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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 9

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-j i i i AGES JUNE 2, 1501. 1 VvilV V-VM ft. BLOT Kl CIYILIZATIOII lAYKOSD 8TEIET JAIL COS. PEUSED GSASD JUBY. I crllf llattllas-, Jarra Dlar, Drtwi large Aaoa froa Cafy uj rrttldfi MIrabU Powwl Car for rrltoifrIldllUg Assail Temporary Eslsteae of Groans fur Sons )la Clean.

The Kings County Grand Jury for th of May yesterday handed in a bunch tf presentments In tha Kings County Court cf sessions Tha moit Important on was tt'-'nl tha Raymond gtraat Jail. Brooklyn. Mth tha Orand Jurors characterised as a blot on our. civilization." Tha Grand Jurors visited tha jail unex-, rctedly on May 14, and It la from tha' tilings they than aaw and from tha talk thry had with prisoners that they cam a to tht conclusion that tha Jail was not kept In the ronlltion that It should be. In their presentment the Grand Jurors aay tht they belley.

that tha Intention of tha jn-ople la that tha Inmates of that Institute hall be treated In a humane manner, a decent regard for their health and eumfort and for this purposa the Sheriff, who Is responaibl. Is paid from the public Trenury an allowance for each prisoner which has been found sufficient to generously provide therefor. An Impression prevails generally the community," tha presentment continues, that tha profits of feeding and caring for the Inmates of tha county Jail, which hart tn found to be a mine of wealth to tha Ehertff of this county, have ben made the subject of political barter anditraffle which It lejmi to this Grand Jury la a biot on our cU-llatlon, and humanity calls for the ap-plleajtlon of a radical remedy. The fees and emoluments of tha office of Sheriff are large enough to amply pay for the time and abilities of any' man such aa tin up to the preaent tlm occupied that efflce without tha addlUonal Income derived from the almost Inhuman treatment to which the prtaonera are subjected. If their present condition may be taken as evidence." The.

report thnv atates that there la a mnirest Insufficiency of blankets, that tha cells are Infeated with vermin, and that tha Inmates are unable to keep themselves clean, becauaa tha blankets are not washed. As tp tha meals, tha Jurors claim they were present when tha midday meal was etrved. and that It consisted of bean soup, so thin that It could not possibly contain subetaftce sufficient for decant nourishment. In addition to a decoction called coffee but which the manufacturer stated under oath not contain a particle of coffee. The trie was 9 cents a pound.

Then the presentment goes i All the prtaonera who were spoken to on the subject, and they were many, agreed in their statement that the dinner on the pra-vioue day. which being Sunday, afforded them boiled meat, was In such a putrid condition that nona at than. whereupon they were given more of that cone, witn bread aa a substitute. The bread was good. ft view or our observations while at the penitentiary, where found that oners were fed on an abundant quantity irtin, BUDstatial.

and wholesome food. thla Jury he Ja ru n. fu, i "-vera cost of Vk' fni" tnmat. while 7i iwenty-ujnt (s) eenti a day. we won l.l 1.1.-.

arrangement should- be mad to ot Charltiea with At ihtyif ProvJin food and maintenance lor -the Inmates of the county Jail, or that tne same be charged with some responsibility for or control over Jh same. the carrying of th. van wllh men, orten crowded Indecently. One caaa coming tinder our observation wherein nineteen prisoners arrived at the Jail, not leas than six 2L.u? nd notwlth-5 Partition therein, we T.m, h'5hllr Improper, for the apace allotted to the women could not possibly hold four! Th retmenVof cattle in a cattle car la more considerate. strongly urge the us of a separate van for female prisoners.

P11 Coun-tL? CU.y to the Sheriff for Provide decent m.Tnt,or women. We augreet that the County Physician attend the Jail oh and every day for the purpoa of attending alck or Injured prtaonera. complaint h1-K-T7ctJJ Jury th derelict In Ms attendatveea." Sheriff Iiuttllnp waa called upon br a re- rr.trr fr Th New. York In Treard lie bjr th Ormni Jurors. M-iiJ" thtl th'J cctty of hav had a requialtloii before the Board of Supervisors for the last Jour weeks, and the Supervisors have failed to act upon It a rewards the'ineat.

It was not good on the Sunday referred to. and as sH)n mm we found It out we had It thrown out and fresh meat substituted lnro.wn inorning, but they put on their old dirty clothes aaln. If they could take a bath and rut on clean clothea they would not 'That la a mattef which the Sheriff cannot help. I want a clean Jail, and I want the prisoners kept -n. do all to our power to keep them lr.

Shepard vlslta the tail every day. and ta not derelict In hie duties. When-uS'd notlrtea us that he la sick i'r. Shepard Is communicated with, and he attendt the prisoner at One of the Sheriff's offlciala Informed the rporter that It was known at the Jail last Jturday that the Orand Jury was going IJs 1 the Jail and the tariff. "It Is done." said the reporter's Lm'Tt' u' "tJ Perty on the L'k .1 "et a position under buttling.

He la aoreand took thla tr.nhod of getting square. The Information to the Sheriff last Saturday, no attention to It. knowing here It came rora. Juroraj wer extremely pleased iththetr visit to the county butldlnga in the Twenty-nlnth Ward, anj the peniteti-l they claim, waa found to be In ei-C'-iient condition. They found a great lack room In the Insane Asylum, and aacer-J that while ther are 650 patients.

Viere are only 8J3 bede. They recommend additional room provided at once. Ureat Improvement waa found In the d-enlnlstratlon of rh excise laws. There were licenses than were granted last 41 llnae had been refused out l.a applicatlona made. The Jurora also Pertained that ther had been eighty leas errens for Intoxication on the last four Jtiayi than on the same Bundays a year The Jurors express their approval of th iinmuiration of folic Commiaaloner and Excls Commissioners and Hacker.

Ihle presentment will not meet with th 1 o' tha Law and Order League, of 1 Mch the Rv. Dr. K. 'Funk Is theleader. ne members of the 1 earns appeared before tireivl Jury and called their attention vj the fullc and Kxcla Ieparunnta.

flaylagf at Kaval Warfare. NEWPORT, R. L. June night or two ag tv krped boat Cushlng made a alght attack ti- the erulr Atlanta In tha outer harbor htca has been kept very Arraagementa rs made for the event late In th evening. Ailanta.

upon discovering th Cuahlng. waa Hr a gun, or the Cushlng waa to burn a re 1 -''t ah reached torpedo rang of th Atlanta 1leovery. I'mplraa were stationed oa and watched with Interest th eooeentra-i of Unh ot (he Atlanta's searchlirhU upon a tha Dumi'ltnaa At a ainal. the Cue hi had a.K trft th inner hartxr. darted out 1 rsins within SiH feet of the Atlanta be tore hj dratructloa been th purpoas i tnn.

thr Biiahl hav slartwt th on her j.nirne to It bottom befor Ut xuld bare trained a gun upon ar. Cheap Caa for Drklyau i loner Whit oT the Department of Vorka, Brooklyn, jrtrrJr opened bids the etretts with gaa The companies a uniform rale or lia.1.1 per lamp, with nt lh Tnt r-u War, where charcee a lamp. This man the bide ut last year, and Di(a a saving to the city of ta. Kxrrai coTnrsn. both asm KaeardertlBayUi KTf.

ad th Kantee- eaUa tp.4. SulUvan. conned Zmr Weyer- convicted "a yesterday. He may have to remain In the the court was adjourned" JZT' ve. 7" to bn entenced yesterday, ami i- wer no tine a to on band.

