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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 5

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-W 4 v.V an aalxbi starve befev saab. gCavrdeio b4 finUted ltd Mtrt.A TiMCoKKtMlMM any to alabr of year. Eln lUa, may Jria- oor Government to but It rrkftty tiaaUtonti wUB that ef Jglnd. Wc6toM fb slowest, seal WMaocnaz. -fw th Bt pray eVrt thi to aa Eng- (key pellert lb reairgt.

best end avostpei CoveremeM, go tT aQ otkar aaBoaa. iapaa doaa not eqaai Erla4 i -thi worHerful elfromeoey. England to th only eouatrf la vf Id At ta lira In, aad fca tetltgtta. If awtebeoiotely la advene of ail civil ntir, ad woold ba perfect, nly that they nay be UU lproradi Toe continental iwtlana Hta aad 'toll talk Brlfab opfatoa Jast la proportion a they adopt British lastiiuUone. It 1 woerfu-j la refreshing tlista to th con? ertaii of Fag saaen or Araerteea politic, but there Is, cow awd than, a ofclJjntty at eoBcalt that tate awsv one breath." 1 The aid aa4 wet weather baa canned a dlmlautioa tfc expected All are ajefirfeii except hay, which Is poor in cuailty, aa1 poUee, Sraich are better than usual.

A there 1 ae an eipeelecily bad harvest la France, or aVss bountiful eea thsn we expected, tha demand for Ameilcaa grata wtU be heavy and tta price big a. -Mtftttii Europe yoo can readily pay for. OotAtvaa, formerly editor of the Drmftatii JUmw. aa4 lately Utntetar to.porgaV haJot paMhbai a pemrblet OA A Rrt Affairs, ta the foru lattei to ti-Pwaldeat Prexoa- ITa prapoaea a plaa. for reaWltag tbe eetwred TJtion.

lVat, 'atop or eaapi4 tba war. Thij amaod tLo In tn parOulra: DL, aaliti' fbe" power of tba Federal' Gorarnmant bytekiag away early aJl lta" patroaagatbat 1 byaaakiag all appointment, all but a few artoggood IU Jioportaaca by, aborteaiikg tba taroa of tba Presidential office to one, or, at airtit, two cara, Reatrict and define the pow-! era of Ute Federal Coreramant, and lncreaae and care tbote of tbo I tatee. Xqoalize give vp protection ad put a atop to AboUUosv Ttare ia a pratTaoime for yea. We bare Ibla aaomlag a raaaor of a beavy a aval IgbteaT ae BrKlab aat, bet wean, It la supposed, KaUenaJ tad CoDfederate Teasel. Tbe result is oot glren, and I have ao Idea what tt caa ba, unleaa tbe Xnfr oaatoteroaptad ana of tba steamers ftttlng ai bare for the Confederate qorenMneat.

1 aot ioprolabje snd a day or two nay give as farther' particulars. Tbe fight la described by tbe Captain af easel who saw It as eloae, heavy' and eadlng th tbe tight of one of the eombaiaau, keeping up a roa auag trot with very heavy artillery- 4 There jQntnow little talk of tnlerrentieo. Tbe lowdaat rail fat eomea from Kew-Tora, la the rtawe which givee us a lugaUioaa accovntof tbo state of Ullage in that do. 9tmt City, which la vader aaarttal law, while peace-' able oltlsens are daily dragged osT to the bertllerof a TaQltary despotism. What woaM these people bare Force fa force.

If treason ia tne South ia to be put dawn br the strong- arm, why shouid traasoe hi trie North be Jolemtea War swallows ap eerjtnia(r, and Imposea its owa laws eerywberr. It only by martial law ever tba whole North, the whole country a eamp, and every abte-bo4Jd man a soldier, that tba eutuan ever bo ooaotrercd. -Free speech all very well Cur a political csmpTIrn; but to military ooe successful people lev ol talking UOSADXOCiZ. Asaarlcaa Trade with Enslaadfrc Jaaaitry It appcara from tbe latest accoanta, issued by Ihe Board of Trade In Lordoo, tbat tbe value of the i it ports Into tba United Kingdom from tba TJuited SUtcs duriaa; tne first half of tba present year wss 10JU6XJ from, the Northern ports, and flora tbe Southern ports, against 10.M,61I from tbe former and jm.Cta.161 from the latter In th period of last year, ami 9,472 from loth secliocisorilMi Cr.toa ii that of I860. Tbe ortiiern ports took, la return British roanufactures to tbe I aatount of 6Ji0lAjf, and tha Southern ports to the eaioant of only, against jC5)6fi238 exported to the North, and tZMJM to Ute South In the corresponding halt of last year, and 9, Set, 647 to bntU sec.

tloaslatikaio(lMK). This treat difference of vslge In tha tmaorU and "exports has been met by tsnccs of tulMon and from this si Je to the ei-teat of tSJ darlflfr the seven month air Si, against 33,711 la the rorresoomllng portion of last year, while toe exports of gokt and silver from Kng. land to this ccuatry amoanted, durlr.x tbe same peniorf, to only -against jM.Plv.77e la the first seven itMnlb of hmyaar. The Increase wbieb is shown ta the exports to England from ffai there ports seems due to the large shipments of corn and dour wbieb bare takrn 1 lce, M72.0U qrs. of wkeaj and OTe carts, of a best, mbslaad floor having ttcea expo, ted to Viglaad In tbe eevea anontba these quantlUe te-lag eoosnlerably la excess of those of tbe carrespand-iug period of last year.

Tba blockade a plains the eooipaiaHve ef tbe exports from tl.s koula. Only S0.462 ewu. raw cotton ware export-ad to Englapd during the whole parted, agaitbt. cU. la tbe first seven month of last which girts a velae (ootnputed for six month oaly as vU of loateal of tha large snm of 706.K, which the Soutberaers received lor their cot-toa ta the first half ef last year.

The ax pott account gives the following as fbe nasalities of the British manafaeturea and produce exported to the UaUed BUtes curiag tbe eevea t. test isst, 1 HMJn uwfl Villa I 4, tin JK.J22I AlklLwi iiecraadale. Vvtum fiw aeda, yds. aki.kii I arthea'c ptnxeialn.val j.Vil gm.itr fiarra jr iuiiiibwT, vat.

isrdware At cmtVry, val. I.uri piM ireoda, 4SXI.U4 avi.i,a.t MetalsPi and raddled rv, AefW. ear. bolt it rsai iron, tous Railway irou.tuns Cast iron. tuna.

eun hoops, stuKts Jc boilor tM Iroa.ta. gfaal. ht cop tvW. IaJ. vns.

