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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

It ggUfa-gorh ants, Jaiptarg foUgfo. i I i k' 1 I i 1 1 1 ii 'Mr 1 li Ill' Si lit in1 11! 'I'll li: A NEW MOVE-IN ERIE. To liClon of GonYertiblo Bond to 1 IuTMd-Hov tht llosej is to Eaplojed-Dini ad Ssoo 7 it riM is ErU ctoek Wkitb I- iwtoi cm ymmy whiek lir idaruM pt ttw 4 WltfljMWI ofca it MM bti Ut UM tch Jay tiootd a4 tar4 yar to CbiiHir vara ajaM to waantrngfrn acMpraaeaa, watafe vara aot remorad tka ac amiiaaidir. aa4 Wv not Tt TM ataka vaiek wra kItcb Mil Mmnl mt thm mimtm tfca Krta aocpara- miAa'WKra at om flat worth aomctlilnc Ilka tbatrlaaa valaa, ot aiaaa taay wara wiUorawa Malki aiarket aad aeM 10 tte aarea 4t Jay Oaol4 for aaarlr a raar.aava depreciated rp1- vftinA. mmA ta nur laataiMMa aralBoat 'wwrtbiaaa Taaaa -atoeka.

la wm laatai My ba adyaaae4 la valoa by jodleioaa caaaaca- at oa taa part mt tka PieMOaat a Em taaaj. aa away a( tbem wera laaual ta aao- laa vlUi varteaa liwriiw vaiea wara soa- ay Um carpocaUoa, aarum tna aaya rk mad Gould, bat which kava ataaa jaaa claaM. Tba roal aaUta altoatAd In aaaiCitraaw vari3aa porta of tba ooaatry. and ta ro all aorta of aoadittoa. Tboro ara waata laada, boaaaa aad lata, tooo-qaarnea and tba larcoataart of tba wbola la or aa, xot to tba Brta Cempaayta ooaooa- tloa wltb its aebamea for drrelopaaaat and az- taaatoa.

ItwiUtakaa laraa anoaot of ntoaay toelaar efftinamortcaceaoa taU property, and aororal yoora aaaat elapaa before tba Canary win wartvo aay oaotderaUo bet from tba proooatoraaip aad oeopaaey. Tba oroDMtT caald sot be pat on tbe aaarkat at preaat wltbont 1 in 1 fli in. aad tao roailand at a foreed aald ba a oaeoa an Be toward ntctlu tba domU tba Ootapaay. Tba roal want of tbe Erie Ooosoaay at aroaeat ta tooeay, and tba larra lot autcfca aad property toraod over by Jay Ooald la loatead of aattafTtaa baa only inereaaad too need. Mony waa needed Wfora to replenlab tba rolling stock, to eaen tea aTMtra.

to narrow too aaoxe, aad to par djTtdeoda, It aerded aow aot oaly for th par poena, but to adyanoo 4be prloea of almost vaJaetoa atiHska; to luprure reul aaUtn. to clear aaT botKm. aad aatiaf tbo driunda of stock boMera and koadkoldera tor alyldaada watch aroald not ba baco. expected were it aot lor tba inddea am million of property by the road. Boatrtsa tbeae deaaanda tor aaoaey, wblob aoeoi aaaltifartoua.

tore ara auita pendioa aaraiaat tbe rwad wbieb. aboald tby roaalt ad- waraaly. will Inyolra It at III more deeply la debt. Tba Ailaatte aod Great Wealrra BuV roadbaaa aoit for alX aow peadloc, and aa brouabt Janee bfeHeary'a totercat. and a tb lattrr control both eor-aaratHas, it la more ttbaa likely that Erie will beealledapoa to pay over tbia amount.

Tbe aieady 'decline of Kne etoek mmr ao traeod En ad pally to taeaa eaaera, wbieb coaabtaed to evrea taa pneo aa tbe facta ta tba matter at tbaaautuiioo and aeedr af mooey arept oat. "Baaior ta clreuJate late la the after- taooo ywitrrday oa Watl-atraet, that the direct- era of tbe Erie Coaipaay ware abeat to make eoaeeaorttoottaie mooey enoafb to take op tbelr Ooatlni debt aad ebanae tbo road from broad to a Barrow jrance track. Tbe report wa afreDQOoly coutradtctod oa all aldea, aad foand bat few beUerere. Tba alary, aa It ran. ftbat tbe Company would laraa 0.000,000 of eon- aertotU haudm, aad that tbo auUter would anally aaitled at tbe utrleg af tbedtrretora today.

Cable tclecrama reeeiTed from Loo- eloa. arat by parttea who were auppoeed to bo veetrd aa ta tba probable aeUoa af tie Erie lirecior. to a eertala noeaaora conflrmed tbla fcatrlhffrnoe. A Tim k.a reporter called upon Mr. P.

B. Waiapa.ireeldeat of tbe Erie Company, to in- ajmre Into tbe truib oi tba re porta. Mr. Waiaoa aald that the report coveeralac the tanne of bouda waa aorreat. Taat tbe read Bad a floatlnc debt of between tS.0O0.0CO and aaypoa, wblob bad beeo menrred farooaetrae tida, and that it waa intended to deyoto a part af tbe proceed of the aale of tbe tlO.eoo eue of tae projected laane of boeda to tbe takita; up of tbia aeneuractioa deb.

Tbe remainder of tbe prooeeda will be devoted entirety to tbe ebanre tram broad to a narrow aaajra. of wbieb the road vtaoa -reatIy la peed. Mr. Wstaon re ardadtbe matter aa aettled. andezpieaaod ae deubta eooeernlnic the decialoa of tba dl- reotora today.

Tba aouoa of tbo Mew Tor Ceetral Railroad a iwanf worth of bond te obtain money far a aeeond doable traek alao made tbo aattoa of Kne a lejeaaity, aa with ald-f aabloaed broad aaaca. aba would be utterly aoable to aoaipete with bar well-eqnlpped rival. Wbea ae ta tbo poaaibUity at aVwlartnc a dlvideod aaea tbe preferred etock. Mr. Wataos aald that tbe alter would probably aoaae ap before tbe Board tbat be waa reaolved tbat aodlvtdewd abooM be paid vnteaa It heaeetly declared tbo aarniara.

i boonwa; Aw Baayory At o'clock yeaterday uornioc an un known man catered tbe lacer-beer aa'oon of Cbartea CUryvtaru is tba baaecaeat of Ka. 11 Bowery, aad eellad far drtaka. The maa waa aoaalderably and aa ba wat em aaa i to tbe proprietor aad all preaent ta tba aaloon, Chrrttie. who waa bebTad tbe bar. re faaad to tnraiab tbe liquor demanded.

At tbia reraaertbe atnrnder became very tadiraaot, aad aammaaoad to abase tbe proprietor and tbo la tba aaletta. Cbryati ordered tba atraairer ta leave tbe pi aad aa he refaaad, tbe pro- avietor aame rroea bobiaa too bar aa4 aaiaie the traaaer. proceeded to elect blm from tbe saloon. A atrugKie enued. donar wbeb tba Mraaarer trew a revolver ana sbot luytio in th run, breast.

Tbe aaaallaat thea aVod from tbo aaloon aad auoceoded la maklnar bia escape before aay effort waa made bv tboae ta tae aalaaa to dotaia bia. Cbryatio walked fum too ealeea to tbo Kid ltd y- street loliee fawuioa. wbere be waa oTraaDraed by Pollee Bur-areoa Havitle, waa prooouaeed tbe wound to bo 4 very eaaaeroaa aatoraw Caac Ward aeee- sloael lla in regard te tbe a boot in-, bat bo waa wary reineiaat to rive ine ponce any i mora a-tMa about the matter. He aaid tbat tea maa wbe ebot aim waa a German, bat be could sot or weald aot fay whether be knew blm or not, Aa ambaiaaco waa aammoned. by lolecrapb, oad ibe weuaded aaaa waa takea au Bellevoo JIpllal Bavaraa a-trie- aod aseo, waa were the eaivoa at tbo time of tbe boouur.

were takea to the etatiou-heaee and queeJoDod. oat abey ail-deaied tbat tbey knew tao maa who bo CbxyebM, and tbey eoold aava a vary laa- pufau oosenpuoo of aim. Tae roiiee ara ta em oi tao aaaaiiaa. pat aava very auant i of eaatartaa; bias. faUi la Liberal Br(aal JTa deleratea of tbe newly-formed Oer- i Uberai Deaoeraae Reform erraaiaatlaaa 1 ioiatly by tbe late aa Liberal Bepebiieaa Ceatral Cammittoa aadtbeoermaa namaaratie Oeaeral Commlt-bae met at Ko.

