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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i All si I -1 1 tc. 1 I if-- I' if lit i fcv.t ft; f- i-- i i I i-i I i i.1 i J-I 4 4 "i 'i I il 4 4 ei 4 f. Arttrmi the Overland Exrrm-CM cim Aran la CsUirratav-LsueT iVoen the Baadwtcb IaUads, oVe. Toil KlltllT Mr Vitrk I The Pony Expreao passed her at 3 o'clock this moiaisg, blar several hours tdiead of time by the Jlme schedule, 8a" cwco, Saturday, Feb. 40 p.

M. Arrived, Hth, bark Zee, Honolulu 15th, steamer Corf rx. Panama, with 475 nessenrers: all wn ah. pused a fleet of whale snipe on the 10th, anchored la jtagoaiena say, ana on we uin aaw 11 whale ships ia tWr About the ith lost, the ship Spetimell wu lot ia -CaeroaBay. Jailed Hth, bark for Sidney.

1 Dl LlaTM If TaVf in1 AT. a -pleted loading for Xngland, baring 75.000 sacks of wueu, win uur, oariey, The Web Feat and Wild Eagle are yet to load with land, and the Ricserd SmIm has been chartered lor boot ana wheat tor Cork. The Ocraa Telegraph baa oIuia ioaoiiif zor Wew-York, and the Grtat Tmic aaa coaimaaeed dUchwjlnf at the whtrf just caea rfreaa. The Reyuilu: not cicu, aaa aer aetoaauoii un known. A steady dally trade ia doing of quite aa much extent as eaa be expected at the preaent muoq of the )ear.

All the transactions now occurring are for a -npply of a lexltiBate demand for conanmDtlon that La -aaklag a certain Inroad upon stocks. Prices keep steady lor sack articles as ase morlng. Butter and candles. If not poardrerr lmwored. erince a inner feeling.

Buyers of the former article are met with no rancea prtieniiont dt holders that as yet check transactions. Sales of eandles fbr the weekajgre- ejaie apwaras wo Dozes at about 20c and a ateady outlet encourages sellers. Coffee is Una and iendtag toward an adyance. The train market con-tlnaee vpwarda, Shippers are the free buyers of all the choice wheat be had at Si 90 Mr ioo a. in.

stances where larger parcels of extra choice were to be obtained, blither prices hare been naJd for lnt tn anlT, the details of which are, for prudential reasons, 1 withheld from the public L. Waiov, the principal builder of the Sacra-anento Valley Railroad, was attached on the Hth, by Alter A for $110,000. It is not known yet, whether this wffl hare aay effect on the progressing extension of the road. The annual report on the eon-dllloaofthat portion of the Valley Road completed ebows a surplus of receipts orer the expend! tares of SiOCvOOO, agalnat $9000 surplus last year. Some eight or nine different eompanies are endear-.

rliig to get bills through the Legislature authorizing street railroads In San Francisco. Aaaasravn, Ciaax extenalre lumber ckaats, reernfly reported as failed, bare resumed payment i The Ltuff FrmnkUn sailed yesterday for British Columbia. The Pony Express with Atlantic Telegraph dates, n4 Port Kearney, to the Id of February, arrired at CarsonValley, yesterday, whence the news of the passage of the Pacinc Railroad bill by the Senate was immediately telegraphed to San Francisco. The intelligence Is joyfully received, as is also the more favorable prospect of an early settlement, by compromise, of the disunion question. A telerraDhic disDatch from Loa Anvelos lut lng, announces the arriTal of the Incoming Overland Jfall stage, two days bshlnd time, without any mall.

The letter-baas hare been kent at Tuesnn. Wooprn account of the Indian troubles on the Mill. 4 Troops from Fort Buchanan are reported to bare proceeded into the Apache country with a prospect of protecting the mall route so that the next stage may be expected in due time with all the delayed mail ur The news from the 8andwich Islands per Zot, is to the gist of January, one month later. Business at the Island is dull, the rainy season and the absence of whalers preventing activity. Three remarkably short passages from 8 an Fran-daeo to Honolulu are recorded the NorwttUr and Comer, both Inside of ten days, and the Fair Wmi In eight days and seven hours, the latter being the quick- est passage ever made, i The commercial statistics for the kiagdom for 1860, prepared by the Collector-General, are published in nearly every item.

'A large tailing off la shown from the tables of the previous years. The causes of this are attributed mainly to the decrease in foreign whale ships visiting the Islands, but in part to the new tariff at JO per cent, on merchandise of all 5 kinds, which went Into force in June, 1 860. Here the telegraphic line west of Omaha gave out, wiiooui ue remainder of the dispatch, THE NEW-YORK LEGISLATURE. senate. L.

AuaaT, Friday, March 1. Tha bill relating to street contracts of the City of New-York was passed. On motion of Mr. Maxixaaa, the bill for the better protection of steamboats in New-York was recommitted for the purpose of giving parties interested an opportunity to be beard. Mr.

Hammohb offered a concurrent resolution requesting the New-York Commissioners to the Peace Congress to report their action at the earliest moment. Mr. Goes called up the concurrent resolution to appoint a Committee to act with the Canadian Committee in relation to the Reciprocity Treaty, and they were adopted the vote being 18 against 7. Mr. Gain called up the resolution fo, the appo" UMnt of a Committee of three to Investigate the chargcs-agalnst the New-York Harbor Masters, and wportta Executive Session.

He explained that the Purred the -w mMe ana vo Mr. lUaaoan sesiion. aovl to strike out the provision In. Bxecutlra session. Messrs, Ftaao and Gobs desired the report to be made In aecrat session, and after debate, Mr.

Ham- itnl amendment prevailed, and the. motion for the appointment of an investigating committee to re-' port tn open session, was adopted. The report of the Committee on Federal Relations was again taken up. Mr. SrxaoLa resumed his remark' reading from the SUt BegUUr to show that four or five years ago Mr.

HxMMoaa gave an unqualified support to the Platform of the American Party, with the famous 12th section plank Inserted at Philadelphia. He also attacked Mr. LrvceLa for his alleged flight from Harrisburgh. Mr.Haneaa replied briefly, and the subject was gxMvpoaed until next The following bills were passed amend the Brooklyn Consolidation act To amend the act for the regulation of the Central Park It provides that the Commissioners continue tn office five years from the exptratJon of the present teim, To make an appropriation for the payment of Com- money the United States. AsjiendiB the act a rriHii actions, where the people of a State are parties.