Vw piaa, value Jtailt, tst, a. iih rw. raits. tMllU. aalllUM eoleaa-4.

hs. ptttea. 4.nraea, VardS-- 6Utai, 33.440 11.641 I.6U6 1 s.ftsv IST- fwt 49.ftl 344U 17.614 4.1KK lO.oJS SjUSI se Xjrtt 14 est, iwi.r? at 1.71 worsts auiea. 1 Tbe l.trrei'.se exports la shown, there fore, to luc taaea place -cUeiTy araler hea Is of li, eottona, esrtnenware, Iftrens, metals, teed oil. silks, splrita, juyl The great incrauaein texUk of all hied ts the snore remarkable when we g1 hu.l the LTtJteU: Imported from elead, dorinthe saana periad.

tWelia and colonial wool to tbe extent ef 1,738,770 agafnst ohiy 127.3C9 ft, la tbe corres-poadiog period of iast year. vlth respect to the probable exports of American proiuce duriag the remainder of the year, we nay calculate oa a continued large demand for bread-atuSa. aad a market foe ait tbe ootien aal tobe coo we can awpply. The exports of wheat to Sagtaad rose ta lrts 434,11 crt. against 310,145 erfcla tbe cor respond ic- month oj laat year, being coaaideraiCy more tbaa double tha eaaatily exported daring iba firu seven jaoatba of 1990.

Flour Oows a slljbt de-creaao, Ut the quantity wad greatly ia exctaa of the qaaatitr sxpeited la the 'ceapeadina; aaoathaof isoa, aad alt eorjal te the esperu the first seren Atrrgards coUoa. 11 Is worthy of obervaUoa tbat ladle, the great A viatic eoffop. tell, wboec prodoca was to supplant American, pep. plied England during tbo aaoashs with only lTT.til ewta, taore than ia tbf, corresponding pssted of last year, whilst ail the other eatioo-grewlag countries, including Sgypt and Braxll. did aot rhrefah awls.

The tobacco Imported Into England darteg tbe same perie amouatod to against la the corresponJiag period of last year i arVJst fte cuaatiiy ectered for home eoasaran tlaa amoanted to SCOO.tXV) agamst last year Nino cnUiona or aowoda were exported ka BnglaaJ. aaaloet dso.oee last year learlnj a atack of 500,003 Ba, ia bead at tba eaJ of July, hgaiast Ba. last year. Tbe sldppiog aceesintasbow a treat falilng eJhi ttte' aouatt ef entered aad cleared. Th Jal axoual of Wncag entered IsvarUe fro Valted Uiea wss i toa, agalnxf AT.47 leaa ta th etaaikXSg aI l.t yearaad the clearance otitward ftr Asnerleasi Trt, exnprd crl.teVtons agaiiut oo tset year.

"A Urge'aouet af JUnerleaa abtapisig aaust ba up by Ua. Woe bade, oJy. 7.liia having eoxerad British ports under tba aaUoasi fisg, agair-n 1 Ifiaym tons ia tbe eorret ponding period of last rear. Tbe-otearaacas oetwasd. amsVav the-Aaserteaa flag; aanewaaad to Mv2Z toaa, while iasl year Ue amotiat-ad, during the aaaue period, to 43Jll Ions.

As the trade beswaea ragUad and the North lu Increase tbeee tabUa afford use Boost cearvWiciag teat of the efS. cleacy the, blockade that cootd bo desired. The vessels cleared from British parte for the United State, Irrespective of their nationality la the month of July, show aa increase froes 7831 1 to I1M32 to as, as cots pared with the correspendlagT' period of last year bat the proportloa ander tbe Araetlcaa flag did not Increase in tbe -earne proportion. The present aspect of trade bet eea the twe eooatriee Is asoat eu-couragiag, leaving do doubt that a complete revival would follow Immediately upon tta eeaeaUoa of aos Eaglleb rrellaa- inrrleaa ACaIra-C aaeata Mr. TTeeda IVettert The followin letter; written by a gentleman in Manchester to a friend in fhia City, wko bad sent him a copy of Mr.

Wjua's letter la reply to the reso- lotion of she Common CooacU, baa beoo baaded to us for publlcatloa i siiScsssTxs, ruiayaiv iou. Hr DxAa Srai. af onoortunitlea' tot form la a aa opinion as to the 'state ef eeiioa" here on the great' Amcricaa QuerumT are maibiy ooaaaeo to wnat appears la the Press, and what I bad oa Manchester Kxclian ge. There la a atroag ceavietioa tnat ue federals are eaasKed ia aa anterprise in whica It is isnpossible can succeed, and a wish that they should see tats to teso. and of course aoaoaoa their project.

-Of direct sympathizers with the "South. I think there ate very few, oat they are very tioisy and demonstrative and thev know that the whole of this 'district suffers immensely, and will suffer abU more, ao long as the contest ta protracted, and therefore thr have more listeners than they wonld have under other ciieumstsnces. But after alt, Me pcrmeaenX rympalkm mf tha grtmt Serfy of thi inttlHftnt mn4 more thoughtful pevpis arre are tcut tk Xorth anif with iu institution, and entirely antagoulatic to 8'avary. Seareey anybody haa a word to say for the Soathas it there is a hope' Indulged foa what grounda is dimcultto say) that if left to itself it mould work oat tta owa regeneration. whatever aaay ba tha direction, or varr' large amount ef public sympathy, arlslag from various causes, more or less temporary ia'lbrir character.

1 think I may safely aert tbat In this dlsti let scarcely auy ooe Is to be found who would advocate the iniervaatiou of our Government ia any way that would be lataetef a I to tha Northera Gov erament or people 1 have confidence, also, that our Government wiihes to keep strictly aloof and maialaia tbe most friendly relations with tbo Federal Government. Mr. Wsa letter ia friendly ia ttt tone tow ara, at ana he evinces a strong desire for the maintenance of peace. But there ara some points which he might have pat saach snore strongly and ethers be anient vie ve put differently. He la endouMedly right aa to the tactic of the Booth, but 1 think he exagseratee the me sen re ef their success ta enlisting sympathy for the Sooth.

Ha la right also respecting the feelings engendered aero by the fiaeal iegtsia tioo the protective policy of the Northern Slates. I do aot taink that tae Americans can wonder that their bostllo tartffs should offend oa deeply. They ve most offence to thclf on friends, to those wboatm-pathixe moat with their political InstittKiona the free traders aad political economists of this country who have foua-ht and won the haidest poll ical battle of ffloders Umei with a prtvtieged arUtocracy. lie ta wrong, however, tf he supposes that the resdlnees of America to acknowledge in past times revolutionary Governments has beeu a cause of nfleuce to Knglard. whatever it mav have been to other European (J over urn en ta.

His comments on Giajstosb s'peecn are not quite Tbe Americz ns should aad the speech for themselves. His advice to all who can influence public opinion is good, and I bopo will have; beneficial effect in America, tie reference ta tne Trent af-fstrand the revoiniioa of the belligerency of the Mouth might have been happier and huve represented our conduct in a better, and I think, truer light, tie appears to want moral courage to. state the full ttuth. lie ought to have acknowledged the fact, that lor several montLa In the commencement of the atruesle the whole people and the popular Press of England rym-pathized entirely with the that the Nortrt is partly to blsme fur the chance which lias since tarrn flare. On (ho whole, however, Mr.

