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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8. THE RING THIEYES." RETRIRETWV AT LAST, i or nte tombs coMMCaraoccrr or TH( 07 CrCUSOUK. W. OZXET. ARRtfTPD.

The pai-Iio tiXl tee tin te evince tke deep interest la ell matters 'ceeBeeted wltk the detune Tammany Xing. XreryHexa ef utitoauttoa mi tk ahjet ta 'ea'grrlF. sisstd. Um event of tk past few ar caVi4 as aswenetneae which shews bWeeejty theyubUo art tolerested. It ta cnstssW tk ef even tk mm pcdroVal creed wltk tk CaHea niW of Tiaanr.

tkat the re soil of tk trUl kas.ked a Mr at eelatery effect ea 'tk whela com inanity, wbick ka4 began deebt wee- pessihle to petdsh crime la kick pierce. Tweed was ettlj la the Teeth st lata bear lrt alcbt. It era raATd tat a t7 ef prvweotlings had hea Massed, bet wMtapereib'ete eeeertaia whHber tke story roa-tsiited ty troth. la erry esse. vea should be obtained.

It I 'itotslsU prt-bebje tkat tk Unr of Juug Pat la -HI art aside, sad tk re-moral of Tweed tka I looked ape a a certaiaty. Aaetkeref tbe king thieve Itacw oa trial. aad is every prospect, Ikat the trial proceed wilb fispstch. A Jory ihas already beea and tk far the peepl Tr le-dsy. Tbe srrest of Hesry TV.

GeaeL acalatt vbMt twe indictment for grand Wrerr. io connection with the EarleBi Court-booe train's bare teea was tk evea! of yrtterdAy 1" ms'trr. Tka artct of lernal other Ring thh res will follow. TffFCD STIIL AT THE T021DS. r.r?4otp or a tat or rRrBrpufO rni TROCBtia OF COtNML.

Contrary to the general expoctation, TVO-limnM. wii aat taken totk TmitrTitiary fkertff Dronnaa, la tk srrta of ll dlrr4ln, alkm4 Mts to raaia la tk Tomb, noi ihmrt, figging tatm pracat trpanrca, ka la likely to rrmaig frr -mn ttm ta cm. ary yratfrday )if tt traa(nr7d Qrma cll 2io. 6 ta tk apartatnt rnp4 by Gct Tranria Triia daring kit larar-rrUim wUlrh bad kea newly fltta up for tka c-4tiitio4atioa of tk prUooer. Duiiiif tk iy rr-cral fxriKma eallod aa klm.

but noo mtr admlKH kla prarnr aabna tbna who aU ta trrst a tprtaj aaaa frnm tka CotnmiMiea-rraof rkrtlUe ani CrelioB. Tk only jxtiwtj ko iacbtetoiaic adniManr to Twcda partinn wfr kla VlDiim if. TwcH, tl bmtlirf Eif hard, Rcrrtary, iXr. F. 8.

Pf wry n't bit tb day bit mnil, Jota Grabaip, 4 o'clock Drrmty Sbriff Shield tb prioop, and proc4lnf to tb room wberTw'or4 wu run Coed. rraacuoVd cknrR tb prlitoorr. Th! artioa oa tk part of tko SbcritTa deputy fvc riae to tka impri tkat komi Jodt; of tk 6u-jirrrne Curt bad. aa ldkavl la THt Tnira of yr-trfday waa probabl. araated acck a atay of pre4-Jrc aa oablea tb 5krlT to detala Tweed ia kla run tody, peadJottk acUioa on til bill of xcrjv tions.

Tkat rxk.t itay bad boea grant rd waa tb feanral tmprcaatna praralllBK laat erosiBf mxamg tcraral oa tb Toiaba fljciala wltk whom tbe reporxer of Th Timm ODaTM-aed. ala aay unit, nay rrsardod a ertals that tk convk-t will at tracaferred 'to tk Peolteotiary inr a few day. AmnBg tbaraaay -mawwa afloat la roaaettoa witk tbe Trord op, to tk effect tkat kia eooaafl are utterly at srlaar as to tbe beat mode, of pmc-dare bow Iom' adopted la tb loterewt of tbeir elleat. All theeouaeel. It la aM, ar at iaana wttb Jeka Onhtm, aad abeolntely rofuae to bold aayfqrtltrr corseultaHoaa wltk klnt.

On thin ia rertaia la tkla coBseetloB, Bttnely. tkat Mr. Graham baa cot take aaypsxt la 'tb effort cbtala a atay cf proeoed-let. Twaed, it waa aaid by tb few wb aaw kia yvaterday, wrae la better aplrita tbaa oa Ban-day, aad mireaata tb belief that be will yet eecaw tk aneabea of tb law. Tb IptelUjnca wnTejrC to him by bia trindi tbat, ia tbe ojilnlno ef aefml emlnoet lawjera wbo bad boea eovaaltaeT.

tk 6oprior Coort wet likely to rol asainat eea at tk deciaioB of Jodg XlaTla a ozceptiooa prteBtd bj hi eonaeej. encdribated, deubtieei, ia a treat defere to reatora kope asd coa-fideae ta tk crimlaaL Fberiff Breaaaa yesterday stated to a reporter af Tn Tivxa tkat be bad a bropraionje" ta regard to tbe diapotidaa of Twed tbat If any atay of proceed in waa grasted, proper rogaiaaae would be takes ef It, aad tbat at preeent bf waa usable to aay wbea be ebon Id take tb prte-aocr to tk PeDiaestiary. He ailebt tab hijn today, asd parbaae t'-aiiua really eonld act teU beu, put for a few daja. PROPERTY. lajioj: traxbtebb, or kzal csi atc xs tbx On Saturday laat aereral traaefera of propi-eity beJoBfiBg to ffQUaaa M.

Tweed war zeat4 aa4 registered ta tka SeslUra offlc. Tbe traae-fm are tpad eat la tk aant of Bfckard H. Tweed, and are afgned. by 8- foater Dewey, tka ptTt aacretary, by rlrto of a power attoray aerated to bim br aMekard AC Tweed at tk tiaa tb property ra qoeatioo waa transferred to bjip. Tb firat deed bear data Xorr.

S3, ISTX and traaafara to lia A. TA TUliam M. Tweed, Jr, la eoiisideratioa af tb parmeat of 120,000, foar lota of land fin tb Twenty aeeenl Tard. ettoatod oa tba Bnrtbaid af JTiVr ewrmitb atreet ala tw otber Ma aitoatad a'Tlfty-lgktk atreet. Bear JClntk r-Bti.

Tbe deed ia nade eabject to all no paid taxes, laaeeamt. aad water reata, aad bacladae tba transfer alTbolldlagi an tk groaad. Tb teeond deed" la alao ta faror of Clta A. T. Tweed, and aet'a fnrtk tkat taeoaaideratlaa of paid to Eicbard IT." Tweed, transfera to bet alnt graaad oa Zigbtk a-rean, aear Sereaty-trat atreet.

tocetker wltk all balldlag tkereoa, eatject taapM taxea aad aaawiauieata. Tb tbtrd dad.i also fam C-eor Eiz X. IX TwaeaVaad xa eeaatlcrattoa the payment of 7S. 00 rraefY to ber' firar lota aa Sereary fnoj-tk stmt, Bear-I3eTaatkarnne, togetker vitk afj buildlaa, other lota ta Serenty-f nurtb atreet, aear lElartatk ayaaaa, aabjeet to aa-palAtAxea and aiaeaaaeata. .5 Tba foartk deed 1 'executed la faror ef Joba C.

Uallijao; toartsom to transferred, la otmaidetaajana ef the.paycient of. 111,000, a and buUdin a tk north aid TIAeeatk atreet, aear Sereatk areata, ubjeet to all aap4d taxea, aaaaaatneBta, aad Crotoa water i i i i Tb tftk deed ta aaade ant ta faror of eaaia P-rilrrhQd, to wkms, In coeaidaratioa ef tk pyaat ef I210.K0. a kit adtnated aa tk corner cf Tlflk Tti)w and FortT-tkird. atraet, tertber Wjtb tk Uoildjaga arrrted tbareca- Ale 'part of a lea adjotainic. tka teat' aid ef Fualj laird treat, fea feel ta width aad aereaty-f ta deotb.

Tk ptwail ar traaaferred aabjeet a rm rtrar Urea for flM.OCO aad tatereem. aad to all nnraid taxea. aesaiaunate. and water reata. 'The deed.

4a the payment ef tSCC.COO. trenafera to Keaiamta T. Falrebild. a plot of CTand aitnated at tbe corw of FtftT-niatb street and tfiVa aena, with all tb kildin tkrn. Aim, a mo of laad aad bnildiao at the nrrth-weet nrrt nftr-rtfhtk street aad Elffbtk areaae, ebteet as a ortg lU.noe, with 4n teres, and all as paid taxea, annioeata aad Crotoa water rent.

