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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 8

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

di JJEJVB FROM NEW-ORLEANS. a- tV. irlmA Irpm Fir it Ff -1 wtotte any other pert thrCnferftt Stale, ca md mt h4 shot as i TTy; aa a F. GRAF, Majand A. A A.

O. tHanedJ itm. TJmL C. A. Iafaatrr.

Adtateat I certify IA foctfotnir correct copyf th VI. OLOUIH WJWAL, Acting 0. 8, Vat tt f)oerUr titoomstaaces we were obilssd to pot a prixa rrw board th scboooor to dak Mr to New-Oieaii, to which port wr ourselves boWSrd. He pa sngsr. T.

C. rU6AT, rUtd aora larlll-lac elrcaUM rMpccttng hi arrest, retoas. rearrest and formal leave-taklne; of -in Confederate. rvls-e a a fact, what kM oftoa beea rvjrnttsed brtidthUi great nur of th popl.f Tmm arc heart Union men, bat dar sot confess U. A.

J. Hamtlto, whom tb ptv-eagers rail Gen. he for torn tin bea In buA wit a aumbr of 11-lowexe, xpetlc and he ping the Called fcia.e Gv-i(BtklwiMl those aid. I th snap of nlew armed mi, Ga. U.

says Uw lb American Consnl tt Msta moras requested htm to taiorm tt first 'nludbuus oncr ha mat that war ssl i ack d.d off Um Rio Grand, a a greet number hkrMepc4iateMxlaoaxawlthoBtUtaMaa7 of Brblrterice, and due not II known, la man. thocrht yoor renders anight be Interested to know what sad about Um Gulf, Bad -ortbeir feafit I he' pea th bo. leciosed yoo wlU Aad lb xtalanont I have 'poke. tt- Yours truly, -V 1" AH AGED BlATE. Taatrdar, tbo coroner Hold an lnquaat th' boav of fiin, a ataTO woaaaa, who oJad at No.

130 CoBcUaea-atraat, at tin adaacd age 117 raara. Voroiei iMoi af Mqt Sao waa a satire of Kteb(Ma, and waa ta yaara of aa at tbo timo baavaoex'a dofoaC What auaao wtvMn aho at kavo witneaaed A little gtil wbea Waaxo-the yoaag VlrglsU Colonel, aael the aaattered ee bleeag rtaanant of tfiat ill-fatod Ceneral, be waa a ee-wKnaM ef the birth of a great aa4 bww diea amiaat the elaagor aad Aiony of dlaiaat ettlee between two retengefai eecttene of tbe re- abiie. RELEASED- nndratjttd, aaya tbo Dtltx, tnat 3adg AurxAaa WtLiii, late editor of thia Pfpar, baa been reteaaed roaa coalnecaoBt at tbip laiaad, and to new in tbia eltf. BOBKT. The following uotko appear in tb bdrerUaing olanoa of tbe different popeira Tbo vnderelgaed pobllclr anoouacea that a 1 aerry to bare rublUhed tbe card-In tbe new tpa per denrloir ba.iae baviag take tiooatb of alleglaaee tne uattea ciatea.

aaa eraiea tatea, token tbo oath. CKfl. PREV eomer Marata and Orcbaxd atreeta. Tbe DBdoratgned hereby publicly aaboasaea tkat be to aorr to bore publUhed tae card In the papfra deay lag baring taken tbe oXb oi ailegiaaoe to ibe Cnilod btalea, aiMTatate tbat be baa alnee token tbe baia. JOS.

JACOBS, 434 kioreait-airraU Tbe hereby jbbcly announce tbat fee to-aorry to bare pnbllabed toe eard in tbe fteWa-pepera denying baring takes tbe oatb "of allegiance (e tbe VniteoV EUUa, and taua tnat ht It rUce Uiw Ihf EXJGE DUPRE. TELEGRAM FROM JEFF TD0MPE0N. Among tka iocomenU aeiet by tha recent ex-nodlUon aetoaa tbo lake, waa the folio wlg eopy of a leUtraaa In leaded aoir.ebow to And i laaldo of tbo Union Uaea 3b iVw-fr Bend no mm good peach brandy. tVlgned) JEPK. TU0MPB0N.

COMHEfidfAL. Kisibnu. ArTCCArnOmca, No. TO CAar-ernt, I --r Friday Ereriag.fcept. le3.

There waa no movement in moneyed circlea today, etbrr than ton little exoiternent brought about fctbe order of tbe CommantLng Oecerat in regard to eannd tranifcraof atocka, tbe payment of mabey. bd ao on, which wUtbe duly eemprebended by all atereated on reading the order aa pubUidied. It waa remarkably quiet in and around tbe 'bank. Tbere waa aorne movemeat ia and about the Mar-baaia Bank, whiob prorod to be tbo actios of the Cocamtaatonera to examine tnto Hi aeeet. A more WeUitent or -honorable body of clttaena could set tare been aeleeted to perform the uawelceme taak.

If the strong hoped for aettlement of the prcscatpoai-tton of tbe conatry aboold tbe eourae of tbibgl. tbe ercbant'a ilank'i aiteta wilt prore to be of more generally eoneeded at this time wm ai'aaiparta. Tbe managere of the Dank bare noted very tndlacreetlT They were offered the most liberal Urooa by tbe Commandlrtg-General, when be thought it bla duty to place the daatltatlon in Uquida- We acaia repeat tbe admonition to bUl-botdera. net to aeeiBlce tbeli clalma tbougb in oaeerUed tlmea it will require aaanr aaontba, pernapa jroara, to lUjoidaie or wlad up a ban kin Incorporation. Ia regard to our other banka CTerytbtag appear to bo goiag on aanootbJy.

The banka owe-very little to tbe treat pnbtio aa reranla coin or epecle paymeata, and it la aeeleaa to duate oa them. Coin ia eearce and will aondaue ao, Xi may be termed aad relied on aa tb fandatneatoJ basla of all traueaetioaai erertbeleea, tbe oommnairy of IVew-Orleana appear to be moving along without it. Ita. magle tanaenee baa dapaitea. It to aotbtcg more thaa commodity, an article of BBerabandlae, ioat the aame aa pork and sear, oottoh nne) auger, or tobacco and ptp.

THE WAR ItJ MISSOURI. A Tort ion of the Bcbt 1 lrinyrndfr Hind-jBiai and Rtini at Craoby Mines. Gtneml ftcfioilrWI" lrepariiii? Jlarcli Ak7aJot Them. to EruieruiB, FiUay, Sept. M.

