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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 13

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


VY. Doufas Lamont, U. S. IL, a Protestant HOLY TRINITY RECTORY I Former Intercollegiate! Champion with Sword, to Re- turn to Duty In Cuba. ncetnent the weddlnc here! i of Lieutenant W.

Douglas r. a K-. who is stationed In v. and Vise Kalhry May FUklna. a fr of Jon Fllklna.

formerly a of the 'ew Tork Stock. z. Jd Mn. of Albany, wW I. bride have known each other fori tl.T.

but as she Is a Roman Cata- the faith of her family, and he Is a I rctestant, their attachment was not rroved by her parents. The ceremony took, place at 7 o'clock st the rectory of the Holy Trinity i burch. riS West JElhty-thlrd Street. tve Bev. rather McCormack ofriciaUng.

John Lament of Niagara Falls. bridegroom's mother, and Mr. and Georse WlncheH Mitchell. Mrs. ItcheU betas' a llfelonsT friend of the.

le, with whom she had been spend-! some weeks, were tbe only wit--ea. save the best man. Maurice irn. an old chum of the bridegroom. r.

honeymoon wd probably be spent re. as Lieutenant X-unont Is to leave i April S8 for Guaatanamo Bay to ji cp his duties tn charge of the gun-at PetreL havtna come here solely 'or his ma lags to auss fiuuns. -I Jeutenaat Lamont entered the Naval 'Academy tn DO. He was champion with sword In lUk i he received the championship 3 sword, sad he also wen the nedal la 1010 aa Intercollegiate "i rnnnut He commanded the boat craven sunnr ue aiaas- it a surprise to tbe mends or a. ions iiact.

warn, No. 75, a large picture. V.nril Wo laid Secretary Baker woraea unurinaiy 10 mini aw wr yr for there had been no give out to some woman in this, a public 47 byai.fc. A VrA yrl who tjngZk o.ouTnTen would be suffering- counUymen. and who acted as cl ty In cSuntly ry announcement, and the audience, the Information that I possess.

Vfig Vre. her allabi. for traJnlna In this as President of the Lenten Offerln for any other larye city In the country. tarenUhadnoknowWda. of tt Ifa reaHy nothlna." interposed uprllted ihre WAITE DENIES SMUGGLING.

a was sent them follow- Stokes, amid the desenm cheers of her Hetls and yellows mln-le In her dress. Troop A of 'the Second Cavalry, tern- Permission had been obtained from ceremony. Untenant Lament "FLIi" TaVT; irVr? o'ofTn. Ma or Mltchel ana -the Board of Alder- poUftB eM prI.or hv rannah Inlsc In Wli Fonaonby Osle. Mia.

Elisabeth Mar- ri an 'MJsa Robinson Smith took LX72 V2 Aubof eart In the otctures or looked cm. a nriti rrora tne Aero uud. oi ha la a member, for his work lie was until recently a member United State Navy aviation a Lanvont Is a deecendsnt through fthr cf Martin Van Buret, and -d ua ted from the Academy of I. lame. Albany, In 1910.

and hr eout In She has been -I tr horsemanship, and Is highly i i. -u tenant lament and his bride were r-a morw hanov laat nicht by recetv- i K-'-re rmdntrht a telegram from a bn parenta; la response to their I "trb announxHnsr their marriase. their blesainss and good wishes. YEDS CAPT, DE TEISSIER. Katharine Sellaman Marrlee Officer ef Scotch Guards.

IjONTXN. April It- The weddlnc eurred today at St. Margaret's Cburcn mt nanfTrrr F. do Teissier of I Scots Guards and Miss Katharine jmaa. The brtdecreora IS tbe eldest I ca or EAron itenry ae iswier ua ue trUIs la the dasshur of the late Theo-' Tre Seligmaa of New Tork.

The engagement of Miss TSjatherlae Kefsriette eldest daushtsr ef the late Theodore Sellgman of New Tork and daughter ef Lady Waldstsln, wife ef Charlee Waldsteln. to Cap tain Geoffrey Fitsherbert de Teissier ef the Scerta and eldest boo of Paren de Teinaier of IS Kccleetos) Square. I 1. Ker laM. Mrs.

tie Teissier is grand I nimrna- .1 tat umKt aainstaini v-k mmt m.t tK. i.t. Hmt i I maq. ac-i a niero ef Henry Kallf-maa I ae a of Mrs. Henri Warthaia I ar1 Mrs.

Frederick Lewisohtt. I Her father died suddenly In 8wltei-l land tn September. andra years later her mother, aire VI FJn. teln Mlrrnen. married Charles Wald-1 stein.

Professor of Fine Arts at University. Later he became Sir aiae'ein. Her father was a r-rrbr of tne Par Association, the Harvard. Lotoa. roller, and Century Country Cube.

Lewis Einstein is her uncle. SS KATHRYN TODD A BRIDE. te C4via Sbttld, Jr, la Avenue Baptist Church. I The wedilnr of Kathryn Todd. I ef fe mil IT- Tk IS lr nton Todd ef Bell vale.

N. to tlwla Shetld. eon of Edwin Sheild ef th fa rltr. took tua a ljtt evsclr.e In the Maillane. lr Pitta.

rptist Church. The Rev. Dr. Charles A. Eaton, pastor ef the church, per- formed the ceremony.

The bride wore a rown of whits satin rmped with embroidered pet and prin- rees lac. Her tulle veil was held la r'ace with a cap ef the lace and she rtrried a bouquet of rosea and lilies of ve vaT.ey. Her ststsr. Mise Marlon THt. acted as maid of honor and wore a twti of pink taffeta trimmed with i lace and carried an arm bouquet rrr'rlthinwriiSd Jkat of sViet 2eaa i.

hbelld was his brother's best a. end the nehere were Harold Vic or 11. Todd, brothers of the Following the ceremony a re- and d'nner waa held at the tel Astor. The couple left later for South, where they will spend their I DULLES WEDS MAY ji. far Her AlarHare to Frederick Snare, at the Gotham.

TTie weddlnc ef Mise Edith Rutledge a daughter of Mrs. William I of Philadelphia, who has been s-endin? the la Winter at the Gotham ber family, and Frederick Snare. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick f-re of 44 West Seventy-seventh a' re, win take place at 4 JO o'clock the afternoon ef Wedneedsy.

Msy In the Uetham ballroom, gnd the v. Fr. Joweu of the Fifth Aveaue 1 Chirch wUl officiate. will have her bister. Miss rre.hy W.

Dulles, as her maid of i -or and on'y attendant. Mr. Snare i hit. Dudiey Fowler ef New York I Is beet man, and hi six ushers are Ieoa Fraeer. Frank Scott, Robert i -own.

and F. Rhe Dulles, sll of York, snd Robert Pierce aad WIU-irn Fierce, of Englewood. Cladys Merritt's Wedding. TT weddlr.s of Miss Gladys Merrltt. r-unet daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Jrael J. Merrill of Shore Road. White- one. L.

and C. B. Miller of 244 I Ortrs.1 Park iSest, Manhattan, will t.Ve rilae In Grace Protestant Fplsco- 1 Church. Whiteatone. next Wetines-.

The ceremonv will be rfornie-l by the rector, the Rev. Wlll-x Jenkins. Miss Merrltt is a (Tand-jC'ter of the lale I. J. Merrltt.

foun- -r of tne jimtiih napman wrecking ana is wen snown socuuy on I 1 i i lUud and la Manhattan. I TALKS OF BIRTH CONTROL Rom Paster Stckes Defies. Law at Emma Goldman Dlnnsr. At th Emma Goldman Birth Control dinner at the Hotel Brevoort Ut nlxht, Rom Pastor Stokes, wife of 3. O.

