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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 16

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 OH IS LOWER, I DDT RMS DULL cf Local Dulls to LlquI-data Causes a Moderate Setback. BY LOW PRICES of tho Market Barely Steady, with Ntt Loss of 2 to Point. CMtoa wu dull yesterday with, a ihtiy easier tax, and the close wa riy itMdr at a. mi loe a-to The moderate aetbach probably occasioned by nothing, mom than a dr.lre the port of aoroe of tha bu'4 to liquidate owing to diaguat tha failure of the pricaa to ad-. mn.

Tho market to altogether la character. ajd tha nubile not am to be taking- the allghteat rest in fluctuations. 1 ha congestion In tho export altua- a continue. Tha high freight rate im attracted a certain amount of tonnage at toiM porta, but not In r.cient voiumo to cauao anygeoernl of freight rate. It to aaid soma Texaa ehlppara novo obtained but thaao do nbt appear to at all general.

juthera opot markets continue firm ite of tha unfavorable ehlpplng eon-one. Aa Alabama, epot firm wired nerday: Oood demand frem'IAver-l. Iloetoa polnta and New Orleans, ct farmera who hatro held forU coota i in aold end It will take a full half i.t advance to bring out much cotton In volume. 1 The ataadlaeoa of Woatera la nitrated by the following from Little 't A(R. II r.i.ea bale.

Including ooncon tuca point baatdeo Little HoeJb wore "It ene lot of unsold cotton exceeding Very much tea cotton In of farmer and country merchant I ever knew before at thto date epot market a officially -4 were uncnanaed. Tha local for ot cotton waa un- 1. far middling. Futuree barely steady. i Lv.

Close. Pie. Cleee. a. ...1 UN ll.S2fl.34 7vh 11.4--TIS- i-VKiia-M U'rJ'" itw 'at lie wee u.i!j.i ixmii.v i 1AU Ta ll.e sort receipts.

12.443 bale; la year. tim "Testerday. Welu -w Or1 4.3". woa t.lT lLOM tnntn io 1 Tmr. a T7 1.70 1.O01 11.221 I III a.

INTCRIOB BtCtlrT. ws l.44 l5 ilu us 1.T4 a W3 m. Trti iMiiee: total bue far this i.S3T.k; total Uet eaaeon. MLTHKR.N arors axo a-rocata. aovta.

terka. ta Tr, 1 Calreetoa a i N. 4re Bile rj.Tt 1 i vmimak l.ll at. 421 iiminilwl M.OiT 7 Nrwf 1.1S uua SrtD.ST I. vn.i ia.

t.anl l.s lit 1T.4 S4H.K-U 1.1IVU 43. U4 7 IM.enM im.eoi laa.aiu i v. 1 mmW mtmmit re was a irwl domand In pot cot-t n. with mUdilna tfiree polnta ad- et Haleo. la.rtWbalee..

Re-, t. aii. Market closed easy and COMPENSATION LAW 1 at Albony to Abcltah Direct Settlements. Kmmrtmi at fat JTrat Tar Timf. ALBA NT.

Jaa. 11. Tho azpactod Tmxntt ftaht oo tho section of tho I aw rroTldlaa; for direct settlement of wnrkjnen'o compensation which waa last year amid chsrcoa of brib- -r. bcran today with tho tntrodue- nn br Asseeablymaa McOarry. Demo-rrat.

of Que ne of a bill prorldinc for a tm1 of tao tnactarat. It waa tha rnmffit of the Democrat last year at tha direct aettlemont proTtsloa by tho casualty Insurance com- riea. and they wUI attempt to proire .11. 1 V. a th.

IntllKIlM Com bave 'a rich banaflt Shlptacoff. Soctatlst of introduced a bill today under ailMrililiiv rap em i 4 rt a strike muil Insert In the. a atatement of tho tnyfi i a tnite la In proe-reea at the plajrrt nw emvlove are expected to a. 1 ne bi.l alo would force tho M-or nn num( an oral aareement f.r work In a factorjp whero i. raae'U la proaresa.

to mention tha flr tho anneal op- late bill unoer the tabor laws occoraticms was Introduced Assemblrman Mackey of bela-v whn mould repeal tho law re-. oi day cf rt In seven ao far a--le dairies and milk eoo- fa.Ttocle. l- MeFnilrotr Democrat. Vr relntre.luced hi kill of last mm an appropriation of 11.300.- ire construction of a building la ew Vor City to house State official. ivjch stolen goods.

Lett Ranging from to Jewelry Midie I- Houaa, Pollea arJeo Proctor. and his wtfe Mary. v. ef trter Bay. are In the JfaasaU i.unty Jail at Mlneoto, on a charao of ivin stolen aooda a orklna oa the robbery of tho'.

office a storeroom of tho byster Bay Lum-l eempany. Constable John Thompson somethln that toot hlra to tne inctor homo. In tho cellar, he says. 'found white lead and paint Identified lumber company aa harlng boon from It plast. Elaowharo'ln the Tompeon eaya, ho fminft more -x cf Jewelre and eeeeral booka.

which, ofnclala of the I tall road said, were stolen 4 le easier lajr station two months $1 on worth of Jewelry. Thump-, was Mentifled by Mr. William nnoni, whoee house, waa robbed a -r Tho remainder waa cialmed. i sa ra, by James Enclish, a worth ef lewelry tho nlaht amlaivool homo aa entered. a.

MttMnxLH KOTtrit i "tatth risTRiOT irorPiT-Fort Hat riot at New Tark. N(- a Jauary 11. 11. a libel mt Infor- ti rl the above-sained court on -t tha I tilted tataa asaiaa la eaaae m'e Cataup, apoa a MUim thereof, I r'tt tno aalftt aalaure sad pranns M.nuiaUcB Bad tarfeitwre ef ts prop-, oa use ec the United State u-a sf rood aad Dn Act. Jon Oo, rmaet the motiUksn of aaltf eoort there-I aotify all raraoita claLmins aald waraa.

aad r-aaaaie or IntareateH 'i uTMt IW'M-o said court In the oat P--K iXflce Hullitlna oa January II. 1 30 clock A. iprevioad the anall be a day of day of yurtedictlon tbaroarter.) at tinta aad placo the rrifa al l- -r" aad the tnal had. and to Infra on lro aad alirtlowa, or they will be and said property aoBdosnnod. THOMAS wcCArtTHT.

t'nlted'. States Marahak S.VJWBaSf MAJtSHAJJU U. AUJTB.T. BUSINESS WORLD nuref VV a 1 8 sv Cents per opafe tin oac InirrHoO. r-wp-pw rue rMiNK neh: sooO three- thread elethr eaaa.

f-araaies, DBKPSEareultaT'eeats. oaleta. aklrta. itti- ceats. sishrad Jobs oaairee; casa.

na tional i'uecuauos a Uapeoard rraaa. tM.i. Ofti'lSli COATH Jobber looktnc aolflna ly. St west Mm. inn JKAX.

We. are to buy a Quantity- at a price. H. Solamaa. 141 TVael MlbiJli BLOl-'dE.

Coouactora wanted at enee ea auldy Mouaea. H. Soitxaun. 141 Weal Hath. BEKOtdk Bias eer(e.

cheap, cotton -a. seeds wanted for caaa. a. as" XI Orrene bt. WKAR1NU APPAIttLs-Caah palj for Job ef ladle" and cniiaren wmn Jl.

aeoeral Bnerrhaoeia. Tel Sprlns aoa. VnXtTI AXS CHILDREN' APPARKU- Mail erder boaae witu eanaraooi-r oi enanea to hear frim mrr. Of women a aw chlllren's apparel, household arttoles. and Bevalllaa: pnncibais eniyi aena vrrm.

boe. ano NepMii Wldener Pblla. OrS.BXNOO Ty niilaaa COATS. Suits for Jsnnsry sates. -to elose t.

