartley did tba best playing for Harvard, while Beattra bora oft tho honors for tba vlailora.

Tha mako-ap of the teams was as follows: gsvwoesV-Rushem Adams. Kendall, Bonsai. AB- Eleion, Hartley, UUman. Wesaelhoefti Qasrter-back roaei Half-backs lildd la aad Auttlni Full back Oodmaa. iiit.

Knsners oaror. A a bolt, Tnempaon. Smith, Blaine, Wltcoz: Wuarter-baeK Uphant) Uaif- swii-Bsqaii sna wiufti raii-DMS-Juan. Cmnlrea Vor Harvard. Mr.

Cabot; lor Wssleyan, jar. nuiuaniii. ateferse W.S, Kampw C0SV1C110S OF A WIFE-8LA YER, lows n. cmsnoLu fotjbd gctxtt of mxb. PCX IS THB FIH8T DK0BXX.

Tha trial of John H. Chltholm, la Kowark, K.J for the klUlng of hU wife la that city on tbo might of Jons' tS. 1883. -ended yesterday with a verdict of 'gull ty of murder ia tha first Judge Depue't charre to the jury In the forenoon was a vigorous presentment of the facts allotted by the testimony, and it was regarded as unf srorable to Chlsholm. Tbo Judge aald that the case mast stand oa tbo credence given to tha story of tbo prisoner that tha shoe ting was accidental or on that given to tba story or McComber, tba dead Woman's slater, that.

tba shooting waa intentional. Those two persons were the only eve-witnesses to tne Bluing. The condnot or ciilabolm after tbo tragedy waa Important as bearing on tho credibility of bis story. He did not atop to Inquire what harm be bad done, or to explaln how tt bad hap pened, bat Bed Immediately, aod to no one did bo say. notil ha teetUied oa tha stand, that tho shoot- tog was an Tbere waa evMsaoo that cnauoun bad toroatenea to kin bla wife, ana also or assaults committed by hint oa bar prior to June 88, After Blinding ta Chliholm's norchnsa of a clitol a day or two before tho marder.

Jad go Depas repeated Ella MoCombcr's testimony and said: If yoa bellere that evidence. It will bo difficult for yon to resist the conclusion that the prisoner Intended to kill his wife, end that bla crime is uiur- aer of the nrst degree." The lory retired at It o'clock A. M. and re-entered tne oourt-room at 8:80 P. M.

The Jad go bad gone to bla homo, bat. be waa aot long ia returning. The oourt-room waa crowded with spectators, aad the solemn verdict seemed cot to bo naexpeoted. Chlsholm turned pale when the foreman pronounced the fateful words, and tears glistened In his eve. Ha aald nothing, however, and quietly followed an officer to hlstoell la tbo Essex County Jail to await sentence.

Chlsholm to the third prisoner now ia toat jau uat naa aeea convicted or murder. 1 1 'i GERMAN AND RUSSIAN HEBREWS. TKACHJSa TBIX THB LABQTJAGE AVD CCS- TOMS OF THIS COCKTBT, Tha lectoro-rcom of tho Five Points House of Industry was fairly filled Uat evening with aa aadlenos of German aad Russian Hebrews, gathered together by tba Toang Mea'a Hebrew Aasoot- atlaa with a flaw to forming olssass In EneQah and to atndy Amerioan atannem The Toang Mea'a Eebrsw Association hat Long; oontamplated more ment of tbe aort which soon Id better the condition of the Hebrew immigrants In this country. It to Intended to giro a 00 arte of lnstraotloa in tha Eng lish elements, supplemented with lectures. Classes will bo formed in reading, writing, and spelling, to ,1 tkm.

and competent to- eiruetors will be provided. Leeturro are to bo given every Saturday evening until November. wbeo the classes will begin. Meanwhile, as many as possible will bo gathered together and enrolled. tne Hebrew immigrants bava a Terr clannish tendency, aad noma Live for years in America without aoqnlring any knowledge of tba Eng- iisn-iongna.

ins scaienee last evening was composed mostly of young men. nnd waa very orderly. Abont 125 were present, Mr. AL. A.