Also, concerning the navigation of canals and col- '25? to allows boaU to go no raster than all miles per hoar. JE Aby JUs to provide for the beUer regula-! l.1? iin Prt'nt of New. York City and tocJu odaionera of Appeals of the w'w Tin Prtment were paeT Mr. NVtLLUas rr ported a bill establiahing a General Insurance IrpatUneBU The Asseably 'retarae4 the Senate resolution, ask- leg eoesent of that body that the Senate adjourn from the 1st to the 7th of March, with a rntaaimt that tv had given consent. Adjourned until March 7.

ASSEMBLY. AiaAsrr, Friday, March 1. The Committee to investigate the chartea of bribery against Jat Gissoxs, obtained leave of ab-. nance during the day, and are at work taking tesd-snoay. Oa saotioaof Mr.

Ball, the bill to amend the Me- tropoUtaa Police) laws and to repeal section 42 of eatd act were recommitted to the Standing Com- ad dee, A large number of petitions were presented. Mr.Praaca, oa a question of privilege, eisclaimed that aay te flection was Intended on the Coram Uee on Cttlea and Villages by the reference of the New-York City Railroad bill. Introduced last eight, to the Rail- t4 Thai afc ranee was aimnlr Induced from the belief that the Railroad Cosamittea was the proper one to nave the bill in Mr. Moo as revested rh un. Mi.k.

v. nt.vit bealth and Qaarantiae to the port of New-York, and an tw mmwM oprnsora ot Richmond county to raise the money by tax to pay the sxpease of protect- teg the Quarantine preveny. AuoaAa rrportea ia vorairr thebUi creating a I The Albany and Susquehanna Railroad Loan and Tax bill was teportodrbr the oonsideration of toe tpcdal oreer for Wednesday the 13th, Mr.Baaan saorad to make the Extension bill the special order for iae aamedav. "'lost. 7 Tbe bill grantrag ertaia prlvUegee to the South Side Balboa 1 Company, was report 1 favor ab'y, and trdT7H to Committee of the WhoU.

to "thorlxe the CoatracV-log Board to place all canals under contract forre- ofleial nonces, to enable (the Superviaors of New orh to purchsse ground tv the erection of a Courthouse, to protect the freedom of speech and poWis discussion, were all reported favorably from the Committees. A large number of reports were also made on bills of local Interest Mr. Sixs Introduced a bill to repeal the Hell Gate pilot law of 1 st session. Mr. Biemau introduced bills to Increase the number of Judges in the Marine, Supreme and Common Pleas Cours fn New-York City to authorise the construction of a Railroad from Harlem Bridge to Mdrrlssnla on the Boston turnpike to incorporate the -New-York Common School act, by giving the aror the appomtment of Trustees, to be confirmed by the xtoara oi Bupemeors.

Fatal Boiler Explealea at h'ewtlsves. Nsw-Havia, Friday, March 1. This noon, at 12 o'clock, a boiler in the Gun- fartory of the Whitney Arms Company, at Wbitney villa, about three miles from here, exploded, blowing out the eaat end of the building, demolishing the ma chinery and arms of various kinds, and making a complete wreck the About thirty persons were in the vicinity of the boiler at Ue lime, many of whom were buried la the ruins. Padi Savaox, the Engineer, was seriously injured Ea. R.

Fsaasa, W.J. Ricaaana, SasnrsL Hall, Labax Ours a and ion, were all badly scalded. Nine others aw less injured. Msjor R. W.

Nobtox, with Mr. Ouvsa, were both blown across a portion of the stream. It is expected that all but one of the victims will recover The rumor of the accident spread quickly through, out the City, and several fire companies, including a steamer, started for the scene, but soon returned their services not being required. A number of Physicians from this City were soon in attendance, and assisted in alleviating the sufferings of the victims. The cause of the explosion cannot be correctly ascertained at present The engineer Is a man well skilled in bis business, and the boiler was of usual strength.

The principal loss sustained by the Company is on the machinery, the amount of which is not known at present News fresa Dearer. Foai KaaaaxT, Friday, March 1. The Western stage, with the mail, Hinckley's Express and seven passengers, pasted at M. Danvsa, Monday, Feb. IS.

The weather Is very fine. There is a great deal of building going on this -City, more than at any one time before. The Platte Canon mines, 23 railei sou thwest of here, are making considerable stir. Many miners are leavlag for the Blue Arkansas and Plalte rivers in and beyond the South Fork. Tbe Indian Troubles.

Foar Smith, Ark, Friday, March 1. Another overland coach passed to-day. and the report of the interruption at Apache Pass by the Indians Is confirmed. The route is strictlv siardaH by troops, and no Interruption is anticipated in the. luiure.

FaJlnrea and Saspeawlene. JBosToa, Friday, March 1. The list of business changes in the United States for the part week gives eight failures and suspensions in New York, seven in Boston, two In Philadelphia two in Baltimore, two in Cincinnati, and 18 in other, places a total of 39 for the week. Gen. Cnas at Detroit.

Dstsoit, Friday, March 12. Gen. Cass arrived here this evening, and was received by a large concourse of friends and neighbors who welcomed blm to his old home in a hearty and gratifying manner. Cozzeae Hotel Barnt Cols Smihos, Friday, March 1. A fire broke out in Coxzens' Hotel, opposite to Garrison's, near West Point about 1 o'clock to-day, and will be totally destroyed, together with the cottages, though the latter may possibly be saved, as the corps of Cadets have arrived with a fire-engine, although a poor one, may be of soma service.

The fire originated on the roof, where some tinmen were at work. The furniture is mostly saved, but In a damaged condition. The building is Insured for nearly its full value. Fire In Reck Island, HI. Rocx Islasd, Friday, March 1.

The dry -goods establishment of Nelson Hersch A Co. was destroyed by fire last night. Loss $14,000 Insured for 17,000. Weston, the Pedestrian. Taxaroir, Friday, Msrch 1.

Wxstoh, the pedestrian, arrived here about 9 to-day and attracted a crowd of spectators. He made a short speech to the crowd, and said he was well and felt confident that he would accomplish his feat He left again at 10 o'clock, followed by a crowd, on a smart trot to keep up with him. Non-Arrival ef tbe Anatrmlnalna. 8 Ar Hook, Friday, March 1 Midnight There are no signs of the steamship jUsfraJaai-an, now fully due at this point with Liverpool advices of the 16th. Very cloudy, wjtb, rain.

Wind South and light. Impart ant to Dealera wltb the South. GOODS OK BOARD SHIP BIFOBK MARCH 15 TO BK FAE8XT TS OF DCTT IS THX 0. S. A.

