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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ee Tim yori: IBAGOE TAKES STEPS FOR WAR OH TYPHUS Oratory Flow irf Aaeombly, i Hut Framsxl Action. 1' TO WAGE FIGHT UtvUt May lUJict Blacltid Ordef, ft, whi Uf-Afi. Vi" ilnltfif Uivt Cenevu Br KDWI 1- JAMES. UM. TM Tr S.wt.l CoM.

Tms Kaw Tea criEVA, tWi dr TelcpUnni to Le- of Nation tneetlns; today 4TUit to ftdUeuilon of tryhiui and cholera. J. rtamifsl'r oeovrd a weal point In tf-a IV exit-whenver fich a jtijct uoa which everybody is agreed omo Mis ar too nuy wurh wkIi urn vuwd to th tail. Mutci lb Uvi lrttd, tthfll -aoa th. SMtter, OM kMNTS.

Tb net rwulti of tx meeting- were, first. the tinounemwiit that 200.000 of the ii.w'.wo ed for had boon. rjbacrtted by the world irf reply to th Council' appeal second, it wa decided that (h Aejbly ahould make a. new aapesj to nation and welfare societies, are. third, that lh Assembly should appoint wmimlHo of three -to conduct th tight against typhus, it wr rantlm 1 be seen whether the Aeoembly will succeed better Uian tfco Council bu 4t), Tbta wipptil and the formation of the of Thr had previously ba decided on in errut commission Sn4 moat of the oeche heard tody bad else been mad there.

But with tut, aeosnapef correspondent In the gallery the deleeates plunged into a feed of erator? for thre whole hours. It le se argument against holding- debate In public. From the practical efevpolnt the commission's discussion weula have sufficed and the Asaembiy meeting today would Dot have beta wasted. Aid le Pledged VodrttenalIy. George B.

Foster, Canada, aald list Canada withdrew the conditions attached to her offer of 1200.00. Po-Ua4 could not fight typhua unaided ad was a danger to all Europe. T. Hansen emphasised the urgency ef HMkiof a barrier against' typhua in foUnd, T' becaua Itiuala ta already dd-n with It." i it. Hauotaux ef France aald tliat there re no etrlnae to the Prenth offer of I.iVlOtO francs.

A. J. Balfpur aaid the earn ef Ki.gUnd'e C.V) OHJ. Xoo plaJatd China' a support Palaocio ef Ormtoe said that hie couetry wouiu (Ire 40 M. ina Fadcrewaki declared that tr-aliua waa an aftermath of the war in Poland and had not been endemic there before, The ctnvcrnment would do tta Ht, but could rnaatr typhua alone.

It waa announced that Lee. 18 had been tenia Uvely fixed for the Aeeemblr hiui a wrmination. Th ArcAntlna detpratloii left tenirht. It will be remembered that 8 nor Pueyr redon gave the fact that the Assembly vssted time talklat about typhua a na et.tne reasons for Die withdrawal. Matlew May ftejeet Bleebade Order.

GCSEVA ltoc.7 (Associated PreM). The Conimiaston on Economics of the League of Natiena Aeeembly today unanimously decided that no member of the Lag-ue shall be pertnltted to blockade an offending member without the eo nee f.t of the Council of the Leafuo. sut that a member fnay reject the decision of the Council If It believes It to be unjunt. This action came at the close of a puutw trcBMJn vf tie romintssU n. which developed two dtviaione of opinion among the Hates.

One group led by sTgrior Jianier of the Italian delegation, tools the view that It would be fatal if each euwer were permitted to commence a biorkade whenever it considered ite touree right and without a decision by the Council. aTOup. the spokesman of JMch was ITjlnii4, BranUng of Sweden, vhalrtnan of the Commlsaion on Oiaartn writ. Blockade and Mandatos. ep-K1 the placing of the decision In th Uit'ie of the Council.

My country UI never yield to the Council the right le avide when a blockade shall be M. Brantlng asserted. Urd Bobert Cecd. nprvstiiUrig South siisgestcd a compromise permit-tng tats to reject a dec's on by the Courtoil If tha 8U.lea thought th decision A. U.F aner or the Brtusij dl- ration, emphasized the neces- of setting up at once some iiort of-temporary machinery, wh'ch could and erooawy would be altered at the next "ln.

iJl? r.Mr 'he commission now'soe'e the Aafiembly. he act of the Aseernbly this STrH TT'V- th Ofsdn of ReComntlttee on Between the wWy and the Council for the llm- Jjr which provided that the Aseem-mT po7'r. Uh OuesUona vi i. annua. r.tAhi!.