Knrsheedt pro-sided, and a preliminary address in English waa do- livered by Mr. M. W. Fiatzek, who made the official anaonnoement of the opening of the aonooL The Bev. Aaron Wise spoke in German.

explaining the purposes ot tbe enterprise, and the neoesstty of becoming Americanized. He euoted from tbo Talmud to illustrate tho desirability of doing as the Romans do. Mr. Henry Genoa! next mads an address In tbo Roaao-German dialect spoken by the majority of the nndienoe. In which ne repeated wnat aad been said by Wise.

M. a. tvieinokon ana Mr. Katnaa Cohen made ad- areesee ia ttnseiaa. anu taa piano was played bv a Russian gentleman with aa anpronounoable name.

Seventy-five names ware enrolled on tha Uat aaa pe ginning. BUTLEB-. IV. ROT WA1ES AQA1S. I EX-GOT.

TALBOT XBDIQBAST AT HIS DXSCLT- LETTBB. Bostok. Oct 6. Got. Batlsr to-dax mads a formal demand aooa tba Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity for certain book of aoooant of expenditures for tho purpose of examination.

Ia bla letter he aays: "I desire a yea and aay rote apoa this question, whloh shall appear anon record. so that if tt becomes nscsarary to apply for a writ of mandamus or other proper process I shall know UDon whom to aerve." A voniv art 11 ka aant artainh will say In substance that tho board will aoeede to tbe Governor' demand so far as 10 permit him or timsi examine too ooo at tne rooms of ton ooaru. nut win not allow aim so re mora lhnm giving among other reasons that tbe work of tha Doara cannot 00 carried on without the books. ta ats letter eoavevlng thereolv of the hoard to GOV. Butler a demand, ex-aav.

Talbot, rhatrmai. of the board, says: "As to tbo grosaly Insaitlng langaage maae use or by yonr excellency eenoero- wig iu inr communication of tna sutn nit. to tbe board, lean character Ue tt aa nawortby of every cltiaea. My position compel me to address your Excellency from time to time oa business ot State ta tbe faithful diacharga of my duty to the people of tbe Commonwealth; bat neither the duties 1 discharge nor tho people of Massachusetts, whom I would oheerfuliy servo to the end without fee or reward, reeuire me to totally subject myself to a repetition of soon langaage from the Exeeatlro to a Public SOTVaat as haa navar hafora Afmrj1 th correspondence of a Governor of thia State." tt 1 01a aot BotMm Bere and now your offenatra treatment of mo aad reseat it, I ahoald be 00 wuat-laa ta aeif-rosooot a ta daaarva tba mlaaarL of every olttaea. While protesting agaiast the dis- ooarteer shown me.

and raaaatine It in ika ai Rethod left me aa a gontlemaa, I am not nnmlnd-1 of the respect I owe to the offioe held by your Excellency for a time under tha people of tho Bute, and therefor have tho- honor to eabeeiibe tarsou yoar ooeoiui servant, TilUMAa TALBOT. XSOLJSB COMMXACIAt AT AIRS. L1OHQOW, Oct, Tho Loonomitt qf this week rays: Tba rata of discount for bank aula. SO dart to I month, is IS, to tH Pr oant, aad or trade billa, CO days to I month, per cent. Tba fauttras during tha week bars had a dlaouistlng sad derxaoslog effaet apon the market.

The Kleg Alfoaao affair tn Paris also affected securities, bat Usere eras a better tone tn Paris on Friday, owing I to sewraatH wr uoa. luioaaaia from tne greaea Cabinet. Eaeliah rail ara aanrtitaa rfa. oimoa apoa taa pusttoauoa of Pad retarna. Aroer- oao jsjiway aacarlil, cxaepUnr those of taa- iruna ana at, Loaie ana San yraacisoo Roads, have deeuned.

Asaartcan boods have improved Central Faoioo dealined per Lake rtbora -Denver and Rio Grande, Lonlsvtle 'aad KaahvDlo, aad Anglo-American Telegraph eommoa and preferred 1W, and Oregon and Call- orsnt ona aeaaa advaaoed 4 por The rotnrss ktoued by tto Board of Trade show tbat daring tbo month of September Brtttob Imports stressed, as compered with that toooth last yoar. by and that the export eeruad tam oosTusponomg penoa oy I WAAHTOfOTO, Warren County IC ru I a At the Beouhiicaa AaaonhlwCteeew.rioaik.iA Ut eeatty-a Opevs-booso to-day tho Hon. WUllam A. Ooaover a-as anilnatod, ills claoUoa to eon- I. I lose of any one who, by virtu of tho high office be tbesatriy I spould be aa exemplar to young and old ISLIAXAP0US TOPIGi TBB ADA ATXIKSOW MCXDtB MTSTXaT CLAIM tBQ AM IKHIBITASCbT, JsMAJfAPCtis, Oct 6, To tbo prvsecttimo thera baa beea no lining of tbo mastery suxrouad-Ing tha murder of tbo young girt Ada Atlan ta Bcatoa Coonty.

