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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 'i' 1 "I aaw- -w- -i li 1. I 1 11 1 1 I 11" 1 "TV imcywTn mr- nn 'ENGLISH fAFFAIHS. CoTtrsssit tad th Panuyui Hat CTilloa CirfV-rrai Libel tzitt 1 1 aal Critic, Osin luniiom, tmmrday, fkk. is tm Tbb English CoTcrooa! ha found it mmmt7 te mm taer weruiag mnu Paraguay a omigrsliee The Tere-traayaaB aaa wrjr aod ve egeam over aware. -and held Ml sxtrwaaely tamattag FPt tbey nmI mpfiwinl.totl.

find it very diffrrent from tbe Xaea whtda Wee depicted la tbe glow-lea: aarretivn ef the Barents. Xt appears that the emigrants who arrived at Aaaeel as te th Herember found aheAaaeeleieiy a areperatlea had beea anode Tbey war kept at tbe railway i far im days, then sea a little way ef fmvv-clA aulas Bsauaylsg nave Be toed ares proridBd. owner deria- taa I a it, aad strata tba weenee ittddlM together ta tba reiV toapmettoa for weal of any other aawrssr. A fortnight laur fh ffreet bwdy af the eungrnuta wer auil ia taa aaaa wretched plight, and war ne unnaturally ta a atata at ony. It ffrrthar latlmatod that th rg-ionware taa BTClfrmnta mat mraauxaUj be stationed, Tbetpg as Latitude 1317, HkMM reader tataa-ia aadm.

Hat, floor, Mffaa. sugar, a ad have all ta ba la end ara aaaaa jnently very dear. Add to this that tba eoun-irVm pobueaUy ta a big-Sly Tolesnie condition, msd that taa aan af protestta Ufa aad pa party ara tfisTifllrasal." end tba nitmetlpee ltp will ba tally Baderetood. Of eoures the Pursgusynn Council Oenernl la London la I tbat aaeb throe should ba said, aad baa aaJla "lentriee," aad ba irerybdy will auaaaad tbetr judgment tint' tber bear tram biai a rain. Ba doeaa't Bx data lor this, tboaxh.

VOU UBKLa TBB DKAJf A HT COCXT. Tad iuower liael cue, un eosUaaM. aa.d ry te daya mora ara added to tba liat, Tba )raaiata)ta tart taken up arau Malaat tba ertt-' loa. 4r. Cbaiiaa Raadahaa cot 4)00 froat tba Jfnm Adttrintrtot aa-CMttac tbat a paaa-4v" WbKb a caotUasaa dara rpat la aay prfrata aoeMty af ladle, waaladeeaat.

Mr. W. B. dMlbart saraataoa a atmitar aauoa aa-ataat tba rail Mail. Qoattla tot baTiaar Inserted a latter Tram a eoriaapoedaat.

ealUsc' bia Wicked Warld eoaree aad tadabaata. Tba tbaary of abtaiaaa tbat fatriee bio Botblat ol werldr ly lava till eertala aaortaia appear tmoBf tbev: bar 'tba 9hi tba tairlaa aad aaaa at tba tatarboo ma ia for tt Terr atranfty, and it deaa sm acrea wttb Wbattba Mtaor taay tiara meant, taa bmaelf emo aay, bat wlutt tbe fotroa waa pUy tba part aaaaa, ta ta ba Cambered frotn tbetr gtatoraa aad tone. How eaa aaaartef law try libel eaaa r(atta to pUyf Tbe prompter' eopy of tba play nay ba pi (daauit in eamrt. bU are proenpinra' eeple ta warlabry adbered ta wltb literal acro-raoy by tba parlor at are Aad are tbera ot. paasecea tba aaeaalac of waieb de-paada eatlielT oa tba anaaaer ta wbteb taay fftroautaradt aoppoaa 1 will ba eeaaaary far tba Jade aad Jrtry if bfr.

Gilbert proeeeda Witb'bia aettoa acataat tb Fait Mall, to adjoora to tba Haymarket Tbeatra and witoaaa a repre-eBtattoa af tbe pteoe ta taa neaal maaaer apoa tba otace. AH I eaa aay ta tbat. if play wrlfbta ta tbie aoaatry do set oa a ear ma taay tbtak tbej dare to rank radeeeoey. It ta aot beeaaao naaarer diaeoarac tbem ar beoaoae aadtoaeea klea Faopla ar ara bteeaed wttb a Lord Cbaav foerlala. aad a Owraraaaeat eeaaoraatp, aad 1 aapaaed tbat aomiag tbat eaa oaalbly offead ttbe atrwteat aeae of propriety arar aeea oa a Xioadoa aiaga.

Tbere ta, bswerer. a Bltby aad toatbeoioe oaoea, which need not luuoe, and wbieb, la tbi lowest aaloona of Jfarla.u oaly klaeeed wbea tba palloaareaot looknut, aad tola la alrotly performed, la tba moat opea aad abeaaeleea ataaaor, oa nearly OTary atag ia own, taeradiart tba asoet faabloaable tbeatrea, onAaoaa aoaih iwuu tmrowxtu. Asemoer of XarliameDt, He. FlimaoU. baa lost piaaced bead first quit a Boaeieaoltlaa baadartaaBa boraeteneo of aetaon for libel, bat rarber faaey ba did It kaowtac bla risk, aad bataa- ready take bia obaoea.

rat boaao years paat Mr. ItimaoU baa been Ufoor up boa Yaireta Parltaaieat aad oat of it arsinst ba atreeloa eeaiaiaree ta rot tea ablpa wbieb la oamed oa oy aeertata elaaa of art tab ahip-owaara. Habaaauul apeaeaea, wrlttea pass pbleta, and kept np a strona afitatioa oa tba aub-eet. Xle was very apeetlla ta boom af bia atato-aaeata, and baa not hoattatad to attack wta of bia eoUeawwee la tba Boaaa of Oovasoaa. rrlTlec tbaai prtvate waraia.

dboaaa not aaadns tbeat pabliely. Everybody interested la abippute was aware of tb tafa-anoms praetieas of eertala notonon nten. bat aobodydArad to aaaail tbera opaaly, for tbey roro known to be nab and desperate, aad earn to make a bold flxbt of It. btr. FUraaoU baa ajradaally bean eoeatnf to closer wltb tbera, aad new ba baa awed all bm la.

foraaatioa tn a boex. whtob baa created a great wrarb ba Isdalxes soay ba catbered Xroaa tka Sollowlna? steraaaeatai Tba afflalai tctorns bow tbat naarty MOS Urea ara annually lost witataaaa anam-af tbe Knsrtatb bay Boiblnc of Toaaela wblsb fonnder at sea. Xa lrn no fewer tbaa SSt wroeka aeearred for of tba wind, did not strooc breeaa tbat 'Is to aaM seat tbeca to tba bottom, btr. amaieaU attnbataa tbe maJortt7 of tkeee wrecka proTsntabia oaaaaa, aoeb as defeettre eoa-atraeuoa. Improper Unstaeatng.

aad OTarloadV tag. desk leartlag, eaatno power, waat nndormannlnn. 1ad and or laanraaae tbta last beta a blgbly sna grcadra baadrag. XXa meaOona tba aaaa af a team ship at UK aaaa, aaaa from Ltrerpoel to Car a. wttb asily eight aeek-baada an board.

Xa KbT mil wsjwls wbteb bad east only ASM. tuna, aad dTAOO. wars lasarod tor AUKO. dsoo, and AlsjMS. Tbey all waat to tbe bottom wltb vary aaal oa board.

ttoTwaty-thre darlla til eta wars foand ta ana re aaal. A rears lost tsa wsssars, of wbieb ona was burnt, en abnadonad, taroa wiaekad. aad faoTtr board of. Aootber baa lost XOJ tiras la two yoara, aad as aotorwaa far tba praetlod of. orsrloallsg, and for reekleas disreaard ad bamaa Ufa.

A abxp at niaas rectater was loaded with ln toaa af rmdway trao, waiea sant aaoold bTS been at least two fast abors tba watar-trn. two feos tea laobas below It. 8b was baadsomely moarod aad foaadcred. Tba trtand" af aalp-ewner ba wnaton to tba ffmaers to say tbat ba baa a doabt JaTr-XTtmaoU nanat refar to ibis gonMmaa.baeana be flada tbat be baa mat aaeeaty tb wlir aalpe ansatteasd in aaa af Mr. Xliinsairs ehajtars, and taat be is nlm rars aaeb aa aanabl geaUamaa sMoid aot possibly da saoh tbraxa.

