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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fiflt g-goth. giMEy jtinmru 15, EL ilAlffirS FORCLELAIED wKSZEVO IDOUBT ON THErFALL.OF KHARTOUM. EXPORTS SBOUOOT ST SPIES -WHICH OBTAEr UTTLx CRiorr Tm waa'Pezpaba- TI05S KNQLiJn). ECAxijr, Feb. 14w Bpte ireport tbt ft arge assemblage of tbe bostC tribes from tbe south but ratbered st Tamal.

Tbe men, tbe (pica ay, are perfectly acquainted with tbe AsUlU of tb Dmish victories at Abo-BJeeaad Guoat, but they consider them unimportant compared with-the sucres la Khartoum. Tbe story of thU ueces bM bon spread and magnified everywhere among tbe Arab ympeiblxlna; with the Mabdl and ibey are all apparently greatly elated over It. Lojtdox, Feb. 14. The Standard tMs r-noon publishes dispatch from it eorre-dsrrt at Kortl stating thata me ngerwho has Just arrived at Kortl declare that Khartoum baa not been captured by tbe Mahdi.

Tbe inoasenrer, tba oorrosponderit says, ajaerti that he left Khartoum tlx days after CoL Sir Charles WUaon appeared before the city In tbe boats-sent from Uu bet, end that when be (tbo nn tingm) left there Oon. Gordon still belt Khartoum. Another dispatch from Kortl state that tbe messenger wbo bare arrived therefrom Khartoum profeaa Ignorance rereading tbe fall of Khartoum or of the death of Oen. Gordon. The Mudirof Console ref uaea to credit tbe report onoernlng the capture of Khartoum- by tbo Mshdl and tb massacre of OenGorden and the garrison under bis command.

Tbo authorities bcre announce thla afternoon that they do-not believe tbat the messengers' statement reat on a ntisfaulory basis. It li now thought certain that the attack on Hetemnsh by the Drltisb force at Qubat will be Bide to-morrow aa contemplated. The new til the result of the attack I expected to arrive at Kuril on Tuesday neit. Ixird Wolselev' disposal of tbe forces at present at Gubat under the command of Col. hit Kdward IJuller depend upon the result of to-morrow'a assault.

Tbe report that LI Mardl'a troope are marching to attack Koasala ha led to a renewal of reinitiation with Italy for tbe dispatch of taiian espedltloa from Maaaowah for the relief Of the garrison. (ira barn depart for Puakln -on Feb. IB. lie will be left tbe fullest option aa to tbe time to be occupied by tbe expedition In reaching barter. It I stated, however, that Gen.

Graham Intends to make forced marone all tbe way to llerbec rorn huakln. If he encounter (Ismin )lirna and defeat him, Un. Graham believes he lan reach Berber within SU days. It would require 30 day to complete the journey with aa ftrmy making ordinary time. At the council of war held to-day at the War Office It was resolved to Increase the Indian con-Jlnircnt to be dispatched to tbe Boudan for Gen.

VVolacley'a relief to 3.VJ0 men. In order to raise tbo total effective force which Gen. Graham Is 10 bave for bla Suakln expedition to men. he council also considered the colonial offers of military assistance. I loth the Earl of North-brook and the Marquis of Harttntrton urged the war Ollice to assent to the req umts to embody Olonlal continents In the expedition.

A insantid trading corporation, to be called Ihe lloyal eoodan Trading Company, ta being formed In London and Alexandria upon tbo same lines as those upon which were oondocted the lsmous Kant India Company. If tbe corpora tion succeeds in obtaining the charter It bas al-eady applleil for It will claim asoneof its prlvl. leges the tivht to build ft railway between Iter irur ana buskin. C'Aino, Feb. 14.

It la reported Jiere that Prince Hassan bas been appointed Governor- venaral of th Soudan. WAJIMINO'-VVITH stORK THREATS OF DYNAMITE IN LONDON AND MORS PK2VENTIVK MKASCRE3. Lojnxwf. Fob. 14.

Tne authorities have Uraln received letters containing warnings that It. Paul'a and tho Ilnnk of England are to be attacked with dynamite. Detectives Itoper and Wilson, two of the Government's prlnolpai witnesses against Cunningham and liurton, areannoyed by tbe frequent reception Df threats against their lives. Recently these threats bavo beenwrUtea on paper stamped with a skull and cross bono, and apparently lSHUod by some murderous organliatlon. De tective Boper ba received a letter advising him to order' his coffin, and assuring him that he would mect hi fato" before next Saturday.

polios and other witnesses for the Crown in the case of James G. Cunningham, the alleged dynamiter-charged with high treason-felony la tauslngtbe recent explosion In tbe Tower of London, bave received letters threatening them with death if they persist In (riving- damaging teetimony against the prisoner. The new regulations for tbe admission of people to the House of Commons are so stringent as to smount almost to prohibition. The mem-bvr who ask forpermlMlon from tbe Speaker to Introduce persona will be bold aniiwerable for the sonductof the persons so admitted, strangers lll not be allowed to promeundo on tbe terrace ron If escorted by members. Tho member of Ihe press holding seals in the press gallery aro greatly excited over the Ppeaker's new regulations atollshlog- the rule gmntlnv to press representatives admlxslon to the inner lobby of ins nouse or common, and forbidding reporters to so Into tbe leadina corridors or to us KunniKtee roomsfor the puriKxte of trnor1btu Ihelr reports.

A deputation of journalists has been appointed to see tbe Sneaker with the view Of Inducing- blm torusctnd tbe objectionable regulations. The reporter are urging thn kianagersof their paper to suppress reports of leltes unless the restrictions are modified. There is a growing- movement In the dock of London ami amouir builders and other tradespeople to dianeiuia with tho services of Irih borers. Ktrtcen hundred Irish worklngmeu lave ruoentlv teen aummnrllv dlvnliuil fmm fluil.llnifs constructing la KustijOtidon, their follow, work men of other tbsu Irish nationality belnr unwilling to work beside men whom they hotrard as possible dvDamiten. ltoports have peen nn-eived mat a similar movement has Itarted at Manchester, and other provincial centres.

Policemen Cole and Cox, who were so dana-er- Eusly wuuuded while endoavoring to prevent he recent dynamite eiplotion at Westminster tall, have received a number of valuabln pre. wis in reco-niuon oi tbelr efforts on that occa- on. Mr. (tindntono has slven each of the sai nt oltloers front the Koval Rountr I'unil. ir William Harcourt.

tbe Hume Hecretarr. hai tlrcn Cole, who picked up the bundle contain- inwtne oynamtte and attempted to carry It out Into ralsce Yard. A'liT. and Cor, who wont to Loio aJMistnnoe, A.u. Mr Jam-a Invham.

mosin- trate rewdiiiy st the llow-Street Police Court. sua preeniHi eaon or the wounded oniesT wltn Jk and the memlMTS of I'arliament have col lected AVn for the Ix-nerlt of tno onicers, whllo Sumurou private tersons bave given various turns of money lor the same purpose. OBITUARY. JULES LOTJI3 JOSEPH "VAXLES. M.