Too serve tk deed la la farr of Trim del-eten. wbum Is traaafrtTed. ta eonaderatln of the payaaf a lot ea ta aortb tie ef Iiaaa aires, aeettbtreadway; aobir all aapaid aaaaata.

aad Crntnai water reata, aad ala a leaaa af a parti aa mt tba premleee CkarUa farkcT. -v Tba aifktk deed la farrr of triUaa de)tea. wam. ta eaaaidrratioa of tka neyaaeat of taO.OOa, is traoaferrad gra loaa of laad. situated oa ha aes aide ef kisrear atreet, ketweea Uonstna aad lUeecker atreeta, anhject to a awcac ef aad referee.

Tbe ale deed ta a tarere -0'UUawi Fallertoa. and tranafra to hia, la eeaatderatieaef tbe payaieat of aertaia kna of land si mated oa tbe corner ef Oaa tluadxed aa4 Twaarr-aiatk atreet aad Tottftlt -s-aMtk deed la la faror ef ZUka See, to wkoat In enaaeerred. ta- eititi ftca ef tbe peraamtof IO.oiki, fb or lots ef ground ea tb aowtk aidaef Dikty ftajrtk aear Xiatk arraa. aa, r-- i a'aT'taaatamaaaaaaaaaa v-p. 2SQEHSOLL )H'P TJESiyGIOX.

coMxrczsfrJrT or tkx tkux fob rom- 4 JTUT OBTAIXUX In th Court of 6jt TermiBr.rater4ay, Vfre Jadga ra-ria, Junt XL XaaraoO aad Joba P. raW'Btia wer alaired ea trisl eo a barge of for-gjng tk iadciat bj Beatk SnaUk leawaxraat mtkCtt7fWVakla. Tk teteaUeai waa ducted by PUrrk Attorney Pblr. aaalataj by 4e(rtsrBaTapeia aad H. Fackbaaa, aad ika pciaesMra.wj edd ky EsValf Xollsr- ktr.

Bllba Xewa, "Ta Caaort waaeeapto4 darlag'tb greater part of tka day ta tkeaorta abtala a Jary. aa4 a Urga aambef gaatlav rejected Ear baring xonnoa ptaWnw larefadietal to tk prla- Tbe WlwiBf Jnry waa xbaaJly oMataMt J. Jtfca raraokar, K. tSdLewia atreet. aroc a.Mori4 Veyirr.

JC1 Broadwar, riicara. A. ttadoipk Eackeat, So, aXraet, Ago! 4. T. Xaa, Jf.

113 Ear Twewty-atxtb atreet, aTidotpb "Ural, jr. 17 Eatt Forty -tlati atreet, Oordoa, "Se, Saat Foorteeartb atreet. aioaie. 1. oarpk aVCotnW, Jfe.

TT Xaiaea atraet, ease. Ztekariak IMUag. 'o. 149 Front atreet. tonaeca, Lem-U Atfrbary.

Vo. ISt Chamber atreet, T'llesaader X. EadaMmd, 3fo. -A31 yiotk ar. aa.

I. Ahrabact H. SaraateiB, 5. d4 Broadway, triinmnga. It, Jtoiert CltnuD, Twentieth atreet and Eroad-way.

betel peeetWtwr. At tb ri n( af lb ennrl tbe Jnrara war requested by lb Juflf a bate La frn referruBC to tba menu it tb nntil it waa fm-mally placed befr tbeni. XI added tbattb rase bad ao cocacctioa wkaterrr wnl ting frauds. AJtr-ZST OF OEKET. i a THE nAKtEM coruT-iiorsE rAtnB TWO rXDlCTaJESTS FOR CHAXD IABCEST.

Henry YT. Oenct waa yetrtenlay on a bench warTaot laaoed by Joda Darla, aad waa bold to appear for trial on two ladb-tatesta, ia tbe aum of bait Tba raptar of Genet spread eoa-aterojlion' arncag bla aracite ia crl-ne, wbo are atll onMide tk Intcbea of tie law. FMlowIo? ao rloanly apoti kf ewrlct'on cf Tweed, ani leing rAiitexaporaaeoua with tbo trial rf IsceraoU and bla hualaoae partner. It earned with It a three aad meaning tnfBcteiit toj rauae a fennlne enali'n rf tba bealtbler el Tb badiirfimfo wltb wbick tk brreaU of tl Riag rebbera" waa tV-nnerly re-Carded a art rialble yeaterday. It dJ6opeare4 wick tk rnDic-tioB of their chief.

Tb xaafto circle of gidd tbat wa anppnaed to aileld ibraj from pen-la'ameTjtwa akowa to be bat tiaael. aad tbo eonv nasity 1 ww fully peraaaded tbit tbo arrest of a tbi ia alpoat yaoaimoca wih kla pmuaboieot. It waa tbl' tbat canted tb arrest of UarryOenet regarded to aerionsly by tboa wbo ar tbat tbry dcterve a risUar fata for like oflenaea committed. Ofli er PirUtrd of tbe Krtrict Attorney' ffjre, wia dispxtcbed early yesterday ia eearcbof Genet. telly after sooe, tbe officer ottered tb tnmptiioaaly-fnrcitbed circa of tbe aua for wboin bo waa locklnp.

over Xang'a rtstacrant, ca Broadway. -7keB Qut waa tnforpei of tb nature of tbe eClreea' mission, waa aSmply aatousded. Eo-iog on bail for aa. Ljjdictmcnt for forgery mcil ap-nnrt bits nearly two yeara kgp, be (Li ant dreaaa of arreated oa a pew rbarg. By tbe light of recent errata be could eaaily see tbat tbia arrest nteint anmeth'vg avr tbaa did tbe former.

Tbe reflection bsaiabed tkat' defiant nrejjer aad tb bold laafcr-tiaent ailie wltb wbicb tb Tarntcaay rnpn. mbfn flrrt arreated. entered tbe tribunal ofyaarice to ctre ball to answer for tbeir offenses. Vision of nebra nuUemi and kard labor aroce before bit tniad, aad fairly lie mnrbanicallr aceonaranled tb officer to tbe Conrt of Over and Terainef where Judje Prri wne presMina: Ineeraoll trial. Genet rlaared nt Iogerenll.

aad tbe bitter looked Gecef. bnt no tin cf reronitionTaMed between tbc-m. Tbe rirst Indicrment, wbWjh (a for granl larceny, ttatea "That Oenrr ent.lata ef the Pirat tnr4 of tb rtt.r ef Kew-Tcrk, did. on tn 3-t of ilpril, 1871. rith foree and steal fret of banker, cf tbe rslne of terra aad a half rent each font 7.373 ri" of liiasber, tbetalae ef twentr-two asd halfcenta oseh pieoe.

of the roods, cost let, and TH-rsunal pronertr ol be Merer. Aideraaen, aad aameanlty of the City rf Tbe ereend ladtetanent ebanea, "Tbat Itenrr W. Gneet, oa the -lath dsr or Jolr, 171, with intent falovionslT' cvest tbe Vsror. AMenrea, and t'ora-aaaltr Ore of IkewTork. did feloniow'T represent to A.

Oiaker Hall, thea Mayor of the ritr of Kew-Tork, and mm each, belns aa oflieer of the said Corporation. authorized to renatrratM' warraote fvr the payment of none? oaa the Treasnrr of aaid onrporation. that the esid rorporattoa was Jnstl.r intleoted to eoe, J. NeBxide I'tTtom, ivlkt for wMrnsIa funhe4 tab tioa Pisteiot Cmut-bousebv i. JlcBride ltdsoa, snd thsas eenaia tnii pnroortiae; to set tort tbeitctaiM tbe Mid nateriila wbick tneaaod there etlftited to the said A.

Oatoj BnU. wbwb said btll eeatajned the Items in enhatance as fnllowat 1X71. Jsnosrr.Fehrosrr: 1871. Msrcb, April: 1371, Hsr. June.

Ta Iron-work, winrlow-frsases. Ac. c. cn coDtrmrt pr-r areeaan wtth Cosamiasioenrs, 1.7 10 1 crcae. 15 loekL, wse stMemear.

of tiie aerount of tties4td J. McBrWe Davidson tor the aaid -materially which etateiptat waa ia troth and In fct woolly aad entlrelr Ottso. A nd tbe aaid A. Oalcey ill. belierine tb false renre-eantattone of Hetiry t.

Genet, did siga warrnrt for and deliver it te Hearr w. Oeeet, drawn on the Clmrtt-herUiacf the Cltr ef Kew-Tork, dtrertins Mm ta nor the 1. Mekfiae DerVitoa 4.Krj, tb wamnt beating date Joly 14, 1H71. and hotnz nunberei ttania dely examined thee iieunienta, Jurtce Tieria nxad the aaaooat ef bail in racb cumi at Oenet wae then eon ducted to tbe District Attorney office, whtra, after eome two buura, waitins, tit bail bonds were made ont aad alrnad by Charles E. Perlia.