Wns ha tone sooieiMug toward preervios; food will between the two r. anions and 1 trust Uis examine will be widely imiUUed. SOOTH AMERICA Ad Ices from Pern, Bolivia, and tbe Arsest tiae Crrttptmtenee of tkr ttewVork Tims. Pansna, Saturday, Sept. The.

regular British mail ateamuhlp from tbe South Coast a-rlved at Panama thlb rooming. 'She brings dates fom Valparaiso and Chile i Aug. 18, and from "Lift a and Callso to Aug. 27. PERU.

The Zlepublic ia quiet. The eeaaiona of Congress are regular at Lima, and matter eeetna to be pro grr istDfi very calmly In tbat body. On the national auniversary, a pretty idea struck acme, guod well-to-do people la Lima. It was to eedow, with $300 each, several' poor who might wlrk to utarry, and oa the 15th of the present ssnntb, the ceremony waa performed. Tbe distln.

KevT a sac is Paul Vioit, on placing fn tba pands ef escb uiartled couple the sum of three hundred dollars as their assigned dowry, accompanied tbe act with these wards Spouses, in celebrating tbe anniversary of national independence, the you In of Lima have wished that among the festivities of the eecasioa, a preferent place he given to the endowing of three young brides wf the oi king class of citizens, who should have aeea weeded oa that day, In order that the? may cany win tem to- their husbands a little capital to aaaiat their iudeatry aad provtde for tbe family. It is lierety (tesipned to honor mstrtmony as the tint Dltlua institution, and tha anon ancient social goreraoieoti tbst the titles of husband and wife, father and mother, have tbe first rank in a Republican country; a a tbat matrimony and labor be con-sic ered, as ia truth they are, as tbe first and principal baes of the common wealth, of publie and private morality, of social duties, and of social and Chi lsiian virtues. Tbe subscribers to this bounty. I formed of your good habits ami itraltened circumstances, aad to reward and to help you, tender vou a succor for the advancement of your hulustry. Brides, I here place In the hands of each of vou, on the part of the youth, of Lima, these three hundred dollars, which you will hand to your husDiixis, that with the iodiutrv and coonomy of both you may enjoy the necessary of life.

The you in of Lima were desirous of see in amongst tlie weadingsof tbe giort-ous day a cizen of the lien'ir nation whose arms have uiHiev Providence been ra efficient iu the cause of frredem in the world, a Frtnctman anU oneof the husbands on tbe pretent uccasioa being a nailte af France, completely satisfies that desire. Now, as men, yoa must ail bear in that the vexatious incident to bumai'ltv a oulu Mlwkyt, on teturning ta your biaee, bali-ft ovtstde the. house, yiwu Uoots lo meet the greeilegsof yonrwife and cb'Mren, nothing may disturb tbe peace and har-wionv of our anit.y lor Chiist haUi said UiJt man livcth ret ry biewi atcoe. laiae tie r.of that bapplaess is to be sought only ha wealth Ute t-o-uest faiuuirs may possess honor, and here Uiere ia honor thcta Is vlitue, and where virtue is, hapP'oers wilt tbera soooer or later i. uts tleon coMctted'y with bote the pearl ia not out tltetf but uf breaklag the iitcll wttU time and labor.

One thing tbat you sliotiH coustsntly tave in rec.iliee ti 0 ia, tfiat vou'are the first in wcom haa been ntua tha experiment of a grand Idea; recommend it; let yoar conduct sriow that It was a happy t.f ought, and can be followed up with" salutary results do aot aw discredit upon tbe beneeoleat v.lan, and" frustrate the good tt raseiMied to produce be careful tbat you never five reason for ccmpfaint to others less favored br fort'ine thaa yoorselvea now. Ia 6ne-, each ether, love with coashvoey and you will-be harpr, and cling topetaer to wrestle with adversity. Mr tiess you. Pet aiao bleasee yoa in memory Of her The Individuals thus fivored by the public mairifi. eeace were Hr.

Otrtsxxa, a house painter, Mr. ILa-aes, a tailor, and MrPns. a locksmith. A committee of ladies of Lima have opened a fund for the maintenance ol the aniUiary hospitals lallex- ico. A.aavteea bank has beea established In Lima to compete with the Ivtterre tor little spare change af the poor, also a II out de Tleto Dates areata Ang.

20 Tha RfouVlic tran-ull. Mr. Caaras, Uatted jStatea Mtaiatar resident, bad asked permiaelcn of Bolivia to estabUsh a eosoary of free aegrocs la the country. Coveraaueat is tryicsT to prevent tbe of false snoaey. a Tlare to noUilac frtrta CbDt.

4 AEfjEsrcf EEruBiia IfZ 'Dotes per JfvW; are tQ July SI From Ayrea ap to" ef saaso tooetb-' The vexed sv to where tte estfai rapltal shad be. baa beea settled tov ruallr the City of Baeaoa Attss he for the pcrti yea Cocat iu: Usj.x rrtsxh Cosaui Baeaoa Aytrs, I the priuVl t4 3U ekeiUva fur ltaidat aad 'fn. vf IM rtew CouJeVcatoa waa rtse (. avwlmH)-Uen. it i is the vSv pofciar "2 IT tlII 14 lawss atr thsr CowfeermtSw Tha Cetoa Ctwp FOnesKa laiawAo af (ho Pa raaa Eail, Gar.

etarwletaIwiprerresawaFiwB)eta "as Jear-Iteasatwe tke Tlce rwr Askew Var nea1aartew af BIIw1air af riaaaee Cwasideaca Ceeatest Folicf af two fjalted State ToOravrw Mexlc VVtewe "twa saa sw ajaf assaaA A sbsm a vut est wa a awyw sjsii -ev wa jDwarroa Avaaa, d. a auoceuay, juij mi iwa. "A rr oppoitunity, pffeyt to send letter tw daya th mail, and post ap the aowe to the Utestlioar. There msy be said to be oea lea dlog idea fa all the Coa federal Ion. and that to' to firmly eatabliah the Gevariunent and te develop (be resource a af the country.

Gen. Mrraa, now Governor of this province aaJ Provisional President, to doing a great work la both. Some of the methods by which these objects axe accomplished are interesting. 'a packet conveys. Europe ae Coaaul, General.

Seaor Don Uaeraa VaaaLa. For years tie baa been a most violent partisaa leader and chief edilor'of a moat Inflammatory dairy paper called La ZViatnve. Many of the fierce contexts of this country may be traced to tha writers of tbe ahlcbi he was chief." It ta a stroke policy to send him abroad." He- la a fine speaker, ready and Warm, hearted aad prcrreashrunaa, aad as Coatal-Cetcral will fill hU post well. 1 The cotton questloa to tffeeUag Uus whole ountrT-The Inquiry for seed and for directions for its culture raagee over a territory; larger 'than all he Cotton States of North America. That it can be raised to demonstrate (J.