Mr. DiKSXOBX, President of Adams Express Company received the appended dispatch, on Thursday, from their Southern agent Afrsta, Thursday, Feb. 2a Collectors at Charleston and Savannah win pass goods sent In our care, if saeh case is accompanied by an invoice of contents, with an affidavit of the seller attached, certifying that they were purchased, bona previous to March 1, and our affidavit that they were on board ahip before March 15. Seller's affidavit to particularly describe mark, number, Ac, of case or cases In which goods Invoiced are packed. Unless this Is carefully complied with, we cannot forward beyond port of entry.

H. B. PLANT, Southern Superintendent Adams' Ex. Co. Tbe Sentaern Trade.

ntPOKTATion or cottom pbb btkaxkbspob jaji- TABT, 1861. rroai Cbririta. ttwuh. Norfolk. minlagtom.

Total. 18,933 0,423 tt!) 29,684 TOR TKBRCABT. 2,782 17.0Q9 7,609 1,969 89 399 Total Nareery aad Child's Hespltal. AXRTTAL HStTlHO AJTD SICRBTART'S REPORT. The annual meeting of this most beneficent charity was held yesterday, at the Institution, In Fifty-first-street near Third -avenue, and tha larm was crowded, ladles constituting the majority of the audience.

Mrs. As xa ham Braixosa, the First Directress, presided. Prayer was offered by Rev. Joa Corrox Smith, who was, followed by Rev. Mr.

Hxa-atcx and other ministers in the reading of Scripture, ad addresses. The Secretary' report was then read, and was most Interesting, It contained some discouraging features, eroeciaBy In the withdrawal of the First Directress to the Nursery aUo, tn the resigca-tioa of several members of the Board of Physicians, who had been for a long time attendant upon the sick. Notwithstanding these discouragement, however, the children were healthier than ever they were known to be since the opening of the Institution. Contagious Oiscase has been almost excluded. One hundred and twenty-five women "and SJT children have been admitted durinr tha past year.

43 wo-fcear have been furnished with sfcuations as burses. The present number of Inmates is ChilJren 130, nurses JO, employee 18, total ITX The report roceeds to slate that "(it Is perhaps little known to the fkubllc ibat In addition to the Id ants that are saeltered from harsh essee and neslect, tne sumbrr of growtsg chlkien Is seldoca lea than 40. Tbre children are subjected to the kindest and cuostjudi dots training not only are their bodies cared for, keaithfal nourltbtaent cleanliness and warm clothing provided lor them, bat they are nadt the const tnt supervision of reste'eat teachers. Four hours a day ibty arc iasttucied la the rudiments of an EagUsn education, and the rest of their time Is employed In sewing and houtcwork or healthful gaiaee aad The Ar-nlversevy. yesterday, was one of great Inter-est The Institution is undoubtedly wormy of tne warm support of our charitable citizens.

-U Tbe Nnval General Oaart-Sf arrial. The Court resumed ita Inquisition ia the case of Commander Waixx, yesterday, with the croas-exaav. Inaiton by counsel for aocated. of Pirmaxter Pvnn, of the Supply, la the course of tha day Corat, noccae Aanmoaa was recaL'ed by the defence to i kBw sn interrogatory which was, we conaeanenca to the comnlsteneaa rvmiiaaIer Waixxs posiUon, after the Comraodotn was on cnargea rrom rarwer attendance. Lieutenants Bnanrean and Eaaas, and SaiUag-snaster Aixas, all of the aad Ltout Lawrn, of tha Navy, were cauro a bo icmiaea as to ettnJi aetaus of the surrender of the Penaaeoia Navy.

Yard, and the peculiar rimmitSMft Ihcrrnnon a iu. Am- 1 MCUk uw pmians being of peculiar interest and Importance. uupia iu uiBc gue ioaay, w-seanoining fence of CommanJer Waus, which he will be al lowed two or three days to prepare. A nana! Report of tbe Cretan Aqaestaet D- partsaeau The Annnal Report of the Croton Water Board for the past year, presents us with the following sraus'ics For Water 89 For Penalties 10.337 73 For Sewer Contectirms 24.S91 00 i-or rennits lor suits 23.241 80 For Permits for Taps in Pipes 2,477 50 or canaries (petty cain- 2,877 78 Total 71 The unexpended balances from 1869, with th several spprooriaiioDS for IrOO, are stated in connection wiui u.v eijkuuuiuci ui Lao lui.uwuig laoie Apyni laOn, Isctodtag bai. KiMadt- turn hi $643,108 33 17.6M 21 110,032 44 121,180 00 Croton Water Works extension 43 Jiautuuct repairs sua improve 23,349 41 IK), I OS 40 121,644 17 Water-pipes sad laylrg ments.

street expenses and repalrieg. Sewers, rebuilding repairing ana cleaning 70.000 Wells and puaps, repairing 4.77S 48 Ross pavement, 2S.342 Statistical table 30, si Salaries 00 Gont.ngencies ,000 OS 4S 06 3.PIS 62 ea 37 2S.2A9 78 2,774 ftg Totl $1,041,638 70 $973378 8 Leaving an unexpended balance of $08,259 72 to be added to the appropriations for the present year. The report is of unusual length, and enters into the consideration of broken mains these breaches of Cretan confidence, which, during the past year, at various intervals, caused such annoyance among our citizens, at the same time showing that care has been taken to provide against such catastrophes (for such they may be called,) in future. The improvements at High Bridge, the gate-houses of the Reservoirs, the condition of the water-pipes, the fire and drinking hvdranta, with many other topics, are also duly considered. There are now 2,307 fire -hydrants In the City, and the Increase of drlnklng-hydrants Is strongly recommended.

There are over 107 miles of sewers in the City, with a proportionate number of receiving basins and culverts. Several wells have been closed up, but there are now standing in the City 140 pumps. It is the Intention of the Board to maintain them in good working order. GENERAL CITY NEWS. Narrow Escape troh Burning Last evening, a lady residing In Second-avenue, entered a store in Second-streei, for the purpose of making some purchases, and while there trod upon a match, which Ignited and the flames communicating to her light under clothes, they were soon on fire she was not aware of It supposing from the warmth that the was standing over or near a furnace register, until seme persons sitting in a room back of the store, rushed out to her assistance.

To aggravate her distress a ferocious dog, alarmed by the excitement made an attack on her; but fortunately was restrained from injuring her. Trtu flam r. ciimjuuoeu, ana De- yond tbe destruction of her garments and a few slight imuicure uiuo was uuue. 1 ne lady, now-ever, on arriving at her residence, was sclxed with such a violent nervous attark thai nr. a- of.