aw Tbird-avaeaa(1aat nLibt. for aba aarpeaa of orcaaialac a Ceatral Committee at tae erraaUation for toe eeeauia year, toil attendance at delecatee waa praaejtu The aa aMwbly waa cabled te order by ax-Coroaoc mairsMr, wow to tba aambev mml waa ana bia aoaaaioa aa uaabia te eoatrol tbe aaeeMnc Goukiim. reaalted troaa a 1isenssipa oo mauaa toaajoara. a a tab waavioioaUjr Aa a vote oauM aot be abtalaad. iba aaamaaeted tba praaaadiaaa by daciaria iar adjoaraod, aabjoat to tba call of tao Tbt Braobtyw Al iTba Baaakiya oard of Aidoraaea yeetar day recalradt eammaaicattaa rram tba Caa tinm.

mfillalf tbat Tax Collector Burrowe iTtfaaea te eomplr wlU the recolaaoa rtaairta aim to depoaJt tba money be reoetvee for baaeo. Um daoa ftoaa aba CXWlaot ava aaa tboro baa beea at aaa Oaae ta ba heea aa baa-a ae txitMLl Ml. while aaa till an Tbalaaa to taoeatv. beti at tVawr. irrt, aad the ltb of Jaaoary, ro, ameaetad to fa ut as.

Tbe eommaaiveUoa eeterrad so the 1 nance Cemmittoo. Tbe Mayer seat a oommaaieaiioa vetetaa the OcaeibWaa outaennaaT the atartatoadw fve- sr. ardmseee aa luui appropriation tor tbe espport of tbe City t- 1ST mm Imkm Fee IH OSS rki DtuitaiMUi iwro. aea I be mum toxioLaaS 1 tor (M fmymeat Of terser. tUHMNI for City TlOt OSSZLSTi WILLS.

Moa fcaart frebabio Cat Another beartnc tn tbe matter trovin; the last will at Horace areolar wee to aava takea place be rore Boa. Owea T. 08ra. Barre-Itate of Waatebeater Coaaty. yeaterday.

thecaaa waa tailed tbe coatearanie pranoaea to Introdaoa tbe teatimoiiy Mr. joae y. Jera-eaoo. of North Caatla. aae af tbe Bubecnbiuf wiCneaaes to tbe wlU of Hr.

Greeley, dated Jaa. t. im. ben Jedre Bartabjeetad to tbe eonteatant prooaediae aa prove tba win of mt aata tbe win of 1ST bad beaa dmpnaad af, la tbat ra apeet the propowenta wooid. however, una i exeewttoa at tbat "will.

Tbe eoateatanta than called to the antaeaa taad Mr. Alvah J. Johnaoa. At tbe aame mameat Mhr Ida Oree- Hiy appvoaelMd bfr. Jobo K.

WiUlama, fneod of Oreeley, aod Treaaarev of tbe Children' Aid. Society, and a'ter a brief con-veraataoa wltb blm, erpreeeed throoirh tbe laat- named nntlmnan a Oeaira to eonier wita atr. Jnbnaon. la aeeerdaoee with a ecreation from tbe Sarroeafca, a protraotod eonfereneo waa beld In bla prlvare offloe between Miaa Oreeley, Mr. Jebnaoa, and Mr.

John B. Wllllama, wbieb waa anoaeqnentiy partieipatea la oy joore uart ana ueorre Y. 1nio, in Dehait af tba aiiaaea uree-lev, and T. William, eoamel for contestant. Tba areator part of tbe day waa oeeapied in aa endeavor to effect a aecotioUoa between tbo ezaeatora of tbe will of lan and Mlaa Oreeley aad bar connect, without arrivTba at a aufao- tory reault.

ho waver. At tbe oioee of tbo oco- rareaoe. air. X. T.

WlUiam atatea taat it aaa beea aetaed to poetpeoe all fertaer proceed tar ta tna oaae wdUI Monday. 97th inat. It tbat abootd anit tbe aoavenienee of tbe Borroote, wniob waa aaaanted to. Immediately after tba adjournment of tba tao. vanoaai rnmera wore airealaied In tbo Ootirt-roocD Id reg-xrd to tbe fntare proe-reas and oi the prooeaaing ana eoneeaaioo tno matter.

It waa lotimated that there waa a proapeet of an aareeiueDtbciaa entered Into bv which the two Minaee Oreeley woold receive tbo whole of the prwperty. aod tbat toe further ewnteat would be merely a matter of form. Oa tbe other band. it waa contended tbat Mr. Oreeley waa not in bia rlrbt mind when be either wrote or acknowl edged tbe will of Fov.

9. 187 and tbat notains Uort or aeeeptina tbe will ol 171. aad allowloa two of tb execntora named taereln. Mr. Man- oina and te manane tbe affairs of tbo eatate.

will be conentcd to. Laat cveninr the proeoeet of a oom promise being effected ap pealed vary sua-at. i I mm THE STBJLETS TSSTSBDAT. Oapleaoaat tar tba Xeteerla -Xtl owltaeo mt aopolwar. A aea of snowy aluah waa proaented to tbe pedestrian yeaterday.

Since tbe ft real atorm of Cbnsnnaa BirJbt the treete have not been more re ne rally impaaabble tbaa yeaterday. Tbe 8u perlntendcntof the Strcet-cleanlna: Bureau baa been busily eosaced, and wbea tboro came a day of moderate temperature, be pressed into aervloe an army of stoveler aad no eooner td tbe enow been collected into beape ready for removal tbaa tbe thermometer fell to with in a few decree of aero, ana rendered tbe frozen masses itapervioua ta the moat determined on- slaucbt of pick er shovel. Tbis waa tbe-pro-araratao for many daya. It was pome eon eolation to believe, while erraeellur tbronrb tbe mud aad aitua. tnat tbe Aral har binger oi Biirlna bad presented itself.

The day waa beautifully mild. Sanruine people tanutrbt tbey ssaM had anmethinr In tbe balmy auooeubere tbat spoke of a bard Winter broken up. Very many ladiea. deneived by the clear skv and brurnt sun. andartook lonrahoppta expetition.

bat in Tnaoy- instaocee Were dea- tinea to aiaasiere. aenreeiy any eav since te streeca bavo oeeo cambered witb enow and too baa walktnc beea attended with such da seers and difSnultiea aa yeaterday. Tbe partially tnawea eoatint er ice tnat coverea the aide walk bad the aDPearanoe of a tbia layer of mud. aod led Un war pedestriaoa to atop out boldly. Toe.

result waa many falls and turn-bloa, wholesale dee-raaUoa-of weariaar apparal. ana woen tDe victims were or the male per suasion, of niuob profanity. Alonir tbe river. front, on Wosi and boutb streets, toe difficulties of travel, even for traoka and waaona. are in ne way abated.

Several of the blockade yeater day laatct for over bait an boor at a time. At ao Chambers-street croeein to the-ravonia Ferry, it required tbe ecrvicea of three poiiee-men to keep tbe way open for foot- paaseu Kara, ana even men tae vovare to toe lerry-uouae waa attended with no little risk. Tbe amount of money lost to mercbanm la the delay of roods a used ibe state of tbe sreci atatcd at uo Ineonalderabla amount. Tbe horse-cars', were well patrotiiat'd. and anoceoeed in maklnr food time.

Kor the flrat time aiaee tbe rreat auow-storm, tbe Broadway pavement has been visible from Tbirtr-fourlh-etreet to tbo Battery. Dirtier up-town ieioa are sun mucb in use both for pleasure aud baaiaeoaporpoaeo, but ta tbe lower pail or sue city waecioa venicise are grain ro The oocupaata of tbo un skiiKha veatnnnar aown-town yeetereav experienced pretty rouii Joltioc ever tbe pavcmonia. -i 1-be Water Bapply la tbo Ca of tbe Beceat Scarcity, i For the last few days a number of oom-. plaiata bare beea aeal ta tbe Tikes to referenoe to whet are considered tbe abasea con nected wltb tbe eupply of water, to ths ettiseaa realdla In the npper porUoua of tba west aide of New-York. It appears rrom tbeae eomplalata that darinr the last two weeks tbe tnnply of -water on the west aide of tbe City baa been very defloieat.

and that much as wall as some liUle alarm, baa beea felt lb coeaeoaeaea. It would aeem that the principal cofferer are persona livlur in ibe apper i floora of taoomcnt-bouses. wbere tbe supply of water baa been 11 rely atopped. aad the teaaato compelled to carry water In backets from tbe basements up to their apartments. Upon complaining ta tbo landlords of thea bouses, the invariable reply has been, that the landlord furnishes all: the water the City supplies, aod that the fault rests siooe wita tne aaa tae sMepartmant of Pub- lie works.

