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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
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JHE RUTGERS PRIZE LIST C031XESCEUEST EXERCISES AND AWARDING OF HONORS, 1 VXSnEXr OATtS TALKS TO TBS GBADU-ATIA OS THE LABOR QCISTItW HOS-, 0AT DEOKfia. wew-Bbcwwtck, N. Jan 21 Ths pat hundred snd seventeenta Commaemnt peson 4 Rutgers closed tc-day with the grada-, goon -raftoes of th Class of la tb Open Boas. Forth flirt tlm to fetn not a 8or dlsplsy sd or carried across tb stag. Tbo Taoolty bad decided that tbo euetera was tend-f toward vulgarity.

Owing to too atom tboro bo formal marc a rota tbo campus. At tbo VaJl, for tbo same reason, tbo audleooe (was tsallar tbaa usual. Tbo exsrcae occupied four hours.1 There were 14 orators, John1 Witt. of this city, delivered the latin Mlutatorr and the Taledlctorr. and G.

E. Talma tbo English salutatory. Elmore Do Witt Waikill. of Jfew-Tork, was the philosophical orator: Lrwli B. Chamberlain, of New.

Jbrunswick, the acteotlBo orator, and Henry Jndd Ward. Richfield (Springs. N. T- delivered tbe masters' oration. Tbo other speakers wad tneeet aod dellvxrd oration.

1 In addressing IDs member of tbo graduating class President Gates began: Young gentlemen, you have sometimes thought tua time loto wblcb rou war born an unheruae are. The ra-beiUon wu cruabed before you began to read tba newspapers. Toe blah tide of pnti-lot-tora aod moral enthusiasm which marked that struggle bad subsided before you began to take an interest In affairs. Questions of honesty In nubile men and economy to pubtie meaaures Claimed to publlcatianuon. Important aa tbey are to rood government, eucb questions do not loiDlre tba young who rrow np wblle they are underdlouron eadld the moral issues Involved So tba straggle about slavery.

Great moral prtn-aiplaa hive not been clearly at the (root 1b tbe Cbotan party iaauea ot tbe last few year. In-gasd, no mural issue divide the two great part. Ton remember tbe half boar yea feoeoUy spent In tbe class room. Jn tbe vain attempt on the part of those Of you who professed either party name eo to formulate tbe principle of your own party that classmates wbo proteased to be of the opposite Krty would oot accept your formula aa part of air own creed. Both part tee compliment In pa alio that civil service reform which tbe poo-' pie bava decreed, but la private the politicians of both parties hate and oppose It, and neitber -party venture to take decisive ground regarding tempera Doe and tbe liquor traffic the gravest suet ton of our time In practical dally morals.

Meanwhile, a passionate eageroeaa In money retting, such a feverUb tblrat for quick gains hi tbe world baa never before seen, baa marked pur life as a people during tbe 10 years since you began to prepare for college. But tbe event and discussions of tbe last few months have forever dissipated any erroneous ideas of taeslsnlDoaooe and the moral poeelbllittra.of our time. Labor, openly as wail aa secretly or. a-anlsing. baa met organised capital to the painful and wasteful struggle of strikes and lockouts, ft baa sought to coerce Individual laborers and employers by personal violence, or by tbe boycott, and the effort baa everywhere pro-j duoed confusion and baa awakened earnest.

1 I anxious tnougbt where it has not precipitated actual eoofllcta, Tbe great battle between tight and wrong Is oot by any moans fought out. Prof. Gates spoke for baif an hour on the quest loo and suggested that It was tbe duty Of all college bred men to help solve it. Tbe degrees of Bachelor of Arte and Baebelor of lcienoa were then conferred on candidates, 11 receiving the former aod 10 tbe latter. Tbe decree of sweater of Art was conferred on Alumni, and of Master of Sciences oo 4.

and 1 Civil Enrlneer reoeived a degree. Honorary degree ol LL. I. were conferred on Aleiaudisr Johnston. of Prtnoelon, and Dr.

William J. Chamberlain, of tbe Iowa State Culler: or IX D-oo tbe Rev. Henry Vebslaare, of Ir Tin stem. N. T.

of A.M., on P. J. Mundy, of Lynn, and of B. on V'. the Rev.

J. Handler and J. J. Jane way. of New- Bruoswlok.

The prises were then announced god tbe exercises closed with tbe benediction. John tie Witt. won tbree prises, and took (he Brat aad also tbe rhetorical honor. The bat of prise mea la as follows: Otwrel Pi lass. Taa Yachtan Prlsa for Pssar on tUa Mlslows Asa Wyakonp.

Vsndorf Prise for hs oot bnsuaa aitaetoes William 1. Chambarlala. Mntnr trim -ayaa trlsa fur Conipoeitlua John Ta Witt, Jr. tardea Prtsa fur Natural reieooe bsora a. iwsm Hroaaead ciassiosi i'tizs u.

K. a KleiaM. Hradler kuiiuiuiMl a. Knisin, Gaotoar Prte rim. Oeorge Kdwia Tal-SBsae.

soa4. Ceter (qiilwail. Asnletoa Prise for Mini PMiosopb? Jobs Ue MTItt. Jr. Howaer Prise or Mast Tieis-Jobn Howard Buuinc pruss for kitBDrsnva Debate rim, Joha la Witt.

saeoad. W. II DUoa. Prise for Beat Chemloal bails i. a Caibosrt.

yiur pnaw. Wtlsea Prize for Heaial PhDnsnDhr -WUIlsia a Blikop. Per ire an tor orator Prises Wtliiaa P. Merrui aaa Asa wynkoop. Cm iirnw pnsMLttrron W.

1-miUi Price for Tee-laajaUoa Plrst. Irsak 1 Marbaai; seeoad. Bberaiaa rat. iun r.agnsa uieraure mia aaro u. praadow.

Ppadar Prises for oilers History tint. Jlsraaoa B. Meri seeood William J. Insier. frmhmam Pr-atdferisa-J.

II. Keeling. The Class of Tt, at their decennial reunion, last Blgbt. decided to subscribe tbe money for an other Senior prise, to encourage tbe study of political philosophy, and It will be entered on the prise list for next year. The reception at the president's boose to-night wsa well attended.

Congratulations were poured inon tbe President on tbe prosperity of toe ooueg. which la now OUtOIOeDt. DEGREES AND PRIZES AWARDED. VXD Of THE COXVENCKMXNT XXEBCISE3 AT PRI.tCETOW OOIXKOK. Panrcrrox, N.

Jan 23. The one han- red sad thirty-ninth annual Commencement the College of New-Jersey took place to-day la tba first Presbyterian Church. Tbe Faculty Trustees, AlamnU and undergraduates formed In pro passion la front of North College, and, preceded by the inevitable and enthtulastie brass band, marched to tbe church, where a large andhwioa bad gathered to bear the speeches of the yoo men. The orations were np to the Usual standard ot excellence in composition. aad there was a manirest tendency among; the speaker to grapple with live subject of to-day rather than the dead Issues of olasslo antiquity.

Tb master's oration, delivered by Andrew W. 'Wilson, of tb Class of '83, was a thoughtful dis- cottrs oo the question of Socialism, and was re-. eel red with warm applause. At tbe conclusion of the speaking Dr. kloCoeh.

clothed in bis aoademlo robes, conferred tbe degree of jsacaejor or Arts on tbe members of tbe Class of wbo had taken the aoademlo oourse. f-ereral members took tbe deerree of Bachelor of eienoa, aad a number of others that of CivU Eogineer. Tbe degree ot Master of Arts in course was eonferred upon a majority of tbo Class of "8A Honorary Oegreee ware beatowod as follows; Master of Arts, William J. Arm- i strong, of Alabama; 8amuel N. inman, of Oeor-gla; toe Rev.

Naomi Tamura, of Japan, and Dr. w. H. Murray, of tbe rohool of Sciences; Doo- tor of fbiiosophy, tee Kev. Robert Dick Wilson, of tbe G'iaaa of id.

a Professor In tbe Western Tseologlrml Seminary; and Doctor of Laws, Dr. John Daitoa, of tbo College of Physician and Surgeons, New-r org City. The names of the graduatea from tbe aoademlo department wore tbe folio wing: JCAdsma W.TltW. Ttall. J.

Moataaya K. T. Haiey. J. A.

MoBiaumarn Marsballllalsiaad MaUhew korgas J. A. rlsmsaa, J. M. Parker.

T. H. Harna. htewan Patoa. C.

K. Harm, Uliass Hankia, It- Saaoaa K. Reneatt. I. Bieaaaas.

blair. Jr H. Movie, H. bo TO. asriea r.

Manner. W. HerrsT. Tsrlor keed. 1L UUlard.

George Heraolda, 1L L. Heige. K. KoMnsoa, LL-brtoa. oaataihoaa.

A. a. (aaerua. iv ai. tioofe.

u. a. noaat w. a. husk U.

L. Jaaoba, A. Jaeger, H. W. Jeseap.

Willi at Jassaa. K. K. Koaera, U. Roadie, 3.

P. Kbaw. H. theldaa, J. A.

Silrer, U.B. Katka. A. tuavart, Jr e. jinr.jr.

iasai, tkaritaa. K. eohastua. M. Coaaar, JrP.

F. Bsae. a. iTstar, w. li.

CO. 0. a troag. 1. Thomas, W.

r. 1 iaiow, H. li. Tottee, I. H.

Tewler. hV Taa Hycket, v. js. iiet A. W.

tars I. A T. May. W. a.

Kldar. C. Blsinav B. Brdaiaa, f. jTanvJr, F.

B. hventt- Alford keiwr. 1U i Lamar. A. S- Maaaa.

J. Mmbis. MeAdsak. u. a nr.iiaa.

BJ. BeCiaaacbaaJ. A aa nag J. W. Mckeakaie, enen.

MeKeeeey. J. at. WaddaO. Wllaoa rarraad.