JaTea Loui Joteph Talle, the well-known Soclallstlo journalist of Prance, died la Pari yesterday. In tbe fifty-second year of his ag. M. Valies was born at Pay, Juno 11.1833, and -while stUl a student of law wa placed under arrest by the Imperial Government a tbe Incurs tor of republican conspiracy. He was released, after several months' Imprisonment at Maza.

and after actlna- for a time as secretary of Gustavo Plancbe devoted himself to journalism. After semwt on the flfforo for some time, and gaining some reputation as a spirited writer, be wa to London as a correspondent of and contributed to tbst journal a aeries of articles on tngllah life which were very populsr In Franoe. Af ter this he contributed' to fctnemnt ana jAbertt. and In 1HY7 founded a Journal tio cauea Th The Communistic sentiments of this Sheet were so pronounced tbat It was suppressed after but eiR-nt months ot life, and M. Valies then returned to the J-'tooro.

This was In January, 1. and within tbe next two rears be bad established two papers tho CovtrUr nf Wis in-Urtur and Th Peon' both of which were sup-preeeea for their extreme utterancea after the editor had engaired In several duels In support of hi opinion. In the election of 1RG9 M. Vallet wa tbe WoclalLitlo candidate for the Chamber, but he received an tnmsrniffcant numtier of votes. In A ust, 1X70, when the news of the first reverses of the French In tbe Pruwlan war reached Pans, be was arretted as an enemy of tbe Gov ernment, but after the revolution of ept.

no was batalllon thta ooaltion of Oct. 31. made himself Mayor of the Nineteenth Arondlssement. ani alter exercising municipal authority lor 'M hours was removed from his olhce of Chief of liattailon, and sentenced to six months' Imprisonment by a council of war. la 1T1 be Joined thestsff of Th I'tnvU'i On, tbe insurrection of March li became the official organ of tbe National At tbe election of March 24 M.

Valies was chosen a member of tbe Commune, and be sustained all the extreme measures of that organization, ex-oep' tbe formation of the Committee of Publio Hafatv. At the downfall Tof tbe Commune be succeeded In escaping to London, and afterward made bis borne in Geneva, irom wnicn piace no sent communications to several Paris Journals. He waa condemned to death for hla work In tbe Commune, in July, 1872, but after tbe general amnesty of 1 he le turned to Paris, where be bad lived ever tlnce. of released end made cblof of of the National -Guard. In he enaaired la tbo Insurrection TOPICS OF LVTERKST ABROAD, Loxdos.

Feb. li. Dispatches from Osborne received this afternoon state that Queen Victoria ti ufforing from a severe cold, and ha been unablo to leave her bed for tbe past two lays. Her Majesty bas In consequence-post poned the time fur bur return to Windsor. Lcuux, Feb.

It. Petor Kelly, farmer. fvlng near the town of Moate, In the County of Wrvtmeatn. was found dead near ihis bouse this mornlllir. lit skull waa bnttttre.l In nmnntlr by rwpwMted blows from a heavy club or similar Instrument, and tho vlcfnllv where the txdr was round showed slims of a tierce strut gle.

Ills uiurner is aiirioutvu so agrarian irouDlee. Til IUi.t Feb. 14. It Is reported tbat Ihe DuUh Government is negotiating wltn tbo Adutioaii 8tto Iteimrtment lor a reduction of toe import duties on tuttr Imported from tbe Uutcb pussi'sslons luto tho United btatos. Ilr.HLix, Feb.

14. Tbe Prussian Minister Agriculture has Issued a report on tbe agri-eultural status of three sr. He states tbat the country cannot rely on the growth of corn, but must the scope of Its production by rearlnr win on a large scale and by produeingobecse, butu-r. and rvfc-l. A contereni of from German porta.

represent ng si Cbamtwrs of Commerce, ha sent me Keiciitasr a protest aralnst tbo proposed iiv.mwi uuikssd unua unponi. IK VI If A LL PRIMA WES. The Executive Committeeof the-Irvins Hall Democracy met last evening and received the report ot tbe Committee on lteorganlaatlos I tat committee reported that It bad examined Into tbe condition ot tbe organisation In the fourth, llfto. Tenth, and Fourteenth Assembly District, tbat it bad authorlred Patrick liooner and other to organise the Utth, and Klcbartl NichoUdn and lxuls Schlcmp and others the Tvnth liKtrict. As the i-ocrt and Pour-kn-iitb Distrioia.

the committee asked for further lime and authority to railete to reoryenisa-imn. It also hrenmnendnl that the' omoer p( the Kxecutive Committee Issue a roll for trt- tusrics to elect members of the Ueoeral Committee for 1S for ail the AasemUy Lwtiicts. um, ihu vunsuutn, 4 oe Qtriu ou WiHines-tav ereninr ue(C the noil. iii nn Trom to and that the General Com-fn'ttee then electod be directed to meet at Irving Hal! lor orranizatlon on Piiday evening next at lo'vl'X-k. I he report waa ado tod and the call for the primaries issued la pursuance thereof.

A rom rait Use cons latins- of ajceiee Commiwuoner llsusbsofL Henry tfiairvert. John K. Prriev, and reter Murray were appointed to make srranrements for the transportation and acoom-toodauun of the Irving Hall delegation to the inituf urmtion, aod it was reported that the del gauou Wwuld mIubMT at Mast 1M prsa B. B. U0TCIIKIS3.

A cable-dispatch from Paris announces tho death yesterday of Q. B. Hotcbkl, the amoui gun Inventor. He was about 55 years of age, and was born In Connecticut. Be was altogether a self-made man.

and in early life be was employed as machlnest In Bbarpe'srlfls factory. Lftter bo-went Into tbe employ of CoL Bamuel Colt, whom he assisted in perfecting the revolving principle In pistols. Twenty-five years ago be became ft resident of New- York, and during the drat riots waa In oharre of the arsenal. While here he invented what is known as the Hotchklss magazine gun, which was some time afterward adopted by tbe United States Government for tbe troops in tne west, ana later tor toe navai service. Next be applied the bolt principle to breech loaders, and this system was adopted by various gun manufacturers in this and other countries.

He waa also tbe inventor of tbe Hotchklss machine irun. especially desitrned for use in tbe sirring of vowels. The guns of his invention were edoDted by Russia, Prance, and other European Governments. It bas been nsed with success in the present Franco-Chinese war. He waa also nn inventor oi improvements in heavy ordnance and projectiles.