1 a DO J1' no CREPE AND PANAMA. Black, bait wool. SO slecea. te close out at layo. ja.

aKiitTa. waaa; ry- at tractlvs ka.ara- aommulliatlda desired. a Times MWfliown. aWKATER-COATll. Will -cVoae out oheap.

lot of ladiaa' sure atlk wair-ota. Uat striae quick action aeoeaaary. Trie tvd Knittlnc JW otn av. Help aad bltaatleas Waa ted. AOKNT.

yam lilac with Canadian trade. repreeeet saaaufacturara llnea of dry sooaa and fancy coeds; until ftatarday at STInoe VIDDT BliOl BtS. aaleamen. side beat doaea BniaaT after 1 P. M.

a tfl tl. COMMERCUI. PAPER. -J. Teeteraar-4w par osnt.

or the best aamea. a Wednesday per osau.ior,"" The auotatleaa are for mentas papar. .4 oiiu ioorta Show Bis Gain. m.a Mrt tha Bilk Association of America corerlng import or ouuaoie kli at this sort In tho five week ended Dec? hi ahow a nice rain over tho value of similar import in in cor responding period of 1914. no respeo-lr, totals were S2.044.Tbb and Sl.SoS.2S2.

or which fabrics woven tn tha ''piece totaled M19.S81 -and KJC.31. plushes. silk ready-made clothing, ar-tifical silk yarn, ate silk laces, ero- brjioertes ana irimminae, afactured silk, and silk and India rua- V. WAM shown by velvet, chenilles or other pile slik ribbons and bandings. Import or raw silk for the period totaled compared with oT1.4U4 la U14.

"e' Raw Silk Prlcaa Firmly sHald. 1 a fuetbee a ra ca of 30 yen (S15) Per plcul featured the. week In the Toko- hama raw silk market, but buying waa only moderately -active. Sales for the week totaled Z.O0O bales, and stocks are estimated at 16,000. bale.

Tha Canton markat ts Bftlva and vary firm. Stocks contlnuo light. Shanghai report an Increasing demand and a firmer market. Tha boat steam filatures for tho present season are about an gone, ana prices are very high. Tho rife In exchange has further Increased the lay-down cost.

-a. i ft 1 II 1 1 1 A 1 no puuaiion at 1 change, stocks being small and price 1 1 hllMilM II 1 ii anu n.iviiii. a steadydemand for aiot and nearby silaa. rrw-M mrv worania sympathy wrth tha tread at primary v.a Separata Sklrta Will Ba Good. Report from, maker of separate aklrta Indicate that business la that Una for Spring will be excellent.

The Spring aklrta will bo abort and very wide, some of them measuring flv yards at tha bottom. Because of this fullness there to a considerable us of yoke aeon la the now models, the Idea being. It to said, to' prevent hulklnesa at tha hips. Many novel adaptations of the yoke idea are seen, soma or -which Impart much class to the aarments la which they are used. Another featureIs-tho us or larse pocaete ot in paten variety, and some of those are also out of the ordinary.

Wide, short, circular skirts are good at the moment ror skating wear. Many of them show garniture of patent leather or colored kid. Unusual effect In fabrics are used largely la these aklrta. v. Must Do Their Own Tooting pwlag- to tho dyes tuff scarcity the principal mills have adopted tho policy 'refusing to.

bo reap on si bl for good a-jMbf! them after they have been put w-eparatory to manufacturing Into garments. The representative' fabrio producers to bo using standard dye, but tha responsibility clause in en'iral use. never heleaa. It remains or the clothiers under the present circumstances- to-do their own testing since, they, have no red rase from tho mill In caaa- tha retailers put in claims based on unsatisfactory dyeing. As one clothier remarked humorously yesterday.

tho tops of tho loft buildings In tba rlnthins districts may eoon be con verted Into testing rooms, piece of cloth being stretched out to get the full benefit, of weather condition. i Anxloua to Gat Good. The 'prices made on' familiar piece goodo numbers osually engagaa the attention -of tho clothlerS at this Una. Special Interest attaches-to the prices quoted oh tha key numbers.1 as they are -called, the atapla goods Of wioe reputation tnado by the -leading raJUa, This season, however, the clothiers, do noe secra to bo themselvea ovari oumbors or jj-icea. In the first place, there 1 nothing to guide them as to tho Identity of the various fabric offered, as tha usual numoere are mias-ir wnd the- one used now sre con stantly changed.

What J.h clothiers are desirous of doing 1 to purchase aoorla that, look Ilk good sellers to them and on which they have reason to believe prompt deliveries win do maaa, Quacty alone to a guide under tha pres ent system oi hii 4 Sheetlnai Are Wall Sold. A ftPretty fair bulna on Mieetlnga was don Id thta market yesterday. Including Uberal sales of four-yard, 4S quares, at cents, for January-March delivery. One of the feature of this part' of the gray goods market the present tlmo la the extent to which forty-Inch good have boon bought by buyer. Testerday there was oulto a Utile bidding, for .2.60 good.

width, buyer' apparently beiiig willing to pay a1 cent for deliveries within tho next two months or It wa aaid. i ft. ihu rAodi ara now to-be had for de'ivery thia side of April or May. no can ior eu-inca 2 kia to not aa heavy aa it haa been. i tv aorvls ars now Quoted at SSfc to cents, with few available.

Other forty-lnoh goods were quoted' yesterdsy as foUowa: -Klvo-yard. l-M cent. 4.2.1. Tri eent; S-7Sa. -w to cent S-Sa.

TH aenta. and 2.3-w. cents. All of them are said to be difficult to ret for delivery this aid of aiarcn or Jtpru. Votes-foPSaleaman denator William M.

Bennett of the ISth Senatorial District will ahortly Introduce a votes-for-salrsmen bill In tho Senate at Albany, and A. of tho assembly Dia- TIIIT r. N15WV YORK 'TIMES FRIDAY? i.iliiu a similar measure in tho Aaaembly. To aupport tha effort of the IcglsUtors to bar a law passed which wit! glva the vote to aaicameu i hare la a movement now on foot 'to form a. central conference of tho salea- men's associations.

leon' Meyer, wno naa been prominently Identified with tho la 4 tlve In tho formation of tho new com mit toe, wnicn i win represent ariik mem bar tt tMn mA IK iaSI trav ellng men. If the'bUI about to be In troducod at Aioany wramw will enable tho salesmen to resistor thred month ahead of the usual tlmo, i wherever, their may bo at the time aa election to held. loanabura Prlcea.Ulaputad. Tbero- la soras dispute In too cotton a. trade at tho moment regarding tho true, price of S.50 oanaburga for the next six 1 montns.

in bw" ia wtahttained that they ar aold up solidly for tho first three months of tho year at' 014 cent." and thht after that data they will ba held Just as nrra. not firmer. On the other" hnI. It said that the beet price which can bo obtained, on these or Jf- shorter- contracts, of. two monthar duntion.

the price runa crnU, tho Jower price JfJJ, erieo tnat ena wiin reason for this Is said to bo-that the bulk of tho demand from tho bag ttado to for the early these buyera beinV-iufe of-tho burlap aljuatton or tho nrst tnroo monma Zr Beyond that time tho prospecta of get tioa- heavy burlapa are more less hair -and while tho prpbablllty toj said to bo strong that burlaps scarce then aa they. are now the bag men appear to bo mora willing to take a chance than to contract away ahead for oanaburga at tha present market price, V.1-. Prlntclotha Shapa. j. -KuMxifti mora aood buying of prlntclotha In tho local' gray good -tha ittv.

aave for SO-tncll SO-SO and sSH-lnch, fA-o. extending throughout the Hat or atapi in aettlna firmer daily. UVO. and as they advance buyer are having more difficulty to-f? Kales ror tne oay iren fr 13 for. spot shipment, at ftH Sii -a.

a. A bbhI wsTatwy rIwllVlrV Sklk cents. Few of theae 'goods, if any. etui now" Dj ntaCi ununr ia.wi rm foanl delivery. neaa waa ooow ij.

said to be the lowest price that can be Sol Vow" All tho SM4-linch 64-wia avail- able ror spot ouri 1 jt AV Mull Rids Of 4 is-m cent were refused for February delivery, and 4T cents la asked generally. -Sales of JWH-lnch 60-62a and HD-4Ka were maaw tho next eixty daye at tho flgurea quoted i rlln naHooaai WaPa Mt-tnch. 4-inch. SB-Inch. a-T2a Bo Xb! saarlach.