Beraral aa-Kloas far liael bar been rataod agalaat Mr. mini as D. aad a great oflort a belag made se get ba sbargs tried barer a jary ratbec tbaa be- i a Xtoyal Cosnmlmisn af axb Ulcus baa taat been tnrewn oa i aadLsnatnma.of oertatn trnos Xa- aU of tba modern tMtsxnUsard-nsayauc anas, ta wbieb fallow at JCtasw bfr. Caps. CUytoa af barlaar Tba Cantata aheatiag.

ant admttaed tbat la 1 kla trareL tareevgb tba ooaatry ae alwaya earned dleo ta a bag, aad played satckaa-baaaro wbeaorar ba bad a ekanee tbat be speat most nlgbta at tba oard -table, aad playad big, tbat ba ooald not ay bad aot been sailed a sbaat ta a low Hay market algal banns, wbieb bank oaa time ra-Slaantad bia eearae ef berlsees. Tap aeanaar MkavbC4 taat hm fit XoaA box- BlSBBlrt to llMIH MMt, sTaha, eW, Ml tbmannen not antisraon, i to vutt i tbat bo bad board bad stories Clayton, yet treat i bus as a friend nod wayed anrda wttb mnC Wbea bespoke af aasaotbtaar aa "an ret," tb aaknd wtietbar tbat was tee ass. Tba Jnry eon id not maka ap tbetr mmda whetner taa pisiatid wee atatef or tbe defandaat a lUr. aad ware diasbargod. Xa af Cmimisi lost aUnt LordKlebo Uea ta tba ooeo of ieat, Tribe, at tbe yiatb Loa sera, who waa repeatedly pnt nn-derarraes lor taDlaut fahnmooda, and wha nee tone staoa oeddealy diaapaoareoV ear Mm bJndbtmngroatnMarnnpmdbaiaaaMaforgH Havmodisnl aaaa msnanau tor, tkeee oaylag tbat be waa drirs by tbe disagreeable maaaers of bis brother omenta.

An Irish noblomaa, tohfrb-m mis over In tbe Oammen JElona to pay AM a ynar to a girl of stxtooa. by whom bad bodaebUA. XX nrnst bare tboncbt morn of Ala Tiros tbaa bla boner, ansa be allowed tb one te go rate oonrt. Theee are bat farr need not tbe ways af BefUaa annHemea. bat it la nafortanaM tbat tbey abanld all ooaaa together wiiaaa a tow days.

4'- i -onosn. tbs aoctatob. OeorgoOdgor.oobblerond agitator, as be dt mi mm btmeeir. boa and taa bbel aaam. Ilk Be proeeeati tr pop at aaadneaaa by nTr.

Muittinoi. a Asmncsa itaaOsmaa, for kartac saHod; btal MM saa7 of ordsr, a demaxorod of tba lovskt aad most oontemptiblo type, half booby ball bembeuK. a pallitoal who aaapaJitlealaharparUbo bad brataa "Bom Uy." taa writer added. seats tr nl make abort wwrk of tba Odgsrime. ami swat tbem oat a wo did tba nettle nlaana.

At proof eatOdgor maaptnmo aad trtompuAat, aad Od ssiism may 'work rnmlenlable miacblef bet ore an opportunity neonrs of pnttlog aa and to wttn grape and Xs aootber para craps, the Figora tented tbe following aotiee bard nay qoantlty of boUled-np abase, treason an4 riot. will axebnngn tbe whole lot tor any permnnoot appointment, wltb Aaaa per annam) or apwarfls. Peer re lodger. Odjrer waeext nrntcod na a wttnesa and natd ba a brained nut liTiaar partly by maktag abeoa aad partly toy making bat' now be mado more by apeorbs than by sboea. made no ebnrrrj for bU speeebes.

bnt took what was 1 given." XIsl abteetod generally to tbs Oonntitntlos he would, prefer a Eepublio. aad: goi paid tor aayloa so. Ila bad also said; a mnA titm I il vAnlif tMnp ml tbe Xnneo of Wales to aeoend ue tbrene ex eept under pro tees. lie bad called tbe Qaees a poppet. aad bad written a pamphlet on "The Ciimee of Kagliah Monareba.M TboAt toraey-Ooaeral, wao waa for tb defease, a tea Oder wby bo thoogbt tbe Oeorre Fogr notion referred to biai.

and qdoted aome orAer-nerngrneba from taei earn eolamn 1 Oae wne ba. I Oaro no money, no eeneej no booor, and ne prtnolples. and I rcquir a aeat la ParltaroeDt. A Real former." To a did not tbmk that meaat vou." nked tb At toruer-Oeeeral I Well, it mlgbt be yourselt.j retortMl CMger. wbe bad tbe iaago tbie Alter oeingeont up ror a coupes ei ooors.

toe jury were not baying beea able to agree upon verdict. T. H. J. 'BPULXXUA TJSTIO DlSCOlaSS 1 i ia Anoll Ball.

A fipiritaaliatis oonfaraaoa was bald, yea- Ktorday artomoon, at Apollo XT ail, by a largo anmbar of adbaroata to, tbe- belief, who wr drawn tee ether ta ooaoeo.nonoo of aomo extraor-i dinary rerelatlons refersnea to taa means' need by bfr. Gordon to bring- aboat tba man! Testations wbieb war recently witnessed at bla mtabllstrmeot In pretandod to lamnoa I Tarioua angel I Harare to tba rooma 1 wbora be ex blbited tbe marmlons belierer at enei dollar bead, and baa done thriving bnalneee IS tbat way for a ooejaMornbto ttmo. He waa at last detected by a aelf -appointed oommlttos of, Bptntnalista. who roahed np in tba middle of a seance last Wodneeday eraatng and expoeed tb frauds which ha waa praollciag. Qeorge F.

Wmeb presided nt tbe Apollo Hall moettag yrM terday. XI opened at 9 o'clock. At tbat time a ery lnrce nnmber of Bpintoalists assembled la tbe ball, occupying tbo front aeat Tb crowds of loafers and roorna which bang' aboat Broadway ta the Ttoiauy of tbf op-tow a hotels, bearing tbat fan was expeeteav thronged tbo bn book tb nndieaee of BpnitnnHsta. and frtqoentty nraoi fasted their approbation or eoademaatioa of tbo neotimenta ndmneed by the diffarent apeakera. The flrst orator of the day was a gentleman, with a red face, bald bad.

and good-humored. farmer-Uke expression of feature, who addreeeed the andienee noon tbe Gordon expoae, regrettln: tbat be bad aided the nrr too dee Spiritualist tn obtalntng taotaeor of tbe oommnnity. He eatd that be belieyed in Bpirunaliem. bnt he eoofeesed he had been aadly duped try Oordon. He oon-aidered the man a nnt-rlass fraud now.

and hoped taat be would bo: entirely diseonntenaneed by tbo belierer' In Bpu-liaaliasn tbronghont tbe eonntry. He knew yery many tbera who had bona aadly duped by Oordon, and bo hoped that the rands wbieb be pre need wonlA bo attll aaoro tally bronght to bgba. Mr. BoOlneen hben narmted new he, wltb otbera, went a-esenee ac Oordona. last Wenneeday nlabt.

and aneeeaseu tn Matching tba ftgnree at people and beads with wbieb ho carried out hia imposition. While Mr; KeMn-aen waa nmiatmg prtnclpai-fnaMuea of bia eonp d'etat, br wbica the fraads of Oordo were expoeed. tbo attention of the ouoieae be earn rlreiad on tbe ngur of man tn corner of tb ball. Tbo ladtTldnal bad his back ta tba eboerrot. and waa eareV oped ia a larca- black cloak, which waaartlsu sally bang about hia oereoo tn a quasi military etyle.

Hi bead would every now and then bob backward and lorward like that weeaen monkey upon a tnrntoai suck. Hia arms twitched oonrnlaiTaly, ana hi whole appearance Indicated tbat he waa' either tnean er af-flieted wita tn Bt. VI tsa' daaoa. Xh apeaker 00 the platform looked so bte right tn sympathy wltb tbe oaoioooo.aad tnetentlyoaaeedepeahing. Ttua paasomimi performaoon prssasded for MTorat natnnaea until the bead, apparently or a been lit el woman, oororod with a light gnus rail, appeared abov tbo aaeaiders of tbo maa la tba sera or.

Tbo oaeean were dimpled aad reey, tb eye btaes, tbo hair aatnrnl and eurly, aad tbo teeta pearly. A mm mar ef surprise raa through tba aadieace. tbaa a wemaa called est, 'tan ta asant bridal 1 ssw It at Oordoas.w The ansa la tba earner gradually drew nearer taa plat-term, etui keeptng bin boefc to the aadt-eaoo. Tb bond of the spins nrtdenedoed is 1 sss higher, then a shapely hand and wrist, trao to Ufo ra tons ana color, appeared, sad beckoned to a person ta tb aad-oca. rery emo was hashed, every form trans Ox sd.