Phelps Stokes, declared that because It was a. nubile amtlix. she wanted to give out to some woman In the audi ence Information on birth control, as she had been honoring the law hy thus breaking It for years. Many diners loudly applauded. Aiier nnuoinf ner taia.

aira. ewni went amenc the auditors and whispered to a number of women, sarins after- ward sh had rirn them Information shout birth control. She also handed on hlcb; "he I aflae vKa wnah Meter- lf AMHnttAfi sihAIlt I birth control was printed. Immediately following her announce-1 ment to the effect that she had come prepared to giy out In oration on blrth control. Mrs.

Stokes said: rm not blddm, for arrest. I want to I do what Emma Goldman did. My being married and now having; social standlns Hlff i w.v Tk. nnm Is represented here, but Im not spak- breaking- it. and I'm not the ono.1 I There are many other) women who'll do mat very thins.

The courts round ill was best to ouash inm tndlctmenU against Marsaret Sanser. and it may cm inii tnev li nunh tn irxiirfmvnf against Emma Goldman. At any rate. we do know that the courts will have a bigger fight than -they ever had before. MOVIES AT MORGAN HOUSE.

I Camera Takes Rehearsal of Vaca- tlon Association Festival. There was a drees rehearsal last evening in the home of Miss Anne Morgan, 219 Madison Avenue, of a hundred or more young; women, who. with some 400 others, are to take part in the Shakespeare ball and festival to be held by the Vacation Association on May and The principal Interest of the evenlns was the taking of the pictures of the participants and a moving picture review of the pageant. Mrs. J.

P. Mor- at m. mr nans wown i a'i. rwra on the first floor to watch the scene. and Miss Morgan, Mrs.

Wendell Baker. Miss Maude Wetmore. Miss Maud Bor land. Miss Ella Borland. Miss Caroline Shippen.

Miss Mabel Miss part la the pictures or looked on. Miss Paula A. atatxner, who is coach ing the girls, directed the posing; under the supervision of several moving picture men. The girls trooped Into the room through a slds door and were grouped against tbe wall, which had been banked with ferns and greens. The costume effects were charming, rZ-r uueens.

a motley aatberlns. Tbe reetival la to be given In the Seventy-first Regiment Armory. Tickets are on sale at tbe vacation stations In in. wriv a ua a I. i ni neauciuar- ters or tae vacation Association, ss vt eat inirty-ninu Bireec MRS.

F. S. RUSSELL TO WED. Engaged "to- Alexander S. Webb, I President ef Lincoln Trust Co.

The engagement of Mrs. Florence Sands Russell and Alexander 8. Webb has been announced. Mrs. Russell la a uausnier oi toe taie amea v.

sanas and widow of William Hamilton Rus sell. Mr. Webb Is a son of the late General Alexander S. Webb and Mrs. Webb, and a brother of Mrs.

Joha E. Alexandre. He Is President of the Lincoln Trust Company. The weddlnc Is to take blare on Wednesday. May -10.

at the realdence of Mrs. Russell. 271 Lexington Avenue. Married In Grace Howard Fordo Hanaett. eon of Dr.

r. I Fords Haasell of Philadelphia, and Ultet I'Mm UolMlltir I i Mra J. A. McArthur of Mount Clem- i-v -mmmA at jwm. n.

Mlcb ware marrlad at noon yes terday Grace Church chantry by tha Rv. Dr. C. L. Slattery.

A breakfast followed at the Kits-Carl ton for the 0t lanunca. jir. sna kii. nsn- bays. soneon a motor trip to I ouip.iur oierinBa.

am wm r'vT. "I "iT I "'T I onmi waa oeviura 10 nave 1 a quiet ceremony now. Werner-Haberie Wedding Date. The marriage of Mlaa Leonora Haherle. a daughter of Colonel Georse W.

Kavanaush and Mrs. Kavanaugh. I f-. 1 4TY I at the home of the bride. 6BT Madison Avenue, on Saturday.

April 29, at 8:45 Smith of Syracuse wi.l be her sister matron of honor, and Mr. erner will have Burns Lymsn Smith as his best man. Tbe immediate families only are to be pre Bent at the ceremony, which will be followed by a reception. Pearce-Sehermerhorn Wedding Plans TS wedding of Miss Katharine B. Schermerhorn.

a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Mn Schermerhorn. of 68 West Fifty -sixth Street, this city, and Maur tan B. Pearee.

a son of and Mrs. Edward Douglas Pearee of Providence, R. will take place on next Thursday at a o'clock In the village church at Kingston, R. The Right Rev. James I De Wolf Perry.

Bishop or Rhode Inland, will officiate, and a amall reception will follow at Home wood, ivingeton. mis Srhermernorn win nave Mia Mary llVTJXnf. l'0' p2rSL.jdr OBf n.nd-tnSuher:: to be Frederick B. Baliou and Samuel B. Brown.

Tracy-Alexander Wedding. Miss Ruth Alexander, daughter of Mrs. Gross Alexander of Red lands. Cat, and Howard Van Stnderen Tracy of 1 vnicago. ttni uwriiw fmcrum; wwrnowi in aire iBucriwuio by the Rev.

Charles Jefferson. The wedding was a quiet one, with only Im- ir'SrilnHanVe4 ftrUlnH friends In attendance. Mr. and Mra I Tracy will, leave the Hotel Ansonia at 10 clock tooay tor an extended noney moon. Young-Holden Engagement.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Younc or Boston. announce the engagement of their daughter.

Miss Miriam Touna. to Arthur Cort Holden. a son of Mrs. Ed win B. Holden of 8CS Riverside Drive.

Mr. Holden was graduated from Princeton In tbe class of lfl- and from the Columbia School of Architecture in 1013. No date has been mentioned for the wedding. mmwmmmmmmmmm Mies Dorothy S. Allen Engaged.

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Allen of Rldrewood, NY J-. have announced the engagement of their daughter.

Mlaa Dorothy Sherman Allen, to Benjamin A. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Conklin of Ridgewood. N. and formerly of Monte Lair. The date for the wed dins has not been announced. Beer-Heller Wedding on April 27.

The weddlnc of Miss Fannys F. Hel ler, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Iaidor I. Heller, to Alfred K.

Beer will take place on Thursday, April Zl, at noon, at the Plata. The Rev. Dr. Harris will officiate. Miss Mildred Y.

Heller will act aa maid 6f honor and be the bride's niy aitenaant. ana oyivsn to. vious- a a a I a V. la helm will be the best man. MILLER ART SALE: REACHES $49,736 "Gatherincr Ann fa Blossoms I enn.J Appid BlOSSOmS.

by Knight, Brings Top Price, $1,210, at the Savoy. ROftWW'C till nnri BKOVYN MY DOG, $400 A Small Head." a Panel by Hen- nor, Also Fetches $400, A. L. Boucha'a "Abreuvolr $500. The Daniel S.

Miller art collection, telllna at the Hotel Savor. Samuel Marx, auctioneer, reached nearly SM.000 last nicht, the total to date being faS-TOo. Of tbe ptoturee sold In the evenlns the KKLrewav Kniaht brouaht tbe hiahest ft "SsffiawK higher prices. "My No. m.

s- I Itig to Klackner for J0. A Small ieaa. no. sou, a panel or tienner, ao I orouant smu. aoina to uenry ocnun- I hels.

