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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
Issue Date:
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Those teamnbij cbsldjf bontcrs who have been kept at bay since by 1'ostmastcr-General wko would (riot become a distributor of the. boodfe" of 9 100.000 which Congress was jpy false, pretenses to appropriate, and who have since failed through the determined opposition of Mr. Blount, Chairman of the Post Pffice Committee of the Houae to get any further prom 1m i of "boodle" hare maugl to get the easily -persuaded Benate to insert in the Postal Appropriation bill a clause appropriating $800,000 to be thrown away upon the preten that itia to be to extend the commercial advantage of it the United State instead of merely fattening tue punesof ahip ownera who do not intend that there shall be any greater! Dumber of 'vessels so long aa a be made to go around among a few. Tho Postal bill is in the bands of Chairman Blount of the House Oiuruilftee has asked Poetmaater-Oeneral Dirk i neon what his opinion is of the pro poned gratuity. Mr.

Dickinson baa answered, and he takes substantially the grouud occupied by his predecessor, Mr. Vila. Ie says: "It will hardly be claimed for tkia legislation tbst It is either demanded or required, or last eaa he unused (or tbe benefit et the Postal arrvlo merely. Tbe resourees and powers of to department have proved entirely adequate to afford to the oitlsena of tfte United stales a foreign mall srrvlo riaal to, i and la moat caos superior to. tli at afcjf Dut'vi the world.

Nin-tentSs of our (ore! letter mail crosses lae Atlantic, and emiln tliwiftel vessels Iruni week to week foe isrrj.n th malls. Tue ospatrtiunnt. at lite reqiwsi iimuilneat mercBaats, importers, aod sokrrs or tbe Uuited 8Utea having commercial ralai tniia'Wtrh fiMirn v. war, aaa wuwa vmi to itiditonrorelga ioatal sd ministrations to adopt alu 1 1 ipwi icy to proaiote i pedi uon and security 111 oonaspondeae. Under tbe praaent system, oo ritea otber than to Knropeaa porta, nail bavs been earned In American steam-.

ui a iuur unn tue rates pam lor trans-atlautlo serrlce, altbuuitk no foreign vessel baa v.r refused or bealtaied to accept the sea postage or oae-faurta Ue rate paid to Amsrlcan butUims.t' I1' After jallodlng to various advantagea gireft byj Coutral and South American countrio to vessel carrying the mails, he continues i li there shall be auperadded to the functions of poMal anlmtulatrailuu that of admiDtatariag aulialdr or a buuatT for ilia nmrnntmii in.ri. can aliipniuK iatereau, 1 eaa readily see why in praotlca hee two effloes atust so conulot, that so far trim iM-lnit of aa adantKe to aad a pro- motel- ol etllrient mail service, ansa a subsidy. With: .11. a ia fcua uaans or the PoetniMtor-Ueaeral. muat antacouise and overhaar me prttuary object of bla allien, whloU la to it to tbe currespundeBoe of our elMxeua the beatex)MdttloB aul eertaln trausmlaaloo.

If the buftaty or bunas system Is to be revived It Should be done without Involving this depart- we oompuoaitons eertain to arise from aamialstarlng It, and wltboat hamperis ita laadamestal rule of aetlou, wbleh Is that the mails maat s-e at all eveiita. The proposed leirlsUtlon will be la effect aiaadate to ta foetmaster-General to cub tract wlili ADMrteeivbuitt as well as Amerieaa-TPtrlatera4 steamships for the trana-portatlua; of tbe malls to the norta Central and teaaU Amenaa and tbe West Indies for period of. not lea than five years, and with a sompenaatloa for eaeh out- oi i ier nine. tims is no conrtltlott lot advertisement, aad, Indeed, uullke even tbe Britiaa sobaldy aet. competition i net eoalemplated or permitted.

aa tbe ooDtraat are to be limited to A men eaa ships tnd a to these will be pravtteally limited to utoev now is existeaoe. net ween whom there a comparatively no eem petition beeaase ef Ui ayiutiet" whlsu eaa lie employed la the lervire. i i Ia the resent eenditlona tbe proposed law nltftSl a well have named the few persona to enow this money ta to be paid. Kvea the laws indat wittou Aroeiieaa shtjs might be eempetled' to carry) the malls have been repealed, and rue fwltbeat saying tbt the prupoeed gtslatlm i Intends the department to pay the Biaxjmum rates provided to these few irv. i wiiuwui iiuu uuua wan in wiib aay seceuatlons as to terms, and.

Indeed, yea will Muerve, fwltkout even tbe lodgment of dis- IMMM li K. Mm UDMJiaaw ZrOUl hat i port of the United etat the malla shall all. It i may be said ta passing (bat pra-suutablyi I be terminal peiats" from which sailisgs will be made, tf eelMntereat, as Is usually the ease, aoverns. will be tliuae-froia whlea the greatest auuioer of BauUeaJ d.ta Ka h. Irom those at whloli the eoavenleaee and needs of the service would be suited.

It may be toted, alttu, that the aobedules of sailings are to be-turaUued by the eoatraotora, and net by i ue roatwasier-ueaerai. Altocetber from I an aoaUais of Ue proposed leirtalatioa It woaid i aeem te exclude the exercise of any power of any rjreeatatlve of this Ueveranwat te provide tor tale mail service la tl. mtereat of tbe people exoeut after ooatraet. Wbloa mat be si the earrlere'ewa terms, and hilar the learners have ftxed the eebedutee ao cording tuolr tdeas of what the mall aervloe should be, to oompel them to eouform ta their own expressed views and deeinions as to tbe pnblle and tbe publie tntereats. Wta very r-at reapeet to th framera of the bill seriously ooj to that prevlaloa of theprepaaed leialatloa Whieh places tbe Mall Barvlfla afc Ltl.

awt nf aaw n. OTiaira wa. wane, inueea, too suoeidlsed liaea aiubt be eompelled to oarry tbe malls, if tendered, yet the depart tueut ehoald maepeudent, and sboald at aa times aaahled to send the mall by the best. faviliUes afforded for that purpose a aroona all carriers offerlnc- Th depaxt- in.i aaouia oe rree te take auvaatac or all from in-rresae i Cosiness, of change for the better wrought 5 by Mm, axtenaloa ef aommeroe and eottpeUUoa, atid ahonld not be ap tor a deeade'to alaitle Unee of eoaamnn-; Iratlsa. aaatlmulated to lmprevatueut aad all prugreaa by th existeaoe af a setUed.

Inordinate a4 oartalmaeoiue. On the plan of payment bfODttaadj ttrhl.a ta 9mA alth.nt awwl aaMuatof mall earrled. th aervle waieh cost as in the gacal year 18o7. bA weald tOtt. pu Proposed, fi.213-;' "In mroptnloa the bill weald not be advanta- eeas to; the servlee, bat the dlsadvaatacee ald be' poeltlve la so tar aa this department While it It shall become law.

department wU of eoarae, faithfully admia- ister ta iujd ta aeeordaae wltUT the spirit MvUMiai i feel otiasnt tbat uca adwlniatraUon will result oaly in a IrT a'wai PeouBlary cteaeat to doseo mdivtaaaisat Ue expense aad mbarraaemeat i 5 aarvios, and of laeeaveaieaee, laJueUee. and material tajury te ta great body ef ea mosey wUlTp used la Ue pay oaaseai Uoae reaalta." Mr. WlUiam Walter Pholpa haa furnlahed WaifigUn Fott with two column of th hitdy of the Chicago Convention, to-i pether wath some more or lea doubtful soaring upon the attxactiveneaa of Ue Ksdu blicait ticket and ita chance for 1 does not repeat tb assertion uat giado Chicago, that it would bo "upoasiUje to nominate Us. Blaine without r'otest so considerable and emphatic a make hi ejection aeem doubtiuL Ha bayl however, that ha bad been for htoutb urging Sheridan as th en man ct ta ai t. He doe not try very hard coucohi his disappointment in not i nominated for believed that hb could carry tbo btt.a of New-Jrey if ho had Wn bamed fur second place, and that hi omiat(m would be aoceptable in New-ork.

