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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 7

New York, New York
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11 ciw. IM I ill ii Ml niMUl are mmm a a wava ai 7. vapav 1st By with Milt rub fnat, kavmg il Uw faiiiiiiiaiiii ui built tatlM mil sunt aatial aaaaasr. 6 TTH-s Tha dearabls 4 em. brie" haaee Km.

tU sad X9 7th -v. LM 31 fast 4 lack In TS the 1 rnrhea Os m-T srr Ths e-etorv do Die brick sans. No. 41 KM Ifc-st. Lai H4 by fast.

CM lr-muT iPi UeTwsTkA-IT-Those bmuti-fally mm lata aa 13Mhst Xa fee aat mt Ka-av bunt last fieat aa seek street, sad atuate IS the laxnavliaM BWaAhwhend wuUt mpmtanu On aTlT-1 aa desirebl lot aa EM-at ttt feat east af tlb-ev 31 foet by HI feet. Lss-avxb, BoooaLrn The S-etarv, beast at and setter atmr fnmt bnrk bouee earner af Roee-tt. and La av auk BMubls buUIi, sotmoee. ha. Lot B8bvT8 Alaa.

the twarth aad fifth hawse Iw th enraer ta tha aaaa taw, bM a tka above oaannbad sonar Lata aaeh 38 by 7A Tbeee haaaaa aresitaate wrtkia taa. thaa hte mm um' walk trm tka Peek alia Ferry. A lerg porta af tka pamkaas atnasy mt aU tka abov raaattjr aarnawai bond aa Mono far a tarai of tals sad mane af taa property caa be bed tans of tka aoctioatira. Ha. hi IkTino Aartionaer F.ViPr? IHVINO A CO will aall at suetioa oa TIEADAY, April IT, at o'clock, at Nm.

S3 Waat 33tk- awai fkLa roes a said peUr fu rait a rs, covered is oriai it aad gold bro-eeaeile, taaaatiaa: of eaee, twe ana chairs, aesnag chair. Bad eu awls hairs, aarvtxl naawoud aiarbta-tooraatra aad reoepnua ehaa-a. French plat, aar, kiainHa aaa lace window caitaiaa. carved tana mul magera, aaata of rosewood anartetwa. ormolu kaadaliaraaaJ kraoaaa, alacam Ctuaa, broasa ana Par aa aaaalsl Bed aiaorBnsBmral alaranlmaaaamt i.mul fnrt Btaaooa V'slva taoMrtry aad Braaaala caranta.

rtrvad lark valaut badaaaai Innutara aa aaita. raaek, ajarbla-toa ajataiac taiilat. dnan Karun. araaa.ui aarb'a-towaakMaot, knnm, rarkiajr-chajrt and luiu. tf ar-ai't.

caaa'ad la bfjratalla ra am at matnk. auitat of aaaaalaal taa pa.atoa ataibla toaeitaebatlnaiBrcrailura. kaaraauiaat.a, aakar bada. knlatara aad llowt, rl.ina t14 wpat, atlvar platad ttair-rola. Kasltak at clotk, eanad oak bat atand and hall chair, lua- tlolklW'ban fum i nra Tka bImm fata ia bat toulo aaad, aad all mado to otdar by Naa-uoma.

H. Wm.hax Itrixn Anntioaaar. OrEIIOLl IRVING fc Ci- aa MONDAY, April l. at 101 aack, at Na lH Laat d-t BruaMla and a-pl earpeta, doi rkam and ana ckair to maich, am ehairt and divaoa ia erimoa aad aiarooa window cunwa, aarrod rota-wond ca rauhlaa, ankotwy rtrrptiaa aiarbla topnentra table maatal omaaaai at, carradroaewooil axUnaioa dininr tabla.adrer: platad ware, be alua brocatalla window cur-Uiaa, auita raiad mabofakf parlor fura tura, erernd ia lil a and roll brocatall. maWxnrchain in An-rd dola aa, alattaat earrtd roaawntid piano- forta mad bj Ol.Urt A Cit black wain at aad maWary Fraaeh ha.lataad, dra.n i.

MtaaJ Ac Bhoaiir draavan tab'aa, cottar adataadt, athfaaT wrdrnwn, ana chain ia mtntlin. china toilet tata, allcloth. dmna and tea,., aanrnra. kat ataad, Ac; togainar with aa aatortmcal of A). Ludlow, A net mniwr.

LEASAl AT fUBLir AUCTION- 1 T. JT.t Tr 'ro of Trlar. IBM, at Itir City Hall.THlS UlT.IU.Haa fata. JT.i balo? jh, tha Corpmt.on of tha 1 HIT Wa.h ntoB Markat wllar. tare.

Graoawich-aY car of Aoa-t the Urea ahirr brwk koua. ia batwaea Kirtnrtoa and tanujn ti i fa marrr ooena.rd br Hoaa Compaar No. Tha three ator bra hen in near areni fcratatW oceMd br Ewina Company No It The twoitorr brick bonar, No. (80 We M'h tt near Oraenwtch er af th prnaartr to ba leased ennlaraina alto the teroia nd ronditioatof a. may be obtained at lb Coraptroller't CtBra, No.

I Hall of BeotrJt. A C. FI.AOO Comptroller. ftRAkccDsrABTWiHT.CoairTkoLLra'i Omc. i iTMt, Marckltt.

USi.) Apiar Mtn-LFH. Aortionear. IEfTTOR'S ALE OK VALUABLE PROni'C-T1VK PKOHI.R1V ON ATLANTIC AND PACIi IC-BIB will at aa toa?" I U.8DAT. the Utbdayof April. 11 at UVclt-k.

at the Merchant' Exchange in the City of New-York, three InUoa'k wntb tide of Atlantic Brooklyn, betirt-en Hick and Hear? at eotnnencing Ulbetl inchee west of feat ont bt 9 fact deep, torether wrh tfce ubatantiml tkrae tory brtcV bnildin. thereon, alioot 70 fc-e la derku Sack of (bias building for tMU B1.H4. sack containing two coaraniant and deijslil storaa ALSO Two dearahle Ihroa-ttorr brick kiniaa and lot on Ike aorth tide i Pacifjc at near kaown a No. 3 ad 4T loU faat by 90. hoaa 3 feet deep, beside z.

biuldina of ona ttor j. Two third of the pa chase rwayreataia vn aiorWsre f. ar fnur rear, on i at earns, per cant, for farther infnrma'iim apply to NEVINS, Eiecotorof B. H. NEYHTSi deceased No 51 Merchant' Excbuura.

f'ftl TftM A firt i nai 5 KWTFKI HOHlEHOI.I FCRNITCTRF -4 MftKI'Wl kOTi PlAVikf natkfl mru tat a MlKbORB.CAllPErS Oll.ClTAAHLOrl ri; AilTURE. COLTOH will aellTHIS DAY, (Moo-4ap, Aprt) al 10 oe aek, at tha Actia ooaas No. aa ataakatan-at rery hmrr aamtmenl of reod roatwood and asaaefraay fa rait ore. aoi of which I ora a fvmj wh'i tr taaasH'(. It will rouswt ia pat ofaereTal itnte nf rose arood ad aMdtaaaaw parlor farnitare ia sabai brncasella, maho-OT IMe--tece, reach beuataads, aiubl top draaauia n-" naasa, aaeretal ea, drains and extanetoa tablea, naarbla tapoeane, card aad fk lablaa, cofaa aad aofa hid-aaead rranab Plata aad oval mirror, oil aaiataua, oak aad art asspto ckaire.

Braawl three-ply aad irarrain canwta, aaleknaa-all of whick wtU ba said to tka karbaat bulder-ta close aenaaaraaieM OaTUKbOAY, April IT, ska farBitnre of bona No. 16 Waostar-et. Alan, same da, at o'clock, P. af all tka fa rail ar at Ka Roaa-tt. HrY I rm Auctioneer.

fT H. H. LEEDS It LEEDS JJCO. will tall by aootioa, aa MONDAY, April la, at 10. clexk, at No Ml I2tb-t between 3d and of oae splendid sraa-octT rraod acttoa ptano-ft ftawrly used by Jrnaf Lwd.

and coat beaa-tiful aoHas of rosewood Tared ra raen gA and black nlk broca telle hch carrad rosewaud marbla-top centre tab ante table, etsgeroe. nek tnantal rase brocatel a and lace onrtaiae, rick ralyet carptu and rues, lea-rain and three-ply carpets, ail piaMna, aaburany aofa in hair tka, rosewoo i kadtteads, rosawoad drswiaf borean, BMtrbla-4op waskstanda, table, manofany tea aad dimnc tablaa, roaewaod book-eaeaa, oaa stanos-any wartrobe. snadow curtaina, mirrors, msttrree. pillawa aad bosera. vara, siaaa ana silver paarea ware, niai ornaments.

aa ss, aui. Also, kUcker furaitare, witk copper atanaiU aartbalMckaa iltrlT NioolaT. Aactloaesr. IXECtTUK'k SALE Of ralnable Lit and Onraa, titnated aa rtrst and Second-ar and tnvk-et, XlXth Ward, ra Ike caatre of Yorkrill -AL-BCHT H. ICO LAY win sell at aactioo on WED ES-1)AY.

April la, by order of tke astcutorof loha Count, daoeued, to elate the estate, fartr-serea raloable lata aad (orea. aitussed as 1st and ad-ar. aad KUh-st ainaaf which ar Bra Tery deairabl corner lota, the four careers of M-av. and Rath and tha southeast rwaer of t- aadMtb-at. No property uAerairealer mduoeoienMf'r aha aireetaseat of capital ia poicnasa or imprereraaoU.

Ta aala will bo positar. terras liberal, till perfect, aad th property will eonrared free from all incuaibrancM. LilaaaTapkM) man and fail pvticala nan abtamed of Tboa Palmer, No. Merchants' Eirhantre, or of A. II.

utay, No dBroad-at. a. M. V. LK COUNT, Eiecator.