I have see potloo cloth, maanfac tured here, of a finer quality than I aver saw from a North American, loom, aad this waa made by head, by Indians, from eotua growa here. Tbe broad, slow river Parana encircles as bloods haadreds of square miles of the richest land in the world. At present these Islands abouad with peach tree and ova go tree. The climate- to much the same as of Georgia, and Arkansas. The soil ia alluvial, sandy aad Is mixed with saline oartl-elee, making water filtered Utroaga it brackish.

Masy of these islands are aever overflowed. The title to them could be easily and cheaply obtained- A geaileman ef experience haa carefully examined these islands, aad Be says they woaid produce enough cotton supply the whole market of Maocbeeter. The various provincea, except aafortuaale Meado-10, or rapidly faluag la wltn the area of improve, meat. Baa uan, under the governorship of her long exiled son, Seaor Doe Doitwee F. Sxaaiaaro, la going forward with rapidity never before aeea la these countries.

The' military are drilled, clothed, and armed after the beat modern etvle. Schools and colleges are erected and eadowed, the mines are dd-xentty worked, producing lead, lroa, oopper, nickel, eilver, end gold. Geo. Lurraae was the last Viceroy of old Spain la thi couatry, and he fell defending the rights of his king. Spain has recently, after fifty years of silence asked for his ashes.

This Government replies that soobjeotloa will be made unless the heirs of the late Viceroy should object. as' the ashes of tbe General are IndlsUngulshable from those of five other persons, it will hardly be accomplished. The event shows tbe tendency of. affairs ia Spain. Two financial projects of great Importance to this country hare just now failed.

These were darling schemes of Senor Dob Nosbxsto Rixots, Minister of Finance. One waa to effect a loan af si millions of Spanish dollars at 23 pesos tbe dollar, la ordetto give stability to the the fluctuating value of gold. Tbe other waa to maks all custom dues pays ble at 340 pesos to tbe.douoloon. Uotti thete projects signally failed -and the Minister at once The healthful condition of Buenos Avresn finances is owing chiefly to his skill, and so much was his resinaUoa felt that fn two days paper money depreciated ve per cent i Thegenerons policy of the States toward Mexico has awakened here aa increased at lac h- ment io the sister Uepublic of the North. The fears ot-Spaik'a encroacliraents have almost entirely disappeared from the South American Republics.

The wheat haa harvested wall ia tbe and also in TJraguay, so that, althoagh there has less arrived thanusuaL prices floar do not There haa been ba arrival of a fine Quality of flour from Cordoba a new source of supply. When the Initiated railroad to Cordoba to completed. It will penetrate a region abounding la wheat, cattle, and Cotton, J. Three days ago the elections were held for President and Vice-President They passed off quiet. No opposition to lit was even thought although there was a freer election, than was ever before known for President.

The popularity of Mrrxs to unbounded. He haa an enviable fame ae poet, histor Ian, orator, military tactlelaa.aod statesman. HI desires are strongly for peace and perrnan nt ry, and he works accordingly. A recent frost here baa don great damage. On one farm, two thousand lambs perished.

Sue cold to not recorded aa ever having occurred before In this country. To the south, we bear of small lakes having a coating of Ice two laches thick. Tbe season for killlrJ cattle to about over. Cattle can be. bought, in large numbers, at three to four Spanish dollars per head.

Yesterday thirty-five friars, from Genoa, arrived here, and are en routs for the interior. Since my last letter, company of tweaiy -three arrired bare, and before teembarking for Bolivia, one of them escaped for parte to the others) unknown, and" another made such efforts to escape aa resulted In his being pieced In close confinement Oa the STtb ult the CossaeX arrived from New-York at Monte Video. To-dar. aloe I bees this tsee. tha La Plata.

Cant Caowxix. arrived from Ncw-lork with dates of June 11. Marsala are dcu. Dry hides are exchaaging hands for New-York at rates varTlnE from 40 to 43 rials silver. There is demand for frelvht No United States vessels are now required to go away in ballast JAMAICA.

Fir Great Leas of Property In- eeadlary Arievnpt Jamaieav Xaa Cean-proeaise The Ceptavta-fJeaieraJ ThL.iea teavfvrnor-Tk New CJaard-SJIp Cotton Cnltnre Bank aniaiea-Ct- cnerelal. r- CafTaayew'ifracs is ffrto-York 4 KraoSTev, Sept 9, IM2. Elbe my laat omniuaicatloD there haa, tituar- Ivnstely, beea another fire la Klhgston, which, but for the prompt Assistance rendered, and the fortJloni circuaastanee that no strong wltd' prevailed ai the time, might have J-id acotbar quarter of oar city ta ruin. As It was, bv ever, it. nearly ruined those tsbese premises were 'within Its destructive in fluence.

It commenced, at 5 o'clackk la th after-noon of Saturday, the S3d of August, at tbe print- lag establtsbment of Measrs. Bssgasoa, Savaaa ds the proprietors of tha- Cnardtan newspeper. It was suppressed before the building eould be roa- sumed, but the loss of stock, to Messrs Hewnca sea, aUvaa Ca-, amounts to eorae thing Bke X3.0CO. The neighboring establishmenta of Mr. Faaao and Mrs.

Ceaxn- were almost gutted by the populace, who caate to "axalsi." and those persons have also raferrJ eensldersbr Ipssv The eattrophe la the act of aa ineendiarr, aad oojr hv the ta. ploy of Messrs. HssTaaasoa et-C. has-been, after careful for trial ca the charge of arsoa. Tbe aclit sen are of the Voloatsera, wh are new pretty well gaalxedV prevented the recur rence of those Knef plunder which aaarked th fire of March last.

eagerness for theft sot having beea satisfied, atsaaspt were see made io net re to other places, bat none of them were saocasaful- The bill waich. seleasee thi istaad fxoasthpr neat of tbe balance af the loan of 300,000, with all Utereet due thereotf. to COJuldorailon of a perpeiuel aaaeltyef X6.4C0 per. oaaua. raeelvad the royal aasest by ewesABtssloa oa th tth Jury.

The Cover aor-Greral. ia stew I Eaglaad ka reeelvad tbe beaor af kidghthowd, aad tt to stated, aot aviK abtateed any other gaverameat, which waa the oeject of bid trit tei England. wO retura to bkaad fulfill the remaJelag terra of hta admlnla. I need hardly Inform you that very few will 'Mi a ud tk aaiuiO" ana faeitog but that Seere. TTr Govern bws getthvg; himself Uto hot water, la cooeewepoe of havirg prlved wiiboiituafficaiMxCls, G.