Mhen asked how hetbought New-i aw nvw, ho auawered: Ob, i uo sntraj. to My we shall not carry without having a Jaraeymaa th ticket, but it wiU be harden for tbo 7" J001. clannish and lovo their IW Si' '1 Mld not bo hard in any case ox-" fftV or atMl n- ought to be ashamed of himself, for he nsed to be it good Kcpub-iican nd aa anxious for the prosperity of hi own State a any of us. He know that th un is all that keep half of oar peoplo i.D,,J.Tt,"n nu nw rng to get ai luiumera to throw away their vote ud tneii livelihood at the same nd bow be dare ask them i understand. 11 they ret ua -13 ill i to dn an ann tha nHt.f j.

that diroetlon. haU carry tbo ISUto. and Bra niDBr in ru a tney journeyed. umtw su cneerea melr wav with thia.conjocuro: Mf Miller ana fiortou hould.not earry Now-York after all and uu x-neip notua carry w-Jerey and aavo th Kepublican ticket, what could the convention aay then! So you aee are not discouraged and hav a now motive a ta wJ 'or Harrison and korton." Mr. Pbelp evidently think "ii "Zi uina vm i.c-vw.

Acpuoucana generally axe in- ciined totalfc of them aa being cranky" iuuTiciiioun. dui mat mav bo because sorao of th Republicans who laugh at th ProhibftionUu have nocon-victionarthat they could sot easily part witn. i i 1 Th bureau chief of the Nayy Department: interested in th completion of the Boston. Chicago, and Atlanta are preparing auswers to Secretary! Whitney's fetter calling for the earliest possible date! at which tbo vessels named oonld be prepared lor aervic in foreign waters. Chief Naval Constructor Wilson ha written to the commandant of the New-York Navy Yard for information as to th progress of construction work on th Boston and Chicago, and when auch work wiU bo finished.

He ha received i no answer, and therefor ha not replied to th Secretary, i jit ia the uupreion, however, so far aa construction is concerned, that th vessels will bo readyr within two week. Lngineet-in-Chief Uclvill says! that the BL" bureau pn the vessels is done, lb Chief Lugineer of the Chicago baa recommended a few trilling change iri; ber rnacbinery, but these need not I bo made, lhojltlanta has beeri ordered to Newport where she will be fitted out for service in the; Luropran squadron. If she remains long enough at tbe dock th engineer will do a little tampering at ber engines. Commodore (Schley, Chief of the Bureau of Equipment, aaya he ia practically through with the veeseL He is now having an anchor made, at Boston to: replace tbel one lost by i the Atlanta, at New-Orleans. Tbia will bo ready within a few (The Commodore baa received a telegram from the commandant of the New-York Navy Yard to tbe effect that the rigging of the Chicago will be finished by July 15.

Thw ordnance officers any that they aa-ill be ready aa soon aa any of tbe other bureaus. The gun tracks on the Chicago bave aot yet been laid, but this, they say. can bo done in a abort time. From these statements it appear that the first installment of th new navy will be ready to add dignity to the squadrons doing duty in foreign waterf before another month passe by I I Tbo order granting Lieut. -Cot H.

M. Lazelle, Twenty-third Infantry, CO daya' leave of absence baa been commented tapon a foreshadowing a request that at the ex- Juration of the UO days he should bo re-ieved from duty in charge of the office of publication of the rebellion records. This is emphatically denied at the War Department. The leave waa granted bim upon his own in which he stated that his work was throe months i ahead of the printer and that he preferred I his leave Just at this time. He did not indicate in any.

way that be desired to be relieved at the end of the leave, and will resume bis 'duties in September. CoL Lazello's friends say that jhe ia very much dissatisfied with the office and has been greatly annoyed by the attacks made upon bis administration of its affairs, They say it is very probable that CoL Lazelle will ask to be relieved, but that he lean retain his present duty aa long aa he desires, there being no disposition on the part of the War Department authorities to relievo htm. The United State district Attorney for the District of Columbia has informed tbe Second Controller that tho-execution issued on tbe Judgment forj $10,898 75-! against P. Brown and W. EJ Upaulding of this city, sureties on tbe bond of the- Into Major Samnel Dana.

Paymaster, haa been returned nulla ion. Major Dana died in ban Francisco and bis esUte haa been disposed of. The Postmaster-General has written a letter to the President formally protesting against tbe proposition made by the Civil Service Commission to extend the classified ervioe so as to include the railway postal service. The State Department has been, informed of the assassination Of an American named Stephen Zakany at his sugar mill, near Ahome, Mexico, by a well-known bandit. The authorities are aetiv in his pursuit.

XOBLh KOQOE SUCCEEDS i i ruuT rKor)ucTioir or bteelk mac- KATk'g NjtW PLAT. 1 Chicago, Jnly 3.4--A NoMej Rogue," Eti; alMkay' nsw melodrama, was played for th first time at US Grand Opera Hons tonight, aad was vary warmly reoalved by aa aa-dleneo that erawded th theatre. As It la presented. It ha a strong looaT flavor. lit senes, many of them, rpreaUag blu of th olty well knwtt resident Beside Ui Mr.

Mackuy i himself appeared 1 In th lead In i rOle. a fact wfcleA. th playicoers areatly lappreoiaUd. Oa tbe bills A Kobl Heitn- Is styled a-comedy drama; but oomedy by no means manopollzea tbe four aeu, for Ue piece la full of melo-dramutio aetloa. sir.

Maekay aa Jobs array, allaa Jark Adams, alia "LU Dodser; a Nubw Rotrue." plays a man stolon by kidnappers wbsa a valid, crews up among lawless eumpaalona with anythln but aa orthodox notion of tbe right of Uinrs. aad yet maintain a eurlooa kind of ho or Urouch 11 all. HU view bj revolutionised by kia discovery ef aa honest man, starving oacraver. who a saline oter Into a Jeoaaierfettlag laad who so Uoroashly reform th Kobl that he aive. up his vil companions.

Ia begmnlaa' hia new Uf be paasea uroaab some exalting advestures, and Uer I a seasatlooal attempt at murder la a sceae wherein la in trod need a great modal at oae Chicago River drawbridge whleh 1 boaad to set ta what town to talking. Woven into plot, too, 1 a love story, cleverly and dramatically told, aad among Ue miner people of th play are aouca raffians beaded ackamlBr villains to i capture aa aadiae at Dee i Tha first portormano weat amooUly ta all bat a lew trifling detail, at r. Maekay was several time called before the cartels, and aia anpport was gaxoasly )l XtLLKD Ml JEM XSpOtL. Andrew and William Taylor of 241 West Stxty-firat-trt war jpreparing a six-pound eanao In th front room of Uelr dwUlng at a few mlnot to 10 o'clock last night Andrew waa arranging Ua fuao aod William waa ceatlag a nra-eraaker auing ovar a lamp. A spark Ignited the veat powder, aad aaanont which had besn loaded to the muixl wllh roars powder and wet paper, weat elf.

aad la its recoil struck Andrew In Ue aedemra, tearing away Ue eatlr pit -of Ue stomach Andrew tKemgma, Taylor' brother-ln-iawi wno waa ataad-tag Juat behind Taldr. waa also suaek by tla eaunon and knocked dowa. whil William Taylor waatibadly buraad ea -th band and arm by ts explosion. The concussion extinguished all th iiht oa th floor aad haltered the panes glaa la th window of tha room la which the accident oocarred. Aa ambulance from KooeU Hospital was sam-moaed.

and the aeeempaaylag aurgeosa took dylag Taylor to Ue faeapltai. whar A died at midnidbi I i 1 i MRS. fOLX TO JtMKSS TBMIXMT. Nabhviux. Tenni iJaly 3.