PvilII W. WtsTCOTT, AactieBer. GENTEEL HOCSEHOLU tUH.MTrRE-Ai Um No. tl Waat 131 oa MONDAY. April at loi o'clock, eenast nof tha entire farsitara of ta bowse, room aaa stair areata, oil cloth, mirror, sofas, tcte-a-lele.

marble-tup tablee, arm cba rocker. 30 day clonk, onatlT mantel rase, sprina aaat and eoltaaa ckairs, dims aod break Cast taVe. rich ck na. silrar ware, mahot-ay nd trxtaxs bWataads faatker bads, hair mattrasse. toaara, card tsblee, msr)W-toa s-d a buraaaa, wi- rt ads, tan let aate, oral amed aa(iaruvra, Ac witk tke itekaa arraitameats, with wkick tka sal will eoainunca.

Ifo postponement. MotktLl, Annlianeer A rrrio notice -exieksive sale -this a MORN IN 0. at ItHa'clook, at tka larr t-story dwallmi. Ma. UN M-ar comer of 13tk-et tka eauie koaiaknld aru-laa of a f'aiily left tk etl.

Aasutiaa of relrat earpetiaf, tasawood piana-foru. (ad faraitara la lanre variety mat- TL 1 ei pminsinrs, miners, iiteaea amciaa, Ac i sU a lata tariaty, Ac Aad aa TUESDAY Beit, at 10) k. i i wmim es urajaare, a Ma. si Nassau t. Wit itmi, Aactianaer.

TniL1F R. Mli.KIN Will eU at anraioa oa JL L11N FAD A Y. A pn I IS. at 11 o'elack. at the March aMa Tick ear, the first -rla jtir-arikrt atoa kaaaa aad let Noa.

aad Waat tl-et They a bailt ia tka beet manaer br dny' werk, inaaWd aaadera atrte, aad mb tka rat set far proraia eats For fortker parUealars, ap-pry tetba snclsiMiaer, Na. Eroad-ek, earner af Wall-ot. Pff2bBERITatfaj A PHILLIPS. tiL tjA GENERAL AUCriOlllCM, Ma al I ill JLm aa attawtioo ta nalea af Itaal Ettata, 2ft iSZli- alM aad Borate saU 1 taa aawattalad. at bekwanaa ta tha aetata esLve ani pnraoaal propertr the HAMTFOHD COUiTrt aa bawa af kast Wmdaor.

OVAKMT rOMPANV, aa aty of HartMtd, State af Conaactieat, ihul arras ea ism wna vary -Taiaaaie ma stone aaarrr taara-aa, the asirty af wklcfc it sard saala. if Si. areeaaa tolkis anaalrrfnr baaaty aad aarahtlay tri naiajnina aaa at kam aowar amaa. aow. The above real seals tm maaaraaibaaad aad tiU iadassatabaa.

Alaa, a aswaiaaaai et ajnarry iaeia iitmw ia ti Bare, sleAtea, dnlla, wad las. cbanu blacUmith' taola. Iran aad steel. i aad kaias carta. karauMi, three slat fura atona ears, am cars, railroad baa aad won for eotaplatia ratroad a tka Caaaaattcat br.

one) eeatrltoe-al Berajaa. wva It area, i aa I ether band crease, aaa larki- ar.aad aii the etoaa aaacnad aa ka Bala Utakaplarao tka rmis. Alao, at the aSSlS time aad alaa 11 tka mM title aaa! a eaual Vnmpaay (beta aa aajiutT if redemntioa) ia tka Llnu ariapaany. HI IW I V. AaaVAJa, 11 aarwoiBaoa.

Man m. VMA bwT eZdETS Zu' tka rrklK DTW-r, C. ri.trvt Ktm-JM, btawok ataltak unt labia, taakaaany aotaa aad chain ia kaa-oiath, aUaaoartl. ckuia daiaar aad taaaau. eat (taao ra, alrat pkttad vara, eutlerr.

he kaary Ealith od lotk oa baaamantaad kitchan, aaarhr hw. locathar with a Plan aaaun frHmtntiLE at Acc-rio m. tk Ooart af ProbaU. will be aold at anhlK aaeUnT witbeat reeerre, far ta-k, on THURSDAY lA.Ulas at. I vw af anm asii ub CSSW LTiOia; ewllara tiaairdit Xwiik Waskiactaa Markat aaid three eteree balonpnt ba ewrar Amoa.

aad Gtaaawlck wiU oa mosay, aphi yiV fvL alaa Uaaadlbr oa CZ Bee II lead Kaanaat a-Sn r-. Km I "art-: las Wif AUCTION SALES. DaYT April tUkasl' rm aeevMii ui simi a mar cm a oreT Indmaa Railroad (Ooanaa Iraart aaatAai tla tlAOSt MM MletusM Mat par aaaA lUHi parcaat. 1st Mortcaca Bondaof tka Cba- maatu u.aoTt aad Chtrafa Railroad CS.MB roar.

ri aaa iscoaata Inuworemaat ai aaa fCnp 1st Jaaaary $H0 Caaaadaweai aad Conine Baitraad. TairT iaanal Cam Cuaapaay. U0 share. Bead aa- Rai mad fMB sack skares Tknd-ar. Ratlraatl ICahare En Rsilruad laneaek hare See- ad ar atatlroad la sack rrs shares Isabella Capper Compear lit eaofc tka os Potomac Copper Compaar each 3 shsres hat nam Bank 2 shares Bank of North AaMnca 1 100 each Hi share Baa.

af the Ceraasaawaaltk i ISO each It abate Aiasnt Etpree Company I00 each akarea Broadway Frra Iasarnaea Coot pane zi each tkaraa Btarraaant Fir laattraar Compaay fit each (them Pa'k Tire Insurance Coaapaor lwleech akaree Nortk Asatra-aa Fire lasaraaos Coannaay.tM each eO aharti Kortk kmt Fir Insurance Company W. Mzllas, Anetieaiaar. BT HOt BHTtl" it MELLOR TrESDAY and WADNEhDAY. April II and at toie'alock eack daT at the extensive wareroom of Meaars. McOVAW A A I J.UO.-HH.

N. Broadway, ambraeiiuT the whoU of their costly and elaborately carrad furniture of th latest and most aprjrored style now ia aa. We lante oar numer-paa (imdi and th. public to now this really beautiful collection pren. ua to the aala, aad they caa reet aeaoeed that thesale will peremptory, a.

they are ckieiar their b-in-aeas Hotel Proprietor, country merckaaU, and tnoea about refurnithit rf rlas hoosaa, would prootby aUendinc thai jate. Erorr facilar on th. preaure. far pa'-kin, aod shtp. in tns Mora unlil the et of Mar Tha stock metals ra part, n.

oacorswd and enameled chamber suites, of the latest desurn and ttyleaj parlor furnilur willinclude eanred rosewood parlor fnrmtnra, aa suns muslin, of tha lateatstyle. and carrod rosewood parlor eoretary and bned with Minwood aad coat rick pier aad aid Ublas; beautiful roaewaad atajnuas witk minor tl'WS and back: chamber farnitare. elabrieataly rarred rtmawood he linearis, bureaus aad eraahatanda to match, with marble top a so amnogmny and walnut soitaa cbambar furniture to auatch, tnretaer wuh hall furniture of very desurn sad style, rncludin rosewood, aaahtarany ball jttnd. batltablr with and withoat marble loo. hS.

chairs, Werether with lanre asaortaMBt of plan farnitare. th mahopiuiy tel-a-tta, armchair, rockrs, diTans.ottnm ins, card-table, ajn walnut and mahotranr ntension nrns-tabloa. cortwr Wands, etsarere. Mac atand. fancy table, liltht-rtands.

Ac. Calalua-ue now ready. ADklta Aaeuoaeer PROPERTY NOW 1 OCCVP1EO BY THE HOB AND LEATHER BANK, sitoatad on the northwest llla ata bain: 43 feet inches ti JPtO? kH 'Be1 oa Joh-t, and 43 feet 1 inch ia th rear. The btilldtar is a first on of lb eelebtated Washtmrtrra buildmrs snd replete witk every oonven ence. The bre-mises are rented for tha oonnr year for a oho This pro.

erty is a leasehold from the formed Dutch. Church, bar-Df elereo year nnerpircd of the first term, with two ra-aeaal ol 41 yean each, at tha and of which time improvements be paid for The above described prope tr will be sold by auction by ADH1AN H. MCLLEH.oa FRIDAY. April 2u. at 13 o'clock, si tha Merchants' Exchange Trims lti per cent and the auctioneer fee on dar of rale.

IS per rent on the 1st of May whan tha deed will be delrt end, and tm balance on bond snd mortrars. 13 040 psablc annually. William Ikvinn, Auctioneer. AJ' IKO RAILING AM At rOHY -'M. IRVING A Co.

will at suctiou on MONDAY, April is, II o'clock, at the in No- Brooklvn In the matter of Anderson aad Oeorfe assmaes Sale of tha tock. Mlt, Ac, of aa iron mannfactnrer. coattst na shsat iron duor, tide aochoat. hook aaetior, anlows, ask. ler aaohor.

atrsn anchors, pu or tune machines, any. la, nra, araaoe t. nri'. chis Ac punches, sledlfe. wreuchee fore, barks, stcoplu.i.tare,eaetinn.

stoop i uonamsos isno railiaeT feaoe caatinjrs. mould net vault cover, file, window Ruard. nails, pfstform cals buitera. pattcrss, bars of feci, dnllinir na Wnes, window ba.eoniet, lonj. iron and wooden patterns, hammars, iron hoi tea.

nil wheals, iron bedsteads, grates lathe. -smitn's coal. rouh iron. Ac. Also, at tha book aco unti, Ae 7 be rn lot, to nit the trade, by order of Oeorce Itrhart.

snitne Johh K. Oaklct Aoctioneer. OAKLEY A WRIGHT WEDNESDAY. April U. at VI o'clock at the Me Chan's' Exctunire, New-York, eleven beantiful country seats, containing from five to ien acre each, delirhtftiliy attuned in the town of New LotiK.

about a.rhty rod from a public lendinr. tm the Jamaica Bay. and aad a half nule from the Rsilruad Depot st Kast New-York, and from the junction of Fnlton and Division-ars npon one firo-ecra plot there is a neat cottage, well arranged for mi ord nary aixerl femiiy-rack plot hs a fine fioafscs oa the publi" hirh-way, nearly tha who: of th bud is under a fimt-ra's trial of cu tivation the o.l ts unusually rich and p-o-ductive. wh calculated lor market gardens, being easy of at eesa by plauk roads in ertry direct on, or by railroad Ti-t' indisputable tern. TO cent mar remain -or five year a 1 ner CT.t.

