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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ft IIGENDS OE. THE 31 AKXMEN YMh jy ins laws of hah. fnrrrKxtqrz etsKT jm mad to BAMtfiT TH WAHOVt MOC9TAJ5r THE wiAjrrox wot A TTnCAL iraOMBO WATIBISG-rtACt. Iosoo-r, Oct 7. Mr Isi latter (6ept.

SO) fnrribwl tba town of Feel and its castto, the post latTstm2 epot which 1 likely to see aA'iIiillbtUMOotef India next moath. But to order to presaat a com let picture of the of Una, I must not omit Ramsey, although the latter' eole recMmtueDdtion lieejia tb tesaty of ite sirouidings, the town itself uninteresting as a fasbionablej novel. AH ite; sbprtccfmlngs in "this respect, however, tre amply atoned for by tbj pictaresqaaaess ef tbe Journey thither from i'eeL Diverging rem' tie mala track to Dong-la at St. (John's, wbicb I bare already described, tbe Ramsey fine at first runs between two low green elopes, bright with buttercups and dandelions, and dotted with grazing cattle. But tbe quiet beauty cf the foot-hills' soon fires' place to I bolder and sterner panorama.

1 On a raiden tbe right-hand ridge becomes dark tlteep and rocs', and surges up overhead like a treat' wave. At tbe eeme movent the left-hand ridje falls awsy into a sberj and wS find ourselves hanging in midair Store tbe Roaring; sea, which is lashing and tearing aii foaming among base pegged rocks a hundred feet below. Far in the distance, tbe gloomy mass of Feel Castie. of which jost sight more than naif an hour ego, looms' out against the sky, huge and gray and shadowy, like tbe ghost of some an-deat sea-klag rising from his unknown grave is the dhotis below. On the other side the steep ridge that overhangs us is scarred in erery direction with dark rarines, demand narrow, as if clef by the.

stroke of a sword, plunging headlong down into the sea, A few depths beace, when the Spring thaw brings d-jrn tbe mountain streanu in their might, all these allies will be roaring torrents, leap-teg! and frothing into countless -nter-filijr which the belated farmer eye with -dismay as they dash and glitter in the moonlight Cut now, after the beat of this scorching 8ummer, oae poof little thread of water is all that can be seen, jcreep languidly through the depths of the; great gully, and catching a stray gleam of jiunligbt here and there. High over alii blot-1 kng the bright morning sky like a threatening thunder-cloud, loom tbe gaunt outline cf a range of high, rocky hills, steep and black and Itern as the wall of some ancient castle, seamed at erery tarn with grisly white scars, i ihowHig where the loosened ovx their foundations by tbe secret working or tiaaea streams, nav.thundrd down upon tee Taller in one great ca taract of ruin. These are the famous; Klrk-Jarmyn Mountains, the scene of many a wild adventure and daring deed, in tbe grim' days of old, and haunted, a-ordmg to local tradition, by a phantom wolf, which presaged with its hideous bowlings the teniSc storms of early Spring, and toe tte of those whom they were to see troy. wild as tbe scene is; it is not without abundant tokens of human life and human Erery now and then, among the sage, gray rock bastions above, appears a eaarmiug little nook of sloping greensward, dafilod with recumbent sheep and cattle, which lift taeir heads lazily as we go rattling sad shrieking past, with the same air of snug Klf sattftacilon with which a man lying at his sue under a tree on a hot Summer day watches aiotber running frantically to catch train or a steamer, asted on the steepest iaces of the great ridge appear thick clumps of lark wooding, through which tiny white cottages peso, as if play ing-hide and seek. i)eep in ttio quiet valieys which- nestle under the lhadow of these huge overhanging bluffs, sunburned men and -women are at work getting In their corn, while every now and then the trim wall ot cliff along the edge of which we ire passing falls away into a snug little sandy 'bar, in -which three or four sturdv fishermen lust bacK from a night's-work on' blue water" sre drawing up their laden boats.

In fact, every object you see nrings out more and more strikingly tbe wonderful change that has passed over the island since the nergetio colonists nf England and Bcotland replaced the native. buck. century ago any traveler who ventured to explore tbie almost nnkaown region foot or on tbe back of a tnoantain pony would have found, instead of these comfortable farm-houses, wretched thealxngt (hutsj of turf or of wicker-werk plastered with mud, and bull sve seen bands of squat, broad-shouldered, wild-looking men celebrating the first c5 Hay with a mock battle between the skin' eld "Army of and tbe be-ribboned "Army of hp ring," and ushering tn Christmas with a still more curious unknown, solar as I can ascertain, in every other part ef the British Islands: I i "On the 24th of December, toward evening, si the servants in general have a holiday, and tney go not to bed all night, but ramble about tul the bells ring in all the churches, which is at 13 o'clock at night. Prayers being over, they go to hunt the wren, and having found see of these poor birds, they kill her, and lay bar on a bier with the utmost, solemnity. Thereafter' they do bring her to the virish church, and bury her with- a whimsical kind solemnity, singing dirges ever her in the Jaax language, which they' call her knell; t'ter which Christmas begina I fcrom the station of iv-rk-Mfchael on ward, the, railroad turns awayl from the sea and Pucges deeper and deeper among the hills, the tides of which now begin to clothe themselves mh masses of clustering leaves in all the brightness of their Autumn glory.

In these tbeitered valleys the bitter easterly winds wnich have left the hills around Douglas almost treeless loee their blighting power, and the bareness which is so marked a character-talus the eastern hillsides is here exchanged tor a luxuriance of picturesque wooding. The giens and gullies, however, stia continue; and to the depths of one of tbe steepest and darkest 61 these we flosne suddenly upon a striking spectacle. From every aide the ground tow ooay hollow no steeply as to naie short of an abselute preeipici. and-h the centre ot this dismal pit, a basin of k-gray rock, has a black, slimy, lifeless fern or tuft of grass clings at descent; 1' to vUe' wiUl its gloomy silence 'au is dktila. as it cot off forrrer from au that is hbtous and fuU of life, has an inde-sUUv RWly What a place for te DoM people with misshapen gob-kw, er for Mss Braddoa to choce as the 6n ot thoea charming tales which FPr icbtmares for generations yet un-fora: "One aulin i -i us asrk rocks around, t.

Mma a.i.i. iato tha rl, waters, never again to be seen bv mortal eye tUi the day pe op her lead: while the i ban the earth shall aa hour after leaying St John's thcr ir" ache Karasey, which Les at tbe north! txtmniity ot the ialand, on a wide green1 b9twa the mountains and the sea. Off rtowa itself, onje may say. as the Highland Tk aaid-lot his master's shooting; more said, ihe less the better. There Wr to a fatal apaU upon all British CompeUing taesa to follow, ana all.

precisely tbe sama model, and that ZTl1 tbe woniT imaginable. Two gaunt tr stretching lar out into the sea like an octopus; avast aea-f routing wlLb row ef taU. acragry white ranged aleng it like teacups on atrev; tour-tumble-down hotel oeanibuses JU'cg and creaking aloag as tf -apij-t at the thought et the awaiting their passengers: a of small, dingy n9hiag refreshing a boat them Tt the isaoceece of 1um who contrive to their rash yanat expressed In y-jocking black letsers opoa a white grand complete dinner every slay from It 7tr complete dinner in onestiost gener-i -vsvuyingitaelf iato shrimps, rapnlemaat- IBM 19 WILa Ttrm mmi la addition so-thene in a an event Which trrar-v oca au tni sesWagtari pass, roctraiuot Uorr unrderer, drawinr jrom the brink, paasad his biood-stalned aa across his burning forehead, as if seeking IU1MM TIMfMill t-o aaea degree that flavor of aaUquated Jaity which strikea one oa hearinra man IV. and the Tike of TVeOington stare at yon Jrtws the walls of the resolutely modern botl i the nsartet-plaee. a Toys of "'sdQojian taaaion i snaet s' your eye behind brand-new plate-glass windows, and en the brightly painted book shops, whose Jaunty smartness may i wail mislead you into "Pectation of.M very novelty of the seaa-aon, mock yonr eager' inquiry for some new work with an offer of fPeverilcf tha Feak," -1, ncla Tom or Tba Mysteries of Ldolpho." In a word, tbe whole place forcibly recalls the time-honored anecdote ci a Liverpool merchant fond of telling long stones, who was just givinj one of ts longest to the friends who had rotes to see him off to India, when was interrupted by the intelligence that tbe steamer was on the, point of starting.