Mrp. James K. Polk, widow of President Polk, has been re-qaasted by th manaswr of ClnoinoaU Urand Catnnial ibratiea to open thoex-hi but a at aoeu to-morrow, aad haa oaatd to so. A wire will connect Ue Ex pool uon building la Claetaaati With th Polk plae in Kaahvtiie. aad by prraslng Ua key Mr.

Jik wui aet Ue macalaery la motioa. TIT WYuMllne MAMSACM1L vrmcrsataaa. reanUiJaiy Tbj aantvor- aary ef ta Wyamlng maasaer waa eetebtate today at th monument la Wyoming by eemmem-wUt aasoetaUua. A roan Ion was held bv eld eilk sea of this vaUay waoe saoaatora are sarw mar. I I 1 Kakv' akv Meyal "IMc," r4 cbamaacaa.

eaa the axqalaite dry kad at aa a at law raeart aad raoa KEW-YOBK, WEDNESDAY. JULY 4 SUPPLEMEXT. GATHERING OF THE CLUBS pJCUOOBAllO C0NVEJST10X IS BALTIMORE. 1 THS ME WHO AkX TO TOBM A OSAVD WAjTIOMAL LkAQUg TOl ICPPOBT CLkTKLAXD AKD THUSMAvi Baxtsmokk, July a The eitv ia fall delcti to the eonvSnUoa of DemocraUe luba, TkM crowds, added to the thoasand atteodlDg make Baltimore Un usually lively far July, and to-marrow Will Ka ifhmdft avf taaa greatesi oelebraUons Uat to aanivarsarv of ta lctarUoa ha evr had In Ui region. All th ladtsattoaa point to a muck larnr rnro- seataUda from vry part of eo entry than waa XMCtOd.

and Vrr mail trinn aradantiai. from neW clubs. vea th Dares of taa Ronaa of Bepr4ntaUve will nd flv dalegau. and R. D.

BMkoartdg. dalegat from Prlnc-ton Colfcga, has sent Ui letter: IrA tlftouu at Princeton CoIIeg most Inter- IM Lna aiil rliAaa tka aslaal.u. form bus th. TauI. for PrmJd-aV 1ST Vli Pti ratio slab alter tbe St.

Loola CoavonUon. I.aWiSonW 10 Ww Jraey la tbbemo. next FalL I was aleetad a delegata r- -rr." oa m. aad waat warn, iw ana cajDpaia.n xt. WBitney; Beeretary of 0nral ox in Hatloaal Laagua; V.

Klnga- tU. Secretary; of the New-York 8Ute aad Robert Orler Monso of Ue Young moo ratio Club of if w-York. with a of delegete from the Empire Bute, ar- mgnt and were in conference with th mmlttaea in WoapJ The heailquarur of the Young Men's Democratic tub of A ew-York were opened Uls moru- J.o ana uaxDum's Hotel, and Ibeae wfil practically be Ue headquarters of tbe Blato of lw-York. Meaars. Curtis aa Monroe Were In fcharge this morning.

Mr. Whitney having good to Washington oa aa early train. Tomorrow afternoon a meeting of Ue Mew-York otate LeWue will be bald at Uelr the delegate from Sew-York In th city V. Arnold, organiser of Ue league; C3' JV ttreeBbaum. W.

i romTaU quarters i tslegrams poured Into beadqudrters toUy announcing Uat VsTl- ouV Jif weM lu ramA and tbe probabU hour of Uatr arrival. TUo MaasaoUuaetU and Kw-Hampblre deleca-Uouaardved at Camden Station at 2 o'clock, tbe former eatabiiamng beayl quarters at Kao-nert and th latter going to the Carroilton. A dlapatch was received from the Ohio club Utltig uat Uey bad arrived in Washington last night and woald reach Baltimore some tim tonight orjearly to-morrow morning. Credential of el 4b now on th way bare wara reeeived this monnlag. Club whlon hav not heretofore been front are oor.aiantly aonounolng their lnttenttoa of attending the convention.

Twentydlv reported to Mr. Whitney In ew-YorkyeSterdav, aod atx later In Ue day to Mr. Cartia. I The Western States are particularly aetiv la Ui club movement Everyihin I in readme tor Ue aaambllng of Ue eoBvenilen at noon to-uiorrew. The Academkr of Muale.

apaciou aa it la, will orowdet frm top to bottom. Nearly 3,000 dale-gate will be ia attendance, aad Ua crowd of peclauira will, in all probability, be a cruab. They will come from North. East, Waat, and South, atid from every corner of Maryland. Tha rg aa been arranged seat 1,500 per-aoua, ao llhat tbe presiding officer will be le tweea two ea of Zacea, with delegates all around aim.

Th meeting of the club will be called tt order by Mr. Charles Ogdea of the Young Men' Clnb of Omaha, Neb, wssn preliminary arrangement for organization will dlseaaaed. Step a ill be taken todraft a eonti-tnuon aad by-laws and ieet otUeer. Campaign matter avn Ue political outlook ganeraUr wiU dlcusd. Th convention will deelde at the first meeting wbeUer there will be one at Bight.

Oae will be bald it Ue organization la not completed. I i All the Democratic clubhouses, which hv been decorated iaaid aad out. wUl open In th veolng for lb reception and alrtalnmnt of the vikltora Tha cluba will meet again Thursday mottling for basin, aad In ta evening a ma meeting will be beid in th Academy, wbleh will be ddred. It la expeoted, by Hpeaker Carliale.l Congreaaman Breuklarldg of Kentucky, senator John W. Daniel of Virginia.

Gov. Pilshugi Lea. John Randolph Taeker uf Vlr-glula. Col. Joba K.

Fellowa of New-York. other senators and ReoreaenuUvas from Wuh. Ington. A large number of whom are looked for. meetings outside of the iiadam atn held it necessary.

Tbe Marina 'Band ibington other will fnrniab muelc IIS Will takail to Bu RldM Annans. lis. oo Ftlday, and see -a grand display uf fireworks Inj the harbor In the evening. The majority of the! dub will come to-morrow morning and wiU be quartered In the hotels. Oov.

Lee and Ue JBoutbern elan ar expected on th York Blver stesmer; and will be sortd through (the tewn by the Crescent Clnb. The Concord Club will meet tha Yann. Man'. naa. eratteCmbof Philadelphia, about 400 strong, at lreilent-treet station, and aaenmnanv them to heir headq Barter.

Th Crescent Club Ue Washington visitor at Camdan Th Calumet Club will escort other com. A big demonstration will bo 'ashlncton when clnb go over on Ue clubs of New-York that wiU be ted ar tbe following: Yuu Uaaa will me station. who ma beldia Batorda. Amon reprea inuwriuo viod, Eleven in lltrlet Aasoclatloa. Naw-Yotk; District Business Men' DemocraUe Oub of ew-Yrk County; Young Men Demo-eraUe Club of Now-York.

New-York County: Yauag Men's DemocraUe Club of Brooklyn: Young Men' DemocraUe Club of Albany; Harlem Club of Harlem Cleveland Democracy, Orleaaa County Demoo ratio Legion, Medina;) Richmond County Demooratlo Club, Caatletok Corner; Lyon Democratic Laagu Club oflLyon; Pitaner Club of Troy; Young Man's Demecratio Clnb- of Co bee; Pioneer DemoeraU Club of East Chester; Clvlad DemocraUe Club of Wakefield; JaOerson 'Club or Colunibla Demoeratle Laagn or ArcadlaJ Newark, N. Yv and The beaaoaa of Koehet4r. eeoator Gorman aad.Eeana, Congreaaman Townaend. CbauneeyiF. Black, and various mem bar i of th National Commlttaav bad a loag eon tere DOa wiU tbe Executive Committee of the eluite totatgbt, and outlined for-tbem Ue work of orgai ilsatioa.

