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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 6

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE; KEW YORK TIMES. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17. ldlG. TIIX SAME OLD STORY A MAN tuifamlllar with mortgages and legal matters came Into possession of some money. He bought, apparently" from a chance acquaintance, fire mortgages, one utter the -other.

The mortgages were forged and the various owners of the property were ignorant, of them. Untfl his friend had succeeded In getting all the money the man cad, he' paid the Interest on the mortgages. When he saw there was no more money he left town and the fortfery discovered. All this happened In enlightened New York within the past six months. You ought never to Invest any money In mortgages without securing a policy of S.

title Insurance of our Company. It Is our business to discover such frauds or If we do not discover fhera to pay the loss. TiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST Capital 5.000.000 Surplus(aem) 1 1,000,000 IfSBwiv. m.t. 173 "rmse St-B'kJya.

FIGHTS TO SET FREE HER AGED HOSBAB Lewis C. Wan am kker Wrongfully Sent to Asylum, Young Wife Insets. HE MAKES PLEA Ilj COURT (stsrts Thatfe Was Thrown Into a Ceil and Bsatsn at King's Park. Supreme Court JuaUro Frederick E. rane in Brooklyn heard testimony yee- tarttay on tbe afpllcatlqn of Mrs.

Emm 3. Wiiumiktr nf tk Rnnth Tp1.mi avenue to have Ht adlde the order of vutisa Hormin H. Dike of the Cotrrrtv niiit rommiltlng her. husband. Lewis Wanamaker, 7a year old.

to the arn riai Hospital lor the ln- on Aug. 2. 1 41 r. Wanamaker vim committed by u.iii l.ike on affidavits made by Dr. Geoige Kiewster arid Dr.

Sylvester n. i-eny. mey aaal ne had made an attack on hi wife wiiv a milk bottle tana wit excitable, lira. Wanamaker Votalne.1 a. writ of lhabea" corpus last at unlay directing; tb offlclale of the nwpiiai to inoJuca hir husband In court lun ilia around that when rue signed the a-oniiiiuiiitiit papers an did not knn faint tny rr.rAiit and that aba waa dav Veived by llany K.

a lawyer, Ka to their true content. She allegee ji.ui n.r nusoanu la ease ana entitled to ei.ji irerm. Mia. Uanamaker about 30 year tier huaoand while and their ik aira. Wa rmfr-a kor wn ind waa hla first on July 20 aha 9ihei to consult a physician who had 4rvivuly attended her feuaband.

but lw miw she had forgotten. She r-rit to Murk a office at Court Street a g't the nam of the physician. While office art toiii htwrk about an attack In huxt.und had made upon hef with a milk lottl. She testified that Shirk adviaed her not to return to her Accordingly aha want to a board jiik noue latayette Avenue. Mrs.

Wanainaaer teatlfit-d that She Vfml times to the office of felili and that he took her to the Court Imatlc KelaUona for the purpose of ptocunnir a warrant for ber husband arrcat. At the court ahe was luforiiKsl that thcr would not issue warrant, but ahe waa directed to take her huxtand to the KlnKs County Ho pital. Whin the commitment papera -wore hanld to he- site said ahe algned them wUhMUt Later art ambU' lanrn rame to the houae and her hua- band was taken awar. On AUa. 2.

ao- to t-lurk'a office and found that her huvbund had been committed to the Ivlra-a t'arlt HoanltalJ Th witnrns said that when ahe heard thnt her husband had been sent to the aarluni ana remonstrate, witn bnira. and b-ame ao anrry that ahe atruck him. hhe then dlamlaaed ihlrk aa coun -1 and started a movement to iret Mr. Wanamaker bark home. Mrs.

Wan maker teetlfied that fchlrk made Insult-In suggestions to her. To prove that Mr. Wanamaker la of outul mind. Mr. Bchutte called several uine men who have had dealings with him fur periods extending- over tnany years.

All testified that they be-l'ev. hiry in be sane. Justice Crane tiien Ir. Arthur T. Urush a ootntmileo of one to examine Mr.

Wana maker aa to hla mental cacaclty to report to the court when the case la ronunw) this morning. The Justice in-aim 1 that the examination by the phy-W'Un he not held in the presence of lira. Wanamaker or the children. -At adjournment Justice Crane said he not think It necessary to "end Mr, Wanamaker back' to KJnir'a I'erk for the nlKhl. nl aaked If there waa not aome place where he could be kept tn town.

At thin point Mr. Wanamaker akd the Justice If he might ear a word. JuMhe Crane granted the request, nd Mr. Wanamaker walked to the bar, his arm. and with a wave of his pand aald I KVr Gxl'a Bake.

Judge, don't send me back Ktnr'a Park. They draBsed me Into a ell down there and I had to Tght for my V'- They knocked me down and kicked and called ma the Tlleat names possible;" Well, can aend yon to Kings Oun'y HoBpllal," replied the Court. Yur Honor, I would rather go to Ktnaj'a Tark than to aald Mr. Wanamaker. Thev abuaed rr.a down there, too.

I am afraid to go back." Mr. Wanamaker, aald Justice Crane, I have already aald that there has been nothing shown hera to make me believe you are not of sound mind. You are rulnlne; your own cast by this talk. Toil are apt to force me to change my It la not right to' talk of these inatltutlona In Mi The men In thee places will treat anybody right who treat them rlfht-" Tf you could see the marks on my body." persisted Mr. Wanamaker.

"you would know that I am right." Justice crane called the two keepera who brought Mr. Wanamaker from Vlna'a Park to the bar and Instructed them to take him to Kings County Hospital for the nlaht and to see that he waa mad oomfortaHe. CallotSisters ed to iavc mov Uo. 9 Batignon Psiis. France.