Tba latest story Is by znaans compllmaatary to tba father of the girl, Cephas Atkinson. Be to ana of tha riohatt tbaa la Korthera Indians, It to aald that oaa eenaot ataad anywhere la Baa-toa County without being ante to aee land belong ing- to aim, us aaa thousands oc a rood aoroa. a big bank account, aad la aald to bo worth from S4.0UO to (jtUOOO, and yet with all this wealth im Beigooora ta.a oc cause no nas set onereu a cent of reward for the discovery of tho assasala of hla duirkbr. 11 mmA Mrs. Atklaaoa.

two danghtars. aad a soav Ada -was the rouneost ohDd. ihe name 01 Mr. Atkineoa aa beea anMaaaanur counacted with that of a woman living ia tho county aeat, Oxford. For aomo time.

It to said, there baa been troable In tbe familr over the mat ter, aad a very bitter feeling existed betweea woman and tba dead girt. This woman. It to de clared, -haa been beard to make threats BgeJarat Ada. It to fair to aar tbat thia la oalr neighbor hood gosalo, aad none of too tbeoriee of tbe Boarder fit tn with it at aU. Tbo murderer to still hardly ao moon aa suspected, and the most diabolical ertme that over atalned tho State ivsnt likely to go undetected and nnpanlsood.

The meat court nave bad a aort or TiobDorae claimant, la tbo person of Mrs. Mary Hoieeworth. who sues her alleged brothers aad listers for her share in the estate of a father whloh waa partitioned 15 years ago between tha other children under the boiler that Mary was dead. In 1S56 Mary became Involved i in aeandal which re alted ta ber leaving Ber family gave oat that she bad beea murdered by ber lover and thrown into the White River, and It appears that they really labored antler thia belief until a abort time before the pre at sun was u.eo. 000 leaving noma too of meeting with, foul play, wont to Cincinnati, where, la married John Sohlusa, wbo died one year later.

She then removed to Lafayette, where sbo married Matthias Hoieeworth, her present husband. between the years trod and lt she hadnooommo ntcatioa with her people. The def ones deny tbe identity of the claimant. Tbe family aad rnend are divided upon the question or identity, for tbo acad woman of to-dav bears lit tie reoam. bianco to the girl wbo left home ia taoo.

Her mother to still living, and In ISSx. when tho plaintiff visited ber, she gave ber a Bote reading: If tola to my daughter Mary she ia entitled to aa In is rest in tbat land," wbleh shows that tbe mother doabt-ad her identity. The amoeat involved la tbe cult is small, bat the mala object ot the plaiatiH la to establish ber Identity and recover that family reo-oenltlon whlca abo bas ao long been denied. 1 In looking no tbe old records of tho Indiana State Unlrerslty, made of special Interest because of tho late fire. Prof.

Denial kirk wood aaa na? eartnsa an item snowing tbat the uon. Joseph A. AVrigDL Governor. United states Senator, and Min ister to Bernn, waa oaoa tne Janitor of that Institution, acting ia that capacity to earn bla odaoa- tioa. lo tbe records of the ooUeca.

nndar data, of May ft, Utta. was foand this entry: I AVasltNVt That Joseph A. Wrlaht bo allowed, gar riBgiaa the ball, waking ares, 1b the collage building during tbe last session of the fctste Bemtaarr. tae sum of St SAj also, for a lock, bell-rope, and broom, St svt. and that the Treasurer ot fhs klsts Ssialaorj pay the same.

.1 Tbe title Of tba Indiana Collars area ehaneei to tbe Indiana University by an aot of tao Legislature In February, 1638. A history of tbe university la now in course of reparation br ano of Its distin guished Alumni. 4 tbo snort 01 tne men as or Asonrv catversltv to raise 1160.000 toward the present endowment faad in order to secure a donation from W. Depauw baa not yet been aaooeaefuL Mr. Deneaw extended tbe time rsm Aug.