Then the maa ta tbo eoreer," Or. Moo, gare ta flgur a tarn upaa tbo platform, as the foot of Mr. Winch. "The spirit ta that position tare at to be a dree at maslra, dirty a the lower ode, a heed at poeiord, painted and prtmtinally formed, with ta asual trap-pi age. asatimslng wank aay girt nm ta 1 issimil of a fancy doll neada bo latrwdoeuoa.

Tbere waa a hrtok at dio-ajnas rram a aonr od taa aaomaoe, as taey realised bow tbey had beea duped at Gordon's saasnns Tbaa asrersi Bwrttuailsts wbo bad beea lastrem seta! fa exp netng tba way nnM tba plat farm aad bagna to axtubtt tb dxffaraat maeers, aoea, aad ttaruree which tbey had captured at Qordoa'a oa las preoadlng Wedaooday pight. Tba hand of a Jaw waa pnaea, -Way, taa, beaem leokleg mdy eeia, is ta very face welch Gordon tbat of my the Hp ef tbe Jew operand maaatocha. the oalitT a belie that aba waa really taa ftnirtta liana PbiS Of bOT ed pre-rnrious ralative. TbSLtboro wr taee show a. aad mreral pexaoa apoA.

o-nonnnmg taa zraada Urdon. rams af taa epaaaara war tomale nnd tbey piteaed tnt aaca tar narnniiy totbasneet irigntful otyto. dams wwra- in favor of oovnr-up toe fraads at Oordoa with njamnltocf tn car-boo: murderer," eiruag up ttar wttb ta oaaio ron. aad otraagiod amtniiaaswaery. Mo two xnoitaod, to taa, aai optaton.

Tba wrnngta laatea for fwr mc aad taa aadieaee waring rnpediy soward alaaa. tbo maenag Uaaliy broke an. wuh ly every aaa tm a atato of diiaatutsaiion i i rimMtmnm. Mr. Brat arta, baring; ntad niost sao-aoestnlteai aloag tba lake fraatmr aad ia Osa-ada, rotarao to thm Gtty te met few for taa Pr- peee ot repeating, at fMnlaway Hall, am tor teams oa tba niaaaar Calif 1 -Tho Argoannm of Oa Monday next Mr.

Hart visits Jtrooklya to mens on audience nt taa Academy nt Mnaie, wane a will a rain da-liTUt Am sniasrsisrt assay. Waerevar Mr. ilarto mtimu mmm aiiae co aimesu aaa am meay rneaAia.ha tba lsias aad Miamiia aavpaa. mad FoirrY-BECoin cogkcss. TTTT71T BSZSJCSJ, Tbo foUowtnc tb Mr.

rmrmt, from tbe Osmmlils on I adrersalr tbe petitien ef Beaan TJ. Mr. Cnaadlar. of Wlctt Tbe eaHMMraen Hnknr sat rb apamyrlerlsn ef tBa for the 1 1 theOreas li'ssswha was aot a(ree4 to. TheavwenrtaOaa far tbe tents-si ant ef thenar.

bor et WsaBUtgtoe and aeergetewa was etraek oat. bfr. Kdamadu olrersd aa ssnsaSaisat nMWMbM Saa.OUH lac Jtarl lagfaoi. Vt, aarber, whioh was agrssil so. nrr.

wharf. At. BnTnnu narred am nmondmsnt tortberannneav mml at ewnort barkor. anfrmUat ainAA. Mr.UmiaiagerTered an aaeBtoMn.

appropriating era.sna lor ta taa emmrtniwiilimseetaCoBiaHUee ef fcbe-Wa eonunrted ln The tall won than pnaseaV blr.wArtgMeellednptbo tlur 1 in Ferae laad am, BM was aaaaad. btr. atewart called np the' Texaa Ineme Ttadmad Kr. Davla. ef Wert Virginia, tied np tba Beeee Ml to provide for tbo payment! tbe Jadgmeatsef the toaUMNB Claims Com nam a Psadias taa acta upmm tae bill, Mr.

Edmund aaered te take a raoras naeit J. bf Tnn wnnan Mr. Motrin, ef by order ef tbe neaate I eoeslner a commiminsiisn estetlTos. banns' rarluno- from tbe Hooae of ivrvt ta tbat eoty eed eebmi Mad tbetr report, feel tbat thnr duty ia the metier nee neaai aweaargeo. aaa lata libte It proper te call the sa- ta fact, that that report barm doae that tbey liuoua tear ee bm aota iaoaasyor sUU tber me tentisa e( tee Hons tins at Imw nesa tnerr tebbs.

si awntt each action of the it aa in tie tnojcment is dMrahte. I asake tbie aanoanomeat nmtraetly. from aay possible datr that le enter to rciieye myaell nutter. 1 Mr. Trumbull What dnea the Beaator propjm I Mr.

mesnll did ne rrwr. eoo Mr. Uamlia rams ed tbst this waa a matter ox dee imDorunce to tbe tieester tmpdeated. and rairfiested tbat if tbe Seeste latraoed to eonaloyr tbe reno-uUoa at all it met at 2 P. M.

to-day (Bandar) for tb purpose of eonaiaermg it Mr. Merrill aaid he did aot wish to object te aay ar-raagweient the nenaie nuaht oboose to auks, bat be teaaed that other duties areola preveat hie al tsnrtsnee at that hear, Mr. TiMoa aald it was evident tbat the neeatera bad not had aa opportunity te axamiae the testimony ia the ease siaee die report waa made, end tbst he wool be veiy nnwillma to ester upon tbe oonsidera. Uoa ot the matter until ha knew that the Beaatoc im-pliaatcd was ready with hia defease. Mr.

Trumbull sold be bad net had Km to examine the svmeace. aad tbat be woaMI be very aawiliia ia voce aaoe each a aaesUoa wMhofrt hsTimc mans enuosi QTemtnatlna at the ImUbosv. r. Bbermaa made the same etatamenL. TbeBenate shea, at took a rrcuas until P.

M. THX KTJNDa.Y XVbXjrO BBSelOK. coJiaxATuxATDia ra sransn noni. a am hia? she eeaetaiulal'oua at the utatm to the psepss ot Bpeln wee ossr. arm as.

Theteenlalien IMmiiutOea.Bplnaer,theTrsesaTer a aitea maaee rrma tae aeraieatloB ei eertata sabordiastee of bi otSee was objected to by Mr. Tremoail until ahenld bare bean oonatrtore oy the Onnimlttm on anance. 1 nsroBTS To an raunnn. Mr. Anthony, from tbe Committee oa Frrntinc.

reported a reaolutloa to prnt eopiee of the Agn-esUtaral Benort, to be aoht by the Ctanmlaaioners at SS oaaes each. Agreed to. Also eresotuaoa to print MJOS copies of tbs report at the United teles CenteanUl Commission. hx Edmunds, of Vermont, objeoted to the reeotn-ttou. oa tbe sisaads tbat the report was net legally a pablie document, sad I bet pi sail on bad been riven that the people ef the ooaatry shoe id aot be taxed ta aay way lor tba centennial celebraUon.

Tb Henete 1 seamed tbe eonsideretioa of the bill te provide for tbe payment ef the iadgmenta ot the Boathera Claim Cemmlaeien. Tb amendments reported by the Committee on Claims, sulking en eopioutmtlone for certain par-eons, were agreed tev and the bul was passu 0. manios nut -j Mr. Pratt, ef Iadiaaa, called ap a barge number of INieaim bills, which were passes. KiacxxijLxxova BtMwram.

Mr. Zaran moved te raoanstoerth veto by wbsoh tbe Indiana. Ohio aad Il mon Two ler fjeat. Mil waa re raa a a third reeding, and the meuoa was tea yeas 30. nsys ai.

sir. Bayard's reaelutkm of Inquiry aa to the eon-daot ot army offieer ia Mowth Carolina was aemed. ee aaaan nn. ana the xuuewmg buls remove tbe political dleabfUties ef XX jr. Jjaaka, Of Vlralnla.

Te allow ibeHational Bank of BprlngSeId.Me to ehange its name. Mr. Blair called up the TJoaaa bdl. aatborimlag the eonetrnction of bridge across toe Heanlmi, by tn M. Oiair and Oaraudeie Bridge Comaany.

from eome point oa toe llnaen aaoro te tbe aoatbem ml ef St Irfmis. an tt waa asaeadsd aa air. uoldthwaite called nn tbe bill lor the relief ef 3. Moinls and J. Johaoea.

rnaaed. Mr. bewyer called up the bill aaeading-tbe aot tn relation te the set mt made lismh 1 aiiiSns for direct tax, and a. eras raa 1 i Mr. Colctrom ta Ceenmlteee oa Aperopriatlsns.

rwoorted the Ueficienr-y Appropriation bilL 1 Tbe mil was read turoegn. aad the SJeesie then, et o'clock, went into exeeaUve easmoa, aid aooa alter adjonmort uaUi 10 o'clock to-monow A CemasOiaasnd TUI Can ta Mb lama. 1, taa Toledo (OAto) Miad ftX Among tba ease before the Ciroaii Conrt, la Monro. Mlob. tb prasent aaemon.