Telephone Elyare m'i'i. rne ftal Deaiae I'll h'Mrliis ttm In tunni. airs. Watmir-ak Harry II. hciiuus i urmii.

bh rani that HEW YORK SCHOOLS MAY OPEN SEPT. 25 Date Will Depend on When the Epidemic of Paralysis Is Overcome. 2 WEEKS' NOTICE PROMISED Another Drop In Number of Now Casts and the Dally Average It Still Dacreatlng. Beeerd of the IHseaa In the City. Deaths Tuea- Te-Borouch day terday Manhattan Breoklya ......14 14 Bronx 8 Queans Richmond Is'aw Cases Tuea- Tee- day terday Bl 4 74 4 IB It 30 29 6 4 Tetala IAS 1SS Total ef deaths te Total of eaaee te S.6S3 Another drop yesterday 1b the number of new caaea of infantile paralysis encouraged Health Commissioner Emerson and his associates to continue hoping that the epidemic was on the wane, especially in Brooklyn.

Richmond, and th Bronx. The new cases reported yea-terday were 133. the average for th three daya preceding, and a lower number than waa usual last week and the week beforo. The situation la better than It was two week ago." aald Dr. Emerson In commentlnir upon th day's report.

The Health Comrolaaloner and Will iam O. WlUec-X. President of th Board of Education, yesterday aarreed that the publlo achoola should not open until Sept. 25 or After, the exact day of the opening be announced not leas than two weeks In advance of th beginning of the aeeslon. Whatever day la fixed upon for the opening of the publlo achoola will bo observed by all of the parochial and private achoola ln-th city attended.

by children of lee than 1 years of It has been estimated that about 1,000.000 children, the city will be affected, and many oommtmltlea out side of New York ar also postponing the opening of their achoola. Baser Writes to Wllleox. Commissioner Emerson yesterday expressed his opinion la the matter of the schools in tho followlnf tetter to Mr. Wllleox: Hoe. William O.

Wtlloox. President Board of Education, tVOO fark Avenue. City. Mr iJear Sir: Judfina from present Inductions. It is the ronaenaus ot ot the Jtoard ef Health and the.

Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis of ths Department at Health that It will net be adrrt-aMe te oven the public schools of the city en Beul. 1L This opinion Is also ln-eersea ananlmaualy by the members of the Mayer's Advlaory Committee of Phytlclana It is quite ftnpoeeible, at this time, to forecast precisely the courao of the epl- d.mlo or to fix any definite date at which the schools may safely be opened. Unless there should be a -very marked and unexpected reduction la the Incidence of poliomyelitis durtnc the nett three weeks, the Department of Health will recommend that the open In of the public schools be postponed at least until Sapt. 2ft, and that the exact date be fixed later and announced to the public press not leas than two weeks In advance. Any recommendations of the Department of Health concerning the poet-ponement pf school opening UI apply only (e such schools and classes as are attended by children of 16 year or leea.

Neither the tralnin schools, which sdmlt only Students over sixteen, nor the training; schools for teachers need have their opening postponed after Heot. 11. Yixl may expert a more definite recom-. mendation on or about f-pt- 1. Very truly yours.

HAVEN KJIKR60N, Commlasloner. Srbeel Deard to Co-operate, Mr. Wllleox replied In part aa follow I am a lad to note that the Department ef Health will await further developments before making a definite recommendation, for there appeara te re no sufficient reason for the fixing of th exact date at this tune. Your suxiesttcm o( a. public an.

nouncement two weeks In advance of the date finally decided upon will fuTV meet the needs of th schools from aa admin. Istratlve standpoint. I hardly need saaure you that the De-partment ef Education wtll cheerfully, adopt whatever recommendations the De- Krtment ef Health may decide to make, th aa retards the data ot opening the schools end the precautions deemed advisable for avoiding any danjrer of infection. Awaiting mere definite recommendations which you promised on or abeut Sept. 1, 1 remain, Ao, The house-to-house vlaltlng began recently under the supervision of the Department of Health has resulted in the discovery, according; to- an announce ment mad yesterday at th department.

that a larre nart of the nubllo is atill Ignorant of the nature and mode of spread of infantile paralysis, aeepiie me extensive educational campaian con' AtiftA Viv'tha denartment through cir- culara. cartoons, word of mouth, and the newspaper since th beginning of the epidemic. 'JfeW Waralas; Pablle. Dr. Charlea P.

Bolduan, Director of the departmenf Bureau of rvbllff Health EducaUotw aald yesterday that newspapers were th best mean of reaching- the people in a matter of this kind, and therefore prepared for publication tho following paragraph of advice to parents: The germ of Infantile paralysis Is present tn dischargee from the nuse, throat, and bowels of those W. with Infantile paralysis, even In the cases that do not go on to paralysis. It may also be present In the itoee and throat of healthy children from the same faintly. Do not let your children plav with children who have just ben sink or who have or recently have had colds, lummer complaint, Aa Tut this reason children frnm a family In which there- Is a caee ef Infantile paralysis are forbidden to leave tbelr home. If you hear ef their doing eo, report it at once to the Department of Health.

Mrs. Mary Takon of 102 Washington Street was yesterday fined ft in the Jefferson Market Court for violating quarantine regulations. Her 1-year-old Child waa removed to tho Willard Parker Hospital on Monday auircnng from TxillomvelltlB. and ahe waa told to keep her 6-year-old aon In her home for two weeka. She twice disobeyed the instructions and waa arrested.

Deputy Health commissioner tuning wroto yesterday to Dr. Thomas Riley. Chairman of tho After-Care Committee announcing an oner tmai. eiae House Settlement, ot a sanitarium at Stephney, for the after-care of recovered poliomyelitis patients. Th letter read aa followa: 1 forward herewith a most aenerous offer of the East Hide House Hettlement ef 8ev enty-alxth Street and East Kiver, through Vtias M.

De O. Trenholm. headworker, of fifty beds in Its country sanitarium at Stephney, hear Bridgeport. Conn. The property eonalate ef thirty aeres.ewlrb ample housing facilities.

The settlement will -provide nurses, medical care, braces tn faet. everything the children need. Their only wish is that children for Worhei Short silk, gloves, 50c to $1.25 Long silk gloves, $1.00 to $2.00 Natural chamois -folf gloves, For Men Silk gloves, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 MARK GROSS World's Greatest Leather Btoree 404 Fifth Avesue 363 Broadway Boston 143 Tremont Street a Londoa ga Ragant Street from the Torkvllle district "of Manhattan, tetween East Firtynlnth Street and East Ninety-ninth Street, snail be given the preference. I have anked Mle Trenholm to Uke the -matter up directly with you. Tweaty-two Children.

