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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 68

New York, New York
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22 The Poet in Cap and Bells Continued from rage 9 the opening verses of "Othello and Iesdcmona will rve any: Othello'a heart waa weathered oak, And bo waa his complexion; He was, no doubt, the lliggest Smoke In Venice's collection. He'd served Venezia's Duke, his liege, From Cyprus to Bologna, And twlxt a battle and a siege Eloped with Peademona. An F. F. V.

this artless gal-First family of Venice Who played along: the C.rand Canal Splash, squash and water tennis. She was quite blonde. Her father said: By Heaven, this is tragic! That Dtnge could not have turned her head Tnlcas he'd pulled Borne magic!" I pulled no stuff that wasnt rlght- Us Tans and us Gamboges," Othello bragged. can act as white Asany pale-faced Doges!" I 4 nn lliU twain man Of guile and gab, Iago, More subtle, slick and sinful than A Buyer from Chicago. And having introduced the villain.

It may he wise to stop here, thus leaving the reader In the proper state of suspense. If he desires to know the outcome he may purchase the hook. Which brings us to Heavens! by Ixrtila Untenneyer. Although this volume is partially composed In prow the mere fact that the other half isn't and that Mr. L'ntermcyer himself is a poet of the most em phatic achievement makes It possl lUe to include It here.

The verse is llffht verse ut Its beat. The first thing of mention, of course, Is the Merles of bcrodies In which Mr. Un termeyer has Edwin Arlington Rob-. inson, Carl Sandburg. Robert Frost, Vacbel Lindsay, Edwin Mirkham, Edgar Masters.

Edna St. Vln cent MUlay, Amy Lowell, II. D. -Conrad Aiken, Alfred Kreymborgr, Kara Pound, T. S.

Eliot, Sara Teas- dale. Robert W. Service and himself writing about Einstein's theory of rtlativity. They are exceptionally fin pieces of work, for In each parody Mr. Untenneyer catches per fectly the spirit and technical idio syncrasies of the poets who are his victims.

Perhaps the one criticism would be that the parodist should not base his efforts on particular poems or those parodied. The greatest Iarudy never needs a specific bit of work; It Is successful because it conveys the spirit and nature of the parodied one, exaggerated of course, to the reader. Perhaps the best ex ample of parody to te found is Max lleerbohm's A Christinas Oar land," although these are prose par odies. Mr. Untenneyer also has xome prose parodies In his volume indeed, the book takes its name from them.

Heavens!" is a series of prose pieces presenting the various heavens of Gilbert K. Chesterton, H. O. Wells, Oeorge Moore, James ranch Cabell and Sinclair Lewis. Written in the style of each one of these writers the heavens portrayed are particularly funny.

This book, by the way. Is a particularly generous one in point of laughable contents, for, besides the two series already mentioned, there is a series of five pre-vlews. A preview, maintains the author, is the opposite of a review. In other words, it Is the consideration of a book that has not yet been written. And In these delightful squibs Mr.

Unter meyer gravely descants on Wood rovian Poetry." "The Manufacture of Verse," The I'un. Its Princi plea, Possibilities, and snd A Manual of Versed They are all witty, keen and delightfully written. Mr. Untermeyer's place as a parodist is Quite secure and the writer is a little loath to accept the statement in the dedication that he la going to desert the lists of parody for all time. 8uch an action on Mr.

Untermeyer's part would deprive his readers of a deal of intellectual excitement and sound fun. Itefore leaving Mr. Unter meyer's book it may be well to offer The following Is his conception of T.i S. Kllot writing about relativity. K1NKTKIN A MONO THE COFFEE CUla.

Deflective rhythm under sens Where Happho tuned the snarling air; A shifting of the spectral lines Grown refl with gravity and wear. New systems of co-ordinates Disturb the Sunday table-cloth. Selestlne yawns. Sir Oliver Hints of the Jaguar and sloth. A chord of the eleventh shrieks And slips beyond the portico.