I tb Caambsrlm will oaa. wbwh has been ta Inton- tiea tor arar a year, aad which, by i Its peculiar feeiaree, has sroated considerable Interest. Xt seems tbat Mr. John and bJa wtfa war among the oldest resident ef tbie etty. having, ne earty as been oorunsaM aad arnanetors of bo hotel toon wide) and popularly known as tbe Maeomb-atreet Hons, which they kept for eeveral year.

Tbe family eon eat ted ot the parent and two eons. Jamee and. John. Bomelhing over twenty years ng they removed from sleoioe to a place aorta of tbe city, a land loa of stars reads know a as Trnax's. between htooroa and Treatoa, wbieb was a favorite atopping-pUoa and popular balf-way banss with travel ere apoa tba old Monroe, aad Toledo staa-e rente.

From tbie plan tbe family removed to Brest, little hamlet about six mllaa from Monroe, wuere the sons bourbt a small tavern stabd. a saw-mill, witb about sight or tan acrea of land adjoining, tbe title to wbteb was- pnt In the name of tb youecer one. Jnnies. bo baring nsado tbo first pay meet upon tan purchase of too property. It wss claimed, not prayed, that tba father and mother aid not live happily together, taa fact ot taelr hav-lag eaanpied ae par-am apartments for some time siring nee to the eappeeUtoa.

ig-at er nine years age Mr. Oham borlia (tan aid geaUeman) Sled, and about three ar tear year anhmquasUy his aea joa aieo died of eoneum ption. Men. Caamberlin lrved alone at bar home In Brest from thm ttmo until her ttontb, nna la taa maatiae aba oxpenoneed Boost won-oerfnl aad onaags ot dmpum-tmawsitod tt- would nee of bor whole natare. from banag bona nn afoetlonato woman, aaa aoquirott a atreag avnrama to bar only ro-mmmg son, enUdrrn.

sad. In taat, so all tbo bamaa race, except aeurhher. Lymea Week-eett, na centred nil her nftecttona upon mimbars af tbo brute oreetlon. At one time. It waa eta led aba bad aeven ar eight eats, at soother aa torn tana ounces sheep, ta her house, whioh son fed, oared tor.

and reload as berowa family. Aa nn leaf enoe ot bar pecn-liartty. eeeee treaty, or aaaanity. It vmasisd by a wltaem tans upon tb eooasiosi ef the death of oaa ot her earn ah had it naspemd rod the grave la a abroad, laid ia a oofna. aad with tae eoweatiee followed it to a grave dec lu ta arardeav, aad had a funeral enreaseny, displaying ne much amof end affoction as If tt aad been 000 of bar moat enand ralauree.

Upon three ground aad tbo tesumony ot two pay sieiaastba oentoatsata baiad their charges of mbe-oilltp ot mind to a sagrsa tooapaoita-tiag the teatatrtx for framing a win. a Irvnt tana or fomr yeare apw. Jaaass. tb yooageet eaav applied to tbo Pro earn Court have a guard laa appelated vr bm mother, oa tba alleged ground of insanity, fearing that la bar taa atato of saind. she mignt diapoee bar property to strangers.

Turn not ot apnoint-tag gnardma while at migbt pre vast a waint aeed bmna mado, ooald aot preveat a will beier exeouroo. Accoreuagiy, ra a.ugm Caamaorlia cam te Monro aad will, la which she Uancbentod bor eaa glviag her raa ana tarXor, aad leartac bor property fexcept CMOS to kVyaisii WeeleotO Lyman H. Warraa. ot Oaetaa Coaary, Maw- York, a step broinsr. Mr.

1 tor. Mr. Jamas teat tbe validity Al aaaa knowa tutder tba bbbm of Joba O. Atwood, pretonfllsr tt Ml Btrsnbor af tba BrekJty a Sxm af Atwood A XUtos, was raatat-day arresaed ta Xewark, nrgd wttb XbdurtotJi fAa. tboaaos tsja to 1 lalis iiatlia ot tbat wtscb ajwenred tbw atn Osrellaa jMr.Oatonmdasieputt from tb Oeaaroneo Oanv mttaeo on tbo Waval apmnilli bta.

wbieb was The Mb ma ami 1 is 1 tnoTni n7i oassujmmtef Mr. Hsle as unset I actor tb raited States am Brtuaa Mtmd Oiaiai notwltbatandlmg Ms stoe tmn to Oaegiem, wee 9 maaA at the Laws, upei lei Aaibseyend shsis sr a of wamia'rianmeeea. niOam aan Beecs sanred''aB esaeaoiaene pretasaer anea a aa' Sififyf -y? ijiy nib afrit I ZSkTim aaae mm- aba sewer waa appeiamn am axeea cnamberita eawagat suit to tnm wiU.aadadasiaisam sxpssisd at aoarv rds wale bad riroalated. BUm wt peaoo of a number of Mowar rx bBwar. tae iborsof wbanb anaolHow.

aad nut aemeiv pmi ta ems sa oner, ee cnargs on whicb Atwood arid ta that of dVtraadl- Bnw. Uoa a cm. aa saua ssvaad Gears Bau er but se. tae ansaau er ntlie ef tae ra- are. aBiis no aaa tailed te pey wbea 1 l.

TUB BTOBY OT A. HZniXTT, ruimiixA. Tooav, Monday, yah. U. Tber diod.

near the tUIbcu af Bngtamn, Bobaylkilt County, near tba northern boundary, not long stnor, a man named Harper, the greater part sat whom lit wss pa ma a ta vol eatery hermitage saaong tba reek sad maun tain of BcbnylkiU aad Columbia Counties. He Brat ap peared aboat forty years age ia West Peas tow seal p. BchujlkUl Gouty, where, ta a wild aad nn frequented spot la tbs moomtatoa, he built rude bat aad shut bimaalf out from all aommanmstiea With the outstdo weeia. Al- 1 hough aartac tar adTBBord la Ufa. tt aaoortslasd that ho waa aot yrt forty years of age.

Who or what be was no one know. Ho rarely toft bia toady retreat, and tbaa oaly ta obtain certain eeweBarof life. -Haw a er what be did warn mail era of which tbo tobaMtaato of tbo town wereeattrely annt, Old tnmdswM if si ami ay bm fitow rnira. a4 aaf that ba trnly tval vKh oerrrude sSd walked tba ranks aad Tor eats Ilka a Teeac am grew ta oaa age and abed. andetill remeinad ia am rude bat.

last, the hermit not having been eeea fcr Urn by aay of tbe nilanera. It began to ba wbte- pero. abeat tbaa he waa dead. -Hie hat was visited, bat, altbosgh was empty, aad evidently bad beea for seme trass, nothing was found to indicate that tba hermit had died. A short time afterward, tbere np pee red la tbo TtTraxs of Xttagtows a aneer old mas, with long, snowy leeks and beard, bent form and wrinkled rami.

Ha was tor beaded, olad la raa red garments, nod walked with a loer, emooth atafT. Purchasiog a few groceries ia tbo village, ba disappear. Bom month araln cam to the lilac. made similar parebaaea aad went awar. Tbie tame, tb cariosity of the ylllsgara belag exexod to know more of tbo aia- gnrar belag.

he wss followed. Hs took rough and narrow path, whieh ran aomo miles over the mountain, and led to a deep, reeky gorge. near the boundary ef Bcbnjlkill aad Col am bta Cnunbea. In this gorgs was a dark and damp esyrra. Into which the old maa catered, and where tt was fonad bo dwelt.

Thts was fbe fcermlt of West Pa on to wssbtp. bad. tt wss tkongbt, left his farmer retreat ta find mora perfect solitude ana Isolatioa. The seventy of tbs preaent Winter, snd tbs great depth of tbo mow, a short time since earn-pelted tbe Old man to I care bla mountain fast- tier, ne be was on tbs Targe nt atarvatloa. Ho wandered over tnto Cotambtn County, where hs fonnd an aay lam la the bones of kind farmer.

where be died a tew days after ba waa given, skelter. Oa bia dsatn-bed he gav an noooant of hisbfe, and tbe tanaes wbieb led him to pat himself beyond tbe pale of oeetoty of wbieb bo bad once been nrhrht ornament. Hia narrative was substantially as fUe we Hat name waa Junes Harper. Wbea ha died be waa wttbra a te weeks of raaehmg tbe atga- tmth anniversary sf bis birth. Betwsen for ty aad fifty years jag be was the senior partner ot Harper A Bra, hardware merchants, Marketrstrrst, Philadelphia His brother wss tome years his Junior, aad their arm stood aaoag the leadlDg ones of the city.

