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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GENERALTEIEG It AP11NEWS '')' VICTIMS Of If CRIVISAL OPliLiTlOHS' Of A W01U3I A ID IE Bli A UWTI1L I HATTmn, May 17. Tbe Hartford pile bit btd koowMrt for Borne tltsa of the blackmailing opcrattohi of a notorious woman wbo baa phtauied raoBey from several married men oa trumped-up charges atralnet tbem, but feo war of ptmtohinr bar bat rot been dlseev-erid, because tba persons who have ruffered by par era not disposed have any publicity air the matte. Unfortunately, too, aoma of the persons wbo bar paid money have not been ajtoretber discreet Id tbeir relations with tba woman or with others In ber confidence, and tbM BJds to tbo perplexity of tba ltua-tina. Recently two 4maDdi bara been mad ppon wall known cHtsens by an attorney wbo seem to ba lo tba employ of tba woman for tba aula torpaa of aiding her lo bar scbines.

In ooa ess- threats were mud! that unless a prompt pay moot Of monay wpj fortboomtnr ttia nater-fclty of a child would sworn upon tbe man threatened, and, aa bold and false a tbo charge Was, tba man did notibave tba moral courage to lueel aod defy It, on aocount of bis aortal and fuloee reietlons, and be actually paid betwaau 300 and to bars no mora aald aoout It. la the otbar ease a wealthy man wa charged wit laklni to tba weuisn' plaoe or residence a girl of bad character, who bad. It waa alleged, stolen wblla tbere a sold watt. valued at llSO, aod he waa requested to make tba loaa irood under a threat ot publicity. He took good oou o-Bei and refused to pay.

but bis ia the only ease reported out of maby knowo to tbe poiiue officers where the black (aaJicr did not suoctted in per plana. Yet be will not prosecute ao long as be ia not runhrr molested. Tbe woman waa Bnany years ago employed as a servant in families, end wblia living In that capacity fell tn with low associate and finally became publicly known as of tbeviirat aort. Later alio be-rame tbe o.Btrea of ia well kirnvs gambler and tiwuplrd room in ia prominent bulidiog oa Mam-street. She remained with bim several years, aod for tbe past year or two ba treed io Bouse by herself to another part of tbe eity.

Jn View of what she lis bow doing, and of tbe offensive wora which bar attorney baa been en. arad In, the mem bert of tbe Bar Burnt assist be ends of Justice by Inquiring Into the conduct of tbe latter, i aud forcing their rules against unprofessional conduct. The (voltce author! tine can be of service if ao toveatiffatioii Is demanded, -j THE DKTHOir STRIKERS. bUHT OF THE Kti IN THE VARIOUS 8H0P1 RBTUR TO WORK. lay 17.

Tbo third weak pf tbo strike' open here with, matter still in a eery unsettled condition. Tbero bare been many indications that tbe men were firlnr out, aod it was tbouftil this morning would sea many of them return to work. But all suoh calculations were disa pointed. The men of tbo Michigan Car Works gathered at an early hour, a full thousand strCog. with tba avowed purpose or intimidating any weakening; members, aod tbis was quite successfully done, Tbo police were on band to preserve order; but tbis did Pot prevent a good deal of angry expostulation and occasional showers of missiles that were Bent alter suoh men as realated tbe appeals made to them and passed through tbe Eates into the company's yards.

Probably not all told went to work, and tbe great shops ere substantially as Ull aa they bare been any day sthoe tne strike oommenoed. Affairs at tbe Peninsular Car Works are in statu quo, both tbe company and tbe striker baring apparently toAle up. their mind to a long siege. There are aijout t)-mea at work in the wheel and foundry department, wfclob la only abort In laborers. The moldnrs, however, bare volunteered to do tbe laboring work themselves, so that this de- Fartnifiit ia being operated aa fully aod satis-ctonly tbe officials desire.

All other departments are empty. Tbe Pullman Car Work commenced operation this morning with about Z3 men. the same number as at work on Saturday- last. Tbe letrolt Safe Works atartrd up the morning and tbe Superintendent reports SO men at work out of the 111) that struck. He says bo could have put more men to work, but matters were not ready, and atpect that more will come to-morrow.

The liiamond Mated Company atarted up tbia morn-ln. The piaoes of the Id dippers, wbose strike rotnpelled tbe whole works to shut down, hare been partly tilled and recruiting will go on till all the vacsnclromre filled. Tbe works will he kept going, as all the other employes, over 00 In number, liave been willing to work all the time. The leaders of the tnke are making the most desperate effort to keep It up, but it is fast oomiog to be a mere question of eu durance. VTESTERX pROP PROSPECTS.

A FATOBABLJC Orhx.OOi: REPORTED rBOK NKARLY ALL 6ECTION8, Chicago, May 17. The foUowine "crop fummary till be printed la tbis week's Issue of the tarmert' fecial: Tbe heavy rains' of the past week bare lessened somewhat tbe former excellent outlook for Spring wheat In Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Dakota. Tbe great rainfall baa also occasioned some'lnjury to tbo Winter wheat in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, where; In some ot the fields it was beginning to bead out, Tbo reports do not Indicate, bowever, any serious damage as yet. In otber respecta tbe outlook for all' tbe grains in til the La tee and Territories continues exoeU mt. Tbe reports of a poor abowlng for Wtoter wheat or reports of injury from Insect life, wltb the exception of the permanent damaare heretofore, noted la various counties in Kansas, are rare and isolated.

Tbo presenoe of tbe Chinch bug is noted in ilorrtaon County, in Central Illinois, and In Several Indiana counties. In Indiana Winter wheat baa attaioed a growth of from 10 to 14 inches, and In Crawford, Henry. Jay, Las-ranee, Bwitaerland. and Vermillion, wbuih send in reports tbia week, tbe outlook continues excellent. Tbe only county In Missouri to send In tbe report of a poor showing for Winter wheat Is Ular.

Tbe report states that tne-tbtrd of tbe ad reave has been plowed up The generality of toe reports from Missouri iul uicate a crop ot ZS per cent, above the average. Jn Harrison and Counties tbe outlook is ajeolared to be the best ever known. In Kansas aoma of tbe counties note an Improvement in tbe Winter wheat outlook within tbe last 80 days. In Jefferson County tbere 1 tbe i promise of 75 per cent, of an averaaw crop. In Lincoln County tbe earlv sowa wbeat has been aaved.

and in County tbe present praapaet ia for a fair average crop. butler la to pe added to the list: of counties where tbe crop is an entire faiiure.1 -Tbe reports from Michisan Indicate an improvement lo tbe wbeat outlook within tbe fast two weeta. The reports from Ohld are generally of a promising character. In Ashtabula County, bowever. tbe reports Indicate-a poor outlook.

Tbe reports Iron Itakota continue favorable. wbeat raiaing counties In the Red River Valley, report that tbo outiook oould not be improved, while Cass County reports tbe OouUltlon of wbeat per cent, above the average, The reports from Minnesota are unirormiT ooj Tbe Nebraska oountlea still tomr.l of too mUob rain, aod that wheat on SiLW.IlU looin- Poorly. Tbe general av-arage ox tba crop op uplands is i a A MURDER UTHTEBT SOLVZIX PHUDtxPHiAj May special from Easton, Pcnnsays: -The mystery surrounding tbe murder Of Edna Bittenbender, near Etroudsburg. Monroe County, in 1880, la about being cleared up. Miss Bittenbender was found dead one morning In October of tbat year In tbe corner of a field, with ber head crushed in by a stobe.

A post-mortem disclosed I be fart tbat previous to the murder the girl tad been asauiteL A tramp was arrested a tew Cay later on suspicion, but be proved an allot and waa discharged. The murder remained a mystery until to-day, when Detective Simons received information charging 'Louis tabwenk waa having tHimmitted tbe crime. The facta are given by Schwenk'a wife, who baa made an all the principal point orcesaexy to Sp tb claims tbat on tbe lebt Mi- htitenlHinJer was murdered Schwenk home with tua clothing bespattered with Pioort ne o.ut the orlme aod ir JL1 but threatened to kill ier rr ojvuIkwI be secret. Several mom bs T.e i. warged with a criminal loti- ana bad uht.r,agel wblcb relation I i lTl un1 to "otr bKle ber shame.

rr.nt "trength which a warrant was biMikA itu, i fuwepa a arresu iieiore toe Constanla il. l. wbTcmXM pZZZsZ I beeri beard from. Mrs. Fcbwelik nd he' dsuvhroe k- would return hill murder ikm for tbat VSi 'S'rV pSSwei1 UP IbeV.

near llangor. She buHb'nd, she gays, tbat as mar be arrested and TrTT effort .1 XOT aw-UATCs, May 17. -Most of tba able-hodled reside cu of Brantord came to this city to-day tq attepd the trial of Xathan Rose, the Post Office clerk accused of appropriating letiera beJonsting tn tbe Braaford CardPrlatiSf Company. Pit Office 1 npe tcV artah rn 1 t.fled tbat be iraoed tbe ftice, but ootbln d. finitely w-prove4.

aod United States CommSedoneJ, Bun X. Piatt disc barged to, prw: Jho rnz tixjtrpLK 2kd stvxot csors. 5faAc. May 7. The uepp)e crop la btrga.

Last year's prices will vaU The fim shipment of tba season was aa from Eteutbera on AprU S9, whea a cargo Wtu forwarded to Kew-TorL Wo iseory uttl. GEORGE WOOD DEAD. CAREER Or OXR OF THS OLDEST THEATRICAL MANAGERS VH THE COCKTRT. -Tba caraeT of George Wood, wbo died on Sunday, waa sufficiently full of ups and downs to satisfy even bia longing for variety. Ho was one of tbo oldest theatrical manager to too country, and, in bia prima, mad and lost money witb apparently equal facility, both East and West.

Good fortune never deserted him for any creaOengib oQttme, until after be became a boot-face. George Wood's first season at management in this city was at tbe Old Bowery Theatre, In 183fWL It was not raooaruL in spite of his strenuous efforts to make it so. He decided to try bia fortune to the WeM aod settled in Cincinnati. Tbere be built, at Sixth and Vino reels. theatre known as Wood's.

In 1866 Edwin Booth, then under toe management of Heo jam in A. Raker, plaved an engage ment at Wood's Theatre. Throe year later Mr. Wood married BlUa Logan, then a celebrated tragedy aetreas. He made money in Cincinnati, and after a star ot several years removed to bt, Louie, where bo built a theatre, also named after himself.

In this venture be was also suooeestul, and when be returned to Mew-York, la tbe Winter of 1804, be was tn very comfortable financial cireumstanoea. His second venture in this city was tbe lease of tbe New-Tork Theatre, originally knowa as Brougham's Lyceum and afterward as the first Wallack's Theatre. He opened tbe New-Tork Theatre on May 1H64, wltb Bimmona, tbe magician, and began his regular dramatic season two weeks later with Fannie Kamble's play. "An English Tragedy." Ia tbia pnxss Mrs. D.