Mr. Hotchklss was President of the Congress Park and tbe Empire Spring Company, In Sara- tog, and did a treat deal toward beautifying the park and introducing fireworks and electrio llirhts there. After a residence or 11) year in this city he went to Paris, where be founded a gun factory. During the past few years be tried hard to ret the lirltlsli Government to adopt some Invention of his for tbe Improvement of heavy ordnance, and. navinr finally succeedon.

was about to establish a factory in England. Mr. Hotchkl-s was married twice, the second time to a New-York lady, wbo survives him, and wbo proved a most valuable assistant to blm in bis labors. He was a very genial and hospitable at every visit to New-York he brourht a large number of presents for his friend. Last Summer be bad a stroke of paralysis, but he came to this country to visit father, who lives in Connecticut, and Is 00 years of are.

While In this country his health rapidly Improved, and bis physicians told blm that be wouia recover proviuea ne umi more rest ana worked less. He returned to Paris in September ana to-tbe work which resulted in his deata. JOHN" F. DELAPLAXNE. John F.

Delaplaino-dled yesterdayatthe residence ot Mr, William M. Findley. No. 27 East Slxtr-third-street, whose wife Is a niece of tbe aged about 68 years. Mr.

Delaplalne was a son of an old New-York shippinr merchant of tbe same name, who loft a very large fortune. He was graduated at Columbia' Collect) and afterward was admitted to the Car. al- thourh he never attempted to practice. For 20 years or more he was prominent In New-York society, when be suddenly went abroad. After five years spent in travel be attached himself to tho Leratlon at Vienna.

In lftid he was made becretary of tbe Leumlon, ft position bo held until The Minister were often cbanaed. but be enjoyed tho confidence of all, among them lnoiurtinir siouey, jay, Vrtn, muson, May naru. and Phelps. In Vienna Mr. Delaplalne lived In royal style.

He occupied spacious apartments In Johannes- strame, wbicb were furnished with valuable palntlnr, statues, books, anil brlp-iv-brac. He was famous for his lavish hosottalitv. and It waa said that no Embassy everjirave ao many and so eiaoorara uiniiers ino ox me Aus trian Leratlon. Prince and noblemen were al ways to bo found at bis table, and be was known throujjh all Austria. American vlsltinr Vienna wore always welcomed by him and handsomely entertained.

He hm! a pnmion for collecting bric-a-brac, and rot together a very valuable collection. Ho invested larrely tn real estate in Vienna, and In his ventures was almost uniform lr auocessf uL. poonarter me non. Aipnonso xan succeeded Mr. PheiDsas American Minister to Austria Mr.

liolaplalne plainly showed that be was breaking down, and he. was induced to resign thn Secre taryship. His mind rave way, and althouirh poseeseed of a very iarire estate, be labored under the delusion tbat be was soon to he Impover ished. He wss a bachelor, and had no kin nearer to him in Vienna than gray-haired servants who had been with him here. His niece.

Miss Flor ence went to Vienna, and returned with the Invalid in March, 1-ttt. A commission was soon after appointed to look alter bis affairs. The decoded leaves a brother. Is In capacitated, and a sister. Mrs.

Luclen II. Chase. of this citv. Hla youngor brother, liaao Deia- plaluo, died some years ago. L.

8KOUOAAKD SEYERIXL -L. Skougaard Severing who-died yester- dar at No. 64 West Twenty-seoond-street, was among tho best known teachers of vocal muslo In the city. Ha was an exceedingly modest man, however, for one whose name was always more or less publicly associated, seldom appearing In person at entertainment- ex cept at tne annual concerts which he fave to bis pupils at Chickering HnlL iecnme to thl? country from Norway in Itklil, havlnr already made a reputation at the muslo centres of Europe. During the Winter follow ing nis arrival uere ne gave a series or recitals in conjunction with Alfred If.

Pcae, at Irving Hall, which served to introduce blm favorably to tbe New-York publio. His success as a teacher be run Immediately thereafter and continued uninterruptedly. It was his habit to visit hla home in Norway for a month or so every Summer. At other times be could always te tuund at his Twentv-seeond-etrect resi dence, which was a favorite evening resort for music lovers, attracted ny bis very companion able qualities, and which for years was known as Kverlnl Hall." Ho was taken down month airo with a severe cold, followed by aria and ivpooidai symptoms, liuring his sick ness tne attentions of bis many friends were un remitting, and durinr yesterday and last even inir, auer oeatn- Docame known, many of them called at the house. His funeral will be held at M.

I'eter's Ihurch on Tuesday. It prooaoie marine tKxiy win do returned to Nor. way. Mr. beverinl was 44 years old and was un- nuuTieo- 1 JAMES W.

DAVIS. CoL James W. Davis, one of tbe veteran special areata of the United States Treasury De partment, died at tbo Colonnade Hotel in this city yesterday morning, after very brief ill- neas. Mr. Davis' came to New-York about tw weeks ago to serve as a member of the special commission appointed to loves'tiimtw certain cbartres against Capt.

Itrackett. He was suffer ing from a severe cold wben he reached this city, and It grew steadily worse until It developed Into pneumonia. It was thought on Friday last that be was improvmr. lxu uavta was horn In uoi bam. about t2 years ago, and his per manent residence bas been there ever since.

He entered tbe erv Ice of the Govemmeut years aro. and for a while was a Custom House Inspector In Itoston. His promotion to tbe secial airents department wa in consequence of bis capable service. He assisted two years ago in preparing tbe book of revised regulations for the customs department. Col.

Davis leaves a widow and one son. His body will be taken to liorbam Tor burial. Special Ajrents Souldin and Tichmor. tbe two other members, ot the commission, met yeterday and formally adjourned out of respect to the memory of their dead associate. ADOLPn IIALLGAHTEN.

A cable dispatch was ret-eived by UaU- garten Co the Wall-street banker, vesterday, arnounefng the death of Adoloh Hallsrsrten in IrsOaden, Germany. on Friday. Mr. Halirmrteu was a brother of the late Julius wbo mite died abroad, He eroa to tbu oauatri tn wbbn 1SS1. busln and be trade th drur firm ration tt went to tlon.

Hh paralysi of belni pecunis eral. Pltai. lie dtughUrs, died. but years of age. His primary training waa In a Broadway drug store.

advanced himself so successfully in tbat be became a partner in tbe wholesale of Unioan a Kerns. His close sppll- business Injured hi health, and be Europe In 1H2 to obtain rest and recrea- was the victim ot several stroses or while abroad. He bore the reputation gemai and charitable man. ana bis benefactions were numerous and lib- was President of tbe Mount Sinai Hos- leeyesj a widow, one son, and two ail of whom were with him wben he a it ty John neot cit day. Hii nirht.

promlne cb ester Kneclhnd at' Cllftoln, years. member Town sent! active ter of 1 ltlchmorii one terns ft bachel Jobb aence, day event years oi' business New-Yt been nit cock. I morn nr Messiah daurhtcil six week IL 1L the New leum' Jr home in are. Mr. where came to rared In nected 1 since it the Lake Su seveu Robeitt of R.

city on two or bis deat successful esteeme tbe Stoc yesterda tieman OBITUARY XOTES. tCavanatrh. one of the most proml-ens of Tonkers, died In Albany on Frl- body was brought to his home last was AO years of age, and had been tly Identified with politics In West- (Jounty during his Ufetlme. S. Townsend died at his borne Etaten Island, aged 63 Townsend was for many years a of the firm of Oshorn.

lioardman it Jewelers of this city. Ho retired from neas some years ago. Ho was a mem-i Republican General Committee of County, and represented the county tbe Legislature. Mr. Townsend was it r.