A portion of tie tetxl arm under HtSPlfAJf andlUiiafto now at the Granby Mine, Newton County, near the State lice. Gen. SctoroiD is pre-pai 'ing to march agaluM them, and, aa Lie army is in exceUrnl condition and compeer of tbe bert troojx In the Aiale, there It every reason to believe 1 -will to ancecrtful If they await aa attack, li Ihey retreat tkey win be driven out of the nUte, and portions probably eccnle by out troop, that will pieveut another Inroad. The lataetndvicee from the relel army atataltto be anoet anenley crowd of wetriore, aome well 'graaed, tret ta moat tiki log ruCs naapoas aa could fw gathered tnrotgs Arkassaa. Thrlr number ia about 13,000.

Oen. orixi, at hie bae bee a ra- liered front his dtoti let command, and bow commands tbo army fCaaonrttn tbe bold. TTne) Ce. UUcs) anot'by I'alen Soldier Tth XditorefJU "rw-Yerk 7imi. Six Tor WaaMngton correspou Jeut aaya, it la now ta ted, oa what aeetne good aatnortty, tHat Col Moss wax shot by h)s own mea after the capftula tlon." Tbe writer of this to credibly informed that a anembor of tbo ISlk UUina ainoe bU tetum eMro front Harper's Tmtrj baa aaid be "saw naeikar cnombor of that regiment fire at Col.

Miua with tb intemloB of killing him. In of a led go provtoaaly- made, tbat If Col. Muas aurren. dared his foreex to tb rebeta be would tboot hloi. Froaa another trustworthy ocrca epfara that BalUmor Baember of a retorting Novn Terk mihrla regiment fteea Uarjra Ferry nasured fa gentlemen there, fee abotaf and killed CoU ktut.

The prolm. tUtty Is that mote Una on of the Coroners owa tnea Ired at klna ach oaa beyertngtkat his waa tb shot that took effect. If the aolSff who thua diamlsaed fra nW TJatfed SUtea seoiie an cdBoer who baa disgitaod bla end ot.totied 41 aaa. tor upon tbe country, were puoQelr toees, the loyal fwcpl protect bias agalaat harm. If oor General are permXted to nobdleaaly aaorike Una ef touMAdx of oar pjcti3 ant btav volants era, they must expect to meet retxibqUon at tb nnnda of thatr ubo.diclee tf ty diaciae of tb power iamb rwan FektoUrw.

SisTxiMnac, Cai. FrKtoj, Septa. Arrirf atetmer Scncr. froo Faaantn. nrrlred yesterday Origra, ru for wyaaUagton.

1ay tk T7 baa been oagtged lees thtg and eoastrorLif nlVUry road froaalke WaiU VaJler, Wuhlr ston. Terri-T. to Fort Benton at th of of tb lUo-'TiRirrr. The wort It inallr ecrcretol. Coa-eleratle eaatgraiitts ha leatbrd vVairtcn Texil-lory by that nte this year.

Jarx uiailand, weaide ml atral regtqna cent gold, cor 'Mt Ufa, wwevtndoa tb UofU -f cr- l' 'i i 4 rt 4. k'? i -i km' ft1" fvd days lateh from EURdPE lit lio-Saioa. c3 Circ litt. Tbe Idea of llecnlzlss the Rebel Ca fetltracy AbandODCd. Rebel-Steamers and Rams Building In Ecgland.

Xecllno in Cotton-rHrcridsmflB Steady' CONSOLS 93 5-8 93 1-2, CAaa lUca, Saturday, ST. The ateanosblp Liverpool on tb Ifttb, eid LondonOerry on the Ida lost, waa boarded by tbe newt yacht of the Associated Press at I o'clock this (Saturday) morolng, and a summery of ner news octal. Tb steamship Jfinui, from Quebec, arrived at Liverpool athe 10th tart Tb ateamealp Ciiy WmtHnfUm, from Nfw-" Terk, arrived at Liverpool oa tbe 17th tnat The dat per tb Jnglef ean Br are, days later than thoee already received. Tbe te unimportant Tb rumors ef reeos-aitie toe Southern Con federaey do not gain ground. It was reported that the Confederates were buying aiui building aumeroua steamers la- England, and building a ram en tne Rlrer Mersey.

Tb TtMcerere waa at Cadiz. A Paris correspondent believes Count MxMixahaa been ordered by tb French Government to make a eoaciiiatory attempt to put a stop to the war in America for the sake of humanity. Tb Tlmtt Paris correepondeat says Nareisoa will vndoubtedly favor the recognition of the South em Coafederacy, and to anxious the Eagilah Gov eraroent should adopt a similar course. Tb excitement ia tbe jute and hemp market had subsided. There to nothing new regards the Roman question.

a mill's health is aaid to be rather worse. The Tollsa nebles at Wsrsaw hare adopted an address offeasire to tbe Government Tbe Market. Cottoh The sales -ff th week amounted to 24,000 bales. The market waa irregular, aad had da-cltaed Hi. for American, lad.

for tfnrata, and 2d. for otber descriptions. On Friday tbe sales were 8,000 bales, them srt St closing at the above deollne. Orleans Middling waa quoted at Bilabsrtrrra Were steady at Toe -day's market, but closed quiet and irregular on Friday, Flour having a declining tendency. Pxotibi were quiet, feu Irm.

Lard advanced le.w2s. on Tueaday. Can sou closed on Friday at 93 3 for Money. AjtaaiCAJi Stcvanus were quiet, but steady. THE WAR IN THE SOUTHWEST.

An Expedition Dow a Hirer. the Arkansas ENCOUNTER WITH GUKURILLAS iHxLBXA, Stttrday, Sept. 37, Beceotty an sxpcJitlon, consisting of the trans-porta etea'and Alhtmhrm and the gam Queen of tk Yit, carrying about asroop aad aeveraj pieces of1? artillerr, left Old Tw i eatae ttowa the river as fax aa Union, 40 miles below tb mouth of the Arkansas Rlrsr. As ghe expedition descended LLat river It, was fired Into by guerrillas at rrentlsa, a town oa the-MUatoalppI shore opposite Napoleon and Island No. 7ft, killing at the latter pi see four sf our men The boats shelled tha woods all along the shore, bu With what damage to net known.

Oa the return trip a large force of guerrilla-, numbering "from 1.500 to 2.000, ander Gen. Yxuinara, at Prentiss, occualed the shores and ripened a brisk cannonade on tbe boats, ac-ocopani by volleys of musketry. Tbe boats returned tie' tne til with shot aad shell killing twenty -sfn of the rebels, and Jririrtg tttsm back into tbe country, after which a part of our, forces dlembarV.ed and burned tbe town. Tfce bosls were coir.pletely riddled by rnufrpet bUs and two six pounder cajtnon shot phased ej.tiitly tUroiiah the of the Alkanbra. On lota wti teven VJ'le1 sni nine wourderl.