W. Waller was tbe star. He retained control of tbe theatre until April 1, 1867. when be transferred tbe lease to Barney Williams. Meanwhile, on bee 15, 1886, when Henry Wood retired from tbe management of Minstrel Hall, that for several years was at No.

al Broadway, George Wood came into possession ot tbe building. He opened it en Jan. 15. leM, as Wood's Theatre, with "The BalloonWed-dlng. F.

S. Chanrrau was the star. Tbe Han-Ions filled out tbe bill wltb acrobatic feats tbat in tboae davs were considered marvelous. In August, 1800, tbe Hanlons obtained control of tbe bouse, aod later it became known as a German theatre, then as Wood's Tbaatra Oomique, later atlll as Llnrards Theatre, and finally as Harrlgan at Hart's Theatre Comlque. It was while managing this boose tbat Mr.

Wood introduced to New-York tbe onoe noted WorreU sister. Banvard1 Museum, now Italy's Theatre, was originally opened on June IT, 1MTT. In the succeeding Spring It pasaed into tbe handa or Mr. Wood, who bad entered into an aa-reement with P. T.

Barnum by watch tbe latter was debarred from figuring in the city as a museum manager for a given number of years. Mr. Wood ber an bis seasonal tbia bouse on Aug. 1868, with Samuel Colvllle as his a rent. Mr.

Barnum made tbe opening address. Early in tbe season Mr. Wood introduced to America Lydia Thompson and ber troupe, in which were Pauline Mark-bsro, Lisa Weber, and Ada Harland. Then for a couple of rears Mr. Wood tried bis band at hotel management.

He leased tbe Fplnrler House, at Fourteenth-street and Broadway, and while conducting tbe hotel be lost his wife, wbo died Jan. IS, 1872. He lost considerable money In tbe hotel venture aod soon returned to theatrical management. He married again. His second wife was Henrietta Grainger, a young actress wbo came from Australia and was a member of one of his oompanlea, Heaeu tied in Philadelphia for a while, and was often confounded with Col.

J. H.Wood, wbo, like himself, bsd pttoued bia tent in tbe Quaker City. George Wood' last venture in management was at Minneapolis about a year ago. It was not more profitable tban other of his sobemes bad been for years, and be returned to this city poor in pocket and In broken health. His second wtfe became tbe mainstay of tbe family.

Sbe was a chorus singer in Duff's Mikado" company until ber husband's precarious condition demanded ber constant attendance. The dead manager will be buried to-day at the expense of the Actor' Fund in bt own lot in Greenwood Cemetery by tbe side of his first wife and one of bis child: en. He bad four children, all by his second wife. Three or them, all very yonng, are living. The funeral services will be oonaucted at 1:30 o'clock to-lay by tbe Kev.

Dr. Houghton, at the Cnurch of tbe Transfiguration. FIVE SOCIALISTS ARRESTED. Saw Fkanciboo, Cal, May 17. Five Socialists, while engaged yesterday in haranguing a crowd, were arrested and cbargod wltb a misdemeanor.

Tbe most prominent of them Is J. P. Rudelxky, a Pole, wbo in bis speech advocated going to Nob Hill and sacking tba residences of Messrs. 6tauf ord, Crocker, and Flood, and distributing what money and valuables tbey found among themselves. On Uudeisky's person were found two pamphlets written by John Most, of Chicago, enUtied "Tbe Beast of Property" and Total Annihilation Proposed as tbe only Infallible Kemedy." Tbe prisoners resisted arrest and tbe officers bad to use their clubs.

One prisoner. A. J. Warren, waa rescued from the policemen by tbe mob, but was recaptured. Tbe prisoners were much excited over tbeir arrest, but disclaim tbe idea tbat tbey were inciting a riot.

TBE STRIKE OF' THE LAUXDRY QIRLS. Thot, N. May 17. Strenuous effort are being made by tbe employes or the otber collar factories to Induce the laundry girls of the Ids factory to return to work to-morrow morning. Tbe Knight of Labor have repudiated the striku.

So far. bowever. the strikers are obstinate. If tbey do not return to work -to-morrow all tbe collar factories in tbe City will shut down for an indefinite period and 20,000 persons in tbe city and surroundings win be thrown out of employment. Tbo Mount Ida Cotton Mills were closed tbis morning.

Last week some of tbe help struck for shorter hours. Tbe company said tbat if tbe hours were shortened tbe pay would be less. Tbe help was given until this morning to return on tbe old terms. Aa tbey did not return tbe mills wore closed. SUICIDE OF AN OCTOOESARIAir.

Watrrbcbt. May 17. Mrs. George Boot, aged 88 rears, committed suicide here at ner residence on Field-street this morning. Mrs.

Boot waa-the mother of Reuben Boot, the latter one of the most prominent insurance men in the Bute. The family is very wealthy, ber husband owning large Duslness blocks and otber interests, and aba having had euougb in ber own name to provide ber wltb a large income every year For some time, it is said, ber mind was unsettled, and not long ago she was shocked by the death ot her oaugbter-ln-law, wife of EL T. Boot. This morning tue wife of Reuben had been with ber for a time, and bad stepped out for her breakfast. Oa ber return she found the old lady suspended by a cord from a gas let.

and ilfe was extinct. TRIED 10 SHOOT HIS FATHER-FAANxroBT, May 17. Tbo Meriwether Hotel furnished a decided sensation at 2 o'clock this afternoon, Bergeant-at-Arm Jenkins, of tbe Senate, and his son William were seated at a table together, when a dispute arose between tbem about some trivial matter. William Jenkins la tbe oloak room keeper of toe Senate. His father became angered at a remark made by William and threw a tumbler at bit head.

The missile was dodged by young Jenkins, wbo immediately wbipped out a revolver aod fired at bia father. Luckily tbe abot did not take effect, and before another could be fired the young warrior was disarmed. Tbe affair created oonsiaerable excitement. COAL MIXERS ON STRIKE. Dexter, CoL, May 17.

Sixty Pinkerton detectives, who figured in the recent strike on tbe Missouri Pacific Boad at St. Louis, in charge of Marshal Tooher, passed tbrough here on a special train last evening, en route for tbe Marshall Coal Mines, at Erie, where a atrike is in progress. Tbe miners demanded an increase of watrea, and, upon tbe company's refusal to grant their demand, drove tbe mine superintendent from town, took possession of the works, and refused to let any person enter tbe mine until kucti ueiuauua were sjrauieu. GRAIN fJV SIGHT. Chicago, Mar 17.

Tbo number ot bush-j els of grain ia tbe. United States and Canada! on May IS and tbe decrease compared with tbef previous week will be posted on Tbsnge to- morrow asiuuow: neat, decrease Z.JU6.3HT. Corn, 8.818.1113; deci ease, Oata. decrease, Kye.e-tt.0W; decrease, Barley, 17.113; devraaae, Tbe amount in Chicago elevator Is: neat, S.Ti;i. oaia.3aH.i7t; rye, bar TRTIXQ TO SaVK OTTO'S KECK.

albawt, May 17. E. A. HayeaJ counsel for Otto, tbe condemned Buffalo wlfaf murderer, has asked Gov. Hal to grant Otto si reprieve if Ik eouU not mnnni.

ku The reprieve is asked for ou tbe ground of newlvl discovered evidence. Mr. Hsyes says he will move for a new trial If tbe reprieve Is granted Tbe Governor stated tbat he would give bis WI souuvu wuvnuv, THE GRAIX TRADE IS KSQLAXn. LOSDOK, May 17. The Mark-Lone Express, In tts weekly review of tbe British grata trade, ears "Tbe floods aad sauwatarata during tbe past wees have Injured crops.

The wheat market has net tensity altered, teller war arsa taring the weak aai aaillers were apathetic Tbe sales of KacOsh wheal for the week were S1.1T1 eaanera at Sle. lid, pes Quarter, aamtest e.07 eaanera ml 97a. 54. far ia reooadiai weea asat rear now waa stare eearee aad vaiaea aave auiiauiaa. iron waaais wis? te ia am sum, the am iuiiu aeate aussuoatoi the Aaianasa trad aa the a tha Mn area nf tba wortA.

1 at araaant nf aa Imavovemaat. There ware two u. rivals end four sales of cargoes off the eoaat floraac the wees, i ne meraex (ear waa ears ana snalntes Wad very slew. Engliaa wseata were dtmeait tat eati. Pee xareaew uere waa at ineesrv: sa.

sBeaswc visa: 1 1 wj-i i -i iLajweasjBBarHsgBwswasajawaaaaa 1 tm TPDVO ri Ten JOVSDJ 3TTO I VVr I mmm mmm mm siAsniiuuuu diiiiaiiraaauvA i s-iiidiiuxdi. Ji rrjt ww i snw- row DAjt or WAB, wi ithib ICEIDIO TO MAKK THEM ABCJfOAjfT, Tbe very cool weather of tbe past week 1 as greatly interfered with tbe plans and caleu- Uiona of the fruit aud vtaretable ilealera. But i bas added aan(Uomety to tba profit of tba iorida and Carolina rrowera, Tbe best itraw-1 lenies that arrived here last week were from Iorida and South Carolina. There were many i bouaand quarts from those States, which were i old at from IS to 85 cent per quart, at which irioee they are very profitable. Had tae reatber been warmer these berries, arnv-: ng in much poorer condition and Kimpeting witb weli-ripened strawberries rom Maryland and Vlrrtnta.

would scarcely have paid egnenses. Tbe cool reatber made the Maryland and Virginia ber-les very poor fruit. Tbe growers of these States lave been too anxious to ship tbeir fruit, coo- teaoently there was a great amount of unripe strawberries sold last week, although at rood prioea. A few day of hot Bummer weather, homing after the copious rain of last week. iwnica nave extended from xnonoia io imps Island), will force a most luxuriant growth of iverytbing, and undoubtedly there will ba a rreat abundance or strawberries.

It Is scarcely voaaible tbat tbe weather will continue to be ail tbis week, and tbe outlook is now good or verv cheap bun1 tea tbis week. New-Tork is now being supplied with straw, seme from all the Plate from Florida to New-Tork, Tbe New-York strawberries, how-ver, are grown in the hothouse, and ast week were, sold by the fruit jobbers io retail dealers at from 60 cent to SI per basket, containing one-tbird of a auart each. This made theee berries cost tbe retail dealer From $1 80 tofe per quart, and many hundred liaskets of these berries were disposed of at these prices, notwithstanding very handsome and lelietous strawberries from Florida and South Carolina arrived here dally in nerteot eenoition End were sold at from 25 to 35 cents ber quart. ETbere will be some strawberries from Nw.Jer-her next week, perhaps a few from South Jersey this week, but tbere will be large quantities of these berries from Maryland and Delaware this week. Tbe apple market, which was flat a month ago tbat apple could scarcely be moved at all, has auadenlv taken another turn, and aonlea in fairly good condition found ready sale last week at from 3 to S3 per barrel.