Mans and nsrtienlM-A al k. the ancti No 33 Brooklyn at the same aaa- um, nsw. a iurea-eiorv aaa nkoer-osi tar frame house, c-muanmr twelve toon, Ko. IM Bulla -st. lota by 100 feat house a by 27 feet ston stable in the rear of lot.

Jostth Anrtirmeer OfTftEHOLI. tVHTf ITURE. TUESDAY, April 17 al cluck A at No 36 Sydney-pl see. rook Wn. mahogany parlor and chamber furniture.

Bru carpeu, and kttck en fare it are FAME DAT-At 11 o'clock A. at No MOranra-st between Henry and HirksU, Rraoklya Executor' csetJutuT ale A large and genesnl aaortment of "i.uir.. i ispsauy nrUSSeiS CBT- psia, I cloths, mallrsis, feather bade gilt chandelier and brecUts. with th kitchen furniture. SAME DAY-At lo'eJock P.

at No Tl Br of Or" re st Brook lj a gsaeral ataortment of parlor, cbamber and kitchen faraitara. Cslalogaes at th salaa- tMrlAT AMal chamber forniture. rich tapeetry BrosMls car- Joh Oablct. Aastinneor. OAKtEY A TUESDAY, Apnl 17 at 10 o'closk A No 100 Cbimbcrs-st a larga and gsaaral assortment of hoaaehold fornitnre.

Brustel sad ingrain carpels, stair snd hull do aad easy ckasrs. spring- teat na-lor curtains and bsdataad. knattrevasa, beds, beddiaar toilet nts, lootiag- flassea, dinUg table, diniag-reom ckairs, cut glass ware, rory Uble eutlerr, crockery, silver aad planished tin wa-a, kitchen articles of every description, a largo and general assortment of chamber and bedroom fu-n-ture. with whirk the sale wtll rxmiroenee Toms cask, in bankable mousy. Cataloguaa oa th Baorniag of tale.

Cill Dxl.AVAIt, Aoctioneer HAHLFS H. DELAVAN WILL SELL a' Auc bja ut EBNESDAY tke 17th of A il. at to o'clock, all of the maxmllcent houaeho'rl furniture, fine od paiutinia, roval Wilton carpets, mirrors, pianos, etageres. Ac contained ia tha private dwelling una ted No 117 WeatZM-t near the 6th-av being the piopnty of a family leaving fa-Europe Cstaliarues are now ready, aad can be had st tha office of the AacUoneer, Noa. 1U and 121 Naasan-et Marble

lata Bible House, near the Naaaau Bank, and also at No 1 17 West Zll-et oa dar of ssle. No peetoone-meot on accaunt of weather, and deposits required from all porson unknowa to tha Auctioneer. Jame Vai A irrwgsT.i Aoctioneer GLASS AND CHINA. JOHN E. VAN AMsEsP will sell, on TUESDAY.

April 17. at No. 2M at la o'clock, 140 craie A full assort me nt of tka above coa listing, ia oart, of plate, ditkes baker, dinner and tea ant jug, bxrls, china la sets. (41 pleoaa.) Fraock ekina vases, atotto cofeos, Ac A 'so, 70 parkare glass ware, crates Rockingham spittoon, jug, to da japaansd ehamber aad water pail loll guarded lanterns, saanrtad aa nasormeut of kntve and foiks. tea-sraya waiter, fancy clocks, kc, Cataloguas Ike day pnmoaa TrrncAif fc Ti tswoBTft, Auctioneer ArCTIO AOTICE.

DUNCAN A ELLSWORTH. Anciioneen, No 14 Piae-at offic Na. will their Seraonal st-eatloa to furniture aalea at a net ion, at the reai-eucea of part removing or breaking np boner'aeenmg lit ewtse to the aal af the stocks of merchandisa in stores baloegmg to parties riru np baainess. Kefsrenos riraa aa to capability and just return Advance made whoa ra-vured. J.

DUNCAN. ELLSWORTH, No 14 Qflrs No. Commonwealth Building. Aliibt H. Nicolat, Auctioneer.

OCKPIIOLD F1RNITLRE AT NICOIAY w.U sell on TUESDAY, AprU 17, at 14 oVOork, al No. 01 WaU coust ng in part af niabogany anfas. snai b'a top centre tnblea, bureaaa, Blusatls and imp ara carpets, Bokemian wars, panau fignros, pai' rbvea, airs, table, Ckiaa and glass ware ha mat-tresaea, bedsteads, enrttvas, togetitar wttk alot of kttch-ta atenals, with whack tks taa will be oommsaced Term cakk. and a deposit required horn every purchaser onknowm to tha A oat Mincer. Catalogue oa morning of sale.

C. H. MiLlkb fc Aoetiooasra. fTI TTJEafiAY. April IT Genteel household fumi-vStare, at 104 e'e ock.

fjio. 19Wst 20th Mtra gth and Kb belonging to a family breaking sp kooseiieep-ag. and consisting of parlor aad cb anther furniture, eleraat velvet tspestiy rsrneting. (ot worn. I Bruaaela, tireir-petnag, thrta-ply hair cloth teta -let at.

mahogaay card table, fas fixture. Be. Also, oaa I octave piano, nearly new. P. Krnr.

Amwtoneei. Tneday. at li e'clock. at No Nassau two uosrt from Fultoa-at R. KEMP, will sail at auc tioa.

as above, a very large assort in of good sec md-hand Psrartare. paamt-fortaa. car pees, assrrors. a 1 paintings, Ae from various families about removiag. hich at well wonky of the axeaoaa af housekeepers.

Catalogues oa the morning of sal. A.J. Bl.gmrgr.n, Aactionaar. BT A. J.

BLEECKKK At auction, April 18, at 11 e'clock at the Merchants' Exchaoge. eivhl lots In wo parcels af fvr lota aa' k. witk prinlage af both, en east aids of batweem Ud aad 134-sts feet by 100. except oornora. whicb ara 16 feet 5 by lbs.

Saveaty per cent, caa remain oa bond sad mortgsgs. For pamcuiar apply at No. 1 Broad-st. H. InN, Auctiaaear.

VALrABLK HORSE FOR SALE Oa DAY. Apnl 17, at 11 'lock, front ef H. LEEOf fc CO '8 Btore, 19 Naraan at oaa bright bay kr, 14 nandtkigh, I yax old, last traveler, vary stylish, saund aad kmd. perfectly gentle, snd aa azeaUsa family korae. Bala withoal raaersa.

V. Adbiaw H. Mrti.tira, Aactiaaasr. FOR SALE. ADRL4W H.

ita? "I at aaettoa ea TVESD AY, April IT, Hf-kfi 6.fkrk- the RtirW Eackaaga. Narw-York the aortk r.oe of aawndtf tww kaa-4 red feet east from 2d-av. i mack lot ta br fcat inohas dmia. EtimsTarylilmriJ. oy tajiwai inoaea Tllfllt M.rffiaoa HOrSEHOLO Vl'RsirrAK AT MACFARLAN fc ER RlTTwiU eell a WEDNES-DAT.

Apnl 1 leak, at la Oreg, Jc4ock ssrsXy i faraitara, mail Ins of aagrsia rsrpsliar aasura. iSDaee. xnmian aaa Beds, mlctotk. An. M.

Dop-owtt, A WILL BELL THIS DAY At IC1 Ttk-avtka stwck aad Axtares of a lmr store, vat Cwaatara, tablee, chain caeka, aad araadj, jib, Eiaank wiaaa, aal sad Wtllsa CiHPlIrTS SALE AT THE MILL OT TITS AMZEDtitTf A PERCHA kJLT ass PACK ING COAU ANY. at Soatk Oraaga. N. Will ba and Ua 17th ail ia paranaat properry staansti sa ana abov ablhateat, rocauatiag of a valuable let af asaaa. ht taisd gewda.

Bad alas af raw taatanal. satiaaatr tan. parted Par tk Camttap fmaa raBlaaA. 1Kb a wtR ba snaaiilati aad aas1 fsaarra. auction: it nrtvt AtrCTIa rvOTlraX, IWMuabls sad ta BALK OF YAI CABLE 8 Hocss.

A iaat Saatiaa tatkob'wise a LAROE ABB KaEMCBmrfS at 1st etork. a Na. a arras at cantwanM tka wkala JwSwSTpna ratia; ItaLaa aaihte tm, rentra-tabiea alas. aaAesjlj also, mtplmdri piaoo-fc rta, warranlad. ro wood Ioit XI etsgere.

irlZi-plaied throognout work-tables, rawer laiaTrtmstni caawa. ascntoilea. ianreaad LJSLl 'P frank, a tk slb aad brack auT aracatiU. foldjh.lrs. pw.nt,.,.

by -IratirMrSK nlsM clocks, caetly Ch na vsse. Ud Basq-e aad oaraasuVtbK tabU laten. naps ma, crockery. raaek Cktaa, airrar Unv aerrKaa.cak baakeU. forks, spoo culW.

otg antra, liquor cases, decanters, nea. -hsmsagass lie China a-eeU-a roeewwrf ed toakegaxty bedsteads, rowewood and teanoganr blreWwttk marble do wsshstaads. nXHt towil stoads curled -hair martreasea -skrta. onnMexaaasL fM Ckiaa toilet oral aad square gill-frame mirrorsjtc Va a AactioneeT. Hs nxkEIl Ir WEF.