W. Gaaao ajT soeae six or seve. CemBuaUoaa of- th Teae, which he Itaaheid fotaaaxry yvarar' Mr. fjewosr'eaeahae been warmly taaeawpby naislattdTrew. It deaf boweverf that tbe L'euUcant-Governor has awe red sssy cvllwarSeLn Theaew guaroahi-aswwaw, at Pott Royal, ba been fulfy rowan Upner; and the Cbcciradd ore ba transferred his flag taaax from the Imaum, which f) shorUv to brakes npeod erldt if sample of oods man acturad froax our wbj cot ton have bees for arded to this a new rm petns enflrely has beea given ta the efforts for abmd time made to establish this ae a cotton-prod acj country.

Th eultiratloa of tbts staple to now con considered something far beyocd mere experiment; SobeertpUons to the national meinerial to be erected ia honor of Mia Royal Highness the lata Prince Consort are being, takea ap ta ell parts of the island, aad tt to expected that a pretty respectable sum wilt be raised, has been annouaoed that Hie Excellency the Lieataaat-Gernor and his Evecntive Committee have resolved upon eonamonlng the Legislature ta meet and proceed to busiaesa on, the SSta day, of oxtmnth. At a half-yearly raeettng of the Jamaica Banxj held yesterday, tbe report submitted by to Directors was considered hlardy satisfactory. The nt pro la ef the six xaoataa amount to Ss. 9d. HATTL Knroave-a, Jamaica Sattrrday, Sept.

1863. I bar just returned from trip, to Hay tf, and I have thought righ to forward you an ac- count of my observations ta that country, but time; will not allow me to write in full by thto mail, aad so I Beast you oa a brief bJnmarr. Tbe Legislature, after a rather atonny session, dor-lag which the Ministry waa forced to resign, has adjourned, not completing the business, however, until was perceived that atroag measures would be adopted against them. It appears that they tegarded th resignation of the Ministry as InsuficieaU, and desired to Institute legal proceedings against them, la eonsequeoo of alleged deficiencies In the exchequer. However, they afterwards voted the Badge for IMS, la which they have made a liberal allowance for edu-caUoaal Te jodce frooi appearances la Port-au-Prince, the Government of Garraaaa la well established i but rumors vera afloat of insurrectionary, movensents In oe Nerth, against which 1 could clearly perceive military preparation were silently being made.

It would be much to be regretted If the established ardor of thlnars were upturned, a the country Is now blesaed with a ruler who to possessed ef great en-Ugbteameat, and who, If a fair chance afforded him, will raise bis country above the depression anddegra detion which the tyranny of Sotiooaca and the mookf ary of aa Empire had plunged it Everywhere one could clearly perceive the elgna of improvement schools bad been established, mualctpal regulatiocs were betas organized, agriculture was receiving large share of public attention, and, above all, trad was brisk. Mv opinion ta that it would be a falch work of benevolence tf th nations of th world would unite their influence to uphold the rale of Gxr-raaaa. He to a man who is in advance of his people In liberal and enbghtened ideas, and he to likely fall a sacrifice to his good Intentions. vv-: AFFAIRS IN UTAH. Brlgnara Tsdsi' Trip the Ctta Ceaa-try Frwlta Th India Msrnea BasU airaata de.

Corrtpontenc of ttt Nnv-Yon-k Tmts. Gaaa Salt Lax Crrr, Wednesday, Sept. 3, 13u3. Early on Monday morning 'Beiaha it etarted hence on his trip to tbe cotton country" that Is, the new settlement oa the Rio Virgen. He waa attended by a smaller company than waa expected' though Ute numbers would doubtless increase as he passed through the settlement.

Araocg his escort were three or four his chief clerk, and several other of. his employes. Numbers more would doubriesa have gone, but there to a thing or two connected with these trips which causes people to cal-kelate" beforehand. In tbe first place, this is the best asonth for work' In the hoi ye xr, and is apt to be the busiest, as the crops have to be secured and the wood to be hauled from tbe canons for Winter, for have, in early October, Tains in th Valley and snows on the mountains. Secondly, the journey, to a formidable one, the southern parts' of it over no sorj of decent roads, and the whole about four hundred miles la length, though there- are settlements at grester loes interval the whole distance.

Thirdly, leed on the ranges for horses or mules i now at Its driest time, and tbourh the good brethren at the different settlements might feel liberal as to fodder, yet it might prove too great a stretch of faith te expect them to provide sufficient for sJ3 tbe animals t-f the traveling cempaay. Fourthly and perhap this to the greatest reason Baiea is aot a laxy fellow on these exclusions he does not permit the grass to grow under his Erery day, of nearly every day, a good stout Journey of from twenty to sixty miles must be accomplished, besides the preaching. None but a pood spaa of animals, liberally fed, can endure such an exercise for a month, and even they will have no dfeiAclinatloa to a rcsting-spell after returning home, while third-rate horses and mules would do well If they felt compelled to rest aad re. crult before the return commenced. Ja abort, Baie-BAM't travels la the territory, like public visits of European potentates, are rather Irksome, severing more of bard work than ef leisurely pleasure.

Such fruits asibeve become general ia thto'Territo. ry are producing in plenty the present season, and particularly peacher. The hot weather we are enjoy, lngjast now to fast ripening that kind of fruit. It to selling at ten cents per dozen, cash1 which some thiak te high, but not ao the sellers. Last year the peaches, came dowa to $2, or a bushel of wheat per bushel, and the prospects are that this year's market will prove similar There has beea but one gen era! failure ia the peach crop since that fruit first ap geared in the Territory, though every year the frost takes its portion of the young shoots.

The general ai tent ion of fruit-growers is now turned to the apple, of which the increase In propagation the past two or three years to by many thousands. Peaches wiii, doubtless, be less plentiful ta this eily five years hence than now, as many people have got. tired of planting them, and the season of ripening not ex- tendinsovera month, there to a hurried time of it even for drying. Lo the poor 1 ndlan. It appears he was blamed prematurely for stealing th horses of Mr.

Naraa-r Tsmssb, on the Weber River, as currently reported last week. In fact. It to evident the animals were not stolen at alt but took it la to their truant heads to stampede" in a body over hill and dale, or ratber over mountain and glen, in the direction of Kansas Prairie, la the vicinity of whicb tfiey were discovered and peacefully recovered. Indeed, a redskin reported their new range; to the owner's delight There has been quite aa excitement the past month araonrst the win-men folk," aad I dare eay it key-tare not felt to faint since the dry times preceding; thd advent of Gen. A.

S. Jobs stoat army and attendant surpllra in 1853. The fact to, the store have sold ut their stocks of lea ao -Gapowder," ab Youeg Hyson, no nothing one or twe stores, hawevsr, managed to Rorape together-bit of greeu and a Mt af black, and shaking ft togs tCer, like tickets in alucky bag, aoM oa briskly a very Inferior article for th cash down. I say Inferior, for though I by no means pretend to connolssicursbip in respect to tie celestial beverage, yet I cannot pxooosnce first-rate a liquid that look aad taste ae ihojgh sitghUy musty bar ad been saed Ult: Bui the sir sect," aeea aasoagth Mormons, shall aot weep for ever. Better ttose are at hand them dry op their tear.