A. Wa.L B. Osisaa. 11. C.

btrearoM. 1 K. tvaoai reaa, Jr, tt D. kt llier. 'White.

K. A 6faa, jr. M. St. MUler.

K. P. Wiar. W. A ttalarte.

It. M. ML loo, W. P. Wood.

Those wbo were graduated i from the Joha Green Bcboot of Scleaoa were: Ba laatyee. ft. K. Harlaa, H. anea.

taabataa, W. B. Hum Charles hlthsa. ri. H.

Clastuav i J. si. Wills, i at, IL PersBiaa. J. W.

sveearow. O. B. rhea, yvA. roaag.

U. P. Tutor. Rertrt a sen. a imioiia T.

Itaisay. The anmher of a-radnatea In tbe sicademla de Panssaat was SS- la the eeleatino, 17. Dr. Mo Cos made a little kpeeoh before closing tbe ex arc leas, aonooacing the gtn of tbe Class of .8 Pemortal ortse mentioned yesterday: a gift ot LOuO fortaeeodowasentof a free eoholerahlp by the Class of '41. aad another for tbe bum Jorpoaa by the Class of Vs.

He called upon oka I. Blair, of Blalrstowa, N. for a speecht Bad Mr. Blair responded by announcing that bo waid aire t3UuU0 as tbe auoleus ot a fund of 1 100.000 for the endowment of five new Profea. aorahipe In tbe college.

Dr. McOneh aald that be paraooeily woe Id guaraatee the Immediate pro-Vaaoa ef 910.000 more. These announcements were reealved with with wild enthusiasm by tbo ttedwrgraduatea, who also made their tremendous luag aowee known whoa toe winners 'of tb ree prises were anBounoed. Tb prises war kwaroed as follows: fsaaalkr Oesea Maatal Seleoos Paflewshta-m. TX Weay TtnttaiB.

Cteaauav reuoashia Ceesge B. Beddr. of Paoaa.lvaaaa. Clasa of -bTKsaarW SMMat r-isae PaitovahiB-Tarlor BeaA ot PaaaVrU aakv The J. K.

M.ika.iii .1 K. Ber. t)hVs. Roadlawt HMtertaa reilowahls feati kiataia. er luiaaa.

Boedtawt Modara Laa. raiesKata Harry n. Bases, Ulineta lhe kh4ateal rwiewabtp-Jota W. phUMsa, of ae heat Thsxs mm ataatai fb Bt. of New-Ters.

Lyade 'Hi r- "aara. ef toeeeeOcst. aaoaed ij riiajyiaJa, third. Ciase ef Jaewa rnM Hf stai Phlioaaehr a. Lya4euBataseare De es ew-4erear, aestt Kd: H.

W. Ciasa ef Prweta Baattsa J0W arses. Bem aa Kengtaa Pilue Charles BentwaB. er MewJ ueorgs rosis uiate priias Joha Areaar Btver. of Maryaa.

aad K. p. Wilder, of Mew Jersey. Limea H. atwaier Prise la Poii'toai getanea V.

V. Eaae. of Maeleaa Prise fee tee test writ tea Jeator Oracle R. B. Johaaoa.

e( the Wast ladia. jaalor otasar Piisas W. Maeea. e4 Ublo. grett H.

Jettcb. Mieaisaa. sssoaai ueeeae L. Mobtaena. New.Tork.

third: Paal MaUaews. of the Ustnot of Colambta. foertk. Class of ei MathansaUoal Prise for Boeaoasoree K. M.

BopUaa. of N.w. Torfe. Taa Wit Prise tar the beet speaker of I hose who. dartaa the last three years ef the eoMeee eoarsa, have raahad aasoaa the arst sis wrttera ta aay two ef (be three eeeanaseats ef Raalleh Htaratara, rbetone.

aa orate? 4. A. T. Kddy.ef Mew. vers.

Batrd frtmm la Ureuwr for the beat speake aast to the Pair aswaa. Waiters, nerrer. of Ohio, and P. Wlidar. of w.Jener.

Balrd prtse for lielivery wartoa M. MUler. of Ohio. Bawd Prise for Poetry Manoa M. Miller.

Raird Prises for Diapatetioa A. W. Itarretl. of ewIersej. Brat, aa St.

baeidoo. of jiew-Yors. aeeuad. Tb afternoon trams were filled with etodeota going borne for their vacation. The arraduatinar class will oot depart till to-morrow, as its members hare a farewell suyt.r at Ibo Princeton House to-night.

Tba poolisbed stat an io of tbe olass contain some intereeUag facta. The ever- air ezaesoware tit the men In Senior year was S7M. Dumber of mea ta the class that sing is 93: that play inctrumenta, 89, and that write poetry. M. Football to tbe favorite sport of ffl.

baseball of 7. and ten is of U. Pol itloal science is the favorite study of U. literature of a. history of a.

geology of and phvstcaof 8. Tbe occupa tions aeiectoa oy too members ere as follows: Law. SI: business. IS: tbenlotrr. 17: medleinev II: civil Journalhm, 4: teaonina.

architecture, mathematics, 1. and 11 are undo. cided. There are Republicans in tbe class. SS Democrats, iH Independents, and 4 with no politics at all.

There are 2 Prohibitionists. 53 protection lata. 47 free traders. 13 wbo are neither. aad wbo are both.

Tbe predominant reason riven by the members of the class for entering Princeton was that it la the best eollega. BOWDOIX'S NEW PUESIDEHfT. Bruxswick, Jnn 23. TbinaDira ration of tbe Re v. William Da Witt Hyde, President of Bowdoln College, took Dlaoe tbts afr- noon, wnen toe roiiowing programme was car ried out: Prayer, by Prof.

Sewall, of Bangor: address to tbe President and delivery of the col-lego keys, by the Rev. Dr. Webb, of Boston: In augural address, by President Hyde, on The orgame notation or the uoliere to the Com munity closing prayer, by tbe Bev. Dr. Mason, 01 rrjeourg; oenedicuon by President Hyde.

AT OTHER COLLEGES. SCHIKECTADT, JtUl 23, Th Union College Commencement exercise took place to-day In tae First Reformed Church. Senator Warner Miller as Chancellor of the college delivered th address to the grad uating' class, his subject being "The Position and Duties of Educated Men In a Republic" In a nation whose cornerstone to the Intelligence of its citizens, he said, no danger so threatening to th permanency of Its institutions exist as tbe failure of such intelligent cltisen to perform their full duttes as clUsnns. A subtle and insinuating danger which Jut now menaoes the! country la tbe lack among Intelligent citizens of that high standard ot intelligence In both public and private affairs wblcb renders corruption In office impossible, or which, finding It there, would drive It out with the scourge' of an outraged public opinion. Having received tb greatest benefits that can eome from our institutions, tb oollege graduate Is bound in return to give the State and society the best service be is able to render.

Looked up to because of their educa tion they should become leaders of that pub- llo opinion which is absolute dictator in a Kepublio like this. In tb impending conflict between capital and (abor is offered field for tbe best exercise of tbe talents of the educated man. who to in duty bound to exercise such power as be bas and such knowledge as be possesses to bring about an amicable adjustment of all troubles. The people must be taught tbelr duties as well as their rights. too.

must a middle oourse be maintained between tbe Communistio and nun-interference systems, wbloh will give safety to capital and his rights and comforts to the laboring man. Snob: a system exist In our present form of e-OTern-meot in its ouritr. and tbe dutr of every edu cated man Is to restore the Government, to keep it what tbe fathers meant It to be, and prevent capital on tne one nana and foreign racialists on tba other from mining and wrecking It. Keep abreast with all that ta beat for the Government and tbe people as a whole. Tbe speaker dwelt at length upon tb necessity of party affiliation and an aotive participation In politics In order that both parties may be sept ciean aao wortoy or oetng trusted with the reins of State or National Government.

People wno oo not perform tbelr political duties are. be said, un-Amencan in tbelr sympathies and undemocratic In toetr Uvea. Do not, aaid tbe speaker, seek office, but perform political duties laitnruuy. and. arter naviniwone this for rears.

If ornoe seeks you don't decline It. In oloaing be urged tba naoeaslty of continuing the education for which tbe oollege oourse had furnished tbe foundation, and wblcb education can alooe make of yonng rentlemea first-class citixens. -The following honorary degrees were conferred s- i-, LU Roe. Warner MUler. Catted states Sea.

at or. 00. Uarklmer. John IraBenaeU. b.

Chleeaxfc 1. The Bev. eteJey B. Rosa I tar, S3. Mew-York City: the Rev.

Tssibu s. Hamlla. WasBlaatoa. U. CibeUev.

Jamas Norton CroeJtar, haratoga. Ph. D. Prof. Cadr Buley, '63.

TJntoa Coll era. A. M. Denial a. Lemont.

aloUtawvuie. Tbe following reoeived prizes: Klraer Kuavorth Veeoar. Beheeetady. for highest standing aad moral deportment: Baa-la Charles Aaale. "on.

Bmaneotadvt w. t. lmoBte. US, Kieh-moalvule: K. Vaader.

tsl: P. Johnaon. VI. aebea-eotadyi A Idea Ua Bennett, "87. Hrde Park.

111. for best esoarst Philip Henry Cola. Ho. Bed Uook. for xosileooa ls Lsus: W.

P. Laadoa, tto. rhaa-eetadf: k. a. Randall.

"88, Btaflbrdi Fraaets Xavter Hansdall. '87. Pruvldanea. La.i Mather Crane Howe, 7. BOheeactadri Hubert Carpenter Mandavule.

Ha, Klmlra; JaatsstC Braaaaa, 'od, Albaay, or xoaUeaos In oratory. Tbe graduating rises numbers WABBuroTOBr, Juno 23. Tb Commencement exercises of Wash Ington'and Jefferson College elosed this afternoon after four days spent In address to the gradustea. literary societies, and ta class reunions. The graduating rlasa numbered young men from tbe States of Oblo, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New-Yora, Illinois.