TUE INVASION OF KE.NTrILV. Aather Mas "Jeering to tttve L.BiavIlle Keeolntlon aad Keinavrk Mr. Uuthri AeU Ueu. J. V.

Belt The Fanta lit Cincinnati Illw-trated, See. C3Trttjx.nd.tnct tf the Au-yer Timti. Lotisvuxa, Sept 21, 18 Loyal citizens aasemWled ma as thia afternoon, tsretpon-eto the caLsof tie Governor, the Corariiaad-Bg Ceneral, tbe Mayor, and the Press. Mayor Paira prealded, and Mr. Grraars offered the following resolutions, hteh wer unaaimou sly adopted Tbat air able-bodied citizens and sojourners report to Ceo.

si sos for immediate aervic and tbat tb Mayor and two dtlxens, by him named, shall consult with Geo. Nsiacx for the defence of tb city and the repulsion of tb Invadera, Mr. remarked: LoulsviUe baa always claimed to be tr the Taion and the Stars and Stripes, tbe ffagof Wtsnnroroa and tbe beroeeof tb tion. Tbe enemy to man king upon tbe city. Bffiu.

to two or three days behind, moving to cut Bias off-If we can ho! BnaC at bay two or three days, Boxu wU be oa U.a wlu the legions of SbHoh. Shall net engage and stay tbe invaders Who now will prove recn ant ta b's borne and his State Wfco of nsnUlartnow slrf ngtaen 1k miliary hand of UtJled Stale Govciniaeatt Ge. Ntuex to dtcr-mia to oessad tbe city with all tbe porer given to aim. Tbs to ao tin for Un-eervic, bat for actual (vice ia to neU or tb teach. Let us all strlk for tbe llbertes for wUcb our fatb.r it led.

Let as ail o2r oura2e upon tit alur of our country. Uo.Jaaaxa F. Bsu saidt Tb tha for argu caent be paU Lt tb Un airictly drawn be twee tb traitor and tb tru man. Thoee not willing to igkt forth Old Flag ar enemies to Kentucky. None ar slaves but willing sisvee.

Ar tot subjugated Let bt shoat ntvtr, and let tbat nrtr be backed by Cxe casnoa's and tb musket's roar. Let us prt crraelvra wcrthy. liar we lost in LeroUia ur fathers Irish coorae la my reins, aad I ae Irhhmea before ire. Will you not be true to your blood aal to your aXopted ceuctry Whydoat do our part? A few d'cf encr. gatls exertion wia sav na Nothing bet batU wil aav as from Unocalnlous aorTeBder aad a cewartly nam for all ta ecaa.

If cant 4Ukt tb bailies let cs bow lb invader and toll hi at com. Sa caa and win bdhl tin there to actu-g left of as or tre fc. KantuckV pan aevor disao. fated frat Ohio, iAdlxaa, iuLsots; t1 Nortb-TfgsFattjlrkfia, Vttjat Tlrito tl-Tk (Ity gtfij-gorli Wants, Kdea alcatacky Iron fbayoul dlahoaor fbai thu; farritponawr. Botot feirrb tbTatandawdf tTaton and Freedom, and prwctoim dMtfe to too who wia at follow It, In noeardaae wlfli Nainear's order, tfcou-aaads af women aad cblldren ar toaetag prepertBf leave.

Try many, kwwever. Mat get away, and wtn etand tbelx ground. A pontoon bridge across tb Ohio Is nearly ready. Vast en aa tides of pwbUe aad private property are being hurried aoroaa. Depoeit-or hire withdrawn tbeir faads frpm banker or taken drafts a New-Tork.

Tha rebs wo at get much money, if they reach here. Siege guns are planted along tbe Indian. bank and several gunboats posted to fire over tbe city at tie enemy. Contra-bands ar rushing to tb earthwork, aad erring "Her goes first, sccesa aext, aad wait Xclis last" To Ulust-ate the panic last week In Cincinnati, I send you the printed form pass wblvh a New. Torher had to obtain, with much trouble aad deten.

I ten, title on hie way here: 8 2. Net TraWerabl. Paeveav-Maaeaax an sioitsa'a. Omcx, CiaciiBAn, Fermlssioa la granted to to pass beyond the limits of tha City to go to Issued by Deputy. 4-- A.

E. JONES. FroToat-MarsbaL A II COa tbe back ef the foregoing wae tb following rj Nfoiimnr ee rueer. Nam, Height feet lnckea, Complexion, CoiOi of eyes, Color of hair, Beajitanritt. 1 hereby awknewiede Uiat I aeapt thia oae upon my word of honor, solemnly pledged, that I will ever bear true fitb ana allegiance to the United States of America, and that 1 will coneider such allegiance aa fiaramount to that due to any other Power, Sovereign-j ot Stat whatsoever; tbat 1 will never take arms -gainst the United States, or those acting under its authority, or give aid.

Information' or comfort to its enemies, and tbat I will do all in my power, as a citizen, to suppress the present rebellion and preserve tbe Federal Vaion. (Signed,) Loeiavn.u, 'Wedneeaay, Sept J. 1M2. Hon. GaaaaTT Davis addressed bia fellow-refugees rst night to thsdcllowlng effect We are not fug! Uves from justice, "but refugeea from cruel oppression and tyranny.

This cruel banishment from our homes to Intolerable. -1 would prefer an honorable grave such a miserable and dishonorable life as permanent banishment from my home would inflict. A set of dlaappolnted, ambitious demagogues has brought ail theee troubles upon our country and ourselves. To recover tbe power that bad passed from them, they determined to tumble Into ruins the Temple of Liberty, and erect in Us stead a Confederacy of their own, oaenslDly on the principle of secession. How have they kept their mischievous principle In regrd to Kentucky More thin two-third- of the people of Kentucky thrice declared agalaat this heresy.

Yet the hypocritical heretics are determined to conquer and subiugat and drag Kentucky into their infamous despotism. Are you prepared for that degradation and slavery, for subjection to the most practical despotism upon earth Under pretext of the public good, theirs to a government usurpation, conscription, and the destruction of thel' own people and tli resources of their own country Was there ever such mockery! itaey allure you fiom your slavery to tbeir freedom Every individual right is now imperiled. Do you appreciate your heritage ex you ought If you do, you rush with arms in your bands upon this marauding, plundering and mnrdeilng foe. My companions in exile, take a common part wiut our fellow-ciUzena of Louinvllle. Tbelr figni la our Bent tneir success and aaiety to ours.

