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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


P- 2L Ths Esnroe win return to-tsomw. Prlic Bismarck wtll (MtoBtflta Wednesday. Cauat Birtot ptparek. Cablaai Miatelmk Gsn, yOS wOTIWHT ftaaaia. are ammoad to mmtlng om Thure- -fa th Cr eomln Tirtl, far which ds- ZeitMHU MlttUMM that th Rosmsa 7MhU rvarev.

and the lrom eld iUmk, 1 Admiral. eorlBf the Cur.nn tinted rMCb Uel the moral of th JT7U rnst AllhfB tb Clf bM IpTe4 a IWMIt wish Hut its ip a quiet possible; Ml tbat a laternatlonal object Tsa pre during iter. rTtnee Bla- a anaaar la determined In sat th Interview wlU all polble Impart, II hi Ue ar carried ouv. instead of a short and nn-astsmoaioos visit in Ctar will bo treated to ft psoiMf Court banquet and dlplotnatlo dla- Ber. fTse absaaee of M.

do Glers. th Brualaa Foreign Minister, indicate Wot tho Csar de termined to rotus rnnce m-marrs a pouui rnlnreoce. in oruer to empuaaiao nu ueeire tsvoU tbo discussion of foreign affaire tho t'lar bm ordered M. doOler to lav (it Peters-bare oa Tuesday fnr a fortaight holiday, wblcb is to spool In tba provisoes. Tarouga-31 hla anjoara nor tba Csar will oslanlatloualy refrain Iran tha transauoa of all k'vratga Ofnc business, Tba fra t'mayo.

CrtuAAmia, and all tho Jtaaelaa pspors sgrre tbat tba exceptionally fnre.iiy treatment of tbe Cxerowiteh during bis visit to Oarmaar and tbe eourtoaiea offered to lb Csar do uot affect tba rotation btweon tba two eountria Ibe persona! feellnca taaara wa cmpvrvr uy nwawj oooq aiiad by aa Inoiaeut aruiac from bla eoaferriof tba ordar of at. fltaoUlaa on a Baigariaa, Major UraaC, who kidnapped Prlnoo Alexander Battaabera; aad wbo now a Ruaaian Saasloaar. Tha nperor at a military ain-r la tha eonrsa of oonTeraatioa. az-praMed woodar tbat tba decoration ahould bare bean riToa traitorooa aoiaier. Three prueaiaa offloan wbo wore the deoornUoa of tba order of Bk btantalaiu ware preeent at tba dlBDor aad bard tbe mparora word a.

Tfter furibwlih ratarnad tbe loalcala to St. pauraburc, with a eolleetlTelr-lft-nad proteat, taung ibat they eould not wear an order that bad been 1an to a mutineer. The Czar exae-twratioa waa ao lnwnao that be demanded, torooab Coant BcbooTaloff. tbo Bnaalan Arn-baxador here, tba paaiahaaeat of tbe oiUeara. 1 be Laiparor placed tbem nndar arraat for an-aaihortxed aorraapondenoe with forelea Gor-rmmeat, bat after two dart ho ordered their rrleaaa, Tbe belief of the Foreign Offloe here la that tha Caar dealgna to a lay only a few nonra at Potatlaia and nut to cone to Berlin, proeoad io atralubt MtMOow after an intorchanxa of funnel eivlililM a lib Emperor William.

1 ba aaiHBiivrea at Hanover terminated to-day. The Am per or, eommandlnaT tha Tenth Corpa, aaanmod a deieiutro poaluoa behind lso. on Ua A if aid Railway. Ula oorpa need amuksieaa powder, tlfbt bohnmaan lron-olad towera, armed with machine fruua, flcured in tho flf ht, tba plan of whloh IbTolred the retreat of the bafeain Corpa, flrln tho ordinary powder. The ht pubiubae a military report on the ntaau-rraa, wbleb la eooclualTe aa to the neeeaaity of tojokaleaa poader henoafortb for both artillery and mlaotry.

Tbo corpa ualnir tbaamokeleaa powder Kot within 200 yard of tbo enemy with at tbe latter belnf able to detarmlaa the die-taore. Tbe latter were often taken on the aaa, ana were annate to Kneaa wuenoa ue nxe aame. If It bad been a real batUa they would have been anulbilaUxL Tbe report dilate upon the demoralizing and bewilaeriaa- etleet of the cmokelesa Are of tbe Infantry npoa tbelr opponenta, and alao refer ta lb lnvreaaed certainty of aim aiialnc from tba abaence of amoke. eapeelally la the case of nl lery. The War OtBce la pre pari a to an ply aaiekaleaa powder to all the troopa, lnclndlnic tbe seeoad-claae Landwabr.

Tba latent per feeted amokaleea powder leave no ira after nno by Infantry, and only a allibt arar Uen. Van Binmeatnal, who waa anppoaed to be under tbe dla pleasure of Emperor William, wa jtreaant at tbo manxnuvrea to-day. and waa cordially received by tbo Emperor. The popular deiuonalratioa ao aratitled tbo Emperor tbat be told tbe Barcomaater of Hanover tbat be hoped to paaa aeveral day yearly amona: tba Heaoveriaae. Hi atajeety dlatrtboted 100 deeoratlooa.

la aooordauoa with bla wlah tba mnaieipal anthontlea of Uanavor will fill aa aibnm with pnotocrapba of the leadlnc ln-cldeat of hla Vlait, Minister Pnelpe, It 1 xpooted. will be crant-ed aa audience with Prlnoo Blamarek oa tba -otb mat. aad wUl bo roooived by tha Emperor tho 27th. Tbe eonataat squabble betweea Mr. Edwards, the Ualtad btataa Consul at Berlin, and iba laerebaate'hBve reaaltad In a formal eompletat bnua: aent to tbo Foretam OOtoo by tha ayndlee of tbo Merebanta Boeiety reffardlua the ooa-ulato' deUy of bnslne and nnclvll treat-menu Tbo complaint ha already been referred ta Conat ii extort BUmarok.

wbo la ln-dupaaad to in tar tare oa tho rreond tbat tbo matter la of too Utile Importaitoa. Consul Kd-wsrils. it la said, baa tba approval of Seeretary Blsiaa la tbe eaerailtn ol hla conduct The Government baa finally decided to make tbe emended anU boclallst law, whloh ba hitherto been reaewed every two year, a part of Iba permanent Penal Code. A. eommleeloB of Ine Biulatry of Juetioe baa renaod aad aliKhtly altered Me bill, which will bo one of tba promt nt quesUeo of tbe cornier eeeatoa of tbe Kelobau.

Tbe National liberals, rooently eredimd with a datonmnatloa to offer lade-pblnt oppoaiuoa to tha measure, abew. Uruafb their proa ore an a dlapoaitloa to join tba Cuuservatlvee la support of, tho Oovem-msat, wnlla tbe Cvatrlata promlao naeom-premialac aoetlllty. Tbe Boetalieie coatemplato tse ebaait from temporary to permanent re-trleUuna with eauanlmlty. beUevina tbat their Iarty prejeresa will not be hindered thereby. If ine eye effeetioa from wbleb Heir voa Fchoii la eunVnnjr forces him to reel fa tbe office r'lnaaoe Minister be will ba succeeded by Iierrvoa Hieinmaan, Praaldaai of ocbloawlr-11 nit tela.

The Cxarowltrb wfll so to A than a to attend tbemarrtaa-e of Pnaoeae Sophie ot Prussia to the Duke of Sparta. After the wedding; ceremony at Athens Emperor 101am will make a leor of the Peloponneaoa. coins to Olympla to Mew tba exeavaUeneaud thea vlaltlng- Neupha. Heavy froata are a-eaeral la tbe North of Germany. Tha Kieaea Oebirga eovered with two feet of anew.

inir mea wooer, wn waa rreatoeat or tbe workman' oommltteo duxlna; tha Hay mke, baa baea aentenced to aaven month i Imprisonment for laeitlac elaa hatred aad ura tbe mtaera to riot. The trial abowed tbat weber waa not concocted with tha Soelallat. WILKIE COLLINS DYING. Lost), BepL 3Z-WUkle CbUia ba bad a arlona relapse of hi bronchial trouble. It 1 bet likely that wUl recover.

CURRENT FOREIGN TOPICS. ZkzikK eept. 21. With tba objeet ot eeatat-inc (ireat Brltaia aad Oermaay la auppreasinc Ibe slave trade tbe Saltan aa issued aa edict eaipowerlac tba oommaader ot English and a war ships to aearea ail Zansibareae and other boats. Tbe decree alee pro video wet every person wbo enter tao Saltan' do-tnlob after November shall be fro.

"P1- 2L Tba police to-day made a Popular Cranbnarae Club. They tlnTmB, tWrw iT ort playar and bat- I ItT' Company reopened la tendonitis avealaa. Tiuuimaitniiiuiun 1VZ. naottue of tea hour to are seats. tbe pit waited 21 Sir.