Indiana, Virginia, Minnesota, Kansas, and Dakota. The Salutatory was by G. W. Fulton Dlnamore, Washington County, and tbe vale dictory Dy J. zvoas Stevenson, or uus nlaee.

One of th Interesting features ot the occasion tb awarding of prises to students standing tbe neat examinations in German. Latin, Several one faun dred-d oliar prises were awarded. Tbe honorary degree of Lla D. was eonferred upon tae Hon. B.

M. Turner. President of the West Virginia University, Morgantown, Wast Va-. and that of D. D.

noon K. H. Fulton. Class of 08; the Rev. J.

H. Dinamore, Class of '36; the Rav. Hunter uor-nell. Jeffersoo, Clasa of "CO; the Bev. D.

J. Boale. Jeff eraoa. Class of fL and tbe Bev. B.

M. Brown, Jefferson, Clsss -of 64. Tbe endowment has reached tbe baodaome sum of tffiO.OflO aod not a single dollar of tbe permanent endowment fund bas ever been lost, Hakoytb, X. IL, Jun S3. Tbe Pbl Beta Kaopa Society of Dartmouth College held rt annual meeting to-day, and elected Edwin P.

Noyee. ef Cincinnati. President, and Prof. F. BiohardsoB, of Hanover, Secretary.

The clasa xerclse war held to-day, tbe procession marching to church, where an oration was delivered by Charles A. Aiken. D. D-, of Princeton, N. J.

Tbe poem waa delivered by George A. Marden, ot Lowell. Mass. Stbacuse, N. Jan 23.

Th Commencement exercise ot Syracus University were bold la tbo Wilting Opera House, la thai eity, to-day. Forty-tour young men and women received Bachelors degrees snd 17 persons Master degress. Tbe degree of Pa. D. was given to nine persons on examination, and tbe deere of LL D.

was conferred uooo William North Rice, of Wesleyao University. The degree of D. IX was conferred upon Prof. N. Laooock, of Alle ghany College, Moaovuie, upon rror.

u. H. Dunton. of Poultney. Vt and upon tb Rev.

fl P- HmniL of Syraeusa, Fsaterdsv tbe cor nerstone of a chapter bouse for the Alpha Phi hoc let was laid wkb interesting eeremontes. This Is believed to be tbe first oka; tptor bouse built for women. HAjrrrbKD, Conn-, Jon 23. Th Com-I meooement Week egerclae at Trinity College to-day oonsisted of annual meettnge and thai presentation ot a portrait of Bishop BuUor. The presentation was made by the Rev.

Prof. PvnebonJ wbo told very tnterestiasiy of tbe long aeareb for aa original from wbloh to makej tae portaait ana tee snai success to xnaoen Rectory. Hunrerford. Berks, Thai eopy est made by a painter se looted by a meal Russell Lowell. Prof.

Pyncbon closed wita aJ brtef reattaDoo of fnaboa Butler's Inn tbrooah his works. The gift was reoeired fori tbe oollege By Bishop Williams. GtRTA, Y- Jun 23. The ston of tbe bow gymnasium and alumni ball of Hobart lego was laid this afternoon by tae Hon. Levi P.

Morton, Chairmen ot the Board of Tbe money for the building has been raised. To-morrow morning the new fireproof library building, which fa free from debt, will be opened by Douglas Merrttt, ot New-Yorfc. oa behalf ol the corporation. A memorial upon Hon. Horatio Seymour was delivered berore tb Alumni Aaaootatioa tola sthisc by Judge Da-la oo Qaivla.

To-morrow morning the Com. Bseoeemeat exercises will take place, aad In tb evening tbe rrealoent-s reoepuoa wui no nolo. EnMirnmcBO. UL, Jnn 23. Tb annual Oommoooement at Mount St, Mary's UoUega took plane to-day, an was attended by Card ins.

Gibbons and a number of the clergy. There, ceotioa of the Cardinal waa very eotauaaatlo Tae degree of LL. IX was eoeferred oa Caere F. Donueiiy. of Boston; Ph.

oa the Bev. Jo-aenh F. Moooey. of Newbura, N. A.

M. on Isn. Boaton. Romualdo A. Echeverria, Aew-York; Thomas Laxkta.

KhU-j adeiphla: tae rtoT. joss aaviaiwsisvuavcai iJTx lkAasMiv. PhUadsSDaia: Leo J. Koooer, Pauadeiphla: the Bev. Joaa B.

Oeink. Coiuavi bosTObioTtBe Rev. John A. MoHugh, WUsslrngJ ton. It.

iXl WUliaSB CU nw, xawaia, awa WSrasBU JB m. uanrmaa, FaiU J. Laru, lsMrsaaBs, THE T2JfXS3 ALASKA EXPEDI TION From thm Hartford Courant. Jvnt S3. JThb Nrw-YoRK Trstxs has undertaken.

aa Important work is tb line of geographical en I or waica an intetugen persona wu indebted to It. Under tbo able leadership ef Lieut, ScbwaUa it has sent out an expedition to explor Alaska and especially to climb Mount Si. Elias. which la 19.S00 fact In height and Is s4ow-clad from about S.000 feet upward, making oiner 10,000 feet to be ascended over anosra. Jt la ait almost unknown region, of whose characteristics from people to glaciers there Is practically no definite information.

Tbls party will give the reading world a statement or tbe facts ami its report will be a valuable contribution to the world's knowledge. An especially important feature ot this expedition to tbst It made up of is telllgent observers who know wbat to worth luag ana also know bow to tcu k. Or PRACTICAL BEXXnT. Prom tb DaUimcr American, Jun XS. Thi Nkw-York; Ton has sent an expe- Ition under Lient.

Frederick Schwatka to ex- lore Alaska and to find out tbe secret of that ntry. This to a most admirable enterprise. more aenilble and more ustiul than a dozen arctic exploration. Tbe results will be read wita a great ueai 01 mterees. CHA RACTXB18TTG KXTEBFBXSK.

rom the Albany Journal, June St. With charaoteristlo enterprise and liber ality Tbb Nbw-Tobb: Tiuxj bas fitted out a special expedition to explore Alaska. Frederick ichwatka. tbe successful arctic explorer, and rof. William Lib bey.

of Princeton Colleee. ml form tbe corps, which will push on directly i the unknown mountain reaion of southern llaska. Tner hope to accomplish the asoent of aount St. Eiias. the highest peak on the American Continent, and from tbe height obtain a bird s-cye view or the greater part 01 uus remote territory of which so IitUe is known.

TO BE WATCHED WITH INTEREST. From th Svrinafitli republican. Thb Xkw-Yobk Times has sent Lieut Frederick Schwatka. the sretio traveler, and Prof. William LIbbry.

Jr of Princeton College, to explore the southern coast of Alaska, and tell ibo publio through Its column what they dis cover about tbe native races ana ine country. Tbe expedition will attempt tbe accent of Mount st. Eliaa, tbe highest peak of tbe North Amur-can continent, 19,400. feet above tbe see level. 9UOcees in this last undertaking is not Probable, but tbe progress of these traveler wui be watched with interest.

A TIILD WHOLXT UXEXPLOBXD. From th Woreattr (Ham.) Sjw. June 23. Tbb Nxw-Yobk Times sends an expedition this Summer to learn something or toe Interior nf Alaska, by far tbe largest part of which bas never been traversed by civilized men. It Is possible that valuable discoveries may be made Df mines or foreetn accessible to commerce, and at any rate that general know ledge of tbe geography of tbe Alakan country may be xib-talned.

It la a field wholly unexplored as yet, and intellia-ent observers oomoetont to describe (attractively what they have seen cannot fall to Ibave an Interesting ktory to toll on their re-iturn. "THE TIMES" AS A KEWS-GATHEKXB, From the Ithaca Journal. Jun 2Z. Aside from its political vagaries Thb New-Yorb Times is a paper that to a credit to be country and tbe age. It to one of tbe most energetic news-gatherers lo tbe world and with characteristic enterprise and liberality it bas fit ted out a special expedition to explore Alaska.

Frederick Subwaika. tbe successful arctic ex- nlorer. and Prof. William Libber. of Pnnos- ton Coiletre, will form tbe corps which wui push ou directly to tbe unknown mountain region ot Southern Alaska.

Tbey hope to accomplish tbe asoent of Mount St. Ellas, tbe highest peak on tbe American continent, and from tbe height obtain a bird- re view of the greater part of this remote territory, of which so little is known. AWAITED WITH GREAT EXPECTATION. From th Rome Sentinel, June Lieut. Schwatka is one of the most suc cessful explorers of tbe age.

and bis attempt promises to be tbe most successful ever made in tbe direction of exploring: He to also a writer of ability, and his descriptions of the strange country, wblcb will no doubt begin to appear in TBB TlMBa before tbe Summer to done, will be awaited with great expectation. There la vastly more common sense and quite aa much enterprise displayed in dispatching an ex- poaiuon to Alaska, our almost unknown Territory, than could be shown in sendlnr men to die terrible deaths in vain attempts to reach tbe norm RICH I-rSDS TO BE EXPECTED. From th Buffalo Cxprat, June 231 The New-York Times, which was nerer more enterpt king than now, bat become a backer of sxploratibn. A Time expedition against tbe mountainous and scarcely known southern coast of Alaska sailed from Port Townseod. Washington Territory, oo the Uth Inst.

Tbo expedition Baa more rauons ana ammunition tnau it has The region Is so full of a-eoa-raphtcal. ethnological, and commercial Interest that rich nnas are to be expected in any event. 3IR. RAXDALL'S TARIFF BILL. th Editor ef fa Km-York Ttmrs: I am sure every tariff reformer will only be too glad to see Mr.