Babcock died suddenly in his rcsi- 139 West Forty-eecond-stroet, on Fri- of heart disease. He was 69 venrs and had not lietn enrnred in any active or a year. Ho was ono of the older merchants, having for many Years mher of firm of Phoenix St. Hab-s funeral will tako place to-morrow 1 9 o'clock from the Church of tbe Mr. IlRbcoclt leaves a son and a Mrs.

babcoclt died in this city about ago. iokard. a well-known member of ork Mining Stock and National Petro- hanre. died yesterdny morning at his am ford. in the year of hi ickard was born in Cornwall.

England, learned to be a practical miner. He Is country in early manhood, and en- intnlng enterprises. He has been con- th the New-York Mining Board ever rroatton. Is principal interests were umet and Hcla. Central, and other rior mines.

He leaves a widow and ren. a Elhott, of the Wall-street firm Iiliott 3c died at bis residence In this riday night, after an Illness of onlv days. Pneumonia was the cause of Mr. Elliott wss one of the most Drokers in the Street." and be was bv all of his fellow-brokers. He joined appointed the following named ren- committee to DreDaro resolutions in honor c' tho dead, member: C.

H. Harney, H. Bli sell, U. M. Raymond, John D.

Slayback, and D. Van Amburgh. Mr. Elliott was a promlne it and enthusiastic yachtsman, and his yacht ha 1 just been commissioned for ft Southern trip hen he was taken sick. iii I chbd MB.

Ml STATEMENTS AKSWEHING IN DETAIL THE OF MAYOR GRACE. R. Marsh vesterday talked freely tho Mayor's letter to The Times new parks and Mr. Marsh's connection Mr. Grace says," remarked Mr.

Ithat theso parks were advocated last fautny who were personally interested lei' city take the lands. In this he Is mls- thdVn. rt.e i takin i measure Luth concern lb upon tb with Marsh, year by having. taken. were It was a multitu be taken! ure ex the peojile J.

be tbe ance at knew to didn't wa also the did the we are iii seems mouth, be done not true of thou.1- tion gr room in kept off 1 hav tbe Dal tton in tlons by been so as to fer the Works of which) not affoqd YV be no ta often re values of the tbat of fund; and os bo im pairing This, wl year, claimed valuatlo about 6UJ.0U0, hlch stated a.moon may tie H4.IJUU, next nn vnluatU amount But not stop three accurau the turing I rSwn t'estcbofter. even if to these verge pay men or by flno mc and ami strumei giving and in wealth. and ren establishment New able tbe villa of tbi place as U. Smy Mills three and grii also tbe lure ga About to t-mit employ pun led daughter he died called. aa the tircly which mlstak from de the Fi plcion Now treated for moi unable the l)is the rem vestirattd.

of Brist be the Is day in the brain, moved tion by also go the some togetb sicknexi) into co grief, years Kas Schreffi selms. probab day, a its for 1 was i Schre Iwrn, Willi head herself her ln broke The w. sitrbt asau but a irsruxe- av RSH ON THE NEW PARKS. nly a very few of those whose lands advocated tho bill. On tbe contrary.

ocated bv many and approved by a who were not owner of any land to and who bad no interest in the meas- as they felt and knew it would benefit of our city. Mayor says those who were opposed to last year aid not put in an aonear- lbnny. On the contrary, all whom we be'opoosed did appear, i. those wbo nt their land taken Xor publio use. and Mayor and his cabinet and officials, and oesi to prevent its success.

Ho savs no present need of these park. So it wants the citvto live from hand to i.i not willing tnut anything should ir the future of New-York. But it is hat they ato not needed, for hundreds uds of our people now seek their recrea- nds beyond these parks, not finding he Central Park, whero the ceoole are she grass and the sheep on It. He say put a iorced construction on bills. This Is answered by tbe pronosi- behalf, to obviate some of my objoo- amenument.

lie says theso bills have with tho utmost care. Doubtless donccal the fact that they would trans- vast powers of the Board nf Publio hd of the Park Department to a board ne is chairman, lie says tbe city can- tbe debt or taxation of the parks in er. He should know that there la to ation. and also that the debt will bo paid by increased taxation on eahanced it snnil becomo due. as in the caxo Contra! Park.

He should also know the bond held by the slnkinr tied which the city bas tiald ns. there are $12,000,000 that can ifdlately canceled without 1m- ny supposed contract with creditors. i over of bonds payable this urn reauce tne gross debt, even as )3 him, $to 108,000.000. Now, the tax this year will, as published, amount to U7.500.000. 10 rer cent, of which is 17..

fiolng nearly over tbe figure. mime reason oi nis own tne Mayor has This would allow a margin of over aaove; the 10 per cent, for which bonds sued. Independent of these resources or bonds will mature and bo paid In the tbe following year. Meantime, the or real estate will advance at least 0, thus adding $10,030,000 more to the or wnicn nonds may be Issued. he financial resource of tho city do here.

Tor within this brief nerlod of rs there will have been addml to tho Ihted revenues of the sinking fund about mauinr with tho balance left after of tho $20,000.0011 of bonds ma. tbat time at least $40,000,000. So that, be constitutional amendment applies parks, thero Is am Die room and dtiough' (excuse tho poetryl for the those parks by bonds instead tixatlon. The Mayor fbould not con- to ono net dream. I hava manv.

ig them is the bono that I may bo in- ai, in some small degree at least. In my city and its peoole. In the present 8 future, the blessings of health and enjoyment and culture, ot beauty which are surely to result from the ot tucso par its." ifo cancellation SUSPICION 6F FOUL PLAY. THE BODY OP CCSKRT O. BMYTHE EXHUMED FOR EXAMINATION.

uroitD, Feb. 14 Consider- excIUsoent was caused on tbe 10th Inst, in Of I ire of Smith Mills, about two miles west ity, by a telephone message from this inr tbe cause of the death of Itobert pe, wno uiea mere on Jan. 10 last, bmith omposed of about 20 dwelling houses, urches, one of which is closed: a saw mui. and one grocery store, whlcb is -ost umce. where the nxin a of th bli ther to give and hear news and irossln.

a isvoi janunry brought ovinia iriMn lHjstou. wnera nn nafi immi ill tsj'a gas-tltti ng house. Ha was ncrnm. ly his wire, a native of Smith Mills and oi ueorge it. fotter, at whose bouse Dr.