Ke. Ill at Fift j-sereslh street, and Tboa. B. Ferris. Ks.

t37 East One Bnndred and Twenty-fifth atreet. Ha- was tben searched back to the Court of Oyer and Terminer, where bis bondsmen duly Joatiaed gad ke was liberated- 1 DISJ.FrZJLt4.KCE OT A SZA CAPTAIN V- 17X11 fia.000. A ataxtling atory waa told at Polio Bead-qaartera 'yasterday atoning br lime. George ftcbroot, wife ff Cap. Scbroot, of Rotterdam, Ketb-erlaoda.

HtPf- Scbreot aaid tbat ber buaband, wb bad ta kla peeaeeaion tia.000, aad ber little dangkter Aaaie, aged tgbt years, bad disappeared under such per altar pi ren, IB stances aa led ber to beliere tkat be aad ker dangkter bad been murdered. Tbe eaaewa referred to Inspector Uilka, whe placed it la the ban da of TVitectirea Tiliey and Heidelberg. Tbe on coaaulting wltk ilme. Sekroot, fevnd tbat. ber kuaband waa tba owner of a trading Teaael tailing froas St" tardea.

)Ime. Scbroot kering reUQrra reatdlag ia Eotoa, for aoqte Trxra peat Cape. pVltyoot determined to aettlo down to tbia country, asd October laat aold ala Teaael and roUacted moneT dqa bim la Rotterdam. "With ber knabtd ani dangbter, kfme. Scbroot arrrrcd bere by tk City of sottwdam oa Friday laat.

After bangle kla gold for A-mrrican enrreocy, Capt-Fcbroet koagkt tiokete far Dost on by tbe ateamer City of frwj4ac, witb bia wife aad cbild went a beard tkat ratseL Just before tb tailing of tk ftrapabip yme. Scbroot aaked key knabaad tobuv eota eakee for ker little daagbtjer. Cant. be op4d, and would alao bay entno otgar fer' kia awa -jne. Wt tb Ptotx-dooee "Ok bia little daaekter.

walked down tb fbaxf, aad tbat wae tk laat ea of kins. U. did not return, and aa lima. Pefcrtia did net like to aCow her hacffc oa w4tbrtaroa ao see after it, aad kaewing that ber hi it ban bad ker relatiree' -addreaa in Itnetoa. rrrr en board.

She telegraphed front Beet en on bt Bad rereinng ao auawer, rernroed this Clt. bnt eonld And ao Iran of ber bnsband. Capt. ikkroet epeak ncUab. Gerraaa.

aad French, la thirtv-seTtn reara eld. lire fees eerea Inches in beirka. wita data hair. Hrht ere, florid oomplexioa, aadatndy awaatnehe. Uia rkin ia aKbUr drawn ia ea noj A en oral alarm baa brew sent to all the ttnticnttn tke CUr, and the de ecttree are hard at workeq tb ceae, which promisee to be a most interesting tmo.

TBX BOARD OF TOUCJS ASD TBS 1 TI8. At tbo -gloating of tbe Doard Police, yea-terday. tke reaigsationa of Detectlree Zaatac aad tf eCord, lately transferred to joat wer no-cepted. At tb reqeeat ef tbe praprlotora ef tbe Qilaey Sotia. Detectir George Sadford, traaaf erred tke Twenty third Precinct, waa appelated on tb Special Serriea S.aad, aad detailed tor duty at tbe GHeer Hon, Detective Jamee Flmkogtoa, trana-f erred aa Friday laat ta tka Sixtk Tree lact, waa re-traasfriTed tb Sereateeatk Precinct aa Special "Ward pjScer, last end af Officer Dusa, ti-anaforred Central CCJr.

Commissi ooer OQrer Cbarhck tkea aaceeedod ia baring Detectrr Georg DtTka transferred te tb Second Precinct. OflS-cer 'fTflliaanaoa. of tb anlrarr- Ptiiw-e, waa arpojetrd a detect tt cfljeer, aad aa.ljned to dutr at tke Central Office. Aprialoa waa received frm BMrrbanU ia tbe Fifth Ward, ask ire tbat tb aetioa th beard traaafertiait DetMtire Field to Central -OnC rescinded. Tk eoaimaaieatiaai waa ordered a file.

A resolution waa then paaaed rrqaestisg tk Board af Snperrlaor te take imraedi-ate aetioai rretrliBC aa increaeed anpropriatiea to carry oa the Pnle fwc ia' tk addltioal temtorr annexed to tbe City by role at tbe lt election, ft ia ee tin ted tbat at lea at tiar.tVO will repaired for Polica pnrpoeit aad O.0U9 fbr atreet cleaumg. tabeaa wfti. all probability, be eataklisbed at Trtioat, klerrtsaala, aad King's "Sridpe. The eaaa-mittee appoiuted ia rrfereac a eatabliahniena of a Police Jorre in Weetck ester will aot barn tbeir report cemaltted natU tk end of aet astmtk. sATitrnsa tsz ControUrr Grern baa promised 6aertn.te-n-4ant Tkwraa, af tke StwtaclBg Bnroaa, tbat win to-day: fror tka reqtsiaitioB xaadxt am kim for ta' order a carry aa tka cktantnx of tb ttreeta.

Tbl will be good aewatatk peeratrent-aweepera, many whom for want of moafy bar Waa cean polled ta alee? ta atattaq kacaea. Frr week' py ss wbBg ta tkatn. aad auaar of tk naa aarelarte taanihea, Isaewou will kesiai peyiag aa thaael (ala afuraeaa. fTWd, rW-WfTrt d7tvrt fttihmlstt 25; i SZJUi AjUUi.2aa- ywwsif ywtwjjf 1 1" a WAIX STEEET TOPICS. AJT IXTXOVED MARKET.1 ctocxs BcoTAirr Jfoitxr fast fsobabix actio or tex associated BAncs.

PeopU wka am ao Ajeeartened iarbig tba paale ae to taangla tka prieea wara gelagdewa to aotbiag, ass) barn been Immensely aatoalaked at tb ckaaged oeadltioa ef aflCilr durfng tba pt twa week, aad at tb rapid toooiory wbick baa takra place. TTbea tbe ebaag for the better eanv xnooced tbere were a great many prepbeta wb predicted additional dleaetor, aad wete ae alow to aseert tka no reoarrrr oald. permanent, aad that anlrnrtal beakrnptey moat raan ITbeaerar a konae faCed or a Block fell one par cent, tbe wnrat ef mnsora prrraOed, aad people bold oa to tbeir money. Bat tk rente epeot lu force, and when, for a day or two, tbere waa a lull ia faOnjt, prior begaa to recorer aligbtly. A little aaeeorag-tng aewe from abroad aad a lack of dep retain intel-llgnece at borne broagbt abeat tnck a retarn af aoafl-deare tbat tareetom begaa to come Iste tbe market, aad money into tbe bank.

There baa been no ebk to tke i mo rot aad to far a caa be furoaeen tbere la aot likely to aay tenons drawback nntU price are at their natural lereJ. Very few operator are to daring aa to attempt to cbeck tbe adraaoa wbC rrerybody on tke ball side, and aecnrltlee ar aeQ-ing for thirty per cent lee tbaa tbeir Tslne. Uny ia growing easier erery day, aad from preaeat laiica-tiona it will eooa be obtainable on call at tire or four per cent, prr aaaom. Tke baaka galacd nearly 11,300. COO yetterday.

aad ar abont abore tbe twrn'T fire per cent, rennlred by law. Tbe action of tb Clearing konae, wbicb la to be taken to-day oa tte new rejnl.tUfma, teem to kre so effect oa tbe Vmoranry Hi market, tbe brokers not seeming tocxre whether tbe rnlea ere adopted or not. Tbia la la consequence of a rn ranee from many of tbe bank to tk efftct tbat the nanal c-rotmaodationa will extended to tie way of certifying of ckecxa. a matter what rerelntioaa are passed br th Cleariae-bonao. Aaaociatiatj.

Tbo to tb propoted met rare ia rerr trong. and it ia aot belierod tkat it win paaa la Ita prcaent. form. 'Tie bonka op-noeing the proponed rolea, call the advocate of tbe system "atrlkera," aad tay tbat tba latter want to take part of tie proflte wbkk tke otker get by pro-dent management, without any ef tbe Incident trouble and expense. Stock speculation yeatarday wa brink, aad tke roltitne of bcr'neaa traaMded at tbe Exchange waa on tbe inoreas.

tTeetern TJrion was tbo chief aprculalive, etocfc, and ia tpnkes of aa tks nrcbnble key of tbe njariet for tke TTlater cam paiga. amor bad it tbat tbe sadden advance from f3 to 64 ia tbe morning waa trongbt abont by tbo eflbrta of the TTUiiam rtree clique to cor pit their wy line of abort, btU that oaly a few hundred akarre hid been obtained wbea tbe hulU got wind of tbe more, and id cp tbe prion, a tbat tbe "bear" fioferrod their pnrchsar. A large, opcratcr, at tbe Fifth Arcane laat nlcbf, offered to tabo lo.OCO than at 633, the cloe-ing price, bnt an one waa on band ready to deal ia an amount. Kortb-wratera nirson became very active during tbe day, with larg ioalica. or-inar to the atatement of oarnina prosentod fo; tbe four mcntba ending Oct.1, 1S7X Theee amounted to ,000, aad aftar paying all expoaac daring tbe foar months, would Jantify a dividend of eleven per cent, npnn boti elaaee of etnek.