The Bseichaatoar eeaalag, with th tea ia their wagon. Nay, aome of It la bere- fdr has not a muha-traia just com in for Mr. Jxaanru tt om California, loaaed with aerehaadlse Even so. Tp first coxapaay Mormoa emlgTaatsthls seasoa arrived last Friday evealaa. Th company a umbered 113 souls, wh brought with them wagon.

Soke oi aa, a ewws, if ksrsse aad saalea. Lawia taaveo. captain. The party were aa aseorted ear go froeaaeveralaf the State, aad net a few th na- tkaaa of Europe. Tbe flistemigraals that arrive has much the beat chance, for they have a itttle time to prepare ir ta toaf winter, aad tney stave nance to OU np ta eaU for labor, waich bare beea rattier.

sow ta past wtaaer. rw ta nest eaonta or tx wreaks, ever bod j-" will have emirraata-- rerastuss. frteoda. or, at seast, breiliers and staters' max weieoaie after their wearisome jeatrcey Zsua. Ta hot eesar ae teteae ta tncnaer, wt is rwliiag a 1 wrrte, every; pros reel of a ttwmr atrataaaa atgrara.

'in roaa west a are ireaa tLis cllv to Tssets sm Bssa Taiva ha beea swre ail ut- wUe-epteaoUnK waters of the Jordan. ttcts.e net yet goa dowa, and will not for acme; btUthrcljr viees rw-tired 'ef swimjhtee nr lerrvlne aa auch a pubiie road, sffoits ore betas; made to levee aasiast tne wawrs, inateaa or gcdagtaroogn or over i4 it irriTol of tb. wita ghic fwr Lklrt. Th TJnitad State mail eteaashtp Soanke Taostrsosrieft Neiv-Orleaaa all A. U-a the moraingofthe 13th, for thto Ctty.

with a full frelghU $18,000 ia specie, the United States malls, hod the fol. sowing; passengers tt'ii 1 a Mr. T. P. Tweed.

H. iu Lewis, Schedder, J. P. Gsrvey, B.B. Planchl andtamiiy, Capt Bates, J.

fd Loveil, H. 8. Blood, Geo. Ackerman, Thoa. L.

Whit aad lady, A. H. Bookhaosmer, G. Robinson, A. II.

lloppel, Mrs. Ju Thorn pan and child. Mr. J. Bark-ley, EL.

White, C. W. Gwuid, Henry Rode wall and lady, O. CoaaeU.O. Mertae, C.

Katx. Msa Mary Curiayae, Mr. MaiUand, Mr.liumben, N. Waet, Mte a Jan CoegTove, Dr. Ida wiry aad family, Mlsa Roaa Keawedy, L.

Sekwurer, Mr. Smith -Broa. Mri. II. Lodge and two childrenv Coraaaodr Porter, CV 8.

Gen. J. W. Phelps, V. R.

A Rev. D. Matie. Ninth CoaacUcat Niciioieoev' Furarath Maine Caot Colby. ihth New-Uampshlr Lert Burpee, Eighth Mew-UampeUr LteuU.Cot Fourth taceaaia C.

Fataey, Eight New-XIamp-UUe i Mr. Saxerac, J. Boquet and 19 la th stealage. ej i Th Xeeeelrs arrived yesterday afternoon. 'yBerJ advices are nnimportant Ws are to the genilemsnly purser for the usual favora iTb nowsof the great batUee before Waehlnglon' had reached: Nevr-Orleans through rebel thaaaels, and bad tbe effect of tasking th Seccssioaists rather more and oulspokea.

There waa ao fear of Following to a synopsis of prorialona distributed for the relief of the poor of New-Orleaae, by tbe Belief Committee, for th week eadlng Sept The number of families fed la 0.291. aa follows Of Federal soldiers. 834 Of famines desUtute a Ater Of Confederate soldiers 94 Food dlatrQmted as follows a. i Tortt. 1J.4U01 vSltSs.

4 wa Hunl Bread. 21.023 LlMITtS. 1,180) A (BVe ewe 14434 ebwje COMiTANDES POIITEB AND THE ESS12L JVeas (As JTrw-Oreena ptha. Commander Postkr, wboae services hava told to fearfully upon tbe rebel since the conamenoe-tnent of the rebellion, pays the officers sndaaeu with whom he haa been associated th foUowIag high eomplimeat t- Mxa or ra Eisax: We have now beea asaoclafed together oa board this ess si very near oae year, and Ou ring that period yoa have beea successfully eagaged with ut eneany in six hard-fonght battle. Your first achievement wa wita four ef the cravea rebel gua-boata, of vastly auperker fore, ia Luce Bend, all of which were disabled aad driven below the batten at Columbus.

Your next achievement wa at Fort Henry, where you led th way, and by your prowess aad valor caused th surrender of that atrougbold ia the abort space of one hour and tea mlnutee. At the time tbe Km attacked Fort Henry she eould scarcely be called aa lroe-ciad boat the ports were large and unprotected, and -the boilers exposed, and although' fourteen were wounded I death, and twenty-four wounded by steam and scalding waters, yoa were ready at your guas for action before tne surrender of the tort. This battle was one of the most Important of the war, for up to that time our forces could scarcely say they had gained a victory. You, by your valor, turned the tide of defeat and gave confidence to the country. For a short period Ut ship waa under external repairs, and a large portion of this erew participated in the victories ol Poneison.

Columbus, Island No. 10, Fort Piliow and Memphis. Wbea Tour old ai.d tiie-1 ship became fully equipped, you joined her at Cairo, and with your old and tried associates, entered on a new field of operations- VlcVaburga felt your prowess and while your country lasts you will be gratefully remembered for your daring and courage at that time. The crowning effort of your courage Is yet to be related. For months I he rebels had been building itb great care- a gunboat snd up the Yazoo Kiver tills vessel, when finished, successfully, encountered and cut up three of th fleet' parsed in safety two powerful fleets, end tooc shelter under thft batteries of.

Here she stood the fire of a large fleet and escaped unhurt- The Et raa i-at this heavy fort and attacked her. This, too, she stood without much injury You were next battling away at the enemy before Baton Rouge. On the Gth of Auaast yoa fought that noted Arkansas, and after an action of half an hour destroyed this formidable vessel, for which act yon have received, through the honorable Secretary of the Navy, the thaaks of th country and the Bepart- menr. nave now io speax. oi one more of your teats oi coorrge ana enrooicie srstn your valor if is the attack on and and successful passing battery of tnmy-nve guns at ron tiu-oson.