It is thought that most holders of apples in tbe country so neglected tbeir apples when prioes were low tbat they have rotted much more rapidly than they otber. wise would, and as a consequence toere will be a good demand for tbe small proportion of them tbat was properly eared for. Saturday will be a memorable day with the dealers In asparagus. The warm weather of 10 Iday ago forced' the asparagus to an unnatural growl and larre quantities oi it came nere from Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, New.Jereey, and Long Island, Most of it was -in good con. Id It ion and much of it of very fine auality.

Tbe ireiailers of aaoaraarus could not dispose of It all except at very low prices. And for two or three iday asparagus was gold at as long figures at at any time last year. Tbe cold weather of last week stopped tbe growth of it la Piewlevaey and Long Island, aod tbe low Price stopped tbe Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia growers from sending it to this market, and on Saturday tbere was a very limited supply of it to meet a very great demand. Such asparagus as scarcely oould flod a purchaser on the pre vious paiurasy sold auicaiy ror ss per aosen, while that of only ordinary quality sold for 12 per dozen, and large, fine qualities for as high as per doaeo. As with the berries, so ia it with tbe asparagus; two or three days of hot sunny weather.

wltb warm nights, will make this vegetable more abundant than ever before, and when that kind of weather comes again it will bring with it cheap peas and stnng beans, and asparagus will unquestionably have to be sold a Mower prioes than ever. COURT CALEXDARS THIS DAT. STTTRXbTX COCBT CBAMSKBa. Hrld bs Dnaoksie, J. 7na 11 11 ia 11 IK ia 19 ia in a ne 78.

83, SA B. ttfl ftH. 100. 1SI. 13 us.

131. 138, ISA. 130. lea, 148, 161, 100. 167.

108, 168, 170, 177. BTrSKalX COURT CZXERAL TERM, if aid bt Hrads. P. DanUK J. Jan.

is, iou, en, ibt. isn. ia las. ins, 1(16. 171.

181. MU. HI. Ilk, lis. ISA 1M.

1S1. 1AM Kl W6. BurRxsra oorntr speciax Txaai part i. fitlA Vest rant. J.

Wo, eia 9vo mh nm an ann ina rua a iuu. 631. 634. 637, 680, S6S, 7 IS. 681, 'bBT.

SCPRXMI COURT -SFXCIAXi TXR1I PART Adjonrnad antU Monday. May St. suraui court circuit part x. Held by Tan Bruat. J.

Ho. M04. 175T. 1788, MO t4t, atSA 1B51H. lOa.

2364, XMu, TOrtl. x2Sa, IW34. 1FKV. MM, tiWi. Sisi.

labt t40i B4. 547. UbZ iljSi. 2JI)V. Xi txsn.

SUPRCMX COURT CIRCUIT PART II. Held bv Reach, J. Wea. 67H. ie.

aaeo. isofl, isa, nsa. w. I4fl. lomv SBW.

S671. 9M 1588. IS 77. 8318. 1508.

7SL BUrRIMI COURT CIRCUIT PART UX. Bald by Andrawa, J. Cass on. Ife day BUFREhia COURT CTRCCTr VAST IT, Beat by iAnmmc. J.

wea BBta. taaa, vm. esix.oj, last, ono.itss.rrru. 8S09. tl 8W.

1044. S473, S404. 13W. IOU, bVWUl BURROOATX'S COURT. Bald by Jloilin.

a. 11 wm Bridget O'Korke, 11 A. M. Will oi Anna Claasaiana. a Jo F.

M. KUFSRIOB COURT SrBClAb TXRK. Bald be Ssdswtdk. J. Hoe.

8W. 440, 440, 443. 888, 461. BtmPIOB COURT TRIAI, TXBMf PART X. HtUi tm Jneraaam.

J. Hoa 1757, 1 500. 183, W64, 1867, 1661. 1866, 11866, 1868. 1878.

18H7. 10. lblOwVlBia. i BUPZRIOB COURT TRIAL, TERM PART H. Bald rraox.

J. Nos. 147. 1614. K48.

194. IMS, 1H0. 179A 17a. 1804. 1H05.

1806,807. lbOS. 1B1U. 1310, lfcotjisja. 1W8.

1808. 1811. Uia. 1714. Jo, BUPRRIOR COURT TRIAL TERM PART m.

Bald by O'Onrmon. J. Hoa 508. 46, 1903. 734.

633, IBS. 844, 727. 148L Bi 03. 143S. 125.

1400. 16SQ. BUPKRIOR COURT TRIAL, TXRK PART IT. Bsaf bt yrsedmasa. J.

Hoa. 7M. 188S, 184S. 1407. 1W0, 1888.

1606, 1588. 1748. SOS, 648. 648. 1817, 177a OOMMOK PLKA8 OXITERAI, TERM.

Held by AVtH, r. Bookstotwr, J. IX "bi" "7' 107- lSo- 12- 48. 77d. 58.

66, COaOtOaT PXRAa SPRCIAI, TXRK. liaid by Dmiu. J. Ka X. COantOH PLCAB TRIAI, TERM PART Brld bs Van Boatn, J.

Bia.ToeO8' XU 10b 1636- 1W3- 1718. crrr court trial term part l. Bald bt J. Hoa. 3t.

6360. 64M. ttMIt, 5588. B8r7. 6334.

884a 6408, 640II, 6418, 6416, 641. 40. 6488, 0484. 6431. 6X 0480, S4B1.

OStM, 887, e3, 64Wr CITT court trial term part n. Hsld bv EbrUck, J. Hos. 8048. 8087.

6040. 6061. 8048. 8C43. 8037 80B1 6100.

eiuu 6108. 6110, 6H1, eiia. crrr court trial tirm fjlrt in. H1A bt Brswsie. J.

Hoa. 8814. 5P7C 671. 6S46. 6885.

689. 8290 6S1S, 6UP1. 8843. 8 0 0I1. 6S W' CHICAGO PRODUCE ARRETS.

Chicago, May 17. Tbe leading produce xnar- ksu ware generally dell to-day. ProvUioaa were very quiet, bat arm. though Hoga ware easier at the atari aad expected to be la kuwar supply during next, month. Prod not waa sastained by tba fact tbat evory kind, except Pork, Is being taken very freely.

It does on Change. ebleOr because tba staff la ordered direct! of tbe Parkers, but Hoot, ara lessening all the same. 1'ork sold dova 7Wo to AS 8H for Jaly. but reacted to ft, to. and eloTid at tbat price aakad.

wltb very liul. aon-iS tutmrm. Vr4 mm tmmtr moat of the tuna, at OjforJnly.bat sold He. less earlf tbe day. Hiba closed aneb.aawd at 85 4XW for Jniy.

Cash aales were reported ftou tos Lard at (a 85 76 tea. avaeVnokhld is 8Wa for 0- 8 1 0 S. jhouid-rs at Mae. 1 or bit to bia for epf pea ereen tallforala HamstSJac. and IbZ' WiBter-paeked Beet Hams at was vary a a l.

witb a tana feeling, as bavera era holding becaBsa of eakn "whVat fcalaa were limited lo KM) ob a ad 60 sacks, alien pnvaU terms la Had Wii.ler beat earTsuliL oa bo-rd. at 74a for Me. 8 and aoTfor EZ -b17 a downeaVd tino: eocy aa.s ot tbe time. Tbe crowd was -loaa." J. mmtm 'f" lu'u' a third l' 'jr busia. oa the ear We. T70- "-hanee at 77o. and "it ed to asllers at 75t, closing ai 75-c. wuh Septam-oer atSKu. aremivm.

ad SHo. areaaiunt epring Wbeat war limhsdtb 14 o.n. free hoard: at 6i WTc No 8 and ese for Net riT ea, mounh oar reeeiata were tlnkt. aere. aa a ateadv raa of ofisrtM, ii amw owns at 87 o.

Jane was the weakest. at diseouaiind deollniiia ut le dlecoum front Jniy naUS. eeptember waa about He. over Aal gast. and tbe year aold tw mnu 'WO-W-VU- MB.

td aany la the oay. bat fall fiJrtosyttp.ihy withfBtarea. Caaa iota, in store. for Ko. 8 Tellow.

84e. lor MoS Ja. tor Ka a aad for No. a sor no. a.

ana aae asaaa. lor no. a. tue lowest Pfios htalnv ffn la mjk nl hVr bJt- sola ai 88a. for No 8 enow, K4W, Sje.

for No. 8 Tellow. 83e 84a. for Ha a wuh 87I "t- and 86ee, for BO grade. TotS eaah sales abont 1O5.008 buTaals, THE BUFFALO MARKETS.

Buttaxo, K. May 17. Wheat No. 1 Bard eteady. wuh vary Hrht oSsrtnm there ware a.1 Met7a.

bet ertosa aroppadTa allyawaat -oasinas at nTVo. Hard Nortltera Paeiba le tba anarkas: uilwr Wbeat wiS- aaawiy haras: 8 Bed. a7e.j NoTl au, atfc oa ut uaox. torq end and a. No.

gwse.a404 JSo. a i a xatiow, eoHaevue. fmu anaad tasri Me. 8 White. hwa.t Ma.

a a. Me. 8 Mixed, 85 Otnen aeeaaagaa irataata Heavy wseatet Ot. the close aue. wi paid; Cora, sMwn.

eelpie nr Lake-Fleer, ai.uuu hKi- seTjSOO ewahalw 1st Wheal. lee.OOO awahass: lOra. 84.00 aea. 1X5.0U8 Sasaean Coca, aa88 a-atay aav Cfr HtSn-ftaih Ctrrtra, Cittsomr. SHan am.

17 M. The Allowing kablea abow tbe WaVef prioes and the amounts' dealt In a the Kaw. York Block Exchange to-d; fl i larocaa, itrrt. MA Boa a t. 85t 'ia a nan, Amsncao r.x press ameroo i-anadlaa laetaa fhes, lihto tat n.

Chi A 138 Cat. A 1'iTV p4f ur. CbL. MIL Aet. P.

CJL, MlL i bt. p. pf.rt CmU A paeiqa.iaiif Cot. U. 88 Cja, Ham.

A Cleve. a C. 47U V-olormdft Coal niu CtnsoL sow AHaoaoa 85 1 va a 1 1 f-Va. a Oa 8 Greoa Bay a 11U Bloom, a is5 UK. Western '1 LaAarbora 78 Louta.

hbA ouul. h. a. a ChL. Manhattaa tt A W.

fmTS 1 11 ia itiM 83 88t4 i 88 li54 147V ISO 160 48 47U 8vl4 tn'' f)H4f HM 7v2 set 1VH 186 H2 88 awoarl PaeiAe IDas, low Kaa MM Jmr Central. 6oJ 6o at T. 85 Cht a Tr nnb B. UT inale T-Cbl a art- Lack, a 's H. 8aa a pf.

