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Oakland Tribune du lieu suivant : Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Oakland Tribune, Thursday, Oct. 9, 1947 FBI Nabs 7 Mnra in Atom Thefts- Dancer Paces Cell in Tears, Fears Verdict in Yacht Slaying COUMAS PLANS MURDER CASE DEFENSE mm III a a a New Secret Arms Project Bared Tom Coumas, 53. Manteca rancher Stockton, on grounds the Greek He spent five years in a Greek fonee for the nrivate Droecutor served a five-year prison term court did not have jurisdiction. (prison for the crimed HAVANA. Cuba.

Oct. 9 (A i tv have been charged with thefts of classified information from Los Alamos. One already has received Patricia (Satira) Schmidt paced and once for her own counsel. She wept in Greece for the 1932 murder of a The alleged slayer fled from trial Mrs. Taylor wasj the sister of wept in her prison cell today as she yesterday when the public 1 1 a in San Joaquinjin the United States after he as-'Terry E.

Bailey, jbf 5910 Dover ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Oct. 9 Cr Federal agents who have been probing 4hefts of confidential mattery from the Los Alamos atomic project nabbed two more suspects yesterday and at the same time revealed the investigation also has a susoended orison term, another uuuiucq ine long nours uniu ner; l0r aemanaea me maximum peuauy County today for the services sertedly stalked into a achoolhouse Street. Oakland: CHarles Bailey of rial fnr fhp varh nn i irW cr rf Virtin fnKo i f) vom-c imnrisnnmpnt shot Mrs. Olive Taylor, the; 1156 Amador Streeti Berkelev, and lover fvicr Mee 33 of Phi- Th. nnaltv unnn i on-.

lhe San Joaqum County public and awaits sentencing and the third case is pending. In every instance the FBI said teacher, who had reprimanded one Mrs. Sam Conn, of 3026 College Av- defender in his murder trial. Coumas is to be tried again cage, is resumed next Tuesday. viction is 20 years.

am afraid that I may be con-1 The prosecutor. Jose Manuel Fuen in of his children. enue. Berkelev. covered a highly secret weanonsi Dhotograohs or other material were demned." she said.

"It is so diffi- tes Carretero, also asked the court cult to think and speak in English to assess her $5000, to be paid to, BROADWAY, SAN PABLO, 16TH project outside Albuquerque. recovered. A field agent said there Complaints filed immediately was no indication Thompson or Pap-after the simultaneous arrests 85 jorello made any use of the pictures, miles apart in New Mexico accused) Thompson, discharged from the and try to make judges who speak i Mee's family as indemnity. only Spanish understand tjeorge Wellington Thompson, 38, Army September 10, 1945, was ac ADMITS INTOIACY In her testimony yesterday. Miss Schmidt's acknowledged that she Despite the difficult of languages, the 22-year-old night club dancer from Toledo, told her story and re-enacted for the three-judge cused of taking a set of 33-millimeter films and other pictures at Los Alamos.

He was in charge of the photographic laboratory there with iormeriy of Greenwood. of taking classified photographs from both the Army's Sandia base here and the atom laboratory; and Ernest Lawrence Paporello. 29. formerlv had been intimate with Mee aboard I his vacht Satira, named for her. She; which took place aboard Mee's yacht Paporello as an assistant during I six! fi Union City, N.J..

of stealing half earlv atomic developments. The in Havana Harbor last April 8. the day the Chicago lawyer got a fatal a dozen Los Alamos pictures. Government alleged he took two The two were identified by the pictures the following May from Federal Bureau of Investication as Sandia. bullet through his neck.

weeks after she went aboard thej yacht in January that Mee already! was married." That, she said, was when "our' Iflve began to break up." She tes-i COLLAPSES IN TEARS As she collapsed in tears in the former Army photographers at Los TAKEN AT STUDIO Alamos, where the first atom bomb chair after the dramatic tified. however, that Mee held herj re-enactment, the dry voice of Chief i a virttial prisoner and that in the! Judge Cristobal More, president of Quarrel which preceded the fatal the superior criminal court, an-j he threatened: "I am goins He was arrested at the studio he now operates at Espanola, north of Albuquerque and about 20 miles from Los Alamos. His wife and married daughter also live there. FBI agents took Paporello into custody at his employer's, photographic ship in Albuquerque. His estranged- wife, Mrs.