1 to Oat. but when the Trustee come toe-ether they could find only S1SL00O ia etcut. Tbe effort has not been abandoned, but Mr. Depauw does not consider himself bound bv his original proposition, although If the fall amount la raised Be will doubtless aot generously bv tho In stitution, One of tha greatest drawbacks tn tba effort haa beea tha shadow of tba proposed change in name irons Ascury 10 ucpau university. I -The Rev.

Dr. McLeod. of Buffalo. N. who re sumed his charge there beea us a bia extreme tern- Deranoe views did not suit some Dorsona.

is here. and ia being favorably considered by the Second rnspytertsn- cnurrn people as aoeooosor to the iter. ir. sTeraon. tie win preach to-morrow.

AUSTIN PLEADS QUILTI. HIS TBBEOTTFBD LETT Ell TO T0TJK0 WOMKM. John H. Austin, who was arrested In Had Bank, N. 3 on Friday on tbe charge of abaadon- lnc his wife, and who has rained several young woman, was before Justice Davis In Jersey City yesterday for examination.

Bit wife appeared against him, He pleaded guilty, and waa remanded, bpeaklng of Austin yeatorday. Chief of Police Marthy aatds 1 This man vast aKoat Vila Knatnaaa irtfamatlML iy. tie opera lea principally among youag Misses attending tbe sohools. Alter be had aet hta eyea on a rorm or feature tbat attack bis fancy ho began I ilylng bis art. Among his effects la a stereotyped otter with which be probably lotrodaoed himself to every young lad whom be Brooooad to make his victim.

The Utter reads as follows: 1 MaDk3fOlaRJ.Z: I an at a loaa ta tnaa In h'a I mar address yoa ao that! will aot suffer the dire mUfortua of gntng offeB. I bsve sera you almoat dailv for the pat month aod six weeks, and the result I that the feeitsut of inter with wnicn 1 first looked upon yoar lnt re ting face haa grown and beoome la-tenaiaed to such a degrre that feel that must know you. If yoa will kindly grant mo the favor of yoar frlsadthlp I shall be delighted bo-youil expression. 1 aa not Iu tba habit ar ad. dressing strange ladle either by letter or paroa- ut, auu ao ww uuij axirr seee; my oouaage fall wbeo 1 have eoutemplatrd speaking 10 too.

Let this corraspondsooe result a it mar, I am tad 1 did not address you ou the street aa I think a lady should be. held sacred there bv ovarv trua srutlemaa. tka mesAenger wbo wlil band you this aote will await you wauvrrvw anui at tn corner oc wove street aad hewark-avenae. when I shall food It hone to rami, a a reply. yoa please advise me wbea and where I may see yOo.

In any case, you will plea reply, a I shall aot agahn intrude myself apes your- notice. I will aot Sire yoa a false uat Icaaaotyet gtvesav i a. "If the STiri." contlnned tha Chief -anawaraH this missive, it wss tbe commencement of ber downfall her only aafetv lav in not ootlftnelL HIs wife broogbt mo the bundle of abont 600 let- tera. Among tnem are two which show bins to aara oeon engarr-a in black -mall leg opers- tlona. One is to a business man In New-York City.

Ia tt he aays that a oertala young lady-bad confessed, ber indiscretion to hka: that he knew, of the Kew-Tork man's jnar-ney with tbo young woman, and threatened to make the foots known to the business man's wife if he did noc write a satisfactory response. Whan the ease was reported to me I referred it to Detec tive 110a, wiin, lasiraouoas to ana the tallow If It wpn war naui ma- 1 COLLISIONS ON TSB BAIL. Toixdo, Ohio, Oct, 0. An sccldaaft corred oa tha Lake Shore aad Miahlgaa Son thera Railroad at Flttsford, Mtoo-, so miles watt at bars. at 6 o'clock morning, oarulax tho death of three, and aoadbly (foor, people, and Injury to one other, i While a freight train wss stand ing at the station a aeooad freight- train.