I foiiowinr are soma or me- omnrea I bringing JW) and more with names of artists, purchaser, and price KB Charles Sprmsue Pearee. Meditation Hermes Haide SM-J. O. brawn, H. "My Uo "i Mr.

Blackner few Julian Oupra. "Summer Clapp 4 Gra 666 Jean Jtcquee Heaner. Small Henry SchulthaU Soo f. X. lupiny, The Luxemburg Uantena; J.

O. Oppenhelm, SM Urnrt t.emlle. Tbe bhepoerd-C. W. Kraoahaar 7orrans le Baul.

Dr. H. Bcobey Si a Valiar MoEwaa. -The 'iapp Oraham. 87a Conrad Ktcarl.

At the Maaeuar- 300 4o TWO 4oe SOS as lw tio Henry Schultnels ins I 874 Alexander Louis Boucbe. Abreu- Kraushsar 800 75 Daniel Hldgway Knight. Oather-Ina' A onl ninaanar Halland Qal- lerlee I.M0 B7T-. Rlchtar. The Favorites ef the Paaha CO.IUre.

S7B Auruit. Hulm. An lntaraatlnar I B4 iTini oivinwi.iK.i. fRudolh Koo. MUu L'e Ar- I thur UO 81 F.

EL Bartler. The Fortune Tal Judge Warren W. Foater 133 810. David MllleC "Old 4. O.

Oppenbelm, In the sale of the afternoon No. 773. a went to Bandler for 1 To; a Gore van rue. No. twi.

went to rk-h warts fo and No. 803. a Kurdistan carpel carved and silt wood table, with onyx for carpet. to Kosenreld for SZ1U. The sale will be concluded this eve- nine with tbe final lot of pictures.

In cluding a Roybet, a pleasing Blommers, a Kever. and a Bouruereau amons others. The afternoon sale will be Important, Including; many beautiful Jades -end crystals. WILL AID BLAKELOCK FUND. a yy.

Town. oen Mrxist ricturee at Chicago Exhibition. I In connection with the Blakelock ex-I hlblUon soon to be held In Chlcas In Young a Art GaJierie. J. W.

Younf ffAt trnstk I benefit of the Blakelock family any clo tures by the artist which may be sent In New York I met many of Mr.H liisseiora mends no bought his pic. turea years a so for llttla or nothlna." said Mr. Youna. "Since the value of i tne picturea has frreally increased. Home of theee people have offered me the pictures to svll and will give the entire returns to the fund for tbe benefit of the family.

Others have set a mod est price on the pictures and the bal ance goea to the fund. I will take other- pictures, selling' them for ss mucn as can. the balance over tain aum to go to the fund. Pictures ran be sent to me direct. wflA Stevens Uuildlnr.

Chlcsgo. or delivered to my enutpine aa-ents In New Tork. the Artists' 1'arklng and Sblpplnsr Company. Wext Kiftv-fourth Rtreet. and thera I I they will be packed and shipped to CM- I cao st OTwwmle.

I Collectors Art Objects at Auction. T-o e- a e. I No 2jO or the catalorua. in tha aala of I the art objects of several collectors at I the Anderson Galleries yesterday after noon, went 10 r. inaer ror saT.oOL J.

A. Conway paid SN0 for No. U7. three Tanajrra groups Q. Aharomaa.

$7i for No. A large Corinthian hydra of iV I rnter jar and a Corlntman amohora. No. aw. went to J.

Brummer for 10i A I ktu b- 7-k'J -fw- Tk --r I I w- 1.11 1Q not Ur UUUniOU ireu particularly interested In the uaie ea.eva. I EMDEN OFFICER ESCAPES. Lljut. Flkentscher Gets Away' from British, but Is Caught by Italians. SYRACUSE, Sicily.

April 19, via I I Parts. V-Lieu la nam Flkentscher of the famous German raider Emden. which waa ilMlmviwI hv tha Anateallan I li a va V.T7I 1 1 la. i atavava aVIIIueta, Wllltrq I was destroyed, by the Australian cruiser I Mrfnrmlne man, HiHn, a.nlnll. I his escape from Malta, where he was taken aa a prisoner by tbe British, but ia being detained here by the Italian authorities.

I will commit suicide rather than re turn to the hands of the British," the Lieutenant said. Hs maintains that as Germany Is not at war with Italy tbe Italian authorities cannot surrender him to tne British. TO HIRE NEUTRAL SHIPS. Switzerland Needs Bottoms to Carry Food from the United States. BERNE.

-Aoril 19- fria Parta.1 Th I Swiss Government haa directed its com. I department to charter a number ot "teamers. especially Arreri- "-fWi 'SFit A. I The name; of thV stealer; Tib. sailing; schedule will be communicated I to belligerents for the purpose of pre- I rminit erroneous niiacas.

i Switzerland la vlrtuallv Aenendiuit I upon America for ber food supplies. I which have been sreatlv restricted bv I the recent use of such large numbers I of merchant vessels for war purposes. I 1 ncTsiai iMtD piu tnuny i i a mm ii. mm i.i, ii a i mm I. ii I a.

w. i Rlchafd WsstaCOtt Victim of New I niai.u i m. ormsn fuen neguiations. I LONDON cott. Vice Consul at the American Con- aulate General was the first prominent victim of the new alien reatrictlona res-I ulationa.

having been arrested on the charge or railing to register and not bavins a police identification card In a prohibited area. Mr. Westaeott was stopping in a small town In Wales be cause of inneaa. The consulate learned of hla ollsht I and the Home Office was Informed. It I Instructed the local authorities to with-1 draw the charge, aa Mr.

Westacott's I consular position exempted mm from I of compliance with the res ulationa. I SEIZE $1,200,000 BOND. Action at Havana Against an Amer-1 lean Sewering and Paving Company. Special Cable I.Tbb Nrw Tome TiMca HAVANA. April 19.

The Judge bear-ins the case of. the altered frauds tn sewering and part rut Havana today ordered the seizure of a bond Riven as security by McGlvney a Rokeby, the American corporation which contracted to do tbe sewerisg and pavluf work. The McGlvney Rokeby Construe- I tlon a New Jersey corpora-1 tlon, of which Rslph I. Rokeby Is Pres- I Ident and F. Sturer Brown Secretary, I au office at 1 Broadway.

I WOOD CONFERS WITH BAKER Both Stat They Discussed the Sum- mer Camp Movement Only fisOolet to rat Xrw Terft rtr. WASHINGTON. April IB. Major Gen. Leonard Wood conferred with Secretary of War Baker and with Major Gen.

Scott. Chief of Staff, today. After the conference he said that the conference had no other significance than that It related to the gammer training; camp movement which be fostered last year at Plattsburg and Chattanooga, and una won lyuivifu i jk a and House In the army Increase bills, Secretary Baker also Insisted that the conference dealt only with plans for thse Summer camps tola year. "I hare a very keen Interest In. the Plattsbur Idea.

said Secretary Baker. I was deeply Impressed with the work accomplished In the camps at Blatta- burs and elsewhere last Summer. I to bow 1 preJudlaTlySrfecte I by the absence of tbe troops taken away I from the Department of the but. Tor 3f 1" T'l Pwould be to take part in the Summer training ramp to he opened at Chattanooga on i. 4.

x. vl'tlA nj hi. ff I trwtm wuv -v wiwMWBtr-. 1 Mnll ilt. I will visit the Chattanoosa camp durlne "alcons.

an order for the physical eul-the Summer. For the' camp to be held 1 ture and training; of young men and st Plattsbura. it was explained, the I women, and these were stationed all I balance of the Second Cavalrv. stationed I at Forth Ethan Allen, wUl be avail able. ITALY SENDS WAR FILMS.

