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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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TlKV fl THE WEATHER. "All the News That's Fit to Print" Th indVsntUna for i1r tfeU rtgklrTk4 fair warmer 'ta-algfct. westerly winds, fceeomlaa' tarU Witt FINANCIAL REYIEW ind QUOTATION SUPPLEIEHT TttH FIKAKCUL TIY OTinOSSUPPLEIEIT COfTMlGBTtD, Jt7. MT TSt JTXW 'T0KK TJMtt CO UFA XT. VOL.


Cash wheat, No. 3 OOc; ciuh corn. No. 3 mtifd, 34Hc cash cotton, 6c FOREIGN. Chine said to approve of the RuMan neat wintering at Port Arthur as an offset to German oocupatlon of Klao-Chan.

The actUn of Russia la regarded in Europe aa tantamount to a permanent occupation of Port Arthur, Significant re port are in circulation regarding the activity of the British squadron In Chinese water. Indicating that England la about to take a hand In the complication. The political situation In Norway la critical, and it la feared that Sweden will seek an occasion for armed Intervention, with the assistance of Germany. Sir Frank Lock- wood. Liberal member of the British Parliament and ex-Solicitor General is dead.

Page i. A Commission of National Guardsmen will meet at Albany to-day to consider a plan of reorganization. Xt is announced that arrangements have been concluded for the formation of a cracker trust, wtib capital. Two clever swindlers on Saturday night duped Mrs. Sophie Spltzer of Newark into buying a pair of glass earrings for S45.

The water was drawn from the Bryant Park Reservoir on Saturday night, so that It may be removed to make room for the City Library The establishment of 'the Mermod Jaccard Jewelry Company of 8r Louis was destroyed by Are yesterday. The loss to the company and other tenants of the building is s33o.uuu Irs. Margaret Spencer of 18 west Sixty-eighth Street died in Roosevelt Hospital Mt input livui wui us m.Tivra luruugti luc iinAetfinir nn nil itAVA htf a fwf dnr Lieut. Gov. intimates that Sen-, stor Higgins will succeed the late Senator Mullln as Chairman of, the Finance Com mittee, 1 little progress was made apparently on the Tammany at Lake wood yester day.

The names of five Deputy Sheriffs were 'announced, but the big places axe still In doubt. A policeman, while Investigating a supposed burglary In the Cafe Rivoll. was caught In a broken window, and a crowd enjoyed the fun until a brother officer aDDeared and rescued nis male. A man who gave bis name a Edward Klein haunted the Adams Street Police Station in Brooklyn for hours early yea-- terday morning; and the police couldn't get ox tneir unwelcome visitor. Soon after 10 o'clock last night two men entered the drug store of Ooetzhotf Vtakitt Pike and Madison Streets, and fkivifnhl tha clerk with a revolver.

While one of them held him. the clher owned a desk and stole $3'. while per pie looked on through the windows. Both "rob bers escaped, although they were holly pursued and several shots were bred. Senator Chandler of New Hampshire yester day issued a letter for publication, in which he expressed the.

opinion that Sec retary Gage's sound-money fight was a menace to bis party, and calls on the President to top hi Secretary In bis Insane career. Mr. Chandler plainly mates the oDlnion that the- President is not keeping faith with the blmetalllsts of the country. Page 2. Republican leaden conferred with Senator r-iatt yesterday in regard to Ponce tsoara appointments and the State Senate Clerk- smp.

In reply to reports charging gross neglect of the widow of Bishop Peck by 'Syracuse university, the benenclary or his property. Chancellor Day has Issued a statement declaring that Mrs. Peck had an Income more than ample to supply her wants, and That the university fulfilled all its obliga tions. A social meeting of the Jewish Religious Drnooi union ncia uioi in nouor ox east or uacennee. The potter employed at Trenton threa'ten to strike unless the manufacturers agree to a new scaie or wages this week.

The main altar at St. Augustine's Church. Brooklyn, was consecrated In the pres ence of Mgr. Martinelli, the Apottollc ueiegate. Evangelist Rotzler appealed to a crowd of Broadway at the Worth Monument and received bed money for 121 homeless men.

Then he marched his charges to a lodging house. The death of a mother and daughter within two weeks, quickly following the daughter's clandestine marriage, has caused residents of Williamsburg to aay that they Doin aiea oi oroxen near Jack Dalton said yesterday that the Gov- eminent plan of sending relief to the Dawson miners bv reindeers was imprac ticable. He suggested another way of getting the supplies to Dawson. r. i Li Office accused by Thomas Reddington of as to throw ft.OOU.OUO acres of Government land to the Northern Pacific Railroad, de- mes the charge.

Lennon of the Hudson County Jail yesterday explained why the Marquise de Kennel Is refused permission to see her nephew. John watts Kearny. who is awaiting commitment to some institution aa an nabituai drunkard. The Sixty-ninth Regiment Band and the People Glee Club gave a concert yester-' day before 1.9UO inmatea of the almshouse on Island, and the music pro- duced some remarkable effects among the paupers or bom sexes. A carriage and a buesrv were overturned in Central Park yesterday through the horses taking fright P.

Delaney of STO 6fetsrtrl A t.f.r.iia an1 Ttinmaa UaaIIPV fit Sill East Nineteenth Street were badly In jured, and removed to Harlem Hospital. Pace 4. The Brooklvn Jockev Club stakes and events are announced. Nomina lions for the Kheepshead Bay and Gravesend events wiil cloke Jan. 10 The denial by the Interscholastlc Athletic Association of Harvard School's application for reinstatement was unexpected.

Hamilton Institute may be taken back. Samuel H. Evans, a lawyer, of Rosebank, S. was arrested on a Madison Avenue car on Saturday night, on the charge or smoking in the car and causing a disturbance. Frederick L.