8t r-onois a west. pt. NoMhera 84W b3U OlrtoCanUal TT7- i ii Oregon Hall, a Nay. Wi Oreeoa a Traaaooa. 80 Paeiae 48 Pee.

a 8i PluL a Heading 812 Pitta fx W. A Quicksilver pf. 80 Hi oh. a Waat Point. 8HV Jow Wat.

a St. a eaa 41 at. l. a San i ptioo t-t. Paul a 01 f-l.

Paul a 88W 8t. Paul a Omaha af.JOBU ft. Paul Dnlutb pLlloQ gfHttbera 88U Jexaa Paetfle. Km oioa PaeUte weaiera Cnioa Tel. eijj K44 88 1084 11814 3 Toui aale.

Ran.BOAD MORTOAOE8. Btja, 11144 88 118 1C74J 101 187U IwHj lltHs 100 110M 75 5S 10514 e8 87 181 104 10A aw4 115 108 108 115 101 1814 18UM 185 118 U5U 11 101 101 10054" ve ne im 118H Ml 181f4 111 8314 1 544 1814a 180 bhi 86 11KU 8M2 lo7 1184 II 1064 10714 1014 8 88 61t4 1164 101 186 054 107 614 118 118 113 rOOX 184 106 1I8W 18-45 108 88 107J4 104 854 4IH4 118 118 H5te 103 Bait, 4 Ohio 54 1 1 las Canada Ho. Ui 107 Canada Bo. 84... 88U hea.

a 0. 1st. B- W. 86 Chi. A Kaat UL 118 C.

R. a O. 5a. deb. 107U B.

Q4s, 101 Col 4 QootVat 1st. eeJJ tr.oac.10o Uenvera ItleO IsctlKU IHW. a Hie 75 JCIla a Big sandy lst-loSH Last IO73 87 85 418 io0? mi 11M4 8814 75 1084 84 lot 8IA 1(4 bo 87 181 104 1084 15 lo 10 115 101 181W 1884 185 118 115W 105 10l 11 10814 106 116 110 'iff 88 1164 J8s 1H0 8414 88U UnZ 8n2 10m, lIHi 106 8aPs. 8.000 1,0.

looo 1.000 10.000 10.000 8.000 k.800 10,000 18.000 101.000 8.000 8.000 8000 78,000 I.OOO 10.000 7.0UO 8.000 (.000 18 000 80.000 8.OO0 8.0110 8.000 1.000 18.U0U 4000 4.000 48.000 8.000 14.000 48,000 1.000 11.000 7.000 I8.000 18.000 10.000 8.000 1.000 ao.oou e.000 8.000 6.000 1.00(1 16.000 87.000 81.0110 1,000 1.000 0uuO 10,0110 40.000 184.0OO 88.1100 1.000 1.UO0 8.000 5.000 23.000 8.000 88.000 85.0U0 6.0OO 1.0U0 10,0011 15.000 15.000 8.000 e.000 1.000 18 000 6.01)0 8. 0O0 83.000 41.000 8.000 6.000 60.000 1,000 5.000 4.000 8.O00 8.000 8.000 3,000 6.000 67.000 II lit nsa 85 118 1U7H 101 1184 11J 7b IO. 8814 KMU wi 110 108 loSj 88 87 181 1(14 1004 Kb lift 108 )01 115 87 131 18is7 185 113 115U 10t 101 lot 10WU 104 118 llo 118 Hi 1814 111 6114 1144 ihJ 130 8K tH 1148 88 1054 llt 1CW 1064 181 107. 1017 OH 61 61 now 101 136 854 107 its lis 118 l(ta 18.H4 1067 114 1884 1074 88 107i 104 864 SWj 118 118 8M4 1084 S3J braatWestara OaitOoL a a r.g. es.iosw fj- rexaa gen bSi H.

A Texaa las. as. I.105U W.Texaa 1st. hi a Texaa 1st, West. 87 Caau. Ilea, a Be. lata UCN. gen, ea. es Ini attt. N.tu...ll8 Jafferaoa 108 Kan.

Paeitte Ksn. A Tsia en ...113 Kaoxvllla a o. 87 Lake Shore let eno.lSIW Laa 8 bora lstonj.lgyW lka Hhore eti, a.185 Letaisk 4 W. a. 118 Long bock As .1154.

Ug. L. A N. trustee 101W AM-101 H. A.

a hi. lsa108V a a L- 6. ft W. 1st XC116 Missouri Pactao 110 Mobile Audio, n.Oa.118 Mot Union a t. 88 Nash.

A liecatnr lat.1 8 N. J. Central 11 N. J. Central dab.

6a H1V N. J. reotral 1st oh.H4A4 N. V. UevataA H.

L. a W. lac. .180 N. Thus a W.

let 8Kt4 Norfolk a West. adj. nfU t.NortlierhPaenolst.1 18U Northern i'arSc 86 North. I'ae. Tar laU105t Northwest a f.

Northwest 5a. deb, r. 106 Northwest bs. dib lOW Ohio a Misaen. OrasToa K.

A Hen. Oraaoa 8. L. As 10 144 Orecon a Trans 1st. 8tw tne, K.

drv.63 Bleb, a Alle tr. eer. 61 Kteh. A Ltaavtlle 6a.llS)s Hich.ADanvUlB deb. 101 Hook island 1st.

188 Wat. a Ogd. eo, 85H 8u J. a G. 1st St.

J. A (A t- td 6IS4 8t LA 8. r.8d.eL el. hi. L.A 8- ..118 stUtltr.

St. Paul a Onana dl raal terminal aaioftU 8L Paal lat, H. Mtna-llnM rt.Paul,a P. 6a. Bt.

Paal. P. W. bs.lV7f eOatb Carolina 84 80. Paa of CaU Tex.

a N. U. lst.Hah.104 Texaa Pac termlnaL KM Texaa Pae. lat, Rio. 4814 Unloa Paolfloa.

Pad no .118 Wabaah av 85U West Shore 4a HuS 1x1 107 101 61 6I1 116)4 101 138 864 107 IX 118 118 lit 1064 106 118V 18- 1( 88 1074 104 8t4 118 118 85 108 Total sale 81. 316, 000 Sailer 80. lacludlng 10.000 at Be)4. seller 80. tla-claalng 830.000 at lib, seller SO, bales or Mrsnxo btockj and oa at th mrw- TORK CO It SO LID ATXD BTOCK AMD PKTRO-LZUM XXCHAltOB.

IK Arrenta i. .16 American .08 Bodle j. L70 Balwar 8.15 Ai Con. Cal. A Va 1.40 Con.

Imperial 08 Goodsnaw .16 Hale a 1 Crosse. .08 Msxlou 1.45 Ouleksllver 8avaa J.10 .15 8 utro Tunnel 18 Tioga JtO Bteh. lam. .16 .16 .08 .08 1.85 1.70 845 8.00 .60 .55 1-55 L40 .08 .16 .16 185 8.00 .08 aVv i at ni ru. si lOtia M-iar WS 10i3 Mi l4 1m2 if3 1M 1KU 1M 107V LaK.

AViIm. .16 800 .08 80O 1.85 850 8.30 8,500 .80 500 1.53 1800 .08 800 .16 l.toO 8.85 1.000 .18 '0O0 145 100 LBHV4 100 L10 6O0 .15 .13 ,.8,800 .80 100 1.43 1.45 LHfH4 1.88Vs' 1.10 1.10 .15 .18 .18 JB0 JtO Total sales. 16.650 OIL, Pipe Una Certs ....78 714 TIM 71 t. 03 1.000 On tbe 8 took Exchange to-day tbe number of shares dealt in was only 134,480, and, with tbe exception of Pad no Mall, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, Consolidated Gas. and Oregon and Tranaoontinental.

in which stocks tbe fluctuations were about 1 point, tbe movement of prioes among tbe usually active stocks was oon-fined to a naif point. Tbe only news which U-nded to lnflueooe prioes was the declaration ot tbe usual dividend of 2 1 cent, by Chicago, Burlington and Qulnoy. Compared with tbe previous final sales tbe more Important changea were: Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western SHi Rock Island 1: Milwaukee, Lake Bbore and Western, preferred IVi: Chicago, Burlington aod Quincy 1)4; 1. and Canadian Pacific Oregon Railway and Navigation, Oregon and Transcontinental and' Paciflc Mail, eaob deeHned Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Bt. Louis and Chicago Consolidated Oas Company, and Alton and Torre Haute Monev on call loaned at f) cent.

Tbe Foreign Exohange market was firm, owing to purchases against stocks sent from London. Tbe nominal asking quotations for Sterling were unchanged et $4 87 for 80-day bills and (4 (H for demand. Actual business was dooe at $4 964 'or 60-day bills, $4 8V for demand. $4 898 for cable transfers, and $4 8bH for commercial bills. Continental was ouleC Francs were Quoted at 6.1TH for long and 5.14 for abort, Ketcbmarke at K'ri and and Guilders at 404 and 40Su Governments were duIL Tbe 4s declined VC The sate on call were $20,000 4a at lzivg and 810.

QUO 4 coupon at 1124, Htate eecuntit-a were neglected. In bank stocks 16 shares of Central sold at 122, 14 of Merchants' st 1J51. or Traii-smen's at 110, 27 of Metropolitan at eSli, and 65 of Phoenix at 107. Tbe railway mortgage market wasdull and generally arm. Tbe more important changes were: y4dtuneed Enoxviile aod Obi- Firsts Lake Shore rearfetered Firsts, and Milwaukee, Lake Shore aod Western Incomes racb 2U; Jerwy Central debenture 68 IH; Texas and New-Orleans Sabine Karats IH; Lehigh and Wiikes-barre consolidated, Jersey Central adjustments.

Northern Pneiflo terminal Klr-ts, and Kock Island Firsts trach Land Erie funded coupon I and We-uera. Eiern Firsts, Mobile and Ohio new 4a. Nasbrilie and Decatur Firat. Jersey Central consolidated, and Orea-ou and Transcontinental Firsts each declined Peoria. Decatur and jBvansville, Evanaville incomes 9H: Waba-h convertibles Richmond and Allearbany trust cert 1 Scales BH: Norfolk and Western adjustment IV; St.