Recover. Twenty-two. children were disc har red from hospitaia yesterday as recovered from acute pollomyelltla. Five volunteers who had had the dls. ease gave tnlrty-elx ounces of blood vesterday at tho "Willard Parker Hoa pltal.

Harold H. FaUck. 88 years oM. ot Rockaway Beach, on of the Volun teers, told Dr. Abraham Zlna-her.

who drew tho blood, that his own child was stricken during tho present epidemic, but was on the road to recovery. He wanted to help aome other-child. If ho could, ho aald. A report circulated yesterday to the effect that the Rockefeller Institute had obtained corner on the supply- of mcskeya, and had more than -a sufficient Timber of the animals for experimentation, while the heada of other laboratories were attempting in vain to obtain a few for' their own work, waa emphatically denied at the Institute. it was officially stated for the Insti tute that the number of monkeya there waa not sufficient for the immediate needs of the lnstitute'a research work-era and that, if a sumlus existed.

Dr. Simon Flexner, the director, would gladly share it with other laboratories. Officials of th Department of Health agreed that all research workers in the city, including those of-the Rockefeller Inatitut and tho United States Publlo Health Service, were by lack of monkeys. Th Publlo Health. Service, It was said, had, a few of the animals in.

Washing ton ano noped to receive a shipment aoon. Tho Rockefeller Institute wlU re ceive next week, and 600 more will arrive for general distribution In the next three weeks. according to report. The shortage la due to th act that most -of the monkeys used In reaearch worn come irom Oriental countrlee affected bv the war. Also, ahlntoents of monkeys from the Phlllpplnea were suspended for months because of a quarantine aalnat animals Worsx Paralysis xtpldesale.

According; to records at th Depart ment of Health the present edtpemio Of poUmyelltls la, by far. th largest that ver has occurred. la. New York City. In 1007, ther was an epidemlo of 3.50U oases; In Sweden.

In 1006, ef 868 caaea; In Buffalo, in 1912, on of W0 case, and. in Rutland. Vt, in 188 on of 26 caaea. These ar the 1 arrest epidemics recorded before this year in New York. where th number of cases has already reached 0.663.

Theso caaea have been distributed in th five boroughs as fol lows: xirooaiyn, Manhattan, 1.4U2; Queens, Iwj; Bronx. SIS, and Rich mond. JXA. Dr. Robert Abrahama.

President ot the Manhattan State Hospital for tho insane, on vt ara a laiana, yesterday that, because of a case of poliomyelitis which oourrod recently in an orderly of the hospital, the Board of Managers had placed the Institution under quarantine. No -visitor will be permitted until further notice. exoeDt the adult relatives of Inmates believed to bo dying. Charlea E. Banks.

C. H. Uxvln-der, and Wade A. Krost of th United States Public Health Service, went to Washington yesterday to attend the In terstate conlerenco on pollomyelltla to begin ther today. NEW CASES AND DEATHS.

II, nil Names and Addresses of tho Latest Victims of Th following names and addresses of new cases of infantile paralysis and of death wer mad publlo yesterday by th Department of Health: NEW CASES MANHATTAN. John Rich. S3 Jefferson St. W. Wolf man, 318 Madison St.

Arthur Zoaellano, 8U3 Uleecker St. Margaret Voran, 58 Perry 8t. C. Galntdno, 15 Thompson SU Kate Walsh. VI Barrow Bt.

Tony Uermlno, 0b Bulllvaa St. -C. Tsrtnelll. 38 Bedrord St, -Gerald Donovan. 88 Morton St.

Helen Ebren. VS ltd Av. -Vera EaeenbiTX. 9 i T. Chlrkota.

3lT E. trth bU Prank gchlmana, 420 6th St. Tony Aurtenno, 420 8th BU -J 229 8Wk 8L -Themas Fell 808 Sd-Av; t-ir fhsrli Kell," 427 E. M1 Bt -'v. Ester Ramon, fxs) East 8 let Bt' William nchwarti.

J.rt.'S Avenue W. ringer, West Bt. Btlxabeth Donne. 844 Weet TSd St William Cook, 40 West 4Sth Et John Ochsner. 617 Wtri l.Unh Bt Michael Kealne, I4A Weet Knd Av.

EL Mosher. 1TH Wrat f8th Bt. 1. Rubin. 90O West Toth Bt, Franrla Conroy.

311 West lffTth St Dorothy fllnhop, Av. Margatet Btrauaa, 113 Eaat 105th Bt faullrie K'ltia, J5J hlt Bt 1 William UollMlne, 112 West 1 11th Bt Joeeihlr. Deer, 174 Bt. Nicholas Av. --Vartlch Steward.

381 Weet 114th Bt Minnie Zleve, 113 East 100th St John Foley. 2.T0 2d Av. Joaeph Zlara, US3 Eaat lOVh Bt. Mary Axollone. S8I Wt 123d Ht.

Domely Cricluow, 13 Weet 137th Bt O. Uolowlaky. 1.733 1st Av. Henry Bpethman. 2 Kant 127th Bt Joseph Blolello 24T West 144th Bt M.

Leonl, 324 aat lOTth St. Dorothy Waarner. 2.00.t Sd Av. i 8. Rubin.

278 West lltth Bt DEATHS Ralph St Nicholas At. John Morrlssay, 683 Gates Breoklya. (Nose, Throat, and Lunr Hospital.) William A. Cook. 60 W.

45th Bt-; Peter Reptile. 643 Weet tth Bt E. Kachlmoneky, Si Catharine St' Nettie Haipertae, 8i lOOth Bt fWlllard Parker Heepital.) Victoria Male. 13B Varlok Bt H. Karichaws, Willard Parker Hospital No NEW CASES BRCrjrX.

Anna Heientck. 621 E. 157th St Ruth Egen. 810 B. 135th Leonard Thlcht 1.040 iiryant Av.