1J. C. Howiand. of this city, wa said at once the man could not live. mucous lining of bis stomach was en- troyea irom tue euects of chloroform.

wuv buiu our uusonna naa taken by for liquor, ho having been suffering rium tremens. Tne body was burled in is Cemetery in the village, and no sus-foul play was entertained. ihe story goes that a Dr. Cornish. wbo Bmythe in Boston, unnlied to the vidnv ry for services, which monev ahn waa pay.

and bo then filed an affidavit with ici Attorney or eunolk County to bave ins Houinw anu mo cause or death In-d. H. M. Knowlton. District Attorney 1 Countv.

waa rninmn with informed Medical Examiner Taylor, and iter bad the body exhumed yestor- te body was taken to Lvoeum Hall I village and an autopsy held. The stomach, liver, and kidnevs were re. and sent to Boston to-day for examma- chemist. Medical Examiner Taylor is to that' city. While no susdiciou of )w is entertained among the villagers.

toe couple did not always live hanDllv but at tho time of the husiwmi'i Wt the wife seemed very devoted and went fvulsions at hn death, an rmt was hep Vrs.Smytbe Is rood-looking, about JO age, and bears a good reputation. lit te rh'iids of GAS COMPANIES' PROFITS THEIR RELATIONS TO THE PUBLIO TO BE INVESTIGATED. THE SCOPE OF THE IXQCIRY A COSDnS- BlOIf ADVOCATED PROTECTION FOB THE CITIZEN WASTED. The two rooms at the Morton nous engaged by the Senate conmTlttee appointed to Inquire into tbe relations of tbe Consolidated Gas Companies and the public Interests were filled with interested persons when tbe hearing began yesterday. Senators Edward B.

Thomas, Frederick Glbbs, and James Daly were early on hand, and took seats, with tbelr ttenograpber, at a large table. Counsel Lacombe and his assistant, Francis M. Scott, representing the city, took chairs In front of tbe committee, while seated about tbe room were Francis B. Thiirbcr, John II. Sherwood, J.

J. Blodgett, and C. H. Botsford. of tbe Gas Consumers Association; Henry H.

Anderson, counsel for the gas companies; Bufus F. Andrews, Lyman Tremaln, Jackson S. Schultz, State Senators H. J. Cogges-hall and John Van Schaiclc, F.

S. Gardner, Secretary of tho Gas Consumers' Association; William T. Van Zandt, and W. H. Webb.

Secretary Gardner opened tho session by submitting a statement from tbe association outlining tbe purpesa of tbe inquiry. It had not been asked, the paper explained, with the view of striking" the gas companies, but it had come of an honest effort to establish equitable and permanent relations between the publio and corporations existing by vlrtuo of a publio franchise. Fictitious capitalization, such as bad demoralized the railroad world, put an Incubus on honest and deserving enterprises and should be prevented. Tbe association doubted if a thorough Investigation could be made into so large ft question during tho present session of the Legislature. On this account many members had believed that a commission should be appointed to Investigate and report to the next Legislature.

But as tho matter had been intrusted to ft committee, tho association wonld give all tbe faots it had, and would ask the Senate to empower tho committee to sit after adjournment and report to the next Legislature, if the investigation could not be completed during the present session. Mr. Anderson thought the gas companies ought to be given fair notice before the Inquiry began. Tbev knew nothing of it except from newspaper report, which had contained all sorts of anonymous and unspecified charges In regard to fraudulent gas metres and pne thing and another, in which the attempt was made to have it appear that the publio whs at the mercy ot a grasping corporation. The State had taken measures for the official inspection of metres.

That fact ought not to be overlooked. But where is tbe State Inspector?" Mr. Andrews Interposed. He draw $2,500 a year, but no one ever bears of him, except probably the Controller." Mr. Anderson would not undertake to solve this problem.

Mr. SchulU's experience with gas began wben it cost the consumer $7 per thousand. A reduction to $1 75 was a good tblng as far as it went. It ought to shut the door certainly against charters to new companies. Yet it did not justify extortion.

As a preventive against unfair treatment of the public, he thought tbe matter should be put under the control of a commission similar to the Railroad Commission, to be appointed by the Legislature and to report annually. The commission should at first be vested with small powers, to Increase with experience. Their duty should lead them into a careful avoidance of injury to capital, but also to a strict watch, as public guardians, on methods of capitalization, for respectable citizens, Mr. Schultz added with slow emohasis, were apt under cover of corporations to do what they would not do In their individual capacity. Mr.

Sherwood said the situation In this oity was that 2,000 persons sold gas to 1,500.000 consumers. Tbo profits were unreasonable. Gas bills bad been increasing every year from 10 to per cent. For that reason ho was a kicker, and expected to kick until a remedy wa supplied. I bave nothing to say against Investors in gas stocks." he said.

They bave mado shrewd use of their money. Rut as they have taken enormous profits and Dow fix rates as thev please, tbe people are without means of protection. I ask protection as a citizen against this class of persons." Mr. Lacombe said that tho corporation was probably tho largest consumer in the citv. As tbe representative of the corporation he wished to outline nis intentions in regard-to this hearing.

His object would bo to show to the committee the cost of gas in New-York for many years, covering periods of competition and of non-competition. He, would undertake to show that at the time the companies were formed the business was precarious and the profits uncertain; also, that for the past few years profits had been immense, and that there was a certainty of large profits in the near future; also, tbat existing companies bad been permitted to occupy the streets to the exclusion of new companies. In view of these considerations Mr. Lacombe said be would ask tbe committee to include In tbeir report some recommendation as to whether the city should receive any compensation. In light or otherwise, in return for this valuable franchise.

Mr. Thurber thought the principal matter to be considered was the relation of the gas companies to the public. The supervisory system prevailing In England commended itseir to bim as worthy or consideration. Tnat system allowed tbe gas companies a profit of 10 per cent, on the actual Investment. Profits in excess of this accrued to the public, in tho Proportion of two-thirds, and to tbe companies in the proportion of one-third, as a premium on good adminis tration.

in iasnion adopted in this citv of running up a nominal capital, and forcing the public to pay large Interest on it. was putting a mortgage on publio industry. nnd a means ought to be found to make euch proceedings Impossible. He thought Mr. Schultz's suggestion of a commission, empowered to examine th books oi tue companies, to inspect metres, and to test both tho quality end quantity of the gas supply would bo astep In tbo right way.