Weir, a salesman for McKesson It RodUiih, cut his throat with a razor at 'be Manhattan Hotel, and' was lead when found. He left no explanation for hi. Ant. A case of smallpox was found on the Holland-American Line steamship Edam yes- terday. and her passengers were ordered to quarantine on Island for fourteen dava.

A woman In debt for her child's board was refused possession of the Infant by a Brooklyn Judge and created a scene In tbe street by attacking its caretaker. The police drove ber away. The police believe that Peter Dogget, the employe of the New York Biscuit Company, who lost hl life last August in a vat, was murdered, and they will get an Indictment agalnot a supposed witness, who is thought to be In Ireland. Christian Stumpf. a baker, of Hoboken, who was out of work, tried to commit sulcida yesterday, but was prevented by his wife, who had htm arrested.

Chairman Wein-. thai of the Board of Common Council pro- cured a place for the prisoner, who was discharged. Julius Harburger. former Excise Coinmls- sioner and Assemblyman-elect from tbe Tenth District, yesterdav announced that he has prepared a bill for the repeal of the names law. una said he believed that saloons theatres, and all places of ment should be open oa Sundays.

5. r. Lyman Abootr. In Bis sermon on Paurs -epistles to the Thessalonlans. said that Paul.

like others of his da v. ho- lieved, like the Mlllerites, in the second coming of Chrtit, and that he would ap- trw 19 man. The members of the theatrical combination which is cslled a truac by its enemiea lav issued a statement denying pub- ujuq cnargea maae against tnem. Th Rev. Dr.

Charles H. Eaton reached a aeriaoB whose ieaaona wero drawn from 'A Lady of Quail said there were many Clorinda Wildairs In modern society. The Arlon Society's second concert of the season last night was attended by a large, audience. Herr Scharwenka played the lano. Nahan Franko was the violin solo' and Frau Josephine Jacoby and Herr Kraua sang.

Page 8. The- first branch of Brooklyn's new Free ruouo uorary "i r- opened to-nigbi with addresses by Mayor Wurster and others. rage 10. The Rev. Dr.

Klttredre. Remensnvder. Tyler, and Baton preached yesterday in defense of creeds and urged their necessity. The Rev. Dr.

Gotthefl In ht sermon In Temple Emanu-EU yesterday said that France had made a grievous mistake in the case of Capt, Dreyfus. Bishop Potter ordained three priests and tnree Deacons in Grace Protestant Episcopal Church yesterday, among the latter being the Rev. Dr. J. H.

Mcllvaine, formerly a Presbyterian clergyman of this city. 4 The Rev. R. Heber Newton, in All Souls' tnurch. yesterday espoused Henry George's land doctrine.

He declared that our system of tenure Is wrong, and that a law securing to the people all Increase in values, after a given date, would be justifiable. In his sermon at St. Leo's Church yesterday ramer iucey said mat present social conditions exist in contradiction of Christ's teaching. He denounced social oppression and Churchlanlty, and declared that the people's voice, the greatest power In the world, must be heard In Its cry for justice. In the Unitarian Church of the Messiah yesterday the Rev.

Dr. Minot J. Savage told the story pf the life of Jesus from the Unitarian point of view. The preacher denounced the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception as a slur upon natural motherhood, declared that the date of Jesus birth was unknown, and extolled Him as the great leading radical of His age. Arrivals at Hotels and Otit-of-Town Buyers.

rire z. Marine Intelligence. Page 2. Yesterday's Fires. Page 2.

Losses by Fire. Page 2. Amusements. Page 7. Keai estate.

Page 5. FZBE IN ST. LOUIS. The Mermod Jaecard Jcwelrr Company Burned Oat. ST.

LOUIS. Dec 19. The five-story building at the corner of Locust Street and Broadway, occupied by the Mermod Jae card Jewelry Company and about forty other tenants, was destroyed bv fire this morning. The loss will reach $335,000. It is covered by Insurance.

The Mermod Jaecard Jewelry Company is a large concern, and had an Immense Christmas stock on hand. Most of the stock was destroyed. The Model Clr-ak Comnanv. located In the northeast corner of the building, lost $50,000. it carnea an insurance or about SO-VX- The losses of the other tenants run from $000 to $4,000.

ANTI-MAKKIAGE ASSOCIATION. Orsamlsatloa at Inlag Park. to Discourage Matrimony. CHICAGO. Dec 19.

With the motto Va- rium et mutabile semper femlna the young men of Irving Park have formed an anti marriage association for the purpose of dis couraging matrimony. The member who vio lates the cardinal principle must pay $25 anu give a Danquet to the members. To vlsu a girl twice in a week costs 12. and $1 Is assessed against those who take a girl home by the shortest route. The association is bona fide, and Is reeu larly organized.

The President Is Gardiner a. an less. BRYANT PARK RESERVOIR DRY. Tbe Water Drawn Off to Prepare for Work on the City Library. The draining of the Bryant Park Reser voir, at Forty-second Street and Fifth Ave' nue.

preparatory to removing it to make room for the City Library, was completed Saturday night. The water ran off through the sewers. A number of fish which had grown from the numerous minnows parsing through the strainers into the reservoir went through the sewers and to the river. Thev were chiefly sunfish and perch, and none was seen or very large size. The concrete bottom was found solid, and only a thinlaver of mud had nmimninui in it In the several years since the reservoir was lat drained, showlne- that the wa tot- there has been remarkably pure and tree i rum Beuimeni.

ACCIDENTS IN CENTRAL PARK. Four Persons Thrown from Vehicles Two Bndly Injured. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wield of 1,02.1, Third Avenue were tnrown from their carriage in Park, at On3 Hundred and Tenth Street, near Seventh Avenue, yesterday afternoon, by the ove'turning of the vehicle.

The mishap wrs causei by the horse taking rright. Airs. Wleii had her face slightly scratched, but her husband was not hurt. P. J.