George Connents. Oil E. 176UI Bt V. O. Dalllar.

1.804 Lacombe Av. I. Borland, Bryant Av. John Daly. 1.253 Union Av.

Beatrloe BUero, 884 E. If3d St John Downs. T1S Burke St Nathan Bhemson, 1.826 Franklin Av, Lewis. 2.323 Andrews Av. DEATHS BRONX.

Marcaret Lyona. 1.083 Clinton Av. Arthur Hlrwhel. B53 fflmiwoa Bt Elisabeth Duuehty, 214 West l4th St, Fred Cohen, 758 Fox Mt Tonr Viola. 1.064 Wilionrhbr At- Brook.

fyn (died Riverside Hoepttal.) Hsrold Waka 604 East 138th Bt. Mld linooln Hospital.) NEW CASES BR0OKL.TN. rathertn Campion, 42 Talman 8t Thoa. Donovan 246 Bteuben Bt Harry Nolan. 105 Eoutn Klilott PU Roae Frank, ITS Band Bt.

Anita Goodman, 831 President Bt William Joseph White. 105 St Marks PU Anthony Kuril, 201 Nary 8t Rrslna Ouinn. 21 Adernhl Bt Kmlly Jensen. 133 Fifty-seventh St. ,11 riiyitTlt St.

Badle O'Teile. 8.221 Third Av. Nathan Tteyk. 'Ml Kerry Bt Jeaele Tteinian, 184 Freeman Bt Arthur Perviu. 04 Humboldt Bt.

Mil lie Gennder. 133 Meeerole 8t Helen Bokolopaky, 228 Withers 8t. Rnee Bchnltser. 2 Bouth First Bt Thomas J. Armetrona.

87 South Third Bt Ft he I Keeeler. 2'i Bouth 4th 8t Bol Cohen. Belmont Av. vGenevleve Rodaeo. care McCabe.

650, Cres cent Bt John Rohr, 24 Glenmore Av. Leonard Hodden, 140 Glenn St Louie Kluatnan, 084 Glenmore Av. Max Rsplan 77 Grafton Bt. Frank Daahmar, 084 Hendrix St 1. 1 Willys.

Overland Inc. 1826-1828 Broadway, New York 338 Flatbosji Brooklyn I 35-37 Halaoy St, Newark SERVICE STATIONS JOtA St. aae Ccrsra Aaew Brtnx. Iaioa SL. BtYIj, mmi 243- 245 Cntrd Am, Stmmh Bamuel Rome, 280 Powell Bt Morris Epstein.

640 Powell Bt. Vincent Dursnd. 333 Rldgewood Av. Henry Welaberg. 844 fittme A v.

Wliliam Moeeowlta, 42S WaUlns St Catherine Corso. 1.004 Wllloughby Av. GarftnkeL 1.841 Sterling Place. Loula Rosa. 243 Trout man Bt Raymond Hunt 27 St Nicholas Av.

Kenneth Boyd, 73 Lincoln Plac. Arthur Petry. 604 Hamburg Av. Pa rat (no Mara no, 43 Hambarg A v. Marie Walton.

L441 Fulton Bt. Henry BcrappeU. 128 Floyd BU Geors Thomaa, 75 Cooper St Eleanors Cohn. 414 Avenue N. Mary Wandmacher.

1.280 New York Av, John Hewitt 476 East 8th Bt Baby AateU. 80 Eaat 2Sd St Ixay fohn. S.70S 12th Av, -a DEATHS BROOKLYN. Anna White. 328 Rodney St Thomas Connery, ST Bouth Sd St Lily Oruntfeet.

S3 Alabama Av. Ed Muldare. 254 Bcholes Bt John Hewitt 476 Eaat 8th Bt Hanaes. 133 Bcboiee Bt Bam Ginsberg. S3 New Lota Road.

Robert Oormley. SO Vanderbllt. Av. Dorothy Hymen. 201 Beige! Bt Bldney Kats, ISO Bouth id Bt Margaret la Combe, 481 60th St Fannie Wabnlck, 368 Elton St Max Thurn.

S.S7 West 23d St l- CA3E3-QCEENS. Helen Zimmerman. 600 Broadwsr. Astoria. Catharine Bursa, 821 Harold L.

City. Catharine Welsh. 14 Weens Bt, L. I. City.

Mary Cor lata. 23 Sherman Aateris, Florence Gardiner. 14 Purris St, City. Angelina de Deelia. 107 Jackaoa L.

City. Mary Born Is. LS2S Blsseker St. Bldge- wood. William Becker.

SOS Fresh Pond Bead. Rldsewood. Waltsr Hartmas, 1,809 Staahepe Bt, Rldgw wood. Janette Ptelffer, T16 Starr St. Ridreweed.

carl nansr. cooper oiendaie. Olga Flaher, SM Cooper Glendaia 'Ella Ahaaixi. 6 Beckett Corona, Mary Boa Martin. 41 Monroe St.

flash tag. Henry Roth. 218 13th St. Cellece Petirt Reslnald Klus. 2d near ProDbsroa Av Bar Me.

Henrr Pnlletreaua. Btata near Merrick Road. Jamaica. Frank Lucerlrt 138 Reraesa St. Cedar Manor.

Helen Mtrlitacher. 4 783 Liberty Mar- rie Park. Mildred WeatcalL 4 438 Brandos Woodhavea. John Schullalo, 8.80S Fulton St, Cnlon Course. Corneltue and fleorae lwlee.

DejnelasB Piece. Jamaica. 'MaHorv Proctor. Merrtck Raawd asA BnrtBC. field Bprlnf field.

-Maraaret and Joha Baxter. Cortlaad Leuralten. Almo Fensterslock. OS Storm Arverae. Bam Grayson, SO Beach 45th St.

Edge. mere. DEATHS QUEENS. Wallace CuerVa. 237 TJhloa Hall St, Jamaica.

Queenaborew Mar-. Paster. Cortlaad Lavreiten. Arden Waldman. 84 B.

Park Av Arverae. Fordmaa Knell. 343 Dill Place, Oiendaie. Margt. Anderson.