Wants America to See What Her Army Is Doing AnlrM Varna, an Ttallan editor who Kr.4 .1. ralurnad went abroad els months ago. returned yesterday on the Italian liner America with 7,000 feet of film sent over by tne Government at Rome to show A merl I cans what Italy was dolna In the war. Mr. Fumo said that there had been many expressions of opinion through' out the United States to the effect that Itaiv was not La vines her nart In the The pictures hs has brought with him.

Mr. Furao said. wouir show tbe dim- eulUea that the Italians had to conUnd tli.A,p"' .1 "One of the most. Interesting; things about the Italian Army." Mr. furao said, la the way in which the dogs are trained to carry ammunition to the front In response to signals.

When one of the soldier trainers blows a whistle small dogs run up and are loaded with small-arms rartrtdges. which they carry to the soldiers In the trenches. These doss have been taught to drop on the ground at intervale, like soldiers, so that the enemy's bullets pass over them. carry- small shells for the quick-firing They run on a slssas course end drop dowa at Intervals, aa the small doe do. The Italian Government Is very much f'leeaea wiin rresiaent iison acuon permitting merchant steamships to in penniiuniinifrcnini be aj-mrd for' protection.

It has been estimated that a quick-firing three-Inch run on a ship stem, with a ranse of i four miles, gives per cent, of safety a paasenger ner as a submarine w4n a The Caotaln of the America said that he received four warning's of sub- marines In the Mediterranean from war- shine and land stations, but did not sight any of the craft. The America carried two three-Inch guna mounted at tne stern ror defensive purposes. OFFER MOBILIZATION SITE. Csneral Hodges Inepects tho Shespe- head Bay Speedway, Brie. Gen.

II. F. Hodges. U. S.

A- commaadlng the North Atlantic. Coast Artillery District, with headquarters at Fort Totten. I. Inspected the RhaanahaiA Ri. Rnuilw.

mi Tuaarinv I I for the War Department, the purpose beln to determine whether the area Included in the Speedway would be hod aurtable for moWllxatU.n I I purpoees in tn ittoi iwo a. aiep Bnoura i become neresssry General Hodges visit to the Speed-1 war followed an offer of the grounds for I Uovernment uae, tne orrer orin mane 1 by Harry t. llaraneaa to ti-eaiaent wil-iaaaiern iiri.t or uraokiya. a led at. Tuaa-aon.

The President referred the matter I day -at her realdence. 47L 'Bsurord Avenue, to Secretary of War Baker, who In atructed General Hodges to make the Inaneotlon. After a careful survey or tne sou or venerai H.oqges expresseq himself as entirely SaUafled. Me said nmilmll. ef the rraundi to raJlraau inH water transportation facilities, and com- mented on the foresight of the owners I of the bis automobile race course In I providing a large emergency nospuai 1 there.

au well aa a thoroush and com plete ay stem of modern sanitation. General Hodxea was accompanied on his Inspection tour by Lieut. Col. Edward a-il A a I iJ.ij McLeer of ths Tslaff of tffSl; Vi il ot MaJOT lien. John Ryan.

Pi, Q. N. vVrT, y. Colonel John H. Foote, N.

G. N. OtOIiei (. I. Debevolse.

N. G. N. and Major J. M.

Hutchinson and Lieu tenant Charles McDousall of the regular army, GERMAN SOAP SUPPLY CUT. Can Be Purchased Now Only en Presenting Bread Card. Special Cable to TUB Nxw TCKK TTatsa BERLIN. April 10. The Imperial soap ordinance just promulgated for the pur pose of stretching; Germany's soap supplies by 11 ml tins consumption fixes the maximum soap ration at 100 grams of toilet soap, about three aad one-half ounces, per neaa per montn.

un ia further permitted to Purchase to 500 trams of common soap monthly. -Doc tort, dentists, nurses, and mldwlves will be furnished on request with special permits entitllns them to twice aa much loiiei aoap aa oruinary mtruui wiu in future be able to consume. A unique feature of the ordinance provides that the bread card serves at the same tlmo as a soap card. Under a heavy penalty vendors are forbidden to mmmvi anan a Yrsent nn nranlit Inn nf a oread card on wnicn tnev must mark in in ar tin nuintirr and nualirv fh. aoap purchased.

Moreover, the monthly only' be bought', during, the fourth bread card week of each month: in other words, in April soap is purchas their aoap requirements only with the consent of the War Committee for eiame ana Animai rats ana mis. wnicn Institution will, through the distributing agency of the German barbers and wig. makers' unions keep barbers supplied with an Irreducible necessary minimum. Further ordinances provide lor raonou. ollsatlon of the Importation of eggs, milk, condensed milk, and milk oewder by the Central Etnkaufgeeellschaft, the great Imperial war corporation for con- trolling the purchase and distribution foreign roodsturrs.

Rev. John F. O'Hara'a Funeral. The funeral of tho Joha O'Hara, pastor of St Matthew's Roman Catholic Church, UUca Avenue and Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, who died on Monday, to 3k place at that church yesterday. Bishop Charles McDon nell and more than 5X) clerrrmen of the dloceee attended the requiem mass which wss celebrated bv Father Fran cis J.

O'Hara. pastor of St. Jamea'a Pro- Cathedral, a cousin of the dead priest. The Rev. Ttiomss E.

Carroll, pastor of St. Michael's Church, and the Her. Francli X. Ludeke of the Church of Sty FTancls of Aaaist acted as deacons of the mass. Mgr.

Edward W. MoCarly of St. Augustine's Church delivered the eulogy fur the dead, snd Bishop Mo Donnell pronounced the final absolution. Interment was in Holy Cross Cemetery. 4,000 COLLECT FUND FOR RELIEF OF POLES Volunteer Solicitors, Active Throughout City, Take In Large Amount.

If IIP PADEREWSKI mm b. Wall Street District, the Theatres, and the Hotels Prove Generous Contributors. I 11 tha destitute women and children of Poland. I unuaual reuDonaa was the result of anneal made 1 by Mme. Helene rumIU, WW wu WW who fTr more" men and the campaign eonunuea throughout the day.

The greatest num- i tier or volunteers came irom tne roiun I over the city, working from sub- stations, all of which were under the direction of Mme. Paderewski. The men all wore khaki uniforms. Armed with the pasteboard boxes which they hung from their shoulders. tne solicitors patrolled rittn Avenue, Broadway In fact, all the thorourn.

farea. the subways, hotels, many of the principal shepe. and a greater number of the theatres. A large contingent I was sent to Well Street, where a con- I wueraoie num was reaiiaoa. uinni wvrv Mnt h) nd mUcUw1 Ib the wher hid been I granted, only at tne uaiety ana rvmpire ineairva wee amiiunn reiam I about which he was questioned is now young women after they had been told I noasesaton of the Federal authorities, they might solicit there.

At the Hippo-I Although Dr. Waits man I Tea ted de-drome a letter of appeal from Mme. -ir to ti yesterday with reference Paderea-skl was read from the stage and a collection was taken during the I which was brought In last evenlns the uurmimon. Accorawi w- t.n- report only other place where the youn women I was at the Klts-Carlton. where they I ,5 a ThT d.nt So i.h VSi.Jr eommitte.