The purpoae of ui enper-vUIob li that aouing ahail be done Uat wiU aot harmonise wtu th ward ttrd at Bt Lonla. rb advlea of -experienced beads appear meeeeary, beeaaae Uer wUl a great deal of new material In th onvntia, and nnle ir 1 a steady hand to do gmldmg It might (O ff at a taagvat. BKS80B lit BANS. July 3. The courts to-day adjudged Simon Bolivar Benson -Tin Ban-son was itotlm Assistant CblaftoU Bcrt irvloe Buread.

ana was aetiv la frrUni out th Belknap wkiaky frauds and th ll rstad Tom Ballard and other counterfeiting eaaea from 1870 to He had a Barrl with Brook, hi superior, and. It I. alleged, left Ue employ of Ue ivernmaat beeaaae he waa too tree wltl i Ue reporter. Alter leaving Ue Government ftervioe he went into Hardio coach buain but failed. Ill axploiu always draw ms ni i lsa Into hot watr.

was an actlv factor the celebrated Dunn-Brewn kidnnppiBg eaa. whlea Involved tbe Canadian aad Lullad State Government! in some latere ting communication i Beaaoa waa thdtUvfrom whom Mr. Do ia snared Browa. a Canadlaa fugitive ror i Pennsylvaaia )aatice, got him from Caad i nte tbe 8 (. aad tksa late priaoa.

Tkia lal defeat, aad that by a woman, waa too much fo Beaaoa' already vrtraUd nerve, A few ik age beanixoedlngly rratl. and Billy commaneed to rav. He waa restrained w-day to prevent him from killing hlmawlx. i A RSI 3TSD TOR 9RAHD ARC RUT. Nxw-: IaVkx.

Jnly a About two weeks a Inspector Brrnes New-York seat word to of Polios Bollmaa of thl city to lk out tor and arrest a man named Theodora Whit, a las Whity." wko waa believed to a her. i wanted In Kew-Trk for grand larceny. Inquiry waa mad and Whit was found working In a livery stable. Heaaeer-taiaed. huwever, Uat th officer wer on at track aid hid hlmaalf.

To-otght Detective KeUly aw him oa Btaio-atreet and arraaced aim. laepeotur Byrne ba bee mf orated of la eriailaaiV arrt. A Jfiyg OS IIRR. WiLxisBARKK. Popau.

July 3. Wben tha mlaar at HoUoabaek mla waat to work Ui moraine Uy found a fierce fir ragtag in ta WMtora I portion of working. Th atlr tore littl bera a to fight blase, bat mad vary udluiag Ua fii antu 'clock tsi afternoon. Too wtU ba eaoatdariblA. The mine teoaoratadl bv taa La- high aaul WUkeabarr Coal Company.

1 CARPtT MILLM MBVX DOWX. Gurrok Msml. July S- Ta Blgtew Carpot Cmpaay Mills, ampkrytag Lar aaad. aaataawa lomat of saarctty af wac Overflow also be I from Was Th cl 3B WATT. (IXTXUr CADXT TO BS TUI9 BT COUET-! XAST1AL.I I AjrvAPOLU, MiL, Jnly VlUlam T.

Bampsoa I Baperlaundeat of tha Kaval Academy. When Tax Ttxbs eerr-spondent asked If na eoald glvo ady Information a to th nature of Ue basing Oa TJnlted Bute praotlco ship contl)aUa replied that th basing had been of a mll4 typo, auch aa making Fourth Class men, admitted Mar 15, at soap, chew candle. tanl ob Ueir heads, and requiring Fourth Class men to aee only certain ladders oa shipboard. Tbl was agalast tbe law, and ks kad no otbor course In matter thaa to ordr a ooarvmartlaL aet of 1874. from which a read, mad it thO duty of Ua Superintendent of Naval Acamy.

a soon ash hear of any ease of what commonly called haslag, to order a court-martiaL On too recommendation of Ue court, auprijorted by th approval of Ue Superintondent. acadet 1 dls-Commaoder D. Blgbbee wUl bo President of tbe Tbe Ship will arrlv ber on Saturday If tbo wiad la favorable, asked bow many oadeuwere Implicated. tbeBuperlnieadentanawered: "Btxteea." Commander Bam peon's order for the immediate return of the ship to Annapolis is a wall-deserved punishment for Ue older cadet. Net only eoutd the Third Claa men deaist.

If tby wouid. from baring, bat the Flrt Claae ea nave it in Uelr power by their moral Influence to frown down thl cowardly terrorizing of youths at Ue hands of older cadet. The usual Hammer cruise 1 alobg th North Atlaatle eoaat, where, after a ran at sea. baul-tng ropes and making sail aa seaman and petty otoeer. the naval oadeu dff their working clothe and put on Ueir haademn uniforms and sail Into some seaside resort, Wber they are th social lions of tbe hour.

Thy will corns back from eoel breezes and pleaatit aolree to dance attepilance on court-martials, with tb thermometer'at 90 in tbe shad, bonie of Ue radau will, ss Is usasl after a ourt.martlaL go borne to stay. Th ship does net interfere with the practical ralts of tbe Bummer eruls. Th object of tbe crnis is practice. Tbe cadets get an ample meaanre of it in th thcaapeake minus social festivities and NrtrU AtlaoUo breezes. The Fourth Class men bare not tamely submitted to tbe indignities offered tbem.

but Several haVa muntai a a nMnVn. k. Of the manlr art of a colliery OAVES i 1H. BUT THK MINERS FOBTUN ATX LT X8- CAPB WITH THEIR j.rTES. Scrantox.

Jnly 3. --An extensive caving la or tb Bellevu Colliery; oocarred today in this city, and many muer who were working th mine at tb time had a narrow cape from being crushed to deatti Tha fall of roof cover a vast area of surface, jsud has damaged a number of bouse and destroyed tb streets aad sidewalk along Maln-ktraet. Fortunately th men who wer working in th mln when erssh came Had warning of Ua great collapse, and were' thus enabled aava their Urei Th rook In Ue roof began to era like the napping or rifle several minute beior Ue save-In occurred, and wben tb mibar beard it they ran to tbe foot or Ue slope, where tbey bad hope of being rescued. A tnau named Judge, who waa among tb last to leave th plaee. became so terrified ss be ran along tbo main gangway that be lay down do beald the wU In th hope that It the roof fall in be would hav a plsc of afety.

but he was almost buried by a fall of coal in an Instant and barely had time to wy to a more cure pt. ji 1 A Freaebmaa named Louis Gob waa far In mine wben tbe tremeodou crash came, and hi light waa extinguished tb ilearful rush of air. He wa hurled with great foroa on the floor of tb mln and had hi bah da and need badly out by contact! wtu tha abarp coal. A ooa aa be recovered from Ue shack be groped about th place and found to his dismay that was bammed in by' rock and eoal on all side. Ho struggled hard to make his exit, but la vain.

and be wa to that Urnbl prtaon mar than four hour bfor wm rescued more dead uina aura), PI The dsmajre to property en tbe sarfaoe la considerable, aud the wall verat- aMuae are cracked aad crumbling from Ue severe strain of the subterranean storm. MRP UBL1CA IT TA RITf TtA CIS. Chicago. Jnly a The Republicans fired thslr first run in campaign i Illinois today. It was loaded with tariff document and aimed at Ua farmer and worklngmen or tbe Bute.

The Btt Committee hav transformed tbe rooms lately occupied by the Greaham boomer at the Graad Paciflo into fine headquarter. The "shots" sent Out consisted of Bin tract. called, which wr mailed In large number to avery Congressional diatiist in Illlaoia. One contained some alleged quotation from Eogliah paper oa famous message of President Cleveland sent to Congress Uat Winter and a long prophecy of evils to follow Demoeratle success. Another document charges ue Democracy wiU Ue Taspoaalbilltv for th present heavy Htate tax.