They lived In Una style in Cbeetnutr street, and. neither of tbem being married, their only sister gayer la tended their household affntrn. i About the year 183S Jamea Harper went to nrpe. leaving tbe bonmess in charge bis brother, in whom ke placed the utaaost coeaV denee. Ho spent two years traveling tbe old country.

durlDg which note ho married sa ae-complwbod, beaatifnl. and wealthy young English lady, a member ef oac of thO leading famines. For aomo months prsnous to his departure from London return borne, Mr. Harper bad not heard from bat brother his letters, which had been regiiar aad sheering, suddenly ceasing. Apprehensive of the senior partner determined to forego fort her aaoaterlnrs in Enrese.and,; shortly after bis mar riage, embarked for Philadelphia, aeoompanied by bia bnde.

When tbe voyage waa about bait over, and tie despondency tbat had aelsed Mr. Harper when he left London bad beea aome aha dispelled, the small pox brfc out unnmg tome emigrant ami- Hoc in the The plague spread to tbe' cab la passes gtrs. and among the victims was tba yoang wife of Mr. Harper, who died in tbe greatest agony, and whoso body was cast lota tbo sea. Tbiswae tbs first thrust into tbe heart of tbe retanxcg merchant, and prepared htm for others that awaited him.

After lying in- auuruntlne somt time after reach! a- port. the passengers ot the pis roe stricken ship were permitted to land. A tow hours afterward Mr. Harper learned tbat be was a ruinea man. I His brother, shortly after bis senior west to Europe, fell tat disso lute habits, and tn year and a half had driven the Arm tnto bankrvptcy, and ia a fit of desperation -'blevr -out bb brains ra a gambling hell.

The sister died a few weeks of grief, and tb property of the firm wsa all sold by the Bbenff. Mr. Harper foand llnvself without a dollar or a si agio relative, snd barely a friend, where ha bud left a prtoperns business, a happy borne. and hundreds of nattertng acq unlnta sees. Ovrr- wbelmed wjth mlaJartua.

broken-hearted, nnd irted, be determined to put himself forever away from all eon Bet wltb tbo world and lire alone wltb hia bttttrneaa. He kept bu tow sacredly until hs know that death was stealing upon him, when to felt that he would bke to close bla eyes upon the world airrounded. if possible, by fellov-beings. who would minister to his last wants, and give htm Chrtstlaa burial. What Btutt ham beea the weight of tbe sor row that eat upon this unfortunate maa 'a soul toluouoe him to forsake the world and its mant- fold blessings aad live Id bitter sobtod.

aloes with his misery, dunng aa ordinary life-tune 1 Hia esse eottslnlT has no known parallel ta tba hiatury of oar race. 1 AJnjSEJtXITTS. "Facst" is to don at tb Academy of, Mnaic, thla eveoiag, wliA Mmo Laooa flrairr" Bans, Signers Tissual aad Morlaml. and XC Ja ma Mr. Plereaee is set la lfs Tsorougb- far' at BoeUi's Tooatre.

this nlgkt i.t Woed-e Menuaa. Mr. Bismaa to to oot-fca Meek snd The reesns on a am of the Cbariry Amateaf Intmatl AasoeiAUon, at the TJaloa-sanar TTamtre, en the oecaaxm of tbo performance af Moaday afternoon last la aid at avraabaa Bebaoi, was so great aa to oath mesabera, wbeee primary object ta charity, a eoutlnae their good won X-nt tbey-will fdro a sormsaf sntarmm aid of a -PnrCbiasjmmor Piente Tm las saasas CI WAamRQTOS. llarch 1. Senator STor- of Georgia, has sabmttsnd bis Vtewa.

di- xwm tae malartty of the oommlf too opto lavmtia-ate oartatu oaarges made aytaa. His oooolusmos are which a reaolvee tnto three sbargns Puat, that whito the ew krm that a enaxbraattoa did exist Oaytoa: aad Xdwsrds by wbmb, for an auppert iJtmatiruta. Mr. oayy- to iaaao tbe emtinnaie to Xdwarde a bar of tb House ef Bauteosniail res aad did aeeordiarty ae mane tt; yet taat. aot bariag obtained taa sent by tba election held oa tbe Utb of Jaanary, at whioh Be lecolrod taee at to aatsaatfiitsnm ay taeBeaaae.

ay the oorrunt aaa of anoacy as taa tub White, saataiaea ay ae 1 aaa third, that a ebtainod are other TOtea, wbieb make his sasjonry, aeeeeaary ta am etoettas, by anTtuc tors, aa a aoaaldaramsa xor tosv yataa, laeratry offleea. celiac as if for tae earn tha marnax la. kind. oxmlaaeo. except tbo appears ace of a maa has arnee paoa pointed dhwrnet bttuaau Maears.

TCO TUlt SDITOii. fa A XdOar of Ou Mtm-Tork Psiuiaa to aaU yvar aUoatioa to aa torusttea that Is betag dmrr traveltng awbb by XbnmTs kawwn as tbe UaVoa Trunefer Company. toft Pailadlpaia. yes laa day. wttb tore ladle wb wore going to Xtootoa, aad far whom bought throe through tickets at US aaeb, ta oaarga af tba railreeea beta' to aad tbat af tbo rrassfer eempaay gl.

tor whioh tbey agree to deliver ta passenger and lurgaga to the Oraad Central XVpot or to aay betel My todam did net go diTectly through to Beer 00, but stopped ta thai Oty oyer algbt at a privet hone la Gtumerey Park, aad waa aatoaiebed that, sltbeugh tb Transfer Oewpany ssread an deliver my oaeseager aad luairaga to any hotai. evaa mna farther eC taey eiiBe sototae down nt a pnrnto Oouae. aMboarb ta tbetr drree rewte, aad ctarrrd ana fnii price both for pa-eeagere nnd lucgng. sans dishoaortng their eaupaaae a aaere qaiahte. I waa refneed redreee or explanation after applieeuea totrne ef TIATUM.

Kiw-Yoax, Prtday, b. tgrx. Itm; ta tbr Mdilor of Ota Mow-Tor I wtoh, throuAh yoeir eolnmna, to Baperlnleodeat Thorae. ef taa treat elm ask atag Bnrena. wby no does not 1 atbarm Protectory." vrb aaa py ta nwitaiasT Met Bnade strsst, to etoaa ta gutter oppoeite tbarraxaeal -j.

aow to. aad has aaaa at etorta this Winter. 1a a nsoeX taoa, ye ta amUaarrtlee pa politely Invite tbe ooenpaats of the adjomlac booaca tahar theirs olaaaod out or abide tba oooeequeoeea. Ween tbo snow melts em Bread-way the water rushes down the gutmr hxo a amaU rl var aatd It rosehes this poiat, whore Its procrem stopped tbe ft forms a dam, backs np opposite the other etoree nnd owtaowe tb sidewalk, wbteb te transformed, for ta time brine, into river until that philanthropte ta-divtduui. Jack Proof, comes to our relief.

Now, why are theee people permitted to aw-nv. with rmptrntty. the ooenoaut of the ad- Jointog premises 11 toey cannot be laduoed to have it cleaned) out I would reapretfuiiy suageet tbat tbey fur- man a ooat. woereio pod eai nana, who happen to paaa that way. may aafoly no eonveyed over this yawB'De abrsa AM LSI THE KETOTXBORHOOD.

li kw-Yoju. Baturday. March 1. lvr. 1 i i BXarera IXistatry of ttatiMaltoaa eai atew, M.

M. Wlssawatl Meteaoau re Me Xditor of tka Ifata-Tark TUnoa In readinar yoas iataa of yestexdar. the atth, I dad a very fall report of a sermon by Bar. K. Widdower.

rector ef tbo Chapel of the Beeonciliatioo, la Thrty-flftb-street, on Batioaaliam aad Behgion. A good slice ot aaid aortnon to el early plagiarised from Hu rat's Bittory of MotionaUamu We id intend to select few peclmen bricks from the rector's eaal'y-gained sermon, la wbiob be gives word for word and sentence far? sentence from tbe in troduction to the abore-fMurod book. I beg leaye to refer to nil that part ot the sermon oommeaetDeT wlthr "It was no before Manae- bt," and ending with: Hr representative theologian aad great thinkers have ra many loataneee deserted the Bible, which eh (Germany) wee tbe wery first, uader Luther, to unseal. By earn paring thm with Hurst's work, faixtb edition.) wui be asen how easy a ialag tt 10 prepare nnd preaoh eerm tor a weii-fUied Bona. would saggeet to tn reverend gentleman ttiat toe next time be borrows bis tbouchts snd laDsTuagc; be done I from book with which bia hearers are lees familiar aay oee of Bonbnsr'a elder isaoea, or even one of his lmpo-ta'iona.