'Z7-Ibcb. TO REOPEN STEEL PLANT.) Mldvalo 5 Company 8ald to In at Wharton. 4 nruiRTnic tt is. It la re ported hero' that' a- four-mlllion-dollar deal la being-arranged to reopen many mines and furnaces In this vicinity. Tha uMrah Rtael' Comnuir la aald to ba back of the deal.

The barton rurnace mt veexs iow since a the' plant and preparing estimates of tho cost of putting It in ahape again. The Miovaie meet i Panama i. wmu recent orortr 101- abails. and other largo orders vwbiea have been under negotiation. COMMODITIES MARKETS I WHEAT.

ft ante win BOW MSB with active buying prompted by .1 M-ult nf tha recent larae export sales and a growing feeling of appre hension lest the sever etna wsve area. Prices declined 1HQ SMrtt from the top. although at the close I Ban were was a partial teuowy. ana naa. liii.

advaaoa. Ia tba local cash nsark.t No, 1 durum wheat waa quoted at 11.41. WO. 1 isonnera iuiu.a, $1.43, and No. 1 Northera' Msnltoha, 11.40, ires OB ear.

u. NEW TORK 4 Prey, tast Mlsh. Low. Cloas. Cloaa.

Tsar. Mav jiy. 'l--a 1-WT4 CHICAGO PRICKS. May l.JT' 1 t-SS CORN. The cora market was strong aad with prices at new, bisk records early aa aareaatve.

promptad by proaoaacvd strsnath abroad and prtvats reports oaUraat-tog a toas ef SS per eeat. la condiUea la the Argentine crop aa a result or ary, aei wsather. Tba unsettled cold weather la the West waa also asainat the movaroent and favorable for heavy feedlna. Priced reacted a little lata, but final wtationa were ta He net. In the local oaab market No.

tallow xora waa at Saw a prompt shipment. tm BlrK'Low. CU-e. 1jr May feu. tW au iwi us.

July OAT8. wr. aald te hare taksa about SOO.OOO baaheltfof aad the -mark at was stsona. with prleee at. the-bit best polat mt r.

law-ai- caaa -mai mml was firm: No. white quoted at No. 4 white. P04J31C fancy wane. ordinary clipped waits.

aU srsvator. CHICAGO 1CTCS.V U. Cloea. Cloaa. Tea, Cay ou 64 July af doe- PR0VISI0lS; 1.

ta Wast baa, appar ently the wrovemort of llv boaa. sad as ths beg market Taata.o.r firm, wltk asms of 20 to CO point at Cbl- Hat ivavonded. With a harp 4 upturn early on goud -buying. 'Tba advaaee bow.rer, asaiir aiu-a a BMin, toward the elose; the market aaaed off rapidly. Recelpta boss at aareOuO, wMlmatad lor- OiJ reoelred S.0O0 aad Omaba CHICAOO PRICKS.

Last Hish. low. Claaa. Cloae. jlSmlrr' .....10.10 1O19T-10 4O 1.

40 isa wjio io-W; i.i Blb, ia as ia.47 S.T7 oftilry S3 1S.1S-.-1S.1S. 1.00 1S.10 The oafraa markat a further decline ef SfllO Pohita daring the early operations yesterday vlndar scsAtsrsd llqaioatioa owing to rumors of lower prices In BraaU sad resorts af farther elearaaces sxpoeted rrom there aa or about Jao. 20- raUle an acatterad oaverlnc. aad at tba elesa af ZL bad redueed the decUae te lOr taTTotal aalea were 14.2M baa. The loVr; sVot markat waa dull and a Uttla.aaeler.

wTtn lUo la quotodiat oaabv- Usage of prlcaa; fc Hlsb. Cloae. Oose. a aoa at January-. Fabruary Marck April May T.l June ii July August Heftetnber October sm S-ftS 7 00 7.07 T.ii 7.

7.aaT.o7 .11 T.1S y.oiMri.ii i a 7.21 9MIT 7.27 7 37.S1 7.S1 7.S57 SSi' 7S 7.4rt7.41 7.41 7.60w7.SS 7.61 yerember December .....7.40 7.44 I COTTONSEED OIL' Tbs market for ootbjossed oil waj aetiv aat strong with price at saw recerds the Ther ws mora or less pront-taklng on the bulge and refiner were ft lmaa hut While cr Prices wer7 slightly below the IMi.tW wera.UU.H.palata aaeva the EAST RIVER TUNNEL CONTRACT AWARDED BoothA ninn, Who Will Dothe Work for $6,639,023. to Use the Shield Method. McBEAN PLAN IS REJECTED Contractors' to Hava tha Subway Ready for Connection with '14th Straat by 1918. Tho contract' for tho construction of the tunnel under tho East River from Fourteenth Street, Manhattan, to Nortn Seventh Street, Brooklyn, waa awarded yesterday by the Public Service om- miaaion to A Fllnn. Limited.

Thev will naa tho usual shield method of driving the tunnel under the bed of tho East Rtvef. and will complete tne work for Sd.639.0-JS.S0 In twenty-oeven months from tha delivery of tho contract. This nuts an end to the effort Of Dun can McBean and his associate to ob tain the contract for the construction ttl the tunnel by tho method with which -Mr. McBoan'a name la conected. Thto provide for the dredging out of a trencn In the bed of tho river along tne une 01 tha lnnn.1 and the lavlnK In It of the tube of the new tunnel, which would have been pervioualy prepared on ory land.

Mr. Alcllean contended that his anrt more a Deed than tho shield plan, and that It would reaun in mm at a considerably less depth than on ander tho bed of the stream. Thereby, bo argued, tho gradea between the tunnel and the reat of tho aubway would bo- considerably reduced, and a permanent advantage in tho matter or operation would be secured. Vhen he lsid his plans before Commissioners Hodge and Hay ward, however, they took them up with Colonel Black. Chief Knglneer of the War Department In, thto dlatrlct.

Tho East River to, aa a navigable stream, under tho Jurisdiction of the War Department, and Its sanction would bo necessary for any alteration In It depth. A soon, however. Colonel Black understood that tho McBean method would Involve tho reduction at one point of tho depth of tho East Ryor he aaid he could not approve of it without modification. It would be necessary to preserve the -i present depth of the river without obstruction, and that would have necessitated the dredging out of tho trench HO feet beneath the surface of tho water. Thto it was realized by the Commissioners and by Mr.

McBean himself would bo a very difficult and costly piece of work, and It waa decided hot to have recourse to the trench method. The contract waa then awarded to Booth Fllnn as the lowest bidders, but they undertook to reduce the contract tlmo for the completion of the Job from thirty-four to twenty-seven months, ao that the discussion of tho McBean plan ft 1 i. vlnir of aeven naa i cu. Tho commission will endeavor to nave tne iana pwu ern District subway, completed simultaneously with the tunnel, and directed Chief Engineer Alfred Craven to pre sent tne plans ior Kr. rr-i-i V.

tUm, ITaatartft District irai jmwii ft subway, should be ready for operation Manhattan, some tlmo In 1918. final ef Wednesday. Total aalea for tha day wars 2T.0OO barrels. RANQK OF PRICKS. Hish.