WllUsm H. X. v'mfT ot House of Commoa for wbo waa triad aad oaovicteel lit Llwtt under the Crimea ae, baa been sentenced to tbrea moatba 1m-tNlseanieatwttauttt hard labor, P- 0altanlseaeampe! two "area from the rBr? ra ba arrived here. Tbe tJ-i Bla PbU at Taactar 11A Sept. aeeaant pab-UPjuMt by the Contra Admtuleiraiioa for tbo wal jear o( l8bS show tbat tba Government's exceeded tbo oxpeadltura by 80.0UO,-wm rauioa.

The eoaditloa or tha Kiac -r" aaxlaty. Ue 1 abla to receive tba kliul.ter dally. TtteitAXa Or BOTH SIDMM. Cuiibrnt, 8pt 21. A eall I ta be laaned next week to tba Cntua County veteran to org-aaiza a Oemocratio teacaa ta take aa 'tiTe part la tbi year Oabaraatarlal am-alca.

Tbe club wUl be called tba Leon Abbett bM4iers aad twilors' Leacae nf Union County. liepubliMias a frtday nlht raaivaaiaed Me County eolcUor awl Sellers' Leexae aad jeeted Malar Much W. Adam. Vleo PrroMoat yljffemy' Uwrtooa aad Martom League. THM AtSlMBLT CMLtirO.

AlBAKT, Bept SU-TTie Grand Jary tailed to a4 aa iadietmebi in tba matter of tba allered Aaeembly eelUnc eoaaplraey. It ta aadentood iaatay voW: or louletmeat. Attorney Caernl, with tb approval ot Ilatrtct Attorney ReUly, asked that tbo oatlin board by the (iraaid Jury ne Court at Over aad which saeeia oa ort.7.. JuJceott directed that the ardor a taua MOM I ALE VSIYJSBSITI. HOT 18 OF XVTBRXST TO TCDZST8 AND ORADU4TES.

If cw-a 4VEK. Sept. 21. Tba Preshmea In both departameat at Tata mat at tha boathoose tbu attaraooa aad received preliminary lnatmo-Uea aboot tba iaa eraw from Pre Went Sheldon. Tba Fall raoes are to ba bold at Lake Sal tons tall an Sa tarda Oct.

1Z Thar wlU bo twa eUbt-oared abeU raocs. with eexawalBs aaabatwaea 81 aad '92 and ona between -92, ftheffleld, aad '93. Bart well, '89, Sheffield, of lat yaai'i anlvemty eraw, wUl coach tba Sheffield School Freahmaa, and Brawater, 'ao, wUl have char- of tbo academic Freeh men. A paateet lor tba Cievalaud Cap and a raoe be-tweea OKI aad Pal are poseibla. Tba Fall rame will be held at Yale field on Saturday.

Oot 19. All ot tbe races will be aaadieapped aad arano ersnu wtll be open to all; athleioe from other eollecea will bo lnvitoo. Murphy, tba Yale trainer, la expected at tbe oolMffo aaxt week. Darlaa tba Summer be ha aerved aa tralaor for the Detroit Athletic CI rib. Tha Froaameu class rooms are overcrowded, and member of the FaooUy are aaser tor tbe oomplsUoa of tbo Osborne ReeltaUoa Bulldin.

It la feared tbat tbe room wlU be rather dark, aa tha window are hiu above tba floor nud Very deep. But tbe eafndeney or insufficiency of the light eaaaot well be determined yet aa the a-eaeral dark effect of tha Interior may be leaaeaed la the fioiahlns. Several ebaaaea ot instructors bare been made la the Solentine department Alexander, HH. St. assists Prof: HaaUnjs with hi apeolal lass la electricity; Loekwood.

88. ana Wvleott, '88. assist la the englneertnc claaaes: CarrlBton. '87, 8.. wUl aa.lst Mr.

Wheeler with tbe German clussea, and wtll have abarce of tbe aeeond division of the Freebmaa In Gorman, and E. E. Smith, '88, and a. will aaatat Prof. Chittenden and Mix tar to tbelr laboratories.

The old Sneflleld bomeatead la now la the nee of the Sdentlflo behooL Prof. Cblttendcn haa moved Into It tbe materials from tbe biological laboratory at South Sheffield, aad Prof. Eaton and Smith have made their qusrtera in tho Prof. Clark bad prepared his room to accommodate forty men in the en-Klneertns: division or tbo Junior, but the class assembled with sixty-one members. The uadercradoate membership of the university Is 1,064.

exactly loo more than laat year. Tha aoademie Juniors have 195 men this ear aad tbe Sopbomoree 194. There are 149 In he Senior Class. The Soieaufle School has 301 students. Battel! Chapel will not accommodate tbe row-In otassoe of the university.

This year more than two-thirds of Ua Freshmen have to sit In tbe gallery. Er4 W. Robinson. '90, ba been elected Captain of tha athletic team la place of acinar, wbo will not return to college. The Law School will open next Thursday, the Art fcohool Oct.

1. and the Medical School Oct. a Corbln. '89, waa a visitor at Yale this week. He la to teach school at JDobba Ferry, beelaninc Oct 2a There are eight vacancies on the glee elnb this year.

Six of tbe beat tenor graduated last Xar, Shearman, (taregan. Wells. Easlxn. bare, anil Ewlng. HutwelL '89.

a. ha returned for a post-graduate course in Sheffield, but be may reruee to enter athletic again. Kent '88, 1 taking a poat-gradaate oonrae and will probably be collector for the athletio association. P. Q.

Baranm wUl edit tbe Banner again this year. T. G. Shearman, the athlete of '89, 1 teaching IB tb Bbnltoa-avenne school. Morlarity, formerly ot '90, ha entered '91.

The laie A ew is now issued six Instead of fiv day in the week. JDST IX 11ME. JOSXPH KREKECK AND HIS DAUGHTER CATCH THE EMS BT MAIL BOAT. Among tbe passengers wbo sailed in the teamer Em, whloh left this port for Bremen yesterday were Joseph Kreneek and daughter, who apent a few day before sailing In a very disturbed condition ot mind. Kreneek arrived In town fiv or lx day ago aad took up bla abode at 45 Washington atreet He aaid tbat bo wanted to go to Europe, and on Wednesday he went to the office of Hermann Oelncb 4 agent ot the North German Lloyd Steamship LUia, to buy a ticket Tbe firm discovered that tba man bad quite a um ot money in hi pos-eeanion, and alao tbat hla mind was unsettled.

They therefore Induced him to give up hla money and take a receipt for It, and then took blm to the German Emigrant House at 26 Slate-street, told blm to etay until the steamer ailed on Saturday, and asked the manaa-er of tbe bouse. J. Offerman, to look after him. Kreneek disorder aoon began to manifest itself la very pronounced form. He imagined tbat ba waa being pursued, aad napeeted various people of an Intention to stab blm.

The manager triad to quiet blm aud talked with blm of hia wast life. Kreneek a id be waa a Hungarian by birth, but had been In this country many years, and aerved la tb Forty-third Illt-nol volunteer la tba war of the rebellion. Since then be bad praettoed medicine in Ohio. But amid much rational talk he continued to break out Irrationally, and oooe contided to the manager tbat be suspected that the porter of tha houae wa hi particular enemy and meant to a tab blm at the first opportunity. The manager kept hla eye oa Kreneek.

but oa Thursday evening, after being told to go to bed, be a lipped out and disappeared. Twenty-four hours later a young woman appeared. She aaid her name waa Maria Kreneek aad that tha mlaslag man wa bar father. He bad written to her to come to New-York to see blm. and told her that ha was at 26 State-street.

She wanted to see blm. The manager told her tbat Kreneek had been there, and though he did not know where be then waa he had no doubt that he would come in aoon. The girl cried aad appeared moon distressed. She was advised to be quiet, aad a ally consented to stay aver night Yesterday moraiag ber father bad act some In, and she Insisted on going to search for blm. She waa urged not to do so bat about 8 o'olook ah went out and notified tne polio.

About half an hour later Kreneek came In. Ha waa at onoe taken to the steamship company's offloe and word was left, in case the girl appeared, to send her there too. About 2 o'elock yesterday afternoon the girl eatue in. Bba, of coarse, had not found her father, but wa taken to the steamship com- anys offloe, arriving there just in time, and ound ber lather. She was overjoyed at meet-lag blm, and father and daughter were aent out to the Em on the mail boat CHAEQED WITH FRAUD.

PRESIDENT TAHKEBSLT AND SECRETARY HINDLET LODGED IN JAIL. Charle W. Tanksrsly and William Hindley. President and Secretary of tb Provident Home-ate ad Company of New-York, are confined la Raymond-etreet Jail, Brooklyn, charged with swindling Mrs. Mary Jameson of 132 RoebUng-treet She saw the company' advertisement offering to aid people of moderate mean to secure borne oa the Installment plan.