The night contracts. A warp In space Has rumors of Corrcggto. Lights. Mrs. Inumenthal expands; Diaphragm and diastole.

The rector brightens. Tea Is served Euclid supplanted by the sole. Our last volume la a collection of poems that appeared In the pages of Punch between the years 1000 and 19'JO. These were fast and furious years and, naturally, the reader will find a varied fare within the pages of Poems from Punch." He will find old favorites, particularly among the war poems, such ai John McCrae's In Flanders Fields." for instance, but it la not upon the serious side of the book that the reviewer cares to dwell. It Is, luckily, but a very small part of a good-sized volume that is, for the most part, an excellent example of the sort of light verse that Is eagerly gobbled up in Great Britain.

Needless to say, It is extremely good light verse. The Calverley note la here quite often, and it Is evident that the English love their light verse with feminine endings. They adore queer rhymes like Cimmerian and a weary "un." So does the writer, for that matter; so he is not holding this Idiosyncrasy up with any idea of poking fun at it An examination of the volume exhibits a blithenesa of spirit that la rather aristocratic and selective. The Englishman, at least in the pages of Punch, does not care for light verse of the low-comedy order for the most part, although one or two of the pieces in this collection might come under that head. However, the best proof of a pudding Is always in its eating and, somewhat uncertainly because of the wealth of matter, the following piece Is offered as an example of the material in the book, always, of course, setting aside the serious poems.

IN WINTER. Boreas blows on his high wood whistle. Over the coppice and down the lane, Where the goldfinch chirps from the haulm of the thistle, And mangolds gloara In the fanner's wain. Last year's dead and the new year sleeping Under Its mantlo of leaves and snow; Earth holds beauty fast in her keeping. Rut Life Invincible stirs below.

Runs the sap In each root snd rhizome, iTImrose yellow and snowdrop cold. Windy flowers when the chlffchaff flies home, Ienten lilies with crowns of gold. Soon the woods will be blithe with bracken, April whisper of lambs at play Spring will triumphand our old black hen (Thank the Lord) will begin to lay. C. H.

Hretherton. A deal of the poetry In this volume, while not serious, is hardly of an order to lie dulibed humorous. It U'tongs rather to that type of poetry that has been termed vers de so-ciete, the sprightly, whimsical lines of an Austin Dobson. for instance. A numler of the poems have to do with various sports and there are some excellent sea poems by Miss C.

Fox Smith; who writes with the swinging bravado that one would naturally associate with a man. The book, as a whole, is decidedly pleasing one. for it possesses poetry for mot of our moods. It should be apparent from the remarks and quotations that appear above that there Is a great difference between the light verse of true poets and the light verse of men who never attempt anything (or desire to attempt anything) leyond light verse. The three hooks considered here have been written by poets who don tap and bells for the occasion and if one of them.

Mr. Marquis, appears hardly ever in anything but cap and hells, we must not forget that the few occasions he has appeared without them have shown him an authentic poet. The World of Art Continued from Page 14 landscape, drawn with pastel. The light touch on the springs of emotion is compelling. One's heart rises to the violet hills and weedy foreground as to the ragged, wistful beauty of the actual scene.

Twacht-man and Weir remind us that emotion must be evoked, and not explained. At the opposite end of the gallery from the TwachUnaa are two canvases by Lilian Genth, one a large sun-flecked nude, robust In flesh. less convincing as to the bonjr structure beneath; the other a sparkling piece of color, a 'young woman in a garden. Daingerfleld. Dessar ana Met calf, are In the American Room, and In th.

European Room two such oppoKite painters as Co rot and Thau- low are conspicuous. The Ehrich Gallery gives the June public a taste of the older masters. The best of them are tne least known. Goya's pink Princess Is a very pretty lady, but with all of Goya's crisp certainly omitted. The Gainsborough landscape, "The Ford." Is a memorial to the fallibll Ity of critics, since two of these have said that Gainsborough did tne landscape and some one else did the figures, while two others find Gainsborough's touch In the figures and not in the landscape.