Having now detailed your gallant conduct, It be-eomea my painful task to bid yoa that painful word, good-bye, and I sincerely hope you may prove the old iron-aided JCttex as good a ship under youc present coram sou rr aa you aiu uaaer tne THE DISASTER AT LAWRENCEYILLE. Bxplla at th Valred State Araenal The Blwa Up and Afterward I arod by Fir A beat SeTentyfive Per Killed elatj-thre Deaal Biea Taken Fiesn the Kalaa. Frern the Pitfhttrgh CaxtiU oftkt Oik but. At i o'clock yesterday afternooa a frightful ex. ploeion.

occurred at th United States Arsenal at Law. renoeville, which resulted inltfae total demolition of the bunding known as th Laboratory, and the deata of about sevJrBty-fif or eighty boy and girls, am- pioysd in the various rooms. The report of th explosion spread like wlktare, and la a few minutes there wss a tremendous stream of people pouring out Pen a and Liberty streets to ward the scene of tbe disaster many being women and children, whose relative were employed at the Arsenal. Oa reaching the place, an appalling sight was presented. Tbe- large building, known as the Laboratory, and located on th upper portion, of the Arsenal grounds, apart from tuo other buildings, was laid in ruins havrug been heaved up by the force of the explosion, and then fallen in fragments, after which tt caogbt hr ana waa consumed, tne uames neing stilt ta progress when we arrived there.

The building was of frame, and in a few minutes the dewd bodies were seen Iriog in hearts, usl a ther had fallen when the explosion took place. In some narla. where the heat was inteaae, nothing but tha whrter.ed bones eould be seea, wU'e la other places large masse of blackened flesh were visible amidst the smoke. The firemen reached tbe ground at an early hour, and rendered valuable assistance fa putting out the flames and removtng tne dead bodies. The building.

was oa story high, was built fn two apartmenta, divided lato balls and rooms, with aa ope a apace in tbe centre, like a court These room were fiuabered front 1 to IS, bat only 9 of them we re occupied by th employes. In these 8 reows the umor employed, as. near as we can at present as-certain, ia a feiiowar rx. JX9 no. rt.

i No. girls. fro. 14. 54 girls.

No. No. No. y. boy.

No. 12.. .174 It to Impossible to tell at present bow mssy of these eecapeu. bat tt to hoped that at. least 199 are ttnin-.

tured. -r JJ Mvaseat4f Rev Dr. Sctt. Following are some extracts from a letter from Bev. Dr.

Scon, late pastor of Calvary Church. San Francisco, i It wUi remembered thsf B-r. Seor- aeewunt seen ion eentlments. He names the French Emperor a tba first maa la the world at present, not eves aiaUng aa excepfjoa la iv of Jgrr. Javi8i -r .7 Pasts.

JeeeSr, hava just made a trip to switserad aad dwwa th BAio. Alra. Soon aad ta chlidrea are ail at Braseaas where I expect meet thera to-morrow might aad then proceed lo Eagtaad. I ahail srjoa wmi fat Basts, bwt whether atop there er not will depend pw ctreamstaneea, a I gave eells settle ia. einer caiea.

1 hop my health will recover under -the prospect of again becoming a pastor, and narioT a fleck of -Chrut to feed. At leaat our deer Lord aad Maater doea and will do always, and every where, hist 1 will traetiiim to. the last aad (or Haa too, eve if lie slay m. There la a right and Ood who reigo aver all. If my work la th oiBlctry is done, I bar still ttl prayer thai I may be permitted to die ia sach a manner a to ce-traa the trot of the preckjna Govpei I bare tried to preach Christ Is all BIbl to the only thing ea believe ta and I cia) aot know when lee-rnring to yoa upon Z.r-as tmeVr Jmipr Tiro that I was a too to have sperieae of what I supposed Have beea ais peculiar trial.

But we axe ail th wttf Ird try way ve know not mC- ---1 i c-iaot rive anvtatormaUa.aapt Amenea as i ren la Eerote that ilraa- PuhlioJ rrfstoR in Earote 1s sga'nrt otfr yyor rooatry. Ta Kffiperor ul nroeetute -Is war Mexie. lit lv the fir.t maswa tte wurtJ by try great ooug at preeent. I thmkMthewbolemrtrew byeny Uttrtp.lhoh 1 ara yst ebie, havi sen. Twai are awar foe th last e'rht naort; wtth djervhesa.

im lew and faU waaiaid aai i taU ve. a4 ail the brethren Of Ctlvsry thonkai asssUil year aawarttr Head for Ct.riafa aaaave vrM. A. SCOTT, a. leg- Kt, far ti -i -1 I'll4 KAwYeaa.

Thursday, Sept. U22 Tbnttt I w-oM respectfully earSeat to th' Kary De. awrtaiewt through your joeraal. tbe atniry ef Bioor tag ta th Lower Harbor one ef our oU liner, or ft 'galea, as a trainlng-eblp for sbUated boys. ThF "cJic- eeaavhlp aa 1 ia "raft taent for I or increased navy, and- th req aired, the Ceverruaenk shouki endeavor to secure a large number ef AawrW and train thee up th aavai peefeauioa.

fY01 not the sisval eervlce-la the fatar par tot th expense their uamiagt ry rnnectiuMy. -t. JAB, R. ROVTN. an x-Naval Office, hq.

gag vVeet Eighteenth i 1 i 1 Mr. TVIaslawV Heethias; Syrap rr, Ckl tfrea relieve the eaild from paia ayigerates the stusaacat aad bowels, cares dysentery and dfarrUwa, cvrrrcts sclsV Itvand eares ves rest, eemfort ndhaash a Child res Teethtag, aad a sere remedy tn'caaes at Sold very her.reniabotUevr l.The Palmer A rmaTTei3 rRAKK VaLM-EK, Inventor and patentee. Aator-plaea, IiidubiI floor'- f. -Y also Pailadeiphta and Boston. Only of fahaer Ce.

i Aveld Imposition by calling oaths inventor. C3ld Feasw Prices te salt the Wket ana pane te sett tbe band ef every writer e. S3 Mai t-iene. Call er 4aeioae stem fir clrcalar. wirh rv gravings ef all siaes aad styles- vr in i i 'I OaJc-li if' 81,0041 Presnlawt 1 1 1 HVM.fia AY'S IL4IU K.tT(iKiTITl ia rne mnrxet mat wiu restore aaq preserve tae bair.

pre-enttts falling out, and completely eradicate daedrwaT froea the head. (Read of tf. S. Af Prieefiahotue. Depot.

Xo.XiBroadeay., Ala sold by all rvruggieu. DIED. COHVea On Satnrdav nnrnlu SmS. Kavsa Baaasaa, son of Boses and Bwiaa imlurt, ag4 1 yea, months and days, -toe retauvee sea rrrenas or tne Dtnuy rs loviusd I tteod the feweret, thle day, o'ctock P. froaa th ressdsnrs at his paraata.

from 4 Lewia-st7 itSkawAt White Plain, on harurday morning. Sept 20, PatB Disaaew, widow ef th tat Banjantia! Diabrew, ia tae 4th vear of her are. The reneral servicee wUl be held at the old Metaediea Chareh-oo Vowday neat at e'eleck. Her those ef the mmiiy are respeclfailr invited te attend. -iaar.