She selected tbe bouse abe wanted and agreed to pay 84.OO0 for It, 8600 cash aad tba balance at the rata of 832 a month tor 115 months. The company purchased the property and sold It to Mrs. Jameson on these terms. A fsw weeks ago, aba says, abe learned that tha bouaa waa to be aold to satisfy a mortgage for 3,500 bald by Isaac H. Cocks.

She had paid to the Provident Homestead Company then aboot 81.21)0, and at once employed counsel. Aa Investigation showed that the company bad bought the property for 8300, sublect to Mr. Cocks' mortgage, and had never paid off any or taat ltoo. The defendants therefore realized all the money paid in by Mrs. Jameson.

Mr. Tanksrsly Is a venerable-looking man at Arty-five years, wbo claims to have bea a ailgs la tbe upper part of this State, Hs said Mrs. Jameson knew all about the Cocks mortgage, aad that tha only reason It was not paid waa that tho company bad been plaoad in the baada of a receiver and enjoined- from paring oat aay money before a Judgment obtained by a creditor, bad been saUshed. Mr. Taakerely aid that hi arrest wa aa outrage aad due to maliciousness aa the part of men who were trying to ruia his eonoern.

1 be prlMuora war held la 2,000 bail each for examination to-morrow. TO BAXDLM BIO LVMBHU RAFTK Ottawa, Sspt SI. Tbe article of laeorpora-ttoa of tba Joggins Raft Company, which la to bandl Caaadlan aad American timber on the Pacific, bav bee flied. Tba company start oa a paid np capital of 8300,000, with a rewv af over double that amoust OoL. J.

M. Donahue of tb Saa Fraaetsoo and North Pacific and J. IX Sprorseia, twa af the capital la la of tha Paoine coast, are backing the scheme. Tba company will baild raft of eight to twelve million feet, making them as large as aoaslrtent wlta tb season. These rafts will be tawed by tugs to Saa Fraaelaeo, where the mills will be sitaated.

Tha entire cost ot construction at aa 8,000.000 foot raft will. It la aaid, not exceed Tbi maaaa aa aaormoa saving, aad a freight rafa approximately of 2 per 1.000 feet Tata will enable tba company to place lumber much snooper oa the avarkat than at present aad aaderanll ail taa old lamber com pan lea. Tbe rafts will be clrar-ehape In dealga. Ilka taa original Joggla raft towed Croat Nova Scotia to Saw York. tBB VilJtS ABOVT flTTBTlttl.

Marvelous far tbelr beauty are tba drlvas about Pltteflald la tbi glorioa Autumn season only four aad a bait boars from Grand Ceatrai matioa by the Harlem Ltviaie af Ua Saw Yaxk Central. a wtajtga. EXCITING ATHLETIC GAMES TUB FALL 21 BT1S0 AT TBE MAX HAT Jf" IB ACE. 8IDNET THOMAS ENGLAND WIXS THE TEN-MILE EX' OF THIS COCJf 'IKG CHAMPIONSHIP X. Uadr tb color of Ranalagh Harrier ot London, Enaland, Bldi ey Thomas, tba present four aad tea-mlla shat iplon amateur runner of Eagland, won tbe tea- nlle championship of tb TJaltod State ytaterdj afternoon oa tb Man-battaa Atblati CUb's track.

Elgbtv-ixth-ireet aad Eightb-i venue. Hla time waa 3:58 4-5, watch la about a minute alow-ar than tba preamt American record, bald by E. Carter of tba New-York Athletic tin. Thomas's own record, made recently in England, being 51:30, only tea second slo rer thsa W. G.

George's world's amateur recot 1 made la England April 7. 1884. In a few mil ate after Thomas's performance A. B. Oeorg brother of the famous English record -break running nnder tbe colors of tb Manhattan AthlaUo Club, won tb two-mile leepleehasi championship of the United State easily 1 1 11:17 2-5.

Both event were hmatour Athletic Union championship, and era contested under the auspice of the Manbi ttan Athletic Club at its twelfth annual Fell une. They were exciting contests, as were nearly all or the event given by tbe club, an I were witnessed by 2.000 people, whose wi rm enthusiasm counteracted tbe effect or a chilling westerly wind tbat swept lown tbe back stretch of the track, when Is laid out a straightaway course aad hindered ta many ways the oompeiltl ins. It was too cold and windy a day to make ine beat of performances, although tne tract is In excellent condition, and the ten miles of Thomas was Quito an unusual athletic feat. Piond dly. His competitors were W.

T. Young. J. IX Lioyd. and T.

H. Burton. Manhattan Athletio T. A Colleti. Pastime AthieUoClub; S.

T. roeib. Staten Islaud Atb-lelle Club, and M. snnedr. Wanders Cricket and Athletic Cluo of Jaieago, the Western amateur champion at fire miles.

When tbe young men were lined up for tbe start aad got the signal trow bterter Haifry p. nil of tbe Manhattans, tor an instant all turned to Thomas, It being generally Conceded among them that he wouid be I the one to aet the pace. Thomas, at the pisiul shot bounded forward with a graceful spring, and made It evident from the start that ne was the one to lead. He la no sprinter, aad It) was bis game to set a pace too hoi for his antagonists. His eiaaiio stride and easy style tuadeluia ran a pleasing exhibition from start to flntsn.

One by oue tbe athletes gave way to tb pace and dropped back, until W. T. Young, aisu an Emrilsh ru competed against Thomas last year In England uoiure coming 10 wis country, waa loft to slick U) the Eugliau ha ait don. xoung is also ved graceful runner, and an distance as well, and ha excellent athlete Is pressed up eloae on I is opponent durtug ttilrty- nine taps or tho it riy to be made, pluckily but With less in holding Thomas's gu reserve to oail upon I on the fortieth. The live mile waa mad br Thomas In a.

Just two-fifths of I a second better than the tlJie made I by T. P. "Conned in his ehamplonsuiD I race at Travera lalan.i week aao. Tnomaa hal.i on u.niv with Younc at his hsals until tha i. n.r.

be let out his strength and began to draw away from Young stride try stride. In coming luio tbe straight tor the hnlsh Young, being ten yards away, made a despferale effort to increase his speed, but he was dne. Here an unpleasant incident happened wijion almost cost Thomas the race. aP.Jtuelh was three laps behind Thomas, wui. muu guucsaiy ie out vo spurt nome with blm.

Thomaa had left Yohng. but hearing the sound of a runaer overb ullng blm from behind be thought It was You ig, aud he consequently let himself out He hi not much atrength for a spurt although he ould iiave held his steady pace longer, and hi desperate efforts to touch tne tape nrsi, vu lo rrecth was gaining on him, were painful wltneas. To tuia runner, England to win American few aeconda before the trying, made ao onneces- who journeyed fro championships, th hniau were mdi sarlly by Freeth. Thomas's times or the several miles were 5:17. 10:35, 15: 4-5.

37:37 1 4. 21:16 2-5. 3-5, 43:03 1-5, 48:40 1-5, and 53:58 4-5. Young wa second In the race and reetn ttiird. A.

B. George bad an easy time la the ateepl Chase. Tbe other lien were: 1L b. an brbaicl; and J. D.

Lloyd, Manhattan Athletio Club; W. IX Day and E. Hjet iberg. New-JerVey Athletic Club, and P. C.

eirlc, btateu Island AUilellc Club. "Willie" Day was out of form and dropped out and Hiertberg flnlshod second in 11:51. with Peirle third. E. L.

bUones ot the L'lveraton Criokst Cluo ot England, who holdii the world's record ot 11 feet 7 Inches, tried lo surpass that record, but failed owing to the poor condition ot the ground. T. P. Conbolt or the Maubatiana was not good form tar the mile handicap, but A. P.

Copland ran a great 220-yard hurdle race, covering 222 yard In 0:20. which, unfortunately, cannot be accepted aa a record. George W. Carr, IPresidont of tbe Manhattan Athletic Club, was referee; Mesars. W.

G. bobuyler. Vice President of the New-York Athletio Club: J. E. Sullivan.

President of tbe Pastime Atnieuo Clu. and Walton Storm, Treasurer ot the Manhattan Athletic Club, were Judaea, and Mess s. G. A- Avery, Mannattau Athletio Club; H. Robertson, Brooklyn Athletio Associaiu n.

and A. Reed. New-York Albletio Club, wen i tuners. Tba result of tl other contests, handicaps, were as follows: One-Hundred and- Fifty-Yard Dash. First heat won lir it J.

K.1BI, Columbia A thistle Club of Washington, yard, in 0:16 15. with K. R. Houston, Paatlms AUilefio Club. Ill's ysnls, seoond.

booond boat won J. P. Lee, Sew. York Athletio Club. yards, la 0 1 a-6.

Third heal won by V. Wluslow, Ttun Anileuo Club, 7 yards. In 0:16. with K. a Kennedy, Manhattan Atnieuo Club, 10 yards, (tecondJ fourth beat wou by i.

H. McMalloo. iWurhLoB Athiii-. iinh yrt. in wttb W.

B. coster. ew-York AthloticMnb. 3" yard, second, tutu bsslwou by 1. J.

New-York Atnieuo (. tub. yards. In 0:16 1 Athletio Club. Urn i.