This should serve as another warning to ail. to u.muvs nucjv uicT wui do uaoie to cause mischief. Thb Uhitid Statxs Marshal's Ornci. Business in the offices of the United States Marshal and United States District Attorney row consists mainly in settling up, as far as possible, the cases on hand, and arranging matters for the new appointees, who. "in the natural course af th Intra win t.

charge under the new Administration. Marshal Rth- picar 10 oe taxing time ny the forelock, bv nanklnr hlr mnb. wu kcuuik zcauy UJ vacate, and, say they, We dont care how soon. CHAKB Or NaVX. The rnilitarv fur 1T 1 rm heretofore known as the F.

A. Tallmadge Musketeers neiu a meeting on i nursday evening last, at which It was resolved to change their name to the C. Vsn Cott Zouaves." Subsequently, by invitation, they visited ibe residence of tne gentleman thus honored, and partook of a generous collation. Thb Alliance. A series of ftlT anPrrnrttiai tr.

young men is to be given at the Mercer-ttreet Preby- 1 1 ienan.vaurcn, unaer tne airecnon or the New-York Evangelical AlUsnre. The first of the course will be preached to-morrow evening, by Rev. Dr. Potts. Edwabd H.

Dixon, M. Editor of the Scedrxl, attends exclusively to operative surgery, and the more obscure diseases of the pelvic viscera. Rupture, hemorrhoids, fistula and concealed abscess of the rectum, are cured without the knife or Hgature. Office hours from 8 to 9 A. 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 P.

at No. 42 Fifth-avenue riiwtiwwt TO Lawtibs. To be successful, you should first understand your capabilities and powers. So far in life they may be latent A Phrenological examination by Prof. Fowita will enable you to judge for yourself if such is the case, and show you how they may be developed.

Call at No. 308 Broadway. CAavrtasIJ Grand Family Holiday at Baraum'a Museum, with? performances afternoon and evening at 3 and 7J o'clock. The Bears, Sea Lion, Whattslt? Ac. to be seen at ail hours.

AftwdataatatJ Now Rbadt. Kkox will issue to-day his Spring style of Gentlemen's Hats, at No. 212 Broadway. Elegant and economical as usual. Market by Telegraph.

Nxw-OaiiAXS, Friday, March 1. Cottoh quiet sales to day, 8,000 bales Middling Uplan ls, at 10Ve.U c. Sales of the week, 59.000 bales. Receipts of the week, 53 500, against 83,500 last year. Receipts less than last year.

210,700 bales. Decreased receipts at all Southern ports, 610.000 bales. Exports for the week, 80,000 bales Total exports, 139,600 bales. Stock at this port, 413,500 bales. Cer-sx Sales of the week, 5,500 bags Rio quoted at llc.13aic; imports of the week, 22 000 bags; stock in port, 48,500 bags, against 41,500 last year.

Mosiia, Friday, March 1. Cotton Sales to-day 1,500 bales middling Up- lauus, aaies 01 roe weea Dales re-ceipst. 11,000 bales, against 10,585 same time last year. Decreased receipts, 225 COO bales. Exports, 21545 bales.

Stork in port 63,620 bales. Sterling Exchange, 334 premium. Phoabblfhia. Friday, March 1. Flour firm at 6 37.

Whbat unchanged White. $1 40-3 $1 50 Red, $1 333 $1 35. Coaic better New Southern Yellow, 57Hc; Old. B2)je. Pan-TiBiOBS dull.

Mess Poax, 17 50 Wuisxr steady at MARRIED. MASTXS-PsTTXsr. In this City, on Thursday, Feb. 28. by Rev.

D. Burchard.D. Mr. Josifh Hastbk, of tbe firm of C. Burkhalter A Co to lliss aLaai S.

Pattss. all of this City. DIED. Gbbb. In this City, on Wednesday evening, Feb.

27, Habbiet Akb. wife of Dr. Beth Geer. and daughter of Cant. John Seaman, former! of Stulen Island.

The friends of the family are invited to attend the fu-nerat from the Church of tbe Incarnation. corner of Satordav, atSH F. M. MrixBiv. In this City oa Friday, March 1, at 10 o'clock A.

a short illness. Scsaa.wire of Bernard F. Mullen, a niitivs of County Cavan, Ireland. Her funeral will take place this day, (Ssturdsv.) SrchXat SoVinrk A. frnm the.

r.iiUn nt Moses Crinnell, corner of Sth-av. and 14th thence i try's Catholic Ctanrch. wlere a solemn Requiem Hhrhi ktass will be Slid, to Calvary Cemetery. Thd tnends of her husband and family are resbevtlUll) invited to attru-1. Gattt.

In this Citj.on Thursday. Feb. 2i Mrs. ElJi A-Bitu Gaiti, in the 4ih year of her sjre. The funTl will take place from her late residence.

No. 130Eat aoih st-, today, (Sataruay.j at 10 A. M. Tha remains will 1 taken to Greenwood Cemetery. CaXLtoh In this City, on Thursday, Feb 28, at the Cmted States Hotrl, Nstti youngest daughfr ol J.

f. and Maris J. Carlton, asred years and 6 month. nneral will uke place from the above Hot 1 this day. (Saturday,) March 2, at 11 o'clock A- M.

Frfends and relatives of the family are invited to attend. HoTt In thi City, on FrMay, Marrh 1. of conral-sktns TbaSMCs Hvavr, yvunaestsoa of Juha aad Anna llovell, aired 4 years, 4 months and 23 days. The relatives and fneixis of the family are resnectfdliy invited to attend the funeral, to-morrow, (Sunday.) at o'clock, from tha residence of his parents. No.

1U est Bmwt way. aw Wpbst- In this City.on Thanday evening. Teh. 2.mabiaLociia. infant daughter of John V.

and Louisa Van Woert In Brooklyn, on Thursday, Feb. 33, JozH Mossi. attive of Wales, aged years. The menitis of Brooklyn Lodge. No 26, O.

of 0 cck P. from his late rerfdence. Cler-aaUav aar Brooslyq t.k 10 wmiamsbu-gh, on Thursday mnrning. Feb, 2, at his reriitracs, ko. 411 Grand CaAJUAS AFaa.

la the 6Uh year of hi uaa reUtles aad friends of the raaiily are invited te sloek P. from the Mhodist Etaacopai Cbttrrb. corner e( Grand sod Ewen x-jv JZVLZ? 2.rT7 Friday. March Kotfoa aiMi fc. KotrayWr.

arrd 2 TRara. if rasS-dFeb. 28. Gieaos Evsss. saa ef 8.

IT. and aUrv Evan, axed in yaars. asouths aad 3 days. 1" PB la Coxsackie, Koswsra Km iy bia funeral from his lateTasMewce. at Coxsackie.

Mondsy. March at 1W o'clock. HilWJrtr MmT. caTwesdmy fthiI 39. Maxt A.