Whica waa foiloariog at tbo nronar and before it could bo atopped plunged into tbe caboose or tbe forward train, wrecking It and killing Mrs. Rogers, of Hudson. jbicbvs airs. arnua, 01 Bryan, uaio, ana a man whose remalne have not yet boon ideaUaed. Mr.

and will probably die. Mr. Harford, ot Pituford, bad bis lag broken. Tba wreck took Are, and several ears; were destroyed. Tbe socident was oaosed by the carelessness of tho mea Iu eharoa of tha vi, vi auvniB, uvr ivies crainsa.

leading train, wbo failed to get their signal; oat tmr eaouau to stop tao aeuuuu traia. 1 BCitajrros. uct, a. A collision oc curred betweea two coal tralas oa tho Delaware, Lackawanna aad Western fiallroad. Bear Oakland, laat Bight.

Arohlbald Lord, a reman, and John Duan. ao engineer, were fatally Injured. The wiwoa, uoutTOM tromo tor swveraa noors. A CIXS 0 7 MAX CBABGXD WITB TBXXT. A man with a 6-year-old child xarfaterad at tha Bremen Hotel.

Hobo ken. Friday night, as the Rev. Charles Moak. Daring the night the wife of the 1 hotel proprietor beard aomo one la bar room, and oa turning op tho light dlsoovered tbe minister, ate apologized by aaylag bad drank too 1 freely, aad ia his oontudioa bad entered tao wrong room. Taaterday mora lag, uowBTwr, no uiaoovereo toat ao aaa atoi her husband's wath and ahaln.

She mad a a plalat against him aad he wss arrested. Ha bogged pltooualy to be released. Ho aald he was a ullr ordained Latneraa miniar. aad that bo bad left Valroaa, to take ato little daughter to Germany, where hex grandparents live. He said, too.

taat no OA snst or ma laUiaraa RmlmtlM Society. Ha begged Mrs. Weber to withdraw tho ehanre. sad said It would ruin hint. He was aader in itnnaenoe or liquor at the time or bis intrusion and he did sot know what waa doin-.

Us aald be bad beea driven to drink bore bob, while oo tbo Bowery ta Kcw-York. barbed beea assaulted by highwaymen aad robbed of all tbe money aa j.oe pouem are mvesugaung bis story. JAmSS XXUVXPQCB IXY1TXD TO XXAD. TmrrilwgthAt Jaxnoa Murdoch HtTTtdt to yiatt Kow-Tork. tha thsstrtoal auaaagora aad others of that dramatic profsssioa invlled him to drs tbara ta soma soitahls hall sod at luah UiBS as vu moat to him.

Among tha signers of tha taritatloa were Aagoatia Daly, pnrnasji xa. nwtg -J mtaui d'aaaiiiawa s.aaaa mauu WlUiam Headersoa. feamaal colrUla, Daniel yroh-maa. John A. McCaaU.

aad Joseph Brooks. Tha votoraa actor aad oiocntiontot wrote from Boatoa that he would ho plssssd to give a pobUo reeding so vao aauioe aaa gaawomoa 04 aw profoaaloa aoai narsoay aitarBooa. Tao place wut he duly aa soasea, 1 A ALXAA-XTXDfMXU CHXK-TXXXXJLXX Bobtos, Oct fi Tha Untvnralitt Bociatjr, of whloh the Rev. M. H.

Hougktoa. ot Kew-Havea, ia Pastor. bs voted that Mr. Heughtoa bo retafabsd nat3 April 1 at hU praaant aaUryof tlXl. with the naderstaadtng that hia pastorale will thoa roas a uia rooeet sormoa oa tbo Moos Am bas aae boiiawad to hara sot IfiJS aoUoa.

WAS MR. L0WX1SQ BRIBED DtSTBICT ATTOBitT OF C1CXE3. C0CBTT BBFOBB CLSYtLASD. AxBArr, N. Oct, ClsTtland gave a bearing to-dav ta the matter of the rh arret of bribery preferred agaiast Be njimln W.

Down lac. District Attorney of Qasons Coonty. Btaalui Jsmas W. Covert appeared for Mx. Dowuiag aa Attoraey-Goosrsi Bnsssll for too proa seat log.