Devereux. Mai.hallau second. Sixm beafwun br H. M. Bsnks.

Maohauan Atbletlo Club. 7 yards, in o.lbhi: Club, IS yards. 1 ilau Athintln nd. Horeutli beat wou br A. Copland, Manl Ilau Athletio Club.

1 yard. in 0:16 3-3: A. W. t. Cochrane.

fw. 4 yards, seconil. Eighth U. Kays, Boston ounc 1 ork Atblotio Cn neat won be Men's Christian sociacloo, 5 yards, in ersay Athletio Club, IS yards. M.

P. Halpin, Mew. second. bla ten Islsnd Atnii on uy ueorge Bcnwegier. tlo club.

iH yards, in i-6; V. v.rde, 7 ysfds, second. Final beat between aicaoimn, winnow, 1. i. La.

Bcbwogler. aud J. p. Loo, won by McMiillea. Schwezler secoad.

and J. P. Leo third, llnle Fred WeaUng and C. H. Snarrlll.

oa scratch, did not start. Tbrowmg stitoeS-Pound Hammer. Won by C. A. J.

QuockDeraer Sttn Island Athletic Clnb, 3 feet, actual throw 126 feet 6 incbes; p. GisnamL New-York Atulftic Clut 86 foot second, wltn 83 loot 10 inches, and B. a avia. Brlgbtoa Athletio Club. US feet, third, with 89 tost inches.

J. (j. Mllcbell. Mow-Jersey Alhlotio club, was scratch, and bis throw wss lia feenaS Inches. Two-mile Walk.

-4 Won by a 8. Nichols. Prospect Harriers, with 1 mlnuts US socoods handicap in 16:61 24. J. B.

Kktauag. Pastime Atbletlc Clob. 1 mlante bandlcspJ second: C. nit, pastime Atblotio Clnb. 46 seconds band leap, third.

Ueorce Parker. Bedford Ajihlstlo Clnb. allowed 1 minute 80 seconds, nclsbsd second, but was dlnqualloed tor ran nine. O. li Nlcoll and Langa, u-hattaa AthloUcCliib.were on scratch, with ebsar-msa.

lisw Jersey I AlUloite Club, allowed 10 soe-onds, and tbey hulshed very close logvtber in the ordar named. I Bn. (first aad second men allowed la float.) First heal woo by W. B. BnlL Hempstead Athletic AsaoeiatlSn.

'J yards, la 0:52 1-6, with A. W. H. Cochrane, Sew-York Athletio Clnb. second.

Booond heat won by W. J. Olson. Manhattan Athletic Clnb, SO yanih. In 00 2-6; L.

H. Sharp. New. York Athletic clin, a yards, and' E. L.

Sarre. Manhattan Athletic club, yaida. a dead beat for second. Third hit wen by Loview, Amsrieaa AthloUo Club. 80 yards.

In 16; J. F. Wieners. Msnhatwn Athletic Club, 20 yards, souonu Ponrib best won by J. C.

beverenx. Uanaattaa Athletic Clan, 8 arda. W. c. Johnson Varans Boat Clnb.

34 yard, second. Final heal woo by bhara In 5. with W. J. DUon aad J.

C. TMrarei third. W. C. Iwhm, scratch man, dm not stait Oae-MUe-aail-ai talf Bicycle Race, First aad Bee-end Men to Kldoli i Pinal.

rirsv beat won ay A. C. Banker, Berk ley Athletio Clnb. scratch. In 4:40 1-6; M.

irphy, Kings Conair Wheelmen. 40 yards, second, beat, dead, betwosn F. U. Brown, Now rersry Albleuo Club, 6 yards, and 8. B.

Bowman. Athletio Clnb. 65 yards, is 4 -60 a.6. Third heat, dead, botweou J. W.

fchoafer. Berkele Athletio Club. S5 Xr.l, aad F. B. Hesse, Now J.

'toy Athletio club. 65 ysrds. In Pl at voa by Brown la wlin HMoa good aevuad and Banker a close third. Baoker rods his ti rst mile In IKMU tbo fastest tuas ever ma-io oi tho Manhattan track. Ha f-Mde Wou by William Leoaon.

Waver, ly AlhtoUe Club, i5 yarits. In 3:01. W. Duhm, sciatoh, kocoad; levari Barr, dlatea island Athletio Clnb. yr Is.

'bird. Kaaatoir amp. Won by W. B. Coster Vow-York AUilr-lie club, 3 toel laches haadl eaa.kctualjamp Ut feet lacbes; F.

K. Wells, t.ldse-bold AUiletlo CIS 3 feet oeoond, with 1 feet 11 laeaos; B. J. Klog Colamuia Alalolic Clnb Wasto-Ugtea. 1 fort li Withe, third.

11 all-Mlis Kaa fbr btena Msdsi D. T. Tompkins, 13 yaids, drsl, la 1:23 1-6. and A. P.

itota, 60 yards, Seooad. tbey bein lbs only oonlestaats. two Hundred tad Twraty-Yard Hard la Final beat waa by Oc urn Schwocler. rtatoa Island Athletic Club, fi tbe oaayard la with A. P.

Con aud. Meahaltaa Athletio Clnb. soratebjsetwad about a loos. Ceuland was set back two yards or false starting, thus maktag a tvasarkabl rua, lbs Asserluaa record being uti 3-6. Mile Kan.

Wa i by J. Raid, American AtbJetle Club. 150 yards, a 4:33 3-5: T. Owens, West Bide Albletio ('Is a. P6 yards seooad.

aad T. P. CoaaoaV Maahatta AUls lie Clan, scratch, third, la 4sS6. Preeldeat Me tlllaa ot tb Amateur Atblatio Uatoa has appo nted tbe following eommlttaas: Aessdata-J. Balltvaa.

Pastime AthleUe claa, O. Mill. New-York Athletio Clebt A. atoveas. i w-Jorasy Athletic Club: Howard Perry.

Colsaibia athletic Clab at VTssbingtoa. aad Eaward MUiigati AtsOstts Cab of Us Schuylkill Savy. MU. Chalraaa A. C.

8tvn aad F. W. Jaaaaob. btatoa lalaad Athletle Clab. Jsoaa araousag, mm Jawrtaa.

J. K. BalUvaa. W. Jsnm.

aad Waltaa a tana. Msahait Atb. latteClab-. Dr. Dowllag.

Oraaesf Atnletke ClaS: T. Oorow. Amerlcaa AthlaHo Clab, aad Edward Milli-gaa. Ktorm. T.

A Blcvans, Or. Dowllag. aad I. aw oojlivaa. ATALANTA'8 LADIES' JDAY.

Tba Atolaata Boat Club, tbe crick rWlng organization of the Harlem River, waa organixad forty-two year ago. Yecterday its members celebrated their anniversary according to their usual custom with a "ladles' day' regatta. The annual lad las' day have become recognized aa tbe biggest social aflaira of tho season on the Harlem. Two thousand people Is a low estimate of tb number wbo annually enjoy tbe festivities. Tsaterdsya gathering exceeded that timber, and from a soda standpoint waa a ploaelog loeideat In tbo history of a clnb whose existence baa ben a succession of victories.

Though having two apaeious clubhouses the Reception Committee know that more ierao-modationa would be required, ao a barge waa towed np tbe river and anchored alongside the boatbousea. Flags and bunting were used lavishly la exterior decoration. Tbe parlors were transformed by potted plants and greens, among whloh were taatotullr displayed tbe score of prise banners and trophies that attest tbe club's prowess. An orchestra provided music for dancing on tbe barge, while In th reception room the guests contributed vocal tuuaio for the enjoyment of alL ithal It was a very merry day. The great majority of the gathering were young people, wbo entered heartily into the spirit of the occasion and made tbe river ring with laughter as they cheered oa the contesting oarsmen.

Cafortnnatoiy tbe elements apoiled what should aad would otherwise have been a hue series ot races. Capt. Van Radon had broken in a lot of now craws, who had abowed good apeed in practice, and some very eloae flnisbea war looked for. A breeze started to blow over the river In the morning, however, which by 3 P. M.

waa half a gale, and wa so powerful that It was almost Impossible to keep a course In tbe frail ahella and glea. The water waa broken up in a most disheartening manner, and altogether the conditions were about as bad as they could be. In spite of this the races were ail rowed and were spirited enough to thoroughly satisfy the elnbs' great throng of guests. Tbe course waa reduced to tbree-qoar-teraof a mile, with a start opposite the Union Boathouae and finish at the Atalanta House. A tug followed the boats.

Robert A. Peltoo, eeawanbaka Boat Club, was referee; Frank Frommel, Valencia Boat Club, and M. li. Michaels. Ravenswood Boat Club, Judges at finish.

In the race for Junior single glga were entered Charlea E. Renner and Jobn J. Chnatle. Tbe later won by a length. No time waa taken in tbia or any other race, as apeed waa out of tbe question.