Paul and Omaha consolidated and South Carolina incomes eaca ltd, and Milwaukee. Lake Shore and Western, Michigan Firsts, aad New-York. Lackawanna and Weatern Flirts each Tbe following is tbe United States Bub-Treasury statement to-day 8 Paraieiita 8 1.875.411 eS Assets, tool Bdiaa funds sU for r.mflf.n coin too ivwaj iimij BS Oota aarta. ba.40a.auo eoi i 48 The following wore the bids for bank stocks: Awortaaa Kxcbanaw--138 Broad wav. 149 1 nonara Batehers A Dvevate.lM CwwaiJIallBasI 1S8 City.

roi 17 ronttaaatal 11T Kleveata Ward First ioe Lawtnar MaanJ 'aw. 1Mb iu Marcmnuis VfcJ 44 North ABserisa. 1, Par Meoa Natkmal ...850 roana laal iw trnrth-Avw 4-uiaSsa Mi aiioasl 1 .188 1" il 1 Mil SMW iviiDwigf war Governiaooj; bonds: taa cloalDf aationa fa lillcav. Oa, iaS.ir74 fa. 187, a.

lv64l, 18tfa.iH2 eaweaata. 1 a, Jnww. LSi toLSirt O-artoaT House rtoc market elooed steady this artersooa at the following tjoptartionat fwailvaat, tlulimeaiB CawtsaLM ant Nenh. S7? frr 854 h-A. j.ap" asi BOSTON CLOSLXQ PRICES.

M- Mar 17. Tba following; are tho closing prices at Ua Stock Kxobanxe to- Ateb, A Top. 1st 7m. 187 BO Tl2f: To 1- A 7s. la 00 Atehiaoa.

mt) Boalea a Albany188 Th'8 78 Old oloar. 00 tn au WlaauAn ia SA CbL.liar.aoulney.iB I 86 a IIW 7J lllmu. Ul. (CaJumet A UeaaL.tMl 00 Sanl 18 80 aAstarn. Ut no tit rranklin i II so a i tnj- taa.

18 78 LIUIs K. A kTI 7al 84 50 Maxhiaw 7 S7t, MeiloaaCaiit. serin. 87 eJ 88 oe Naw.Xag.. as 80 Oulnay 48 60 Bell 1 alphooa lae OA oet.aLana...M 8 87! Water Puwar 8 78 iTasaaraea At in.

00 i CALIFORNIA MINING STOCKS. iri? Tba oCBcial oloa-awXwst ook" Mmr wn Balwar. .4 14, Mono 8-B3U a bj bib uAivtr 4. XO Bodle ConsoadatasULTa hoilar Z7. .85 Cue Cal.

ATa LBO Consolidated fadfla. .50 Uui aV MlJ i-' Mount Otablo. 8-50 HatWskiaM stab "70 rotoal. jto ravage ..1.1314 fierra Nevada Jbi) I nloe, Coasoudsad. .80 CJ.on Lrl AV a Hale eeeesaiee4e.eeeeew J09 COlOiERCIAL AFFAIRS.

rnrwmw aw-T0Ka. Monday, May 17. 1880, vtS2I 'narSjaSSf1 fahrln- and taereee favor: laooo SUl 1(50 Centtmi Amarieaa ff1. terma A the Bxehaaae the raacbed kS.8Su baca. liioiadlnTalsv l1.

'V 75.clo.ins at 37 78 asaad fj ana at bI 87 SL 17 Jawxsber Vt fccaTiVvLrSr 1.SQ- showing a further rue of 100 of Ble end Santoa bara. fiJSP- 8W.8O8 bags a naVmud stall tbe distributing porta. ai.504bssl aadto vuibl supplr given aa 618. 104 bags. visuue Cotton On a more satire end variable market.

USSiiii.rm' 'owTa-rVior SToay iwspolnia: 1 14.800 bale, were niaead. all solAnaon. Hons, of wbleb balk uTuwL lea vIm off atandln. at tbe )i 07 bSfja? it 5W 8-ptaeiber. ToaS fU: Oetober.

88 87(a88 8H November. 8a 8388 leceeabar. 88 868 87i March, 88 ka8 II lolnaLVSlTtS- to fujns! halss to shippsrsj at arevious snota- AK? MEAt-Ths Bsevstaent la WxntAT fxoCB was Boderately aotiva. acaln hsrgelr la Mln-aeaota elearaad Patent Katna-Snd. Mara at a 'ra advantage waa wah burara, iJaasanA hnid a JkS 0mr-' eiThirl limaaa mnli bare elnaaoooa ef 8ntaraavJ7.l3 bbt boo T4.846 ppia.

and 15 S-O ssosa. 8aias o-dav 11.4O0 Jbls-. of wbleb 700 bbiiLow Kxtra 88 1V3 60: aqoal to L6O0 bbla. City Mills Brtras. Waat India hranda, tn bbM-Tat 8450 rfani txtras iwent for sblpssent to Knslend-1 aouo Ws-Bprlng Wbeat Bxtraa a I0SH OOorHtow forbear.

svaT 88 jasjsM 10, (LOuO saoka went at 88 80 forvxBorul fttr" "wor to strictly eaotoe, a 84 ISA 84 65. saaulr at 84 4b4 00; 4.100 bwi da Patiou bbtB. Winter Wheat Extras at 83 los3 60 tor low arade shipping, and S3 7oa3 88 for verv poor trade, and 83 te4 00 for Ternary "to LLtZZx! tftl MOowasfS for atiiotlv ehoiee to faoer. 1L70O bbla. went at 3 Moa(4 eft jf 8oj-t: L180 btaa.

do. Paten AxtraT ordl. tsncy. 84 5uI3 10, tbe latter foTVaner, bblA baperflne. poor ordinary to faney.

at 88 sua aa high a. $8 85; 600 bbla. rtoe at 88 loesM 10 for very poor bprlng to fancy Winter: 750 bbla routbera lots, atsanved bands at 83 8U84 65 for very poor shlpcins to 1 very oboloe straight, and Patent tx-trae at 84 OaatXS 15. the latter for faney. moderate call noted for Bra 1auh at steady prioes: 475 bbla Pnperoaa, ordinary to atrtetly eboioa.

aold a 83 154 83 40 in lbl reqaast; Brandywlne. S3 79. aal leliow Wsatern. as to quality, 83 '6: e's Velio Meal, hi bags, at 80c wo.e toooalUy: Bna White aad fellow do. at 81 Obaai 10 JVtob txnL "tea- io leas favor: 40-a.

at 70c. WHKAT-Pnnanaily heavy arrivals here, more ur. swot onefiaga, favorable crop aod weather reports. auarket aooanu fr.m the Was, lad n-m iiiiuaoiiun annas or winter wi the option Una, of as mueh, for tbe day. a let Ilea a pesbal.

oa a fair apecutaitve movement, diiaflr fas ineyane option, leaving off 4arelr for early delivery, baatnese waa more aouva. but at pro. purUonately raduoad Bauraa, boldera promptly re. aponaina to the iwaulremenu of bnrera. Expun tak.

iSi. Ji'T--. of Wheat, aradedand no- graded, bat to a moderate extent near tba extreme llmltsd S.wheat. tor Jane, ion aalaa aod exohaages ot 3.IJU.0O0 baabals a 871aa H8Mo.l atoaed bate at e-e. hid! oou buaneU at a bJTt Augnat (36U.UO0 beahsls at ncaui at 8naa bid? BoDtamber (40.000 bushels at Hko U0cl at lW-Ooto- fc.

iiJ'T' i'Ht a 80He 1 beoaia-br (5U.0O0 buabala at 88tso.waie.i at 840.: Jan. uary. 1887 8M.uoO boabela at W.t4aav4o.) a 8S. rabraary, lbVf. 18,008 busbala at 85ial at 8414a.

evening. M.y at 8880- August at r4ao fiptemhr at Deoembw at 03es, and MayTl8B7. a 8ase.) of Wheat In wareboase aad elevator decreased bare wttbia tbe week bseVbue baabeU, or 10 8.85l.8d7 bushels, (against 8. bnabeia a rear whkih 8.75UJUO buabeis No. 8 Red.

(acalnst 8.85o!: 8J8 bnsbals a week earlier. of Wheat afloat 8atarday. 416,000 bnabeia. lot Meeot receipt rom onl.) Amrals here slnoa noon of 8.1 a rosy intoh aa 68B.S30 besbels: elearaiioaa, LS li bales to-Osy. bnabeia.

(315,000 baaheia for early tnaludtnc 56.000 bushels No. 8 Bed. afloat, at bHits. 1 about 86,000 bushels do, free on board, from atre. reported at 87tc4yaa, (with 80,000 bnabeia do, oa June option, for export, aald to ba for A aeone.

ad loading early fat June:) aboat 101.000 bnabeia ungraded Kedand An-ber at 84e.u81Hc lof wbleb abont 78.000 bnsbals Red. for shipment, at 87l4e.Vwa. end 84.0W0 bushel Amber Michigan, afloat, to a local miller, at eilaa:) 84.000 bnsbeis White Michiean. to arrive, a about Olltc- (18.000 basbels for sblpment, and 8.000 bnabeia to a local miller:) 16,000 busliels No. 1 Nortbera eprlna.

to amva. (for milling.) at 884a. and 88.000 busbals ha. 8 Cstcago eprtng. afloat, for export, at 87e CO HN More liberal arrivals served to quicken opar-attona Ut prompt deli venae la good par for ex port thouau at the outaet prtoaa were advanoed iucmita.

a basnet, the market relapsed to heaviness and Irregularity. Export parenaeee mostly ot anaraded Mixed, of canal aod river deliveries have la tbe option line, on a moderate speculatlos. No. 8 Cora receded for tba day fcassHe. bnabel.

and dosed weak. Stock of Corn In warehouse bare deereaaad within tbe weak. 171.383 bushela, or to 4X8.6O0 Tit-vH. (against 474.88W bushels a year aao.) aad atoea of Oora afloat have, bnsbeis Baoslpts bare since noon of Saturday, 888,100 bnabeia; etearaneee haoea, 18.881 basbels Haiee. 860.000 baabeia.

(167,000 bushela for early delivery, inelnding No. a early delivery, (about 3H.000 buabeis.) of which. In elevator, at 4H8c-et5oe eioaing at antja Md, lagalns 4Ha on Baturdayi) and delivered 8000 buabeis at 51a 1 steamer Mixed. In elevator, at 45aai45o, eloalag at 454e, iagalnat on 8aturday:) No. 8 Cora, delivered, at 48a: ehoiee White Southern.

4.000 b-shels for export, at nsaja delivered: ansrsded Mixed at 83c to eaalUr, mainly at e0e.44Se And la the way of options No. Com. for stay, (oa aalaa of 64. 000 bnsbeis at 4HiaMc,) eloasd bare a S8aa; June (838.000 besbeis at 47c at 47a. aaaad; July (176,008 buabeis at 4Hoi47ai at 4He August (loo-000 bushels at 4n4c aMTVsd) at oia: beptember (56.000 basbels at 4 Mo.l closing at 47a.

asked. OAT On very moderate bnslnsss ruled weaker, graded Mixed yielding for the day 44ee. a bushel. In warehouse Increased wnhia tbe week e5.4fej buabeis. or to 871,645 bushels, (agalaat 55n.sn4 buabelsa aboat bora Beeeipta hare since noon oa Itatarday.

e8.M88 bnsbals: elegance banee. 856 bushels Rales, 1 18.000 basheia, (7J.0O0 bushela for early toeludlag No. 8 W'blta. In elevator. (7.600 busbeia) at 4tc, eloeing at astae.