Louisville saved, and Kentucky, our Kentuckv homes, are aaved. I am determined to fiebt stmuloer to shoulder wita my fellow-citizens of. tj i i i IvOUisvu. in uie uooie au iqbuij enon 10 repei ana rout the cnemv. or with them to oerirh In a slorious grave.

Now is the time for heroic action in defence of your country and its institutions. bo will hesitate Who now won't ficht deserves neither liberty nor a Bonne nor a conatry deserves to be tbe most If- DOniv VI FllTC. i umi to tb liberties of the country. Tb -aggregate parts individuals mak up tb mighty aad effective whole. The fogitivee here ndght muster 3,000, and turn the scale and decide the eventful contest which seema now impending over this city.

For this holy aad glorious cause, all should light, old and young, strong aad feeble. I am determined to take my position in tbe rlile-pUs, where I caa render most effec tive service. I heartily approve u. Nxuox'a order tor tb Immodlabe lmpreaaaaeatvf all Wlumti finatw enrollment. Let them be dragged Ilk mentals and ala ves to tbe trenraes to tnrow up dirt lor better men to fit lit behlndut 1 ae re ten, tne sympathises with treason to our KepubUc, should mail to labor like a galley-alav.

Mr. Davrs closed, all tbe refugee- present, with bis name at the bead, enrolled for miTitajy duty. Hon. Koaxa Maixobt and on or more members of the Legislature and tbe enthusiastic Union proprietor ot the Gait House are oa tbe staff of Gen. Jamis $.

Jjcxaow. Good news from r.Geua. Bdxll and G. W. Moaaaa is hourly looked for.

BCKLL ABBITKD lOriBTn.l. gAri THI XSIYT SATS IOO TBE NUSO PSNIO OTR. Lotibvills, Thursdny, Sept. 23, 1862. Major-Gen.

Ugiu. at the Gait House. Jjouis- vilie is safe, and, I fear, tb BraggSiith army ia safe too. The Nelson panic Is over. Nxion, lo-day orders business to rcsuised, and all enrolled ciU- reus to be discharged.

Women frail Children, and r. aecesn luxiuvea are reiurmnj. scean, wno es caped tbe trem-bes by skillful hiding fiotn tle impressment scaads who patrolled tl.e city' and searchea pu-Lc and private houses, tsve left thefirholeit, and are oa the streets hi5illng and But many seceU weru caught and put on the trenches for a few bouts. We apirenead Bxao i's skedaddle is strAtegic thai ha v. ill pounce, with supetior force, taiportant polbta below Green.

Hirer and on tae Cumtxrliijtd. If Wucm, Bixll, ami Nion are l-adequat to their important task, place over them who is. the bead of a division or a corps. In actual bcid emce, to in his elenrnt. PONT1AC.

Emaocipatlu and Clonlxatlp. Xo thi Ldiitr of it XiJumal RejmiOesn My interest in the eiAaucijration and colonization of the fiee people of color has cr.used me to give serious ceas'deralion to this subject for seveial years. My desire hst been to find a for the colored man, contiguous to the United States, where such a set-lenient might be tniUatad. a would lead ultimately to tiie founding of au emprreof his ow nationality. I arn entire tbat Central America is rot only better adapted tkla enterprise than any other part of this continent but that tbe African people of this countrr are destined to 'become eventually tb dominant and governing race ot all tropica! America.

From tbis view, it as not earv to over-estimate tb MUnl slrp la so vast a work. Tbe success not mere ly of the lirsteettlcrs, wno might compose the colony, but tbe fate of succeeding generations, depends upon tbe wisdom and virtue which attempts to atari into life a schema having for its object the redemption and elevation of a distinct people. While tbe soil and climate ef Central America would render many pans of it attractive for an Initial colony, lb weakness of tb Governments in tuoee countries is such that with tbe exception of British Honduras, tbere to not a spot where this would not to-day present aa insuperable objection agalaat anv effort to tHA7th colored people ot thia country by removal there. Except In British Honduras, It wond be absolutely neceeeHry topurchte by treaty tbe right to protect the colony, from the fact tbat tbbae Governments are nnafe to aftord it and without condition of these people would be In ao respect aovsnced beyond what it now la in tb southern state. Tne coat of purchase, togatber wiib a large annual expenditure, far tb maintenance of its Government, would tavoiv pecuniary burden welch tb American people would be ot unwtlMne to aasema.

especially at thia timo, and wtlch no of eolonisa-tlo here bas ever contemplated. Ilene it Is that for aa.iy months, my researches tare pea directed to 11 on lira, as afforiing aa easy and practical aoluUoa of tb wbol question. Titers tb ceiony would be under th iurisdlctioa el a stable aad powerful Government, friendly not only to us, but to tii enterprise itself, and not only friendly to emigration, but receutlv has enartad eo)o-aiantlon law for tb pwrttos of receiving the very class of persons widen tt tbe interest and purpoa of this country to furnish. There oaf emigrants woold dad themselves at one upon an satire social aa political ecuality with tae nativ and British reauieus, and protection to life, liberty aad propertyrrfecu Biltuta llocdururls tear I central of ail tbe countries borderinsr on the Carrtbeaa Sea and to O-tiaed to become the Mediterranean of tb Western Heaila pher. Brand Creeirlsnds, to which public atteatioa has recenuy ba given, err brace on bundrd and fifty square mil's, satuated oa the Carribeaa Sea, and distant from ail tb principal ports oltnUatt9d States, by ctrRm, from focr to ssrrea days.

It Is la Um direct track, of ell veeeels uadiag to tb Ceacral Amrea port, and tb rwrnmarcial ltta anon Utf aoii skf of tb Cvrtfe as to4 Commis- i 1862. nribaa, fftpttmfa 23 iK3c mlgnats owald roach, baa dsttnsl Trpon the r-diaary cwjareial yis omployd la trad of tbat aad tb adjotatac oouatrtoa, tans afiordlag fr-quewcy taterooura aad cbeapaee of transporu- Special charters of essU would not roaslrfd. aad a 8otaiaat one fairly lnaoyurated. apoa thia locality, tbepaaaair from any rf ta htatee to tb colony wnld baefiectod aa readily and a aapty aa upon aay of ow great Western take. The expan of ta pases ee would from S) to according to the acnommoJattons furnUhod, which would so trifling that it would radil born by tb emigrants tbemsetve.