Delaney of 370 Second Avenue and Thomas Mooney of 319 East Nineteenth Street were riding on the East Drive near One Hundred and Tenth Street at 8 o'clock last night when their horse got frightened ana overturned me Duggy. Both were thrown out and Mr. Delaney was picked up unconscious. Mooney was badly bruised. They were taken to the Harlem Hospital.

THE SLOOP RANGER WRECKED. Uer Captain and Crew Rescned from St. Nicholas Island. SAN DIEGO. Dec.

four masted Britisn snip KODy, apt. Jones, ar rived in port to-day, H4 days from London Capt. Jonesi reports that last Thursday morning, when oft St. Nicholas Island, he was hailed by a crew 1n distress. He hove to and sent ofT a life boat to the distressed men.

who were found to be the Captain and Ave sailors of the sloop Karger. i The Captain of the Banger says that he was engaged in taking supplies from San Pedro to St. Nicholas and that on the night of Dec. 9 his vessel dragged her anchor In a fearful storm and went on the rocks a total wreck, the crew barely escaping with their lives. All the men had been without shelter for seven days, and were suffering greatly from lack of food.

They were brought to this port. Csabost Marietta's Hona-h Vojaare. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 19. The United States gunboat Marietta has arrived here after a Btormy passage from the north.

Many of her staterooms were flooded and her rails were bent and twisted from the force of the waves that had swept over her. 80 bad was the storm at one stage that it became necessary to put out a sea ancnor. In spite of which the gunboat drifted over 2 miles. Henry C. Parae III.

MILWAUKEE, Dec. 19. Henry C. Payne bad a fainting spell this morning due to bis eld enemy, dyspepsia. He remained unconscious for an hour or more.

His phy sician said to-nlgbt the attack was not serious and that Mr. Payne about again tbe nrst or me ween. Mr. Ilaekelt'a Coadltloa Isrkaag.d. Inquiry last night at the home of James K.

Hackett. tbe actor. 48 East Twenty-sixth Street, elicited the Information that he is still very sh-k. There was no perceptible change his condition. Mrs.

Balllastoa Booth Better. At th Presbyterian Hospital last night It was announced that Mrs. Balling-ton Booth Is not In a dangerous condition, and is Improving. MR. CHANDLER'S WARNING The New Hampshire Senator Says Mr.

age's Sound-Money Fight Menaces His Party. WANTS A STOP PUT TO IT. Calls od the President to Halt the Sec retary "in His Insane Career Xntiknates that Mr. XcKinle? Xft Not Dealine Fairly with Bimetallists. WASHINGTON.

Dec 19. Senator Chand ler of N4w Hampshire baa written a letter to The Washington Post. In which he says If thd Secretary of the Treasury and his single-gold standard associates will cease their demand for impossible currency legislation ingress will pass the necessary ap propriation bills, probably take care of Hawaii And Cuba, there will not be a se rious parky division during the session, and there will be an adjournment In May. Bust' ness will! revive, the Treasury receipts wCl equal thd expenditures, the balance of trade will continue In our favor, and the Repub lican Paty will In 1808 elect a majority of tne Hou4e In the Fifty-sixth Congress. on tie other hand.

If Secretary Gage continues to press upon Congress a bill the object of which, he says. Is first to commit the courttry more thoroughly to the gold standard! and the Immediate effect of which Is to thrdw doubts upon the sincerity of the Presidenj's declaration in favor of continued efforts to secure bimetallism, a political tur- uuu wiiu arise in wongress wnicn will SDllt the now united Republicans into fragments, while it will unite and consolidate the now incongruisus opposition. 11 is 1 not reasiDie to retire the mwn. oacits; inere is more probability that a bill win be Sent to the President to increase their ambunt. It is not possible to secure the passage through either house of a bill making Ine greenbacks into gold notes or authorizing bonds payable In gold.

The dffort to do either thina- will nrab. ably resiilt in the passage of a bill for the reaempupn or tne greenbacks In silver dol lars andl for th3 payment of all United States bands in gold or sliver coin, in the discretion ol the President, who will ba commanded to exercise his option for the ad vantage or tne government and not lor the advantage of the creditor, wini such an UDroar In Conrresa as these proceedings will create, with Western Congressmen embroiled therein, with Presidential Metoes. as threatened bv Secretirv Gage under angry discussion. It will happen that all business entemrlses and funds and stocks Will be disturbed, prices will fall. Insolvencies will Increase, and the Republicans will lose the Congressional elections in ltws ds disastrously as they did in UAH), ana Deyona ut nope or a tavoraoie reao lion in iiK, at which time, therefore, a Bryan uemocraUo President and Congress win De etiosen.

Whether we are to have one of these re sultspolitical safety or the other political destruction depends entirely upon the course td be pursued, by Secretary Gage and those wHo are pressing him forward, namely, the (Jo Id Standard League of New York and the self-constituted National Monetary Conference. How (much Secretary Gage cares for the Republican Party Is not known. Whetlher President McKlnlev. whose good faith toward bimetallism Is coming to the test.l will stop his Secretary In his Insane carter Is not known. It Is to be hoped ne wi.i.

But' 110 political situation has been -clear er than the present to sound eyes since the Republic in Party began Its marvelous career foriy-two years ago. There are times for all tl There Is a time to move and a time 1 keep still and now la the time to so keep. It Is pimply political suicide Tor the Re publican! Party In this Congress to affirma tively open the discussion of the money questionland to bring on yea and nay votes upon currency legislation. we aught to awatt the progress or in tematlorial bimetallism, the advent of bust ness orotDerity. and the n.ilng of the Treas ury by the normal workings soon to be seen in the new tariff law.

Shalll we wait for these things or rush on to PreslUent McKlnley must decide. WU1 he act for his people or for bis plu Upori his answer will depend the events or lstis. Anjtl-Gage Move In Kansas. TOPEKA, Dec. 19.