Pointed out that eL.i "-ot change the KrTw bf 'Ulkn-. th Port. being the CcuncU and remarked but was 0t th 01 BORDCN WARNS. 0 ARTICLE X. Secrna to Involve Smrxty of Territorial Qneations.

Ontario. Dec. Article of the Ntone covenant is that aha wU tavolee herself in the Jmtlon ef ue territorial tnteplty of rr. Leaxue." Sir 4hf'1 'e dominion forth of 'fEFJXil Included to thl. leiMTtv to Involve defeA.l1" Meration auea- a survey fat tt EP0RT ABOUT COLBY.

Tra, Tliat He Will Omit Arte. MU Tri Speechee, WtSfN-X)ee- 7-T-- Jfor a report sent out from ovenlng that because 4TIBU" th Nr mlt that country or will rUe hi. Alrra. earde-t: kt tha dny onfer. Utt Norman le to inJ.t,' Doartnent today S-S, cX, f'" to that Ow.

t. COiby WOuld have, rv Mlj the ausTgeatton and replied "OeHrt. havlB rat fH by Mr. Colby fvr Stveryon DEFENDS ARGENTINA, Bulne. Sy Shi Cham-tke Rljfeu of Ex-Neatrata.

Senator (to-between wtentina. who reoenUy ci A'fea. where hi JS of Nations, pub- tnwl arUcle la Uilj aof ninV 2 frosn th position of thows wrr 'tint are bound the Irue by tlkir tr-aiy elrnaUiree." the rrti.lo says. tiav. ir.s; ttf.n Invited to co-operate in ar.v nfW orrr.xatJon.

Arrwtm i.hYi,.i waa ratitUd to Oio cund ittooa usuiv wft-s wofifti ifis nv na ur stjwS tr'l dignity to rojiounce "In chsmploafnt the rf rhts of BCU- 1n the Learue Inferlol- to rations which lcnca the Argentina championed the right- anO ail other- ooontriea of aimi-L T.i-"' u'uj" Arrmtlna upon a 1x4 RANCOR OVER LEAGUE BEWJU COMMENT 'orwaaii i Heals Argentina as Having Stood Against French MM, by jeri Coeuy. Br Wlreiese to Tirs New Tosa Tusa. BKBUN, rc -The ArgenUrre wlth- iL1 fl01 of niuoB; a- rTn'r Praia hewa by of nobis dnd 1 Wld altoeher since tha peutt cf Germany after t2.t..,,r" tricked fcjto and disarmed b'. fraudulent" aTOlU. ta2iwtm whoie woVlA Kwic? 5 ffS? th domlnint fuctora 4 In the HTl tet-w WBern Eurt-pean im-peruilsm and half.Aj.laUc Bolshevin tAT'SSL Jcwr fctaed their 4 5h9 circumstance, which the league became part of th Versailles Treaty, which, lr iaU -det 7....

we state or a Fartah In these continue li. vr u'. aiiuuiu nave ro- a-arded it a an honor not to this Uearue, wtiicfu considered lberia But in thtir dire moral and mat erial di-treee German people thoca-ht they could not afford to waive any caaWof future benefit poeaTbly ccnng from which wa therefore con-sidered desirable. Ala, the first sea-ion have proved that th eptrit of Ver-aaUle and of France will be at TOva and her route throat If O-rmany ia accepted a a member TV wlU resign Kufflced to make the English delegate drop their mediatory efforts and acquieace In the rench dictum that the Iarue should remain merely an instrument of hmti force in the hands of the victorious Kintent." smaller neutral States protested in some turn, ur vwer. JM.0S1 oi ine other dele-Rates i cc.pted the French dictatorahip.

But before the great power had quite accomplished their sinister mimnu Argentine bomb exploded and caused a rent the League of Nations that will widen repidly, and may cause It complete collapse. Jiot yur criminal game, that ia the real sense Pueyr- redon masterful, courageous letter to the Prealdent of the IeanJ of Nation. it can to the world' conscience. We are encourared even now to rejoice that a '-faaue or Nations ia true League of Na- INDICATES ARGENTINA WILL QUIT THE LEAGUE Pttejfrredon Exptds Early Decta ration cf His Intention of Total Wdhirawal. GENEVA, Dec Ihime.

don, head of th Argentine MmrtM Just bet ore hi departure for Pari to- nimt informed The Associated Pre Uiat ArtenUna'a withdrawal from the Assembly would probably be followed shortly by a formal declaration her Intention to leave the League. The only condition under which Ar-genUna wiU resume her place is the adoption of her four proposal said FueyrredonT" Ar-SfftJ. tnotlflcon of her dealr to St.1 construed a daUn from the day we left the 'Assembly, and unless the Assembly on amendment Ar-pntlna U1 declare herself out of the PlraUon of two yeaFs! Povided in the covenant. I am more convinced than ever, that the course I have adopted I Jut ad inIy Possible under the' circling stance. I have had many cablesrama congratulatinc me from Arc enUnTand the ATeaident uphold me.