H. wa.fu.ken to th. Court "oon- ut his (counsel wer. absent. WM Mi 10 ib1' once, and WrM, r'iurned ht th had gone to try an election case.

At 10 o'clock a muun i yla th5 ht woul arrive at cioca. i hen necortter flmvt turned white with anger. i. I ao not consider that tj and O'SuUllvan hav rw w. id.

"Ther knew tv aiicct affTIl.CIlVV thtr 1 wy fur- if" them 1 liwvlr. v- to wait upon these hire I nnM wr uoi. i snail ais- suit my convenience." corder. tK- w. iiujuunna may tyrr aeienaea.

sal a Pn ne matter. The rSSlTr4i' th.y -haii hav. ii wouiq Cm tn'y wl fortuilate." i v. DacK to the Tombs handcuffe.1 to a colored man. He expressed told that hJPmTgtt Tomb." -fhe Recorde.J E. him next week. 1 in tliaC00" JRL knew ir ew because I anew the Recorder would deny it. rPanon Inthe buVno dau wL. set, to my 5- probably explain his ab- "ecoraer at an early day. '-4 TH1T TSXD JJT0THIIB Baeh 1 CoBmlKrr'i A.

Traarr Aeiaeas'a Aeeeasti. The Supervisions! Committee on Accounts of the County Treasurer of Kings County met behind closed doors in the County Court House. Brooklyn, last night; and took up th alleged deficit Tn the accounts of County Treasurer Henry H. Adams. Expert Accountant Chambers has found that th apparent shortage-! bout $75,000.

but the commute last night believed that this would be reduced. i Bookkeeper Bogart the County Treasurer's office, was before th committee, and tried ta; explain away the alleged deficit, was not suecessfuL James Gardner, the Deputy Treasurer, who died last November In County Treasurer Adams's home. ior. on the ground that, instead of keeping regular accounts, he simply made memoranda, which were eventually Inftf mnti this 1 iM v. 1 received by the County Treasurer being en-f tered upon the book while many of the i "un wi-i nut suierco, tnua leavtnaT an apparent deficit, Th committee, after hearing Mr.

Bo--rt explanation, deemed it wise to report progress, and ask th of Supervisors to appoint an additional accountant to assist Expert Accountant Chambers on the ft The tnembers of the committee then amused themselves by burning bonds and coupons aggregating These bonds were Issued for various Improvements In the county towns. It afforded a good deal of pleasure to the members as they sat around the Are and lighted their cigars with bonds wm uuie were wonn l.UUU, i roK i TAccnriTHfo a sick kajt. i i Dr. Hcarr U. Schelllav of Brooklyn roajad Gallty ef Aaaanlt.

Dr. Henry I Schellbig of 841 Wllloughby Avenue," Brooklyn, employed In the Department of Health as a vaccinator, on April 28 vaccinated'; Emll Schaefer of 241 8uydam otreei wnij the latter was Ul In bed and despite his objections. In the Gates Avenue Police "-Court yester-dy D'- Schelllng waa arraigned on the charge of assault, ra. Schaefer, In her "We; argued with the doctor, but It waa of no avail. I told him how sick my husband was and that he wasn't expected to live, but the doctor said i ha would vaccinate him before left himj Id be i Dr.

Scheulnr said waa actinv in structlons of th Department of Health and waa not violent. Justice Connolly found Dr. Schelllng 1 1 i xs, aduu xm PAT 'j -4- avatlc Oayatr Reader Jidnatat Agalaatl Klaaj. Cioaaty Treaaarer. 'it 1 John B.

Meyenborg sued County Treasurer Henry H. Adams In pie Kings County Supreme Court to recover $10,000 for services In actions brought by him in behalf of the county test th validity of Kings County bonds, jj Yesterday Justice Gaynor rendered his decision. He rule that the action was brought against Treasurer Adams as an individual aad not gainst the Board of Supervisors, for whom AJeyenborg waa counsel at a salary of a year, Justice Gaynor said, he did not think should be allowed, for th services, and he rendered iudarmeAt against the 'County Treasurer for -nA i Kx-Oorpo ration Counsel William C. Del-vett. who was engaged on the aame case.

reariyw i or nia services IH-i 1 Vavlvcrsal Rellglaa Dlscwased BOSTON. Uune 1. The second day's session of th Frs Itellgloua Association ot America waa largely attended In Parker Memorial Halt thla mornlngi CyL Thomaa Vntworth Hlgginson presided. The! question considered waa, "What la Universal EflllonT" (he discussion of which was opened by th KeV. Chad wick of Brooklyn.

K. with an exhaustlv paper viewing! the) reUsiona t4 th world. He was se ver In. hi criticism of th Chrtstlaa reugioo. Octavtue B.

rrothlnghatn said that be regarded aa jthe great pwr aad th great aro-pelllng for, of th world. Let as believe more In love tnaa In loci." Se said. Th Kev. Aj W. Martin ot i Taooiua.

waahlnston, showed that universal religion waa ifast coming ovt of all sects snd reliflona I Dr. F. E. Abbott of Cambridge followed, holding that th whole tendency of the time was toward active and organic fellowship In th political and religtoua worlds. This favenlng addresses mad be Col.

HlggtnsonJ Mrs. E. Deneney, K. P. atarouca oi uarvara.

ana otnere. 1 I i trm Hall Oflteera i PUILADRLPHIA. June 1. The Orand Jury to-4ay found a true; bill of Indictment against Preemaa D. ouniwruy, oariva XMLavvir, 4utpa Oladlng, a4 Jam Hi BuprnM Jo tloe.

Supreme Cashier, Chalrmaa of tha Committee en Laws and Supervision, aad a msnbr of th Committee oa Fjnsne aad 'Aocoanta. respectively, of th 'Saprem Sitting of th Order of Iroa ilall. They are; charged with conspiring aad cheating, and defrauding tne order of funds, ItiMk- Ik. U.

I Surety. Trost. and Safe Deposit Company. and with obstructing th administration of publla jus4 tloe. Ttie date of the unease la axe, ta to in Olouaeot aa May 80, ltWX Daaghtr rha RvlatIoav BINQ srNO.