Lew. Close. 8 ft.lU.0S ft.OH'.lU.Ot S.02i.ns S.OTt.M ft.0rWtO.ia ft.iftMrii.ia a.iwiu.20 Cloi Spot Jan. b. March AprU May June July Auaust S.S3 S.4 Ml ft.On ft.OX V.10 ft.2 s.fta 00 oo ft.09 ft.

15 sm S.4 S.ft ft.O-t ft.o SUGAR. The markat for suear future was Inactive. total sales amo until) to only MO tons, but prices were steady to firm and at the cloaa showed net salna ef to points. There waa ao malarial In tha aDOt Situation, but there te be leas susar offerrar.

aad. as prices ware about on a basis with the spot position, there was nttie lnaucemeni to wu, and aborts were nervous and Inclined to cover. Range af prices: Cloee. Close. January February S.SS S.SS March S.ST April eo 4d oo ae May 1.50 S.4S June July Auanst S.S1 September October Nova bar Decemser S.SAI.5S S.62 S.BWU3.40 S.43ft43.43 S.48U3.M S.STa3.M S.OUig3.ea I.3a3.a3 I.0MU3.T1 S.I143.7S S.8S 1.44 S.4S S.I1 S.M SM S.S0 S.S1 S.S3 BUTTER AND EGG MARKET.

vaatardav. a31 Back- asea. Owlns to the proportion of his a arnde fiaab creamery, prtoaa for eneh axa wen auatainea ana taere ia lair oamana. Moderate tmdlna In the eecondary amdea. but supplies liberal and receivers are free oilers.

Considerable business la suraee creamery, with moat of the a vera fine quality eetlln at 2Q2Hc, and wltb the hlshor acorm- lota at SOeTllo. Imitation tieatuery steady. Ladle movlne out fairly and prices show lncras.lns; flrmneas. pack-Ine stock acwve and stronaer. Creamery xtraa.

score.) luc: blsher roriBg. sen; Ia.T2c; aeoonds. lt4f8TWc; thirds. 1441000: ci.amei.. held, extraa.

03 aoore.) ZwtiAua: blsber acolins. SOV-ttSlc; I rata. 2741 SSltc. aaconda. 3Si2ae; thTrda.

224ev24Hc; State Dairy, flneat. atfSlc; rood ta prime S7kt2fte; common ta fair. tlWlHc Reno- esus. S4Mr2d4e: firsts. Xtye bwa, mM 9tVn 'r.

Imltatlrar. r.ramry Mrsta ladlea. current make, firsts. 3lYkm.22c; aeooBda 20We; lower grades. 18w roc racking atoca.

June mass. tine. z7 zie; current maae. raw, nio; ia 2. i.yc lawe Sradea.

lT4ilc. BOOS. Receipts yesterday. 10.TM eases. The mark for freak -gathered ears Is under the lofluetvw of an extended severe cold wave which' la sraadlna over all of the principal produoina eoctlona of the West aad South west, auprtiiea nrra are mere taaa ampie tor current needs If all were offered, but prospect, af llcliler cellsrtlans hare Induced speculative aolair.c- uade- shippers orders of a eonstderabla part of the offering, and prices show further advance; the market ciueed strenr.

ttorM are khowlt-g an IrreaulBr the reld wave le (lying some heldere-r-ore hone of the future, but we find little apeo-latlve traamc. aim tna orrenass at laat oJouttlone are-p-ore for present rftaavla. Near-by wboa exs. are about ateady but only a small ef the stock hc. tK rise BBcesaar le-reara lap aoeta.

Ifnt, 1 exit a frrta. ItOUc flrata. X24. fWc; aaeeada, -hlide nd poorer. 37 iw di-tiaa.

NV No. 2 aad noor-r. lOfrtle: cberks. geoa te Choice, ary. xotfzic; evil and iBferier.

l.eiia?: elal fancy. 3id2Uc: firsts. Saftai; sananaa, 21SL3He; thud or poorer, laJcoHc; dlrttaa, l4iK; State, Psaoaylvahla, and near by. bennary whites, fine end fancy, 10) 41e( ordinary te rood. iralberad whltea, ordinary te fine.

t1Mv amall -rhllaa, Wmwhi aatharad I t-a paeTMTet atata, PeniwylvaBIa, and by, bennary browns. STtrtSo; gstbared brown an mixao colors, Ma7e. Weather In Cotton and Grain States. pec-tel to TS Ae Tor twiittivrlTnx. ian.

It Torecatrt M. and S. Car. rlr. and much eoldar with a cold wave: Sat.

lair, continued i i i w. ta a wlnda Oal Pair and much colder with a cold wave: Sat. fair: moderate- a. winaa. in.

aair and eoldar Frl.T much colder In a. aad Sat fair, colder In moderate veriBbi winaa. mostly n. over anw w. Ala.

Fair aad contlnaed cold Sat. fsir and warmer; moderats ts. winds. uia. Fair In a.

aad w. Sat. fair and warmer moderate n. a. wind.

Tens. Fair and continued oald Frl. i ti fair, Ky. aad Ind. Fair continued cold rrt Sat.

fair, warmer. eeld Sat. fan. warmer; moderate a. w.

winds, beosmlng eolder In as. fsir, not se cold: senile, to moderate shifting CpSer Mich. Fair, continued cold Fri. WlT-Falr Frt. and Sac: warm.

Kan and Fri. aad "Mtnnf' and lowa-Falr Frt. and probably K. and Ba a ci K. aa-a ar a mt w- TO CORRECT TRADE FIGURES Exporters Must Glvs Details of Goods and Oestl nations.

Tho Inaccuracy of tho Government's statistics concerning exports, complaints about which war reported from Washington, waa conceded yesterday by men well acquainted with tha Urge ax-port trades. It was duo partly, they aaid, to tha fact that appropriations for compiling statistics have not been sufficient to keep tho work up to date. A more serious cause of error waa tho inadequacy of the present forma of declaration, which do not require a detailed statement of exports or destination. Here a groat reform is expected after new forma of declaration are put Into use on Feb. 1.

Discussing this yesterday. K. C. Porter of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestio Commerce ao the Custom House, said: Mo doubt a great deal of the inaccuracy of our export statistics is due to carelesanea on tho part of the shippers. They have not bothered to give a description of goods and they have been permitted to use very broad defi-nltlob which mean little.

"The old forma simply called for a declaration of the destination of cargo. Consequently, an order for Russia might be shipped by way of Germany and WOUid DO ncorura aa avi. Then Mr. Potter explained that the general term dry goods, meats, machinery." and ao on. have been ao- v.

K. ihlniwr arter Feb. 1 must specif the character of hia aa canned pork." printed cotton cloth or printing presses' After Feb. 1 two forma will be filled out by exporters. One.

the original. Is declared io-bj wr wn customs VB only." while the "duplicate ia to bo handed over to tho exporting vessel and attached to the nraaented for clearance. Ia the original the exporter will be required to give the full drtPtf goods and In the duplicate the inclusion of the value to left to tho option of the exporter. The original." aa laid down by the new regulations, will bo retained in the Custom, House and treated aa con fidential." TO OPEN NEW SUBWAY LINK. Tralna on Saturday Will Run to S6th Street In 4th Avenue.

action of the Fourth Avenue aubway In Brooklyn between Sixty- fifth and Elghty-aixth Btreet wui opened tomorrow, and a cltlsensV committee will hold exercises In the Bay Ridge High School. Fourth Avenue and Biov-aaMnth Street. In the afternoon. A special train with the Public Ser vice Commissioners and other orriciais will start tomorrow from the Chamber Street station and run the entire length of the Fourth Avenue Una: At tha same time all the four tracks of Fourth, Avenue aubway will be brought Into use. When this Une began operation last June, on account of the reconstruction of the Do Kalb Avenue ration It was not noaalble to use both tho express and local tracks, and only a local service waa maintained, now.

both services win ne put. into use. -The Publlo Bervlee Commission yester day also aet Jan. 81 as the date of the public hearing upon the form of contract for tho construction of the short stretch of subway under the Long Island Railroad station In Brooklyn. Thia la part of the connection between the Fourth Avenue line and the Brighton Beach line, and la the laat section to be put up for bidding, all the rest Oetng aimaoy urmgi BUSINESS Ia a irn ta iknt STORES.