In the Junior single shells were entered W. T. Daves port and Bishop Marks. Marks held the lead over tbe entire course. In tbe race for senior single gigs for the Van Radea gold medal there were entered George K.

Storms, William Lau, Max Lao, G. C. Uempsey. and John A. Dempsey.

Ibis was a good contest Jobn A. Dcmpsey won by a length. W. Lau second, and florins third. For tbe senior single shells there competed B.

P. Barnes, Jobn A. Hacenieyer, W. D. Bourne, aud A.

T. Iavenport. Davenport won, with Bourne second and Hsgemeyer third. In tbe (unlor four-oared race were th following crew: Edwsrd J. Byrne, bow; Charles T.

Young. Arthur T. Davenport, Louis F. Kggors, stroke. Charles J.

Cullen, how; A I (red O. Roemer, B. Bishop Marks, Dudley Holland, stroks. Edward K. Bunco, bow.

William J. Winter, William T. Davenport, hduiund Byan, stroke. It was a beautiful raoe between Craws 1 and 2. Byrne's men would have won by a quarter of a length, but they stopped short of tb stake-boat, giving the victory to Cullen's crew.

After this race tne Alalanie's champion eight and crack four gave an exhibition pin. Tbe last race was between five elght-oar shells with tbe following crews: Jsmes Dixon. bow; David Brown, Charlea Relchert, William F. Mohr, William T. Davenport, William Lan.

Jobn Weldon. Matthew J. Qulgley, stroke: William H. Chandler, coxswain. James Yonng, bow; Chsrles T.

Youug. loo In F. Eggers, Charles Donnlgan. 1 nomas o. smith.

Howard A. MacDean, Cbarles A. Dumjack, Frederick Freeman, stroke; Fdward J. Benson, coxswain. Arthur T.

Davenport, bow; William Ferguson, Edward D. MoMurray. Kdmnnd Kyan, John A-Demusey, Edward H. Patterson. John H.

Cham bury, Benjamin Van Cllef, Jr. alroke; Adolphus 1. Norman, coxswain. Clisrles Keener, bow; Alberto. Roemer.

WUUsm C. Dllger, Chsrles J. Colleo. Bishop Mark Dnrtler Van Holland. Henrr Ca-hlon.

lieorge K. stornis, stroke: Kdwsrd J. Byrux, coxswsla. Alexander Woods. bw; Edwarl K.

Bnnoe. George R. Paaco, William J. Winter, Enill A. Huber.

Otto Fuchs. Max Lau. Ouy C. Dmpsey, stroke; Kdwsrd P. K.

Coffin, coxswain. It was a spurt from start to finish. Benson's crew won, with Norniuu's second, uud Chandler's third. ROWING RACES AT YONKERS. Tbe Palisade Boat Club of Y'oukers bad its twenty-second annual regatta yesterday.

The water was so rough off Y'onkers that the first rat-e, for four-oared shells, was rowed on the opposite, or New-Jersey, side of tbe river. The crew, composed of C. P. Marsden, P. P.

Getty, W. W. bemgbam. und K. Martin.

defeated E. liolden, W. II. D. Hoffman, J.

U. Moffat and O. Reevs. No tims wa taken. The second event was tor tingle sculls.

In which E. P. Moflat defeated E. K. Bashford over the mile eoune in 6:34.

Then followed a double-scull contest between tbe following crews: E. R. Holdsn and J. B. Moffat W.

W. ecrugham and G. Reevs, E. Martin, and George Kucli-ler. Tbe latter crew, wbra almost winners, swamped.

The eeeood-named crew did not finish, and Hoiden and Moflat were declared the winners. Tbe last event was for elght-oared shells between the following crews: O. P. Marsden. P.

H. Jewett, E. Bashford, K. P. Moffat P.

P. Getty, G. Reevs, E. Hoiden. J.

B. Forsyth. E. Henriquea. coxswain, versus li.

A. Plagg, H. H. Claxton. W.

H. D. HotTniau. li. G.

Hoiurook. George Kuculer, E. Martin, W. W. Scrugbam.

J. B. Moflat, B. G. WoHtcott, coxswain.

The first-named crew won In 7:22, against the tide. PRESIDENT M'MILLAVS VIEW'S. At the recent annual contention of the athletic clubs which make up tbe. Amsteor Athletle Union President Harry MoM.llan of the union submitted a report which has not heretofore been published. In tbe course of hia report President McMillan says: "Upon tbe point of nationalization' I am personally prepared to take a ratiier post, tioa.

an. I saiTocats the appointment of a committee to taks Into consideration tue sdvlssbditv of tor-bidding sn athlete from representing a club ontelde of eensin prescribed lorrt tory within tbe boundaries ot which be hss his borne and buelooas. 1 ber can be bnt one of two positions for an athlete to ooenpy. either amateur or professional. It Is not necessary to give him a salary to bring blm uuiler tbe ban.

Tue guarantee of compensating occupations, peculiar or espeeUl financial favors from clubs, or prominent officers or members thereof, the total aosenco of Unsocial obligation to a club, the nte of tbe poolroom tor an athlete'a pe-rnnlaiy remuneration, are methods that are Illegitimate, dishonest, and shonld find no place with us." A GAME OF CRICKET. In a one-inning game the New-Jersey Athletic Club's cricketers defected the Kings County eleven by a score ot 85 to 57 yesterday. The Kings County team had nine wickets down when tbe game was called. O'Reilly aid their most effective bowling, with two wickets for 14 runs and four overs. Tbe Kew-Jerseys fielded poorly.

MaxHeld took five wickets for 22 runs and ten overs. The highest score was G. Turner's 37 runs. WE01E BOO OS ORDERS. TOUSO HAHKQCIST KINDS AN EAST WAT TO GET GOODS.

Ernest X. Hahnqulst Frank Brown, the young Dane who was arrested on Friday for having swindled a numb of tradesmen bv means of bogus orders purporting to come from Mrs. W. D. Sloan's, waa brought before Justioe Gormen at the Jefferson Market Police Court yesterday.

Two complaints ot obtaining goods by false pre tens were msde against him. On ths 12th ult. he went to ths store of Rogers, Peel at Broadway and Thirty-second-street anJ, representing himself as the assistant steward of the yacht Ladoga, which he said was owned by W. D. floaae.

presented aa order for a blue flannel yachting auti which Do re the forged signature ot Miss Huntington, Mrs. bloane's housekeeper, lis aa fitted out with a ault valued at tie, and aubiequeuily the order was found to be boif os. Later be obtained at the drug store of Caswell A Maasey, 378 Pirtb-ateuue, $3 worth of postage stamps and a bottle ot perfume for uso by Mrs. Siuane oa the yaebt ttea Queen. HehnquUi at nrat aaid that the bogus orders bad been given blm by another youth wbo lodged la tba aame bouse that be did la tbe Bowery, but yesterday he admitted tbat he had written the order himself.

Ourlng the season ot 1847-8 be waa employed In a subordinate ca- fiaeity on tbe yacht Corsair, aad be waa then mpresaed by tbe ease with which be obtained goods on oruera given blm by the steward. When he was thrown Out of employment be used the knowledge thus gained ui swlndliug tradesmen. He was held for trial fiJJAXL DBPOS1JOR3 TRIBUTES BD. Taxirros. X.

Sept 2L A report originated lnaaeot tha iroa mill ber to-day that the Trenton Saving Bank wa defaulting la its payments. Soon tba bank waa besieged by depositors, demanding tbelr money. la a Utile tins tb baak ofBeiala were able ahow all ex- Lcep small depositors that there waa not any vrt lur iu report, me cast Banna a subplus ot 400.000 aad tu funds being chiefly 1 'Government bond. Tbe small depositors, however, consisting chiefly of Hungarian and other foreign laborer, kept up tbe rua all day aad the baak paid oat CIA 000. Lvcry damaad waa mab IBB FINANCIAL WORLD.

Closing price yesterday war pretty nearly what they war a week ago. Excluding tba group of trust stocks. In wblcb thre have bees fluctuations of several points, tb movement of price haa been small. The mala tendency wa downward, bnt the market wa dull rather tbaa weak. Bull eaament wa decidedly dampened.