N. June 1. sear or nmsn of this vUUsej hav formed Mol Chapter of th Dauarhtera of th American Revo lution. mey aiet at in noen or Mrs. rrancjs Lark in, la Boatb Highland Avae.

and ad- ft urwed to meet at th restdenc of Mrs. Mary Hyatt. IS Ellis Ptaee. oa Tuesday afternoon. June b.

at 4 P. whs new members, ellrtbi adar th articles of ooaeUtwtloo. will be elected. 1 i Sella XlebIaaa fr lllvorr. MUSCATINE.

Iowa. June 1. W. A. Nlcaolaus.

husband of Zella Xicholana. who suit for O0O aswlnst Oearr J. Oould ta her chief exploit. veaaerviay Bled a pet It to in the District Court here asking a dlvore from his wf oa statutory grounds. The ease will oum up for beaitag ta Jaa Ursa.

i i -4- AHIODS IILITARY CADETS PHIAL TST U.T WEST POINT FOB f.THE GMDUATI5G CLASS. Fifty far P- Heat Exaaalaed Dt erailae Their CTeasyetcaiey jBeewaa Oaa 4r 1st th tatted Sta jArsay Th folaf Well FllUd wt Vlsltrs 1 Cadets la the First Class Miuti rr Drill th Plata Eat ded th Py. tVE3T POIN-4 Jun The annual Jv. aminauons so awaited by the anxiously vet natienrflv Koung men who hop. sobn I ties and rsionaihniti.

Ue to assume the ofneers in the tnlted 8tates Army began re flf V-f mil- vm.tha to-day. There lor four years 1 7- uv Have labored with persevir- ance lor th a uiinment or the honor of the Military Academy. Visitors arrived here yi s- graduating froni Board of terday. and. wii parents, relatlvls, inem.

a large number lof and friends of th sAi. caaets. Th hotels are all wen nitaW 0 o'clock ihls morning the first lie-a a tachment of cadh ri wea jout or the haFfadks and to the Library. Her. the form the examining- cin.

professors who mltte of the lng. Ackdemi9 Board were in wait- When one sedtlon of cadets finished the examination. anbther marched In, and tdok their places. examinations wer. In Ihls way made continuous, and, except for he time allowed fo dinner, were uninterrupted.

The third and fourth classes had written examinations morning. Grant Hall early In the The duties of th. first, second, third, and fourth classes, the practical Sn- structlons In lrffantry drill regulations, the cavalry exercls of the first class, and the instruction of the fourth class In fencing and gymnastic! have been suspgnded until further orders. The class1 of 94 Is not a large one, and there are now klmost enough vacancies for those who wl 1 graduate. The membfers of the class 'It I and the States from which they wesa appointed are as follows: i William J.

Bi-1en. Connecticut: William I B. Ladue. Oregon: William P. Pence.

Indiana: Bam- ul Hof. wtsoondn: Clarence C. Williams. la: Edward P. I Hern.

New-York: James IM. Williams. Alabara; George F. Hamilton. Ma William H.

Paint Connecticut: John W. Joyes, California; Charl W. Castle. Minnesota; Fraicls uth- CaroUna: Dwight EX Aiilt- Le J. Parker.

6 man. Pennsyivailia; Warren H. Mitchell, Penn- sylvania. I I Clarence E. Lelng.

Ohio; John W. Craig. Alabama: Paul B. I Malooe. New-York: Hush E.

Berkeley. Mlsslialppl: Prank. D. Ely. Illinois; Albert E.

Ssitonl Nevada: Alston Hamilton, Vir ginia: Hamilton H. Hawkins. Delaware; Thomas O. Carson, Illln Is; Rogers F. Gardner, Massachusetts; Frederl O.

Lawton, Mississippi; Joha C. Jr. New-York; John F. 'Preston, Maryland; I utler Ames. Massachusetts.

I Wllltan A Siiter, Kansas; rank Parker, South CsTollna: 1 Frank 8. Cochew. New-York: John C. McArtlliir. South Dakota; Charles! F.

Crain. Illinois; Jana W. 11 burn. Illinois; Ora E. Hunt.

Califc rnla: Frederick G. Btrltslnger. Pennsylvanl William EL Welsh. Pennsylvania; Otha B. Rosenbaum.

Virginia; Edwin Bell, New-York: George H. Estes. Georgia; Oliver Edward? Massachusetts; George Vldmer, Alabami I Briant H. Wei Utah: Frank I4. Wells.

Indiana Thomaa Connell. New-York; John IW. Barker, New-Yo Charles I. Bent. Massachusetts; Hugh I Wise, at large; Charles Smith, New-Tori James P.

Harbeson, Kentucky; John 8. Battle, s'orth Carolina: Ralph R. Stdgs-dall. Indiana: 'egram Whitwonh. Louisiana; James A.

Moss. I In June; IKK when the class reported! to the Superlnter Jent. there a-ere more than 100 candidates of whom only 77 passed the necessary exai ilnation. The following September these ere Joined by others. A large number CroppdJ out in plebe and third.

class years, ahd several were returned Join the preseiit second class. I It would bel difficult to find, outside to of of West Point a I more soldierly-looking lot lads than those who will receive their di. plomas June 12. Strong, broad-shouldered. graceful, and 1 rect, they look In every way the ideal soldi r.

In their ebe year they were made familiar with the rules of the academy. Discipline was rigidly enforced and the lies-son of obedit nee indelibly Impressed ion their minds. 'I hose 'not fitted for a soldier's life realised ie fact in their fourth-clkss year, and mar were, the resignations sent In befor. the semi-annual examinations! In January. Of he hundreds who enter ihe Military Acad my, not more than half Are graduated.

The plebes will within the next few daya assume the responsibilities and dignity of yea rlings." Released from the bondage of 1 lebe life, they blossom Out aa full-fledged directora of the Incoming recruits, I The member 1 of the graduating class are the heroes of the day. All interest Is centred in them. Promptly at 1 :30 o'clock the cadets formed In front of the barracks and marched out Ion the plains for the military exercises. 1 The Supertm endent and his staff had previously called on the Board of Visitors (at their hotel an I the usual official courtesies were gracefull exchanged. The board was escorted to a 1 hady spot under the old elms In front of ul.

Ernest's quarters, where they reviewed the battalipn. A salute lof seventeen gun 1 was fired. The review was conducted by Col. Mills. The honor of scortlng the colors was given to Company commanded by Cadet Cabt.

3. M. William The usual custom of wearing white tro isers was dispensed with on account of th cold weather, and the corps appeared In gi ay. There was a large number of visitors present at the re' lew, a good proportion being women. il After the re -lew a reception was held at Col Ernest's quarters.

All the officers of the post their wives wer presented to the Board of Visitors. iAt o'c jck the usual dress took place. iThe Board )f Visitors orrsuiLzM to-day. WUliara B. Btte of Nashville, Was chosen President, Gen.