INC. A voluntary petition In bankruptcy ft and waa files yeeteruar 10 Ont formerly at S15 Fifth Aveaue. which had a store at Baltimore, by tf la am mm 'I'aiiataO 111 ruptcy of the American and 10 Cent alae or ai rirtn wser of all the stock of the American and 10 Cent Stores. sad a company 'ior BO lAMUftU, UfcOflin. a ftftft ruptcy has been filed aanlnat Samuel Haaaln.

dry aooda. 757 Westchester Avenue, by M. r. 7 w.l.. A Ooldatela.

12S. and Goodman Collar Company. S141. He ale made aa asris-nmont te t-awrenoe I. Oerber.

max OLOBKR. aalaaman. S.0T7 Vyse Ave-Bue. formerly a furniture dealer, has filed a peltlo5 Tta bankruptcy, with liabilities of HlOOS. of which 11.230 is ea a lease, aad ao saeets.

MICHAKT. CASSIDT. lienor eeaier. oou WaM 17th Street, baa filed a petition ia Zl.V, wlVftTllabUlUaa ef aad aasets of S.081. JACOB GOLDMAN.

rurnl.Blnr soooa. aaw I mad arhedules sbowing Uabtlltloe of aad assets of SSO. JOSEPH OTNKR. dry roads, zoi buV haa filed aehedulea ahowing liabUltlea ef SS.744 aad assets of S2.S4ft. ROBERT S.

RICHTKR. SWX $1M an- to 'stock. PHKLPS BROS. COMPAWI. neauna SM- Broadway, has made aa assigns-Mat to Andrew Feulda.

Jr. HACK, aroeer. 11a at. nri Place, has made an aaaia-arnaat to Morns Lavltt. Oat.

of jpsiris' ta ito wra Tor riafs. ruwltTSll-t. ot Sl.44a.70 and liabilities Spectal te Tht Stm rer iitnes. CHICAOO. 111..

Jsn. B. Keat- n. a wholesale Jeweler er. ft -LlabUlUae, e5.8ia: aaaets.

$1174. JUDGMENTS, ui 1.. indamants ware filed yester day, tha.flrst name being that of the debtor: la Hew Tore: Ceaaty. AmounU 100 arm over.) rmVnft-y 1174.10 Bond-, inaurancs Co Baum, liai-18it" Brookiya marl Jlli--. .170.11 Crana.

Thomas L-O. W. Sprlnstsd Fwdlnar-d Munob Brewery-. R- 55 Prtedmaa.eaeph-U TV7r1 j-7-11 Fanwlck. tualss--W.

H. Jr Otner- Ti-Mahut. JZTrJ- Jt. L. neoier Oeneral r-aotlna andJImiyetnerJOo.

and Toeoaore sa aa facturing Novelty Co HowVVd. Edw. Telraob Co. of Jacob B. naff Son 1IS.41 HT.

Wa5ul. ifAsbury Park aad Ocaen Harden. Charles L. C. Phelps Hanford.

Adel er ASel F. Rob- -InaaTir Addle H.afoiA. gteveaa.S.7g. Jarrott. John C.

F. Lewi. 1.1S.4S kinder. MwUm.t--Low.ntha.. Uoe iSw; Utakln.

Rubin, or Reuben Laakln: lal- dor Palasnow er Isadora Salasnow. and H.Trr-aal-xanow-J.- J. Millar. Emma G-Tltle Ouarantee. and Trust Co Merritt, Neman H.VTco-ia.

Merrltt. Gilbert a J222U Mar. Bolomor. J. A.

Fertruaon. a.ft7d.4 Vulvary. Margaret Jf ttm 'jl- Martin. Cfcarlr P. Klat, Doatr Car- roll Hota Co.

vlHi ea McCartay. MlchaelJ. Harmaa LSo.T 14. hdW. LATEST CUSTOMS RULINGS.

Gloves, Fabrlci, and Metals Among 'tha Things Considered. E. J. Rudgard wlgg of Norfolk. waa partly auatalned yesterday by the Board of Oeneral Appralsera In a claim for lower duty on women'a glovea.

They war returned by the Appralaer aa made of lambskin, and on this account the Collector took duty at per doxen pairs. The rotes tan claimed that the glovea in question consisted of schmaschen. or sheep origin, which should have been returned at only SI per dozen. At the hearing it developed that the Importations consisted of both lambskin and schmaschen glovea. Judge McClelland held that the glovea ahown to be of lambskin were properly assessed, but granted the lower rate on the schmaschen gloves.

The Duplan Silk Company waa upheld in the claim that dress goods coin-posed of allk and wool were properly dutiable at 43 per cent, under the pro-vialon for woven fabrlca in chief value of Bilk. Although Appraiser Saeue re- i ft. nr alllc. portea tne J. Collector Malone dUrenarded thia rlnd-ine and returned the fabric at 44 rant arl ijviuiu valorem under the wool cloth provision.

The importers submitted their case without evidence, relying upon tho Appraiser' report. Judge Brown held that the Apr raiser's report must be taken as true aince the Collector incorporated it in hi certificate to the board, even though the report waa made n.ore than thirty days after the filing of the protest. Judge Fischer, In disposing of a re-appraieeraent protest Involving shipments of sine bars from Juan C. Peral-ta of CaUao. Peru, reversed the action of Collector Malone in taking duty on a higher bssla on tha plea that no market existed In Callao for tha xlnc.

The Collector exacted duty on tne Belling price of tho product In the United States, whereas tha importers here showed that a regular market prevailed i r.iion Entry ior ui i n.ftvftj ft was accordingly allowed on the basis of ilH5 per I.0O8 kilos. When shipment of Toledo high speed steel arrived here from the General Supply Company of Ottawa. Appraiser Satiue wss unwilling to accept tne in- voiwo or "3ftftft7j Ing Canadian market value at tne time of anlrment. ie auvanceu values, auu the Collector demanded duty on a higher level. Judse Fischer, in reversing the local officials, hold that the steel had been properly entered sa having a value In Canada or sou per ton.

Strong Demand for Sheepskins. 1iNDON. Jan. 13. A sale of sheep skins was held here today.

There were 4,770 bales offered. The sklna were in. ewaa condition, and there waa a demand for all sorts. Crossbred advanced 13 to 'M per vent, and merlnoa 111 to 10 per cnu November sales. BUSINESS NOTES.

The American. Woolen Company will opea on Monday Department SA. con art. tin of fancy wool everooatlnas; Department SC. conatatlng of stsple wool overcoatings and suitings, aad Department 4.

Aaasbet Mills MKH Through srranxement with Jamee Chlttlck. Samuel Eleeman Co. are rlvlns their employes a eouraa of silk lectures which will embrace the production of thia material from the raw to the finiahed state. toether with all its methods ef conversion and sale. The lectures are slv.n every Tuerday evening.

Mr. ChltUck la xlvlnx similar lectures at Columbia and before tba Teun Men's Christian Association. Harvey O. Rockwell Is now In chares ef the women's wear department of William Whitman a position formerly occupied by Francis R. Masters, who wsnt with Lawrence a.

The Associated Traveltnc Salesmen of New Tork. will alve their first camp dinner ano Dirnfcu ft Aw.tuuft.. or rn. TROUBLES Miller. Sampeon I.