Returning five syears'llater. be I happened to encounter two or throe members of his audience. Clearing hie throat at once bfJCau. Well, gentlemen, as 1 was saying just Bowr" and Uking np tbe story just where lie had dropped it, went riRht through to tbe end. But whatever may be the defects of the town, they are snore than compensated by the great and Tsried attractions i of the country, i High above all tn fneighborinfe snnamiU rises tho-hngei dark outline of the Tinwald Hill, upon which, more than two centuries ago, tbe ancient court met pass sen- tence upon the gallant had ill-fated William Christian, who, having: headed the rising which overthrew and imc risor.ed the titular Queen of Wan, (Sir Walter Scott's famous Count of Derby,) was" himself; overthrown in turn by another outbreak equally unexpected and shot as a traitor at Banco, defending with his last breath the deed for which he suffered.

From tbe further end of the esplanade a road winds upward for about a mile to the entrance' of Ball re Glen, where a tiny stream leaps foaming I down the moss-grpwn rocks in an endless succession of miniature waterfalls, untouched by tbe sun even at midday so thickly grow tbe trees that clothe the sides of the chasm. But this charming little nook is only the vestibule of one of the most pictnresque regions in the whole island; and any one who fine scenery and is not afraid cf a tittle rough walking, will do well, instead of following the circuitous railroad, to tramp the miles of coast highway between Ramsey and Douglas, taking the romantic panorama of -Ballat glass Gorge and Glen Dhoon, where a mountain torrent flings itself over a precipice into a deep rockyj chasm, keeping the overarching leaves ever iresh and green with its shovfcering spray. i Bach spots naturally afford' abundant material to tbe quaint superstition which-has peopled them with a mythology as wild and striking as the weirdest Jancies of Tieck or GcgoC glen, every torrent, precipice, has its own appropriate legend, and if you go out for a night's fishingor a day's marching with any of tbe Manx veterans, and draw them out upon their own local traditions, you are pretty certain to bear; something like the following "I've heard bry grandfather tell a story many a time of thing that happened when he was a youngster, and it sel to frighten me sojthat imany's the night I've not dared to co up bed without mother would go along withine. It seems there was an old pars an living then, as good a man as ever stepped insSoe leather, and he thought nothing of sittinig upsall night wjth a sick man after a hard day's wrork, or walking 20 miles through the snow, if acy- doqj wan tea nun. iow, it was a way ha.

had to go out every evening af ter nightfall. walk. up and down in a nesr his houe. wis nignt ne rot to thinkincr oer somethio that took up bis attention so he strayed oat or toe neia without noticing, and went wandering on till he had got almost to tbe foot of the mountains. All on a sudden he heard a terrible noije, which seemed to be neither before nor behind hira, but everywhere at' onea.

At first it sounded pretty much like the bellowing of a bull, only a deal louder than nay born bull ever bellowed yet bus presently it came nearer, and seeme like a mix-up of screaming, rearing. lUowine. and howling, as if all tbe evil spirits in tbe bad place below had broke loose at once. All at once there broke out from the shadow of the mountains a great black thing somethiag like a bull in shape, but as much bigger than any Christian bull as a bull's bigger than a The parson got a bit rightenod, and email tilame to him for it, too, hearing siteh a horrid row without anybody to make itr So down he went on" his kaees and began tn say his prayers like achnrch belUgoing. The thing tame right down upon hire full gallop, with its great eyes blazing like lighthouse lamps, and its tramp shakine the very earth, i But iust as it rrarhiwi him it turned away anil, made straight for a little cottage that stood by itself, in which there lived, all, alone, a miserly old fellow who had a very bad name with all the country folk.

When the parson got his wits together -a bit and began to look about him no bull was to bn seen, nor even so much as the print pf a hoof on the grass, but when ho got to the cottage he found tbe old chap just dead. Put whether this creature was the devil come to fetch him, or something else nigif as the parson couMn't tell, nor nay grandfather couldn't, nor I can't neither." But the Manx superstitions have their grace-' fulas well as their terrible side and the strange mingling of simple childlike beauty and quaint grotesqueaesn in the fairy legends. which are more abundant here than in any other part of Europe, might have satisfied dear old Hans Andersen himself. One of these stories, extracted from aa old' English author, may fitly close this far top hasty sketch of one of the most interesting epots in Britain: Another instance. which might serve to strengthen the credit of the other, was tiild me by a person who has tbe reputation Af ha mmt integrity.

This man being desirous of disposing of a horso for which he bad at Hhat'time no great occasicto. and riding him to market for that purpose, was accosted in passing: over the mountains by a little man ia a plain dress, who asked nim if he Would self his horse! 'That js the business 1 1 am gouag upon," answered tbe person who told moi tbe story" upon which other desire I know the price. Eight $40J said ha quoth the stranger. I will give ne more than seven, whichj if you will take, hero is your money." The owner, Flhinking be bad bid pretty fair, agreed with him; anditfce money being told out, the one dismounted. and tbe other got oh the, back of the horse, which he bad no sooner done than both beast and rider sank into the earth immediately, leaving tbe person who had made the bargain in utmost terror and consternation.

As soon as he had a little recovered himself he went directly to. the parson of the parish and related what had passed, desiring his opinion whether he ought to make use of the money he had received or not. To which tbe parson re-, plied that, ai he had made' a fair bargain," and In no way circumvented nor endeavored to circumvent be buyer, he saw no reason to be lieve, in case. is was an evu spirit, mac it could hare any power over him. TDn this assurance be went horbe satisfied, and nothing afterward happened to -give him any disquiet concerning this affair." 1 1 i 5 favor or woxjurs srrrsj.Gt.

Mr. John wroto to, the recent Woman's Suffrage National Convention in Louis-! rille. St "(Jf any eoastaerable nhmber of the" Intebcent women of Centncky show; themselves earnest advocates of impartial suffrage, there can be np doubt that the best men of tbe State will ao-oeda to their wishes. The eomalete sueoees of the cans Is oaly a question of time. Every Intelligent observer sees this, and there are man indicatioBs that its advocates will not have lone lf Vt.

Wendell Phillips wrote: "My whole heart is In the cause. It eeems to the next treat move ia social and civil prorress aad civilization. The areat eanses'of education and teniperanee are closely allied to it. Tbe problem here to deal with istlMt vice of greet cities, and perhaps the possibility of preiterviag reouhiican lostitations is Wrapped in H. Its suoeess goes further to complete our civilization than aar other i Oov.

John l. Long, of Massachusetts, wrote: "I an not accept It, (the invitatioa.) but 1 send you wlni is aa old sfory now the expression of my conviction that discriminstion aeainst women in the natter of suffrare Is ttte denial of a ncha, and that taat rteht once irraaied. ail exprieaciea wul. as usuai. use sooa ears or mcmse-ve' IXPORTINCX OF 1 Frtmih Ambwi Adotrtlter.

Ott. U. fl We have received the following fietter from tbe Boa. B. flatt Carpenter, Caairmsn of the Ker publican7 atatej CemmlUee, the contents of Which we earaesUr remmead to the attention of all true BepubUcans.

letter is as follows Ji Mtriiis Ni: 1 trust yon will not fail to Impress nnon -the raansrs of your valuable paper tbe absolute aeoeeauj of retaining -liepuhiicaji asoecdency laoar btat legwlatar. imnar the firss duties deveivios apon Coasress Is that of apportioning kepreeantauvee amonc the States according to their respective population as determined by tbe cactus of Immediately after tbe passago of suck a bill our Legislature will be called npoa to drridetheSute into CoatTsssioaal districts. If the UemoeraU have control of the LicUiuur it wU be an easy matter for them to so rnrrnaaadar tae Mate that Ueir party vU have imaieasa ad-Tanuss ta tae alaotioa of Beprswotauva Coa-cresa. Toar wita the facts will enable yoa to say the proper thing apon the sucact- very truly roars, i U. r.

cjwzxtsjl THROWING AWAY VICTORY ZOSXCiLJLXSS lyaLORJQUS I TXEA AT CEICKAHA VGA. 31 M5 DELAYS ASP ITCriSDOCo JBlCy I rIHS WBE5 TBE TJ FOB ACTIOS comp scrt be rosTToitEiv tbk4t8 trom Trnr tiex ofitictoht. LEAttSO THE QLOET TO THOMAS AKD i OABflEtt). In a rf-ently published letter Gen. Rose- erans eonfplains of outrutrful statementa and perveriiocfc of history about Chickamaneaf that have aomt under his notice: it seems, therefore.

fitting to rlolot out wherein his latter has added to tbeir nniAer. Ho panlculariT desires it to be Known in it was bis-" custom, personally, to wrij i. or nictate ait important orders for- movements of troops;" rf ettlau that itjsof nolniportaneewhat- eTer to kutw wbo wrote tbe orders of Eosecrsns. but it is tdportent to know wbattboserden were and wbstlconsecuenees were prodoced by them. I HeealJaltf'aerime arainit conntry" send tbe Army kf the Cumberland from Hurfreeshoro, Tenn to qhsttaaooga, A distance of 120 mtleii, and seeks to piotect himself from the consequences of a giave error hvhis own generalship by throwing the blame poa a gallant General of division, whose only fault! was that.