Newton M. Curtis Vice President, and Edward C. Wall Secretary. All tl members of the board iare now here, an. they will begin their Inspection to-morro r.

1 An open-air concert was' given by the Military Academ Band at; o'clock in front of the Super ntendent's quarters. iThe farewel 1 dinner given by the resident tnrmbers of trie officers' mess last night was epirnuiu nir. iui lauies wer Deautl' iuiiy uecorsiefi wnn ierns ana roses. ty-Hv persort were at th table. rhir-1th Col fcrnestf win give a dinner to 1th.

Board of Visitors to-morrow night. The principal officers of the post have received nviuuims. lu-iuurnjw tu cavairy exer- tne cavalry exe ihe plains. "HI Coateste. the will of Char cines wui isn piac ua Sir.

Osdei'a Torat Will Objections to ane probate of the will of Charles M- Ogdea were filed in th Surrogate's office jyes-terday. Mr. Ot Jen's will Is In forty -eeven pieces, yaated betweer two sheets of glass. Mr. Ogdea tor th will wtill deltnoua.

It was stated when the will waa flled. The will was dated Nov a. isfii and by th widow waa to receive! th waot estate. Th contest la la behalf of Clarence M. aad A lie Crary Ogdea, children of I Mr OKden.

James E. Kelly, their special guardian. alleges uu taw. urieo ueauoyea tne will Inten tionally. Server.

AnpolmteaU tHstrlct At Fellows has appointed Corne- llus Roche sul aerver ta place of Abraham Vaaa, who removed last Monday. Roche Is from th which Joha t-wmwmoty LWncL of Rraa. Deoutv Commissioner, sal er la Is leader. The mew nhnZ eral comaitt tMa. The sa and tne Commute Organts.

Learnt. fw 7 l- -vv una stanna. aad WlUiam Ceilagher have been reinstated. Col. I amael M.

Mllla, Comm indant of the Post. awf Eomcur movsx jcnAxixm rozrazxn -1 E. a. Stokes Prwferred to la Cos tempt Jfew-Jorsey Courts. JERSEY CTTr, page was turned In the Hoffman dispute to-day, when Vice Chancellor; Green, sitting ta Chancery Chamber, this; city, granted an order declaring the charter of th Hoffman House Corporation The order was granted 1st th request of A.

Q. Keasbey of Newark, counsel, for W. E. D. Stoke, i This order followed another order granted in Newark fTuesdajf.

directing E. 8. Stokes to appear In Jersey City to-day and show cause why: he shoald not be punished for contempt of court, in refusing to obey orders of the Court of Chancery directing that th. books of h. Hoffman House corporation produced In Chancery Court in NewJersy.

The order of the Chancery Court Instructed the books should deposited with the Sergeant at Arm. Neither E. 8. Stokes nor any counsel representing him pr the Hoffman House corporation appeared in the Chancery Court to-day, and the Vide Chancellor advised the granting of the order, which was at once aent to the room of Chancellor McOlU, who b'uw in a paper wnicu aunuiieo tne Char ter of the Hoffmaa House corpora tfcin. A Oakey Hall and Edrar W.

ward of Ells- abeth N. were named as receivers for New-Jersey. E. 8. Stokes mad th following statement yesterday Six months ago Vf.

E. I. Stokes mode ap- Jillcatloa to Vic Chancellor Green to ace ma contempt of court for not obeying an order to bring the Hoffmaa House books from New York to New-Jerse. I appeared befor Vic Chancellor Van Vllet and laid th facts befor him, whereupon he said the proper thing for roe to do waa to ask fuV Instructions from th Supreme Court of New-York, uader which I was acting a receiver. I at one oomplied with that request, and road application to be allowed to obey th order of Juage Green, and Justice who waa then; sitting la Chambers, heard the and In An elaborate ODlnlnn rfii-i to allow me to remove the books from th custody of th New-York v.

it wui! ftiwitn mat ir nad obeyed Judge Green, under such circumstances I should certainly have placed taiyself in contempt In this 8tate, and irould have been retroved as receiver, and the motion to punish me for contempt In New-Yorki was never acted on. Nevertheless, Wj E. D. Stokes has used ail the influence be could bring to injur me In the eyes of the community. HotTman House in New-Jersey is just as dead aa anything caa be.

I shall move on Monday punish W. E. Stokes for; contempt of court for making this motion i in i utter disregard of the order of the Supreme Court to tbs contrary, a gross outrage In every- way to seek to punish a person for obeying th orders of th qourt here in Ne-Tork- i I John J. counsel! for E. 8.

Stokes, said yesterday that they (did not appear in the Court of Chancery vesterdav tu.t... they did not care If thai charter was an- "That really amounts to nothing," Mr. Adams said. We also Claim that we are not in contemptl for the reason that we were obeying -the orders of the Supreme Court of New-Tofk not to; remove the books from the custody of the INew-York courts. The end Is not yet, and there may be some surprising developments li a few days 1 1 BTXAHSHTJ? 8TKATHD01T8 0XAT 7EEIL Nearly Totally JJestroyed by Fir Wblle I Threading Sues Canal.

The British slfeamshlp Strathdon, which yesterday; arrived in port, had a startling experience wlthj fire during the journey. The vessel cleared Java Sent. ri wits full cargo of uar. Shdrtly after entering tne Suez Canal fire was discovered to have broken out in Sfo. 2 hold.

The following. from thej Captiln's official report of th matter, graphically tells of the efforts made to save jthe ship: All hands Wer called fire quarters, and copious streams yf water wer played on the steel deck, But In spte of all. the Or gained such mastery that the decks became red hot. Being about thirty miles from Port Said. vent blocklnr tMe traffic nre naa increasett to suqh an extent that it was imoossible td naviaat the ship, wheel and chart houses belsr rutted.

The heat intense ln tha Wbeelhous 'that the different parts 01 to stfenns equine war, fused to geiner. I I 1 At 5 A. M. flames burst thraurh No- 2 hatch. way and enveloped the entire for part of the ship, burning spars oh the foremast.

The ship waa run! aground ion the eannl bank and assist ance sent for. jThe canal company's salvage steamers shortly afterward arrived and hose was played the Miasm ship from all possible points, but without effect. The sugar was by a iiuuiu sLate. ouiiing over tne vessel's sides snd llokling on tha surface of the water. Dialing ss it went along.

Ail other useless, it wss decided to flood the holds, land for thla Inumnu trlfugal pumps wr set to work to pump water into the holds. As the ship filled she fell over on her beam ends and filled cabin and all living Jh lt gradually increasing. It was feared th Vessel waa about to capslxe. To prevent this, assistance was 1 asked from the Indian troop aaiuj asatapar. Asout sou soldiers were sent from Snd tacklea passed around the Strathdon mastheads, the soldiers putting a heavy strain on i them.