I am xxeiur encouraged by the speeches by ot dedston. The Assembly will havn to adopt the S'SL offered If the lJeaUe la to be made a world wtdo lnstrunJit i ucrrreaon ent in hi realrna-tlon a one of the Vice President of the raTconmtSSon oX wavt prom with England on th basis of iii. "o-caJied Home Rule blllJ negotiate with England except one free nation with an- laberUe Disorder' la Crk." CORK. member of the Labor commission, who ijhv arrived In ou nicy inii'nn to a werk i tevetlatlon of the situation, ha al- iiu: numerous disorder. There was considerable shooting and window smashing during- th night, An Irishman who stepped up to th commissioners at the entrance to their hotel end requested them to Inspect a Jewelry storw nearby, which had been partially wrecked was arrested by aBlack and Tan after rough treatment.

The com-misaionera also say a squad' of holding- up, and searching-pedestrians and th occupant of vehicle. eommlaslon. after returnlnr from Bandon tiiia afternoon. vUited the shop wrecked laat evening- and queationed the proprietor. Later th commission obtained the release of the Irishman who had asked the Investigator to inspect the damage to hi Jewelry, Two adjoining- boil ding were completely wrecked, one of which waa occupied by a woman and her invalid -husband, the other by a woman and ber seven children.

Among those held up In the streeu today by tho auxiliary poUce waathe Captain of an American steamer lying In theharber and th stenographer of the Labor eommlaslon. sturban e. and raid today by the EUck and Tana left tha city tonight in a state of lenae anxiety. A laborvr a. dangeroualy woumied by random flrin: 'XS two lorry loads of auxiliaries.

Th villa- ef Blarney, near Cork, was Invaded yeaterday by armed and uniformed men, who raided and searched ail bOU. TAMPERINQ ARMY. Authorities Are Wetchlajx. Qae. In Common Is Told, LONDON; Dec.

watch la heing kept upon activiUea by extremist tor affect the 1 army loyalty. It wa declared by Sir- Archibald Williamson tn th Uou cf Common today. Sir Archibald replied to a question asking- whether he wa the Insidious attempt that are betiur made by members of republican and revolutionary orranixaUoos In this country to toyaity or tne army. ermine tha loyal of th army." HO.TRDCE FOR IRISH UNTIL LEADERS QUIT i -Cathm4 from Pag 1. Celama TTnTTni) QHTT7C! Oil AUERICAll SUIF3 Solicitor General Friwcaon Hold PrdlMkStScn Appllt Them or High SeMiw ALSO IN F0RE.CN WATERS Taxea n' Dlatllled ftpirit Due o- Ship tok Ut Sale.

fpeeUt ta Tors) Tim. WASHtVQTO.V. te. 7.lm Um 4pla-lom rxt s)oieltr Oaacrel WUUub Frlereon, no lijuor can be ol( on ship ftylaf the. American flax, whether the veaaela an tJom hlt or ta tor- eifn waters.

Ia A auteraeat tsnuei to- nifcht by WiUiam U. Willisuns, CommU-sdoner ot Internal Revenue. tor tn In- rormaUon tnd ot til raff. the Solicitor General a opinion in- elta. i while the CommJsioier tUterncnt doe sot contain the opinion a a ruling-.

It I understood that It must be followed a a policy of th Internal Revenue Bureau. The letter containing tha opinion wm dated Nov. 1, but waa not made public unto, aeday. Under th opinion, the practice Indulged In by certain American shlpa ot earning liquor for sale at the bar on voyage 'from Europe, must be abandoned. The llquof cannot be aold'oa the voyag-e, according to the It 1 the belief.

of revenue officers that the policy wiU be difficult to enforce In foreign waters, The Idea her It that mtera of vessel will be held responsible, and that Consul will be asked to report violations. Further reg-clatlons con oe ruing th opinion vrUI be formulated later it wa Text mt th OpUteb. 'J The letter of Solicitor General Frier- raon. containing: the. opinion' read i Department of i wdtice.

Vaahlngton, Nov. 1, 1920. 1 Hon. David Houston. Secretary oT the Dear Mr.