Iuksoax, 1 YP.KITAS. Carnal. To th EdUor of IX Ktw-Xork Timst Tlo Legislature of the State of New-York. new of the great interests involved, hays very eonrlstently offered a princely reward for a practicable mode of iaereaainar tbe speed ot tmoalt on the btoCaaaL Bo far, though much time has elapsed, nothing entiafhetory bus beea attaioed. And yet, the urgency for men nn of transportation of tbs rest and still-iscreasing products ef the West ia yearly becoming more pressing.

Any- or all means e. transportation are totally inadequate. Corn at the Weal IS so abundant that it is cheaper for' fnel than eoaL It is worth, Iowa, is eeata per bushel, while Is New-York it ia worth TO cents. The difrreneo Is absorbed by lines of transportation. Hence high prices of provisions at the East, while tbo produoor at the West la meaxerly paid.

Sor are the rates charged by railways exorbitant or Improper, any more than wagoners are exorbitant In not transporting aa cheaply aa railways, How, unless the En Canal can be made-avail able for moving 1 these prodsets witb nn ade quate capacity aad apeed aod cheap noes, a new outlet will of necessity be opened through the St. Lawrence, which, when opened oa tbst route may be, will brag Earopean markets nearer to Chicago than Kew-Tork now ia. which must be a serious blow to the commerce of ITew- Tork. There la bo doubt that, so-far as tbe take marina la concerned, tt ia or eaa be made ado-qaate to any possible demand upon it. Tbe Brio Canal also is noun dandy adequate for the stmoat requirement of transportatios.

Tbe means ar very aim pis. It la that tbe sra-tem ot a team tug- towing bo adopted. Let tugs of a espaeity surtabia for towing three or tour canal-boa to bo furatabed by to State. Let thee tags start from Albany aad Bafialo at aaeb proper and stated raterrsla aa shall move boats, when ready In suffieieot numbers, without de lay. Tbo tugs may oaly go as tar as tae first lock then other tags take the boat beyond, or tbey may pass through tbo as shall bo fouad moat preOaabie.

Tot facilitate loekace. steam wlsdlsaaes or reel eaa be planed at tb locks, er horses bright ho made ns of. Boats esn be dropped out ot a tow, or others tAsueu. nt intermediate points aa maybe Tbe delay from cbaaglng aad watonasr aad from stow starting aa with bor ace. will avoided, and! tbo coat of towing will Irs tbaa wttb horssa Xty this menne of pro-pulaloa aa average speed of four ar five miles aa hour, exclusive et lockage, eaa canity bo st- tatned.

Towage will bo ooiioetod the same aa tolls. i It will Bo found ras practicable ia the uae of any at present known motor to kayo the means ot Bropulmeu la each boat, or tomaksase of oaa for both: freight aad towing. In the first iDStnnee. thd increased number of men. engineers and firemen, must be boot Idle a eoualder-able part of their time: while to tbe asssad la-staaeo, boats consorting, either to tow or to bo one nut wait for tbe other oa many oa.

Bat a turn, with notbinx but nower. ran acart oa time should there be a stngl boat ready to go. 1 IM snnmergeu eerow or tag maxas bo sweu nor causes wash of itself lib a aide-waeel, or as toe eorew is partly above tae sunaoa. Tee only dlstarbanee, or wash, or damage would be from tae swell eaaaea oy nign rate of apeed, which would loot th same were tb asms speed attsiaed wlta bereee. But, admitting th wave nnd waen, 1 I this difncnlty taat I propose to provide a-ainst.

This ta the mala point to no consioereu ta toe matter or steam Jstoa oa canals Ia tbe first pinee, the wav wmca follows neat xa raoio saeoo aaa- ao Oaaaaartng raeet exeop njr ta awrfaeeta washing In th Banks as higU as tbe ware read see, aad for a tew inobee below tbo surfaeo. Therefor, waah into the aaaal such ever-banging' banks tor a eomparattvely iasigaiaennt heurht. till natural stop eaoaid a attorned. after whaca there eouia ae no more wnaa.wouia be all tbe barm tbat eouid be eon. Thm natu ral elope would vary eecoraiag to taa aeil.

Ordiaary aoil, eapeniaiiy a tittle aeat tared wita crumbled atone, wM mainiaiu wrthowt ia a alone er snoot as, sat, arter ta natural elope sttaiaed, tbo wave ran up aod runner enact, tae asms ae tae bank of a nver. Below tbo surfaeo, at what ever aagto tb Sldea ef tbe eeaal will ataad wita th present meoa 01 sewing, taey- wut ataad aU taossme wua tastowtoc at taa Balaam artataabm rnM af spaed. Ia the soad i mswis ar taa aistnaoa ta ia extant ot tae eeaal eo aa book, it sstm beta, already at that a iters to slop that It eaa take a barm from waa. Tbee.mechm already walled ap with stssa or trmeer, taroaga towas aad at planus tor landlara, whmh will Be a protacHon from waabiag Tree, assay af thaee walla ara ta nearly yru- fmrmaaeat preieeuea. aat taa taey eaa be reheuit a an angle taat will la ta third pleea.

instead of totttag baaan' earth, at aaprssoeted parte, 1 lint be graded a proper elope. As taa water iia ta sans is dees not vary aa la nvera tbe grading would be ely for on mvel, heaos weald ba aemnexartalaaawUuvrk, Tnea tartbar, tbe asaomg a sad net reeuh laadwardoaly a far aa taa war wUl rssaa. Ia any Pan (. to) sumular tntorrnls I meaat 1 eed. ana nee avtaaisiaalaeBi able, tb beaks may graded to a terry -B digrns.

aad Bared at tl tta, I I la tbe fourth plaea, th oaaal snld be dsppasad a tow ma ha wblto net allowmg rsT' bandana'1 Mm9 mrmul dreag. all tbaa will ravwry a expeaditer or antsy tor oeasl enlargamaet, nr eeaag ta to ooaetr aotioo of beam. 1 With ta eaaal thus ed from staatt aad witb easier movement tor bonis free ta addl-tmnal elepta, aad wilh powerrnl tag far tew-Isw. th vast aad etlll marvila aty infrsaainr prdaeaaf the Wee, tta eree aad lumber and grata eaa be sraasparma wttb a cbspatea end ehespnsss witb womb rout eaa compere. atauaie wool aeomo th rreal padat af tr ebinmea t.

sloraaa. aad trafue. Albany weald aaMBHss. watte now-1 org Ralleaw, will a.1 II 1 mm- waiaabi and better paying- fmrblt. live stork.

wbieb are ooaetaatly iatiraasia aad with i Te depend oa harms far canal aorrleo aa maeb bemad ta slsnea aa mas an a taat were weed tor traaaporrlag aalt aad mda from Paimdlphtn var tb itaiae to PHasboig. er aa weuht betbo they ware oalled. with tea yak ef oaea. with wbieb taa Heoetora aeed to supply Cbleeaw witb baeoa. meal, aad apple fraaa th Wane.

Why. evea aw shippers are bsssmieg dlaeeur- aud. natees unipoevea, it maa yeatuliy a aeae a. at. HAJIMAiJeX 'faaV Tb fU sMsr fA rrrr Ttmn Tj I did not intend to- bore yen with ear called upe to prill il agaiastarasntesar-sies of which a letter-wntsr, signing himself or herself -A.

Looker to guilty. Hs or she (for convenience sake, we will say she) misquote my wards. Beyers! ttsasa, to her tettor, to which seriously object. We da aot ear ta- have other persons' word pat Into ear mouth, matter bow much better their words may bo Baa baa, furthermore, tn te rn far preted my meaning. bare aevexy think, attended snore tbaa oaa prajer-meea- taar in my life, aad-mado no roterenoe to prayer-meet in ra nnd tba lectures to which I alluded were of a secular character.

I do not attempt to cloak my independence under the bread mantle of religion. With tbe lector before bo. signed A Xtebel to Society, my reply to it. and tb subsequent ooramuoleatioa of A Looker On I feet quit convinced that I did understand the meaning of the first. Will A Xtebel In Society be kind eaengh ta decide the aneetion for uat A Looker On employs tbo term society tn Its narrowest eenee.

ns applicable to a fashionable clique, of whlab she Is, per haps, ene of the satellites. Webster defines It aa the anion ot a number ef ratios al beings, er a number of persons united either for a tom4 aernry or permanent purpoee. Thus tbs Inhsbt- tnam ef a State, or of a city, eons 1 1 rate a society. bene it is oalled a oommnnity, It was in this sense of community, a common humanity aad the welfare of a rase, that I understood this Rebel Society." She speaks or beartag Tyadall and other eminent lecture ra, and af going outside of ber front door in the eveelng. On these grounds I met her.