By thia ilnu th- Strkthdon'a broadside! had taken the sloping hankyot th canafl and the vessel cam to rest in (that position, with the water over the starboard 'side of the hatchways. I Kotwitnstttndlntr all efforts to extinguish th me. it oumeu until in arternoon of Nov. 4. About 1.100 ton of sugar were saved, havlrur uiwiwflni nrin cur axier ena or tne snip, clesr of th Are.

I The ship was pumped out and miri.m mi paio. a on Nov. a. The vessel made temnorarv nir proceeded to Tirieste, where she was placed In the hands of the Australian Lloyds. After repairs she reloaded at Port Said, and miicu imm mat port juay 2.

0E5. IE088 tE8 TJTf TIMED TOVGuX Bis lU-Advlseg Remarks Not Approved by I Old Confederate. June Gen. Thomas Li. Rosser's speech Wednesday at the-reunion of Confederate cavalrymen is all the talk In jex-Contederafe and political circles.

IThe deneralj In declaring that he despised the jman Who favored the pay. ment of pensions by the Federal Govern ment, does not reflect the views of Con federates pr other leading Southerner, here. Gen. Rosserj Is something of a sensation allst, and: has several times In recent years attracted public attention by his utterances. Arter being tone of the most prominent Democrats In Virginia he has recently espoused the c4use of! the third party.

Last year Rosser took the stump in advontcv of Capt. Edmund Cocke, the nominee of that party In i this State! for Governor, In opposition: to Cbl. CPerrall, the Democratic nomine ana present uovernor. Uen. Rosser.

It is SUbDOSedJ Will be th Pnrviill.t candidate- forf Congress In O'FernJl's (the Seventh) district this year. The most jpromlnert and conservative Confederate Headers here declare their opposition to? Rosser's views on the pension question! and all concede that the ex- Liueaenu 1 are unanimous in tnelr approval of; th Government's granting pen sions to an jwortny reuerai solalers who are entitled to such: by disabilities Incurred inctuat aeryice 01 tne country. Boaleyard for Aawcxeat Diatrlet. The Board Street opening gave a nubile hearing yeeterfay on i the proposed boulevard In the annexed district, out by th late Com missioner Helntz. Nearly all ot a hundred property owners present approved the plan.

Before the board 1 forj its action was the. map of the central 1 sect km." bounded by Van CorAandt Park and Moaliolu Driveway on th acrth. Webster Avenue oa th t. On Hundred and Slxty-Orst Street; on the sosth, and Jerome Avenue on the west, i Ther was no objection to th street system In the plan, but th Mayor said he would like to hear views regarding th nroDCed boule vard. He had! received a.

letter saytntf it waa a speculating scpeme. County Clerk Purroy defended th plan from that, charge, and spok strongly in ivor pi in oouisvaru. Ketcham thought the boulevard would be in. jury to the aniesed district. Some property owners who had been soeculatlnr In real estate mirht be benefited.

Another bearing will be given la two weess. it i Boa HI PareaU RaneV. Henry r. H6well. a Grand Army veteran, llv lng at 44): Cojiklla Cireet.

Poughkeepsie. called at th Health Department la thla city yesterday to tell of Removal by cemetery. ofBdala without as claims, of th remains of his father, mbther. land several other members of his family from In old Marble Cemetery la Second. Street.) Bear Second Avenue, ttii city, to a buryinsT SToad at Kenslco.

Mr. Howell said Tie bad ca.Jd tn cemetery omclals to protest, but hsd bee ordered from th office. Hi was particularly displeased because th boaes of his relative, had- been placed alongside those of Indians In tne Kenslco cemetery. if nsy lamer arwi motner eowia nse rrom tiwr grave," Mr. Howell (exclaimed, ther would nroteai against It." was told that the Health De- xtmeat oouia do aotaiagfor nun.

TO SUPERYiSE ITS PRINTING WHAT THE COMMITTEE SUGGESTS TO 005STITUTI05AL COBTENTIOH. CaqvatlT Rprt Twehlat wwoav JrUdletlsi tsje Csveatlsi Rehearslag 8 Exteat the Sehesae to Rob th State The Ree oussneadatlaa 1st the Way Hegc-latiost Contractors May Walt fas-Pay Last Saffraglst ALBANY. Jun 1 Tha I -Prlntlne- fom- tnlrte. of the Constitutional Convention submitted Its report to-day, covering th. outrageous scheme to rob) the Stat, for printing the detailed proceedings of th.

con vention. The scheme has been exposed la the columns of Th. New-York The report Is very conservative, and only touches upon th. Jurisdiction of th convention In regulating the expenses of printing. It shows that the official compiler.

George A. Glynn, on April 6. made a contract with Th. Albany Journal, a Republican news-. paper, and The Albany Argus, a Democratic newspaper, to publish a stenographic re port of the proceedings of! th.

convention from day to day. at a cost of 75 cents a folio, and that th stenographer's minutes are supplied at the rate of 20 cents a. folio. Irrespective of the official reporter. It also shows that the manual of th.

official compiler Is to consist of eight vol umes at a cost of between and 000, while the official manual of th. conven tion of 1S67 cost only $8,000. Th. law that brought the compiler Into official existence provided that the manual should be ready by the timle th. convention met.

But the report states that th. last volume will not be Issued uiider three weeks. or seven, weeks alter the convention first as sembled. The report closes wKh tie following rec ommendations: I That the comntler be reaulred not tn snthnrie or direct any further expenditures for printing or supplies without the order lot this convention or the President or Secretary i hereof. inat tne publication of the proceedings of this convention In Ther Argus and IThe Albany Evening Journal should be discontinued in case the convention deems It haa authority in the prem- That th future miMlcatlona of th Manmu.

should be in less expensive binding. That two special stenographic reports of th proceedings and debates of the convention are unnecessary and that the official mn i.t be used for all purposes. The report was laid oa the table, and ordered printed. It will be considered some day next week. That the convention possesses ample Juris-' diction to restrain the compiler and contractor from running Into Unnecessary expense Is held by a number of members of the Judiciary Committee.

Which will eventually take hold of this question. as one ox tne delegates said to-day. "This convention Is a lunvanimi The Legislature no doubt possesses the power to appropriate money for the convention, but it has no power to direct us how we shall expend it. How absurd It is to say we cannot reeulat mir own ao'e oy tne law which the nas imposea I upon us, what should-prevent the Legislature from providing for three sets of stenographers, two secretaries, and a dnion uivHnti arm. In other to consume ithe entire appro- wnnuut tne siientest 1 or ub winnes 01 tne aeiegates7 It is likely that the convention will IsV.

such action as will Justify the Controller in witnuoiaing nis auait lor the printing bills until all the other expenses of the con- sii.iuu hi utxu utci all Li Tjaiu. in mat event the contractors will be forced to wait and obtain the consent of the Legislature next year to go before the I Board of Claims for their money. The proceedings of th. convention opened this morning with the presentation of petitions for striking: out the word "m.i." from the Constitution. Several netltlnna against th.

manufacture adY aai ot liquor were -also presented. Ellhu Root of New-Tork handed up the pcuuun ut uie. iNew-zorxi Anti-suaraglsts uiuwuuii, us uiu nor. anow now many names. I i He said he was willing i to do battle for the signers against all comers.