Mildred Papo to kill you. nounced a five-day postponement because of the long veek-end cele- Then, although she appeared pale L. E. Hunt, district manager of Standard OiL presented preview of new centennial film here yesterday. Tribune photo.

Centennial Film Is Previewed Here was assembled. After his discharge Thompson was a civil service employee for a time at Sandia. INFORMED BY WIFE In Newark, S. K. McKee, New Jersey FBI chief, said that agents were led to Paporello by his estranged wife after she had stumbled on atom photographs in his belongings which had been stored.

Trendn-Fnshion Walking hoos In Polished Calf Smartest shoe of the season for your tailored suits, this polished calf pump with the non-scuff, cuban heel' The extended sole makes your foot look smaller, neater, younger. Choose black or brown. Sizes 4-10, width AAA-C. bration of Cuba'-' Independence and fainting, she picked up the fatal Day the 10th of October. .22 calibre pistol which the court Miss Schmidt will resume her made sure was not loaded and told testimony Tuesday.

She has yet to! the judges she would re-enact the tell her colorful story twice more shooting. rello. whom he sued for divorce here two weeks ago, lives at Union McKee said she showed the City, N.J. photographs to an Army officer in! in anrf nw vu, An Historical film depicting FIRE DESTROYS RARE MAGAZINES BERKELEY MATRON ROBBED OF $6270 Arraigned in Santa Fe. Thomp- Atomic fcnergy Apparatus century of California progrt-s son pleaded guilty to the Los Ala- WASHINGTON.

Oct. 9 7P) previewed here yesterday for mos thefts but denied taking any Atomic energy equipment no longer Igroup of Oakland Area business and i photos from he base here. Fapo- classed as secret is being sought by jcivic leaders. BFKELKV. Oct.

P. and 1 1 All ir-ijfis ntfcuina in Aiuuqueiqufi wh a numoer 01 jnrrijin gov sinmcnis. Reviewed in the film The Cah continued until next, ivionaay. ai- ine Atomic energy commission re- lowing him to fornia which will be distributed throughout the country engage counsel. Bonds ported today.

fixed at $10,000, The announcement said export 7.05 A stork rf thousands of rare magazines was destroyed as a one-stnry frame storehouse at 619 Santa Ray Avenue was leveled by flames of spontaneous origin last night. The outbreak was discovered by a passing motorist and was fought Kelt's Street Florr a mink roat valued at $6270 last night was reported stolen from the; home of Mrs. Edith M. Baroni. Pfl Colorado Avenue.

Mrs. Baroni tnld police she had Kvelter of rumors in- rules on the apparatus will be es- of both were Ignoring a eluding one the Sandia 1 published report that tablished within 30 days. As yet no ase is building huge foreign shipments have been made. for one hour by a rrew under direc-! plaVed her jewelry in a dresser! Dy Standard Oil Company, are historical, industrial, agricultural and educational highlight." of the first 100 years of California. Introductory remarks at the showing, held in the Athens Club, were made by Joseph R.

Knowland. chairman of the State Centennial Commission. caverns for atomic "war defense the; Some equipment is manufactured War Department has stated only by American companies under con-that the $10,000,000 installation is systems set up by the War De-principal field unit of its special partment's Manhattfn District, the weapons project. Spokesmen have agency that developed the atomic laid all construction and operations bomb. But much of it is on the re restricted data.

secret list for use by the govern- Three other ex-soldiers previously rnent only. tion of Battalion Chief Bernard drawer on Monday and discovered. Donley. He estimated damage at the theft when she returned homej $5000- ifrom work yesterday. She also re-! Much of the loss was in magazines, ported she had placed her coat in a many of which covered U.S.

eras closet on Monday. dating back to 1860. The collector. The value of the coat was placed' J. Moran, used them to trade and at S2800.

The missing jewel rv was! sell. He is a railway mail clerk listed as a gold watch set with dia-1 away on an easterr tup buying monds valued at $1200, a diamond! more magazines. ting valued at $2200, a yellow-gold Dooley said the fire broke out in necklace 300 years old valued afsoO a close packed storeroom area. and a pair of gold earrings. $20.