All tb Bstnral product. of tb East ladles aMyb frowa with faelUty oa the lands, aad traastorred to our commercial marts la fe aiyt, Instead of vaaatoa, aa is now rqtrd from tb led 14s. It wld bo, in effect, to create new India aad with swe material as we bare now to start the enterprise, seems fair to belie-e a grest era la the history of Ire colored race has bea reached, and a nw and mighty Industrial emplx to about to dawn upon tb world. ANNA ELLA CAB-ROLL. Sxri.

23, CEX. POPE'S RETREAT. Official of Killed, Woaaded nasi Mls-alasr In tbo Vlfth New-York (Daryee's "Cost .) Through tha courtesy of MaJ. GocT. Jam (lat of tb Fifth New-York.) we ar enabied to pub liah the foUowln full and accurate list of thS loss suffared by tb Fifth N.

V. (Daryeef Zouaves) In tbe engagement of Aug. 30,1 MO. It has be prepared from official sources by CoL O. K.

WaaAXX'-and may Implicitly relied upon CJficrn hulfU Capt. Wm.r. Twls, Co. n.Udjt Fredl W. Soyeralgn Capt 6.

O. Hagar, C. Ctflcrrt WeMHdse. 3d I.let William Hoffman, 2d Lieut. nnry Keyser, Co.

I Co. A. Wfunded end JMsoneT. Cspt Char'es 8. If ontgom-13d Lieut S.

0. ITrlght, C. ery, Co C. D. Cape Cart vie Boyd, Co.

A. Uat. Jcbn S. Ksyatoaa. MeConnefa, Co H.f Co.

H-l. JVen-rminfoad Of.ctrt and PrtvU JGXU4, Wound- on COaTPANT A. Fasten to hi WonjUtd. Sergt. V.

Gilligaa arm. Corp. Andrew "Plalr. orp. Wm.

j. tetlake. Wm. R. Pailey.

Tbotnaa Kosr. 6atavus Peters. Tarflutl Titus. Sbumaa M. Wicker.

Pfret. Joneth Va'L Corn. Tbeodore Hart. Churl's Benefited. AuRnatus CosatOcB.

Joba at.Pyke. Thomaa Rr. Isaac Tbooias IS. MUtntg. UK Nlcbnbr.

Henry W. Steven I Total casoalues Co. SO. Corp. Geo.

Banisman. Henry Seely. Tblaiu. COMPART B. A'iseirN re se Killed.

Corn Wm. B. Hiirrlson, Cbafls Collins. funm. Longstaff.

Iayid 3. Bohy. E. C. Geo.

W. Taylor ft. naeien It WounJul. errt H. C.

Peek. Corp- H. B- Sastlo Charles Collins. G. T.

CoTwell. Frederick bowler. Jaese C. Johnson. Joseph Rvbinsod.

Corp. Oliver J. Rodgert. Mtied Slater. Fred CrfUrbten.

Henry Oreenwood. Kolrt af ucnie. C. V. leandt.

Fred "a G. Smart 14. Uitsrng. Csrp. f.C.

Boyd. Charles Ambsler, Ubert Beyd drummer, Edward t'arrelL ft. B. Fogarty. William 8.

McLean. Cora. Kd. w. Lawis.

Patrick Bergen. Thomas Chri stai. a. W. Pord.

H. 0. Gee. Phi. afcKecns musician.

B. W. Powell. W. F.

Messenger. John Stevenson. James Sutherland. i Ink. WXr.

IK Total carttaHICt Of Cctcpany 38 COatPANT C. Knmr to KUltd. Deunls G. HcCauley. i ifaoioM to ee VPuwsiWfd Pm Francis Donohae.

Corp. CP. Humphreys. Corp. Charles Bedilngton.

George tialligaa. Pergt. G. W. Waumnakfr, Corp.

Pavid Demarest Corp. H. B. Kritxler. H.Ohabet.

U. ltpagn. A Loierbise. James Why ieK 'James H. li Ato'i.

Corp. Ebeneter SmUh. Jonas Bryant. John Cibbs. John Groiraa.

John McAnaffpie. Dennis O'Brien. WAiniuKtAu m. cnatterten. ttiftene Gear.

enry Ispine. I ewis Uatos. 1 bos. B. Reynolds Iuben AT.

b. Sturgis. Total casualties Co. 24 COMPAMT t. JTnOur to Killtd.

(trui Joseph H. Pierce. (Cor. Benj. Berriag.

U.S. Blunt James McCarthy. Known Woundtd. Sergt. John II.

Relay. Francis B. Bickel. J. R.

rinoer. Benj. F. Pease. Abraham Banker, tiajtacora.

-John Johnson. David A. Shavr. Corp. Geo.

Jf. Heidowaty, r.uwiru Din. L. Hill. John Broebher.

eo. Daley. John E. Newman. Wm.

WUdey. Mining. I James P. Barbara, I John T. Malum.

Thos. H. Clark. John Qoolahan. Joseph Tyndsul, 1 Total caaoaUiri Co.

25 COMPATT X. JTboww to WouwUd. Rtrvt. Joserb Gates. Perrt.

Co. M. Corp. Jas. Allaire Corp.

John Carroll. John Brennaa. Corp. John Badgers, cnaa. nraay.

James Cocbran. Andrew Coaies. H.J. Iolson. Wm.

Paris. F. Kimball. Jacob y. regis.

Chas. H. Koi. Tbomaa Kiobtca MJ. Barlow.

John Connelly. Wm. DnernoC Jacob liarl. n. Joseph If air.

irge McGcebac. P. Roj. Corp. John Craft Charles II' iter, Jaiued Brady.

Jobb Cain-John Kefr. George M.rr!s'va. leter Van Gudrn. Sy'vester Aattla. Klchard Blake.

Alfred W. Clark. Wm. Kerr, lon M.irea t. Gsore hpeucer.

casualUes Co. 3) COiCPAKT y. Knnw fe if Killtd. Corp Oo. T.

Larltt. JWm, U. Flyoa. LouivValoux. I 'Kaew-n fo Wmniti.

corp. James Frwnklia. wm. F. r)avidin.

Tbcmsa lleal.r. GtorgeA (fitchcock. KJward MoGerr. Win. llctijflin.

Nathan. S. laul. Jacob Pteitch. Chas.

H. Reilly. Heiij- A. Sullivsfi, aines H. Wvbb.

Joua arreli. Hcimle. Mcbolns Hsufinna. Jaote Morriej. Samuel Parkinson James Riley.

James Sherridag. Rtthart feaCier Seret. K- Marsh. Hitting. Sergt.

Chas.B Pottsr, Corp. Francis A. Morgta, Chss, E. Erehm. ChaA, Dennis.

Corp. W. A. Wheat, Clinton S. Cow les- t.

nimnuuiai. Uaviit weds Total casuajues in company COttTAKY Q. Known to KUltd. 1st Seret. Wm.