Downlsg to ehasTsd with asriaf Baas gaEty oi bribery iaxreeelT tart wa hooks of SiCO'save. from relative of Robert Dosmoad. wbo waa killed by Jamea KUer, bis brother-ie-taw, the objeot ot too ohooks being to spar Dlstriot Attorney Down, ids; to aneue seat ta too onisuaaiioa ot ruiey. Tc lytlmonr In the ease waa taken before ex numna y.tlt I BlTOiMlO i-OOg -T BBO IOTiard, 0d to Gov. CVeveiand, ajsd th hearing to-day wH for tho purpose of a Anal argument, r-eaatot Covert claimed that tbo first choea of $uo leged to have tieea made payable to Mr, Downing, aad to bava beea delivered to him ha Michael DeaTuoad.

waa, ta faot, made payahi 14 Samuel Johnson, aa attache of Mr. Dowamg't otSce, without the Utter1, knowledge, aad waea Mr. Dowsing learned of the existeaoe of the check ba forthwith returned tbo amoaat represented by It to the Dasmoods. Mr. Covert claimed that lbs second check, although It waa admitted to hara Deea received ay air.

uowuiag. wee tax en By ta Dictriet Attorney with tho BBdetatandlag that was to bo used by him In proourlng witoeaaM against Riler. aad ka the employment of detectlvei to worn np toe ease, aa taere waa ao dunic ruad at tho disposal of the District Attorney for these par. poses. Lie argued that Uus aotioa waa ta Mr Downing' favor aad la tho line of hie daty.

a third obarge airalnst Mr. Do wing Wat that he erred In aecepUng from Riley a plea of "guilty of maa-alaagntor la the third Thia aeceptaaea, Mr. covert claimed, wa aamittod by tbeJadg presiding at tbe trial, la cooclualoa Mr. Covert argued that the allogatioas agalnat Mr. Dowalag were laduood by peiittoal eaemlea.

Attoraey-Geas -oral Russell, for tbo rose cotton, inaiated that taa ovldeuoe la the ease olamriy proved Mr. Dowalag 1 gaUt, berentl wluseae testiaed to various atr camttaooee of aa agreement betweea Desmond and Mr. Downing, br whloh taa letter was to proeoeate Riley with all hie aoai. Aa to the per-aoa to whom th checks were made payabla, stabs Jo tbo cheek-book -showed that tber were both wrlttea payabla to Mr. Downing.

The protease that be received the last vbeos lor the am- pose oc ninng wnoeeao ana aeteotivee was exploded by Mr. Downing himself, who. wbea CoL Spencer. Desmond's counsel, ft ad written to him to refund the money, called al Sneaeer's orsoa aad returned )Oi0 without any claims of expenditures, and, receiving tbe tell-tale checks, destroyed them, Mr. Russell also claimed that Downlng'a accept, anoe of Rileya plea of guilty of ananslaoghtar ht tbo third degree waa ttaexolalnabie ia the face of too ract that no had previously procured Buoy, eoavtotloa for the crime of marder tn the inimi degree.

The bearing before tha Gonat Ouo samed three hoara. THE BR1QRT0N BEACH RACES. tCC COXTXSTB TUTXBDAT ABO ZXTaTaa FOB TO-M0BBOW. Tbara were sis races St Brighton Boack Fsatarday. aad tha entries for aaoh wars kita.

There was hgbt attaadanca. It began to xtis after tba aeooad Taos, aad toward tho elot tb track became maddy and alow. Farort wr equally divided betweea taa; tavarrtea aad aho4 aorsea. 1 FtBST Racs. Purse taso.

for maldaaa of sTI irm three-quarters of a mile. Eros led all tbe way atf woa by an open length. Harpoon Was fcoi.i, two lengths before Mario Lewie, thtrd. Tune-2 irroooa pool dom sis. bin Bobea.

Biddlo. Nettie Bailie Ore Klne t.rt. vera. Holy Hood, aad the Metly Owlaoa elding raa aapiaeed. saooHO itacx.

furse aaulng ailowaaeea! ano mile. Tea started." Felicia aroa oasilv bv n. lengths, Charley Pitka Second. Uirro lengths befoi um aira. taira.

Time iisoh. pools 11 SO. Taxoter. Barharlaa. bob Jobaaoo, hkyUut, Lottie laale, aad Gwysntnra raa anplaeed.

THran Rara. Parse all agt oae mi as! aa eighth. Ten ran. Topsy. the favorite, raa a waiting race, and won easllr br a leturih.

Gatk aeoond, bait a length before Marshal. tbirV lias 1 French ooola paid Quebec. Dizzy, tnondo. uiiie Dale. Monk.

Alar in, Joe Cooper, aat Kdwia A. aaa anplaeed. 1 i oca-TH Hi ex. I'm- waiter arelrhta: on mile, hlne were entered. Andrew Smith wos bf half a length.