Early In January the leaders or the free silver forces hi Kansas will meel In Topeka, and protest In memo rial to Congress against the retirement of the greenbacks. At a conference wnich closed t4-day It was agreed to ask other Western I silver States to Join this move ment to I defeat Secretary Gages nnancia nlan. I It Is tie purpose now to have every free silver number of the Kansas Legislature at the cSn.entlon. MR. HAWA IS EXCOl RAGED.

Ontloolt Good, He Says, for Currency lVKa1atlon This Session. INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. 19. H.

H. Hanna returned lto-day from Washington, where he attended! the meeting of the Monetary Com mission. The plan recommended by the commit tee," sail Mr. Hanna, Is, I believe, the mopt thoroughly satisfactory solution of our currency difficulties that has yet been and I believe that 11 win com mend to the sound business sense of the count rv. The Convention that gave birth to tha movemeat w-ill reassemble here Jan.

ny that tki the 31IO delegates and the organ! zations ihey represent wilf have had time to discuss Ind digest the plan of the commis sion, anp 1 believe, tne convention win te able to d'trdlaiiv indorse it in everv feature The situation at Washington grows bet ter riKhi along. I had nmtfle opportunities for obef-vatlon during the past week, and the sntfment in both branch -s of Congress In favorlof a gradual and conservative plan of unifying and strengthening our currency system gaining momentum. I am greatly in the hope that we shall ob tain satisfactory legislation at this session Mr. Hktnna Drobably will ask the local committee that acted during the first mone tary convention in this city to meet him to-morrdw afternoon tor consultation. Hnrl In a Runaway Accident A horse attached to an express wagon owned bl- Frank Lang of One Hundred and Fifty-seventh Street and Eighth Avenue and drlten by Henry Llzxette, who lives with Lilng.

became frightened at an ele vated tSaln at One Hundred and Thirty fifth Street yesterday morning, and started down ttav avenue at a rapid In the waion kith Llxzette was August Lanir. eighteen! years old. At One Hundred anu Twenty-flghth Street and Eighth Avenue the watin struck an obstruction and was overturiiJ. lioth men were thrown out lnir etitaDed Injury, but uzxette received contusions of the leg.

body, and head, and was taMen to Manhattan Hospital. The wagon was demol.shed. Train Wreck In Illinois. PONTiAC. Dec.

19. An open switch on the Olhicago and Alton Railway was the cause of a colli Jon this afternoon between the St. (Louis limited passenger, due here PI and a freight train on the side track. The brhkeman wbosi duty It was to close the switch was unable to move It. The passenger train was approaching.

Hs Jumped on the track and suma.ed for It to stop, The engineer applied the air brakes and reversed rits engine, but It wat too late, and the passienger train went crashing into the freight. 1 several trainmen and two passen gers were nun, out none taiauy. Conneiv 'in gfva Itallantina'a India Pale and Burton Ales the preference over all other brands, foreign 1 domestic May bt had at park a Td-ford' 01 Ackar, MarraU A Coadit's iA4v. WISCONSIN M0TJTTD OPENED. Skeleton Found of Han Orer Via Feet High with aa Enormous SkulL MAPLE CREEK.

Deo. of the three recently discovered mounds in this town has been opened. In It was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic slxe. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in fait. tion.

The skull waa na linr. half hn.hl measure. Some flneiv tamnawi n. nt per and other relics were lying near the wuuco. The mound from which these relics were taken Is ten feet hls-h ani thirtv wio- and varies from six to eight feet in width.

i 1 wo mounas or lesser size will be excavated soon. A GIFT TO C0LTJ31BIA. Milwaukee Flraa to Present the Cal. vcrstty Steaaa Laboratory. MILWAUKEE, Dec 19.

The Ed ward P. Allls Company has Just received from Seth Low, President of Columbia Uni versity. New York, his acceptance of an offer by the company to equip a steam laboratory in the Department of Engineering The laboratory Is to be known for all time as the Ed-ward P. Allls MtmnHal Th Hft of the Allls company consists of a model inpie-expanfion Corliss engine, as perfect a piece of machinery as it is possible to turn out. and an air compressor.

The two are worm The engine will be run a.t the nnlveraltv merely tO Illustrate It nreohnnltm tnr the benefit of the students. MILITIA REORGANIZATION. Commission of National Guardsmen to Meet To-day at Albany. ALBANY, Dec. 19.

A Commission of Na tional Guardsmen will meet here' to-morrow to consider a plan for reorganization that has been In great paft suggested by Brig. Gen. Fitzgerald. The members of the commission are. however, to be left free to act as they see fit, as their recommendations will have to be annroved bv the Legislature and the Governor.

It is understood upon good authority that the plan proposed does uia mention any name tor aiajor uenerai. but leaves the appointment to the Governor. The Present Adiutant General. P. Whltnev Tllllnghast, has been in the Guard for twenty years, while Gen.

Fitzgerald, of the First Brigade, who is mentioned for Maior General, has been a member for forty years, and Major Roe, of Squadron also men tioned, nas been in tne service only eight years, but la a West Point man. Of the Commission on Reorganization, Col. Plas terer haa been In the Guard for eighteen years, and was a soldier in the war of the rebellion; Col. Welch has been a member nineteen years. Col.

Appleton eighteen years. CoU Ladd eighteen years. Col. Butt seventeen years, Lieut. Col.

Hubbell thirty-two years, and Capt. Goodner twelve years. AN IOWA PREACHES FLOGGED. Two Young- Women Resent Ills Criti cism of a Dance. WEBSTER CITY, Iowa.

Dec 19. Satur day night a dance was held In Wright County, Just over the line, close to Walnut Grove Church, and this morning the Rev. N. A. Forest, pastor of the church, took occasion in his sermon to criticise severely those present at the dance, as It ended in a row.