(agaiaat 48a oa Setarday;) No. White, in eievator, at 41c.841Ha, dosing at tic. bid: No. a la elevator. 1 11.000 buabeis.) at ekjelna at 8440..

(against 8e4a oa eatarday:) So 8 quoted at 8nai White Western angraded. at aatoqaallly and eondltlon: Mixed Wnwarn. anaraded. at 85cua KM White state. And in the oetaoa Una.

35.000 bnsbals No. a 'or May. at 8a43oMa i 85.0O0 basbe s.iur Jane, at S5a: lu.ioo basbels do, July, at 34fea. lacalnat 15.0UU buaaals oa Saturday,) and No. s.

fur May. dosed at 8rsc hd: Jane, 850.1 July at 84Asa: Aucast at OxUe bid. Dull, but held ef Rye in warehoese here. 75JW8 bosbelft. aad aBoat.

nose. BAKLKlf l.ifalees and nominal. la warehouse bare. 18.584 busbaia. and afluas.

Bone. BaHLEY MALT Va wt withia our prevrous range. NaTAL STOKEs SplruaTaraeatinedBilaeddown to bbla. aold). and Pitch aa Iwm auted In liaiit raauast.

iooladlag ntralaad te good 8 trained at 81 05itl IO PK'1 HoLIUM-Ce tiaeates ef Crnde Petrnlawm further yhdded here lor the day a. oa a moderate apeeulathia Oawaing prtoa. (aa odieaiiy reported.) 7a and range for the da'. and eloatng prtre to-day. 71)4 Ml, (aniast 7It4 bid 00 eatnrday evening.) alas.

8.83I.OUU lagaiast 8 ftol 8s bbM. ug f-aiarday Beflned I'eiroieum moderately active, witb a bel test, early delivery, bare, aaoied at bom trade ou at 8. aad i-tateet tn caias. at eka)8L as to Beflned. la Philadelphia.

71. aa 1 at Baltimore. 7W Crude, in abloom order, Nasetba. 84. -Kl)Vl-lu-Hus arodacts wenAeaed atlgbtlv.

on a Poaa waa hed ievloe nrices. bat dail: I85kbia kw I loos pi moderaie dmaad: any. heavy to lisbt averaava. bff to 5e5te. Piss.

So. Arrivals at elaht pnnei-al Inten- puiata 88 51 8rm aad la request Indadlne Healed Beilias. 13 te 'V a la lute atOweVs-1 aad at the West, to arrive. 85.000 a. each of Green Bhweaders and Hums oa private terms MACoa aetd aiaadily.

put dull. Hteeai LaBB attraeted lose attentlaa for early delivery, wah ebutee quoted at the atoee at 88 88)4s8i) reported 400 tea. at 3d ra ad of eny feteaa Lard 88 tea anld at 08.. Lard quiet: soled a 8 40 for Coaiiaeat aad 86 7uw8" 78 for noatb Amartea And In the option line Western 8ia Lard vieided BikfBUy oa tbe aeUvenaa beyond Jane, (which latter hardened shade. I advanced for tbe day 8e.t3a Imo a and only 03 tea.

were ptaeed. wttb Jane, aiosng at 86 88: Jaly. 8d 88; Aaaust. id 85 bid; bea-tembar, 88 41 bid. aad Oetober.

88 48 Btsv met with a alow sawe. ana bssf njuin raiea can a riai bcttbb aawla daa lined oa a alack del with ahotaa to faaer Bastern Oesaiary a 18cm (Klgia at best gssHra bafcrr. balf-flrkla taba. I7atla.i Paatory. rresa.

10e-tl4a Caxysa at limited raqeset, wltb beat has) era saetory a ae at Hhe. for new and i0ewio)afor mooav-atalr awaxat art art ft as baa, awoted a llMe ouaa, Iiluiv down te 4 is-iea, (Taoo btxaaixb Cbotee rsty ewotv at TVta, C30.O00 n. eoieU 8TSAatna Choiea at tree -a axaovta fmas four pimrtpal AOeerie porta. QaOkbls.Pur, 8JumJnw Laid, atk 8CUAR8-Baw as Tarht fltmaaa. oa the alui for tab? recoiaw aaeovado balsa.

4 end 1,880 bags Mauma awstar a aaaia weaker, snta rst issi sm ttaiim aw te va7Vaa.i Pnwaaved at eaaa7a Ore an lat aal a ease. Mote 4wariia- go at' V4nSH TaTlew WvWa at end ks lmitadrei w-nas) JJ. uevetooea a fair Ssgiss a aaiaiaihaa, th. nranostaaT. Pfovissoaa, aad (vtwaa awsea.

wtth better fates aeeia iwibbbT aeatewhaa yyPflee. and teeaage tor atkartee miamJy ca! the Ajeajayaabytheateant ear raws, tbe asost tmaoeteii fyCJeMaaraooa be 11 hils iisaia, theoearb, a and 4850 paee. Pvovtslowa, 8a. Mwerp, ItOue store, at 4Wa.i Copeo ZIT, "i's wmns a xs. Ham eta ore at ao sinBiM.

a- elaWbea a Ml doa or fmn 1 B.a-bb 8.608 a ma i. SWuTa OalnkhL aood bbla da. eld ooa tract and tveaa Bait. asnre. 8.OU0 bbla do.

at 8s. ed.t Javabeeae. 80 808 eases do, aad from PaUaAelpaa, 88.000 esWAaJ ea private no nth Abwmu, Waa laaiaa. Pro. vmesaLand cnaatwte.

freMrnt. eantaa ataadvtaflnL ea, however, a reaUiqtad mpvasaeas, THE LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Nrw-ToaJC Monday, Mae IT. laaa. The arrivals of borne heavy and trade tnerasa 1 isbjs tots mornsaa were opened active at iha roaws or mat rriosy as ousmeea log eeeilned and tha markata esuaad waah hi Lamas ware la asodarate supply, and eae fear 4 vaiaas reaovarad Ua.

B. Ml Ink Oowa haia am aaaa. Veals ane taives wave ba heavy swppiy. end being alow ot sale vaiuee were weak. At Blrrtata Mrwa Verde tbe herds te bead waat direct te aiaagbter.

At Harslsaas Cove Tards horarxl Cattle sold at 8e.e 1 l4a wssgbu 414 to 801: SwL Prosa 8b 56 has been allowed ae. Prloea ea Bve weight were as foUowst Native aad grade limn 8 488 eu ewt, wHh a few head at 8 65 ewLi Oxen, 8 a 89 iewt.i dry Cows, saV4s. B. Baila, SotsOlaa, a. Quality of tbe nerda te bead poor good, ia taeaasrasate fafcr.

8nora Baeep sold at 4a. t54a a snora Lambs. Bte 7to aT Pprtng Lamba, Be.sBe. alee at a 86 bead. QaalUy ef tbe flocks as above reported vary poor to good, la wis noons raw.

juvee anttermiia tea ema as B.i Calves otherwb tea anld at 4a.4V4U& B. 8 Hops at 6J( Peals sold at baaW.s, B. There were ao bve fori 1 tbia iu asonuac, whea auy drataad epaasa i iJsa.8e. aj At Mx4tA-errant rents Davis Hsllenbaek sold 141 Carves. 184 SMo.

8 Calvea. 88 4e. 0 CaJvea, 100 sisa. 84 Veals. 118 Me.

au Veals. 141 8a. B.I P7 Teals, 188 Bu. 4a 188 Vaala. 188 6I40.

B.t 186 Ohio Baeee, 77 b- 6a B.t 888 Mteb-Igaa 8beep; 837 head. 77 A-85 80 ewt. 88 head, 88 to8 S3 87e ewt: 158 etate Bbeep, 80 6Wa B.re6 atm Lamhei 87 Bead. 61 B- Hae. 68 bead, 68 B.

6Ma ls8 Okie Lamba, B.i 14 State Lamba, IB beadil Mate 60 k. 8 Ohio Isala. A- 8c, B. Heme a Mullen aold IS Oalvaa. 88 4Ue.

B. 1 188 Veala, 184 to 187 Bl MaastMec. B. 1 178 Veals, 184 to law eeaVAUa 1 alee 88 ogou 48 headi 88 Teals. 154 A- Olaa 88 State Basks.

88 B- 840. B.t 86T Ohio Bbeent 18 head. 8e A- A 48 ewV 184 head. 84 838 head, 84 6ia, 838 Ohio Lambs: 843 B. e4e47aA 86 bead, no 7a B.

tnlieebeek a Pewer anld 16 Veals, 183 6s. B. 814 Veala 180 te 131 6aV0. B. 1 180 Teals, 188 te 145 B.OHe.

6Wa B.i 07 Veala. 150 Betse. B.i 08 Veala, 148 640. B.i 60 Btate 8 heap. 80 B.4e.

7 iX4d Weatera ebeep: llBaead. 76 bHe. SON bead, 88 64a6M. 888 bead. 84 B.

SB 70 cwt( 815 'h)o Lamba, 70 to 77 B. B. i. r. Wilsea aold 8 Vests.

140 B.i 408 VealA 180 to 160 B.i 148 Veals. 188 Be, B.i S14 Veals. 144 lo 147 6W0, B.i 89 ta I-beep. 68 to 68 18T state Lamb.

68 to 78 B. 80 5Ao 60 ewt, Cge IS Bold 144 Veals, 188 to )Su 5Vtc a a 884 Veala. 140 8a b. wnh 18 off ea 154 heed. Jeuffie Co.

sold 10 Carves. 100 8 4a Bu lal Veala, 138 to 18 B.5e0aPB. At usmsau Cses Tsvas p.MePberson soieeom-missloa 6 Oxen: 4 bead. L678 84 86 ewt-i bead. 1.660 85 88 ewt; ISO Weatera ft ears.

mixed bard :4 head 1,043 to 1.071 8UA5 85 ewt 68 bead, Lite to l.0 PVAM SO 18 bead. 1.183 to L470 a. 80 4488 00 aw. A. Menroeaald for self 180 IU toots fleers: el bead, toe te 888 85 ft" 85 86 ewv.

88 bead. Lull 1.188 Sv. 88 kS ewu Bhermaa A Calve sold ea eom- mission is oxeai 8 bead, Tl.eoo p. 80 6 bead, 1.435 te L860 8v. 85 8oa8 1 Or, L8M 86 16 ewt-t a Btaie Bteara L858 181 Illinois Bteara.