WABiswteaf JaWaU i "Li!" 1 0bi TwesdsyrFete. --bter the late Mr. asi an. w. Aaasei.

gera Arrived. "J1'-ln steemsata Edtntna-gk, frrtm Liverpool -Mrs. Bridget Salmon. Johe Javay. R.

Bower. r. Joan Gray. Job a Taylor. i-JT-T' Vr.litrtiu, Aaron Bart Samoel Phillips.

iTlise. 'e AoLlc, Mrs 4. Koble, Mr. rox. 1 Jn Xramthip NatkrilU from CharUrtonWm If, neixtwy MUu RodKera, Miaa a Ness Snul- St 00100, G.

Mill. G. O. llrrUin. J.

II. calder, W.Breon. W. GolJ smith. R.

W. James, ia Ute steerage, and 18 free cvkreo persons. tn Mttamttap K. Cuvler, from Savannah J. Rees.

amanuei. GroeUkv. A. Goldsinilh J. Levi.

11. boldsauth, L. Payne. J. ohBson.

L. UeplecU Kennt newer, w. Darts, g. fcldwell, S. Calltghan, f.

Pelos. J. J. Bnttman. Jt Kennedy, T.

Royat Uolt It- cauauory. fmamaa almasao Tins dai. onn 33 8un seU 4 51 1 Moon 30 WATia THtS AT. oanny uooK.ll 44 Gov. bland.

.13 33 1 Bell Gate. 1 MARINE INTELLKxENCE. NaTWrTORK FR1DAT, March Cleared. ifm Cotton, Havre. North AUantlc .7.

"'r kabory. APiow.ill. 1. Bienville. Bulloch.

Havana and Nrw-Orleais. Vr011 i Kangaroo, Mierhonse, tlverpootC Mar-Hinckcn Asa EldridaColman, San rransco. SuUen BVVKD.W.' Lynch, 8avannh. Wall ice. Shor vo a- uotcord.Colcord, Cardenas, J.

Ward 3 sUt wi pde, (Br) Outhout. Bristot P. i (rort ,) Olivier. Onorto. B.

amsinca Machias, Shoppy Trtoldad. Thompscn Hunter; G. Worthington, Vrethy, Para, Burnett CssnrH-ell, Llverpoot J.4C. A. Ie troieua vmpman, atatansas, j.

Ward at Co, G. Downes, Jsmeson, Paint-su-Petre Schooners E. Gsmsge, Tiblen, Polnt-au-Petre, R. I1 I arton, Cardenas, Metcalf Dan- Vrn ew-Haven, Samuel Godwin; i i7 Glonceater. master: Ww.

Abbott. 8mkh, St. Martin's. P. Buck at ElllcoU, Duncan, Demarara.

Metcair at Unncan R. Caldwell, Hudson, Charleston, McCready, Mott A Myrover, Hughes, Mobile, McCready, Mott Co St. Cloud, Cash, 8r J'" J- Bleecker, Edwards, Philu-deiphia, J. W. MeKee.

a Arrired. Steamship Idinburrh, (Br ,) Brooks, Liverpool Fei. 13, and Queenstown 13th, at P. with 116 steerat-e passengers, the U. S.

malls, and $230,000 in specie to k.1"": 15 Ut 61 loD- ll passed steamship City of Wsshingtoa. aenee for Uverpool. Steamship R. R. Cuyler, Crocker, Savannah, with mdse and passengers to H.

B. Cromwell Co. Feb. 2 2f miles N. of Cspe Hstteras, passed steamship George's Creek, bound 40 miles H.

of Cape Hatteris. passed steamship State of Georgia, from Philadelphia for hi" A- "teamship Columbi" hence for Charleston 8 A. passed steamship Montgomery, hence for Savannah. muuv-SteamehiD KashTlllf. Wnrrar rvm i.v 1 iu ouoaoro, 1 neuron si Uo.

Keh. isrers Smfrnrit. Tilnn a. M.j off Lookout, sirnalixad itHmililn sr. ,3 A Jj' "I exenanged signals with steam liSrii bo.Ul ioJ Savannah.

1st 3 a. ex -Charleston steamship Columbia, hence for Steamship Mount Ternon. Layfleld. Washington. I).

C. with mdse to H.B. Cromwell kCo. Steamship Parkersburgh. SUnnard.

Wflmicirton. to H. B. Cromwell Co. Steamship Patapsco, Vale, PorUand, with mdse.

to H. B. Cromwell A Co. 'J'tl Ch's Osgood, Deer, Norwich, with raise, a) 1. 8.

Martin. 8terofAlbatross, Jones, Providence, with mise to 1MIK VUCJI Steamer Rnatin. Crwkr. Y. uuac to F.

Ship President Fillmore. Nlnnn. rw. milse to Dunham A Dimon. Has experienced heavy weather on the passage.

BrkNaiarene, Peters. MinatHlan Feb. 1. mahogany 7e to James Borland Co. RarkGiulls, (Sard .) Pardell, Palermo 106 and Gibraltar 48 with frnltto Lawrence, Giles Co.

Bark Linda Stewart. Davidson, Sagua Feb. 16, with sugarto Jonathan Thompson. Brig CoL W. Coggins, Cogglns, Cadis 34 with wine, cork.

to CAE. J. Peters. Feb. 25, off Hatteras, poafschr.

Saxon, from Wilmington, N. for New- Ked, Thompson, Wilmington, N. with cotton to E. 8. Powell.

Feb. 2x, off AIecom. saw tbe mvlnboom of a vessel, supposed of about 400 tons, and apparently had a sail attached. in BucksportJStubbs, AuxCayes ob J0, nil.h Youngs, McAndrew Rankin. 8ch- Washburn, Malta Jan.

3, and passed Gibraltar Jan. 30, fruit to J. R. Dow A Co. Bchr L.

D. Wentworth, fof Baniror,) Rider, BeUse. B2nJ Fe' T- mahogany to Miller Houshton. Schr. Wm.

B. Sargent, (of Sedsewick,) Sargent. Black B'J'r. Jam Feb. 7, logwood to Thompson Hunter.

Schr. C. A. Farnsworth. (of Bangor.) Rich.

Black RiJ2r' wlth 'Wood to Brett, Son Co. Cambridge, Maaa.j Wall, I2 d8i TrUh, 4r E7 J. Peters. Schr. B.

Hswkins, Wyatt, Charleston 8 ds with cotton to McCready, Mott Co. Schr. Charles A. Snow. Heath, Frankin, 23 ds with sugar and molagses to master el.7 with sugar to J.

V. Onatayia. Maria L. Davis, (of Boston,) Packard, Attskapas 12 with sugar to master. Schr.

Sarah Matilda. Harrtman coal tor Luhec. hr. W. T.