A Tim as representative ealled aa tbo Department yesterday, and the matter waa explained ae follow Two weeks aco some vary aeeeeaary repairs ware rea aired at tba Crotoa Aqueduct, tae eompletiou of wbieb oo- easionea a sfoopajre a portion of tne supply of water to tba City for tbree daya. The water la tba aqaedoet dunes too rroa- Of tbeae renaira fell ela-ha Imi lower tbaa tbe ordinary depth, bat since the piottoa of tbeae renal ra. everr elrrirt baa boon made by toe Department to restore! the water in tbe aqaedoet to its orianaal level, and aomethln over frallons of water, or about 100 rauons te every maa. woman, and child have bi ea dally aa polled to tbe City. SulU Ota ana has exceeded tbe aupply.

aad the Depart eeataeknowloeea that tbeperaeua re-BMliaa la severe! perueae of the CUv aava jut aaiia so eompiaia orsao aeareity, Tbis, arain. la aeeounted for by the waate of water In the lower portioaa of thei Citr. imou tne mutrmm aod workabopa. wbere It la a eouutoa practice to leave I the water ruualoar from Saturday auttl Monday nioralna. i i Tb Immaaae waata of mmtmr oceaatoned by this con act, tbe Depart moot th in ka rally aooounte for toe trouble of tbe un law reeiueate.

A farther com plaint addreaaed to tbo Tistaa la ta reference so "be waate of Cro toa water ta the aelirbborbood of Madi-aoa, aud ayeauea. a here it appeaia to be the daily radios for aervanta fa eoooeet taelr boaea wita the- atreet hydraats wbea clear Ib ibe atdewmkeof oaow aad mud. Tbia aald to be done at al hours of tbe day. aad la total deBaaee or tbe City ordinance. Tbe De- parnaaat eay tbev eaa do aotbinr ta this eaae.

aad that it tbe duty of aay persoe witnaaaina: sooa oenaoeo or tao law to maxe tbe eaaea known to the Polios, wbo would take tae aircaa eary ateps ta pravaat tba reearyaee af aaah ex-travaxaot baaita. i ain i i -J atsiiy.Tr t7seealaasi rr ft -1 -i lyaW 'AracetinK was beld in the IlaJJ of the Tsui Men's QrUtma Aaaomatloa Bulmlac, Breokiya, laat evaelec take aatioa rasrardiDc aUabaaeqt in that city of what ara ae Bollv-Tree Cofme-Boaaes." i Two i were boM aa maeeaabar aad a commit tee wm appelate to take aetioa la the matter. This eamaajtUe report waa made laat eveaina. aad It embodied tbe foUowtac pornta Taat tbe sua at cheap eeaTee aad eauar-aeriaea tor tba aaa and baaifit at wocaaoa; people of beta seaee feaad to ba areaier aad aeuve ptoasiua lass awaaraily snppoaad that it Is la tended that taeaa bouses mall be aalfaopportiac i that a ceaeral taad abould be raiasd for taeoetebl tab meat of taese alaes that sae earn proposed for eamtal staefe tie sos. divided tnio 1.9SO shares at oaca tba flee liaanaa at tba taad ara reeeea-meaeed.

aad the eorporaaore are expected to ba rsaeaeastatuseoleM ta aasraas to ao43ity. Tbo ropert of tbe ComsnlUea waa preeadad aad followed by addraaaoa from a aaa Mr of spss Sirs. Kev. Dr. Caytar referred ta tao aao- af tbe tufa mare ta Boetoa aad maa.

llarestablisbnseau ra Otwsrow and Leadoa. aad aaptiai laalra-tsbil Mat Brooklyn aboald aad seal have taeaa. th. uui a immm aambar a piacee wbere eeu ox aad aoaialitr taa tba eatai meeiiaaa jra a au eaa eater -m i. i mmm witaeut beiBC poiaooeo.

ium- lam weald eertateiy wwru 'wot, aeeted by aoauaeea aaaa of pabrm spina With tba ata at aba tt sea, a Saw soon etoawae eaa id make tbe esataar a aaataa Tae ooeaaar moot tbev I tbey waaid fat DALTV BTBW PLA-TeHOUSI. aT thto Alatw attewa a taaa i). ftomatrawat Tsaslrs A httie army of rJarpemtera. painters, no- nola abd decora tor, were yeaterday bumty at work iaalda aad eatside of the old Sew-Tork it from a aiaxy edifice lata a beautiful little tbeatxa, arraaaed aad fur- nbsbed aeeordtnr to tbe latest 1 models. For veral Amyn boga mouada of rubbtab have been carted awayad aliboarh eon alders bio remains.

the Visitors eaa aow perceive what tbe new bouse will look like when 8 forward have tbe preparations progressed, that, Mr. Daly ta ealto eerteis tbat be win be able to opea tbe bouse ea tbe Sal Inau. and tboncb only a week remains tbe feat to really possible. therefore tbe sale of tickets lor the openinc Llxhta will commence to-morrow. The ebaacea effected ta the build mr are sur-pruunr, conaldertnr tbe rbort apace of time oc copied in maklaa them.

Outside there are row Indications of tba traaaformatiea rla oa. i tboukb a larce force of painters are doing tnetr best to brtrhtea np the street front by a liberal application of paiat aad all dine. On enterlnc the front door, tbe ehanjree begin to be maai-feet. Inaraad of aaiy eqnare doorways, sofUy-rounded arebaa preaent tbemaclvea. and as one reaches tbe audltortam.

tbe outlines of tbe new theatre are clearly visible. A row of tan Panama boxes at tbe back af the parquet ara already poeitlea. while tbe entire florr la dear, awattin tbe patent a hair to be pat up today, i Tbe two aallartee are alao clear of all tbe old seat and will be fitted up with tbe re- volvmf en air now so popnlsr. New tair-cases are beinr erceted at each side for approacbes to the rallertea. and tbearpeoters are beina closely followed by the ps inter.

Indeed, there are now so many painters at work that tbe architect baa beeo eblured to pat np a notice sa- aosncinsT that ao more are wanted. Standinr on the around floor, tbe visitor can ace through, tbe alight ecaffoldinjr above tbat Gariboldl and bis artists are, proceeding rapidly with their decoration of the celling, tbe outlines of the designs beinc easily traoed by tbe vivid masses of color already laid on. Bui it is on tbe stare tbat work la the moat active. Firet of all, tbe stage baa beea entirely rebuilt, and by an tneemona economy of the aiiaoa at band, a large number of dressloorooma bavo been arrana-ed unstslrn, near the flies, and in a projecting wing of the building in tbe rear. Yesterday, the st was entirely clear, and Mr.

Wm. Kelly, the atage earpenter. will today commenee putting ap the aow machinery he baa arranged. Tbe paianeg gauery naa aireaav been put into working order, aad Mr. wm.

R. Roberta, tbe roene-painter, waa yesterday basy with hi assistant in preparing tbe two acts of aeenerv needed far the new play or -Allxe, witn which Mr. Daly Intends to open the bouse. Today tbo carpentsra wui leave toe naiiaina-. aa their nart of the work will be finished, aod tbe painters will finish tbelr portion oo Friday, bv which time the theatre will be almost ready for oocupnnev.

It baa beeo found tbat tbe house. wttl aeat two more than the old Fifth-avenue Tbeatre. and that tbe atuce is mueh more spa cious. It will be 34 feet deep aod so wide. Tbe pro scenium is 3s feet- between tbe bexea.

or wbieb there ere foor. and the eurtam will fall 17 feet. Ample room baa been secured in tbe baaemcnt for work-shops aod tbe traps. Mr. James K.

Hayea la painting the drop-eertaio. whiie Solo-moo A Sons are preparing tbe draperiee. Tnat mr new theatre will be very handsome tno re can be no doubt. Mr. Daly's company arrived yesterday from Aleany, and rehearsed their new play at Bryant's opera-house, closing tbe day's labors by performing at tbe Park Tbeatre.

in Brooklyn, wbere tney remain ail toe wees. BPOBTSaTATTS CLUB. Aausaal Iffeetlsg rllgbt Isaparlasl Aetims Cssemist a The annual meeting of tbe Sportman's Club of this City wss held Isat evening at the residence of Cbaa. E. Whitehead, No.

a West Tbirty-flftb-atreet. Tbe annaal report bavlng been read and adopted, tbe following officer a were elected for the ensuing year: President, Royal Phelps, Viee-Preetdent. Robert Roosevelt, Counsel. Charles E. Whitehead.