It would bo a desirable thing to know if expenses were greater uimcr cuuHJiiunuua tnan oeiorc Mr. Sherwood cautioned the eommltteo that special vigilance would be needed to ret at tho lacts about tne operating expenses of the consolidated companies. In this connection you ought to Inform yourselves in regard to tho burdens on consumers and in regard to tho worth of tho franchise to tho companies. I can't believe it true and just to consumers for a company with from $15,000,000 to capital to capitalize at three times that amount without a dollar's extra outlay. Tbe examination of the books and affairs of the companies should therefore be made bv experts before testimony is taken on tbnt side." After an extended and general colloquy it was-agreed to postpone the hearing until Friday next- Meanwhile tho Consumers' Association will provide for expert Inspection of the affairs of the gas companies.

They will also undertake to find witnesses to provo that consumers have paid more for gas elnce the consolidation than before; and the committee will see that a fair showing la given to both sides of thU question. Tbe history of the formation and development of pas companies In this city, or their methods of capitalization, and of the principles and results attending gas supply. In reference both to the companies and to consumers together with detailed comparisons with methods and results in other cities, will make up the order of inquiry as agreed upon at yesterday's session. SHE KING KILLER TESTIFIES. tutr HvW HE ESCAPED i akee, UL, Feb.

14. r. wife of a well-to-do farmer at De i small town 13 miles from here, was murdered by a tramo vester- Uhl Thursday evening Vakiei NVison. who feet were frozen, askeil ring over a rniKt rknted. The next morninir.

a Mr. wu doing his work tho tramp knocked Mrs. SohreiHer down trying pan. and then bit her over th thaflatirou. Mrs.

tclirertier ticfc-ndeJ throwing a ski.lct of hot grease over ant- Aided by a i tit Iium. 'ho bad beard his Knuiiu, JWD tho dnor and aian. Who is tkure, w-s at lb tuiTJ of the Mie 1 ilUi'nj ranidlv. and fiv 4hort time. To-night there was an or.

ittc-iant to ipe irfed iby th au uorit-es tailuir him to wsIubou is aittki won i I SCnWAB INSISTS THAT HE DID NOT INCTT A RIOT. The examination In tbe case of Justus Schwab, wbo is charged with having Incited his fellow-anarchists to a riot at a Socialist mass meeting tbe Monday night before last, was continued yesterday afternoon in tho private ex amination room of the Essex Market Police Court. Capt McCulUgh, the principal complainant, camo in and took a seat at one of tbe tables, and shortly afterward Schwab himself in the company of his counsel entered. He was put on toe stand for redirect exsmination and said that seven or ten minutes elapsed between the time that Capt. McCuliagh fell off tbe platform and that th uniformed police entered the build.

himself did not change his position nor did he niako any eHort to escape, nor did ne au anus wuatever auout him. but when tbe Unilormed Oiht-er ojime irt Vm wont li denied tbat be had used any profane language or that tb) Captain bad spoken to him. Among the frienos who had accompanied him to tii meeting were John U. Schuck. usc-r Jiaasc.

and itudolt Ernest, but be did not uotice that any of them were armed. John D. Schuck swore that he a3 standing ciose to Schwab, who was perched on a bench arout Is feet from the platform, on the evening of the riot. At about o'clock the audience liecame Impatient, and wantoa the meeting opened. A man with a rsvel in bis hand stepped jn the platform and called the meeting to order.

Hereupon several other men i Jumped ou the Platrorm afur him. and tried to. take awav the gavel Irom mm. others ran to tiie assistance of man with the gavel, and a struggle emdied. urtng whicb tlie travel vn wnt-xi imn, i.i Vuut was tor half a minute on tbeplnt-iorra.

and then Capt. McCullairb, dred In citizen m.lden ui.peare.l. Aru-bw is made on the platform, an, I sume or ten irirau ciu-ttjihtf the t-eo-pl who were ou the No on- reemod to kouw the uie.i who were tna c'uX were Ttcn the Y.puiu uubuttoueil hi coat, and displayed lii i.aJee. ver liiiae, the next witness lor the defense. i gjve testimony nearly in.iiar tn tout givit ty Asi5tant Hisinct.

Attorney Purdv i trot to admit that tuera were two partx-s lu t. meeting room test wt-f oppo- to txcb otter; timt wtntod to occcy the cU i form ar.d the on tried to prevent tcea-. I K.sna irie i r. ensued. he case was Kna.iy until lues V.y iafternoon, isfc.

Si, at JcScrsja ilarltet i-oliwi Court- Ifll IRE COMOTG THEIR GRIST uTMSIM GOODS, HOUSEKEOTG- GOUD WHITE GOODS, WASH FABBICS, HAMBORGS, ECES, TRiTMGS, RIBBOBS fDPiTru nrnmrct SILKS, VELVETS, li IR rni.n mm finnna Uui FAULT GOODS, k. UUXJUAtiJJ-l UUUUU'UUUUUj BLACK GOODS, CLOTHS AND CLOAKINGS, CLOAKS AND SUITS, MISSES' SUITS, LADIES' UNDERGARMENTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHINGS. This being a CLEARING SALE in the fullest meaning of the word, EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD the prices have been mide with this object in view, the firm preferrincj to qive ABSOLUTE BARGAINS rather than pay for the removal of the stock. AN EXAMINATION OF THE GOODS IS ALL THEY ASK. 3 8 ARID 33 WEST 23D-STREET, 1 IMorth side, between 5 th and 6 th avenues.


George M. Dal las, the Special Master under the Beading- Re- ceivershiD, to-day filed bis report la tbe United States Circuit Court, on the petition ot tbe Re-ceivers fur leave to pay the sum of $54,000, tbe semi-annual Interest at 3 per oent on $1,800,000 car trust eertlScates outstanding: 820,000, the an nual Installment of principal, and $2,000, tbe an nual compensation of the Union Trust Company as Trustees of tbe car trust. Tbe Master recom mends tbat the petition be granted, and be says: The equipment covered by thl car trust Is absolutely necessary to any successful operation of tbo railroad. Its earnings amount to very much more tban tbe paymonts required to be made under the lease, lnoluding- both the 6 percent, per annum and the yearly payment of 10 per cent- In reduction of principal. It is peculiarly suited to tbe business of tbe road.

It constitutes a larve proportion of its entire roll- mirsiocK. ana ir witbdrawn It would be practically impossible to replace it with other equipment which would as satisfactorily meet the requirements of the business, and no substitution could be made except at tbe sacrifice of valuable time-and upon chars-e which would be In excess of tliot amounts payable under this lease. Two hundred thousand dollars bave already been paid on account of the principal, and the rolling- stock, which Is the subject of the trust-is much greater in value than 1.800,000, which Is the amount of the balance of tbe principal still remaining unpaid." L. W. barrintter, for himself and as counsel for the other holders of Heading- adjustment scrip secured by Income mortgage bonds, today filed exceptions to the report oi Mr.