I In Brooklyn also gave their aid. Mr. Wrs. Psderewskl attended the base- I hall mm in RronkiTn at Charles Ebbets and saw the collections taken there. Dr.

F. Ixnatius Droblnaki. the Brooklyn Branch Director, was In charge of the collection. It is believed that several thousand dollars were col lected, although the exact sum will not be Known ror -several days. Zlegfeld Protects "Follies" Title Supreme Court Justice Delehanty yes- terdsy granted F.

Zleg fold's application for an injunction to restrain a burlesque organisation from advertising Its show I aa The Folllea of 101S." Before it came to the Torkvllle Theatre several weeks ago the burleaque waa announced rival it wan advertised in the news papers an The Follies." Mr. Zlegfeld at once Instituted proceedings to protect his title, which Is copyrighted, through 111. KW.VI IMTT IlirilU VTl I .1 u-lld aK Knox. Recently Mr. Zlegfeld won A suit sgalnst a burlesque company that pirated one ot tne songs irora ais H.

P. Thorns. Art Critic, Dies. LONDON. April 19.

The death la re ported st Florence of H. P. Thome, one ot tne zoremoet Briusn art critics. Obituary Notes. BO ROR BENEDICT, sn Scter.

was found dead laat. night In a furnlahed roots at 100 weat Tbtrty-elgntn treat, which ne has oc- cwnied for about a week. He had relatives at Marshal treat. Rocheater. JUIIV SPAVIN died at his home.

IS Raat Forty-fourth Ptreet. Beyonne, N. aeed TT. He ene ef the haat Qtivlt piayara In tha country when he In hla prime, and evan of late yaara defeated om of younger crack players. He was by tho 8Un.iar4 tm company in ll after thlrty.flye years' serviee.

Frederick uwhencb bedwa, 4 teroay at ma noma, ioos Hoatrana Avenue. fntiu heart dlaeaae, He left a aldew and son. Mra. ADKI.E FI.RMINa. for man year.

active in pnurrn anj raantawa work In tho wrooaaim. ner eiBiieta year, ene waa bora In Neva Hoot la. and had lived most of her lifetime tn Brooklyn. She waa a manner of the Hoard ef Managers of the Hapll-t Home for the A red. and waa formerly on the board of Abe Trinity Hoapltai.

Mra. Flemlnc waa for rnany years active in the work of the T. w. ana or tne nrst iwtitin ntm-11. where she was a teacher In the Kunday arluiol.

Hhe la aurvlyad by her huahand. la jamas W. Flemtnr. a former Presldant of the Kings County Medical Society, and a daugh- ter. Min lorence A.

rieming. WltaUAM CHARLES KM BER. Superin tendent of the Red Line of tUramahlua. and In the employ of that company fur thirty veers, died In' the liuahwlrk Hospital en Tuesday after an operation. Mr.

Webber waa 40 veara old and lived at 713 Chauncey Street. Brooklyn. His wife, two sons and a da ux titer aurvlve him. Mrs. I.NEZ FRENCH 5 TOWL, wife of Daniel O.

Towl, Vice President of the Tua- Cajrora I'll Cominjr er r-ennayivama. bral of the Htandard Oil Company, died on Tuesday at her home. T4 Carroll Htreet. Brooklyn, from heart She wss born In rnderhlll. snd was a daughter of rierwln U.

French. President of the Arnold Print works or inn Aon, aias. i Mra. MARIA LOUISE widow ot I William OobDina, a Duuoer ot nrwx j. uirq at her hornet lit Eighth Avenue.

Brooklyn. en Tuesday, used 71 years. She left a eon and a tlaushter. Vre. MARQARET TOWNSEND HORS- i ui'LLKR.

wife of Alfred W. Muller. who la connected with ths Adanjs Express Company, and an active member of the Forest Park Rerormed cnurcn. aieo in nu Cwtharlpe's H.pltsl on Tuealsy. and the funeral aervlcaa will be held thla evenlne at the home et her tnotner.

iH iir.niura ou-aat. Brook K-n. She waa 30 years of asc JOHN J. WEST, a clerk In the Bureau of Combustiblee st Brooklyn Firs Headquarters. la dead at his home, kmm 1 mneenin inn, Brooklyn, egee yeara.

WILLIAM B. IIOUQHWOCT, for many veara ahk cnalneer on the Ellxabethport- Ktaten Island ferryboat, died yesterday at hla home In Elisabeth. He was born ia Near York City and was a veteran oi tne civu war. i A NDRRW McKNIGIIT, a gardener and truck farmer la Greenville, N. is dead at tbe age of He waa born In Scotland and earns to this "country when bs wss a yetmg I man.

inw lyiHEHTT. a builder ef New Re- chelle dld suddenly of heert diaeaae Tuesday night aa be waa running to retch a trelley car. He was 43 years old. Mr. De herty was a brother-in-law of former Mayer Michael J.

union. FREDERICK IX1LZB, who had florist Shops In this city for many years. Is dead at Pleaaantville. Y- at- the ace of e. He invl.

ran ahnos at Forty-second Street and Fifth Avenne and at Lexington Avenue and Fifty-fourth street, tie was nora in Hanover snd was educated at the Royal Cotlese or King Uoorge or Hanover. EDWIN DEANE, for thirty seven veers with the rubber goods firm ef Jnhn W. Buck'ey A Is dead at hie home Drrwlrn street, ttreoaiyn. ne was i years old. Mra.

01.GA FCHEIDT. formerly a concert singer, who bad appeared in many concerts In this city, la dead at her home in North Re ren. N. J. tfhe ass the wife et Henry Bcnmtdt.

a florist. JOHN C. SAHM. an upholsterer, of Great Kerb I- I died Tuesday at hla home there. aged 54 years.

He left his widow, three sons, and two daughters. JAMBS Q. DARCT. vrbe was tn ths orint- tne- business, tiled at tha home ef his father. Tbomss Kerry, at 47 Union Street, jnuahlnc.

yesterday. Besides, hla parents be left two 1 sisters. The IteV. JOHN Q. A.

a retired minister of tha Larison'e Corners Preebrtertan Chun-h and a civil war veteran. died Tueeday night at hie home near Art sort's Corners. N. -I. He wss Tl years old.

Mr. Fnllerton was gredusted from Princeton In IM and from ths Princeton Theoiog kel Semi. aarv in lSiJ. HENRY SIMPSON, the eldest resident of Kutiey. N.

Is dead from paralysis at the ase of 04. Mr. Slmpeen was a farmer, aad retired several years aero. ANDREW MrKKXKA. formerly a polltkal leader' In Fat-Mlc Couuty.

is dead ia bis seventy-fifth year, at Kearny. H. i. ATTACK MILK FREIGHT RATE. Interstate Commission Hears That Consumers May Soon Pay More.

Interstate Commerce Commission continued Its investigation at the Waldorf yesterday of complaints of milk shippers throughout the country that railroad rates are too high. The commission last week examined witnesses In Boston, and on Monday it will take Up the same question in Philadelphia-It was contended at Tuesday's hearing that the present retail price of Grado milk. 9 cents, was not exorbitant because of the present ship pins IPC I conditions, and yesterday repreaent-unlLr stives of the Sheffield Fatms-Slawson- Decker Company asserted that the public might consider Itself lucky If there was not in Increase soon in the price. W. 8.