Esq. Secretary and Treasurer, W. J. Hays, Eaq Executive Committee. Messrs.

B. L. Swan, W. Craven and Clinton Gilbert. Messrs.

Thomas A. Cuthbert sad W. Ferguson were proposed as members of tbe organisation, and James parte was elected member. Tb counsel of tbe Club reported tbat by rea son of the alteration of tbe laws of the State relative to the preservation of game, by tbe laat Legislature, and wltbouj tbe sanction of the Club, the provision against having deer In poa session during tna close season waa repealed, aad the Club now without Power to recover any penalty ro tbis City. A long discussion en sued on tbia question.

It was claimed that the greater part of veateon sold In this City come irom jeioneeors, ana aa tne present law only makes it a penalty ror giuing deer, aad aaya Doming Hwin naviag mmmr in possession. It is. in lis application, utteny usaioea. 1D follow log resolution was finally proposed by A. urayen, ana unanimously adopted That this Crab respectfully represents to im juegMtstur of toe rtete tnat tb alteration of tba law tor tbe pieservatioa of deer made at the last seeauiB oi its aooy cnanasa tna wool spirit aad nul- forouty of tae law ea taeaa aablecta.

takes away tba power a sotoseiBg tbs law, ana tbat tbla Clab rse. iisiiaiiana taat saa law as toe eaoject rsslsesd. Ad informal discussion then took place on the question of memorializing Congress to pass a national law for tae preservation of game, but ae jsr. it.r. Kooaevsit waaoi ineoptaioo tbataaeu a mil la tne nrst Place wossd ao Baeoaatltutional.

and, secondly, for drvers reasons, taat tbe bill, if introduced, would be rejected by the House, the aurauuu was usis oa. tao taoio. Mr. Royal Pbelna renorte'l to UwiMmhwi tbat a lew daya since a received a letter from a geuTiemaa, woo ooas pot wiab to aava his made aablio. that a flahmuaaar la anunnn.

had about forty fraeea trout for aale on bis premiers, (treat being out of season.) From ln-q Dines made, Mr. Phelps gleaned that tba flab in question had been purchased by aaid vendor of Messrs. A Stover, of So. 1 Fulton Fish Market. They claimed that tbey were Canadian trout, but Mr.

Paelpa aaid there waa no doubt bat waat taoy were Long Island treat. Some aieeaeeioa followed on tbe qaeauoe of wbo should bo prosecuted, af r. helps having seenred a number of witnesses, when It was finally determined counsel abould take the matter in band and commenee suit mgainst whom be deemed beat. The meeting thea adjourned. Tate Blstsd-vTsadhsll Prsra Xbrlr li Tbe examination in tbe case in wbieb CoL Blood, Victoria C.

Woodholl, aad Tenale C. CI all in are charged with sanding obscene lite rater through tbe mails, was continued yeaterday before Comuilaalonar Davenport. Misa Qaflia was present tor tbs first time, havtor aurreadered herself la Court. Mr. Jordan, of prleoeere eoanaal.

ealled tbe Commissioner's attention to tbe well-known decisis a of Jadg Bletohford, of the TJslted State District Court, ta tba oaae at Fraaeoia Farsa, la which ha decided tbat prisoners before Doited Slates Oommjgstoaers aboald be allewad to testify la their own behalf. Assistant District-Attorney Purdy made a lees; arrament agaiast parwuttiag tba pneo oars Is testify. Ba ashed tas Ceaimiasiaaai te rale agaiasttas pcia-oasra tsstimeny, ea tbat tbey eaa have a rail aad explicit decision by bringing tae matter before Jadge Blatchford, or some other Judge. Mr. Jordan contended that taedeeuioaef Judge Bl Stanford covered the present oaae.

Tbe Commissioner deals tbe mousn to admit tbe testimony. Mr. Howe proceeded to read tbs aratess, paaarag saBsaienally to aak tt what ba bad read wa eaaa- Tb aiagie passage watch be apposed waa ooaatdcrsd obscene could be oom pared with a passage la the weary -second chapter of Deutaroaomy. which ha claimed waa mors gross. Cousaal tae a read from Shakespeare, SeDoilstt, Byre Ao.

Tbs ferthsr hear-lag waa adjoaraod aaul tats nsorsing. A fas tbe aejoanmaat Dr. Rugga. at- Monroe-street, appeared aad became surety for Tstinis Claflto the tin of hi. 000.

sw Llaaf. Two actions wera yesterday commenced against Stephen Eegneh, proprietor af a small paaar kaowa as the Jaawrawa rsassa. bar libaV-Isos puMieattoaa against Fiedertck g. Winston, was at tba plaintit the eaaea. It wss loajstal from rood aatbonty thai erdsra at arrest bad beea Wars it aaaa tbeae cam els lata, ssd wti is us a aaaa sc sas saana, wrta aa tbat bait ta tba two ssflta ba fixed Deputy SberiaT Bolaad.

wbe was glvea the oeosr of arreat. was Isokirtg tar Mr. En Utah vests. day, but dd set Sad aha daring the day. It a Jt a uM Tar rfottJV 4- 1 fdd sTaTOT laid to ba tho Gal Tbo OaM Qom 0a.

Tbo trial of William 1L Tweed for ffaudm- leeUy omimng to a adit eertara ehtima pre- stsd agahas tbe City, by wbieb tas Treasury waa defrauded Immense aame of money, was resumed the Court af Oyer and Terminer yesterday, before Judge Davis. Tb prosecution waa eoadaeted by Distnct-AUorosy Paeips, Ey as Tremain and Wbeeler H. Pckbam aad the prisoner was defended by John Graham. David Dudley Field, John Burnll, Wm. Fuller- ea, aad W.

O. Bartlett, As soon as tba Jadge took bis best on tbe bench a whispered eonaulta- Uaa took plase amoag tbe praaeeooag soaoael aud teamed Lately afterward District- Attorney Phelps aaid Since tba last adjournment of this Court, and, indeed, so as to deprive me of sa opportunity of consulting with the rentlemen associated with ma tbis ease, certain oommom-catlocs have been received by me under such eurwuBsstabeee aa to render it exeeedlngly Important that some further time abould be granted say associates and mveetf to consult. Inasmuch aa tba nature of the communications wbieb I have received may aertonsry affect tbe eoodoct or tbia prosecution, and wbetber tbs proaecutloo shall now. at this stage, proceed at all and I desire, therefore, with leave of tbe Court, that aa boar's bins be granted to counsel for the preeeeuiioe before proceeding la this Da via The Court will take a recess for owe boor. This announcement created the greatest interest, and numerous rumors were afloat aa to tbe cause of tbia action.

While Messrs. Phelps, Trcmala, aod Peckham retired to deliberate, tbe counsel lor tbe defense alao evinced much anxiety on the subject, aad eagerly canvassed the course tbat might possibly be taken by the prosecution. Daring tbe recede, it transpired that tbe communication referred to by the District-Attorney Informed him that ooe of the jurors. Mr. Williama.

waa a personal friend of Tweed, aad a member of tbe Amotions Club, aad as saett was aot a competent person to ait ea tbe Jury. At tbe Court te assembled, and Mr. Tremain said tbey were ready to proceed without further delay. There waa no mention made by turn or bia associates of tbe auojeet under deliberation, aud they declined positively to state its purport. It waa affirmed, bowevar, that it bore upon tbe attitude of tho juror, aod tbe strict silence on tbe subject waa observed to prevent tbe cause af the prosecution from Buffering by any unnecessary explanations.

Mr. Peck bam stated tbe ease for tbe prosecution. Having explained briefly the duty of Jurors la all oases submitted to tbem for consideration, be deflued the relation that existed between the City and County of New-York, and the provision of tbs charter of 1857, wbtcb was in force in tbia City up to the year 1870. when tbe difficulties out oi which sprung the preaent ease sroae. He explained tne duties of tbe Board of Supervisors under this charter and tbelr power to levy taxes, and 'proceeded to ketch the history of tbe legislation creating tbe Board of Audit, whose operationa ooustltate too subject matter of investigation, and in wbieb tbe defendsnt waa principally concerned, lo 18SS the tax levies for Kew-Xork City and County were divided, aod the taxation in tbe City Government gradually inoreeaed.