Secretary: -have the honor of acknowledging receipt pf jour letter of July 18, 1830. In -vrui rMiMrf ftlie followltfg- queetlon of law: the floor Ui Imposed by Section 303. Act of Oct. S. 1817.

40 300) and the floor tax Imposed by Act of Feb- 24. 19l. 40 tt. 10o) apply to dlsUled spirit held on board American snips for sale beyond the three-mile limit, some of the ship, 'the- IncMence of the tax. belnr at dock in thl country, some on the hig-h ea and, other In foreign water In each instance the spirits were produced In or Imported Into the United State PPe.

to Intoxlcatfnr uVr-fa Section 1. UUe it of said ac on board American ships, wheei such water 3 forein a follow. Ac Oct. 1917. tfned spirit pro-uci ta or Imported Into th United waw the tax now v.

Jmw DMH partnership or which ar Intended for wuj. tnere snail be levied. --v collected and paid a Uxof SiTrfT: lflntended for sal, or bererle pu" Pose or for use In Ue inanufactur or ProducUon of any JtJdudr Proof railon: anT which, the thl act 101 ar held by a retailer to a quanuSlt VP7 aUona In MalJ or neia bt P1! eh proof rallonl law determining th terrt-Proylded. that the Ux on uch dial y0 wbW to the criminal Jurisdiction tilled spirit in the custody court ff United SUte a follow: of bantrupIcT ln inol VSfc, me person to whom the court such distilled spirit TathV tim 3 delivery, to the uStth mount thna a.u. H1" fietv "eM Section 604 cf the act of Feb.

2. provides: wrannwom vti aisnueia spirits tvro-V "VH. Ut. lr ,111. li.P I A .1 .1 Kn- ue unjtea enuj Ux now Imposed by-law ha hZen paid, and whlch.TuS Tda? afur thS Passase of thl act.

are held bT any 228? tet.M forlSle'oVVor use In the manufacture or production rUrVrtMe intended or saJer, S5SUniM f5' f18- collected, and paid a flocr Ux of M.20 (if sal for bevenre purpoie or Ve In the manufacture or produi- ftr" uso f)? UMd iatendS iVLM beverare) on a proof wauon. -and a -proportionate tax at a Uk rat on ail fractional part of auch proof gailon. ihat naLa 1 a in internal rv- alon to stocks of spirtu beiontinig to 7: Arth0tle. and. th necetSrV i if- taken, but It would not rZiii nouo mteresu to give do- 5nM! 'a-.

for th Admiralty, mad an reply to a similar uavon concerning loyalty. LORDS ADVANCE HOME RULE. End Committee SUge--Expect Cora. mons to Reject LOXDOM. Dee.

Houae of Lords today concluded the committee stage of the Home Rut bill, it the general th Lordai amendmenu of the bin the alteration made In the constitution of the Senate -and th tlon proposal win causa disagreement In the House of Common. ThS wpo1 t-'e will be taken on Monday and the third reading- of th biU fixed for Tuesday next- i rARRESTED MAN LIVED HERE. Police Commlseloner Telle Colby Brltleh Hold American. Actlnr Polic Commissioner John Leach yesterday Informed Secretary- of State Colby Ut former Polio Lieutenant John Scahlon. who haa been arrested by the British In Ireland.

Is aa American cttixen. born ra County Clare In Ibtfi and became a naturalised dtlxa of thi country In 18S. He Joined th police force hi 1882. wa promoted to Serena nt tn lt)02 and Lieutenant in 1910. lie waji attached to th Alexander Avenue precinct.

In 1D12 be retired owlnr to 111 health and returned to County Clare with a pension. But for th war he would have brought nl'wlf back to America to 1914 and have spent the ret of hi life her, instead, he bought a farm at Klllaloe. cltisenshlp waa established in Ireland by the American Consul, who decided that he could not vot-In Ireland. Scanlon wa arrested a year ago. bat wa released three day uter.

Tn- let tery to hi friend. Lieutenant 'TCennet'. i- Hart of th Central Park Station, assailed th conduct of the Britieh tn Ireland and by the letten 55w? ICtpZ TELLS OF IRISH KILUfaGS. Prieet. Who Mlnlgtered to Dying Officer Return on Finland.