Owing to the farorable exhibit It la thoagbt ao improbable tbat dividend payments will be roanmed at an early 4ay. The "Crestorn rallroada cenorally are sharing large earninet, and tbe probnbilitiea of tbe divider! da are iacreaeed by the fact that all since the panic bare been greatly reduced. "VTita tbo im-prorement in tbe financial titration, aumerona an-conncementa of resTtmption of business by suspended firms are to order, and yesterday had ita quota. THE CTGUSn MOK1ET MARKET. Cable from London yesterday 'report a sodden aad decided easing ap of tbe money market, and rPunctioa lo tbo rt of the JJaaV of to seven per cent, is anticipated within a day or two.

Tbe Continental exebsngea are becoming regulated, and the general aspect of aflbira Is reported as de cidedly encouraging. Some increase xn order for tnaaafactnred goods ia noted a Manchester, Birmingham, and Haddcrsflcld. iscellsno30 erenri-ties are rapidly recover in; from their recent de-preeelon, and is believed the effect of the panic will net be risible after tb interest qnarter of January. J- 1 TOE TTSIOS TOCST Tie rrorcanixation of tbo TTcio-i Trust Company waa finally effected yesterday, b7 tb elaetioe of Mr. Edward L.

Sing, formerly a presiding officer of tb Kew-Tork Stock Exchange, tbe Presidency, aad Mr. J. H. OsUrie to tbe ScCretaryaUp. Tbe ofllciala enter apon the.

datlra of their reepectire officea at ence, and the Ihrectora balier that boal-aeaa will be resumed by tb 1st of December. Considerable anxiety ia evinced la all quartern to obtain a straightforward atatement of tbe real condition of th concern, with figures which will art the matter beyond caviL The stories wbicb hare been current of tnlamanagement. are ef a moat damaging nature, and so far bar not been disproved. I nEXBT CLEWS A CO. KASTJOLTH A CO.

The fact i well aathcoticated tbat. the bani-lng firm of Henry Clews St Co. baring effected satisfactory arraacaaeBte with moat of tbeir numeroca creditors, contemplate a full resumption of bnstocM wit bia a few weeks. Tbe presentation of tke alalia of tk bouse mad to tbe ereoitars, baa averted any unfavorable action on their part, and eaileQed all partiea that the bouse ka retouxces and oppertaai-tiea to resume to recover ita extensive baaiaess, and, with a reasonable extension of time, to pay fully 100 cent on tb dollar for erery claim. Tbe bouse of Edmund XX Xsndolpk St wbicb ttapended durlns th panic, resamoa bnsineas yesterday on dor farorable easpieee.

A larf number of firms, carried down by tb farce of tbe panic, bare perfected arrangements with their creditors, and ar rapidly cetting to shape to anaounoe resumption of business. EXPORT OF gILVEB TO CTPIA. Tba Comnousioner cf Cuetonja at Bombay, India, ka presented a report upon the importations of silver into tkat district of India for a period of five yeara up to isu to the Consul of tke United States at tkat part. It I as follows Boaaar CrrreM-sioosa. lltk October.

1H7S. a'n ef ailver bullion import tia ban) into Boat- bay from forelsa porta 1IMM9 4S.fi7.Vi9 1S71-T2 Sl, 137-J-73 10,1 S9.P03.28 1,141 1S70-71 A rupee ia to cent. FORCED BOXPS XX THE STARS ET. When tka forgeriea of tka XVw-Yark; Central sad Buffalo sod Erie konda wer discovered about flv month ago, toformatioa was received at the same time that another gang of forgers were endeavoring to dispose of a large quantity, it la aaid (300,000 worth, of forged United States bonds, tba workmanship af which wsa vary fin. The hood wer offered to certain brokers at rates below their par ral no.

They did aot purchase, however, bat toformed tb detect vee af tke affair. 8 eaoUona were tbe operator, however, tbat tb detective did aot deem It advisable to take any steps ia tke matter, being of cptnioa tbat delay would better suit tba eada of Justice. laa peeler trailing, with Deteetiv Farley, 5mpeon, and Ryder, bare at last obtained reliable Inform tioa regardiag tke forsera, aad ar haafly ca gaged working op th caea. Tneyerxpeet ia a few day to kave their arraagemeata completed, aad declare that tka City win startled by tka srreets which will be made. 1 GEORGE BIRD GKTXXHX A Aa applieatia tvaa yeatorday'mado beibra Jodga Biatcb tord, ia tk United State -District Court, by AO.

Atartin, eenaasl for George Bird Grla-aeQ A Csx, tbr aa order to allow Urow Bra. A c. to sell shares of stock 'which they kold as partial aeeurtry for a leas of tOW.OOO, th aaarket being tarerabl far snob a sale, aad enabling Gria-nsQ 4l C. to pay tbe loaji, leaving' a surplus to the beaefit af tbe awtat. 2f aerkms bjection betnf offered by lb eewnael ea tke or-poeite aide, all partiea wer antkoriisd at agree ca) tb form of tk order for mutual protection, snd to present th sams Tsa-fbre tb Conrt te-dar.

-ttj aasmi C.4. PsrAxnrzyT or smiZHssa. Tb arena of Ccqjitrucricia aad Alteratioa af reports lra. proposals for aew bCdbajes duriag tka peat wk, waick ala at intended aa tan as ant boa its. Tka special appIlaaeaaM for fram aad ether aUattaiea war alerea.

Tka Bareaaaf TTaatfa BoOdiag reports forty-eevea maaaX aad torty-twa asad aafki 819 buGdlngs werasarrrrsd as to general ooaditaaa. Oa buadred aad twenty tafldtoga were reported for fir sec a pea to tb Bareaa af Iwewlt. Var fees tmildinga wer prevadad with fire-escape Tb Bnresa of Theatre aad Hotel irspectM twelve theatres, via the Bowery-. Btadt, Pastor a OPk.boimmv 'Atsdienv1 ef Mamlo. Grand Opera-baoaa ktssopotitaa, WaOack'a, Broadway, Bryant a.

Comiqne. and Germania. aad report ne viplatloa of regaUtioa. tbor being aa unexceptional willing-aes maaifested by tbe proprietor aad ataagera to comply witb tb Uw. Sixteen betel were specially inspected darinr tbe week, el only of wbicb were found with Hi dent facUlUee for erres aad escape in case of fire, la tbo found deficient ad-di'ional fir eefnarda aad xooaos of egress bare boea recommended.

SHARKEY'S ESCAPE. Informatioa ef aa Important character waa given to Cap. Irving, ef the detective area, yesterday a 11 o'clock, by Special Officer Henry Prior, of Ivord It Tsyior's. Broadway aad Twentieth street, to the effect tkat tba whereabout of Sharkey was to bim known beyond a donbt Tb Immediat as-aiatanc of the eatira dotecllv fjree waa at once placed at kla dpoeal, aad they visited tk eappcaod biding-pUce, situsted at Vo. 11 lVxlagtoa avenne.

After a careful search throogh the boose aa sack person was tkea found, bat every evfcleoc of hi recent flljbt, on boar befT. from ther wu at one proven, be baring been there thenight provioua and up to 10A.M. Tbe trace made by tke detective lead them to think tbat he was eaeorted to the steamer Sortk America, which left for Java at noon "Jijjr'e' Jrrn-dm nad KeW Lawrence PliP.llps werearnt'med before Jndje Paria, In the Court of Orer and Terminer, veirterdar, on write of lia'jene c-npns. The obfect of tbe wrlta was tbe re-inclior. or the lail demanded, 10,000.

to each case. Jndc Ef h. eouneel for the woman Jonrdrt, wade formal roHoation. ankinz a reduction of bail. Counsel for PhiUit" claimed his client could only be puHjhed for a misdemeanor, and asked a reduction cf bail.

Asnistsnt. District Attorney T.rons. in msVinc re. tirn to the writ, produced Inifirtment aelnst the prisoners fonnd br the Grand hot which bad not been filed in the General Poesiors Con rr, Dnvin derided not to rule on tbo qi-eetion of bil, which wsa rofi-rrel to tke Court ef General Fes-slons, where it win bo decided, on motion, cn Wed-needav tcomln c. At the Tf-nbe tbere was nothine new in reference to the murderer's escape, except the sptwiintment of theee new keepers Ts.

Sterling, of o. Srtl West rifteenth street Tm. Fletcher, of VA Wet Seventeenth street, and 5itnou Schlaasel, of 3fo. 302 East Flrty-sirtB street. It was stated in a morning Journal that Warden Johnson would be removed by tSe Coma'-laslcners cf Charities Bid Coiveclion.