Harry Mean second, only a keel before Areeato, third. French poo paid $2S SO. Fiona, Assurance, Frank tl Laura and Correct raa unplaced. Ftrrat Kaca. Parse JBO: all aeea; one anJ three-eighth mllea.

blx ran. Barney Aaron wot oy three parts or a wagta. Battledore asooad. oe half aleogtn before Ida 11: third. Timo-S4i French pools paid $7 Illot, Black avat cronta raa onpiaood.

Sim Hies. Parse 0230. staea'a chase, short ooarse. Five etartod. Puritaawoi br a lecrth aad naif.

Ranger second, four leagiht before Meotaor, Time 0014. ranch poed paid $40 ia Moscow and Odette raa unplaced, 1 bo folio wlog ara tha ontrtea or tha Hrirnkva Beach races to-morrow: i Proq tlfl Ttlraa nnai I a a a oldai SaaldeBa allowed 10 pouadai Inspector. 14 pouadai Lisas, 07 pouadat PouBsoor. SO pounds: Ba tie Peyton, S7 pouDOs; 1 reaaarer, ST poobdt Poet, St pouads; Gray aVaaaok poaadsi aeiiW.bkir, at was ata. i nree qnaners or a Mill; ror trnt 111: srUlaa- alloaanaai baa Wau.

lia amau tiiue Babel. 1U7 poaod; Antelope, lu; pooods; Leas, pounds: Raata, 101 boon us: Little kaile, 1 poundat Laura 08 pounds: Fauvn s-Billw. WS poaoos; Mlaaoa. Of pound Cbarll risk, yr, auumst Lona fi. ptnaodsi i.olrroad, twosdn Bird, OS oouavdsi bar bartaa.W pouadai tMptaloCarra Ttuao tkaoa.

One sad ene-rtrbth miles-, erlHay st owaooet Dlssle blond, hw Bounds: Coorg Baksa. 4 Poundi Mootaak. 00 poaodsi I al. Joe Cooper. Se pounds; itasks, so pounda.

ruvsii nut-w its wttKUH mues! use tea 10S pouads: Maria, Ii4 bound, 1 Uainav lim. la poundst Centennial, 5 poaadsi Baroa Favarwt, pouads 1 Filet, ml pouads. rirTH Kac. 1 aroo-qaarter mils, for aatw bees Amaraoo.llSpousdi Joa, tit poundst Ploaa. 14 pouada; K.

Moos. Iu poaod; Haraoonr. 0 pvsiisi Wartraoa. OS oooadst Ror a. OIuIul OS aoaaJai Bae kll rlf sria.

ws poasMati "a Ewaa. witr wvitncat ataaDaveaaaat KlCaptUB, las pouads: Joba Bamuwaa, poaada) Baoaev, IM pound; ttrldeeako, 117 rrrrviii'-! Crukia liw puuads; udotl. IU ponaua, -K an aaii rumu. im moBn, 1 nr. ri mum THE CHICAGO PRODUCE MARZETi Caraoaao, Oct, t-The leAding prod uoa market were Mea aettvo to-day aad gsawslly weak.

TM strsngtb of to previous day did ao hold. Xawahasw wbo thou Bilsd did aot waas to bay any more, aat there er few other buyers, while soUors wore a mareus. oraoclaily tn thoee linos which had act sea asost sxaitod oa Friday. There wore aU sortt of roars ot the kind which usually depress ariose, matte-lag reference to demoralised condiueoi easoeg is trad la Aoslaad. Our rseetpt arala waea fair at wsasii uu sanarsn slliag off la volem.

IL highs saeralr a aomtaal wav'of tka tba marts ought to. bo ao meek hi key ta fsOBo so Frldaya odTaocoaevo. About boas were-espeetad arrive her darteg tbe aosnlag weak, aod ft was io-ported that lord to to be shipped hiUof from several potass ta L'aiBsd t4atat, while a MilweuBee geala started the rant tha lOrOS lUrrca haa baoa nsytareO ahtpped hltaat from UrameoL Ta reeeJ was drop of So eeat Ootobor lard, wbllo Jaaoary daeliavd only laK eanta. but tbs lalKa- reactad ad eUsasd nwuHMawpnoBi rreui wnue tioer nm 10 ma loarar. fihort elba wara imaaiuMl October they sold early at Ssta, tboa at aa to, aad iropped, wliaaat aa latervaalng sale, to aa, elostag at as Ml which was cvBts iinio toaai FrMaVs oail.