Father Patrick Barry of EL Gabriel's Church. East Thirty-seventh Street, who returned on the Red Star liner Finland from a trip to Koro and Ireiand mtid i f.rtf 1 te l-Tr fl t-r-v as ll I tl''i tiat Inri t-r pj "if cf tao a.ts ouot1. 11 Cnited rtatee. arnl tt.e wneiAer helr.g oo beard Arrer- a.t I t-- K. ct tf act is hUl by any person tatetxlol for It Umc nan Ti, I I'" ofc'ct to tfv Ud the Cotcnirnt it Iti hi-re rrt.

aS-tr be there, upon the McH e-a or ea forelrn water at frrve the tax 1 Wld The taxe levtd by the etatvitrs above referred of ct-uree ssrlr tanty to aorh spirit were b-Ul tJM Um the ecu were pgsi'd. Hnc thrjr rre on board a ship which iu Itaeif suh- tbl.t&UMr 1 cm nMK ot Ut tb til-inn nblt Is red by these UtUt'lt, lf TtlMl CB Kich thry were KetJ waa at eaw va Scept rfftallllUa Uwe. i Tn Elshteentk Ajondsit by He spIIm to TTnid SUu 1 tesrtuws eibct Lb luTWJIaCl i Citrtcv TT.i citlcnal doe not contain any Isariscs-Umltlsc the terrMory within which it Is to be tn effects It elm-Jr tnu that ctrtitn tranaactkms with resnert to tntoatratin llauara navlt utntswful. strwi that any peron who viol a lea IU pro- trUloM ihail CunlahM. It

therefore, that thi ieralatio precrike rule or lw wkiAon --mU a wfcrrrr Uas lavw Cn-rae) ap- By virtue of the Elrhieehth Amend. mem. CvnrreH la enpuweml to legislate, on thi aubect without rmrd to State or ether and with respect te all territory subject to the Jurisdiction Of the United BUtes, E.cept, therefor, a It operation in particular poeione of the United Mate may be limited by special statute appilcAbf those possessions the nat'oeal roh'b'f-n act le in force thronghout the Jurisdiction of th United fits tea. i The question then, whether rum Is he rule of law which govern thoe oa board an American vessel. That It doea so aoply when the vessel Is in A merle tv waters I think no one wUl ooubt.

The question, then. Is whether It applies when th vel is on th high aea or in foreign water. Thl question, also. I think I can now present no serious dispute. It was said In St, Clair vs.

United SUte 154 U. S. 1M. 13L-A '-easel registered a ree of I He united Sta tea-1 In many respect vuiiiiunro a a portion of territory, and persona on board are protected nd governed by th law of th coun try to ve belonrs. It follow, therefore, that person on board an American vessel wherever that veeael may be a re governed by th law of th United Bute to which they would be aubject If within th United State.

Indeed the Jurisdiction of th Federal Government over them much broader thn when they are within the United State. In th Istttr ra, with respect to th g-reat bulk of criminal law, they are subject to th Jurbvliction of the various States and not to ihat of Uie United Th various SUitee however, have no jurisdiction, even of their own citixen. when on th high ea. For thl reason. Cong-re may enact, and th Federal Government may enforce, criminal law for th rurpo of puni shine offender offenae committed while on th high seas which It would not be within th power of Con-gre totaeke applicable to th earn of-ren committed within on of the State.

Tbu. Chapter III of th Revised Statute, beginning with etla oontain a ion lUt of orfenaea which If -committed within one of the Rate would be bey on 1 the power of the Federal Government to purdah, and provide that when committed upon Vh high ea they ahU panlahed by the rederal Government. BU Tsrritry rbessss hle. In such case, it wa. cours.

ivecee-sa ry to have a special statute, (or th reaaoh that Conrree ha no power to enact law for th punishment of murder and the other offen mentioned in Chapter in. of th Brvisrd Hiatal enrUy throughout the United St tea Ay law. however, enacted by Con re. wthln It powr mna dwi ox getier! apptlcalto) a Jw. to whleh, person wuhl th criminal Jurisdiction of th United Plate ar subject.

The criminal Jajriadlctio of th United Etataa n. nu to their own territory, actual or coo. structlv. After making- this rutement Mr. Justice Ileld.

la United ftt v. Smiley, Sawyer M. ai.V iii Their actual territory Is rx1enatr with their poxes si on. Including a marina learue from their bor into V1 aea. Th" construct territory of th United state embraces vessel sailing under their flag wb-r-7f they go they carry the laws of their Country, and for a vloUtioai of them their aMmm A irvnwonii.

ior vni reason reaaon that ts Pre fn Court said In 8U Clair vs. United Stat (supra) that person on ooara a vraaej ar proteclol and gov-erned by th laws cf th country to which th veel belong. Th Elxhternth AmastAmit er" Congre to enact Uw applicable wherever th luriadictinM or State xit. The national pro! ,1 hi tlon actla a taw of such general apvllcaUon. I cannot doubt, therefore, that It ap-iv0 J110 0,1 oard Asnertcan hip whether In American water, on th bih sea or tn lureirn waters equally witn -rtfuf, fthe WILLIAV 1- mrrntriv Acting Attorney General raim knilnr of two Bmu.