Two young women took his remarks personally, and when the minister said no young woman with self-respect would at' lend such an affair, they left the church Going to their homes they provided themselves with whips, returned and loitered In tho neighborhood until the service ended, when they assaulted the minister." He re ceived several severe blows across the face, and the fact that he had on a fur coat accounts for his body not being bruised. The young women who made the assault are Lillle Barstow and Mary Cunningham. daughters of fairly well-to-do farmers. The minister was prostrated to-night and unable to occupy nis puipit. THE "NEW YORK LEGISLATURE.

Senator Hla-arlua for Chairman of the Finance Committee. ALBANY, Dec 19. Lieut. Gov Woodruff, who was in this city yesterday, was asked whether there would be many changes In the make-up of the Senate committees. To this he answered: I think there will be no changes except those made necessary by the death of Sen ator Mullln, who was Chairman of the Sen ate Finance Committee.

The logical man to succeed mm ait Chairman or tne inance Committee Is Senator Hlggins of Cattarau gus county. Asked as to the possible legislation of the coming session, the Lieutenant Governor said: As Chairman of the Forest Preserve Board, and having been in contact during tne summer and all with many "eopie in. the Northern counties, 1 Delieve that the good work accomplished by our board In purchasing lands to protect the water supply for canal purposes will Justify a continuation of our po.icy, and that other appropriations will be made this year for the work. To the accomplishment of this pur pose I expect to devote every effort. 1 believe the session will be a shcrt business one, and that all the legislation will be.

sat isfactory to the people or tne State. HAUNTED BY EDWARD KLEIN. Police Sergeant Conldn't Get Rid of His I'nwelcome Vialtor. At 2 o'clock yesterday morning a mild-looking man entered the Adams Street Police Station, Brooklyn, and smiled amiably at Sergt. Kennedy.

My name Is Edward Klein," he said. "What do you want?" asked the Ser geant. His visitor didn't know, and was politely shown the door. Five minutes later the door noened and a man entered. My name is Edward K.ein," he said, as he beamed on the Sergeant.

An attendant moved forward; there were a few quick movements, and the door closed on the strangers coat tans. Almost immediately afterward a polie man entered the station dragging a prisoner with him. The Sergeant, without looking up, dipped his pen and prepared to take the prisoner pedigree. What's vour name he Queried. My name is Edward Klein," responded a familiar voice.

Take him away," Implored Kennedy, and Mr. Klein, with the same sweet smile, was asrain emculfed in the night. How many times after that Mr. Klein anDeared in the station house, sometimes under and rometlmes of his own free will. Sergt.

Kennwiv cannot tea. foucemen in all parts of the First Precinct ran across him. and brought him in. He seemed gifted with a strange faculty for getting In the way of everv unoccupied policeman on duty. Sergt.

Kennedy finally began to wear a worn, haunted look, and started nervously whenever the door opened. What Klein wanted no' one ever knew, nor how he hypnotized policeman Into arresting him. At length when the town began to stir the man disappear, and to the Sergeant's relief nothing more was seen of him. 330.000 to MeCUll I'nlveralty. MONTREAL, Dec.

19. W. C. McDonald, the tobacco manufacturer, whose previous gifts to McGIll University aggregate nearly has Just given- an additional iUJ to the institution. Fifty thousand of this sum it to le used as an endowment in strengthening tbe law faculty, and the remaining Is for the scientific department.

In the building up of which Mr. McDonald's previous rifts principally have been uaed. Fonr Killed by an Explosion. IlEPTON, Dec. 19.

Last night "on the Bear Creek logging road a locomotive exploded, killing Engineer John O'Connor. Fireman Jack Clipper, and two trainmen, John Johnson and Henry Vlckery. The explosion was caused by a defective flue. PARCELING 00T OFFICES Work of the Tammany Leaders at Lakewood. Seems to Go Forward Slowly.

FIVE DEPUTY SHERIFFS NAMED Only Glimpses of the Slat Giren Tne Tax-rate Question Trouble the Incoming Balers of This City. LAKEWOOD. N. Dec 19. The cur tain was not raised on the Tammany slate to-daly, as had been anticipated; only a lit tle corner was lifted when It was given out that the appointment of James P.

Silo as Sheriff's auctioneer had been practically decided on. The place, though not of high rank. Is one of profit, and as there are a number of applicants It Is possible that even this announcement may be changed later. Henry P. Mulvaney Is considered a' certainty for Under Sheriff, and Philip J.

Brltt will be Sheriff's counsel. It was learned to-night that five of the nine Deputy Sheriffs to be appointed In Sheriff Dunn's office have been selected. They are Thomas J. McDonald. Martin J.

Oilllgan, James Carrahar, J. T. McGuire, and Frank O. Rtnn. This leaves only four deputies to be named, and puts the Sheriff's office ahead in the matter of subordinates Mr.

Dunn modestly disavows credit for these selections. He eays that the Job of dividing nine places among applicants from thirty-five districts was too much for. him. and he left It to the wisdom of Mr. Croker almost entirely.

Daniel' J. O'Reilly Is on the list of As sistant District Attorneys being prepared by CoL Asa Bird Gardiner under Mr. Crok er" direction, and James J. Furey Is to nave the place of confidential clerk to Supreme Court Justice Scott at a salary of $1,800 a year, as to tne rest or the- list, everybody but Mr. Croker, Van Wyck.

and their immediate confidants is as much in the dark as ever. The surface Indications here DOint to John Whalen as a certainty for Corpora tion Counsel, though there Is no direct authorization for the report that he has ac cepted the place. He Is the only man on the neid who is considered in the light of a probability. He Is understood to be here at Mr. Croker's Invitation, and the two have been In close and frequent consultation since his arrival yesterday.

When Mr. Croker started on a tally-ho ride this after noon, and found that there was room lor one more than had been provided for, it was Mr. Whalen whom he out of the crowd of Tammany men to mount the box seat and go with him. York and tbe Police Board-Bernard J. York's appointment on the Police Commission is also considered settled.