Jaaeary sloasd 7a eoats at as ts aaked. Oetiiar oart declined S71aeat aad rallied 10 eeuta, to lu ti eld. while January pork eUrsed 10 orai lowers et til bid. Boaaeof ihkaowlDtcsMSlbourk siaBtta- tleo ooutrolllBg the deal ha-o oeoioeo (OMti idoars a Utile la order to preveot a (1st of receipt, bet tnat aha will Mt.l. a -raa aara.

orders of to-ooy teema a -meetiy treat partla la ta ouuty, wno aupoaaad that ta BBovemeui. ot rnoay was ootv swguaug. 1 wa, however, a very good sMpptug demaswi, taoeeiaU- aeas of our slocks of moots and lard ft alas a reoooa for werooMO aaxlny to bur. The parkiaf of this city since ta eloee of February ta rssawsil laolndlag l.o.oo hogs, agsiees LMl.OW to dato loa year, aad Ssva.000 to do la UMI. r'lour was la fair domasd oa ConsdlaB easeaat, with a BBoderate loeal trad and a liirbt bsesiry fa Kuropo.

Tboro wm ao qnotabl ehaage la prlc. Braa sra esalor st SIS per tua. -j-Wheat waa aetive aa wea. Itelosed 1 to IWmaw poiow ts latest price of Friday, at aa-ia ream ta povmnba- aad P7i Md for ti mtwr. tt la bad for December, to lostev ais SDjb wmiml aarf aa So miiui Cna tka mar deferred otoi res, too Krittaa markam wore punocw dall aad stady.

Tboy were reaiir "a aotag no Beaa-rdav asarfc sti" reported to oaouve. ao UBimpoetao oo as Tbara wmrm aiao rumor of business trovkuee aoroa water, which set tn bears eilhfV aad ts were parted showing an-ailor roeetpt. wperbtllf of Wlatax. wbeot, Tbere wr also ramor tao if aales-wore being mad aereoo Loodco aoeooaC Tt mar set reouy staoaieq on tn ail lag eg tcoorerva edy tmaaeaao Quaatuia at OS oant for li" baa. hmt LU alilaa MatlaaMt awrana aadwea to eaus later weakaa.

So. red a( at SI eile, auk, aod St ait, for -etohav. a. rot sold at SH eeula, So, raring oBioSy a Pits' erss and X. a hprtog at asasoMa, Oaiog aa averae SacK of fully to rent, la to erteraooa to utarket woaAsr, bilOUW hosbel Balling fee ti at iter at if real, aod the tolasl dilatation oa tbe sarlsKai -97 eeoas, Cor wa serrre aod weak, tt declined tf )t, aSd elnaeo aaa.1 balow tbo latest prtoeo of rrisagm foe Iimatar aot ssjhtd tor May.

Prltiah morfcem war relied dall, aad our receijM wr fair la voiuaBO, who tae Btovemeat of weed ladle tod aa bvore of aaoet a71" sms am to ssr seal a sierat a ih roarta of large oaaattue of netaher rj wbloa dtirmn I the prlo to wttnut oaoi of tboSgutotor Movombac. usoab too letter waa ooed a abov noted. 1 difference hod Peru oo Frfatar. To shlpptag dooiaad ws fair, but a rr doeed pvteas. Mo.

dlng mostly a to tH eeotj. ood rejected aaoatlr a eawt. Is waa itarrd tsa oooot luu ear-toad wore awtag loodod for aUcalcaa. aod ta taa re war ywl sbtpfag orders feat polats. be th bears war ptaatsr of too siueo, sed solders grew tta ta vtow of tao ankasss a arouaaV '1- BVWrOCATXO XT MCAW OAA i Oct.

tV J. E. 8 pane mr, a abaatof Frmeetoo. West Ta, arrtrad ta tato ettf last abrht aad took lodgings at the Niagara Bsdse. oa CsmBB-stroet.

Thia morning be waa roaad 1 ta Bla aaa. no cute i Protioo were aaiet ht tka Baval, very dull with a woag to a all throegh the seat lea. Liverpool wa Quoted ea. btgaer oa Urd so ad. at sr oo uiata.

but it waa nadaraioat aara to ht.

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