Randall Introduce a Tariff bill. But, notwithstanding the "manifesto1 published In his nsme In tbe Philadelphia Timet, I doubt Very much whether tariff reformers or Congress will see this Taunted Randall Tariff bill introduced. Tbe tact to tba statement shows on its faoa insincerity. Let tbe foliowina testify to ih. ma unerrwatr asaoa asr.

tuuiaui "Haveyoe dataraunad aaona plaa of actio Only seberelly. Our Bourse wui be governed entirely by olreii stances. We are acting in an lira harmony wits each other. Mr. Morneoa will duubUeaa reaew bis aioiiua to no tato Commit tea of tbe WBo'e.

Wa may permit him to get there aad submit oar bill as a seosuMue lor bis in ine coarse 01 aisoassloa." Now. if that to the plan, or If Mr. Randall is reaiiy sincere, tnen way aid ne tnrow away the cbanoe a week aa-o when Mr. Morrison called up bis Tariff bill for consideration But Mr. Han- nan, in toe very postscript or hi interview, in.

tlmate the loophole by which he to going escape the dilemma. Ue said The eoarsa of ths Keoabltcans will determine we eaa do. Tbey have always claimed to be lo faror vi a proper rmsivn. a bis Dili aoes not OOOAlCt With laetr views as wa aDaerstana mem. Thus it will be seen that the whole scheme is to oo oevernuoea oy toe course 01 the Republicans.

This Is. indeed, a sate loophole. Mr. Ran- aau anows weu enougn that gentlemen like Messrs. HkMock.

MchUnlev. Keller. Hi others of tbe Republican leaders are not likely to abdicate too leadorshm in tariff revision in favor of Mr. Randall. The long and abort of all vat is, ii toe interview reaiiy remains uncontradicted, and I believe It to perfectly genuine, that the manifesto Is biniootnbe," simply to assuage the painful situation in which soma of bis handful of Democratic followers find themselves.

Nevertheless, it would be a great service to tariff reiorm to see a lann ou emanating from Mr, Randall. Next to the consideration of th Ur.r. risoa Tariff bill there to nothing that would bring the wbole economic question so vividly before the country as Mr. Randall's matured plana on tbe great subject. It is useless to criticise and discus tbe fragments of an ecooomlo statement given in an interview.

Whenever Mr. JKanoalt Zormuiatea and Introduoea a Tariff bill It will no doubt be strictly and fairly criticised and Twntuated. In the meantime I moat respectfully remind 'the New-York members namely, Messrs. Dowdney. Viele, Merri-man.

Tim Campbell, and Muller that their groat leader by his own showing placed them In a wrong position. Mr. Randa.i considers it a duty, as be said, to revise tb tariff, and he also now hopes for tbe opportunity that Mr. Morrison I to give bim by bringing li tbe Morrison Tariff bill aaraln tor consideration, when, of course, the above New-York members will be expected to vote with aim, and thereby stultify themselves on tbe Tote tbey gave on tbe 17th hut. Well, they will no ooubt settle that in a few months honoe.

Tbe incidental debate on tbe tariff yesterday and the way Mr. Randall bad to bear tbe brunt was certainly not very pleasant to these gentlemen. But people usual sleep in the beds tbey make for themselves. J. g.

MOORK Wednesday, June 23, THS BANK Or STA7BX ISLAND. fks KmUmraf IU Am. Tor mai: Allow me thronsh jour valuable medium to call attention to aa unfortunate Not many years ago Staten Island wa on of tbo most popular suburbs of New-York City Tbe reasons for tbM are obvious. For various reason, especially on account of the report that It was unhealthy, it apparently fell into disrepute and oeaaed to grow. Recently, however, people have discovered It many attractions, and It prom lias once mure to become a deiigatful retreat for those eaa-aged in bualoeaa to tbe metropolis.

Another biigbt. however, threatens It, aad it to to call attention to It that I writsx On Sundays every saloon is thrown open. A for toe beer gardens, of which there are hundreds, tbey are many of them only open oa fuodars. As a eon sequence thousands of people eome down to the island, and. after drinking without stint, eome out into the etreeta of our vtllagtw and reoeer them antt for the use ef decent peo-pas.

Indeed. Sunday la our noisiest day. All tato la spite of a regular police force and a law prohlUUog tbe saue of liquor oa Sundays. STATE! ISLANDER. CXtPTOx, Staten Island.

Wednesday, June 23. tafia. 1 1 th set pupdos ato this paper to swMtttoally kUl aad torwvwr daasa ail tnooa patent and fajtUawa sareate to wttaia tb (lit UNITED BT MARRIAOZ. JTsnat nAJTLrr matthewi taxko a OTHEX COUPLES WETX Justice Stanley Matthews, of th Unite! States Supreme Conrt. married, la this eltr vaa.

terday. Mrs. Mary Tbeaker. lady well known both In Washington and New-York. Tbe oere-Btooy took place at 11 o'clock at tb residence of sir.

an Mrs. Charles Parsons, No IT West Porty-fifth-street. an waa performed by tbe Rev. Dr. Char lea H.

Parkburrt. of tba Madiaon. Suare Prestiyterian Churoh.M.Th bridal couple atood durine ana ceremony under a duster of vus Between toe windows ol the front parlor, be oarlurs ware FtlarmratMi flowers and ornamental plants. The mantel in the trout parlor waa banked with orchids and that In tbe rear parlor with Marguerltea, Tbe chandeliers were festooned with smliax, and over tne breakfast table, which stood la tbe bill- am room at toe Dark of tbo house, was suspended a largw bell of different oolored rosea. The bride wore a walking dress of asbes-of-rae bub, wiid atjuare eorsage tnmmea wit point lace.

Her ornament were diamonds, among which were a diansond BMkiaM ant gift of tbe rroom. Her bouquet was of orchids and white rieea. Only about 50 rues is were present at the wedding. Among them were Justice and Mrs. Blatobford, Juda-e and Mrs.

Burke, of Cleveland: ex-Senator Oblo; Judge end Mrs. MoCormack, of Washington; Mrs. William F. Vllissi and Mia Vilas. Mr.

and Mrs. 'MP lias. sir. ana Atr. Krwln.

of OswegO; the Kev. MclFrisbee. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell! and the Mtawe Mitchell, of Chicago; Mr.

aod sirs. Andrew i J. Todd, CoL Jantea, Judge and Mrs. Andrews, ex-Senator and Mrs. Thomas C.

Piatt, Mr. aad Mrs. Hiram Hitchcock. Mrs. Humphrey.

Mr. and Mra. CbarlM Piniui h- and Mtos Parsons. The presents were not shown, but tbey were numerous aod costly. Tbey include many handsome Jewels and articlea of aouaenoio ornament, aa weu as a full service of table silver.

Judge and Mrs. Blatchford gave a silver berry set. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hitchcock a sot of silver, and Mr.

and Mrs. Andrew J. Todd an elegant hand-painted fan. Justice and Mrs. Matthews will sail on tbe White Star steamship Celtic this morning for a tbree months tour In Europe.

sties uraoe onmner Williams, daughter of William A-Williams, was married yesterday to William Chester Baird. at "Tbe Maples." tha country rexidence of the bride's father, near bcarourough. on tbe Hudson. Tbe ceremony waa performed by the Bev. Hugh Smith Carpenter, of Brooklyn, assisted by tbs Rev.

Charles W. I laird, of Rye. N. and tbe Kev. Thomas B.

McLeod. of Brooklyn. Tbe bridal procession waa led by a number of little girls carrying a cbain of daisies to inclose tbe bridal party. Tbe bridesmaid were Misses Lizzie Tyler, of Brooklyn; Firm ine IX Bawd, Julia F. Baird, of Yonk-era; El lie 8.

Baird, of Rye. and Susie Maogam. of sing Sicgj There was no best man. The bride Wore a costume ot white silk tulle en train, the front of tbe dresa being decorated with 111 ea of the valley. Tbe bridal bouquet and oorsaaro were of tbe same flowers.

Her ornements were dtsmonds. Tbe bride's mother wore a rest of lilac silk crepe de chine, decorated with violets. Tbe floral decorations were profuse and very beautiful, wild flower being a prominent feature of the same. After tbe ceremony there was a reception and wedding supper by Clark. Mis Kate Hulkley.

a daughter of E. H. Bulk-ley, was married at noon yesterday to Preeoott Lawrence, he ceremony took plaoe in Calvary Church, at Fourth-avenue and Twenty-Oret-street, and was performed by the Rector, tbe Rev. Dr. Sat tor lee.

The bride wore white satin, with front and sleeves of point lace, aad a veil of old point lace, secured by three diamond stars. Her bouqeet was of gardenias and maiden's hair ferns. The bridesmaids were Miss Emmie Heckscber and Mike Mamie Bulkier, a sister of the bride. They wore white silk mull trimmed with narrow white satin ribbons, white silk sashes, and high bats made of tbe same material as tbe dress ue and trimmitd with white feathers. The best man was Woodbury Kane.

After tbe ceremony there was a reception at tbe residence of the bride's parents. No. 43 East Tbirtr-first-street, where a ooJation was served by Piuard. Among the a-nexts at the church and the bouse were Mrs. Smith Clark, tbe arandmotber of tbe bride; Mrs.

Brockbolst Cutting, Mr. CutUnr, Mrs. TJrquhart and Mia Drqubart, Mr. and Mra. Elliott Roosevelt, Mrs.

Orlswold Gray, Mrs. Richard Irvfn, Jr Thomas Howard, Kidegway Moore. Roland Redmond, Mist Swan, and Mia Hail. Tbe marriage of Walter Wetberbee and Miss A. took place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at tbe residence ot tbe bride's brother.

Dr. Josiah H. Oautier, No. 33 Fifth-avenue. Tbe ceremony waa performed by tbe Rev.

K. W. Donald. In consequence ot a recent death In tbe bride's family the wedding was a very quiet one. Only a few Intimate friends were present, and many of tbe usual formalities were di-peosed with.