81 baaA. 884 tu LSO0 B- ti 48 v9 oa nea. t. irm 10 1.87 so eoaas ia 88 bead. 1.186 to 1.8VS B- 86 SSABS 48 830 Pennsylvania Mean: 68 head.

t8 te 1.181 83 58 8t5 85 ewt, 86 bead. LI6I 1 J40 (3 WwSHwe est, 68 ed. 1.117 to L0 a pi 05884 80 ewt. 104 l. te 1.330 86 46 ewt- 81 Bead.

L385 to L880 88 636 60 ewt. D. Welz el sold ea eommtaatoa 18 Bulls, Lit to LssO B. 84 8aut4 40 1 Ox, 13H be. B.i 74 Kansas Steers, 1.04X to L18B B.

85 10 ewLj 168 lillaota Bteara. I.U0 to L30S 60 o. B. Xhaseaaatln sold for self and Mrer 1 Ball, 1.770 B.i 141 Illinois bteers: 17 bead. 1.IIO AS we ewt.

65 bead. l.uuO to 1.801 a- SttaanjMj ewt- 68 bead, L8 lo L3BB A. f8 ttxifn 40 ewt. Kaba 4d oneommlseloa 807 stuffed Kentaeky Ptaere: a8 bead, 878 to 1.0O8 B. 85 85 85 118 bsad.

LO80 to UM B5 STxp B6 16 ewt. H. 8. Boaenthai sola ea eommleaesB 84 bulls: 1,007 to 1.080 (3 6f4 8a per cark. 8 Oieu.

1.7M B-. 8Wa B.t 18U Iadlaae Btaerai 84 bead, 1.108 B. 85 45 ewt. 41 bead. 1.027 to 1.138 B.

$5 SUA 85 70 cwt 83 bead, 180 B. to LSA4 B. S3 UUA 86 05 ewv 48 Illinois etaera, 18)0 to 1-X7 a. 3 lc Wn 15 ewt. J.

fbomberg aold ca com mission 88 Bulls: 18 beasts. L180 to 1.046 taw ou ewt-7 beasts. l.r,V B. 84 75w34 80 ewt. 6 beasts, 1.878 85 314V5 80 ewt-i 8w dry Cows.

1.0H3 B. 4Ve. aw Illinois Bteara. L815 B. 86 BO ewt.

i. f. Badler aold on eommtsoa 1 dry Cow, 80 44a Balls: beast a. 1.143 to l.ft6 a B.i 86 beasts. 1.885 te L640 B.

ee. B. 81 beasta. i.aooto B. 84 8VB1M ee ewt.

6 beast ljayO te LSrtS B. 440. 1 13 Oxen, L608B. 85B5 ewt: 68 Kentucky Steers: si bead. L140B.64e.

41 head, UO0B.86V8 88 Indiana Bteerat 81 bead. 1.048 85 10 ewt, 81 band. 1.I88 head.B05teLI83B..(5 5oa580Pewt, 7 bead. 1.17 P. 86 18 ewt.

88 bead. 1.188 to 1.18 88 (V 86 I7 ewt, 55. bead. I486 to 1.845 p. An 85 ewt-t 888 cull Blieep.

74V B. 84 86 814 Wee, era cheep. 78 a. 85 80A85 40 847 Ohio rheepi 87 head. B84 B.

85 80 ew. 410 bead. 88 to 83U B-6ia B. Newton a Gillette aold 8 Bulls. L80OteL7l3 s.

tiMM nu ewu: waryum, i.obobw. 4a B.t 78 Pennsylvania Steers 1 88 bead. 1.083 to 1.1SO 83 80 ae ea ewv. aa neao, i.xtate i.awi s. 881 B- 86 BOmAS 45 cvli 183 Veals, 137 pate.

B.i 488 Ohio Bbeeni 847 head, BIM to 88 B. 840. 9 B. 845 Bead, 80 b8a B. Jndd A Bank tax ham sold 146 Veala, 140 B.

ea 838 Ohio Bbeap. B. 86 ewv P. Kaaa aold 64 Veala 185 85 45 ewvi la Veste- sylvanla 8baep, 87 B. Lamba.

51 B-, 80. B. 4ia TPaaasyrrask XOXCXXPTB. Oroa arrivals at Blxtietk-Btreet Tarda forweek ead-UK May 16, I806: 8.886 band of homed Cattle. 87 Cows.

8,568 Veals aad Calvea, 18.188 Sheee aad Lamba. Kreeb arrivals at same yards for yastarday aad to-day Lino head of homed Cattle 8.478 Veals aad Calves. 4.878 Sheep aad Lambs. Grows arrivals at rortleth-Btieat Bog Tards for week ending May 15, 1888: ltWewB Usn. rresh arrivals at aame yards for yesterday aad to-day 6.703 Uogs.

Bttttalo. X. Msy Tt Cattle Tteodpts last 84 hours. 660 bead: total for week thus far, 1888 head: for same time last week. J7S head: consigned Uii'Bis, Sunday.

87 oars, of wbleb 08 te New-York: Vo-day. 88 ears, of whtoh 88 New-York: 87 ears for sale: market Brmar, be noteaotaMy hlchar: eotnmon to fair, 4 60A84 80: pood te ehoiee Bteara SStsM 401 extra Caule. ti 5N5 Bui oeesoad fancy sold at 8 85i fat Bulla in good demand at 83 85A3 78: Canadata atoekers aad I seders advanced 6as25e. sutee kast- atonoayi in active oemaaa at stwl 48: no native stookere or feedars here: good milch Cows. A865446, Veals advanced Bine last Monday: good to prim.

84 768B 80: market etneed anaetued, but generally lower: all oHe'aags taAen. t-beep Beeeipta hv 84 hoars. 4 800 Bead: total for week thaa tar. 8,400 bawd: lor same tlaaa las wee. 6.0UO bead: eoaahened through, la can.

of wbsob 14 to New-York: 44 ears foraaia; demand active; prtcea advanced se-OHoe: eosnmoa te latr. S4i BO: good to 000 Ice, a 755 bo; janrllaca la good demand: fair to good. ebotee to extra, 86 fra fd 86: market dosed quiet but Brm aUofletiogs taken. Hogs Keeetpt las it boar. 18.088 bead: total for sraektbae I ar.

8X466 beadi foraamettme kaat week, 86.880 bead: eoaslgned tbsoagB Buadar. 78 ears, iTf which 61 to KsvO oiti to-day, 08 oara ot whkrh 87 to New-Vork: 43 ears far sale: market generally ansnanged, bat aome aalaa rather big ner: lbtbt Pus. 84 iasA4 k5: mtxad Pica and llgntTorkara. 84 aa 8440: sal act ad Torkarsand selected 84 5a4 66. bulk at 4 50: eoaraa mixed heavy eada.

83 UO: Macs. sMaeVtAsO: aaarfce ataead azmTatt olfertnga takea. "rr. Lotns, May 17 Chttle Receipts, 1,100 Bead; ablpments, 5oO headi market active and struoci bulk sales Seutloe. bigner; sboice ahlppias and 85 435 76; fair to wood.

80: aommon. At Ke 84 Hb botchers Stean. 88 0(-v5: Cow. end Betren. 83 704M4; stoeaera and Ivwdera.

AS hut4 60. licwa Receipts. A loo bead shipments, tsoo Band; market active aod burner: butcher and selected heavy. 84 IB s8 85: mixed to good packing. 88 StaBA IO; light.

aa wanes iu. pnwp noeipta. sau asaaui aoae: asarkat Brm: S3 B0tA4 79. East Lxbcrtv. Penrt, Maty TT.

Cattle Receipts. 1JI84 bead: shipnseota, uBe head; Blanket strong at last week's pnoan. Hoga Beeeipta. 750 headi ahlpmenis, A4J bead: Bi'iH fair: Phllada. pbiaa 84 4o4 BO; Yoraere, 84 85 -Bbeap Ke.

esHpta B.MM) head; shipment 7rau0 Bend aaaxfcet acuvs at Mas week's eioaing prases. TBE fORhJGS MARKETS. Loarnow. May 174 M. nonaola, 181 8-18 for money aad 181 7-18 for tae aeoouet.

Atlantic and Ureal Wesie.a Brat mortcaa-e Trertaes errtUitsMea. 88 i do. rettnid monasge l(H: Caneossa PaetBe ee- rU Beeaq aonsoituatea.antt; 11 ov.W entrat, ISOv-Penaa ivanlv Ui headlnc. 1 14: edsoa' Bay Company. 8Mb- Canaan Nur.b.eet L.B4 Comaaev ha.

1 ar rUver to qa-tvd at 44. nance. Taromeiat of Belilne gua Into the Bek ef kagtaad oa teday Harte sflWes. qauta 8 pV iinZ Keaias at rf or Km Mooeit, and KiaMnJeew Lmd. at 3f 'a lorcherk.

sanegeeB UvsnroouMa, 174 Cnttass Puterws ooead dali; tpianda lw Middling elaase May deOvefV AMtBia.eeileva: May and Juae dairvary. seaelo. eel Jane aad Jaly deBvery. 4 VaJee: JaTv aad Am. delivery ba.

sailers: Angnst end ewJ. tern ber delivery. 8 ewtewTaarnW Tolt delivery, asta. asllara: delivery. 4 a 7 648-8 barer.

Baateaikar Aauivary, r. Oaieatta Lra. feed. 88. quarter 1 eptrtta nf TarneaUoe.

84a 84. PewV: Spartta of PatrMawiav. 8-11 aailoav HAVABA. May 17 epaawa 6oid. 8Z84888k, Bs-ehaawe quiet but Arm.

eacargasst: ewiac toaafavue. ai news I ram abroad to cxpestsd thnt thsts wlU 1-. I THE COTTOX MARKETS. Oaxvtbtok. May TT-Cottoo quiet: Mld- astw masausw.

weaai wm llisiiaw 1, a-sos sa ane gi 487 0AVABBAM. May TT. Cotton doll: lkMai Ler MaSdlhaatj S-lee m. 1 li-Mavt Bet and inn isstopts. 888 hales: ax sorts!) amsa, so baiaat atwak.

17Asi gy Madliarraneani at 4a, er Aneoaa a aa. 8dJ tl-wTT. T1 Bewa. 88,800 baahaia a 8a8a. CmTS tl this weea, 1 848 bajea Baoeeit as, Lasdat SOa, saw a.aoe paa.

oa. at tfiaaisfts me, tre etore. at lee. fTV aaartar fMher than were gyJ from BCJoha. M.

iMatla. at sda. 1 tntinwat, nexese, la eat-sad frota Phikvt.1,1. iuvi aA A isanae. aases, eo fttldditnav soaatwhss.