McDowell. IP. If. Brady W.Taylor. I Au to HsuRded, Sergt.

P. L. Wilson. 8ergt. Spellnua.

Thomas Briseo. Robert Amos. Leander Brown. Peter Wnltere. Wsn.

Cole. Oewnls Oolnan. IiuUs Eatrees. MicbaH McMahen. Wm.

hhephsrd. Wm. ilson 1C John Gillin. Frrioa Lawson. N.

D. Rodeers. George Smith. MUwmg. Corp.

Jobn'Xeb'e. John Boyle. James Carter. David Bvrne. fCharlesHildwia, Wu.

H. Davis. Kaward Hcdlaaaa. Victor D. Mahohey.

asses Patterson. A.J. Rodger. CLarbs Taylor. Daniel Hogaa.

Jamee Marvlo. Thoiriu Rnoney. Jamea Riler. Jobs Van BSKkt IT. K.

wiebaan. Total casuaiues in company m. -COMPAXT S. C'lor Sorgt A B. ARJsoa.

IWia. Karxh-S. Horace a. WiUiarej. i Frn to Wounded.

Corp. J. F. Bfy. Patrick Gleasoru m.

AJexaaMr. Jas. A Cochrane. rre. noiiai.

K. Esaeil. FraadLt Krrelea. Waa. Uvineston.

i-5? ktoLaren. P. Hcbercr. Wm.lisdc-a; Ceorr barlee in nay. ThoscatMadoea.

Wm. H. aea. Wm. Walker.

Afiasvngr. James Reynolds. Waa. Csabci Ta. A ires.

John Eefferbaa Pvacia JanabaSu Jame Reilly. TTriur-r WoedfaB. aeeajcssnfciiiesia vomgaay tx aa. 1 COMPACT I. Xmcum to U.KUUd.

Corp. Jba ICnrxrn. Jena Xaewa Is Wvundtd, Corp. Jas. J.

RoUssoXk fCorp. James EoyC VT. AlWt. Sdward 1lJoa.V Charles Dwwsca. LMoeeaG.

Jewea. LAIoaJO Raalil, uoaaas rin. rcrSaalt. I SB. B.

BMM, wdiea WawUB) a Ivjaryl 1 Jas. P. Craw sard, Haaats J.h. tlKl.h. I Total rtnWft la Cempany 1 OObTPABTT a.

-ri, Cor. Jnbti O. 'TrTee- -tJaaseeCovwrr. Iavid Paris. I Albert SUleck.

I (Francis 11 tiaaiw a. raebm to ITswMded. gergt. Henry H.Bnxtoa. Cora.

Job if. Clayton. Klchard Ackermaa. George Davidson. John H.

Haaghvout. -Thomas Kemck. J. H.Martin. Levi p.

Faad. fergt was. B. Uogtbeoat. Cor p.

John Cady J.W.Carter David M. FraMB- John II organ. John Kerrigan. P.D. Newbarg.

Charles Stayveasant I. idttring. Corp. Win. o.

I Pierce Carey. dward Egan. Jeha Man. Jones Holland Oscar SturglS Total caeualUee ia Co. XT.

Eibed. 3 i 4 i 3 Twwdl, snavla. IS 13 i it 17 ft 6 9 OScers. Co. 7 IS 14 15 16 23 21 1 IS 13 1ft 5-a C.

Co. Co. 86. F. o.

3 3 Co. Co. I. Co. 2 170 Ia th bbov number of missing ar fiv Sergeaats, etovsa Corporals aad forty-iv privates known to kiUed, but whose names were unknown to Dr Wiasiow, who visited tbe hattle-seld under a fag of true.

tie abort lumber of wounded, 77 wra gtUtad off tb. field, and th balance, (S, war captured and paroled. NEU 8 FROM MEMPHIS. A Rtettwer Fired room fey Oaerrtllas avt Has d)yb Tb Fine to bo Destroyed. at a rats, Tuesday, Sept 34.

Tb from Cairo to Memphis, ws hailed, yesterday, tt Randolph. Upon landing, the clerk went ashore, and was Immediately selxed by aerrillss, wo had previously been concealed. Th steamer immediately backed rot tb riter, when tb rebels opened a fire upoa her. No on was hurt Eugene, ota ber return trip to-night takes up a company of soldiers to destroy th place. MILITARY AFFAIRS.

Military Mwercat la th Cfry. xECOSD BATTALION STJBYgK'B ZODATgS. Recruiting for this new and already favorite regime at has proceeded so well that the corps has alrdy reached th minimum a umber and wDl doubtless shortly reach tb maximum. It Is confidently ex-parted by the officers that the regiment will stationed at Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, during the Winter, where they will be enabled to go through tbe same thorough and complete course of Instruction that has made the First Regiment of Troryee's Zouave, so celebrated aad procured for them the Eost of honor which was so long and successfully eld durmg th lat campaigns. Thereto something fascinating In the dress and peculiar sty 1 of th Rod Devils," causing the best classes of our young mea to enter their rarka.

In every Battle In which they were engaged, the Fifth New-York invariably received their full share of praise, and as of tea as they have called for recruits, as often have tbey eclipsed all other organisations, both as to style of men and rapidity of enrollment To-morrow (8unday)th Second Dnrvee'a Zouaves will have their first dress parade at Camp Washington, Stolen Island. The event will be an Interesting one to the many friends of the regiment and visitors will Lave an opportunity ot seeing how tbe men look in a body. Asentes are expected to report at the recruiting headquarters this afternoon to proceed to camp, or be treated as deserters. PATrxo orr the iKTESTY-rixST, The following order, appointing a time for th oA cers and mea of the Seventy-First Regiment New-York Stat Hlilda, to receive their pay for th three months service they have lately rendered tbe Govern-ment has been Issued by Col. Ma arm IlBAixicABTKts Sivxxtt-Flier Rxoiiicf Nrw- Yoax Stats Militia, Nsw-Yoaa, Sept.

23. e2. Gshksax Oanxa The several Companies composing this Regiment will assemble at tbe Regiment armory to receive their par, on Saturday, th 27th as follows Company A. at 8 o'clock. A.

M. Company Bf at flX A. M. Company at 9 A. M.

Company at OH A. M. Company at 10 A. M. Company at 10 A.

M. Company Cat 11 A. M. Company II, at 11 A. M.

Company at 12 M. Company at 12 P. M. Field and Staff, at 1 P. M.

Commandants of Companies will assemble their Companies one Lour previous to the hour named for pavrner.tfor the purpose of having th pay-tolls Signed. They will ee that no delay occurs in perfecting their rolls. By order of. HENRY MARTIN. F.