R. D. 117.30 Ntckerson, Agnes N. Orabenbelraer at aL 1 Nuabaum. Max M.

Aronowlts 82:1.87 Odenhelmer. Slsmund I. Blumentohn.4oU.7S ownera standard corp. scotta Realty 'Co, lnc S01. 23 0Hourke, Timothy B.

Dunbar Box and Lumber Co 141.00 Pottle, Harry N. C. A. Z. Burr 2.M0.11 Vawall.

icioranra A John Wanamakar ot coats 117.70 Roys! Caterers. Inc. Blue Valley Butter Co 141.30 Roossln. Louis M. A.

Raadal. Lillian Lord A Burnham. til.ito Katlly. Thomas A. City of 14.

447.28 Rosen, Morris M. M. Leaaler 803.4.1 Rhelnfold. Irvine A. O'Neill Adams.

.123.73 Rothschild. Abraham M. and Geo. C. Beekman P.

A. Eertek 22,003.45 Robinaon Chaa. trustee, and I. TAWnaaanjf aunt-a. Trustee a.

H. Bpear e06.9 Rosa. Jacques B. Wexler Rice. Sam Zlecfeld Follies.

Inc. 454.00 Eplro. iuis Aronson a ncnoenoaum. awtua. Thomas F.

Massachusetts Bond-Inr and In a. Co 148.79 Sehell. Robert J. 1.434.83 rrttourka. Timothy Dun bar Boa and Lumber Co 13S.B0 Savaraee.

Olovannl T. Nolo 3. 147. IS Bukverateln. Max H.

Gordo. 111.75 Sonln. Sam State Bank 1 Starn. Paul J. Schlealncer 117.81 Sonln.

Abel State Bank 2. 043.21 Sir. Merer L. H. A.

Patterson 1M3.S1 trachea. Harry Lenbam A Moore 3i0.40 Sample Tom L. S. C. Bowman 113 oo TwUt.

imlly A.J. P. Silo 1S2.6S Union Ky. Co. of N.

T. City M. Resa fiOO.OO Van Praaah. Lionel H. C.

Bhaw. ,31.33 Van- r. oat rand, Charlea B. William H. Merrell Chemical Co.

688. OS Van Nostrand. Charlea and Marahalt J. Root Same 1.73S.7B Wllaon. Maude T.

S. P. Ham.l- bursar LSlS-A. Zlmmer. Isldore8.

H. Jsckaon. 147.21 Blake. Michael City of N. 133 tU Banders' Marbls Work Same 247.00 Caaa Patent Metal Boiler Cleaner Co.

game 132. S3 Claaa and Col lace Point Hotel Co. Santa 247.00 CI. son and Point Ferry Co. Same 247.00 Ramsey.

Malcolm Same 1.01S.22 la Bronx Ceaaty. Amerioaa Klectrla Machine i Co. 8. 'Phillips 11,148.67 Crulk.hsnk, Alexander, end Archibald T. Mackensle L.

Wetherhorn. et 1.373.80 Kleda Jlmussment Co Inc. 8. S. Jal- kut 2rll.72 Ooldsteln.

Meyer A. Sleel 00-72 Herxoc, Alexander, and Henry C. Qlaa- er F. R. Kau.

man .1.802.70 Heps. Charles W. Miller 1 Horton. Tbornss w. E.

Rel.feld 545.07 Heinsohn. Hetty F. Forman 27.84 laraelltan. Max M. Llpahltx 34.1.14 Lonnlne Co.

stanaard Horn la Jk Supply STM.ftl Moakowltx. Mortis X. M. Eleenber S4.41 T-ettillOft Michale and Analollna J. Da Mattia.

et si 1SS.33 Snltx. Joaeoh and Martha lCbllnr OreWlng Co. 1.818. a Welher. Louis F.

Amerlcsn Iron Sup. nly P. 70.85 TVeleer. Arthur S. Krellher 100.80 Woe Jacob, as exee'r.

J. Haupt. roann 1. 020.2 Tuella, Maurice Moore A Brown. Inc.

87.41 SATISFIED' JUDGMENT8. The first name is 'that of the debtor, the second that ef the creditor, and data that when judgment waa, filed: la Hew Terk Ceaaty. lFrmA N. F. F.

Boehmcke et al: Act. 13. 1015 13.S4 Wav ttvmaa 1. Parlblndar: Nov. 10.

1013 107.05 Philip M- NorttnaB: Deo. 21. 1913 442.18 MulaTeW Motor Car Co. O. Merer: Feb.

16. 1814.. 500.00 Klla M. A. 8.

April s. lftii 150.00 Well. Hearr John Wanamaker: Aua- 24. ien.1 Wsltaee. Ourdnn International Oa.

Knalne April 2, IUI3 IM.ftl Vnw Francis F. and Hush L. K. Walkaf: Fab. IBIS, treveraed).

.1.210.88 City of N. T. T. A. RaUly; July.a.

11V Qetereed) 7.220.48 PRIVATE OFFICES axd SHOW ROOMS i Wltb or Without Serrice, TO REIfT TO MAsmcTCsnu or MaaufactarersV Ageata i BUOU BUILDING tl 1tlh Floor, Broad nay Borrouphr Adding- Machine B15S. COST 110. TRIVATB DAIA Jaki g. Paaeta. earr.

l7 Urr-Dwlck sc. re. I TRADE IN ORIENT IN PERIL. American Editor In Slam Deplores Lack of Shipping Mesne, of ahlnnlna facilities to the Far .1 th. mnnoaolv of the freight and paasenger carrying bualnesa by the Japanese, owing to the withdrawal of the Pacific Mail aleamahlps, aenousiy imperila American trade In the Orient.

In tho opinion of P. A. Huffman of Bangkok, Siam. who arrived at tne Waldorf-Astoria yesterday, xr- Huffman an American. Is the editor and publisher of the Bangkok Dally Mall, which la printed in two eai-tinna Kaviiah and Siamese.

I a Texan by birth and went to the Far East sixteen years ago. Tn. hitr Canadian Pacific ataamera. which were commandeered by the British Government at the beginning of tha war, will not be in service again unUl March or April," aaid Mr. Huffman yesterday.

The Tact that there la no frr an American or American gooda to get to Asia under an American Iia 111 nave a vet ivu. ft -ft-. wwa. American Interest in the Far East.

The Japanese steamships, very nat- ii 1 ii iid iavftcca.v in space 10 Japanese shippers, and to Japanese passengers, consequently there Is a big congestion in both lines. The only communication with Manila and tne fnuifpinea now is ft" apaneae ir. 11131 uu wnicn nusni ut vwu American manulacturers In the Far nvmr tn iiermanv'a bains crowd ed out Just now, w.II be lost. "The figures given by our Depart ment 01 commerce ior too quanuiy v. 1 American goods sold in Slam do not) actually represent our trad there, for the reason tnat a considers bla quantity of gooda of American origin to trana-ahipped from Hongkong and Singa- tore, ahu, niio dmuIb anM In Hlini (l.y 1 AIUVI iv.u through Iondon.

owing to the fact that ARRIVAL OF BUYERS Arrlvlnc Buyers may reef-tec In thia eeluma by tejeahoalag 1 Bryaat ALBA.VT. N. T. Lodae A W. B.

Lodss, nueiery, unotntrir. ALUC.NfOW.N. Peso. K. Schwsrts A Sob; tj.

Hcnwaru. dqji AKRON O'Neill W. T. Tobin. 4.

fj ft ft. -r- xr ft. a Uarlca J. O. Caldwell, rtraaa (ooda.

alike; Walllck. ii.TiuiiRK liutaiar F. D. Cerf. snoee; nraaun.