Hil a srrrva sjtasT.n ar WKr.aa-AHHir. 9n ajtK n- mtm.w.m I ptary Assignees' sale and aal try nrta of a chattel man km a. of April, at 10 o'clock A. stSo on iniuAr.Ult Kh ro. aext to ia part of a lanre quantity at rosewood som at lounxe sud reach bedstead, mat-liTCI- nd bedding, bnreaa.

wardrobea. r.Til1 laasaa, tab earpeta. hairs, bathing tuba Ac Alao a large lot of wimra. brandies. HetdairE aad Me me champagne, pert sherry, claret aad Medina, whisky, kc selection si ported for hotel use, sbeeng ths very he quality.

Cats Wroee caa bl procured Baee rs or from Clark Cornwall, A'toraeys, Its Broadway, two days before tke tale tke furniture can br Been oaa day before the sale. f.gotos Coog. Auctioneer STOVER A WEDNESDAY, 10, o'clock, al their ealesroone, Broadway aad Duane-st a sp mdid aasnrtment of raaewood. oak. wal-aat and mahogaay umitnra, paao-tortea.

nek gilt franed star and mantel glasses, oil paintings, nek decorated China ware, silver platad ware, Bne table cutlery, Ac Catalogues en tk. morning of aala Every facility afforded Mrcaaaars, far boxing and ahippiag Articlee parehaaad caa ba atored tree of charge an til alW 1st ef Mar 8 A C. give then- peg. sonal i attentma to auction aalea of every damcription Beat of relereace gives, sad liberal cask advaaeee made oa ooa-s gmnteats. JOHH L.

VANDgWATga, Anctmneer. EKTEEL HOISEHOLD Ft RMTCRE AT iOHS L- TANDEWATER wiU ell THIS DAY. nt ho 42S Hudon-t near Loroy, bousshold furnrtoie. consisting of black walnut carved suite, covered in satin broratelle, tele a-trite, arm and parlor chairs, Brussels carpets, uiaible topeeatre. pier and sofa tables, etare'os, gilt fiame pier and aval glaasea.

window curt sans, extension Ub es dinner aad tea sets, mantel orsnmasts, clocks, cau-delsbrae, tr mahogaay bedsteadt, bu-eaus, aashs'nods, cha rs, tables, mattresses, paillsssea, mirrors. Ac with a seneral asson meat of basement and kitchen furniture. Anctioneer. OIKEHOLD Fl RilTl RE AT L. ANDKWATER will sell oa TUESDAY, C'A7' 101 at No Hudwa-at gaotewl ho.ise-bold rumrtur.

ronswting ofmakisrany soils, covered in hxir cloth, tete-a-tete eofa. arm and parlor chair i. meewood piano mrte ble-top centre and pier tables, "ifl" nutrrar, mantel ernaaente clarki.etagere., Ac r- Bedroom furniture, bedatead. bureau, washstands chairs, toilet sets, tables, mstUeasea. pailiassea.

taoettrv carpet. Ae. S. I. VANCgWATEt.

Aucinneer. TAMlARDROJkKS AT L. VAN-DEW AVER will sell, oa rUESDAT. Apr.l 17, at 101 o'clrrk. at tbe ale-room.

No. 14 Maiden lane, a large assortment of standard and half-standard Rosea. Pe petual Hioom-ei. MiaMw Climbing and huanng hoses. Peuie of the Sneat varieties ad.pted to our climate, and all warranted cost, by BOLL, Floroirrner Broaa arWiOth-s? Www ixrrL usoooD, Aoctkneer, ILL SELL ON TUESDAY.

April IT, at No. 44 opposite st Jolin' Park, aa aasnrtment of noQtehold furniture, being tha property of a family declia- v. wlna.a.n i parlor, neoroom ana kitchen furniture, indiiding parlor suite mahogany in cnaaon i M.raa-a, tlieil, handsome secretary, bookesee, Ac Sale to coounenoa at ldf o'clock prrciMly F. I- Visdswitei, Anctioneer. T.

Tf.RNER WILL sELL THH DAY. at 101 Jm clock, at the salesroom. No. 29 Nassan-at a large and very fine assortment of fruit trees, ceneia'ing of appl. pear, plum, cherry quince currant, raspberry, til re fur arbour vita, Wsymtmlh pine; also, ornamental t'eis shrubbery, lore.

b.x fur rdg ng, kc. The above ar al I in good older, ai.d have been taken up expraskly for thi ale fit ru on of the best nuiserie in Flushing. W. A CTT. Anctioneer No 57 Dey-itt FLOIR, HER RINGS, FISH.

FDAY. April 17, at 10 o'clock, at No 7 Dvy-at corner of Greet. wich-st gar, Madeira nuts, raism. eniTaate, aimonds. pickles, tea, saga s.

cofloea, chocolate, marcanai, aosp. candles, hardware, knives trouns, scales, tpring balancet, whip, saw, chieela, Ae Flias B. Hkxbt, Auctioneer ILL NELL AT ACC1 MJOTAY. AprU IS, at lot o'clock at No 73 7tb-et between 1st aad Id-svt sn tssortmeat of Household Fura tura, eausajting of sof-s. chstra, cralre tables, mirrors, Brunei carp' be.1-stead, borean.

waanstauds. asaUiewe; also, one niaao-f tte, A Ben, of I on don, maker. Johii YtatrewATgl. Auctioneer. T.Tl'RNER ILL bKLL ON TUESDAY, 17, at 12 a cl ck, at ths falesronm, No 2 Nanaal It.

in ikastmast nf flslias aiul 1., i besk plaia and carved. Sale peremptory. Tbe attention of puiK er requested to this sale. A BAZAAR No. SI Crosby -st will be old onMOV- xxuai, jpni rn, st ociocx Tw EN fY-FI YE HOB8E8, suitable for 11 panioses Also, new aad steood- uwaau wsgisua, uouuit ana single names.


The rubembsrs bars now ia fine order a few true English Muss Roses, imported two years r.ace and been all the while in pot aad Wintered at ef door ia a cold place, so that that- hard neat a an-donbted. It le well known that Most Rosea ara hardy, but Ihsy frequently die when takea op la Spring or Fall, and planted without roving fresh roots, for want of which the sua destroy ta Summer and th I -est in Winter-, th method tales with tkeaa obviate this difficulty, aa the pots ara full of young nndistarbed roots, snd when turned into the gronod by middle of April have no check, but Bower the same tea son, lemamiug ever after, snd readily increased by layering, tka red of July. The plants now offered nre breaking beautifully, and will certainly flower in June, or at once, if kept la pots-out sfdoors beet. Pi ice 41 eack: X10 per duzee aix ft li, including pa-kiBf (will be aent in the pots in box Delivered, freight free, from th. steamer ff ef Arwork.

foot of New- York, at A M. and 3 THOKBURN fc Newark, N. J. NEW-YORK AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE and SEED SIOKE. occupying three large stores.

The rahscriber has the cneapett and most complete asaortment of AGRICULTURAL and HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FIELD aad GAt.DE ft SEEDS in the 8. PERUVIAN GUANO with Government brand on each bag and not dampened to make it weigh heavier Bupar-pbuepbate of Lime, Bon Iiiist, Poadrette fce R- L- ALLEN, Noa. inland Ul Water-et. CHARTER OAK GRAPE ROOTS FOR SALE At No. 7 where samples of tbe grapes can la seen.

Thee, grapes grow to the six of lt inches in laat. ter: they are aa sweet as tke Isabella, aad three weas eaiber; perfectly hardy, and will produce mors piuadt of grapes than any other ever cultivated. Orders promptly attended to by JOHN JAME8, No. 7 ioha-t N. PERirVIAN GUANO With Grnvrrnment brand, and weight npon each bag Implored Superphosphate of Lime.

Bone Dust. For sale br A. LONQTTT, Ko. 34 ciracr of Fallon. PAI T-For baildings, fence.

routs, at 11 cent pound; BOILED OIL at 70 cenU a gallon at No. lis Ala den-lane. New York. J. H.

SMITH, Agent. FURNITURE. IPTRNITVRE WANTED Tbe mbenrioer woaid lik to puichass about SMO er tl.utO worth of koamv bo'd fareitnre. at a laawmable proa, far which csah will ba paid. Any family about breaking op will find thi a favoiable opportunity Addieas CUNNINGHAM.

Tnac Olfice. ROJAS fc CO. Manufacturers of fashion able aad eve kind of furaitare, having enlantad their pre-miMa, are now prepared to offer a hug aad extensive aa. aortateat at moderate pricae. WkMeaal and retail ware-rooms.

No. 4S7 Broadway, corner Broome-at. HF. ENAMELED CHAMBER aFURNFIUBE Purchaaeis want ef thi new style of furniture, will And a large aaanrtment in all color, at tka Manufactory, Noa. 46 aad 48 Wooeter-s.

NAMELED ANI CO IT AGE FURNITURE. Eligaat fashionable style at low pr-cat for cash. Dealer npplird as usual. 8 WARWICK, Manufacturer, No E34 Broadway, below iUeerker-et. SPLENDID SUITES ENAMELED FURNITURE At factory price a.

wboleaale aad retail. WARREN WARD. No. Mt Grand t. ZINC PAINTS.

PURE ZINC PAINTS. HENRY AITKEN fc A rests of tka NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY, No. MB Waahmgtoa Naw-Yark. rint. a i.v v-a hit Oxide of Zii -Tbe aadertined A sects far th sale at line, manafastwred br ths PENNSYL VANIA AND LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY, are prepared to rncsnve mdets 4rr the aaian aad wvmtd fasvita tka artaa ton of the trad a its sitfisat aapstHsitf over stbsis of Aaaerieaa manufacture, aad the saoet snMwesfal eosspabV aoa with tk beat of Amiga stealers, caa witk era fide aoe do.

peaa upon always obtasaiag any deaired supply af tka Paiat whiok will be found to rwrxanxwead itaslf far pant gteet bodv. aad watform whJteasaa. Prtossaad attsaa arranged aa tke moat liberal fontmg. JAMES T. LEWIS fc No.