Zissxll, Colonel Commanding. Acting Adjutant SWOSB PRESENTATION TO CAPT. JOHN CONK EAT It Is In contemplation to present th abov officer with a sword and belt before be leaves for tb seat of war. Tbis presentation Hi be made by the employes of tbe New-York Herald, by whom Capt Cgkkkxt is much and deservedly respected. Capt Comtsar commands a company In the Second Regiment (Coa-cosam's Own) of tho Corcoran Brigade, for which be is actively engaged recruiting at the present time.

The Captain has a good know led re of military Ua tics, and will be very abl and efficient officer GKN. aiEACBKR8 UtlSB BR14ADB. A meeting of the friends and admirers of tbe Into Capt. Jess Kivaxacu, Bixfy-third Regiment New. York (Gen.

Miachix's Irish Brigade,) was held at the Atqr House on Friday evening, to mate arrangement for the reception of the remains of lliat gallaat officer, who fell while leadisg his company in the late fierce battle of Antietara Creek. A large number of sympathizers were present, amongst whom we noticed nearly ell the wounded and fur iougwed officers of (bat noble litll, biigade now in Kuislied busit es man, had, In rr.anr of the first bouses In won an emiuei.t position. A Committee was foraievl, who will consult with the family Intimate trienus of the deceased, and, ia conae' lion witli their wishes, and the cUsunsuished position which Capt. Kavaxauu occupied, make ail proper re. ccption for funereal honor.

It is not vet known when tbe remain, will arrive. Ween they do, hww-ever, it 1 probable tht will lie in state at No. W0 Broa'Iway, the present head recruiting onVt of tke Irish Brigade the same in which tnat gallant coin-mand jike a pride to Ireland and Aiucrica was first organized by Gen. Mxaomsb, and to which re-crulto sijcaidiiow rally. THE EXCKLSIOB ikUGADI.

A meeting was held at Ithe As tor Hose, on Friday at noon, rrarv of our moat Influential citisens participating, to tak Into consideration th most speedy means to 11 up this gallaat Brigade. The Hon Cuai. P. Kiuxlaxd was called to tbe chair, and En-wab Botlx, appointed Secretary. Tke objects of th meeting Laving been etated, the following isolations were passed unanimously i Rriolved.

That Hibam KxTcarcat and Cbiubs P. Kisblahb be requested to prepare and publish in the City papera a brief addrea ia behalf of tne Excelsior Brigade. KoUed, Tbat Alexander Taylor, (of Taylor Broth" era.) E. J. Beach, E.

-O. Squirea, Hiram Ketcbnm, Chas. P. Kirkland, E. L.

Francher. Charles A. 8tt soa, P. N. Spottord, Edward fioyie.

Goo. K. Baldwin, Abraham Wakeman, F. G. Lucky, Buru r.

Aa. drsws, Charles A. Peabody, and Robt Benner, a Committee to obtain rubscripilona la aid of tb Brigade, and tbat tbey have power to add their number. Rttetvtd, That A. V.

Stout, Eeq.t appointed trcasttrei of th fund to raised, and that ail subscriptions or contributions be paid only to him, or to bis order, his receipt. RtioUxd, Tbat tb moneys rrllectod for the Brigade be xpen4d for I's under the direction of Ho a. Edward llalht Prcaldentcf the Bank of the Com moowea thj Ex-Judge Hoflman, Ex-ktayor Harper, and Ex-htaycr Ttomaon. or any two of tbsm, MAINE FILLS BOTH QUOTAS. Saturday, Sept 37.

It appears from authentic official atatementg that Main has filled her cctir quotas under both calls for 800 fiOQ men. Her quota under tk first was 7.000, and all th rasa hav beea In th teld for four weeks past Under th last eall for draftod an Main baa O.ftOOcjen ready, ail ralsd ty, volai.iear- rtg, and tbey have ail been la tb camps at Portland, Augusta and Bangor sice tb 151 Inst They ar al ready to mors tb moment thy ar traiforsned and equipped. i Prior to thes contributions, bad sent over 13JX mttn, and, Incloding th 4,000 eoja sh has given to th navy, ah 3 ha rxlsd 4000 mea fog th Uaion. Tb total pep-jlatloa of Main Is 8bI iaimUMprodpreaunao of be teg the lis oner SHU. ratal rMuiira, aucatotb war, no drafsd ftnesl H.

BlakS. Edward Dillon. rilUdls-la Btoela atava. gy Snadlxs MrrtoCaLLm Railroad, 10 reansyivania ftlhj. fAArs SrCCrtl IX Lire For wphal olitn ilXT A II ttod Uera tatoZ aad It Is of tt atmoet lmportac to ka w-bar a mil written description ebracter, by Measra.

raraoIofits, No. 90S Bt oadwarv 1 Hem-so, parent Chmnpioo Plrt-proof Safe, aad Huwt i new Patent Bwrg lar-pro Safes, wrtn llxtarae sx Frwra's Patent Cry stallxe a My snateri) which cana-t drilled at BrwaZ Faaaeager ArrtveA. i efemliy Afifaatx. rs iSew-OHwaM ts Rosa Kennedy. nie.

Ioulia 1 i nut, iaa. Howl. J. Herrit Kr. narrlet.

I- att, fir hiUir aed lw a-rvaoU, H. W. Trrr-y, Mr. C. Baatory.

lavrty and tare dao.hters.Dr, J.H. Barksaad Iserrant A. TkwnsA. J. Usmilton.

K. PapaaseurT J. nlt av4 lsdyt Mr. S. LamauHt.

five cblldre and errvant ktra. Ash Cew tip, tbrr aoossod otf aerraat, sira. W. A. Vfyst.

Mr 1L ii. John-en, lady andJaU.Mr. KM. FmimU tody. Mr.

C. GUW. Ret denhaugh, W. J. Hone.

JasnesCay, JoobBrcbtr harks H. Pavna, O. C. Hew all. 8o.obm.

Ftensoa. O. aVsssaer. W. Allea, Mr.

L. Moaell. aud daubtr. SerA- Wise Smrte, frm BnwWl Kr, aad Visa'' Kasters. J.

V. Harvey, B.H. Baxwsy, U. N. ItorreJit J.

3L Daaaat T. felsa. snxrtAtTBa autABAO eets bat. SWa A 8J I Sua ft Mae ft a. win rrna ci.

Saady Hoek.U Oct. Island ftu HQ lit MARINE INTEIIGENCE. VSW-TOSK. SA TURD A Tt Sept 17. Cloarod1.