There are no Romneya or Sir Joshuas, but Francis Cotes Is In ex cellent form with his portrait of Henry, Lord Teynham," a stately Bitter with his wig not very perfectly adjusted, his rose -colored velvet and his ermine radiant against the gray background, the whole as charming as paint and costume can make fleshy and full-blooded gentleman appear. Another portrait, owing- much to elaborate and handsome Why 'Be Kf-JVERYONK Is living or worains; in rear," aays Basil King. "There Is not a home or an office or a factory or a school or a church In which, some hansdog apprehension Is not eating at the hearts of men and women and children." Thousands of people are held back from a wonderful, suc cessful life a keen enjoyment of social affairs a happy mar najrs miougn rear in some one of its many forms. Fear makes people hesitate to assert themselves In their home or business. They fear public opinion.

Lose courage of their convictions. Think the things that other men and women t-esily accomplish are Impossible to themselves. They are afraid to take risks In business, are enable to brush aside mental obstacles In order to arrive at heir goal. Fear of self fear of people-fear of the future fear of things are keeping mm and women from their full share of happiness and from the position which they deserve. No matter what your occupatton-no msttet- what you week In life, whether it be health, happiness, money or power it can never be yours until you have conquered man's bitter and common enemy which Is FEAR.

The Conquest of Few Hasli King believes that no one can posMbly suffer from fear as keenly as he hhs suffered. Broken In spirit, sick In boily, without his friends, almoet blinded and In poverty, he himself uvemtme his fesrs physical as well as mental and out of his own amaslng tsperlenov. and experience liutt are common to all. he has created a wonderful book that tears way those Imnirlnatlon-created masks various fesrs. superstitions and busahoos that have paralyved the Drain's energies snd constantly dinned Into our -ars the failure slogans: i sfrabl" "I dare not" "1 haven't the all of the other yhiickllng remarks.

"The Continent of Fear" Is NOT FICTION. It would not be called a religious book neither has It anything to do with Psycho-Analysis. It I true story of human experience and It sets forth a definite programme for reacting against those fear which are common to all of us. It will startle you It will hold your Interest to the ind ou will probably want to read it over many time because It will awaken new thought that may easily change the course of your whole career. Just as It ha changed Pie earrer of thousands tit men and women In all walks of life.

Afraid? rq tf THE i CONQUEST; I TTT- I I I ZfZZZE" 11 Iaris Bordonl, a young bewitching; girl in the heavy brocaded and embroidered gown of the period, holding In one hand a carnation, in the other handkerchief as big aa a lunch cloth, one of the opulent handker chiefs of the Renaissance, which are made the subject of special study by connoisseurs who enjoy taking one thing and being thorough with it. The little childish head rising above this mountain of rich fabrics and gleaming ornament Is as fair as a Spring blossom and as delicate. The simpler side of life In a simpler nation la ahown by the Dutch interior, painted by Gerritx. BrekeJenkam. Here we have a worn but eager housewife looking over grapes preparatory to the squeezing for wine or Jelly.

A servant with the stupidest face la the world is bringing the bag and bucket. A wine jug stands on the table. A handsomely framed picture hangs on the wall. The shoes of the mistress are carelessly strewn on the floor, offering a pleas ant contrast to the Impeccable order ana neatness that prevail, it Is a picture so well painted as to make you forget entirely how well It Is painted and think only of the Impres sion conveyed, an Impression of peace and good living. the first time that God has been explained to me as a working power in my life." Why Be Timid or Afraid? A you read this remarkable book you will qulekljr learn how Kesxon.

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It is a keen and searching analysis of Jspan's situation and political necessities in relation to the peculiar problems of the Pacific It it a sane and valuable book from every point of view, and in its append the author presents for reference practically all the Conference documents on Japan, China and the Pacific $5.00. Any bookttof can $uppty it; if not, it can be had from P. DUTTON CS1 rat Avenue, New York an example of his art as a parodist. dress, is the Girt with Dog," by book..

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