Willis ma. Riw. for Norfolk. Schr. Sea Flower.

Clark. Elisabethport, with coal for Providence. Schr. liHrn VMwrta Weeks, Philadelphia, for Boston. WIND Sunrise.

W. S. Meridian, N. and fresh Sunset, N. E.

Belew. Ship Benjamin Adams. Chase. Liverpool Jan. 11 with mdse.

and passengers to Tap cott Co. Schr. Astoria, Cardenas 10 ds. Sailed. Champion, for Aspinwall Bienville, for lew-Orleans.

Shin CnntMl fn. 8 Steam shins Havana and New-Orleans. disco. Barks Sartelle. for New-Orleans; Canton, for Liverpool Cha.

Brewer, for Cienfnegoe U. Heddle. for Havana Rainbow, for Barbados. Brigs Nicola, for St Thomas Icurian, for New-Orleans Proteus, for atari las. By Telegraph.

BOSTON. March 1 Arr hrV. U. H.V.. XI England Tres Amigos.

Turks Island brigs Susan Duncan, Uatansas S. P. Smith, Galveston Arabell, Guad-al nj fchr. J. NMckerson.Caoe Havtien fi.

ORLEANS. Feb. 28. Arr Mok- 11.... pool Richard Alaop, Glasgow Rufus Choate, Havre bark Fanny Buck, Messina Sarsh Nichols, Rio Ja- cuo.

Mlscellaneons. Sloop Ann Elisabeth, from this City for Kernort for a carao of brick, when off Owl's HnaH hm i a o'clock A. was ca pulled by a squall from Tbe steamer Keyport Uok from her one man, and brought mm to tne city. He procured the assistance of a toe. and returned.

All hands are safe Shin Winced Rarer is nnw mi tha at 1 Dock for renairs. 8he wili be striDDed. newly coppered. The shin Starr tctmr was nin nn n.i apce iOck for the same purpose. The bris from Matanaua.

arrival ml Pnr land Feb. 24, with loss ol deck-load of molasses. Baltimobs, March 1. The shin Indiana, of New-Tork. was spoken eb.

21, in UU 34 10, Ion. 72 40. having on board tbe crew of aa abandoned rig, rescued two days previously: nothing further. (By telegraph to 11 wood Walter, Esq Secretary Board of Underwriters. Bobtow.

March 1 The brig Lagrange, of New-Tork, from Cardiff for Sagua, was at Guadaloupe Feb. 2, with iota 01 spars, arc ty teiegrapn.j Spokes cVc. Ionic bark, Hutchinson, from Messina for Philadelphia, Feb. 2C, lat. 37 30.

Ion. 74 40. Louisa Eaton bark, of Boston, bound Feb. 17, Sand Key bearing N. 8 ml Ins.

Wyoming thip- frtm Liverpool for Philadelphia, 42 ds. out, Feb. 28. off Absecom. By pilot-boat Nettle.

Petrel gat Forte. At Aux Caves Feb. 14, brigs Chimboraso, from Wilmington. N. just St.

Jago, fromBoton, and others. At Minatitlan Feb. 1. bark Harvest, Austin, for London, hlg brig island Oneen. Comery.

do. 1st, bark James Andrews, Burt for Liverpool. OMTOMiW EBafaEASaiaBSBaalBSBlBBaBBaBta FOR COTJGHS. COLDS. BaOSOHTTIg.

SO RI-THROAT, HOARS liNESU, kn. PTUC SPEAKERS AND wIU nod hss Troebes of great beaeflt In prevaoUng hearseneas sod hcakreaa of voire. FOR CATARHH AND COLD. IN THI HEAD, thee Troches will be fcuad to give almost immediate relief. BROADWAY, Bareiay and Caaal sta.

Prioe aa mm a Boa. Ask for RTJSHTON'S 13 ownt Trochsa, to try Usm. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. BOWuHl TUKAT'ukI Prof. ANDERSON, THTS DAY.

(SAltRmAV The Lart Day Performance at 1 o'clock The Lat Evening Kenrentation at 7H o'clock. hEALLX lfiK LAdf DAY. AYOcNO IiAOV OF SKVENTCKN, pessesaing a graceful earriage, black ee. and a genial dispotition. dr.

ire la form tha aeqaUBttnce of an American gentleman; property cot so much of a qualification a. sincerity aod kindness of h-aru Ad-Oress 1 Box No. 160 Times Offiee. y-I'TIBY a na ccom pLii ijrF- reaUbg young lady, of 16, toopea a correapondeoce with seme orthy young venilemsn. who caa appreciate domestic felicity.

The advertiser is quiet inhertts'e and attractive in manners. Adareas. ia sincerity, KATIE. Box Ko. 1W TtowsOffiee.

AH MJHE A'D a sttsatioa by a young woman, aa uurie and aeua-atreM she is capable of tailing au Uiiaut frusa birth. Has the best or City rlereae frost her last rlaee. No objection to travel wiUi a family. Can be aHeaatba.173 West 2AJ-st betasen Tth and 6th avs. RUT.

UK. ln lIU, TU PASTOH, vUlprearh oa bLNDAY MORNiNa and EVEN-lNG, at Bcdford-sL Baptist Church, sear Carmine. Paptiam after fe snernicg seraaoa. Prayer meeUag a tit, cue hoar befora the eveaicg sermon. lOY PKEAtill.MJ.

AloiSJA.n'at CHURCH. XJl tb-st between 3d and th avs. he young preacher. Atasav Lawsoa. will speak THIS AFT EaV KOON at 3, aad in the ETsNlNG at 'clock.

Sarviee at loJs A U. All are eawwUily invited, bra's fre. P11GMOK1AL CllGKClIt nAM3IONl8T A'Acetrner Waverley-pbvce. i sot as wilt preach TO-MOR-ROW (Saaday) EVEN J.VGv. Servirea at 3JiandI3 o'clock.

Seats tree. OTATF-8T. COKiHKtiATIONAl THCftCIL. JOacar lioytv-Preaching rO-MuRKU W. by the PastoaT sv.

ASBisoToaCtAsnsx. at l.1 o'clock A. M. and 1 trocar. at.

CTJiX SICX HXASACHXI CEPHALIC PILLS, CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE CEPHALIC PILLS, CURE ALL XJNDS OF HEADACHE I By the use ef these Pills the periodie attacks of JTr cwas sr Suk Mtadath may be prevented, and if taken at thesoiaaaeneementof an attack ImmadUts relief treat paia and sickness will be obtained. Tbe? seldom fail in removing the aad Bi to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowlea remoringCotMatas For lMtrarf Men. Students, Delicate Females, and al persons of tdeniatf aaatfs, they are valuable as a Laa-, lmprovlnc the appetite, giving ton and viror tc the digestive organs, and restoring the natural alasiioity aad strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long iavestt-ration aad carefully conducted experiments, having been in ase many years, daring which thne they havs prevented and relieved a vast aasouat ef pain aad suffering from Headache, whether originating ia the smt-vout system or from a deranged state of the etomack.