BALTIMORE Pioneer desk Mfg. T. shoes; Brealln. Dupsm. etnass.

euits; wanrea. -BALTIMORE L. A 1. Oreenbaum: L. arean- Daum.

wai.ta. arL.a.a, ft." BAWlifOBE-Hochechlld. Kahn Ce-I N. Bcbental. XM ftth v.

D. Heller C. D. Heller, millinery, ac. cnuiivn-.

BALTIMORE. Strouee-Bar M.n. Btrouse. miaay omww, "ft. 1.1S Aneonia.

BALTIMORK M. Uaplan, ready-te-wear wauics. B1RM1NOHAM. Ala. J.

Black A Sona: w. Bclianberser. lurnrwinx BOSTON. 11. H.

Wblte Mlas Adama. kirte: eo atn BOSTON R. H. Stearas A R. H.

Steam. repreMntinx; BOSTON Maarane-Houaton Co. Mtsa a y. A tT puuivan. rtpnwwiuni rc.

BOSTON Orlmea Hat J. J. Donovan. hat. Navsrre.

BOSTON William Fllene's Miss Hor can, women's dresses, euatumes; 1 10 wooUm; W'lVuf Prt-ios BVBOH AIRES. Macke A W.II.JJ. Komtner. builders- hardware apedaltiesi SOS Keroble Bids. CARBONDALB.

Penn. Reese E. R. CATrSKlI.L. Bo.htoa Stori: Urm.

Bougnton. Miss K. Deady. china. Kiaaawara.

ac. CHATTANOOGA Miller Bros. A. F. Bmork.

-CHICAGO-O Meara-Mlller J. W. Nell. mllllne-y; Grand. CHICAOO-O.

Iahl. slovje: Grand. CHICAOO Ketcham A Rethechlld; Ki, Rotb- schlld. upholstery, bouaefurn. aooda; Lons- CH1CAOO Boston Store: P.

Rinkla, crockery. ciMiiwirfl; 44 E. 23d. CHICACK-W. A.

VVeitoldt Co: k4ch- melrer. men's sa-. wear; H. Homrnerf leld. boalery, alovea; 815 CHICAOO C.

Fen ion. Imperial Mala Bintl mW i 1 WW a Hall. allk; O. M. O-Fan-all.

black soads. dm. soooa. no CHICAOO World Emporium: J. R- Anthony.

millinery: w-i CHICAOO Maraball Held A A. B. wei-eon, 104 Worth. CINCINNATI Blcbof Stem. Stein: B.

B. laaaca, cloaks, oklrta; S00 0l Av. C1NCINNAT1-A. Roealafcy. coats, suits; IS CINCINN ATI Merit Cloak A Suit A.

Isrsiaky. cloaks, suits; Orand CLEVELAND Hlrbee W. L. F--J. suits, furs, waists; Miss W.

Hart, woman', suits; Miss F. La ally. wsl.t.: 230 5th Av. CLEVELAND Bailey Miss M. Cobea.

muslin underwear; 72 Madison Borner- CLEVELAND-Joaeph Fries S. Je- aeph. woolens: 213 4th Av. COLUMBUS. Ohio Columbus D.

O. Ca. Mrs. I Btnut. trtlka; Brealln.

COLUMBUS, Ohlo-F. A A- J. Huber. children's clothing; 220 ftth Colllnxwood. DETROIT Burnham Steepel Ca; 1.

M. MacDonald. notions; 43 Leonard. DETROIT Crowley J. R.

Cestelie, whlta aaoda. blankets, ready -te-wear; 41 DETROIT BertnaB A Masure; B. Barmaa. clotblna: -Broadway Central-DETROIT Kline Garment Ca MJsa M. Ruell luvenOs wear; SO Madison Av.

DUBUQCK. Iowb-W. R- Kloek, notlena. white "aces, hosiery. Albert.

FORT WORTH. Texaa W. Strtpllns: W. K. Stripllns.

clothlne. furnlahlac aaoda; 1.1BO Broadway. HARTFORO. Conn. O.

Jot tJ. Hulllvan. ruta. carpets, furulture. draperies.

blankets; Av. HARTFORD. Conn. Monroe aotbes Shop. T.

Llxht. clothlm: Marseille. INDIANAPOLIS. PettlSftD. O.

Ca.f J. E. Keller, books, 2 Walker. ITHACA. N.

T. A. R. Saaryer Ca; A. R.

Sawyer, dry millinery, woman a gar-'menta. urn. Albert. Penn.

HSser v. Oroff. nr-a. silks; 75 Spring. -LANCASTER.

Penn. Lelnbech A Ca W. 8 Ilnharh. dry c. 815 4th AV.

LANCASTER. Penn. M. T. OanrlB B.

Herr, mu.lln underwear. rottlcoata; H. Roaa women'a cloaks, eults. Mis. Teaser, women'a children's knit nnd.r- wesr: Tork.

LOUISVILIE Hermsn Straus Sons C. W. Wrleht. 1.1JW Bway. MACON.

Oa. The K. B. J. Keseler.

dry aooda. clot hins. urn. goods, bate; MEMPHIS J. Oold.mlth- A Son.

I. Ot- tenhelmer. domeatlca. I44W. rid.

MINNEAPOLIS. Powers. Mere Co. W. C.

Pyke. w-iman'. neckwear: 1 W. n. MONTR HIA L.

Can. National Oarrnent Co A. K.llnor tdlka cofn dreaaes: W. 33d. MONTREAL Paquetta -A Oranler: Mlaa E.

Rohlnaon. wal.ta. neckwear: McAlpln. MONTREAL. Canada iMry.

C. mfrs. retail clothing; Oreat MOIRKAly-Debenhanls. F. de Ore ad -pr.

women's bats, children's, caps, flowera fr-athera: Brostell. NASHVllXa Value O. W. Beckett, re.dr-to-wear; Brealln. NEW BEDFORD.

Mass Steler-Dudeon Co" Mrs. A. F. Myara. mllllo.ry: lift W.

NEW HAVBN. Mslley Co; Ml-. MoNamara. ladlea-. Infants-.

wear; 220 Sth NEW HAVEN. Conn. F. A. Corbla.

Collin. wood. NEW HAVEN. Conn. Oamble Desmond Ox! M.

H. Reynolds, upholstery goods, rugs; 47 4th Av, i NEW ORLEANSMarks-Iaiiaes A. A. Porter, sooda: 148 West S3d. NEW ORLEANS O.

Mayer A O. Mayor, rurnUhln sooda, ready-to-wear: 28 4th Av. NEW ORLEANS. La. Mark-Iaaacs O.

Hosan. ahoea; 148 W. 23d: Walllck. OAKLAND. Cal-Ksbn Brothers: M.


CAS. MIDDY CO- lt7ft BROADWAY. Avi'le Variety ef Fabrlea far Manerneinrere mmn ftw a A. G. HYDE SONS NEW YORK CHICAOO T.

opes kes role aasdle aed praw beak Iota. AUTOMATIC LOCKIFG RAO ELK US OLIAN, Inc. S4ft 1MOAOWAI. ltROOX-(st 441ft TRADE-MARK MERCHANDISE the American oawmi making have no direct con.Matten tn Bangkok. Why, 1 had bii my ptlnUng li eases and printing through London, although theae ar of Amerioan make.

It ia so much cheaper to get theae through London than direct from Uie United Statea. Xieslde. you can gat what you want muca more quickly. The tlerman trading In Siam la gradually being throttled. For a.

long time the Germans out there could buy Br.tiah gooda and sell them, but in the laat five or aix months thia has been atopped." AMERICAN DYES INCREASE, Output Fivefold What It. Waa Before tha European War. wABurrcOTrSv Tan. lx. Seventeen months of the European war.

according to a report Issued today by ur. i nomas H. Norton, the Governmenfa dyeetuff expert, ha aeen American manufacture of dyes lncreaae five-fold, and now this country la producing one-half of the colors It normally uses. Hope Is bold out that by Wiethe great bulk ot artificial dyes coneamed here will be mad by American works from American raw material. Tho report shows that vnder stimulus of high prices American producers have Increased their output until, combined with the production of new factories, tha country now Is manufacturing coal tar dyea at the rat of li.OOO tone annually.