Rare Mineral Found GETTYSBURG, Oct. 9. u.fv Phyrophylite, a rare mineral heretofore found mostly in North Carolina, has been discovered near here. OIL COUNCIL SPURNS EXTENSION TO OFFER TIDELANDS AID PSYCHOLOGY CLASS HOADWAY. SAN PABLO, SIXTEENTH GL encourt 1-4321 Th University of California Ex WASHINGTON.

Oct. 9 (U.PV The National Petrolejum Council today rejected an Interior Department re- tension announced today class in! "General Psychology" will beein I nuest in help draft legislation for wajuana 1 Center, 1730 Franklin Street, government development and oper-; Thg QOUr js ppen tQ aU inter; stion of oil-rich tideianas. ested persons regardless of educa- Infenor tional background. First meetings Max Ball, head of the to the public without are open charge. Fall's two favorite handbag styles in OAKLAND'S OVLT LOCALLY OWNED LOCALLT CONTROLLED DAILY Established Tebruary 31.

U74 Suprcm- on Continental Sid tf San Francisco Bay Member American Newspaper Publisher Association Charter Member Audit Bureau mt Circulation Complete Associated Prew Service for Metropolitan Oak)an Full Uniteo Press 8ervic MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rhe Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the ue for republication of all the local news printed in thi? newspaper, as well is ill (fl new beautiful colored suedes Department's Oil and Gas Division, said the division considered the council'? help was "essential" to meet policy and practical problems of drafting such legislation. The council's decision was announced by Chairman Walter Halla-nan after a council meeting today. Tom C. Clark recently ruled that although the Supreme Court had awarded the Tederal Government ownership of the Cali- i fornia coastal lands, the govern- ment could not lease the lands un-j less Congress enacted a new law' governing such action. Hallanan said the council felt that it could not assume that the Federal Government "owns or should own these lands." He.

said the Supreme Court decision "is not final" since a motion for rehearing is pending. "Furthermore." Hallanan said, "there is wide support for a Federal policy recognizing and making state ownership fully effective." He said the council believes that jtate ownership "is in the public interest." The National Petroleum Council is made up of 83 leaders from the oil and gas industry and was set up to co-ordinate work between the Interior Department and the A r. I dispatcher. THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING PUBLISHERS I OS. R.

KNOWLAND. President. Pub lisher and Editor I OS. R. KMOWLAND Assistant Publisher.

vVILLlAM T. KNOWLAND. Assistant Publisher. BRUNO A. fORSTEHER, Secretary Treasurer and General Manager.

PUBUCATION OFFICE Tribune Building, corner Thirteenth and Franklin Streets. Phone TE mplebar 3-6000. Entered as second-elass matter rebruar 31, 1908. at the Postoffie at Oakland under Act of Congress. March K79 subscription rath 8 CARREER: Daily and Sunday fn Week One Month 1.50 One Year 11.00 Sunday Only Hire Months l.K Gas Users Warned i BY MAIL: NEW YORK.

Oct. 9. (U.B House-. Dally and Sunday holders were advised by Health MS Commissioner Israel Weinstein to One Month LS0 check their gas connections Yer 2'pieca possible leaks which might have 4k i One Month been overlooked during the summer one Year Sunday Only .5 1.S8 Published every evening and Sunday Mngie copies: Daily eouaon, ac: Sun day edition. 15c.

Bacfc numbers: Daily edition. 5c and up: Sunday edition. ISr when windows were kept open. He pointed out that small leakages might cause mild symptoms of gas poisoning such as headaches drowsiness and nausea. and up MT I fw HEME in sheer wool i Jules of California i I I i these tissue Right for winter, right for now wool suit-dresses that look as goodjunder your fur coat on a date as they do in the Office! Generously cut in the Fall's newest jines.

Your choice of rich, flattering shades! of royal, muted 'X rose, aqua, beige, navy ind black. 2-20. Black, brown, green, wine, grey, tan which ever your favorite ac- BAGS TO MATCH t2.n Accurate Adaptations of genuine alligator ensembles for your FaH Wardrobe Leaf Brown Green color is, you II love it in these two cessory Second Hoot kabn's gorgeous fall suede bags. Both zippered tops and handles, each as smart as can be! k.hi: i Hauabtigs, Street float it? HIGH AND CUBAN HEELS IN BOTH STYLES 1323 WASHINGTON IT. -iS.

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