Harrison Shorevlew Park. Jamaica. ICEVr CASES RICHMOND. Josephine Zlmmer, 843 Vaa Dons Bt, May D. Ryaa.

128 Cheetnet Resibeak. 1 Edith Adamo. Reff Uononrd. Beverly. Egbert A New Deep.

M. Xutichaws. mentioned In the Manhattan death list and described as having no horn." waa a man 27 year old who waa found 111 at Grand Street and the Bowery two days ago. He waa removed to the Willard Parker Hospital, where he died within alx houra. An autopsy showed that pollomyelltla had caused death.

U' On Aug. a case was listed at I.MS Third Avenue. Manhattan. The number should hav been 1.7dS. SUSPENDS LAW FOR NURSES.

Secretary McAdoo Grants a Dispcn sation for Ten from Canada. Health Commissioner Xmerson yestsr- dsy received a telegram from Secretary of tho Treasury William O. McAdoo saytnr that th clause In th contract labor law which prohibited ten. Canadian nurses from entering; this country ajid proceeding; to New York for poliomyelitis work had been suspended to let the nurses through. Th Department of encaged th nurses, but when they Hon treat last" week tkey wr slopped by agents of the Bureau Immigration.

Who that, because they wer Imntl grants -under contract to work in this country they could not legally enter, Pr. Emerson, upon hearing this. Imme diately telegraphed to th Secretarls Of the Treasury, Com mere, and State, asking that a special dispensation be made. Aa the Bureau of Immigration la In the Treasury Department. Secretary McAdoo has final say in the matter.

His telegram yesterday removed th last oDHtacie to the entrance of the nurse. They wer notified by wlr and. It wag said, prepared to start for thla city at one. The Secretary' art. according tn Information received by th Department 01 ucaun.

ronstituieo tn nrst suspen aion.of the contract labor law tor sev eral years. SCHOOL. OPEMNQS DEFERRED. Four Jersey Cities Take Such Ac ti'on 80 New Cases in State. Tho New Jersey Stat Department Health at Trenton yaaterday announced that ther wer eighty new cases ot Infantile paralyala In th Slat, making th total 1.703.

Reports coming directlyi from towns in th Stat In creased this number. According to all sources, the case wer distributed as follows: Newark, 32; Orange, Jersey City. 4j South Orange township, Montclalr. Harrison, Hackanaack. Rutherford, Camden, West Orange.

Trenton. High land Park, AUantio City, and Ban wood township, two each; Edgewater Bor ougfa, Ntptuna City, Merchantvlll. Pn. sauken townahlp, Lawrence township. (Cumberland County.) Belleville, North Bergen township.

Union Hill. Perth Am boy, Peterson, Pompton townahlp, Salem. Brtdgewater townahlp. Princeton Borough, and Rahway. one each.

Dr. Calvin N. Kendall. New Jersey Htate commissioner 01 koucauon. yee terday sent to all local school boards In tho 8tat a request that ther co -operate with their municipal health au- Uiorltiea to prevent roe spread or poliomyelitis by postponing th opening of school If the health authorities recommend It.

The delayed opening ot any school. Dr. Kendall said, would not cause it to looe any Stat aid. Health and education officials In con ference In Hoboken yesterday voted keen th schools closed until Oct. at least, and until Nov.

1 if conditions warranted. Th authorities of Kllsa-beth Cranford and Garwood yesterday announced that the public schools would not be opened until Oct X. The New Jersey 6 tat Board of Health again directed local health boards yesterday not to chars fee for the certificates required under the nw State quarantine regulation, yesterday waa the second day on which th regulation were in eweei. ana. accord Ins: to report, their enforcement waa more general, and cauaed lea difficulty than on the first day.

The committee appointed by Mayor Raymond of Newark to provide) after car tor children recovered front 1 pollomyelltla yesterday sent out a gen-' vtbi aiiinai tor neip in in reuini vi 1 una I or ine purcnase 01 oracea. io children of Bernarosville It waa announced, hav collected fl.2 for this purpose and hope to raise S3.UA in all. one mil girl and three boys or Elizabeth, who recovered from Infantile paralyaia in Usa. yesterday gav I blood from which serum was to be x- traded lor th treatment of thaxies 1 Scott. year old.

Marion Hlnek. ten-year-old daughter! EL.k I Mayo; of 'th. town, died 'from oaralyala veeterdav at Pom ton. Tea new case of Infantile paralysis were reported yesterday In Nassau County, distributed as followa: three In Roalyn Heights, two In Hempstead village, and on each In Old Woatbury. West bury.

Great Neck, Qlea Co and Lynnbrook. The Bouth Bay House Cottage, ad-Jolnlna: the South Bay Hotel, at Blue Point, Long Island, waa put under quarantine yesterday, and persons living In the hotel, where ther war from sixty to seventy children, became alarmed. lr. w'llllam H. Roe, the Health Offloer.

refused to say why he had quarantined th house, tn which Edna, tho eleven-year-old daughter of George If. Lighthoy. of 2J Kaat Bev-enteenth Street Brooklyn. I 111. Ther waa on report yesterday that tho gtrl had the meaalta.

and another that ahe had infantile paralysis. Thirty guests moved out of th cottage- aa soon as It was quarantineel. Five new case or mianuie paralysis and three death war reported yesterday in Suffolk County. Throe ot th new caaea wer In lallp Town and the othera in Patchogu village. Th death wer at Ocean Beach, iuvarhaad.

and Patchogu. At East Hampton th Board or tieaita haa forbidden all children of lee than sixteen years of ag to leava or enter Uie vuiage. Ther were four new case- of In fantile paralysis la Took era yesterday, and. because ot th epidemic, the annual carnival of the Yonker Merchants' As sociation, set for Sept. waa Indefinitely postponed.