With their petition the Anti-Suffraglsu filed a brief giving their principal reasons. They have ou nuuun uauge. I The following proposed amendments were mtrouueea: Mr. Kellogg. Providing that Justices of the Supreme Court shall have no jurisdiction outside ineir own aistricts ta erent i 'lng to registration lists or the title to anv.nffl.-.

aar. aicjniyre. staking stocknolders liable to the amount of their stock, and making Trustees ana Ajireciors uirecuy esponsiuie lor all money embezzled or misappropriated; during their term of office, i E. R. Brown.

Providing that ditches to drain lowlands may be opened as roads are opened. Mr. Abbott. Providing for the appointment ot a Council of Revision by the Governor and Senate, to consist of three members, to determine the constitutionality of all bills introduced In the Legislature within ten days Also, providing that the Council of Revision shall exercise the pardoning power, concurrently with the Governor. Mr.

Porter. Providing that Coroners shall be graduates of medical schools; and may appoint uepuues, wm snati aisu oe grauuaies. Mr. Nichols Providing for the voting of vet- nni In aavluma Mr. Turner.

The Trade and Labor 'Conference Home-Rule bill. Introduced by Mr. Tucker yes- teraay. i The report of the Judiciary Committee had been printed and laid on the desks of the members. Mr.

Lincoln made an argument In favor of the report, based on the action taken in former conventions. The report of the committee was adopted unanl mously. I The convention then adjourned until next Tuesday, at 10 o'clock. The Committee on Cities met after th session to-day and decided to meet in execu tive session next Tuesday evening consider the question as to the time for holding municipal elections. After that, question Is disposed of the committee will consider the question of limitation of.

the debts of cities. i The committee desires all persons who expect to address the committee In favor of any question to submit such question or proposed amendment to the committee several days before the hearing thereon. Chairman Goodelle ot the Suffrage Committee to-day anonuncedf that a hearing would be given, the woman suffragists next Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. In the Assembly Chamber. This Is the hearing at which those from all parts! of the State who favor woman suffrage will be heard and will be the last hearing on the; suffrage side.

Strife Ja the Worn a pnffrage Camp. KANSAS C1TT. June lL There has been fight In th woman suffrage! camp for quit a while, Helen M. Oougarjand Susan B. Anthony are the most Interested contestants.

The former has written to The Hepubilc, a weekly published at Argentine, in which she says of Miss Anthony: Sh has never succeeded tn th adoption of a single suffrage law. She haa met crushing defeat In every! amendment to the State Constitution which she baa championed. Her present unwise leadership In Kansas will lead to sore defeat unless the people of that Stat take matters Into their own hands. Either cause Miss Anthony and Mrs. Johns to remove th boycott on moral issues, or let not a dollar or an effort go to make sur defeat more humiliating than otherwise because manipulated by them under the whip of political and moral cowardice of th Republican Party." In spite of this attack, th suffrage leaders are carrjlag-on the cam paign with vim.

Spies' laleoa Eaereaekei oa Sidewalk A number of property owners hav entered a protest against aa encroachment made upon the aldawalk at th northeast corner of Liberty and Church Streets by Christian Spies, whose saloon, they claim, projects from two to four feet upon city property. The land la part of th Detmold state. Spies leased for a number of years, and erected tn building which th property owner object to. Th Department of Publio Works wss first appealed to, but for some reason no actios was taken. The City Surveyor was then asked to survey the property.

Th survey showed that th building- projected from two to four feet upon th sidewalk. The report waa seat to Mr. Daly, but as that official did not take aay action th persons Interested filed a petition with th Mayor. Th latter promptly acknowledged th receipt, and in reply stated that he had called upon the jDepartment of Publio Works for a full report upon the caa. Aather Good Geiverasaeat Clab.

Th oerttflcat- of. incorporation of Good Government Clab was died yesterday in th County Clerk' Office, Th Trustee are: Emanuel Rochbelmer. Oscar Tennl. Solnraon Mlcherbach-er. Mlitu Prank.

Solomon Sulzberger, Frank: Heyer, Samuel tschweiser. Simon Heinemaa. Albert Plaul Jams P. He in, Joseph 0-Dwyr. and M.

J. Smaller. COIXTaCBIA TOT BAD IT SAXAGX2. Brtary Herbert Dt-aal4 Kaw Whs Blander with lit. Crals.

WASHINGTON. Jun. According to of ficial letters received; at th Navy Department to-day. th. damag.

to th. Columbia resulting from striking aa obstruct Ion oa her trial trip appears to much more serious than at first reported, and not at ail trivial tn character. th. repairs will certainly cost th. Government from $8,000 to $10,000.

to aay nothing; of losing several weeks' as. of th. ship. It seems that no leu than twelve of; her lng plates ar. badly that the cement must be renewed In order that th.

Inner hull and distorted frames may straightened. Admiral Selfrldge says th. Columbia drew 23 feet Inches forward 25 feet 6 inches aft. The charts show" that th normal depth of water In Reedy's Island Channel, where th. accident 1 supposed to hav.

oc curred, is but 21 fett, and that at the' high est tide it Is only 27 feet which Is considered a very narrow margin on which to run a magnificent war vessel at a lft-knot speed. especially aa this depth of channel Is leas than 100 yards wide and haa several turns la It. Th. semi-official explanation offered, that the Columbia may have struck some log or other rubbish brought down by th. recent heavy rains, causes -amusement among naval officers, who never before heard of logs floating twenty-five feet under the ur-face.

They declare that the ship could not hav. been so sertouslv- In lured hv merelv scraping the bottom, but that th. damag. must un uvea aon oy sometning as solid as herself. On account of delays which hav.

occurred ft the League Island Navy Yard, th. Columbia may not be; put In the dock until to-morrow morning, and in a few days th. extent of damages And an estimate of th cost of repairs wUl bo in th hands of Secretary Herbert, Ah official Investigation Into thecause of the Injury certain to follow. There rs considerable comment upon the efforts made to th. faou and to belittle them after their disclosure.

Jun. cruiser Columbia, which, it was developed yesterday sustained a big dent In her bottom while proceeding down the Delaware River on May 17 on hen final acceptance trial, will not be put upon the League Island Navy Yard dry dock until next week. On. of the pumps of the dry dock Is out of order, and it may have to be repaired before th. cruiser can be placed in dock.

It may of next wk before the vessel will be taken out of the water. The work of repairing the ship will be don. by Cramp, and extra payment therefor will be made by th. Government. KGB.