The rtatemec ia -otterly without fcundaiion, ss the inreetiRatinn male in tbe matter has not only ebowa "Warden Johnson to be exempt fTO sll bUme. bnt as fir aa such a thins can be done, fired the tsepllirence. cr fruilt. as the case ft 1x. on the tiire kecper.

two of wVta, Philiitts and are now nnder tndictmeiit ant! cenftned to the City Priwn. Another equally errereous state. mnt hse been made br confounding lilr. Jobe J. the Clerk of tie pnseo.

with a keeper of the esme nsnte. klr. Joba J. bad not hiTf Trhatevfr to do with paaalnz snv one into or ont of the priaor. rnd the mistake bna orcoM-ne-t hint a treat deal of endeeerred snnoyanc.

Ebaxkey's cell rcTiiaius in precisely tbe same condition as when beJrftit. TEE PRISONS OF TEW-T0RK. Tbo sentence of Tweed to tbe County Jail rrax snpposel by many to mean a confinement to tbe ia-Btitntlon to Ludlow atreet. These was so much mla-understanCisg cn tbe subject that it waa a dlrputed question amone many snd tbe TTordea of tie Ludlow Street Prison made prerarstions for sa nnexpected guest. Tbe frienis of Tweed not read In tbe law rejoiced that bia cnfinemrnt, tbengh a long one, would ke in a place that might be mnde a pleasant residence for bim, snd tbat be would be spared the degradation of being forced to put on the regulation, uniform of tbe Penitentiary.

Whoa a person la ty law re-jnired to. be sent to the County Jail by the Ccnrt of Oyer snd Terminer or of General such rentnee is to be carried out at tbe rcnitentiarr. on PUrrwrirs Wand. There in a rery material differ-once between the Ceurty Jail in ths Comtr nd City of New-York, r-nd In other counties ef the State. By the act of the Lejrialature in lf24, the Ccnmoa Crmncil wero antliorited to a rliffmnt County Jail in tbe County and City Kew-Tork ia esses were prisoners wore convicted of misdemeanors.

Er virtue of tbe power conferred by tbat act the Common Council desijna-ted Pecitntiary at, Eelleme. In the Klntb TTard. which It wa then contemplated wonM be built a the place for the reception of snch prisoners. By enbsequent legislation the Penitentiary on Blsck-weU's Island was aelected. and is now the County Jail mentioned in the srneral statute.

Ludlow Street Jail, or the Del-tor's Prison." ss it is also denomlnsted. ia a place of detention for persons Tested oa civil procoene nntil they give bail, and for persona charged with cor. torn rt of court and violatirn of militia laws. By an arrxneement with the United States Government, United Ptatee pria nera are also committed there nntil their trial, but no ether persons charged with crimes. The Tombe, City Prison, or Bridewell ia.

a one of ita title denotes, a City Prison, and as such i need for the commitment of persona charged with criminal oflensoa until indicted and tried or discharged. After sentence prisoner lodged In tbe Torahe. with the exception of murderere awaiting execution, are reqnimd to be taken aa speedily as possible to the prison to which they are sentonoed. T. be Sheriff, in cases of nuademea-mr, during tbe period between conviction and sentence, ha tbe light to boll tbe prisoner in his own custody as to the esse of Tweed, bnt la, of course, held strictly accountable for him.

at least this ia tbe rpinion of aa eminent lawyer. A third place of eon-tfnement in the Citr. partakinz of the nature of a ia tbe Hon of Detention, which ia roeerred entirely for the commitment of witnesses who cannot jrtve bail for appearanoe on trial f.f persons chirred with crime. The prisons attached to the Police Courts are places where neon or" are held pending the diapoaitinn ef their eases by the ar.thorilira, and tbe Stalion-bonses, as is well understood, are for the connnemont of prisoners over night for trial or examination ia the morr.lrg. TBE HOCKS OF BAIX BCflXESS A5T TRAVEL IMPEDED TBX EFFECT OS CAXAL TRAFFIC Tbe rain-storm which commenced oa Sunday night, and lasted through tbe greater part of yesterday, was the Worst we have experienced during tke present season.

There were no kigk win da worth speaking of, but tbo heavy rain waa accompanied, for tb most' part, by impenetrable fog, and aaa necessary consequence tbe river navigation on both tke east aad aortb aides wsa seriously Impeded. Yesterday atoraing opened gloomilr. The rain waa pouring down to torrent, aad there was fog ever the City, and denser fog over tbe ltvtrs. and still denser over tba 2 ew-Jerscy tborea. Soma of tb low-lying, regiana of tb City suffered, of curse, tbe usual inconvenience.

There wer such things sa swollen sewers aad flooded basement, aad, as a matter of course, general discomfort. People did sot ran tar forth If they eonld avoid it, and tboa wbo lid go abroad seemed to bare shared fn tbo rleemy nature of tbeir surrounding. Such folk, however, aa wer nicely ensconced to comfortable offices had a pleasanter time of it. and possibly looked ont upon th dull, dead day with some self-gratulatory feelings. Warm rootna and soft carpets, an a kind of easy, indolent lethargy which feigna business, is no ooabt a snarreloae set-ouT to each weather ss tfcst of yesterday.

Although tb fog ia th morning waa pretty general, tbo 2orth lover seemed to bare been favored with a mere tbaa proportionate share. Such doubtful fitvor. however, resulted in the fact tbat the navigation of tbe river was eenoua-ly interfered with. Tbe ferry-boats plying between fioboken and 2ew-York were aresxly dels red, aad handred ef passnngsrs wh boslnss being thstn te New-York were obliged to return and telegrspk tbe catue of their detention. At 'clock.

no less than about 1.5C0 merchant, business men, and arli-sane were congregated to ta vicinity of tb terry-bous at Jersey City, waiting for conveyance te Sew-Tork. They were, however, detaiaed far beyond the usual time. Other line suffered from the same caase, aad one of the ferry-bnata ef the Commnarpaw Lin aarrowiy escaped collision with a schooner which wss anchored to its eourse. Tb old adsgo, however, that "it is an which blows nobody good," seemed to bare lu application to th Tsin-stona of yesterday. Tbe warm rain, which fell to abundance, has had the effect of opening up soma of tbe caaals aad river which wer lr3undT For tnatanoa, llr.

Grant, Superintendent of th Chamber of Produce, received a telegram yesterday atatinc that all boats from tbe Cocoes eectioa and been dispatched. Seventy boat had been towed through to tide-water nine Saturday. A telegram ladloakag favorable probabilities wa ala received front Ltttl Fall. Tbe likelihood ia that th rain of yesterday aad tb previou aiaht will enable a larjre amount ef grata to bo brought down to tba aea-board for shipment. Vessels whir yesterday arrived from above Pouck-keepai aad front Albany aad been delayed over-timii some since Thursday aatt owing to tb snow and ic which prevailed ia tb nortlxra section ef the Stat during tb recent cold weather.

About a foot of snow leU during Sunday night ia Poork-keepaie sad sections north tal here, bet a warm rain, such aa visited Aew-Tork aad vicinity, following soon after, aot only melted th snow, but served to break np th lea aad reader aavigatlaa easy aad lea daageroua. A few days ago, ne of the Albany steaaa-boat lines refused to receive freight while th cold weather existed, and the consequence waa ao weasel went to Albany by tkat tine sac Friday. Another Un af atnamert rmratae ta Troy bad seti-ooa totorrnptioaa to travel, but awing to th heavy rain aad tfi warm tamperatnra ef tk nasi dav aad preceding aigBt the eosnpsniea wCl now coatinu to isoerv fraicht and paasengeca, aad travel will be resumed to-day. crnr aisd suburban ket7s. hew-York.

s-. r- Cbamberlai-i Laa report tbai tba reoelpta efbisbwreaulsst week were fXWilSlflt aad tba payment 60. Th amotmt a band TSor. fa, waaCa.411.6s7. A reeolutioa waa paaaed try tbe CcnxnialorieT ef Cbarltie aad Correction, yeaerday, that a visiters sbaH be idmitted to the Tomb bereafter except by a special permit signed by oaa of the Caaunto-Bioaera.

1 United State ConmilMiotier DaTtroport wiH soon issue a number ef warrant for the arrest ef serersl prominent potlticiana wbo bare been do-toeted aad charged with cosnatlttiag frauds at the laat election. A ti meeting, jwterday raornioff, of tbeMcth-odist ministers at 2Co. COS Broadway, tba proposed riiseuseloa ea tbe question ef "Methodism and its Extension." between Dra. Curry and Bennett, wa postponed cat tke second AlooJay to Dooember. Tbe Arrapahoe and Cbeyeaae Indiana wbo arrived at the Grand Ontral Sotol several days aa, left last night for the West Tneir names are Chief PtoB Calf and Powder facv, Pawnee, Whirlwind, Medidne, Friday.