In tbe exigencies of a 'treat he Itbouaht the circumstances which sur rounded htm would not Justify blm in disobeying an lmportsjnt order made about 10 minutes before its receipt by Bosecrans himself, what ar tbe factst In 18CI ws had three power ful armies In tbe field the Army of the Potomac. confronted" by Lee; the Army of the Cumberland, by Urate while-Grant; with the Army of Tennes see, was lent to open tbe gates of Ylcksburg. The Confederates baring interior lines of railway communication between, these crest foci of military forces mace it important that each one of our ar mies should, hold the attention of its adversary ana preveac me enemy from remforclnc any one of his armies from either of the others. After a series of I brilliant movements, battles, and victo ries. Uranu was besieging Vicksonrg from tbe Last, and there wss treat danger that the prolonged in action of I iKecraos would allow Bragg to reinforce Johnston i nd make it possible for bim to raise tbe siege ef Yi These fact, and this eompre-Jientfvevii of them caused Stanton persistently to urge He -ecrann, during the fint half of 1863.

to advance ai ainst Bragg. Rosecrans responded only with-fallai lous excuses, and remained inactive be- bind the fortifications ol Morfreesboro. lie was quite williSisJhatthe Armies ot the Potomac and lennesseel should prevent any reinforcements coming the East or the west to toe aid of Brigg. but bis inaction proved that be was' not kinnutiing that Bragg should send reinforcement to Pemherton. to tee.

or to both. Gen. Garlield. by a thorough examination of prisoners, ceserter. and spies, bad arrived at the conclusion! that tbe amy under Bragg was lares lv overestimi ted.

and. preparing a report from all ot these sou ces of information, (which afterward proved to substantially correct.) he presented it to Bosecn ds. and strongly advocated the advanve. Stili our i rmy did not move. By tbe 4th of July Grant gar i us Vickstnrg and 30.000 prisosers.

and Lee baa -en defeated a Gettvsbnrr. If Rose crans had snored earlier, while tbe other two great armies were carrying torwara sctlve campaigns. as Garfielh urged aad Stanton insisted in at" be. snouia. nit owe tees ire of operauons could not have been ki ist urbed by accessions to Bragg'sarmy.

I the Iocccpatio.x oy chattakoooaJ i At last, 4n the S4th of Jane. Bosecrans put his amy in mttlon and Bragg fell back, flghticc but little, and pn the 9th of September one of our corps mtered Caattanooga, a place of the highest strate- importknee. From it railways led to Memphis. 3ahvUle. Knoxvllle.

Atlanta, and "beyond. Tbe Tecnsssee River and tbe mountains around Chat -tanoogs, ade It easy to construct defensive works wouii be formidable to any attack that bould be made itpn them. The active force of Bosecrans now consisted of three corps and Steedman's di- visISn ofl thh reserve corps, under Granger. Tbe FourfeenthCorps, under Thomas, consisted of four I divisfihi, commanded by Laird, Reypolds. I Segley: the Twentieth Corps.

Ut ook's. hadXHree divisions, under Sherl das, Bavii and JohnsriB Twentr -first Corns. Criuendei 's, had tUeothrw divisions, under Wood. ratnier, aqci aii ive. was in, Chat tancoga.

ScCook a miles awav. at a nass thronrfi tbe Look (Ait range of mountains, and Thomas at anouies uss, about half way Xt ween tbe nther twoeorps Hut Bosecrans hadnot the prudenee bow to nn te bis army at Chattanooga, (which he might har done in two. days.) antltners form a secure ba or supplies. He did neVeven inform himself winch way his adversary and, there fore, hid not know that Bragg hsd NiimVly re tired to Lifayette. 90 miles south of Chattanooga, wi'ito v.

as rapiaiy preiianag to lace advantage ca inajnipraaence ot itosecrans. lloldlnK one or.gaoinl Cbattanooga, Crittenden was ordc on the of 8epteuber, to advance to Ringgold. thas sepawting the army stiil lurtser. Tbe situation was kiow critical, bncause our corps were sO- u.hv-b mi. ivp i ir structmg bnountains that Bragg could throw dib wnoiei army upon ach od in -succession before all could coa from either of- the others, rfragg gave libsecracs 10 days in which to concentrate his army atKi choose his eld ofi bat tle, and Kserran.vnot to be outdone In courtesy, gave Bragk 10 days! in whienbe might -cruihin de tail tue lixsatea corps of the national Array, i tin trio lay that Crittenden moved -out on the ttinggoiu load ooaa aivlslon an In the rpitr In lhe afternbon a negro was brought to Wood.

who. in bis sitsole way. told where the Xos federate army actually was. giving us the startling information that it was between -Crittenden and Thomas. Altheuch the character and source of this informa tion did c4t inspire-coefioecce.

Wood promptly forwarded tae report of it to head-quarters. Before daylight dn the 11th be was directed to send A brigade tot make a reconnoissanre tvn thuti'aot rand Chattinooga road Barker's brigade, selected for this city, soon met a recoaeoissance in force irora toe rrDei army aavanciag oa the main road to. Chattanooga I Barker succeeded bv nirht in pressing enemy back across the Chickamauga Kiver at 12 miles from Chattanooga. Wpod mself arrived I at the mill at an! the next dav made a heavy re- coDnmnaira lor some miies lovara taiayette, mewting acmUtakable evidence that he Was ia tlie presenc of the rebel army. The situation had bow becotne extremely critical.

Palmer ana Van leve we brought to the milL and bv the l-Jth Bosecrans admits he became convinced that Bragg wa prepa ing to assume the ofleusive. But Rosecrans had seven days in which to choose his own posit Dn, for Bragg did not. to any important extent, interfere with the freedom of bis movements bel tbe Why. therefore, did he not then cone titrate his army in front of X'nattahooga or som other strong position Tbe re is but oae answer this question, and it was made by Stanton and i ana afterward in relieving crana mi mo commana or me Army of the Cum btrland. I ELtrrtBERs ort the tjzxx ot battle.

The three corps of our trmy were not connected on the mirth bank of the Chlckamnr Kr-. Bragg opeked the battle on the- morning of the. lOtt, butj fchiefij by the kUl and energy of Thomas, the advantages of the first day were about 'tjven." Buting tti nirfit and early morning of the- aoth fBoencrsTfa formed his army into a solid hne of caKie, a iabe east at ana about parallel to the Chattanodga road, but without asy typographical aflyaatagA. from left to right his divisions were BalrdJolasoa, Falmer. Reynolds.

Neg-ley. Davisl and Sheridan. Van Cleve and tVoorf were aad fSteedman 'was. about five swi onr left. XicCook was ia comic and of Uertdan's and Davis's divisions, Crittenden of TT od's and Van Cieve'a aad Thomas bf the reataiain six divisions.

Before the attack pecan Segley wi ordered to the left and Wood was moved fr reserve into the gap thus created 'on Brsauaa si right Our line was mainly in the woods, tkit Just in frontof Wood's rxitln was an I open field of considerable extent The Chat aaooga road was now toe great i prize for which two armies were to contend. It was important the rebel army, because to gain it meant victory or them; it was necessary to the verr exlfj e.ooe of the Army of the Cumberland. Tbt Cob' derate rteht minw i i jBislio? if lit, aad the left by Longstreei, Just ar- asr4 1 1 ah avaaa fa, a .7 uili iruiu uue armv OI tieni I Brsgg ir tsntion was to break down our extreme left, gain inseession of the Chattanooga road and thai exte id his attack toward our right until the whole of the two armies should become engaged At about imoBalra's left was turned and his entire ff roc attacked wtth great energy. Only a small pari of Meeley's division reached Hairdos left, but 1 hoi las harried nisfrnnnrai, hi. JT: peeled lank, and soon restored its Crtnnesa.