It was not so ranch what the market did aa what it was feared it would do. and this seems to be the state of feeling now. The noise made over Ue Chicago, Burlington snd Xortbw-n' operations ba frightened a good many people, and the rising rate for money have frightened other. But beyond tbi It I evident tbat some of tbe bnll operators have realized, and are by consequenoe, leas bullish than tbey were. It is difficult to persuade one's self tbat there I enough in th hullabaloo about tbe and N.

to really alarm men well posted oa the situation West It might ba supposed that this road was a big concern, having important termini, and a wide-spreading system ot feeders and branches reaching Into its competitors' territory, and therefore able to cut rate against thm la all direction. Instead of tiiie It a ingle track running from a point In the western part of Illinois np to Minneapolis. It makes, or Is supposed lo make, rate for all tho road running between Chicago and Minneapolis and Paul, yet it has no Chicago connection other than tb Chicago. Burlington and Quiaey give it It doe not come any her near Chicago. It is, in fact, almply a seml-lndependent arm of the B.

and extended to Minneapolis from an obscure point in Western Illinois. Ths latest scar worked on it Is the sensational announcement that it ha eneceedod in getting the East-srn lines to pro-rate with it oa 1U cut-rate tan I from Bt Paul to the seaboard. The trunk lines have repeatedly refused to do thU for any of the Unes wast of Chicago. The maaagar bav taken the ground that to do otherwise would be merely Joining in tho fight of the Western lines to their own injury, and without good to any one. They have always Insisted on thsir full rates to and from Chicago, and If tbe lines west of there chose to make low rates oa through shipments to the seaboard, thoy had to stand all the cot themselves.

It Is asserted now that the New-England Road has agreed to pro-rate ith the B. and N. on shipment to Boston. Tb New-England Road reaches from Boston to the Hudson River. Between the Hudson River and Chicago it has to work over the trunk lines which refuse to take any hsnd In the business.

It slao asserted that the Lehigh Valley Road has agreed to pro-rate. That road doe not go west of Buffalo. The latest claim Is that the Big Pour has agreed; yet wo have President IngaUs denying this In the most positive msn-ner. A vast deal of the big talk and big claims about what the C. B.

and can do, appears on a little sifting, to be srrant humbug. President Ingalls ssys for his system of roads that we are mnoh more interested in furnishing cars and motive power for the trafflo that comes to us than in considering any question of reduced rates. Everything indicates tbst for a long time to come our chief trouble will be to handle the business coming and ot the Weatern dispute, be adCs that it is purely local and will not be allowed to spread. It Is well known that the system of roads Mr. Ingalls manages, being tbe Chesapeake and Ohio and three Ca.

(which inoludes the Big Pour.i Is owned by the Vanderbtlt and Drexel-Morgan interest. Is it a supposable thing these people are going to help spread the Western trouble to the Eastern roads, simply to asslnt tne speculative operations ot tne people backing the A and particularly at this time, when tbe managers are taxed lo handle the volume of traffic moving I When it la necessary to depress the slock market, the IX uud N. is as good us any to work with; and at this time. It msy be wise to keep the market quiet until the money situation gets clearer. Yesterday's bank statement showed the surplus reserve to be down to $2,000,000, and money all the v.eek hit been loaning si 4 to ti jer the averse rate being about 5 per cent Wall airccl haa so long been used to lower rates, tbat a 5 per cent rate Is almost alarming.

It sets the traders and all tbe small operators to talking and speculating about tbe dangers of the monetary sltnalion, and the impending perils of a squeeze in money. The fact is you can borrow now on good collateral all the money you want on time at 5 per oent Stocks may be lent at 4 per cent, or less most of them. Tbe trust atocka can Dot. If brokers who arc carrying stocks csn go on tbe floor of tbe Exchange and borrow on them at 4 per while If they went to the banks they would have to pay 5, they naturally prefer to borrow In the Exchange; hence the present rates for money cause something ot a pressure of stocks in the loan crowd. When this Is seen, it is not usually aafe to bet on the stock market going up.

It may practically aland still until the pressure to lend stocks ha ceased, and then go up; but most often It declines, aud that Is what It may do for a time now. If It does, no oue need Imagine there has been any change in the conditions which have given us the present bull market. Almost tbe only real bear element, in the situation Is the low price of grain, especially corn. This teuda to keep it back from the market; aud it muat be conceded there is more in this fact to bear stocks on, tban fears of tight money or what the B. and N.

Road ran do. On the. other hand, there are operations going on in certain stocks, which must adranoe tbem; and tho earnings ot some roads are so exceptionally large, that tbelr securities are almost sure to advance onleea the general market should become quite demoralized, which It is not likely to do. The Louisville and Nashville Road Is doing so well that a substantial advance In tbe stock Is a reasonable certainty. Very high figures are talked for it by the bulls.

Tbe Northern Parities may go higher, as tbe preferred Is to become a 4 per cent dividend payer next year. The scheme of tbe new mortgage may be considered approved. Mr. VI I lard baa consented to accept tbe modifications proposed by certain Directors of tbe present board, wherein be showed tact; for on examination, it would appesr that the difference between hi seheme and theirs, which they wsrn strenuous is insisting on, is more shadowy than real. Whoever controls tbe next Board of Directors will control the spending of tbe money.

Ia connection with the Northern Pacifies, it is well to note the wsy the earnings ot lis Chicago terminal, tbe Wisconsin Central, continue to Increase. For the first week ot September they were S100.925. an increase of for the second week, fl07.215, an increase ot 921,494. Evidently tbe traffie agreement with tbe Northern Pacific wa not intended to bear Wisconsin Central on. The Vanderbllt docks continue firm, though quiet nd th same msy be said for moat of th leading fpecoletlv.

although tb general tone of the market ha been In tb main bearish. msy see some Irregularity In the list for a whll. but with the present outlook there are mors dock it will pay to be long ot than to aelL WESTCHESTER COUSTT FAIR. Tbe annual fair of tb Woatoheater County Agricultural and Horticultural society will be held all next week on their grounds, a short distance from White Plain. Stage will rua between tbe village aad tb grounds all day vry day.

The Board of Manager have prepared an attractive programme for each day. bara are elO.OOO offered In premiums, which will lnsura good exhibit in every department Then there will be bora racing every afternoon, bloyele races, base ball mstcbes. snd balloon ascensions with parachute Jumps. A visitor will see and boar more und have more genuine pleasure there than at any other place of amusement The fair will nominally open on Monday, bat that day will be occupied in gsttlng thtnga to rights. The fair wtll really oommene oa Tuesday, which i ta day fixed for the baa match.

TBE MOST POPULAR tHROVOH TRAIlf J.T TUB WORLD. Tb moot popular through passenger train In the world is the No. on tbe New-York Central and Hudson River Railroad. It leaves Nw-YorK for to Wt at P. ac a ally, and consists of from iwolve to stxtesa magniilccnt Wagner vestibai sleeping cars, in addition to day coacas.dluiBg, baggage, mail, andexprwrtvar, IBB FBXB10N OFFICE MUDDLE: OXS KXOWS WHO WILL BS COX MISSIOH KB THS CKKKC CASE.

Sept 2L-The President mad tb following appointment to-day: CoOtdor JatatrsMU Jfsc OaoKOB WaXr Dour, for taa Tenth Dlstrtot af Ohio. Ia tbe opinion at wbo have closely followed tbe Peaalea Office affair a oa or tba gentlemen wbo qualifications for tbe office of Commissi oner of Pensions bav been promt-aostly set forth will appointed. No positive information la regard ta tba matter la ia possession of anybody bar, except Secretary Noble, wao decline to talk. Corporal Tanner fneada are laughing at tae aoddea collactoe ot tbe cban eoa of Major Merrill ao soon after sua ubllsbed eritielam upon Taanor. They aay lentil haa, without doubt snuiled cut hi ova prospects by hla garrulity, aad tbat when ha Mixed tbe wire ta announce tbat be would not accept tbe appoiatmeat the President had already tora ap in commiaaloa Intended toe him.

It is uaderstood tbat a private dia patch received her to-night from Major Warnor states that adheres to bla resolution not to Commissioner at Pensions. Th opinion of Attorney General Millar, In tha matter of tha alleged misappropriation of monsy paid to the delegates of tbe Creek Nation, on account of th Oklahoma cession, waa mad public to-day. He say that tb act making the appropriation for the Creek purchase provide mat the 92,000,000 of tbe purchase prlc shall be made a permanent fund, beating per rent Interest and that the remaining shall be paid to tb Treasurer of tho Creek Nation "or to such person as shall be duly authorized to receive lb In thus dividing the appropriation Into two funds, snaking a permanent lavesimeat of on aad putting the other at tbe disposal af th Creek Council, tb Attorney General thinks It was ths Intention of Congress tbat that body snould have full authority to deal wlta it la Its discretion. After the treaty wa made both houses of th Creek Council passed' acts authorising payment of ta money by tbe United etates to eertaln delegate, who received It The Attorney General say that doe not see tbat be Is authorised to dlareKard tbe discretion plainly granted to the Creek Council la tb disposition of th, funds. His right to bring an action to recover tbe moneys so paid be finds so doubtful thst be has determined not to do so.

If tboos people ehoose, be says, tby can use the name of the Culled State to recover whaterer rights they msy believe themselves deprived of without the interposition ot the Attorney General. Tbe Governments of 'the United States and Franco have finally reached a peaceful settlement of th diplomatic complications arising from tb arrest and discourteous treatment of Mrs. Dorr. Miss Van oat rand, and another ew-Tork lady by the Preach pollc authorities at Lions. These ladies wrr arrested and thrown into a cell at th Instance of a dressmaker with whom they had bad a dispute ovsr Mlnlter Reld has finally been able to elicit from tho Pre nob Government aa explanation aud an apology, with notioo that the offending officials had been reprimanded.