In I860 tbe tax levy wa ten million, bnt through tbe manipulation of Tweed and hi associates, in U70 it reached twenty millions. A i that period, as a result of tbe political coinplicsiioDS became a mutter of too utmost importance to the defendant tbat a new euarter should be passed. Darge sum of money were placeo In tbe bands of Tweed for expenditure to facilitate its progress In tne DegislntuTe. and claims were afterward presented before tbia Board of Audit for tbe money thus expended, aad tbey were passed. With a abort explanation of tbe dutiea of tbe Board of Audit, conned proceeded ta define the meaning ot tbe wot audit." He cited aa authorities Shakespeare, Webster, Senator Hrfnd, aod Judge Brady, to prove that to endit meant tbat there shall be an investigation by the audttors, and tbat their conclusion shall bo based upon clear evidence, presented before them, as to whether tbe claim is true or falae.

Mr. Orabam bad referred aa an authority to tbe Maw-Yoajt Timbs to prove a different meaning; of ibe word, and accepting tbat authority aa a reliable one. be pointed to an article in tbe Tim es. after tbe trial of the Mayor, whion tbe word wa defined precisely aa now asserted. This wa their duty as members of that Board, and a more disgraceful talc waa never told to a civilised community than the wroags perpetrated by tbe men woo were Intrusted with the charge of the property and government of tbe people of New-York.

These auditors resolved beforehand not to audit, but directed the Clerk to collect th bill the authorization of tbe same to bo tbe oertifloSto of tbe aame by the Clerk or President" tbe meaning of wbieb must be that they were certified aa matters already in some way passed upon by the Board, whereas it would ap pear tbat not more than one in arty of tbe certified bills had been audited at all. Atfl'-st tbey went through tbe form of writing. "We bave examined this bill aod found It correct," but after a time, after impunity emboldened tbem. they went through no form at ail. the mere tps dixif of William M.

Tweed waa enough, aad they gobbled tbe whole thing right a p. Laughter. The defendant certified as tt i an examination waa made and the bill went to the band of the County Auditor, and in pursuance of tho resolutions of tbe Supervisor, tbe County Auditor adda to tbe bill tbe interest, computing it himself or ooe of bia officers, aod fasten it to a County blank, wbieb read, Examined by me and found correct. Jamea Watson. County Auditor it was a certificate tbat be found the bill bad been audited and found correct by the Board of Supervisors all be could do uader the resolution, waa lo certify that the bill waa certified to by tbe Clerk or President of tbe Board of Superviaora.

As a matter or law. It waa tbe duty of tne supervisors to meet aad examine clams, and ibe moment tbey passed over tbe time when tbey abonld meet and examine, tbey were guilty of a violation oi law. independently of the question of corruption. There is no evidence or record of any other meeting or audit than tbat st which they passed the toiot resolutions oa which they relied. If aeon anything at.

all. upon ths signa ture of toe defendant aerose ths fsee of the bill. From April to August there waa tbua paid away on the mre signature of tbe defendant, which be had no authority to affix, and be is responsible for every dollar of It. And ot that sum, weot to ngeraoll. Oarvey, and Keyser, on the signature tbe defendant.

Tbeae bills were all founded mpon tbe fraud la its isiOatory fraud of tbe defendant falsely certifying by bis signature tbat tbe bill bad been audited by tbe Board of Superviaora, and of these sums, odd. went luto the bands of Mr. Tweed, in addition to wblob there waa another sam of 1380,000. Yet Mr. Orabam complain tbat people aay tbia man wss the "Boss thief of tbe world.

(Laughter.) There waa B4O0.000 claimed by Oarvey aod paid, for whion there was no foundation against tbo City, but tbo matertale for which went into boil ding boose for one or other of tbe defendants. Woodward waa the eoafidant of every one engaged in tbeae fraud a. Tweed did aot directly receive bla share of tbe plunder, for whatever else may be said of him, ao one haa ever charged that be a foot. Whenever a payment waa made on tbla Court-house, Where they perpetrated their iniquities, the profit were divided. Checks wers made out and deposited to the Broadway Bank to the credit of tbeae parties.

Counsel proceeded to speak of Oarvsy'aand Keyser's claims separately, tba former supplying work fur and receiving from the Board of Audit a million and a half. Tweed aad bla associates received aixTy-five per the amount, and Oarvey personally handed Tweed, Albany, to be expended for tbe paaaage ot tbe charter, which sum be afterward received from the City. These appropriations from the City Treasury finally excited public eunoaity, and demands were mads for aa explanation. Tbe documents and papers were ia the posse salon of tao defendants, and tbey refused to give them publicity until finally tbey were unearthed by' the enterprise of a dally iournal, and tba names of Keyaer. Oarvey.

aad others became household words. Tho vouchers wers ia tbs Controller's office, under tba control of the detoodaaia. aad finally, on the aaoraiag af the lata st Sspteabr, the etaee waa brokea into aad all tbo pspcra destroyed, eave some tea vouchers, wbma ware la another part of the office at the time af the burglary. Wltb ths asteevery of those vouchers, snare ware Beat to Keyaer that his hooka abould be destroyed, taat Oarvay aad othsra abould leave the counter, aad all measures of eelf-prpsseuoa were adopted by the thieves. Twesd'a advice waa acted a poo, aad he proudly boa tea that Woodward waa goes.

Oarvey waa gone; he was aot afraid ot the rest, god if Oarvay remained away as would atay right bars andfigat tbia tamg sat, Having deaonbed the eaaraeter of irsaee ana it paaishment, air. Peckhaai tbia ease luvoivas not sloes a simple as naa aad tmprtaaameas to tas dslopdant, it as a question iavslvtag ths per-maeeacy. tbe earetjr(aad the onalson of tbe mstttauoss och aa ar now organised, and na-der which we live. It tt true that tax-payer have no meaa of brmging to pun lab men these wbo, under tas cover of public traat. eaa take SBonaosi amounts of aaosay from tas pabiio tssasnry.

I aay that aay sssas srsseatsdtsa rery weald ba trifling in eoaseqasaeee eons-pared te that which would flow troaa aa error thia ease. We doa't waat a esavteaoa aa a ess-vteooa aimply. Kstbiag weald give aa aay tataa; the the asnsfactsaa and nsaaaare to knew that tbs result of this inai wsaid os tas aeauit-tsJoJtttepriesasv--Iaeaaaaasquittolbseausa tas wvkdense required it, because ba waa as; entity. Aad. tt i turn oat that tbia statement eaa -be explained, none would take greater pleasure tbaa we would thai sash should be the result of this ease, bat If tt should tarn sut that, if for aay reason, aasmsvtdassa wales abssli eail tor a esavts-Wen.

that an dAr ta say the ma aha)! net re- TRI ALr sambm 4.1 taU naa aavss soald a blew ae eemiaistersd mees ternsis in its eaess to is the nsmmaartv aa art kssre tsrriois iroT, tor be deserve ibe contempt of taoity sa wtrieh bs lives. WeaahssU to eaea juror, tb somas sol va fva ihwi i'i awem wvm aad hooeaUy to tbe evidence that wilt be laid before you. If tba evldseee aatskflee year eoa-ecleooe that guilt belongs, guilt yea mast aay if. aa tbs soatnry, shall appear that, ths eberae la dMprsvsd. hbat the charge la fame, acq alt htav aad wsJ wuh ths sotare eomma-iv.

will arjsies in roar verdict. i The CSAirt the adjourned. crrr ahd SCBCSBIS REIT 8s A te-mperanoe festival was beld at tbe Five Points House ef Industry last evening. Tba Controller repoTte tba tbe sum of 17L7M 8S was received laat week for taxes. New-year's aervicea were celebrated in tbs Greek Chapel at 3eoood-a venue, yesterday.

Tbe fanexal of tbe eon af PoUee Camrnla-easser Barr took ptaew yesterday moraiaa from Trlalty ChapnL vn' i Col. John Hay lectured at Stein way Ilair, laat evening, beforo a fane aadieaee, en tba Heroic Are ia Washington." -l A vocal concert by tbe Jubilee sing-oft of Fisk University. Naaavilie. Teasw will be sovsn at Stemway Ball this evening. At tbe meeting- of tbe Methodist Preachers, yesterday, a diseosstoa oa the State of the Church lo Mew-York aad Vicinity took Place.