Before the war the country manufactured tone and Imported 23.70O. chiefly from Germany. Er Norton says, however, that the textile industry is bound to suffer until America i t.a and the situation atill la aertoug daapite what has been accomplished. The report emphasise the desirability of Increasing aniline- product rather than a varied line of dyea and declare the publlo will havo to resign itself to fewer color ahadea. Propoeed legislation to block ruinous foreign competition in dyeatulfa at the end of the war la Indorsed.

PHILADELPHIA J. Wanamaker O. M-Ualeer, haalery. umderwaar; Broadway and Tama St. PHiLADKLPHIA J.

Wanamaker; IX F. Bacbmaa. Jewelry, fancy goods, stationery, pocket cutlery; Broadway aad Tenth St.1 Oreforlan. 'V PHILADELPHIA John Wanamaker; A. O-Craeamaa.

mu.lln UBderwaer, i-aulnoata, Infanta' WMr tt-arav ad lOtll. PHILADELPHIA Olmbel K. Bebn. leather foods; Broadway and 124. PITTSBUH'JH a.

Cart A S. Cerf. w- elry; Brealln. PITTSBCROH McCreery A T. Smith, shoes; St Eaat tk, a PITTSBURGH McCreery A A.

Cea- boy. flowera. feathere. hats: 23 K. SStb.

READING. Pena Lurio Bra.) a. R. La-no. dry goods: Herald Square.

READING. Pena. N. -Stoner. dry goods; Herald Square.

READING. Penn. T. J. Kotasn.

dreaemak- ertr, tailors' trlaimings; Broadway Centml. ROCHESTER, N. M. Lsvy Bros. Clothing Ca'; J.

Levy, clothing; 00 Sth -AV- Wil- lick. ROCHESTER, N. T. Sibley; Unsay A Curr Ca. O.

M. Pratt, domestics; 4.13 4th Av. skirts; 4 0'4th Av. SACRAMENTO. Boo Marcbs; J.

Barnes. cloaks, suits, dre-eea; II Z3th. SACRAMENTO. Chaa. P.

Nathan E. C. Nathan, cloaks, aulta. walats. dreeaaa.

Ac; II W. SACRAMENTO C. P. Nathan Co-S J. Barnes, cloaks, suits; 11 W.

ititk. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah Parle Millinery L. Simon, ready-to-wear: bu 1 B'way, SAN ANTONIO. Tyx.

B. Woifsoa Dry Goods Ca; C. S. Jsriisaa. carpet a.

draperies, line leume; 1,160 B'wsy; Aberdeen. SAN FRANCIaCO Marks A. Ancksr. ready-to-wear; 11 W. 03d.

SAN FRANCISCO Juda F. F. Juda. coat, suits, waists; 1ft K. 24th; Manhattan ST.

LOUIS Roanthl-81on' Millinery Mrs. F. Keru. millinery: 821 Broadway. 3 ST.

LOUIS Ely Walker D. O. D. R. Calhoun.

repraeentlBc; 393 B'way. ST. LOUIS BUi, Bear A Fuller Dry Ooode L. Levy, carpets, dorneette and Oriental rusa, upholstery, lace curtains, urapertea; 71 W. 23d.

SYRACUSE. N. T. Dey Bros. A H.

Robinaon. boelerv, men's fura. gooda, na-derwear, umbrellas; ttt 6th Holland House. T. Naa! A Hyde: H.

R. Hall, notions, fancy voo-is; 73 Leonard. TERRELL, Texas p. Bria Estate, ita Brta. a.

aeneral Broadway Central. TORR1NOTON. rorrn. W. W.

Men Co. W. W. Marts, dry sooda: Colllnraood. TUCSON.

Aria A. 8t.lnf.ld A L. Ra- ayn.i.rn. dry sood, notlena; lie W. e2d.

TTLER. Texaa Mayer A Schmidt; J. Welt 1 woolen. 353 4th Ot-esorlan. WASHINGTON.

D. Woodward tathrop; Et Hart, draasee, sow as; SS4 4U Holland llcuae. WATERBURT. Corm. WBterbnry D.

O. Co. C. F. Frank an, raady-te-wsar; 72 Madi WASHINGTON.

D. Golden berg; Ia. 8. Reese, art (oods; 11 W. SOth: nrmtvi.

WILMINGTON. Ohio Hs worth Cast CM. Cast, man's, boys', clothing, fura. goods. Albert.


Reed, general Grand. Harris A Howry A. A. Mowry. dry eoods: 75 Soring.

MaanWssner Breat B. Jaa. per, woolen. Broadway Central. te toe lraxie, Jfarebsadue ttatrwateed as rvereeented or retnraasas MMthiu tea any.

RefIax yfttUy Sales Days Every Tuesday and Friday General Merchandise, Wesring Apparel for Ladies, Misses Children, Fur CoaU'tSc SeU. -Every Wednesday Oothins; for- Men, Youths Childrea. LIDS for KIDS 3. MAYER SONS llstewa 17A RraaalwBW WUaea Balldlag. corner 33d St.

Factory A Office. S4-ew B'way. $25 Dresses iiVs Mes salines Poplins- SHata Tsif etas Crepe tie China, IPP KW1NT, US WEST BP STREET. A HEW LINK OF Street Dresses for Immediate DeUvery, 1 2.BO aaw ROSE DRESS COts-t we sua AUCTION SALES. I yiSraa.

tj jjia I TV in kUCHAMIlIC WHOLESALE STOCK SWEATERS. CAR-dlsaa Jarketa, Knit -and Bathing Butts, valuation $23,000. being the preducUoa of toe Cornell Knit tins Mills. Samuel Marx. Auctioneer, eelie by public auction, Friday, January 14th.

10:30 A. at saleeraem. 115-117 aprinc Street. N. Y.

City, a staple aa- ortment of the above, eonaiattna ef men's worsted, and knitted sweaters, awaator caala. cardtcaa jackets, worsted knit ladlM. boys', youths', and juvenile sweaters sad ierseys. vanity, coata, veeta, men'e, boys' Tyrol' fibre and slik sweaters, ladlea and children'a An-era sulfa. worated barbing eulta of all deaortpiiona, knit tlehta.

mlanaa' and tuvealle awlmmtac suits, bathlaa sheaa. hockey caps, costs, shawla. loauea In worsted and wool silk, snd worsted tams and -ether cape and acarfa Ways' mufflers, knitted Bthletie ehirta, worsted mlttena. halts, eto. Auetloneer-a Nora.

Abeva stock wUI be sold la -larva lots and oanalsta of la, snappy mcrcna-Ddiao of medium and hirb BTsde, as hish as SS per dos. All In ttrat- -class condition, sad will ba aold strictly without reserve, lisle arrsncsd aad conducted by Philip Smith. SAMCKL- MARX. Auctioneer, Wool worth Bulldlna Suite 2120-2126, Tel. ll-li-7o4i5 Barclay.

Salaeroora. 115-117 Spring Street. Tel. p3S3 Sprln. Baakrapt Stack aad.

Fixtures MILLINERY Formerly Thomas Sulllvaa A Actual lBventory about 35,000. Will -be aold at public auction Tuesday. Jaa. lath, commencing 16 10 A. M-.

on premises. Broadway. C. ear. 4th SA At- LTLIKNFELD, Auctioneer.

-Kxhlbiuaa Monday. Jan. 11. 1 A. M.

be 4 1. with Descriptive Catalesuee. ulepaeae. 1314 OraaaHL,.

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