John W. McDonald, tbe well knows political writer, wan married last evening to Miss Ida May Thompson, daughter of Samuel Wesley Tnompson. wbo to widely known and respected in business circles In this city. Theoeremooy was performed br the Rev. J.

R. Thompson at the home of tbe bride. No. 818 West Fourteenth-street. Only the lm mediate friends and relatives of tbe brice and groom were present.

Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will spend tbelr honeymoon at Lake Georre Utica, N. June 23. The marriage of miss neien a.

opngga. oniy aaugnter oi congressman J. Thomas Sprlggs. to Dr. J.

Alder Biumer. of this city, occurred in Grace Church this evening, Tbe church was crowded to its xuiicst catoity. Among tne suest were many friends ot the. bride from Wasblna-toa and New. York.

Atnoo tbe bridesmaids were Miss Hen derson, of Chtcaa-o: Mia Emory and Miss Patterson, ot Washington, and Miss Gilbert, ot New-York. Dr. A. RurselL of Albany, officiated as best man. Tbe Episcopal marriage service wsa read iiy the Rev.

J. B. Olmsted, Pastor of Grace Church, assisted by Bishop A. Cleveland Coxa, of the Diocese of Western New-York. Dr.

Biumer to Chief Assistant Physician In the State Lunatic Asyium here, and will be acting Super intendent during tne absence ol l)r. uray in Europe. Boeroir, June 23 The wedding; of William F. Weld, tbe owner of tbe yacht liana and Miss Ellen Homer Winchester, took place at noon to-day at tbe Arlington-Street Church. The Revs.

Brooke Hereford aad James Freeman Clarke officiated. A DASTARDLY PIECE OF WORK. LornsYrxiE, Ky Jans 23. When th families of Mr. Charles Meyer, of tha Shelby-street brewery, and Mr.

Keraler. who lives In the southeastern suburb, awoke this morning-there waa considerable surprise that tbe cows bad not come home. It bas been customary at each of theae households to find tbe oows In the morningvwlth full udders quietly awaiting relief. A messenger was started out from each bouse lu search of tbe miaaing animals, A search found tbem, four lo number, en tbe commons baca of Kruop'e orickyard. near tbe end of Logan-atreet, but in a horrible condition.

Each had been ripped in tbe abdomen and was trailing ber entrails about over the commons. One poor animal bad dropped nearly all of ber viscera tbrouga a horrible wound, and in tbia condition aha was found wallowing in a pool of blood and still alive, and another ow was staggering about breathing through a frightful wonnd through her chest Into ber lunar. Sbe was also cut In the abdomen and ber bowels protruded. Tbe other two were in a similar condition, frightfully butchered, but still living. I There wad no possible chance for recovery, and tbe oows were killed to end tbelr suffering aa soon aa tbelr condition waa discovered.

The wounds bear evidence of having been Inflicted with a very sharp and long knife. Tbey were ell in tbe abdomen, with the exception of one in tbe breast, and ran between two and tbreo feet la ienrth. Thus butchered and still alive the cows preeeau-d a sickening sight. There to no clue to tba perpetrators of this malicious deed. XO BUT A FIRE.

Exciting rumors reached Newark. N. yesterday, that a terrific explosion bad taken plaoe near Lake HopetoOng oa Monday evening, and that tbe entire country around bad been shaken It was said that tbe works of the American Porslte Powder Manufacturing Company bad blown up, that several Uvea bad been lost, and that a large hotel in tbe vicinity bad been destroyed. Tbe works are situated in a lonely place, out of the way of travel, and tbe few peoiia that came from that vicinity told various stories, but they were sure that an explosion had taken place. Tbe Secretary of tbe company was seen yesterday at bis office.

No. 66 Liberty-street, and be smiled wben naked tor particulars about the explosion, He aald that a fire bad broken out in a abed had communicated to the engine-bouse, which was somewhat damaged. The works ti-eeoeelvrs were 4J04 feet from the engine bouse, and there had been bo explosion there. In fact, there waa so exptoeton at aiL The nearest hotel to the plaoe, said tha Secretary, i two and a half miles away, aad eouid not have been destroyed area had there been aa exploetou. ELOPED WITH EES BOARDER.

New-Havejc, Conn-, Jun 23. Edwin H. Batman, ah Insurance agent Hying on Bishop-street, octnplaloed to tb polio late last nigh that his wife bad eloped with a H. Underwood, a boarder at his house. Be waa unable to Sad any traou of tbem until to-day, waea be discovered that while be was at tbe theatre Underwood and hie wife bad taken a back aad bssa driven to the Startn at earn boat dock.

Hulmaa says thai he wui not try to overtake tbe couple. Be bianns tbem for carrying-off with tbem his trunk, umbrella, Ac Mrs. Hulmaa leave two young cliudrea aad a oosatortabss borne. I HAZEIT.TO BE CALLED TO ACCOUST. From tha San AuUmio (Texas) Extras.

Jams MC Gen. Wj B. Ilazen, cbief ot tbe Signal Service Bureau, baa iasoed a pamphlet called -Qen- Hasan's Reply to tb Second Controller." ta wbte be speaks eo dial aspect fully of tbo tato Gen. Hatcock that fresh troabee la oa band tor bias. Ctargea wui be broasrbt egalaet bias for Ubastne: Ueacock ta tbe uvaaer stated, bafoew toe miliary order of the Leyal Lesion of the Catted Itaj, wiU a view ato ibm token, troam ADA BULL'S ADVENTURES.


Ada L. Ball. handsome gtri. years old. told Cbief ot Police Little and Sheriff Cooper a atrange story to-day.

Sbe said that about three weeks ago Mrs. ralr-snaa, wb la tb- wife ef Jan Fatrmaa, tb Proprietor of a small store oa BeatOsvatreaC, went to the girT borne, at No. Ta Qataa-a venue, Brooklyn, having been with tb family. Ada attracted ber attention, for, ao-cording to the gaT statements, ths made extravagant premie to induce her to oosae to Elatlra. She held out suck Inilai annuls aa a oollege eoarecflne clothes, snd mcefe tomnii.

aad led the girt to believe that life la Uan would be a succession of pleas ores. Sbe wa saoceaa-f ul leading ber to leave borne and eome to this city. Auoordins- to her story she was set to work sweeping out the store and at domestic cutis, with wnlcb she was entirely unfamiliar. She also states that Mrs, Palrmaa Indulged in freouent scoldings, which, with homaeicknaaa, bard and unaccustomed work, aod dtoapwotot-meat, rendered Ber life ao aieagreeabla that sbe threatened to commit suicide. She desired to return to ber borne, but to this Mrs.

Fatrmaa ooiecteo. Matters came to such a pass 6a Moa-fay that Mrs. Falrmaa stated she would send for Chief Little and have tan girl arrested for threatening to end ber Ufa. Tbia greatly alarmed Ada and sbe ran away, going to a family named Nichols, on MaxweU-avenoe, and from tbenee. with one of the also ptotea-ees of Mrs.

Fatrmaa. to Eldredaw Park, aad from there to Woodiawa Cemetery, where they remained all tae after. nbt they returned to tbe city, tbe Celuetle girl acting aa a guioe, Aeailwaamede at a place which the girl eould not locate, a was aroused from bed. aod tbey staid there during tbo nirht. The two Calu-tte.

alias Smith, girls. Joeephlae and Flora, were ale brought from Brooklyn one year or more ao by Mrs. Fall-man. Tbe one with whom the Hull girt waa la company has euro established a reputation not of the best. The Chief of Police telegraphed tbe girl mother for money to send ber bom.

This afternoon be received a dispatch from Ada's mother saying sbe had not the money at present to pay the tare-but that Mrs. Falrmaa would furnish It, The latter having neglected so to do, tba Chief took the girl In hand and sent ber home to-ntgbt. Tbe girl says ber father's name ta Robert B. Hall, that be to a mall carrier, aad In fair circumstances. Mrs.

Phosbe Bull, tb mother of Ads, found at br home. No. Gstes-a venue, Brooklyn, last night, and said to a Tuua reporter that ah bad received a telegram from the Chief of Police of Elmlra reauestlng ber to meet ber daughter at tbe Erie Railway station in Jersey City at (o'clock this morning. She aaid that about a year ago Mrs. Fatrmaa was at her house In Brooklyn, and took home with her Flora Caluette, aod that a few weeks later Josle followed.

Flora, who to IS rears old. ran away from Mrs. Falrmaa in the beeinning of winter and subsequently, as tbe latter said, went to a disreputable house. Josm, whoaa age to 14, ran away aad Joined her sister In tbe Soring. About the 1st of this month, Mrs.

Fairman again called at Mrs. Hull's bouse and wanted to take Ada home with ber. making the promises described. Ada had never been compelled to do aay work for ber mother, "not even to wash the dlshee," tbe latter said. She took a course at a skating, rink hut Winter, and fretted at th restraint Imposed upon her at borne, and so waa aagar to go where ebe eould be a lady." Sbe went away with Mrs, Fairman oo Jane A A little more than a week ago ber mother received a letter from ber, in which sbe said that sbs liked Elmlra very much, waa getting several new dresses made, among tbem a "white laee skirt and pink satin basque, light blue lawn Mother Hubbard, and two or tbree and besides had been given a "lovely1 parasol of blue silk and white Spanish lace.

Further oa la the letter sbe wrote: Now, there to a gentleman tn Elmlra, the wealthiest man in there, worth over a million dollars, a banker to whom I'm going to get an introduction and hope some day to be a wealthy woman. Mra. Fairman wrote a letter to Mrs. Hull after Ada' disappearance, saying that tbo trouble with tbo girl began one day, twben Flora Cainette -came Into tbo store and recognised Ada. Tbe latter weot out that night with Mn.

Pal man's son and staid until midnight. Wben Sbe wanted to go out another day Mrs. Fairman refused to let her go, aod threatened to send her back to Brooklyn if abe waa not more obedient, Ada, she said, vowed that before soe would ao back to bar mother she would commit suicio, aod male-ted upon going out alone. Mrs. Falrmaa then locked up bar bonnet, but sbe managed to etout of tbe bouse.