50 MORE VICTIMS IN THE STATE Three Deaths Reported Oatalde of New York City. ALB ANT. N. -Aug. 14.

Tb epi demlo ef Infantile Va-ralyaia eontiaued apparently unchecked en Long Island and up Stat today, fifty additional cases and thro deaths outside New York Ctty being reported to tho State Liepartmwnt wf ileal in during in tweev- ty-four hour ended at ft o'clock thla afternoon. The department has re ceived reports of l.LU case and 1M dtath up to tonight. Tn fatalities) today occurred at Antwerp. Highland at id Campbell. Tho re-porte of new caaea wer received aa follow: Highland and Oyster Bay.

ft each; Poughkeepsl and LynbYoo. each; Rockvllle Centre. Campbell. Hesna-atead. Blue point and Kulton.

2 oach. and one ea from Old Arlington. Antwerp, PeekskilL Ueneva. VTeeport. her.

rill. Plnebush. Livingston Manor, Hur- leyvllle. Locust Vaiey, Fprtng Valley, tL.kk tl.J. ra.h lik.r i1.iailil.

ville. Kennedy, Pulaski, Patrhogua. Babylon. Tarrytowa and t-raryviua. $iS34 MORE FOR CRIPPLES.

Department of Health Fmnd for Braces Now 9l'3 Th Department of Health yesterday announced th receipt of SSU la coatrt- butlnoa la tha IIB.OOO fut for brace. which mad tha total so far received SS.S43.79. Yesterday's contributors were Mr a Robert 11. Turle. I3n0: Bemhard Mayer.

William O. Hillcoa. kred erica otrauaa and Iborah Llsto, Kw each; P. M. K.

and party. H3: Mra Harry A. Ruach, Jacob L- Alberts. Flora W. Burghetmor.

J. IL Lamport. Percy Ik Outterman. Mrs. Bydney i.

Itermaa Mn, Aioerx laraeu ana iMum Frances HechL ai each Wise) IL Gold stein and Mr. L. Ooldstela. fJu: Lmily II. Oark, Id win U.

Blake, 10; Vf. M. Angus Raphael. fJ; through New York Ulotio. 44 A.

Sv. Wlllmann. S3, and Miuon Kaplan. sL. Additional contrlbutlona amounting to tthLTU wer received yesterday by Tva New York Tlsiss for toys and braces for victims of pollomyelltla Tes will make th fund total ra.i--.

Amona thes- who contributed waa a woman who had Vnet her own child from the disease. Hhe sent ber chock for $30 with tho following: Vteaae add thla mo-laat contribution te the fund for braces far ths rrlprle4 can-drea who were perhave mere fortuaate teas mine. Fleass Co nut mention or smb. Iiah the name sa the chek. but ee simply.

"Aa Kaster Flower "for loot Is what i have lost, K. B. a little girl, sent 12 with this note: Enclosed find fX for tbe poor little rhll. dren recovering from lafaaUle paralteia, I waa saving It to get aoea stasasa. se I hav a col lectio, but waen 1 read a boat children any age.

still all day aad perhape to never a rain be able eta la eAiidrwa'e sports. I thought Bay stasnps eeald wall fee a few montha. I hope to seiwt aoen more seat snonth. Please wae It ae yen 4hlak best, either for fund or th ether. Th con'xlbutlona received were: Bernard Reich, j0; "An Kaster Plow-er." L- A.

and A. P. i each; Children of The ilrxkim, Pratt s-ville, N. 1T; fit: Sylvia M. Rleber.

Maraerie K. Roth. Constance May Roth. I'hU and Hope Wilson, Dr. and Mrs.

Lether C. ITlrlch. In Pennlexr from the Hoya and Glrla ot Calvary Rut scope I Church Vacation Bchools. and A Thankful $10 eacn: Bell Crook. Aim Goldman.

Yi: Irman Goldman. 7. collected by selling pin-wheels, td V) of the Antler. Haines Falls. N.

Peace Club of Belle Harbor. N. tJ.M; Aunt Frsods and Major le. M. Francis Allaire, and Frankel lapis Fixture Company, each; Bobble and e-ands.

13: Mrs. AC Richardson, H. artln Pocnger and B. each; Porta ft. and A friend, fl each.

PARALYSIS KILLS CO.VIPOSER. Ernest Austin. Son of Artist Tamer's Executor, Dieg Here. Erneat Collier Austin, 7 years old. known aa Ernest Vaa Ver Dyne, and on of Albert Austin of Hove.

Buaati County. England, who was executor ef th estate of the late famous painter, tVllllam Turner, died of Infantile petrel. rats on Tuesday at Mint urn Hoopital, fan teen th Street and Eaat River. Auatln had been in thla country a boat a year and lived at IS Weet Ninety-fourth Street. He waa a composer ef music.

wag taken ill on a train last Wed need ay while on the way to the home ot Mr. and Mrs, t'harlea It. ful lam at Oardea City. L. I.

Lodlam called a phyalclan. who diagnosed too. rare will Kan i today. DotirerCe case aa pol'myelitla 1 e1 the new andela a 1.1 Vm saade at oro. Austin tied written several popular cb mooe'.

has enter the in, songs, one of which was suns at post, all th old rare Kav. Winter Oarden last ir. lie wrote the ben sold brfure th new oewa were music for a show which was produced brought out. a When you telephone, let him hear the smile in your voice. He can't see the smile on your face.

NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. a at Ing IVark a few weeks age 1 Clothes." for which )e wrr-te the sic. was produced at Atlantic City AUa- SCIENTISTS ASSEMBLING. rnysicisns Arms si Yvagninrrtoa NtlonaI Paralysis Con fere vrABHfvnTnv 1 ncc offl- 1 oau re ara as on ot tn most import' ant medical conference In th coun irr-l hUtory wlU mewt her loeaorrow Mn nb.Ur, Inf.ntli paralysis Health authorities from thirty-eight States, officiate of tho r4rJ PeWU Health Servlt a ad many leading scien-lists will exchange rWwa on snethoda of treatmeae and preveeitloa. aad wtll work out a more definite ecKeme of coordinating tneir canitga againat tbe disease.

Rpresentallew ef various railroad also wtU prvsenl for consultation on the ejuMtioa of checking further territorial epread In hi rail for Ue conference. Issued Aug. Kurgewn Ueneral Llue aaaed each State to send oaw rerreetn'stire. Fourteen Secretaries cf State Health Boar da ar among thoaw ka hav ew designated to attend, wail twewty-faar other Mate hav designated Chief Health Officers. Health Coiamlaaaooeta or other officials.