Stmsbrps Cheeapeabe, Wlllrte. Port's nd. H. B. Cr well Koeaoke.

Tbofopanw, New-Orleana, via llav- ana. Ldlaa A HeioeVsn Plaataaewet 4 Beard, ldveraooi, Waiden at Booth Dudley Back, Crane. Aew bern. 9f. C.

M. L. McCready A Co. PLlps Alice Bait Roe. Liverpool, C.

C. Dane Mamelnke. Porter, aa Fraoclaoa. R. It.

Coaley AdriaV Au .) Bifffer. Peoarth. Punch. Metacae A Wewdt i Aurora. Barker, I trerpool, Hoe land A Frotblngbam Energy, Frapch, Liverpool.

Spofford. Ttleato A Co C. C. Duuoan. Otis, liver vool.

C. Doncaa A OierMu- -Percy. London. C. C.

DuBoan A Co. Bark. Maydower. Dneil. Barbadoe.

IT. Trwwbrtdga's mi. oaiiarwwn. waeeaecown, uimbe At 1.. i Duke.

Uiasrow. Wash. Ingtcn. (Brem. .) rV coke, Antwerp, erick A Leulse.

Itn vr.y. Schmidt! Fred- Qaeenetewav Fundi. Meipcke A W'endt ThlU. (Dao Pateraon. ti.l.

way, Funck. Meicce A Weudt. Brr. Advance, Rcnoufe. Cork.

Wm. Sales A V5 MartoC. A. Banners A vo.i T-iiiwr, wi lufy, Je'tn. j.

MeArtbur i Lwcy tt Seiners Oceap tird. Lockkart SuJoka. N. BT. R.

Wolff C. ft. Sca'J. Scull. Beaufari.

T. O. Beoto A Jcoru, larumm. neauiott, W. A Tbonas ft Cot Fair Piny.

(Br,) Nelson, llloaiitlai. Mx- loo, muster rW E. Alexander, Tucker. Vera Crua, Moor. A Beery Hockanon.

Petersen. ChcrryfleM. master i Charmer. Overton. Fort Royal, W.

RaaMil. Br A Woin Northrup, Stevens. Matamera, D. H. Sloops Oak, Overton, New- Itoven.

8. Racket! Saf- -f Ji, Terry, New-Haven, H. B. Blett Arrived. Hospital stear tra-tpcrt Daniel Webster.

Blelaen. WaahlBitton. D. ss. at 181 A.

with ass 4-k and wounded soldtors; bad heavy weather the entire fawage. V. 3. steam transport Ktagara, HlMreth, Far tress atoa- ne as id dsumi 10 v. if.

iwapain French siesm trlrite lalaiem. Cave-sawder Bertler. has engines cl JbO horse power, and has of wg en. l4 been enibloved tranjaortiae troeDafram lirsat n. nna navana itn.

to Vera Crux. Steamship Maianssa. Liesgarg, Kew-Ortean fJept 30, With mdee. and pxasenger to T- A Co. 8teaner Pelican, Baxer, Frovideoee, with Bads, to Pynner.

I Steaiier TI Burden, Leper, PnUadelpbla, with axdsa. to I per A Kirkpatrck. Steamer Franklin, Young, Baltimore, with Bsdse. to Wra. Dalsell.

Steamer Lockrbyle, Cowly, Philadelphia, With tads, tft J. A ti. Bristr. Steamer kwlng. Etrlaf, Fliladelphla, with Bads, to J.

Si. Briers. Ship Patrick Henry. Voore, London and lh Bel) ef Portland Aug. 7.

with mdse. and 34 p-iaaeoxer te Grin' ten. Minturn A Co. 8efi. ift.lkt.

43. Ion. ft, had heavy roll ire with wtod. Ahi-t Narraeanatt. Itrasdt.

A Un.J. W-, CheapAks Bay Sept. Is. i ballast to J. Alklns it left C.

uao easterly wuias aaa carat weather the eatlr rss. Shi Pacific, Hull. Boston ft ia bal.ast to WTaa. Bark Ellxa Rsrat Bermuda.1 Frith. Bermnda ft wub iirir, incaer l.itcntbourbe.

sarsr. to Tucker A UirhtheaPA. Puwl Br. brig Penguin, hence, gotna la nam rlsae. eW foVel nr.

i nd- id-rt schooner aisaasted, making for tb eaat.r narA ef tbe isl-nd Bark M.B. Stetson, Beal, In ballast to Fowler A Jova ef and from Batn ft dl Bark Powhatan. Lunt New-Orleans 31 as- wlfb sugar to B. P. A G.

D. Lpt. Bsir Blue Nose, of Tarmoath, F. 8.J tereayt Port Rash. Iraand.

33 In ballaat I Bey 4 a H)kJ. Sept. 1ft, Kf. 43 30. Ion.

4 30, had a hCavp gali front g. Brie Delaware, Curtis, Bride part a to ballaat t. tttaster. Brig Premier. of Dundee.) Kidd, Londen 44 fa.

In ballast as master. Bchr. Enehantreas, Lynofe, Portress Uenrs 1 aVu. to. builaet to D.

I. Tompkina. Schr. Kew-Tork, Goodsell, Boston, with sadsr to W. 0.

-Dsvton A Co. fchr. Boston, with empty barrels, bound to Jersey CHy. 7 tchr. Volant Cousins, ElUwonh 10 with lumber to O.

A B. Peters. rbr. C. H.

yerthara, Reed, Klisabethport Ibr Prft land. tehr- Thongs IV. Thorns, Davis, Fall River. In haila. Schr.

EmeUns, Cook. Elisabethpoxt for n's4la Sunset, nd light. Bafled. -Steawshlp Fdlnbnrsb, IJrerpool: Mw-York, Bremen Cambria fur Ksw-Orleai Javanese. ir new-vrieans.

Kpkw, efce. Tl.Ids bsrk. Jience for New-OrUaos, Sept, 14, A i Duobte-bcad Shot Keys. Ferela Frt. AHLO-SAZ, Lt'est via Quientt rica.

QtttsnsTOWV. Sept is. Arrived Aom Tfew-Yurl Casbiuaa. at Harri E- -rinli, at Gibraltar. Arrived jr-orn fisj luropi at Oihraltur.

Arrived from AiyaM L. 8trgs. ai Jl r-reerhave. Mem. TheahipEl bon.J! GIraUar, wat-r opre.


MYARI.A CQ IIxv rcal red tb Fen teyartatioBftf, FALL 0 l. aw. tTltiek tiy art new fd -TSlt i- I la. A. XYES A BS.4B,VA-rf -V i tt i i 4.

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