I i In a ease tried yesterday before Judge Yaa Bruna and a iurv. in tbn Supremo Court, a lawyer doubled his fee by betting with his client en tbe verdict of the Jury. I Tba examination in tbe ease of I tbe Fraaokfunsr will ease waa commeaoed yesterday, before Surrogate Hatchings. Tbs Williamson will case waa also under consideration. (j Michael J.

Cline, driver of an Avenue car. enarged with running over Michael Gob-bardt. ot No. 32 Spnng-treet, was locked up yeaterday by Jos tics Cox to await tbe result of injuries. Tbe German Republican Association ef the Elgnth Aaaemoly District bave elected tbe following officers: William Oetlraann, President Recording Secretary, Cbaa.

Wacbo Treasurer, Peter Dennerlein. I Judge Barrett has ordered a resale of tbe property No. 68 Front-atraet, recently sold at aneiion. oa tbe ground tbat tbe notice of sale, misrepresented tne depth of tbe lot to tno extent ot seven feet. i A fire occurred yesterday morning- in the fancy -goods store of Flora Waldmaon.

on tbo flrat floor- of No. 99S Avenue B. Daman to stock, Ac. 11.000;- insured for 14.000 in the Llv- erpool, Lradon and Globe Company. Tbe appeal in tbe ease of the Fourth National Bauk against Controller Oreen, lo recover flfiO.OOO advanced to tbe Court-house Commissioners, was argued yesterday in tbe Bnnreme Court, General Term, and decision res-rvd.

-j In tbe rase of Christopher Went against Jamea O'Brien. ex-Sneritt. tried before Judga Curtis and a Jury in tbe Superior Coart yesterday, for having been improperly detained lu prison, the Jury found a verdict in "favor of th Sheriff. i The gallant conduct of Hook an Ladder Company No. 9.

at the Are at No. ISO Mercer-street, on Ibe 37th cxoited tbe admiration of a gentiemsu wbo witnessed it to auch aa extent tbat be i aooat to prevent the Company with ssoo. Tbe Sixteenth Assembly District Union Republican Association met last avemuir. st DemiltUall, Wm. H.

Ant boo in ibe chair. After the disposal of routiae butane, a lecture was delivered by Douglas CamtbsU on "Julius Caesar and His Time." On Sunday a ease of small-pox was discovered a tae Asylum for tee Deaf and Dumo. Tbe patient was removed to the smali-pox hospital on Black well's Island, and today ac veral members ol the vaccinating corps are to visit tbe institution to vaccinate tbe inmates. At a meeting of the Tammany Society, last evening. ex-Judge Jamea C.

epeooer. oc the Supreme Court Judge John J. Freedinan. of tbe Superior Court: J. T.

Wbitson, P.McOin-neas, Joseph J. Donohne. and fifteen ouiers, were Initiated a members of tbe Society. Yesterday. Superintendent Maegregor continued bla inspection of the building below Houston-afreet, on the west, aod Di via to n-street, on rtbe east side.

of tbe City. Among those Inspected were the rooms or a Sqnday newspaper, which had been reported aa dangerous. Capt. Burden, of the Twenty-ninth Precinct, preferred a charge ot vagrancy before Jostice Cox. yeaterday.

agaloat fifteen loafers, wbo went regularly to tne Station-house every night for. lodgings. Six of them were discharged, aod the others scut to the Island for three months. Jacob J. Detwiller is suing- the City, before Judge Yau Brunt and a Jury, In too Supreme Court, to recover 023,000 for tbe aupply of fire work farnisned the City on tbe 4th of July; 1869.

The del use is thst ths fire-work bad not been furnished on oo a tract, and that there is ao appropriation. Application was made yesterday to Judge Barrett, in Supreme Court, Chambers, on behalf of Maurice Mouagnan. for a writ of maud am us to compel tbe Controller to pay htm as an oflloer of tne Court of Common Pleas from July to September, 1871. Tbe Court granted an alternative writ of maudamua. Tbe Sixth Assembly District Republican Association met laat evening.

Daniel F. Crowley in ibe cbalr. A committee was appointed to examine the accounts of the Finance Committee and Treasurer. A resolution was adopted instructing tho delegates to tbe Genual Committee to move for the rescinding of section 9 ot the Constitution, which excludea members of tbe Police and Fire Departments from being accepted aa members of tbo district organizations. The meeting edjourned.

i BBOOKLIfr. The members of tbe police force intend to petition the Legislature tor aa lnci-eaae of salary- i I Tbe Board of City Works bare awarded the atreet-oleaaiog contracts to tbo Scrimsbaw Pavement Company and Patrick Doanegan. The liquor-dealer arrested Sunday for violstions of tbe Excise law were taxen before the Police Courts, yesterday, and beld to bail in tne sum of OlOO eaon for James W. Stuart, who was arrested on the complaint ot Fire-Marshal aieady for attempt lng to commit arson, waa examined yeaterday before Juetioe Walh. aud discharged on tbe ground tbat the -evidence was not sufficient to hold him.

i i Justice Tappen in- the Supreme Court, yesterday, oonilrmed the report oc the Commissioners appointed to appraise the value of ths laada proposed to be taken for anchorage grounds for tbe East 'River Bridge. Toe amounts aggregate something over Hs.uoo. i The number of prisoners in tbe Kings County Penlteuftary on tbe lt day of December, 1873, waa set, of which 38S were males, and 84 females. The amount of money earned by the convicts ba tbe shoe-shop, which la the only easb moo tne received by tbe insniutloa, for ths month of December was about I2.37S. P.

LOltO lffX.A"fI. Peter Kane, a farm-band, from Hempstead, while returning rrom Mew-York, oa batnrday nigbt, with bia team, waal attscked near Hempstead by a man wbo ndlng In the wagon with him. Tbla man attempted to rob Kane, and fired two pistol-shots at aim, striking bun in the left breast. Tbe aaaallaat escaped, aad Kane waa taken to hospital. The Farmers' Protective Union of tho couauea of Queens, Kings, Suffolk, and Richmond beld lis annual meet las yeaterday.

at Hunter' Point, and elected the follow in officers President, Robert Witleta; Yioe-Pt osteons. Jamea Headnckaon Secretary, Isaac H. Cocks Treasurer. Henry L. Wyekoff; Board of Managers Edward H.

Seaman. Robert WuV leta, Jouu Williamson. Daniel Underbill, Isaac H. Cocke; SuperiniendeateD. F.

Atkiaa. H. x. wycjLQH. tTATIN IISLAND.

W. S. Hornfager baa been appointed a Justice ot the Pease for tae lows af boutaneid. Owing to the floating' ioe in tbe Bay thct night trios of ne Statsa Islaod boats ha ve agaua been discontinued. A converted Indian is lecturing at Key.

Dr. Bartine's Church, la York-street, Jersey City. Tba Newark Board of Trade mat last even-lag- Hoa. bomas B. Peddie waa Installed President, One of the Japanese stTidente in -New-Brunswick died on Saturday.

The rsmaibi ware la tarred yeaterday. Tbe seventeenth annual meeting of tba Mew-Jersey auditorial Association will bs bald ia Trentos ea Ibe ISth last. Mahar. wbo killed St. John, at Marshall's Corners, last week, yesterday waived aa axaoa-IneUou, and waa committed for trial.

Oat of the seventy-two indictments found by the Hadsoe County Oread Jury laat Spring oaly two reentted ia eoavlettea at the Boonatd peraooa. "Johfi Fringe pleaded guilty to a charge of grand larceny tbs Vewark Court or Sessions yesterday aad was sentenced to one year' lsa- prieonnaaat. -i. A boy named Uadden. while forward anon a atla ex nrieks aaa aaa.

ess ay a lora nam lie socset. A number of tax-twryers rn teres ted la tba epassitiss to toe Psrs-svosas wm svsssssts la Orange, hava ealled a mestfng tor ss-aigbtte exaraas tbf IR towA i A i -l A girl named Fnoha, aged seven yeara, was aearty aosldsd to death on Satarday asght at rHtetwsn- bv bsr httls pestber. wbo psarod asalamgwstsr bats bar ear ta sport. Tbe iaxy in tba ease of Cant, William Tan Wageaea. who waa drowsed at the Call fore is Docks, in Jet say City, en tas 1st taac yestorr dav rtJtarnod a rardist ef aoeideatsl death, nia frrt.hast PsvontA which WSS TSV essay lajured by a eollo-loo with tae D.