Watrr-et. COAL. FlArR. SIS; 60-Tn tabhabed Taal mi rbwir Aaaaev. Na 1 Pwle! Old Ea- new ceotaaetrag tasapply tor the jss ra the lrst gaality of Caaiaad Floar at tka abovs reduced prices.

Down wMk ta mciaopaly caal aaa Fssar, fJEW COALTARP-I tare cjisi I a asrwCcal Yard Alia af Bieadway aad h-av "baie I offer for tale, at tka Uatst prjoaa, every deeerrpeasB mt AatlUMtoatd Bittaasss Caal! J. L. WOBTK. jOOAU-I am sstbnf thwbsat Raw Ash al per tarn Vfrom mrr varaaroeaar Eiag aad Gvesswira st, ttaaiMa.mDmestfotBkonlv. PBreRfrarpow.

PtTLDE RED CEDAR MOlfT- A WIBUI OMERT fc NEARE, ertfcaaat saaaar af Tab aaa ariaa Psfledt Ipbay ktyre far aala red aadar baa to S) tut tavaj, sati fcam at mmmm b. mmmmmm. IUILROADS:" 1 1 ALBAIY-4kytk way sad ia esaeet.a wmk tka Had. ri.rTTI.lMn VnlrnA Niw-Yeaj HoBrfM ErrI-Ira Al Errtiaa Laevas Albany at ith tk. Hmisea aksar Baxlrtmd from tjopptng at sVbBsactady, Foada, Ltt- aw sntA tas Hi New-York at A.

atoapiag t-tiHasaiBj, BVTwrvssa, vulvae. Exbss Is oasaettoa wttk tas 7, KaOroad from Nw-York 4 4B P. toavsa and arrive, at BsdrUe at A Baaa. Rndg. at A Niagara Tlhiu RVJs AKmT 3 at Utiua Aocohbobatm TkAm Laavaa AJbaav mt B-9B rridi'onTrL' ambn a' At BaBalo.

antb Lak Shore Rmd aad Bttambnats for Cleveland, Cinclanatl, To lade aad Oieaga; Batale aad Brwtfrrd Boad, Niagara Fall aad BaBalo liaad. to Ntasara Bryfc-a, oawaectmg tka Grtaat wkmbcate fa. At Soapenaion Bnlga, with Great WeeteTB Railway to Windsor. Detrott. liun at tmie a I Jtanala a WM w' kj.wie.o3i.

anu steamnoai ua to TCronto, c. unboat line to Toronto, Ac C. W. Jo aad Syracuse Road to Oswego. wb aad Rem Road to Cape Via-ngstoa, C.

aad Ports aa Lalta at Byrarmsa, wnn utrwaao a At Wn- cent, sad steajaers to koiaiatiaa. At Sckeaectaify, witk road to Saratoga Bpnaga. Waito-kalUfcc. Y1BBARD, Gaaarei Saplblay CLEVELAND AND TOLEDO RAILROAD. -CHANGE OF WINTER ARRANGEMENT AM EKI-CAN LAKE SHORE LINE For TOLEDO, CHICAGO.

ROCE ISLAND. BT LOUI8, GALENA DUBUQUE. MILWAUKEE. SHEBOYGAN, aad ths Wsst generally alan. I ANDUSKY, DA YTONJNDIANAPOLIA, CINCINNATI and FORT WlTNI -raaautn by this roots ara not subjected to say expense for transferring themselves or kasswank or in.

surveillance of orTirera Ftve daily trams from Clarraland Exnreas. frdm station of aad St Leuis. Seronat 7 30 A rim i at. new-gorg fc C.R. for Toieto, Chicago aa i ram, rrom west 'at i frnn Nlatim nf a VJ vvi a.

wm. irv luiwu ana kjnieacO. Througk tickeU caa bo procured at tha principal Railroad Ticket Offices KB. PMILLIfS, Ornci og C.kT.R. R-, CLtviXaJkU, Nov.

at, ism. TEW-YURKASD ERIE RXii.ROAb.-On aad 1 alter IHI. kSDAV, Mai-b 29, 1M6. and until further no-tire. Pnteenger Trains will Wee Pi foot of as fallows, Dunkirk Express, at A.

far Dunkirk. Buffalo Express at 7 A. for Buffilo. Mail at (UA far Dunkirk and Buffs to, and intermaxhu stations PsMipgri by this Train will connect witk Express Trains for Syracuse, Cayuga, Canandautna. Niagara Falla.

and Bochtster. and with the Lightning Express Train na Lak Shore Railroad for Cincianati, Chicago, Ac. Rockland Pna-a-nger. at 3 from foot of (hsmben-t aid Pies-onl. for Suflern and inter melrata ttationa.

Way Psasen-fl, at 4 for Kewtiorg and Otumll, snd in termed r-B'e atatioTis. Night Expn-a. at P. for Dunkirk and Buffalo. Emigrant, at A3 P.

tarDnnki and Buffalo, and uitermodiate stations. On Sunday, only one Eur ass Traia at i M. These Einress rrntns cmnect at Elmira wiik the Elmira and Niagara Fall llailroad, for Niagara Falls, at Buffalo and Duakirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleveland Cincinnati. Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, ko. DC McCALLUM, General Suuenntandent.

HrS.N RIVER RAILROAD. Trains leav himbert-at for Albany and Troy. On and star MONDAY. Jan. InM th train wit run aa foLows: Expras Trnm 7 A eonnectuut with No thorn and Western Trains.

Main Traia A. Treugb Way Train, Express Train. 4:4 Aorammo7iat(oB Train, 8 P. For Pougliteopioe Way Fraikht and Passenger Train, 1 For Peeks U1.T15 A 4 and 8 30 P. For Tarrytown, at 8 The Tarrvtmwa, Peakskill and Poughl-eepaie Train stop at sU the Way Stations.

Paesea-gwr takea at Chambera, Canal. Cbnetopbar, and 31st-sts. SUNDAY MA1A TRAINS at A for Albany, ttrrpp.ur st all the Wat Ststinns. L. SYKF8.

Superintendent. HTDPON RIVTER KAILHOAD FOURTEENTH-8T. STATION. mhe PaaseogM Station at the earner of Uin-et. and will be d.acont nond on and after tha 1st dar of March aext.

By order ot ths Directors. M. L. 6YivL-S, Bapcnnteodent. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF SOMEMVII.LE.

EASTON Ac -SPRING ARRANGEMENTS Commeacxng April 1, 18K Leave New-Yo'k for Easton by steaniars Red Jacket and rVaowiifie. from Piar No. i Nortk hVver, at 8 A. 1 aad 4 For Sumernlle Way) at 8 30 P. The abrrre tiains connect at El zabethlown with trains on the New-Jersey Railroad, which l.

ave York from foot of at A 1, 4 and P. M. RETCiaiHO Leave (cmposrta East on) st and 9 45 A f-veT-iUr Way) at A M. New-Yobe AJto EuZABgTsieoKT. Leave New-York at 8 and 10 A 1, 4 and 5 30 P.

Leave Elizabeth port at 7:1 aad 810 A. 1. 18 and P. JOHN O. fcTEKNB, Baraxinteadetit.

NEW-TORK TO RUTLAND, BURLINGTON. MONTREAL AND OGDENSBUKU Th only through line to Borlil.gton and St. Allans th same day. Leave by Hude-a River Road at 7 A ainve at Troy 1J take care of Tray and Boatea Railroad, teach Rutland at I P. Burlington, 40, St.

Albans, 7 6. l.Jg aad proceed next muraiag arrect ta Montreal and Ordaasburg Leave at 9 A. M- aad 13 M. aad Rutland lodge, leave at 8 A. arrive at Burlington 8.30 leave at 10:46 A M.

for koase'a Point, Montreal and Ogdeasbnrg. ISAAC Y. BAKER, T. A R. B.

1 OCC -SPRING AHRANGElvTEN T. NYACK ICOOUND HAVERKTRAW 81 BAMBOAT LINE Touching lU Rockland Laka and Piermont in connectiaa witk the New- York and Ene Railroad Tbe clipper steamer IS A AC P. SMITH. Capt R. T.

BlaacR, will oa aad after le. tkAmt Pier EVERY AFTEKNOON at 3 o'clock. Returning, leav Haverstraw EYERY MORNING at pii-? Laka. 8 tt; Nyack, PtsrmonX. 7:40. ams. CAMDEN ANDAMBOT RAILROAD TO PHILADELPHIA From Piar No. 1, Nortk River, Two ltaaa daily, at A to 8 P. M. Morning baa at 8 A.

by steamboat JOHN POTTER, to Boatk Amboy tksnce by ear to way-plsce and Camden fare tl Express tin at IP by JOHN POTTER to Amboy: thenos direct to Cssicen by cart; Ihrenrh taflve hours: Way Ae-cosaaaodatjoa sad Emigrant has af IP. M. fare 81 IB Emigraat Ira at 4 P. M. isra tl 75.

TVT KW-J RA FY RAILROAD. FOR PHTLA-ll DELPHIA and tka South and West. ai. Jersey City. Mail aad F.xsee.

I ine Leave New -York at Band 10 A ai anu ana r. g'i 75 and S3 in 8 and 10 A. M. aad 8 P.M.; tecortd class, 83 35 ia 10 at 13 at all wayatstioas. Throogh tickets sold far Ctneia-aau and tke eat, and for Baltimore, Washing to Norfolk, kc.

and through baggage checked te Wasbingtoa ia 8 aad 18 A. M. and 4 P. M. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINK. for CHlf AGO, BT. LOUIS, KA NS A3, and all points Weat and Sooth west, caa btma Th rough Tlek-eti and all information concerning route, far. either by the New-York and Erie Railroad, or New-York Central Ksilroed, by application at tke Company's omoa, No. 1I Bread ay, eoxaar to JOHN F. PORTER.

General Agent. BANK NOTICES. THE MARINERS' SAYINGS BANK-Coraer 3d tv sad Btht Pay per emit. INTEREST at gums of (608 and under, and 4 per cent, mm sums over 8500 Open daily fiom OA to and WEDNESDAY aad 6AIURDAY EVENINGS, frees ItoA orncKBs. Hoa.