Kali man, assistant freight manager of the New York Central Railroad, said that of Vl tbe milk 'and cream transported to New Tork Harbor terminals the New Tork Central and the West Shore handled approximately 3t per cent. The number of cars of milk and cream per train on the New York Central and the West Shore. Mr. Kallman said, ranges from nine to fourteen. It bad rST I make on larrer trains becsuse of the I need for high speed and erly delivery.

I A feature of the hearing- 'yesterday I Ha. itwUntlnn tf tho rninunl. sWJ aoSPST Federal Agents About Gems. A rumor that Dr. Arthur Warren Walte had boasted to friends thst he had smuasled Into this country a large quantity of uncut diamonds from South Africa caused Isaac Wilson and n.

Williams, acenta or the Department of Justice, to pay him a visit in the Tombs yesterday. They questioned the dentist who la awaiting trial lor the murder of his father-in-law, John K. Peck, with regard to a turquoise set with a large diamond, which be presented to Mrs. Margaret Horton. Dr.

Walte told them he had purchased the large diamond in New York and had had it cut down and set in the CdrrTom Africa', that' hi i had made any such boast. The ring I nn tmm rimul rianida that he I had fed typhoid germ, to his wife, hU 1 lawyer. Walter K. iJeuei. would not Per- I mi.

him to make any statement. 1 I must prevent It," said Mr. DeueL LY" Marriag and deafk notices Intended far fnserrioa in Tk York Times may telepfcued to 1000 Bryant. -Born LXNETZKT. Dr.

and Mrs. LineUky of 4 St. Mark Place. cit, announce the birtn or aon. en April lit, (nee Mlas Koae Melrolck.) Cnffsseo.

N1KWVOV waljjKX, Eleanor Wald.n to William Nlelaon. 39rcUD. BERNATS-CAVALLL On Tueeday. April IS. at East Sth by the Rev.

Charles Herr. U. Luiee Kimball, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Frank CavalM.

ta Erie Ber Baya ot 8u Ixmla. Mo. WOODRrrr SHERMAN. On April IS. at HI.

James Church. Plcradllty. Indon. England. MIbb Mary bhertnan.

nleva of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Barley of Detroit. to John E.

Woodruff. of E1U- abeth. N. J. TALB HA RDT.

Monday, April 10, at toe Eplacopal church, Ancon. Canal Zone. Theodore Humphrey Yale to Mary Hardy. No cards. Braetatya.

DAV1KSTAHOH. April is. Anne O. Taker te Ralph P. Uiv.ea.

PECK ilAUHStK. April 18. Charlotte IJiuutr to Harry A. l'a k. rEKRT OKEENHX1E.

April IS. Jennie B. ureenldge to Kueaell li. arry. BATE At Patau kat, L.

en Wedneeday. April 18. Dr. J. Ferdinand In tha S3d year of hla age.

Funeral from hla late realdence Friday at 4 P. M. Interment Caroline Church Cemetery. Bennington. papers please ropy.

BURCH1LU-On Tuesday. April IS. 10 1, Catharine M. beloved wife ef the lata tieurge BurehUI. Funeral from her Iste residence, ess East 24Jd 8C.

(jatuniay at S.30 A. M. Interment Calvary. CAMPBELL. Suddenly.

on Wednesday, April IS. Alexander IVtapbell. la his Tth year. Notice of funeral hereafter. CHATFIKLU.

On Wednesday, April IS, 1S10, Mary Anna Chatrield, at her retdeo-a. Hamilton At itlchmond Hill. Ku-naral sarvlcee Friday. April 31. P.

M. CORNELL. On April 10. Theo Frallnshuyeea Cornell, son of tne late ttev. ralenek lYellnshuyaan Cornell.

Ii. aad Elisabeth 0. Cornell. Funeral from bla late residence. Northarood.

Somervllte, N. 1'. M. Haturday. April 22.

(a. will meet H. K. of N. J.

train leaving Liberty St. at 1:10 P. M. CREAMER. Julia Clucaa, widow of Horatle M.

Creamer, auddeniy. at her realdance. lit Montague Brooklyn. N. April IS, lal.

Funeral Kindly emit flowers. DOHBRTY. At New Rochelle. N. on April IS.

John ucn.rtv. ruaerai rrora hts lata reaideuoa. SO Cliff oa Friday 11 A. M. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, where services will be held for the repose er nis soul.

n.EMINa. On April IS. st 471 Bedford Av Bnklyn. Adsie. betovee wire er vt, Jasies W.

Flaming. Funeral aervlee at ber late real dan ca. Thursday ereoing at o'clock. Interment at the convenience of family OANS. On Monday.

April 17. Carrie, beloved wt(a ot tha late Ralph Oana and dearly beloved mother ef Llllle G. Buehabaum ani Jesala H. O. Herrman.

Funeral frem her late residence, 575 West End en Thursday morning at 10 cioca. OUBB1NS. At ber home. 16 Bth Brook- lvn un Tueeday. April IS.

1W1S. Louisa Oubblna. wife of the late WUUam Cubblna. Funeral private. HAVEN.

Frank P. THE FUNERAL CHURCH." Z41 Wast Weot xsa. frank E. CampbeU Building.) Thursday. 11 o'clock.

LANGfc. At Berlin, en the 16th; John beloved husband ef Alviim Bartais. LATIMER. Suddenly. April IS.

101S. Caro line rsrmalee la timer, runerai irom ner late-raeldeaoa. IS Flerrepont Brook lyn, Friday. April 21, at f. KJadly omit flf were.

MEAD At her residence. 177 firand Newburgh. N. April is, ivie, Maria widow ef Obedlab Weed, and daughter ef George and Caroline Inger-soli Mead. Funeral services will be bold at her late residence on Thursday.

April 20. at 3 o'clock. MELIUS. Asleep tn Jesus, en Tuesday. April la.

Mary Albert me. oausnter or iakjio L. and Melius. 4111 West lMtb St. interment private.

MICHEL Suddenly. Tuesday, April IS. 181a. his late residence. Brora Manor, Browns- villa.

N. 8 P. M. Friday. April ZL Mia.

runaral private. MORRIS. Suddenly, on Wednesday. April is. ISIS, at IV jvaat iwtn nu.

alien James, daughter of Kit-hard and Carolyn W. Morris, la tbe Hd year of ber age. Funeral private. NOCEHA- April IS. Doemenlco.

ase S4 years. Funeral Cbapel Stephen Merrltt Burial and cremation 1S1 8th Ar. comer lath 8L Time later. NUNEZ. Helen, beloved auditor ef Trena Nunes and tbe late uonsalo Nun ex.

Funeral from her late residence. 2.304 7th A Thursday. 10 A. M. 0BRIEN)n Tuesdsy.

April IS. ISIS, at ear realdance. West IMSth Bridget I lemon O'Brien, beloved mother of Mra. J. A.

Hanley, Jamas and John O'Brien. Funeral from residence Friday. April 21. at A. M.

ROGERS. At Tottenvtlle, 8. on Tueeday, April IS. IBIS. Cornelius Jerolemon Rogers.

uneral sarvlcee at hla late realdence, SS Main SL, ee Friday. April 'it. at P. M. 'r SMITH.

On Wednesday. April I. 1B1, of pneumonia. L. Bayard smith, in the 77th year of his are.

Funeral services private. In Morrtetewa. N. J. STOCK WELL.

At Aahevllle. N. C. April in Jane Lillian. of the late Levi pear Stockwell.

Funeral service at the t'harel of the Interreaetnn. Broadway and lUlh HL. Saturday. April 22. at 3 P.