om w.eJi,5i iivu ma oa in runay rnornlng and rushed to th room of th dying- men tn time to administer the rue) 01 vn cnurcn. 1 mused th shootiac by about a Father Barr continued. Yh band entered th hotel witnout any dia-Stiia with revolver in their hand and oraerS3 Ul -ut to put their ruwid ti A. tkey examjjed th book to una th room occupied by th apparently condemned men, and rush no up-Uirs and anot Captain JdcUoe-an to at one asTii door wa It iuior ant Lieutenant Wild a hearu them cooiini and tried to hold nta door against there. Th lar brought S.vOO sacks of Chrurt-maa maU.and a.Suu.o.jO in gold bar consigned to Kuhn.

Lorb Co. in ad oition to L33 first and ale s-im 1. th liner brought sterr- aengr. Th French liner Lorraln arrived rvm niTra TMTftrfliv ai on accovnt of th storm, with 143 flrrt. 2S aescond and 47i third class passengers.

Amon Uiv cabin panmireri wa Bar-net Young, owner of the Castle Theatre In Second -A venue, who aald that had ren detained ia Ruasl by th Bol-aheviki 117. finally escaped with a Bolshevist passport. SOCIALISTS FOR IRELAND. Chtcage'Meena Cade for InterveY tlon of America. -CHICAGO.

Dec. 7. -Th Socialist Party. In resolution adopted last eight by the Executive Council and mad pub-lie today, call upon th Government of tn plied Statoa "to lea efrort toward prevet.una; a continuation of th existing outrage now belnr committed upon to Irish people nd officially rwo-Osmis th Irish public Another reaoiution. deailnr wtth th reaaona why th koelallst Iarty did not affUUte with th Ruaaiaa Ttdrd li.ter-ntional and agre to th twentr-ort term laid down by th kioacow t-oviet.

ays: VV oonoed to th Rnasta comrade the rig-ht to formula their own internal fuchs without Interference from any other sex tlon of th wort lag Ua movement of tn world. Wrt we concede to 'hern claim for Th text of tho Irish resolution, whv-fc attck the Lloyd Georg Govcrsmrnt. saya la part? "The Socialist Party of th "tatea. tn tonumm, with tb Social rartie of th worid proteat a.i0rt bloody recim in Ireland. Th ev-g fepresalo Indulged In by th Uord George Government In Irelaad.

tat the ccof a reat popu ar vot. tn favor of Irish ta ernlcaj com- natl IT; crnlcai com- and beari, i.alllJ. i I i 1 i. 111 Urd Vzy.fl to Hot' RoaUioevoo by trH Srrrpathrrtn, LEASED W.TH KEW YORK I I save. WM WAAJIIXOTOX.

Ta. It. lSwltify. alicw t4 th 1st Lord Mjror or Cork. bor arrr-aj bore rreos New Tork td tcatlTy prfcTt appolited by to I' xo lsTMUtsUnc too inwn, Wnlri tit rckri of lit uu i- UwrM4 lerM4 JT ai Mue Htf ivf fry, Jr; latrr-b-law.

who svooompal4 bor. a peivat rwaideetre, wbor Uy wia be owrujsrf durtae tbolr vUH bor. Tb proossetoe, which rraag4 by the local mrn berth lp of th Ataericaa octation. fr tfc Rocosutri of IM Irtob Rea-ublsc," pa dowa j-eaaaytvaai Arutuo and thenco by the "Whit on ExecuUvf AxVatse. Mr.

uriej If c1ny. wt iww cf tb Lord Mayor Cork, departed rwsterday ellemourj at ort'tb innm 1 Limited for VYaarungtou. where au wtu spr etor today or tomorrow wfor th eaouauwlon rranlal by Tb National to conduct aa uUaalj Into Irtah aTT air. A boot lOu pereoo gaUtered at too rVarrivr.t bLateo. so of tbom wtta inwi bid th dj.

lief or urung aire, Jardway ear OUt klAlMIWo. tl wKLra lwa Pwvtn to city and It uvm with rher heart f.Jed with lor. After ar ieuitei on or --rTr-if-n ptau Uj N-tnd us wo- UteMa-Uv, Margaret NvUvtan. at a convent la A-shui. M.

c. Vr. abiy will return to New York eerty mnt wee, bryocja vluck Um br 4aa are tndesiult. Mr. MacSwlney yetrday snorvUr.g OUsMi upoei ArviiUabo) ratrHh J.