By 10 Ai lai. Johnson and Beyaolds wera i heavily eiljsrcd. sed Thomas asked for reiaforoe-meuts to his lott. At this poiatitls lmnnrtant be particular, that tae cause of the di- asur soon: followed mav be ciearly under-MtOfKl. anti the Llama resf wEim it kmirs.

I that -Branaan had only one tntrade lk has between Beyaoids's and Weod' OivuianaT ThiU proved uutrae- by Branaan's ofmtai resort, whera ka urn I hmA fmn in line aid one in. luriKn awa Wood. bat Jost come Irora reserve to the nn on nsannan ncht, aod placed the artillery of hta divJsKAi so as to sweep the open field in case tbe enemf should appear in ais front. Wood, aie-Coek. Sxi beatow ware tnralhar arban ahtnt ft O'clock, tie foiiowiac order vrma nlmiurf Wa.

saaos: I -i -i HgAB-ocABTtBS Psraanrsirr or xw i 1 I CrimuAiTL Suit 4 1 4 A 1 XM Goderal eommandmg airacts that vne Vlnaa on as last as possible and sapport hua. esaetfully. rKAJfX b. BOND. I i I major ana JLtde-da-Camp, In his letter ftoaeara un: TTaoa Va eotred thi above order, tbe enemy's wttack was iwasng a ass irons." 'ieta sssemuu is aa untruthful stitement and a ft anlnw j.

I. warv aa was firing, not a rebel was to he aeca in his front. SlfcTITw bT obserrattoa. S8 was somewhere to tbe left viMnaa, mm km 1 1 Wn i STfK- for -ore than two hours: aatthat neeeawry to theexisteoce pf the army. Be knew that JttcCook was ioamedi- mw, vv, oj in ten oanit and eioee the gap to be tnaaa by the ezeeuiioo of Us ovuar; but be did nor co aid be justly be to know, that Rosecrans had ordered Branaan to move oat of tbe ims.

and to the eiuvroe left of tbe army Be was fay conscious thatft was very dangerous to open a line ot battle, but ft was impossible for htm to move to support BeyaoWe or any one else beyosd Brannan withont openinr the hne. and tbe imperative h.TTri!f?.L,orc,d Wooa- Mccook, aad belief that a great crisis had baen reached JMihe direction the wrder compelled him to go. and that be ought to obey the order instantly and. toe, it Was Whollv anrMianahU K.II..-. 1 JnT commander woald imperil his army IPy orderin liue to bo opened unless a still isrerua ny it, and yet.

Bosecrass admits in his letter that he baa' just ordered Brannan to leave tbe line of -battle know that JBrannan had been deUtned in line by an attack of tb i enemy. Supposing that Branaan wXrvJr-'iJJa1 er intended to mova wood by tbe left flank ta Rainiiaia rnk i attack on brannan had not been made until a few minutes later, and; the order to Wood had been expressed with sufficient definitenessto effect theda1 sign of Bosecrsns. would not the disinter eome to Braenan's gap. instead of Wood's Or. assuming that Wood had filled Brsnnan's place in Anne, the disaster must in that ease hsve taken place precisely aa it did." because WcCook.

in the supposed case, is left to fill the same gap that' he faUed to occupy in time in the actual case. But whvdid Bosecrans ordar either Brannan or Wood out of line, when Van Cieve'a division was at band aod In reserve? Why did be not order that division or Sheridan's to tbe left, gather than take the extraordinsry hazard of open-Ing his line of Why did he remain igno-f" T'tal movements when only "600 yards" from tbem? i TET BXTKXAT OT EOSECBAJtS A2TO fTUZSE- yiCTOBT. While MeCook was moving to the left, fi ao-cordanee wfth hi? promise to Wood, tbe enemy's attack fen upon that parli cf our Una, forew Brannan back In temporary coafnsion. uncovered and turned Reynolds's right, and Irretrievably dispersed tbe divhuoas of Van Cleve and Davis, aad compelled Sheridan to save his division by a wide circuit to the vicinity of Rossville. Seeing these natural but appalling consequences of his own order, and forgetting that Thomas was still in the field.

Bosecraus. In person; retreated to Chattanooga Holding Balrd, Johnson, and Palmer to their original positions, facing east, Thomas drew Reynolds. Wood, and Brannan into a aew position, facing south. Eeyaolda'a lef connecting wtth Palmer's Before, this new line was formed the enemy cams up with Wood and attacked his right flank. Promptly changing front, so as to- face south.

Instead of.east. he'found that bis small command of less than two brigades was to the Immediate presence of a be avyj force that was rapidly advancing and firing upon him. If his division be compelled to. yield to the Increasing pressure upon Longstreet could soon appear on the rear of Palmer, Johnson, aod Balrd. Availing himself of the woods, to deceive the jenemy as to his own numbers.

Wood boldly charged the rebel line, and with fixed bayonets broke and drove it in confusion. This gave time for Thomas to complete bis new dispositions; he held this short line of seven divisions all day against the repeated assaults of tbe-whole rebel army. -Be fought during some hours before be knew that Bosecrans and three divisions bad left the field ne thought there was a beaw concentration of the enemy against him but, calm and self-poised, he could be seen everywhere along his line, at times near enough to speak to the men wtth muskets and batteries. When his ammunition ran low. and in places quite gave out, he sent staffc iofiicer after staff offl-ser to the rear for more, and gave orders to use tbe bayonets until bullets: could be procured.

About 2 o'clock in the afternoon tbe enemy found our right flank and got beyond It. Under a sol-dierlr inspiration. Granger moved bteedroan to the left of the army, and Thomas drew this welcome relnforcemeat rapidly over to meet the 5 rave danger on his right. Granger stopped with homes near Wood's division, and Kteedman fearlessly led the artillery and infantry of his two brigades agsinst tbe close ranks with trhlch Long-street Intended to crush onr right flank. One recipient fell back under the withering fire, but.

seizing its standard. Pteedrasn brought it back Into the conflict, asd the right was restored and maintained About 4 Pi H-a. eioud of dust was seen rising far to onr rear ana rapidly advancing toward us from the direction of Chattanooga, Thomas and hundreds -of otshers. along our line turned toward ft with deep and lncreafdcg anxiety if It should prove to be the enemy in our rear the Army of the Cumberland seemed doomed to destruction, tut soon Garfield emerged from the dust, dismounted, and stood beside Thomas. Bh had made, futile effort to persuade Bosecrans to face about and return to his commaad.

calling his attention continuous roll of musketry, and to the i thuader of the artillery, lie Insisted thai tbe only rational interpretation was that our army was still confronting its adversary. uuuiyrseeing loatnis arguments were useless. Garfield obtained permission of his chief to return, and ii.n a smaii escort roue Dace to toe army. The enemy, enennrairad hv the annti altaadv deV-ribed. earns in successive and furious assaults against us.

but were always buried back with serious loss, so thst some time before sunset they had exhausted! their strength aad were incapable of making another effort. The battle of Chickamauga was nndedy Oar army and Thomas were victorious, bat Koseeraris. eight miles away, ia Chattanooga, dispatched orders for Thomas to Jail back! Tbe rebel army was wholly repulsed and Bosecrans defeated. The only ot Stanton was in placing Gen.B.osacruns:-in command ot ATmy of the Cumberland, i o'VRw-HnTiTTixnT-nrTTj-irt'r Hsw-xoan, Friday. XJcu 28, 188L Ni 1 BOSAST STUDENTS OSIXCTiyo TO riSKS.

Front Vi4 htmocrat, Oct 28. here is trouble at Hobart College between the Faculty and the Freshmen. Sophomore and Junljfr Classes, and from present appearances the Faculty wH either be obliged to rescind a resolution lately made or with -thhat ten dan oe of the above-named classes. It appears that one night last week the Juniors held their annual class supper at tbe laternatlonal Hotel, retnrnlngto tbe college about when they discovered that the Freshmen and Bophomores were absent from tne ouiiuicg. inquiry revealed toe Jact mat: a Freshman had been taken across the lake by theJ eopnomores.

ana nw classmates naa goneaner mm in a back, arriving there Just after the Sophs," much to tbeir disgust. Tbe tae a returned shortly after tbe Jnniors. and the three classes joined to- getner in singing college songs and having a general jiilification. Considerable noise was made, and during the seance two doors were smashed, by wood Is unknown. The classes then dispersed, and later in the night tbe "freshmen rang the college bell, a custom which has been kept up for years, no class being right" until It has aceompiisbed this feat.