They are entirely vegetable In their composition, and be taken at all times with perfect safety wthoul making any change of diet, and (A absence af em, arreeabU taste render, it to, administer them csUtsMm BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS The genuine have Ave signatures ef HENRT a SPALDING en each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Xediolasa A Box win be sent by maO, prepaid, on receipt of tbt PRICE, 25 CENTS. All orders shesdd be addressed te HENRT C. 8PALDINO, No. 48 New-Tork.


Feb. issi 81a: Cephalic Pills, and Hit lm a. speQ that I want yoa to send me two dollars worth Part of these are for the neighbor Gravis out of the first box I got from you. T' Bend the pUis by mail, aad oblige. Tour obt servant, JAitES EENEDT.

Mr. SrAunra, Bra: wish you so send me one mare box Pilis, have receded a grTa, orlT' rcapeciruuy, MARY ANN 8T01XH0U8K. H. C. BPALDIBs! Sra: Raspeetfuily yours, P.

have used one box of 59? tmcellmL wuu warn RxLta Vaawnw OVI T. Hxifxr C. BrAume, EsqI Please flndl Inclosed twenty-vs cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pill. The ari trtJa the best PiUs 1 have ever tried. tr' A.

STOVER, P. Belle Vernon, Wyandot Ohio, H.C. I wish for some circulars or large show-bflls to bring your Cephslic PilU more particularlv before my custom, ers. If you have anythinx of the kind u.jT. ne- One of my customers, who is subject to severe hick Headachs (usuallv lasting two days was eured of an attack in one hour by your Pills which I Raspectfally yours, W.B.

WTLKES. RsTXOLnsBoaaB. Franklin Co, Ohio, Jan. 1981. Hbkbt C.

SFALDma, No. 48 Cedar-sU New-Tork. DsAaFia: Inclosed find twenty-five cents (25) for which send Kof Cephalic Pilfs." 8end to address of Rev. Wa C. Jiller, ReynoldsUurgh.

Iranklin Ohio. Yoor PUis work like a charm ours hsadaohs almost ausfaat'er. Truly yours, WM. C. FILLER.

TrsiLAan, Jan. lmu Mr. SrAxnrjie, Bin: Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalio PiBi A nwwcin ana uostlvei ana ncareu same, ana tney nad sffect that I was induced to send for more. so good aa tease genu ny return mail. Direct to A.

R. WHEELER, TpaUantl, Mich. From the Kmaminer. Norfolk, Va. Cephalic Pills aecomplixh the object for which they were made, Cure of Ueadaeh in all its forms.

From Ike Msraminer, Norfolk, Va. They havs been tested in more than a ihoneand sasea with entire success. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If yon are, or have been troubled with the Headache, send for a box (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may hav them iu case of an attack.

From the Advertiser, Providence, A. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkable effectual remedy for the Headache, and one of the vary best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been ute covered. From the Western Railroad Gazette, Chicago, TU. We heartily Indorse Mr. Spalding and his unrivaW Cephalic PUis.

From the Kanawaha VaOey Mtar, Kanawha, Va. We are sure thst persons suffering with the Headache who try them, will stick to them. From tk Southern Path-Finder. New-Orleans, La. Try them you that are afflicted, and we are sure thai roar testimony can be added to the already rumeroui list that has received benefits that no other medicine eaa produce From the St.

Louis Democrat. The Immense demand lor the article, (Cephalio PlUa. IS rapicly increasing. From the Oazetu, Davenport, Jm. Mr.

Spalding would not connect his oaaee with aa artt elc he did not anew to possess real merit. From the Advertiser. PnmdencM. H. 1.

The testimony in their favwr is strocg, frees the rtspecaaoie quartets. From the Daily Xetos, Newport. R. Cephalic Pills are taking the place of all kinds. From the Commercial Bulletin, Boston, Mas.

Eaid to be efficacious fbr the Haadache. I From the Commercial, Cincinnati. Ohio. Suffering humanity caa now be relieved. tar A single bottre of SPALDING'S PRsTPARSS GLUE will save ten times Its sect aanaaHyjay SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 8PALDIKG'8 PREPARED QLTJl? BATE THE PIECES? XOONOMT DIHPATCH I AW A Stttcx rx Trai Savxs Nrsx." jn As aeadenls wtll iopnt.

ewe tm wail rtrydaud famo-ties. is very t- hare aoa cheap aai eocvcn- way far rapartur ramitars Toya, Crockery, ko. SPALDIKG'S PREPARED GLUE ibcwUWiit. always nady.ead apto the wuh- USEFUL Df ETERT HOUSE." krmi anipaniee each bottle. Priee, SI KHT C.

SPALDIVO, JSa. Ccdar-ct, Mew-Teefc. ITTTtnW r'- Bra attemptlnar at' on the unsBsaeeting nab be rmltcilaakaan RAPABED GLUE. I would oauOoVaa u5 before purchasing, aad see that thTfnaata. mm er7ALnijGT5 FRXPAREO CLUXAVT Is eo the aaUidc wraooor.

ax tAm vuruiiTION OF tonvrsw. science, ii-rr-r 1U.M Cared "ny kb Tbeld aad Bemedlea' I. Caw Only be TJcefal a far rJT S3eeaea 1 1 -Tt In Mil, when the late Neetce at the medical tWaaaataw' Dr. Joan W. Faaaots.

received the degree if IlHwI' tha Colhg. of PhyUcian. and Scg medical science was such that the President at srTT sorscf the lastitutlon enjoyed ,7 Umedug the whole eeuW. command of the student now la a singUr -iT-! these increasing th.t kekj contended for priority amon, etaiaaArT favorite theory, while the patia, died are IhTa-Zu Uon was at an end.

0 I In this condition of medical science we an tmll note the strong common-aeiiac statement which haeA thU article, and which has been adopted by Uia wTf bodies in Europe. Though only now liic tt thU viui medical truth has been the basis aad mxuL of the most important medical organisation In Assarta Known throughout the United States, in all lij vilUges and harclrU, having reduced the biflssTInt tality more than one-half, having almost eradlcaaat many of the most torturing constltntLMi asade Consumption compleuly subject ju4kaustreas luuiii year, uoDcdicnea te public te mand, assumed a prominence In the City ef New-York. which has already thrown many other awdiaaJ uji anons ana seats or instruction Or hte Oe beak ground. We allude to the Grefenberg Mcdieal taow aaj. Hvnl which has bcea for some months, impelled by public considerations, located In the iplendlt bsdldjatv N.