Ui A asaaJl crowd uWe4 ta tn Arcnbiahop reo! Zm ke. alxi- ifvMLh otrevt. AaMr. Mvwtny wafped from kr 7 iod illt a bV iurvcnai, who hk arou BMW-eVai arlrl 1 at outtely lUrvlW th atioatv TUfJ'Z1- tn tMd ajd then fea battery of amto. gectsir and otner CaJner.

Tb sxrw s.ui not in. KMuty eg th cri. Lh1 cx IrJ. tTOVsuerKw to mr wt-ow of th Lur Mav of Cora, Mutts auU-truui. wr taxeot LhaA bad Krwktt th tta j.

Ml, sAOMkry nausH tb Arcuataovo rtoiMoi mm, Um nt-. a i oo.un im MwiMe7 Crwoxer i-Mk ajr bnanWy, axhr aevfr tb Arrhsss. a. th tvev. rfo-vb A.

Unaiot. lloto) bt. Re. where oe r-oj erred tm iin WttMrt. (lr wo4 a ut a.

uf. Mm i firmed t.Mso.M Ter- auool an sMoa. At OfWM t'orai vaiMMi wa q-ai. kr oi rrww toot unVMSj srr. uet yoor eu bee at4aia IN eso 4 kw Wow 11 nr do that, bvt It w.xl, r-ra asra Mwtaor.

woo Vs. atlacvd a bor nasno. srwmr, -Marvel onvo fros utifn MaTUraai. wcwb ri'i tongsi i Mr. MocawWy ttad IvwbM Oet Lb trlk i rTT oorT-AAiorta.

vroen ul SmmW a-Coenajid ta j. uoa 1 ludly rw. Malooe an liorry ocry aiM. Mac t. tb rrwM oe lb terminal.

'r-" WK o-r lrtti bosuw-r. Two aol.ffifc.ei aJld: uuw 'a. MacVerlaey an trl i rTht aorr Uter and anysu UsV tt It not aVJi TZiX: iZliy a-reet to of wmrs we WIUI Ihouumli Mkilurl. 1 7-1 ceivoi rroen lhrugbo.t ta Unit tfi' ri2 r.r arnvai bor that New InSrtiT UkwV aunt of ail When I cel. awe.

otir hoTr. tiatefPl Iri CENSOR DELEGATES' OPERA ored DlplomeU Uivt Hall Where 'Rt vised "Phlphr le Given. by TVs Tei TIm iijiij. rcii Caki Tns Ksw Yea, Tistsa. GE.XEVA.

Dec! T. Hvhca ea Paris). Geneva, tb bom of Joem Calvin, ha asaerted lUdt tfhatever I. roinc be a th bom th leirs. ei iauoc it reruao to a mmuiar Part.

night for th Prv thn at a theatre her thtrr waa prfortnod th comic "J'rt" wMch aa rwn for 1.0OO nlrru In Pari Hut, alaA. Wa iu th Vsri-taa I-hipeX' At the dre rebeoraal the pwi or. ar.ordln- Uw. wt to look. Wht he Ihoogrt not rwrorded but be s-e to worb IO vtre en libretto with a t4.rg bta pewctl.

ARE YOU COMING TO WASHINGTON? on belrt; yo a th Coretal Otyf Th Wtrdaoa Park Ii idny arranrwd for Cabs' Meev. bera, Sentiri, Pisrn i sunn. a4 Cthf Ofciag of th National Oev i-nect. In lb hoerf of NSfAahiAfWMi yet within coavoriorn reach oi Gormsrn4, theatr, hr7Tor; recw, tc enc. imt vio uj n-' rrrta ax A- tw- IV 1 1 4 i 'f i-a- CN.

u. I 9 1 i 1. 1 I a Wr tu i v. i eo tM vm Ir k. 1 i 1 i i t-e n.

i w. 1 ii -r i 1 1 4 it fur smvuu. i (., -1 i i 'i ARRST FEMU U. P. it atrMi.

i. r. rcf no. Tela r-er-ber 4 Ih lUt-r an I bor aocWy ood hi asr oioa. I V.lLSOli MiES OPflClXLs.

Svds itt Na4ieu-ne te lenata fer Xeefirnxir.siv. Irwuiw ra ra rta. WTAAIilNTTOX. X. T.