Tbe night's proceedings bsa almost passed from the minds of the students, when oa Wednesday morning they were startled by the appearance on the bulletin board of a notice stating that for disorderly conduct on the part of the three classes abovi- named tbey were each fined to tbe amount of $3 for each member, to be paid within one week, and it not said within that time they would stand suspended. Bach clans has held separate maetinn and a ioint one haa also been held, and the students have determined not to pay the fiae. Tbe outcome of tbe difficulty will bf anxiously looked for. I PXZSI2XST S1STXZ. I iTreet tUPreHdmet L) Press.

Oct. 2T. Mrs. Begina 1L Caw, the eldest sister of President Arthur, a widow, wha has been quietly passlar a few weeks with old friends la Bhode Ul and, departed today for Albany, X. where tbe has a heme In the family Of her youngest sister, Mrs.

John X. SicElroy, byi some suggested as a proper person to preside as mistress of the White House. This is airs. Caw's first viit to Bhode Isl aad. and.

has been a much Interested and verv busv examiner of tour institutions aad the noted places in the land' at KogerWU- tiama tae mstory ana traditions or wnoee life have to her the fascination ef the snost inviting romance. 1 a her own city sirs. Caw particularly active in me reiormation of fallen women, having Dee a President for a number of years ot a society which maintains a shelter, whose aim is the permanent restoration of sueh to the paths of temperance and Though strictly avoiding notoriety while with us, hira. Caw, besides renewing and cement ing old. friendships, has, by nr engaging manner.

acquired many new fnende. She has -wade bar borne while In Providence with that family of Mr. Peter Clark, who resides in a cottage on tbe ha pin estate, on Cranston-street, whjxe. oa Kondav even- Tug last, she received in an informal way a party of ner meaua. Airs, caw ma scs no profession of potK tics, but she hss jokingly promised to intercede with her distinguished brother for the BurriUvilie uKut-aouse IOr a gentleman mena in uus cur.

A SVUSIS sxuDszscxjrcx. In some reminiscences of Charles Sumner published la the Providence ivas, is tbe fol lowing: The Sumner family had verjabuadaat ana oeanuim a air. 1 1 remember tae emotion Mrs. Sumner eould aot suppress, although she strove to sneak calmly, when she told sue that la her old age, approaching the grave ia she felt herself to be. aha yst preserved the curls of her beautiful babes.

Of she maochadren who sad eahod her mother, seven sons aad daughters were ia their graves Before she baratkX avaa at the age of 61. ChanesSumner was a treat. admirer ot long aad beautiful hair tn i women. Whea his sister was hi falung health ho wrote to his early and life-long frtead. tne lata TT.

S. G. Howe. as follows I nave aad a oaar letter- froea my sister Mary; in which tee tells ase she has bees obliged to pars, with her beautiful aair. It toaehod mo tae THE CITY'S WATEU SUPPLY 1 i i WHAT DXA2TX SS-fORE CR0T03 WAS nirrony of tm kakxt attempts yo rr a WATER 6CTPLT TBX AlTISIAJt WaXLa I ASD rtBDsHBlWrrT CLXBTOS THX TBI rBtSKXT STeTXlc'! Ti.

i tcltement concerning the water anppty for the City, and 'the daggers that might follow a continuation of the drought, aivee interest to the forcoUen history ot the subject ef supply, and the various plans i preposed. tried, and abandoned Be fore tbe aatborlties finally undertook to bring fat the water of Croton Biver. A doses years before tbe eommeneetneBt of the devolution the seed of more water than tbe ordinary wells eould supply was teit. aa some indefinite plans were canvassed. The City then hardly came up to the City Hall Park, but danger wasapcrehended from fire such a fire as I same soon after the British took possession in 1778, whereby nearly all the West Side, from Broadway to the Hudson, and from below Sector to Xwr street and further- up, was destroyed.

Trtaltv i Church included. In 1774 Christopher Colles twho was Interested for many 'years afterward on tbe subject,) pro- posed the construction of reservoirs and the laying of wooden pipes through the principal streets, and aner long discussion the common Council consented. Colles proposed to dig wells for the supply, and to construct a large reservoir on the east side of Broadway, between Pearl and White streets. into which tbe water should be -pumped. Some wells were dug and ihe water proved td be good, under which encouragement tbe Corporation Issued bonds to pay tbe expense.

Bnt before any considerable progress bad been made the war of tbe Bevolation begun, tbe ope ratios of Colles were suspended, aod there was nothtn more done about water supply until tbe Spring of u. wucn samnei ugaen proposea-to erect works to supply the City. Mss months later (January, 176.) Bobert Ltvtaeston aad John Lawreaee made a proposition for the same purpose, it does not aprar that either proposition was considered but soon afterward the Corporation advrnierd for proposals to furnish tbe needed supple. This, however, csme to nothing. InJsnusry, 1788.

peti tions were sent to tbe Common Council in favor of tbe carrying out of the plana proposed by Colles. but no action wss taken. In February, 1793, Zebina Curtis mad others proposed to furnish water, but the record says nothing mora of their proposition. In March. 17B5.

bamual Crane proposed to take the supply from the famous tea-water pump and convey It through Roosevelt and other streets in pipes. This pump was near the junction of Chatham and Pearl streets, aad was famous for tbe bountiful supply and 'excel-1 lence of its wster, which was carted around the City and sold to housekeepers. From the water's supposed superiority for making tea the pump got Irs name. But not many yean after the date here alluded to some wicked Investigators declared that the superexceheat water really came from 1 the Collect Pond, and was no better than sewer dram-age strained through sand and gravel. i On the 1st of February, 171-6, the Common Council advertised tor proposals to supply tbe City, and several offers were made, but no definite action was taken 'A year later another advertisement brought seren or etuht propositions, which were burled In committee, in Becember.

1743, B. J. Roosevelt and Judge Cooper of Otsego County) made proposals. Up to this time no one seems to have thought of going beyond the Ctrv "certainly not beyond the Inland fori water. They au reuea on oia or new well, tbe tea-water pump, or the Collect Pond.

This pond occupied nearly one-third of tbe present Sixth Ward, between about Baxter and Elm and Pearl and Canal streets, and was drained into tbeKorth River bv an open ditch through Canal-street, It was deep near the site of tbe Tombs, and the water was necessarily filthy, as the pond took in a great amoaat of street drainage. i On the 17th of December. 1799, the' Common Conacll got the first glimmer of tbe possibility of going beyond the island for water, and turned tbeir atteatioa to tbe sluggish little Bronx River-no little mors than a meadow brook. It would furnish aa abundanoe for the City of 80,000 inhabitants, and Its water was singularly pare. Tbe river and surrounding country were examined, the idea was deemed feasible, and tbe Common Coapcil determined to apply to the Legislature for 1 the necessary power to issue, bonds and go on with the work.

Tbe iCity had been scourged with yellow fever and some of tbe doctors In tbeir wisdom decided that the disease was promoted (some said caused) by the poor Quality of water then la use. The first plan, with the Bronx for a base, was to bring the wster to Harlem Biver at an elevation of hu. feet above tide, and force it intb a reservoir which was to be made near The Bove. a well-known publlo bouse about five miles from the City From this reservoir pipes would be laid In the tnaia thoroughfares, and another reservoir was to be built in the City Ball Park or above the hospital on Broadway. Just as this plan seemed to be on the way to suoeess, Aaron Burr, (then a member of tbe Legislature.) conceived the idea of tbe afterward famous Manhattan Bank job.

Under tbe specious pretext of tormlng a company to supply tbe City of hew-York with pure and wholesome be proposed a bill the real object of which was to charter a great banking-bouse. Protests were sent up by the City Government and by the most eminent citizens. but Burr was not the man to be foiled, and he easily secured i tbe passage of his charter. The best that tbe City could do was to take a hand la tbe game, and so the Common Council took 2.0U0 shares of tbe stock. Nothing was done with the Bronx Biver project, nor were any new projects broached for several, rears.