M. TODIN. On April IS. after a Mnuerinr III- naaa. Maria rederu-k Jacnuinot.

wife 0( Oorge T. Tool a of New Rochelle. Funeral at SL Luke's Chapel, Amsterdam Av. aad 113th SL, on ThursJay. 20th InsL, at 2 o'clock In tbe afteruuon.

Kindly omit flowers. TOWNSEND. Samuel Clinton, at Ancon. I anal Keoe. of pneumonia, April A.

In he Uth year of his sge. Interment private, April Si. 1814. Please emit tie WORKRESUMEDON SUBWAYS Frank X. Sullivan Expects to Have 1 9,000 Back Today.

The rattle of chains on cranes and blasts of dynamite were heard about the excavations In the new l2on.ono.ono sub wsy yesterday as 10,000 workers who have been on strike since April for higher wsges returned to work, follow Ing the agreement signed by the committee, of the General Contractors Aaeoda. tion and the Tunnel and Subway Con tractors' on Tuesday. Frank -V. Sullivan, counsel for the union, said that omclals expected to have all oc tne Olio men back in the excavations today. Both contractors and union officials praised Oscar S.

Straus. Chairman of the Public Service Commission, for his work aa mediator, assert! n( that he bad done labor, the contractors, and the city a great service in settling- tne striae. ANDREW W. BRAY DEAD. i i A Former Vice President General of Sone of American Revolution.

Andrew Watson Bray, a descendant of early settlers In New Jersey, Is dead at his home. In Orange at the ace of sixty- one, Mr. Bray, at the time Of his death. was manager of the Newark Branch of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur ance Company. Mr.

Bray was born tn Rockaway. Hla ancestors aided Oeorre Washington to get boats to cross the Delaware at Trenton. He moved to Newark early In life, and twenty-nine years sgo ne became connected witn tne lnauiance company Mr. Hray was a founder ef the Orange Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, and was a former Vice President General of the society. He was a former member of the Newark Board of Education, a member of the Newark Board of Trade, the Kasex County Country Club, Roseville Lodge, F.

and A. the New Jersey Historical Society, the Harmonic Club, and the Shubert Oratorio Society. He Is survived by his wife, two broth ers, and two sisters. John D. Langs Dead In Berlin.

John D. Lenge. a former President of the Society for Ethical Culture ef New Tork. died In Berlin on April IS. according to word received here yeater- dsy.

He retired from business In this city In 19U3 and went to Germany la 112. Mr. Large was bora In Lubeck. Ger many, in 1S41. and came to this country in He was a member of the City.

National Arts and Liederkrans Clubs of this city, and was active In civic reform work. He la survived by his wire. At vina Barteis. a daughter. Dr.

Linda B. Lange, ef Wisconsin University, and a son. Henry B. Lanse. of Kant Orange.

N. and two sisters. WEAVER. Thomas age 3 years months, son ef Walter T. Weaver and Laurm C.

Dalanle Weaver, died Aoril IS, lwie. Fuheiml services at sSO West l(7th Nsw York City. Friday, at o'clock. Rldceweed. til April 1.

101 Mathllde. widow ef the late Paul Welgle. aged -75 years. Funersl services will be held from her late residence, Ne. l-enxs Rldseweos, N.

en Tnttre- dsy. April X0. at 3 P. M. lateraeat Kldirewood.

N. 1. WILSON. On Wednesday morntng. April It.

Carolina Augusta Wilson. wdew at Henry Muy.iam wueon. in ner TTth year, ru tieial set vices from her lata reaideace, lit East Otth Friday, April XI. at IS A. M.

Please emit fie were. WALKER. April t. Jennie Cerbtt, be-loved wife of Hi Nelson Walker, at her realdence. Funeral service Saturday avaiilne-.

April S2. at e'cleok. 33 ru- Hl, Waatfleld, Id. J. Traaa leatea rnot ar Liberty HU T.

W.reey Central Railroad. WYMAN. John beloved husband et Maria A. Wyman. Funeral Saint Niches.

Avenue Preabyteriaa Church, 141st SL and SL Nichols a Av. ARCH BOLD. Sarah. April 17. aged 74.

ru neml 327 Eiast ISSth St. BECKER. John 300 Waverly Place, April 1. Funeral temerrew, P. M.

liHll.UY.-ntelia. tt Momliigslde April Ih. Kuneral aoUi-e later. April 17. aged SS, Funeral H.M Amaterdam A v.

BURKE. -Annie. 3 Baxter 8L. April ia Funeral today, 10 A. M.

CALLAiSHAN. Michael. April IT. Funeral 4A 10th Av. today, 2:.0 P.

M. CULLEN. Daniel West New Brighton. b. April IS.

-DALESeANDRO. Roere. Vssdam St. April 17. Funeral today.

DELANKY. M. Edward. 1.121 Woody Croat A Bronx, April IS. Funeral today.

12 art P. M. Stapleten, April IS. Funeral eervlre today. FENNEL.

Ellxa SI Manhattan April IA Funeral ER. Isaac 341 East 33eth St, April 17. Funersl tedar. 10 A. M.

OELL1N. Jacob, 3.4A1 7U April 1. al 7tl. runeral today. 3 P.

M. HOLY. John. 13 Barrow BL. April IS.

Fo-nerel today. 3 P. M. SIS East U4 April in. runerai today.

f. M. MALONE Y. Margsrel. East 134th SL, Air 11 IA unaral tomenrow.

3 P. MAIJSACHER. Assltva. S7S East StSta SL. April ik.

i--unarai asm zz. IO A. Minnie, eeS Sst UStb SL, aii-i it. ased ru. runera today.

1 F. OLIVER. Catherine. CM West COd April ii. runerai lulay.

r. SI. RE JAN. Mary, Ktw Brighloo. SI April ii.

axeu ii. 54 1st April la. runerai iihuvtiw, isv MT m- VON GROfiH. Wllhelmlna. 1.071 Teller Av Bronx.

April IK. Funeral tomorrow. 2 P. M- WATERS, Caroline, S4S Hewiu Flace. Bronx.

April la Funeral tomorrow, II f. M. Rrwaktrm, BTRNES. Joha. S7 Court April IS.

aawi 71. runevai torn arrow, a p. M. CAPPIELI.O. -Carle.

M5 Oraham A April ik. aeee ts. runerai temerrew. 3 r. DORAN.

Gertrude. 120 Harrieoa SL, April in. runerai today. I k. DURR.

B7 2d Place, April IS. unerai tomorrow, r. M. FELLER. Margaret.

43 Warrea SL, April 7. asea .4. runerai teaay. IO A. M.

Fl.NN. BsO Van Bursa SL. April unerai teasy, r. M. GTEBHARDT.

John. 41S SOU. SC. April IT, aawl 4A Funeral today. GREENVILLE.

Perclvsl C. 301 Cltntsa Bt April is. -unersi serviee tuisonew HAWKINS. Rebecca. Ll East Sth St.

April 18. seed 3S. Funeral today. A. M.

HEKFERKN. John. l.KW Paclfle SL. April April is. asee Si.

April zz. JOHNSO.N. Weeley M. E. Hoepltai, April 1H.

Funeral tomorrew. a p. st. HOGAN William Lot East Mtk SL. IK.

aaed Funeral teoav. 10 A. KIEMO. Elisabeth, 31B AtlenUe Av April is. unerai today, r.

M. KLEIN. Valentine. 00 Roseau SL, April la, ased SL Funeral teesorrew. a SOI Flushing April In, seed Av.

runerai temerrew. p. LAC KOI Ellen. KJnas County HeepHaL April 17. Funeral tadar.