She does not' make a etagie aUasioa to full-dress parties. Perhaps she doe not thtuk ptneee of culture nor of. aaruasment mtaor. for tbat matter. We are aot 00 apt to seek culture to the world of gnyety ns in th world of thought.

I take exeeptleo, also. to tbe term good society. as "A Looker On 7 usee it. She evidently means fashlonsble ao- eierr. which la not always, I may say is seioom.

good. BQe ia. apparently, a aoort-aigbted indt-vidasl a looker on." not looker Xis-nied bv the outside gloss, she csnnot see tbat what sbe calls society Is but aupers true tare of Tsnity snd frivolity, bailt upou sham foundation. I do not say go to full-drees ponies without as eecort, becana I do aot ear go to fall-dreoe parties at all. unless yon wish to iblare your health, eqaaaner your money, and create withie yourself an army of envious.

Jealous, bak biting propensities whioh will eome day suffocate your better natare. Every line tn tbe letter written by A Looker Oa breathes an nbjeet fear of Mrs. Grundy. By nil means let He writer remain in tae background of course-tioualttiee, and leave to pioueere tbe thankless hut brave task of hewing a pathwsy throngh-unfoundad prejudioee. Io her proposed method ef ebanenng tbe current of publie opinion.

I am reminded of tbe story told io Jnvenile work of small boy who desired to cross a srresm. As it seems peculiarly applicable to this caae, I o.ipy it verbatim Anold maa ssw a email boy Mi od for long time with his bst in hia band by tbe side of a swift brook. 'Mr good lad. eald be. what make yon sad Why Co you look so loo at this stream I eald tbe boy.

I ehall stand here tbe brook has ran off for men 1 can paaa mr way with dry 'Not said the old man; 'you might stand on this bank lor life ana yet not do that for this brook may ran va as tone as If yon would arose you must wade. Aad so ns you mak your way terougn life, you will need nt times, to press through tboae things which check your coarse, nnd not wait for tbem to pass With this anecdote, dear Editor. I withdraw from tae oootroversv. I INDEPENDENCE, Nkw-Tokk. Monday.

Fen: s. 1873. 1 I a. i I i i Pauaie at tta asawBlrm Lul Nlskl-Dr. Tala aawraptoA by at Saswlats.

i 'About 8. o'clock last erening, while Xt. Talmare waa holding Uivine servioe la the Academy, of Music, a panic occurred nmong tbe jlarge andieooe, resulting, fromi a Tory I harmless cause. Xr. Talmage Bad but Just commenced hat sermon, wbea loud noise wsa heard overhead, wbieb sound ad as if tbe reef was eommeoeing to fall in.

Tbo sodl-ence immediately sprung to their feet, those Baareet tb door rushed out: several ladle fainted, nnd for a few moment na-tntenss terror prevailed in the npprobonnlsn of aa Im-pendlng calamity. Some one tn tbo house cried Fire," sending fresh thrill of horror through the nudieoee. Several person a. howarer. who maintained their preeeoee of mind, endeavored to restore quiet snd connVienoe by as-aurteg the people 1 tbat tber waa i no danger.

Or. Talmug stepped, forward to tb footlights, and In a loud voio stated tbat be was Informed that the cause ef the excitement bad been prod need by person who bed-come tbere with that toteatto. aad that there was no danger present. He then propoeed tbat the nodmnee should sing tbe Old Hundredth." A feeble attempt wss made te carry on taa suggesUon, bnt it tsilsd. Order was soon restored, nnd Dr.

Tutsans proceeded wttb bm sermon. It transpired that th note tbat bad created the pome wan eeeee by heavy body of snow siidaug oS tbe rout of tbe building The doctor's text waa "Come, tor 11 thlnaa are aow ready." aad he prefaced his remarks, oa resuming after the panic had subsided, by iwpeatlBB- thm text, which sssmsd eaaiaeatly appropriate just at th moment. 1 1 Kxeaaaeiv aTire sat tsTaSse asuaal. fBva lyaw Tba four-story brick building. Koa.

96 and ft Wster-aueet. Xtrooklyu, waa diseovered fire nt 10 o'clock last night, aad aetwlthataadlng the oxorftoB of the tram aa, who wore prompt ry au tbo scene, all tnt tba walls of bundle- wsa eo eaa si ed withla aa hour. Taa. aaaidtaa waa aaiueiad by IX Boa. wtadow-ahaae saakars.

wboea toes oa stock aad nxt area esumatea a ao.wiw duiio-tng. sapposod to be owned br too XCalbftoieeh estat. waa worth about fdAAOOt lasuraaeo ta beta eeaes unsaewa. xa nana to nr eouid ne be eeeertamed last nignt, th las neraoo oa tn srranei being a yeuaa- Germaa, who bad bad" charge et the Bonding and toft an bear before tbe fir was discovered- xne ooiio-tnn- adjoined larg 111010110x7, aad waa aar-tonaaad by maemeal busses 1 Tba Lxtctjs fiTADrxi asi Racxkd by a aarawteat Couga, ta general etreagtB isteu. aad aa laaarehee eempimo emeaima tnereay.

Ha. Jama's EiwacroaArrr am et- feettve roaaedy lor Jeagna aa vwtaa. aaa rx-ena a bsmeBeiat efieet an taePalmeaary aad BraneSisI Orgnne Bora. 1 fh weixblnc of IjOOO busbels of gTain on Fsirbaaks' hopper eosies ta dee for twenty- five Ifi Buanair Ooooabtu Grrm Every mdy wbe ae uoara tooxb auyAala C. We 1 li 1 a UiUmA WALK KB, tta.

at ft. fJT ft Mew-k aOlestis I weeua a tma as tbe 1 eV bsswaJalaVis aad hTa. St AasaWa. (. 'f A ajew Mi by ouvu orrto.

ttowttot i 1 A AAA Vat BOra POBTVaTB, I tPJ ira fat OTTH1 Htwroax 1 fTAEBTOX ooai rAaTZOar. OUT OlT M0NDAT KEXT. rOB BALM XT ALL TKBMB-Oto Copy. OaoTaar.ts, On Tear, BV OBOBOB MO BBC MsTW-TOAK PXBaVaXOS noSCrAPJIOrT, Mser-Tsrfa A few ateaaUfail ArU Br. M.

LBVTCTT. sVaatiar, mvHee 1 ee lei Ilea, vawk, seejanM is tm 1 st mr aeiie enrma a mam eaaatiret 1 fawhaa baa the asm af taa aaaaa It has eetly te eaaa te be eet sseea ed aaresaeae. AO.AJaOT liTU-of. a CAM I MARRIED. mmRK-nrrFtoABr-4a ivmair.

nr. T. MaeMaae, Wimta H. oeotnt ta JSunsnu earhm-el a. W.

atora-aa. all mt Uae Oily. KOOXKM ALXAMON. (la TTmrsuay, Peh. xT.BB lb rewdesee ef the bnde'a araixlfaiiier.

joha lie Law saea-r. by Kev. H. D. Oseea Koaanrt OL Rooaa to asram Saagasar Wamsm A iiaaaa.

bean at tea City. HV irroif uroOTX-O Thersdav. Pwa. tr. at Baa resntswae ef tbe brwlsm nareata aiaant Bkaae.

B3. by May. Jaaa Haas ink. O. Prm hajraoicra yoa.

et ew.HraaawMML. JL J- to AUua. aaaa as JakaJtrWaHlKaS an Ti Kit MOiu nisuiXj At rye Tteea, 1 eaeetar iisasty. n. x.

ny ksw. wm. w. at err. Kowia mim.

eC Wartford. auyPmeoar. se tiwtreit DIED. EInOf At Btemforu. Pom.

a BiaHor. ia tn rotn year or bis ears, guaeral freaa Hv ieaKOharva. Ittaaxfer. ee dev. Mara 4.

at etoe HVN aUOOASa P. unra, sa- IT yeara. Um fe serai will take alaaa from is last suae hia fataer. We. 7 West en Mendav.

aisrah toHV rx nam's Charela, walsms Mi ef Requiem will be enxed lor bla eoui. sad there to Oarrary Qmulsr. OOHMBLU-At lio wery Bay, Lang Iataa. at naihini ef hie eoa-m-iaw. Jtaroaiie Pryer.

ia ht. liosaaavaaad sa rears. The tslaiivi sa friends are SUM to attmt ruaaral (rem the riiilam hie eeav. aerie Bell. Mlaroia on eteiiday, at IS a1" look.

st H. oeorsars Chercb, Hampsieed. at 1 e'eleea. ihjkm in rnoay mmnisg. res.

a Dnxsar. ea-ed raaarsi irom taa rasiaanea er me nsnnsw. UL Iaraaa, snlssa Taasnay. Marob 4. o'clock.