If tbe girt meet her mother It to the Utter Intention to take ber to tbe officers of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and asx tor a thorough inveetigatioa of toe XtRS. BRLNCK ERBOFFS SUIT ADDITIONAL CHARGES MADE BY TBI WUI AOAIKST BEX HUBBATrO. Potobxxepbtx, if. Jan 21 Is th famous rait for divorc of Louisa Brlnokrkoff against CanC John H. Brine keraoff, of tb Poua-hkeepaie Transportation Company, counsel appeared before Judge Barnard to-day oa Mrs.

Brinckerbofrs petition for alimony and counsel tees. Her lawyer, John P. H. rn touched only lightly upon the question ot ali mony, as tb trial to to take place In about two weeks, but he asked for SLOOO counsel fi Judge Barnard thought SIM waa enough, but aaid be would think the matter overi la petition Mrs. Brincxerboff makes a new serious charge against ber husband.

She aay that on of tbe reasons for leaving hit going to ber grandfather's bouse? waa that he insisted on her having an operation performed to produce abortion. Sbe my abe to wholly destitute, to in need ot wearing apparel, aad he js wona ia reau cbsbiw ana personal property (400,000, and has aa Income ef from fSOJM to Boa.Uk oer annum. la hie answer Capf BrtnekerhoiT denies tbe se rious charge of proposed abortion as groaslv and shamefully untrue. He denies that ks aver abused bts wife In any way. He says that abe left ber home of her owa tree will and without bis knowledge, that be baa always been willing and anxious to support ber, but sbe seemed unwilling to remain at ber bom.

He aver that Be to ready for trial oa five days notion, aad la anxious todlaprove the ebarews made avalnst him. The oaae excites much Interest la tbe Hudson Biver auay, as tae captain to a wail known steamboat man. betne Vlos-Prasideot of tba Poushkeeoaie Transportation Com can v. tart owner of the steamer Mary Powell, and ownav of tbe ferry at this plaoe. He first met hie wife, whose nam was Louis Cunningham, at tbe Casino Skating Rink in this eity.

She was rather prepossessing In appearance aad was a graceful akater. aa was also tbe Captain. Tbe eourtehia waa brier, and alter marriage tney sua not live together a year. PERSONAL INTELLIOESCE. Alexander Ball! van, ot Chicco, It at th winaaor Hotel.

Clayton UcMichael, of Fhlbtdelphia, i at the Victoria Hotel. Gen. Benjamin P. Butler, ot Masaachn setts, to at tbe Fifth-Avenue Hotel. M.

de Bounder. Belgian Minister at Washington, to at the Albemarle Hotel, T. Harrison Garrett ana Samuel spamoer. Of Baltimore, are at tne ot, Jama uoteL, Col. J.

N. Bonaparte, of Wuhlnrton, and W. A. H. Washington.

United Stats Consul at London. Ontario, are at tbo New-Tor a Hotel. Mnrat Halt tend, of Cincinnati, and William T. Barnard and Andrew Anderson, of tbe Baltimore and Ohio, Railroad company, are as tne ztrevoors xiouaa. UNDER DISGRACEFUL CBAROtS.

Charles Bleakney was bald for xamlns-tJoa In Justice Senna's court, in Brooklyn, yes terday, the complainant being his wife, lows, Bleakney is about 40 years old. and lives with his wife, and two daughter at No. SOS okQlmaa-street. Half an hour af tor bad been tod back to the pen he waa arraigned aarara on three cbarres of outraa-eoue aaaault on little atria. ot which was made by hie daughter.

Jennie, IS years oia. xne oiaer two were maoe oy lAiiu raters, year eld, whose father keep a nqaor store at jo. at ijo avaiD-evenne, ana Minnie took to prosscute the to plead to the chary yesterday, and asked an adjournment until Tuesday, which waa granted. CHBtSTOPBEB B. WAITS DXATB.

ChristoDher B. Walt, who committed suicide at Bridgeport. Oattrs, oa Tuesday by mean of laudanum, aad who was at Brat eoo- fussd with Alderman B. Watte, was identified yesterday by bis sou, William Walt, BuM-in-tendeot of the New-Terr XnaUtutioa for the Blind. He was TS years eld, aad waa formerly a builder ta Albany.

Latterly a came to live with his son at the corner of Ninth-avenue and Thirty-fourth street. He was a robust man. food of reading aad gener ally cheerful, oot was occasionally euoject to Bts of depression aad mental eoaf oaJoa. It to anpppnaad that he wandered off la one of theae deranged states wben started for hat usual walk oa Moaday at 10 o'clock- The body will bo broos-bt te tae cxty to-day and the funeral wiU take Place to saen ow. AN OTERDOSE OF MXDICTNE.

Asbcxt Pabx. ST. JtsBw Lixzl tager rssddrng at sUy Zaat, died this awwalng from ta 030008 wc aa siaiMsm maflsTln, ooraon, tne it-yeer oia aaagnter or ueorge I. Gordon, of No. ITS hklllmaa-street.

Tbe Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Child rwa uadee- eaaa. Bleakney was enable AB sBSMsSSSj WsU sal Salsa BS BOW OBITUARY. OWARD EL5W0STIL Id ward Csworth, for many years prom-fnaat mercantile circles ta tktoetty. dkd yea-tarday at his reeideaca. No.

9) West Forty-Bin tb-Btreet. Hs waa born at No, tU Church-atreet, In tato eny. ta January. ISI1. and waa ef tb good old Cnlckerbockar stock, hto ancestars coming her from Holland ta tb KU eeatury.

Mr. Etsworth waa educated at Hyde Park ta Hodsoa. and suade hi ntraao Into bualneea life with hat brother Henry la tb paint and trade. Tbo two formed tbo firm IL A 8. Eisworta.

eatab- lkthed ta 18ST. and Tne eootinoad ta active business Until llssV UST ha Wuu li.l.ia.1.1 the steamboat bus! ores, and wita ato brother aad tbe lata Capv. Drursotcwnsd tha ataamboat Niagara, which raa between this eity and Albaay and Troy. Teen be bacaasa tbe President aad a Director of tbe Keyport Steamboat Company, which bout and owner! tbe fast river mere x. r.

ay. Keyport. Arrowsmita, Ed-rd Etoworth. ksttsaas. and Tl tlartlB- wail known to travelers about I hto harbor.

The brothers Ehrworth and Cart. Mamford owned tbo teat clipper akipe WaKooala and Tornado, which were eaaraged la the European ana fjaitrornie trade, Mr. worth waa tnteveeted la tbe Enoch Morran' rVoos Company. wssaisCTsms oi eoap, ana was tor years Pi sal a i at ef tbe onmpeny, and a Director up te too time or bat death. He waa also a tn reetor la the North River.

Bank aad In tee Coo-maweial aad la are Fire Innranoe Com pan tea, being active la the organization of both the Uat na mod. He waa also for many years a Director the Merchant Exchange A stloaal Bank. He waa a TTwatee of the Chare a of the Divtn Paternity, and waa a areas friend er its lass. time Pastor, the Rev. Dr.

B. H. Chapln. One of Mr. EUworta youlhrnl egperlenots was aa a fireman, when aa a saember of Naiad Hose, No.

he ass ait ad Mi fight Ina the ereat fire of 183a, He waa an ardent iBMrt at shsi cause of tbo TJaloa eurinc the war of tbo re call ion. giving not only of hto (las and money, but two of hto sons to hie having teat bis Ufa at the second battle of Bud Rua and tbe other at Port Hadaoo. Mr. Eisworta waa married to Mtos Martin, a sister of Dr. R.

Mar-tan, 60 years aa-o this month. His widow aad 12 of hto 1A children survive htm. Hto funeral wui take Maoe from bis lata real dance at JO batur-day morning. LAWRENCE TX KEEBNAX. Lawrence IX SOcman, who had served oontlnuoualy a Clerk ot tb Board of Educa tion of this city alooe isat, died at Baa Aatoalo, Tsxas, ymterday mornlog.

He had been suffer-ing front eonsumptioa and gaoeral dsbtilty for a Ion time, and had gone South with the hope of benefiting hto health. Mr. Kiernan was ears old. end was bora ta Ireland Feb. 12, 1M4, ie buds ka thla mnnl rr skM a twiw nA July.laol, was graduated from the FreeAeavd- my now tae tJOUare of the City of New-York taking the first premium for prise speak in r.

known aa tbe Prise of the President of tbo Board of Education. He a Dent four rears in tbe study of law. and was admitted to the bar la 186b. He bad previously, oa tbo formation th Irish Bria-ade, baea appointed private aee- retarv to uwn. Meagher, out family affairs interfered to prevent him from amentine- thla Doai.

tlon. Tbe profession of law not proving to bis taste no noaooooea it soon arter oia admatnon to the Bar- and aeenrad an annalntaaant aa lauhsr la the pa bite schools. la the election of Isti bo was sent to the Assembly from tbe Eighteen th Dtotriet aa a Tammany Democrat, defeating fpeocer Klrby. the Republioan. aad Patrick Me-Doaoagb, tbo Moeert Hail, eaodidatea, Mr.

Klemaa served through the session ot 140, and then reoeived aa appointment aa Clerk to tbo Board of Education, a poalUoa which be held until hto death. HENBY OIJDEBDOXr, JR. Ilenry Onderdonk," Jr tha aotbor of a nnaber ot local historical works, aad aa honorary member of various historical and gansa logical societies and a lecturer on temper- and local history, died ot heart eis-oa Tueslay evening, at aw bouse in Jamaica, Loag Island, was born at Manhaaaet. Long Island. Jnno IL ITM.

and raa fifth ta asoent from Adriaa Andrewaa, wbo emigrated from Holland and settled at Flatbush-Lon Island, about lSTfi. Mr. Onderdonk was a etose student even in Bis early years. He was graduated from Columbia College lo 1827. and in the following year received tbe oearree of B.