Little Kobe. YeUow Bear, Whit Horre, Little Wolf, White Shield, Aledicine Pipe, aad Fire Dog. i Commissi orer Gardner aad "Sapcriatcndcnt If atsell bad a lmg consnlUtiau yesterday regarilng Can Ontoon, wbo to accused by Irrlnf, tbe burglar, wttb being eocceraod to the Karhaa murder, aad wbo at present ia confined in Central oince nnder a atrong nard. Uothing i known of tb natur of the consultation. Deputy Coroner Marsh made a post-mortem examination yesterday ia the case of Michel Harold, keeper of tks saloon TTo.

4S Uroome street, stabbed and killed on Sunday clbt bT ricrro Stefaro and Sargent i Paolo. Stetano and Paolo were yesterday committed to tb Tombs. Coroner Young will shortly bold sa iaquott in th case. Mr. Bergh leaves tbe Citr tbia evening on a lecturing tour to tbe "Wee tern States, from whoa citisec be baa received urgent and aepeated invitations to appear among them, and attor his view and experiences on the subject to which he iaao unselfishly and effectually devoting bis life the protection of the toferior animals from cruelty.

At a meeting of tbe Republican Central Committee, laat eventoc Mr. Bliss, from the Committee on Contested Sets. read a report to reference to tbe complaint ma Je againat tbe ocular orsanisatloa ia tbo First district, Tka Committee, found tbeebarrea in many respects unfounded, and in otbeta there waa no evidence to sustain them. Tbe report waa adopted. Tlio number of women arriving for lodging at tbe Tolice Stations this year is 100 per cent orer snd above tbe nuaubrr latt rear.

Tbe a society ef vaunt; men. In order to eunply the want of lodging, have established a Free Dormitory for "MToni ria iin institution providing a comfortable bed, a lath, and free attendance for destitute women cf good chcjactcr. To-nicat Mr. Willltm Anderson will lecture on Choice of Uatriinca.isl Compani-Jna." iu tlio cbrpel of tjte Church of the Strsnpcr. Greene atreet, near UJtii slnnt.

for the 1 e.iect of tbi.t TJio cntranco feo to tbe lecture ia twenty- fire ceute. EROOKLY2T. Tie investigation of tbe charges preferred by the Cocunittce of Fifty, ajalcst District Attorney Eritios, will commence on the 1st of December. Mrs. Vcgcl, who wa assaulted with- a stone by ber husband, 'on Saturday night, la hi a very rriMral condition st the Long Island CoDoge Hospital.

An inqnert was ccxamenred last evening by Coroner Jpnee in the case of Peter McDonough, wbo died on last Friday ttizht frens irjoriea received the pieriona eveninii. enneed eitter by rV.linc or by being beaten during a dmnken caroatal to the baso-, mentt fa teneroent-bouae at tbe corner cf Bersea street asd Varderbilt areane. Several people are in ccttody, but tbe evidence thus far takee eatalilisbea tl'iat bad bis skull fractnred, but doe not determine wbotber by a till or ctherwise. STATEX ISLAND. T.

W. C. Moore, born in tba Provtnee of Nova Scotia to 1794, died at Richmond on the 0th tost. Ia tbe year 11 ff, and immediately after the close of the war cf lBia, Mr. T.

W. C. iioore wae appointed Aselstant kLing'a Messenger to tbe British Legatioa Washington. Snbsequontlr, xnd in doe cotxrsA he was promoted to the full flic cf King's ilrascneerand wtiica position nemsntaineq imnl lit.

ween alter niry yeara service ae permitted by hia Government to retire on full pay. FEW-JERSEY. The corner-strao of tie new Methodist Cbtrrch at South Orange will be laid oa Thursday. Partiee holding city warrant in Jersey City csered them oa the street yesterday for sale at cay price, without purcba sera. William Moore, who was accidentally shot by Chsrtes Kf llow while hunting at Bridgoboro, la Bnr'lncton CountT, two weeks ago, is not expected to recover.

Among the persons captured and shot among tbe crew of tbe Vlrpinlus, were three citizens of Pat-eraen. named Joed Hernaadex, Andreas A costa, and Henry Csstellano. The corner-stone of the new Methodist Church st Arlington wss laid yesterday. The building win cost of which 4,000 has been subscribed. The ground wss donated.

Tbe potato crop In Cumberland County ia seriously affected by the wet rot, which has made Its appearance chiefiv amone tbe white pearb-hlewa. Tbe red-peach blow la said to be free ftom. the tiUease. The Paterson Ministers' Association baa organised a dally union prayer-meetin similar to the Fulton street meeting. The meetings win be bold in the First Presbyterian Church, between to boars of3sni4P.M.

Eugrne Walford, aL'as James FarwcH, a youBg man. about twenty-one yeara of age, escaped from tbe Hndaon County Penlteotlarv. at Snake Hill, en Sstnrdav. Ea waa nnder sentence for six months for till tapping. Tbe entire force of men ezoploved in tbe Delaware, Lackawanna aad Westera Railroad patot shop la Newark were disebarwed on Satordar, srithoa wnrninc.

There 1 about two months' pay dae them, and no prospect of work before Jan. i. Mary Mans, a servant girl outpf otnployrneat was kept by Mrs. John Kuhca, on Co street, Greenville until last week out of cbsriry. When she pot a rdeoe alia took away ber clot bins, and (50 to sold and silver coin belonging to Mrs.

Kuhns. John Soger, residing on Beacon avenne, Jer sey City, died suddenly yesterday morning la bed. He waa in perfect health when be went to bed, and his wife was arorsed ia themornlnjr by b'a atrupglea, aa if in a fit. He was forty -five years ef ace, and eaves three children. Tbe Catholio Total Abstinence Union of America is taking measures, la concert with tbe Bishop snd clergy of Ireland, to arranre a erstesa of introductory earda, good between sodetiee in Ireland and America, aecnrinr tbe emixrsnt members friendly recognition by total abaUaeoce societies ea landing here.

Ser. Geo. K. Woodward, of tbe Alain Street Metbodia Church, la Paterson, K. J- baa turned bis church Into a depot for tbe relief of the sufferinr poor, and erery week day there are large trwmber of applicant for relief.

On Sunday, at tb Main Street Presbyterian Mission School, hot coffee asd bread and Imt ter waa supplied to all wb wanted it. Other ministers are takiag aa active part ia the plana tor relieving sufferers. THE STATE Or TRADE. KKW-OautA5B. Ker.

it. Flonr to rood demand sales ef Treble Extra a S6 A097 7.1 1 Family, SOw $3 60l t'ora Arte st 70c for Mixed i 72c for White, Oata outct at 67c Bran urm at 93c 9ic flay Ran on tb land ne bales warebonaed aale of prime at $'2423. Pork dn'J and nominal at IV Prr-mlted Meets Market bare. re-dnced sales at fiVe. for Shoulders 7c tve Clear Pih tWeji 8c foe Clear Ridee.

ante Tte denwnd. Laid- Cholee ecareet poor qualitlea dull Tierce. Kec. e.9e. Pnsar aetrre; n-r.

7e-i prime, Ht; seconds, SVicMVe Tel low Clsrifleil, H34.Sc Melsaars sere snd Ormert Ceatriragal. Ue.V!lc cemraoti, 3no.w4C fair, aoed tsu-, 46e.aV48ct prune te ehoiee, 4Ae.9A4e. Whiakreearee at 95c aw Lnedataca 1 2 for Cincinnati Coffee told at 21e. 2). Gold.

101()9V. Currency. ml eenr. premium. Exchange 5ew-York Llaht, 1 liabt, per BterUng, 117 cent, premium tor een.nea enecsa i IIS1 tac certified checks.

Cmcaeo. 'N'ov. 24. Cattle doll Receipts. 1.500 bead i nothing doing In skipping grades, and very little in any otber kind a f- lota ef Cows aelbne at former prices.

CMpmenUSflU head Poca fcteeipts. market fairly active, at 3 754 10 packers. WHa mr the priaeir al borers, are cenetnUr paring ti 63 9 ta 85. antnmentar4eVK. PA8SZS0ZZ8 SAILED.

Tn tttmm aWs Anfl stertes, JeeCte. t. Eear Admiral C. B. Boer.

Vlts B. D. Eocgs. Mias Sophie Pool, Mis Ahc Murte. C.

E. lnoiwaed wife, Mtos A. Alilnoor. Mia J. KUneer.

L. CaeaaMva. wife, iniant, nurse, and two children, Mtea KnaeelL Oeorre XeLeed. Gaorce Gesaalres. John He Varree.

Peter teey. B. Mnller. Cha. O.

HoweR. M1as Ann Lett-eem, Walter Wood. The. rbtVp, Mrs. arah E.

Eiker and two children. Clarence Whiting, Ceaapeell Manns T. LeuieiK Martina, Ansepk De filiva, Jess 3L. Leaa PASSZyQZMJS AZRITZD. enwain TTi mtm oa riswint Vmm Tw a ateeie, Itwe.

and lira. IX Wood and twedaexhfra.Xz. and Airs. Joba SicoHoa aad tkrr chudreoTj; A. Werder.