Dallas, Special Master, recommending that tbe Receivers be allowed to make payments tor purposes beyond the running expenses of tbe road. He objects because tbe Master direct that tb interest be paid on all tbe floating debt: because by the report of the Master tbe net Income in the hands of the Receivers is diverted from the specific hen upon it given by the Income tuort-raBe. and tbe rights of the exceptants are dam-aned, and because it is against the policy of the law for the court thus to parry on the business operations of a railroad instead of ordering-a speedy oreclosure and distribution among- creditors acoorclnfr to priorities of lien." w- Wiltbanks' report, filed In tbe office of the Common Pleas Court to-day. as Referee In tbe suit of Alexander McEwen, tbe London financier, who claims to have originated th Reading deferred Income bond scheme, and who sues to recover $343,000 for that service to the Reading Railroad Company, eon-tains an interesting view of an "inside" operator's plan of worklng.V Mr. Wlltbanks, after a thorough casting up of the testimony, arrives at the conclusion that the financier was sufficiently recompensed by the money be made on "pointers," and he give judgment for the railroad company.

Mr. Mo- LWflD Contended not nnlv that nnfflnatMl m. scheme, but that he aided materially in putting the bonds on the market. The amount of tliee bonds to be issued wa about M.0Uu.000. They were sold at bu per cent, of their face value, but a.l of them were not placed, and the compnny realized about tlierefiom.

Mctwen contended tbnt It wu understood that he should be paid for his brains aud work. He put his claim at 1 per cent, of the par value of the loan. The Releree doe not find tbat tb company made such an agreement, express or Implied, but he finds that President Gowen. from time to time, gave McEweu as a stockholder Information retrardluir the aflairs of the Reading- Railroad Company which was not im parted to the public lly means or this Mc-Lwen was enabled to make a great deal of money tn the London clock Exchange. tbe Secretary a report was adopted directing that Simon Sterne be retained as counsel to draft a bill securing the merchants of the city or New-York against the continuance of tbe diversion of freights in defiance of tne directions of the shipper, and that such bill shall also fix the responsibility of the bill of lading, and in other respecta seek to remedy tbe evil for the redress Of which the committee was organized.

HOUSTON AND TEXAS CENTRAL Texas, Feb, 14. Two bills in equity bave been filed In tbe United States Circuit Court against the Houston and Texas Cen-tral Railway Company by Messrs. Eaton and Botoul, the Trustees ot the first mortgage bonds on tbe main line of the Texas Central, ana of tbe first mortgage bonds on the Austin Division. The suits are separate on each mortgage. Tbo bills allege default of the company in payment of the annual sinking fund, arising from tbe misapplication of its earnings to the payment of tbe subsequent Indebtedness: nlso.

that the company bas made sales of a large quantity of; the mortgaged lands, without the knowledge or consent of the Trustees, and has not paid the proceeds to tbe sinking fund. Tbe object of the suits is to oom-cel the company to make good tbe sinking funds for each or these first mortgages bonds, and to restrain any diversion of the funds from the payment of the same annually, and to reach the proceeds of tbe lands which have been sold. The bills also allege default in payment of interest on the first mortgage bonds due Jan. l.altnougb tbe 60 day within which payment may be made bas not yet expired. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC A financial statement of tbe business of tbe Southern Paolflo Railroad system for 1SS4 was issued yesterday.

The system comprises tho Northern. Southern, Arizona, and New-Mexico Divisions. Compared with the figures of XaKJ the following showinir is made: ga.MDHOOO 4.0HG.0OU A1SW.330 10.000 S.433.3O0 -4- S4.2VI.S50 Gross Operating axpaiua Set earnings Interest, payments Surplus SS70.7UO tiftttLBBO This statement shows a decrease of net earnings last year of Tho tirures do not include realised from land sales or the Southern Pacific Road of California. The proceeds of luna sales are used to redeem the first mortgage bonds, of which 2.650.000 bave been redeemed to date. Tbe retirement of those boads.

taken in connection with other crcumstsnces. it is declared, "oresbadow a consolidation under one management and ownership of all railroads between I.ew-Orleans and ban Francisco. The Houston and Texas Central, it 1 said, not Included in tbe arrangement. THE DIVERSION -OF FREIGHT. John Gibb, Chairman of the merchants' committee, received a letter from the State Eoard of Railroad Commissioners yesterday relative to the question ot diversion of freight and responsibility of bills of lading which were submitted to tbe biard at a bearing In tbe room of tbe Chamber Commerce on Jan, It Tbe letter Iniuired whUther ton,nM nmmlu.

I prepuitjil any bin calculated to secure iue rvuress of the grievance In connection vlti' i tbe diversion of ttvii-ht. L'pon receipt of i the letrer Mr. dob pwiihih! Sc-n-urr I the committee to ca upon Commissioner Fin tc and ai juire whether the raiinmd companies i would bewJlliag to make permanent the trm- ninmmvi tsiat they jd alrvaiiv voi-, uutarl.y made w.Ui reorvjt in. in order to 1 n.e necesKKjr drmf ling of a Uil and i of "uisiatior. legation to the matter.

r. lite merchants' re-i ruet, 'j at restraining tbe railroad ti from exercising in tlw futiir tbe rower to tranatcr ireigbt tbe consent of tue shipper. Sir. Oibo thervuja diroctet a meeting ot the cotamitttfo tu be cnlied. whic was fuuir atieniwd.

Aiur bearioy to resort of EAST-BOUND FREIGHT; Chicago, Feb. 11. The following; Is the weekly statement of frehrbt shipments, in tons, to through stations only from Chicago; for tbe week ending to-day: NATIONAL CAPITAL TOPIC. LITTLE VTORK IN THE SENAtE. VfASHixGTOjr, Feb.

14. Tho last ef tb appropriation bills which tbe House has ent to the Senate the Agricultural Department bill-was placed on tba latter bodj'i calendar to-day. -The Senate hereafter will take ut In tutai such of these hills as are reported favorably tbe conclusion; of the morning business houjr eaeh day until they are disposed of. The bill tb quiet the title of tbe De Moines River setters was discussed, without Teaching a vote, an went discussing tbe Indian Appropriation Mil a long time was spent over a prnposod amendment of the committee which would strike out clauses of tbe House bill involving -general legislation. Tbe ru les of the Senate and the payment of claimants for damages by Indian raid were extensively considered, and When it was all over the amendment was accented, fending a vote on a motion to increase theap Sropnatlon for one Indian.

tribe the Senate weof ito executive elon and then adjourned. I. Pry- F.rur. Grain. vt.i.

flour. Kaltlmora and nhln rvi wtua mu Cbictuo and Ss Cli.ciu.-u and Trunk. g4 g.31 343 II CiW'. ljtu.k nil rlttaburit 1.SS4 Laka and UlhlmH 7.S'.4- Mlchwaa Central 4S jl Chlcagu and PC Iajuis t30 t.97S SOS ntturic. Fort Wayne audChicacu l.12 3.173 SOI 8.S00 7.3S8 (Ml 9.003 S.6SS Tot; n.ttaa soeis sms tsoti The percentages carried by tbe dilferent roads were as follows: Chicago and Atlantic.