JACOB A WESTKRVELT, (late Mayor af Qm City,) President Philip W. Eimm aad Isaac T. Bkitm, Tice-Presideata. W. H.

raiwolTH, Secretary N. B. This Savings Bank is ia a war ana newt ed wttk aa other Banking InaritBtioa ia this City, a ragula'ly ekanaret acccording to law by tka Legislature of this State, and kat its Fundt securely invested mamly aa bond and mortgage, an property worth doabto tha amount losssd. BANK DEPARTMENT 8 TATE OF NEW-YORK. Albaht, July 8, 164 Notice is hereby given, ia pursu-ance of the statute iasuck case made an4 Droridod, that all the rirculatiag Bote issued to WESLEY, an individual Banker, (tka Hartford Bank, Waakingtoa Coantr.) moat ba praaented at tke oice of tbe Superintendent of tke Banking Snntmtt of the Btn of New-York, for aayment, witkiB two years from tas date mt tka aotioe, or tbe fuada dvpositad for th redanif Uon of Lh circulating notes iasnad so tain ntusr wiu oa nvts it.

JulO T4-law-JyM IX B. ST. D. B. ST.

JOHN, cTapsrhxtmadeat. BANK DEPARTMENT STATE OF NEW-YORK ALBAHT, May 11, leoaNotios a hereby given, pursuant to the statute in suck case mad and provided, that all the anmlating Notee of the ASTOH BANK, af tha City of New-York, (a Bankmg Aasooaxtaoa,) must ba presented at tk office of the Supenntendent af the Banking Department ef the State of New-York for payment, within two rears from the date of tkis notace, or tha fuada deposited for th radamp-ttoq of the said notes will be given np to tbe said Hank. BryiraS-lawlyM I 8T. JOHN, Superintendent. FARMERS' AND CITIZENS' BANK OF LONG ISLAND At aa election held on the i the following gentleman were elected Directors fog ths eavutng year: S.

W. Lowerree, John N.Hevwnrd, Adam Stodart. Lauren Keeve, Moms Fovlick. Levi Ufibrd, Wm. TlS'l, John H.

Seaman, Tandervurg, John Firth. L. RicnejrJaoa, Lewis siaaa, F. V. Morrell, A.

Weaaoa, David glurtevant, Samuel Lord, T. J. Yaa tut At a sabseqaewt moating of tha Board 8. W. LOWERREE, waa leettoted Preaident.

O. M. BEACH, Cashier. TRYING SAYINGS INSTITCTION-No. 88 War on door from Greenwich epea daily from 18 A to IP aad 4 to P.M.

Interest at aha rats of al eeat allowed oa ell eaiaaftl to Tha hands ikia Institution ara secmreir in-veated ia bonds and mortgages la the city af Nrw-York. wortk doubU ska am east loanad aad ia koads la this mtr CALEB g. WO0DHTJLL, Presidnt. YAjrDKBKLT J. Bvztob, Secretary.

rVJOTICE TO TRANSPORTATION COMPA It N1ESCT.EV ELAND WATER proposals, adiliumd to tha Water Coramiaeaoners, aadorsad PraaosaA for Tl mania lslaiaf Enmaaa," will be letaned at the elfice of Water Works, aauf tha 3btk day af April, (prearat aaaath,) ror tha traaaaartatam af tw Cornish niaaatiig Kaciaea, wna aoil- aaa auappai Basing wna aoua-a aaa auapunaaaaces oom-a. th whoto awiarhiBg 400 teas mors or leas, ta be takea a tke deck Baas the toot mi Oraad aa East River, City law-York, aad dalrvarad sa ths Water Works Dock, ea pnna. in. wnole waarmrig uv inaa Btore er irom of Ni Old River Bed, (sa called,) at ths city of Cleveland, ea er before tke lath day of June next Far fartker foformation. appiy tna ernca ag water works, ar aodrsea aser cwaa- naiss loaara, Clavelsad, Ohia.

Ilnihd. axav aww mm aaei rca immar knmnM.aaaxIT at tha Allaire Works, Cay aT T. B. SCOWDEN. CLBvsXAsTB, AarflB, MK HOTELS, SPADES AN COOPS-TSi l9tma afdaalm iwnwd to the sarmtraar gtsBlitf sfsbi aw tha Md Casta Uat Tl anrtmeat eoenrwaa ever fifty difiareat sartetat aad a ahrnk rs rraal ar than tma aaared br any ataar aaakritw WIRE ROPE OF IRON AND COPPER Fay nuaaa.

kadiaZd pkaaaa. hwstAur snd ttswnr pmrpasea, tmgar, maaa at braeee. Aa. Aav, maak aafar aad far asara fimtklt rbaa tha beat beasp er ksaa I ia Aass, fag ask stasia, dumb aaltr JwaAmttg eaadartoes. fc.

GHM.k W. iLAliO, 84 jaUiand Jan Weyna. Third-ix P. M. Mail Ttbib from Statiea "I A C.

far To'edo, Chicago aad St "7T Mail Train, frww aide of tbe nvar aw Raaaibb. P. n. FOR EUROPE. to7a7lVa12SSS Le ata -be ReTaBB asAapa UYBlRSkapol.

ranTED aaaaat- I ninlad fog alagaaca aad oaLfart, PrV. esi uaui eared sei to NVw-Yark. 88 aad 88 nhsssa Aaacasaa. varpaol to Nvw-Yark. 88 aad 88 gahsaa aajrsasaMtifci8toasfcaaa Bahea I paa4 fag.

PROPOSED DATES, or unrta PBtHI BBSr-YOBA. lal lgkrXIOA. yaaaday4ptq 18 AprUTl Tw Jarseskr.Vftr A W5 Sagardaf. May 8 latts Weowaastay Mag It IrU Maremy. Maf 1 uea May 30 lfrlrday.

Jam. gsssr)ay Jnae lo UatvnWy. Jaaa la. lA imt caMwvwy, aiuajw mt. moo Wednesday, July 11 18M Saturday.

Jalr 14 laM Wedaamles Tel. at" lia a r.i I V-i a For fraigbt or pa mage apply to I-Djajp K. COl I.I NAT No. Wall-at Naw-Tork. OWN.

BHIPLEY fc CO, UvsrrW STEPHEN KEN AAD fc CO NaTlI Aaatm Fnars, O. A1JW lilOTTT fc Para. GEORGE DRAPER, Havre fi rBlry. areooasnaee ar Baetals, aaleaa btlla of ladlag ara asaed tkeralor. aad lAaTvaims JrTTei ltoTr?" xpraeeed.

Skippass pleaee take aotice that rr- TT las. a. aaipssn pi taaa aotie. uat asaups af tha I at oaaaot earry any goads THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN EOT AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Boa: Ntiwfosg -ro Livgs pool Chief Cabin Beeoad CahmPaaa-' BO'TOa to Uvxtrow -Ckmf Cabia MAThsfromB A RA BIA. Capt.

Jadkiaaj AMERICA. Chat Lang PflTsiA, eg tUROPA CiShaaaai; t. Lest; CANADA. Capt. Stone; AFRICA, Cap.

Krrraoa NIAGARA, Capt. LaAoh Taaae ease Is carry a clear wait Light at Green on starboard bow; Red port bow. ASIA. Jmi, lesvae Boston Wedesadar. Aprtl TL -WadiSaT: AprS it Af.VSA-H,TJwv,-- watoday.

May A aa. May 33. aeaured antil paid for Aa experienced Surgaoa eTf "VP" w'11 beaeewratahl. "tS Wlver. J'-, flpeeva, Jswelry.

Prectoa. Btoaee, orMstals, us le bill, of lading are aangned therefor, aal LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACK- iteck Aaaskt, mmm. MmtrmU Jala, d'Aioa, new, Caasiorsa, new Drimrr. new. Aksetrerit.

aew, 9aeaeClepprSA Ct mf BrmlHmmjm. Kmpwt, Kniitaia, CWtet Back. Fwrmrt Kw, XorrAaaaptoa, Bw, Ccnasirerfre rvss. i sptestr, Arctte, Prmmtm, St. Zmmm, CAtacoraag, Robenm, Koumtk.

Antmrcttc. Aaawve fnsasr, sWWspiM. Fkma, CeaXtnrW, Coma, Aean- fftHtmtKtn. hVast fWt, JLrsara Afei (Wawer, CeaaWata, Com. Amnmf.

ittuot. Lmderwi Uar, A. Kacrr, THE I LINE OF LONDON AtTTTPTB aassew new, ofWwc. NtHtmrnhn-lamd. Oceaw t-a, Htndnck faaisea, PmUtmt, new, -Dceoasnire, Afargorrf Rraag, Jaerirvta Essie.

Money remitted ta Enrland Ireland, Scotland Wales, Franca aud OerBuay Tte rabscribsrs oomtiana te remit monay ta large or small amounta. payable ib all the pnnov pal cities aad towa ia any of th above named eonntrma TAPSCOTT fc 88 Bouth-st New-Ysrk. or to WM TAPSCOTT fc Rt. George's Buildings, LrrarpoaL OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY FOR BP.F.WEN rid United State Mml Steamship WASHINGTON. Catbkdt, Com-mtnder, will sail for BREMEN, touching at SOUTHAMPTON ta land the mailt and passengers for England and Frsnc.

mm KATXRIJ AY, April 21, at a clack. M. frem Pier No. 37 Nortk Hivar Frier af pe aate from Nnt- Tot fo SoWtastptoa mr JrVemem. In firateaa-ja.

mamaalooa tL38 I firvt cabui, lower saloon no I second cats gg Aa erperitpced Surgeon is artarrvsd to eack etoainas. operas aeiiverao la navre or lontl'Ha AU letters mast put through the Poat-OsVa. ghl ily I For pa. sage or fre f. a ts gnt.

aoolv to SAND, Agent, No. 11 South William-st. The stcune'r HERMAN raas, a irmikH rw will succeed the WASHINO- tun. and aall May 19. OR SOUTHAMPTON AND AYRE The Usit-td States Ma.1 ST.