S. rosary st tbe Desbrsssre street uae.mbsisg rs- pairea atAUassa's Dock. It rsssirs wm The Messrs. Dewey, proprietors of -tbo Fraaxiia Hoase, ia Hewark-nveauev Jry Ot. damps sared wstb their effes dwric Suudsy otabt.

leay tag their Uadlord aad ether creditor 'V Tbm evening a toeetragof theertitns ot OrssaviUs i witt beaeidla rtehr-tar' Ha t. to discuss biU prepared torpreseatstwn to lbs Legiefatnre sutbonaing the auuxadsa of tie towoahip to Jersey City. -Mrs. Pilbin Twlble, a Isdy pa-eenger on tbe emves ia Jeraey Cky ofer-day. died on the passage on from ivoioni pneumeeiA Ber bosband reaidee at Ka.

IM Dl-vuion-t tree t. Judge Depne yesterday sppointel Alfred Hail, Cbaa. A. Campbell, and Wright Robbiss Commisaioners to- assess the -value of lands of tbe Crneamao'anO Clay Ma nnfaetormg Company, near Amboy. which lands are to bo taken by the Eaaten A Amboy Railroad Company.

Mr. Cbarlss B. Matthews is the plaintiff In a suit againat the Penusvlvsnla Railroad Company, now. being tried in tbe Rases Circuit Court, for dsmagp rssulilng from aa aecident that oc-arred oa tbe mn of January last. He sues to recover Sl.SOO.

I The New-Jersey Scbnetsenoorpe has reor-gaalaed for tbo enauiag year by tua elertiou of ibe loilowiDg officer fjaptam, H. D. Sehroe-der Secretary, B. Lippmann Tiaaauror, O. H-rtcbetbentbsler Fiuaooe rw-ciary, Morlta Zleisel; First Lieutenant, B.

Metsauer; Seeoad Lieutenant, J. Ktiing. li Frederick A. Braozwig-. wbo was committed to tne Hudson County Jail two month ago for Insanity, waa found dead so Sunday afternoon.

A aambsr of straws, varying in leugtb from a qaarter sf sa inch ta an tseb aad self, waa fouud tu bis throat, and it is supposed from this fact tba tbe choked htmeU to deatfi. The turaal places of resort for politicians. in Newark and Jersey Ciry were airaoai ent deserted laat evening. The erwd ef paseeu-gera to Trenton, duiln the day aud evening, quite filled me railway train, and the diaens-aloua of the probable events of tbe asaaloo ot tbe Legislature made the can unoouifortablr noisy. i i i Tbe first regular meeting of tbe Jersey City Board of Education for tbe year 147 was beld last evenibg in tue Common Council Chamber at the City Hall.

A resolution a at adopted requesting the Board of Public Works to oreot four additional school bouses to supply the increasing wata oc tbeettv. I Robert Hunter and George Lai kin, each aeed were rre ed jre-trrdav -afternoon bv DelrojT. Howard. Jersey Cltr. charged with bemv isnolioated tu tbo robbery ot a saioun kept by Michael O'Hara.

it ton corner of Hendersou and Bay sueet Tbe pnsiucrs were cstrjiuitted for exstntnatioa. Tbe Abattoir Company at Coxnmuniraw recently cor. tlid supply ot wutur from Fertilising Company, rjjlch removes tbe oSil from the Ab.ittuti. YeTerdlr tie Jatb-r Coaj-panysent thirty men to make tbe ooDdeCLioh wun tne water pipes, xney were omeroa awav by tbe President of the Abattoir Coaipaiy. riot is expeoted to result trom tne dispute.

i I Another VTaraing-Oieblutnaa sV Faak'i Piaa sa ATlrs. After repeated fires, allowing tne dangerous postUoa of manutaetunng buildings In tbe City, another warning came, jresterday evening, by the partial bnruing of" Dleblmann A plauo oase manufactory. No. 479 Tentb-avenoc. Tbe building, a six story bnck structure, 35 feet by 100 in depth, haa long been known aa unsafe In ease of fire.

Next to it a an extensive paper-hanging factory, and the surround a ga are all favorable to great fire. A little over a year ago the same building, thea owned and occupied by J. P. Hale A Son as ia piano factory, was burneo, one or tbs bids walla falling out. mi a red twenty firemen and members of tbe Police f'iree.

Yesterday evening, shortly after 7 o'elocg. fire waa discovered in toe rear part of tbe fifth floor the Are, it Is supposed, having originated from the stove there. Capt. MeElwains. of tno Twentieth Precinct, took peraonal command, and formed a cordon round the premisea.

I Ou tbe arrival of Chiet Kngioeer Perley. be at onoe sent oat a second alarm, which brooeh; tne reserve force or tbei Fire Department into aetion. The fire waa sooa subdod, with a loss of 01,000 to the building ana lo etocs. The Depafy Chaeabertaiw. Tbe business In tbe Chamberlain's office went on yesterday a nauaL the Injunction of Chief Justice' Barbour againat Mr.

Foley remaining, in force. A copy of tbe injunction granted by Judge Barrett, and. served on the Chamberlain last Saturday, waa yesterday aerved pa each of tbe banks who are co-defendant in the Suit. Tbe sreument of this case will be begun today, in tbe Special Term ot the Supremo Court. Mr.

Foley laat evening said tbat Mr. Pslaaer made some misstatements in bis letter to tbe Mayor, one of which was that Mr. Oreen had ot-f erred him (Mr. Folcj) tbe office of Deputy Coamberlain a montb or. two ago, and that he bad declined lt Tht atatetneat Mr.

Foley denies. -I i I Mayor Havemeyer, yesterday afternoon aaid be did not aee any occasion to answer Mrl Pai-mera letter. He tbonrbt there were tu the document a few mis-statements of facts but as they concerned other peraops. be. tne Mayor, would leave them to correct I he errors, if they demed it necessary or advisable.

1 I I fTew.Tark JlarLa Sselety Annaal ixteet. J. lag Yesseeday. The Marine Society held its one hundred end third annual meeting at No. 130 Pearl-street, yeaterday, and unanimously reelected ths following officers President, John Fer-rter First Vice-President, Ambrose Snow Second Vice-President.

Francia M. French: Treasurer. Wm. A. Ell); Secretary, Joseph Pcr-klhs; Attorney.

W. A. Butler. The Treaaurer'a report showed a casta property of S73.189 the receipts for tbe year were' 08,000, ana tbe diaouraementa ss.300, divided among ixty-foar pensioners. During tbe year sixteen new members were admitted and fire died.

The main object of the Society, which now numbers nssrly 9,000 mvnroera. Is tbe msin-tenauoo si sick and disabled sailors, for which purpose they established tbe Sailors' Snug on tat en island, maay years ago. Alter tbs business meeting tbe members at down to a collation, at which several peecbe were made in condemnation ot the system by which harbor-master are at preaent selsated. A fSssall SsieX Tbreateaed. Sometime ago the Jersey City Abattoir Company became Involved in a difficulty with be authorities through emptying ths blood from tbelr slaughter-houses into the river, thereby causing a nuisance, To obviate tbla tbe Head Fertilizing Company waa organised aad teased the grounds adjoining the Abattoir.

Snbse-qeeatly the two companies came ta conflict, aad Sunday the Abattoir folks cut off the water supply which tbe otber establishment bad beea receiving from them. Yesterday the Hand Company attempted to lay pipes of its own bat was pre vested by ths Abattoir people. It is thought a riot will ensue, although ibe Hand Corneaey expresses iu intention ot being governed by the taw in tae case. Oeartb.Avsaas laapasvoasoata. The Doerd of Engineers of tbe Fpurta-aveuue Improvement yeaterday received aev-eral proposal for th per form an oe of the work between Forty-ninth and Seven ty-nlsth-steeet.

Ths proposals inelaesd bids for tbs removal of earth aad etone uraishiag of various desotip-tasa ef material, aad the work of eoustreeiioe. sad It was aodsratood taat tbe feeders submit' ted yesterday were accompanied by satisfactory bondsmen and conditions. Tqe Board adjourned to today, when the awards will be declared ana oenuiio arraogemsate made ior the eont xoeuoemeat at tae work, i DIOESTKIH. 'Cod Liver Oil tavlgorstes tbe Cigeauoo," aad ls proves the character of ibe mia csswaix-a at nsrlsotiy pars aad flwre Arrived. Im afsnavrhi ltw rrom Fsrs Oai VTms'andTeS: M.Cmeet, B.