8AT0LLI At THX CXTSXD3AL bang Mass at thsjlaga of th acrd HSart Cold Jubll. I I i SL Patrick's Cathedral was thronged to the doors yesterday when solemn pontifical mass was fcelebrated by Mgr. Batolll to mark the golden Jubilee anniversary of th. establishments the League of th. Sacred Heart Among those In the congregation wer.

John D. CrimmlnsJ Joseph J. O'Donohue, Oen. a P. DP Cesnola.

Judar Jownh Daly, Thomas J. Kjevanagh, Ullam Lum-mls. Gen. T. T.

lEckert. John Mnrth. George. Bliss, Llndley H. Chapln.

and th. inmuy or jsugene Kelly. Archbishop Corrlnan. in th rahea hi office, occupied the throne, attended by Mgrs. Sparretl and FarleyJ Mgr.

Batolll's temporary throne, opposite that of the A nla An! A a rpea in -wnit. saun. -'rgme coat oi arms em broidern nn the Korlr The Delegate was attired In white satin. riiiK.uiu nuire ana oeanna ariey officiated as assistant priest. the Revs William n.i.

a sun owcpu AlCJUS- non a dtanrana rt hnnt. V. Ti i Daly asdeacon, the Rev. Thomas Murphy as sub-deacon, and the Revs. James N.

Connolly and Henry T. Newey as maatariof VVI CIIIVUIC. Mgr. Satolli's fine voice was heard to ad vantaee in the mnaa a fi.iM sical service by the cathedral choir was Arcadelt's Aye Maria," which dates from l.vwi, and is seldom: heard In this country. Throughout the day there was exposition of i.

the blessed sacrament. At 8 o'clock last evening the services ended with special devotions, after which a sermon, having special reference to the occasion was preached by the Rev. Thomas J. McClusky. S.

who established the League of th Sacred Heart In th cathedral the next elghB days there will be special devotions in, the -cathedral every evening, with the exception of Sunday, when they will b. held at 4 o'clock in, the afternoon. DOES HOT COKHESPOND WITH GOULD Ouett Tylr Talks of Her Fatnr Plans I la Virginia. I 1 RICHMOND, Va. June 1.

Miss Odette Tyler, the actress jwho recently broke her engagement with Howard Gould, tha New-York millionaire, lii an Interview her. last night told of her; plans for the future. After having gone from one hotel to another to avoid detection by newspaper men. Miss Tyler's whereabouts were ascertained, and sh. consented to talk of the second time with a reporter since the unpleasant Gould episode.

i She said ahe did not even correspond With Mr. Gould now. There were reasons why I should break ouii engagement, and I did it." said the That ended th. mat ter." I Miss Tyler has been resting up In Albemarle County. where ahe has spent th Spring days In riding horseback and, writing a Btory of a Virginia girl entitled Boss, the Virginian." She came here to attend the unveiling of the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors' Monument! She Is thoroughly Imbued with Southern sentiment.

Inasmuch as her father. Gen. Klrkland, formerly of Savannah, now ot New-York City, rendered faithful service In the Confederate Marine Corpa. Speaking of her plans for the future. Miss Tyler said that she would remain In Virginia a Couple of months longer.

She will then sail for Europe, to return In time to open her season In New-York In Bronson Howard's "Shenandoah," in which She Is to take the role of; the heroine. Balldlaa- Association Insolvent. ALBATY, X. jjune 1. Th Metropolitan Co-operative Building and Loan Association, with offices tn Cooper Union.

New-Tork City, wss thia afternoon I taken charge of by the Superintendent of Banks, i Charles M.i Preston, he finding It to insolvent. I An examination Is now In progress. This association Is one of the smaller building and loan associations. It waa organised la lsaa, and in Its last annual report to th Stat Banking Department, Jan; 1. but, reported a surplus of assets over liabilities of besides a hous and lot oa Stalen Island, value estimated at $1,800.

XX WS aOTEMi TBOX YOXKKB0. i- i Owtngj to th inclement weather oa Thursday afternoon i and evening, the lawn party tn aid of 8t. Joseph's Hospital; was postponed until yesterday, and will come to a clos thia evening. The Metropolitan Quartet sang some selections last evening, Th closing exercises of th Loral Temperance Legion were held la Temperance Hall yesterday afternoon. Hobart addressed th children and they in torn sang aad recited.

Misses Kstl Murray and Roe M. Cats are visiting the Misses Margin, daughter of Capt. John Msngia of. th Yonkcrs Folic, In Post Street. Th Sacred cant sta of The Holy City" was given ia the rtrst Presbyteriaa Church est Thursday evening.

There was a large attendance. The final matches' between the five-sse teanta In the Palisade Boat Club' bowling tovrnanaent hav been postponed; until to-morrow evening. Mrs. b. H- Purser and family hav remove from New-York and are bow occupying tnelr Summer home on JUrerdal Avenue.

The College Orchestra gave a coo cert sader th auspice ot Eltrleda Lodge. D. O. at Odd Pellows' Hail oa Thursday evening. Th Boys' Branch of th Young Men's Chrtstlaa Association wilt hold an open tennis tournament.

Entries closed last evening. James P. Bonan aad Miss Vial Brian wer married in Sc Marys p-1 Cathotl Church on Thursday evening. James W. Hannigaa haa received a -permit to erect a tram peak-roofed dwelling on th west side of Livingston Avenue.

A fair and concert war given la the, Afi-b--- Methodist Episcopal Zloa Church oa Tharadar Charie P. Mar' has purchased the lewelrr business of W. A. Walsh la North Broadway. IN THE MTIOrfS TREASURY i THE C02TDITI0S HLtSTEft AT THE E3D OF MAT.

Hot laeresse fat th Pwhlbe Debt. Cash mm Haa. SS.ecb.OAO.S A. Ket La 822,000,000 I ttotd laeaslaes Over as Falling; Off la Reveaae Caditla, IIwvr, Mr Favrahl. thast la Jtitaty-Tlit Catrrwsiey Balaac Greater.

WASHINGTON. Jun. 1 The debt state. ment Issued this afternoon shows a net Increase of th cubllo debt. 1ms i ra.h in th.

Treasury, during May. of mierest-oearlng debt Increased $da "The Bon.liil.rit.lriii. -k. ji CMTH4 $640,875.50, and th. cash la th.

fTreasury uecreasea $7.243, 430-08. The balances of th' several classes rf debt at th. clos. of business May 81 were: i aM 63iO41.WO.00 uebt oa which1 interest has ceased 1 i.eoa. Debt bearing; no Interest gSj.vl.ifc.bJ ml Th.

certificates and Treasury notes offset by an equal amount of cash In the! Treasury outstanding at th. end of th. month wer. $621,120.43. an lncrea.

of $1.133. 6Mi Th total cash la th. Treasury was $733. ae3.264.TT. Th gold reserve was 267.