A. from Gambridgo Ualver-rty. From 18X1 untU be waa Principal of Onion Hall Academy. Jamaica, Lone- Inland. During this period a majority of ato works were written.

Among tbem are "Revolutionary Incident of Queens County, New-York." published In IMO; "Revolutionary Incident of Suffolk and Kinr Counties." IhW; rVinntv In riA Island in Olden 186ft. and HsTtorv of tbe Society of Frlenda in Oueena Countv. lKT. ITB0. Mr.

Onderdonk was la bta garden la eon- uon wita a xneaa an aour oeiore bat OBITUABY NOTES." Deacon Oeors Boberta. the oldest resident of KoIUnssford, N. H-, died there yas-tswday, sgsd to years. Hswss ora-rty Presi- oeot or tae naimoa raus eavingf uank. a member of tba Tas-lalstira and a atlMaus.

lis. Boberta had held ail the town edhcaa aad waa nigniy esseamea. Walter Ernest Meyer, a son of Prof. Julius Mayer, ef Brooklyn, died at sea oa June IS. Mr, Meyer was oa bts way home from Para Braxu, on Abe steamer Finance, wnen bo died oi enlargement of tbe Uver.

He waa bora tn Frank. many, and obtained a nub lie eohoot ia isreosuyn. tie vest to Sooth Amertoa aad orvaniaad a steamship eons-pany la Coiomoia. operating tae first steamer oa tbe Rio Sinn, Subsequeatly be wont to Para, BrasU, where, la Wsa, anon the death of tbo United Statee Consul, tbo American real den ta elected Mr. Meyer acting ConaaL, There his health broke dowa and Be atarted for hoaae, meeting oeath on tbe way aod bains- buried at ana, no mi a wmow ana two cnuansa la Para, THE WEATHER INDICATIONS.

WAaWTjrarroT. June 24. For Maine, Kw. Hampshire. Term on MsssMhusett.

Rhode Isl and, and Connecticut, local raina, stationary tempenxant, variable winds, For Eaetern EmTcrk, EaeUm Pnutngoaaia, sm Kew-Jermu. looal fxMn, fdlouxA by fair awyitasv-. mniwrnarj Mwjsimart, wnaoK arinoa. For the District of Columbia, Delaware, Mary, land, aad Virgiaia, fair weather, followed by soeal rains, stationary temperature, winds gen erally eoataeny. For North Care'fua.

South Carolina, Georgia, Psatwn Florida, Weetern Florida. aod Alabama, looal raina, followed by fair weather, stationary temperature, variable winds, generally souther! v. Pur Mississippi. Arkansas, Louisiana, aad Tex- aa, generally larr waainer. vanatae winds, a tionarr tumaevatnra.

For Western New-York. Western Pennsylvania. Oblo. aad West Virginia, occasional local rains, followed by fair weather, stationary teat. perasara, varasoie winoa.

-For Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennissss, local rains, lotiowaa oy tair waatoer, scatienaxy tarn. peraxura, variable wind. For Eastern Michigan. Western Mlchls-sn. and Wssoonsin.

generally fair waather. atatlooarv temperature, northerly winds, bnrvmlna varia- We. For Minnesota aad Eastern Dakota, fab weather, followed by local rains, variable winds, becoming southerly, Beaxiy stationary temperature. For Iuiaoto, Iowa, aad Missouri, awnerally fan waatoer. vanaoio winaa.

stauooary temperature. For kansaa aad Nebraska, fair weather, variable winds, becoming southerly, stationary tesv-Beratare. For Colorado, fair waathar. fsMonsry tats para tura. variable wind.

Cautionary southwest signals are changed to northwest at Sandy Hook and New-York southeast signals eootinue from New-Bavaa to Wood's HoU section, aad cautionary is-aata as fjostoa, uoatoa soction, roruaoa, aaa Poruaod Tb foUowing shows tb changes la the tfrerature for tae past St hours, ta eompexfcoa with the correapooding daw of fast year, as in dicated by tb tbrnMBTaTr at Budaat pha Broadway Mh. lfsat Ss- si 67- A vavase taalare ysstsrday Avasase tamparsi are aai SPREAD OF DEMOCRACY IN TERXOST. Trem the Commercial AifMrUter mf TrnterOam. Bradler B. 8mally said that ho aid no think ft was worth while to dtoeoaa the tariff nestteo.

thoaght thare were a few more Iamoeratio votes ta Ysrmoot tbaa there used to be. Kot many year age," kw said, "there wave whose townships la Termont which did not aaa a single Democratic vote. la ooe of tbees townships the poUiag elerk. la counting tbe jvtwm wn wjisutauBi nigns, auer.avereq a eaisot with Inantiillu as sara a la. Ha tt mm hto thumb aad foreflnger and, addreasiag the crewd wkleh was waiting te hear the result, ho sBsessew anas a fjemoeraae ttaitos aa bssa rest and aaked It anybody ineauut bad aaatix.

There was ao answer, ha threw It oa the Boor wna lae remark, I thousbt as was a tt He went oa with the eoant, DIED OP HIS 1XJTTR1T. Srw-BUrxjt. Jan aPatriek TBsoTJy.a brakeaasa oa the Air Lias Railroad. died tato BsoratDC from te Juries inuuod a few hours bef or" at Will im actio. WkUa ha esmpimg ears bis foot waa eaagM bttaiaa a 4ak aad te raiL tma ts basskaddowa body waa hsoaght tothrn eity net i lav aad wsei i saaa oome oa; tae snsiS.

It, )i varrnn afrsss. tlwasB "BO P. r. ii sMa P. at es P.

ee Suit r. i -t yTir waaew ana akiua CLASSMEN IN COT rr.TTfOT. A tla Trio Crrr, jr. J- Jon a Tt jTa- tlonal Association of F4at aad Urns Clam XUa-afaoturer aae la coo Taction bar to-day. Nearly aa the factortot east of the KtaaW rnt River were represented.

Ib reliowln otLcers wera aiacted: Presideat Thomas I "as, of Ptttaba rr Ica-Pr asiilent Ferrf i us nd iiorrrr nrv, of u4el ph is hecreta ry and Treasurer' hua a log, of Pittabura. At thla asaasa mt the year there is very Batsaajwla tMaaiBed aeasss I rem enaiamrne-Lina-iwar aw Sadies eaxraaea tarvara aeiaru Is tae plaaiBtast. 1 km dsaset sa be aafiyraarsd wm eaias LlylUU CAhMKiLCH si A L. lrasks, W. M.

M. CiiiH)i. Tt ManUn una, New-Verh. Cat this eat. A II pBieenawhe si wreak and aavrana.

na as 1 1 ar from what raaee. asav Snaly tavs LTKo fTOk WC I le adord them aroaspt aad aeaassa rsPaf. As a swveraa-e has ao easel, bold by a-roeara aad draawieta. Hsisk.t A Co. lav A Print las aw.

I'lari. alk Way. reakars. WrUa far (trawler aad anos 1st Ire ss Bhtrea. InanaVrad.

ta. werth 1 a ax a all T. Cortlaadc TVT A OOLT.nrtu.coLa at at. Tor Cy. aaa S3.

Iad, hr taa SVev. a. U. Cteva- Baa. ur.

en bus a oLUirt. ef Haa erac. ta haw-Iork. hesswoa. X)AS XCKb.

On the ttd Inat, at the rasldeee tae anas, ey tae siev. as. u. u. How aao raasMsa Dos vs.

of Oexa. aefa'ka. ta ssitiiDt yessgsst aaagbiar at oaa red X. loose, of this ou. CBEtN-PEALB.

At Via wssael CswreB, Koinse- e-assdsT. the tA last-, By aev. DXkJ. leM. D.

IX, Ukoaea T. Jas. ta BilT Bl-BB PsstB. saasbier ef the lata Jamas Bar Paal a. U.

IX. aad th hue Mar Caviare kf Barney, ef Beikneseavg, Peaa. Jane U. by tkt aev. tt rsetssBst, BaaJ.

W. rot ef Ksw. Terk. te Bskf B. ABJUiaaB.

ef Beware, X.J. WTTHBRBEB esCTlga-Oa WsdawaCay. Jane at Laa rsal isass ef the bride's aareota, by toe k. Wioeaeatar Uooeld, aJisltS Av lilirtus ttWilTUUWmiUIU. WILO-BCBT0l Wsdaesday, jane tS.

at the re si a aa ta ef taa brtde's aareota the Be. Arthur Brae. IX rx. Bowsa W. iLSOs tsjlkirii BcBToa, yaaagaat as ashlar of Alaitnoar Raav- Ah IX.

Is rVaehkaeade, Joaa laaa. a Art-sanaral nmin iraat hw, lata rsaHaaiia. 1 toa eid-PUea. on Ssth tast. at Se'eweS P.

AC Basauvea aad tnsnki are ntkat XTTEBBI BT. Bew-MUrers, B- Jaaa el ehroate hreamhw. sua, acaaJf atexua Ansa, Bray. saeeral from Vtret Pimhyterlaa Chsrsa, Patsv. sea.