3 P. M. MARTIN. Jamea. 74 Mill SL.

April IS. FsA neral tomorrew. 3 F. M. MAUKlTfil.

Sophie. SM Central April is. 11 Deotey Flaee. AfrO la. ased 73.

MULLEIL-Margaret SL Catharine's Hos pital, April la- ritaenu toenorrew, pri vate. MTJR A Nfi Catherine, 104 Bteabee April is. ruaerai tomorrow. 3 ML. MU8SO.N.

John 7 Scbarmerhora SL. Aoril IB. Funeral senterrew. private. 1 NEI.WON.

Charles SL Anthony's Hss- pitau April 18.. runerai notice later. l.S7 Taylor SL. Aeril 17. QCENTIN.

Henry. ITS Battle, SL, Asm IS, asea 43. runerai tomorrow, p. m. ROI iacON Catherine.

1,003 East Bth St, April is. SUA DLOCK. Mary, ISS North Bth April 18. ased If. Funeral today.

IP. U. STEPP. -Theodore. BA2 Buehwtck A Antt is.

ased is. runerai tenay. w. M. STRAND.

-Carl 2 Haatlnrtow SL. AprB 7. runerai tomorrow, a ja. TIEUNEY. -Margaret 32S BBS St April 17.

Karah 31 Chaaaeey SL. April i a. runerai Apn A WEBBER. William C. Tl Caauaesr sHV.

Anrti ia. r-unerai notice later. W'WUHA-Betty. 1US guydam SL. April 1.

ase4 T4. FUneral private. Wll.T.IAVH.-Hlchard A AM Slet SL. April 1. runerai tomorrew.

3 p. si. Hobokra. Jersey City, aad Newark. BEl'TLEK.

Edward. tS Cheetnot BL. New ark. April IB. Funeral April 22, 9:110 I'.

M. April Is. Funersl todsy. 3 P. M.

327 7th SL. Jaraay CJty, April IS, Funeral toroorrew, 3 P. M. DETM ERS. Augusta.

80 JeffSrsea SL, Be- eoken. April 11. asa 0. ERHKKA. Jaeaph.

Elm SL. Newark, Aoril IS. FLY Jersey City. April IT. eced 45.

4lT Orssd 8L, Bebekea, Ann 1 11. KEKUAN. Thomas. 72 South '13th April If. aged to.

Funeral tomorrow. 10 A. M. LONOENDTCK. Jolia.

IS4 Peshlne At, Nea-srk. April l. McCA HE. Msry, So1 Central A Newark, April 11. McKENNA.

Rnae. 23S Lnincsn A Jersey lt. April la. Funeral tomorrow. 2 P.

M. McKN ItiHT. Andi.w. Clerk SL. Jersey ty.

Aprs; 19. aswl se. MURHT. Leo 331 "WUlsw Av Hebe. see, April 11, agee SL We Want to impress upon real estate owners that the acrrice rendered by an orfaniyation like oars in managing real estate is bound to bring results.

Conditions in property are so tm-. usual today that a campaign must be planned to fet anta.r Wm. aV White Sens EstabUabed iS Cedar. Street Teiephooa 708 Joke 421 Ink It. Newark.

April Ia SIM 423 Pvaaklla Av, April la. aged VtB. SNY DEM. Mary LOSS Garde SL. Ho-beben.

April IS. Fwaveral waMne. A. M. TICHENolL Anna STS Wssblngtoa Newark.

April la, sged 7L Fuaerai today, is A. aL 143 Norfolk April tw. aa-ed mostba, Feaeral knit). -M P. M.

VAN DIKE. Charles STT Belleville Newark. AtrU Is. aged Sd. rucersl sri-v.

lea toJar. VAN HOI TKN.v-Careltna. TS Alexander HU. Aearark. April IS.

Fuaerai temerroe. r. it. BLAISE. George.

Jamaica. April IS. seed S. BROWN. Joha J.

-Jamslra. iiril IA aaed t. DIAN. Helaw Hlolunead HlU. April la.

Jamaica. April le ased 07. EBERT. Calharlne Rldgewesd. April 10.

aaed 18. Leag lalaad City, A writ Id. seed 3g. Astoria.

April 1C aged so LEVET. Violet. Aquedtsct. April IB. ae4 3 months.

MsrO INN. Kettle. Astoria. April IT. NORTON.

Mary, South Osoae Park. April Id. aaed 6. PEERS. Minnie.

Broaklya Manor. April la. RANDCLU-Sara Jascalea. April is. seed 73.

SAHM-Jeha Great Neck. April IT. ate-i Be. SHAY, John mandate. April 17.

aged 5M. Fuaerai today. 2 P. M. Snt'FALDA., Elmhurrt. April 17. ased IOO. Pwneral tortaj. A.

M. STAFFORD. Bridcet. Astoria. April 1.

Fu neral tomorrew, u. FITZ GERALD. Is truly loving wieTiorv Mrs. M. U.

Fits tiers le. April 31. lull. Mass at SL Vincent da Paul a New and by the Rev. Father Mumana la ln-doa.

Dearly beloved toother mint 1 WT0Ts4rraWatr-. 1'V yMMT a AtJIXWVAal-VarW A l.Lait IYSI JAMES E. WINTTRB0TT0M PHONE 104 CIBC1.K. p3 SIXTH AV. UdaW 1 waa Otdest KataaOakeA 1Vh St.

I'hone MM Hmnrt THE W00DLAWN CE.METERI IM St. By Harlem Trent aad by TeeAeew 3ee, 30 East aad c4 ew Vera. Lata mt ssssll alse far esAa at. GEORdE'S CHURCH is en loth StreeL East ef 3d Avenue. ALL HEATH FRES.

Reverend KARL REILAND. fleeter. Tltt RSUAK KVLM.Vti. a P. Hely Communk-n and AJitreaa bv the Rer-r.

WB rKlUAT. lltoSJ. V. Passion bervioa. AnXreeeae by the Keeter.

KAirTlvU (l'KI)ir univi. rs and 1" SO A. M. berwMma by the Tierter. JASTER DAY.

SUNDAY Carol festivals. Addrsaate by the primary DepsrtmeaL 3 30 P. Senior 1- partn.ent. P.

Freak flew em sad ftaral bibatas de. lleared nrawptlr not it hours ski -sej Catted Bieiea er larsl erirr. BrattHaaee XnrJoss reanttasce aa-4 ariartien i.r-sweA eettwete. en lasaret, Natleaail Beaeal ters. M.

V. City. ensues CarL. I4S. 1 tf af avM- A betel thst reflects the many comforts and refinements of an experienced and skillful manage- meat.

Homelike and liveable. luxurtoualy appointed, an cxclu- give yet accessible location; mod- -era In tbe best meaning of the word. On Brooklyn Hcithtv. overlook in. New Yor)t Harbor.

Residential or transient. Wlaks Sianaa BWwjav Brsaklya. EAS Prayer books tnd hymnals in special bindings by well-known 1 Devo-tio nil books In fine editions EASTER CiRDS tpselal Card Bsssa. Second Fleer. DUTTON'S FLftl.

Atsbos, asar SUhSu Tha Rner Grades Only Solitaire DUmond iRins Fifty Dollars TheofJore A Kohn Sea ail Filth Avwnue at 33Bwl (C 328 Siaaewsy I -c 1 1 aWfJ TER. I 1.

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