15.4: Chicago and Grand ChicHvo, fct. Louis ad 1'iiwtiurg, 19.8; Lake Shore and Micbicah Southeru, 2r5; Michigan Cen-ral. 5.t; New-York. Chicago and Su Louis. 7.4, and Pituburg, Fort.

Wayne aud Chicago, 13.8. ACCUML'LAIIOX OF FRhlGUT. Cujcago. 11L, Feb. 14.

The "Western roads are again bringing In la-e amounts or freight bound for the East, but the Eastern roads are not yet ready to handle much dead and at present they are shipping principally live stock, drewwa beef, and other rreiicht that baa been detained on account of the mow blockades, it will ba several dara Tec ijeiore ttra Livwi roads will be able to hsmlle much dead irei(fht coming here by tbe Western linei, as cs.ns-.dentble trcljht ba accumulated at the yard an-i on the side tracks of the varioas roau which will first have to be dbpoaed of. Thia cottdiuoo of aBair is a serious matter for the Vetra lines, as they will be prevented trom doing much through business for nearly a week yet, and tbi detection of busioe-s add grtktiy to tbe loss tasty uffered during tbe wee on account or the snow blockades. The timeot theo-sKilngof navigation is approaching, and the rear I eroreased tbat farmer and taippurs will Sold back toelr re.rat order ta of toe sew rata. ARMY AND NAVY NEWS.

I WABHiKOTOK.Feb, 14. Leave of abseioefor tx months on a coo ant of sickness has been kraoted First-Lieut. Charles lfornsoo. Ordsaaos Depart-Bant. llajor Tboma MrGregar.

Second Calvary, (recently promoted from captain First CsTsJry) has beenprdsred to proceed March 1883, to Join bU regiment, li the Department of tbe Columbia, reporting by letter to the eommanding General of that Department tot1- assign, saent to a station. TlrsUilenL Palmer Tllton. Twentieth Infantry, ha been ordered to report by letter to Major Wlijtmm D. Wolverton, 8argeon, President of tb Army eUHog Board appointed to meat at Washington Birrs eks. tf special orders.

Feb. 11. to hold hisinHf la reaomeas to appear before th board for eXaailiiaUua nen summoned. The Senate, lu exoentrre eonflmed the nomination of WUiiam Iaun "Wrisht, ef New-Jerwr, to be sound Lieutenaat ta tb aeound la fantry. President has approved th art to antborli a re-tlre-l lln for privates and noa-com missioned oSeers of army wbo bmra serred or a panvd ef 9U sears OS tnor.

I Chief Engineer Winiaa B. Brooks has bean ordered to th Portsmouth (N. Nsrf Vard. Feb. Asaisu ant- l-armnster James B.

Phillips to uty at the Narat Ciothlnc Faetorr. Brooklyn: AisKtant Punnn V. H. Osden bas been ordered to the ft. loals: Pas3 As-slsuuit hanreon H.

W. Whitaker has been fletached from the Ixnta and ordertKl to duty oatfci Iron-etada at City Point, Va-. to Passed Aslant Bursa. in C.T.rii'itM-tt. wbo has hen firdered talut a tha Yard.

Norfolk. Va.t ClvU Engineer P. C. As-aersnn has ben ordered to duty In the Bureau qf Vard and Docks, Smwy Detan marit. 1 Chief Knslneer Hvntamli V.

Garvin, attaohax) to th navy yard. Portmoatli. N. It was to-dar P-Svad ea tba retired list ot th nar. Lieut.

V. H. Emory. Jr, to-day aisntned ednn-nd of the DerfMUh. at the aavy yard, ire Ot Lieut.

W. II. Keedar. detached. A cable mensauce "as reeeired at the Navy per-irt-ment Uvday iruoi Commands Ludlow, dated st VI.

le-franche. reporting thai fie will rail In tbe VU'Snefcauf on Monday for 1 urkls i ast. In pursuant ot te-etrraphlc orders from tbe depnrtiueRt. Inquire UiW reported Indivnities to American ettuen. Bids wereopened at tli Depart tutnt trs-day for the parctULs of eondemned naval veesel.

of-ferelfor saieweretb Tolorado. Cane. FlorSJa. a-l Jianrm. 'i bree bids only were received, tw for t.le of Nvw-I ork.

I Sl.CSXi. and t. 8tannmrd.o7 Wt-brooke. Coniu. fil.oO.

forth. VSorlda. trie value of wbici was 41.WJ0. Mr. Parrs eeoted.

Mr tannrd bid 82H.7rw for tbe Cplrado, tbe aupral-ed vaiae of which was 125 euO. acd Sj eSaf was accepted. NOTES FROM THE CAPITAL. vraicTox.rb. U.

if- A xnortgage was placed on record to4lay, by which Gen. L'. 8, Grant and wlf secured W.JL Vao-derbQt ta tb etna of S130.000 nprm 'ba boesan Ko. 1.211 -street and No. U0i ennott-a venue.

Tblsltanew raeord of a lmuar aertcag piaesd ea record som urns since. Th fiecretarr of tbe Trousnry has issued an order to Collectors of Ctutoas to permit th taklnc ef a reneral bond for tlx months on the rrantinr of per-nlutoankMid steamsbipa at Rla-bt, Insiead of requir lux a separate bond on Lb lasomace of eaca permu. a baretofurtv Mr. Clark, Commissioner of Pensions, was before tba Coaamitte en the Payment of fe-isiocs.

and Back Pay. to-day, and. taaUSed tat whu he Actlna- Cneatnlaaloner. durlna- Oetoker Inst, alesara. HaLUaone and JaeoM.

apedai pwoaton r-a miners, were absent from U.rlr work awl 'in iilo wtLboBtbis knowiedjrsr parnilssloo; tbax Uiay hai no rla-bt to leave their work without his po nasion. He said rortoer tbat these foerud eranlners aetliM ander erder from Col. Ind.ay, wbo wa lira at Columbus. Ohio. Charges or niiTii-TteeaeiMi of oScf.

viola-Uoai ef Useatvllaai lua mlaa.ana1 aalsappreprtatioa at public property isataiad by a clerk la tha tTr.u.-y Tiapartment named WOTIaa Jloward tnii tVaner L-vmn. Coamlasio-wsr ox iniernaj Se e.T.-w. re SJd sntB tbe tsui alary of the Treiary l- y. "so stMciflcanons have as yet been Sled. Jdr.

Ilti.s a er 4a tbe Lntarnal steveooe Burma and raa rduced In a-rsde oa tb (Toond of lnsrrv-iency in Vi fartwar poa uca. Coaamjaslooar Evaas said to-day ti. waanou-aia wia4vctbieporttba4 he see- as.

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