These facts wero commanleaied to tb complainants, and. aa they bave expreaeed them-elvea aa entirely satisfied with the measure of reparation, the Incident may be regarded as closed. Secretary Proctor has been looking further into the complaints coming from persons In the new States thst a number of soldiers quartered therein were shoot to vote at the approaching elections. To these statements the Secretary baa replied that soldiers cannot acquire a legal voting residence by means of tbelr military service in a State, and that if thev tin dertake to vote illegally tbe elvli authorltie will be able to cope with tb difficulty. The Pensaoola has been detailed to oonvey the members of tbe Solar Eclipse Expedition to 8t.

Paul de Loando. This is the mission which it was intended should be performed by tbe Baltimore, The expedition will sail from New York early In October. Frederiok Douglass. United States Minister to Hsvtl, was at the Department of State to-day receiving his final Instruction. He will sail for Mm post Saturday.

Sept. 28. from Norfolk or tort Monroe, on either the oaslpee or kar-arg. as may be determined by the Navy Department. The following fourth-elas Postmasters were appointed to-day: l'orfc-Frank Rorton, Covert, Seneca County; II.

J. Rannur. Dsrien Centra, and Erra A Seatnons Pembroke, both of ueaenoe lountr Henrr Holmes. Delaacey. aad Marshall E.

Uamdea. both of Ielawsre Cooaty: Charles Carman and Nswwn Baldwin. Me. Lao. both of Tompkins County John voa tttahle.

Sw-H'irley, Lister County Marlon D. Fenner VirV H. White. Bremo Bluff Wll. Ham J.

Hal. Hales mil. M. 8. Rowsn.

Pslnt Bank. JWa- l.uther P. Hatch. Maribneld. H- aaaeu.

Uuncanuoa, Jr. w. Looker, KtlUnger. MERRILL GIVES IT UP. Laweesce, Sept 21.

Major O. S. Merrill this morning telegraphed to Major Warner in Washington absolutely withdrawing bla(Mernds) name from all consideration In connection with the Pension Commlssionsrshlp. A QVBBR CASE 1ST 1TEW-J BRUST. A peculiar ease was brought to the notice of Judge l.lppineott In the Court of Sessions at Jersey City yeaterdsy.

Etta M. Hill and William Cavanagh had been arrested, at the Instance of Mrs. Hill's husband, to answer a charge of having conspired to rob blm. Before Justice Becker be had declared that Mrs. mil hsd secreted Cavanagh in bla nouae at New-Durham to enable him to commit tbe robbery.

Prosecutor Wlnfleld waa willing to have tba woman discharged. He armed that aa a woman cannot rob bar husband, sue esu not be held for conspiracy to rob him. Judge Llpptneott said tbst a discharge eould not be granted except on habeas corpus. Mrs. Hill Is snlng ber busbsnd for a sepsra-tlon.

She says that Cavanagh Is a witness tor ber and that the purpose of bis arrest is to destroy tbe valne of bis testimony in her behalf. SAH FRANCISCO EICHAKQK. Sas Fxascisco, Sept. 21Drafte-Slght, 10; tele graphic. 1.

Osxor thx sicxsT aad best tonics and snu acids for dyspeptics Is Dr. L. Jatxk's Toxic Vkbmifcok. When nsed In conjunction with the baaatlvs Pills, It rarely falls to be affective; while Its moderate price brings it within ths resch of every one. Sold by sll Druggists.

AdteriUemtnt. Ths actios of Casts as LrtTLE Lirxa Ptlls is leasaot. mUd, and natnral. 1 her gently sttmnlat the Uver an regulate lb bowels, but do not surra. AilTtrtitt inrnt Boxm's Birrsas since 1828 acknowledged to be by far the beat aad finest Mtomacb Bitters ma-la.

whether taken pure or with win or liquor. tdctr- Mseauat. Psxsox whose oeenpatloa gives bat little sxsr-elso are victims of torpid Uver sod constipation. Cabtks's LITTLE Uvg Pills wtll relieve Alike ia Cottaco aad Palace. In th eottog aad ta palaee-Everywhor that healm is prized on will find the choicest lotioa Hmaa skill has yet devised.

80ZODONT. as all will wlta ess. Is boon beyond com par. To ths dweller In tha cottars Or with la tbo palace lair. Tonag sad old sliko demand It.

i ouuanoes coaoiy-s cnarms. An i pootpol el pa the as aad childhood brightens; aaa cover lianas. A FINE THI.NO FOR THE TEETH. Fragraat SOZODONT Is a composition of ths puiest aad choicest Ingredients of tbe Oriental ves stable kingdom. Lvery Ingrodieat la well known to bars a bencncial effect oa the tooth or gums.

lis embalming or anusrplie properly snd aromatic fragrance make It a totlat loinry. oOZiv IXJ.VT removes all disagronebla ouor from lbs breath caused by catarrh, bad teeth. Ac It Is entirely rrs from tb lajarioa aad acrid properties tuorh pastes aad powders wbiea dsslry th enamol. Ona bottl win laat months. If tbo flaky Cwtriaa Teeth be sur aad as thai old and woil-trtod remedy, Mrs.

WI.N'aLOW'a, MOUTHING cYHl'r. tor children teething. It soothe tb child, softens tbo gams allays all pain, enrea wiud colic, aad is th beat edy for diarrboa, weaty-a ve coals a bottle. Dvwa KMrta, os frewt, X. V.

Mills, haad-BBisbad. SI -ii: worth SJ aO. ISiportod marina and eaauavor aox, SOU dt plaia. striped, aad ribood. 84c; worth 7 j.

A KUV. 6 Ceruaodt-si. MrCana'a aaawrb style of emlem's lists. m.u lav now suaaea. uecuiea saving nrica.

He CANtt'ht 218 Bowary. Boar Pnae-t. CawrVe Keataams. 3d-at pw Sta-av Howl. Baaoaat sail amiable for larg dinnara.

ecu li tbeatr aaruoa. J-W. Jobasto. 314. M.

On mak Dress ahirts. 91 Si each, ail Cadarwoar. 1 as-eotore Bkteve, tadaread bv owysleiaa choanal far saruy aad wbstaaomoaoa. 'eaawsaat." E. at IV.

A asw collar. tba Ka wrwa ewbrta smS to asc-a a rwt or bob hUc say arwo. 9 aad all Jttaadway. AJsMrrft.OSa-HArtKEB.-Oa Wodai 1. lSMi at tbaroatdaaoocf tb betACe Mrs.

at. R. Harkar. by Kov. A brass OoBkllB.

JtlXIBBAEttB and AJIPEIW WAIUCI AAaV TEOX4. all Miooklya. OGDRw-joxEa. Oa Thar. pt a Cartas Cbareb, Oaaaaoaa.

Canada, by tbo Bcv. i II. auim, ttaBTauoa ABJvoa, eooaad ov of lae laic 1. Ford Jones cf Qaaaacaa, a PaaJicm Ludlow ixidxx of Nw-Trk. POST slAKEB Oa Satarday.

Boat 31. lSbfl, at Uaos-ao. 1 by ta Hov. C. W.

H4ar of Pnaeossw. n. evblve Ooi.DTHWa.rrB. aaaah- tor ot Fraaeta Rakar. So Bowia I Post.

alleOCsw-York City. WHITAKER-SANDEBS. At ft PsteVs rhsrea, Albaav. If. oa Tbaroeay.

Bop. 1. lbs, by tb Hav. W. W.

Ha Us rs ball. fX, rootac AA "ASPtE of Albany to tb Rv. imoi wan-Ax, roeter of th Church tba lea. uroaa pom Brooklyn. ALEXAJf DRfc At State Island.

Friday. Hoot ja ot pBeamoBla. Mast Viaorais. J. Henrr aad aJisabaia Law rone AloiaadT.

at moo the Kindly emit dswsrs. Faaaral prlva. BUCKLEY. Satarday mora lac. list iaJ af typhoid malaria, Chaels Aasrroa.

so of tbarto r. Borkloy, In she 20th year at bis FnBeral servteos oaday. SIM at 11 si 1 caalty. f. J.

irala laavos Cham bars. sl ferry loa a. M. by 'ortbra Ball, road of Kew-Jersev. DA1LKY anddraly, at East Ora go.

K. Sopa VI. tsHfl. osaraiKS baouxa. wifoot tteorg B.

aiier and dauxhtcr lb lata Ooarg Broesa. Kuasral servlc TussSiy, S4tb ta lbs Reformed Church at Brtrk Cbareb. M. a la o'clock A. a poo tb arrival of ta ma from Kw-Yora via L.

aad W. B. B. lateral ant at Flahkill. FEIKD.

At Port Chester. Friday. Uaoaoa W. Fbbso. la hi 7Kth year.