KelaKves aad friends of the family arei vited te attend, witheet farther ootie DUNWMB la HioaeUya. Pah. nuit sv tnmvoMky ia taa sua year ex ia aaa. The retaeives Bad frlaas the family ere folly lamed to atteed the foaarsl tram his lata deooe, at Beet BalttssS, ea Tnaedsy. Marsh atle'cleek P.

M. liONoHKK oa Prida. Pan. M. War.

jr. snaa. aeed wyeaia. -Tba relativee aa Irieade ara raapeetfaliy Invited atseas ana roeuiai. irom tna noteatsat Caurob ef the Iei eaaooo, arms nevule, a day.

Mares at I o'clock- Oumns win ba St taa arrival sa aaeix( KOHINT. At Javaay Cray. M. J- aaSfl-alr. ea Buaday, March x.

On tta if. floaaar. ages veava. ilela li aa aad neaCs af tb family araiaapsatfeay levnea to at Ma tae taaaraj Creea bis lata imess. -Be.

MB Hananti l- Jersey City, a Wiaaassay alise aea at 1 Com. UiMrOkU -Oa Saturday, afsreh TfnWABB BT. roan, aaed years. Motion of tanersl la ta wnia'a fTueedsyi aepera, UDSTlNarON-al ooutb eveutry. ea the Baormag ml Vmb Vs at the reatSi-ncia of hi as a.

11. w. Manunatoa, aa, is axaos r-AUTBa ctuirn Ton, in his 17th year, son of W. W. llannnirVm.ot I ana mmm uamm numriaa, eeeeeami.

OOU. Meooenly, a her hauaa, bhew Parlt, I far yeoaa-eet child of Mabsrt J. ami' I itaie i- Use. aged years, moutaa, and liar BLNKVKLO. la thie CUT.

eb. JL 1I7X. Baa VsarLaJicx. Infant aea aad only child sf IM W.aad Mary W. ttaevela.

lutermeot in Oreea-Waod. 9 K.1MU. At Mixbwoetl. WsehawkaB, IV. stai a I.

in toe mta year ot her ega i--if a ni'T. warn of icewanl King. I ne relatives an maaas er taa family are in i waa too laaaral semees -at Oaivsry CSare- eornar en Wednesday. Maroh t. at Ho LI VIWaSTOir.AI West Farm Baenrday.

Msrefa 1, H1UH mother of Jamea, Kobert, Oeurga.aaat Joba La-vlBgatua, aged 7 rrara an 3 montos. Tba reiat.Tea aud fnrnos are mvltoil te attend baa foaeral. ea Monnar. sd at o'clock, frees ta Hpiaonpai Chnrch at West farma. LAC'eMT-la lrooklyu.

on 'rlday. Feb. 9. Loom PovoSBiCK. eloest son af the late rrenere Laesy.

Tba remtrre and frleads ef sna famuv aie reayaa. fnliv mvlted to asteed tbe feneral, from lbs Chorea of the Uolr Trinity, Clinton, earner of Montagus sB-ea ueartey. eta at o'clock KM. k.KKi.H la fe.unoeth. H.

VaeUTI B. MsmX-nm. te the year af ber as. Tbe trteneawof tbe lamiiy are runted to attend tb fsaeral from bar lata roxadeoos No. 17 err si nua.

aaiasneta, M. J-. on Monday. Marth at II o'cloca A.M.i Carrlaa-ea will be la wattics: at daaaS oa srrrrsl of A. M.

tram from foot of Liberty at. M.UMIK.-AI uinera't, (Ham isiano, oa X. Konaur mblsos, at. aa ai years. i Meuloal prolsaeioa end ntwads are tespeetfutrr ta.

ntad ta attend tbe funeral, from Trinity Cbaroh. ea Tuesday, too 4th mat, at I P. wltboot faitbar -Ura. Toe remaiaa will Be takea to Itruaa-Weed. FKKNI At Wtrwioc, Oraage County.

TaT. reo. SS, Kv. K. L.

Vaxinica. Membemottheeauierenoe, ralailvee, snd filaaas, are invited to atteed hie funeral from th Warwtak' M. K. Chare on Monday. arch at 1 eolork P.

M. Batardav, hiareh 1. lMTt, at ft o'clock A. 11 ABKirr. wife of atobert SSstesB.

aa-Ml 7 years, moatba, sad day Puneralfrom her lata reelaenee, Sa Wall st Brooklrn. oa alomrtay after neua. srah S. st I Celenk. MflCalB.

tm Wediieaday. Fsa. nt, KLaxABarra 8ricas.wioow of imvid. tacmta Sad year ef has- aKetstivs sad friends ef tbe family are ts vited to attend the funeral from bar mta residence, on re or as Iiwtihei sna ao-er Monday aflemaaa. at 1 a BBEFFTEtTi.

On. Sandey msrnmg, td mat Bt. i. hem net, aad dauabteref Jean A. aad naran Y.

atewart. ateiativaa end fnsaas ara In rite to all aod th lav ncial sei ablest at bar lam.rssidsncs, Jfe. 11 aWiat ee Tuesday sfternonu. the at 4 o'clock. BWIPT.

CtlAaiXS nwiyr. it aoa of Cbartee itwaTt, nod son ta mote et Han ford ainUa. Keu, Ha set Writ tist-at. i fSodee of fnneral hereafter. IIS a.

Ftttx-aL. Braahryu, March LAaA, dsugbtar at Joaspb aad tliaaaath U. ValeDbna Punerel on the tth nt Wading Elver. Long IalsnA VKhPLANCL Al Mentuaa. on liw UUt Vmm.

roarv, Matiloa wife of baaioal Vetaisnoa, emt aaiightar of tba hue John W. steamy. UISCELXANEOUS. TX1K MPJT fAPIII TBI tl Tbe HCIESTITIO AMCBJCAK te the thuiiat and neat illustrated weesir paper pnbllsusd. a.

very number contains from tea to brteea enaiaal sasiaa lngsef new marslnerr. aovai mventMo. brldsee, sav. gm sating works, architecture, tmpreved farm Impe. sou every aow aieoevsry is snnmiary.

A. mmbese contain sxt nsa-es aad eeveral baa deed eoK-ravmeu, Tboaaande at votussee are aaa. sorasd lor btnoiBg aad rarerenoe. Tbe praetieal re-cetpm are well worth tea moa thasulecnpi.oapnaa. Terma tl a yar by maU.

Bpacimeoe seal liasw May be had of all aewa dee last. I PATKLN Ta obtained a tbe beet terms. Motels mt a advie ira. All Detente are puOiulMd the C1 JJTIO A MKhlCAn the weak they lesua. Bead lor phiet, li pssv.

eeoia lor abtatmng pateata. ht UK 2 at X. Ho. XT FsrkvroW. Mew-Yera.

aa Tin eta, wusisfi aa.xi. TAX, JMATBftA I cvm lilaaa aUiia Uovenimenl 'saeerluea. AaT I TAYIAIB 00, Baaaaea, Ba. mt Wat, Wew-arXC ABIT I raAmtm. PKBEMPTOrtT BALE sf a tares OOLLBTTIOM OF PAI1TINUB BY AN EMT AND MUDKiUV MABTlkB.

now ea exhibiUaa day and avimagaa taa eaatee hall Pmim reuaaa. ta ba sold by isctua to siaee aeeaeania Is aad advaaswa, faUJXAT IbVksV. LHU, March 7, at 7H e'clecx. The Msssra. LXATTTT.

JLnsrmaaars, st op thi BdtT ikop oaaes taa lue af aa arust. at harm hat am mm mvw a mmm MtosefibrTiUa iVEitnio, at ta summrntoOss. mry. e. SS ta-ev earner ltnt.

JlOUKttT BOMX.BVIXX2. AS BOTAIi a Whole Uce-ete. Slvs. I. B.

MARflSU at CO-, WaUt Pmm imaa Box ha CAB, jl CmnniarnrrBf aadstbsr hlaiaa sad I Ka.k.IfBBt a IHakmsa at. lie ia Me. T. ares Boor. new tt- TBaMS' a wma eJe-THB OLL TlaX'tae.

ISfukAB. 1 gem by teas -LTtteS mHima writer, mat -tb leeteaad shirs a) Wns Aul OF iOSl" tlAWJlB XTIIk B. vtousw tnaj -Tlsiiim is" aad Jteea, irw-sasa, 11T- MOST at CO, 1 711 1 POLITICAL. mrwmtmrraa IMBnaLT BIST ICT BhJ'CBLICAW AJaOCAA.TfON-A rse-ular amthir msetmg will to batd at the iiaedaaiwea, CBivereuy pleea, THIS jM aadly KVaJUu, laiirosM. COB-NaXTTB VAN COTT.

WB, TBAAtaa, saotniary. A TAW A MTTMt-L Cnaalarsaaat: tntacwsissa Baakare. aB rsw-Vsrk. I 1 I I i i Il il I I.

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