PoM tnisof laCSy treaaaarird tWai It annaliollsa fr tb iwtnars coe of tKat bad. f) ssslnUsm tiur.g thoa Jut IT. to L4a a CvnunlUr Om Cwravf, t.r sniwiliie Of CL taarlt Coturto Conm.UsIwi, tw of tv. fST twnm'. ioa.

and tb too rC aoltad by the lriiet Le eovyrt tb pwe. aJ-4 of the Urt4 rute V4l4g Hoard. EJ-rd Catp s-f Jersey was a iw lifted rr te Crvm, Neewaaa 1L tvt TS L'a wr-tary afUU. IM Van bait- 4 Werio. bmlth of rw York te We TMes ariM.

aat i.if'stary 4 a le ta iSKiuded laartrKr ofTicw of Vk army i finest. ercai orrkorf of th I In fssfUn oOm orr -r--a bwwao rtAefa with jiossaj reoa. i.i)m eev i ia A. trvsa wa MXr f-ri rmitn tb Mart CWao, y-aM 1 bold a Lo rwo.t ad a tvws ajuj4. aot.

A Urr massif snvttW eroal Jtt guAovi F. Wb.teeioa.4 of VVflu, mm. ou i ial. i oe yrask IK Urterio stenvaad a Cow Isl li i- of vo ftM Lortrr Jono I ItM-tK i a (MolrtM aw Ve--r tt---of TriM one Owoxrio 1UH be Am nrw of tho -f woe r-oort a tlae ha.U-4M. lieery or.

Ihnxu Marb W. Iott- C-o. o-ro Co-fcantoro a 4 bertan a js okut ar MeTaU M.MrtMu ft i l. tfJ- C-aoaoas-a. ao c.

ta bo soon aof of rWl Kss.eia tkoaed hV H-Aa etwy o4 ft. tr. 'r- Wth Hew it, woro e-OMVeos-d Mr.nM fut Troasstry. Tb of Wm Mkit IioardsMa aa4 i ttooart, eo. roo tau-i, fr Cmi no WANTS 0 ES0L01LR EAU rttprotrUOvo ftfre leteodtM UI CosepaoJV Afwr.

WAtKIXOTtrX. las. -ensH um nit i maw ii il Lrvy. ausd te WW P-r- -tmi nj. ar for giwtart-4 a4 Uotoe dVsa iW ae asiniit, ta btU sdewro4 loAsy ly eoe.

wtaUtw Kngore, KiSUtaaja. bCaoeo-corLa Th bCJ wwol 4 trMfor cb rwonfiotl sd lb ti-i io W-r ytiok IbeikM Wats tin Ik. oor.i -ed Vo.nO Man Kt ton of w-o. of vo tk.u iab oro a oi'. ti treottao of war a-m u-s trw IC 0 dollar for 4 'T.

Usr Ie55J -'i as ill VTg tV 41 Tr 'xeJ lutnmeT.g Realty Asso ci atls Investment Corporation ccAf.iTT Txirrr x7im. t. a I I Qm 'j FiofwAr4Tu ZVw iureues EXHIBITION Men's Made-to-Ordcr Clothes rxirt xrc-A cAs-LTVAVa frf Waldorf- Astoria Hotel Kiln noyj xt Mr'. CmIZi t. December G-T-S-C-IO rrtrm A.

urta ii r. szxriuj i r.n lb) lolioekrf ttswtWe loiUr. Jvw Ul oiBhaef oMncr twrtdofa a matUsoj acne Vwa, aireo Swavona w. J. caaosoaa, Joho Niu rb Arnna n' na tV gtoooos coa.

A- r. ttotftota Kt. 1 'wstl at to Acrr.viiuLk 'Kt ftot fcS a a- rtnjiA on Wrt no "Ai crjai ctu a TIME JTJKE THIS When hrce indastrul orcanizstioni'arr piir-r. dividends; when financier, ttand in ditm.r the unprecedented ihnnlac in ihc value of ttocblhat have a lone record of eamlni behind them, there is one class of inverter, uhef arc confident unci comfortable. Thcr arc the who with courser persistency have ttaned out to save who con-tinue to save their fundi and invert them in PrudcnccBords.

There arc no deferred dividends with Prjdcr.ce-Bondt, There can be Thry are wenh ea a dollar juit whit was piid for th: They arc worry free; they arc care free; steady in the income they brine If you have not imriticiicd Pnidenct-Errnds yet, T3u should. The tafrtr which they is Guaranteed. Write for hooLIrt Na. F-lCiS Vj -El even or wo si i ban r. cjc tj Midlot kuoi a iv 1''il lw r.

OMO Liioaoi.

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