LOUIS. J. A Worms. commander, wil1 leav for Havre, touching at South unnton to land tk mail and naasenger, oa SATURDAY. Mar i.

at 12 o'clock, from Ptar No 37 North Rirer, foot of Batch-. Price of naaaaaa. first eabin 8138 Price of paaaaga, second cabin Luagaga not wanted during th voyage should be seat board th day before sailing, marked below." Na fre will be takea after Thorarlay, May 3 For freight or pasasi T8 oa gat apply to MORTIMER LIVISGSTOI. Asent, No. Broadway.

FOR CALIFORNIA. EDUCTION OF FARES TO SUIT THE TIMES NEW-YOkaf. AND CAUPORNI A arcaviairiB LINE, e'ai Nicarsgua. The Accessory Transit Company of Niearsgas, rrieiors. Through in advance of th Mail.

708 mites shorter than any other route. Avoiding the deadly Panama Fevsr and twoBilleaof dangerous boaiing la Panama Bag. The aplerdid enable tmgiaa ataaatsha NORTHERN LIGHT, (XOtxt ton bordaa,) Capt. TuiUHrACOK, will leave from Pier No 3 North River st) o'clock P. precwelr, for Pnnta Arenas, oa FRIDAY, Atail IT, 184ft, oaauaecting with ths staamahrp ElEkRA NEVADA.

(3.080 tons burden.) ovarthe Niearagns Transit Roote. Baring bat tveerv mil lasjd traasportatioa by first-ewaaoarnajra. Bevttral new aad swift iron staamboata have lately been put oa tk river snd Ink, which shorten th tims oa ths transit from acean to asaaa. Than steamer ara aasarpaaaad hi thsig rentilatioa aad accommodstiona JPOTtofoTanatioa oi passage at tha red need rate, apply CHARLES MORGAN. Agent, Na 1 BowUng-grea.

Letter-bagt mad up at ths office. No unstamped totters received. N. B. Cammencng oa ths 30th of Msr.

th days of leaving New-York will be changed to the 8th and 3uth of each mectk. CALIFORNIA TICKET FOR SALE. For sale, a Through Ticket ia tha steamer I luxate, that is to sail on Ike 3Wh ef April by way af Panama, to the Becaad Cabia. lt will ba sold much below oust. The cause of svle it a sudden fit of sickness.

For inforaxattaa apply at Na. 83 Wost Wlh-et. FOR THE SOUTH. F. W-Y tm A A NnEvfORLlAN 1 STE A M- SHIP COMPANY-FOrl NEW ORLEANS, STOP- PING AT HAVANA Carrying ths United State Mail-The steamship CAHAWBA, R.

W. 8iiurxLDT, Coov msader, will commence receiving freight on Satursay, April 31, and sail for the ebeva port oa WEDNESDAY. And 36, at 13 e'clonk, fruas Pier But af Btach North River. Freighl for tke interior and Mobile oaa signed to ear treats ia Nsw-Or leans, JAB. CONNOLY fc will ba forwarded free of omaaaai.

Asaskta. No al HmJ na B. The BLACK WARRIOR, D. Bollock, Com-waow, wUlsaoceed tha CAHAWBA. aad sad aa Wed.

aeeday. May A fOA NORFOLK. PETEKBBURA AND BICH-r MOND. Ths UMed States mail si sanxahip ROANOKE, Taos. 8s ink ia, commander, will leav mer No 13 Nortk river, oa WEDNESDAY, April 18, at 4 cloek.P.

i wiU amva at Norfolk um aaat ataraoiav sad at Patarabarg aad Richmond th following morning. From Norfolk, aaasea-' for tke Bnstk precerd by rail read direct, arrth avoagh bckett Irom W.WiateWilmKyttoCsarlasVja, ki. Paesaar and fore to Norfolk, $8- to Petersburg aad Richmoad, t4 stearaga half arias. Threurk Uck eta to Lyachharg. BIA Apply te LUDLAM A LEAK A NTH, No.

Ja Broad wag N. B. Ne freight takea to RjchnxifiA FOR SAYANNAH AND FLORIDA UaJred States Bsil Lias. The aarw aad scleudad ataasnshia FLORIDA. Capt.

M. WoormrLL, will leave New-York fsrStianatk ea WEDNESDAY, April In, from tea Na. A North River, at 4 o'clock, precaely BtUs ladau stgaad by the clerk ew board For frakrbt or iiatri applr to SAMUEL MITCHELL, No 13 Bnaadway. For Florida through ticket from Nsw-York to Jacksoa-nlka. Fa, Pslm'sa 833.

aad leave on Wednesday. April A Tha AUGUSTA, Caps. Tuos. LTOB.wiU laavs oa SATURDAY, April 3L MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. r-pHIRTY PIANOS (Some aearlj aew;) also 1 Mils- A dm to raa at tow raua.

Ptaaaa far tan. (75, aad tlOB. ii rsk. as vurnette of Barnnm aad Shartewats bv F. H.

Baowrv 80 Beats. Jaat aabbahad by BKABY fc GORDON, No. 387 Broeoway. A CON A RAYKN PIANO-FORTE MANTJTAC-TERERB Nos. IBM aad 11 Ceatre-et oiromite CanaL.

sest from Bread war Ha I lag aa eiasrtsaea of 3B years, aad every requisite facility at ear atst met sries, are eaakled to dar the public aa aaaortaient af mstiiitsats SBtu td by any a a triaa, warkaanskkp, aad darabtlity. PIANO-FORTE AT A GREAT SACRIFICE A splendid I oolav. luttsiajd ptaae. City made, ef Owe toasaadnmsk. OngmaUv oost pat, arfll bs ankl fog tlatk Apply at no.

in west na-at aaar u-av ifHEAT BARGAIN. Spendid I -octave paas fcrta. vs nnianea a.i rouna, nv nasi maker, east sua, wavraatwak. ased a few msatks, will be said for 8MA Caal N. 8 Cmiega-plaea, 18th, 17th sad 18th.

Apvik IGHTE, NEWTON A BRADBURY PIANO- AJ FORTS MANUFAt7TVBs.rW.-wi I block sal of Broadway, SECOND HAND PIANO FOR BALE Manatee red by 8TODABT aad DUNHA M. rr-rteorir, fcrBieehaetKo.MBiiai al etas rtnrl aad Bauh-ata. Breoklym. PAINTS. DUXrt PATENT EIRJC-PROOr PAINT- BlTho erartaal ana amy gwaain.

aracu that wtthawrt vaolaumi aw psja peamd 8k ail sad dry aaadag, faart-sL, Haasvar by ettka rwaetPtot, Na the pJaatM. WhL BLA1 11B LAKE. S4LT9 TFROTBrYT IRON BIlNf FOR FTSaV. PROOF BU1LDING.AULTS, 8TOEE FRONT ROOFS, Ax arh. aadwsiraad are a piaamed to fanrieA at a pnrrt T-aiik snahass 3i piaafsmldiia aarsaa arBBaaa aa asa smt es aasta vaaaa isi aha gaay lsildaaa Mi iatTkaVat where ftiar kava bawa arsd.

ffrtolAPWraat taaa WllLBS arnas sarvira mr. raasengsr for Havana must procure psnaports be for leas mg peri, mil er taaiag mnat a seat in mr swuing tha evening previous to ths ship' aniline. For freight er passage, apply to LIVINGAION, ROCHE RON A Bataail Bead ire Yoa Been aaa CTiora, tbtt pops- 38 cevil. -pea Goes ths ease L. "-aew Boos, 7m I've Waaderad ky taa Hot-ut," Song aadCko.

aad nooular. Baraam a Polrs with etkbwwH a ae. a raa aaaliaasaiaiailh BtrasgfcaWkaak, Far farther atAamai I IXQAt K0TICJ3. B. HOWARDlLJkT vVa'Pf ht'tbl anamoaad aad rsejaii.4 ta VT-HsTj mtheaflJYark! -hn-ia.

ZmVmZJLmTilmi satsnt sa tha NaaaTakaT at hta stSna, Nx TT Bataaaaa ta ssad tr wtthia treaty day sjiar th saerww tea jiZ aa aaa earluma ef Oat Sayaf svtefc ti as aad af a. a iasa ta mmmt Mk rTLrTT piaamasi ta tats aettaa arm thka tadfanant aaressat y- 'aat er am haadrsd aad tharty-au Wlareaad Ban sas gV'hj" the aaata ef ua action -Dated New-Yath. A-T-S-If. CI.AJLKAVPIitBiAAV' aiVlawBwMB lV -T ByPR ME COURT-JAMES POBTE i ibibb a mi i -r alaii tWeath. ooste-th- -IVjted Nw yST2m lThJJ.AttMCH.

TVaTvY-TORK SUPREME a turi.gTUK ay JOHN -1 agaiaat JOHN B. OYERTON. Horn, not served Te JO fsadaat Tea ara berebv plaint wAhia th tnae sfaranud, th poMattfi' ta tka actasa will appiyt th Censrt wr th reViaf lira and ad 1 1 1 Una -Dated New-York, Feb IA lemV t. Asvrc. av.r, nanrnv jkiwwwwa Na hOsatrwt New-1 taasreof to Oi aaaatmfea i.00? 0 WHliam Haraoa, Na Cayaf or be tors tha loth day ef 8mm aast.

Dated New-York, tk lak dea af March tSmT. It 1 1 1ll at idiaoiT wmw. WILLIAM B. HA RISON. CHAMPUN HAHI.WN.J AdaUaislrtorB.