Abotber la entitled, Tb Farmer and la Tar Iff." and another eoataia a speech by Judge Keller. Mr. Allison of Iowa furnishes one on western Vlw pf th Tariff," aad th Hoki WiUlam P. Fry of Main another on European AJT ATBLXTFS SAD XkATB. Chicago.

Jnly 3. Louis Fanlson. a member of Pnllmaa Atkletld CJub. died Ui morning from the effect of a singular boating acoidant. Sunday night Mr.

Paulsob, wick Ure oUer of a four-oar crew from lnb, was out for a spin on Lake Calumet. Another club member waa out in a slngl shell, and' both boat were going at a high speed, nonaot ths occupants of either being sware efyjth faet Uat another boat waa on tha lake. The two boat collided without a moment' warning. Tb alngle abell bow ran upoa and aero Ue forward deck of the four-oared boat, and the sharp brass point of hr bow struck ktr. Paulson la tbo back just beaeaU the shoulder blade, penetrating hi body and cutting a ghastly wound thre lnchee In olaineter and four.lnehea deep.

Tb dead young ma wa 25 yar of eg and an aeoompilaud athlete. 4 A ROLLING MILL BVRNRD, Lockport Dipot, N. Jily 3. The Waatcrman Iroa Rolling Mill, alt ha tad oa Fifteen Mil Creak, a mil from th city, wn burned to-day. Thflr caught fin tha root from th blgu ehlmaey about noon, aad 15 mlnat entlrs mill wa bnrnd oat so Uat aothiag but th ratter rmalndi Th wara-boua to ta right wa baraad.

wvu also ta bridg crossing Us ereek. Tbe phsnt ta situated eotalde water district, so Uat Bremen could do nothing. The Central freight ear wer vd by a band fir brigade. The mill war a complete loss, and Us fir thrwa 75 ma out of employment. Tb 1 1 placed; by th firm, composed of Georae Weatermaa, nad Calvin G.

Botilff, at B5000. Thar anlnsurans of Ib 1681. thia sam montkU mill was buraad la Us same manner. The firm sum thai Uey will rebuild and raaniag 60 daya an orrxR trom tbrI'mbah. PITT8BCRG, Jnly aHChariea A.

AUburaar of tka Catted But Geological Bur-vey, stationed la Uls city, ba received aa offer from Ue Bhab ef Persia to take charge of Government engineering asrps now bela orxaaised ta that eoantry. At present nothing but turquot ta mlaed in Persia. Aad Uefehaa xpeet te dlaooveT valaabla depoatUof ooal, Iroa, petroleum, aad poatbly precious metal. Mr. Aanoumar has aot yot aocepld.

FOJt CORAMLL'S LIBRA RT. Ithaca, Jnly a Mr. H. yt. Sage has agrd to pay fr new Corneal University library building.

vntf th univarsity being defeated la Ue Flak will tea. Ia tbr word, a advaaee. without Interest. which Ue bulMIng ia to cost. It the suit go against anl varsity Mr.

bag doe aot get hla money back; but if decision favorabl to aai varsity Mr. Bag la to ratmbursad. TRACatRM JS MSSIWir. Scrantox. Penxu, July aVTh State Toacker Asoclailoa of Panyvania which met la Beraatea to-day listened aa importaat addtea Ui afUraaoa.

dUvrw4 by Dc J. P. Wlokaraaam, faemtly Btat BapoTtgUadaat of Bchoela, la behalf of fr text books. Addr war aia daUvared by Or. Htgbv ProL Homtk.

aad oUer. and muoa lot rest is niaalXeatad in mUa: th association. i (l aSvar. sag a4wam wiU ryl' PrUn Ada. HAZISO IN O'DONNEUS' CASE CLOSED TRB LOXDOS "HUBS MAS 1J8 CHANCE.

sow CHARQI or CKIMB AOAIVST ALL TBS IRISH LXADKKS KKITXRATKD BT COCVSKL POR THX DKrXXSK. London, July 3. On th resumption to dsy of tb trial of tb libel suit of Frank Hugh O0oanU against tbo limtt, Mr. Lucy of th Daily A caw wa further croaa-exanUncd wiU a vtw to showing that Mr. CDonaeU and Mr.

Pamall wr chiafs of tha Irish Party whoa Mr. Glads to a dAnonncod the Loagn. Tkattad-anco la th court room wa amallar than yastar-day. Cot Baaudsrson. ta leader of the Zriak Tories la Hao of Commons, wad among setatora.

CoanMl aUed Mr. JMph Cow sa. former ij. member Parliament for Nawcaatla-ea-Tya. for purpo or obtaining eartaln avklaaee, but Lord Chlef-Justlo rafussd to allow lu Introduction.

Mr. Burt, membr of Parliament for Morpeth, gave testimony, and Uea mm for th plaintiff waa lod. Attoray-4nral Wbter pnd for Ue defense. animadverted npoa aoa-appaar-aaoe of Mr. O'Donnell and promlaeat member of the Laagu la tb witaaaa box.

and daolarad Uat iim article on ParaeUlam aad Crime" referred to th whole League, aat not to Mr. CDoaneU pe raoa ally. Mr. Webster tauntad Mr. Ruegg.

pialnUff aounsel. with failma prove hi client case. He Intended to prove limtt' eaa Mr. Dob sell, be aaM, wa fr-merly the editor aad eontreUacot tavUcot iretoMg of Dublin, aad did not dar to go into witness box bsoanss of Ue Iar of being que, tloned eoaoarnug inoidnu damaging to Uo League. Mr.

Webster said Uat vn persons war murdered between Jauuarr, 1880, and Marah, 1882. wh bad been guilty of a crime exoept of offending Ue Leagae. Wben Uaee murder were mentioned la FarUameat tbe Iriaa member neither made an explanation nor repudiated Uenv He woald prove that remittance were made the League from America by man of Ue wont poeaibl character. He asked wher th book of th Leagu were, and ex pr eased th belief Uat Uey aad ba removed to Parte. It the acta of the Leagu had beea lawful, a aid.

tb book woald hav been produced. Tb Attorny-Gural then read xtrau from peeehe made by member of tbe Leagu, wbleh advocated boyoottlag aad Vloianea. Bomeumea. aald Mr. Webatar, murder followed Ueae pob.

He aald that Amarioaa mvaey aupporiedU- Leaauer. Mr. Par nail bad especially crossed tb AUaaUe to eolleol anas. Mr. Paxaell enuring tu court at Uia momeat heard tb Attorney General's allusions to him.

Th court adjourned. At the fortnightly meeting tb Irish National Leagn in Dublin to-day, Mr. O'Brien aald he hoped Uat would not a tar Jail till Mr. Dillon waa out. It wa not a part of th oanipalgu.

be aald, for tbem to la Jail together. The English and Preach Government have agreed to work Jointly on and alter Jan. 1, 1B89. the submarine cables between Franc and England, lb tariff will a 20cntima word. A direct cable between Liverpool aad Havre will be eatabUahed under tb arrangement.

At a meeting of Importer at th Chamber of iwnimeree yesterday, tbe proposal of Atlaatle shipowners to Increase Ue charges at Loadua on bills or lading for merchandise frm America waa condemned aa Inimical to a bemi'Ur om- petiilon. 1-ora Chlef-Jaatle Coleiidg has refused to allow Jockey Wood costs In bla libel salt sgainst Ue I teenatd Victualler O'axeKe. In which waa awarded 1 farthing damage. Wood has appealed. The Bishop of Minnesota preached a sermon to-dy to the delegate attending th Xptacopal Conference, at LambeU Palace.

GEKMANY'S YOUKQ EMPEEOE. Berlin, July 3. It ia believed that after a definite understanding with Basal haa bn sUbllshed Kaiperor Wllllsm will propose Uat Ue European power rod no thatr armament. Order have been received at Kiel to have several war ship larcsdlnsss to escort Emperor William to Kronstadt about Ue middle of monU. i Tb Cologne OazelU hays that Emperor William Will, give a beaquat to member of Ue diplomatic eorp oa Ue ev of bis depart or for St.