Satarday. Sept his rasUicnce, 8t Joub Gear, aged 9 years. Notice ef reneral in Monday's papers. Uswsa-At Fort Lee, N. in Thursday.

Septe, usaar Hi was. wife ef George Haees, ia thefTtu year of The relaUvee aad friends ef the family are iwaeetrully Invited te attend her fnneral. frem aev sate maiJeoce. wa Senday, the 21st last, between the hears ef ta aad eYlock. Sbe leaves a large family Se saeur her rose, hi a a a.

At the residence ef his father, Edward stead Greenwich. Ceoa.ea Friday anoraing. 8e4. ta. kfaJer DawistM.

Maap. ef the laxub aged Se yeera. TbefrieBde ef tbe family are ravUed te attend bisftj- nerat frem the residence ef his father, ea StonUar, the iC tost, at o'clock P. without further aotloeT feaeaa-I this City, Satarday asaminr. 8pt.

suaaeaiy, ioa4. siesaaa.ia tne sstn year er msage The relaUveaaad friends of la Jamil Uy, aa ef ate pre tnera-ln-iaw. John JlaDaall. jMmfe taa4a as A. Covert, are Invited to attend bis funeral, reel his late ra sldenee, in between S4ih and Mth sta, at e'etoe this day.

(Senday.) the 21 at without farther njicev i-Aaissw, eeneMar, repi it, at im oaitm er Antletam Valley. Patiwr J. Paatsaa, 1ftv- seventh Regisoeot N. Y. aged SAyeare and 4 meetbav His friends, the fi asrueefth family, the memiiets Piatt odge Ke.

14. F. A-. tbe Maaenle fratereHyv generally, and tlis oiTicevs ol the army, are invited te as tend his rhneral. on Tuesday next, the tnd inet a 1 o'clock, from the residenre ef his tnether-ia-law, Emetine B.

KlddelU Ma. 2 PIke-st 4 FIFTD MKTKOPOliITAN ODARI. Recruits wanted for this splendid Fegimen new Orgka-, ixlug for the war, ttnder the eonmand of 5 CV. T. W.

PAUMELR. Lsie ktajor of the Thirtv-eeveath Begtment, N. 8. H. a AppUcatioag received at the Beadgwarters, K0.

4 i. Keax Broadaay 1, Liberal Bouatle guaranteed. fc IKOXSI1IKH ME4MIENT COatPANT Bj tt ea of Kood character and habite wealed for this Cues A penyattLe hea'tqaartsrs, Ke. 30 one door week ofBroade-sy. The usual bouades paid, an dsa per ior a4-vantages offered.

DAY ID D. IKIUIX. Captain .1 Ksviis Aaeevf, First Lieutenant Kewaae KiLvavmTex, 6eeond Lici tenant, POLITICAL; EiGurn ward union AH4ciAToNa AmeeUnrwill be held on MONDAY Rl F.K1KU. Sept. 8 o'clock, ai No.

AU aaemaera and friends are requsaied to be preaent E. S. LA YCRAFT. CUrmsa pra tens. T.

H. SravKSS. Secretary pre teov, OFFICLIL BS-AITUiaS OF MQBftAY, ABU st OtVV BLBNTtVCXaY AND MiasUsIf IZJ KTATfi 1 I atarrexr. Kara Cats 44T Sept 9. last.

37, 65, 4, ill9HlS, 13. XsitscKT, Clasg 24, S. 54. 5, 8, 7a, f3r 14, T2. 12, li; Olrealar seattr ef eaarge addressiag eithar ta MB it BAY.


DBLiwaaa. StxeaAfJaxas m- Beat, lexx I 26, 6S, 42, 6, 46, 69, 9, 75. 23, .70, 28. BllAVAAg Stati IiOtntr, Ct AS 3i Stpti SO, ft. 55, $4, 27, 57.

50. 1, 44, 52, 73. 54, 4, 67. CteeaUataseag by aadravstag i'- --''t JOHB A. MORRIS 00- w-Uictoph Bet TOHNII0OFEM VC9 A qXTT AKB C0UBTBT ADTXBT1SIS0-AQX-Ta, Bo.

41 Park-rew, NswYeca, aTew-Terk aaitw'Bailtlar. l(t BI- dt Ca. are laeerUag advastlseosbnt (a aft Wewe papers pabllahed ia the Uarted Statee Brttiah S' viea. A earefal saleetioa ef papers ia made, adapted bajslness, and tba asvssrrsive to doa I the beak peaafbhi aaaaaer. savlnr trouble aad ease to ita.t advert issv.

Kxacaarrs. Hahkixs. Lsoxuu. grsaweai aad Kaiuaab A asm. apA basiaesa saaa tngxe extend theirtrs.

are rasaectfuiiy lantad toeaA at th sffios, Ne. 41 ark-rev, aad exauuae paaersaaw Prfeea. Nearly all aaweaaeee rhltshJ Ouwegaewt these aw try axe received and filed at this effioa. Bsrxaxecxs. kteasrs.

H. J. Baymead A Oa-, i uanfwiwi iwim, aua is puuiacrsec ie teautag aaaaaapw tOremgwcas Catted UiaM aa aYXGts AND TO Ur 05Ki.My.5TAL HAIlt A LL hU D3 haib csz. XtAAJS XliiSUStili tVIA MOLOATLl C8XAJC. tor pvssrv1u, a tt beaatlfylBg and forcing the hair greer.

'3 AXl thee atieles eaa fooad. fa grtAt-' 1 W.A. BATCHSfXaf ITIOMASEa A.NI) ABTlsr 13 UAJIC. 4 a i JAiVIH BASTBT, Ho.3K3 BROADWAY. NEyr-TOJUC.

Sale laventcr! ILLrSION WlGs AND TOUPBES, And ktaeeJactareref all klnda of HUMAN 'MLIY'S WIIOLXSALB AMD BETA I AT LOW PBICeS. PBIIEGO fc NO. IT BAVOAD sTA Y. SABOTS. I have Just completed my Urge and etewaive ef Fail aad later I Ctobiar, wet aerpawwd.

a varety a thla Cite. The rh.Mmt jv fur-. It ei eesal Alt of wakt, I saete an style, ia i 1 tux LAHGtoi Bio in hickerr I .1 i 1 mm MN A IVai SsTK-A rACTDiX- aa Jeiar. Ne. a4 rt- u.3M at4 MiMi'lHt Usee Bteitaiw, lUack lieauTaid a .1 kid ral fur sa e.

Mr. ao m- aaeed aad i mm praise g.ji?0t'inS eewrsaa tietw lnera-l CxV CraLarr. riveeeeto each. 0 r.r iS- ia i ni i iJ per ifitZ i wca A rrart, at Crlor Wtw-Terk. 1 fl i -'-f A-- fl 'SI i.

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