In the abeene ef th Murgeoa Oetveral. who still Hot Sprlag. Acting Surgeon Oeneral A. IL Wleaaaa wui open th eonferenea. hri9.rr Mr A doe will make aa addreet aad thaw rens on the prevalence th dlaewe laj 1 We various Statea will bo heard before discussion of research problems, aranptoeaa.

and anetheda of euro are taken aa. AmonsT thoa hw kaa tmiai im'vi for the meeting ar eminent ecseatista, bactanoloalata eurgeone er eeaoera in past catnpais'ae aastnal various epidemic. 1 parts wf lMTg espenewr In encnntllrg tnfanUJe Vr-alysie ar IncltMled. lr. Uege ei-ar of the New Yoek tleajtb Hoard and aa Infantile paralyeui aatbMlr.

km the rep- rrotn tnst ritate. ir John i. Tultow. UarrUad rezweoeeitaXJi e. te a former BWretary end lireetoe ef the international oeigreae or tlygieae, it O.

St. lieir I irsna. rtecreiary the Illlnola Health Wir 1. and Ii.ikm, delegate, has a wide repataUoa la demte eontrol. Oregon detegw IT.

N. rteberg. Stat Health Officer, celebrated far week In fighting; Asiatic chelera. Dr C. i.

Wllliama. Vlrgtai lleaith Cem-m I eel oner, 1 widely known (or acteaune health re)uvnatiHi week. far ft. Tattle, Washington Stat repreeeatativa. Eaioed rrwmlnanro for his week In cosa a tins Rocky Mows' alw spo4te4 fever Juaetj of the cwafeeenco wt.l r.4V cal mi the Lehlth Val-1'V.

KrU, Baltlmnre A Ohio. Ueetern lrylard. Nerfntk A Western, Line. I'eetnsyb-aala. Iwlasr.

I-arxawanna Weetera ai fhlo. New Tork (ewrrVl New Here, Central of New Jersey. IteaNnard Air Une. fMl Soutirw railroads. Ta Penman ompaav win rfri e-r fr.

Thomaa ft. row ter. aa atitaonty on th subject of railroad rar ventilation. Olaeaa Spreads In Ptnasylvanla. PHILADELPHIA.

Aug. th mm pa rati eel ck4 weeihee which has preailed her for ttealy a week, today's report of Ir.faatde arJ)si reea broke all reeorda for tho eptdeoUo. (etn'T-oM now ease es4 Htflt deaths bolivar reported th health a it bom ties. IT.gM new ease of the d'seaeo were reMri4 In tbe Htate out aid of Philadelphia, veral frwen now contr ef Infeeitoei. Aaaouweo.

ment was made etM thai a rho-loglcsd laboratory for the tedr of Infantile r-aralvsie wwu'a bo Maaiiwi tho Jew-lah HoetStal In this city, aa I 'he gift of Jul. a Mast be am. a Idrevtor of the hoe pital. 13 New Cates In Maaachtta BOSTON. Aag.

1-Tr total wamaor of case of tnfsntll porsiyst In the Plate waa Increased IrtT today, thirteen new case being reported to lb Htste Jioard of Heeuta. tm of thoo was at North Adams, another at Adams, and two In Hoe ton. Wire Cs. Official Dies of Paralysis. WORCESTER.

Acg. 14 o. S3 years aid, assistant traffic manager for tho American Steel and Wlr Company, died today from Infant. 1 paralysis at his born on Winter Htret. Ho waa stricken Friday Thla I the first death ainwng the thirteen caaea la orrealar.

Married Woman Dead1 ef Paralysis. UREENSROBO. N. C. Aag lA-Mra C.

P. Chaptn. 54. dlol of Infantile paralyse ber today after an lllneoe of lee tha a f-ertr-elrtit hour. She was a aa.

live of lhiia1lila and rocoatly returned to her hm her after a visit to New York and New Jersey points. LAMB D1DNT TIP ENGLAND. Custom House Msn Net fttspengtble for Rubber fteigure. British agent a anl not Ooorg p. lamh, bead of tho Custom Houae frailty aouad.

were reaponalhCa for the Bnlleh Admiralty kaitlag the Ner- wegUa liner L.yngeaf)ord last April and taking from ber a meiaisnsaent of rub. ber. secreted la sac as of coffee The rubber. It aa alleaied. waa doetlnod fee Germany.

The British authorities notified Mr 1-anb that the mb-wr as 00 board while th ship lay la port here, bvt both he and they faLd U. f.nd U. Then la areola caMod to Loaloa. Jtoger H. Wood.

Asaiataat failed R'ite District Attorney, who recer.tly gave details of the oc-urreeo to Taa Tiaas, was nlswndereloo4 to ssy that Lamb was far hail the vessel, and George Oyiveoter Vterwk who wdlta Th Fat her fee Oerwtae. promptly protested gWcrelary of IA treasury McAdoo. NBV FORD CAR ON VIEW. Only Feature ef the 01. Hod Re mslnlna Is the Brass Radiator Cap.

Th Tret now For 4 tomobi. with remodeled hood, radiator aad fender to conform te th stream -llre style, ef cat bod lea. appearad on AwtosnaUlo Row yesterday afternoon. TK new rar at a ruraey gtanre) has eliaht rasnily ro-sonit4anc to Its wjuaro-Jawwd eldr brother. Te feature of tSe radiator and l-ood thai hae awrnved th chanaaa la the bras radiate cay Tho new hood ts two loch hieher s4 thre loafer than tto former wna.

Th weelbe rente ine tse some Tho first rar of I now try-e rdaced no t. v. ibayeri 2VX DENY LITHUANIAN NEGLECT. Palish Victims Relief leevea Statement ThraH W. O.