Mr. York Is here, and while he will not discuss the report, he does not deny It. Although the hotel has swarmed with politicians all day, there has been nothing In the nature of a conference. Mr. Van accompanied by James Talcott, attended morning service at All Saint's Memorial ChUrch, while Messrs.

Croker. Carroll, Dunn, Sexton, Grady, and Brltt went to the Catholic Church of St Mary's. In the afternoon Mr. Croker was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Nathan Straus on a tally-ho excursion, during which time Mr. Van Wyck sat In tbe hotel lobby reading the Sunday papers. In the matter of slatemaklng, the Tam-manv throne- here to-dav was divided as It has been all along Into two distinct divis ions, the first consisting of Hicham croser, the Mayor-elect, John F. Carroll, and Thomas F. Grady, and.

the second including all the other leaders. By common consent, is a or en ted that the big four. Croker. Van Wyck. Carroll, and Grady, are doing the work, while the lesser leaders are merely here to offer suggestions and to look out for their own applications or those of their constituents ror places on tne siate, Twenty out of thirty-six district leaders were -n hand to-dav, the absentees being men like bouts Munzinger.

James J. Martin, Andrew J. White and John T. Oakley, who have been too closely allied with John C. Shee-han.

it Is said, to feel particularly at home here fust now. Practically, all the old guard of Croker men were here with the excep tion of Lawrence Deimour. Worried About the Tax Rate. A matter wnlch is engaging the attention of the more thoughtful Tammany in the intervals of discussing offices, is that of the taxes of the Greater New York. The fact that Tammany won its recent victorious fight largely on the issue of lower taxes and the -contrast between the rate under reform rule and the previous Democratic regime la remembered, and the prob lem now confronting the men at the head of the organization is how they are going to hold the rate down with the vast burden of obligations which they say has been heaied UDon the city by the new charter.

It is predicted by those who have given the subject study that, with the added lia bilities incurred by tne new cnarter and the enormous expenditures that will be required for public Improvements, the rate la likely to rise from 2.10 to 3 or 4. Such an increase. It is recognized, would mean certain defeat for the Democrats at the next election, and members of the Incoming administration now here are already puzzling their brains for plans by which to keep the tax Increase down to a minimum and to throw the blame for wbatever increase Is found to be inevitable on the Republicans who created the Greater New lork. Tammany Geaeral Committee. The General Committee of Tammany Hall will meet to-night to adopt an address congratulating the Democratic voters on their victory of Nov.

2. Speeches will be made bv Senator oradv. t. J. t.

cram, and oth ers. This will be the last meeting of the present committee. A NEWARK WOMAN SWINDLED. Doped Into Paying; H3 for a Pair of Glass Earring. NEWARK.

Dec. 18. The police are look ing for two well-dressed swindlers who last night sold Sirs. Sophie Spltzer a pair of twenty-cent glass earrings for (45 by repre senting that they were the real thing, and that one of them would return later and purchase them from her at the same price One of the men had been in Mrs. Spitzer's saloon at the corner of Sixteenth Avenue and Sixth Street for some time when the fel.ow with the bogus diamonds entered.

He tried to sell them to Mrs. Spltzer, but she would not buy. The other fel low became interested, and aald he wou.d buy them, but he would have to go out and get the money. He requested the nun with the diamonds to wait until ne returned. The fellow waited a long time, but finally left, saying he could wait no longer.

He had scarcely gone when the would-be purchaser returned and appeared to be greatly disappointed because he had not secured the earrings, which he claimed were worth at least 1150. He showed Mrs. Spltzer a roll of bills and asked her to buy the earrings if the ieLow returned, promising to droo in later and redeem them- The other fellow, of course, returned and Mrs. Spltzer paid him tbe 115. She then out the Jewelry away In a safe place, but as the promised purchaser did not return an Became auapicious ana found that she bad been dupeo.

1 Killed In a Baltimore TnnneL. BALTIMORE. Dec. Kelley, watchman for the City Water Department, was killed, and It. G.

Hlckaon sertoualr Injured by a locomotive while walking In the Belt un tunnel early ima morn lug. Its aicllnc la commended by alt eoanoiaaenra. Ballaotina'a Burton Ale. At Delmimloo'a. Wal dorf-Astoria, Holland, Hoffman, and Manhattan.

A YEAR'S RESPITE FOR SPAIN. Senos Lome, Thinks the Snlrlt In'Concree Will CheekeeV; LONDON. Deo. 20. The Madrid correspondent of The Standard says: Gen.

Blanco reports that negotiations wltb several Influential Insurgent chiefs are progressing so favorably that be hopes to detach from the rebellion important forces which are willing to accept autonomy. "Bettor de Lome has cabled the Government ths the American Government expects to command a sufficient majority in the House of Representatives to check all military motions until the Summer recess In next, thus securing Spain a respite of fully a year." THE SE00TZXO OP BTJIZ. Advieea of th Spanish Len-atloa Re-garalag tho ASalr. WASHINGTON, Dec 19. The following cable dispatch was received at the Spanish Legation to-day: HAVANA, Dec W.

Absolutely trustworthy reports permit us to affirm that Ruts was shot wltb Aranguren Friday by order of Alexander Rodriguez After several letters exchanged between Ruiz and Aranguren. Ruiz left Hsvana on Monday to meet Aranguren, not upon official mission, and only as a friend. It Is not known how, Rodriguez arrived, but the fact Is that that leader ordered tbe shooting of both. The ferocity of such act and proceeding Indicates better than anything else the faith In autonomy, the IrV.ranslgentes being obliged to resort to terror to prevent the disbanding of their bands. Such is the general opinion, and public ooinion unanimously qualifies sucb act as savage and unworthy.

PARIS. Dec 19. A from Havana says that while the insurgents report tbe execution of Lieut. CoL Kulz after court- martial, rumors axe also current that he is still living. DISCORD IS PCERTO RICO.

Governor General Marin De palm of Establishing; Antonomy. MADRID, Dec. 19. Lieut. Gen.