Although authorized to go over all New-York island and all Westchester County for water, the Manhattan Company confined its operations to tbe lower and thickest set-tied part of the City, where money could be made by the sale of water. They sunk a single large well aesr tbe corner of Itaaae and Cross streets, (City Hall-place.) and Instead of pure and wholesome water" gave their customers the drainings of tbe Collect pond, borne feeble efforts were made to bold tbe company to Its promise, but tne managers laughed at the people and did nothing more. It was not until after tbe peace of Ghent that further efforts were made for a water supply. In 1816 Robert Maoomb aad others proposed to build a reservoir near Barlem River and pipe the water down from Bye Pond. This project came to nothing.

Bix years passed, and to April. 1822. a oom-niisslon. beaded by Stephen" Allen, reported on plans looking to Rye Pond, the Bronx, and 31 ill Brook, but again "nothing was done, Tbe next year developed a grand idea. Which was ao teas, than the bringing of water from the UousaUinio Biver Iato the city to supply factories and bouses, wash streets, and put out fires.

Before tbe notion was fairly understood It was proposed to dig a canal from Obloag River at Sharon, to Dover. Dutchess County. N. Y. thenee.

down the valley of bwamp River, through Putnam Cone- Kty, so irawioru amis, on tne east Branca ettue IX'roton; thence to Macomb'a Dam on tbe Harlem layer, passing through two tunaels 1.380 and yards long the whole length bt miles and tbe water at barlem Biver to be 87 feet above tide. This plan wss approved by the bnt it was much too expensive fur tae time the capital eould not be raised, ana the project went tbe way of its predecessors. In the next year too Bronx was again attacked, but wtth ao result, i la Itftt theXLegitlature Incorporated the Ttew-Tork Water-werxs Company, tbe plan of which was to bring thev entire Bronx River in aa arched conduit to tae bank ot the Barlem. put it anderor over to some wayx and then distribute through pipes. It was a snort-lived notion, for almost as soon as it was born tbe Sharon Cabal Company shut down upon it with a claim to all the water en tbe route ot their proposed eanaL Thus driven from tbe country, the water east era oreamed that they eould gat aa abaadaat saeptv from wells ea the helstU'Ms Hartem.

A. number of wens were sank, bat tfi supply of water was insignificant, and this project went overboard, i The next Idea was (or artesian wclia Levi Desbrow had bored one aesr the corner ot Bleeck- er aad Mercer streets 441 feet deep, and had- got a fair supply of good water. Be -had made others with success. Be proposed that sueh a well should be bored in each ward, aad the Common Coaacil baa trials made ta most ot tbe pubila markets and other places. The suptdy of water was aot found, and the artesian well was voted a bore.

Xns success, however, the City Fathers did have. xJa or near Jacob-street, ia the swamp." after boring 1X8 feet they came.upon a mineral" spring. wster was unpleasant to tbe taste, but the Idea got abroad that It was medicinal and a sort of cars-all for every kind of people floored to tbe spring aad drank tiielrVfiU of what 1 Simply tbe awnings from the tan vats at the sari ace where tbe swamp men soaked their green hides, i The City was growing rapidly, aad. no one eould be Insenslb'e to the necessity of water ia eof serious conflagrations. There were 40 public) Art-, terns, eaen tioiaing sew- gallons, out ia a eonoa-ration sueh a suddIv would be but avdron In tae bucket.

At this period Alderman Sam Stevens proposed a well and reservoir la i cuneec th-ree t. the reservoir to hold ,000 hogsheads, pipes tO take tne water down the Bowery and Broadway to Chatbam-equare and Canal-street, The record--is wanting here, but we believe the work was undertaken, or at least authorized. It might have been abandoned whea the Manhattan Company mads their wall sad reservoirs la Thirteenth-street near Fourth-avenue, i In ln30 Pranole B. Phelps made to the City a Bum Per or propositions, as follows: strst To tan Bye Pond with a aW-lnchpibe. Second To make an open canal from the Croton Biver.

or to use iron pipes, third To bring water from tbe Pass ale above the tabs at eroaslng the Hudson River in iron pipes laid oa the bottom. Fourth A plaa not developed, but depending on wells aad springs on the Isiand. About this time there was much eotaolaiat of the Manhattan failure, and in lfl, an effort wa made by the Common Council to grl a repeal of the comoaar's charter. It was not annrfai. however.

At this time, too, the idea that water sufficient for the City's needs tsnld be got on tee 1 stand was given up. It has never been revived. The formatioa ef Manhattan Island aad tka acr- rossding country ortud toe idea taat fio wingweUs oaa be found. There may bo a flow for a Oae, but it will aeon stop, and many wells soon dry up eo- ereiy. Tne artesian welt of the Vsnhsnsa Com pany tn Thirteenth etieet was the most proline ot any.

bnt it supplied only 30.000 fallen in a day. It was I ooaeeded ess all band that wj.ier must cease from tae eouatrr aorta of as or from New -Jersey. Orreaionalir tbe Crotoa was tnoogat oi. oat tae expense was aosmeo too great. ana so tae pa cue again tarnoa so tee tsnmx.

January. 183, the Comtsoa Co-mail approved 4 Elan for getting water from that river, and erplied tee Lecu-a tore for aathorttv. but it wss aot granted, the caswuse betag eoasMiered too great. Oa the 10th cf November. 1X2, -Col.

Be Wit Clintow was directed" axpkre tbe eoejtMry te- ward and aloag tae Crotoa Btvag. and als aloag the Bronx, around Bye Food, aad otltrr places as be snlgat eeB Proper. Oa tbetrd of Decesskor he reported that ho bad eosne to the enstciaatoa that bo City must rely upon the Crotoa River aad Jta tributaries a conclusion differing from that of all other earveyors. In January. ISSJ, the Common Conneil prepared a bill whW-s was rases 1 by the Legislature oa tha fMU of February, aad Immediately afterward the first Crotoa Comsnkt-siooars wove appointed by the trevsraof.

jil nther water projects were abandoned, work was began immedlalalv. aad on taa ad At Jahw iw CTotoa wag flowing uader and on tbe mala streets Ot IDS VllT. Yora Bohlir for 40 rears, bat it semas source of supply muss eooa be sought. It Is bat a attest ion of time when the Metropolis have-to tap Lake Ueorge or Lake Ontario. GARFiEura Tiioso uoRsnss.

ILLCWTRATIYE LN L'IDZXTl IH BIS BOTHOOD -ASD KABLT AXHOOD HIS BRTXF 8T0KT Or TKX TOIUsTItO OF XKXXSAW MOTJ2T- i TACT. 'j The Bulletin of tbe Rational Association ot Wool Manufacturers' prints wtth the lugs cf tbe annual meeting of tbe Katktaal alios tbe tribute paid by tbe Secretary, Dr. Hayes, to Gen. Garfield, wtth special reference to his services to the national wool industry. Tha fo2ow- iag striking reminiscence will be read with gstaerel interest': 1- I first became aeonainted wtth Gen.

whea I was occubvlng tbe position of Chief Clerk and sometimes of Acting Commtsaioaer of Patents a toe viuioa mates rateas umea, us weaoiagtoa. The corps of examiners in tbe Pateat at that time was generally composed of distinguished men of science. Among them was Prof. Bralnerd. a gentleman of then advanced years, who had formerly been a popular lecturer oa natural soieaoai in Ohio.

Somottrae te lS or 1863 the exact date I do not remember Prof. Bralnerd express si a desire to introduce me to 'oae of his hoys' as ho affectionately termed him. stating the followlaf circumatances, which 1 give to his words: "Oae says rrof. Bralnerd. when 1 waa lecturing on natural history to a school-bouse ia Ohio, I was attracted by the nnasual teteutgeace of a boy sitting on a frost, seat, who asked mo many Questions after my lecture was dosed.

1 learned that he waa employed la driving a horse oa a oanaL i was so muen impressed by tne eagerness for knowledge in a boy ta his humble position that I saDeequeutiT advised and Instructed ium. aad feel proud that I helped him in his career. That boy has since become the President oi oaa of onr Ohio colleges, and Is now a General oar Cpoo eetng mtroaueeo to toe young Ueoeral, then si or SS yean old. whose name you have already surmised, out of consldsratioa for his sannosad tastes as a collage President, I led bim first to the hbrary ot the Patent Offloe, aad pointed out ite chief Treasure, a folio volume of the fifteenth century, fas tbe Latin lansroago. printed In black -lot tr type.

waicn tew ecuoiara could readily read. The yoeag General eageriy scanned the opened page, and to my surprise. Instantly mastering the uncouth typo and crabbed Latin, translated with great fluency and accuracy several sentences which had become familiar to mo by previous study. That was time of oalok bbs- oeptibilltles. We hailed with delight every fresh instance of devotion so tbe Bnioa eauas, and I shall never forget my emotion, as 1 looked at his shoulder-straps aad beard his sonorous rendering ot the difficult Latin; at the thought that this hopeful young scholar had devoted his fife to the country.