Peursburg. Coaat Herbert Bismarck will probably accompany th Emperor to Bt, Petersburg. Tbe phyMolana' report on th illness of th bit Emperor Frederick, which I of eonsldsrabl lengu, will be published on Friday. Two of Uo doctors ref ssd to sign It. Tb Emperor aad Empress will vlalt AJaaee.

Lorraine la October. UWey will stay at palace I ntrasburg. CUEEENT FOREIGN TOPICS. Liverpool, Jnly a A heavy gala has been blowing on Ue Mersey. A brtgantm wa caught In it and wrockad.

It 1 feard all on board were lost. Calcdtta. Jnly a The subscriptions for a Govrnmat loan of A 3, 000,000, wbleh baa Just been Issued, amounted to twlee tha sum quired. St. Petersburg.

July a Emperor Will-lam will arrlv at St Petersburg on Aug. Ua Cxarlna' fete day. Th Csar, accompanied by his family, haa left Bu Petersburg tor a yaebtlng tour la Ue watare of Finland. Gen, von Werder aad Waldereee, who are attached to tha Emperor of Germany's military auiie. ar vlaiUng to Czar.

An Importaat atrategie railway aonnecUng many artillery and cavalry stations Is to oua-trucUd la tb ouUwst lnimdlatly. Tbcol will be 13.000,000 ruble. Sofia. July a The Bulgarian Government ha purbad Varna-Buatchak Bail-way. Komc, July 3.

The Liberal successes in Ue municipal eleetioa In Italy bav alarmed Ue Vat lea. Tbe Pop, who I oppoaad ta Uo Intervention of the clergy, will ouanael tkam to abstain from future election. Tb Vatlcea ha dcidd not to oppo resolution adopted byU Iruh Bishop at Uo Maynoeth meeting. PK8TH, Jnly a A large mill near this city waa destroyed by fire to-day, tgetr wiU 1,000,000 bags flour. Thousand of per wiUsd tb fir from Danube.

Bklgkadk. July a King Milan ha applied to tb Church fiynad for a Judicial spr-tlon from bM wtf. Qowaa Natalia, oa aground of an lnauperabla averaloa to hoc Goa. Protto haa gone to lea bad an bring tb vaag Crwa Prlnee back to bervla. Tbo bov, who la 12 year ld.

I at Wleabaden with hi moUor. Paris. Jnly a Th dc Booffes at Bordeaux has ba dtroyd by fir, eauaiag a Iom or l.OOO.OOOf. Nobody was injured. Tb Chamber of Dapntle to-4ay dlaauaaad aa interpallauoa of M.

Flourea rgardla th aetloa of M. Farroalllat. Mta later of JoaUc. la ram ring aa Aaalataat Proeurear atCarAaaayano for Blrla a alac ef latprtaoameat npoa the Mayor of Uat town, who had eovletd of corrupt practice at aa election. M.

Floqut, th Prim Minuter, xplaiaed Uat tb Mayor was sriulv ill at ta tim tb IcUob. aad eoald not have ba gnllty of th ebarge mads agalnat him. Tbe Aaaiataat Frooarrar bad ooss-mittd aa act of enlpsbl lodisorstlon. Tb Cablaat sostalned th aetloa of the Mlnistsr of Jaatle ia making Ue removal. Th Chamber by a vote or 320 to 173 oaalarw lu la tha Governssaat.

lDRXTlTIKD BT A TOOTS. PrmBDRG, Jnly a 'Squire Effner of Homtea4 drifted dowa from kia bailiwick Ul morning wtu a tooU ia oa pckt aad pair of bandsug in- tb thr. watt th HomaopaUi Hospital and aald ho waa tad to so a ma named Wallace, Walla had la a tooth. It had been (hot oat of bis jaw a eoapl day before. Tb doctor said ths teotk which 'Squir Effner had fitted Ue empty piac in Walla' moalh.

and wa aadubtdly hi. This sboald hav ptaaaad Wallace, but It didn't. Tb tootk wbleh ta 'Mqulr had wa shot from tb Jaw of a burglar at boa or H. Alur la Horn teed on Saaday aight. Th faat Uat tb molar fitted Wallaoo'a jaw waa apt to mad ea pleasant ompUeaUoa for Uat caauamaa.

aad a aald he bad sever owned sush aa ngly-lookmg bit of ivory la hi 11a. For all that waa arrM ted aod taken UJaU to await a trial oa a eaarg of atwmptlag to rob Alur aoua. A DOVRLM 1RA0RDT. iNLHASAPOUa, July a At Trafalgar; Johaaoa County, thia marninx, Sam net Hen daraoa shot and killad hi dlvred wlf. Barak HBdraoa.

aad than kUfd himself. Mrs. Ha-daraaa btata4 a dtvere la Baptembec Haadersoa waa to Uliaota. wber waa a. raigued bafor th Oaitad Otata Caart for avad-lnc dlvnru ed Waataa eban knwrs rough th mail.

Ho Uea mnraod Jnna County aad atarrMd a woman wiU whom wa living Uo Urn of hi death, Hwdsr wm about OO aad Mr. Header aawa bo roar af aga. av laasuj os grow Bmiraa aurviv DB. PBPfBB SDUMOBBLK QXX. HXU0AY: ATTACXKD vrrTB monart coaexs-nox.

XgRtTRT N. July a Dr. Will-lam Pappor ol PaHadalpaia earn to Acbary Park to-day to pond th Prarth with th Boa. H. B.

who haa a ttag am Blxta- avanaa. raoMvod a telegram from Dr. tBmlly to-alghf at 8 o'clock aammoalag him to Jpia Gen. Bherldan'g party on board th wa-tara, nw lying: at Dalawar Breakwater. Dr.

Pppr tv town at AVhT. on a spetal train on the Pennsylvania Ballroad. by way of Cam-dan, for Capo May, whoa ho will ho trano- frrd by a Govern mnl tug th Swatara. Lxwxs. DeL; July a Th TJnitod Statog ataar Bwatara, with Ooa.

Bkartdaa ea board. arnvod otx thg Dalawar BreakwaUr at 10 o'eloak thl morning. The foiUwtag ballUa iwapootUg UiOaaral' oadltla waa fur-hiahd by the phyiiaaa: Gn. Bfcerldau tbo ran from Hampton Koad vsry well. ho omewhat fatlgoed by th ahlp metioo.

ther bavUg been nldrabl ground swalL It to propoud to remain her for a tew hours, and if condition ar favorabl to sail for New-York Ul vsalag. Taa Gearra pais has ooatlaoad aood, bat hi rapiraUi aad ppUM ar aomo-wbat lae favorable. i ROBERT M. CREILLT. UUiai ta.

SAJKstUW. Tb followiag ballattn waa furnished thl ovaelag: At aboat 11 Ul morning Ooa. Bkartdaa had aa attack of pulmoeary eongasUoa. it wa mr eaelly controlled thaa oa aay pravloas eaaloB. At thl hour (d P.

M.I he la muog rsther quietly, with but little sough. Hie akboo( BO Bd Irregular. Ml pals 1 vO3 and hi lu para lure 9iH. He haa had Mvaral rafiwshtng poatdon of the Batara being qui sheltered from aay moUon nf the sea. Bad obsolole quiet ha been maintained on board.

1 ROBERT M. O'REILLY. jjr HENRY C. lAaaOW. VWamapaaaBBna 1EXA8 iB0N.PABll8A2i8.

ii AM IVDXrKKDKHT STATX TICKET NATKD. Fort Wotrra, Taxaa, Jnly a Th SUto COBVSatlOn Of farmara. Ialaeaa anA anar. ralar of Texas, knOwa as Us" Non-Partlsaas." mi yesuraay aad computed ito work to-day by adopting a platform and nntttng oat a full atax ttckat, Th platform charge Bapubiioaa rany, wnn co a trailed th National Govem-mont, with Inaugurating a financial policy which has brought ruin upon th coos try, and harg Deameratl Party wiU oaUautag aame policy sine lu aooessloa to powac It dealara that aaUoaal bank ahuld bo ol-tabod, Uat eommaaiaatloa and transportation aaould wnd by th Gvra-mant, Uat ao alln; aboold bo allowed to hold real stat ia Ul out or la th United state. fridea aad Vle.prMnt hould bo leetd by popular vote.