BPt- 30, Fuaaral servioa at tba Mduu of la ln-w. H- Valentino, Port CMeeW, at. on Mondar. ttopt. A.

at P. at. Trala from Grand Coatral Iepol at 11 A. M. MA IT LAND.

On Haturday. Slat Heptembar. ber lata residence. 4J Weal 17Lh AOSS Jaws atArTLAjiu. relict of James W.

ataiUaad. Iteqaiem Bui at hurch ot St Franoia Xavtor on Taewlar. 4th lnt. at lo A. at.

Frtoods are respectfully lavltod. It rosoocttaliy reqaost. that no flowers snt PARat LY. Ass hCTcnixus. widow nt Tr.

Jabtal Farmly. oa Hatornar. tept. Sfl, asred 7. RelatlTss snd Ineads an lavltod to at tool tb funeral on Monday, t-opt.

KX. at 1 P. rrasa her lata residence. No. 307 Wool 39tb-oL.

Vow-York. Please omll flowsrs. VAN Wedaeadav. Beet 18. IMS, Ha bil Vax Bosksbck.

dtoshtar of Man aad lbs lata Abraham Vaa tloskerck- Hervire at brr lata reai.lsoo. 669 3d Sea-day, at 3 o'clock. Relatives aad fneads ar r. spsctfnllv Invited to sttond. Pleaao osall Bow-era.

Vnoeral at ooavraleoc ot tho fsallr. SPEOLVL NOTICES. WAKRES. Ac CfL. 139 EAST 42DBT, dolnlng Uraud Central Lfepot, MAXCPACTt KEkt! OF WALL.

FAFEK and INTERIOR DECORATIONS), Are prepared to aaums entire charge of tbo ta. tenor dveoralloa of rtltmeea la IBs msst slsbmal or almplest form. Cabinet aad apaotatarr wars eombinod with wall and celling effects. Ws bav reeenilr sdsed apartmeala lo oar waroroosa where wall papers and cretonnes to match rs blbltad by gasllcht. Hangings especially eostgao bv th Assooiaicl Artuu.

also sxclaslv Vovllpaa not to bo obtained elsewhere. A largo aad Ye1n eolaclioa of Japanese. French, erman. and Eagllsb Oooda recanlly Imporoid. KtCKIVKU PER 8.


RATIONAL TATE CT.E AHI.Y nFFIXXDi tbe sals of ATKINSON' KXT RACTB Is i tauuy iurreHiL( aud must exceed a bait mlllaia WiUH PILE" AND DR. CP-UAAf'R VegeUble Klecluary, an ackaowladgod specino: fifty esis' reput.iioo: ask year druggist as to Its chicacy. Offli-o 39 KsslSlh-sl. Sol br dmggtsu. Pamphlets sent free.

1IEUTON "SEC Cil ATI PAUSE, Brrton. Helms I Purls, 34 A venae ie 1'opera. London, Water tare. Old Trlaity Hon. New-York.

37 beaver st. A "I CARPET T. J. STEWART. A 1 1.604 B'way, trie and blh stA.

J. 376 N. Y. TL call CALLOW fKIN AND PIMPLE" OF THE tc cured ty CARTER'B Lll'I'LB LIVEtt PI I. LB.

ceo 11. CARPET CI.EANIXf;. T. M. STEWART, 336 7th st.i send tor circuiar; telephone call.

126 Zlsl-aL CUISIM; OF FORtlKM MAILS. SUNDAY. A I P. at. for iviixlllo.

per steamship S. Pizzatl. from New Orleaua: at 4 P. bt. for Coala Rira, via Llmon.

per steamsblp Poxhall, from Mew-Orleans. MONDAY At 11A.M. tor Trinidad aad Tobago, via Trinidad. ier steamship Belalr; at 1 P. M.

tor Cape hsytl. Oonalveo, and At. Marc, per atoaas-sbip Caroiiue Mlllvr: A P. M. for bolixo.

Fworto Cortes, and Lirinrlon. per steamship Breakwater, from Mew-urleaua. TUESDAY. At 3 P.M. for Ulnefleids, par steamship Clinton, from New Orleans.

WKDNfcDAY At A. M. for Rslgrasa dlroet, per steamship Beigsulsnd. via ABlwnrp, (leatora must bo directed per He: gen lsBd" I at 3 1. M.

for jLnrope, per steam. hid 1 rare, via Bontbamploa and Bremen, (letters lor Ireland must bo dirsctod "per at 1 P. M. for Kurope, per steacasaip Gsnnsmc. ria uueenstown: at 1 P.

M. for Cam. peachy. Chiapas. Tanasco.

and Yaoatoo. per strata ship City ot Alexandria, ilottrr for Cuba, for Tarn Picodirect ami for other Mexlrau States, via Vers Crni. most be 1m rted per City or at 1 P. M. forbt.

Croix Thomaa, via tit. Crotx, alfo windaara direct, pr steamsbln York City. THURSDAY. -At 4 A. M.

fnr the Netherlands direct, per sieamshiu ib Ism. via Rotterdam, (lou lersBiuatbe dlrm bil poi obdam' .1 at 11 A- M. for Haytl. stramliiy Aiiwt. (letters for Jara-nllla.

4c, niuKt be oirocl. prr" .) at 1 P. M. for Bermu-ia, per stonmiliip urtooco: at 1 P. M.

for Nawau, N. acd an.iago. Cuba, per sfarasblp Mutiuo; st Si p. M. fr Newfoundland, per sfesmer from Hsltfsx; m.

(or bt Ptorre-Mlueloo, per slea-ner from Halifax. FRIDAY. At 3i P. for Nswfoandlaad aad Bt. Plarre Mlijaeluo, per steamship Halifax, from Boston.

BATt'RDAY. At 3:30 A. M. for Franco, a wltier-land. Italy.

psin. and I'ort lrsl. pvr aleamshlp La Uaacaxne. via Havre, at 4 A M. for iret Kntaia, Ireland.

Belcium. Netherlands, and Austria, per steamship L'mbna, via uurUoi, llettera for other turopeao muiiriM mast bo direct "per at A. lor diract. per stearathip ircassia. tis (let tor must bo Clrected "per llcanMa :) 6 A M.

for Oermaay, Iiaomsrk, nwedm, N'urwav. Kttssl. aad TurksT. Mr steamship vis Bremen, i letters for Ores brltaia.

Ireland. Brleium. Kturiand, and Ant Irta. via Konitismpion. mut bo diroctod par Folds" Hi 11 A.M.

for ataxira and for Oo-ta Rica, via Llmno, per atoamahin Airnna; at 1 F. M. lor Cutis, per Meamsuip boucA, via Havana. loiters noil "pel Mails for the (Society laiaada, per ship Tropin Bird, i from -an Ftancuco.l clnse bera aopA 94 at 7 P.M. Malta for hlna and Japan, per ateaSBahip Gaelic, (from Han Franriaco.) eloae hero Boot.

27 at 7 P. M. Mtils for Australia. Now y.asland. Hawaiian.

Fiji, and tinoao liittci. par stoamship Alameda, (from Ban Fr.mciaco. I rloao bar Oct. Is sl 7 At. 'or oo arrtral at N-w-Vort of ataamabia Aoranla witn Hriti.h mails for Aastralia-t Malls for Cobs by rsil to Tampa.

aad thoaeo br steamar. via Key Weit. closest IboPostOfbo da Uy at 2:30 A. NEW PUI.LICATIOK& UOl'GIITON. MIFFf.IN oV COS NEW BOOK 4 I rr115th THOUSAND.

LOOKING BACKWARD. By Edward Bellamy. Aa entirely Sw Edition from saw platoa Cloth, price reduced lo paper. bi cents. An attnciire ed.tioa of tbla rsxsrksbl sterr which has excite 1 a ropular latorost rise tar aa Aeeperthaa any other American atory t'acl Tom's Cabin." SIX By Mrs.

Q. Vaa ReaaMlaar, aothor ot Ilenry Hobson Richardson aad his Works." IS mo. i Papers of much biographic sad art valas as Loco della Bobbla, Corregglo, William Blake, Car. George Falter, aad Wiaslow Homer TUB HERITAGE OP DIDLOW M4RSU Aad othtr Talea, Including A KnlghV Errant ot iho Foot-Hills, A Becret of Teierraah Hill, sad Csplala Jim's Friend. Br: Hsrt.

Umo, (1 -ii aJa by all Booksoirara Bst by mail, post-paid, on roceirtof price by the Pubiiftbera, HOnOHTOJf. MIFFLIN At Bostee. 11 East Nsw Ysrk. CONVERSATIONS. XJIdims.

Pmvrrba. mailari A i taacoot 7 to tea ew York FraaxhAAomr nsi Brjjdw.y. wbo Frh smlSSSS. Prufa Francots Berer of Fana aud Rov Lalat -hops Pr-lAar of w. ork i jTVftlmSs" Col; Beeuoul.

and nawiaad Cox i BaaJaTciroaliw atailedappticaUs aaa. viroajar 1 i.

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