Marin, Governor General of Puerto Rico. Is about to resign, owing to the Imnoasibifitvof re-' conclllng the different parties in the Island with a view of establishing autonomy. BTJBQLABS AT MR. GORMAN'S. TCnaneeeasfal Attempt to Boh the Sen ator's Caaatry Bone, BALTIMORE.

Dec 19. Falrview. the country home of Senator Arthur P. Gorman, near Laurel. ML, was entered by burglars Saturday night, who were fright ened away before they had time to secure anything for their trouble.

The Senator and nis ramiiy were in wasnington. and tho only occupant of the bouse was the garden er, ne neara a noise in the night, and got to a window in time- to fire his olstol at what looked like two -men running- across tne lawn, entrance had been effected through a window on the lower floor. CORPSE SENT C. O. D.

Taken from Express OflBee hy Fore by the Relatives of the Deeeaaed. BIRMINGHAM. Dec 19. When tbe corpse of Joseph Lake, which had been shipped collect on delivery, from Butte, to his former home, Heflln, arrived at the latter Dlace vesterdav morn ing, the express agent refused to deliver it to rels ti ves because they could not raise ue amount or the exDress charges. The relatives protested against, the agent's actions but be waa obdurate.

They then sought legal advice, and were Instructed to pay to the agents as much money aa they nao ana taxe tne ooay or zorce. xnev raid half the charges, and. with the assistance of a Deputy Sheriff, invaded the express office and carried off the corpse, which was wierrea to-aay. FAINTED ON THE STAGE. Alfred Keadrtck.

Jalla Marlowe's Leadlaa- Man, 111 1st Lonlsvllle. LOUISVILLE. Dec 19. Alfred Ken drlck. leading man In Julia Marlowe's com pany, which has Just closed a week's en gagement at Macaulevs Theatre, fainted on the stage during the third act of Ingo-mar" last night- He wss cast for the title role, and as he did not rally quickly it waa necessary xo omit toe xourtn act, while In the fifth act Mr.

Kendrick was barely able 10 ma lines. He bad been in bad health all the vwk and was broken down by the additional worn or aany renearsais or tne new play, The Countess Valeska." which la to be presented for the first time at Cincinnati on Friday -f this week. Mr. Kendrick accom panied tne company to umcinnatl to-day, GLASS CAUGHT HIS C0ATTAIXS A patrolman from the Church Street Police Station discovered, at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon that some one had broken one of the windows of the Cafe Rivoli. at -55 Broadway.

The window ia on the north side of the building, overlooking a narrow a ury way inai runs west rrom Broadway. The hole In the glass waa Just large enough to admit a slim burelar. It was rather late to discover evidences of a burglary of the night before, but the officer removed his helmet and belt and' began to wriggle Into the Cafe Rivoll. His shoulders were inside when the passing pedestrians began 40 notice him. A crowd gathered to urge him on, several taking the opportunity to remark on tbe burglarious abilities of policemen.

The glass in the window squeaked and rattled as the officer squirmed his way Into the cafe. When half way through the blue coat tails became entangled in the ragged edge of glass. The crowd suddenly became hemiess ana stooa in tne aiievwav with seemingly no desire to give the enterprising policeman ine mucn aesirea snove. wnig the fat of the officer thus hung )n the balance anotner oiue Toat nove in sight and forcing his way through the crowd. the rescuer shoved the suspended officer tnrougn.

There waa nothing stolen from the cafe. The officers compiled a Joint report, blam ing tne broken glass on parties unknown. and stating mat tne place was secured. THE WEATHEB. Tkt Wot rJt aN sad ttkttmp flU page, to Uk4 ritfAt tiUt.

The storm baa remained nearly stationary over Newfoundland. A second storm appears to lie developing In tbe West Oulf. and a third storm has appeared to the north of-Montana. A ridge of high pressure extends from tbe 6t. Lawrence Valley to the North Pacific coast.

Snow or rain has fallen In the lake regions. In the lower Missouri Valley, and in the Southern States, except fair in Florida. The temperature baa fallen in tbe Atlantic States, has remained stationary In the plateau regions, and has generally risen elsewhere. Rain may be expected in the Southern States, rain or snow in tbe Ohio and Middle Mississippi Valleys, and snow in the lake regions. 1 he r.

e.rd of nmpe fcr the twenty-four hours ended at mlbiugbt. taken from Trb Nkw York Timbs's thermometer and from the thermometer of the Weatber Bureau, Is as follows: Weather Bureau. Times. llftMX lbV7. 5 A 34 6 A A.

2V 12 4 P. P. P. 2 12 P. 24 2ft 25 24 27 2S Si 2l 28 32 JH 23 2 TmsT TiMKa'a thermometer Is 8 foet above tbe street level; that of the Weatber Bureau Is 2H5 feet above the street level.

Average temperatures yesterday were aa follows: Printing House Square. Weather Corresponding date Ma CorrespoMdina date for lasv .4 The maximum temperature yesterday was 29 degrees at MP. Ml; the minimum was 23 degrees at 8 P. M. The humidity at A.

M. waa .01. and at P. .44. BOLD EAST SIDE ROBBER? Two Men Hold Up a Clerk in a Druj Store While a'Crowd en Ihs Sidewalk Looks On.

I THEY GET TWENTY DOHAHS Then They Boa Away, Pursued ly Confused and Panicky Tnrong Shots Tired la ths Strsst. A daring robbery was committed at 10:10 o'clock last night at the drug store of Goets- boff A Bakst. at tbe southwest eorner Pike and Madison Tbe clerk. Harry Davidson, was threatened with a revolver, and t2Q lh currency was taken from a desk. The robbery Is the second of the same kind that has been committed recently la that neighborhood.