3 Bond-street, near Broadway, Ko woe whale passed through Broadway eaa have failed te nottsathat ttructare, and natural inquiries concerning it berth to the Investigation of its merits aad the pablUaMca ef this article. r- The Directors of the InstltaUon have neves' dacosade so personal warfare, nor claimed for it a seetariaa ctV -gin. Though designed for the aiasemlnatlon ef srha lax remedies. It has judged thirty aad difpeasioaaWy gQ aaedical theories It hai approved and aided wasAsvcr has tended to the promotion of the pabnegeed, aad has) denounced with unhesitating condemnation whatever has Involved detriment or disaster to the well being ep i the community. With that modesty, Inseparable frost snlarged ideas and correct knowledge, it baa arvcr ae i saaltedaor warred with lndlvldnala.

nor has It snaigVA to elevate its claims to publls confidence by petty, tarian wrangling, but, confiding in the gradaal dcwaV cpmsntof public sentimsnt prodased by the ualrerssi benefit following the adoption of its theory and araetlaa it has gone on unobtrusively, carrying health SAdhappt. ness wherever It has gone, quietly rendering gratrastoas and effectual aid to thousanda. an ill hich it is held has forced It into a position la New-. TorkSity more preminent thaa that enjoyed by anr vuicr soeoicai organixauon. Tha Grsefenbcrg Family Remedies consist ef elevaw medicines, among which wiU be fount one sailed aa Has prevention and cure of all diseases incident is this coma tag and climate Full descriptions af them, aad ef a 4 aiseases, tneir symptoms, cause, preventaaeet aad care will be found in the Oraeenberg Manual Stattk, A i family medical book of 300 pages, which sold ar scat by mail for 26 ccnta, and which is illustrated wMi al I gant engravings of the human system.

Two of the series demand especial notice, frees their' -x inestimable value, and tha universal prevalence ef diseases for which they arc a certain ears. We reft)- to their 5 VEGETABLE PILL8 AND UTE11INB fjl--l THOL.ICON. i THB GRAF.FEJiBF.BG TEGETABLB Pff.TA are the best in the world lor family ase, aad for Indlgeetiea Ceneripmtioa lleadaebe Her. nsness-BUleasneaa-Heartbnni-Aetdlt7w Naaaea Flatulence Want ApyetW-Dyapepcia Liver Complaiat Orfphtsja. On account af their great mxldnets, and from las eat that they never gripe, nauseate, ar leave tk bowels ia a constipated condition, the Graefenberg PHI unit be fount more pleasant than any others.

PaiCB 2S CXXTS PKB B9X. Ox TBB XXCSm op tWW noLwa, roca aoxxs wiu. bb sxxt bt slaiv, aa or TO AST PAB OF TBB COUXTBT. THE GRAEFENBERar UTERINE GATEOLICOat. This will InfaUiblyposirJvely, invariably car al those torturing, perplexing and debilitating rjrarllBU commonly known as female disease, weakness, irregularities, 4c, which weary and render unhappy maay women between the ages of IS and far which the mac-leal profession seeks in vain for a remedy, and from, which wealth, position, delicacy and refinement aflord no exemption.

It should be used in all eases attended with AMI ef aV foUovmg symptoms, as mi! sraixa maixly raOM nt SAaTX CACSB Deranged Monthly Periods Irregularities Weakness Faintness Deranged Appetite Sallow Coaiplsxieo Pain in the Back aad Kldnews China Cold Hands and Feet Bloating -Feverishness Ncaralgia PalplUtion of the Heas Disslness Nervousness Headache Restlessness Dt-tarbed Sleep Flushes of Heat General Paia CrawW ing and Pain In the Spine aad between the Should sis Acid Stomach Nausea Indigestion Difficelt Passisse of Urine, with Heat or Smarting Itching Boring sr Irritation of the Uterine Of inn Wight msrti Peeps If Hysterica Anxiety Red Face Nervous witch ing Starting 1 Conttipation Irritable Temper rtaitncso Derraved Appetite Flatulency Bloated aad Irreguaar Bowels Unpleasant Dreams Pains la the Uter ins Organs Loss of Memory Bewilderment Soreness la the Feet Pain in the Back. Price SI 50 per bottle. MoT Foa Six Dollaba, fits bottus ttu ai txif Exvbbss, Axa cbascss rasrAia re tn or Exraatr Lixx rxon Nxw-Toxx. THE GRAFFEhi BERG INSTITUTE BUILD1X8 are ia the finest and most central poxUoa of NewTerk City (No. 3 Bond-street, near Broadway They; are four stories high, open, airy, elegantly famished sad arranged, and are admirably adapted for tbe comfort af.

those who with to place them stives under the; bn-sacdiete care of the resident physician, who resides la the buildings, and whe has been long and favorably known to the community for his skill aad cxpirisns The diseases treated at the Institute comprise ebxeal uterine aad other difficulties of women referred te above, confinements, consumption, atc, aad the InabV tute enjoys, as it deserves, the entire confidence ef th who require IU ad vantages. It is equally at the aervisr of City patients who may desire mora convenien sea thaa -they eaa command at tlielr own hoases. aad tboscla the country who require to be andcr the tmaaedlaie cart ef a skillful physician. v. The while Inatltalion li under the ear ef LtV.

F-Bridge, in whom the Board ef Directors place earirt 1 deuce, whose repa tat ion throughout the eowntry mt the moat favorable character. I i Many of the leading pub'le men bx the country bare spoken in the highest terms of the draeftaberg bstita Uaa and iu theory and practice. 0 Jiera who are Bar caainted with the medicines, but wic are aware af lh integrity and truthfulaess of the Resident JayiWsa. bare perasittod him to refer te them tor tbefrtth'' what be may say. Among these last we bare sastks the names of Hobacx Gaxxixr, sftl xiwjr; Fret M.

P.Jrwrrr.efA Fasaar Frmals tsCrge. PeagUsT Rev. E. H. D.DU P1 P.Tmttl,eBarrardnJnimTityi I MsT Any of the Graefenberg medicines, stabrssM regarding the Institute, its terms, ItaCaaay bad bf addrceaiag" i JOSHUA BRIDGE, M.O.

i Bsaiaart Pxtsiciax GaAxrtxaxaa CoxrAXTr New a Bead-st, Kcw-Terk. afsT Dr. Barnes amS visit invabd any part of rownalU oariXaaXJiTAXOBafBB roea tnil attended Is rnrocsiT uJum tha engagements of the i.

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