The plat-lerm favor a aational saury law. unit ml tad colnag of sliver, and compulsory arbltrauea laws, aad denbua th repaal of Ua Intaraal Evan Jne of EraU County wa Domlnatad for Govern-T by a rialng vote, H. a. BroUa Trras' atr waa aomlaated for Uoateaanw Governor. C.

Ge-rs Denton County for Controller, and J. MU MeFaddea of Williamson County for Treasurer. Candidate for Commis-slonersofth Land Offloa. Buperlntondent of "Oil Instruction, AUarasy-Gaaeral. Chlsf-Justle, aad Assoolat Jnstlee of Ue Supreme wer aomlaated.

KaMlaUons war adopted danoaaclag a pernicious sack iesi-latioa a la sought by Mill blU, la pbvelag wool Ton tb iro list, aad demanding from Garai Govarnmeat aa appropriation smeiat to oearo a oeop Inecs of Ue non-part iaaa conTsotios. Samuel water port oa the Gulf coast Texas Aoommlt-y WM appoloUd to eoafer with Union Labor Bute Convention. whin maeU bar July B. and aak Uat convention to Indorse th nom-Evana. Union Labor eaadldat far Oongraas UxthDllrle waa ladoraed.

waa Cot? hi tain vmrisv ainy lutloos pertaining to State affair war ado PU4, aura sa coaveBti aajouraed. WABTM TO 1 0RT OB TBM TRACZ. Chicago. Jnly a An Injunction waa Usned to-day by Judge JsmlMoa rostrainlBg tb Washington Park Clnb from keeping Lonla M. Cohn, a -wall-known off racoeonr, Cohn alaims to Ua wnrf certain race hers aad to deeply Utorsted in all racing vnU! Uroughout Uo ntry.

httma that Mm i tint ago was warned off Ue groaada by th dab, bat ho dlaragard4 warning and ion Saturday ha wa forcibly ejected from track, though ptwvtdadwtUa regular Uckt tays a loaae a aalary of fioo a week as a bookmaker baalda otaer perquisites as a bora manager and agent of sport-lug ms Uroagnoat tb eons try, Hs aeaerte Uat ther is a groaad for th action of Uo club other than tha lb wa nimUarly ejoetad by Ue LoBlevUle Club oa false charge soma time ago. Members of th elub say that Ue LonUvili trouble rultd from puuiag a brs In en of the mm Uer. ArgaatenU for a permanent nJonun agaiast th iub wiU beard, th first day of Aognst urn ef Court. i 1 OABADlAkl fROBlRITIoklSTS, Moktrxax, dly a Th National ProhU blttoa Coavonttoh iWas opaaod hr today. Aboat 200 delegata wr prat Th Exaca-Uv Committo of tbo Domlaloa Alliaao peahen ted a rsport giving a brief rvlw of Uo hto-tory of movement la former Moatraal Convention in issi Ex-Mayor Hwlaad of Toronto was ltd rnmann PrMldaah Most of Ueday was oeeupied la dlaeusalag taa qeeeUos of watar a sott Taapraaa aet, wbleh met wiU a maay aafaata la Oatarto eoBtly, I a success or a failure.

8vral resolutions wer offered, ladadlag sns si pinsslat sa-fldaaee ta Uo Beott act. a aoooad la favor of tormlag a problbitUa party, a third- in favor of meradraaed Ivgialatioa Uaa the beott act, aad a fourth la favor of formUa of a third political party. All war referred to th Committee oa Resolution. li i NOMIXATKIX FOR COireRMtM. Rutland.

Vt4 Jnly a Th First Con-grloaal District Republican Convention wa hold t-day. Jadgo p. E. NUbolsoa, wh waa Chalrmaa of fir, Rapablleaa Coavaati in thto oBBtry. presldlBg.

Joh W. Btowart of Mlddlabarg wa renemlaated for Coarrasa. aad Malor D. J. Bafford of MnrrUrllU waaaJiZv aatd for PraldaUal KUctar.

Adocst a. OJjtly 8.rfm-M org T. Berne of Tiatb fisiaslnsl DUtriet of Goorgia wa unanimously nominated to-day by th district eoavanAbm for kia third Urn. tu 4 A LAWIRrU'B7RM BIM TRUST. WrufKcoTox.

July a Publication wa mad Ui afternoon Uat Waltor Cnmattaa, Jadgf MaallaI Caart, haa -Tg taa treat ropa him by Unm pie mH gage aggregatmg 186.800 on prprti wsd by him, tb sussscd Valaatlon of wktoh I aalv amf srstiur Lvl M. Miliar, a sratr. wUo bad latraatadl bim wtu sum for tavaatasaat AgTawatla' OUov creditors are tb Garasaall Loaa Aaaoelailoe, glS.OOO; Porpotaal Laaa Aa-oocmttoB, l400p jClayu. Laaa Aaaociatl a7 TBM AMMRJCAJf CR1CXMTMMR, Toro.tto.-Ontario. Jajy a-Tho Ameri-raa who ar to play la th tetarnattoaal cricket match wiU Canada to-morrew bA bmrrird here UU evasuag.

Thy wrmtky a large namoer or nator nag tWir frieada. Tboy ar aa xedia-lv atraac team aad tb keooeat itoast axiaw la ragard to taa ra. all of ta saatokwi! NATIONAL COMMISSIONS. I AXbaxt. Jaly X.Gv.

Hill aad staff waat to Btagaambaa this aftsrassa. wbara ta Svrsnar win make aa sdilres at taa aavotuag af taa nil dkw aad -allacaf meanmeat. Barer -arttaL A4jt-Ga. rwrtar tasnad ibtaam a muwi David rreekaraa MaJer and I Fir Bnaada, anhar h. aad aaalataat Kwcwl Tktrt.

Bnwtkv Kia Cantata i Tbtnawata Ravt. aa. ICtgaU -l7TTLaaU viTSit oTVSii ''-a mwm 1 an, "TB (Vara JUglBMO tt Oo-nr A. C'lamaat a First Lkt ateaaataad Caa! -fi-ti to Wuilam MaUmaaata BaFirat Bagimsaa Orsttaa At BalfaM Ohtgar Ala la 1 ataBAtvr bw JdaT PEIOB TWO CENTS. HEADfej (iREAT HISTAKF 1 I i---f I i OBB.

llOSGSTBJCBr, ONl TEB BAltLB OX QBITIBBOBQ. PAurxo ioTxm tsi piild; xicortxd tTaTIOjr OUKatALa THB gXCOND RX- VXIOll Or TH L0B AND THS GRAT. OxTTTSBUROy Jnly a Near th -BloeAngleUanrpriaait post Kailed to this post ia small pieeo ol board; Upon thia bcrd ia printed th inscription IlAn-oock 1 wa woondbd ber.1', A number of horaoman war paaalng this spot to-day at nn oarly hour. Whh on of thorn. Gen.

But-ternald. jehief tjf i Oon. Uaadh'g gtafr, called an halt Tho ther horsemen draw rein. Th: taiL aoldlerlv; flgnro' en th piritd black hors was that of Uea. Jam Loagstreeti Aocompanying him were ex-oenator vr arner AlUMr.

who aits on norso splendidly; tisut Blade of th Fourth United Btatea Catalrv. and. tvs nnteniaa who brought np tbo rear. Looking to th wost, ovt naldh ot golden grain. Gen, Long- -treat gaxod long and intently at th gloomy wood of! rjaminarr RiHtm (mm' Pickett and hi honsands haddashod to mate ifi memorable eharg that decided uo xortnno ox tbe tiey.