CoeahL TVs Peta VWeiaae IteCief Fweal New Teefc. ef wbara lrwero Padeeeoeai la th fiwMer. u'i'mi 11 asade by the Hrv I Vtsea I a and It. aaieaeeta In Ikoer eWor-rtrexeaa. prlated la Uot S.saays Tt" Sa.

war reavflUor. as ley v4 tkea to Lstbaaaka. W. Oorekt. Itsaseary Sarratry of the fssid.

has atrw Ua I tketr atalsvaeat taat. ww ley vtaJI e4 th Pwew la Svsans. k-e gawa aer.ertse4 at tho Cstreoe taoy ywweo4 i aaaavg UtlnaaUia. "bwaw 4 bee a geexrwiiy anker it ui lai sort oaf the rwatrlsetvaeve roues far tho pwiea I tZThaaaCa Pet lao rtea os given oaa c4 fee- tsai pwr- TMs etateenewt kWetetetr tsr0. as 1 a Ui.

tlersei rSeHf aa awdU of IWetr kanik, IW Oi neeal Pavi I1-- CoaaecMloe el ewt a roeewt wa. ae eel ae ca tao other Tea rW foeaaxttowe ta Aaa.r lea, teeaertac a atrvrt aceaowat aa aweer ri1d a If: (beer, Thla resort has aeeei pk.l4aiWM tn uii Mi la tats oteT shows lal Uteeea a of Jan. IS-, Jaa. ki kesaj eeea I loeo iwiete.4 e-r 1 1 in i-tii. i-etaa-e fee tKe nlwf 94 la.

war. etrtcaaw Uikaaaaa -t Im -rtJ IUtrt of saeetar a a eoawa4a4 to tho I ta 'e on the isfs a AJ Oct. a. Lw. 1U l.

aag Jaa, A. de-iM fvrtVee et of mowoy te Litkaoa-a lae iaaeet t4x atnra lit the eaaoe ef worewewy we Wear ewtrhaa so tk.e taat IM iaerj Pii roensatlteo ef kee anai.tey ao a ae to ra, rreol or natial ly In to ke tnawtlon of He fa4s to a 1 mi, ew-oeata of the aikckewt hlnraoea vo snore we 10 etal thai Poaea. Ivttttanlana. RatkeMaaa Jaw a. tatho-le.

aa lroeetaats oMain oewry aaO-aa4e aailauate eo. that rt la e-e-msaiaaled against. Cenfreaeme Will Tsar HsrW. Th New York OiasrWr Tn -kasnai anflinrvl ywetorday fXat So towr of the kerWr by th of IL Ursa River nd Hast- Cevwejtiee wwU4 made today aad lswrs. koeteod neaf lfrMey ai4 Twolii.

aa tko mrMm wteh to a la Mkut the flret naat weh Tho pr ei: In 1st. the Ifweadeots of it. Vlereaaa Aaara, Vew J'y To mi Trwroei. ed o-r Meywr but. Oaaiew4 lefleea.

wIm Le f-Lasrwa of is. and Tennal Zt of loa aad Americans at War Few realize that Anencani axe at wai winning glory on field and in air. in France. All about them, with rjperb pictures, in MID-WEEK for August 17. WHERE THE ITALIANS WON A big f.sture ri like MID-XTIX AvT 17 tvo rf tif-wv TrS map Lraf aarttfaj riVwaeral Inrwt-tiort ci fJat LoniU Rrporx.

wftfti Hmul.u mm tf lit aW (Wrrj fie way. A Free wttMr. DES0LAT10X OF VrrcJun rs Urra lW peir tcmJl ta lie srtrl moat famous tatLU tn JLetorv. gruj mJ a a Vut. slaa.

how cVexaUu! Twsi CemcLuan cs tSe City MODEM SOLDIERS WVOmUR AS XOSSTEKS TVsr Cat Mail I wfJi aS lix lZ arra r-o-lg vl them vcnuUe rnraratrrs. bkimua. Wami Ca'ifia fVur ahcmine la tn itrlmf tnsnrsry lha wrtk VSDER WE CERMAS HEEL IS LELCIM A fu3 pare tkartur lj Lurjrn Jeghas, esTsoal Frrv.4 Tsg Artist, departs Ka canerpiMfi ci Crnroa Rlf I'r entaW "llra.fTUaa-" TKe cznlrai fitrjrta art a Uraa mocSrr and ciuVJ faxirtg tq horrii Jcar st two Ceroia cifkcers prorramaiirtf ta frort ol Ustm. A tjerr-V twr perture. There Are Ftfly-scCcn Varieties VWM 1 57 (Liferent pfjclotTapbs from tist ironlx.

MID-WEEK PICTORIAL OT 71f NET YOWC TlUa 71 enf ruuist-V Kalrcrurt unlg illudtdti nettum puUnhtJ In U.S. ALCL3T ITTII ISa.TAU. S7AT8 TtOAY 10 CINTS A CCfTf. A VLAR. That's lheBayerCros3" a It is tho mark of tho one genuine, unodul--tcratcd eArpirin.

Aik for 13 eaaa aasTlew a Ayof Aspirin tee that tntry package every tablet bears Thm Dctjrtr Cro Vt Coorxtntt of Parity" leaaaaltX lUgfl-s mt IV si 1 St a a.w-e. NcarSIcepyHoIIow Counlry Gab at Scar hoc truth ca the Hudson A (ln re Id en lors -tlon cool rtLl roiul wcnkr, s-choc it, etc SerTtrsJ cSreirat! rrJ-Jrnctw Hh ftw tr im cm or flozxjar buIIJlna fcr it rrxaorxitl pricrt, SawoMaaVad At CeU Strvo Ts aeaees 40 ValVltlAl CAB Newl917Prices Delivcr -All Moddiu Tunc Piyncst kntznL HETZERBROS, OKC.) 1 Diroet Ageskaa, 20C2 BI0ADWAT, CITH ST. cabvs reas a la. TVs AeSoehaMo S3a kaw TVe S-e Yaeej TVomo I aa'aiae foeesewte or -m srvr-f sa4 ee eg saoeee el Vex- aaa yewaa Ys isiie sal AeVk. VERDUS llosSOifstt, lcrnr-rt" I is3 pr sJaowa-if tbs) ta Lst y.lV-mj.

Au 17. par I i i -4.

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