An acquaintance thus formed could not bo easily lost, on my part at least, it ripened. 1 may be permitted to say. totofneadshln nnon Qen, dmr- fiatd't return tbe best year as a member of Congress. I left Washiartoa la 1-U to som-msaes my labors In behalf of the wool eaterprise. ur uuponui wore oi our a-oooiatioa.

as you know, was the construction of the eompHcated scheme of tbe presest wool snd woolen tariff. Tbe latter months of 18U sad lee first six months ot ll were devoted to that work. Our Presides, Air. Blgetow.aaving been oomoeiled bv ill-health to leave the country for Europe, tha sole charge of the work in Washington, that of informing mem- oers or congress in regard to. our positions, had been committed bv Mr.

Bieelow to mvsslf. Tha scheme of duties proposed bv as bad been deltas-a ted on a large chart. Our firm aad wise friend. Mr. Morrill, perfectly comprehended oar position, but It was of vital tmportaneo that they should be thoroughly understood by other members of the Committee of Ways and Means.

Tbe first mention nsa ot uen. uartiela relations to our eaaee is in a letter to my wife dated Washiugtoa, Jans 17. 1 B6tt. over 15 years ago. There are other eiroum- st aaees referred to to that letter, as you will see.

aicn nave aa inexpressible pathos at this tune. I read from the moat important progress I have had baa been ia my intercourse with my friend. Gen, Garfield, to whom and Mr. Morriirthe wool matter haa been referred as a suh-eommlttea. On Wednesday, last week.

Gen. Garfield invited mo to ali at his house. -or, rather, urged me to diss wtth aim, whica I declined, i went up after dinner; foanxi bim and his wife, a pleasant-ahd intelligent youag woman. I took up my charts, upon which all the data of our proposed bill are arranged, and gave a lecture of ao hour. Cien.

Garfield -stopped me from, time to time and explained the matter to his wife. iFteaDy, I gave my lecture to ber as well as to bim. Osa. Garfield aaid that he perfectly understood the whole case. He tbea invited ma to diae with him the next day that he might ask further questions it.

any doubt should arise in his mind. I went up on Thursday at We had a simple family dinner soup, roast beef. OUtforout wise, aad cherry pie. the General, Mrs. tirrfiold, a lluke son.

and myself sluing round the table. We discussed the general Questions of protection. Gen. Garfield putting queries to me which I answered satisfactorily. He thsn asked me it I knew soy-thing about iron, aad plied me with questions as to that After a long talk upon tnese matters, not once mentioning wool.

I said Bow. General, wo have talked tariff long enough: let as talk about the war. Tell me. about your I told him about Joe. my brother.) aad he told me about febiloh and Chickamauga aad other battles.

At Chickamauga he was Roeecrans'e chief of staff. Talking about: the character of our soldiers, be said, walking across the room, and warming with enthusiasm: "TJhy. they were men who went into battle in spired by all the herohusi of antiquity. They marched into the fight with Mil-tiades and Thcmisloolea, aad all tbe heroes of history to the air above them' stretching up his 'There was that glorious soldier. Gen.

Dan MeCook he was storming the heights ot Kenesaw Mountain at the head ot his troops. Tbe eaurmit was crowded with rebel troops: tbe asoent was precipitous; tbe troops had to lift themselves up by the bashes aad tranches; be know it was almost certain death. In amomeatary pease in the ascent he was heard to utter, as It speaking to himself, but in ealm, clear tones, these worts from Mscaulay's Lays of Ancient Home: Tbea outspoke brave HoraOna, tee gate: Te every sua apon this earth death Captain of the or asd bow eaa man die than tastag tsarfal odts. Far as ashes st has Titan aas. she Semalas eC has gods? Aad for the tender mother who dsaaled him to rest.

And tor tbe wife woo nurses his baby at her breast. Tbe rough soldiers all aroaad felt tbe (tul meaning of these words, and remembered them. A moment afterward McCook rushed the neignts. and in two minutes feu dead For the ashes of hie fathers aad the tssaplse of hie svwa. i 'Aad said Gen.

OarfieM. could toss die better I have giyea you the words, bet I eaaH give you tbe grand, glowing manner with which Gar field recited them. 1 will not insult you by any comment oi mine a poa tats WIH oaly re- mart taat i nave given tae oruriaai aeooant -with out chaage of a word, except of oae to tbe eneta-tioo. Mv wife remembered tnia latter whica had not been taken from its envelope stnoa it was first openea. ana soagttl tor it in vain curing the Prasl deatial campaign.

She did aot find ft aatfl the mo- meat when tbe belie were tolling ee tbe day of the President's funeral the day of the eosuammattoa of a nobler martyrdom than he had deseribed. and wmss ao eeems almost to nave if ALL rZXSSMAX CLASS AT PAX TMOZTTB. From Uu Cotton Port. Od. S3.

The siso of the Prssduxian CJaas of aayeoUege fat a fair gauge of the ooUege'a popularity at aay lime. The Fresh ssaa Classes at the different colleges the present: year are SO at Harvard, (the largest class ever catered at this Institution,) 17 at Amherst, ai at WQlamo, BS at Tale, TO at Brown, St at Tuft. 4ft academies aad It scseaUflos at Dart mouth, and a First Class of at -smith's Co Uses. Seven, ot the. 45 academics at Dartmouth are special nurse men, leavtug but SS to pursue the regular and eompUts classical course.

This is the smallest class that has entered Dartmouth in to years wtth one exception, whiea exception was due to the darn asd of the war upon oar young mea. Tae somber is but little, it aay. more tnaa half tha average ot Freshmen Classes four or five years ago. Wo notice tnat rresiaet Bartiett is registered at Young's, and there are a number Of Dartmouth mea ia Boston wbowoulds glad to have hisn appoint a time aad piece waero tbey migfit assemble aad hear his eaplaaatioa of the reason why isseo uusnsnsa nOQGISO ASD ITS SCCCXSma; ii rosstaei Jfag tTassttf. I Tha War Office has putliahed ttn tor flocriaaV aad the person- who war attached to that penalty when inflicted oa others probably much saUsf action la studying tho component -sartsof Us successor.

couxisu of field tssprlsoa-moat So. 1 and field mi prise am act Bo. fi It auy uffiee- to describe field baprisoasMBt So. radar this form of punishment the offending soldier ssay If rtBrM "roth tied up ta straps, rowes. baad- "ras.

or Doxa assocais naa lenera. paring that period he may 1 or tl aays. with a day' Interval every three da vs. be fast ess a. to adduioa Jo his other faatenings.

to a fixed object, so that be cannot move, for two bottrs day, SDiiie this going on be may farther be dealt with as if ho had been aa ordinary enmiaal ander eentoao of sores maotss' imprisoeiBseas wtth hard ksbor. tegeoieus Totpeseasdatot the War Otbee who devosed hat hnrare aad aie dfte te this eubiee may bo eoagratulated oa the skill wtth whiah he horrors oahtsrort heal CHDKCHES 120) HC0STEHS Dean BtanW left a oleco of to old frie-nd, Bishop CVteo, oi ratal. Cast year as ranch as f279.04- wnt to 012 cars ot atwuaaed ocia. Prof. Hose Coit Tjlcr has bean erdiiBed deacon in too Protestant Ourth.

the Bishop ot Michigan. The Knrllsh Old Testament Co-mnarr have finished their seven ty-firt -sjesLuu. Tfas second rwtsiea of Isaiah waa earned aa far as ij Meesra. AToodr and Banker ha-ra herr their second religions campaign ia Great Britain to Xawaartla the seat of Iha vaMnt Anglican Church Otmgreea. j.