Th silenco was at length brkn by Con. Bntterfiald, "Wo lost splendid. ha aald, "in not ordering coon tcrcharg after Pickett'a defeat" r- Tha Canfmlmbi taJa, anUU1l.t.n tbo remark of the chief of sua of the man who commanded the Union forces in th think that Gen. Bhttorneld had something auwiw aay. sua aa waa ngnt 1 1 recommended that each a coarse shonld bo pursued oontinued Gen.

Battertleid. I knew that Klivnm V.H Vl. i wi 111. wi ua readme to move, anil I tainted ant to tn. Meade tbo advantage that would certainly follow.

Gen. Mead did not agree with me." Htm. Iilintnat yllul 1.1. i -a waiuai aiw, Once more ho looked acroae tbo open Spac ma rncaumn aa vtniu oi 23 years ago. 1 hen.

turning to Gen. Bnttorfield, he ald: "That wa a fatal orrot. After the failure of Pickett'a charga and there were ftom of iu uhmitcwu 1 iati tnero wr men who stood on Somihary Kidgwho ax pec tod a general advance by1 the Union foreea. wam far a tin, a In dat ion. Our line' war verv thint 'tnaV wer in no condition to withstand 'an attack if it war mad with any vigor.

I am convinced that had wo been then vigorously attacked thoio ould hav ben an nd to the war," wonvrtion; was held aboat 10 Crclock. Half an hour aarl far in i1 4.. a a tour of tbe battie-hold. Tbo attention of many wag drawn to the faet that tbo tour waa made under tho direction of Meade's chief of statl, and that tha diatinvuiahnii ta on of tbo bravest fcnd bnghteat of Maade'a rrvuoiia vb sua natunaeta a quarter of a century, ago. They; rode along th Balu-naoro bike; and tarhed Into BnitU-avenue.

AftaTtitlLldiintnditliijI.TMakl kui a sUtod bo caught sight of tho "marker1 wnor" orav Aj-miatead ffii H. aofily gratinad; and. not a llttul aarnrlaMl an Ium. Ka "7. ai aua uiisi waa in progr to mark th spot with a hno unmuuisBti xte- was twu gnat objection had been made to tho placing of avan a "mArker fthere, a AxmmtoaoTxOU Unaido tbo high-water mark; in th nballionJ yen.

L.yncu, wno.oonunanaeci tho Phils- delnhia Hriiraifa la ta kaftla ij th reunion began that tb spoton -vbich ao bravo a man as Amistead fell ahonld be maraea witnomeuangmorthaaapioef lb enort -tat raia aarmlaiina l. roct a moonmcBt Armiatoad ia; being Cowen's battery on tho on aid, and by men of Pickett' division on th 1 hey bav already collected vral hundred dollara, nktll Kan rinaatUm aV A wuvwaivu JLAJ anJ Aal AAgs hH 1 HbUU many minds is, W'Ul th Memorial Asaoci-tioa consent to allow tho erection of a Confederate monument Srithin the Union line Heretofore it has not permitted anything of th sort oxoept in th case of a Maryland Tba mtrlnifS wlthla k. I T.i.. l.n Jim mm auv waiwu 1 1, vm Cnlp'a Hilt whilo tho monument is juat out-. aid of tho line.

i i i Gen. Longs treat I interetd In tb story ana is undoubtedly Interested in tb wu sua in pea npwn it, out aai. nothing. Uo rode-all around thai littl marker" that represent th pot oa which Armiataad fall anrt It wueliiU rfmHin, ther and i slancinfi to the weat that mad hi first refsrehe to Pickotr cliau nil aallajl it a ml.tkV. TV V.

I. mr HMi ima few topographical change hero, and $hero. mm wiu, uui sa I1C14 lownea to U1BCU aa it had -looked tho day of th battle. Thl IthnlAirM nh akM a. V.

A waa aa cleat as on tbo day of tha battle. Ho wua aunoas aee tno. ooys in gray lormlng upon the. distant ridgov preparing for tbo vraai a a a IVUH mi 1SM4 charge begot silence, and tb party moved toward Cntetery i On tho way Gen. Longs tree recovered hi buoyant apiritstand again began talk- ing of tho battle.

Both, poaittona, ho said. --were strong lor defensive operational .1 bo only chance th Confederate had. tho only chance any could have working on aua umgai siu. ia poaiiion bmb a tn tWO irmilla MV.nltel avaa a MakA L. on too hank whilo feinting on the centra, Wo Vera rnatrLH in tka tfbMai.

of thosooonid said Gen. Longstroet, warming to hie work, "and wa loat ao minute of valuable timw by an accident. Th aocidenf to Which he referred was too uanng assaoit upon his lino by Berdan's aharpaoootflrs. 5. 4 -But littl tim w4spnton Cemetery UilL Of eoura allusion wa made tothocharg of th Louisiana Tiger.

Nobody ver Visit Cemetery Hill without saying something of a Anmnlim.nt,p n.lnM rA v. rt 1 roachmg Littl Koand Top tho party hated upoa spot on Which tho Porty-fourth fow-York monument will bo croctd.t Th i-ony-iourtn waa Uen. Uutterheld's eld reminant TJttla I oncoutorwd too Mtmj, and naturall Snailaxl, aa tbo oneany had a camera with im 1 ha deadly inatrnment prformwd it fell work just bafor th arrival of anotbr distlairniakaH atri i i sr auw new arrivals wero Gen. bicklea. Gen.

blocnnvand Gen. nndeTatood last night that i-mjm9J7mm accompany Uen. Lrfng- trt lrom tb urt, but thw-rorkcr waa ao long delayed, by friends who wanted hJf 1 "WV4 tht th othors tmado th start witboat him, i i (1m Cl.lU..JI.'i ua ovBjpaaions pecnpiaa baronchaJ Tb two naruo joined forcog rr i euuucuiv reiniorcea fy 1 Uen. Martranft who bad boon aaaisUag at th ttadmation ef tho Ktnty-aunth r'ennavlvaa- It'l 'Tka. i LttU Hound Top by way of tb lmvil' 1 MB.

Hll.fl 1 a k. 1 1 I i 7" sseti ta battlhld had noticed the aw-Yorkers and determtnad to follow tuem. They did follow them, nad Little Koand Topi soon wwwsmiuji7. in is army wanted te shako kands with Gen. Locrsirevt.

and it wa bound to do Gen. tMckles looked en. SBn I a a a mn mtui. Ixingstreet' second reception on Lit-. th Konnd Tbo old Confederate bnbd, and be acta ally attempted to hid laaW klnil aa laa.a 1 a.

1 a -7 a wwariuor SUM tM CteAOly camera waa a rain bnralat at i esptmred and brought to tho iron tf Tbe photographer crid. AH ready the clotb was tlung aside, chin were bold up, and in a memant tbe negative ttiacluaed that th faoea and figure of Gen. Longstreetj Gon, bieUee, Gotk hlocnnt, Gen. Buttortield, Gen. Carr, Oen.

llartranft. and Gen. Joshnn (Jhamkarlain. vka 4aa i A President of tbo boetety of tbo Army of tk vavuHaa, WVSIV WW Avr Baa OO PPg IS fw daya, 'K i about Liitle Bound Top ant tb anUTMBaiinat ejnuftfr-e Clmrt I.n.,aa he noticed very litu thmnz. TbdiQi-nltj vi teams wis ZlgBna AAltlO xwOUngt Tot seemed to hint no graster to-dar tuan if wa i 25 years agotKivo minute' time it fhvor weald hav given him Uo bolihte vu us oi esnw tsrosa mn Bpsoxlsn spring; it looked self a might easily hav 'Hit ST A II- li 4 i-i If f-s if II St CI It li ll II: ll ti ft ft 1 Si 8 it -f! II it IS' -2 ft li il it it s.

it IX II ft II i 3 4 II.

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