MiseAnae Warder. Joke Ctven, Visa Amanda Dtweal MiseAiieeDtvwn. Waos AieoU, Mrs. Lswian Beweil! Fnakhnekaete, Mm AaaE wTselol Brieet Alia Mary Pavia, kim aatkea CanliHoTira. Anne WsbU i trrtiri rr- A T.v A wa ii.T2J.i.a iaj.

faa ana I I Cw. laUsad-lihOO I HU 0.liSl ZLLKHTB INTELLIGENCE' 9. 'I tesrs-hip rTillsJolphla, Davis, rntJaderabie Fra- Tokobassa, aalter A Urm. Bsrks Rise Barss. fBrl Tey, Hamilton, fernredO uj: a.

tr i jl Sheerer, nt Loedon, Peabody. Willis lti Lendon. Xnnrh. A Sorooe Jetjetnen Aac. land, sad Wellinrton, Arkell, Tuft Brigs Anae, JItnL.) Geenea, Penarth aeada, J.

gpr4 tsnm. Cncase, JltnL.I Canern, UveOloeo. 4 JIari W. Korwood, Andrews, Ant wsrp, a. C.

tirVSiforlbrd fc Trabee, Smith. i Jjr. W. Brrteoxt Joaaale- atoat. Stout, Beraanak, Kvaas, Bona Cc AsJurzD.

nteem-shlr. a T. Fmieh. InnW. Antwwrn snd FlneblBg 11th, wtth rndfcand eakta end nosieejepsrT.

"Vh pssseeser to lyoniiaro aiennt-suip taeeesera vo aoruiari om-im atoaiLshls Korth Point. Foley. PhledelpWe. wtt mdae. and paeoengers to Lorl I Urd te Hevsda, INwerthtrerpool Jov.

end Qoeenstowa lath, with nxlse-snd 29 enl la sad llO ana vneens'-own isioi wim paesengert to Wtihams Gulon. gov. 16; 1U a Ort Ai Utt vea fia trial akank.aaaP BMIaM IWel aVI ''O. Hllle 09 aeayate-rr-a awaa XI at. US, 4S 06 Un.

49. passed a vea-el hot of sbout COO toes eaoe ear, 1st. 4. 2 J3, y1514 pesaed Bretnea steamer sound Md. Joa.

t.2, paasel a brls-rlgged et-nmox bound K-l MattoTi latt 4il f'5. Ion. 2 4 paed tbr steamer bound CSd. jbA.M-a!0 mOes font Hook, paseed a hite fitar steamer, bound 301 milrt. passed abrig-rlgRed steamer boand Bj 4:15 P.

JL, 256 nJles, pasaed aa Anchor steamer bound Ptesm-tti? Zodue. Cliaptu. Morebead City rjor. 23, with Mm. and psaseneers to Murray.

FcrrljACsv Hteam-ehip V.llcn Terrv. Halyear. Itewliern, wltk mdac and aeuters to Kurrsy, KerrU at teml lpVvuoke. Courh. Biehraond, OtvFwnt, and Norfolk; with aadse.

aad passengers to Old Sfeam-sliln Co. Stennvelito Rudolf. Fort-n-Mneeirov. B. Tlh, Anx Cave Ctb.

Jscmel aOtb. aad Chsrh ston with mdse. and passeogtrs to Jew. Tork and Went Indln Steara-tbin Co. teu-h1n John (llbson.

Winter, Oeorgetowa, C. and Alexandria, with mdse. and pateagera to I. C. BwkTreoon, fof IThithy,) Vlckers.

Loalea 48 dc with blk toC. K. ManUua-vraeol matter 23. 1st. 37 64, 1-n.

78 4. epek brig Kclli Unated from Pemuteeia, Wew-Tork. Bark Knte, (of Fhelbnro. Marshy, "rerpool OetT.ln baOlsst to Brett, Son AC. It aacbored off Bandy Hook order.

rtk Htld. (Ssrw) Olson, ChrUtlansaad 5S ea-, to tark Emtt.aMerir.0, MerClo, Cardiff 60 ta Wast to (Uooerw-h fc Co. Bark Mimi, Giacieb, Tscanrogvl Con at an ti-soole 66 with a.der. te loeoricu fc Co. Bark Ktal.beatad.

Kteisen, Jfewport, 65 In baUatt to unoh. Bdre Co. ft. Ciood. liseloy, Hydney.

C. ccel to C. B. 8w a fc i-ouressel to B. T.

Jletealf fc Co. bark Vesta. Ksaaer, barrow 62 in bellasft to Funch, kdye fc Sor. Id, 1st, 23, tea. Tl 43.

spoke Irtrlt Airis. frim Tmrino, for Cork. Wiraco. (Greek. I beUllaa, Botterdata 60 la ballast to Hloeovlcb fc Co.

berk Jonatnsa Godfrey, (of Civri. East Ilnrbor. T. 17 da. with saH te Duncan McColl vee-aol te J.

I. Winchester fc Co. IUik (8wtd-,) ycatand. narre 80 wjtb mddc to boy fc illneVoir reesel to Punch, Ed ve fc Co. r.ari Tabsmaa, (of Tarmout K.

Ueker, Antwerp 47 In bailoat to Boyd HLuckea la ancliored off fsndy Uook for order. Bark Drum. Aut-.) Araanese. firrenoefc 6fl ta hal mt to titorovtehfc C-. Aw.

10, btt, 3 37. Ion. 70 spoke berk f. E. Jsyne, from Philsdelphi, for Havre.

'oo from ber Jar. Enoch Johnson, a Phjla-'elthta pilot, wb bad been carrd off from riiiladji- Vtiv5ff La Plr.te, (of St. Johe, w. Klnne. Sydney, C.

10 with cool to C. a Snain fc eon rt aael to W. Eertaux. b'ov. '22, off M-mtsuk, spok sour.

Ocean froie for baltimore. brii Alpha, (of Pert Medwey, If. Me.jnel, Cienfne-pes S3 with sugar to J. fc 6. Fowler rcsU Miller Bry Srow.

(of flockton.) HaTl, Charles ton 10d7, with railroad ties to order easel to H.B.Browa fc Cn. tri G. F. Oeery, ConklJn. Bnltimor 8 wtth coal to order veeeltoBrana, B-HfcC.

Schr. n. P. lllstsileU, W00.I, Savannah 6 with turn. ber to Bnsaell fc Co.

vel to Brett. Sob fc Cc He Cat, off Harteras, spoke brig G. A Berry, treat Saraa-UJh, for Baslon. 8cbr. Buiima.

(of Ft John. ff. Leeerd, Havana 17 with tnolaeaee and eld to Tboa. J. Owea fc Boa vefctel to Beaeyfc Parker.

tehr. E. 3. King, Eragdon. Jaekaenrtlls 19 da with raiitoudtioa to Eppiatft fc Baaseit-retecl to 8.

C. Loud fc Co. BEtOW lilp Gosrhen, Babr. Leshora Sept. 13.

with mdsctn FabbnootU Eroa veaael to Cans, LD.Inc fc Co. WIND eondowa, nght, V. cloudy. ST TELrORAPJT. BOST0T.

For. 54. Arr. Caited States steamer Cet-tvars, tram Washington 1 steamer Soman, from VhiladBlnhia 1 JTeotcne, fiorn few-York bnrk Jeooie Cnsamau. from brigs WlnteM, from Cottea-tirgt Arthur from Cape De Verdea 1 E.

H. Bich, from Baltiittoroi scbrc Xabei F. Staples, from iilifa Conacrvative, from Ucbile. 11010.1, "ov. 24- Arr.

bark Kannt T. BeTU from Gefle bttga Alana Waetler. from I'biladelpbia 1 X. U. Uich.

fmm do. CaABLEflTOW, S. CFor. 24 Arr. ateamer Sengntl, from ntt-merei brlga Monarch, from Aiataazaa; Elav gatela, fora Cienfueoa 1 Bieua, from Havana rTimla, 1itui Haven J.

X. Bottle, from Havana achtm. J. S. Ht erp'T, trom Baltimore 1 M.

B. Maahain, from Hart ana Goodwill from, the Bshnmss. NE-OKLEaNO, Wov. 24 An. steam -ship bicker boeker, Gst-er.

from Hew-Vork. old. sterun-abip George Washington, Whitehead, for How-York. POKTbATCP, Mc. 3tev.

24. Arr. atenm-ahlp Prnasiaa, from Liverpool Nor. lfC SAVA5NAlR, Ge Ker. 21.

Arr. bsrks Liodo, from Bermndet Hoses Bach, from. Liverpool Lady Duflerin. from Sydney: Harmony, from But-got Avreei M. fc Cann.

front Bristol Carl Oeorge, from London P. M. Carbon, from Portland 1 Ship Cameo, from Xtonkirk schr. Curtis Til too. frooa I'lilladelphia; Gertnule Plummer, frotn Portland Oeergn U'eahiagtoa, frooa Baracoa i berk Verge, front Moateridec Cld.

tram-ship Ambaasadar. and hark Era Carvul, from Liverpool schr. Cornelia, from Mystic B. Haaeltou, for Liverpool schr. Mary MsaUa, it Pert Boyal 1 a team-ship Capidaa, lor Vow.