1 haradav aftaraeaa, at e'eieek. CkOSIBK. Oa Waaaeaaay. Jaaa t. ta Brooklyn, wtdew af th Kev.

iilraas p. Craaaar. is the Bath year at her aaa. saaami anvata. Taeadsr.

tat InaU, RoBBBt CrKxieaAU.acei.ra unsral serrleas al tha 1 Aaroh af tn HolT Trta-Br. Jtd.ot. aes Aiaaiaea as. ea Tboraday. ItU Inat, at A hi.

latarasant ta breanwood. SOba-Ia Jersey City. Wedaesday. Jane XX BAXCT A. loon.

la Tvkk year of her aae Baiativasaa frlea are raapaet fatly tavKed te an eaa the aerl nrr ess at tba raw ia eaae el bar aoa, Conrtiasdt H. lieSa. UT atitsav, aa rek-- amay. 4 aae as. at 1 a atuea.

latetsvsnt anvata. TsXawoBTli-On Weaaesday. Jaaa S3. CswaBS ltt.awoeTa. tm the Vath Tear ef his sea KsiaUves aa Heeds of taa faasliy are tavttad te auead the faaeral iiiilm at ai lata raaMeaoa, -t.

reorder, dane he, at Ut jit A. AL. BlaAy assa Sowers. KIKHIfA At Fan i at ante. TsxsA oaiaaeSX Boa, u.

aisaaaa. OBDtRDOBE: At hi raattaee. Jaaalea, 1. T. TassSar.

JaaasS. tisja. Hsaar Oapsaposa. JrT P. Av laiaraasatal Fiona Hill, knday P.

AL a Havre, rranos. 7th of Jaaa. ka est year, Piaee at St. Ttoeeat aa Pad Charaa, tSd-sa, near Sth-av, ea krtdar ml i exios. naaa af Tamiig aaaaral i--- la-vua teauaaa.

swaawsiB at Larch at sat Maaer. ef aeritonaua, BktUAunt eotTHACg, aaed years, soa of the tele Jaaa W. a.nt hack? ThefaBeral and take aiaea fruas ka kUIMk daasa. Lareaatoat ktaaer. on tvaiard.y.

tae kota fast, at 110 A. to. Trala leaves hew.Tark.via ew-Haven aad Hart for H. M. at 10 ilk A- At.

rrssada nui fciaaly arra rttAVa sarrw. ea Jaaa fl, a his resHsasa. li Worts exh-st. Brooaiya. av CL la awhsd year.

aaUva tara af, BaiiaaaBMae. ParuK Ansa Caaty At cms aaa. Irataa. -arai arrieas an Tharsday. Job s.

at P. Tlaeeas de faal's Charon, Jvrtb eth-at. at a'ataee A SL raawral at e'aioek aharn. laalauvaa aaa trteods are roaaoovfaiiy ksvoed te aUatA WAIT. adanly, ea Wedaesday, Jane ts, CsarAW goraka a War, aged year, aad I month.

Faaaml at the reeidanee ef his soa. a. Wbh. vta-av. aad THIS at oa TaaraSay etaalag Se'eioak- laiaravaaikt Aibaar.

WALL ACTA rnserad Iota Jane t. Isan, at her swaVSeaea. So7 luoukkf iiiti wiixsra aaaaater ot tbe mia Jamas aad Phebe wsUm ef Aaw-Tork Car. RelaUvw aad fries de rasaiovaily arvtted te at, tead ths faaeral servtca at ht aithew Cbnrsa, 1 knu(M. Bear Oa ks h.

en rrtdar. Jaae sj, a IS e'etoaa- laianasat ksTnslty aajatsry. WTXLKTB. la w-Tart. fXrth swt Slat.

IH, of Sam at, WtlAATS, of h-oea, la L. ta ana oath year of ha ace. Bataitve and frtsoe are nrvMad te attan tha faaeral en rtrth ear. tha sat hub. froai neeie' toaeuaaT Heaaa, Waatbary.

L. at last Car-naaa will be st Wastbarv atatioa ea arrival at traia leavtaa Loag liaad CUT 11 ati A. st. I I I SPECIAL NOTICES. jTltttPET CLpsa-THOl A kf ViBTtwiiTj t.soa Broaaway.

senona aoa rosy tirritiK mitici. rSWrald sereed dally by all hat rant, as ebaeca Btsy eeoar at ear tiate-1 latter for fore ga eaa atrial Bead not he seactaily Sdilrssn for dtsaaich by aay panea ar ieaser, as. aeatwheahia assired ta sand danuoatss af haakuwt aad eoasassrasal Saenaaan. latteis not TMVaiy a nroasaa batBa aawt ar the raateet vwassta av, fsrstsa avaia for taa weak eodma Jaaa aa wui sliaa (prsaiBUT taail aaaaaiat thisettesa fadowsi TUCBS1aT Ate A. St.

Tor aaroaa, per xaaauMp (aula, vkt Qtinsmi, (Utters for rases, trermsaf As- ataat he directed par alt at A. Is- tor ra aaa. tostmeiiT. aat. ner steaassaip freiian.

via piy ntenth, Cham sara. a Bntaia aa other a aaa nasi ear. attars lor ureas eoeairVw at oat he au risti at 1 p. Csmpaaehy. Chiaaas.Tabeaiie.sad P.

at. for Vera Craa, ship Alaeei at SiiMP. js. for 'irssUla aad t-i's. yar FM.IUAT.

Ate A. ataanier froas UsHlu. At. far at. PsariwWsTaslea.

yer ATtBDAT-Alkd A. Td. for Janataa. retted Stales at Csiswba.IVBor.aad Seat a feetSe aorta, per steamship snameae. via Klaeston.

for laaslos Blast se ah-eeteS -ear ertasaaat'- at -A3 A. at far s-Bropa, par stesatanip Bervav vta Vaaoaa-tnwa: at us A. M. for rautlaad aaroet, par ataaas-shlp Oeveals. vta Ctossow, (letters mast be dirweved "par tevonta:) at HA) A hi.

lav the K-(henada dlrsat, par ataasssaip sdaas, via Amstardaan. iMurt mast be Streets par Boaaa at Wo A. as. tor is. rooa.

porstaaasaalpCttT et bests, vts Vwsonstow a al ISJSS A. to. lev Kelanaai dtreat. par ataaaaahia eat-eraaaad. vat lain liouan aaoat aa airssts "aor Weataralaadi') at II ism A.

to. for ranee el root, par ataauship Lasfador vta Barre, (l attars meat he eiiwaed par SCNDAT At SAO p. M. er Trkarssnta, Bar staaaa-Shlp Laey P. htUier.

rem Neaa-Oraaaa. sail for tha eoataty Islaaaa, per ah a Tms9 Bird, (frees Saa rrsavaseaJ elosa hers Jaae 4 at 1 P. hi. laa: for Aaaralla7low.rasiaaA eaadwieh. Pill.

aad ttaavaaa IsksaSs, par staantent? kfaxaroa, (from -aa rraactseo.) aVose here aae irSatl r. si. or oe arrival at hew-Tork ef ataaasbi Brttaaart with Brturh aaua for Aastraiia.1 kiai lar China aa Jaaaa par stsam- aoip aeiia iirvm haa kraarteao.) aloes Bora Jnly at IP. at klalVa Urn (aba by rail to laasB, lav. aad eaiiua or ataaaiar.

zroia aay wast. kin. rftee Aeilr at tau A. M. he sosariale af cV-tB-ef traasaaetSe ssafl to ar.

wag ea the prssampuaa of tkeer aaiotarrs ptad evse-huvS IraasU te baa raay-laeo. Atati tnm the kasl ar. rlrioa oa thaeat Baa rraaoUoo ae tae day ef sankac adaamrsaedl-paiehdtleewibeseaaSa. u. ratABOOM.

r-nanaaatac OTrTeCB.aB-w.Tatc, a. Jaaa is. iaa NEW PUBLICATIQNS. BOSIHTS toatMTBatofs BBW OwkUt. ALDsflllt Masr Tdwdugaes aw T1wsaad Asat.

raikaaa. By Traaa La. Itea. atoth. Prlea.

n. Th asaiinslnlltBm of Ccaallaf." "The Cons oia, Uasw af aiauat -Of Baaar aad a.wrion- -Of, Bovais," "TheTalaeef taeldaai." -Of Doabta aad PissIbiIibs, are the sahjsat at theae Titsliq Bay taa LeaSna Amtstsyt -Oae esanei saad a aage eg aAXOWIJf wtthowt faaag the wtoer the Laadaa Ataaaawani aavsi read the hook aa ea aa with eoariawa! rmftwt aad avaa adtalrattoa for the wrttar's sg.itsaas, sisriij. and -r-inn af tswaght1 IBD1A BtaTtSITSO, By MwmAraetc aathor-of -The Light et Asm. Wath BS iitastawioas ilsatsd by tae eat bar, lanvo. at, The ssttvsea (Haa sale wMsTs -TTasTJgtAl et Aau" has Bad win ansae tato vtstt of ae i A BEW -sTO WAVsTcT JraTTTEA- A neeot.

laws, sloth. xrlea. kX Tat snta a a iu byaa by the ash BOBBar BOTH BBS, LlbUT kt RXAJJIBU" ItLWRo st TJrl0aalt) Base ii TH sUtMB, OiJ Jaavlar COLOK aiLUIES. (IU and BHattiaks TKB U1TE AtltA cxia tnt wf theav- sars-Ura'wtagrr yoa anrq aad aoosa seats hTBABOB CASB OP TJaL Irrrrr AB MB. HTOB.

elath Si. traper BS nat.J sears i aa aus ur CAU, Math TS aals THE TTEIIL DTTii, l-t) Pes read Aadrew taasrs LITTERS TODIA73 APTHOBA, ail) far rhyaaa. aaa-s aJTO VEBAKS TAXI. SO aad A1BS FBAh. AJtCAPT, by H.

C. QU .) Fm sale Tarsal CTdBJUF BCBIgyxAl aoxts A World-wide Hepatatlea. WruilB CoinCLit BaavirBv eae mvart 1aw lit. n. Si suk spectal sseauoo of a.

nil a Csttinl sasiisse Lcoca fuva oii-sappiied te the toadlBa traae ta I wast for rears ease lul a eetabt. IbJo, Lacborm, TaseasT. tiaiy. A Haaa.a AswaasHrAAhaa u. ucatsArr a tu.

n. sa a ansa, aa mot rafth lis! maataraat. bsiksaflsrs, tdaflad aoatsald.

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