W. anunu auuxsc. nun zz eaa aeta am Mesa rise fcSl hioh riTva nu nar. i naaey Hsok wM Osv. Iaiaaa.aa7 1 um Oat 10 MARINE Ka'W-YOnJC MtrhrDAY, Jss rorUM.

j. tf. saaasACo. usy sf lea dsn. Wr-l lrtvk IJIII.

9. 4 1, Clemswd. fcUrk' telS. Ae Old Baik Rasas, i Her. Bsosea.

Havra. Herd A Vtimm- HHss Abas. IOer.1 FtalsaisC mTbes. Tebsas A Oa: 1-Mwrtv. Devsrcsax MnnimiqiT, Jl.

C. Jan. K. Ward A Cai nl1ada. ti isl .1 Vius, b.

JsbAa, 4,1 Arvlvsal. Wtssm sills MiKi iiuslls. Kin ass, Lvta SJTT Wast Tth. with aadaa, sad tat arm. Oat Jan.

8 team sup city or xerMa. 1 luiinef maa, Yara CruaJan. li. Fiesio as. sad Havana f.

M. with mass, aad paissagam to F. fAlsaaadrsOi miasm ship Oss. W. ClySs.

Cols. vis ajw wss its, wits st. Hal lory a Ateamshlp E. B. Sander; Irnralrk, Hew-On aaaa Jaa.

4. aad a. W.4aas MA, with ssss. sad tenia gers to lYed. Raker.

jooa n. eniiua. w7. iwiwin nr-m water 91 hour, bavtag la low sear. aew-JivB.

Bark (Mas Ross.) Hanalca. 8ksls a With. asdss to U. A F. W.

hi ay si a vassal to liockskana. nk imttsads. laf a. Johns. I.

Craig. Dahlia nca rbrrasat t-mU. liaWtas. I rbrrssya Os. Bark laaratlo, ri( mm eMail, uiaiisa.

ia Mailler Qimitmu. Will load for Brig terts, tot Brlxbsaa.) Oaz. His Jsaeirs Ksv. 11, via Ksmpton Itsada sa. wltb asgss to II sail ar BrU 'Malaga, fof N.

Black. Cadis 44 da, wttti sadas. to CbaS Wright Os. Rng HatiwiL Imt Boatou. Oats.

Old Harbor. Jav Pas. ta. vis Peiswsie Breakwater Jaa. II.

withlaa': wood to 11. S. Wetxlar A t. veaast to ntmaaisi. a Oa.

Use. IS. Habss O. aaslta. mats, a aatrvs of Barrlngtin.

24. 8.. agvd yssr, was knocked ever- board by is main sail atd drewsed. Brig tieesn siawaavsa. Came tow at stani-tng Oliver liager.

Brig Mardsln. of John. IT. It,) ThorwMN. PsrU aa-rriiMS 17 with Ins said.

a to T. Marqaas W4Mllr.L8wluMa Bng ltls de is Flats, Dutch Bsmmsra, Beta via Oct. wi.h coffee ts ortier. Bchr. Ricsido Barroa.

Newton, Havana wltb ti0.ts orange te T. PearaaU veassl to B. J. Scbr. Ben.

Davis. Wdmmgtoa. N. OL. ea.

With naval acorss aud ostton to K. IS. PcwaU. near. A bias U.

Hossmsa. ralss. Norfolk, Vs, with corn lo Hdow A Bleh.rdson. fesnr. Laura (uf M.

Jobs. N. B.J Wagner. If ara. caibo SI w.tti roTn anl fn-ta; M.

Farsa at Obarns veaaei ts Hssey A Park -sr. K. hr. Flyug koam. (of Brlxuam.) Gstley.

Pwa. byba, asil. SO da, witb augar to order -vessel ts Geo. W. Bulley.

Hear. J. B. Aaderson, Wakeley, Fall Bivev. teg Pbuadelvbla Hear, ataagm P.

Salts. Brooks. Boston, fv raOa- VpUD-sMtBset, bgbtj a. clondy aad basy. i i Tolegrapk.

BOisTOJf, Jan. li arr. steamer WlUiam Kniiwlf, froiu Baltimore; berk Htarliaht. from Ms-bile i bng CsDStantiue, trom HnruJSSi sclirs. Kliaa.

Ann lloousr, from Jackaoavulst M. W. Drew, frost dO. ff also arr. earners William Lawrence, from Ba' 1-more- Leopard, from Philadelphia apt one, from New-Tork.

PBIltDECPTITA, Jaa. IS. Arr. ataass-ahl VoMintir. from New-York.

i FOHTHKHH MONROE. Va Jan. it Arr. for or- dem, brg Nalodsu. from Kst fassrd snl bars Koorn biter, for raited Aingdtm: prts li ic ley, sor rnsiiaa in, fur Baltimore, steim-sbip Aeadian.

LCWts, Jan. is in niroor, arnia I Parker, of Kew-Yore i Anule May, ot fUmUm. ia-b for Ffcllsdeiplila. Tbe brig Morning Light got the nescb tnis niumlug la ond condition. SBW ASTLK Jan.

IX l'ssaetl up for Pbiav delpnla. ateam shins Revorn. from XJverpnol, aad li liter, rrom vikhml i cu Hi-KtTOlt, Arr. soar, hrom 3.iaso, N.

i haVa'nail Jan. 11 Arr. schr. Hait. xmm Pro vU ones, I Md.

ah.pi Lsgltlre and Rossignsl. for Bi schrs. Hmucr W. eniltb, for Hi aoeiro. asd Woods, lor Jscksonyilie, to load, i 1 I fsreigs Parts.

Marsh tt l. Jan. 12. Arr. arurCsIlao.

from PnrcAU.PAmCB, Use. 14. Ia pert, brig Marsh K. Holbrook. ior uuitina.

ts suso lor M. A. lloit, Ubceruln. Karspean lavln (few. Qtthvh utoww.

Jsn. It Tbe ilhsma A Onion Mas ml la "hip Wiaeoaaln. Capt PiTMimaa, troui New-York Jan. 1. and tae Wtla kttar Um aie.m akis Ooesais.

Capt. Brtatow, trooi New-Ysrk J.a. both lot Uvernool, bare srrived 4iere i be former at I o' etock Saturday night, and th lath yesterday, Buy Only the Genuine. BVactsvy sts as. Jsfswabary.

ESTAIIIilSnfiO 1H30. fT AREaorjiSI tn ell the gBlPtCIIAti CIVIfSfS of the United Btatss. also la Mtatgeel, Caasd. and Loadon, Knglsod. Bealee sdJuaMd the stands rd ot weights of all astlnss mrliah, French, Bpamsh, German, Portaguaae, Buaataa.

Tnav isk, Chinese, Ac Ae. Fairbanks Tf o. 311 Broadway, Hew-Tork London Bridget Fairbanks 34 King Williain-st. E. Jjondon, FakbanlaB, Brown Co, So.

118 Boston. NOTICE. T- SADI'L W. GEERY i K0. 1.500 BROADWAY, of MTH Eetail Grocers.

i I RaspsetfoUy call ths attention of thstr patrons ssd ths public to th fact that, not withstanding the Use firs baa greatly asaaagad thstr stock, they ars eaa-blsd. through ths I nil asm at a brothar grsoar. at sx- seslsiasrprmpUy aadas wU a hsrstotora. r. Agraaaa us i sw a.

A a. Uotisoi OsrSea. Wswbern, 31. CL. J.

PaUSrssBi T. M. alCllaa Kailv. Klnsatosv tsssaiaa. n.

le t-rdoTs A OO-l Uraaaisrs. (Br .) Maeuanurr. HsbtiMm. riiiajsaa. Finlslia A Osvi Cbaa, Tasaaa.

'i 1 i viIox-sqijaue. 11 rVWftSat Ws thank our frlsada for thstr ysxrenag of tb past, sad hops that wa will reearvs tbelr neosrag-aasst bi tb fatsrs. aa ws are prapanag tseosuass th hnstnees st ths old stand, i JJY COOKE, MTDLLOCII No. 41 LombArd-'st. LoiaOB.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Commercial Credits, ur it Cable Tziiisfex8 IHIS sTa)gt xmATatfUfkatsv, AT ATLA BLM TJT A IX FABTS OF THS WOALB JAY COOKE 99 WALLET. I. SMITH tt CO.Si! CRUSHED WHITE WHEAT ATLAirriC FliOUS-MILLO. Brssklya, Best kaowa arrpsraUoa of W8UT 1st baaWb, sas sasnUeass lor awssral tassDy ass ssd ss ret a hi aujraoar rnaxjsjrw ptr1 i' .4 i.

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