BJKs Bavavi ea 1 Karw-CraxBAjra, Ms IT. Ootton vaim aBA eaav: 18 dime. lw Miovnine, etwaTtiood o-annary. Ba, not isi elsLe, Ble kausw: mtomnl watbaknTt ewswsta its Orssd Bvttaan. Ala hsuaai a tbe Cmmu.

Bead, 4.787 Baseat saaea, a baaati steak VawBamwT i frTaaafTpTwe- lav, MT TTj-TVmr- rj-nlrt s-x Weaki above, 4 10: faney. 4 80t extra faacr. V), Mmassma piisat Ptmai aad Winie Wki ratsmta! fCovn eaiet. Bet steady: tofearss, Mixed. 4c.

Wkba. 41)j TsioelaaTliaiJ ateaay If bat arm: retma, eaeWw. 8l7fria lloc smdaeta andet, bet steady, fur. 88 e. Lard-KeRned Twree, 5 Mumes's-.

boulder. 4 IOi Loag Clear aad Clear rUB a 7l, cw- Klh. tn OA 1 1 a na. rfcna, a i sA 7- atohy tiati aisi taeetmed.fi4 aissi qaawi Wasiwa aveelmed. as good lisnl a rail prions: Bia iua to pins, vee9a Kloa dml wid.

8ttsla, Bran steady a TM. to geid. proa note a west tied, bat awwaraJy lower 1 "rims tB4e tU, AelrereA. 8uac i ea. 1 ofuality.

15e.B18a.i hammer tshv nu. trm ka4 quality. 814a4ra.t CaAOasd Meal, sung oa, Jtreeoa board. lH Bagar duU aad areop. Mur: Open Ketia Choans.

a t-P3ai artme te etrietif Brane, b4ntbmot law te rally fair. 4.ct5e.i tn. off White. aamtMAi cfeotee Teilovn Oariaed. ee prime Tedew Oarinea, aae: eaeidei 4was B-lse, Molsmss dull: upea Ketiie ood prime to atnetis a-navaec-: mwiiissa 1 aome 1 fvtw prtme, Bbawawxi eeud fair.

17e.41a.i -a i "-0--W vaant et iac; (WilrUinK rnm, snsir pnabw. jeaavsissi 1 fair to 4 fair. Kxehaae sight, 31 9 UMA bank 4 rSmngTu 1 law. 1 I CXPCnntATT, Mty TT. Ontton doll; MiMMng, e.

PVoereaayi tamlly. 8 76e3 80: inaey. ri WBent armor: Be. Red. 8oca7eis rwoeipta a 1 bwahe-l eblnmeata, 108 kaskilv Cora mronawri haw Mixed.

87a Oata (nsi No. 8 Miavd, Asa Bve tn tight desuand: Ne. Vo. PorTeuw: 60, Lard struasor; 85 T74 baiksaeais qnwi Iran Baoalders. sX Bhon Bib, 4U.

Poena Arm; hofcU dera. 84 B81ei Bhovt Bib. AS 5 Bh Clear. 8 au. hatky arm: 81 18; sales, 14 bbla Snisbed siodsoe that baau.

Batter en, I. hswar: snnl'reewai 1. luaas Boat avame te ahuses stngie Hairy, tuaaiasv OU quiet, at sen 1 aievil, ia fair dasesad: Hard rwflaed. tUwaasTtra: New-Otteena BeatNa. tiocs sterner: eomsaoe aae liaav e4 To; pnee.

taf aad baubere' 8 bC4 ot seoshAa, 4.AO beadi Shipasanta. 1.S48 bead. Ars duU: V. Cbeeae 8rm; prlasete ebeiee. ao.msaV -rt-ig Masilj pas aaytog, l-sB pramiam aanina Wbv, May TT.v-nour ooiet.

WbeaAataady: eaah. "4WA Jane, Aagns. e. Core steady: Bp. 8.

awe, tOats Be. 8, pla Bye quiet: Ka ftntu. Harley, No. 8, Ma pro. vawnea barber: Mesa Pork, eaah or Jane, 88 SO: Jolr, 88 8714, rnaaelaeasBer June.

8SW7a: Jaly. OA, Bauer eeoilnlnc; Ileiry. Ivs 15a i steel Keg plentv 8 iieoXBte-Kloer. Klifl pblai Wbeev 8.618 IwheiS: narla. A85 bwsheia bBanewta-ITawr.

888 bavav 48,44 bus heist mw9 aae ssillia. Fbobia, lll May aeve aod frr-a: new High Mised. icdestiia I No. Mised. 88c.qtS.a: new Kejected.

4a81a. OaUaeUveaad flrmi So 8 -White. JMeaUHat No. 8 Mixed. 8Vxw8VVl Bve steady So, 8, 4y7Vaa Whwkv-Baals 1W jtatahl fooda.

81 A keaadptsCeen. 11.001 besbalai OatA, 1.000 bahe4s: Bye, S.U08 basheU. 8htpanta ore. 8,008 basbelsi Oate. aVuoO knshssi Sye, Lata) bask is.

Dx-rBorr. Mat TT-W beat 1 whtta, cash and May. 8lWai Jane. 88a: ensh Mtch cwa Had. Ne.

8 Itad, eaah and Mar. Kjsai Jena. Kt Bad: Jaly, B.Mai Aagasv 83a asked' reeaipts, Aau8 bnabeia Cera, 81a 1 receipt, aVhuO basheia Oats So. fctteai Ma WAAa, hbveai rsempta nju baaheia, njrrpemx. H.

May pirtta of Turpentine Brm at sva Baeia Quiet 1 drained. r7eai rued da, Bue, 3 arm at 31 85. Crude 1 arpeniina Arm: Sard. Tellow 3 Ttma.S Ceraataadri prune White, B4aw56e 1 Mixed. tonBvnxjt, Mat TT- Orala quiet.

Wheat-8a. 8 Bed. 860. Oora Be. 8 bused, anal new Mixed, 87a Oou Ma, 8 AUxad, 8)wA rovtetoas arm at unchanged prtoaa.

Fall Brvxa, Mass. May.n.-s-The frlntlnr Cloth market qla ta dereaod, pdt eeotaiiona are vary eteady at 840. leas In seal Ii8w4 sassras and 8 lA-lea for Ajxlto OotAa i BBAbrOBOi, FwrifL. May Tt rtktlonal Transit iwraaaauto epsnea a 711: emaao at timi Bistaat 781 hvwapt, 71i alssranesa, 7bA.ouu bbla PmwBTBO, Penn-, MAT TT. petroleum dun but tteadf.

Market oneoed a-7iHdvaaoe4 pa 3a, and at 1 o'atoo was bid- Cxjrraaurti, Qbtn, Mar n.fvtroktum aa. shsagi! ataadare WbBe. li0 teaA V. WINES, LIQTJOIia ESTABLISHED, 1811. GHOICEOLD MILD.MELLOtVAND DELICI0U1 The peculiar medternal qwatttiee ef Whisker dlatflted fvern the Baaetcrwwtb of Bye la tbe psnowaad Valley of the Meeoogaaeia, have attracted- the aneetlua of tbeMedlotl acuity la the atted atatea te Been a degree as te Blaes BMo a vary high pasttkaa aaoox the Materia Medlea, we bag to invite the attenrinn ef enpenhaweie to eer cewwiatad ane OLO WM1-K1A8.

wbioa we ofler a prtoaa, IB CABAa eoaiainlng One Ooaea Oil C378 WllStBT, I uiuMii'iJte-r-Tii lESTiIi'i CH. WllStET, $11 G3 15 CO ca If yoa eanaot obtain tboae Whiskies ffoss vowr Orw-ea. we will, en reseipt oi Bank Uraf, Hawwtered Letter, or Post OtBos Monev Order, ar O. IX. tt desired, deilver tbem to year addraaa, by Kxareea, ehargae pra-aaud.

te all points east of Muekwlppt Hirer: eg by Xraigbt to any part of Cntted prepaid.) Tor KXCSLLBNCB.Pi; BIT r. and EVBMMEue, at QDaUTT. the above are Isisiniel bv any Whls. klea la tbe mars at. Tbey are eaunsiy KBr rboH ADULT MB ATI ON.

and pom mi a aetaral flavor aad Bne tonic propsittoa These Whtokteaare anld endarreaniMeetocrrs pae. feet aatlataetlon: otberwtae to be ret nraad at ear ax. H. He W. CATHERWOOD, 114 South Front-st, yiW.TOK OmCaV-id BOCTa WILLIAM-8T, I I DRY GOODii verraapoaiaaooa soiintea.

i 0 mow. 1 1 SUITS AND WRAPS Weiirillvofferithe balance ot our stock in PARIS 3HODEI AND CITY MADE OAK-3IEXTS for Promenade, Seaside, and ETenixigr Wear; Also. Lonp: Coatsi Ulsters, Trarelinff Wraps arid Jackets at GREATLY KEDUCED Ji Jit? 5t. EXPRESSES. HAHEE IN OJT T1IJC ERIE.

wli Om monetae- OXDT. May tTJ the-rp-B will take the pmos the US IT Kit STATU rirttC-eaVadvia th Bew-1 erk. Laae xneane weetevn ttsiiroao. arni.eaea an asaaae iteee, ineietUasi the Bew-fera. Pminevlvasim aae t.h.o HatU read ewd ennweetl 4 iknns kosti ik West.

Narta. road ewd asssweetl waat, and nowtAweat. i ssv raenhiBS. aaaoas ataar Bosnia. rJewbwrgh.

Bn-emmiaa, Owegw, Wevy, Rlmua, Uovnetsarnie, Beta. Avar. I BaBata, ataaeaatd. Bavcara PaUa, Cv. PaiaaseAtea, Oaiyio.

4A. pans lra. SiamtMon, (A. 'OneieaaU. tarrv.

tiaamiie. XiSMVIlaB, 1 At ew-Terfe aad all st. twins ea t' agaota ef the Arte Bailway who have bar at ul ae aaeots ef the Lahed atates yxpnaas Cwmpaay luiwsaaiiiaiii aaw avow nzpraas" Mrs, emve, forward, and dauiar evmms aeeaw Bereave, Bsowey teexagaa. Aiiii.i stSTici nrB.Tsrr and a el aiamll Boot pntsta te asK for and aeiiver axntwm matter. W.uBK urncaa ai.i.i,riluf Lisa Brand way.

811 CanaJ-et 4a Breewwtch-et, asi attaechimbirs at asm Ssdo. atmssaa mt the Bras Hallway. -CALL CABTw-J on applieeywa. HORSES, CARRLAtOES, TkBjflBTM POBt at a I.I JLJ tenth Amarlosa AoaAara, wh saddles and sZn. er aaacat: very genua aad graaC pts: wiU be ao.i boaa.

taabeasea ea Taaeday at tu tsreanwvsn-a. I VVILL Tltl S.W.R A a am awstatry paaa far thasr kwes a tJKD rtt'TLFHit iriBn-ar-.

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