Tori. iA TEST SIASIXB SB WB ST CABLE. Loxnov. Iter. 24 Tba IfoTlowtng are the latest ar- rira' and depwtnreo American vessel: Arr.

at Loodoa Ship British Ctatesmen. Ward. Kew-TorV; baric JSmnreaa, Westexoerg, Kew-Tork 1 brig Semper Kidelia, (Br Melbuiah. Baltimore Arr. at bristot barks W.

J. Whiting. altars, Vew-Vork: Kordal. Gooslsd, Bew-Tork. Am at Oueeostowa.

ship AbeL Bng.7a.Few Toyk a Bravo.Br) Beaton. dciDruigi Dubiorackl, (AusC.) Ceraman. do Alida, Seruer, Unna TadevJ rw- Joacpheen, Noah. Slelaen, Vesterlide, barsen, do Leone, (Auat) Ganger Rolf, Laraeo. do.

Agder, lieadriokten, dM Ploea. Thomaaen, do Tetaaa Eater. (luL.I Mortold. do. Madsnaear, VlcUant, Marcttr.

Trirnkl. Koetreo, fourn. act Asjall, Scialetorich. eloboda, (AoatL.) SnTaager, Saudemanden. l.araea, 004 Amor, Prentndn.

dc Baron Tra-iresaay, Cnmieiek. do-i kng Carl, Clausen, dct Tioledniea, Gordley, do-i Bnvid. Baate. de; kaaerald. I'edrraea.

ccj Alarm, llgueao, Victoria, Hnbenbecker, dct Jnno Braudla, Olsea. baltimore 1 (hiossa, (ItaL.i Furlao, dct brirs Creole, (ItaL.) footle, Now. Ytrk, Mtrra, Garsiucloh. dc Tordentklold, t.torw.,) Olaen, 004 andurar, iBr4 Aakin, dct Fed to Lis, (Ital. Ihortoliifc Arr.

at Trieste, berk George Kingman, Hammond. Philadelphia. Arr. at Rotterdam, steamer Cleveland, Apple-ton, Sew-Vork. Arr.

at Cooataattaople, berk AttQa, (Aast. Kew-Tork. Arr. at Melbourne, ship Came Cock, Stoddard, Few Trlc The following vessel bare else arr. at Xuropena eg ether foreign porta i Tb Pleiro.

Joba BalL Aaa. Oulaenpe, CesuUea, Breeze. Wasdale, Ann Jane, Piekwick, Dndorook. Aarem. Marc band.

Henry. Flare, trithteat Star, Glen-frluaa. Marts and Was. Lectio all report on aorta ta the United States. Arr.

at aewfahrwaaaer Bark Libertaa, Todt, Fsw-fork. BIA from Lltetpoel -Ship Belgravla, Car Caited oinioa 1 puaswi. awes. ao. BIA from London, berks Tul eima, Ttsnsisa.

Kew-Tork Derweot, (Bc. ter dc bla. from Rotterdam, berk Agues Campbell, (Br.J G. 6. GUNTHER'S SONS, 602 and 604 Broadway, OFFEX FOX TES EZASOF TEFXX ETTOtX STOCK OF LADIES' FURS, "jrexcrnra a txbt KTizjigivg ajto FxxaAxr ABBOrTatKFT OF FURS, 1 ALL ITTLKS AJTO QnAXTOA, AT GKKATLT REDUCED PRICES.

'I 502 504 BROADWAY. It-. gTHICTTHJS AT FISTLLA bADlCAlXV ured wnbewt koUe. eaustie. or detenboe front bus.

rtaeera. Ciaeasea end ae awautlee of tb aya, none, avee, and pereoa. A. BAAIaXA. Be 144 Lexlegtoa av.

SEALSKIN Landry, Fsw-Tock 1 Egulaa, (Forw.J Eclu, rCaUW Sid. from Bi am ta. bnrkeO naeer, OtrtsteflkT. Few-Iork Jaaon, (Ger) Strlekea, BslUTnona. Hid srwoi Hamburg, berk Baaaa AL.

fennaaaa. fa Purkea, Philadelphia. 1 alA from Antwerp, bark kflndet, (Korw. laMktath. en, United tut) Aladdin.

(Jierw) hraaaa7c Tk following vessels ker alee Skk trvm Karaptaa and otbar foreiK porta i Tb Glenfalloch. (nmbably eteaiwet CleneoUei ia Blain, from Amor, rie Boos Ca-iwU. for kew-lark Daa, ynbtn Csatlc Artieoe, Lou's Mant-nea, Akkera, Itaratan. Tbeodnr, Jupiter, One, Star ladla, A ba'roaa, Chne tlaaa, Carl, Vyagenr, Columbln, laweil. Ssiat Vare klerwasagee.

and Agra, all ferneru la the I'miad ltsa! aarvaaarTO. b'ov. 4. Tke Aorth Lktyd ateamer Koenlg Wllbslaa. from Jtew.Torfc' for Brena arr.

el this pert this evening aad proceeded, PLrnorTS. Kov. 24 Ti Hamburg Lint steeoxhip Clmbria, Capt, Brawl trom 5w-Xerfc ivr. J), ear Uambnrg. touehed here tbia aarSa.

aimui, Xor. 24 Tu AneBor Line taam-bn ilex, McKay, fteaa Bens-Xogk Ker. luc Qiae gew, arr. ante yeeterdav. 1 eocTBaHrroy, Xor.

a- The FortVaermaa Llovdi Hlrdes. frost Bew-Ysth ycv. 12, era at this port at P.M. te-der ecd srti uj ad for Bremen. bivrmrooL.

Nov. s. Tbe etaam thlp tarasasisi fjsens nna nontreai, na arr. Acre. Qesssrrowg, Xnv.


I '4 u. i tvi SILVER-PLATED WARE mm mmM, NO 550 BROADWyJnI yL MATO'ACTUBTAA OF Ft3t' ELECTRO-PLATED TABLE nmn ammoi to the pateftLi) Ftocgai OF EUCTKO-FLATTFQ SPOONS AND FORK9J by wbick tk parte most srpeesd to wear reselve ev extra eoetlng ef silver three ttmea the asaa klfkasa. This feature readers these good aor eeonoatloal tbaa those of any ether Tbe greet ed vantage ef this math til wfli bja ratdjly aren. aa Spoons end Forka alwara wear ftjxreugk jta these exposed points, while the plate I yetaeodupea ether part of the article 9l This sectional pint la iwoemaaeaane Bar aasu sat He. aa tt ia worta atnay tlman tbe additional eo la eucei AH poon arid Fork staaiped 1847 E03EE3 BUO ere plated by this process, la addittoato tegulAf plate.

I F. BOOSS BROTHER EATS OFEFEO A XCTATX. BArrxxrp 1 FOB BTXTT SATS OBXT, and eflnr a fine iitnitmiet ef XABXZSr AFD GESTXEglTS FUR At a 20 and 30 JPer CeiiUi Bole Maanikeeurers of tke) i FATETT LS OAVT kfUFF. I VO, 4A9 ITIUlAimAT. i Hsrenard aad Grmad REDUCTIONS! lofcof rcsaa bcabfb, aoo.

FJTGLI5B tlffO. I uxaizirs Boo-nay glotxs, ward's! PfO. 3S7 BROADWAT, AF9 TtnoAPWAT, coiufira ith fcT. WEBER ladersed by the leading Artists, aad tka Fiats, ae tke BEST PIANOS MADE Frlese and terms ta fall wtta tke and tke erpoatslluus ef purchaeeia. 'V i TFAXUTSOOaiSi i 1 4 5th ATa coR.vna lem bt vkwJx oxk A n--v -nnnrM I AAJAi.

as. y-x BAUDS, BQCABZ5, AFD VtVLtySXt rnriraled for richness, power, aad deUcaey at" tooea Beeond-band pianos taken ta exehaogW Pianos ranted and aold. en Installment. WASXBOOns, 34 4Se Sal VSVTZtLSTTT FLACE, NEW.TOEK. STEPHEN PElE" Is altering his large eod eestly stock ef ii boaua aterleee tetultth time, eod greatly below the arkr ral un.

All persona wiabiag to snake eaypurchaes WEBinrO OB HOLtDAT FKElTKXTS.i tod tn sail al bla ilm Xa. 41 aai 1 a. 10. and keadeat jrswjrsM yJ' 11 1 ,11, in 11 TOffl 1 1 1 i Vr "TTfn Ike 1 I :7 rr i' IS hi taailiisilm' A ttt BtTiri nr? w- itz, tm Brodwy, I Bf iT-BMdnl (tea deuhto aatdal WIA. snd wajrM eemMnadk ZTT.

r44 at the VUaae bajo ttea to portrait photography..

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