It caused treat excite ment. and duriag an unsuccessful pursuit of the thieves several shots were fired. Davidson was In the store alone when two young men entered tbe Madison Street door. Thev were fairly well dressed and there wss nothing in their manner to cause suspicion until one of them walked close to Davidson and suddenly thrust a revolver in bis face and demanded what money there was In the house. Davidson promptly replied, You can't et It" The second man quickly seised him by the neck and began to choke him.

Be win standing at the tithe at tbe corner of the counter, outside of It. 1 The loaide of tbe store is In plain view from two streets, which were full of moving people. The scuffle attracted the attention of some of these, and they etopped to look on. The man with the pistol worked. fast.

He was behind the counter, while Sis companion held Davidson, drew Jimmy and forced open first a drawer In a deslc near by, then the lid of the desk. Ther were $35 in currency and a -check, for $13 in the desk. By this time a little crowd had began gather about the doors and windows. Quick! quickl urgently shouted the man who was holding Davidson. The other, in his baste, dropped US of the money and the check, and tbe two bad rushed out of the door Into Pike Street before the people there could realia what was happening or gather their wits together.

-The robbers ran south, with a crowd of men. boys, and women in pursuit, screamer In half a doxen languages. Three shots were fird, which Increased the confusion fend panic. Nobody knew what was happening, and some ran one wsy, while otners ran another, and the pursuit became- a Jumble of clamoring and frightened people. Last night it was impossible to learn whether somebody bad fired st the robbers or the robbers had fired to frighten their pursuers.

1 The result of it all was that. In Monroe Street tbe robbers disappeared. They may have mingled in tbe crowd or have run into tbe dark hallway of some tenement. There Is no clue to them except Davidson's description, which would fit fifty thousand men on the east side. So far aa it goes, however, the description is the same that was given to two men wbo robeed a drug store at Madison and Market Streets, oh'y a block away from GoeUhoff A Bakst'a, about two months ago.

A young woman named Malnlach, who lives next to the drug store, said laat night that she saw five men outside the store looking into thev windows while the robbery waa in and she believes they we ra friends and supporters of the robbers. It seems mora likely, however, that they were passers-by who srere attracted by the scuffle inside and stopped to see It. WOMAN. BXrEKZD TO DZATTL Doc Overt amed Steve, WhleTa Set Fire tottra. Sneneer'n Dress.

Mrs. Margaret- Spencer was so severely burned last night at her 146 West Sixty-eighth-Street. that she died two hours later in Roosevelt Hospital, Mrs. Spencer was cooking with -her oil stove at 10:30 o'clock, and her pet dog Jumped on tho stove, which turned over and set fire to her dress. Miss BelL a tenant In the house, who was in the room at tbe time, anatcbed up a blanket and wrapped the woman la It.

throwing her to the floor. Mrs. Speneer'a husband also rushed to her but before the flames were smothered Mrs. Spencer was burned all over her body. A RAXLR0AD Salt that Will Disintegrate the Loata vllle, Evansvillo and St.

Lonls Beat LOUISVILLE. Dec 19. A. P. Humphrey and SU 3.

Boyle of Louisville, representing the first mortgage bondholders of the Louisville, EvansviUe and 8C Lou la Consolidated Railroad Company, are In New York, having remained ovar from the consultation oC bondholders ther Thursday. They prepare a suit for tbe foradoa-ure of the first mortgage, the reorganisation plan of the consolidated bondholders being rejected. Foreclosure mean disintegration of the system. Tbe firat raort- fage covers tbe IW miles from New Albany, to Mount Vernon, while the consolidated bonds are on tbe eighty-odd miles from Mount Verncn to Kast St. Louis.

Before building from -Mount Vernon tbo Air Line used the tracks of the Loutsvilka and Nashville from that point to East SU Louis. THE BIG CBACXES TB.TTST. OHBMaBBBaMaaBBaaw Ar ranges en a for Coaahlnatloai with S3HKM00 CanttaL PITTSBURG, Dec 19. fl. 8.

Marvin. ldent of the United States Bakery Company, returned from New York to-day and announced that the consolidation of th three great cracker companies of the United States la now an assured fact. The' dead has been practically consummated, and only details of organisation remain to he settled. The capitalisation of the big- combine, be says, will be i5.0ra,H. and It -will be la operation bv Jan.

1. IHeC The tbree fom. pontes entering the trust are the New York Biscuit -Company, the American Baking Company, and the United States Bakery Company. Th latter Is now capitalised at jr, (.. while tne other two are rated at sio.41uo.0110 each.

Mr. Marvin says-that of the IVUXXl.Ono capital, will be preferred stock: and S30.4MW.OiiO common. The preferred will be issued in aharee of S1UU each. Hs says he primary object of the combine is to Invade foreign markets and open, up an outlet for the overproduction of bakeries in this country. Another object Is to est a blink a co-operative company.

In which tho employes can have an opportunity to own lock by Investing their ssvlnga In that way Instead of depositing In banks. The location of the headquarters of the new company has not been decided upon, but New York seems to be generally favored. I A meeting of the companies wl.l be heli la a few days to elect and settle all details. An Cagtae'a Fatal Plana In St. Loala.

8T. LOUIS. Mo, Dec piloting a heavy freight train up the Merchants' Bridge Incline to-day, an engine of the TermUial Ttatiroad Association jumped tbe track and plunged to th ground below. Fireman Al penalnger waa kUled Instantly, Engineer J. 1L MoCullough waa (Uahed head first through the cb wlodow and sustained sevsre injuries and W.

H. Cobb, yard agent of th Kast Side Yards of the Terminal, bad several ribs broken. Fireman a Yletlsa of Uleoaaha. Henry Doersch. a fireman of Engine Company No, 40 of Windsor Terrace.

riatbu.a. was seised with hiccoughs while on duty on last Tuesday nigh, 11 was obliged go to his home, at Tu Locust Avenue, and has been hiccoughing ever glnce. II i now In a critical condition. Doerscn Lt inuny-nve -years old. and married.

.1 1.

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