JJet cash baUnc. Ia th. month, ther was a decrease In gold coin snd bars of this total at th. close being Of sliver, ther. was an, increase of $T8MX1L Of th.

surplus, ther. waa la national ban depositories against T19.02 at th end of th previous month. During th month of May the! Treasury sustained a net loss la gold for export pur poses of $22,000,000. Th. mov.ttient still continues, nearly wiping out all of th.

golj oy in. oona issue or January. While th. Treasurv is loalnr sold bv ex port. It Is also losing It In Boston.

Philadelphia, and New-York by withdrawals la ordinary business transaction. In the cities nameu, tn gold la finding Its way Into th iou ot toe ci Lies oi tn rt est the Treasury Is dally gaining gold ln exchange for legal tenders, on oq day of this week receiving $400,000 In iSt. Lout for United States notes delivered In Nw-York to the banks' credit. Similar offers hav been received by th Treasury to-day, and several a day or two ago. I but only thos ar accepted that directly benefit th.

Treasury. Gold received for customs due at New-Tork during May amounted to only 23 per against 2H per cent, six months ago. While there Is no present prospect of cessation of gold exports, still ther ar no indications that a new bond Issue will resorted to by Secretary Carllal build up the reserve. Th Impression in Treasury circles Is general that the reserve jwtll reach as low a point as befor such an alternative aa a bond lasue will be resorted to. No financial disturbance resulted when th.

original reserve of was encroached upon, none when the reserve fell to $63,000,000 just before th. last bond Issue, and none Is apprehended now. The falling off of ordinary revenues lg causing more uneasiness In Treasury circle, than th. decline of the gold reserve. The receipts for th eleven months of th.

current flscan year are $84,000.0001 less than for th. eleven months of the previous fiscal year. A saving of $13,000,000 Iri expenditures over the corresponding period of brings down the difference In round figures to $72,000,000. being th. excess of expenditures over receipts lor th.

eleven months of this year. The greatest falling oft Is shown In customs, which hav. declined Internal revenue also fell off $14,000,000. The greatest retrenchment 'of expenditures is shown In pensions, a saving of having been effected In this Item. Civil and miscellaneous expenditures show decrease of $4,000,000.

The- stated Treasury balance to-day la $117,000,000: on Jan. i. 1804, It waa $90,000,000. On Jan. 1.

however, th Treasury was reduced to a working currency balance of only th rest being gold, and to-day thej Treasury has a working currency balance of $T'- The Treasury situation, therefor. Is considered more favorable now, evert with less gold than it held In January, than at th berinnlne? of th calendar rear, as Its Cur rency balance is four time greater than It was I iien. rsocucx ixcHAjrcx ciicns, Alfrd Z. Bmr th Ckale fr Prsldat Ovr Kvnn Tha I Nominations for officers for the ensuing year wer. mad.

yesterday at a general caucus of the Produc Exchange with th following result: For, Romer; for Vic Presldent-r-H. rj(. McCord; for Treasurer E. Rice; for llanag-ers E. O.

Burress. David -Dows. abd Frank; Brainard, to succeed themselves, and J. W. Ahles.

Herbert Barber, and p. E. Mil- mine; for Trustee of th. Gratuity Fund- Thomas P. White; for Inspectors of.

Eleo tion W. R- Carr, O. B. Ferris. Ouj A.

Rlffga. H. 8 teal e. F. M.

Carncry, And A. I. Holmes. Thomas A. Mclntyre moved fot th.

nom ination of Evan Thomaa for Prasldeat, but the caucus had taken Mr. Thomas seriously In his recent announcement that four terms were enough for him. and clamorously. voted down the motion. -( Then T.

Coffin mov-d th. nomination of Mr. Homer, thla motion being carried witn noisy enthusiasm. Mr. Romr la I oonnectea with th J.

H- Bhults Company of Brooklyn. It was agreed early In th caucus to make nomlnatlona for Managers i elngly. so that each of th six candidates might know whom he had been chosen to succeed. In spit of this precaution, C. E.

Mil mine, a grain dealer, was named ia place ot 8. B. Low, a provision man. The provision trad, accordingly held a separate caucus after the nominations had been announced, and decided to oppose Mr. Mil mine with James B.

McMahon. New-York manager for N. K. Fair bank At Co. David Bingham presided at the regular caucus.

Th election will b. held, Monday. Baskrsyt avnel av Caled. BOSTON, Jun 1. Job Turner, fory-fir years old.

formerly a member of th brokefag firm of A. B. Turner Brother, having office' In the Plske Building, Stats Street, shot hlsiself dead yesterday at his farm ia South Carver. Th father. Job.

died about Bv years ago, leaving aa estate valoed at about $1,000,000, qualiy divided awineiej hi av children, about a year after th father's death th two sons. Alblea aad Jb, with their soar of th stat started a banking and brokerage business. They I-mad a specialty of Montana bond, and When these securities audOMUy Oeprxlala-l mv m-cam bopeleaaly Involved and war obtlswd to suspend. They nctd a settlement with 4helr eredltors and a new partner, A. W.

iPorter. was admitted. Job went out. aad with th assistance of Albion' wife's fortun the firm start! la business again. It I understood that a great many of th debts settled oa Job.

He was oaabt to meet them and la hi despair a lbk his Ut He was unmarried Kept Ihaat Hot In th ladsaw WHITE PLAINS. N. suit, th. result of which has been watch4 With Interest by th fishermen of th Hudson Blvler, was decided to-day ta th Circuit Court, jit was th caa of th people on th relation of dam Inspector Kennedy of Newtmrg against Peter Smith of this villa for violating- th cam law in keeping a had sat in th river between sundowa oa a Saturday night ana swart ion Monday morning. There war flv vtolatloha coarrea against him.

and th penalty la $100 In each caa. Th Jury found him guilty oa on charge, and was fined $100. He wlU appeal to th General Term, a he claimed th nets complained of had been leased by him at th tlm to other parti guilty. I Verona Lak Drained Oat lf fplte. MOXTCLAIR, 2C J.i Jun lVeroaa Lake.

en. of th most popular resorts ta thla -ilelally. was drained dry Tuesday Jnlght by Johaj Crevier. who aecrstly opened a dam oa hi broperty and let off th water to satisfy, it la said, an old personal spit against Capt. Hlrani Cook, -who manage tb resort.

Mr. CrevWr taj deaf to importunity that replaos th data, and th empty basin of th Uke threatens to become breeder dlseas. Capt. Cook hen. of eourse.

canceled all engagement wtta picaio aad Mn outing parties. Will Tak alsewwal 6rr. AKRON. Ohio, Jon Th RevJ John Brawn of Orac Methodist tplacopai Caurch. thla city, haa reatgned to tak orders tn tfi Epfcoti Church.

He give his reasons: a prefer tor ta dttsirlass of th. aiarmpal ChtmA. .1.

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