Xr. Cunningham OelkJe baa resigned th Rectorship ot Christ Church, NeuCly. Paris, TmJK, and recetvaxl an address and a purse tziymntTttSmlpvaXkaat. Tha English Banttat aflssnVwisi-v fUHar Will rmnaanistals mAA mi-m already strong force on tbe Congo Kiver. which stations have been estsiiU-iiad at far inland as 8-stsder Fool Tbe) English Conprwrattrmsl JnsA started, ainoonta so $320,000.

much oi whicn was pledged at tho Jubilee moating fa Mawehaatar Ir Hannav general agent ot the fund. 5- Canon Wnberforce, of Southampton, write strongly ia favor of aemrding a hearty rsv-ogutkm aad welccsato to tho Baptists oa tha of tha A ntnmn.l I. 1 una Himuii BT KAB. Baptist Union ia 8OTthamptoa shorty. -j I ho Chicago Qennan Jlethoditt Confer-" no mot this year at Oshkoah, "VTht.

Bishor Merrill r-rwadsd. There was Urg attemf ance, Tho usual reports est eacatioav, -stone, and the oustomsry a-pototiaenL Dr. Thomas IL Skinner nf TinHnn.i- ha accepted tho chair of Theology ia tb. Jiorth-westei a TheokgicaJ Bevniaary at Cm CSUrO. Sui will oats mnrmt M- It.

Willis G. Craig has aocepted tha chair' o' Tim 'TnnoT, The TreSJUrCTS Of thst ninnr.na1 Af the lfatbodist r-ntaennal r7 mrmi ration to tho eh arches, any that "it ap m-- mrmmiu scuts tne receipts tot this year will aot, ascot tbe elsuma, aad the Church haa made an nwnhlmi .1 r. A. writer in a London ratne-r stataa reauect to tha ritv etmrr mmAmm k. than Tariahes anablaa its toc-tmbent to bm cozntortaoiy at a fssh ion tbie watering-place on his year, yet tho baU-riagra at ihj church have struck Poca mm their wage are aot forthcoming.

The Rev. tSheldoa Ja-ksmi Ti pertntendent of Fresbyte-tan Borne Jtfiesions, naa rmrk eomniated his i Int A a Urn has established two new mia-uona, tTttipncij mswje improvegnonui in the missionary buildings, aad traveled 60C miles in canoea. The Baptist Foreign -'Mission Of tho United 6tates, leolorerf 1 arbM. meet late in NoTember in KaoiviUo, Tana. will tend three missioaaTies to Africa oa thaa OWTl account.

This indvnata churches ar growing in Belf-dananWi- wall aa In mit-aoaary spirit. i A reneral naatoral ot th Swedish Church ha been held ta Stockholm. There were preeent about 600 me-mbers. and numerous addresaes and topics for disc-ns sion were announced. Among the mttar was th following: TV hat it Moat Importer.

I to be t-oservea tn to Uontett with Modern infl. delityf" The Tlno-Bah Ritualists at a 'maatta London, hay agreed to tho retention, despite th tow, of all to six points, except far TheW nto that taro eandlaaaKatl rum colors, aad that certain genafiaetiona may wo ujBpusoeu bt a iy iiatrim of ta bead and body. The CAttreJb Tiaws thinks this a fair tuodus t-stsntdt. Tbe Evangelical AaaocdarJm in-tn-v Methodists) report an expenditure of for homo and orsiga mieani the neat year of which 117.000 wa raiasd b-r tha miasivnJ mmnaoj.yue, oe aumDer ox muauons waa of mjeaiostarie-i, S8tf; of onverawtia, anC of members. I Tn Tka Innlm in Uermaay, bwltswrland, and Japan, Otto of the daily papers of Newcastle, where tb las Anglican Chunth Coarr was We 1.1 haa ham lillfait l.

tweon tb strength ot the Church and of Dis- wmum us aa cifcj. im xoot it jwqs tnat attendance at Dissenting place of worship wag 13.444- at tho ahnrrh ti Tftt- la SQSM k. anting chapels have 20,309 attendant, aad uiv uiurai oio 1 1 Dr. Wash burn President of Rnharra rui. laga, at tho meeting of th CcgregatioBal reoanwy, gave a tustory of the coilego aad aa iateliigaat reenmd of th Kastern anea-finri ahowing how that Toatarriqj has become of great importaaco la th final aetUsuwnt of th troubles ot Turkey.

About bOU of its etudes-1 ar scattered throus-b the Turkish mpir I 1 In many parishes in Engl and bag bare been introdacad to receive tho offerings of the pooDl instead of tho usual plates. iAs a eon avuMan tha anwmat oV fJw, k. fallen off, a good dee Jof eorpper money having mm nam yimjoo uk sunr sua raia; Jt AATr-Dool d-rrrmsn nresehad a Kruim htwm k. subjert to hi congregation, takmg for his text tbe words: Alexander, th ooyym tmita. 'A Terr arrinua ardit hss nTA Tjirkaraa HmnitlMl a pti.

of Missouri having adopted a new view of tha pi wiw.i 11. 1 pi.m fiiijua Bassos r-alvintatii it datai iiit-fcat Ia fii 1 11 1. MJ4 other Bynoda. Th Ohio Byaod, however, haa resisted ta attempt, aad lound it rmrtiti ta withdraw from tha HrnrvlicI rmfm. The divisioa runs throag-n enn-vef nf wut Dsxt navoo with xuany.ot toota.

Tbe annual roeeting of the Ameriaa IDs, sioaaxy Association will held in Worcester, Maav. beginning Nor. 1. Tho annual aav-mns will -be preacbad by Dl ILara-anft Among the speakeis will be Beoator Hoar Join li. Oough- Th reeeipt the ociety tor the year have been That ia aa in.

I liess tit SO rar rant. Ikphi ok. v. too fund has been drawn on to th extent ot oi.iot, waioa maxes ta tpotai available anoa-r The fifteenth anntial Syne4 of th fornaedOersnaa Church of the Korthrest met la that First German Rornoed CUtureh, cago, rocently. Every ortb-wstrn waa ipraaantd.

About CO dologtts war ia attsndsnr. tociudlag a representative trotn Haiti more, of ta lstem Byaod. Th Byvod contains 11 Clsst, 137 inisTori. 140 ooogro- attoaa, aad a raeaWabip of iMi r-in-rr tf Tf Rihawfa trriuiiifi. jiTfayy.

there are liSTS acholarm. An English paper havior made a point ig favor of th impra-oned cuorgynaea and tat eastward pcsnUoa, oa th ground that Daaiei disobeyed th law, aad prayed toward the east as hedidaforetlmo. adeoosaiBAts-malexeAange ays th aoint would hay trior fore war it not for tbe fact that Danied prayed toward th west, tho holy city betng west of Babylon. It adds that the oaly staard posttAoei irrs tioned ta Bcrtpture is that of tb wot-sriiaers of th fir aad stm; ij Dr. a letter on the irara-oj-ment of Mr.

Orsea. sayt: "Mr. Oreee. haa bn torn by tb hosUUty of a would- saarminat-lag faction ef outsiders from a people who lav their; priest, titam hundred oat of on thong nd fw are told) have triad to obtain his IM utarc Assnriafioa-st haw doing aar work. Mr.

Oruea, from his tail haa tau i lilm most thaa he eould at sides Platting. Aad he preecbse paUsnoa. Tho a was before, the Agyytians behind, wbesi Moat said, 'Stand still, and see th aalvatlcei of Koa caa hart a exoapt oorselvea. Oar ttnoaat ar atrosut ta that woctd's po-rltioss. tfe are weak bet wes rasas, atrocg with taitb, trim to God Dr.

Cuyler Wrttea cf Cstrioa: Yumr that he "attracts great crowd a-very st.K.h that preach in th Abbey, Aaaericacs aiwa-ra eoatri buting their all saare to the tnroag, it is a tail, saanly, intoilertmal iooting mraoaag ia th pulpit. ad Omdwrnn his Co- ciuui sss with much "r- Xvaivhct and always Farrar is bt dead earnest. Bat his superb volume on Christ and St. Paul, and hij tearless lorfta-tae th drlnxlng nastgssv have won for him too ethsndatuo aoxairauoa of tens of thortsands. JU is a larg-harted aoi krvahla man, wtth a prodUgtoos esrDaerv tar wora.

-aj-toag tne ministry tiv Arett: -ben of Canterbury and the Ajrchbtanop ot York -ar widely xj-rorded as th two ts-roarat tnea ta th Chare a of Enrlaad, Eos among taa laity Capon Farrar and Caeon LAddon ar re. we aaosi nri laat i.

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