THOMAS L. HABISON, fTT B.hl8-law8mM ORDER ef RODMAM la DA V. SON, Esq Surrogate of tha Cauaty mi A mam, Botice a harabj riven, aocortLng to law. to all pertraabaw- mg claims agsmtt EMMA L. LE LE REE, late af tha cttw of Brook Irn, dareaaed, that they ar res aired to exhibit tha with touckei tbe eof, tn the suhwrnbers mt law raw.

tideace af WARREN RICHMOND. Na 338 an th city of rook Ira. oa ax batimr uly of Brooklya Dated Brook ly ta aext. rwklya. Feb T3.

li WARREN RICHMOND, rn WILLIAM H. DE LA REE. 1 1 IN PTRTJANCaT OF AN OintR sf IM1 O. SMI IN. Surrogate of tha Coaatv mt haA, notice Tm hereby grvea.

accord ag to law, te all psrssta baring cimaa BgamstVlLI.IAM BAILEY, lata of the city af JiraoaJvm, deceased, that they are required to xhbtt the aama. wssS vosown ineraox. to ta snnaimm at aa pikra aess. no uaM-et taa city of Ne-w-Yorh. aa ar I tk.Tia day of kUr aext -fWed New 84 naij-iawamsa" PETER (A.

TAYLOR voncben thereof te tha at the osSh LI AM AUGUSTUS PLATF.NIU8.Na -a WA th-Cy of New-York, aa rneeurslae astkalar of af WlLe W4amt la New-York, th Jalsi dar af January, iwk HENRY R. HOLFOKO. FRCDERICK 5. HOliFORD, AdauaistrktoT with the Will aa naiad. rt3hwmMa IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of tha I A of tbe Count, of New-Yaw m.

i- h. rwi hsving claims agaiaat FRANKLIN C. 8 RAY, aaaa of the Csty of New-York, deceased, ta aaa at tha with TOuokert thereof to the snbscribets. th rouokeri thereof to the subscribers, it th trific ef Josaa v-Aa, ex no. urnaawsy, in ny beftwe tke dag ef June west Da NewWYork, ea trw-Yark.

AS 8 day of Dec JOHN COOK, Jr. Aiu dll-toweuM MATILDA C. GRAY, TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of tVt Bun rata Aof the County of New York, aottes kervr-r1ves to aal fwraoaa hnvtiw elaiaaB aninat JACOB B. ARCULAsllUB. late of the Cify of New-York.

-1- fr Will. VMUlkaM tKaMAf tk. 8PEIR fc NASH. Na 44 Prae-at sa taaCrty af Nw-TwX. na ar before the 3th day of July NYssAv 16A WILLIAM P.

BWEBT. AdAniaistzsAm aaa-lwtmM faTOTICK TO raEDITORa-Pgraaaat to aasrdsr lYof Hoa Moms Fosdtek, Bniingals ef Qfeeaa ty, aoac fa kaiebr grvea to all jitraaae hawaa laaas aawJnat th estate of DAVID MILLS, lata af tha toar. of Newtown, ia said County, deceased. praaaot th with the roue hers tharaof to lb tmhawihers. a) ttteoaYos mi CharWs B.

Hart, Um. AI before the loth day of foptem IbH. LYDIA New- York, oa er aaxb auaia Mareh a. A MILLS, T. MILLS.


88 Bread way Spaeial aatloa to.Cal aarsaa Sliappart. Redaotioa of Exprvaa rate ADAMS fc CO. give aotice to their Call fore ia Einraas astearSsa. and tka aasTtbaeta Bad public gaatially. Uaat thaw kavvw utasttd tha rata far Express freight (ram New.

York ta Asa Ftsaoisaa tk Panama reat ta thirty-five ceatt per peunL Threagh, with nrsU sat coaiititiag steamers TimaW aslv at Ta be tatilSed to the above redwatiaa i lat, parh nat weigk act toee taaa IT anaadatotha; faat. Fatah. actor that weight will be sabreot a ehcvsw ef 84 parr fties. Oar aext axprsaa, aansr taa aow anrta orrtdaewai rates, will 8 forward part lak. 11 A Cabs ADAM! fc CO raepectfulry rfr4 antiee that tbeer Exrees isatrtree i lis andaaarhad.

aad that akss-pevs may rely apoa th atmsst attaalisa hetasj paid ia daw aalohiag got da with tha greatest epud. aad tMUrariag aha mme iaa mad lately ea arrival. Oar arrfgimiau 4kg ia portalioa ara larga aad satmlt aaves more ae Bbaa asw. W. B.

DlStMOKAV jL BANFORD. AM. SHOEsaAlrnL PlwprwAors of Alaa AC Nonet Cona gaaea af firwkt, fcTTpe? ADTkta'fc CO '8 hvprwas, bltweaa N.w-tark mm tiAwaaCara hereby satined that tk baataees baioasja ex alaa rely to tha New York Hon, th firm here acting a Agents aaly. Caeetraeatly there en he a taterruptlon hi tbe batiaaas. Saw Fbawcisoo, Feb.


m. isaa ins nrwesmgnaa tar ua nrsasaai'oa ar ansa, paaa Frprass rmskaees. aadOT the fim mt. EDWARDS. BANFOBD ACO a tkt.

ilai ftlila.4 ka ml I A twsea tha anderaagnad far tha traaaaaaAia ef aEara. af Mr. George Edwards. Th athurs af tkA Bras anil ba asttlsd bv the lamaiamg swrtaera. wh wi ewetran to eadact tas kaniaasa aaasg Ik firm ef BAN FORD fc CO.

GEORGE EDWAJiDS, was. ssutn 1 a d. n. tv cva, RHOEttAESTa, JAKES Fivrs, sad UEHBr By B. B.

BAJgaaa, Mbsw sstarBaf. BkW-YOBK. March hi, W6A ITUKKEB hat adrattta JO. SEPH 8 CASE aad MITCHELL if AL'KAsLD aa nartasrs fa th huilattt as kerst sfote can lid ea by ia. The partnarekrp fa to una fa oa the Mth Aay Marna, Ixom Ths basinsas anil eoatraaed at BsaOlaadlS Water -t aaster th Bass and firm ef R-.



Tbs Cupartssrwirp fersto4or tmaT Hag batwaea JOHN DUFF aad EDWARb LKABNEOw nder th nam of DUFF ALEAR WED. it) that day aoeaed by mataal I. KDWARJ foEARNEn, MBW-YeajL, Jaaaary IT, tMA fr 'i BUSINESS CtHANQl." A RARE CHANCEThsssTsa 4at na of kwiatereat laavery pvvsiabU maactaiisal kam aaaa. as hs is dew rows mt twsaenaf from t(w City. Ta yvmag aaaa havsng rash saplltl mt firem to m.

arBkgacd Miiia aitattiwat. aa syg let lahal gvam mltuT aa wnUratsrtMaaal real aama giveaAddresa CXlNFIDsTUiTat Uis aaVaa. Farther prttonarsoa sa avtesvmw. A YOUNG PHYSICLANt-Oradwaae Oaaava. andaat af the late Dr Deiaa.

af Matlrsal, aad ef Pref. Bpaaear. ef rahfaitkia, wVthas tor msoni.t. I self with tartly wiotols aad tearala pre it ass ai Bjvsdirra. Mae had three years Qgasritau ra Csty mtmtt Weald bar a sblssAeae to aaa saAar fiat raw AdditaaJ.

P. tAsmlms. ATkNaC OR TWO PABTNERS WANTED Wa a from 8A0O te taOOO Mch. te aawew rklr arnntabka, well aatablishsiL atov aaai kraa italaf atioa of a highly sgnfikshla, well aatablishsiL Steve sad krem foundry basrnaea. Tha man tppiitonaysiijia aBt adtoa man Stall at af aaMacraA take a safe and fObnht baaanaa.

Addrsaa PARTS Eat- S. P1LMEL -e- PpO BUSINESS MEB-ii td 1 ataad fag aala. erak a wall mitss Laaaa if ktlllmt aad aa tmlltnl Tins ta pat ptweanj. ataraaeat dmaa a and aaaaataa. Aayaaat fwsavtnaf.

biBBBtet Wl.l fad Una a rasa magna TBADlVMy Tiasataaic tosartcaiats- FR.NTEBB.-FOE SALS CrlCAP--taa) Pat Laag Prraner, rrto.1- -T V-X-J-3TBmtodi2 AMmimTwotm 88 toaaWatoO IM. aa enatiaat. ICaas. aek ma Ta th dtfa4tsl Tea ara ai ana a ah. a aaamv ktif hi this setiea will take "rmmmmmmm, asa cottrt.

mart a iANNBR, her aext rramaL i A--nveaeasasrrsasafZi Ns OTEIrmM Is- IW JI aotiOB, wbai was klad ra aaa oc ef the Clerk af ths City and Caaatp New-TorVaa TJ UmAy-P Pity MtJt 7 Baw-YorR. aadto aevvaaeewy af yvmraaewwr to tk said eosrelattTt oa tke ra torn bar, af ks aaVae, Mm ia af rrew Yaek. wtlln. iwant, ImZ aftar th servwe ef tka saamisi ea yaa, anrlaarve ml iLm day of sarhssmcs: -T- (fc. WST.

-WtRRii -mt tha Bsrva. tke rmraty of Naw-Ycrk. Notvt te bwvwbvrvaa r. as IN jTCRSUANCE OF AN ORDER af tka Bastugaaa of the County of New-York, aotice a hereby vws to ai psraoos having claims agararn JAMES HOLFO UD, late wf the Cltr of Ijimlra Ens donas. .1 ta THE COPARTNERSHIP kaatefaie-snmnaa aaaar ths firm of BABB1DOE fc DAVIS, ts tat ear fantml by matoal cuaiial W.

ABBIDOK fa l' stialkwtd In lis tha aama nf the lata Si- Il.ii sla, ai. RARE OPPORTt IT TO CMNEjtCBJUBa-NEeAFaraato, ataax. Bxtasas, ana thtas years' aaaa af a baildtatr aa im7i-Wm ml mtmmmmXmmmm Mraharasfaariaam af awa ymr ataaai aaata. ahara adAiaaa TRADE, 3-asasaaaa. wwriNO MACHINES FOR BALK CHEAP.

Tara Hsray Psteat ewwiasj Maahisto, at per tact mr- -AatSS lMWa--aVbe artd rery. Wnjtbt eaarlp ay SSakaT Lataited fas ii I Na. IM Tata i a tg. It HI.

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